A Abdominal Reflex, 156 Abdominal Wall, T9-12 And, 135, 153 Abduction External Rotation In, 15 of Forefoot, 295–296 of Hip, 20
Index A Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ), Abdominal reflex, 156 10 Abdominal wall, T9-12 and, arthritis of, 1 135, 153 dislocation of, 1 Abduction O’Brien’s test and, 36 external rotation in, 15 subluxation of, 5 of forefoot, 295–296 tests for, 38 of hip, 204–205 Acromion, 11 internal rotation in, 17 Active dorsiflexion, 291 in shoulder, 13–14 Active eversion, 292 of thumb, 105 Active inversion, 291 Abductor digiti minimi, 115 Active plantarflexion, 290 hypothenar eminence and, Adam’s test, 165 117 Adduction muscle insertion for, 122 of forefoot, 295 T1 and, 152 of hip, 205 Abductor pollicis, 115, 118 in shoulder, 14 muscle insertion for, 122 Adductor brevis, 209 Abductor pollicis brevis (APB), Adductor gracilis, 209 105, 111 Adductor longus, 209 Abductor pollicis longus Adductor magnus, 209 (APL), 97, 102 Adhesive capsulitis, 1, 3 muscle insertion for, 105 Adson’s test, 161 Abductor tendinitis, groin Anal reflex, 156 pain and, 189 S2-4 and, 182 Acetabular labrum, 190 Anatomical snuffbox, 88–89 Achilles’ tendon, 288 Ankle, 259–310 reflex, 307 hip and, knee and, 223 S1 and, 181 injury mechanisms for, 259 tendinitis in, 277 muscle testing for, 298–305 ACJ. See Acromioclavicular pain sites for, 259 joint range of movement for, ACL. See Anterior cruciate 290–292 ligament special tests for, 308–310 314 INDEX Ankle (cont.) grind test and, 131 swelling in, 261, 277 of hip, 191 Ankylosing spondylitis, 135, of MTP, 298 136 of radiohumeral joint, 44 chest expansion and, 145 Arthrogryposis, pes cavus and, relieving factors for, 163 269 stiffness and, 190 ASIS, 191, 200 Antalgic gait, 192, 227 Ataxia, 192 foot and, 278 Avascular necrosis (AVN) Anterior apprehension test, 34 groin pain and, 189 Jobe’s relocation test and, 34 of lunate, 62 pectoralis major and, 34 swelling from, 261 Anterior cruciate ligament AVN.
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