
The a closer look at the post WWII era Is turmoil good or bad?

DAY 1: Watch the Civil Rights Movie, Civil Rights Movement: The Role of Youth in the Struggle, and complete the movie guide below. 1. What were the democratic ideals that were written in the constitution?

2. Who was excluded throughout history of these ideals?

3. What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Movement?

4. What is segregation?

-List examples of segregation:

5. What constitutional amendments were established for ?

6. What did the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson say?

7. What did the Supreme Court Case say Brown v Board of Education?

*side note this case was pushed forward by the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) 8. What is integration?

9. What happened at Little Rock?

-Who were the ?

10. What did Eisenhower do for the Little Rock Nine?

11. Martin Luther Jr pushed- means nonviolent List examples below:

12. How did white Americans respond to non-violent ?

13. What was Bloody Sunday?

14. What did President Johnson do after Bloody Sunday?

Day 2: Eisenhower AS PRESIDENT during the Civil Rights Movement

Emmett Till http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-death-of-emmett-till Watch video and READ

 What happened to him?  What impact do you think it had on the Civil Rights Movement? Parks http://www.biography.com/people/rosa-parks-9433715#synopsis Watch video

 What did do?

 What impact did Rosa Parks have on the Civil Rights movement?

Montgomery Bus http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/montgomery-bus-boycott/videos

 What is a boycott?  Why would a boycott be an effective way to desegregate the busses?  Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther King Jr and Civil Disobedience http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18615556

 What is Civil Disobedience?

 What do you think about Civil Disobedience? If you had a problem with a law is this what you would do? Explain

 Make a timeline of MLK’s life below and describe major events 1929 1953-Eisenhower


1968 Little Rock Nine http://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2010/sep/07/little-rock-nine-desegregation- pictures Read the captions and look at the pictures

 What happened in Little Rock?

 What would it have been like to be part of the Little Rock Nine?

 What would it have been like to live in Little Rock during this time?

 What role did Eisenhower play in this? (you may need to look back to cold war packet)

North Carolina Sit in http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18615556 Read the story

 What happened in Greensboro North Carolina?

 Define Sit-in -

 Why do you think they chose a sit-in over violent protest?

 What was the message about stereo-types in this reading?

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee https://www.ibiblio.org/sncc/

 What is the student nonviolent coordinating committee (SNCC)?

 What did they do?

Review: 1. What happened while Eisenhower was president with the Civil Rights Movement?

2. Do you think people thought Eisenhower was a good president based off of what happened during the Civil Rights Movement? EXPLAIN

3. Look at your timeline and review what he did during the Cold war too – List Cold war items Eisenhower was involved in below:

4. Eisenhower-

 What would make Eisenhower make your top three presidents list?

 What would make Eisenhower NOT make your top three presidents list?

Day 3: Kennedy as President during the Civil Rights Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWX_pjyIq-g Watch video-

 What does Kennedy say about Civil Rights?

 What do you think the South thought about this video?

 Do you think it was easy or not for him to give this speech? explain

Freedom Riders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FranrEa8vg

 Who were the ?

 What did they do?

 Would you have wanted to be a freedom rider? Why or why not?

Congress Of (CORE) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_Racial_Equality

 What is CORE?

 List civil rights events they were apart of

Martin Luther King Jr (List facts from his life) http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/march-on- washington Watch video

 What was the on Washington?

 How is the March an example of Civil Disobedience?

 Describe Martin Luther King Jr.’s “ Speech”

 What is his dream? Explain

JFK Assassinated http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Civil-Rights-Movement.aspx?p=3

 What was JFK planning to do before he was assassinated?

 What do they do in his memory?

Review: 1. What happened while Kennedy was president with the Civil Rights Movement?

2. Do you think people thought Kennedy was a good president based off of what happened during the Civil Rights Movement? EXPLAIN

3. Look at your timeline and review what he did during the Cold war too – List Cold war items Kennedy was involved in below:

4. Kennedy-

 What would make Kennedy make your top three presidents list?

 What would make Kennedy NOT make your top three presidents list?

Day 4 Johnson as President during the Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Act http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/lyndon-b-johnson/videos/lyndon-johnson-signs- civil-rights-act-of-1964 Listen to audio

 List important points you think Johnson makes

 What did the Civil Rights Act say? (you can also use last link on Kennedy to help you) 24th amendment http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/modern/jb_modern_polltax_1.html Read

 What did the 24th amendment do?

 Why was this necessary?

Malcolm X killed http://www.biography.com/people/malcolm-x-9396195 Watch video

 Describe

 How were his views different than MLK?

 What happened to Malcolm X?

 Would you have sided with Malcolm X or MLK? Why? Voting Rights Act http://ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=100 Read

 What was the voting rights act?

 Why was it needed?

Rioting in Watts http://crdl.usg.edu/events/watts_riots/?Welcome

 Why did the riots in Watts happen?

 What happened during the riots?

 What do you think Martin Luther King Jr agreed or disagreed with these riots? Explain

Affirmative Action http://civil-rights.lawyers.com/discrimination/arguments-for-and-against-affirmative- action.html Read

 Affirmative Action was passed by Johnson to make up for past discrimination: What is affirmative action?

 Why would Affirmative Action be good?

 Why would Affirmative Action be bad?

 What do you think- is it good or bad?

MLK assassinated http://time.com/3749091/mlk-assassination-photograph/ Scroll through the photos on the bottom

 What happens after MLK is assassinated? (give specifics)

 What do you think the death of MLK meant to the Civil Rights Movement?

 What id MLK was assassinated before Johnson became President would that have made a difference? Review: 1. What happened while Johnson was president with the Civil Rights Movement?

2. Do you think people thought Johnson was a good president based off of what happened during the Civil Rights Movement? EXPLAIN

3. Look at your timeline and review what he did during the Cold war too – List Cold war items Johnson was involved in below:

4. Johnson-

 What would make Johnson make your top three presidents list?

 What would make Johnson NOT make your top three presidents list?

Name: ______Mod: ______Homework Day 4: REVIEW OF CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 1. Define the below terms  Segregation-  Integration-  Brown vs. Board of Education-  The Civil Rights Movement-  Little Rock Nine-  Montgomery Bus Boycott-  Rosa Parks-  Martin Luther King Jr.-  Civil Disobedience-  Malcolm X-  Affirmative Action-

2. Who would be your top two presidents for the Civil Rights Movement?

President What they did that was so great for the Civil Rights Movement 1.


3. Based off of all you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement, in a complete and proper paragraph answer: Is turmoil good or bad?