1 General Assembly Security Council T

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1 General Assembly Security Council T UNWED NATIONS .-. __c-. - __.._ .._ ._._ ---- -.._ - _ -- _-.- __- ___. Distr. 1 General Assembly Security Council GENERAL t A/40/039 S/l7604 1 November 1985 ORIGINAL, ENGLISH GENERAL ASSEMBLY SECURITY COUNCIL Fortieth session Fortieth year Agenda items 35 and 131 OOLICIES OF APARTHEID OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA DEVELOPMENT AND STRENGTHENING OF Q)OD-NEIGHBOURLINESS BE’lWEEN STATES Letter dated 31 October 1985 from the Permanent Representative of Mozambique to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General I have the honour to submit photocopies of ewtracts, as well as their translation from documents seized from armed bandits in Gotongoza, Sofala Province. A/ These documents clearly confirm the continuing support the bandits are receiving from South Africa in flagrant violation ot the Agreement on Bon-Aggression and Good Neighbourliness signed between my Government and the Government of South Africa on 16 March 1984. At the request of my Government, I should be most grateful if you would have these documents circulated as an official document ot the General Assembly, under items 35 and 131, and of the Security Council. (Signed) Manuel DOS SANTOS Ambassador Permanent Representative Y Available in English only. 85-30573 1506~ (E) / . ANNEX 30. FRIDAY Soldlwe to be eva UJO ted from the Interior a bras d South of Maputo (Reoupp. 1 to ta ks .a ConventIona I Forcea owy’ea; engaged 11, 1977, 78, 79, 80, 81. 8y sea; 100 ~0808 M.AK 47 t.brth - 100 zone ss la ioma Centre - 29 QLmd but aI& II Decene (River Terrbe) South - 26D II Manhongarte II Msorab With at least 2nd claao upwarda II UC0 (River Maputo) between Ihe agee of I5 to 3120. Speak to C. 5. Soulh One, two or three flroo, In Ilne wlth what wao decided end agreed. 4t IhO top of tlm page: 26/fj/t33 flight to RSA JANUARY I984 12/J/84 flight lo +bza mbtquo o/e/es Iht for RSA 22/e/94 at J I to Moramblque II. WEDNESDAY f;$$;4 fllsht ,to RSA rwat to hloza mbiqua H.E.recelves Vanlke and J&any wlth the 26/S 05 ftlght to Mozambjquo - Charlea Sea-eta ry Genera 1 to dea I wllh orga n1z.d / fllsht to Mozomblque - Louis t.JeJel lIonal matters and the substance was es :$,:55 flight to RSA - Loule &I followe: 2/7/85 f~klht to Ab2smblque - Loul* &I 3/7/es f&W to RSA - Ldule t+l I. Release of all the Ruselenn, at S. A.% re”uesI, for diploma tic re& 27 TUESDAY 2. .Ev2.0nflr~ I:0 totat eupport to Ronem until the total ellmlnetlon of Mechel. 3, SA, under pressure from $0 USA, ‘will ICD ooldlere musl be !ra Ined kr the prd- ensure negotla tione between Ma chel dentla I guard and Renem~ before I’JOVOWOP. 50 aoldlw• 4111 a Iso.come from lhe women - detachment 16. MONDAY H.E. receives colonel Charlie and the volun- teer at 1O.OOl-l. Dting to the underte king Iha t the South African6 wlll make to Ma chel In the light of the talks under way, resupply for the first 6 month6 of 84 ~lll corn6 In the first monlhs: 5DO pallets In a tota I of 25 resupplies apart from the resupplies In January 84. JANUARY The team of Soulh Africsls goes to La mbezla at the end of January - purpose to tre in soldlers: la WEDNESDAY 100 Instructors 200 soldier6 - conventiona I wa rfa r*. 3 DFS were picked and informed to take a pry Pa- chutlhg course: Lleutenant Joanne asks to be a member of Reslg tance, the t I6 an officer In our r’anks MarlIla *hanIce - C/Zone Joa na Arm6 ndo - Platoon Chlef Helena Antonio - Chlef Written In the me rsln: They will be Ihe first DFS in the Organiretlon South-5 DZ ; Centre - ?DZ; North - 3 DZ. to take the a hove mentloned course. It wa6 decided by h1ghe.r aulhorlty that the Now them 601~ chief of staff, C/Denlel should go !o the lnterlor with the followlng a Im: On beha If of the Commander-In-Chief to accom pa ny the group of South African fnstru~lors a t the end of January; esta bllsh liaison between the lnslructors and our commanders. ‘. TMLRSDAY 25. WEDNESDAY t-i. E. aska LETT’Lleutenanl for 12.7 mm and On 30. I.84 there wltl be 3 resupplies In the SAM 7 weapons for the Northern Zone, It was Southern Zone - lnha mba me: a greed that at the end of January 84, an II ir,- craft will go to Botoro DL In Gurue - Malerlel 02 - lago Pofu - Gato for Niassa - Tlgre. And another a lrcra ft for DL - B/General Henrlques - Gaze Viola - Maga nja da Costa. DZ - C/Maputo - Tlgre The group of 25Ct for Maputo sat off on 26&?/84 On 4.2.84 3 reeupptles: from Jonnen. 2 In the Centre: I. DZ - John Kupenga 2. Dt JANJAJW I resupply for Maputo. On 9.2.84 there will be 3 resupplies for at. SATLRDAY 28 mbezla . Colonel Vanlkav went to Malawl to talk to Pre- JANUARY sidenl Banda about the Russians and to take them to RSA. At the rquest of Prime Mlnlster Rotha. Thip .declslon was a matter of dlsagrek 28 SATURDAY men1 with Renamo, since they did not give prior khowledge. The South African team 8ntng to Zambeeia : Colonel JAM.lARY Etuico Jakson Volunteer Joanh a3 MONDAY Boat speclatist a doctors with Daniel Poe The Soviets leave today from B/R No. 8 West IO of our instructors for LoJas de Tenganl where they will be freed. Total of 18 people The volunteer prom&d to take anti-aircraft to Zambezla. 11 ‘ruESbAY Programme for our frlende tn Zamt&ta. FgBRUARY 4 SATURDAY PEBRUARY ‘The 1st resupply-of the year : at the ? or Lake Pofu, DZ at the genera3 South tnhambane and at the DZ 1 WEDNESDAY of c/Maputa In North tnbambane. The operations proceeded normally. Commandant Deniel’s duties In Zambszla : Written in the margin : 3 Gato Region - Southlnhambane FEBRUARY Tigre Region - North lnhambane 3 resupplies on 5/Z/84 2 THURSDAY 10. Our fighters must not talk to the people about our friends, so that the enemy should not find out; in FEBRUARY the event of our friends being seen by the people,it will be the fighters’ duty to inform the people that lhey are the captured Russians. 5 SUNDAY 11. Inform our fighters that our friends are or came from England. Written in the margin : 12. Our friends must always speak English and no1 Rr$upply on 5/Z/04 Afrikaans, to avoid the soldiers finding out, as we have many fighters who were formerly workers in RSA. FEBRUARY FRRRUARY TUESDAY 11 SAT’URDAY H.E. kft for Ret&a at IShO with the m General rot tdlm rltb UK south African genara& at their Lvitath. FlMIdrcnppfta: 23nla4 - eexa Themeetiqwiththegeserdrttkdtheammau@ksr 25/2/64 - hqpfot8luedmbec8uaesAiago&gtomtopgivlq~ 27/2m - ET- 26/2/04 - But only *a Sauth Afrhn military have thh atrqgth, 4/3/84 - z rhueFikBotJutheFanfenYkIst~h~~~the 4/3/a4 - zembexk South Afrian poUtI- to - Resmmo. He Ia 7/3/a4 - 11/j/84 - flmctlonlng ea If he 1.8 l rime for the Bovkt unlal. 14/3/s4 -’ ldmmbme Andlteeeamtokgawdked --Y--Imts Apart from these thfwe uUl be at&r extras by Dakota to mbandal UNtTA and er= lndepcndeece to SWAFO. fartbesatdosaveutlicbuBlcaIty1aobexesofemmuuition eachtime. m?uarmate?ialttmtuiRkcarrkdiuehest~: 4279 boxes aumnmtttan AR 47 x 136@ FEBRUARY 210boxesnmmtmitiaaG.3xlBttOb 1730 AR 47s 68ObOXtB~6OdKRSI1Osbdls 8 WEDNESDAY 6aoboxesm.81&dfsx4stdk 11oboxesmntI-carmimrsxsmInex ResupplybyshipIscrpcctedsoonatBa~dcYColuine 1112 boxes RPG’I KDdcets 16 820tioxese4da5Ive020kg 3sns/1927 31boxe3medt~x1OOkg 60 JQtci~ta 40 tam of material Eachresq~lyuiBcarrg41-60;4Ms81; 4MJHaad30RPG7 -d-m written at the top a FEBRUARY 1OOpiStQkWitb1BtiBbdktScachUiBdSogoOCaWlgOS wrhteo at the tog : L&o Re#m Eait Zambeda 10 FRIDAY Raupply an 812i04 Resq@y by boat et Cuteahe BayuiRbeaR10-3-81east0f -ma. RadIotrmlsmIsaion-. In Namibia. * ,, 8, II ,,,,.,,, ,.,, I I ,, ” ,, ,, Material that will go to ZambczIa : Q@o*- 500 boxes AK47 ammmition PEfiRUARY 20 boxes M. 03 5 M.60; 5 M.61 10 boxes I6 THtiRSDAY 00 boxes 100 boxes explosives SO boxes mines 1st grotq for parachuting course, begi- 20.2.64 - 5 boxes medicines 15F boxes RPG? rockets FEBRUARY 14 TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 went to Louis Trincherdt with Colonel Vaniker in order 18 SATURDAY to reconnoitre the new camp where we are going to live. Those who are staying to take the parachuting course : Written at the top : 23/2/84 Leopard0 North Maputo Resupply on 34/2/04 Written In the middle I FEBRUARY t LBRUAHY IWONDAY 10 22 WEDNESDAY Personnel evacuation plan : On 23/Z/84 at lOhO there ues e meeting III Pretoria between ljekdte for Gorongost~ to land at Cangatore H.E. and the general of Military InteAIigence; general of Dekots for Ehzi ta Jambar, 20 peaple, C‘entfe MQ the Special Farces; Briwdier of Military Intelligence; trrtd Colonel Vaniker of Military LnteUigence. I, J!l34 - LMote for Maputo to Jambar, CO peaple, Objective : South HQ (a) planrung the war m fhe face of the situntlon taken up by the South African Republic. 2i3/04 - Oukote for Zambezte to Jamber, 20 people Swth HQ 2. ‘The ~rewous ph made at the neetmg IS sttil under consjderation. 23 people 35 HT sets 23 parachutes 913/M - c 130 South WC), wtth 25 people 2 planes will go FEBRUARY hlaputo 011 27th the Dakota will go to Namibia to take our 8 mstructots 23 THUMDAY who are taking the heevy weapon0 coyote.
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