
Polymer Journal, Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 705—715 (2004)

Phase Structure and Mechanical Properties of Blends of Poly(ether imide) and Polycarbonate

y Jorge RAMIRO, Jose´ Ignacio EGUIAZA´ BAL, and Jon NAZA´ BAL

Dpto. de Ciencia y Tecnologı´a de Polı´meros and Instituto de Materiales Polime´ricos ‘‘POLYMAT’’, Facultad de Ciencias Quı´, UPV-EHU, P.O. Box 1072, 20080 San Sebastia´n, Spain

(Received December 26, 2003; Accepted June 7, 2004; Published September 15, 2004)

ABSTRACT: Poly(ether imide) (PEI)/bisphenol A polycarbonate (PC) blends were obtained throughout the com- position range both by direct (DI blends) and by followed by injection moulding (PM blends). Although some reaction was observed by FT IR, the blends were fully phase separated at the detection level

of DMTA. An anomalous decrease in the high temperature Tg of the 90/10 and 80/20 blends, was only seen in PM blends. This was attributed to an anomalous thermodynamic behaviour, after rejecting degradation, reactions or particle size as possible explanations. With the exception of the PC-rich DI blends, the morphology was fine and homogeneous. Both the modulus of elasticity and the yield stress were very close to those expected from the rule of mixtures, whatever the morphology. Unexpectedly, ductility followed the same trend, even in the less homogeneous PC-rich DI blends. This points to the very slight reactions observed, and to parameters related to chemical features of the components (such as the highly aromatic character of the components of the blend) as the main reasons for the observed ductility behav- iour. [DOI 10.1295/polymj.36.705] KEY WORDS Poly(ether imide) / Polycarbonate / Blends / Mechanical Properties / Phase Structure /

Blending polymers1,2 to obtain multi- Bisphenol A polycarbonate (PC) is an engineering component materials is one of the most useful ways to thermoplastic with applications in a wide variety of develop new polymeric materials. This is because the fields, such as electronics, illuminating engineering, costs associated with the development of a new poly- household, automotive industry, sports, security ele- mer do not usually compensate the likely profit. More- ments, etc. Its blends with many other have over, the preparation and development of blends based been studied27,28 or registered,26 and some of them on commercial polymers requires less time for the op- such as those with poly(ethylene terephthalate) timisation of the final product. Usually, the compo- (PET), poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT), thermo- nents of a blend are selected looking at complementa- and ABS, are commercial mate- ry characteristics in processability, final properties or rials.26 price. Thus, blending can allow the combina- A PEI/PC blend has been commercialised by Gen- tion, for example, of an expensive high performance eral Electric under the trade name Ultem LTX, and polymer with a cheaper one, to obtain the expected some patents covering PEI/PC blends have been reg- performance at an advantageous cost. istered.29–32 The miscibility33 of PEI/PC blends, their Poly(ether imide) (PEI) is a high performance phase structure and their thermodynamic behaviour34 amorphous thermoplastic with good thermal stability were analysed recently; as well as the yield stress  (Tg ¼ 220 C) and remarkable modulus of elasticity and impact strength of blends with PEI contents below and tensile strength.3 It is used, among other applica- 20%.35 The patents analysed mechanical and thermal tions, for advanced parts in electrical and electronics properties of some compositions,29 as well as the im- industry, in aircraft applications and in the automotive pact modification31 and melt stabilization30 of the industry. Blends of PEI with poly(ether ether ) blends. Flame retardant PEI/PC blends were also de- (PEEK),4–6 aliphatic–aromatic ,7–20 poly- scribed.32 However, no systematic study on the struc- arylate (PAr),21,22 6,6,23,24 poly(phenylene ture and properties of PEI/PC blends has been pub- sulphide) (PPS) and of bisphenol A lished, to our knowledge, in the open literature. (PSU),25 among others, have been studied and several In this work, the thermal properties, morphology patents26 with polymers such as polycarbonate, poly- and mechanical behaviour of PEI/PC blends have amides, , and liquid crys- been studied across the whole composition range. tal polymers, have been granted. The blends have been prepared both by direct injec-

yTo whom correspondence should be addressed (E-mail: [email protected]).

705 J. RAMIRO,J.I.EGUIAZA´ BAL, and J. NAZA´ BAL tion moulding and by extrusion followed by injection 300 C and with a 3.8 kg load. Vicat softening points moulding. Their phase structure was analysed by dif- were measured with an ATS-Faar MP3 HDT-Vicat ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic- tester, at 50 C/h and with a 1 kg load (ASTM mechanical analysis (DMTA), and their morphology D1525) using impact specimens. by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The me- The surfaces of cryogenically fractured specimens chanical properties were determined by means of ten- were observed by SEM after gold coating. A Hitachi sile and impact tests. S-2700 electron microscope was used at an accelerat- ing voltage of 15 kV. EXPERIMENTAL Tensile tests were carried out in an Instron 4301 at 23 C and at a crosshead speed of 10 mm/min. The The PEI used was Ultem 1000 (General Electric mechanical properties (Young’s modulus, yield and Co.). Its melt flow index is 8.5 g/10 min, as deter- break stresses and break strain) were determined from mined at 337 C and with a 6.7 kg load (ASTM the load-elongation curves. Izod impact tests were car- D1238). The PC was Makrolon 2805 ( AG). ried out using a Ceast pendulum on notched speci- Its melt flow index is 8 g/10 min, at 300 C and with mens (notch depth 2.54 mm, notch radius 0.25 mm). a 1.2 kg load (ASTM D1238). PEI and PC were dried The notches were machined after moulding. At least before processing in an air oven; PEI at 150 C for 4 h; eight specimens were tested for each determination and PC at 120 C for 10 h. Two different processing in both the tensile and impact tests. methods were used. Premixed blends (PM) were ob- tained by extrusion mixing PEI and PC, followed by RESULTS AND DISCUSSION injection moulding. Directly injection moulded (DI) blends were obtained from dry mixtures of pellets Phase Behaviour without previous melt mixing. Figure 1 shows the Tg values obtained by DSC and Premixing of the PM blends was carried out in a co- DMTA for DI blends. As usual, the Tg’s determined rotating twin screw extruder-mixer (Collin ZK-25) at by DMTA were generally slightly higher than those 300–310 C. The screw speed was 30 rpm, and the ob- measured by DSC. They are also usually more accu- tained rod extrudates were cooled in a water bath and rate and sensitive to slight transitions. As can be seen, then pelletized. Both the PM and DI blends were in- two practically constant Tg’s were observed by both jection moulded in a Battenfeld BA 230E reciprocat- techniques, although the Tg of the minority component ing screw injection moulding machine using a barrel was unobservable in blends very rich in the other  temperature of 330 C, a mould temperature of component. The Tg’s were almost identical to those 35 C, an injection speed of 8.5 cm3/s and injection of the neat components, indicating the presence in pressure of 2250 bar. The mould provided tensile the blends of two practically pure phases and, conse- (ASTM D638, type IV) and impact (ASTM D256) quently, the total immiscibility of the blends. specimens. Figure 2 shows the DSC and DMTA results for PM Calorimetric analyses (DSC) of the neat compo- blends. As can be seen, the low temperature Tg of the nents and of the blends were performed using a blends was very close to that of PC. In the 80/20 PerkinElmer DSC-7 differential scanning calorimeter. blend, the Tg by DSC decreased. This decrease was at- The samples were first heated from 30 C up to 270 C tributed to the experimental error associated with the at 20 C/min, then cooled at the maximum available low PC content and the weak intensity of its transition rate (approximately 100 C/min) and reheated. The by DSC, because no clearly significant change (2 C) transition temperatures (Tg) were determined in was observed by DMTA. As can also be seen, the high the second heating scan. DMTA analysis was per- temperature Tg of the blends with PEI contents below formed using a Polymer Laboratories DMTA that pro- 80%, was very similar to that of the neat PEI. Howev- vided the plots of the loss tangent (tan ) and the stor- er, the high temperature Tg of the 80/20 and 90/10 age modulus (E0) against temperature. The scans were blends decreased 6 C and 9 C respectively. These carried out in single cantilever mode at a constant decreases were significant and have been observed heating rate of 4 C/min and at a frequency of 1 Hz, previously.33,34   from 80 C to 250 C. These decreases in Tg of the PM 90/10 and 80/20 Specific volume values were measured by the dis- blends cannot be due to partial miscibility, since a placement method in a Mirage SD-120L electronic polymer–polymer interaction parameter ( 12) between densitometer with a resolution of 0.0003 cm3/g, using 0.213 and 0.246 was reported for PEI/PC blends.36 butyl as the immersion liquid. The melt flow Moreover, in a partially miscible blend, the shift of indexes (MFI) of the blends were measured (ASTM the high temperature Tg should be more pronounced D1238) using a Ceast extrusion plastometer at at increasing contents of the low Tg polymer, whereas

706 Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 Poly(ether imide)/Polycarbonate Blends



200 C) o

T ( 180


140 0 20 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 1. temperatures of DI blends measured by DSC ( ) and DMTA ( ), as a function of the composition.



200 C) o 180 T ( 160


120 0 20 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 2. Glass transition temperatures of PM blends measured by DSC ( ) and DMTA ( ), as a function of the composition. the opposite behaviour was observed. These anoma- radation without significant change in viscosity can lous Tg decreases in these PEI/PC blends, have been also take place. However, decreases in the Tg of the attributed to the small particle size of the blends,33 PEI phase of 5–6 C in the 80/20 and 90/10 compo- to transpolymerization reactions,30 and to an anoma- sitions respectively, were seen in blends prepared by lous thermodynamic behaviour of the blends.34 Be- solution casting.33 Hence, degradation is ruled out as sides these possibilities, they could also be due to deg- the reason for the observed anomalous Tg behaviour. radation, because the decreases were clearly seen in The size of the dispersed phase in a blend can affect previously extruded PM blends, but they were not de- the Tg value measured, and also the range and intensi- tected in the directly mixed DI blends, for which the ty of the transition.39 In the limit, when the dispersed processing time was shorter. Degradation can give rise phase size is smaller than the sensitivity of the tech- to low molecular weight species able to plasticize the nique, although the blend is not mixed at a segmental continuous phase. Thus, the experimental results of level, an apparent miscible behaviour can be ob- this study using different processing procedures con- served. Thus, a single loss maximum was ob- tribute additional experimental evidence to the inter- served39,40 in a biphasic blend, when the specific rela- pretation of this anomalous Tg behaviour. tive surface (the area of the total surface per volume To test the possibility of degradation, the MFI’s of unit of the dispersed phase) of the blend was higher the neat components, and of the 80/20 and 90/10 than 25 mmÀ1; thus, in the case of spherical particles, blends obtained by both processing methods, were at a diameter of 0.24 mm or less. As stated later, the measured. The possibility to use a more sensitive diameter of the dispersed PC particles was close to technique, such as FT IR, was discarded because, as this value; so the observed decrease in Tg could in part previously seen,37,38 the FT IR spectra of PEI and be due to this particle size effect. However, in this PC do not change as a consequence of degradation study, a small particle size appeared in PM blends, during processing. The MFI values of the blends ob- but also in the DI blends where the anomalous Tg de- tained by both processing methods were similar. Deg- creases did not take place. So, a small particle size

Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 707 J. RAMIRO,J.I.EGUIAZA´ BAL, and J. NAZA´ BAL that would make the blends appear as miscible or par- PEI and PC samples. The evolution of the FT IR pro- tially miscible is not the reason for the observed be- files with the blend composition (Figure 3b) did not haviour. contribute to a better understanding of the nature of 30 In a patent on PEI/PC blends, a single Tg was ob- the reacted products. In any case, reactions were not served after mixing for 9 min at temperatures above the reason for the observed Tg behaviour as the ob- 300 C in a discontinuous mixer. This result was at- served changes also appeared in the 70/30 blend of tributed to the development of transpolymerization re- Figure 3a, where no Tg decrease was seen. actions between both blend components. The presence Finally, with respect to some anomalous thermody- of reactions could explain the observed difference in namic behaviour in the blends, molecular dynamics 34 Tg behaviour of DI and PM blends, as reactions are simulations showed that the Flory–Huggins interac- more probable in the longer PM procedure. Thus, in tion parameter reached a minimum value at 80% PEI, order to check the existence of reactions in the 80/ and that its concentration dependence was mainly due 20 and 90/10 blends, the FT IR spectra of the 90/10 to electrostatic interactions and Van der Waals forces. and 70/30 PM blends, and the corresponding theoret- The results of this study agree with this explanation, ical spectra obtained by weighted addition of those of as the Tg decreases appeared in PM blends where the neat components, were obtained and are shown in the blends were intimately mixed. However, these Figure 3a. As can be seen, the theoretical and the ex- Tg decreases did not appear in DI blends where the perimental spectra of the 90/10 blend were similar, thermodynamic equilibrium had to be farther, due to but some changes were seen in the 1150–1200 cmÀ1 the short mixing time and the poorer mixing. region. This indicates a change in the chemical struc- ture due to reactions, that were perhaps affected by the Morphology additives which were probably present in commercial The morphology of the cryogenically fractured ten- sile specimens was observed by SEM. Figure 4 shows the fracture surfaces of the DI blends. As can be seen, the 90/10 blend (Figure 4a) showed dispersed spher- (1) ical particles, mostly close to 0.3 mm diameter, which (2) were difficult to observe. Large holes (close to 1 mm) were also seen, indicating that blending was not (3) homogeneous. As can be seen in Figure 4b, the 70/ 30 composition showed, besides some dispersed parti- (4) Transmitance cles, a close to co-continuous structure. This type of morphology is characteristic of the phase inversion that, therefore, takes place at PEI-rich compositions.

2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 This is in agreement with the higher melt viscosity of PEI, that tends to be encapsulated by the less vis- Wavenumber (cm-1) cous PC. In the 50/50 blend (Figure 4c) the morphol- (a) ogy was also close to co-continuous and the morphol- ogy changed. Therefore, phase inversion must have PC taken place. In the 30/70 and 10/90 blends of 60/40 Figures 4d and 4e, respectively, the dispersed particle 70/30 size was large, indicating poor mixing. Thus, particle 80/20 size was mostly 2 mm in the 30/70 blend; in the two 90/10 blends of Figures 4d and 4e PEI particles with size be- PEI low 0.5 mm, as well as agglomerates of several mi- Transmitance crons were seen. In addition, some slightly elongated particles, probably due to the shear flow during mould filling, were seen throughout the cross section. 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 -1 As can also be seen in Figure 4, the average particle Wavenumber (cm ) size of the PC-rich blends was clearly larger than that (b) of PEI-rich blends. A number of parameters influence Figure 3. (a) FT IR spectra of (1) PEI/PC (90/10) PM blend, the particle size generated during the processing of 41,42 (2) the weighted addition of 90% PEI and 10% PC, (3) PEI/PC polymer blends. Among them, the viscosity ratio (70/30) PM blend and (4) the weighted addition of 70% PEI is largely definitive. This is because when the viscos- and 30% PC. (b) FT IR spectra of PM blends as a function of com- ity of the matrix is higher than that of the dispersed position. component, the matrix will be able to deform easily

708 Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 Poly(ether imide)/Polycarbonate Blends

(a) (d)

(b) (e)


Figure 4. SEM microphotographs of cryogenically fractured specimens of (a) 90/10, (b) 70/30, (c) 50/50, (d) 30/70, and (e) 10/90 DI blends. and break the dispersed component, leading to a fine phase was finely distributed in the form of small dispersed phase.42 This led the particle size to be spheres with a particle size similar to that predomi- smaller when the highly viscous PEI was the continu- nantly seen in Figure 4a. However, the morphology ous phase. With respect to adhesion, although the was homogeneous as no large particle was observed fracture surfaces were rather clean, the fact that some and the particle size dispersion was low. The morphol- particles appeared broken indicated that some adhe- ogy of the 70/30 blend (Figure 5b) was rather co-con- sion existed at the interface. tinuous, as in the case of Figure 4b. The morphology Figure 5 shows the morphology of the PM blends. of the 50/50 blend of Figure 5c was farther from co- In the blend with 90% PEI (Figure 5a), the dispersed continuity than that of Figure 4c. This indicated a nar-

Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 709 J. RAMIRO,J.I.EGUIAZA´ BAL, and J. NAZA´ BAL

(a) (d)

(b) (e)


Figure 5. SEM microphotographs of cryogenically fractured specimens of (a) 90/10, (b) 70/30, (c) 50/50, (d) 30/70, and (e) 10/90 PM blends. rower phase inversion range in the PM blends, that al- exception of the 70/30 composition, no fractured par- so indicated a better mixing.41 Finally, Figures 5d and ticle was seen in these blends. This was probably due 5e show the fracture surfaces of the PM blends with to their smaller particle size and was not indicative of 30 and 10% PEI, respectively. As can be seen, the poor adhesion, as after fracture some particles re- mixing level was also clearly better than that of DI mained linked to the continuous phase. blends, as no agglomerate appeared. Moreover, the The Vicat softening temperature–composition rela- average particle size was smaller, and the particle size tionship has been used to study the phase behaviour of distribution narrower than in DI blends. As in DI amorphous blends43 and the composition of the phase blends, some elongated particles appeared. With the inversion. The Vicat temperatures of both DI and PM

710 Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 Poly(ether imide)/Polycarbonate Blends

220 210 200 190 C) o 180 T ( 170 160 150 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 6. The Vicat softening temperature of DI ( ) and PM ( ) blends as a function of composition.






2000 Young's modulus (MPa) 1800 0 20 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 7. Young’s modulus of the blends as a function of the composition. Symbols as in Figure 6. blends are shown in Figure 6. As can be seen, as ex- in Figure 8 as a reference; the closest results in speci- pected for a biphasic blend, the plots were sigmoidal. men thickness, strain rate, and test direction respect to The phase inversion composition should correspond43 the flow have been chosen. The lack of effect of the to the inflexion point. It appeared between 60 and particle size on the modulus and yield stress of the 50% PEI, in agreement with the observed morpholo- blends of this study is due to the low strain at which gies. Moreover, the inflexion range was narrower in they are measured, especially the moduli. This strain PM blends, in agreement with the narrower phase in- is usually low enough to avoid any debonding in the version composition range of PM blends previously interface, despite the high stress concentration charac- observed. teristic of large particles. The Young’s modulus–composition behaviour of Mechanical Properties Figure 7, and also that of the yield stress of Figure 8, Figure 7 shows the Young’s modulus against com- can be due to a change in the free volume,45 to a dif- position for both the DI and PM blends. As can be ferent orientation in the blends as compared to the seen, both processing methods led to a similar modu- neat components,46 or to both effects. For this reason, lus behaviour that was slightly below that predicted by the of the blends was measured. The calculat- the rule of mixtures. The similar modulus behaviour ed specific volume showed a practically linear behav- indicated that the different processing methods and iour with composition discarding a positive volume of their consequent morphology changes did not affect mixing as a reason for the observed negative modulus the mechanical behaviour at small strains. deviation. With respect to orientation, the dispersed The yield stress behaviour of both the DI and PM phase of PC-rich blends was slightly oriented. Howev- blends (Figure 8), as usual in polymeric materials,44 er, it did not show a significant influence, as the high- was similar to that of the Young’s modulus. These est negative deviation from linearity appeared at these yield stress values were very similar to those reported compositions. The orientation could not be analysed in a previous patent29 and in blends with PEI contents by means of measurements, because below 20%.35 The values of ref 29 and 35 are shown the blend specimens were opaque. So, it was meas-

Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 711 J. RAMIRO,J.I.EGUIAZA´ BAL, and J. NAZA´ BAL






Yield stress (MPa) 60

50 020 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 8. Yield stress of the blends as a function of the composition. Symbols as in Figure 6. Reference data from ref 29 (Â) and ref 35 (þ).



0.30 f 0.20


0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 9. Orientation parameter of PM blends as a function of composition.






60 Break strain (%) 50

40 020 40 60 80 100 % PC

Figure 10. Break strain of the blends as a function of composition. Symbols as in Figure 6. ured by means of the orientation parameter ( f ) deter- nents of the blend in the blends and in the pure state. mined by FT IR for some PM compositions, and the Figure 10 shows the break strain of the DI and PM results are shown in Figure 9. As can be seen, the ori- blends against composition. The break stress showed a entation of the blends was close to but generally similar tendency from 93 MPa (break stress of PEI) to slightly below additivity, in agreement with the ob- 72 MPa (break stress of PC). The notched impact served modulus–composition plot and, therefore, the strength in agreement with previous results29,35 was, modulus behaviour of the blends is mainly attributed however, very low, probably due to the high notch to the slightly different orientation level of the compo- sensitivity of PEI.47 All the blends were ductile across

712 Polym. J., Vol. 36, No. 9, 2004 Poly(ether imide)/Polycarbonate Blends the entire composition range and the specimens broke the ductility of the PC-rich DI blends, although small- in the strain-hardening region of the tensile curves, in er than that of PM blends, was also high. The particle spite of the room testing temperature of the tensile size of the 30/70 blend (mostly 2 mm) and its hetero- tests, i.e., well below the Tg’s of both components. geneity mainly ruled out a fine dispersed phase size as The existence48 of a secondary transition in PC near a reason for the positive ductility behaviour. À100 C is responsible for the outstanding mechanical With respect to orientation, some different orienta- properties of PC and of its blends. This transition is tion of the dispersed phase of PC-rich blends was seen attributed49 to motions of the phenylene rings of the in the morphology section and, moreover, a slightly PC. PEI also shows a secondary transition at smaller orientation in the blends as compared with À100 C, which appears in all in which the neat components was indicated by the orientation the rigid phenyl groups consist of rigid backbone parameters (Figure 9). However, the changes were too molecules spaced with flexible groups such as methyl- small to lead to significant variations in ductility. ene and ether.50 The PEI/PC blends of this work Hence, orientation can be discarded as a reason for showed a transition at the same temperature range the observed mechanical behaviour. as the neat components. No signs of a transition sup- With respect to reactions, the differences observed pression, which could affect negatively the blend duc- in Figure 3a between the experimental and theoretical tility48 were observed. This explains the high ductility spectra indicated the occurrence of reactions. This was values obtained at room temperature. The break strain difficult to explain taking into account the chemical values of the PEI/PC blends of ref 29 could not be nature of the components of the blends. The fact that compared with those of this study, due to the very the Tg’s of the blends by DMTA were almost those of large variability of the results (from 120% to 10%) the pure components, indicated that the two amor- and to the unusually high (165%) strain at break re- phous phases were composed of a pure amorphous ported for the neat PC. As can be seen, the ductility component, at the detection level of DMTA. Howev- values of DI and PM blends were similar at high er, as reacted products usually locate in the interface, and medium PEI contents, due to their rather similar slight reactions not detectable by DMTA could occur morphologies. In the DI blends very rich in PC, neg- and should influence ductility. Moreover, the possibil- ative deviations of ductility from linearity (not seen in ity of reaction is realistic, as a single Tg was seen in a PM blends) were seen; this was in agreement with the patent30 on PEI/PC blends after long processing time. dispersed particle size, that was the highest in these Therefore, a possible compatibilizing effect of chemi- blends. cal reactions cannot be ruled out. As can also be seen, all PM blends, as well as DI The stated occurrence of reactions could help to ex- blends with medium and high PEI contents, showed plain the ductility behaviour, but the easy stress trans- a ductility behaviour fairly close to linear whatever mission through the interface that these ductility re- composition. This was unexpected for a fully immis- sults indicate is not very compatible with the slight cible blend. Considering the reasons for this positive reactions and lack of changes in the Tg’s. The occur- ductility behaviour, the following possibilities appear, rence of good ductility values in apparently fully im- a) a mixing induced increase in the free volume of the miscible blends is a rather frequent result.25,52–55 blends, b) a small particle size, c) a higher orientation Therefore, other factors, such as the properties of in the test direction in the blends than in the neat com- the blend components, mentioned above, should also ponents, d) the existence of reactions between compo- be taken into consideration. For instance, in a polymer nents. Besides these structural reasons, other possibil- blend, a lower Poisson’s ratio or a higher thermal ex- ities such as e) the properties of the blend com- pansion coefficient of the matrix lead to compressive ponents, or f) the intrinsic nature of the blend have stress in the dispersed phase upon elongation, making been also proposed. debonding difficult. However, provided these effects As stated before, the free volume of the components help ductility when one component is the matrix, they of the blends did not change upon mixing. With re- should be detrimental when the matrix is the other. spect to the particle size, the positive behaviour of Therefore, when the positive ductility values take ductility was mainly relevant when PEI became the place whatever the composition, a different Poisson’s continuous phase of the blends, and therefore when ratio or coefficient cannot be the the dispersed phase was the finest. This could be the reason for good ductility behaviour. reason for the observed good mechanical properties,51 Finally, a highly aromatic character of both compo- as large ductility values were previously seen in fully nents of the blend25,52,53,55 has been proposed as the immiscible blends with fine particle sizes such as reason for compatibility in fully immiscible blends poly(ether ether ketone)/polysulfone52 and poly(ether such as PPS with both PEI and PSU,25 and PEEK with ether ketone)/poly(ether sulfone)53 blends. However, both PSU52,55 and PES.53 Both components of PEI/PC

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