INDEX TO VOLUME VI. A BBOT, E. S. What is mental hygiene ? A ABINSKI phenomenon, inversion of, 215 definition and an outline, 76 13 BASILL, A., and SESZARY, A. Biological ABDERHALDEN, E. Hypnosis (review), 82 reactions in cerebrospinal fluid and blood of Abortion, induced, psychoses following, 158 untreated general paralytics, 306 ABRAHAMI, K. The influence of oral erotism on BARKAS, M vY R. A note on the significance character formation, 245 of the vegetative nervous system in tabes Acoustic nerve, fibroma of, associated with dorsalis, 126 multiple neurofibromata, 104 BARR, E. S., and others. Aseptic meningitis in Acromegaly, associated with syringomelia, 114 the treatment of dementia praecox, 173 Adaptive significance of translateration of the BARRY, R. G., and others. Aseptic meningitis upper motor and sensory neurones, 267 in the treatment of dementia preecox, 173 Adiposis dolorosa, 228 BARTLETT, F. C., and MYERS, C. S. A text-book ADLER, H. M. Behaviour disorders in children, cf experimental psychology. Part II., 336 Laboratory exercises (review), 264 AHLSWEDE, H. E. A note on the combined Basal ganglia, and the inesencephalic region non-specific-specific therapy of progressive (reviewv), 344 paralysis, 64 - metabolism in mental disease, 316 ALAJOUANINE, T., GUILLAIN, G., and BERTRAND, BECK, H. G. The hallucinations of myxoedema, I. A case of chronic bulbar palsy with 229 lesions confined to the nuclei, 142 BEDER and MAI.%,NKOWSKI. Inversion of the Alcohol injection of brain cortex in Jacksonian Babinski phenomiienon, 215 epilepsy, 227 Behaviour disorders in children, 336 Alcoholic psychoses, report of Census, U.S., 233 BELLONI, G. B. Contribution to the study of Alcoholism, 340 tabo-paresis in relation to cerebrospinal - and psychoanalysis, 243 syphilis, 308 ALFORD, L. B. Dementia prcecox as a type of -Studies on striated muscle tone, 207 hereditary degeneration, 157 BENEDEK, T. Notes from the analysis of a case ALMNENARA, G., DELGADO, H. F., and CIOTOLA, of ereutophobia, 338 E. A case of filariasis associated with BENOIT, PAGtS, and PtLISSIER. Mucin de- manic-depressive insanity, 66 generation of the neuroglia, 310 ALPERS, B. J. A study of 102 ventricular fluids BENON, R. True and relapsing melancholia, 324 in cases of brain tumour, 53 Benzoin curve, colloidal, in the cerebrospinal ALTs5ULER, I. M. The psychopathology of fluid, 27 lying, 20 - tests on cerebrospinal fluid, comparison with Alzheimer's disease in relation to senile dementia, gold chloride and mastic tests, 215 330 BERKELEY-HILL, 0. A. R. The 'colour ques- Amaurotic family idiocy, 134 tion 'from a psychoanalytic standpoint, 168 Amyotrophy of hand muscles in old people, BERMAN, L. The personal equation (review), 263 220 BERNIS and SPIEGEL. The centres of static Ankle jerks, absent as result of treatment vith innervation and the influence of the cere- neo-arsenical compounds, 146 bellum and cerebrum upon them, 303 Antipyrin, epidural injection in sciatica, 148 BERTRAND, I., GUILLAIN, G., and ALAJOUANINE, ANTONA, S. D'. Thrombotic softening of the T. A case of chronic bulbar palsy with spinal cord, 219 lesions confined to the nuclei, 142 Anxiety neuroses and allied conditions, 327 BEVERLY, B. I. Behaviour disorders in children, - states of, verbo-motor impulsions in, 317 337 Aphasic patient, influence of instruction in BIANcHINI, L. The instincts in the mental speech on hemiplegia of, 315 constitution of man, 229 Apoplexy in young people, 138 BIELSCHOWSKY, M., and COBB, S. A method Area striata, application of micrometry to study for intra-vital staining wvith silver-ammo- of, 205 nium-oxide solution, 214 Argyll Robertson pupil, glia in the midbrain in dolorosa, cases of, 308 BIRD, J. T., and PRICE, G. E. Adiposis AoRNowITscH, G. D. Studies in the social 228 of Birth, trauma of, importance for psychoanalytic pathology and experimental psycbology therapy, 175 cocainism, 162 treated Arsenical treatment, absent ankle jerks as result Bismuth, Wassermann-fast syphilitics of, 146 wvith, 316 and Mental Blastomycosis, systematic, primary meningeal Association for Research in Nervous form of, 134 Disease. Heredity in nervous and mental of 42 disease (review), 88 Blindness, cortical, case bilateral, 217 Blood in personality disorders, 70 Athetosis, studies in, Blood-sugar curve, types found in different Atrophy, muscular, progressive symmetrical, forms of insanity, 69 144 - studies in experimental pituitary and hypo- Attitudes, peculiar, in striatal diseases, 140 52 AUDEN, G. A. Encephalitis lethargica; its thalamic lesions, psychological implcations, 234 in mental disorder, 237 dissociation and affective dementia, Blood-vessels, nerve supply to, 50 Autismus, BoBIMIG, W. Statistical remarks on the clinical 155 symptoms of disseminated sclerosis, 311 Automatic w-riting combined wvith ' crystal- of gazing,' 231 BoGAERT, L. v. The mental symptoms Automatism, spinal, in upper limbs of the newly- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 232 216 BOND, E. D., and PARTRIDGE, G. E. Interpreta- born, from tions of manic-depressive phases, 158 AYER, J. B. Cerebrospinal fluid pressure Borderland patient, the, 301 the clinical point of view, 224 6 VOL. VI.-NO. 24. 348 INDEX BORNSTEIN, W., and GOLDSTEIN, K. Pseudo- Cerebrospinal fluid, colloidal benzoin curve in, spontaneous movements and peculiar atti- 27 tudes in striatal diseases, 140 --gold reaction of, 214 BOSTROEM. Cerebral tumours, 147 - comparison of gold chloride, benzoin and BOUSFIELD, P. Alcoholism, 340 mastic tests on, 215 - Pleasure and pain (review), 345 - effect of organic brain and spinal cord, - Sex and civilization (review), 83 changes on, 214 BOWERS, P. E. Manual of psychiatry (review), - - in clinical diagnosis (review), 17 7 86 - in encephalitis lethargica, 305 BOWMAN, J. T., and MACKLIN, AI. T. Inherit- of untreated general paralytics, biological ance of peroneal atrophy, 315 reactions in, 306 BOWMAN, K. M., and FRY, C. C. Basal meta- - - pressure from the clinical point of view, bolism in mental disease, 316 224 Bradykinetic syndrome, Parkinsonian states CHADWICK, M. A case of kleptomania in a girl and (review), 263 of ten years, 243 Brain, colloid degeneration of, 213 Character and physique (review), 78 - sarcomatosis of, 310 CHESSER, ELIZABETH S. Health and psychology - surgery of, further points in the physiology of the child (review), 79 of, 35 Children, behaviour disorders in, 336 - tumour of, ventricular fluids in 102 cases of, 53 - epileptic, response to mental and educational - invading cerebral hemispheres, 313 tests, 166 - psychic manifestations in, 159 - facial paralysis in, several cases of, 136 -(see also under Cerebral; Temporal lobe.) - health and psychology of (review), 79 Breech delivery in its possible relations to well-gifted, signs of brain weakness in, 239 injury of the spinial cord, 314 -wishes of, significance of, 153 BRIDGES, K. M. B. Some observations on (see also School children.) ' contrariness ' or negativism, 242 Cholesterinwemia in the insane, 239 BRIESE, M., and PARHON, C. I. OIn the spinal Cholesterol content of cerebrospinal fluid in localization of the nmotor function of the leg certain mental diseases, 329 and foot in man, 208 Chorea, Huntington's, social significance of, 59 BRILL, A. A. Schizoid and syntonic factors in Choreiforn inovements, acute posthemiplegic, neuroses and psychoses, 156 139 BROUWER, B., and ZEEMAN, W. P. C. Experi- Choroid plexus, effect of organic brain and spinal mental anatomical investigations concern- cord changes on, 214 ing the projection of the retina on the - papillomas of, 54 primary optic centres in apes, 1 CHRISTIANSEN, and others. Reports and com- BROWN, W. Religion and psychology, 151 munications upon migraine, 222 BRUSA, P. On some signs of spinal automatism CIARLA, E. Psychoses associated with proto- in the upper limbs of the newvly born, 216 bacilli, 233 Bulbar palsy, case of, 142 CIOTOLA, E., DELGADO, H. F., and ALMENARA, G. Bulbocapnine, action on paralysis agitans, 146 A case of filariasis associated wvith manic- - further experience in nervous cases, 146 depressive insanity, 66 BUNKER, H. A. The height and duration of Circulation, arterial, of cerebellar cortex, 205 fever in relation to the clinical outcome in Cisterna magna, puncture of, 223 the treatment of general paresis with Civilization, sex and (review), 83 malaria, 61 CLAUDE, H., and MONTASSUT, M. Ideo-affective BluRT, C. The definition and liagnosis of moral compensation, 241 imbecility (II.), 332 and ROBIN, G. The diagnosis between Byron, Lord, psychopathological glimpses of, dementia priecox and schizophrenia; a new 240 means of investigation by etherization, 156 COBB, G. The feecal acidity in the insane epileptic, 330 C AMPBELL, C. M. A present-day conception COBB, S. On the application of micrometry to C of mental disorder (review), 88 the study of the area striata, 205 Problems of the personality of school children and BIELSCHOWSKY, M. A method of intra- and the responsibility of the comnmunity for vital staining with silver-ammonium-oxide dealing with them, 73 solution, 214 Capital punishment, some aspects of, 171 Cocainism, studies in, 102 Carbon monoxide poisoning, unusual cortical COCKRILL, J. R. Comparison of gold chloride, change in, 54 benzoin and mastic tests on cerebrospinal CARROL., R. S., EvERETT, S. B., BARRY, 1B. G., fluid, 215 and MATZKE, D. Aseptic meningitis in the College men, mental examination of, 163 treatment of dementia pr.vcox, 173 Colloid degeneration of the brain, 213 CASSITY, J. H. Psychopathological glimpses of Colloidal benzoin curve in the cerebrospinal
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