

Spiritual Wave of Neo- and Global


eo-Vedanta is the classical Vedanta further decline of . Sri modified for the modern times. Sri was personified and he was born for NRamakrishna and Holy Mother from the holistic good of humanity by shedding behind the scene and, more appropriately new light in the realm of religion and from the centre stage, . He came to help others attain played the key roles in bringing Neo- liberation and to stop religious conflicts and Vedanta to the doorsteps of people since the degradation of humanity by preaching the last decade of the 19th century. Swamiji eternal —‘As many , so many preached Neo-Vedanta for the first time at Paths’. This was broadcast to the the World Parliament of in 1893. world magnificently by his worthy disciple, Neo-Vedanta deals explicitly with Swami Vivekananda. The Holy Mother, Sri religion that takes care of peace at the Sarada , from behind the scene, acted as individual level as well as at the collective the lifeline of this Neo-Vedantic spiritual level. So, essentially it speaks about the wave and thus this Movement started. The harmony of all religions and global peace. torch is now carried by the Right after Swamiji’s Address, and the Ramakrishna a spiritual wave has been generated and is Mission. of being propagated continuously with has also been playing the same role everincreasing intensity, which is felt and since 1954. experienced throughout the globe and this Neo-Vedanta is categorically telling us wave unequivocally states that all that the same Truth is being expressed by , nay the entire creation as such, are dualism, qualified non-dualism and non- the manifestations of the One and only One dualism. In no way they are contradictory; Supreme Intelligence. This Neo-Vedantic these three are different stages of the same spiritual tide, I believe, will sooner or later Truth and any quarrel in this regard is simply act as the fulcrum of global peace. uncalled for. The world is now witnessing the This wave was set in motion by Sri manifestation of this overwhelming spiritual Ramakrishna who had a spiritual mission to power and the true believers in the ultimate the world. He had noticed the waning of good are experiencing religion as an object of spirituality in the world and understood that immediate knowledge. Even science is now the vast repository of his spiritual knocking at the door of the abiding principle experiences and power would act as the of Oneness and the Ultimate Truth. This dynamic source of global peace and avert a growing sense of Oneness is the panacea for

28 Bulletin of the Institute of Culture  March 2019 SPIRITUAL WAVE OF NEO-VEDANTA AND GLOBAL PEACE

global peace. Unity in diversity is the buzz- spiritual knowledge makes a fusion of word here. Western thoughts with those of the Orient. Neo-Vedanta is now showing the world Swamiji’s teachings thus reveal to us the this transcendental idea of Oneness amidst of religion that is universally apparent diversity and emphasizes that this appealing. In fact, this Vedantic religion idea has to be practised in our everyday life ingresses into the sanctum sanctorum irrespective of our nationality and religion. of Divinity by transcending infinite array This catholicity is very often visible in an of ideas. individual who in the Ramakrishna- Since was caused by the Vivekananda Movement. venom of excessive materialism and Neo-Vedanta is not limited to any affluence in the West, the scientific non-dual particular , , country, Vedanta seemed to attract the Westerners, nation, or religion; it does not have any especially the anti- intelligentsia, who ethnicity barrier. The idea is unique as it started following the stream cascading down breaks all narrow barriers and finds a cord of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. unity. It supports , , devotion and Conversely, in the East, it was of utmost knowledge. However, Swami Vivekananda necessity to weed out abject poverty and had a distinct that the present-day hunger and increase the literacy rate of the society of all nations will embrace Karma millions. This fusion of two diverse Yoga as the path because it is suited to this necessities in two parts of the world is age. The society has been heading in this Swamiji’s Neo-Vedanta. Vedanta usually direction since Swamiji’s time and this teaches mental renunciation, non- proves the correctness of his vision and attachment, dispassion and universal divine understanding. However, there must not be . Neo-Vedanta of Swamiji works quietly any misgivings about Sri Ramakrishna’s and plants high-powered seeds in the psyche teachings and the path shown by Swamiji. which sprout afterwards to transform the There is no deviation and chink in the society. The Ramakrishna-Vivekananda current path being followed by the believers Vedanta legacy is a phenomenon per se in of Neo-Vedanta as propounded by Swamiji. the present-day world that does not try to The principal finding of Neo-Vedanta make superficial and cosmetic reforms; centres on the realization that the Divine is rather it reforms the inner core of the seen and manifested everywhere. This is the humanity at large. crux of the whole of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Neo-Vedanta says that ‘religion is Mother and Swamiji’s Neo-Vedanta realization’, no verbose talking, no empty Movement. It is this spirit of universal love articulation of words, no doctrines or for all and Oneness that can usher in global theories. It stresses that ‘religion is being peace. Neo-Vedanta avers that individual and becoming’, not merely hearing lectures are just integral parts of One and only and discourses in a nicely organized One Cosmic , ie the Supreme seminar, workshop or conference; changing Intelligence. oneself into what one believes is what is A spiritual awakening is required to required. This Vedanta inspires one to serve understand this concept of Oneness. Neo- others as a means of and Vedanta awakens this spirituality. This eases one’s path of realizing the presence of

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the Supreme Intelligence in all creatures; in these two angelic personalities are the other words it helps us to have the vision of architects of the spiritual roadway Oneness in everything and everyone. It connecting . There is teaches us to transform work into by hardly any dimension of human development looking upon all beings as manifestations of which escapes their all-piercing insight and the Divine. vision. They have offered the humanity the Neo-Vedanta is now dealing with constructive ideas for creating a peaceful human problems of global dimension. The world. Their dynamic message of world has verily become a global village is based on the Vedantic vision of the innate now, thanks to the enormous advances in divinity of all beings. It is necessary in communication, transportation as well as modern times for all policyframers to imbibe migration of people from one end of the this profound message for forging a fruitful globe to the other. Local problems now and happy human relationship among people affect the whole world. Thus the possibility under their control and governance. Several of worldwide conflicts becomes more and nations have now got political freedom. But more acute with inevitable ominous effects. this freedom is yet to energize the vast The Neo-Vedantic thoughts are useful to masses of submerged and marginalized curb these threats by inculcating in all the people and enable them to take a dignified spirit of Oneness. This in turn is supposed to place in the mainstream of national and make living more and more peaceful and international life. facilitate a sustainable development The Vedanta of Sri throughout the world. Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda fills us, the lesser mortals, with courage to Results rededicate ourselves to the service of human The Neo-Vedantic Movement has beings everywhere. The contemporary world already, directly or indirectly, made all is ridden by a host of crisis like insufficient religions more and more tolerant and liberal, agricultural productivity, high maternal and much to the chagrin of the fundamentalists. infant mortality rates, low status of women A sense of Oneness is on the rise all over the in general, gross violation of human , world due to this Neo-Vedantic Movement. spiralling corruption and scam, spectre of This has also resulted in the upsurge of a hunger stalking people across several spiritual wave making individuals more and continents and starvation deaths, and the more inclined towards spiritual and neglect of the underprivileged masses, to , again much to the discomfort of the name a few. This situation has now reached atheists and agnostics. Neo-Vedanta to an alarming state because of disparity and disapproves of racism, ethnic prejudices, maldistribution of goods and services. casteism as well as undue exploitation of the The highly educated policymakers and environment, flora and fauna. administrators are often failing to uplift The Ramakrishna-Vivekananda millions of suffering people. Movement is the confluence of the Oriental is required to redress this unhealthy and and Occidental, the past and the , sordid situation. Selfish tendencies generated tradition and modernity, and religion and by the present-day education are the principal science. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda— for this deplorable situation. People

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of heart, and not the ruthless intellectuals, are educated. Education must create a new class required. People of heart can only feel for the of people with rather than underprivileged people. Modern-day intellectual abilities alone so that the world education is spelling dangerous consequences can experience peace and sustainable human everywhere resulting in widening political, development. economic, social and cultural divides. The world, even though with many Vedanta proclaims the divine of every deficiencies, has now been squeezed into a individual and this must be ingrained into the village from economic, political, social and education system of the world. This cultural points of view. This is good in a education will make the youths strong, way. But this cannot be sustained for fearless and of good character. Sri peaceful living of the human race as a whole Ramakrishna-Swami Vivekananda antidote to without having spiritual enlightenment. The this problem is that the youth should have inherent harmony among different nationals in themselves, have courage and and religions has to be understood and strength to act and adhere to truth. All these promoted. The indelible mark left behind by are based upon the idea of the divinity of all Swami Vivekananda has to be carried individuals. Only life-building and character- forward for our sustainable development. making assimilation of Neo-Vedantic ideas International peace and unity among nations can help the individuals to become are possible only through cooperation. A responsible citizens. It should not be new world order is perhaps on the anvil forgotten that due to the absence of character which will eliminate aggression, coercion based on our inherent divinity that one and conflict among nations. Thus the bigger person exploits the other. Not only the and more powerful nations will be forced to oppressed but also the oppressor, the come out of hegemony and cooperate with exploited as well as the exploiter, become smaller nations striving for socio-economic bereft of human dignity. Political freedom survival; and this is possible only through a of several nations is yet to awaken people Vedantic call from the and transform them into dignified beings propounded by Swamiji. The solidarity of worthy of the legacy of the divinity inherent the universe is to be ensured and this is in the man. possible only through love and not hatred, The , irrespective of political for only the spirit of Oneness pervades the systems, are often plagued by the bane of entire universe. This is the bridge of fixing privileges conferred by wealth, caste, the chinks or the yawning gaps and chasms religion and education. Vedanta does not between people, viewpoints and feelings. No sanction this privilege to anyone on any amount of force, bulldozing, governmental basis whatsoever. Vedanta breaks down the and legislative bestiality, but the ethical and idea of privilege by enlightening us about spiritual culture through constructive action the divine which is equally present in us all. instead is the panacea for collective welfare This awakening is a firm bulwark against all and uplift of the human race. repressive measures which always disturb Human development means going to the the functioning of a peaceful society. Light roots of things and the problems baffling the of Vedanta is essential for the poor and the entire humanity. For this We must rise from ignorant, but more so for the rich and the (Continued to page 41)

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