TilJS SAJN JJKAJNCISCO GALL, TUESDAY, OUTOBEll 123, lyiiO. 7 PRETTY GIRL TAKES OLDMISSIONARYBARKENTINEBRINGS ADVEBTISEMEUTB. POISON IN THE PARK CARGO OF GOLD FROM KLONDIKE READY TO WEAR Tailpr-Made Dresses and Loose-Back Is Found by Mounted Policeman and Morning Star Arrives From St. Michael Laden With a Coats and Jackets. Conveyed to Receiving Hospital, , Million Dollars From the Rich Diggings of Where She Dies. r—Jjl-y The-New.Short, Fitting Jacket :>£§? With large collar and reveres in fine all-woo! f\lf\ kersey cloths. silk lined,blacks and Oil) Juf\ Captain John Lag- /a$ IJ | tans— a $15.00 garment Special OlZiOLI gas Says Wealth <TW$ Elegant 14 Anto. Coats of That Favored *¦'" Beautifully ta'ilorst'tched, silk lined, / 1 \Vm — 00*7 Cfl District Cannot L. \\ v\ J tans ancJ blacks a $35.00 coat OZ| lUU Be Estimated. / vlv T'e"vet-Trimmed Tailor-made Dresses. * Blouse or straight-front styles in all the latest a million In treasure, all In cloth effects —blacks and prevail- C gold, on board the ex-mlssion- >N^V-J*\4^^>Jt — $30 QO Ofl ary barkeatine Morning Star ing shades a dress. Special v'ZviUU WITHcame Into i>ort under all sail and steam yesterday morning. The old timer used to cruise In the South- Tailor-made Pebbls ern seas and the hollow mainmast that Tailor=made serveB as a funnel was the mystery the Cheviot Cloth Dress. Islanders could never s>olve. Dresses. Now the old missionary boat has been lr» all-wool Venetian QjQ rfj taffeta lined jacket, Q (10 turned Into a merchantman and' gold cloth, silk lined worth $20. cpeciai JQ hunting, not soul saving. Is her game. waist OlZlUU O'OlUU game. - The Morning Star brought home over a I/ElB IFRFQ' CL0AK AND slJIT P 0USE » million in gold from the Klondike. The V (XS I treasure was In charge of Captain John IILLLI LILDLO 120 KEARNY STREET. Lapgas. According to the captain the wealth of the Klondike cannot be esti- mated. New mines are being discovered gives the Ia3t being the last or right hand column AMUSEMENTS. every day and new districts are ex- tide of the day. except when there are but ploited from v:cek to week. three tides, as sometimes occurs. The heights "The Nome fields are not Init with the given are in addition to the sounding on tna Yukon," said Captain L-agRas yesterday, United States Coast Survey chart*, excepl "and next year the streams tributary to when a mlnua sign (—) precedes tho height, and the river will produce tens of millions. then the number given Is subtracted from the Nearly all the men who came down on the depth given by the charts. Th/> plane of refer- Morning Star nre employes of the Alas- ence is the mean of the lower low waters. ka Exploration Company and all of them Idon't care if you never come back. Last 5 Nigh s. Matr.ee Saturday. are going back next spring." Some of the passengers who came home Time Ball. The Great Whltney-Knowles on the Morning Star tell etories about Branch Hydrographlc Offlce, U. S. N.. Mer- the vagaries of Lane's railroad, the chants' Exchanse. San Francisco. Cal.. "Wild Goose." It runs from Nome to October 22. 1900. Anvil and its timetable is unique. In ex- The time ball on the tower of the new Ferry VAS>IS dropped at exactly to-day— QUO DIVORCED, necessary to know that a building was noon MILDRED HIXCKLEY."WHOSE PARENTS ARE IS FOUND planation it is meridian, 8 THE STUPENDOUS SUCCESS! UNCONSCIOUS IN GOLDEN GATE Cheechaco is a newcomer and a Sour I. e.. at noon of the 120th or at ALL-IMPOSI.VCi, PARK AND EXPIRES A SHORT coun- o'clock p. Greenwich time. THE PRODUCTION! Dough a man who hus been in the m.. Last Performance Saturday Night. TIME.AFTERWARD. try season. exact CALKIN3> for at least a An copy I.leutpnant IT. 3. N. In charge. of the Wild Goose timetable is as follows: Commander. TIME TABLE. NEXT MONDAY— PRETTY girl, very neatly oughly investigated they the case found Train leaves for Anvil: "Marriage.* are net accidents, though they dressed, was found lying uncon- no prounds for their supposition. may be Smith, Cheechaco .Express 7:00 a. m. misfortunes." . yesterday morning In Mrs>. Otto who resides' with hor Dough a. m. scious daughter at Twenty-fourth street, Sour 10:30 Golden Gate Park near the Chain Church, near Wild Goose Flier 1:00 p. m. soon heard of the news, and fear- Ol«» Oleson's "Owl" 4:30 p. m. Aof I^akes by' Mounted Policeman Ing that the unfortunnte one might be her Gravel any old time. conveyed daughter Catch-as-catoh-can. Kavanaujrh. She was to the she called at the Receiving Hos- &6 pounds Uage Free. STUART ROBSON Receiving where it found ji'.tal to see the pirl, but the body had means clothing blanket*; not live Hospital, was ilreaay Batce ' and In Augustus Thomas' Masterpiece. she had taken carbolic acid. She been removed to the Morgue. stock. N that Mrs. Smith then hurried to the Phirt fac- never recovered consciousness and died a tory daughter Near the window In the ticket office where her is employed and following: little before 3 o'clock. She was apparently wa* overjoyed to find that it was not her there is the GOLDSMITH, age, handsome, one, about 20 years of with a loved a? the latter had been working This is the clock. THE OLD MISSIONARY BARKENTINE MORNING STAR MAKINGPORT OLIVER wealth of blonde hair that was tied with all day. The mother and daughter later It runs. VALUABLE CONSIGNMENTS OF The Matchless Ca*t Include* visited Morgue in the of belnjj ¦\Ve ran the R. R. by the clock. WITH ONE OF THE MOST GOLD John E. Heiuhaw. Maud White. a red ribbon. Near her was found In the the hopes don't take any acid, able to identify the body of the voung It may be the right time: we KVEIiBROUGHT FROM THE FROZEN NORTH. Stephen Orattan. Jeffrey* Lewis. park a one-ounce bottle of carbolic pirl,but coulO not do so. bets on It. II. A. Weavnr Sr.. Kllen Mors'.mer. half «>xnpty. Ithad been purchased at the L'p to a later hour the body of the sul- Look at the time card. It tells you when Beaumont Smith. May Ten Broeck. Model Drugstore at Twenty-fourth and cid« had not been identified, although a the next train goes. Frank Robins, Joseph P. Winter. Church streets. The deceased was dressed number of people called at the Morgue. Filling James Grant, O B. Hallem. dead pirl Frank 1>. Coombs Back. SAILED. Perfect Burt Washburn, Clifford Leigh. in a plaid polf cloak, a white sailor hat The was evidently employed in Monday, October 22. 20 Others. some factory, as the first finger of And with a white band and a pray tailor-made h<«r The steamer Santa Barbara put in here Stmr Bonita. Nlcolson. San Pedro. and gracefully HEADY THCKSDAT- right hand was severely scarred by the yesterday way Eureka to San Alcatraz, -. SEATS cloth .<4:irt. She also wore a cheap imita- u>e of a needle. on her liom Stmr Carlson. Panama, / wrist, . Pedro. She had about twenty passengers Stmr Cityof Para, Zeeder. etc tion gold bracelet on her left a Me- The remains were identified late last States Brunswick. Andresen. Eureka. shaped garments, night as aboard, among them being United Stmr Barbara, Pedro. Kinky button and a brooch in the design those of Mildred Hinckley. who District Attorney Frank L. Coombs. Mr. Stmr Santa Jahnsen. San dapper. resided with her mother on Twenty-sec- Congress Htuir Sequoia, Winkel. Fort BraRK. give personal of u. Scotch Coombs is a candidate for be- Navarro, Bowens Landing. I The carbolic acid was purchased by the ond street, near Guerrero. The' persons fore the First District and according to Stmr Jensen. \ S»:30 o"clock yesterday morning who identified the corpse are C. E. Whit- Nor ttmr Titania, Eeenes. Nanalmo. pirl about those who came down from Bureka on Tropic Bird, Jackson, Tahiti. to frum H. H. Waugh, proprietor of the ham of 1315 Guerrero street and J. C. sure Bktn . attention all ' Drugstore. purchased Smith of 1031 Valencia street. the Santa Barbara he is a winner. SPOKEX. Model When she The Santa Barbara brings down 610,000 ship Lydgate, the acid she was asked for what purpose Miss HJnckley's mother anxiously feet of lumber. She left for Santa Bar- Oct IS. lat 29 N. Ion 15 W—Br orders. Extensive Bb« wanted It. She stated that she did awaited her daughter's return all day, and from Portland, for Qutcnstown. \ buying: in ihe eveninjr called as- bara after landing- her passengers and TELEURAPH1C. TO SAIL. ! not want it for herself, but was it friends to her will there unload 200,000 feet of lumber. At connection with REMEMBER for a friend. She paid 10 cents for the sistance In searching- for her. The young cargo POINT LOBOR, Oct 22, 10 p m—Weather sold and at the same time purchased men read the account of the girl's suicide San Pedro the remainder of the hazy; wind NW, velocity 12 miles. Steamer. IDestination. I Sails. |Pier. : We're Packing Item in at Every Performance. and, visiting Morgue, will be discharged, after which she will all centers. :, s^m* castor olL She laid 20 cents down the found the ob- come to DOMESTIC PORTS.
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