TilJS SAJN JJKAJNCISCO GALL, TUESDAY, OUTOBEll 123, lyiiO. 7 PRETTY GIRL TAKES OLDMISSIONARYBARKENTINEBRINGS ADVEBTISEMEUTB. POISON IN THE PARK CARGO OF GOLD FROM KLONDIKE READY TO WEAR Tailpr-Made and Loose-Back Is Found by Mounted Policeman and Morning Star Arrives From St. Michael Laden With a and . Conveyed to Receiving Hospital, , Million Dollars From the Rich Diggings of Where She Dies. r—Jjl-y The-New.Short, Fitting :>£§? With large collar and reveres in fine all-woo! f\lf\ kersey cloths. silk lined,blacks and Oil) Juf\ Captain John Lag- /a$ IJ | tans— a $15.00 garment Special OlZiOLI gas Says Wealth