Calvin, Mystical Union, and Spirituality
CALVIN’S MYSTICISM 183 CALVIN, MYSTICAL UNION, AND SPIRITUALITY Clive S. Chin* Mysticism in John Calvin? This question comes somewhat as a surprise to those who are familiar with Calvin studies. In fact, the issue of mysticism in Calvin has prompted one writer to ask: “Gibt es in der Theologie des Genfer Reformators einen ‘mystischen’ Grundzug, der seine oft—wie man meint—‘gesetzlichen’ Ansichten konterkariert?”1 Böttger’s question raises not only the possible existence of a mystical strain, but also an inherent tension — between the warm, mystical side and the cold, logical side — in the Reformer’s theology. Indeed, older portraits of Calvin in the secondary literature of the past century have often depicted a cold, austere, rigid, logical dogmatician devoid of the experiential dimension of religious faith. 2 More recently, as if to correct this caricature and underscore the preferred softened portrait of a warm, personal, and experiential Calvin, a few writers make the bold claim to have identified alleged mystical strains in Calvin’s theology. One particular strain concerns Calvin’s use of the “unio mystica” element in his writings. 3 This essay seeks to *Rev. Dr. Clive S. Chin, Ph.D., is Full-Time Lecturer of Systematic Theology at TTGST. Prior to joining the faculty, he served as a pastor in the U.S.A. for over seventeen years. His research interests include Biblical theology, Prolegomena (theological methods), Reformation thought (Calvin), and Christian spirituality. 1Paul Christoph Böttger, “Gott, der Brunnquell aller Güter: gibt es einen ‘mystischen’ Grundzug in der Theologie Calvins?” in Reformiertes Erbe: Festschrift für Gottfried W.
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