A BBOT, E. S. What is mental hygiene ? A ABINSKI phenomenon, inversion of, 215 definition and an outline, 76 13 BASILL, A., and SESZARY, A. Biological ABDERHALDEN, E. Hypnosis (review), 82 reactions in cerebrospinal fluid and blood of Abortion, induced, psychoses following, 158 untreated general paralytics, 306 ABRAHAMI, K. The influence of oral erotism on BARKAS, M vY R. A note on the significance character formation, 245 of the vegetative nervous system in tabes Acoustic nerve, fibroma of, associated with dorsalis, 126 multiple neurofibromata, 104 BARR, E. S., and others. Aseptic meningitis in Acromegaly, associated with syringomelia, 114 the treatment of dementia praecox, 173 Adaptive significance of translateration of the BARRY, R. G., and others. Aseptic meningitis upper motor and sensory neurones, 267 in the treatment of dementia preecox, 173 Adiposis dolorosa, 228 BARTLETT, F. C., and MYERS, C. S. A text-book ADLER, H. M. Behaviour disorders in children, cf experimental psychology. Part II., 336 Laboratory exercises (review), 264 AHLSWEDE, H. E. A note on the combined Basal ganglia, and the inesencephalic region non-specific-specific therapy of progressive (reviewv), 344 paralysis, 64 - metabolism in mental disease, 316 ALAJOUANINE, T., GUILLAIN, G., and BERTRAND, BECK, H. G. The hallucinations of myxoedema, I. A case of chronic bulbar palsy with 229 lesions confined to the nuclei, 142 BEDER and MAI.%,NKOWSKI. Inversion of the Alcohol injection of brain cortex in Jacksonian Babinski phenomiienon, 215 epilepsy, 227 Behaviour disorders in children, 336 Alcoholic psychoses, report of Census, U.S., 233 BELLONI, G. B. Contribution to the study of Alcoholism, 340 tabo-paresis in relation to cerebrospinal - and psychoanalysis, 243 syphilis, 308 ALFORD, L. B. Dementia prcecox as a type of -Studies on striated muscle tone, 207 hereditary degeneration, 157 BENEDEK, T. Notes from the analysis of a case ALMNENARA, G., DELGADO, H. F., and CIOTOLA, of ereutophobia, 338 E. A case of filariasis associated with BENOIT, PAGtS, and PtLISSIER. Mucin de- manic-depressive insanity, 66 generation of the neuroglia, 310 ALPERS, B. J. A study of 102 ventricular fluids BENON, R. True and relapsing melancholia, 324 in cases of brain tumour, 53 Benzoin curve, colloidal, in the cerebrospinal ALTs5ULER, I. M. The psychopathology of fluid, 27 lying, 20 - tests on cerebrospinal fluid, comparison with Alzheimer's disease in relation to senile dementia, gold chloride and mastic tests, 215 330 BERKELEY-HILL, 0. A. R. The 'colour ques- Amaurotic family idiocy, 134 tion 'from a psychoanalytic standpoint, 168 Amyotrophy of hand muscles in old people, BERMAN, L. The personal equation (review), 263 220 BERNIS and SPIEGEL. The centres of static Ankle jerks, absent as result of treatment vith innervation and the influence of the cere- neo-arsenical compounds, 146 bellum and cerebrum upon them, 303 Antipyrin, epidural injection in sciatica, 148 BERTRAND, I., GUILLAIN, G., and ALAJOUANINE, ANTONA, S. D'. Thrombotic softening of the T. A case of chronic bulbar palsy with spinal cord, 219 lesions confined to the nuclei, 142 Anxiety neuroses and allied conditions, 327 BEVERLY, B. I. Behaviour disorders in children, - states of, verbo-motor impulsions in, 317 337 Aphasic patient, influence of instruction in BIANcHINI, L. The instincts in the mental speech on hemiplegia of, 315 constitution of man, 229 Apoplexy in young people, 138 BIELSCHOWSKY, M., and COBB, S. A method Area striata, application of micrometry to study for intra-vital staining wvith silver-ammo- of, 205 nium-oxide solution, 214 Argyll Robertson pupil, glia in the midbrain in dolorosa, cases of, 308 BIRD, J. T., and PRICE, G. E. Adiposis AoRNowITscH, G. D. Studies in the social 228 of Birth, trauma of, importance for psychoanalytic pathology and experimental psycbology therapy, 175 cocainism, 162 treated Arsenical treatment, absent ankle jerks as result Bismuth, Wassermann-fast syphilitics of, 146 wvith, 316 and Mental Blastomycosis, systematic, primary meningeal Association for Research in Nervous form of, 134 Disease. Heredity in nervous and mental of 42 disease (review), 88 Blindness, cortical, case bilateral, 217 Blood in personality disorders, 70 Athetosis, studies in, Blood-sugar curve, types found in different Atrophy, muscular, progressive symmetrical, forms of insanity, 69 144 - studies in experimental pituitary and hypo- Attitudes, peculiar, in striatal diseases, 140 52 AUDEN, G. A. Encephalitis lethargica; its thalamic lesions, psychological implcations, 234 in mental disorder, 237 dissociation and affective dementia, Blood-vessels, nerve supply to, 50 Autismus, BoBIMIG, W. Statistical remarks on the clinical 155 symptoms of disseminated sclerosis, 311 Automatic w-riting combined wvith ' crystal- of gazing,' 231 BoGAERT, L. v. The mental symptoms Automatism, spinal, in upper limbs of the newly- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 232 216 BOND, E. D., and PARTRIDGE, G. E. Interpreta- born, from tions of manic-depressive phases, 158 AYER, J. B. Cerebrospinal fluid pressure Borderland patient, the, 301 the clinical point of view, 224 6 VOL. VI.-NO. 24. 348 INDEX

BORNSTEIN, W., and GOLDSTEIN, K. Pseudo- Cerebrospinal fluid, colloidal benzoin curve in, spontaneous movements and peculiar atti- 27 tudes in striatal diseases, 140 --gold reaction of, 214 BOSTROEM. Cerebral tumours, 147 - comparison of gold chloride, benzoin and BOUSFIELD, P. Alcoholism, 340 mastic tests on, 215 - Pleasure and pain (review), 345 - effect of organic brain and spinal cord, - Sex and civilization (review), 83 changes on, 214 BOWERS, P. E. Manual of psychiatry (review), - - in clinical diagnosis (review), 17 7 86 - in encephalitis lethargica, 305 BOWMAN, J. T., and MACKLIN, AI. T. Inherit- of untreated general paralytics, biological ance of peroneal atrophy, 315 reactions in, 306 BOWMAN, K. M., and FRY, C. C. Basal meta- - - pressure from the clinical point of view, bolism in mental disease, 316 224 Bradykinetic syndrome, Parkinsonian states CHADWICK, M. A case of kleptomania in a girl and (review), 263 of ten years, 243 Brain, colloid degeneration of, 213 Character and physique (review), 78 - sarcomatosis of, 310 CHESSER, ELIZABETH S. Health and psychology - surgery of, further points in the physiology of the child (review), 79 of, 35 Children, behaviour disorders in, 336 - tumour of, ventricular fluids in 102 cases of, 53 - epileptic, response to mental and educational - invading cerebral hemispheres, 313 tests, 166 - psychic manifestations in, 159 - facial paralysis in, several cases of, 136 -(see also under Cerebral; Temporal lobe.) - health and psychology of (review), 79 Breech delivery in its possible relations to well-gifted, signs of brain weakness in, 239 injury of the spinial cord, 314 -wishes of, significance of, 153 BRIDGES, K. M. B. Some observations on (see also School children.) ' contrariness ' or negativism, 242 Cholesterinwemia in the insane, 239 BRIESE, M., and PARHON, C. I. OIn the spinal Cholesterol content of cerebrospinal fluid in localization of the nmotor function of the leg certain mental diseases, 329 and foot in man, 208 Chorea, Huntington's, social significance of, 59 BRILL, A. A. Schizoid and syntonic factors in Choreiforn inovements, acute posthemiplegic, neuroses and psychoses, 156 139 BROUWER, B., and ZEEMAN, W. P. C. Experi- Choroid plexus, effect of organic brain and spinal mental anatomical investigations concern- cord changes on, 214 ing the projection of the retina on the - papillomas of, 54 primary optic centres in apes, 1 CHRISTIANSEN, and others. Reports and com- BROWN, W. Religion and psychology, 151 munications upon migraine, 222 BRUSA, P. On some signs of spinal automatism CIARLA, E. Psychoses associated with proto- in the upper limbs of the newvly born, 216 bacilli, 233 Bulbar palsy, case of, 142 CIOTOLA, E., DELGADO, H. F., and ALMENARA, G. Bulbocapnine, action on paralysis agitans, 146 A case of filariasis associated wvith manic- - further experience in nervous cases, 146 depressive insanity, 66 BUNKER, H. A. The height and duration of Circulation, arterial, of cerebellar cortex, 205 fever in relation to the clinical outcome in Cisterna magna, puncture of, 223 the treatment of general paresis with Civilization, sex and (review), 83 malaria, 61 CLAUDE, H., and MONTASSUT, M. Ideo-affective BluRT, C. The definition and liagnosis of moral compensation, 241 imbecility (II.), 332 and ROBIN, G. The diagnosis between Byron, Lord, psychopathological glimpses of, dementia priecox and schizophrenia; a new 240 means of investigation by etherization, 156 COBB, G. The feecal acidity in the insane epileptic, 330 C AMPBELL, C. M. A present-day conception COBB, S. On the application of micrometry to C of mental disorder (review), 88 the study of the area striata, 205 Problems of the personality of school children and BIELSCHOWSKY, M. A method of intra- and the responsibility of the comnmunity for vital staining with silver-ammonium-oxide dealing with them, 73 solution, 214 Capital punishment, some aspects of, 171 Cocainism, studies in, 102 Carbon monoxide poisoning, unusual cortical COCKRILL, J. R. Comparison of gold chloride, change in, 54 benzoin and mastic tests on cerebrospinal CARROL., R. S., EvERETT, S. B., BARRY, 1B. G., fluid, 215 and MATZKE, D. Aseptic meningitis in the College men, mental examination of, 163 treatment of dementia pr.vcox, 173 Colloid degeneration of the brain, 213 CASSITY, J. H. Psychopathological glimpses of Colloidal benzoin curve in the cerebrospinal Lord Byron, 240 fluid, 27 Castration and sterilization methods for mental Colour question, from a psychoanalytic stand- defectives in Switzerland, 254 point, 168 Catatonia, as sequel to organic affections of basal - vision, study of (review), 86 ganglia, 167 Compensation as means of discounting motive Cauda equina, cystic formation in, 143 of repression, 250 Caudate nucleus, study of the functions of Complex and myth in mother-right, 65 (review), 260 Confusional states simulating dementia praecox, Cavernoma cerebri, case of, 138 157 Cerebelluim, pathology of, in general paralysis of 'Contrariness,' observations on, 242 the insane, 331 COOKSON, H. A., and FLEMING, G. W. T. H. A Cerebral artery, anterior, syndromes of, 221 case of multiple neurofibromata associated cortex, alcohol injection in Jacksonian with a true angioneurofibroma of the epilepsy, 227 acoustic nerve, Jacksonian epilepsy and - epiphysis, teratoma of, 229 osteoporosis, 104 pneumography, 56 CORIAT, I. H. The character traits of urethral tumours, 147 erotism, 169 --vasculature, 53 Corpus striatum, changes resulting from senility, - attitude of head in, 138 307 - position of head in, 58 connections with other parts of brain, - (see also Cavernoma cerebri.) 206 Cerebrospinal fluid, cholesterol content in certain -- of substantia nigra with, 206 mental diseases, 329 - status marmoratus of, 209 INDEX 349

Cortex, cerebellar, arterial circulation of, 205 Drug addiction in its relation to crime, 72 -cerebral, connections of substantia nigra with, -addicts, types and characteristics of, 162 206 DRURY, K. K. Some observations on the types -localization of cutaneous sensibility in, 138 of blood-sugar curve found in different forms Cortical blindness, case of bilateral, 42 of insanity, 69 change in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, DUBRUILLE and NAYRAC. On Alzheimer's 54 disease in its relation to senile dementia, 330 COTTRELL, S. S., and GOODHART, S. P. Residua Ductless glands, diseases of. 265 and sequelie of epidemic encephalitis, 234 DYAR, E. G., LEWIS, N. D. C., and HUBBARD, Counter-transference in psychoanalysis, 175 L. D. The malarial treatment of paretic Cranialinjuries, psychology of sufferers from, 235 neurosyphilis, 61 Cremasteric , relation to the abdominal Dystrophia myosclerotica, 143 reflex, 57 Crime, dementia praecox and, 66 - drug addiction in relation to, 72 vAST, W. N. The interpretation of some CROOKSHANK, F. G. The psychological interest E sexual offences, 246 in general medical practice, 153 EBAUGH, F. G. Puncture of the cisterna magna, CROUNSE, DOROTHY. Dementia precox and 223 crime, 66 EDELBERG, H., and GALANT, S. Psychoses CRUCHET, R., and VERGER, H. Parkinsonian followving induced abortion, 158 states and the bradykinetic syndrome Education, medical (review), 176 (review), 263 - purpose of (review), 86 Crystal-gazing, automatic *writing combined ELEKES and URECHIA. Colloid degeneration of with, 231 the brain, 213 CURSCHMANN, H., and PRANGE, F. Narcolepsy, Emotion, psychology of (review), 180 161 Emotions, morality and the brain (review), 80 CUSHING, H., and DAVIS, L. E. Papillomas of Encephalitic mental disturbances in a child, 325 the choroid plexus, 54 Encephalitis, epidemic, diabetes insipidus as Cutaneous sensibility, localizaticn in cortex, 138 sequel to, 181 - medico-legal and sociological aspects of, 326 AMAYE, H. Studies in social psychiatry - peculiar monosymptomatic variety of, 139 1J (review), 83 - residua and sequelea of, 234 DARLING, IRA D. General paralysis of the lethargica, cerebrospinal fluid in, 305 insane during senescence, 166 - psychological implications of, 234 DAVIS, L., KANAVEL, A. B., and POLLOCK, L. J. Encephalo-leucopathia scleroticans progressiva, Relation of the sympathetic nervous system 312 to muscle tone, 49 Endocrine glands, diseases of (review), 265 DAVIS, L. E. Decerebrate rigidity in man, 59 Epilepsy as a symptom of disseminated sclerosis, and CUSHING, H. Papillomas of the choroid 91 plexus, 54 -Jacksonian, associated with multiple neuro- DAYTON, N. A. Syphilis in the etiology of fibromata, 104 mental deficiency, 249 behaviour of in, 56 Decerebrate rigidity in man, 59 or hysteria, 236 Decussation, theory of, 267 striate, infantile torsion spasm beginning Nith DELATER, G., and WORMs, G. Complete attacks of, 218 destruction of the pituitary by a growth - study of 50 cases, 166 arising in the nasopharynx wvithout the Epileptic children, response to mental and so-called pituitary syndrome, 228 educational tests, 166 DELGADO, H. F., ALMENARA, G., and CIOTOLA, E. - insane, fiecal acidity in, 330 A case of filariasis associated with manic- Ereutophobia, case of, 338 depressive insanity, 66 Erotism, oral, 339 Delinquency, 247 - - influence on character formation, 245 Delinquent mental defectives, 71 Etherization, new means of diagnosis between DELMxAS-MARSALET, P. Experimental contribu- dementia precox and schizophrenia, 156 tion to the study of the functions of the Experimental organic processes, negative histo- caudate nucleus (review), 260 logical findings in, 133 Delusion, significance of, 337 Extrapyramidal disease, action of physostigmin Dementia, affective, and autismus, 155 on, 210 praicox, and crime, 66 Extremities, cutaneous and nervous affections - as a type of hereditary degeneration, 157 of, pathogenesis of, 314 - aseptic meningitis in treatment of, 173 Eye, ocular spasm, 140. - confusional states simulating, 157 - diagnosis from schizophrenia, 156 - primary, circulation of the hands in, 326 VACIAL paralysis in children, several cases of - senile, relation to Alzheimer's disease, 330 -1L 136 DESOGUS, V. Contribution to the study of Feecal acidity in the insane epileptic, 330 tuberous sclerosis, 212 FAIRWEATHER, ANNE, and SMIrrH, M. H. The DEUTSCHE, H. The psychology of women in case of Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, relation to the function of reproduction, 320 71 Diabetes insipidus as a sequel to epidemic Familial neurosyphilis, 220 encephalitis, 181 FARROW, E. P. A method of self-analysis, 341 Diagnosis, neurological (review), 89 - A psychoanalytical method of getting to DIA1VIOND, I. B., and HASSIN, G. B. Trichinosis sleep, 123 encephalitis, 308 FARROW, W. P. Experiences with two psycho- DILLON, F. Methods of psychotherapy, 73 analysts, 75 DIvRY. Some observations relative to the feel- FAY, T. The cerebral vasculature, 53 ing of relativity, 329 FAZZARI, I. The arterial circulation of the DOWMAN, C. E. Alcohol injection of brain cerebellar cortex-a comparative study, 205 cortex in Jacksonian epilepsy, 227 Fears, morbid, besetting and other, 328 Dozy, J. The treatment of 130 cases of different FERENCZI, S. Psychoanalysis of sexual habits, mental diseases by the method of artificial 342 sleep, 173 - and HOLLOS, S. Psychoanalysis and the DRAGANESCO, MARINESCO, and STOICESCO. A psychic disorder of general paresis (review), special variety of family spastic paraplegia 67, 164, 261 characterized by paroxysmal attacks of - and RANK, 0. The development of psycho- hypertonia, etc., 219 analysis (review), 261 6-2 350 INDEX

FERRARO, A. Ani experimental contributioni to GOODHART, S. P., and COTTRELL, S. S. Residua the study of the normal substantia nigra and and sequelbe of epidemic encephalitis, 234 its connections 'with the cerebral cortex GORDON, A. Flexion paralysis of spinal and and the corpus striatum, 206 cerebral origin, 216 Fever, height and duration of, in treatment of -Prolonged confusional states simulating general paresis with malaria, 61 dementia praecox: differential diagnosis, FIANCESCO, S. Modern treatment of acute 157 anterior poliomyelitis, 227 Gordon reflex, clinical significance of, 145 FILARIASIS, case associated with manic-depres- GOSTWYCK, C. H. G., and THONIAS, W. R. sive insanity, 66 Observations oni delinquent mental de- FLATAT, E. Encephalo-leucopathia scleroticans fectives, 71 progressiva, 312 GRAHAM, N. B. The malarial treatment of -Radiotherapy without operation in tuniours general paralysis, 256 of the spinal cord, 147 GRANT, F'. C. Ventriculography, 224 FLEMIING, G. W. T. H., and COOKSON, H. A. A Graphic art, practical value in personality case of mulltiple neurofibromata associated studies, 251 with a true angioneuirofibroimia of the GRAVES, T. C. The inicidence of chronic in- acouistic nerve, Jacksoinian epilepsy and fective processes inl mental disorder, 249 osteoporosis, 104 GREEN, F. The colloidal gold reaction of the Flexion paralysis of spinal and cerebral origin, cerebrospinal fluid, 214 216 GREENE, H. M. Lumbar puncture and the FLEXNER, A. Medical education: a compara- prevention of postpuncture headache, 306 tive study (review), 176 GREENFIELD, J. G. The cerebrospinal fluid in Foix, C., and HILLEMAND, P. The syndromes clinical diagnosis (review), 177 of the anterior cerebral artery, 221 GUILLAIN, G., ALAJOUANINE, T., and BERTRAND, --and SCHALIT, I. The lateral syndrome of I. A case of chronic bulbar palsy with the medulla and the blood supply of the lesions confined to the nuclei, 142 upper medulla, 141 GUIZZATTI, P. On the pathological anatomy of -and NICOLE3SCO, J. The basal ganglia and the progressive lenticular degeneration 'with sub-optic mesencephalic region (review), 344 hepatic cirrhosis; Wilson's disease, 211 Foot, perforating ulcer of, periarterial sym- Gummata, miliary, and general paralysis, 212 pathectomy for, 228 FORD, F. R. Breech delivery in its possible relations to injury of the spinal cord, 314 AENNEL, H. Sleep and a sleep; centre,' 154- Fox, J. T. The response of epileptic children 11 HHemoclastic crisis in mental disorders, 236 to mental and educational tests, 166 HAL3ERSTAAT, G. Late schizophrenia, 323 FRANK, S. Practical experience of castration HALL, G. W., MAYERS, L. H., and KERR, J. A. and sterilization methods for mental defec- Diabetes insipidu;s as a sequel to epidemic tives in Switzerland, 254 encephalitis, 181 FREUD, S. The infantile genital organization HALL, J. W. Some aspects of capital punish- of the libido, 230 ment, 171 - Collected papers (review), 258 Hallucinations of myxoedema, 229 - Negation, 318 HAMILTON, G. V. Objective psychopathology Freud's grouip psychology and theory of sug- (review), 266 gestion, 152 HANCOCK, A. The cerebrospinal fluid in ence- Freudian theory, unwarranted accretion to, phalitis lethargica, 305 319 Hand muscles, amyotrophy of, in old people, 220 FRIED, B. M. Sarcomatosis of the brain, 310 Hands, circulation of, in primary dementia, FRINK, H. W. The significance of a delusion, 326 337 HARTMAN, J. I., NOURSE, J. D., and SMITH, Frohlich's syndrome, suprapituitary tumour D. N. Spasmophilia; inorganic consti- with, 149 tuents of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, 306 FRY, C. C., and BOWMAN, K. M. Basal meta- HARTMANN, H., and SCHILDER, P. The psycho- bolism in mental disease, 316 logy of sufferers from cranial injuries, 235 FUCHS, A. Introdtiction to the study of diseases HARTWICH, A. The theoretical significance of of the nerves for students and medical suboccipital puncture, 135 practitioners (review), 264 HASKOVEC, L. Tremor, 139 HASSIN, G. B. Effect of organic brain and spinal cord changes on subarachnoid space, C ANGLIA, basal, catatonia as sequel to choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid, 214 organic affections of, 167 - Spina bifida occulta cervicalis, 313 GIACOMO, U. DE. Clinical and experimental - and DIAMOND, I. B. Trichinosis encephalitis, studies on athetosis, 217 308 GILLESPIE, R. D., and HENDERSON, D. K. A HAUPTMANN, A. Nlew considerations bearing on review of service patients in a mental the pathogenesis of parasyphilis, 135 hospital, 160 Head, injuries of, nervous and mental states Girls' clothes, worn by boys on the Island of following, 328 Marken, 251 -position of, in cerebral tumours, 58 Glioma in the fourth ventricle, 281 -- in supra- and sub-tentorial cerebral Glove fetishism, 246 tumours, 138 GLUECK, S. S. Mitigation of punishment and 'Hearing in mitigation,' Leopold-Loeb, 249 evidence of mental unsoundness, 72 HEARN, J. E., WILCOX, H. B., and LYTTLE, J. D. -Some implications of the Leopold-Loeb The chemical composition of the spinal 'hearing in mitigation,' 249 fluid: diagnostic value, 304 Gold chloride tests, comparison with benzoin Hemiakinesis pupillaris, 136 and mastic tests on cerebrospinal fluid, 245 Hemianopia, asymmetrical homonymous, 136 - colloidal, reaction of cerebrospinal fluid, 214 HENDERPSON, D. K. Occupational therapy, 75 GOLDFLAM3, S. Cystic formatioin in the cauda - and GILLESPIE, R. D. A review of service equina, with remarks on cerebral and re- patients in a mental hospital, 160 cuirrent spinal subarachnoid heemorrhages, HENRY, G. WV. Essentials of psychiatry (review), 143 262 Goldsol reaction in certain nervous diseases, 158 and MANG.;Ai, E. Blood in personiality dis- GOLDSTEIN, K., and BORNSTEIN, W. Pseudo- orders, 70 spontaneous movements and peculiar Hepato-lenticular degeneration, 210 attitudes in striatal diseases, 140 Heredity in nervous and mental disease (review), GOODENOUGH, F. L. Significance of children's 88 w%vishes, 153 Herpes zoster, case of, 296 INDEX 351

HEUYER, G. The signs of brain weakness in K7ANAVEL, A. B., POLLOCK, L. J., and DAVIS, .vell-gifted children, 239 Kfi L. Relation of the sympathetic nervous HEWITT, C. R. The Medical Year Book and system to muscle tone, 49 Classified Directory, 1925 (reviewv), 89 EKARP.MiAN,,, B. The sexual offender, 170 HILL, J. C. Poetry and the unconscious, 151 KELB, L. Pleasure and deterioration from HILLEMAND, P., and FoIx, C. The syndromes narcotic addiction, 235 of the anterior cerebral artery, 221 KELLY, 0. F. On the significance of certain and SCHALIT, I. The lateral syndrome of nerve cell changes, probably toxic, in rela- the medulla and the blood supply of the tion to clinical diagnosis, 55 upper medulla, 141 KEMP, J. E., and POOLE, A. K. Familial neuro- HOAG, D. E. Nervous and mental states follow- syphilis, 220 ing injuries to the head, 328 KEMPNER, S. Some remarks on oral erotism, HOFSTATrrER, R. On spurious pregnancies 339 (review), 177 KERR, J. A., HALL, G. W., and MAYERS, L. H. HOLLANDER, F. D', and RUBBEN.S, T. General Diabetes insipidus as a sequel to epidemic paralysis and miliary gummata, 212 encephalitis, 181 HOLLOS, S., and FERENCZI, S. Psychoanalysis KINo, F. The clinical significance of the Gordon and the psychic disorder of general paresis, reflex, 145 (review), 67, 164, 261 - and LEVINGER, E. Upper spastic spinal Homicide in Massachusetts, 170 monoplegia, 143 HooP, J. H. v. D. Autismus, dissociation, and Kleptomania in a girl of ten years, 243 affective dementia, 155 KNAPPE, F. A case of glove fetishism, 246 HOSSLIN, v. The treatment of morphinism, 174 Knowledge, uncertain, 201 HUBBARD, L. D., LEWIS, N. D. C., and DYAR, KOLB, L. Drug addiction in its relation to E. G. The malarial treatment of paretic crime, 72 neurosyphilis, 61 Types and characteristics of druig addicts, HUGHES, ESTELLA M. Social significance of 162 Huntington's chorea, 59 KONoNOVA, E. Secondary ascending degenera- HUNTER, J. T., and LATHAM, 0. A contribution tions resulting from lesions of the spinal to the discussion of the histological problems cord, 211 involved in the conception of a somatic and KORN.BLU,-, K. A clinical and experimental sympathetic innervation of voluntary study of hyperthermia, 52 muscle, 49 KORNFELDT, F., and MONRAD-KROHN, G. H. - and NEWLAND, N. H. Suprapituitary tumour The in its relation to the with Frohlich's syndrome, 149 , 57 Huntington's chorea, social significance of, 59 KOSKINAS, G., and STRAUSSLER, E. Further HURST, E. WV. The levu-lose tolerance test in investigations on the influence of the paralysis agitans, 291 * malarial treatment of general paralysis on HUTCHISON, R., and others. Treatment of the histopathological process, 172 insomnia, 226 Kottmann reaction as applied to psychiatric Hygiene, mental, what it is, 76 cases, 70 Hyperthermia, clinical and experimental study KRABBE, K. H. Diseases of the endocrine of, 52 glands (review), 265 Hyperthyroidism, psychological factors in, 317 - Progressive symmetrical muscular atrophy Hypertonia, paroxysmal attacks of, spastic limited to homologous muscles, 144 paraplegia characterized by, 219 KRETSCHMER, E. Physique and character Hypnosis (review), 82 (review), 78 Hypothalamic lesions, blood-sugar studies in, 52 Hysteria or epilepsy, 236 L ABYRINTH , tonic, in man, 144 LLuevulose test in cases of early mental IDEO-AFFECTIVE compensation, 241 disorder, 237 1 Idiocy, amaurotic family, 134 tolerance test in paralysis agitans, 291 Infantile genital organization of the libido, 230 LANGELAAN, J. W. Muscle tone and tendon Inheritance of mental disease (review), 80 reflex, 207 Injection, sacral epidural, relief of chronic pain LATHAM, O., and HUNTER, J. I. A contribution by, 227 to the discussion of the histological pro- Innervation of voluntary muscle, histological blems involved in the conception of a problems involved in the conception of a somatic and sympathetic innervation of somatic and sympathetic, 49 voluntary muscle, 49 - static, centres of, 303 and NEWLAND, N. H. Suprapituitary tumour INSABATO, L. Some observations on the etiology vith Frohlich's syndrome, 149 and pathogenesis of hepato-lenticular de- LEGRAIN. The great social narcotics (review), generation, 210 83 Insanity, causes of, 248 LEHRMAN, P. R. Post-operative neuroses, 69 -manic-depressive, associated with filariasis, Leopold, Nathan, case of, 71 66 Leopold-Loeb 'hearing in mitigation,' 249 types of blood-sugar curve found in, 69 (see Lenticular degeneration, progressive, 211 also Psvehose-) - nucleus, connections vith other parts of Insomnia, treatment of, 226 brain, 206 Instincts in the mental constitution of man, 229 LEPEHNE, G. Tests of liver function (review), 89 LEVINGER, E., and KINo, F. Upper spastic spinal monoplegia, 143 JACKSONIAN epilepsy, alcohol injection of LfEvy, D. M. Behaviour disorders in children, J brain cortex in, 227 337 JANET, P. Principles of psychotherapy (review), LiVY-VALENSI, J. Abstract of neurological 87 diagnosis (revietw), 89 JELGERSMA, H. C. A peculiar cuistom observed LEWIS, N. D. C. The practical value of graphic on the island of Marken in Holland, 251 art in personality studies, 251 JONG, H. DE. The action of bulbocapnine on - Psychological factors in hyperthyroidism, paralysis agitans and other tremor diseases, 317 146 -HUBBARD, L. D., and DYAR, E. G. The - and SCHALTENBRAND, G. Further experience malarial treatment of paretic neurosyphilis, with bulbocapnine in nervous cases, 146 61 JORDAN. Experiences with epidural injection of LEWKOWICZ, K. Does autonomous meiningo- antipyrin in sciatica, 148 coccal Imeningitis exist, and can it be in- Jury, trial by, 251 fluenced by serum acting locally ? 11 352 INDEX

LEY, A. and R. Massive tumour invading the Maturation, erogenous, 321 cerebral hemispheres, 313 MATZDORFF, P. Narcolepsy, 222 LEYSER, E. The pathogenesis of cutaneous and MATZINGER, H. G. Medicine and psychology, nervous affections of the extremities, 314 322 LHERMITTE. J., and N1ICOLAS, MI. Amyotrophy of MATZKE, D., and others. Aseptic meningitis in hand miiscles in old people, 220 the treatment of dementia pruecox, 173 Libido, infantile genital organization of, 230 MAUDSLEY HOSPITAL. First annual report, LILLY, G. A. The treatment of general paralysis 1923-4 (review), 178 at Hanwell Mental Hospital, 172 MAYENDORF, N. v. The localization of cuta- Lipiodol in disease of the spinal cord, 220 neous sensibility in the cortex, 138 Liver function, tests of (review), 89 MAYER, E. E. The problem of psychoneuroses, LLOYD, J. H. Trial by jury, 251 68 - and WINKELMAN, N. W. A case of acute MAYER-GROSS, W. Self-portraits of mental post-hemiplegic choreiform movements on derangements (review), 82 the iinparalysed side: study of the basal MAYERS, L. H., HALL, G. W., and KERR, J. A. ganiglia, 139 Diabetes insipidus as a sequel to epidemic Localization, spinal, of motor function of leg and encephalitis, 181 foot, 208 Medical practice, psychological interest in, 153 Loeb, Richard, case of, 71 - Year Book (rez-iew), 89 LORD, J. R. Epilepsy: a clinical pathological Medicine and psychology, 322 study of fifty cases, 166 Meduilla, lateral syndrome of and blood supply Lumbar puncture and the prevention of post- of uipper, 141 puncture headache, 306 MEHRrENs, H. G., and NEWALL, R. R. Displace- LUTZ, A. Asymmetrical homonymouis hemia- ment of the pineal gland in head injury, 198 nopia and hemiakinesis pupillaris, 136 Melancholia, true and relapsing, 324 Lying, psychopathology of, 20 Meningeal form of systematic blastomycosis, 134 LYTTLE, J. D., AW7ILCOX, H. B., and HEAVRN, J. E. Meningitis, aseptic, in treatment of dementia The chemical composition of the spinal pra'cox, 173 tluid: diagnostic value, 304 - autonomous meningococcal, does it exist ? 11 - tuberculous, in children, neck reflexes in, 216 5 cALISTEIR, W. M. The results of treat- MENNINGER, W. C., and K. A. The Wasser- Mi ment of general paralysis by malaria, 172 mann reaction in the blood and spinal fluid MACBRIDE, H. J. Syringomelia in association of paretic neurosyphilis, writh the presenta- with acromegaly, 114 tion of the results of 166 consecutive - and WILSON, S. A. K. Epilepsy as a symp- hospitalized cases, 306 tom of dissenminated sclerosis, 91 Menstruation, influence on psychotic symptoms, MCCAFFERTY, L. K., and MACGREGOR, J. A. 235 Wassermann-fast syphilitics, treated with Mental contlicts as the cause of bad spelling and bismuth, 316 poor writing, 169 MACCURDY, J. T. The psychology of emotion, defectives, castration and sterilization morbid and normal (review), 180 methods in Swvitzerland, 254 MACDONALD, M. E., and SACHS, E. Blood-sugar delinquent, 71 studies in experimental pituitary and hypo- -derangement, self-portraits of (review), 82 thalamnic lesions, 52 - deficiency, syphilis in the etiology of, 249 McDOUGALL, WV. A great advance of the disease, basal metabolism in, 316 Freudian psychology, 230 heredity in (review), 88 - The (ldipus complex, 320 iinheritance of (review), 80 -Professor Freuid's group psychology and his treatment by artificial sleep, 173 theory of suggestion, 152 disorder, blood-sugar studies in, 237 MACGREGOR, J. A., and MCCAFFERTY, L. K. - a present-day conception of (review), 88 Wassermnann-fast syphilitics, treated with - incidence of chronic infective processes in, bismuith, 316 249 MACKAY, F'. H. Peripheral nerve injuries, 225 -- Ievulose test in, 237 MACKLIN, M. T., and BOWMAN, J. T. Inheritance - prophylaxis of, 252 of peroneal atrophy, 315 - vasomotor reactions in, 236 MAGNI, L. An anatomical and clinical descrip- - examinations of college men, 163 tion of a teratoma of the cerebral epiphysis, - hygiene, social aspects of (review), 262 229 - what it is, 76 Malaria, intravenous inoculation of, 340 unsoundness, and mitigation of punishment, - psychoses in, 232 72 - treatment of general paresis with, 61, 172, Mentality, primitive, and the racial unconscious, 173, 256 151 influence on histopathological process, 172 Micrometry, application to study of the area MALINOWSKI, B. Complex and myth in mother- striata, 205 right, 65 Migraine, reports and communications on, 222 MANGAMi, E., and HENRY, G. W. Blood in MILLER, E. The relationships of the neuroses, personality discrders, 70 160 Manic-depressive phases, interpretations of, 158 Mind, hygiene of, 253 MANKOWSKY anid BEDFER. Inversion of the - introduction to (review), 84 Babinski phenomenon and the conditions - (see also Mental.) which give rise to it, 215 MINKOWSKI, E. Morbid regrets; contribution MANN, S. A. (1) Blood-sugar studies in mental to the study of schizophrenic attitudes, 323 disorders. (2) The investigation of a series MOERSCH, F'. P. Psychic manifestations in cases of cases of early mental disorder by the of brain tumours, 159 hevulose test for liver glycogenic effliciency, MONAKOW, C. V. On the connections of the 237 corpus striatum and the lenticu-lar nucleus MARINESCO, G. Amaurotic family idiocy, 139 w%,ith other parts of the brain, 206 - Lesions in congenital myxoedema, 64 -- The emotions, morality and the brain - DRAGANESCO and STOICESCO. A special (review), 80 variety of family spastic paraplegia charac- Mongolism and the internal secretions, 316 terized by paroxysmal attacks of hyper- Monoplegia, spinal, upper spastic, 143 tonia, etc., 219 MONRAD-KROHN, G. H. Reflexes of different Marken, island of, peculiar custom on, 251 order elicitable from the abdominal region, Mastic tests on cerebrospinal fluid, comparison 57 wsith gold chloride and benzoin tests, 215 - and KORNFELDT, F. The cremasteric reflex Materialism, past and present, 150 in its relation to the abdominal reflex, 57 INDEX 353

MONTASSUT, M., and CLAUDE, H. Ideo-affective NOBECOURT, P. Several cases of facial paralysis compensation, 241 in children observed simultaneously, with Moral imbecility, definition of, 331 remarks on the etiology, 136 Morphia addicts, painless withdrawal of drug in, NOURSE, J. D., SMITH, D. N., and HARTMAN, 256 J. I. Spasmophilia ; inorganic constituents Morphinism, treatment of, 174 of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, 306 MORTON, H. H. P. A case of herpes zoster, NYSSEN, R. The intravenous inoculation of apparently due to invasion of the ganglia by malaria, 340 round-cell sarcoma, 296 Nystagmus, optic, 136 Mother-right, complex and myth in, 65 Motor function of leg and foot, localization of, 208 Moi-r, Sir F. W. The investigation of some OBJECTIVITY and subjectivity, 129 causes of insanity, 248 0 O'BRIENt, .J. F. Epilepsy or hysteria, 236 The thyroid gland in bodily and mental Occupational therapy, 75 disease, 149 Ocular spasm of extrapyramidal origin, 140 Movements, pseudospontaneous, in striatal (Edipus complex, 320 diseases, 140 OLJENKIC, I. Experiences with lipiodol in Mucin degeneration of the neuroglia, 310 disease of the spinal cord, 220 MU31FORD, P. B. The circulation of the hands Onehandedness, origin of, 133 in primary dementia, 326 Operations, surgical, psychosis following, 233 Muscle tone, relation of sympathetic nervous Optic nystagmins, 136 system to, 49 Oral erotism, influence on character formation, - and , 207 245 -voluntary, somatic and sympathetic innerva- Organic processes, experimental, negative histo- tion of, histological problems involved, 49 logical findings in, 133 Muscuilar atrophy, progressive symmetrical, 144 ORTON, S. T. Negative histological findings in MYERS, C. S., and BARTLETT, F. C. A text-book experimental organic processes, 133 of experimental psychology. Part II. OSEKI. The changes in the corpus striatuin Laboratory exercises (reviewa), 264 resulting from senility, 307 MYERSOON, A. The inheritance of mental disease OSSIPOWA, G. W., and SUCHAREWA, G. E. (reviewv), 80 Correlation between talent and constitution, Myx,Dedemna, congenital, lesions in, 64 335 -- hallucinations of, 229 Osteoporosis, associated with muiltiple neuro- fibromata, 104 Out-patient work, psychotherapy in, 255 NARCOLEPSY, 161, 222 I Narcotic addiction, pleasure and deteriora- tion from, 235 AGES, BENOIT and PtLISSIER. 'Mucin Narcotics, the great social (review), 83 P degeneration of the neuroglia, 310 NAYRAC and DUBRUILLF. On Alzheimer's Pain and pleasure (review), 345 disease in its relation to senile denmentia, 330 -relief by sacral epidural injection, 227 Neck retlexes, tonic, in man, 144 Palsy, chronic bulbar, case of, 142 - - in tuberculous meningitis in children, Papillomas of the choroid plexus, 54 216 Paralysis agitans, action of bulbocapnine on Negation, 318 146 Negativism, observations on, 242 - levulose tolerance test in, 291 Neo-arsenical compounds, absent ankle jerks facial, in children, several cases of. 136 result of treatment with, 146 flexion, of spinal and cerebral origin, 216 Neologism, psychopathology of, 163 (see Paresis.) Nerve cell changes, significance of, in clinical Paralytics, general, biological reactions in diagnosis, 55 cerebrospinal fluid and blood of untreated, - peripheral, injuries, 225 306 - supply to the blood vessels, 50 Paraplegia, spastic, characterized by paroxysmal Nerves, diseases of, introduction to the study attacks of hypertonia, 219 (review), 264 Parasyphilis, pathogenesis of, 135 Nervous disease, heredity in (review), 88 Paresis, combined non-specific, specific therapy -system, diseases of, guide to investigation and of, 64 diagnosis, 176 -general, and miliary gummata, 212 - sympathetic, relation to muscle tone, 49 - influence of malarial treatment on histo- - (see also Innervation.) pathological process, 172 Neuritis, scorbutic, clinical features of, 191 - malarial treatment of, 61, 63, 173, 256 Neurofibromata, case of, 104 - of the insane during senescence, 166 Neuroglia, mucin degeneration of, 310 - pathology of the cerebellum in, 331 Neurological diagnosis (review), 89 - psychic disorder of, 67 Neuroses of sympathetic system, relation to psychoanalysis and (review), 261 psychical disorders, 318 - and the psychic disorder of, 164 - post-operative, 69 - results of treatment by malaria, 172 relationships of, 160 - treatment at Hanwell Ment I Hospital, - schizoid and syntonic factors in, 156 172 - (see also Psychoneuroses.) treatment by a new chemical, 62 Neurosyphilis, familial, 220 PARHON, C. I., and BRIESE, M. On the spinal paretic, malarial treatment of, 61 localization of the motor functions of the leg - Wassermann reaction in, 306 and foot in man, 208 New-born, spinal automatism in upper limbs of, - and PARHON, MARIE. Cholesterinaemia in the 216 insane, 239 - spinal fluid in, 209 Parkinsonian states and the bradykinetic NEWELL, R. R., and MEHRTENS, H. G. Dis- syndrome (rev-iew), 263 placement of the pineal gland in head PARnsoNs, Sir J. H. An introduction to the injury, 198 study of colour vision (rerieui), 86 NEWvLAND, N. H., HUNTER, J. F., and LATHAM, PARTRIDGE, G. E., and BOND, F. 1). Interpreta- 0. Suprapituitary tumour with Frohlich's tions of manic-depressive phases, 158 syndrome, 149 PAYNE, W. W. The colloidal benzoin curve in NicoLAs, M., and LHERMITTE, J. Amyotrophy the cerebrospinal fluid, 27 of hand muscles in old people, 220 PECK, M. W. Mental examinations of college NICOLESCO, J., and FoIx, C. The basal ganglia men, 163 and the sub-optic mesencephalic region Psychotherapy as a practical measure in out- (review), 344 patient work, 255 354 INDEX

PEtLISSIER, PAGJts and BENOIT. Mucin degenera- Psychology and medicine, 322 tion of the neuroglia, 310 - and religion, 151 Pellagra, 60 - experimental, text-book (review), 264 PENDLETON, L., and WOODS, A. H. Fouirteen - Freudian, great advance of, 230 simultaneous cases of an acute degenerative -group, of Professor Freud, 152 striatal disease, 58 Psychoneuroses, problem of, 68 PENFIELD, W. G. Cerebral pneumography, 56 - -in re-education, 77 PERELMANN, A. Psychoses in malaria, 232 Psychopathic personality, 243 Periarterial sympathectomy, theoretical basis of, Psychopathology, objective (revielv), 266 50 - of lying, 20 Peripheral nerve injuries, 225 Psychoses, alcoholic, report of census, U.S., 233 Peroneal atrophy, inheritance of, 315 - associated with protobacilli, 233 Personal equation, the (review), 263 - following induced abortion, 158 Personality disorders, blood in, 70 surgical operations, 233 - psychopathic, 243 -in malaria,, 232 PETTE, H. Clinical and anatomical studies on -in twins, 326 the tonic neck and labyrinth reflexes in schizoid and syntonic factors in, 156 man, 144 Psychotherapy in out-patient work, 255 PFEIFER. Treatment of general paralysis by a methods of, 73 new chemical preparation, 62 principles of (revielv), 87 Physique and character (review), 78 Puncture, suboccipital, theoretical significance Physostigmin, action on cases of extrapyramidal of, 135 disease, 210 Punishment, mitigation of, and evidence of PIERCE, LYIIA B. Pellagra, 60 mental unsoundness, 72 Pineal gland, displacement of, in head injury, 198 - - teratoma of, 229 JADIOTHERAPY in tumours of spinal cord, PITT, ST. G. L. F'. The purpose of education lt147 (reviewe), 86 RANK, 0. The trauma of birth in its importance Pituitary, complete destruction wvithout so-called for psychoanalytic therapy, 175 pituiitary syndrome. 228 - and FERENCZ1, S. The development of - lesions, blood-sugar studies in, 52 psychoanalysis (review), 261 Plantar reflex, behaviour in Jacksonian epilepsy, RAPHAEL, T., and SMITH, G. J. The Kottmann 56 reaction as applied to psychiatric cases, 70 Pleasure and pain (review,), 345 RASDOLSKY, I. The origin of onehandedness, Pneumography, cerebral, 56 133 Poetry and the unconscious, 151 Reality, feeling of, observations on, 329 Poliomyelitis, acute anterior, modern treatment Reflexes elicitable from the abdominal region, 57 of, 227 - (see also Cremasteric reflex, Gordon neck, POLLOCK, L. J., KANAVEL, A. B., and DAVIS, L. Plantar reflex.) Relation of the sympathetic nervous system Regrets, morbid, 323 to muscle tone, 49 Religion and psychology, 151 Polyneuritis due to obstetric injury, 225 R]kPOND, A. The influence of menstruation on PONCE, A. The psychopathology of neologism, psychotic symptoms, 235 163 Repression, motive of, compensation as means POOLE, A. K.. and KFMP, J. E. Familial neuro- of discounting, 250 syphilis, 220 Retina, projection of, on the primary optic Post-operative neuroses, 69 centres in apes, 1 POTZL, 0. The influence of instruction in speech REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF BOOKS. on the hemiplegia of an aphasic patient, 315 Abderhalden, E., Hypnose, 82 POTTS, C. S. Medico-legal and sociological Association for Research in Nervoous and aspects of epidemic encephalitis, 326 Mental Diseases, Heredity in nervous and POTTS, W. A. Delinquency, 247 mental disease, 88 POYNDER, E. G. T., and RUSSELL, J. The Bartlett, F. C., and Myers, C. S., A text-book cholesterol content of the cerebrospinal of experimental psychology. Part II. fluid in certain mental diseases, 329 Laboratory exercises, 264 PRANGE, F., and CUR.SCHMN1XN, H. Narcolepsy, Berman, L., The personal equation, 263 161 Bousfield, P., Pleasure and pain, 345 Pregnancies, spurious (reviewv), 177 - Sex and civilization, 83 Pregnancy phantasy in a man, 242 Bowers, P. E., Manual of psychiatry, 86 PRICE, G. E., and BIRD, J. T. Adiposis dolorosa, Campbell, C. M., A present-day conception of 228 mental disorder, 88 PRINCE, M. Automatic writing combined with Chesser, Elizabeth S., Health and psychology crystal-gazing,' 231 of the child, 79 Protobacilli, psychoses associated -with, 233 Cruchet, R., and Verger, H., Les eltts parkin- PRUSSAK and WIZFL. The malarial treatment soniens et le syndrome bradykinmtique, 263 of general paralysis, 173 Damaye, H., Jtudes de psychiatrie sociologique, Psychiatry and social work, 46 83 - essentials of (review), 262 Delmas-'Marsalet, P., Contribution experi- - manual of (review), 86 mentale d l'etude des fonctions du noyau - social (review), 83 caude, 260 - studies in, Vol. II (review), 264 Ferenczi, S., and Hollos, S., Psychoanalysis Psychic manifestations in brain tumours, 159 and the psychic disorder of general paresis, Psychoanalysis, advances in (review), 265 261 - and alcoholism, 244 - and Rank, O., The development of psycho- - and the psychic disorder of general paresis, analysis, 261 67, 164 (review), 261 IFlexner, A. Medical education: a comparative - counter-transference in, 175 study, 176 - development of (review), 261 Foix, C., and Nicolesco, J., Les noyaux gris - of sexuial habits, 342 centraux et la region mnsencephalo-sous- Psychoanalysts, experiences wvith two, 75 optique, 344 Psychoanalytic method of getting to sleep, 123 Freud, S., Collected papers, 258 - therapy, importance of trauma of birth for, Fuchs, A., Einfiihrung in das .Studium der 175 Nervenkrankheiten fur Studierende und - view of ' colour question,' 168 jrz-te, 264 Psychological interest in general medical prac- Greenfield, J. G., T'he cerebrospinal fluid in tice, 153 clinical diagnosis, 177 rxI)t3 855

ttaitiultoni, a. V., ()bjectire psychopathology, 266 RUSSELML, B. 'Materialism, past antd presenlt, 150 IJcuiry, C(r. W., Essentijals of psychiatry, 262 RUSS,ELL, J., and POvND)ER. E. GA. T. The HceNvitt. C. It., T'he Medical Year Book and cholesterot conltenit of thie cerebrospinial (hussiflcd- Directoryl, 1925, 89 flutid in certain mental diseases, 329 ilofstdtter, Ilk., Ouber 'eingebiklete Schicanger- WchatJten, 177 lioll0s, S., anid Fereniczi, S., Psychoanalyss ACHS, E., aind Mx-iooox~.ti,i, M_N. E. Bilood- (ltad the psychic disorder of generail paresits, suigar studies in experim-iental puituitary andt 261 hvpothalaniic lesions, 52 Janiet, P1., Principles of, 87 Sarcoma, round-cell, inivasioni of ganlglia by, 296 Kral)be, K. H., Les mi)aladies des glautdes .Sarcomatosis of the brain, 310 ealdocrines, 26.5 SCWHAFFER, C. General significancee of Tay- Kiretschniecr (E-), Plholsiquc andit character, 78 Sachs dlisease, 309 Legrahi, Les grands ntarcotiques sociaiux, 83 Scii.kxrt-, 1., Foix, ('., and( HI LIEMANNo. P3. Tha Letielnie, (G., 1)e Leberfunkl,titianspriiiit,fny lateral syiidroiiec of thie mieduilla anid the ihre Ergcbniissc und ihre Methadik, S9 bloodl siiiuily of thie upper mieduilla, 141 L6vy-Valensi, .1. I'revis diedinotc cr- SN.u~m V. V. Gliloiia hi ttie fourth v-entricle, loiqiqac, 89 wvithi iiivol\veiuieit of t le triaiigtular vesti- M\acCurdy, J1. T., T'he 1psychvolay ofJ ewotioni, hbular iuiiclcis, 281 nt'orbid antd norm,al, 180 SCIIARF-ETi-r;ii, H. 0cular spasmi of extr-a- Maudsley Hospital, First ann nad report, 1923- pyraiuuitlal origuii. 1411 24, 178 Sciim.ou:m, 1., aniil H.%icr_,\A.xN, 11. The psychio- Mayer-Gross, WV., Selbstschildcrungen dler log-,1 of suhfemrers fronti craniial injuries, 235 V'ercvirrtheit d(ie oneiroide Erlebiiisforni, SchlizolId factors in neuiroses atid( psychoses, 156 82 SchizoPhreniia, diagnmosis fi-oiii oleitieietia prtucox, Monakow, C. v. T'he emotionis, mioradly (ttnd 1 5(; the brain, SI) -late, 312:1 MNyers, C. S., anid lartllett, 1'. C., ,A tex-book Schiool chtildtreii, piersoiiality of, p)robleins of, 7:3 of exp)ersmental psyqcholoyy. Part II. Sciis\-AB. Tie dliag-iiosis o)f tuiniouirs of the, Laboratory exercises, 264 temtporal 101)0, 137 Myersoni, A., 1 he hiheridance of meia)dl di.'case, Sciatica, epidur-al inijection of anitipyrini in, 118S 80 Sclerosis, aiinyotrophic lateral, 232 Nicolesco, J., aid 1Foix C., Les nioyaux gris tlisseuiiiniated, epilepsy as a sympItom of, 91 cenitraux et lat rcgoa vtnsenc,phttlo-so'tus- statistical reiiiarks oii cliniceal syiiptomls optiquie, 1344 of, 3111 Plarsonis, Sir J. H. Ain nttodoctioat to the study tutberoiis, 212 of colour risian, 86 Scopolaminii, actioni oni iiiotor systeniis of central Pitt, St. GA. LE F1 1 he puroseO5 of education, 86 niervouis systemi, 210 Ranik, O., and( F'ereinezi, S., '11e dlerelop)tnent SCOTT. GA. L. Oni the pmaimiless wvithidrawal of the of psychoanadysis, 261 drlrig in uuorphia adldicts, 256 Smnith, T. AV. A a introductioni to thc mnithid int Self-anialysis, miiethiod of, :141 heatlth. anid dliseaise 84 Seniescenice, genieral paralysis of inisanie during, Social aspects of mentali hayqicne, 262 1 66 Stekel, WV., Forts(chrtttt dr ,Sexualcvissenschaft Senility, elhaiig-es iii corpus striatumni resultinig und P1sychaialysc, Vols. I. andii(L., 265 frouui, :107 .Strumnpell, A. Lictfadeia fur dlie Unitersuchatog SinAomm,5. Moiugolisiii antd the inlternlal antd Dia(pnostil (ler richttiystcn \ereca- secretionis, 116 krankhieztcn 176 Serv-ice p)atiemits in a niienlatl hospital, review of, St-udies in Psychiatry Vol.aT1., 264 11.S. Iinterdep)artiueiitalS~ocial Hygiene Bioard. Sex and( civilizat iou (rcrica-). s:i Report of the sticndific researches Ott S-exual habits, psychoanialysis of, 342 ventereal disctmscs, 85 - otfenices, iiiterpretaotioii of, 246i V'erger-, H., itool Cruchet, It., Les ettts parkit- - ofenider, tlIe. 17(0 sonlienis et Ic s!/ttdrotne bir(tykbinettfu, 2(63 scienice, adtvances fii (retriccr), 265 REYNOLD)S, C. E. Furllthier points in tie physio- SPizz%nv, A., amL(l IIAILL, A. Biological reactioni logy of lbrafisul trg-ry, 35) in cerebrospiald iluidl and( blood of un- RICKMAN, J1. Alcooldisin andt( psychoanalysis, treated g'eneral puaral ytics. 306i 243 Smn-si,F. C. ''lie dlefinitioni anid diagniosis RIGGS, A. 1,-., rndT:iairNEi, W. 11 Thie of mtoral imibecility (V), :331 psych0uieuroses aitprobleliii iii re-eduicationi, Sicmm, .1. A. Abseiit anikle-jerks as the result 77 of treattiiemitt w0hi oo-arsenical compounds,, Rtigidlity, dlecerebrat e, in luiai, 591 146i ROBERTS, Alt. H. The spinatl fllii(i ii tlie new- SonA3-iu,;i, 11. A preglmiany puhantasy in a iiani, born, 209 24.2 ROBERTSON, J. A1. Vasoniotor reactioins in S~ilv-er-aiuuioiuotii i-o)xidle solottioni, stainiing withi, mental disorders, with special reference to 214 the htenioclastic crisis, 236 SKuBiszp:wsnti, F. Polyincoiritis dute to obstetric ROBIN, GA., anid CLAUDE, H. Thle diagnosis injuiry, toxanuiia of pregniancy and puerperal betweeni demniotia pra-ecox and( schizo- inifectioni, 225 phirenia : a niew m-eanis of investigation by Steep anid a sleep centre,~' 154 ethierization, 156 - artificial, treatmient ot imeital diseases by, 1tOLLE,STON-, Sir H., antd others. The proplhy- 173 taxis of miental disorder, 252 - psychoanal-ytical imethiod of getting, 123 IWMER, C". A pecuLliar mionlosyiniptoinatic S-MrTH, D. N., _NoURsE, J. D., and HARtTM AN.,x variety of epideniie encephalitis, 139 J4. I. Spasmophilia iniorganiic constituienits ROSENFELD, M. The actioni of scopolaninii oni of blood amid cerebrospinaltfluid, 306 the miotor systemns of the central niervous SisM-ITH GA. J.,, maiillAsNIAEi,, T. The Kottinann system,i 210 reactioni as applied toi psychiatric cases, 70 -The relationi of neuiroses of the synipathectic SMITH, M1. II. The oteftiiitioii anid diagnosis of systemi to pusychical disorders, 318 moral linibecility (III), :13:1 lRosET'r, J. A niew miethod of diagnosis in - The p)sychopathiic personiality, 243 certaiii dliseases of the spinal cord, 217 - andI FAIRWEATI.itlI A. The case of Richiard RUBBENs, T., anid HOLLANDER, F. D'. Genieral Loch) anid Nathan Leopold, 71 paral-ysis anid iiuiliary gumumi-ata, 212 Sj~-rNII, T. XV. Ani initrodutctionl to tie miniid in RUDOLF, GA. um~ 51l. The mialarial treatmtenit of healthi and( olisease (reviewr), 84 genieral paralysis: some psychiological and Social aspects of mienital hygienie (eerieir), 262 physical observationis, 63 work and psychiiatry, 46 VOL. vi.-N~o. 24. 356 INM X

SoRnEsi, A. L. Psycchosis following surgical Sympathectomvy, iperiar-terial, for iperforating operatioIns, 233 uilcer of foot, 228 Spasm, ocuilar, of extrapyrarmridal origini, 140 theoretical basis of, 50 ,Spasmophilia, inorganiic conistituents of blood Synmpathetic systeii aInd circtulator'y disorders and cerebrospirral fluid, 306 in spinial colllIuIotioIi, 55 Speech, instrutetioil in, influence on aphasic Syphilis, cerebrospirnal, in relatioln to tabo- patienit, 315 paresis, 308 SP-IEGEL ai1d BERnNis. The centres of static - in the etiology of imienital deficiency, 219 ininelrvation aiid the infltueice of the cere- - (see arlso'Neurosyphilis; J.Paresis.) bellum and cerebrum upon them, 303 Syphilitics, Wasserirnainin-fast, treated witl Spidra bifida occuilta cervicalis, 313 bisinmuth, 316 ,SpiIial autoIriatisiii in upper limbs of the niewly Syringomyelia in association wvith acroimnegaly, born, 216 114 coimmotion, syriipathetic system and circu- latory disorders in, 55 cord, disease of, lipiodol in, 220 rl ABE£S; dorsalis, vegetative niervous systeml - diseases of, new milethod of diaginosis, 217 l in, 126 -- injury of, possible relations of breech Tabo-paresis, in relatioin to cerebrospinal delivery to, 314 syphilis, 308 lesions of, secondary aseciding degenera- TAKASE. The pathology of tlle cerebellunl iii tions resulting from, 211 general paralysis of the inisanle, 331 - tlirombotic softening of, 219 Talent and constituition, correlation between, - t-tmours of, radiotherapy in, 147 335 fluid, chemical composition of, 304 TNUS;K, V. C(omnpersation as a imieanis of dis- - ill the new-born, 209 coulltinig the motive of repressioin, 250 (see also Cerebrospinal fluid.) Tay-Sachs disease, 309 -henmorrhages, recurrent subarachnoid, 143 Temporal lobe, tuinours, diagniosis of, 137 -localization of motor function of leg and foot, Tendon reflex and nmiuscle tone, 207 208 TERHIJINE, W. B., arld RIo;Gs, A. F. The psycho- - monoplegia, upper spastic, 143 neuroses: a prol)lem in re-educatioil, 77 Staining wvith silver-ammonium-oxide solutioii, Therapy, occupational, 75 214 - (see also P'sychotherapy.) Status marmoratus of the corpus striatum, 209 THOMAS, A. The sympathetic systemii anid STEARNS, A. W. Homicide in Massachusetts, circulatory disorders in spinal coimiii1otioin, 170 55 STEKEL, W. Advances in sexual scienice and TnOi.ts;, W'. RI. The definitioin aiid diaginosis of psychoainalysis (review), 265 miioral iiiibecility (IV), 334 STENVERS, H. W. The attitude of the head in - aiid GOSTWYCK, C. H. G. Observation1s on supra- anid sub-tentorial cerebral tuirnours, deliiiqtuenit imeiital defectives, 71 138 Thrombotic softeniing of the spinal cord, 219 - Optic nystagrnus, 136 THuxtzo, v. The goldsol reaction in certain - Position of the head in cerebral turriours nervous diseases aiid the enidogeniouis above and below the teintoriuim, 58 psychoses, 158 Sterilization methods for miieiltal defectives iii Thyroid glaInd in bodily and miienital dlisease, 149 Switzerland, 259 Tone, miuscle, aiid tendon reflex, 207 STERN, A. On the couniter-transference in - striated imiuscle, 207 psychoanalysis, 175 TOPHOFF.F H. A. case of cavernonma cerebri, with STEWAART, RI. M. The clinical features of a inote oni apoplexy ini young people, 138 scorbuitic neuritis, 191 Torsionl spasimi, iinfanitile, 218 STOICESCO, MARINESCo and DRAGANZESCO. A TOULOUSE, M. The hygiene of the iiinid, 253 special variety of family spastic paraplegia TOURNAY, A. Behaviour of the plantar reflex characterized by paroxysmal attacks of ini Jacksoniaii epilepsy, 56 hypertonia, etc., 219 TRACY, 1t. B. Atnxiety nleuroses arid allied STRAUSSLER, E., and KOSKINAS, G. 1x'urther coinditions, 327 investigations on the influence of the Translateratioii of uipper imiotor arid sensory mnalarial treatmeint of general paralysis oIn neuiroiles, adaptive significaniee of, 267 the histopathological process, 172 TRAVis, L,. E. Menital conflicts as the cause of Striatal disease, fouLrteen simultaneouscases of, 58 bad spelling aiid l)oor writing, 169 - pseudospontaneous m o v e m e n t s a n d TREDGOLD, A. F'. The definitioin arid diagtnosis peculiar attitudes in, 140 of inoral imibecility (1), 331 Striated iliuscle tone, 207 Treimior, 139 STRtYMPELIL, A. Guide to the investigation and Trial by juiry, 251 diagnosis of the most important diseases of Trichinosis ence.phalitis, 308 the nervouLs system (review), 176 TROMNER, E. Dystrophia niiyosclerotica, 143 Stutidies in psychiatry, Vol. II (rem-iew), 264 Tumouir, iiiassive, iinvading cerebral hemispheres, Sntlbarachiioid space, effect of organic braiin and 313 spiinal cord changes oII, 214 - suprapituitary, with FrOhlich's syindroiiie, Subjectivity and objectivity, 129 149 SuLboccipital puncture, theoretical sigiiificance Tumours, braini, psychic imianiifestations in, 159 of, 135 -cerebral, 147 Substanitia nigra, connections with cerebral - attitude of head in, 138 cortex, 206 - positicn of head in, 58 SUTCHAREWvA, G. E., and OSSIPOWA, G. W. -of spinal cord, radiotherapy ill, 147 Correlation between talent and constitution, -of temporal lobe, diagnosis, 137 335 Twins, psychoses in, 326 Suggestion, theory of, of Professor Freud, 152 SULLIVAN', H. S. Erogenous maturation, 321 Suprapituitary tumiour with Frohlich's syn- TI FF1I,lDUZZI, 0. On a case of periarterial droiine, 149 U symlpathectoiiny for perforatinig ulcer of the Surgery of braiin, further points in the physiology foot, 228 of, 35 Ulcer, perforatiing, of foot, periarterial sym- SuTTrIE, I. D. A theory of decussation. Note pathectoirny tor, 228 OIn a possible adaptive significance of the Uncoiisciouis, poetry arid the, 151 translateration of the upper motor and - racial. aiid primitive imienitality, 151 sensory neurones, 267 United States Ceinsus Bureau. Alcoholic - An unwarranted accretion to the Freudian psychoses report of ceilsuis of institutions theory, 319 for miiental diseases, 233 I-NDEX 357

U. NITED STATES IN-TERDEPARTMENTAL SOCIAL WILHELLIT, C. MI. The primary meningeal form HYGIENE BOARD. IReport of the scientific of systematic blastomycosis, 134 researches on venereal diseases (review), 85 WILLIAMS, T. A. Besetting and other morbid URECHIA and ELEKES. Colloid degeneration of fears, 328 the brain, 213 WILSON, G., and WINKEULMAN-, N. W. An un- UTrethral erotism, character traits of, 169 usual cortical change in carbon monoxide poisoning, 54 WILSON, ISABEL G. H. A case of bilateral TEGETATIVE nervous system in tabes cortical blindness, 42 \ dorsalis, 126 WILSON, S. A. K., and MACBRIDE, H. J. Epi- Venereal diseases, report of scientific researches lepsy as a symptom of disseminated sclerosis, on (reviewv), 85 91 Ventricular fluids in 102 cases of brain tuimour, 53 Wilson's disease, 211 Ventriculography, 224 WI-MMER, A. Infantile torsion spasm beginning Verbo-motor impulsions and disturbances of the wvith attacks of unilateral tonic spasi vegetative nervous system in the course of (striate epilepsy), 218 states of anxiety, 317 WINKELMANN, N. WV., and LLOYD, J. H. A case VERGER, H., and CRUCHET, R. Parkinsonian of acute posthemiplegic choreiform move- states and the bradykinetic syndroimie ments on the unparalysed side: study of (renied?), 263 the basal ganglia, 139 VERMIEYLEN, G. Encephalitic mental disturb- - aId WILSON, G. An unusual cortical change ances in a child, 325 in carbon monoxide poisoning, 54 - Verbo-motor impulsioins and distuirbances ef Wishes, children's, significance of, 153 the vegetative nervous system in the course WVIZEL and PRUSSAK. The malarial treatmnent of states of anxiety, 317 of general paralysis, 173 VINER, N. The relief of chronic pain in the WLADYCZKO, S. Catatonia as a sequel to orgainic lower segments of the body by s-acral affections of the basal ganglia, 167 epidural injection, 227 Women, psychology of, in relation to the VOGT, C. On the statuis marmoratuis of the function of reproduction, 320 corpus striatum, 209) WVooDs, A. H., and PENDLETON, L. Fourteen simultaneous cases of an acute degenerative striatal disease, 58 ARKANY. The state of the glia in the WORMTS, G., and DELATER, G. Complete Vmidbrain in cases of Argyll Robertson destruction of the pituitary by a grow-th puipil, 308 arising in the nasopharynx without thc so- Wassermann reaction in blood and spinal fluid called pituitary syndrome, 228 of paretic neurosyphilis, 306 WVriting, automatic, combined with crystal- WVECHSLER, I. S. Tonic ineck reflexes in tuber- gazing, 231 culous meilingitis in children, 216 WHITE, W. A. Primitive mientality and the racial uinconscious, 151 WIEDHOPF. The ierve supply to the blood Z EEMAN, XV'. 1P. C., and BROUWER, R. vessels aiid the theoretical basis of ' peri- ZExperiimienltal anatomical investigations arterial sylmpathectoiny,' 50 concerniing the projection of the retina on WVILCOX, H. B., LYTTLE, J. D., and HEARN, J. E. the primary optic centres in apes, 1 The chemical coimiposition of the Spilnal ZUCKER, K. The actioni of physostigmin on fluid : diagnostic value, 301 cases of extrapyraliidal disease, 210