30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the C 286 E /1







List of titles of Written Questions by Members of the indicating the number, original language, author, political group, institution addressed, date submitted and subject of the question (2011/C 286 E/01)

E-010981/10 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (6 January 2011) Subject: Violations of Greek national airspace by Turkish fighter planes Joint answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

E-011206/10 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (13 January 2011) Subject: Regulations on credit rating agencies Joint answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-011289/10 (PL) Ryszard Antoni Legutko (ECR) and Tomasz Piotr Poręba (ECR) to the Commission (13 January 2011) Subject: International assistance in establishing the causes of the Smolensk air disaster involving the Polish President's plane on the basis of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 Joint answer from the Commission (14 February 2011)

P-011304/10 (PL) Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR) to the Commission (13 January 2011) Subject: Presidential elections in Belarus Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000009/11 (PL) Ryszard Antoni Legutko (ECR) to the Commission (13 January 2011) Subject: Commission calendar Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000021/11 (IT) Mario Borghezio (EFD) to the Commission (13 January 2011) Subject: Book about EU feast-days: expunging of Christmas Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011) C 286 E/2 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000032/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Article in Der Spiegel on use of violence by Greek police to prevent illegal entry of immigrants into Greece Joint answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000034/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Potential contribution of the Greek armed forces to Frontex operations in Evros Joint answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000042/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) and Carlo Fidanza (PPE) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Air traffic problems Joint answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000044/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Persecution of Christians in Egypt Joint answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000055/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Intention to erect a fence in the prefecture of Evros to prevent illegal immigration Joint answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000056/11 (EL) Georgios Koumoutsakos (PPE) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Dangerous activities of Turkish military aircraft with regard to an EU Member State Joint answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

E-000059/11 (DE) Werner Langen (PPE) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Europe-wide electronic input tax refund procedure Joint answer from the Commission (10 February 2011)

E-000081/11 (FR) Jean-Luc Bennahmias (ALDE) to the Commission (19 January 2011) Subject: Directive on medicinal herbs Joint answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000086/11 (PL) Artur Zasada (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Travel chaos due to snow at European airports Joint answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000100/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 January 2011) Subject: Protecting cetaceans against captivity Joint answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-000172/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (20 January 2011) Subject: Keeping animals in zoos Joint answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

P-000191/11 (FR) Gaston Franco (PPE) to the Commission (19 January 2011) Subject: Commission calendar omitting Christian festivals Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/3


E-000202/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Credibility of the ratings agencies Joint answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000212/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Overflights of Greek islands by Turkish military aircraft Joint answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

P-000225/11 (DE) Jörg Leichtfried (S&D) to the Commission (18 January 2011) Subject: Distribution of Commission calendars omitting Christian festivals Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000236/11 (EN) Jan Březina (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: EU school diaries for 2011 Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000242/11 (EN) Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Air travel disruptions in December 2010 Joint answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000249/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: Action plan giving effect to European citizens' initiatives Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-000250/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: European Year of Volunteering Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000253/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: Decontamination of Palomares and Wikileaks Answer from the Council (28 February 2011)

P-000256/11 (DE) Othmar Karas (PPE) to the Commission (19 January 2011) Subject: Calendars for school pupils Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000258/11 (FR) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: Strengthening the procedure for monitoring dioxins in food Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-000260/11 (FR) Catherine Soullie (PPE) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: Civil protection forces in the EU Answer from the Council (21 March 2011)

E-000275/11 (NL) Lucas Hartong (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Omission of Christian festivals from EU diary Joint answer from the Commission (25 February 2011) C 286 E/4 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000276/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: Civil unrest in Tunisia Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000321/11 (DE) Thomas Mann (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Commission academic calendars 2010/11 Joint answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000322/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Stronger action to prevent and combat drug use in a period of economic crisis Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000323/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Biofuel from the giant cane Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000324/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Guaranteeing appropriate compensation for infections from blood transfusions Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000325/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Council (24 January 2011) Subject: Attacks on Christians in Nigeria Answer from the Council (16 May 2011)

E-000327/11 (EN) Catherine Stihler (S&D) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Funding for pilgrims' ways Answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000328/11 (EN) Linda McAvan (S&D) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Segregation of Roma children in education Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000329/11 (EN) Nicole Sinclaire (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Overtaking ban for heavy goods vehicles Answer from the Commission (17 February 2011)

E-000330/11 (EN) Nicole Sinclaire (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Russia and the WTO Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000331/11 (NL) Barry Madlener (NI) and Daniël van der Stoep (NI) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Greek fence to prevent migrants entering from Turkey Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000332/11 (NL) Daniël van der Stoep (NI) and Barry Madlener (NI) to the Commission (25 January 2011) Subject: Majority of Palestinians in East Jerusalem have no need for a Palestinian state Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/5


E-000333/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Risks of using energy drinks and beverages containing hemp Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000334/11 (EL) Georgios Stavrakakis (S&D) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Regions with specific geographical characteristics Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000335/11 (EN) Christian Ehler (PPE) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: EU‑Japan FTA Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000336/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (24 January 2011) Subject: Absence of Commissioners Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000337/11 (FR) Robert Rochefort (ALDE) to the Commission (24 January 2011)

Subject: Reduction in CO 2 emissions in the aerospace sector Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000339/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (27 January 2011) Subject: Possible subsidies, grants, contributions, etc paid by the EU to the authorities in Brussels Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000340/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Alleged use of EU bailout money for the building of two mosques in Greece Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000341/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Commission diaries for schools omitting Christian holidays Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000342/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) and Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Question complementary to Question E‑5119/2009 Answer from the Commission (22 February 2011)

E-000343/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: The EU's role in ensuring social peace in post-Memorandum Greece Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000345/11 (EN) Daniel Hannan (ECR) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Spanish tax refund Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000346/11 (EN) Daniel Hannan (ECR) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Hungarian media law Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011) C 286 E/6 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000347/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Publication of reports of the European Medicines Agency on the side effects of drugs Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000348/11 (EN) Edward McMillan-Scott (ALDE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Bank bonuses Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000349/11 (EN) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Fundamental rights Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000350/11 (EN) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Fundamental rights Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000351/11 (EN) David Martin (S&D) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Price fixing on e-books Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000352/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) and Frieda Brepoels (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: China's policies as regards the city of Kashgar Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000353/11 (DA) Ole Christensen (S&D) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Starting time for projects for recipients of financial support from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000354/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Genetically modified seeds in fireworks Preliminary answer from the Commission (3 March 2011) Supplementary answer from the Commission (20 April 2011)

E-000355/11 (EN) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Free movement of workers in the European Union Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000358/11 (EN) Catherine Stihler (S&D) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Child poverty Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000362/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Olive oil prices at big Spanish retail chains Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011)

E-000363/11 (ES) Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Bee mortality and the need to ban pesticides Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/7


E-000364/11 (ES) Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Failure by the Galician regional government to submit conservation plan and extension proposal for the Natura 2000 network Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000365/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Human rights and violence against women in Haiti Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000366/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Second circuit of 400 kw electricity link between Spain and Morocco Answer from the Commission (4 March 2011)

E-000367/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Complementary question on conflicting figures for fresh tomato imports from Morocco provided by different EU bodies Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000368/11 (ES) Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: High-speed rail line on the island of Gran Canaria Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000369/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Comparison of workplace inspections in Spain and the other Member States Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000370/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Import ban following dioxin case is compatible with EC law Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000371/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Appropriateness of anti-terrorism measures at European airports Answer from the Commission (7 March 2011)

E-000372/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Obligation of Member States to admit their own citizens Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000373/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (26 January 2011) Subject: Muslim holy days on new calendars Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000374/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Lifting the visa requirement on Albania and Kosovo Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000375/11 (DE) Axel Voss (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: EU school diary Answer from the Commission (17 February 2011) C 286 E/8 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000376/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Follow-up action after the dioxin scandal Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000377/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Genetic engineering in animal feed Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000378/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Impunity for denial of communist crimes Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000379/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: The dioxin food scandal in Europe that originated in Germany Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000380/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Evaluation of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion — continuation of measures Answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000381/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Controls on hygiene of foodstuffs and feed in Greece Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000382/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Feed-in tariffs for energy from renewable sources Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000383/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) and Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Poor take-up of funds and collapse of research activities in Greece Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000384/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Consumption of animal products containing dioxins Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000385/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Act of terrorism against Christians in the Near East Joint answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000386/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Turkey — Violation of Human Rights of Kurdish Prisoners Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000387/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Turkey — problems affecting access to schools for children in the provinces Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/9


E-000388/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Pakistan — mass infanticide Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000389/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Policing of the Internet in Iran Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000390/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants flee their homes in Sri Lanka Answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000391/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Rampant inflation in the EU Member States Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000392/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Iran — 11-year prison sentence for a human rights lawyer Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000393/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Turkey: Amendments to Article 102 of the Penal Code lead to the release of murderers from prison Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000394/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Blocking child pornography Internet sites Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000395/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Need to establish a regulatory framework for European credit rating agencies Joint answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000396/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Seizure of a Greek-owned ship by Somali pirates Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000397/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Cooperation between Turkish human traffickers and the Turkish military along the border with Greece Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000398/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Large number of Turkish fighter planes over the Aegean Joint answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

E-000399/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Twenty-two missing following the sinking of the ‘Hasan Reis’ — a Turkish vessel engaged in human trafficking Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011) C 286 E/10 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000400/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Urban park in the former Elliniko airport Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000401/11 (EN) Carl Haglund (ALDE) and Herbert Dorfmann (PPE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Removing Internet trade barriers between EU countries Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000402/11 (EN) Catherine Stihler (S&D) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Winter tyres Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000403/11 (EN) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (26 January 2011) Subject: Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) under the Hungarian Presidency Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000404/11 (EN) Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: E-books Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011)

E-000405/11 (EN) Carl Haglund (ALDE) and Herbert Dorfmann (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: The opportunity for EU citizens to view TV broadcasts from another EU country Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000406/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Commissioning a new Special Eurobarometer report on security and defence Answer from the Commission (6 May 2011)

E-000407/11 (IT) Debora Serracchiani (S&D) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Statements by Minister Frattini Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-000408/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Dioxin-laden feed in Germany Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000409/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Combating the mafia Answer from the Commission (11 February 2011)

E-000410/11 (NL) Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Early retirement scheme for EU officials Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000411/11 (NL) Barry Madlener (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Erdogan advocates Turkish-Arab union Joint answer from the Commission (10 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/11


E-000412/11 (NL) Frieda Brepoels (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Election observation missions and the selection of candidates Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-000413/11 (NL) Barry Madlener (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: WikiLeaks: Iran is developing a nuclear bomb Answer from the Commission (26 April 2011)

E-000414/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Funding for the purchase of trains by the Wielkopolskie provincial authorities Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000415/11 (PL) Filip Kaczmarek (PPE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Smuggling of garlic from China to the EU Answer from the Commission (22 February 2011)

E-000416/11 (PL) Filip Kaczmarek (PPE) to the Council (31 January 2011)

Subject: CO 2 emissions rights Answer from the Council (21 March 2011)

E-000417/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Difficulties in importing raw materials for the textile sector Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000418/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Support for workers made redundant at the Delphi factory (Guarda, Portugal) Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000419/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Aid to family farming Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000420/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Council (26 January 2011) Subject: Foreign military bases in Latin America Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000421/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Council (27 January 2011) Subject: Argentinian sovereignty over the Falkland Islands Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-000422/11 (RO) Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Urban rehabilitation Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000423/11 (RO) Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Evaluations of the consumption of ethnobotanical plants and its effects Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011) C 286 E/12 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000424/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Melamine-contaminated powdered milk from China Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000430/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: Cyprus's financial stability Answer from the Council (10 May 2011)

E-000431/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Council (27 January 2011) Subject: Greece's financial stability Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000432/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: Greece's financial stability Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000433/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: follow-up to Question No P‑010442/2010 Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000434/11 (ES) Andres Perello Rodriguez (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Revision of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 (section VIII, Chapter VI) and the Commission's interpretation Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000436/11 (EL) Kriton Arsenis (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health Answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000437/11 (EN) Kriton Arsenis (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: State of play regarding preparation for the entry into force of Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 concerning timber Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000438/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Piedmont: projects funded by the EU in 2008 Joint answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000439/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Piedmont: projects funded by the EU in 2009 Joint answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000440/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: EU contributions paid and amounts received by in 2010 Joint answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000441/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Penguins at risk as a result of tagging Answer from the Commission (7 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/13


E-000442/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Piedmont: projects funded by the EU in 2010 Joint answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000443/11 (EN) Catherine Stihler (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Horse welfare Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000444/11 (EN) Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Galileo cost overrun and delay Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000445/11 (EN) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Instrumental observation of the status of dams, tailing ponds and other similar installations Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000446/11 (FR) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Wine Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000447/11 (FR) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Wind turbines Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000448/11 (FR) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Chemical sweeteners Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000449/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Action on child poverty Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000450/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Compiling statistics on cross-border healthcare Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000451/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Future national contact points for healthcare provided outside a patient's own country Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000452/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: Revision of the Maternity Leave Directive Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000453/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: Future of the Anti-Discrimination Directive Answer from the Council (25 March 2011) C 286 E/14 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000454/11 (RO) Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: The urban agenda and the challenge of achieving territorial cohesion Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000455/11 (NL) Daniël van der Stoep (NI) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Hamas: only Jews aged over 96 may remain in ‘Palestine’ Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000456/11 (NL) Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Linking national energy networks: interconnections Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000457/11 (IT) Roberto Gualtieri (S&D) and Francesco De Angelis (S&D) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Statutes of cooperative societies, foundations and mutual societies Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

P-000458/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Commission (25 January 2011) Subject: Europa diary Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000459/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: European diary Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000461/11 (PL) Joanna Senyszyn (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Persons covered by Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000462/11 (DE) Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Trans-European network projects Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000463/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Creation by the Knesset of a special committee to investigate progressive Israeli citizens and associations Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000465/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Murder of Afghan civilians by the armies of the United States, NATO and EU Member States in December 2010 Answer from the Commission (15 February 2011)

E-000466/11 (NL) Frieda Brepoels (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: European support for elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000467/11 (FR) Robert Goebbels (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: The European Environment Agency's obsession with pessimism and doom-mongering Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/15


E-000468/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: World Bank report for 2011 Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000469/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Lack of confidence in the euro Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000470/11 (FR) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Tetrapak-style food packaging Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000471/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Widespread selling of the lethal drug mephedrone on the Internet Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000472/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Tripling in the number of cases of insulin-dependent diabetes in Greece Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000473/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Greece and Romania with the highest number of road deaths Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000474/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Need for firmer state support in combating piracy Answer from the Commission (11 April 2011)

E-000475/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Poisonous swamp in Zanica (Bergamo) Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000476/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Bilateral data-transfer agreements Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000477/11 (IT) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Decision CIP 6 and incineration of waste in Italy Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-000478/11 (ES) Maria Badia i Cutchet (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Does the Commission have the results of the study by the Secretary-General of the European Schools on Spain's system for validating the European Baccalaureate? Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000479/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Illegal mining of bauxite in a Natura 2000 area in Oeta National Park Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011) C 286 E/16 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000480/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Initiatives for free political expression in Tunisia and solidarity measures in support of Maghreb and North African countries Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-000481/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Delayed Council decisions Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000482/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Issues surrounding accession negotiations Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000483/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: Strengthening the Eastern Partnership Answer from the Council (20 June 2011)

E-000484/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: Single market, competition and monetary stability Answer from the Council (27 May 2011)

E-000485/11 (EN) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Cost-benefit analysis of Galileo Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000486/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Heritage of London Trust Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000487/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: UK charity Miracles Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000488/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Property in Ireland Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000489/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Wooden flooring company in Bosnia Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000490/11 (FR) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Dangers of anti-Alzheimer's drugs Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000491/11 (IT) Elisabetta Gardini (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Dioxin incident Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/17


E-000492/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Council (28 January 2011) Subject: Agreement on data transfers Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-000493/11 (EN) Franziska Keller (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Data exclusivity Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000494/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Arrangements for the issue of visas to Ukrainian citizens Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000495/11 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Common fisheries policy and fish discards Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000496/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: The case of Hector Aleem in Pakistan Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000497/11 (EN) Struan Stevenson (ECR) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Compliance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on Protection of Animals During Transport Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000498/11 (EL) Theodoros Skylakakis (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Revision of the contract for the Thessaloniki Metro Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000499/11 (DE) Jutta Steinruck (S&D) and Petra Kammerevert (S&D) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: History of migration in Europe Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000500/11 (NL) Ivo Belet (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Eco Index Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000501/11 (ES) Josefa Andrés Barea (S&D) and Andres Perello Rodriguez (S&D) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Mass deaths of fish in Albufera de Valencia (Natura 2000) Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000502/11 (ES) Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Projected developments in the shipbuilding sector Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000503/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: New York Peninsula Hotel II Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011) C 286 E/18 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000504/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Abelag — Premiere Private Jet Services III Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000505/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Irregularities in connection with the delegation of powers in OLAF Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000506/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: OLAF's review of the funding of European Parliament buildings Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000507/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Renewal of contracts by the Commission for the supply of computer software Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000508/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Decline in insects across Europe Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000509/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in mobile air-conditioning systems Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000510/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Indexes of vulnerability to rising food prices Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000511/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: EU funding for soil decontamination Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000512/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Intercept Modernisation Programme Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

P-000514/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Printing money Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000515/11 (DE) Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE) to the Council (1 February 2011) Subject: Reorganisation of the establishment plan Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000516/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Communication between the Commission and OHB in January 2011 Joint answer from the Commission (12 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/19


E-000517/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Lake Koroneia and the Cohesion Fund Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000518/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Illegal immigrants on the southern border Joint answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000519/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: The dioxin food scandal Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000521/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: New gas fields Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000522/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: German food products contaminated with dioxins Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000523/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Domestic violence Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000524/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Waste dump at Paradela (Portugal) Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000525/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Community subsidies to big multinationals involving millions of euros Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000526/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Hole in the ozone layer Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000527/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Floods in Brazil Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000528/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Imports of Chinese products Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000529/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: The Turkish lira Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011) C 286 E/20 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000530/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Abnormal levels of dioxin in German pigs Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000531/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Child obesity Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000532/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Recruitment by Portugal of nurses from Pakistan Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000533/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani sentenced to death in Iran Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000534/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Collection and treatment of waste water in Greece Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000535/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Parallel exports of medicines — a shortage of medicines on the Greek market Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000536/11 (EN) Mary Honeyball (S&D) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Rheumatoid arthritis Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000537/11 (NL) Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Possible incompatibility of policy proposals by the Netherlands Minister for Immigration and Asylum with European legislation Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000541/11 (ES) Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Harmonisation of textbooks on the EU Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000542/11 (ES) Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: EU working group to promote Flamenco culture Answer from the Commission (22 February 2011)

E-000543/11 (DA) Anne E. Jensen (ALDE) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Interest-free loans Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000544/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Council (4 February 2011) Subject: Family policy and the economic crisis Answer from the Council (4 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/21


E-000545/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Family policy and the economic crisis Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000547/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Printing money Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000548/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Other assets Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000549/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Trafficking in Human Beings Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000550/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Illegal immigration Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000551/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Management of construction debris in Attica Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000552/11 (EL) Theodoros Skylakakis (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Invasive alien species in the European Union Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000553/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Turkish ship carrying illegal immigrants sails unimpeded via Greece to Italy Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000554/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Very rapid growth of Chinese investments Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000555/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Provocative statements by the Turkish Foreign Minister Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000556/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Violations of Greek airspace in the Aegean Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000557/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Illegal Immigration Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011) C 286 E/22 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000558/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Coastal shipping links to outlying areas Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000559/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Exploitation of energy sources in the EU Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000560/11 (PT) Nuno Teixeira (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Sanctions for non-respect of the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000561/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Alcohol: heavy social costs for the EU Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000562/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Big cats in danger of extinction Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-000563/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Council (2 February 2011) Subject: Riots in Tunisia Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000564/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Chinese protectionism Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000565/11 (EN) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: High-level Regulatory Cooperation Forum Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000566/11 (IT) Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Tunisia: risk of an increase in clandestine immigration and of a boost for Islamic fundamentalist political forces Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000567/11 (IT) Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD) to the Council (2 February 2011) Subject: Tunisia: risk of an increase in clandestine immigration and of a boost for Islamic fundamentalist political forces Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000568/11 (EN) Michał Tomasz Kamiński (ECR) to the Council (2 February 2011) Subject: Armenian-Azerbaijani skirmishes along ‘line of contact’ Answer from the Council (20 April 2011)

E-000569/11 (EN) Michał Tomasz Kamiński (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Decline of political rights and civil liberties in the former Soviet Union Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/23


E-000570/11 (EN) Michał Tomasz Kamiński (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: EU‑Uzbekistan relations Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000571/11 (EN) Michał Tomasz Kamiński (ECR) and Adam Bielan (ECR) to the Council (2 February 2011) Subject: The case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000572/11 (EN) Michał Tomasz Kamiński (ECR) to the Council (2 February 2011) Subject: Sergei Lavrov's accusations against the Eastern Partnership Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000573/11 (NL) Barry Madlener (NI), Daniël van der Stoep (NI) and Lucas Hartong (NI) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: EU funding channelled to anti-Israeli hate site, ‘Electronic Intifada’ Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000574/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Increasing persecution of human rights defenders in Vietnam Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000575/11 (DE) Peter Simon (S&D) and Heide Rühle (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: False use of ERDF funding in Baden-Württemberg in the period 2000‑06 Answer from the Commission (4 March 2011)

E-000576/11 (DE) Paul Rübig (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Foreign trading companies disadvantaged by special tax in Hungary Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000577/11 (FR) Frédéric Daerden (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Procedures for the exchange of audit working papers between the competent authorities of the United States and those of the Member States Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000578/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Revision of the Package Travel Directive Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000579/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Legislation in Lithuania and EC law Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000580/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Situation of traditional herbal medicinal products after expiry of the moratorium set out in Directive 2004/24/EC Joint answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000581/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Pesticides and child leukaemia Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011) C 286 E/24 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000582/11 (FR) Philippe Juvin (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Improving the European pharmacovigilance system — the case of Mediator Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000583/11 (DE) Othmar Karas (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Budget for controlling tobacco smuggling Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000584/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) and Georgios Koumoutsakos (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Road safety in Greece and implementation of Directive 2002/15/EC in the Member States Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000585/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Council (2 February 2011) Subject: Attendance at Council of Ministers Answer from the Council (14 March 2011)

E-000586/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Apprehension of Serbian war criminals Joint answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-000587/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Coordination of EU salt reserves Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000588/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Extradition law Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000589/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: HGV blind spots Joint answer from the Commission (15 February 2011)

E-000590/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Rules governing advisory bodies Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000591/11 (EN) Nessa Childers (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: State of the European Quarter Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000592/11 (EN) Roger Helmer (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Parental access across Member States Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000593/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Viewing of sports events and the single market Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/25


E-000594/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD), Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD), Matteo Salvini (EFD), Mario Borghezio (EFD), Fiorello Provera (EFD), Lorenzo Fontana (EFD), Mara Bizzotto (EFD), Giancarlo Scottà (EFD) and Claudio Morganti (EFD) to the Council (9 February 2011) Subject: Ban on Christmas celebrations imposed by Turkey in northern Cyprus Answer from the Council (20 April 2011)

E-000595/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: ‘Data clouds’ on the web Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000596/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: The tragic situation in Somalia Answer from the Commission (26 April 2011)

E-000597/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Farming standards and food quality Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000598/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Cystic fibrosis Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000599/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Anorexia Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000600/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Financial rescue package Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000601/11 (IT) Sergio Paolo Frances Silvestris (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Trade in food and beverages with Japan Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000602/11 (PL) Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Collisions between cyclists and heavy goods vehicles Joint answer from the Commission (15 February 2011)

E-000603/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Compensation applications from former deportees Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000604/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Antimicrobial resistance Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000605/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Beetle pest affecting palm-trees Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011) C 286 E/26 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000606/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Unrest in Tunisia Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000607/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Controversy over toll-free roads II Answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-000608/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Racist pamphlet against Portuguese immigrants in Luxembourg Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000610/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: EU school diary Joint answer from the Commission (25 February 2011)

E-000613/11 (NL) Esther de Lange (PPE) and Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Cyber attacks on the European Emissions Trading Scheme Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000614/11 (EN) Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: EU accession to the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000615/11 (DA) Dan Jørgensen (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Mortality rate for piglets in agriculture Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000616/11 (EN) Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: Healthier lifestyles for children — a Hungarian Presidency priority Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000617/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Judicial investigation into the murder of the Spanish journalist José Couso: Wikileaks revelations Answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-000618/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: National Action Plans for Alzheimer's disease Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000619/11 (FR) Marielle De Sarnez (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Responsibilities of airports in the context of the revision of the Airport Package in 2011 Joint answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000620/11 (FR) Marielle De Sarnez (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: The Internet and parental control systems Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/27


E-000621/11 (PL) Piotr Borys (PPE) and Artur Zasada (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Erasmus for Belarusian students Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000622/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Situation in Haiti one year after the earthquake: humanitarian, sanitary and political crisis Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000623/11 (DA) Dan Jørgensen (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Implementation of the Water Framework Directive Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000624/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Programme to increase competitiveness Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000626/11 (EN) Derek Vaughan (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: SESAR Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000627/11 (EN) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Generating growth and employment in the cultural sector Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000628/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Healthy food and combating obesity Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000629/11 (EN) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Local and regional support for cultural and creative industries Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000630/11 (EN) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Vocational education and training Answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000631/11 (RO) Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Women entrepreneurs Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000632/11 (EL) Georgios Stavrakakis (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Interdependence of town and countryside and the future cohesion policy Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000633/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: The constitution of isolated buildings outside urban planning zones in Greek Natura areas Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011) C 286 E/28 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000634/11 (EN) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Border management agreement with Libya Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-000635/11 (EN) Nigel Farage (EFD) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: Use of official cars by Council members and officials and their families Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-000636/11 (DE) Martin Kastler (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Fighting child labour worldwide in the area of the supply of natural stone and building materials Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000637/11 (DE) Martin Kastler (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: European Year of Volunteering — volunteer passport Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000638/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Increases in public transport fares in Greece Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000639/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt Joint answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000640/11 (EN) Sabine Wils (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (28 January 2011) Subject: Dioxins in food and feed Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000649/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Funding for research into the XMRV retrovirus (which may trigger CFS/ME) Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000650/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Possible anti-competitive practices by slaughterhouses in Catalonia Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000651/11 (DA) Christel Schaldemose (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Trans-fatty acids Answer from the Commission (7 March 2011)

E-000652/11 (EN) Roger Helmer (ECR) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: UK tax for employees of the Commission and other EU institutions Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000653/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Threat of unfair competition in the trade in copper between Russia and the European Union Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/29


E-000654/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000655/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur free trade agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000656/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur free trade agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000657/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur free trade agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000658/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000659/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000660/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur free trade agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000661/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000662/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000663/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000664/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000665/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011) C 286 E/30 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000666/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000667/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Preliminary answer from the Commission (15 February 2011) Supplementary answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000668/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000669/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000670/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000671/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000672/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations on an EU‑Mercosur Free Trade Agreement Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000673/11 (ES) Josefa Andrés Barea (S&D) and Antolín Sánchez Presedo (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Renewal of the Protocol to the EU‑Morocco Fishing Agreement Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000674/11 (ES) María Muñiz De Urquiza (S&D), Antonio Masip Hidalgo (S&D) and Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez (S&D) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: Spanish in the EU and maximising its potential worldwide Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000675/11 (ES) María Muñiz De Urquiza (S&D), Antonio Masip Hidalgo (S&D) and Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Spanish in the EU and maximising its potential worldwide Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000676/11 (EN) Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Closure of residential institutions for children Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000677/11 (EN) Joe Higgins (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: EU monies to the bullfighting industry Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/31


E-000678/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Crisis in Tunisia Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000679/11 (IT) Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Increase in fuel retail prices Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000680/11 (IT) Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Cheese made from goat's milk Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000681/11 (NL) Laurence J.A.J. Stassen (NI) and Lucas Hartong (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Galileo satellite programme Joint answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-000682/11 (NL) Derk Jan Eppink (ECR) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: The European driving licence for motorcyclists and the new rules on technical inspection of motorcycles Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000683/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Turkish boycott of Cypriot ships Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-000684/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Action plan for tourism Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000685/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: Relations with Northern Cyprus Answer from the Council (27 May 2011)

E-000686/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Relations with Northern Cyprus Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000687/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Operation of stem cell banks in Greece Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000688/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Age limits for commercial pilots Joint answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000689/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: EU marketing ban on animal-tested cosmetics Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2011) C 286 E/32 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000691/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Projects planned by the firm Aramon — expansion of the Cerler ski resort Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000692/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Increase in ‘natural’ disasters in 2010 Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000693/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (4 February 2011) Subject: Intelligence Division (INT) Joint answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000694/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (4 February 2011) Subject: Intelligence Division (INT) — Community of Interest Joint answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000695/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (4 February 2011) Subject: Military Intelligence System Support (MISS) Answer from the Council (28 April 2011)

E-000696/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: The ‘Mediterranean’ Regulation: effects of complete abolition of seine netting as a fishing technique Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000697/11 (EN) Sonia Alfano (ALDE), Peter Skinner (S&D), Carl Schlyter (Verts/ALE), Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL), Charles Tannock (ECR) and Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE) to the Council (4 February 2011) Subject: Bear farms, animal legislation in China and EU engagement Answer from the Council (10 May 2011)

E-000698/11 (EN) Sonia Alfano (ALDE), Peter Skinner (S&D), Carl Schlyter (Verts/ALE), Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL), Charles Tannock (ECR) and Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Bear farms, animal legislation in China and EU engagement Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000700/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: European humanitarian aid policy Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000701/11 (IT) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Visit by Pope to Palermo and serious infringement of freedom of expression and founding principles of the EU Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000702/11 (IT) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Council (7 February 2011) Subject: Combating homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation in the EU — repeated homophobic utterances by the Italian Prime Minister Answer from the Council (13 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/33


E-000703/11 (IT) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Combating homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation in the EU — repeated homophobic utterances by the Italian Prime Minister Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000704/11 (EN) Heide Rühle (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Green public procurement — procurement activities of the Commission Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000705/11 (EN) Claude Moraes (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Animal welfare in European zoos Joint answer from the Commission (4 March 2011)

E-000706/11 (EN) Michael Cashman (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Changes to hot air balloon pilot's licences Joint answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000707/11 (EN) Emma McClarkin (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Property rights Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000708/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Withdrawal of the drug ‘Mediator’ from the European market Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000709/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Failure to apply Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on passengers' rights Joint answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000710/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Failure to apply Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on passengers' rights Joint answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000711/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Failure to apply Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 on passengers' rights Joint answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000712/11 (NL) Daniël van der Stoep (NI) and Barry Madlener (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: PVV MEPs demand that a fence between Greece and Turkey be erected immediately Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000713/11 (CS) Zuzana Roithová (PPE) to the Commission (27 January 2011) Subject: The Commission's intentions in the area of recognition of the effects of national civil status documents Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000714/11 (FR) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Mafia II video game and campaign to raise awareness about the Mafia Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011) C 286 E/34 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000715/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Pharmacovigilance and monitored medicines Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000716/11 (EN) Brian Simpson (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Mandatory weighing of shipping containers Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000717/11 (NL) Ivo Belet (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Software for smart grids Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000718/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Plastic waste in the sea Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000719/11 (DA) Christel Schaldemose (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Bulgarian children's homes Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000720/11 (DA) Christel Schaldemose (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Openness concerning agricultural aid Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000721/11 (EN) Gay Mitchell (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Funding for epilepsy Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000722/11 (IT) Alfredo Pallone (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Dioxin eggs in Europe Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000723/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Delay in submitting audit report and resulting penalties Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000724/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Instalment plan for dogs Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000725/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Fisheries agreement with Morocco and waters of the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Western Sahara Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000726/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Increased radioactivity in Palomares Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/35


E-000727/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Company lawsuit against a consumer for blogging his dissatisfaction Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000728/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Risk of suspension of major road projects Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000729/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Progress in creating a legal framework for NGOs and next steps Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000730/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Opportunities for fraud in emissions trading Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000731/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Child marriages in Turkey Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000732/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Erdoğan's aspirations for a union of Arab states Joint answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000733/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Turkish rape broadcasts Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000734/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (7 February 2011) Subject: Radicalisation Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-000735/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (7 February 2011) Subject: Stuxnet Answer from the Council (20 April 2011)

E-000736/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Stuxnet Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000737/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Police operations Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000738/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Data retention Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011) C 286 E/36 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000739/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Digital photography in Austria Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-000740/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Godiac Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000741/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Cross-border police operations Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000745/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Shedding light on the Siemens scandal in Greece Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000746/11 (EN) Roger Helmer (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Changes to visa requirements for Turkey Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000747/11 (EN) Emma McClarkin (ECR) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: European Zoos Directive Joint answer from the Commission (4 March 2011)

E-000748/11 (FR) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) to the Commission (2 February 2011) Subject: Reopening the canal from Condé () to Pommeroeul (Belgium) Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000749/11 (FR) Dominique Vlasto (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Combating industrial espionage Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000751/11 (NL) Peter van Dalen (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Closure of the Rhine at Lorelei Rock Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000752/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Encouraging the production of rapeseed Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000753/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: European Capital of Culture Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000754/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Standardisation of laptop computer chargers Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/37


E-000755/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Information on agricultural stocks Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000756/11 (RO) Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Repercussions on European producers of the dioxin contamination in Germany Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000764/11 (ES) Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Floods in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000765/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: ‘Couso’ case Answer from the Council (21 March 2011)

E-000766/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: ‘Couso’ case Answer from the Commission (26 April 2011)

E-000767/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Mercury intake and its possible link to the onset of autism Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-000768/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Commencement of work on the Villa Magdalena building (Oviedo, Spain) Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-000769/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Funding for the Galileo Project Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000771/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Violation of religious freedoms in Cyprus Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000772/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Use of recycled oils as feed Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-000773/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Access to justice unaffordable for thousands of Greeks Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000774/11 (EN) Fiorello Provera (EFD) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: Côte d'Ivoire-Liberia border instability Answer from the Council (27 May 2011) C 286 E/38 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000775/11 (EN) Fiorello Provera (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Iranian Christian groups targeted Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000776/11 (EN) Fiorello Provera (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Laotian Christians arrested at gunpoint Answer from the Commission (18 April 2011)

E-000777/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Follow-up question on the compatibility with EC law of UK cost-saving measures for language interpretation Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000778/11 (FR) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Oil exploration in Virunga National Park (Democratic Republic of Congo) Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000779/11 (IT) Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Unjustified debiting of the final consumer with bank charges on credit card purchases Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000780/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Possible subsidies, grants, contributions, etc. paid by the EU to the authorities in Brussels Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000781/11 (NL) Barry Madlener (NI) and Daniël van der Stoep (NI) to the Council (3 February 2011) Subject: In 2010, piracy broke all records, and it costs EUR 5.1 billion per annum Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-000782/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Combating illegal fishing Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000783/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: ‘Foie gras’ Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-000784/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: EU aid for the production of ‘foie gras’ Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000785/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Animal welfare as a condition for payment of agricultural aid Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000786/11 (IT) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Opera houses and concert halls, Italian Government cuts in funding for the arts, and protection of Europe's cultural heritage Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/39


E-000787/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: State of play of implementation of the SPR and the 3rd CSF (2000‑06) in agriculture in Portugal Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000788/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Individual grants under the Marie Curie programme Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000789/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Dioxins in food products Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000791/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Financial measures relating to execution of the CFP: monitoring and collection of basic data Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000792/11 (ES) Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Examples of best practice — co-managed protected marine areas of fisheries interest in Miñarzos and Cedeira (Galicia) Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000799/11 (ES) Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (3 February 2011) Subject: Inclusion of demographic criteria in future EU regional policy: emigration of young professionals from Galicia Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000800/11 (DA) Bendt Bendtsen (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Internal market in electricity and gas Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000801/11 (NL) Corien Wortmann-Kool (PPE) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: European VAT refunds Joint answer from the Commission (10 February 2011)

E-000802/11 (EN) Arlene McCarthy (S&D) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Gender as an objective factor in insurance calculations Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000803/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Commission (31 January 2011) Subject: Cyprus's financial stability Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000804/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (1 February 2011) Subject: Regional operational programme for Attica Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000810/11 (DA) Christel Schaldemose (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Dangerous toys Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011) C 286 E/40 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000811/11 (DE) Manfred Weber (PPE), Thomas Mann (PPE), Sabine Verheyen (PPE) and Martin Kastler (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Mobility in Europe in terms of training: opportunities and support provided by youth foyers Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-000812/11 (DE) Britta Reimers (ALDE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Duties on imports of oats into the EU Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000813/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Worrying new legislation in Venezuela Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000814/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Venezuela — restrictions on funding for NGOs Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000815/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Christian holidays in school calendars Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000816/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Model for estimating the cormorant population Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000817/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Processing aids in the food industry Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000818/11 (DE) Othmar Karas (PPE) to the Commission (8 February 2011) Subject: Tendering procedure for school diary Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000819/11 (DE) Othmar Karas (PPE) to the Council (4 February 2011) Subject: Integration policy in the EU‑27 Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000820/11 (DE) Othmar Karas (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Integration policy in the EU‑27 Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000821/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 21 January 2011 in the case of M.S.S. v Belgium and Greece and the need to revise the Dublin II Regulation Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000822/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Millions of girls and women subjected to ‘traditional practices’ in Afghanistan Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/41


E-000823/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Hike in VAT leads to price increases Answer from the Commission (13 April 2011)

E-000824/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Closures of retail shops in Romania Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000825/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Organ trafficking in Albania and Kosovo Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000826/11 (EN) Fiorello Provera (EFD) and Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Yemeni child offender sentenced to death Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000827/11 (EN) Emma McClarkin (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Bovine TB and EU Directive 78/52/EEC Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000828/11 (EN) Jan Březina (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: The review of EU policy towards Kosovo Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-000829/11 (EN) Jan Březina (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: EU policy towards combating cyber attacks Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000830/11 (EN) Robert Sturdy (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Animal cruelty: Galgos (Spanish Greyhounds) Answer from the Commission (9 February 2011)

E-000831/11 (EN) Robert Sturdy (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: EU standards for zoo animals Joint answer from the Commission (4 March 2011)

E-000832/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Level of fish imports into the EU Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000833/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Availability of funding for lobbying for Irish Fishermen's Organisations Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000834/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: CEPSA oil refinery Joint answer from the Commission (14 March 2011) C 286 E/42 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000835/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Timetable for Common Fisheries Policy reform Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000836/11 (EN) Nicole Sinclaire (NI) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Repression of journalists in Uzbekistan Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000837/11 (EN) Ioan Enciu (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Action taken to further visa reciprocity with respect to the USA and Canada Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000838/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Galileo satellite programme Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000839/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — The case of Imad Mohammed al-Ashhab Answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

E-000840/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: eBay's contract with PayPal Answer from the Commission (17 February 2011)

E-000841/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: The Spanish greyhound Answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

E-000842/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Availability of EU funding for voluntary addictions help centre Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000843/11 (EN) Jan Zahradil (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Transition experience in the EU's development cooperation Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000844/11 (EN) Ioan Enciu (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Discovering the Arctic's resource potential Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000845/11 (EN) Ioan Enciu (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Universities in Eastern Europe Answer from the Commission (4 March 2011)

E-000846/11 (EN) Ioan Enciu (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Protecting the arms industry in the EU Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/43


E-000847/11 (EN) Ioan Enciu (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Offshore wind capacity for the Black Sea Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000848/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Sacking and resignation of Commissioner's personal staff Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000849/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Commission President and CFP reform Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000850/11 (EN) Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Identification of animals Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000851/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Consumer redress for non-compliance with Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 Joint answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000852/11 (FR) Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE) and Robert Rochefort (ALDE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Recognition of architects' professional qualifications Answer from the Commission (15 April 2011)

E-000853/11 (FR) Robert Rochefort (ALDE) and Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: A single label for sustainable fisheries in Europe Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000854/11 (IT) Mara Bizzotto (EFD) to the Council (7 February 2011) Subject: Appreciation of the yuan and its impact on the Member States' economies Answer from the Council (28 April 2011)

E-000855/11 (IT) Mara Bizzotto (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Appreciation of the yuan and its impact on the Member States' economies Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000856/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Defence strategy Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000857/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Dioxin alert Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000858/11 (IT) Giancarlo Scottà (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Award of CAP subsidies Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011) C 286 E/44 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000859/11 (IT) Giancarlo Scottà (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Label of origin for food products Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000860/11 (IT) Antonello Antinoro (PPE), Aldo Patriciello (PPE), Herbert Dorfmann (PPE), Giovanni La Via (PPE), Amalia Sartori (PPE), Mario Mauro (PPE), Potito Salatto (PPE), Licia Ronzulli (PPE), Lara Comi (PPE), Clemente Mastella (PPE), Salvatore Iacolino (PPE), Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE), Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE) and Marco Scurria (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Possible discrimination against divorced fathers in Italy Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000861/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Responsibility for the European diaries containing no mention of Christmas Joint answer from the Commission (16 February 2011)

E-000862/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: EUR 5 million for European diaries Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-000863/11 (IT) Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Anti-dumping measures against hand pallet trucks from China Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000864/11 (IT) Sonia Alfano (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Repeal of offences connected with adulterated foodstuffs Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000865/11 (IT) Sergio Berlato (PPE) to the Commission (4 February 2011) Subject: Carnage at Moscow airport Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000866/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: European takeovers agency Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000867/11 (PL) Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Post-election repression in Belarus Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000868/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Violation of the freedom of religion in Vietnam Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000869/11 (PL) Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: More arrests in Belarus Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000870/11 (PT) Nuno Teixeira (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Opening up Germany's labour market to the young unemployed Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/45


E-000871/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Application of the REACH regulation to the textile industry Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000872/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Rice contaminated by LL62 transgenic rice Answer from the Commission (13 April 2011)

E-000873/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Problems over GM maize in South Africa Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000874/11 (PT) Nuno Teixeira (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Increase in economic aid to Tunisia Joint answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000875/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Water sector in Portugal Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000876/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: UNAIDS report Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000877/11 (RO) Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Platform for information and feedback for the regions Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000878/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (7 February 2011) Subject: Human Rights Watch report Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-000879/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Human Rights Watch report Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011)

E-000880/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Cubomed (LIFE 08 NAT/E/000064) project Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000881/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Entry of a Turkish frigate into Greek territorial waters Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000882/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Threat to Europe from high levels of radioactivity in Ukraine Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011) C 286 E/46 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000883/11 (EL) Maria Eleni Koppa (S&D) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Partnership agreement with Vietnam Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000884/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Renewal of registration of glyphosate Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000885/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Council (10 February 2011) Subject: Dublin II and the judgment by the European Court of Human Rights Answer from the Council (20 April 2011)

E-000886/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Uptake of funds by Greece in the field of immigration policy Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000887/11 (EL) Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Online gambling Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000888/11 (EL) Nikolaos Salavrakos (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Ecological disaster in the North Sea Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000889/11 (EL) Marietta Giannakou (PPE) to the Council (10 February 2011) Subject: Involvement of Kosovo leader in a criminal organisation trafficking arms, drugs and human organs Answer from the Council (10 May 2011)

E-000890/11 (EL) Marietta Giannakou (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Kosovan leader involved in a criminal organisation responsible for trafficking weapons, drugs and human organs Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000891/11 (EN) Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR) and Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: China's one-child law and human rights abuses in Guangdong province Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-000892/11 (EN) Kriton Arsenis (S&D) to the Council (9 February 2011) Subject: Agricultural unemployment resulting from the EU‑Mercosur trade agreement Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-000893/11 (EN) Kriton Arsenis (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Impact of the trade agreement under negotiation between the EU and Mercosur Answer from the Commission (2 May 2011)

E-000894/11 (EN) Jan Březina (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: A resource-efficient Europe — flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/47


E-000895/11 (EN) Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: HIV/AIDS in Europe Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000896/11 (FR) Alain Cadec (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: 2011 TACs and quotas for undulate ray, common skate and spiny dogfish Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000897/11 (IT) Mario Borghezio (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Enforcement of Directive 2008/115/EC Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000898/11 (IT) Guido Milana (S&D) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Information concerning the place of origin of canned fish products Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000899/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Functioning of the International Criminal Tribunal Joint answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-000900/11 (NL) Ivo Belet (PPE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Standards for WiFi equipment Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000901/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: IGCP claims Portugal can survive two years paying 7% interest Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000902/11 (PT) Miguel Portas (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Sovereign debt and ratings agencies Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-000903/11 (FI) Satu Hassi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Labelling of medicinal products with their country of origin Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000910/11 (ES) Franziska Keller (Verts/ALE) and Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Costa Calma to Pecenescal trunk road on Fuerteventura (Spain) Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000911/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Retirement age in the Member States of the European Union Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000912/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: The Israeli Turkel Commission report investigating the flotilla attack Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011) C 286 E/48 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000913/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Investigation into organ trafficking in Kosovo Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000914/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Rió Isabena (River Isabena) SCI Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000915/11 (CS) Pavel Poc (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: 's stance on the visa requirement imposed by Canada on citizens of the Czech Republic Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000916/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Follow-up questions on Commission measures Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000917/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Follow-up to incomplete answer from the Commission Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000918/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Council (7 February 2011) Subject: Consumption of foie gras at the Council Answer from the Council (10 May 2011)

E-000919/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Consumption of foie gras at the Commission Answer from the Commission (7 March 2011)

E-000920/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Better identification of fishing vessels Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000921/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Combating illegal fishing Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000922/11 (DA) Anna Rosbach (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: European fishing boats flying flags of convenience Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000923/11 (DA) Ole Christensen (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Entitlement to payment of an occupational pension Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000924/11 (DE) Gerald Häfner (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Amendment of Directive 2006/114/EC and transposition into domestic law of Directive 2005/29/EC Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/49


E-000925/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Aluminium production — action plan for the EU and in non-EU states Answer from the Commission (14 April 2011)

E-000926/11 (DE) Paul Rübig (PPE) to the Commission (7 February 2011) Subject: Requirement for cross-border haulage companies to be established in Italy Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000927/11 (EL) Maria Eleni Koppa (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Human rights violations in FYROM Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000928/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Scandal involving the DePuy company to the detriment of the Greek State Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000929/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: EU funding for Turkey for the return of migrants Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000930/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Statements by Mr Barroso Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000934/11 (BG) Dimitar Stoyanov (NI) and Slavi Binev (NI) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Restriction of the democratic right to freedom of education of the Bulgarian minority in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000935/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Supplementary question: Management and funding of Spanish ports: fair competition and state aid possibly incompatible with the EU Treaties Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000936/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Las Cumbres de Molina, an urban development project sited to the north-east of Molina de Segura Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000937/11 (ES) Oriol Junqueras Vies (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Construction of a hydraulic floodgate in Cambados (Galicia) and effects on Natura 2000 network SCI ES0000087 Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000938/11 (ES) Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Priority project No 3 — state of play Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000939/11 (DA) Morten Messerschmidt (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: EU free-trade agreements with third countries Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011) C 286 E/50 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000940/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Environmental disaster at the aluminium plant in Kolontár in Hungary Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000941/11 (EN) Dan Jørgensen (S&D) and Glenis Willmott (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Neonicotinoid pesticides Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000942/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: The application of VAT in the UK to neurostimulation electrode pads used with a Functional Electrical Stimulator for stroke relief Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000943/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: The sale of allegedly anti-Semitic material in Poland Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000944/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: The case of Mohamed Abdel Rehim El Sharkawi detained in Egypt Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-000945/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: The case of Mr Hatem Shafi under administrative detention in Egypt Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000946/11 (EN) Diane Dodds (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Review of long-term cod recovery plan Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000947/11 (EN) Diane Dodds (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: EU Cybercrime Centre Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-000948/11 (EN) Derek Vaughan (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Marketing ban on animal-tested cosmetics Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000949/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Lobsters: Native UK Species Potentially at Risk Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000950/11 (EN) Diane Dodds (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Commission diaries Answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-000951/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Mooring lengths in marine environments Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/51


E-000952/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Biodiversity targets Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-000953/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Preservation of seagrass meadows and seagrass habitats Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000954/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Illegal bird trapping in Cyprus Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000955/11 (EN) Cristian Silviu Buşoi (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Hungary crisis tax Joint answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-000956/11 (EN) Slavi Binev (NI) and Dimitar Stoyanov (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Violation of property rights in Serbia Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000957/11 (EN) Slavi Binev (NI) and Dimitar Stoyanov (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Violation of freedom to provide professional services in Belgium Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000958/11 (EN) Seán Kelly (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: EU banking supervision Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000959/11 (EN) Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Foods for Medical Purposes Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-000961/11 (EN) Edward McMillan-Scott (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — The case of missing Chinese Christian human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000962/11 (EN) Paul Nuttall (EFD) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Art — definition Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000964/11 (EN) George Lyon (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Second-generation bio-energy and rural development programmes in the new CAP Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000965/11 (EN) Pino Arlacchi (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: EC projects in Afghanistan Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011) C 286 E/52 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000966/11 (EN) Pino Arlacchi (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Mrs Bonino AIDCO complementary project in Afghanistan Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000967/11 (EN) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Carbon monoxide poisoning and the requirement for carbon monoxide detectors Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000968/11 (EN) Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Air pollution in Gibraltar Joint answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-000969/11 (EN) Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Missing persons Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-000970/11 (EN) Graham Watson (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: High Level Expert Group on the Dairy Sector Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000971/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Energy Commissioner and carbon capture and storage Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000972/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Carbon capture and sequestration development programme Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-000973/11 (EN) Vicky Ford (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Regulation of energy markets Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-000974/11 (EN) Vicky Ford (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Simplification of the Research Framework Programme Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000975/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Internally Displaced Persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Answer from the Commission (19 April 2011)

E-000976/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Credit card charges levied by airlines Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-000977/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) publicity rules Answer from the Commission (25 February 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/53


E-000978/11 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Consumers and alternative dispute resolution Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-000979/11 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Pig producers Answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-000980/11 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Relevant EU banking body Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-000981/11 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Counterfeiting of euro currency Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000982/11 (EN) Alan Kelly (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Ireland and the Waste Framework Directive Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000983/11 (FR) Catherine Grèze (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Subsidy for an extra-high voltage line in the eastern Pyrenees Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000984/11 (FR) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Home birth in Hungary: the fate of Agnes Geréb Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-000985/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: European Court of Justice ruling on Spanish capital gains tax imposed on non-residents being contrary to EU Law Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000986/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Funding for research on Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) and on other rare diseases Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000987/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EU trade negotiations Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-000988/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Bad weather and transport delays Joint answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-000989/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Finding raw materials and waste disposal Answer from the Commission (18 April 2011) C 286 E/54 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-000990/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Infringement procedures against Italy and other EU countries over aviation agreements with Russia Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-000991/11 (IT) Lorenzo Fontana (EFD) to the Council (15 February 2011) Subject: Failure by the Turkish delegation to the Council of Europe to support the resolution condemning violence against Christians Answer from the Council (27 May 2011)

E-000992/11 (NL) Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Cutting-off of Internet access and telephone connections in Egypt Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-000993/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Shortage of healthcare workers in the EU Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000994/11 (IT) Roberta Angelilli (PPE), Gianni Pittella (S&D), Mario Mauro (PPE), Carlo Casini (PPE), David-Maria Sassoli (S&D), Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD), Lara Comi (PPE), Licia Ronzulli (PPE), Barbara Matera (PPE), Giovanni Collino (PPE), Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE), Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE), Antonio Cancian (PPE), Carlo Fidanza (PPE), Alfredo Pallone (PPE), Vito Bonsignore (PPE), Salvatore Tatarella (PPE), Potito Salatto (PPE), Sergio Berlato (PPE), Marco Scurria (PPE), Tiziano Motti (PPE), Antonello Antinoro (PPE), Aldo Patriciello (PPE), Magdi Cristiano Allam (PPE), Iva Zanicchi (PPE), Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE), Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE), Clemente Mastella (PPE), Gabriele Albertini (PPE), Giovanni La Via (PPE), Cristiana Muscardini (PPE), Salvatore Iacolino (PPE), Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE), Herbert Dorfmann (PPE), Erminia Mazzoni (PPE), Sergio Paolo Frances Silvestris (PPE), Amalia Sartori (PPE), Francesco De Angelis (S&D), Guido Milana (S&D), Gianluca Susta (S&D), Silvia Costa (S&D), Debora Serracchiani (S&D), Mario Pirillo (S&D), Patrizia Toia (S&D), Lorenzo Fontana (EFD), Mara Bizzotto (EFD), Fiorello Provera (EFD), Giancarlo Scottà (EFD), Mario Borghezio (EFD), Vincenzo Iovine (ALDE), Giommaria Uggias (ALDE), Filip Kaczmarek (PPE), Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE), Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE), Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid (PPE), Manfred Weber (PPE), Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE), Anne Delvaux (PPE), Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE), Alejo Vidal-Quadras (PPE), Sari Essayah (PPE), Veronica Lope Fontagné (PPE), Marietta Giannakou (PPE), Joanna Katarzyna Skrzydlewska (PPE), Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE), Zuzana Roithová (PPE), Lena Kolarska-Bobińska (PPE), Frank Engel (PPE), Santiago Fisas Ayxela (PPE), Jim Higgins (PPE), Constance Le Grip (PPE), Elisabeth Morin-Chartier (PPE), Bernd Posselt (PPE), Esther Herranz García (PPE), Jean-Pierre Audy (PPE), Gabriel Mato Adrover (PPE), Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE), Roger Helmer (ECR), Richard Ashworth (ECR), Alan Kelly (S&D), Nick Griffin (NI), Slavi Binev (NI), Philip Claeys (NI), Dimitar Stoyanov (NI), Diane Dodds (NI), Frédérique Ries (ALDE), Robert Rochefort (ALDE), Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE), Jiří Maštálka (GUE/NGL), Sabine Verheyen (PPE), Philippe Juvin (PPE), Piotr Borys (PPE), Milan Zver (PPE) and Anna Záborská (PPE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Publication of the official EU diary for young people: violation of the principle of freedom of thought, opinion and religion Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/55


E-000995/11 (NL) Emine Bozkurt (S&D) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Abuse of copyright Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-000996/11 (PL) Paweł Robert Kowal (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Visit by the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, and EU values Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-000997/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) and Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewska (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Inhumane treatment of political prisoners in China Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-000998/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Alternative fuels Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-000999/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Conflicts and protests in Egypt Answer from the Commission (13 April 2011)

E-001000/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Risk of Islamisation in Tunisia and other Arab States Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001001/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Venezuela: threat of expropriation of BBVA branch Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001002/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Community patent's discriminatory language regime Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001003/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Agreement on liberalising EU‑Morocco trade in the agri-food and fisheries sectors Answer from the Commission (15 April 2011)

E-001004/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EU‑Morocco free trade agreement and the Western Sahara Joint answer from the Commission (14 June 2011)

E-001005/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EU support for Saharan refugee camps Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) C 286 E/56 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001006/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001007/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: European Emissions Trading System Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001008/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Health and safety at work in the mining industry Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001009/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Environmental rehabilitation of land affected by mining activity Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-001013/11 (ES) Maria Badia i Cutchet (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Mediterranean corridor and renewal of TEN-T programmes Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001014/11 (ES) Maria Badia i Cutchet (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Media pluralism: the Commission's strategy Answer from the Commission (11 April 2011)

E-001015/11 (DE) Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Implementing the separation of the European External Action Service from the Commission Answer from the Commission (5 July 2011)

E-001016/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Commission assessment of the progress of regional cooperation between partner countries in the Mediterranean area Answer from the Commission (14 April 2011)

E-001018/11 (EN) Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Harmonisation of amounts for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-001019/11 (EN) Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Impact of Traditional Herbal Medical Products Directive on the availability of herbal products and especially products from non-European traditions Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001020/11 (EN) Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Salt intake and other reduction targets Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001021/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: How Belgium's experience can help Europe address the dioxin crisis Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/57


E-001022/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Dairy sector: the Canadian contractual model Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

P-001023/11 (EN) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: EU-Morocco agreement concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures on agricultural products, processed agricultural products, fish and fishery products Joint answer from the Commission (14 June 2011)

E-001024/11 (DE) Thomas Ulmer (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: e-Health — results of the action plan and current developments Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001025/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: The artificial sweetener Aspartame Answer from the Commission (24 February 2011)

E-001026/11 (EN) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Oil and mining Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001027/11 (EN) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Consumer affairs Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2011)

E-001028/11 (EN) Andrew Henry William Brons (NI) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Cost of Turkish membership of the EU Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-001029/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Legislation on the import and captivity of wild-caught dolphins in Europe Joint answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-001030/11 (EN) Derek Roland Clark (EFD) to the Commission (16 February 2011) Subject: European City Guide Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001031/11 (EN) Derek Roland Clark (EFD) to the Commission (16 February 2011) Subject: Properties in Cyprus Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001032/11 (RO) Ioan Enciu (S&D) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Protecting the rights of persons with disabilities Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001038/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Preventive credit line Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011) C 286 E/58 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001039/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (9 February 2011) Subject: Killing and persecution of gay activists in Uganda Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-001040/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (9 February 2011) Subject: Killing and persecution of gay activists in Uganda Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-001043/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Campaign to protect the Spanish greyhound Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001044/11 (ES) Esther Herranz García (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Laying hens Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001045/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Air pollution in Madrid: failure to comply with Directive 2008/50/EC Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001046/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Nuisance being caused by the island apple snail Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001047/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Ecological flow for the Ebro river Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-001048/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Disciplinary proceedings — Annex IX, Article 9, of the EU Staff Regulations Joint answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-001049/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EUR 84.5 million deficit in the EU pension fund Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001051/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (10 February 2011) Subject: Disciplinary proceedings — Annex IX, Article 3, of the EU Staff Regulations Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-001052/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Disciplinary proceedings — Annex IX, Article 3, of the EU Staff Regulations Joint answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-001053/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Council (10 February 2011) Subject: Disciplinary proceedings — Annex IX, Article 23, of the EU Staff Regulations Answer from the Council (4 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/59


E-001054/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Disciplinary proceedings — Annex IX, Article 23, of the EU Staff Regulations Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001055/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Negative domino effect in the western Balkans Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001056/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Statements by Egemen Bağiş Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001057/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Agreement with Turkey: a dead letter Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001058/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EU-Turkey agreement Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-001059/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Legal provisions regarding sanctuary Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001060/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Operation of European agencies Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-001061/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: The practice of discarding catches Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-001062/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Repair of damage caused by flooding on the islands of Rhodes and Kos Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001063/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (16 February 2011) Subject: Teaching of Spanish in Greek schools Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001064/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Pressure exerted on the EU by US diplomatic authorities to promote genetically modified organisms Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001065/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Gold mining in Halkidiki and destruction of the environment and sustainable development in the region Answer from the Commission (18 April 2011) C 286 E/60 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001071/11 (EN) Claude Moraes (S&D) to the Council (16 February 2011) Subject: EU ban on the export of lethal injection drugs Answer from the Council (10 May 2011)

E-001072/11 (EN) Brian Simpson (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Long-distance transportation of horses to slaughter in Europe Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001073/11 (EN) Struan Stevenson (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Piracy caused by illegal dumping of waste in Somali waters Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001074/11 (EN) Diane Dodds (NI) to the Commission (16 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — European External Action Service Answer from the Commission (2 May 2011)

E-001075/11 (EN) Fiorello Provera (EFD) to the Council (10 February 2011) Subject: UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) — draft indictment concerning the assassination of Rafiq al‑Hariri Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

E-001076/11 (EN) Linda McAvan (S&D) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Higher ticket prices for non-Maltese EU citizens on Maltese public transport Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001077/11 (EN) Pablo Zalba Bidegain (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EU‑India free trade agreement and data exclusivity Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001078/11 (EN) Artur Zasada (PPE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Changes to restrictions on taking liquids, aerosols and gels on board aircraft Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-001079/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: The ‘social value’ of credit derivatives Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001080/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Formal EU recognition of major contributions to ecology Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001081/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: The legality of deceptive practices at auction sales Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/61


E-001082/11 (EN) Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: True levels of Greek government debt, and notification policies for both eurozone governments and banks purchasing gilts Answer from the Commission (28 April 2011)

E-001083/11 (EN) Vladko Todorov Panayotov (ALDE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: EU Emission Trading Scheme — sectors subject to an extra burden in a 30 % emission reduction scenario Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001086/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: School dropout rate in Spain — insufficient public spending on education Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001087/11 (CS) Pavel Poc (S&D) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Outcome of the European Commission's investigation into the border-police checks near the Czech-German border Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-001088/11 (DE) Karl-Heinz Florenz (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Failure to answer a complaint concerning a possible breach of the EIA Directive — Your ref: D (2007) ENV A2/TK/amj — 20243 Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001089/11 (DE) Knut Fleckenstein (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Noise reduction at Community airports: review of Directive 2002/30/EC Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001090/11 (DE) Joachim Zeller (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Electoral observation mission to Sudan: compensation for election assistants Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001091/11 (DE) Jutta Steinruck (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Wage dumping in local authorities in Germany Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001092/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) and Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Adoption of specific measures for the smaller Aegean islands concerning certain agricultural products: the case of Chios mastic Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001093/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Evacuation of Americans from Egypt Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011) C 286 E/62 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001094/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Humanitarian Aid for Australia Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001095/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Bringing education into line with the Community acquis Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001096/11 (EL) Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Energy links to remote islands Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001098/11 (FR) Frank Engel (PPE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Mutual recognition of vehicle roadworthiness tests in the European Union Answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-001099/11 (IT) Giovanni La Via (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: POSEI programme Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-001100/11 (IT) Rita Borsellino (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Structural Funds: Sicily region Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001101/11 (IT) Giancarlo Scottà (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Disbursement of CAP funds Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001102/11 (IT) Giancarlo Scottà (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: New cohesion policy: rural areas Answer from the Commission (1 April 2011)

E-001103/11 (IT) Giancarlo Scottà (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Novel foods Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001104/11 (IT) Lorenzo Fontana (EFD) to the Council (11 February 2011) Subject: Violation of religious freedom in Afghanistan: the cases of Said Musa and Shoaib Assadullah Musawi Answer from the Council (4 April 2011)

E-001105/11 (IT) Carlo Fidanza (PPE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Different treatment of the crimes of Communism Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001106/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: VAT rates and tax fraud: effects on competition Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/63


E-001107/11 (IT) Aldo Patriciello (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Rail accident in Germany: effectiveness of the ERA Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001108/11 (HU) Csanád Szegedi (NI) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: EU external border control and support for such control Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001109/11 (HU) Csanád Szegedi (NI) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Drug use: prevention and information in Europe Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-001110/11 (NL) Philip Claeys (NI) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Problems with negotiations on the Iron Rhine project Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-001111/11 (NL) Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Democratic control over the Codex Alimentarius (CA) Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-001112/11 (NL) Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Building frenzy on the Canary Islands Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001113/11 (NL) Cornelis de Jong (GUE/NGL), Emine Bozkurt (S&D), Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE) and Peter van Dalen (ECR) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Making illegal residence a criminal offence (1) Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001114/11 (NL) Cornelis de Jong (GUE/NGL), Emine Bozkurt (S&D), Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE) and Peter van Dalen (ECR) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Making illegal residence a criminal offence (2) Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001115/11 (NL) Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE), Renate Weber (ALDE) and Baroness Sarah Ludford (ALDE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Russia-Europol operational cooperation agreement Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001117/11 (PL) Konrad Szymański (ECR) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Polish HGVs prevented from entering Russia Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001118/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Cuba: Guillermo Fariñas arrested three times Answer from the Commission (13 April 2011)

E-001119/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Community funds: alleged pressure on schools from the Portuguese education ministry Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) C 286 E/64 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001120/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: VAT: new priorities — reduced rates on products for children Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001121/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Pig sector: 30% rise in feed prices in the space of six months Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-001122/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Aviation security — carrying liquids Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-001123/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Discrimination against HIV-positive patients in public hospitals in Portugal Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001124/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: ‘Problem’ German children and young people transferred to Portugal Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001125/11 (PT) Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Increase in price of diesel in Portugal owing to biofuel quota Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001126/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Imported saffron sold as a home-grown Spanish product Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001127/11 (RO) Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Crossborder cooperation Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001128/11 (NL) Daniël van der Stoep (NI) and Barry Madlener (NI) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Readmission agreement with Turkey Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001129/11 (NL) Daniël van der Stoep (NI) to the Council (11 February 2011) Subject: Follow-up question to Question E-9716/2010 Answer from the Council (25 March 2011)

P-001132/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (8 February 2011) Subject: Partial removal of the liquids ban Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-001135/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Failing to meet EU bioenergy targets Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/65


E-001136/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Cosmetic surgery standards Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001137/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Sports ban for right-wingers Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-001139/11 (EL) Chrysoula Paliadeli (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Protection of Egypt's cultural heritage Answer from the Commission (2 May 2011)

E-001140/11 (EL) Georgios Koumoutsakos (PPE) and Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Safe shipbreaking Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001141/11 (EN) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Environmental protection and ski resorts in Bulgaria Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001142/11 (EN) Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: The chipping of pet dogs Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001143/11 (EN) David Martin (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Implementation of the Cosmetics Directive Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2011)

E-001144/11 (EN) Ivo Belet (PPE) and Catherine Trautmann (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Bacteriophage therapy Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001146/11 (FR) Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Cyber attacks at state level Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-001148/11 (FR) Dominique Baudis (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Publicity for European cofinancing in the regions Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001149/11 (FR) Dominique Baudis (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Allocation of ENPI appropriations between the ENP East and ENP South Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001150/11 (FR) Agnès Le Brun (PPE) and Michel Dantin (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Pork sector crisis Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011) C 286 E/66 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001151/11 (FR) Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Abuse of derogations for banned pesticides Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001152/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Complete transition to renewable energies Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001153/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Next-generation solar power: night-time photovoltaics Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001154/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Recycled-metal ‘eco coins’ Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001155/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Research into counterfeiting Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001156/11 (IT) Giommaria Uggias (ALDE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Aid to ‘Marina Portisco Spa’ in Sardinia, Italy Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001157/11 (IT) Lorenzo Fontana (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Statements by the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan on Christianity in the EU Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001158/11 (NL) Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Accelerating licensing procedures for cross-border energy infrastructure Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-001159/11 (PL) Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Peaceful demonstrators detained in Russia Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001160/11 (PT) Diogo Feio (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: School dropout rate Answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-001161/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Negotiations with Mercosur Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001162/11 (FI) Ville Itälä (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Finland's national law on effluent Answer from the Commission (26 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/67


E-001165/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Intra-corporate transfers — legal competence Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001166/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Intra-corporate transfers — social policy implications Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001167/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Intra-corporate transfers — translation errors Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001168/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Nabucco partner countries Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001169/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Mor Gabriel monastery in Turkey — Supreme Court judgment: expropriation Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001170/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: New equal treatment directive — protected groups Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001171/11 (DE) Franz Obermayr (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: New equal treatment directive — definition and burden of proof Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001172/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Waste Management Answer from the Commission (15 April 2011)

E-001173/11 (EN) William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Wall between Greece and Turkey II Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001174/11 (EN) Seán Kelly (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Irish Communications Regulation Act 2010 Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001175/11 (EN) William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Wall between Greece and Turkey Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001176/11 (RO) Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: A common standard for mobile phone chargers Answer from the Commission (14 April 2011) C 286 E/68 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001178/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Reduction in renewable energy premiums in Spain Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-001179/11 (ES) Pilar Ayuso (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Irregularities in subsidies for digital television in Castilla-La Mancha Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-001180/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Agreement regulating the situation of cross-border workers Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001181/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Pollution levels in Sabadell Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001182/11 (ES) Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Workplace standards and quality of life for EU citizens in border regions Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001183/11 (DA) Bendt Bendtsen (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Failure to establish single points of contact and to provide forms in English Joint answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001184/11 (DE) Axel Voss (PPE) and Ernst Strasser (PPE) to the Council (14 February 2011) Subject: European Investigation Order and European Evidence Warrant Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-001185/11 (DE) Bernhard Rapkay (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Special Hungarian tax on the trade, energy and telecommunications sectors Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001186/11 (DE) Anja Weisgerber (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: The Toys Directive: limit values for heavy metals and the introduction of a quality label Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001187/11 (DE) Elisabeth Köstinger (PPE), Ernst Strasser (PPE) and Hella Ranner (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Account-opening procedures and combating Internet fraud Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001189/11 (EL) Kyriakos Mavronikolas (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Situation in Egypt Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001190/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Guarantee fund for the film industry Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/69


E-001191/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Technical cooperation agreement between Frontex and Turkey Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001192/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Turkey and the waiver of visa requirements Joint answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001193/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Instability in the Middle East Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001194/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Illegal works in a protected area as part of a co-funded project on Samos Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001195/11 (EN) Ashley Fox (ECR) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Political situation in Belarus Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001196/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Use of prohibited pesticides Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001197/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Energy efficiency in the European Union Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001198/11 (EN) Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Funding of research into off-patent medicines for children Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001199/11 (EN) Boris Zala (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Possibility of creating a standardised European identity card format for disabled citizens within the EU, reciprocally recognised by the Member States Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001200/11 (EN) Mary Honeyball (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Compensation for crime victims Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001201/11 (EN) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Minimum services from airports Joint answer from the Commission (23 February 2011)

E-001202/11 (EN) Kyriakos Mavronikolas (S&D) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Commission initiative for reducing carbon emissions Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) C 286 E/70 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001203/11 (EN) Marietje Schaake (ALDE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: Digital illiteracy Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001204/11 (FR) Constance Le Grip (PPE) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: The Commission's right of scrutiny over funding allocated by the European Investment Bank Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-001205/11 (IT) Sergio Berlato (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Alarming situation in Egypt Answer from the Commission (17 May 2011)

E-001206/11 (IT) Sergio Berlato (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Alarm over disappearances of bees in Europe Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001207/11 (IT) Lorenzo Fontana (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Construction of an electrical power plant at San Pietro di Morubio (Italy) Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001208/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Regulation of the number of third country seasonal workers Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001209/11 (LT) Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Provision for oversight in the proposal for a directive on conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001210/11 (PL) Filip Kaczmarek (PPE) to the Commission (15 February 2011) Subject: Arrest of Guillermo Farinasa Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-001211/11 (PT) João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Proposal for a Council decision on access to French Guyana's waters for Venezuelan fishing vessels Answer from the Commission (13 May 2011)

E-001213/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Egypt — current situation Answer from the Commission (20 April 2011)

E-001214/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Algeria — state of play Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001215/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Nematode infected by a virus gives researchers hope Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/71


E-001216/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Contribution of the Netherlands to the Community budget Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001217/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Attack in Moscow Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001218/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011)

Subject: CO 2 emissions permits Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001219/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (24 February 2011) Subject: German associations housing problem children and teenagers in Portugal Joint answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001220/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: State of affairs in Libya Answer from the Commission (14 April 2011)

E-001221/11 (IT) Roberta Angelilli (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Official diary of the European Union: information on the successful tenderer for the supply contract Joint answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001222/11 (NL) Frieda Brepoels (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Judgment by the European Court of Human Rights in the case of M.S.S. v Belgium and Greece Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001223/11 (EN) Syed Kamall (ECR) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Pharmidex's FP6 Grant Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

P-001224/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (10 February 2011) Subject: Environmental damage to Natura 2000 sites: planned expansion of Cerler ski resort Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001232/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Council (14 February 2011) Subject: Unpunished rape in India Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-001233/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Unpunished rape in India Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001234/11 (ES) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Air pollution in Madrid Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011) C 286 E/72 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001235/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Answer from the Commission (19 May 2011)

E-001236/11 (DE) Angelika Werthmann (NI) to the Commission (25 February 2011) Subject: The EU institutions' property policy Answer from the Commission (14 April 2011)

E-001237/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Assessment of security legislation Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-001238/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Godiac and the WKR ball Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001239/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Use of PNR data in combating drug trafficking Answer from the Commission (26 April 2011)

E-001240/11 (EL) Maria Eleni Koppa (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Provocative violations of Greek airspace and territorial waters in the Aegean Joint answer from the Commission (3 March 2011)

E-001241/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Results of a scientific study — presence of arsenic in microparticles in the Attica atmosphere Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001242/11 (EL) Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Agreements with Switzerland in the field of tax evasion Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001243/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Council (17 February 2011) Subject: International Agreement on the protection of the Prespa Park Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-001244/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: International Agreement on the protection of the Prespa Park Answer from the Commission (2 May 2011)

E-001245/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Results of Frontex presence on the border between Greece and Turkey Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001246/11 (EL) Anni Podimata (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Increasing block tariffs as an energy saving tool Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/73


E-001247/11 (EN) Andrew Henry William Brons (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Commissioners Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001248/11 (EN) Andrew Henry William Brons (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Discussion papers relating to the euro Answer from the Commission (27 April 2011)

E-001249/11 (EN) Andrew Henry William Brons (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: UK Government's emergency budget 2010-2 Answer from the Commission (2 March 2011)

E-001250/11 (EN) Andrew Henry William Brons (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Migrant Crime Answer from the Commission (28 February 2011)

E-001251/11 (EN) Kay Swinburne (ECR) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Price of domestic heating oil Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001252/11 (EN) Kay Swinburne (ECR) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: EU diaries Answer from the Commission (1 March 2011)

E-001253/11 (EN) Kay Swinburne (ECR) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: European Arrest Warrant Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001254/11 (EN) Kay Swinburne (ECR) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Salaries of EU staff Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001255/11 (EN) Linda McAvan (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Delayed Publishing of Indoor Air Quality Report Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001257/11 (FR) Dominique Baudis (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Possibilities offered by the EU for the organisation of a cultural festival on the history of aviation Answer from the Commission (8 March 2011)

E-001258/11 (NL) Lucas Hartong (NI) and Daniël van der Stoep (NI) to the Council (25 February 2011) Subject: Provision of emergency aid in Pakistan by the terrorist organisation Jamaat e Dawa Answer from the Council (28 April 2011)

E-001259/11 (PT) Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Unsatisfactory conditions in EU zoos Joint answer from the Commission (4 March 2011) C 286 E/74 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001260/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Delays in payment of aid to farmers hit by forest fires Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001261/11 (PT) Nuno Melo (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Eurostat data — unemployment Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001266/11 (ES) Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Women in institutions Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001267/11 (DE) Axel Voss (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Collection of noise-differentiated track access charges under the Railway Package Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001268/11 (EL) Konstantinos Poupakis (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Compensation for citizens — users of public transport Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001269/11 (EL) Spyros Danellis (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Crisis in the EU's olive oil sector Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-001270/11 (EN) Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Domestic violence against men Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001271/11 (EN) Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: ACCC findings regarding public participation in the Mochovce 3 and 4 NPP project Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001273/11 (EN) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Conscientious Objection in Greece Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001274/11 (EN) Jill Evans (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (25 February 2011) Subject: Transboundary movement of GMOs Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011)

E-001275/11 (EN) Fiorello Provera (EFD) and Charles Tannock (ECR) to the Commission (24 February 2011) Subject: Palestinian police officers torturing prisoners in the West Bank Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001276/11 (EN) Robert Sturdy (ECR) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Transport of live animals Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/75


E-001278/11 (IT) Debora Serracchiani (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Refugees in Sinai Answer from the Commission (7 April 2011)

E-001279/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Damage caused by illegal goods entering the market Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001280/11 (IT) Cristiana Muscardini (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: 100 huskies killed in Canada Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001281/11 (IT) Iva Zanicchi (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Stricter rules on the preservation and consumption of raw fish Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001282/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Risks associated with eating meat from cloned animals Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001283/11 (PT) Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Postal services Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001285/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Homelessness Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001286/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Funding for research in off-patent medicines for children Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-001287/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Directive 1999/62/EC Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001288/11 (GA) Liam Aylward (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Funding employment and social inclusion in EU regional areas Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-001289/11 (IT) Iva Zanicchi (PPE) and Salvatore Iacolino (PPE) to the Council (14 February 2011) Subject: Combating match fixing in European football Answer from the Council (13 April 2011)

E-001290/11 (IT) Iva Zanicchi (PPE), Salvatore Iacolino (PPE), Marco Scurria (PPE), Carlo Fidanza (PPE), Seán Kelly (PPE), Gay Mitchell (PPE), Santiago Fisas Ayxela (PPE), Piotr Borys (PPE), Cătălin Sorin Ivan (S&D) and Marc Tarabella (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Match fixing in European football Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011) C 286 E/76 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001291/11 (IT) Licia Ronzulli (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Non-completion of schooling by children with disabilities Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001292/11 (SV) Åsa Westlund (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Use of paraquat Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001293/11 (EN) David Martin (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: EU-Cariforum EPA — Market access provisions for entertainment services Joint answer from the Commission (10 May 2011)

E-001294/11 (EN) David Martin (S&D) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: EU-Cariforum EPA — Protocol on Cultural Cooperation Joint answer from the Commission (10 May 2011)

E-001295/11 (EN) Gerard Batten (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Payments to the EU budget Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001296/11 (EN) Gerard Batten (EFD) to the Commission (25 February 2011) Subject: Galileo Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011)

E-001297/11 (EN) Gerard Batten (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Croatia's entry to the EU Joint answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001298/11 (EN) Gerard Batten (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Cost of Croatia's entry to the EU Joint answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001299/11 (EN) Gerard Batten (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Bank of England Nominees Ltd Answer from the Commission (16 March 2011)

E-001300/11 (DE) Axel Voss (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: European website Answer from the Commission (8 April 2011)

E-001301/11 (EN) Chris Davies (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Commission ‘cover up’ on tar sands Answer from the Commission (18 February 2011)

E-001302/11 (DE) Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Re-advertising of ambassador posts Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/77


E-001303/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) and Ioannis A. Tsoukalas (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Abolition of information technology as a secondary school subject Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001304/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Recycling of street waste Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001305/11 (PT) Nuno Teixeira (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Possible consequences of the political crisis in Egypt for the EU's energy supply Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001306/11 (IT) Claudio Morganti (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Problems encountered by disabled job-seekers Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001307/11 (IT) Claudio Morganti (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Crisis situation in Tunisia and Egypt Answer from the Commission (18 April 2011)

E-001308/11 (DA) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Justice and home affairs: corruption Answer from the Commission (15 March 2011)

E-001309/11 (DA) Jens Rohde (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Agricultural policy Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011)

E-001310/11 (DE) Martin Ehrenhauser (NI) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Ad-hoc requests by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001311/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Wikileaks and the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001312/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: University asylum in Greece Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001313/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Greece: repurchase of government bonds Joint answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001314/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Greece: repurchase of bonds Joint answer from the Commission (6 April 2011) C 286 E/78 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001315/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Protecting Europe's southern borders Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001316/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Capacity-building in South Sudan Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001317/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Review of EU programme for Tunisia Joint answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001318/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Unprecedented alarm over food prices Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001319/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Development of geothermal energy in East Africa Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001320/11 (IT) Oreste Rossi (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Negative impact of marine energy on ocean fauna Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001321/11 (FR) Véronique Mathieu (PPE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Monitoring the financial management of agencies Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-001322/11 (NL) Corien Wortmann-Kool (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Introduction of motorway charging in Belgium Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001325/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: European Globalisation Adjustment Fund and the printed press Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001326/11 (EL) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (23 February 2011) Subject: Legislation on European certification standards for organic detergents and cosmetics Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001327/11 (EN) Jim Higgins (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Ban on the use of animals for testing cosmetic ingredients Joint answer from the Commission (7 March 2011)

E-001328/11 (EN) Marina Yannakoudakis (ECR) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Annual Limb Loss Day Answer from the Commission (17 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/79


E-001329/11 (FR) Véronique Mathieu (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: EU policy for the High North Answer from the Commission (11 April 2011)

E-001330/11 (IT) Elisabetta Gardini (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Security in the EU institutions Answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-001331/11 (EN) Paul Nuttall (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: EU funding to Friends of the Earth (UK) Joint answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-001332/11 (EN) Paul Nuttall (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: EU funding for Friends of the Earth Europe Joint answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-001333/11 (EN) Paul Nuttall (EFD) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: EU funding for Oxfam Answer from the Commission (13 April 2011)

E-001334/11 (EN) Kay Swinburne (ECR) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Application of the EU Directive on VAT to golfing facilities Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001335/11 (EN) Derek Vaughan (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: EU procurement rules Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001336/11 (EN) Derek Vaughan (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Definition of urban areas within the context of cohesion policy Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001337/11 (FR) Michèle Rivasi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (14 February 2011) Subject: Pharmacovigilance: medicinal products for human use that are currently subject to a risk management plan or very close monitoring in Europe Answer from the Commission (22 March 2011)

E-001339/11 (EN) Michail Tremopoulos (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Greek zoos Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001340/11 (DE) Birgit Sippel (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Short-wave radio signal reception in the vicinity of PLT modems Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011) C 286 E/80 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001341/11 (DE) Klaus-Heiner Lehne (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Polish pension payments to pensioners living abroad Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001342/11 (EL) Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Dealing with tax havens Answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-001343/11 (NL) Barry Madlener (NI) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Turkey again undermining sanctions against Iran Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001344/11 (EN) Tomasz Piotr Poręba (ECR) to the Commission (11 February 2011) Subject: International assistance in the investigation into the Polish presidential plane crash in Smolensk under Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and the Council Joint answer from the Commission (14 February 2011)

E-001347/11 (DA) Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: VP/HR — Arrests in East Jerusalem Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001348/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Implementation of Directive 2002/46/EC — setting maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals for use in food supplements Preliminary joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011) Supplementary joint answer from the Commission (7 June 2011)

E-001349/11 (EN) Julie Girling (ECR) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Spinal cord removal in lambs Answer from the Commission (9 March 2011)

E-001350/11 (EN) Marian Harkin (ALDE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Maximum permitted levels (MPLs) for vitamins and minerals in food supplements Preliminary joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011) Supplementary joint answer from the Commission (7 June 2011)

E-001351/11 (ES) Willy Meyer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Zarra (Valencia, Spain) as a potential site for a centralised temporary storage facility for high- level nuclear waste Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011)

E-001352/11 (RO) Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: EU strategy for cloud computing Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/81


E-001354/11 (RO) Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Renewable energies Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001355/11 (EL) Marietta Giannakou (PPE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Institutional role of Member States' central banks and the economic crisis Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001356/11 (EL) Marietta Giannakou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Commission initiatives on the corporate governance of financial institutions Answer from the Commission (12 April 2011)

E-001357/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Recognition by Member State authorities of qualifications obtained in other Member States Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001358/11 (EL) Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Proceedings and sentences against Greece for delays in transposing EU law into national law and fines imposed by the European Court of Justice as a result Answer from the Commission (30 March 2011)

E-001359/11 (EL) Georgios Koumoutsakos (PPE) and Georgios Papanikolaou (PPE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Shoddy workmanship in the restoration of the church of Hagia Sophia Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001360/11 (EL) Georgios Papastamkos (PPE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Grants awarded by the State Scholarships Foundation Answer from the Commission (21 March 2011)

E-001365/11 (DA) Britta Thomsen (S&D) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Free Internet access in the EU Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001366/11 (EN) Roger Helmer (ECR) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Residential rights in Latvia Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001367/11 (EN) Jan Březina (PPE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Digitisation process related to the EU's Europeana online library Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011) C 286 E/82 Official Journal of the European Union EN 30.9.2011 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/QP-WEB

E-001368/11 (EN) Jan Březina (PPE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Weaknesses of the EU's emission trading scheme Answer from the Commission (10 March 2011)

E-001369/11 (EN) Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Asymmetric approval of GMO crops Answer from the Commission (18 March 2011)

E-001370/11 (EN) Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Banking of credits from HFC and N2O projects into phase three of the EU ETS Answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001371/11 (EN) Elizabeth Lynne (ALDE) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Parliament's report on demographic change Answer from the Commission (28 March 2011)

E-001372/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Ultimate boundaries of the EU Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001373/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Allegiance of citizens — 2 Answer from the Commission (6 April 2011)

E-001374/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Behavioural data Answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001375/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Climate change Answer from the Commission (5 April 2011)

E-001376/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Commission's call for more migrants — 2 Answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001377/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Common energy taxes Answer from the Commission (14 March 2011)

E-001378/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: European Court rulings II Answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001379/11 (EN) Nick Griffin (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) Answer from the Commission (31 March 2011) 30.9.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 286 E/83


E-001436/11 (EN) Frédérique Ries (ALDE), Alojz Peterle (PPE), Dan Jørgensen (S&D), Corinne Lepage (ALDE) and Michèle Rivasi (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (17 February 2011) Subject: Huge increase in derogations for unauthorised use of pesticides in 2010 Joint answer from the Commission (23 March 2011)

E-001465/11 (DE) Andreas Mölzer (NI) to the Commission (18 February 2011) Subject: Religious freedom and protection for minorities in Turkey — expropriation of a Christian monastery Joint answer from the Commission (24 March 2011)

E-001518/11 (DA) Christel Schaldemose (S&D) to the Commission (23 February 2011) Subject: Single points of contact in the Member States Joint answer from the Commission (4 April 2011)

E-001525/11 (EL) Niki Tzavela (EFD) to the Commission (23 February 2011) Subject: Egypt, Tunisia and Albania Joint answer from the Commission (25 March 2011)

E-001821/11 (IT) Antonio Cancian (PPE) to the Commission (23 February 2011) Subject: Official diary of the European Union: information on the successful tenderer for the supply contract Joint answer from the Commission (11 March 2011)

E-002289/11 (EL) Georgios Koumoutsakos (PPE) to the Commission (14 March 2011) Subject: EU-Turkey agreement on readmission of illegal immigrants Joint answer from the Commission (29 March 2011)

E-002315/11 (FR) José Bové (Verts/ALE) to the Commission (15 March 2011) Subject: Agreement between the EU and Morocco on liberalisation measures for agricultural and fishery products Joint answer from the Commission (14 June 2011)