Body of Tex for Health Select Committee
meeting CROSS SERVICE AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SELECT COMMITTEE date 11 April 2005 agenda item number Report of the Chair of the Cross Service and External Affairs Select Committee Robin Hood Airport Study Group – Final Report Purpose of report 1 The purpose of this report is to inform the Cross Service and External Affairs Select Committee of the findings and recommendations, based on the evidence from this study, of the Committee’s Robin Hood Airport Study Group. 2 In July 2004 the Select Committee agreed to develop an evidence-based study of Robin Hood Airport – Doncaster Sheffield. The Committee decided to focus on the impact of the airport on Nottinghamshire as a whole, and to look particularly at the following issues in relation to the airport: • Highway and Transportation issues relating to the airport – including access and public transport issues. • Regeneration, economic development, job opportunities, and training issues • Impact on residents living near to the airport • Impact on Nottingham East Midlands Airport • Local investment, including impact on businesses and in-bound tourism 3 A Study Group was set up to develop and examine the findings from this study; the Members of the Study Group were Councillor Roy Barsley, Councillor Sue Bennett, Councillor Martin Brandon – Bravo OBE, Councillor Kenneth Bullivant, Councillor E Llewellyn – Jones, Councillor James Napier, and Councillor Sheila Place. Officer support was provided by Lynn Senior, Head of Scrutiny, and Trish Adams, Culture and Community Department. A number of other officers from the County Council’s Culture and Community, 1 Environment, and Education Departments, also greatly assisted the Select Committee by providing information and/or presenting information at meetings for this study.
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