

1) What flaws did Warren Harding possess?

2) What pro-business policies were taken by the government during the Harding administration.

Railway Labor Board, American Legion, Adjusted Compensation Act 3) What effects did the war have on the post-war economy?

4) Define: A) Five-Power Naval Treaty,

B) Washington Naval Conference

. Four-Power Treaty,

. Nine-Power Treaty

C) Kellogg-Briand Pact

5) Explain the Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law the effects produced by high American tariffs?

6) Problems with Harding Explain: Charles R. Forbes, Albert B. Fall, Teapot Dome, Harry M. Daugherty

7) Do you believe "Silent Cal" and "Cautious Cal" accurately describe the Coolidge presidency?

8) Why did easily win the 1924 election?

Christopher Falgiano Friday, March 28, 2014 12:53:33 PM ET 34:15:9e:2f:34:ba

9) What are the arguments for America canceling the WWI debt of European countries?

10) Explain the

11) Why was so much more popular with voters than ?

12) What was President Hoover’s policy toward Latin America? How did it differ from his predecessors?

13) Explain the Hawley-Smoot Tariff

14) How did Hoover’s attempts to help farmers produce positive results? Explain.

15) What were the immediate effects of the stock market crash?

16) What causes contributed to the ?

17) How did President Hoover’s beliefs affect the way he handled the Depression?

Christopher Falgiano Friday, March 28, 2014 12:53:33 PM ET 34:15:9e:2f:34:ba

Chapter 32: The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1930


1. Warren G. Harding 2. 3. 4. Herbert Hoover 5. Albert B. Fall 6. Harry M. Daugherty 7. Frank B. Kellogg 8. Charles R. Forbes 9. Calvin Coolidge 10. John W. Davis 11. Robert La Follette 12. Charles Dawes 13. Douglas MacArthur 14. Henry L. Stimson 15. Alfred E. Smith 16. “Ohio Gang” 17. Adkins v. Children's Hospital 18. steel strike of 1919 19. American Legion 20. Washington Disarmament Conference 21. Four-Power Treaty 22. Nine-Power Treaty 23. Kellogg-Briand Pact 24. Fordney-McCumber Tariff 25. Teapot Dome Scandal 26. McNary-Haugen Bill 27. Dawes Plan 28. ”Hoovercrats” 29. Hawley-Smoot Tariff 30. Black Tuesday 31. Muscle Shoals Bill 32. Reconstruction Finance Corporation 33. Norris-LaGuardia Act 34. Bonus Army 35. Stimson doctrine

Christopher Falgiano Friday, March 28, 2014 12:53:33 PM ET 34:15:9e:2f:34:ba