<0l}c SUsujortl) 2V me vie an i Origin of Hie Name* ofSWet. Maine was so called as as 1663 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIP T .VOP NINO RY | early from | Meyne, in France, of which Henrietta Maria, IN'- IK. Queen of England, was at that time proprie- EDITOR AND PROrRtKTOIl. ty. _ Offico, rotors’ Itlock, opjiosito fust Oflico. New Hampshire was tlio name given to the territory conveyed by the Plymouth TillMF : Company, to Cupt. John Mason, by patent, TW dollars per annum. If paid In strictly Nov. 17thr i62J, which reference was made adyAnc* one dollar and fifty cent*. to the pa!(mitoe, who was Governor oi Perta- Terms of Advertising. in nth, in liaintwhire, England. A SQUARE IS 111 LINKS OV ItfNIOV. V *nnont was so called by the inhabitant* Oft* square, or Iosh, three insertions, $1.25. in their Declaration of Independence, Jan. 25. Each additional insertion, loti., 1777, fr >m tlio French, eerd mont (*' One one C.00. squaro year, gr-**n mountain.) A liberal discount tuado on long advertisements “tUc Cine in not in net Massachusetts was so railed from Miwa- 8. M. PETTINQILL A CO., Newspaper Adver Deefcs, Tkars; £!)ouig!)tef Bveatljs.” cliiU't.’tfs Bay, and that from the Massuchu- Using Agents, are the authored agents to receiev s;.trs trilji- of Indians in the neighborhood of advertisements and subscription forth* B »slon. The tribe is thought to liavo deriv- same rate* ns nt this American. nt the required e 1 it-name from the Blue Hills of Milton. and their nre as ©flico, receipts regarded payments, ‘•1 bad said “that their offices aro-atNew 122 Nassau stroct— NO. 17. MAY 185S. $1,50 A learned,” ltoger Williams, York, VOL. IV. ELLSWORTH ME., FRIDAY. 21, YEAR IN ADVANCE the Boston 10 Stato street. M;;*c:icnusAts were so called from the Blue Ilills. Bliod Island was so called in 1664, in ref* both of and Settled down over them r iv< r -p• some which, they had hem severally ions. And this conscious capabilities experiences ; expression again [had peculiar envelop- impossibility irenco to tiie 1 land of Rhodes in the Mtdi* to a relation between him .ml that beautiful ed in the or which you longed fathom, whilst you [like bird that has b en for a brief proper Whig Democratic may proceed from the woman’s very pur- terraneau. ^ortrij. woman in the with all tranks t > match. In this mo of almost shrank fiom the revelations you while frightened from its nest ; and to gnllety. together le 1 always ity nature and elevation of soul—and Connecticut was so called from tl;o Indian half fearc 1 to there. all outward i had been Able to satisfied the claims of from the of the name of ita river. C< nectijut is OVER THE KIVF.it. unbury My fancy appearance, except in the already myself observe, ( impartial justice, very intensity principle principal a have run with me, but it was air ol fixed attention wlii.h now direct-?.! to that sudden as between the it a -mint (,f Love in which ever covets a more Mjeheakannew word, Uny riv- the river bccken to me— may away had my conjecture two—making her, signify rg Over they er. the idea that unde- electric of the between him. of honor to set off an full satisfaction and than Loved ones who’ve crossed t»the farther side; constantly prompting naturally succeeded her former listless- meeting eye fairly equivalent development ii | X**w York was so called in 1604, in rofer- Th; of their robe* I ncath that exterior of and was and her, as in some number and of lies for the one is able to find. gleam snowy see, ne lo those fam 1 r with this of Maiden from m of Sir W.* taw not the angels she: met him there, nificcut ornaments to human life and to .v. iit little evidence of tire porses- may display ail own, deportment Speech failure, to ike i family George | to whom the was The of the wo c mkl uot the best of Cat-.Tot, territory graut- gate city s?e> society, I would have said that, human n f those j rs of which Ids fri Is | it may be doubted whether he could ipistolary literature.) I had dressed up j tho session, lie was an old •Over the over the river. river, life and ha i nothing left on which h at (fall i:~l th cn bit :br him H« hive dune it it the a ti.- i,r-st efi :ct, cv- ry 1 i*11- i iver of hers—and is was said society v.iJj.o stimulating p'ssible generally P inia vas so in My brother stands to wleome roe I j nnsylv called 1681, after waiting creature either could 01 was actian an or of a I that her flirtation that splendid v.idently much embarrassed and cp- | upon him olll.e. ban.! l ur of, touting tag rag report had with him was one of William Pei.';. would r 'St a care for the or a c lie could not be the d. t •- .. he j-Tii able t a m: sf. assiduous! the worse of her in that Delaware vrtu so Over th* riv*r the boatman pa!« present hoj press.-I. sensible of ride^. ‘liS pi.-k up by peccadilloes wny, called in 1703, from *j ■ for the torture. If tii it imucjial br.o.v trie r nwdet a fuftber, but hi* own w-.idanci; t.;j tli0 l;ar room? I the lie- us she must have known all that b D«*l iWiive on which it and which Carried another, th* hous hold pet, ral expr cte.tion by which he saw .tiling along: Bap., lies, .-is. ir.es neiwr roe. ived itN n.a,:e Lord de ia Her brewu carls waved in th- mil.* gal->— ihonc as vith a di lem fa t loir.. s: rr und 1 ; bit own | Ido .-wars,once roused andb juglit Iiv those p.cuiiar u-.-'ie pin- could have h r father's consent, from War, who ambition, fairly .. died in this M a-.l-j I s •? her y- v. < t ;i;: I‘ir to t: ■.* fr.,1 vi-ann wen if she herself Darling glory of •-tnanhoc 1, not :dv di l hi i too, bad doubtless been pretty b ob >ut into fr pit jJ> lie fully redetm \ .'CSSl-v, Corps, could ever stoop the bay. Bhe crosse I oa her b >j *m her ban is, w.ia so c tiled in honor of Henri- -lmipl*d s m wreath* d with finercal as to his sue; and left iitli rein ;f my had 1 hirh. and ambition in Maryland brightness in the Hour ji.ims.-lf, mighty lining|1 unerring clairvoyunce explore worldly pride etta A id fear 1 rssly enter’d the pliant' in bark, Moria, Queen ol’ Charles I., in his » V't I pa- cr •», l -it t f! o d. soared / and bis c ith r of his aniosroRi't mr cf tledr ar- tho inner of the cab vhich she had been trained from her We » n s i’, *;• ply eye : ,mblnn 1 with the ; only penetralia tent to watr'i Ijt ;'.i l; fr th sthcr a, nvob.dy Ei»rd Baltimore, June 30th, 1632. ,• t council o;' th it to a .• tl rh.i-i'v aments of moral tdea;h Vi Turner.**. tb: time he uk-I hi- y the bureaus ana iradi'*, man of neither An! al. tr in’i. .re v >tria 'y ! irk li:- v int spy or liis yn anxi tv, t by clay, marry young v ir/inia wupm called in 138-4, alter Eliza- •M •■orlfali of tii- Secretaries Da 1 wealth nor VV'i kmr » ii saf r.- d I t. i of commit* es at t.ic* but .0 which he was r u;rht was so called in 1732. in honor of in !• sweet .I fervid >1 ii 'i'iing “great me::” of tho ; so noble and Georgia For none »vt thos* .... r*s ed hidden under thtfair and -ech was dir .1 in to two ; day in-, fellow, warm-hearted, from <_ *;> reply pr cloquei ivmg u. u bat I ul u vioorge Who cr s .v. n( b e,\n i” 1.1 au.1 which are all ti. it love and d o ... r f t 1 i b 1 tb h -ulers both You see for how pa e\ int^gunints rs of tbj d iy before in tbe debate 1, all, placed my (on dgli-inindod. yourself Alabama was 90 called In I8M, from is We hear th 1 :< f g >1! irs. i can soe or I 1 i. 1 l *’... a its of I rc pem rktd in lundsonic ho is. It v»ms at Charleston d .t heed. r—f ci- j but he secmc.l ti'PiIy unable to mup politics, principal rive*’, it being an Indian name,, Anil’ th •>• h vo ♦ 1 f n oar irai h*vs. y ■ ... »h s>: in of tho ts in that rich maturity the t.r at all t get at lit- Unci; r with ineviu.d d! a*ter and po-v all most important hey knew each other, lie had came! dgnitying here we mt. They cron th; str-ain and ar «.i*; J aycj j subject, 1 re cl. of -t-\ s tho:; Cars and Vom the interior of the was so called in fr mi its f loved h in sou ir, f hi tvn into idod m imi nt. He v di.sp.iir, -ed one the .*t bril* plans hop 'hs, State, where his! Mississippi 1800, Western j.s s.nd to m -■* > •• 1 even the hr-.t bant tiiftt had been witnessed’ belings of and at th htrilv lived hi rath r humble boundary. .Mississippi -Th.lt hi M frj.il *.ar .J j:.. ; * »f •*. \f. replace you:; ntly, too, hin e >n- triumphs parties pirtisans poverty, j pain: illy lenote whole i. e., the river formed 1 scat cf ) a v i river, by ■ f ; e :■.! re h in ti.? un.-ur,:. tb t 'vit:dn ex- Al ter all I small that We only kaow '.heir h.iriv> !.• .-•• Li- \ I .i.j.jini of ids ov.ri ::;ih:r as veriess to hi bo ’y my prufccsioi.al government. th:*, ry plantation scarcely p the union of many. Jlvy «a 1 v.th in >’ sunny m, I v for rnai in 1 — / L- more tit ,t I do a >t < !io a to i< 1 d them a m re subsistcnee. iie unsl ing rly vorcomc the fa! ! in uhus f confu ion perience stamp... young -■pe.'-.t—and Louisiana was so called in honor of •* Louis Y iim:. ks it » :u ■» — so k» am; shore. ; f■ a of m »3 so frank about we. wore as 1 studied law at and hod—in her, 3 that b„r him d >nn. Matt rs p v man -k ly ;rh cona; sitting Charleston, be- X1V., of Prance. w.u »1i.|bv ii i, n wait f ir ia- : They :-’k c at r leisure ruu its in of nvst ioei.-iu that the (.ton showed ind w n The evi lenc t of the to tho first among.his up.or* th r •. id, ing practice there,—and spite j Y.■.unwee was so called in 1706, from its I eit a- tV .k *’.»». •• •• : 1 thro i:. \ -liou'd he live and continue to aim ible turn- m entire want of conn?, xious or intlucncc* river. T.m word i’cn-assoo is s.*id Ae.J -ii'iv.'i „• li isppi in nt of t : House began t y,t\vo j [>ri.:.'lp,!l

.... :■> a I* fltt(!s f; 1. 1 .. 1 s'. .- *r < .vus into wars si curved >, >h xv.• •. 1. r right «•!’• re«ti:. nt. I,-- r ut 11" honors of d%j irr :r f states-; pun Mr?.-: rising note, and looked ! cnify spoor.. very appar Poor I. 1 1 eii-til ou« it k K was so in 1702; tho word in h r 1 u those who could as destin- n?u:*ky culled on the cushion font, and thw.h ft w "s, in his b m ire an 1 m ire. jpon by judge A 11 1st f,i -J I >•' « \r spot of native and the dark and : : -va 1 to a at the origin, signifies •’ her h-ni—it..* f rnier a’lnn-t an eel. : ;n nf ni' d.. ’1. If 1.. t resu: v 1 of his o ac- .South Caro- ; w f it dr... hull for him ai ro. :t irtly high position I e tall » 4.a f .; mys If, do jui/ y round. •• ‘■ a le- » the r, ... somev. !;at tb' wro- i and female i:.a bar. About that time, X shall he tr the y -a1, as 1 r.iu l. ,»vy g! if evDry idience must u d r su h dr- *4t:y"ed by piaintance, p.-vtly through unluckily j Illinois was so called in 1809, from its I nail f* -i .’ * : v. t, .» : ** evi:i''- ! w:i :.d *i 1 M.v h 1 1 :/•. I stronacu» dort which 1 itivc.intimate w*th her a: 1 h r fi :n or him, he foil in with, and ukl in love ! pais pa>, ng icunu!.:. il u.r rv dr—tbe !np he; Sy,1 principal river. The word is said to signify l** t-r eh ir f .• !ar. v Tj tUd ..», v-t ma u ■ a h n A:::iliar with all her chars?! r that nr; r:t b us: hr r;rrr a: :ti. ve! thrown I persT.lmii .n stu'd t!h b on his noble hr.l i hor hi, tens: of in-' aad! .vith, too, •witching gir!, of I shall fr ** l’i> 11 1 ;. '«*, w "... iboiit lin te a.— ! 1::*liana was so called iu from the i. >ri L r si; »ubb ;•*. i’ex!:.••- ireh sad, where th rain beneith s;cmed t d tu ii excitement; and I d remom-: —j 1809, A 41 at.y •* w. ^ In, 0 a t was e* American Indians. visibl ml! 1 f the Hal o .r h win / j called la from its south- ri' w. -f. stal; :• ir ha\ :. ;-«i«l, “but she hor-e'f is .t or. the > :i d -al a' sx.t abia.ri 1, anti at 1802, f:»«* *f I v ’. sr w! in; all I n, ion—.bid ..Is w-s tre; .- 1 tVyuid good j An; .-^rry pill -..il.do healing gjv .■rn no 1 •• Sac boundary. *.r w! i h *f..? f. t g ,*.h. r v.ilh a t i* -t world- -1 and the most wr.dehcd.— orta. phv .1 with him—and, mst !y. It was pr tty evi- ly very |y splendid Missouri was so called in 1821, from its f to i ic victim of her < wn 1 boil ve, w.;i as n ar him in r.*- r-r the risuson ry which then dent lb'*! could not on ; du ly h ad boot, to hav coqu try, loving riv; riv r. i drap. he go far- pal n::* AUinia — i. a down from s -roenc 1 her ma 1- that Maid b. »-’t m• r destructive ‘ban s aiehi r w ..... She was s > called in ; abovj, ther. Hoiv many a m in < f tho fin st ; -a-Spec Michigan 1805, from the .1 view of .t t .vo-thirds as .rt rs 1 i : av far we ;.rc to condemn h r he: < If; i! I i.im at last—but I’ve b:.-, ,al; on its border. nr tsi'.ci rear. fro the ofth: ; wers tht “hro! d I lari"aM \fe r.y got to sneh always was bo ir .1 the Jit of 1 d '•r if all, or how f;r to divid »- i y: i it was more :.er father’.-, w.n'k Ark.iiiKis called in 1812, form its b 1 >w—including Mr. very tart, when defeat things, I I y m 'It \ n « UiS* in r* as ■ As Hen kJh~n ay an riv r. -1 .. :t iti-.l I 1 rn the with others and other fain as, her own, II wont to the we-L principal A «nl Ir-'iii a tr -t a l, 1, ! and sensitive and cai absorbed i.n orater and in ability flight -1.—p p •, te.nporam ally riorida was call d do ■ perhuis Juarj Ponce A <1 s\sr w hi.4 lh<* pi »*...i f sr v. :.u! in d ... ar: by ... ■ t is -tv to 1. ilf in and 1 Ik r, and who sat :,v.ur:• hour, to un! tbe Iatchet e.MrU to the almost im- ry ca-y perhaps rmh-., pair yr, Si *k> .: ti ri •!», lull.*- a h.i .• utterly anwoithy my perform Lrton, in 1572, because it was discovered on .1 so of : ■. .... 1 in ihj Si lie l’oor. which he now A.i iu vI *: k 1 .n! y o' T.’lv a’’"*iho 1 r:v•. it nr\ is:i of d w in er.do;v 1, ! ; f his si i.hav 2 gon .:b 1 v tr.r >ugh noting rely blast r Sunday; in Spanish, pascua Flori~ ! a eh .• i'. 'lc*- ha I inad 1.. A 1: f, an l or •’ ti ns s to v. ’acre ho Is :■)*•.b •, in th-s med.t iti m tl *"f the t n- 1 «*f the mill 1 b:s 11 r.: high n, ; soon, la. A .'I to fi. > v I, dull fa dit ih-ii it rapid clopnoueo, '* lot to be 11 or 1 vor tl ii liul f.: *v u W ! was t" r.uk? ;i era which Is tbe i. sblrtv and I 1 v a gait forgotten the r rc-mm ju harshly ippo got tumble, C dumbia was so called in reference to Cel- A 4 n v .*• i. '.c all f sv« * ic -. t to work an he to Limbus. ■ rb ;t iai-ic ; 1 ,f i:.t cLunl 1- 7 < tb r vu was sj called from its riv- W'r: e in- »» on »:.« •• :■ *s *i ■ she is to v a rt hx 1 principal •on the mi dl 1 aid i.d.T the door 1 been awarded t wr-mg, entitled not ch for Lv.rd anvil.in; uf v t. tbe ’.'..ntir.v ..iv att-ii'ion had triry; pnvnt: Tl. a up w a;i*l 4 ..., ..t LT. 1 she D .dree he went i.c not Hr i'ii' w. a •* »*.:; : ;tl 1 t (. !?t cl::- 0011 surround-d wb.i: uli tie ’ifiirs w-.st; has < irrra' fit hour, been divided on th of t'.iO l.ili-d t'pp.m’Ms \vbo hough )rc;pn was so called from its principal riv- A i! aiiu«*ri t>*. •.«>*:. » .' \ '■. ! "t pcakcr J -err*. .1 m h-» 1' < it!-- 1 > a t cnvi ibls cir: i:n>t as the d vidn .f ,*■ d tv. \. hi h \v .s t ;•.?,» ( or1 b d 1 At it! 1 feet to answer that mccs, er. A .. l;-.. A Jh*;ii/s..a ali first and pran ■ *, « *•«* so : v m. tteo of the \\ h »ie t 11 U.il < *» v. a; m TV.,*- fir rmnt h rl-nine,-. .vor'.d goe;, far as wealth an :n sham of nismorv v.h'i: ho Minnesota; or water. for ionic mini. r position hud 0 1 posit: twinge j Wandering !. '!; f t d.e his turn ire c .aeon: i, s.v ;s u :—- -mu. woman. aw 'h -r, Niw Mrs. this ; fj-, ;d >r, put., iiiih '1'. of :b; range of “ight f r ; in my f.r:.-. r -yui.t oceupadon t r- L-^-.. > —'.he more so bccauu- :i is nil her o vu u jiuii in the ov er hi C-'Npkovfhsv. There is a deal of truth •none ofth nvi i 1 > r v r: t and powr-r- r. wa in time to see g, g tilery* just (Tbr 1 ...... 1: to :!u in the lUirij-ciiillrr. .'.! del at s t *. t : -:i f.-r r.i n\ has mad, tailing wretched bu-sinos.- following quaint paragraph from Dr. : .A **ls.-ioti** h-ur.i *w;t .1 1 tht 11 hi. The lie k v v; t ci.iak :::id .''v/an’in p! u.h...; A.ss of the be1 >h HjLn jjs5> “Autocrat of tho Breakfast Table’* u'.5 > lie rmsel him when A. The r -ltine of tii I -r n f '. s ,.s ; *1 t r::i:s not \:uL ..-chid 1 i:i upon. n-thi.ig !u lb. Allan'.; Monthly: Sprt '' f cal! heart! ;— l a e ■;. : t!i? k 'i.l r at t.. ly ; a t‘-l! .v in If attacked my opinions print, ii a: w ?. v v:. c t > th tn i.m oft: ('-v : o -! i m w.m the rot. it net It tbr would I Mot I. l)o think I a utMif v. i*. dy nr? *ru:t. thr-v: which her par y i:i reply? you b;; so with tA:tt w n. ... r'.s ‘•hi;uld : t witness his b*t understand what fri the Pro* .1 ving. T hurry nit : Wb.it dbgract, my ml, 1 r.u -n of th .* i ..•! ?!< /. tb '••it tint -h. ah unid witness f •- >r, called the > ca nurr m-t of his "iig ago, hydrostatic par- ) that. b t : I:*•»l "■ o n ■ mb's L) heu i ihmn off i.i the triumph. *1) you ’• ff ? m u.t.’.i woman An ns I re el eoiitri'versv Don’t know what : r (- -u of ? .i ■. of uni:» \ui ca- 1 ’.fib that she loved tii- it r v < t flu* ],i i!<•-*’ ; ■'; i-’. unJ ich 1 newt r always there, if» fr but means? Well. I’ll tell you. You know ■ ■ 1 -at c. v r- :— >.h r j.v ! th'.umh she did not a'.roltirvj a:h> t!. \i- .v i.» v; •> !i *. the r hveV:: i art a pa p rs, dm, :ii, perhaps (iillrry—ticxt t> t‘. 11 c »!— j;:-* that if y »a had a bent tube, one ana of a a : .'w ‘v till it was too Lite for ; ... m ranch, v. r.iirthi^ lt»*r i.i?» from li'r h.iu«l, r.tir.-i f mother inch w is the size of a pipe stem, and tho rha •. id mm them to know r: > doubt that h. ib ;• im i-ati t -r t ..*.t st;imi. 1 l ’uk- trer sight oi let i; ■Hough to hold the ocean, water *n;Iy. " * •AtL* to (!,>— > i* :A c a;; rdel wn.s w d! aver. -d on L.r t .1 •« 1 iii :!;e panic in one as — 1 -ct-Ts imus <1 a : ; tho i i' in livid ial b-lull ; a* r tier- ii-:*'t ‘.vrill th ir I .>-d..y. hight 1 ! — i' »* ..ri h k in t .'-ir b -:a jr the ircC f Ir :.,A ...;ro\v:>y fools and wise v »'i ** o ?” i!ri ►♦.! t.i-*.>, \ ; Ay equalizes s.. :.; and tho know ) ii ...... Ml way, fools •• V' was my answer, as my r*y ... t r bn ire : : r !sj to ... :: •• turn »l t >v* r N th u in v.’.Lv dApAy, • ibjy l tiie d:re.ti.-M t'.’H ui'v*'", 1, j :) ... •.n mli:n on tl ? cc:'.>a.h.h i d _• a.; •..t b a, er. ! is n r, m o’ etc •• f.-U' »• t ) i : : V. tv* n :.*:■ n th of a :or it :: or! 1. mad .rally j Hiiwn^ «i v?ry v ri yti ». •-* —Mr. lb.;,;’...nan r<- y ally gave an order- ii : bnte t 1 d to be: to ■: :1a .c.'.sl 5t:.i _♦ era V. > a*'. 1 e'.i :• Irish !bi »n s 1 i.i_» t (i ii. ry livery. .... :. tale and are *• s in hi o! tor a wife and .r t { family bi ; l.:u. >i he (1—1 if iie’d make a na- tim*. in irnia^, int i>;» r»o l v.itii a 1 t tb •no: i) ye.el: •: v. rut lo:-t his nut 11 ia h > v ;;i*■> ... ).’ man V/. ; r, ions, men, Accordingly rc nibli tn a.lm x^urc of the iw-*rs.* ::» Q., 1 It um 111.. 1 eumprmsaiioi.s, v a ; u* •. » Ii h ivu lesson ■ bn l t .sji-rianc. important b. r res it 5 11, and up! jy:.w.t ttl jsp rets, l uj p lie i!.** v ill Ail liaeemon the X .... t ... throughout .1 ...... fever .e raj v polish o is i!d puto at her, as pa*- '.1 ry c! i. .iv.m all tho I._- i-r c .— 1 hermnd which arc ,.m bidihaat and na- support Leeornp- of’ 1 t that struck hk-j a steel arriv 1 a' lean t. 1 particular face pointed oat :o Y(‘ ray it, Washington. II ;on ii rv, l,t them inako “uagors" of thern- u... h :.i 1 v.ornnn in ler 1 vcr. r can : I.- 11 :w. 1 7 i*va any -iriiat of la r Cmigrcs at h•_r .ye, ill the c 1:1 ;i':r. pid looking individ bi.a.-spiritC'.i j -■iv or tin*v will have to Widk as uneero ;:u>t som thn A.A'. unbar th civic ual A*ell, just watcli her to-dav, when- it in ti 11 pm.it ion, for so young The n ion ras perfect!; cvid t, t V. re 1 to ei:j<.v th ri rht -■! m so:ry .•( }• us fkit did.—Louisville four- : t .,.7 run. ioj ii from the Cur <•: ; as i in her alt ntion. i I r ih- w ..- a tia over you uo st •..! a gian re up th thirty), hi th t 1 1 did. r ... : rc« mniaiid h r. she had was'- — for But i of Ki 1 ri tlia v a : pothooks of yi ur >!:ort-.iaud,a:. 111!' ‘stump' In if in hea- .ui ban n An, :• t bar tv •: her 1 i: —Vj. D. > nv d v on the ah .b.m- A>•% a.-1,' heart—fairly frinm\ aw..y. Hiddoford, has re- vou in >re about her when w .* t I. a'*. V V t !,th f inv mark very profound!v Ik]., It. '•VI: n wj ti..l.s iw. lc a contract for the o; ..: Is a : 1 r- dcwacrat: all the dicr wy employment S il-of G r. trive him a LiM: I.gi p.r -till ; .e's Mrs. Ami JO to 1,f the in tiio Statu 1 now rs, .... 1 i y a. a a rt .nr own natnv —wronging and hoys ii > ir’s mo t I,-, ol !’ the of morning % in Shoes.— ■ ;•. its Lest audeti .us anti n. iia> making ■ n 1 ! ■ er ■ n "ltd t that "ho Lad i s‘ :■ as stan'.:v with th? cu‘ In lire/; i»- t w -, ir.’ Vad to luljourmn i.r- ttemj •, pirer.t f.K* ar >rk six hours each day, in t < take th.- .1 r on eai.i.r ce..,=,o;i .u j:n car; •; t-r .eh, r mi that h *. .- lay, an.', h is tin: tl or at "lie o'clo. 1.— any b: : : >1 I to by up ioCcit'*'.} at the School. i ; ...... nt the Bi- of the s and there vva : t ! .. .• every by his Mill'll Sac .. Thai', what's ssiun; it .rt a — rh'* L ui.-rviilJournal ti#n moil 'i'v.a or i...: e r. s.iys: brought 1. rh r to-day. They ray 1 o'* a j fro..i i:. him half ..." a. .;.: v r: If, Iv 'i uu rri -. ol cour-' *>f Senator Gre of too—hut it i-..'t merely to I ual and interesting,in the Maid from their > a*. a though es4 eting pruf.andly nri'takm.—or r ah r 1 h' n, Missouri, great gun, •ist out of those c-nors s unoucKti a ( it" thi h mm. 1 soli wisdom, vmj >nahly disapproved by largo hear a tiiat s'te's cj™■ 1 in which 1 \va to '‘eon.o lid a to Ml. Id., t i h-did not do.— give him that assurance, e.u ga i good speech —to s des »rv of the tif that State. Iio ■ vindicate tb:-A !•> a higher has I the duii* u.ijoritv make affidavit.” in ruin How mortal man could tv.i Aft.-r bavin rora da for : w j.. int- r to receive it. '1 t. light criminal:!) people will from tho *ic service as ..... *U '... v.h 'ii e. woman thus trifh" disappear pul — n rvo himself tj faro such a state o: I \ is fl h. T; a.; * i! This was a number of years a/ ents v.id. hia eyes list'd oa tho object «ay, again highly i-.n as liis constituents can him out.— b tl r:i a itu her own ii her own get or. of 1 ..er up ..—iuhi.u u p: q» art, scul-—above ** irhat number 1 will net particularize,! thing id those prof.an mysteries that h ■: in the gallery, hi Mm. 1!-, of Georgia, in a’: l lcr.euf >rth he will ho iInrisi‘>lc Grrcfi.’ ti ... abb. sun. •!.; ili, when sum. a wom.iii ns thi>—she of atari: which I have sin t •r.*lm* of v.ns d that in tiny.' ofvindic- being unwilling to point the curl -by ot long given | tame.’, theta down to bo. Us an 1 -pi 'nmuty, A aass r. ruin-t sex who : r-- ;U \indies a thousar. 1 for her, v. to n I.is u- whi hue a- meat or* of the verv'wr.i n c h-.d of m *n n.ry whips uny not already ,tli the up attempting f.-.Uora—perfectly j pers I:, .yied —“A gnod cause is often acquainted :a .a. rs an ! s whh e i; iv.ii utter tm lev.-. n. o b.-c.n. disco :i- injured mors.by or womankind—with a'.l t t.m.'ul ipportars, h. I facts, to the actual porti os here in «;•: 'hi:'.!- if in turning about lbr an iat rva! i-timal ctforts of its friends than by nrgu t A at ioa-t i.ot umua .. b.— Bclf-i ; roachf 1 .. 'aero the as I.-had to l could ■ of film mn f ; !. ii, cuts o! its enemies. lhittsu tion. It was altogether a work of si- Jo, fa minute or tv. if in s'are’.i of aggravation han;;h* vsiox, jersever- *•.: woi. rra I v at once t •dotrless i:i it \\u- with much '.re ter caso have cm. and bitter sei -eontim: t exercise and b.m;;—uu-1 probably ami are tho best advocates on petcrug ition fbr my tru-tvand well be- myself nothing- tb Iced it •ealment, patience ■ t..- v. \ mem ucc i ljutal moment of a;. v. lions on v -■ ir -r, over those 1 the ■will of others." loved confrert in the id It, pin ked up tiie whole Capitol like a id- own [f-c a.a. md and es i.. : >r the nf ce -!ty of that strug.:!'1, t hv.u bA;d ty Iravy depending Reporter's if-; 1 iv'date un ler uunus ■ mi a.uf. will nil other T thorn c.rmar J-jTerson. weed the it over m* > .. *. Lu.a.t is the m idnrn: t of ii.*r>. powers. oppression, who hi l thus volunteer 1 11 ic.y private by roots, slung mat he naa t tor. i.... a t...it either .. :. like a tl la of crcati U ws, and chilling car the above of inform itio-.i— back by its lightning-rods kuap- j interval ho must have made an cl. it as r.r cl.-:e I made the gfcate.-rt in intake, ir. proud piece in ei ms she f.-lt her th —The of «r. swam with it to the island ot o; band, d knee befor:- tJulr taro:.,, her, youth Secretary State has asked an a work cf I ;k, and j as it was isail. her \vh:.i the auitv- that int.Uivdy stamped p.:y ap- altogether s■ipererogation, great riari ui of to into on .* 1 ir sitiinc—an to their little ib *t way, and the fruits of all us •n*] ^‘JO.OOO carry effect 1 'em c incc of there to "t it the i was at last bt t l a friend of her countenaa.:', th had ever bem; plant suchjo)S siy, for him to bil me Ov.hyhre, dep- by ii- act for the of Kaunas < .n iA:ir n: cks. And It is often die hud in i s bright and admission into th-j n I c summit ofMaunu Ken, of as- ibis wh > 1 taut I c ! t ashe> o.i of that intern:,! turning her Ii", _ H-vitch n-i the sin and the natives. However, rise st 1 alt: g a..I v.l doubtb’vs self sw.v in th? fm now beside J\:; time, filar striking tonishing yy -tiier, anything -' 1 a. ;/.<-•> it c .-a’.tr-. i'.at -'ie aco'.'iim i P.im and committed men :;r an.iu:far., hi. -— il fasciaot.t n of that the. he at length did. though not without v. itlx the to hiel 1 his f.ii a.,d !* r to in. luce her to be mow h : h m 1 upon \ democratic census taker of scho!- though painf Jedgn if J — !v that tends to ret: mg. sui I sh a!- some ol and effort not its L ul 1 not th.nM if• cates, artists, divines Leymul They ir* Tne only difficulty was ti wit .draw degree ir-pidatiou smooth over i.,s libyue: as ho best owner, help i:i ono of the towns in Maine, recent- ■ 1 a br,v Rot a f ar vci cbv-.r women it d before coft ah !. “Mr. Chairman.’’— and I wonder if .dm did r.m to., y ver; Iy repented nough a them ; an l t > give a sufficient utter;:! u wholly mi 'bt, 8 ught in the ca-tomarv mo :e to y called upon family of (adopted titi- | 1 o r. a ... and that she would ■ b-miin b have touch were ■ .. hc.i:r 1: woubl Li. coquet marriage*, to the duty 1 v,a.s sot ! “The gentleman from-.’’ tali'* 'y'-a ‘dun of li or by ul’r nvihi have sidle' u's from thre grton island, and imperative •V ted u iba tais is too uvT'.m it if she could have ventured inquir*4 the dead emti-.r.l harm and fit urn-.-. o: in.; ■.. o*t.n, oif, names there, in h ind, t p wfonn—for th" the first sounds that broke my pbit he and ages of tho children, quill >n B-ieh u st Ii r t :ns m me 1 r, ne( ssity of Lo.vo p. father, rj, would bread which it was and is hard lot •illncthe customary saiutati in, CVi-aaid" L-' 1 now b the “How old 19 the young st ?" i: o» n.t listen to but u and tween the M.mber j^-Mr.—'■ hr in that and rliieii lies vary ur the foim iati■, anything prompt to earn tiiat most d.te-’ob'.e of’ ok •..reharvge.1 b rising f : -■ the lit1 r mid reply, I.- supporting capacity, if,' “And ho is six months." by w ■ather hurried Ii \.us then ho v as that flush b ?n the of a ue, and uft marriage. “sweat of the brow,” as a (' .irgressionul and tiie courteous Chair,—and quickly raised hi- 1. .and ia a tun- had bright ;*‘c\v li .r.v old the next ?" m i l that K—’s was rather »; : as v l b n A ulitre pieiitly the >v-; purse and Washington-I.et r w riicr. »\v fairly afloat, to sink or sw im, th: with great eomt.-y i.at with t... coolest y deli strongest “She is nine." Reporter 1 taxed to h. him L> f >rcc in ti: fharacter and conduct o! •eicly p through sjuv the I used to h ive a eye cas? r.-.i ;bt prove. firmness— u;d*s p'.hiiL y tiin.r.phaut “And next is how old ?** tolerably vigilant ;At.-. as th? ! omburras.rn. nis he had to the ce mi:, 1 b. very cow who is icavy specula..; for most of the faces tiiat radiated Ai th s moment, I looked up •d i. ill yield tl r to the lie* Oil that r my g md g .a*dp t d 1 regrrdod ll hy he is just twelve.” pretty of bar cA-s. dins If u.t Al a: rate married ... t.cnrtlus* y they down from that firmament above, beautiful cynosure on which my eyes had m m from T-, a- suou :t l have the had pr They play “•* hut, six, nine and twelvemonths.— upon w-.-r ?. has no ... it c She had children i t iul i:t- < : t — love, toward instinct: thinly o ir nether world of “the I'i but been already fixed with earnc d.ljtiv. I ...-a dr I have nation oh I hud thus wila .-sed tur.bag A'i,y what in the world will you do —and i am for ■ a.s the bower- toward th. ii rht, when-’ sorry it; for chough she for the rest of that were I ness for no sir.aii portion of ii. '.Ieu : ’not: ,h there w s i.i m \ ory | p. vhon the nuisance net comes to been* day’s sitting, o.t,..... nothing .as sc we. first direct .1 j wr it and ia.br. upon t.ioir. Iy dialinguished her uUtr di»- oil oatli ill a court of I could since tin y had been toward I After thi littl incident 1 w lordiucwy after all, I hit proaela-.-- dreed put justice, iatuient and as a i .A- in an uncertain an 1 CQ.ulu.sea ; .pp> unhappiness wife. , not to identify any other individ- her. Even afar less interest observe-! .id. r m n. Xh h h b n a ;ain ttii o i atTuir of an anihitiou? “Ah, but yotir honor, it is not so fast pretend with the f:i:u- *ct. she won! i have been ;.nu the evi- a ta! of p happier, is ual us having been pres.nt iu that Gal- could not have failed to murk her low, (wi a ralefttl but & girl's U'j.Mh inj-ction of preferred ap —dallying that an’ plate you. They aro six beautiful fancies and .notions which >cti r too, as a mother. As ii is [ think than “Mrs. of dence of sudden and ic : m to t! vain minn r lov r for his and ijI- y j line and twelve and not months lery Ik-■, Georgia.'' strong agitation apol >g< poverty obscurity, he is years, ! h? dangerous evoke*, out of the 1 about the most thoroughly ruined 1 shall not undertake to describe hi which revealed itself over her v.i dr in which he f.-aicd he he I on lowed by th still more foolish—and delight ( II i that the children are.” trespass* vom A of their own natures. And so ;n I know. thousand pities sh —what's the use tbe countenance as I.-— 's voice first the time of the HjUw his v ice had something worse than foolish—be towal1 [cptlis j ?—beyond general ye: th: victims of!« lid not 1.-, and obscur. — “Jerome ! Jerome 1” Mrs a i ir v oceed, them.elves marry poor screamed outline of the facts, that was still broke the silence uf tiie lions It, a cloar a..d a steady fulness of herself up.m rival far inferior to him p ring hard a ho was. it u her own fault — iutt the other to a et if not irresistible, vet ji Well, j-field, her bigj&fi ; fault-i former pallor was Hushed with i[uiek which tho c mscions of and unworthy her, for the sake cf his cmpr.itions, day, young, (about seven-and-twenty) tie-poke power nit I cannot lor : 1 “what are [ o be rciisted, even where the world may help being sorry her." 'V, you throwing to those less in a f.rm which was rather above! flood of color that seemed almost darker acc : vv .1 Ill had cast wealth and position. We were sitting c!o;unva. Th's was the substance of tile of tiie in :ronouncc them to have been the most story ] ►igeoiy* “Gold beads, mother, end than under the middle height,-md well i than the ordinary crimson of blood. ; his incubus from him. on- over the little iieot-iron stove mv 11 By power- with the •Mrs. if-» of not t he darned fouls are eatiu* — ue reliefs in Georgia,’*— exactly 'em; ; of the brunette oiler rather Her bead was slightly bout as in an ful effort of his m will and intellect, humblencs indifference lies closo at hand, | perished in \ he more shall we be. On tho cttlivaton in the observer's least source of her emotion, the of the morass of its ■ from were all written to yielded mir.d—(at power gulfing failure, operation Washington” steamboat on the ! 1 a few hours of explosion Ohio.— d the mind of women it did in —to a of woman fit over it.— seemed almost if the different •enamted only by proud, depends tho wis- mine) feeling pair.ful- length triumphed magical. Few, any, papers (of politics), by I shall never either that and bitter internal in that hard-; forget face in: iom of men. It is womss that iieas. but and almost The blood reeoded again from the mar- i it to from which 1 was ; and after due struggle, by vague perplexing probably, imagined proceed employed ihe or that Maiden est of farewells, the farewell to our illus- k Gallery Speech. lure writ os on the aaiious. It was a face full of a depth. ble cairn of her features; th"ir tj^bjtuu anything out of himself ; but the hint I rare to avoid confounding whi*h was hoartaof^|m.w ■■ '1 from the Dis- soon l beseech a —Extracts extemporaneous NEW PUBLICATIONS, Liquor Spilling. vommvmcA'nom. and Boon, very you get pas- To the Farmers. and 1 courses of \\ aril Beecher:— American tor—-one whom you will delight to lovo Henry $l)e t£llsu>ortl) Wo sen that some of the I Magazine for June, ami the FUR SALE AT J. W. HILL’S STOVE opposition papers of a —Harper's Mr. Editor: cherish, and it h® lx* young let no man de- “We go to the grave friend, saying: 1 are to make out of the about conuuenement of the 17th volume, is receiv- STORE, ELLSWORTH: disposed capital liquor re- ‘A man is dead;* but angels throng ELLSWORTH, In your issue of May 7 th, I n diced a com- his youth. In his labors help him; FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1858. in this town. The spise him. ‘A man is born/ ed A. Williams 4 Co., Boston. spilling operation Augus- munication “A Friend of and in his saying: through RING'S PATENT BROAD CAST signed Temper- with him in his rejoicings, are in such ta Age attempts this thing, and in its last joiee “When ymir mind and heart The publishers say, “they believe that the !■ I«r the Aflflflh ance.” T!ie article as far as it went was sorrows comfort and console him. If for re- is a iMf “contains the following us anounee- a state that praying pushing prayer M in its will act as <*ur in tht ir 1 < preci agazineembraces general plan every Th* following gcutlcincn agents well it showed the rumsellers in their from labor he seeks amusements, like a into a do uient** — enough; laxation through, driving wedge log, mis- SEED SOWER, essential to an attractive alitic*—receive rawpy and give receipts for subscription call it It is as when tiling literary for lowing Hay Seed and all hind* of Grain. Thie true and also the manner in which frown but above all brethren have yon religion? your o will our for news-items And in the face of these semes of violence, light, not; my Seed Sower is to the American. We Uiauk agents child. ri*d-fuced uud with cellany. adapted to the wants of the Ameri- warranted givo perfect he but the wi iter seem.-l faint choking passion, ftnti hope they will note passing event* of pobiio iuteres srimulaled. sanctioned and upheld by the they should treated; and soon ye shall reap if ye 11 satisfaction in every particular. charity, is held up the servant to kiss you. can Public. This view ot the character of a:i American are insult- by Ellsworth, 21, 1858. 5w 17 I forward to “The Nuisance Act. the people of Maine to have another class of individu- not. K. call May forgotten come* because he is pushed: and do you accords with that of the thousands G. M. Sargent, Dr. S. water, Sedgwick; Onpt. V'n ed the t Id Harper's, by Republican press, by being als win• deserve the severest censure from lJluehill. May, 1S5S. that 1 »ve?” Hopkins, Bluebill; James W. Davis, Hurry; J. 11. 1' ter that th 'V can of the whole liquor of monthly readers. This is a very excellent dispose friend of ranee Th class to1 “1 like to pee when have •> Temp pimple sing they Franklin; J B. Johnson, K.ut Sullivan; John >1. N >y as lit on th- 7th of June. every Moses llalc will orders. question they to in the-middle of the verse and cry a number. supply AX last, between Ellsworth Mt. Desert; L. T. Dorr, Bucksport; Samuel J. Lor.lTi.kV which 1 refer he Trniper.nuT. Plop [ Monday This is “stimulated1* Mr. may very prop-rly designa- andContention Covo a Ladies' liquor little. | like such unwritten rests and — Long Shawl. oiling Agent. spilling TI'.c cause of in this paus- Arthur's Homo full of the te. 1 the “rumsellers* s”—l mean temperance vicinity Magazine, The owner cun have tho same at this D. IV the of our accompli- e's in ftie music." | by calling MAtlCYFS, author)/. .-(1 traveling agent. Age, by witnessing youtn \illng- is in a ll The friends of and the latest fash- 1 uirishing condition. best of reading matter, Oflico and for this Advcrtismcnt. the masters an 1 own rs of th \ '•<,Is that “(iod like a m tie r, who kisses paying fast to destruction and ruin, ■ pardons —S. n. XILt'h «•.!• to V. 15. Falrnei. hastening by th cause are at and as a ion w ith a fine is received Ellsworth, May 19, 1858- 16tf (suce. the t> this It is well actively work, the olVenee into plates, engraving, N 1. S<- the Hood of rum let loose in our midst. bring li(j*-ior villag'. everlasting forgetfulness." Atlvviti-mg Agent. -llwy *• Newspaper natural its cnemi* s arc With child we lose we see for June. This is a £2, i»’ui Court is iuituorized t » known that it r f t'- t > consequence, using every deeper capital Magazine Idiiig, street, Bestiv.i, But what u< m-• t is that the they positively bring puzzles tiling into as lens wc % receive advertisement? lor this r. at the same all their powers to counteract its influence life, with every added pierce Sulwerib,* Mr. Hale, or send to the pap it would he very diffi- through -ate* as required t.v us.” should have been done while there is but intoxicating liquor, further the at and int > ri ii ule all sky.” Pub. j Tho undersigned wishes to return hi* hcartftlt cult. if not h r the rumseliers to by sneering turning •* little active fo .'ling, impossible, \ babe is a m dhor’s anchor. She ean- ! thanks to tho compositor* of tho ''American Of- temperance except among ti; *> who are in the and their and t. soma of these engaged great good n d far from Imr And fice,'' f.*r their boautiful of regard, ol Frcotlozn.'- than that th. g.-t suppli 's; y swing moorings. yet The June number of the Book has testimonial! “Army the ladies. Werner* suspect Iaidy's tho of bis relations with tho in cause, and to frighten in tin-dark a true mother never lives *> little in the prompted by revering men who thus laid their aid to ] trying of this has th# of rowdies,’* so t ii* Tpetuate boon received. It is the most work a- Foreman. Their kind gift was as unexpected a* The Machi;w Union w»\*k, “gang designated'•by what dare n t do “for c\ il as when the si le of the cradle.—• perfect the out the loudest for they op- nly; present hy it is ami will ever be treasured mo have b.»en s one of the most re- accursed traffic, cry in the line we know of. This grateful, by above hi, frits load r; > lbr follow the future of (for it) singular eapti Whig, may ch -s s darkness rather than light.*’ At E. thoughts imagined magazine for tho sake* of the pleasant recollections it will others t > the rum. How dare they of a most and awkward manner ladies in our Be this as it spill her child. That babe i> the boldest number the volume. Now is the ever recall. ALY AN D. 11 llOCK. and singular spectable village. S 11 i\.1 n. th. r is a numb <»0 pilots complete -• >mm «.*. sms.;? The excuse society ring and her fearless down 1858. Iwl6 we know that those who did the deed thus insult only guides thoughts to subscribe. I.. A. Philadel- Ellsworth, May lSth, it has of such a Po-t may. (i time Godey, treating subject. puss members—at \V. oaldsb >ro, one with 7 ». i ■- never a \ us the cradle phia, path- and :it\N*int Ilarb there is ark mad.’ such _ O OK’S th v eana *t all -r 1 t > have their \ css •!> idle; oyage -A. O or looked more can at it- small ties. as thus.' who weie and are engaged in makes." way, fully ■ tv. Ml ar-' in a ll e mdition. daily CKXBMtJ7T>D if th is m re will U >r 1 r- uiridiing The Jun■? number of Peterson's National th? rum business itr<* thus classified* There and lnpior spilt, “There are troubles which can- f et in large encasements. Too Union man ‘dth, W»v Amu. many you ,*d—th -ir vess-ds will have l.usin* vg and Sullivan, May not cure the 15i’ 1 and li -ok. but is on our table This work is re- mutt take some other subject, for tlair is no is n >thmg of a political nature t be attach- by Hymn Magazine GUTTA PERCHA PENS oeva- which can cure a they care not how much n v.s you by good perspiration ceived and is a S-MO for his in su»*h a theme. ed t ) tin* trau.'.i -ti .n. misery they Tic* from Kansas i tli.it tic ] e-*jd" j r>mptly. capital mag- The subscriber Ins been sole inspiration pen and a breath of fresh air." appointed rs th-ir business is are ’ill a- il Cook'* Celebrated Uutta IN*r We that a democrat who should sion. so I >ng profita- satisfied with the English passed azine This number the volume, Agent for the sale of In the of Freed’mi of t supjv»o that takes a man completes glorious Army *•:. “Ary feeling away eha Pen-*. Mtvhias Uni a time to* subscribe.— find liiss-m or !;is f.ith r no his assista !»1 Congress.— n to tho hounc leaking it desirable may bh found s uae of the l»‘*t io s- Ming fr un home is traitor The beauty, durability and entirely day, Please 1 -od w hat the s.iv, nnd UiCii -uperior was i re reason to p oph- h d I." (.'hat. J. P«*t*rs»n, Pa. of these render it a mea and ol the S mth. >f to reach bis home, in < »ns ij n.-e of being It reported Philadelphia, non-oorro*i ve quality Pens, patriots 11*11, > V S' v. r nwiK ‘mniino .-a ill a >\ •. “The virtues which ntiment drill" d-xirablc arti !<• f »r writing purposes. ma le drunken the ill sab of rm .! iT.t that last fall, th S h. -hint pu’di highly Crittenden of in the by gal it) •») 1 went each Tennessee; Kentucky, l 'i.i the l*iwrcuco into cowards, be of* benefit Iom- Pun v.—School Pen, 51 per box, ».i■ on one of our i*.'pub*i,Hni. May may great Wc have re.*eiv. d > >nat»r Hamlin's v^v b t » do what was d . IKYING. A f.. < -u-;.!< rathe:- ; wiiarv.v; and we all kn *w rough speech fishing Ztrl only by Co., 1; Marshall, and Und t\v »* 1 of Ken- without rega* 1 p,*liti. al whom they are dragooned.** M.irylan hmnti-. This should be in tie* Ellswisrth. ami by Mrs. E. K. G-indall, Sole agont and wc r •!i.•: ! that tie- '1111 rent \ I--.vs en- d.r, th 'uns.l >r discharge d her freight, “A man over-reach.-s n > one half speech tucky, and (Jiliutn of North C.uvlina, 1 11; ap] t i t .:;; in i L. ■•! V'>-'if r n alias pa— -l both cunning !., llhieliill. * much a> himp »;ne.' an l it was 1 m !-• 1 in M,<-ah s rum sh -j ! rat.- 1. of s—th ll >u> .» i.iu df." bauds of all. Wc shall "f 18.»8. 3w W II iusj of These men \ui-*d tertain 1 n tliis rum subi-ei. c IV »m tli (.'oiv’T by publish portions May 21, Representatives. “It i" with of a emgregati »n differ- nt ivlati.ns wii.-h the irt --fit being hiuli at midnight thr mg!. nia; >ritv. t’e'singing it.- r tin* whole, at some time in the fu- acr iinst bill, and therclure nr<- persons lcbling j as of llaurork. English*s put ni *ro v " with the of th-1 wind in tic-for- Comity ■- E is theref idcl siglting «tr ts. ri*-l a ruffian with a rompt p.v- -1—j ture, not distant. dowu ti c Union as to the ar- tliciu bar t>» th- traffe. Wi awes if- pr by est. wh-.-re the not •> of the milli -n long by belonging t! e j | |,» of Kansas v.**e to -,v -pt a pr dl r 1 rustling Tr» v n. i»nn v. L't'itorik, X/.iy », ISM was on the m s:i- tr■■•uhl-s like a fl »od *n :i \ Iv r, and while this leaves, and the »n ea-di wf •’■* ut criminal a of Freedom. coming u] going land .»{h rwi.se w. remain in a t rrit .- houghs striking up 1 tD'MK.NT pr.^.. tni.,ns, my grab; ( :!i r. a >:sv. no Messrs Jewett A (’>.. are ab nit to ^ <»..( y t!.- C-HMity 'omnmtiotKn f ir e; e an t to lathers in tids villa,;-- >1 in tiieir c m w inhab- altogether make harm mat- puMi-h t > !. \ It! be affect j ing rial euliti until •- Uiair of Missouri bel mgs this army, Jay ha\^non ,■ I \pri! /’■ -nil. 1>>, rn.el- nforim:* with th<* t t w hat be the iiidiiidual -. latmg C..R-. 1 1 1 1 !'* religion "ays, a Mrs. >: >\\ 1., B tstun Jour ! ,, ....i.iUmm lit-.. \v ,, ov. ry prefae** that is rwbMmh g them, I ur by n.U jipiv.cuii »ust*' oj.prt »s\l March 27, dinger party •’ •hr."iui."> is nisi-a "".and j- diti- p diti •>. From the Leavenworth Tim.-. nal — f t > Mr r cm >ti an ! viler? r tht ir ft May and -n i" r. m *n i- says: Joll’era >n, Madison, arid the m st of th pat- lings give aw..y .ng> part r--ligi ’igi Jbdigi using “O r v. as it aiar- t > im. i- nlain •‘111 *-" >v Ar un? msei.ius of the lieil for (1 id: but m--n -1 -Heat who listened to bis !•• but riots of the of tin* art.- the and of siring 3 1 th-y everything many simj Siuti t t’r.inns N/t/nia- *rf early days Republic. present pias.-ing duty momy? ill.,- With that d \--ti >n though painful. busim-ss the d- and to t1- t ai'liing at the Tneiiout on ones m d Mrucii.m at tie ar" f -r th rung in--a \il, politic" story 1’emple slaveholders. Because are and fr* f .id engru?tle-ir y h-lpiug pr pare y r *o i... :i •.. a J tiny suds ai.'l magnanimity charaemristi-* •■! tin* I Sun lav of!.'.-1 w *k, will n-»t need t h told T .lat ./mount, \i no friend «*r re- tli.it tenth*n. to t ie exclusion of the of mr Move State we should all of in Aiiow'il ’n tit'! ■ ri>n •• iM tie.->r are found voting with the party op- thought village? they party, drop, thougat cr- vi.- •> of time, and make it th" **nt i- by that th** li k i> one of unruniin, n in- 1 hvj* J -.-ph J 4>cat..\ L»\. a v ito mure or 1 ■■■> for this r 1 ati\.* would saw- Iran a drunk.ir existing Mat gov.-rnm nt; g >, lik on** man t- r-'t.an l tic ,t the i'.i- that If i*> the hero poses the further cxtention of slavery, the pony.— tiny cal outvrawling uf tli -ir leisure and iazi- so inordinate ii to tie- election und r tin- English El!, % >;•• •{ Ml>. >:• u h:i\ in/ draw :i read them into the But there is ail asp vt of tlie ease which limy grave, or is tie ir love of gain Li *SS runaff Union has been pleased to land with its Loo \ (.iii/ci* ’» (‘lay. j “A man in w rid i- a i:i th s'r.Mig"iitlirfs o| I n !o l mi fr-an alarm some: and it is a *i*i u::; on- -1' » not that it other emotion?— till- boy sp-llii:g ol Freedom. paraly/.os every ito m : n f rw r 1 * army tiirnity, urg short but lie will cumbiu them in his i.i>r'Tv, w ill r-it a \*tv >'r 'ii; *l» i*ir-* T ‘at J mount, 14 scenes eiK- 'ur.m .h ! (i A that l them syllables; such law and viol.-ne grant wrong imputing so before an .th r xtr rolls nru* ■. a'* '1 »*?? >r hy that ml k The grand trouble with the Buchanan emigration, y the next.” t r- a-1 h s ant >!-i igrajmy, «i;\ t! all >111 J It. llolilU!!. This be s an l «v therefore think that th ir to so vile a motive, her ar mud we count a dnti »n gi iran- t«>, editors, is that they d; not like to see any may inconsistency may p p “The m-st mi-'Table pettifogging in th romantic -Injury. It is a true story of a s.* cv reas t-> m, r a Imission into the con true m in. from the South who is not as illiberal the traincurs her-' should have bvn dealt it mast he n hy *ry ming p world is that "fa nun in the court of his body ev.-n hi I t tlie l tunas ..f State f AnJr'ir ///.»p.*r with 1 o.Tt -rshui 1 iu a 1 iwful that eun« lusiou is corre* t, or are high-hand own e .as aene".'’ aiid on the slavery question, as y pr -p*r way. my tin*y hill. bigotted English ‘•Without man is a T «! tiM-Utll, I l* w b r cause of common sense. liberty, sync-j. their leaders are. Othello's It nild have been tter I the ol devoid ’1h-*se ar our views on the mat: hut w*- J .* I n» »-».! -r >;»tM N*f »M party occupa- r, ‘•'fh" never ju.-siotis 1. nt, but are .1 a k*-"p MAHIXM .101 H\AL J^pp'i l‘c:m--. t»-|. see Southern arid it would have d tlie he who would th.ink it tiiat eomer.tion tion will be gone wli.n they temjHUMIiee, stopp It may urged by those ap- highly important always hohling e irnival." of the should 1- and that a- a mouths of those who are wore not p -pie railed, “Iu thi- it is we Statesmen uniting with Northern me 1 to continually making -1 igi/.u for them, that the owner? world not what t ik" lip. nt and John ]. we should res oh hi s nu <1 din i t // /try Sary At Orath. an oi-.n when, ver rum is ! party, up bat whu: we give that makes us rich.** PORT OF ELLSWORTH. bit and curb the li< Ni. iiiliers of the sunny ry unlawfully spile a war that th- ir vessel < were returning h>m up. ry to the -nt coiiditi>n of ■ T •!*'. I 1 7» \ die/ adapted pr “Th r ar-1 Christians mount. and have nev -r a w rd of w*h"n d many professing and their Northern alii -s for t!i complaint freight d with The tiin«e basins.' J »M t-v a I r-k -it-1 1-f to South, pur- ii'juor. things,*’ who ar ve\"d on a< unit of the aiu:iyi:w. cretly Nathi l*. r vim is sold. Asa nature! con- » i.-llru.n, of their work ol unlawfully for th'-.o t as an exeu.-e for Fr. :a the Leavenwoith I. 7 : •- pose checking headlong }»Ica*I ignorance dger, Nay charity they have t<> h-:.\v.:inl tie* -"If* Afar 13, a ,nr L'oun-rP ■r, Fran's*. s' of tie- work of a *• ■ the interests ol Free Labor t > piene nig't, such t be eommitteJ; I la\ found that threat* ahum arc denial th have t) i:s *. If. instead of tin* Georgia. A \«1 subjugating Thursday allowing outrages ing in- y St'Uf'r John P At< Far'aid H'-iiic •! i! g S'., i. Mure'-., <1. Hth. that of Slave Labor. lady who lias he-n aeti\e in the tcinperam— th know what lias h, uidone, and if sufficient t curb th pcoj E of Ka**.v*«, our smooth prayvrs wliieh tlmy Ho pray, they y th-y lit k I Panama » 4% In a would out t!ie Alary, fate, T .i l'il. ? cause received a that lmr st .re would *d tlir md a hr sjt-ak tilings which r«‘al- It is this of the s as unfolded message with us in the r- they IKdl. lYrtianl. Jam ■■ II 'ti n t, Temp Klizabcth, airy. All •-» >1 tu: •! phase lbject, truly sympathize means f« 1. » WfuM li this to succeed in their ic-f.i- ly they would wic»n g home G ■mni b> ws aw answer »pe by -ay they do; j'l'-rc, Katon, Glouce-tcr l'P, \ aiula- >* ./ l.*«> the ot wint widen burned thin k. The re. anr .-aus •. will tb v r all >w it again. ; J |■'i D*dn*\ by changes the pist r, they riuus Wo would inlhrm th** ad- at •<» bird. I met a wretch of purposes. niglit, poor Ji t, Griffin, R Abigail, Thurb n !>•; It at turn-d. was t:-at “she >-ii >uld uuk them owners what to these intense men their great- pay Tie- of the Volant know ij.-ight ministrati m and its mini ms tiiat t!ie govern- yours a miserable, unwashed brat, rmgton Jack- n. d 17th. *ek, M*»r •! gives party to-day, 1,-j State v ( harlotf>- ^toi rr h r o.immi «.f rum, if did it ! I" does own ! * and l him I. •id. ! ■; \ amt. do \r- est fear. It is this aflilliation of men li en gallons they was taken fr >;n lmr dock and landed in the ment not lan enough t buy up pave sixp -uee, and I have be-*n Malaga-ar. Jordan, s •<> K. W L< T»t.*l 21 We ;’.ipi:re the and all otliers, that of Kansiis. T!i ai d 1 r it ev*-r since;* or, b »rd. if I had burc-cr, IIjit, Portland; arring, itumint, ail of the Union, ibr a comm »n Ag\ under l.ordh? hall. th--people originators >rry quarters grogg.uy or- id -t: n- of the mom mt are b tiiat the not sign.si tho.-* artn-hs <*t faith. I A *nl *>» t ;i v*- 1 jff r« tli t r scenes lenee enacted msiing night and animal 1 c mnon fed ini. here, ..!•> not tie ir ro- SAII.KI* II W */ii» S.l-j K*m object, by Why they Kxprrss disap; inhabitant- o( this* t*ni: *ry would Eirt.*r ha\. gon.-t tin* theater this v -uing. Vo-.tr n > !• was t h M I *t r. 11.i t * n. | •;% i«, 1! t >n ; ]'-;h s > that miurust-d what done, •* J int .-rests an 1 ial dy hation. It is to “that undwi an\ th hr 1. in this lif and th next for a m of a at d -a l of .- ii that, overriding pec.unary folly agi -p religion deprives gr *y B"9i H ". t, W t or w u me n -tors; State I.iUh u » i ,»r ku win if w.ts d th-- at l mde d .m.;; a m nt. but I m< an t n » influences makes tbe kn>*es of these 11 •!- e.v-.pt cireuinstane-s t’iic owmrs have no control grab Nani's What pi:- stick to it. Th- l b* g furl,ti \ ~ but tlie tench of arum th next able mistak ! We would ratiier c a- mi •>th r way •!’g. tting into II"i\en. 1 N ew 111 ; S '.i.i T *t.\1 amount. T i* shazzars to tremble. "While they could atmosphere over th ir vessels as regur Is the fr ight tin y supj t ■ e-. Th-- in.-r w ud, Ji >1 .. .< > 1 a. .rj was t< r th- ourselves eteinal p rty, than be t..e ,n- sac!i men ur out of the chur. ii, 1 !> :t taunt the witli s- ri ei-.ili-m, morning strong enough the masters of the Volant r. " // Republicans earry. Ssupj* sing struments i our own b gra lati hi. Who the b *t t- r.' > «|. ii.nl b.*ja don ami tie a:i were to be ivU-r tii.it so.uetiiing ; < because its voters l its presses ami the ('onus. It conclude that it Would be; that mingles with thop 'opE, hears th ir v A aristian had b 'tier git) t!i" the it -r DOMESTIC PORTS. mann a* ol tlie tiiiit •V,;. l < stan Carter. Jr. owl Alci*nd*i found almost entire i:i the Free States, th**y cpiiet doing thing prjvos m -rprofitable to freight their vw -Is with o] inions and observes tin* spirit in whirk than tipi h mi" wi.ininp be. re.- }: can't i .*;># 1! :i !■ rs-> no rowdi s had a hand in it. are rail d ui!>t as to w hat w ill g •- If it is worth \v!»il t•» d » W -r —Ar. 1 '.lb F%. Len?h, t’.iev had a of a thousand from toe coast of Africa, or turn they \pressed, anyihiugfor thought “harp Negroes we *t 14tt». P...F. ti r-< :l be the result of tiiat election? Our en Christ, it is w irtli while to d » it with mr ward ; \ i;fi, .. N airy.- Tie II 04 an t> l we y strings” whicli would last them age tie-m into Pirate vessels: think should •- a D'K 'ii, G; p. -t n. w.t'i |..-4 of jiio. M.m. mies may consider us fo E an i knaves; hut head up. an with y ur wh >1 h -art J v .1 •>.. if! > r i. t w >n. Tilt* A:hn aivtmliiMi its s > ill s-.-e who had control. ■ H J M i- Kf play up Alas! Miouing •gi\e us a c.hanee at the b ill t-! and v ”M mv Christian? ar lik rail- da:nag ,-r. Kami. pnl'.-Mug war*!; Uphi.. Prkin-. IP-tmi S| i. I Ml;. -*i,r. “The b:»t laid schemes o’ mic.* am! will r.turn the cjniniioi lit.” road st iti i:i-ho.is •>, and the wicked are mou. Mr. Kditor, as far as 1 can learn, th-’rc is lV»y Spring, Goii'in*. R\ng<>r; Piiebo Ann Gr< --n. whirl" 1 in lil! on .St-// A :■■■'■» II ••■card ajid .V /jt»n IJotro l aft Wo have intimated that the Ad- them, and p» P*' ■_ r. »Cth. ar. Gang a-gley; already but one man in this with in 1 i- -ntiy by brig Leaver, Tapley. Lang*r; villag.* pen Fr >m Chi •ir. lea’e us I*-.:*, Quindar forgetting them, •!« a. 17th schr I’. ... a An' naught grief and pain, ministration will tight a d-sper it*- batt! .* in taeirway whereas, t!n-y Nap ••n>hf|«k< 1, T .fa! • 1 ance t- r-Tuso to allow a ... t \ ‘•The unfair subimssi m of:!. I. ;e >h e.;i,; j t i ! irifii'li, with loss .-1 best an- a For enough floating1 »mpt J ke switch-s. sinners u*t! Tupiry, A v*r „• 1 I' ■, promised joy.” no m and n ■ .king Kansas, untried, -i 'ii'. Vi 1-aviug ■ < institution will n it shi. Id it; the •ii" i-t’.i brig \t-.i-r Lan- Da 1 WaU r. L« of his the Uui ,d N utilised in its eff-r.s tj get th-* strike th;- the ordinal.• t> th. er." e--- 1"th -vhr. up deni, s.iepherd. Ifaiig.ir appliances one such a ami we to b. r md u:gh bury claims—*‘In what other cm we look man, ought j r.-id-nt. .. Tapley Lang V ■ light to tlm L u euneJtitu- lanee of tlndr hi de in the ite f O. /{ a y. pv.pl; accept ■-mpt I just indignati p A"\j; .j,\r-\it > -Arr. l'»th. J. W a Southern SsavAnld *r. than that .-f of him. Om* woid of advic would oiler of arren. upon m to* to heart th" swindle. Ta ur-mt, la J' ti in way it i- pr.-seated the.;.. T> I’.'imn )Tio\ t Tin Auoostook. Th-I’i- G. Aw :. IP per. Sid. 17::. to those men who.-i v- ?'••!> has two a -V '* sciliahn *ss and when under (though unasked) This dodge Eater s, bribe and schr. Aim um, 11 vr. J »•« ».«~l t .ft hypvcruey, any d till.' th i will of n -r ‘..it > that i .f irmation i- r •] Lang-r. against express.. ■ i\<-d in i.v e’iairly > < that a threat. I'm* bribe i< r than P* r.s. .,1. — Ar k».,. circumstances he unites with the abolition- bring liipior int this port, ith.r stop nothing -a-rii lnh. Sells it I.cae':, I. ich, r of to at no parts of the intention t'e. p will it s.-rap; ot’m-r n w tat s hare received, and whi thatejunty K \\e-t; R II I' :'.; T ■>!»•- a. I oplc, paire or e n- -h, ■ the North !” abolitionists husiii-*ss. in tuo naue' of all that is : a a umber of -r- »us ms iphir, ists of By larg p in vari irts I- L '"I. Kittleti ■v>’ t Martin expedients. how*e\ a* disreputable. The in justie •, will E* gi\ -n to Kansas by > no ]• 1*. l'it*., Harriet, id. 1. k- F*k*y c *asj ah cut t ranee ami »f th Stat -to to tliat for l:»»»d. Sid J7t1 •. .. meant the Southern men and sist-mt, talking •mp < emigr.it County Lmt-tii. Perkin.-, l.rnn. T-aal am r-int, & Republicans. n i.-f the New Y »i future mgr-s-, when the Nation..’. E jEhi- Washing; correspondent k, t!i »s of thvr-*. ".owe — Sid P'ltli. -«'.1 .\! > with tim runis^llers. for are the purji settling Partridge, le w. 1 *. .a.- »r* Northern mm unit *d to piss the r‘.inn: ,'id in they ture shall ha-..* Ivei purg.-d. an it m- -: si.rely j:i»v t b-f Iv.ening T •'t .giv.-s the first move iu the pro- II m- A-tali liark-r, t e-Stat ban l Graduate, Gro Maria l*\rk-r Tu**k, Kw|. ms can eiat talk. will be, and that ri ft Th threat Ap-nt. of *S7 si Saeh men v.c- onlv who appr your early. K -i-e. Li,' ,, Julia ivery. — pers whu.--- ofli-o i> i:» this Saunders, d> prohibiting gramme, which we city, in; -m- us that copy: •* E t' at Kans.-.- must remain a t rrit hr an ■ I'iuiu til, 1>. lg.--, l*he.V> n >t so '!’ tie* friends of t ran l w mid n*y h" Lay ur; May never called To-v ar tap. say, is re.-, l tt rs from r- State t John Stiinh’i hyp»cr:ti*s. •*Mr. W'*cr. who is removed this indef.nate unless !. ,- n i- constantly ivinp p l others for i by ap- period nnpti aeeept- ** -ns as wi?h to the basin ss of in oth, j- ,f t Stat.* and out ut considered but tb »>ite, unless encourage a 1 parts In 17; 1.-.. Yew,. Hu t to-day, just •>; p p lintmcnt, left lor Kansas 1 ust f 1» you d. But til*- is of with the -ri!>«-.— pit a; June >. P t .. Total atnr*.i t. H H riday. pie.-.- th Stat m -s as to this n-v. r 1 a 1 •.king to what lands r; lruditi Ha. i. W ii. A ,* •••:.-• *U-l U'f.U us men of the truest an 1 the larg- ior doing so h w* i- i y a s i'n .rdiaat bringing li-puor place, any Cn«il t right of petition is r >k.-1. the impiiri Iwnbaik; •'ar-dine, patriotism '• are f.rsetth-m -at in Ar.o-to»k ff •1 ke. ■• •!, « -1 •flie r in t..e lot-ri »r Mi >w do li r ail w 1-* of Kansas will retain the itiw to open County. Li-sill; swan, Laibour; est views. The illustrati »n of tin* l liioii i»eparim vess.l that earri such fr ight, pc } perog "d 1 1 P. All g n .1 information as to th".- lands II *«r. \ Ac. •• you stand on L .n—ir a fhr t bend an En* a lud-si -u int. Hutching*; •- y up 1 it in'* cue ;u in. in- n- eo.npt >ur .to he 1 in >m*h w--e!s. application will ’• : MeK St uoes u y go shippe gat r-d lVo a a puMieuti >n which he at» t ./ ^>/» Af l.unt and l.nerll bun? against the full as submitted lj the the L ni u ..-a Mat •. and th- i- net far L;.t !;• t.—Ar 1 -to. p.->- day is > m t ■ M.ign.Jia, r.indage. !i »- that wc ever h url fr :u !:u an doiibtl s.s. will think I am going too luak in aceordanee w ith an act ol ucst •• Many, distant wB-na N’uti< mil ( will nvr- t ■: .ar N rt H a J Total ?.m flint, 0 ■- appeals u ngr-.-s tie b ,u. ling, d. aim Ko. H.-th, w.is h- w giMatuiv, him to advert is ft >r came from inebriates in their sil»*r far, but if that course pursue!, rI* 1 tile diet::m of ,;n imh -eil .*\- :ti\•*. and authorizing Merrill, d ■; .Ma->a*..it, -i n r, K-vklaud; K J’.! n»-l t.y .• 1 l—f rt lips, -o! • ‘lie ar 1 SS lit ilk lan Is that -:i to s ttl-mi mt. ■ 1 L*-,. Kansas a IV ':.it-- i.ii-i -r L-> : :i. la-t invest IE •• Kansas with all the t;;" 1'U >p \ t> in n » *ave the -;uj much think you would b* brought diguiry and moments, li»juor I we > \ T"' * ,• •; temperance ■ hi-adverti--merit, learn, is t 1 ;h ii in*-. N-a L>o*.»n and sh >ul l not r r-.- his vot -. *. of a .*> .ercigu .** pab- tun, January, .. r mth by s; li-:i d in a t e. with lur- M -. ittas. Ar 1 lei />•>:.worth, Lradburv. St at- v John Afcbato by shutting up thegr »gsY»p>. and had no d--it* t-> do s ». Ji sub- pimphl ouipani-M j- a t r f* f..l Win. see cura.* of the T: of considerable rum to c!mrt"r —Me--rs K lev and ad- n- of th- 1 • ati »n and eth, d,,; p.,p„. Lielmrd- ern men the slavery t-dd Mr. T; *n. > -r -d id sn-u pr English. Bright, cxplanali cpiaiity T la I amount, & ;>* blighting ly ;.ij-- :."ii. d Piube Laxter, t' de. •! •: ot tin s land-, also with an Zulnia, t’tiurcb, V' I I .r t at *. It vw muM tuae jiii:.i M.raii' ii m nave :>(.•••!» w ;:.i -ngraved d All-in- 1 a rik-. satc-l and ask that it n »c hi ext m L* 1. t. t joirj il, rnarg"'i map •N‘" V < IWofC* may depart » rk; Augusta, (Vde, du. 17th, lirig It, to wh .1 north "a-t-rn n irti-m of tlie Mat.: l»- > IMcri, the -..i > male- Kan- H la.--. 1' Ka.(. act like rational uni fomest m.-u. wit Id a-ratie party as talk, there w mil If no l k rh' tli- rument in a land -u. They pe pi* t’ny tiling go*.. ujH-rati in whu-a tm- .- land* !i a ; tiling >ci l.ith. seh« (» an L.-il, Watt-, Marblehead polie\ :nl\ *at *; “hut t!:« ir fVuit* •• while Nothern who susiiiu th ■■.’t-*mprance l»y 1 following letter from the Post, Kit llarh M State v Mat ha a Sue politicians >i the hut tliat it > ruined in livening 1\ aye p irty, lad —den that labjrs for shall know them,** a.. ! wo all know that tells how was carried. ral will addr-.-.-,- tin? citi/. n.- 1’Iewi-r. Clark, Boston. Buchanan ] arty party par- tie t- rri: ..ud mine. I in id- «--»un- y Li-eompton Riley, Total amount, 2; )« ry, i.e:.rly Ma i' t >-m .rr >w hi’.'TiitT.—Ar. liij, ll. II .mt, mild *\v are tie- such u uns \\ i.-n > ut.l an San Wasuim.to.x Ar::i: 1' «*n the sub; t Bxis AH.-'v-I i'i-t -f t.'iii3t—] briar) poses to extend this blighting try, pursuing *, and that he tfuj^ru:; prineipb }-••• l!7, night. (Saturday.) I5i all'll. 11 \S II k. 1 tin- Pit Lrind-dfi*-.- in of rune -.— The <1 y, hypocrites—Uie seltlsii class of tl. Union, liey; int y std clash, many of us are found want- Ordinarily, utl’iir, Tnip *n. has tho reputa- .'Id 14th. Hiawatha, .'Vaopr.e, and Ki;»cv, In- liuvcd it t oft i1 w! i'li ami hav* New Yrk. th- Bright. linglibh Foley par- tion of l.» an ••il.ctivc lecturer. S .• his galls, and the men who will be watched by ing. -i.ig State r Jos’iu t Af ■/. S/wiwrl F to liuike Kan.-a- a free and was •>- ti !>e allowed t » w M, r.fiii. A I4th. St "ph Male, pj ipit.d, might pass ithout hill-. Statesman, mut. Jb,<. Sprays* ro ters aud wheuowr can r ue-h t K F-!wr. lb h: marked, they t-d to 1. ton. and do il vote it (•.•n-'iiv, upm the >i -wjj. ib •; g 'mi. lira'-.'!'.; oiiij against part.i-ular principle ’1 V* A S< i.m:.—I:i i«n. Wallace, J, ; Ni.*r air. »*■ *ri!.• .I. <|> •_ them. us suhuiilt *d to lii ini us m n ur it b •. hut under the eircum- L.;*tport S.miuel relates /’ a! amount, ly it people. Mr. Kdiior; d I i '• :r. allu.v, d .; I lends, .'’r.'.it, d .. j. When tho fishermen of M l- see t Mr. l m then iulornw-d Mr. Yfeor slam tii transact! •>.; v.as a fraud which the followiug : >.*vd bv »l ri jinated b-f-.r* iiomps lit am i nt tim s. “John the 11 lot -r*' >nl. liny, iteli-!'. Mra .. -• brig J-.tin M. * that there would b* r un oais in the t rritu- mii.-t in Ik* attribut' d to more di- On Noyes, ‘.j. law to the iv ariiy Ihwr.-duy of la-l week it wasaiioiine. il •'id., A!:.r 1:. brig Lmr.-tii, Wall.! -, t;;i,.vra bounty repealed appease party tint’ l the Seven churches at Asia. In mod- * forthwith. I d hrst curries with it th ll -t motivs. Some tim it came out * ■ .> .r. ry ag that i u. llil y would ad lr—s th,* b’uba; Sailor 1 y, KubiaRockland; It or its Southern an 1 n > p pi /.'« r n leaders, prote.u !’’ rn and of r« nt d.t! •. the i:i tli W 'stern that land warrants to K !!• I >; n Jordan 2d and John Fletchc power, oliiciul head of Mr. War times, very papers here «»;, t.-mp! ranee, in tie* ptre.t. At the Chappell, y. an l5"'l v it from the Uni >n man ••« an amount of more than 0000 acres wa re en- ,v-—'r. 10. h. ’Am. Rithat-1* T.xa* against goes up church at Lluehill has r ived a salutati >n tiia* app anted a g »d audi neo was i:i at: a- I*..pc, n, amount, 4 :• at at '1 I >!'• hi* co-lab will be t ■r -m- ui' e; tered the I.aml-oflie r Bur- dime- »ien. Ril was All by -v; -r-.-mated t». f .r* irersthey likely —Wo have h n r to the to he from the of that em- Dubtiqu*' the 1 i> ipiosied publish jiurj ortigg sprit y j. .tiring grape i', I. M.. 1! t. N >u«vr, IIV". Mac lii.yt m in on all in fi\ -r « ! Jesse 1>. 1Harris, *ub-r, K*u- true to \n h > ar. day, i:it tii i'll, in his usualdbvtive maun who are their interests and n.uu.s of the I/i.-lricl h ■nun it tec of tut sixth L. \. Jonathan Li-hr. Xow my, -r, Bhiln; AIi R. Richard.*, Muchius.; 1 t*ciir«. inent divine, s.-iat v from In liana. t.tli, ling'll, acting "'lieii otie came forward a Harriet. Stunw II ? and who whou elevated to cai\ Ib'lainey with l.ot- ...d; ward. Treworgy, Hllswu.tli; false, power, Hist net. Wo who Mr. l'.ditor, we ar u » m*r d w More iiie information shows that t! ot •F I*- Sfa'y v Alvah F. Ilau.hr,» Congressional comply Spiritual!.'* sp liip.ior. and offer ■d.some to the *. -a -ral, JohL.-":., llvd.ii >. ilachia.*; Ague*. Rad for self. the had r- in tin* to HJl-.v.rth. only believe in having any communication what- Bright partn speculation, a' l- .inpanung his offer with re- Total amount, 4 v> appropriate — w Mr. Fii»_■ dish and Mr. two w.iv r- N 1 \r. 0. brig Anita Owen. N eit. si it, marks. lie.* t» Itay. Allowed b> and originat-d hef<*« •'•gates Irorn each c< unty at the last l onven- \'.r with tiie inis «.f the hut in Fol-y, 'Ueral turned iiis batterv up- departed; and liekle-mimled vita*; l»th, hr. Charlt.* Ulmer, AddR.i'; l id,,, Ilat.-U Micn brr, K.., —Tho Bath Sjntin A that the ing apparently auti-I. ei vl. > writhed under it- says religious ti jij. We CU\C > Delaney, rad .. Bluraiu. ; this c;i>; ill—o-'t b.-CUl the Spirit terribly r. do.; 11, Tyrone, Mrout. Maeliias. •oiojitoii democrats, from the sauc- stut--:is until, like a nfcerMt in Dum ris cotta and N w Castle effect, finally hero, he was d;>- v. \N\All.—\r. Fvh Wat-m. PRt.EO VTF.*. r \\e i...re 1 >n- Mr. I ho t!ie »-;-ig V’.bhrtt*; State 1 Rdcrt (Jordon ng Bright. junior organ here, b’ diow No sooner w. still continues active. On l"'s'“l fight. was tie- Mb. lark Ai. li I»...: rth, lor Cuba. Ar. llth. ijuite Sunday d. red such 1m those -.J Mar. admits that these warrants w.r s nt word a i’ Washington County, 123 (if tiling* ) why g giv than vcral persons who Jove King \\t»os;.r, C.ilai*; Alin. Ilray, Total amount, I *•• Rev. Mr. Belcher of tho Church out from here the (’oiumi—ioner of the .1 dalle II.t'kv 1], .1 Cam a:. Baptist Hancock l" “old \v<»rti:i<>,” lung since d parted, have! by fne s]K‘eeh, stepped forward and t >11 the ; a. Fuller tun, .'tcub n ; Allowed by 1 ruinated befjr* Laml-ofiie Mr. was 1 nomas Jv In fifteen teu person •, hy Bright. What the t icuer.il to on, and would rson, Kelley, 'aleui. Jr. Wiawvll, Evj baptized persons, Waldo not spoken in their once familiar maun rto go they attend to consequence? From the mom nt wh n t! of the exhibition. I)e were received into the fighting part Mr.vo.—Bark Forest Congrega- Aroostook 2" their hut for the truths s warrant and his of 1 ainey Belle, Havener, sailed from ! llock*.) **p »ken—ap Bright list d.-signe’ ai; 1 his friend*, if ho had deemed State lewis tional, and into the Mothodii* any, ft .Cowe-, under ord. r* I-r Hrenuoek, April 22 1. Maya twenty-six not to this, hut to many lands arri\ d, tiios-' lands w. re take:, .t of to desist plicable only prudent frjiu any further demon- Total am *uut, 14 Oa church. tin: market, and the act of hurdles throughout our land. X ,w we though entry strations ^fU. »cil by and originated befvr* might not have been perfected for six m »nth>\ Samuel tj. Hieh, Kwj. cannot tie; e uumunicati n r tim ft 'SPI.CIAF XOTICHS. Postmasters CosnujiKn.—The folfowin; t' At the iuf.riu,.l ballot, and tho nn< give no actual s or numb r of only ttler, any then, \ little five-vear-old friend of ours was hut as near as he have nominations for Postmasters in this Slit had. the \vh"l mini her liuraiim, may you could .nt ran a-re of that trad, 'file organ tin- otle-r A VAM-AM s Mr.i.ii INK.—During the pre~ nt Hu State c William and Susan <*f h.,1! jta were 2-> day puzzl- d, as many an older week,no Salley Stanhy it — ill the act as h hut h-lb-ws b-M-l has than of ..nr fri--ud*, who have been induced to l\ ,f i Total have boon confirmed by the S mate; Snim F. C. Foster had I'»* just gal, nobody been, in trying to torn] an idea of try amount, 9 44 that, had not trio b-n I*e Gr.ith's K1 vtric Od f >r Like Jehu tie Ilev lat lie “I know this ut speculators t.. 't i ,/ as distin t from rheumatism, in consequence o Allow.-.I by and originated before Portland; U. Sn »w, l>»ti. K. A. Pike »r, *a\>; the hotly. \\Y n. Jordan, Joseph 4. having n this ad vert is Suuu-1 ti. member.- who-- votes it was necessary to deaxoml to preparation d In our columns Ukh, Ka<|. work*, tribulation and .ci- xplain: “You said y.»u lov d Samuel Edwards. Belfast; Leonard Jones your patience, j have, would have o n thus allowed t» have ■ died upon us to state the resell of their Washington Long 2* they mo just now ?” *»0h, experiment*. 1 have sum-, few vmi you—hist'.'' “What Warren W. Eist-urt A. ;{ ty:” yet things against betW' -n tin* s.ttlers and their d" Tie se j*erH.nu u-sure us that their rheumatic pains have Stater U m. Cha Winslow Bangor; livthaway, P. timers on ij ■•tep right.-.— l ,\j with, your forehead'/’* “No.” Staples, Herrick, am vv | K-.-n cared a few ■•it. of Do (irath's J.awton. Air land* r wlurei.v 1 constrained to writ-; i -r did »ul 1 have been comp-ll' 1 to tliun- our •• entirely by appl Henderson, Whidden, Calais. They hand.* r Io »t? vour (Lory* Edgar y your die -k? ■El •••trio 1 .- 1 v. s. or nd and to take their Oil,” and th-.v roc .mitten I its to all w‘»# are r. and John M. n . J„s. land-. I p m the whole th.-rc i- little cl mht wer- b)rt>iu *d bv Samuel Hale Jr., K*u. ami ail>w«d bj mentioned, at last over * the election under the bii grace, and in <. >d?— pausing the I H can had cf the agents here. See ai.. rt.s.n a ia L U. I*!iilbro«k, supervie»_• Eugiii If Hull of Isle ; rejoice always serving iii.it this extra »rdin -g.» was ae rd- .i k>.,. Pmstjuc* C.-j, W. |>v r d iry privil t. with a 1 know now triumphant “Oh, ! another cohunu. ^ iq consists of 4 And how m e »un*< 1* ? Have ed to tmen as a bri*>-. Whether 1 d *v " hat I 1 Minis S iniu- l Wuss *n of Franklin, uud J. havey kept my jve with—its—its Me ji >< that jor;- an he n cjnvertc J J State r /wonard (larland. Governor—J W. Denver. \ not from the faith I on «!«•- i I- iglish would have i to !.. Moor*; of departed Uisw-Tth. L.. without tli brib_- is a -s- U ln will yosi Suiter! Total amount, I 4g S. \Y ash. I 1 iv• red unto ? Have not some inptoiiism qu _ ‘ism*', All wed --r Secretary—Hugh _ you ti m t v in. iv discuss with their To all tre.rn ; by ated U for* constitu- M -. lb t r s was persons .•‘uttering Rheumatism, Neu- v. a W illiam President of the Council—G. W. D r ... :. J'iper baby making Soiaerl-y K*q. *■~s ent®. 11. in the limbs or 1 ue tno freiie-ndous and a ralgia, Cramp stomach, bilious Col- "I hunk r pajr-r.s found fault muse, friend asked i‘et> r of \Y Bibc.-k. hound root and in some of \. it was or wo Curtis X Berk Speaker Assembly—C. with ("iv. Morrill sprang up your by k cross. “It has a moth- toothache, say ins’Cramp Pr >cl,i ua’ion lor Fast, —In Texas ti e wheat is m>w stormy State v IJatholomeiv Russel. V. &. for Kansas—Wui. Vu- souls ? Is charity the twin brother of you crop ready er, .-aid Pm ter with a si- :i. “You *ne dn't » id Bain Killer is, of all others, the Attorney as I'eiog anl i remedy you Tot .1 amount, 7 44 nninteiligibh* and the low of the f'»r the sickle. In Maine the seed has winder it'* a little « mt. It like it all. brethren tin- sincere just sepia..y.M operates magic; has cured All >wr*d anderiiri-iat.d U-for* a ecu-: him of him by W. < tl-ey plagiarism, been s »wn. thousand of after William —Henery Herbert the author, m charging desire of hearts? Aro there not some ; oases, long years of suffering, Somcrby, K«.j. your —lb v. with the substance of it from one hthan Osborn of New and I milted at the Stevens N. Y borrowing The g of man are more ot Fairfield, when all other remcuit'3 tiiat have la ee tried suicide, ll-w.*. among you who despise the simple and sin- n.-rality capable *ft!i»* bst t di-.-d on the 1st. one State v John 17th. scholars i the country. 1) > great efforts to obtain their en«ls, than of Jersey, inst, aged hun- have failed. lyvj*‘21 Sullivan. 'jitj, gle amusement* of youth, and like th I*har- f they abandon the Iirst eharg ? long per** v ranee. Their laziness or incon- dre l years. 11 was a s Jdi.r in the Revol- Total amount, g 94 usee that aro not a.* •*.). r thank hod “you r ■ them ot th fruits of the b •>: b Allowed by and oti.-i ,at*d before —The Volunteers in Florida haw* b -u di* stancy uti If was licensed as a —Tiie P e announces th futur* editorial miry army. j readi- W illiam Sumerby, t * men are”—while at the same time you are ginning*. Tli y are o,ertaken by sc-h as iid Indian wariors connection of er at the of and r dded at MARRIED. banded, only remaining. (ion. > lionl» r win that i*t- ft f-’ as ago 27, to servo both («od and mammon? tin y l liiud them: such marclied p *r- Fairfield, r. 11) trying p will assume an share of the a of hi* first 57 Years. State r Alcah F Hawkins. —The Post Office at Ind. wa. <<|ual but with constant resolu- past«*r charge, In Dangor, 15th by It v f Haul. *. Dr. K. Brooksiille. ••U!i who strain at a an ! swallow a ha]>s slowly, A. 7*h ,mi» » Mr. yo gnat i-iii. of Charleston, and Mo bin., .f. Kddv of Corinth. Total amount, 4 41 broken into and all tt Pang tion. the l -rs *• ,4i>i »*y t!..- iust \lr. by burglars the uit ht n*. and the camel. And are there nit still thojo who, The Fort Sm of san.e,17th j|o;iW £, Aaiuc* and Allowed and b*for* pres will iling committee > by originate! arrangement investiga- •Mi-.-* Franc. l’ars.,ns, bath of Dane >r. st len, and worth of invohe no William b-nnerby E*{. Stamps. change in tho p .-lineal course of profess to love the Go*»p<. Ls charming sound, —Tho entertainment given for the benefit tion have reported, and their story is the ; i ij»-*r. i’he a- -ion • profitable M ilii.nn ami Ciitbariiio A 1 lowed by and be to all eon-- them to sustain it? O dear ) l satisfaction t*> crowd-d h eists.— fraud the Heath, of T’reiaont, ag •.! 1* y,. u,. originated for* fouud of the is a United -rned. \V understand that Men. my brethren, gave g» governments, I. Ha-s //.irl* William guilty. Ope jurors thereby cancelling r, 7'remout, Jpril 2I*t, \\ ill;*-, a ,,f Somerby, K*q Sehoulcr is to arriv in town to- rise! shako off * L’hcsc home entertainments have been some old for Mrn a,»l Amanda Tinker, ag.-d (i ir- State# Marshal. A motion f ra ik-w expected every prejudice, very “easily always obligations party u n ices and y« Fan.J l.ic», Deputy May U, Samuel tgu of W ..limn and day. N., Nancy aa * .r sin and run with me the race and what is liave This ■ on trial wax made. besetting pati liberally j«atronized; better, expenses. administration has adopted aged l > cars Inquisition body of Samuel H. Perkin* Kit before lie united; labor; | been of it. The have the old Scotch rule of Total ^ you.” ray worthy representations Judge’s sentencing hi* amount, 100 2* Poi.iTicu. A Stata Convention of tho 1 —Gov. Seward addressed the Republican and toil with unceasing effort for the spirit- been well executed; the acting has evinced victim to pay “forty shillings and be hun-,'* —The Originated before f adjourned Nathan Walker, Coroner Hep'.ihlicau Verm ant, for tin; nom- of the liMouiur's uiui.ii the d -elamati »n« w-ell d m- for it Agricultual Eiq ;a->«-trialion ftt Washington Ia«t week. It is party ual advauement kingdom talent, and makes the country pay the electioneer- v 1 inal; •! t lie u w ! •• T-.'tal am •• d 1-1 at f *• *•» w rd and v.oik Bur limit.- ueh-t n *’i th- flair * i.« * meets in mot. |3M in: first time h v\ r udJi-••. ! .* j .j 14 !h zealin ry g ha-bids ing X)- of f !■■ party that sV. n» | p,u Meeting, Ellsworth (he -mr 41 -d t I : •! !' 'J !h J.'th of June ;i v« N K •cmbp, Mor»‘p !, ktw ! Hi ■; in! 1 r.\ ibi ii:» i-! -n chan a.i ir>th of June PEWTER. Ttei»»r«r. ■■■mil i To the //onorablo Parker Tuck Judge of Probata. Th-* FOR ROCKLAND Subscriber respoctftilly represents that Henry P. Jones la’: I« Till] CITIZENS OF MAINE. OOLDEN PRIZE. of deceased, was seized In fee, siirj lo of IVw Ellsworth, rim THU Ho. 62, In the New Congregational Meeting House situated | OOLDEN PRIZE. In said Ellsworth. Your Petitioner therefore prays your W THE GOLDEN PRIZE. Hnnor to allow h< Uio al>ov« named Pv‘w out of t ho E-- SmSSTM WSMIM), *3? O I THE GOLDEN PRIZE. / Uto. A# iu duty bound will ever pray. Theme to Boston Steamer New THE GOLDEN PRIZE. SAR.MI (\ by / JONES. < 5? THE GOLDEN PRIZE. / 1853. Something April l 23, M c n c ni o n Sanford. THE HOLDER PRIZE./ THE GOLDEN FI! II Til a At » Court of Probate held at Ellsworth, within and for the PRIZE/ ii, Hi 2»1S]1 2 £ THE GOLDEN [•HlZJt. County of Hancock on the fourth Wednesday uI April £ F g § £ g A. 1>. 1854. THE GOLDEN PRISE. On the foregoing Petition, Ordered:—That the Petitioner aEE&ZB95 «o=:«3Jf4w THE GOLDEN PRIZE. notice to interest- d a of this auKowMpS. M S M fire persons causing copy ILLUSTRATED! liy The Favorite Steamer ILLUSTRATED! T'S, petition and enter thereon, to be publish' d thr- weeks RARE CIIANCE ILLUSTRATED! successively In the Ellsworth American that they may then TO PURCHASE Celebrated Schiedam Aromatic Wolfe's ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. appear at a Probate t'ourt to 1** held at Ellsworth in said PAPER HANGINGS &€,; ROCKLAND. ILLUSTRATED County, on the third Wednesday of June next at ten oYl-.. k Schnapps. EVILLY WEEK A. shew cause if I IPT. ISIttl'l, ILLUSTRATED M.,and any they have why the prayer EVY.RY WEEK. ■“ % NVUV, Tiiis medicinal is manufactured the THE subscribers hive Just received a new and ioA *4- of said should not be beverage by petition granted. Will v 1.11s ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. nortmert of the worth fir IEm-A land every Tlunsday morn- following articles- PARKER TI CK, Judge. at Jen | proprietor, at Schiedam, Holland, for iiig 7 oV|.m;A, tom bing at li. er l?le. Ca-tiue expressly ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. A. A. Rartlrtt, Register. Scdgw ii£, SOFAS. Attest, n,“l It* If-»-1. in time to connect with San- medicinal a to his own SPECIMEN COPIES LOUNGES, EXTENSION, A true of the and order of Court tlrn-mi. anivin^ tie M. ; use, by process peculiar SENT FREE. copy petition f.rd fur /f4m. CENTER AND CARD Attest. A. A. It is tho Tincture of tho Italian SPECIMEN CHIMES SENT FREE. TAMES; BaktlkTT, Register. II' :i‘r: in.: I Factory. pure ives Roekland every Wednesday morning ! AT BETTER BARGAINS SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. STUFFED CHA IRS, on oriixal of steamer Mcneuiou Sanford fsom I Sot* um, Juniper Berry, whose more vinous extract is dis- SAKE.—The und i-dgt.ed admin- as FANCY CHAMBER SETTS touching above. tilled and THE GOLDEN ADMINISTRATOR'Sistrator of Thomas late of Itln- 1...i in " Than ever b.foro offered, or can bo obtained elsewhere. rectified with its spiritous solvent, which PRIZE, Coggins th- !‘l HlJo leave Maohiasport every Monday nvmine f.r CANE SEAT, WOOD of. Ilancock * ILLUSTRATED! ILLUSTRATED! County di.ceas«*d, hereby giv pnhlle n..ti,-.- H it Jones port, W llbrufge, M • | tints becomes a concentrated tincture of exquisite that virtue nr a license l-\ the H a .In I'., SEAT A .VI) by granted |g,- I Me and N.ov Haven, ar-ivinc at K ■-!. in time to in flavor and aroma, transcendent in its Probate and f< .f < Ct w I tea r M< n< mon Vanford I altogether, The New York GOLDEN in Rocking chairs, 1 Weekly PRIZE <5 c., 4a A. I*. he will to sell on th** K May 1853, prove--.! premise*, at Will leave Rock I ... sordini and medicinal I'liu ol the properties to any alcoholic largest .nM beat weekly papers of the Also, a large assortment of Wool. Hemp, Cotton and Of public auction, on Monday th** f nrt. enth.l i> r .1 n .. n \: for Mn». hi as tom a* t ing port, hing above. stimulant now niado in tho world. i,ly- An Ini) criul Duetto eight loth at ten «*f the "hick iu th f.-r-.n. the f -|* »ing d' -..TibetI Pj It is now pre- j containing PAtiEA, FARE, >r pw'* d-- v- in- jeribed by more than 5,000 in tho Uni- ns»y entertaining original From Ellsworth to ci physicians iu-1 i.i.koanti.v Th® H \Tu--.f- a I farm situat. in I'-! t- htH at-.re* nd an-- Rockland, -5 Have just opened at"the store recently occupied by Mr. Love li.r.rsTfiatkd every week. on Joy, ted in cases of and Also, a large asortmunt of tame whii.-h the said m* f >rm rly lived, -g ijs: States, Gravel, Gout, Dropsy, 12 A HI FT WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO $500 about sixty acres, with all th-* and :ippurt« n- s.dgu,k, 150. Bladder and IN privilege* * Kidney complaints. HOLD, WiXL BE PRESENTED TO EACH p.iPEKiMNoiNtisft ( rnr ii\s anceif thereunto ln-longlng. tog. isr with th'* r- v- rsi-n «,f Isle, ] •>;». 'i. V. V. ^ Si. t S. ^ 'l N. Si, Si Si (’a«t s s Put in "I'BSCRIBER. 1M M EDI ATE EY ON RECEIPT! of the latest and Pushkina from tlu* widow’s dower then-in. Terms made- known it t'- dip, 1 up Quart and Pint Bottles, in casos of style New York. ^l$o, ,*MJ. A now and desirable Stock of (5. and *F THE MONEY. time and f sale. Dry ■id... .Superior Quality of .Made SUBSCRIPTION Window .Shades, Curtain Hair Cloth place Heady Clothing, me dozen qts., and cases of twu dozen pts, and for | Tassels, Fixtures, ISA AC P. OP'i'Mip. Ad-.i r. Mnehiasport, o 5,, and Damask for Covering Loungev, f-c. Doors < ■ale all the and tUiielil'.l. May 11th, IBM. ..>;• t, o’-Ja.! by Druggists Country .Merchants. One for Sash,Glass,Futtu, Looking Glass Plates.H ood- •• WHICH MUST EE SOLD! copy one year, $2.00. and 1 gift. N It—Tin- can have th >f th- m.1.,, tn, Ware, Children's Cabs and purchaser iiruly UDOLP1IO One for two Wagons, -r o WOLFF, eo'jy and 2 of dower iu the at a >• d therefor,, call at: nii .n -■ years, 3,50, gifts. Jute Floor Red Clothes widow'* right promises p.. :i. .1 *»'>*■•«» t .»*>: the ,.| the l.idi. a-. 1 gentlem-u ,.f fobwortli, and towns One Mats, Cords, II.,, ! neighboring Polo Manuhicturer and copy for three years, 5,00, and 3 Lines, Clothes Feathers before the purchase of the above. Uwiii J.( tin* lact, tlnit le w is tln> tin:*- f" make tin ir as w» will ott’- them i><■ 11r Importer, gifts. Pins, of N ,. purcim-is, Enrguinx ; One Haven, -, d copy fur live years, and 4 I tFurious r. 1U'I more r .-ale ever gave them. To in-luce a Bit.vvr.u-Nr., We also manufacture ami K Y> "ay ,„u„|. rapid AND TO CLUES keep constantly cf hand a OF FORKOEOPt.'RE nlo wo aha! 1 o3V.Tr Mm assortment T^OTI J. II. I.- t. many g-mild Tii« takes the* of largo of of on tin- nvi nt\ -i t 1 *•!... r.VRTRIDUE, Proprietor liberty referring to Throe copies one year, and 3 ltuvk*|Nirt .*••;:. )s5S. $5,00, gilts, j hum u- ki- I ,u r- Ellsworth, May, K,.; 1‘ive. one ! by hi* deed of t^age duly .il- <-l de'd*. II- k Tl and Pn.r Tea one 15,00, and 10 Bedsteads, Posts, Newel 25 u- 1 the copies year, gilts. t>- m** certain lot or ! fl.md this d i\ to 50 cent less than the vho have Sehnapp3 in their practice: Posts and Stair Bannisters. conveyed pare. per Twenty copies one year, 30,00, and 20 gilts. 1 to me >1. ti. th•• ->:im laud I e-nv« It..! j v-y* l.y llu-.-k, 3NTE-W 7Vu M'clii,ilJ{.cfcrcnce$ m .1 Tassachusitts. articles All of the atmve articles wiil Ik; sold at the •• T.lie to bo disti ibuted are in very lowest him an-l on .iiu-h lie ii-.w P.ves.-otuat-'i Ihii *-p-.r. comprised Htore at the V\ c.«t the, list: prices. End of the Bridge in com tctl n Uud **f l». Rii.-k and 11 E .. r- f- ... 1»- ; Cost Hr. M. C. Boston. following Original Groon, 'vltli the Steam mill, where all kinds of Cabinet work and ■f.r- said '!••••• I f--r a m- r- p.irti-nilat d- -eript-e. :i 1 he. ! 2 of Hold, $500 00 each will be of or nianulactnre. Hr Bobbin, do Packages containing Turning done to order. with the th-r- into h- Pm..-- T Importation, And a'l good* will be cold at { 0 d<>. nil appmb’iianee* FASHIONABCE Hr H S Leo do do. do. 200 00 each } tlitl--i of | ;;i--rt _• i; !i n" •■•*1 .-r k-- ,1 n >’ 10 do. Hr L J> Adams do do. do. 100 00 each Made Coffins tut i- i-l. I .1 mu (-> fon-cl -end m -r* i- iMc ]r Ariel Kendrick North Springfield.. •; 20 Gold Duel t, Aj !, 1853 3, >r N C Stevens Boston. I Watches, 75 00 each N. For Sale. I Bill .a--- j B—Buggy Wagons | I'tir! a-ulurj j! call, examino llio go I'. \ liasju't 1 turned from 200 Silver 30 00 ,, *r S Watches, each fOKI. M»» *r.F. Ado.;- -TV -r of 5’e of .1 J■ F n Pcrhain do Huntingeiscd ; :i with a inid- te a-.- .rtim-ut of 500 Silver M f 0 11st >r B 1« do Watches, $10 to 25 00 each Hinkly _ JUST FROM 100 J Gold BOSTON! rd—havii.j pro-. ,- hi* hr*: a -rt ..( air. .. TIIE TIME" >r .M U Green do guard, vest and fob | for Prohat SPR1N3 >r 11 F Baudall do chains, 10 to 30 00 each 1 *• t :*j than e ver l-f. r«* i-s Jr Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear > A \ g. this n::J will fin 1 it f-.r vour to l:n- Will Ilawes do Drops, liy t.i*- i' ii >| v "f t: .* •«*-•!-1- t* L» -l.-'ap-r vimmtr, you interest r- v.- it. Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Oft thn**- wm —<*iv> h in i' J : .rt!i Jr , a th J.., /' 1 ‘/\ 1 I-worth, April JO, j 3 f f >r Win I! «'<■ iper do Keys, Ctreely !' and a respectfully announces to her old customers ami V. v* I. » 1'r I s -rt I >r Sami W ebber •'*, variety of other articles, worth from Charlestown, .Mass. .lie that the tv third '' 1 •• Jm .• it «t cents to each. public generally “JIara Times” hav*» iy \t. of Jr.J. W Warren Bostoii. iffy $15 • a t’i> I >r*-ti-*.n. sh< w ni» if th* driven her from the •, an} •, why j >r .McGowan do immediately on receipt of the subscri ption nion tAu:v*:, ilJ not, Jh- all «ac*tl. the sub.-erib< r .* name will be our .'i mivt. u. \v. entered j PAKKFU TlTli, .1 : >u. uu upon OLD 00\.\ lubscripti' ii biM'k a number, and the MAIN A li-'i ripy Wa it, A. A Batin >:rr, K-.d r. ]7 KTSj KlUIJOA'S, WTrblo do opposite gift STAND, STREET, 1 rre-ponding with that number will be 1 -rwarded "kero she ko found a A N l> •avid Thayer do may witk fresh stack of A Turbell 41 do '““in viii; «e< u, > u:e sunseriuer, (,y mini or ex- sun: of >iuv. « >rcst, MII.I.lM'in GOODS. Alvin M- vi-ns do past paid. SPlilNd AND SUMMER ■ All • !l do Z2T communication? should Ik* addressed t 11a v. ss.— i\ • • Also Piukcrtoil ., \t ’otirl of County :'.**i--n- r» » ; A ! 1’a liner do KECKKT OK. •■t« ii- an i ludd at hlhw .rth within at ! ! '1 1' !*•»'•••• yin i ‘.-r Im. .|- it. k., f W •lSaud 19 Moffat 3do Kroad way, ! Dll ESS •• ieorge "tit do /Juildiug, GOODS ! ti.nl min'v of Him t.i a- (■ il. *. I '• I.' ii a-. I Mi A lay 9—lanjo ’■ Hutch 44 Jy , I S l-iilis do GOOD DEW f -r r< y 1. I.- id (. ;• a; !• :.. 11 ■: t’a ( su’i^r■]!»?:■ lias !■ ■•.rge do rim broideries of nil /.a t 1m. of ;;;• ... N... NDKRsi.rvi:^, ;1 ju.t returned from Holton with the largest and Derby kinds, Cambric*, Lawm», j'Hr. cheapest 44 »•• ■ » K N I < f « l.< ••At* A do TO THIS iiindkerehitfs, etc. Salih -1 nf V i'1, -:ii* .'a *}' !v I\.% A K S to nu* l>ry ever ofl worth, and is now sel ualkded low price.-'. Cummings Luces, etc., " esiuh Curtis r' •• 1 ■■ ■ on ■•:'.* : t i; U i-di and !• w Lu v.::A a • do I T: i" ■- .. id, pri*** E.iican. Kn-J;-h, nd French. 2001 vis 1 *'• I '■ •• > V W Coilman do A'ir -A .. -r.' I in- a* n i i I i !' i— 21 ct-. line Vclcntia .•*. f Y\ n t » s v.,:’. t ,„ u :. j ills, IJal/.arines, Plain, P > A R A S 0IS! 1 .im I ! P 1- in- and .M- in-<. * W Bluko U> B tl >;f 1 t> : IT ll'di.ir* 1- 1 t-l J : II t a *A!, Ila.-a^c^ India aad Foulard .-i! Piaid, A I that will ■ fm A Andrews do larger assortment than ever bet re offered in j hain. an i Strip- d It. !■ all w d P La in and Thiln I •* his market. A « F Abbott d > I 1 A <■. r>. I VIM ... E Parcher *• do Ml' .. 1 DRESS ,:i "I > -■ : 41 TRIMMINGS. •• ■; i Ii i W do id: it tin I. n* <■ .- d n T.uv .- N Carpenter 6EE>K l md /buttons of all kinds and Rust but 1 V 1*1 St « prices. 600 1; a k Silks which will he sold at 21 cts less than formcr M< di al Ivejrrtn. rs tn C< nm t ui. lot leasttko I'm* ad r t 1 yds per yard '' -• 'r !' A 0 and Man •: ;• infcs, 1 the new ?tv le, and will -lerick White ."imshury. Cunci eticut I I tank lift .* ! N t '. '1 -M .1 >• w ■ < »r "Ii• r B do Ha? recently received a Tit ESI I LOT MIEL INERY at a-t 1. 1 j !"•• p«, la t <•! .Print-, at «'» M «d-. -HI p.» Fr« :> a, scoteh, Crigg P.-ipu-nm-ck DERARTMENT I av |. p N I*». a ij inin*; icrnwi. and Xup.-rieu:. • -hi l«J cts to 2 »r New L-adon do 3 A iin^iiam- It up 2-1, 1-1, and tl-i White llanncL. •'■'.ay well filled with a fashionable stock o .- A & c .:-iu. t;ii. A AAA u,..»in id. c t I fo.tr MI 1RUGS, iMEDiCINES J >r Lloyd East'ii do PERFUMERY, f \\ "*1! \xv nd all c«lier articles usually kept in a Hist class \ j SHAWLS I attain A Pike, M 1) IIt-m-uss, P 0, do i’ ; Bounds nml IS n« * t utn »ur iioi!.i! .. I f t ‘1 ! :■ i-.i i; illliolist, lifty-l .:-.■ A Austen /Ji i.-t d do j list purchased in Boston with a full ai- nij o; tit rw. and ill.1-.: C Palm and new Stella 44 together p- Iwlo Dunham do *>ruer All Work ... millinery done to order with v -o ;\ >A NEAT* laiT.i dii-4 !.m I \ f' STYLE *• /T' HH lias ivcv on hand the largest ami fj rj THE NEW [ Bak- !»• up 1! i\ er do Vli.'S mol IlIlril'ATOll. s' trio Wpa* -u part of T a .*• No. a L 44 '"-t sell •'•fed Stork of MKHH'1 \i;> >avid Nall West Kiliingly do 7ZT l*artieular attention to Ml iv'r "'bTed in tliis paid BONNET ,tv fill- WATCH SPRING SZKIjB’LS, '!«:» 11 S 1 i-h do do village, :.d are, 1 Itl.EAI’llI.Ni;. I'l •• ! to-r*- ; a n ‘: o ! ! .a 4 Ii I .. : ,f warranted to l»e fresh and new. lie Ho 1 S r ttd-i, I. ii n, H iiiiesk X and l’a'de Covers, Irish Lin Printed ; K. dwell Westbrook do I in: attention of is -. !. ijikin n, purchasers ! N *, ;l I»iv Ml ••-. T.i I. 1 keeps a general assortment of Mcdi- solicited, good ••wu.vlitp ■ ■. I Fi.-li do od he eheerlul ^V3 i a: n v >'..i, *: •. Li i:» P -, :j i u ,' d a jrreut vtiri- ty. ly shown at all linns nt tho OLD V1* P-t j irr f i.d \ tot.', used Hi it J ♦■J L y ••ph Ulm.stead Wareii-'i-ii Point do by pb.y-ieians. together with "h'hWJ on .Main .-street the llaneoek. beta land of J W I imi land " opposite (' lit lies I'iicasvillu do MV TENT AND THoM K.-uN IAN hank. or lift’ AND j MEDICINES. mi ill* jt: 11 .1 ! ,-i*. ’has W T.iriSVillo do | ■ Ensign t.i: > Jill. ■. I -i : ; ■ Tit h ;.sn.r‘m -nl f > tVui l this s, l of Most'-n all of new AXX F.GBEELY. do:.. ; the styles and 5 5 Beebe n Ftrafibrd do and Washing Burning Fluid, Ellsworth, ls.'S. ];j ■' ': u -. April "3, v,' It.-r a i Lati hr- :. 1 -r p A V. Y. vi S. v, vi. ^ ^ :: -a Putt ai-, w' 1 ‘i will l- A r- 1 c ay. :V X Clark do s % do )il, Cundh-p Washing I’ wders. t:i Soap. I)ye Staffs, •• fl"--*’ ■_ .-ILL I’d.KA- 'L- Pit *.M SO »T.-. TO Ml Smith S nth do »S ind' w D IV.,:n 7 x'.i .'■fJl: in-: .,'1 i. M- 1 $1,00. tVvi;try la-s to UUx’is, Tru--<-s Supjw.rt- <’A ITiOX ! and !• ht. U i-*t -i I it. ’.a.. *, I 1 M Booth do do •; -. S < f all kinds, t'it.- ■ Sj.'.e n, Currant.'. Lui-ins, « ti*Pll ! ml j**p** 11. it :i -r ,m_ t- i. i) W f'hornmn do l a i::i.•5Iri-h M < 1 Northrop, l'ickles, Nuts, 'onfeetion* I u:»; h« a ■ ■ a td- I «• i:i p..i' ! A Word to m 3u n mikc ‘liver II Stoddard Hevim-ur do b ruit~ A Ac.. which are a few of the the Wise! n oWKrsi?sf Li*»lc 'Mir- Kid. Cash:.; re and Cotton Whit' and t iry, articles ...... Silk, Cloves; Color C •• 'I „• A Mnu Pfainv i!!o d, hat his Stock. * M.r. ^ < t *! II f, 1. 1 4 to ct: I ly comprise Among the many p«. pu- tv •*» Han-- fr 4 the id !! '..1 •’•». |i-p:i:r! I \ IV W Miner New Louden do ar Us •: A a-- ri A persons who wish to L. !r ai tin: b, t w i.n. it » ... U a- lar_y -•! purchase liiiC I I ... V !’» W n Middle «io i. I. -i,.. i. II lthingt Iladdam Atui-. s VEGETA RLE JAl'XRR’IS Utn-rv ft i I-1-, : him : l» 1 PA'l EXT \ Pease Lebanon do ■ MEDICINES, EMBBOIDEB3, i*fl 1 hits, will Pie that the' label on the bottle ii P. Purr K >!•» ii;i= illingswnrtli MF.XICA.X Mr ST A XI; in own hand or ! f- ■> LJ.XIMF.XT. my signature my .iriP ■: in Ml.id toiv* huninda I -. Hi Sets Slet v an l from 02 1-2 cts to Collars from G 1-4 cts writing, yoq t1 ('• ! ft'i'f Ii in• <’i -re- Colors, $3,00. ‘C'lrigg do wiil l-e ■ Killingly grossly imposed as there are utchtttv* r I r, fr ri" City Moses Atwood's gmuo in ,• ..J. .\ t :\* u-ii:*! WOOLEKTS- •* '.lit Kin ii:ii : Arnold's Vital j’luid Atw.is Ma-*.,picaring printed \.■ A.i" .I Wulsh Hurt! rd do Svruj li ters them to the as ho- .1 1 ii .! hd •••• ori-i i- .a .• Ext. Dandelion, Kraut's Extract, Knl!- recommending poople i'utt- ap < i t"o Cloths an 1 I> (1i- -ini res, lh\ •.!s, J»* ms* .. IK binsou do I’m'diving •-•ii' '■ ‘-“i :•..!! „r i„r- -skin-, Ih'ma:vtfs/ Kentucky do w ame Litt« as and made .... a 'ii'ai ariila Klood mine, from tho N I > -n t wli i ft- A ■ 44 (.Ld:ti). Day's Hurilier, Drecn- c.\t. I » i n r» ,v >•. i-I •! i-a. i1 ly \ > l-r «\: (• s, all wimi|, :md and w J l liv do do ■a n ing Indian JKr. rceeipe, as I have been informed. llH ■' Kamo-ea, Humor L. ..id a.. I Li w a S' ;-1 I'• i:us, *V Him .• !■ -ti;-, Cl-*t!i-. IVk;n1 >. l P W Ellsworth do do Syrup. Hampton':* V I m V< table a -are < ],.make these I t:. I. .1 '- 1 a ! ■'- " g' Ti;ietu.:e, '.ire, Kei Mi di- .Gutctnonts, they 4* it \. ... -.c are 1 .un i in thv I Gu-nis lin-* i .uineey l'.i 'wu do dy's •tat.- that ij■ ::-ualiy *ry IMriningt.-n -■• which is a base or at ■ et I D M< w lalschood, least a Ai id lie- 1*. I., t .1 of il S »\ery, Sy.n:p Yell* Deck, );•,]. Harii-'ii, Fair Haven do a mi.-take as Humor Di* ,ov« ry gr- ; the Ritter* AI r-11 t 0,1 t « rrl a !• loi I ::i t i- I V Y -Nays rv, I’eruiian Georgetown | y h< Ki'j Si S« Via S/ Sj \» 'i 'ini i 11 Bet -r .1 » do .Syiup, in .n no ray Jikw neither are A ■ -t ! '* ID '“iveiit, Khudil-Vvcr and mine, mndo ..... Mai, i. ill- turn,.a t.a *! ru \m iVayN Ague Cure, they 2ARPFTLNQ-3, D Williams East Iladdam do -» .'I* se« .'.tun- 'am!-' :■ Slake.- *i, and h»* is in no way Concerned u 1 N :\. t.. v \ ii ■• th i-.- C* dtd- '* Sar~aj rilia, Sarsaparilla, Ti wn- u A \ n A e ID Edmunds d- d- i* R.oiu, iii 7r' p •' has he been for a P no «'Id Me M utin’s v number of M -• 111 I ci.I -1 n to l ; «h 5 s,4 t, 4 S ■* i*1- -4 W 11 A;r-;;pa; ilia, I>r.Jae.de-\ Eli jr years 1! aimer Cr -inwt ll do .. it value kealtii WHOlCsSAl E Oj 1 d. in a. Mr yotu and iiioucy see that m.m; a ■■ : " Shaker th i c»4ht. Nili'ii.iah Bank t ln-sliiru di Win-E.w''Sui.thing Syrup. /oa a;<■ r• t E.'.Dacf V a! Pin. WiD id- N cm < t h ie imposed upon Moses At- r- 44 -p:. Jij-, .ps. by having A \ Wright Ca aan do 'da Ui'ti rs ■ AND ■ vi u ns inv ■ FLOUR palmed a Hr. .\1 ti K P's > _■ f u "!h Kilter.-. Jau::d; Kiu« ;.saml tl'upon genuine four d liar* all *. \t.-m: :r •, ; WEAL, W Wo-idbi ii\ •!.! rn do uii-io. idgo ! see that ■■ if'-’- Indian Again say, have L. F# '■•ci.i 1 W .• *. !! 1 and IV C-i-n. \ ... «,f W. I il Vcgi taMe Hitter.-, Atwoods Hhv.-i yon an SLDTIHUG }JflUS£, -Vry Wan-, a:: \tw. < >■ name A/- il Ju't" A■ "o r. ••I. Kr- >v n'.' S -..! T. in his own hand or v ;- ii Tn<- a.j m- W4 !• i.- L- as could 1-f h- a_!.t t'- r Ilumpsh, end -main. "a: k's Sher- writing, you I iutm: \ t i ,ip ca-h, and will Irr* = -Id us ire deci iv**d. v \\ a; an !>• in Dr I’ai.io die. one and two pi-., lb.it and luglr. ! A st.it- t- i-u, Mam-hester, X Hump-hire. Dingley's k. !'• ATWO I ■Kitmr aod e I 1 oHu r »]>, Kendall's Mills, Maine, solo I ’..If td. > I, -1 f. ’I " | \v Dr S '• n !»■ \->v do •.ery kind in use. it!d i.i re all the atteiit: >n cf tli.e who have an account open nt this Aim;-' Ovoi.t jr and .Manufacturer of said ... ah of Tin •lisa nd Cold C|. genuine Eil- Middi.- It.vi-1 n -to', i' I- a-t.in. Dr Hit ii Ii :.i•.>'.'••• And'-ver do l'b.v.ers, Mc.-h t- t- ! d.t .ii*• ;•'« ,1 will \j<: r- t* l 1 and I. and I .-hall 4 3.1> fl’Sfl «, i ; -pt. April ■ all-, K uge, \i.. &. vn:i ■ V. ■ h.'- -ll:, U51!ii>, 1 Dr .f J >;iu ! ;n Newmarket do l.hjnid Ayei's U.erry J‘er- f x 'l nn 1 i' usi f' tii at t!.a‘ t i ;■ ■ | <' /, oi .! :1 t A -o •-r.il, Allan*'- e.gi. la i.per?. Kraut’s H-dmonit- uv.'t in «;«i,j » ,mty. ! -r tl,- pu /■ .1 Y Y I) o i: s K ! \ s Dr A Moult- .Mcre-Kth do I. AT Vi 0, ili’S K... vorth. i isks. A. -11 :n. ciai-'.. f \ni ia hid,. •'-»■ n, A; H(MUNSON. Dr J 1 ii h i.d Na.'liua y Cough .‘yrrtp. Kiiel.elo K.Wr BITTERS, tin* .-.d l-.i in,4 if. wo umi ts, do 11a:.: u’s Hair Liniments of Tho m < • in said No. Dr M->* -!y D Page Manchester «lo Hye. r.! | poi/ular remedy for Jaundice, I>y*. 1 1 Ha: Musk (.’• !• S! ■ and i.11 1 ir» u :d tw. ut-. »- '" 1 M Mii'.'ii, M D Wilnn tt Centro do Is; ueyM gne, liamy's avfng ep ia, disease* incident to and nty v A Spring M ^ v v» 1 .. ;. 44 •am. V, •u -• 1 <«r.»i:t >1 hi. I Kurnev'? -E-an W»tir; ..or. Ufwqjv t «»f i*n(i in i a I j- up ip. and d ’-h 11 Curriu West Jt-sea wen do Ayer's Sugar counterfeits, ami imitations! •* ’••ate.| KiiD. Kin-. In-th's t. v 1 -‘I a 1 Kill, Wright's Indian \>. urehu.-v none without worth u :i d A^-ut a, L J C Whi ion Warner do the signature of L. F 1 1 tSIf O’ :£jld2rJM t " : :- ‘‘H*: (’"':i1 l’la-’i-r Ac., A Cut P. r’s Vrwoon mont up-* >rdia*4l> loiin Ii ij-kins S.tmapol do ; -.; Herd \\ -r. r• t C; 'hot f.r K. ! 1*1-1 f. Mohr's Cerin.V: 11- II. *i v Hug-. HAl it That t a* i a t K Kelly ."anhi.riiton do My Ha CO., Portland, General Agent Jl ST KKCl.lVKD AT Ailve? a t hutment? oj ! or row .15 No. >\ in \V Proctor Pittsfield do .' every 111.; j ar.d J/ttinc. Aeady-I'»lado .''- Clothing tick ua 1 W *’•-: a iid I it id and V'UUillw I t Poll til ill : .*a ) a«T’ of 1. Ncwp- it do I Ily pt tore, wholesale retail by Ck U. Pock. ne"nl ill 11 'd * » 41 itf '1 ravt' 1 I pi. di «M* *, ! t I il C--e .ran New Ij-.-w: h d * 13is4moi ...... 1 V. 1 Id',,!'. " s t-hcrniaa do M--ult.-i.boiough U i <*;2r I » * " *' •* * rar Aar t > i; i> n V" '• .-ti'-hm-v AliMor.i do a '.. \ ve \ a\i» // .\ m. 10 b< re n jENTLEiII-N 3 FUriNIMiMS G33D3. from Heston, n-*'v and laryc :-tock of I uaui.e e ... i N v ! dt*Ut li \ !* u T.blets .Wan' do 1 i !M.-ster, I ••- » V \ h \;:. 1 •» M ! \T t.i" III » e < William Froe- .--v.' ! v iri* l. n-. ! r.. iv h“ b and land«f ?!»• Tr t^.ir I i» do do .. .. < land of X. Page \ \n.!* ia Oevnur cetinti". in arch f l'" 1 NEW ••• d Kits.ml •W“ do Y !l .• iuau J the ‘inn t lutyd do 1“ .;•! .-.ii jis ,i I,;:. ,• { GOODS! •' ■ > N A Yi: tit.Ml tl.-ir !• h «**• ut be1 r: g ti. «• niili- I- a MiS & €&OX££S£f .lumel II idling Lyman do j1H up .mv. may i.! ;lP ,.f & '* Utvk of 1;! n Ith i a; ;• :.’n: I A :.t I r.;: boll 1. do ullderrjr I'ttHJ A Y1 f.,! AMKS llnli.N :l-». lit aCCUl iiTi -tv. < >u u.iiati .1 lluldui! i Li-b n du an.I ir j,-.-..:. re ■... tailing J \ YKAU.> Y Olti I I. .. ti. r:i ti.t-ir stock be a *ru:i: in A"-dl do * H- SSA11SI2W Th.it ti.. } Aiming may fbuml large4 assortment of l.-mpster 1" A Y K \!: ii'; -I "i-i: S •••: -'a 1 in,.,.a- S; & CO.,;1 Township .N JJ. M. > • **• l bin'I !'i;ito Jackson do A YKAU.t rial. It \ ,|•••.,• llnvt? just received from Huston their « •* Y I ti estimated to roiitain tl"i» Whitinj, Bliss & C'o. :i T AF :: ill Hampton do A All an I .-,u !„■ ;:i■ 11:• a- isi t!i G.iilcupo, I'li'HX t.'il s //•>.•/ >/i. ly>J A Y KAll. A want SPRING i ; tjn .V.<, ii M i' •* bunt Fall* do j. I -,j STOCK ! repair of that |«*>i 11 >. rry ]'T-'5:si v. i: !«->•- —consisting of— leading from \ur » t o Mingt-o:. April 7. J- v 15n3iu 'iilvin 1 pli.I Freedom do 1 '' j « t« € 5j T M & , ;FW:i-..i Last Cone..rd do DRY, VV. I.. ENGLISH & DOMESTIC «. \ F!i''Ip* Kit JafFray do Va ^ ^ %, V. N« "tt, \S, VSL.Yi.Ni Ii f a!! e-jla* an 1 qual itand ::*•-• la:- t i:n> »rtnii<»i.- a. 1 m -t fashi aaMe Al.>o an ato:.- ... t l"1 ! ftyk-j. t T 1'i I' er mi 1 the La-: line «>» i. I V i:if do : GOODS 1 ..' for wile.it .hi* N irs* rj. l"‘:.g t. e r..,!; > l> Mar-h do V. ith five dollars aud t» •->ty nt>, Corpden >'* '. .1 l,.w a tin asgoodan asiortment of •« uim-u.uly pr.ce-a, -ia i TAILORING, 3 nr BJSTJSM V f per a'*r«; and Ihi* id A up A Mm-k t'ii:iadu*e*ter do rtm '• Agef;t t expend «ai l assessment aee. rdingly. ;.!i Daltofi Brentwood do Fruit nr.d Crunmenial 1 ** GROCERIES Thru ther- »>.?«'--1 on !• un-hip X '•>, t as s a a m / t•», Styles uml T<-gr it1' b s mi ti 1’ 1 a n t s , hand, Dock re, met Dim Sin rs in I that 8/1 assortment t' „V< lisnl .'\''trrn Ynimnt. r. r.ed J.r u t-r the tir p. illl|>icte put.ii. .i i, ’. .!’ ir. 1*1 .iinl ( rry Trei's: Ap ttou .-t the td le adlig tr-:u Au. .it llediing- BOSTON. >r C M Hall Swaut n I I •« In.ir; 1 Par !i~ -t Vermont. „*k, J•••.»utif'il art! CORN, him e ! «. t .n. a hi. h ties in said N *-'S the sum I'! TO OIM>Mil < SPRING Ar«Q SUMMER )r KU Whipplo l>am»y do ; ■ ra<. Aj.;.!-.- Ti- «l.vari-.l. am! FLOOR, MEAL, ie»t]emn:i*s II 1 •' -. J.awtun died and tell d* dial a id tor tv cent ‘g \f.\K [ CLOTHING, >r 1. Well- Hibbard Bell .\va Fails do and Imreiieater L t It •ivri PORK, !*, SALT, ‘*- 'IliinMi'lH-ri jiIJ11 lit! Iim'ii far L 1 wn. T mills acre; and lvrurd •r I do b‘d-" •■ .... per N'ivi.k. ut a inueli l> 'v> I- < i- s than ia most pshaiu /% Ii n > '!' !.!• and other c!i ub* rs; several -"gar, flee. ai-t..-- j Ike fa shionable , Tobacco, Sale rat li sai l of style-’. »r A C Buttl-d-oro do •r "f ti§, worth, is Agent expend > Smith. il d'A.'b. the I. icufi »!.•!!< appointed 11 l l.v 1 u«i v I v I'ai!-.i in. 1.-tab. i-!>i.ir it--- being the ear!i a: d -. Standi,Vinegar, ••• .; v. wl.i he fuub l L nil ford 1 Lamp Oil, Uurning menl a ii ■ Amung may 'rKCCro-s Centra do Hi > .gl !■• > <■ I I. of all 1 it :.i.' .>,*r at- A' >•! tin- HUM' 1 and such X- -"“tU 1 in!-, other articles That the. I- a-*esv d on Township 1; o M I> LlldluW do • m* \| \TKKI M. .vi \ U •> ,M.\K K. .it J. vwr IMll- IlgllStUa i it r■;»My embraced in the business. m in said estimated to contain Hb Leonard Winhall do Grocery Division, County, Ii'; ti. t• tin* ;m." •• 'I' >" l>>: i.a l i'Im'wIicit.— *»j Choice Also, boots and ■ '* Early elites, (e.\tra ,'»44d iieror exclusive *t water and Ian I r' UCSIXMSS COATS, Vm A Windliam do Crapes quality,) I>ry Chapin o; ... Y\ <>. mad in < than been Crockery Ware, tor use-, f..r the* repair the .• i Pint u W -t Topsham do |$| public ,V<" >ai ry THU Ki: III."Tl \« l’ ku>'I- f bu i!K UVtof.TOrt.-ld. I’li-it-, nib, (Hus*, nud Nails, with •alb d the Maitin K ‘d the -u::l S W .it rville do together ltidge — township nn>l> i-i■ n ami c. viz: Flagg Hats, Mips. Ac., Ac.; nud, in »JI two cents, b ing 3 rupcrv ix; short, the vu- of sixteen dollars ;r..d thirty i \ Brigham Waithfn Id do 1‘ !‘: in i' /.k e dltted Agent to expend uL.\jyn RM.'f/ii.it. ‘innns. N .'lo re 1»-bury do I of my o«vn r.ueinjr, *•••!-* •! "Mi- nro all of an •* excellent and w I'FHllY. Clerk. th -!. | •**; I d -nay fruit: | quality IV. Atte-tl*. 18ob. 1 Henson Biehinmd do Kniy Ui.itcr uirehasrd |«.w as March bUilm *a t'.e lowest. t 20, a 1, ;t.1 ;• t'.-i n\ Produce — ^ Chilli .erk. r, -ry, l.titli.*: r. Country A true Attest, F- ra Smith Alorkton do •i .Hi binds be Copy I ••'Mr, hi* I -ft ill lilt: will taken in 11 by ba-ifr:! Of- by iy exehnngo for 2 w lb r Webb do '•••• ••• o ! l',e YKSTS AND PANTS I Lunenburg til t.-». hd i.-, and the artiel park*- I ai. d highest market will be m prices paid Barker J. loinb-rry do I » I. J. U INuA h \ 1% to us iph [t>:. y-u give your patronage, and we will of .ill ami .\N > mi limi t a assortment Putnam (lri■ 'l T -v .r> J u. 1 *‘ CIIAMUBttLAU. MS of ITobau. h tin n (’ LO T n N G. i >a:. n ! Sa;.!•» rn K do the Hon. Darker Tuck, Ju lg- «;Y Np Orange IMAM hbnvortl:, April 2D, ISIS. and x.imii.e t- l\co < t ■ n< mu< h Scrci<> IV II II Rich- HEADY-MADE. t' .unty of Hancock, to retie-.• /'<•,! A of rs large stock lt claim> of creditors t" the estate t I’*' I’ s t hi j ai rs without t 7 f. ard-'on Hast Montpelier do ip Al N > rI*-f: i. t 1 *• ^ '1 •r H Brewster Go N-t:«v is lalo f Hro.klin, deceas' d, pr.i « all .an I •! i.i al Mine M -r \l >t I"-! a 'll"! Ciaftsbury [> ,>K!5 hereby given that ample JJ jm- Hi .a has been made the notice that .~i\ nn. ,t ar> allow- Na-rtl. II..U- « 1IA>. >lt !"'N \ LD. rims;T Bun tt «'lu st do by o\erasers of the A& do hereby give j "r d.M town, fur the «mi »f their M 1*5*. 1>. port .Inmog Ifagan. a fll ed to sail editors to bring in and pr MNw> rlh, »>• Hi.. Jco R Bagh-y Chelsea do I and jj^uraisMsag broods, lA'ip«n a!l jierBoi:* are therefore forhiddeu to «B ■: «»t and tint wc will attend that ■vth Kansom Benson do Business urnish any support or auutniire claims; —UiNM'I INC (>l- 'ptiHji Overcoats, Coats, to said IIatui, uu •«- flW <»t Samuel i 1 K- iu Alexander do do ount Of s.u 1 lull II Us tiu Mich the Counting-li" n ; r, R Penck and Dress i>iIId will be MiJ. 1 Cra\ i Coats, Parts and Vests, JOHN .M ilrookliu on tiie lust Wednesday of Align- ■""p* Premium Fire Works! White 'lull.-. 11. m-*, liars at.**, iVckit llundkt-r*'! i-*.-*. !>■; Sj.i, to, I>raw- ( ILIJKKX, > s. N MCFAHL A Overseers of H " «’«-*—*k A. 'I i-.«h W lute and i a kid >~o k, LL-do 1.,rea and Caption in thf. Pi Lii —London Cord:a/ bin. Nil, f- tombvr awl VdtuUr,... t Hosiery, sutjj'LU'Ii..■*, lilac!;, Gloves, l, various other stylwh, well made THo.MAS ruer ul Hancock. '• AT WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL. I Medicated Hr. Woolf garments,. rritKV, ) I. I’ll! I.HKlK)K Sehuapp-, Royal Schnapps, fjJOOI),su'-!i as men of ,,-uijd.p. taste ami goad judgement ! Hancock, May 4:h, Isis. 3wl5 > Alon/.o Woll 1H MIM1UEY WK1.I.S. HOLD MKDAI. .nvar l.il by tho M i-. .;.• Me- Schnapps, Schnapps. vil! wear, can at all times be ^ found at our store. a»l(i I cl.an'r** A a, t>> J A M I > 11. II i\ l.V A. » G LO Purehaso no bin put up m bottle? under the 29. l^s. YES. Our :tiui is to produce for our customers the best A Etdgwick, April •r tbt beat i. hicii th> n>: w «.??. al NEW AND IMPORTANT 1'y ■>, y ilii'Vc brands, with labels claiming to potass me 1- dead made '■${. with a Garments, at the L >\VFSX P'K'IbLH T"gxt!i<*r large assortment of Tbev are all common ical properties. mixed bin, i* II ICES 1011 CA.-ll. V REDUCED PRICES ! t.ut up in in.ii.it im of my benuine Schnapps, for DISCCVKRY I M kHICINK I «• the ol the Display* f -r p".1 •I-*br c‘. *.>■= <-f :li Fourth f.Iul*. Saddler’s and Hiiks. pi.i'i deceiving f-ublu*. 1 “^mcvican” I ■> a Embroidery I DULl’ilo WOLFK, J. V/. SMITH & CO. Mb f t I/Vi RYtELbJ/.S KK.’OUT OJf AN atiulli-r amounts I. \>l lr..v. at their S air' hr**'-* P.wtt uh and .\i tic 'nsff >.,» i, /•• •. ENTIRELY MB promptly >ilk, ,jy '/to '.iirthe /„• Sole manufacturer and only importer of tho Ecc!r corner ol w a id Squire, Elia Street, nptoly, f.»r Spermatorrhea or H-mitml tanl, \N e uVe also to make CLUTULNC tu in the nut a and like lleuuino Schiedam SB flf prepared u\> order, most workman Schnapps. eirtiiotw, jH.'nHiMl^'Ptirvv. ..f Bj ,1 mu s.\i.is in* Boston iiv vlt-uth*, ur.iuwm^r Fear. ■. luJ*cy»n, Uiv du.itarr Hi-- S JVj. li'J Ihnitii:/' M- 11, H ston. \, March 2U.JWS. h.i- ! T B Richards A Sons, So and Hi State street ; t# of S-meii. Impaired Sight vid Memory, I.Mctt*, Hji ESTABLISHESEiXvTT Liborat -rim at an 11 'I Old 1*111.p; S tj.o Cau.br.ly pe»rt \ liduard Codman iii Co, :»•”» State street; Samd f%hr .yotHu |u- Bjl Cougrt.-s street; PHOENIX LOOKING tei!,.. p GLASS haput. ,-V .u-d mental and )»hy»fc»| li-capui »» unolbe excelled in the as wo have *>no of ter, l‘Jl Washington street; Seth li Pecker, *0 This jty. Suite, the moat careful aud acioutific (.‘utters in the Coain- — AMD— li't!'- tvnr!., enraauti g from a memfcrr of A L -Cl India W i! 'justified ■ v, engaged to see that such work is rightly duno. Klin street; Cutler, ptrei t; n, T!IF. .MOST IMPORTANT N. tt. Sawn cr, PIPER HANGINGS!: A ^B A Co Cat t. Coleord linn FORMATION EVER proprietor. AND Fairbanks ; r. A Preslou, PICTURE FiiAME MANUFACTORY ! ITHMF1I Kfl, «. all r-.rso„ fc raining d->vhte of their ««r illl.l.. SHOW one bo over and Portland >ts; Burr, Foster A Co, l urn- 221 EA'f 23d NEW physloo! condition. who *i« POTER,CONCERT flT Let thing understood— .STKRET, VOtlK, •« -“f 1 " '••be haK-ard.A their distinctly Samuel .N .V Urn A Brew* r. *.»(» A t*'i Wash- health Ht.d iiappiiteae. PROGRAMMES, CIRC I’. hill; It ! sn-"i gran- to HILLS, A S Alan-tie 159 Alilk Ojjien -i") Center St. euflt-riug hunmidtj. *.r their t>eneft J Id, < ■ hat wc will sell Hoods street; sdroet; tl,. ehi f LARS, HILL HEADS, RE- Cheaper than any other concern m town* ington Mjppn.r empiricism '*»-! rd*erbKmil hue_K 3 mo is 13 330 and 332 Greonwloh .,0 let Avei.ue, N‘?w Terk. ^ 1 LAUGK assortment of fir-: *lyk 1^5' Ill's I NESS CARD ri|>riuJr Fashimi* I a!- y Our NEW stock will be sold at a SMALL PROFIT. Our OLD every 1 \\ IN N CO. of Glasses and BLANKS OF ALL U AII MOOR A. feriptlc-n feiokia^ Pieiuee. tuck AT COST. caIWETsI Fra me 3 always on hand. Cuiutry orders solicited *>n tuk KINDS, <| C., GLASS & t t-f bl * T.I\ ET‘ >. v I, a* ? r'nr •.* "f W-l- G/ods and to intBkBT I-JUC. if ‘-iirci'uMy picked shipped Rny part V("ASII « 1- IVjORSTSASU, H' Mp, Oil" > and Oik i' ili f-r »<*>• at iL» P-,H 4od MV..-**■:far, hr WM' AND PROMPTLY EX L< V MW Firry. f»r -.!> arpetv, l the Fnittd "t’.trr or Canadas. NEATLY by i:C.' e N f.> "ft p r rANirXT.Ff*!t SHORT NOTICE !4 [• AV.W IN MiV»R J. m'' li ii V SfGLFR p*5 *1 TED AT THAT'S SO! WF MHAX IT! li PAR WIN :■ MOOR A <0 f) .\g*r,i *»•* v^'.Tsn^.Ciimraiih ! ▼ -—— V P C. 'A.*-.' ,’T. -**i. Tv ;:.? HTOormhlt C urt f t--.ty C.mniL«*KWf,9 t>r AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENTS. Discovfrrd at Last ! « Har. ^ Loldcii at £Us»ri>rUi vU th; 4 NOTICES. t>.i* O'-.: W*iK'« k. on it« J W- -*y l*- US1NESS CAR US. Iv "•- _LEGAL VJ-.r, A. P. IS&K T v Apr Greatest cure in the World for •• _J5 •> i- •!! r"-r«■•■a that tVro a Pain x. Vi t v**i J7T i.l —S AN !! *r ^-or-. R H. EDDY. Solicitor cf Patents fcD ByaH ■’ 1 1 ■-• f y of th rt' .•** PROF. CHAS. D* ORATH'3 Agricultural. CopurlucrMiip Notice. I ( P, A P U' : n part Late or C. S. Ptrrvr Once, Wasbixo- of 1 «■* 1' C r- M vs* We Acert ar* fr>->u. :hU in buii- OoM •. 1. r- 1 that 1 '1'EE andmirued day associated « ••; !' Vm. 4 -t | ;•:*» ToV, rxr-ER THE A'T OF ) ELEC TRIC OIL! pratvi-.. W. ■. a c .ftatN-n of I’w Cattle Show and Fair, ■' ■* I* 4taf s. • *: •*. is* trv-; I'.a.'* Kj • * Ties. Kt/BiA-K. Evccm H*u v I I the •: '’A if!,! ’• l.: > State Luaworti.. March 23.ISC'. .■ ay.--* : a TO STa TE ST.. Kilby */., Hosfon, IInre ir. Ififii'M, *rouf, Neura the Maine '■ "■ opposil gin of •' 'fkei'rufltees Ag* Boa D •••■' *■ ~ » %ef j a. I •. oh- Ur* *! •' -p Cm-plaint*. W v ?t t! #r m*-*ti-»? ::i 'i \t<: *. ’• FTF.U an extensive of Ji* at their meeting held \ practice up- 1 II* nCulfral Society, fl*-. > I *. 4 ;-*•••' ■> '«r.i \ ftFeUma,*praioj 5;*r: :i -i l’.-" ..-,(•••* ,u..l W .)«. >« «•:,.-d t.hinde, tftlff to IX:* OX i U •' *- iIko hiv Joint* BOB s -ir ■ last week, voted » •-. *.• 1- ’. fc A ..." *n»,*io 4\ li«*r ■ in tb* city accept iLE, :h .1 by y-.. bon ; P.>'' is t I i al. in «treat It?it- t rvs.j^'.*<*. i*.rr N.pplea, Sw«,:*x| -- 1 Brea*:. W.,atk ■/ .- -si. i. '. r 1 ■ ■ "' ■ yr ?; .. c citizens of an«l at I.nv., v '; I* ;■■ -• ird !> :.t. K» «■*,;,,, Cank-'f in the Mcrtjth and the of the -\r:gusta. Conmcllor^ Auorii<*>« '• other countries. Caveat*. SPeeifi- Stomach .'aarar.ty i.•4 .r -i 11 'an.i li •*• foreign > .!» ; v » < e- ;L j*■-* 1 1 !. -.Caked Breast. Qaiosr, Sore < attle Show ar.d ULLSWuKTH, HANCOCK COt NTT, ML ■>. 4; il l1’. 1' -. and all or Drawings Throat’ and hold the Society’s B •T» -v ;•••* y th A’> -i. I>r“ t--i l>u<*r, A-.-ignm-nt.-, Papers I 1’ •'.IN’*. Uk .'r, Heart » > i Burn, Tooth atid .\ tv t; ... r, !••»•—' **•'** •* I I. i cent-. r.vTi 1 on liberal term*, a ml with for 19oS in this Office, Water Street. v ) .» r. N• «. < '»:f.• •><•-* Burn*. Sore Gums of Fair city, commencing t i- 1 it -•in jv iut Aim-ric *»i < r l > r- *>. •; "i !•••'.■ If v -rr». A ov H.tf Brok- in -if- i«i :: tr.f *4i' **t STATE OF MAINE. Nerks, of and con- y ■ or the 21st September next, f J e t«> determine th*. a’.i litr of tVcnt* et B i-• ■T. S, _>*, Fr-stcd Foot. Foret .... 1 *rsi. C. o.«n i'-v lit'- .•>-—V >-r: of* C :.:y 4p; ■ '■ ■ In ? f- I —on i or othf ad- .• render I .* laf' ft.:/ Uf.-iif* that are * r* four JOSEPH miM) k to., b c*u;r.4. t. f4..*- tv.- j-i ;v legal touring days. *r : T "•■ I'—'. > rer In »V. ■' r- t-.u* the .me. iej&ii td soght lxtforo th* en- iT.EPEr.lCi: J f j- o. .t »« -if r>'’. hjr f «•• lung The citiz ns, with much and 5 k rtf- :iy hi fr> m three to spirit Al /; R C H A y T T A 1 L O F 5 Bv sr*r. .«• ! *244’.. :• r« »:• n a-»l th it (-: 1’at*-rt on One Dollar.— rAUKK.lt T*’ K. .... ]• tmilting n •■. u -;

  • 'e*v — guarantee against loss, The ’iu ;• idy large.*t Fag- to of pure ! f -4 i- —- I a.: i. hut i: ■■■<■■■■■.■ r* have ad van las.- ; Sr have the south of the State Dealers in Cloths, Clofhins, Nc.. \r aoi >■_. tc,"ugh vegetal of engaged lot, !. -i ar-’r- rjv-i hir- >.-k !?■ .- !• —if. i- ->. a .—rj ■■ a:- riming the i-erua- 1 ]-at. pateuiahilitr Will see that it \.i! Voor bdvtc Whitt V »i’ i_v 4. nr- ■■,. •• f, t.i t-n to miuutos. lot, of Mr. Kicker, and y's * ; in* uii-.irf by. if m t itntnea*ura- tnentjr 1. — ** r*vk •*' ;t *y irorod a Ha s Ell*» ktz. 1 7( tits. » -T : v.,'. •- 1. p* iii’- whi- d can be offered that be into with wt-.l- Smart, *■ t". them • •■*: put good order, ;.v: f. -i I:-.. r. ?■ •’ Hj ah of !t.« aniriJil syatvtn is the effeet ». M ...- if »- f cl-orhere. Tin i.-tam-nials l*d ■'* <' ••'■>■••* cour< ; try f .- |>ar:; gi\on prove !•' :• find in ti e organ half mile amp'- ■ trotting -• graded < t- M'-PL s' }>S1'TL AT Till: PA- d. l. A -mi >:i **f tin* »il put* u: ironed* : uiTX a. eti t/lT. stu.ls and for cattle and a'o » •’ •- s "Vf of i'K'it tthe ^nWrihcr and a* Si *e- pens C «• ! K- •• 1. T >• •: f ;.r 1 and all the conveni-r.e.s and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. !k ... j...... Mm- I- fill i:F'T !'II""F"i AI»VAM\i;i' J requisite >! -ii* G. f K 1 ac- r -.iien>‘—Zebulon cvr. liacc-vk c 1 A' .*}>':■ AMI A Hi LIT V, he would add that ba atur> 1 fixtures for such a sh. w. F >r the I?.. V?r. -. A~r;. IS *. ? •• ’!r- a'sr.aturo cf Prof. C. r* .*, .'i a h i: -. tl..vi r« a-'ti t 1 i •. ". and can rf• .'.that n«- th commodation of the fair and exhibit! 71/" ’.'•••* removed to Granite UlvCk, near t;.« J i‘ >--!tii Kiel.:;. *:rre;. three door* h.v.e ■ I" of manufacture! articles, they on .4ncc t... 1 i.. -c k l«ar. k ‘-I*f-KinTj d*.A>ma;'d drug k:»u retail. v s •• Price .vcuii, M .t H .. r. -;-T.•»:!■»" ■■■ g the rotundi of the A S'J'orr'i. •• b ged t»;K» K T- M ! IFfil in the ba?e:ne .;. t ! k. \ :. the Agricultural ! A ;•— Att «?. A. A ■ -ireiat i; o t«a t- "ISRAEL B. 1.1 \fT pn. i-> * giro this one simpletrio!. erect a U * :vb a: and, in addition, will temporary _ ; library of leg: 1 a«k for ft 1 c-t l>e Gbati'o JiSNlice o( the Pence ani t»u-’ri,!n li- ::i I v. rk 1 lull account- of building in the rear, sulMcientF. hi patent* 1 .1* w.-rthl.-** m-.ii:itah-.-und. < I.U.N'i !-!. MK. V.. .".iij! in t!.■ l Mat• and liar* ren 1 s n ah cx VXD. y \ } .i. the reput*. and commodious to accomni.; hit.- ■ A of ... : mi t offer fa » a- ri..' ..c mo*; beware. N .:.rc wr-:.. a-. c. ; superior j 1 :*• hibitors. 4s V, U" •:■.-« ‘"taming p.:-n> f 13-3tn.ich. ■ The Trustees have also reciwd t All -*•’>• .» j irnev t WaC.'ngton. to { u.si at i.»\ a:. ALB10X Ii. P. a T .7 ; C C :• t-r II ti.-*: assurances of the gentlemanly a; : « I.L.M. -y «; •. Pills < l>enii»T rj(r, ..... ■ Ayer’s cient f the Km * : 1 Superintendent 'pi: -y ill vi AT.*. An* particularly adapted to L ”■ acc uino LOS!. ISLAXD.ML. c I K-, d the effoe of Cem- c tr e-iricnts f he »e rtn

    ic p ■ I -1 A TebIov Ti.vr. f •• Ur** fail lUo • to tr. >..d ..i .1 "ii..4.; t S'- 1 '. •..? part i those who shall Ion r^d "g | a’■ J l'TO Wore Uw, if pay. .1 notice el the Pence iJu'W *r %»:»7CI 1 «*>n;plai. :» tJiat aftfi n-atv :;,n! I ■ ;i whe had inoeli with stock and article? H r the show. v, kin ifinite in :ie / th**0, 1 !.■ cm, i -vx;>. the 1: t ,, ,t, e wore ft.-. 1 th **e l'r u Thus J tr the uria::_ M c.’ns^-juentljr .pronv.-. s ar>* ( u tv cuic imiij »a.P i' \ rn uf m -.1' r. 1 i»ow to t i-j ♦ -A*e well. It bet mgs farmer.*, — i Mr. 1 I ti. W S \ 0 0 X Ha x. F•-» I a--* V •* it*' f ui s ;ji Ci.auat and mechanic-', and manufactures o: 1 «. fbjef- Vi:.ir:iej ;iti *. < oHn<>ellor .-a : ...!.». c ...if 'i .a. V- re* rr )v*t •: Maine, to fuiiii thrir part i:i proicur _ '.1.x '(.Riit, ;■ T I’HTSir. to a ~1. w ar.d fiir .1! u. MR, have gnnl rr\n; »v C- Ira-JL > <.x ft. 'i "if ei « *-t time and ot*-;.:HiT l. h :. f- *. plac«* w .. T .e» are m 4 st.of main::. ; •, 1 lions are us’dul in a thousand \vj\s.— .... s*. * v the v»-a. * II.-." ,-uii; i T.f.T > i... ". LP-MP. i» i;t PKL. r tru.? : ...-i.-rt.--t y: the E.'ta!** <. f K': -n ... tc-e t.*a:cifii ...r i.,;,. t. .1 v r? d T dftiij I 1 n Lite : :. -rt. i:i e \ < ; L. DORltR, the Slat together—tie utford i as t xr> \r'. T !n pft C 'pr.kiyr*.

    i> r *•! v n o i r ■ '■ to cultivate -ucntane t r, l-: he ti r.. :-«h. . a.ties ic*j a’lj^r? .it t. I.card : i: it ■ ■. >Tt, .\ft./ ted to t a !— a Ln z.cw to note the improvements, growth cjt A "• ia '• ; cl’ th..- Slut.-, in I «.-!! 1 Ib-T !»»»• tft ttf anil rising strength all t. I. iJ. I' :0>US -V _• pr luctivc an l us- ;..i ait- of life.— Hi-.. •. i'. .«i; j I !•••-** .•»*.»*• «* .a should oi* K:m:e- SHUPvlFF, '• Imperially tpeople IL .. ki. t | ). w .t i•. li. i ...: e' I.. * 'I yt \ i_ r an l* V-t-y J ffv-i f.'.V ... interest i:i tTis occasion, and ■* deep a «■: « •... .1 it?;*— w he ! ■ 7* •’ T>' k 1 rr ;h ?•» «.-n S k»r» t*»a h and trust that each an 1 ipj every pei- i: r.Jan 1. I’ -l.A-]'y. .• I ••.*<».# soii will det. ruiin to (i- rt ids iii.fiuer.ec ... »• »•» l. •» \ •' WATERiiOlSJ', «" in the r*.\: in*? a-the u.:i. v in making the she such an cue a- will V I .!••! ► •ru-<*»»*• fa * illoriifj A «'H3ja*<:ior 3«v.v, P1 : t T( Til V I • increase the or !.t vi th ir skill and PTBLITT •- ;.v I ! I I '.U-ur,,rt Me >. r : f with a ; f judgment in aii th? v ari <1 departments of u? r. I 14 it :Ll V2T Vu-’’.1 .V ‘‘but- St. r ‘.0 and in -chani' a! ;.Iu-■ filming ry. *• — ~ atte-: i <• ; U-- •, an t 1> v^r rr.nx — h: \:.v.n a R*lax. it go< med due t > the central o. :: -n portion C -LVLN l' JUV, ere ur-.t •. t t r.! ! i 1 >n J. n o' Art*?* •• *• "• Han .. a the >tat ■, thtt th-- State "how and Fair' an i 1 V.. i i v j r '.»r!| i? t p i t \ s s: t; a i .!» | &«• #--*r v p, «? ste-l «’ i«\. a* in t •*■ : | I ! •- •“ should be he'd in its n.' Ft t: V r.lti A f! »• -i year.— J'<•? in oh t; .• 1 t .- t..:r FiLsWuL I !!. MAINF * » i*#. a This been a- »r; d to il -• ■ d;,- n; Sc : i re t: c t •: -. •: *. I { .- •: having by a; V x V «• IT wl- hive taidi that t'.. c Titw; and 1 ii-h:../ .-t:i; | *. — u :i..t f.-r ti*f T w ::.»b «-. 1 .stees, j-nl ; : iiM- K ., p ; J ** there >. I v. k- fb.. !: will make it a c<«m:n--:i eau-e. and en*vi Ala V*A:i i.t, at.J 1 :.t* •. t w.r y roeri ran a j. P 't:v r-: -v—V'. v. X X 7 netrspaper | "h—5"rritri*• irtu it with a chct-itui enthusiasm a h; •• t ! I!:;* t*k. I:i<* fir.-: !,■.•.itin 1, » 1 it '. W *«•«*/ M. -* ty AS-aa^S If : v. ii! do it "*i vt* ? thirty i? -t ! ■*. Wfvr*- th» t.u-,1 ft cno-gy. ur l..c ...i *■ 1 indefatigable y srr-p» >5*f5 j ; I •*■*;•* 1»- • f r- .jr t»k*r* It :k» —- ■ and :«5-. bv ? -.k ti. • -J O W ft/ I / _ •• and turn <*ut in th. ir streets, they cun B *■?«•« ini'tttlj i:.g it, ! I l s I: •' .1 ; *..».* s. r» r* *•*• si:-' v u ti e Kc;;nc! .»!. tl ** Jour ■ *• 1 •- mali.fr;»a:u cauecr* fn m the «.'»r-:iT f >•. v c : a show wl stuck, that cat: t b ■' up : I tb t I ;j *1 «t ,w| t:». 1 :-,r ft-ft C-. r. E'JNM, by print •' '- A. l». ai. ! ; 1'• -• «« bn v U.at 1 rccvttir..#ci ca v.bftr beaten in all X:w '1 hat i- 1 1 ; ‘.jnc Kzigland. > :■ •' ! ■ l«-w. I «. o WATCH H---SEP. AND JEWELEE •>' 1 ::h -1 i' vi tl X aj ja:.v a but can do it. i. '••• *-»« *'«*• J- ti. id U ItV saying good deal, ! ] t„j., t^l.t — th**y .»!' r« r.. u. :.r. 1 ( .N"TrrATT"V rn*T!TtM*«. iy .1 •. '• Iru EI.I.SWORTH, ME. 1 f r- f -v t\ .v they rtiil only auJ ■; i: 1 l: tin v think fit. .r /v. y /■. y -.f.fto.. ? i with ! *• T *. ’> -V t »*• •*: f :■ * r- -i f HES, CLO< K; I JEWEL- r. v. !’i f:r:v. n r.. ! f yt'ATi c ran*, eel -. If f b*f* f an! :b*ni nt t if ! .■ a a at:.; > w ■ Cattle Hueedivg This : that can be ■ i s 1 '• ii I< V* any subject named. Ibis rr I Wit 1 ;C.untyC •.- tact is for 1 on t:»;• attention constantly CU: v t rrt .1-*. CJ..'' •*••• '• i. •..I; ami I’m:: J- t < itnnts < of every intelligent bzc i r the v ry 1< T v I Ml" thr Rio —^-"rrHTv —Tht- by Sty liar Sr ; ; .. — 1 v? • remarks h? lnais. ’ih? Ii a-.-. > •„*..? d»y principl-.-s Pi-in f ro: t... ,• ~ i r, f -.1. EA.asfd t. n* r.r-d arc or t i S-al of breeding entirely overYoked /«--./ -kO. t 1 « ur.d Ik ..jal 1. * i ut;*E«, i> r>" unknown to most of our farmers. U'c l r.j ... t *: : ii > ! •«•••! •- 1 Cm- £• Id. •1 '• C'-ck near t fr- n ... «•«:; 1 ;. 1 l! f Ti*r, iv 11 our t > d, < f-in irii mi were in r this w v.kor»:.»:-*n>cu!« ftii.ir.1' < poT explain n- ft hotly flireeth.n t {•-*• north lit *’f •:.!•' T. « CLOCXS, T ** t. ft ! r:v vf l( > •. wt si as to be im higible to H ir subject ev»ry I <•» ;■ ■ *t r and .» farina I, !• it*.** Clock*. ! ■ In t!.« year 1' A, I -i icr* i a ,:j farmer, in so U w wards that all wuubl Ual ft 0.' ... ft’.a ...fulft » .ft .!» '• a > ii..",« I.*.>cic- \ JiiWi.i.::\ 5 I that I as an rem-iuber ic axiom. We ui.l en- *• r-*r:iirT'-. f lit* —S* .!'••: S- i. in as few words as he : Ki’.-worth, ", 4drf rn.iy •' •' lt“i tvd •'■ai 1 r_ .-A a Is of t!>e f: r.es qua!- tiisi- -; a: l v nr j- *.... t.» r- 1. t. V 1. The that at the •. principle lays '• '• -t y ’X will _-:v' a !.*■-:: and u,; j ■ foundation of this wlioie business is,that f -I ■! } ! r '*ard Tr. *.*x -♦ N id W it T ! at*', •. a« /.** in dutr i>- .mil w. i r-r ra I N like lik*. T'Lzs ismjbiSed a ly ■ bege’s by '•••■ 1 < *■ .;»•#• «.« •» ir : 1 .; great subordinate c.Ui.s, which tnr?s**rr>i~ 2 i. ■ ... '• * r.e:.- a x at <*• *. many C,T :■ ; i * v. *; ‘^?4 yj!,; .... mu, J •: •• come in play particularly in breeding i. ! J* »: S'; -j a S’ 1 < \ •*; : -..-v ;u. 1 s,'vo;.!v. At t .. v- v « tL*u. : ,-!.■*" for or from grades. STATE OF MAINE. ditliH ulUllii! -i ; Z' '» .'i *.:V.-h( 'If* *r. *|. J. The indue n'-e o ’the male bS.~C usually HANCOCK, f < :j *:t.l .i ZZJ SliLS’DTCSITIZ I bftn.'*. predominates in production. Y.t this .X ! t- *•*»:! X' • *: -* .*. >' 1 vlV't TL.ft _ *. i.i subject to various m Tirii J a x s ;• ''S'-i.-Ar E ARSON, :'V-.V!r.rWp a *a v or. i’T->m these two rul it * and that g principles. I AS < ■•■!-. la'; )\ i: ,v 'i IN SHOP

    1 ■■ fu lo•>'. that t best ate «li -v a.: fv_. Ll H-v£ »i*n A.' i a!. .. Avers duced only by bringing t. g :h?r aniu.a! ilCL’ Cherry Pectoral ■ \ *'••• Mr i! !tv I » rm-?!<•«! H; | a blood to t .e 1 S. of pure brought up the high- tth da-, f t t xt at t. no ?' t 1 est of rrnvr^rt !*r ai < r--:- i t■. point perfection. ---s - cr cTnirr^y jLikJ A. i<‘ ■ «l tn *» > '•'•r ••".tv f. t:: •.; :niM ■ >' y U •* -*t w..at it v* -d il at J-w :•.-«■* ’..;;n t!.;. he should consider in ; .-iiiacquaijiv the pat s a t: I i:: .« •. .v ..... * ad atLiu’.T w 1 •- defective, ird thr-n select a de i! is II.*; .rib’s p of ici 1 various it 1 *avv fo'l it 1. ■ uot same lints >w voi p| ,va u. I. defective in the * •t r h ... ty- h t.i’.n in the ,.ro-:.i- 1 other I‘‘ A a .A j.-ri- .: V i;i. a. d nit he may be in particulats. If proper. A tl :r. :. I l.-.-H-r V.. 1 :i : .:.>:T stock i» small, fe.-ders, hard to la;, 1 *■ poor ■. first class n-1. Tint r. :’ f ihotl ..... 1 ■- th:< di*t.i*< t V. ou and in and hardi- ... :- v fat, wanting vigor .st„it and J.-L. a ft .-. ,...M ■.:are-r> m. o: r a ! S'-! i- a. .' P f t> l' .o.: r-1 :■!. III.'; i. I ! iv.HNIlAM. ■ 1-- : c » fit 4. it: -« ness, a male should be selected to breed »«•«.. a.i p*.-: c if.ter- :• r f tj.t.rati + J-* f t!i- u »; a •- tpa art.-.: i e r. tiiat the in u,- by .ervii.g (f 1 t » from, combines opnosit.-s t-hi v-.j-' i2_ i.- tM q >rly %ed I y *' that J 1 i If I. r-1] M 4!lT •! Jf largest .tr. ■ degree. Ir eh:,.n e (a Idle ejr than th I .a- i tv ti att.-sr 1 « 1» l* .-hr. * r. it ha*’ f cheu] III >'!A: i g up c-pK. ..I, Mr. •„ : c»i'.'y AUEV ai,J ]U i;., •• "anKM.vuii.tMVM, li' one lias Duiham blood in hi* .h i in three : > a ht* ..if! » the •*. any cheapest.) public place in 1 t «•*.. V l r, and ■..v* 1 !-i be _•. w ;i, i.r on an 1 made at lca*t I f r« IttUd he can it '•■miantly Land, to order. core t; tin a: -tried f an duiu-i.]. n i t .•• t. .<:b I i;:.-; stock, breeding ..i tti / a**. 1 »*.-• .u improve by *•. 1 J ||.< i; n ■ and rd « 1* > t. -r .a ;• j. .... t, a, with the Devons or the last « i y Il.rct'urds, I'm ware which will he ; w ■ II as can be STATE thereon, three eks *•: in t' .• i'Hsv.rl h ca i::.inp.ti. the w < •• cheap I -v U u; -u.,.1 in ;•: r. -la t.. 4 '• we c< u of which, think, all rh?. All kinds of tin and-iiaci-iruu weri; dope A. i.teriean a in h'\i-w- i r. heal* a: i I con-id. r it 1 tilings, n«v•■•■•aper publi-.'ed rt\, d, a s...; cure. I r- it! tat* « mat ner. the ered, is the best. A strain of I) von ceunty of U..i ck, t:.e first pubii-.ui- i. t l arc afl! I t; ;r. I .• t. are tv at i 1 c ben-‘fl eon/Tr*l n y line, rited t -krys .,-t. of. e ti tiin i: .1 1. 1 lv 1 >■ a;.p. ar and have »t *• blood will reduce the as well as < (.a.41. •• ;». 1 c: ;iisn» and maintain t‘ » size, fail and exm:i;;»; -a.i v .'7: a- ■ Il i.vy article- buugt.i, in! by the x v.tcd -i c it i> t ! a’ 1*. ... U.uu -t be gratae— hiag it ♦ V. man/ Infers *r ri-Tfiedie* h*»e in ti D a;*- net wl .it was r-• an* ti led the ni* nil's in ■: '■ give good qualities wanting money :».j: j,;!.- n-c«f5irU.r I-.c r.«t J,uiu'. NATHAN EMEH'-v; M i. I > r* landed .on r* : ■r.u «d the * :• r«r -i:: A. I a .. a :• v Or!.:. ■> < hams, But breeding with tli Hereford- A. I'.;. per publi*l ; !. Mar b 1 •. l<>b. 1 •: r. by -re tr .1. r-i.f.rr# i mean what I Cu.'i ami s o. l»!t ■» .'.i-. receives all tho say. r-ttbliralb t i Unity .1 y< at ] a t U i!. r k»t, n.iujut: good qualities itnparteu '. dN c. I'U.\ t'.cC'X. : ra the t. ■ II AliN :« ar. » t U { r. k; i-.ted f. r ,.i 1 v>-,v,t!.at ail pc .' ESSES! ll.-UiNESSts! :-gth the while the- size is main- Ellsworth Oct. 17th 1 r-an i by Devons, r..ti i; t retted may atitud a:, 1 iTtpiircd Ivy Or. J. <’. AVEP, and the in beef » be heard .; thev t' it k tained, itriaht increased. ria riCA t axd analvtk m. <:?Esmr, ° I unit J Attest '• PERRY The Durhama are benefitted a cro*- DESTROY lt?lU BUEs! TRUNKsTTRUNKS!! MA33. by ■ LOWZLL, jlMhVF / Cf J n .«■>. v' 1 J.* ^ £OL# i>j* wi:h the but tiic liercfirds .:’ scribcr Atti tu.i !■ t i.i V rt»• ■-*. Herefords; linving purchased the PARKER W. PERRY, Clerk. 1 | r|”HK*- C A IAIN }• I. PraMre- are not benefitted a cross with th- right of snaking and fully informs his «.M C: 4 I*HK, Jr..//»B- by selling 1 • totners and all .. it >. i J'dtn II,< 104., ••mldshoro, a £ I others i.* »• ■' Durham-. HAVIN’ PATENT ! •''* J-.hi l!»r>*y .'tut-1 U. Vi.SI nd*e. .\.e IiEE-IIIYE, as ».-• said, i.i thr- ;-i:c want of jay j‘- A i:i:tiiu:d Hamta-if, that at 11 !. •. 1 I. •. 1 physician, t. ..J. i:.*I JlrattH. ?t •• t: A rrr; with T rrev's Iva.-t, h f ..... t, the of VV.nl f j hi' 1 n Main S*. j.< lir- J vl.) and impr-n.. eeui*ty '• ’•■••• -v aii dn.jfkut* ju.d ir»kr»'i« ila:.Ci. •* hy < | e, calls tie- alt :. ., > in* tlio Llisw met*..? nr, l!;r< out the •urU. Teachtso Animals. The farmer is pi: ffr'her-, I»au.'hti r, S o-in-law, !,<•«.- an ly ; 1 rtb 1^-47 oxcell-ncc over ot..* i.n. name shvu.d :. A bv allow* .. Ncj It i. cn r«e»* v. J American: H u e »t t.‘ of t .v the “schoolmaster of bis herds.” They !'.» .*1 it TT T *.-. |>a|-rpol to* ; -igu with e!- ree- ih, 1 IIIPOHTAST ! | great liyr v.lur*, ;..g :.. •’ ■* 1 0 L L A l; A N DISCOY-EBY 5 A •; *r, ff* 1 :. .ii. '. *«w.l ^ Big 1) are in the habit of us be al- win rci x. .: doing daily premium ! ; an 1 i- a .. sitfe t 1 Ii-d •-■»wv.a*.c*V£° i K I N k .n », ■ .u 1 Jar !. V ]’,*vpt i:.. vre a*.way* CONSUMPTION era >ns t : < CUHABL3 lows them to do. show qualified a C :r‘ *•• -bn?.- '. .t-j a ••it.'* a lcte a-frtmrnt f liar:!*-- They training, At IT 1. : nt i:t;;w'-rth, :.!■» ami l' ;;i, | n ;• >■?!;{ c.’n-Ut- t r.- k invent* 1 f f.o 1....1. i > : .I 1 anytiiiog ye: d’..v '• ,-r 1 ■ c-t Silver bite. H ar.t d and or the w uit of it. Tli flv at his tr Hi.-. *: ,1, .N m u• J -.Jfl| p.-tted y ap- u« *1 in — PARKER tiiihive *ir- fee -t ;id.i’>?<»d ;.. •..<* »:* *v- :• -r of a. L vti mu.,. a ...... tnmtuii I A* hi. i. ured j made li m t!;« best of Oak tani; i roi'SI'L'S l'Ms (7, (.1/ 17 j\v or welcome him arc gcu lr, :a f ur to t:.*; .unis 1' proach, They market, holding each : *» j PJHXtiH H PLUJiWr^rt. nt.ior. ltidtng saddl-* a:«d kru-hes of various T>1 --.'AMIS V. Krm.UlMlIi *1 a R > in tie or Uot, as he teaches them ti be.— honey. A' huri’td t e k.i. uni Hu Iters of 'li-ca m.-l in o.nn*' jiritn*. every kind and' •- ■ •tion with hi ■» i' ..t rrniar-.-.' ;<• liiG wi.« io* u / iuL-.-nher a.-e .• ?r< 1 ft ■ f ■ ’v C ms. rs t- ail watch his feet, if lie is tteraifnrt pure! iv t.:: Kl.n M --u (/• f .r n Lave employed it in th .r quality gethcr with articA-* iu that branch' They .-warn:. ..f b •«-. in -x h ’f Hancock i.' M t-. practice, curinj iugc f.,r I. anU ■. I in buklvu at J u-w rdi m t.' on ;u. of trade. r- J., ot c-m s con-id* red I I v otlu r- \ J to them. kick b it be ri to op* \^7 kicking ck, single rLti- u.-tv tin r- i*.- the .-..ti*.! K>..euti-r i. ;*.• .»• M \ i• m K 01 W ! *.; VI'.N. r They •• i the -mi of HI 1*' C *. VN*-T I k / M!TI ! ! i: .-tit■*« •• purp. r* uii:- LL- -i.f EXCELLED y .V, I ia-t.-ui .- .—.it-.-rest* a ., THE r.f r.- i*.*|,y allows it. adds to the market a*ur.ss the subscriber at ii.!.— !-y iMu-i!;; .•••>?.>• v>. 1-t "Mge la*her of the br-l l.i:.*l in S„ ! Nothing H I ibi U-o, Mbrs !f worth, 31*?.. liu.v J«;». nding *•••.•:. I’r-**. “lat. .. arul ; •r "• I- .'■‘iik k« t !• t!.o / v'i\* mranos. value of farm stock more '• h -it E i-w -r. ,k.- „ta the >! hi I*- -i rccip.-to a!lwhowi*h it f- iu c• t ,h *1 :t j expn -fly ladies, Cl.at:.'is .-kin? U materially, Hi is »*uri t. y y a; l.t« -**■- . ■•••.; 1 s.i.il c *:t on tl Joy, lad J p. and the bah •..•«*»" if.ti:. •. and Jlrittar.y war-. Ti:::,!... .• ,k*•* -i t'I d with 60 little cost, as the habits a-, a ly, |,s /..! .‘j V;’ tu*> lo pr-luc* Ur.t juire feniu-y, ad Cuuei;.gh:t -i, a.- t‘ r June Iir; '■•• ct tii*: ««rti .1 fr m ull kinds >g /.il>w.,rth, .] *•* in tl..- t //.;. dr 1 Hum, N. 11, i .-1 i; V, n.ii«i.-ig .f U-i Neat.- Leather and ^ 1 maiim in th-ju* to tuu 1 g j. J jrt-di-j^d in The the tile ox superb rify of th, .-u i.;vc«. t k. fsttt D- 1*.-' '*1' dcili.I d.>tx.vi cow, horse, ,why '■ -it-‘ ft. Nicholas ubleS| Rrt. * rv, fr in in voi* yduth. !• f //uno ! 'it. p< II:!, New York! laioU ivrt.vli-*, Hay top and ^ l J r* -a..eel j. •:. •« House all nature,riv< vftfw fr. t>. ai.d ret tlie i.re valued much i.•: i: .. i’runk*, kinds of Trunk* made to and dog according .ijm i»* ..at puiM- ci.-v-.,. order .'vein Ellsworth, March 24, lc«. t-‘ vqif-titly dir fly uj^u thr 1 I Ui-r.f K V. .Ull •. II at very short notice, Valises and >yx\ to their habits or education- so is th \ !'. 1 «. K. .Tj ! yo | .> Traveling Hags of Air 1*...... tf... c '* T. URA I ir.s Notice. al kinds and A «nw py— A I A .*. 1> surrr, n. and r.;. sizes, Curry Combs and Horse n? cf “i’-rcka in I * theluu^a, and :n man. The horse is April Hi s | |n,'' carefully :lh, l-t,lviS. n> o.'ht with other article cj»uv*s frequently rs. er .,. | together every usually anfUnuiij: tj. m.4tf. \- a *• in such t<-la; Nj-x-t. rated trained—so is the tho ox and too h-M at *r-i, ort- .j., a-iit ;•*. a o’. I t*o ]*la\, STATE OF MAIXE. *'•1 ":l Ur. ciaiyh, rul'du*o t: frequently “wallop, !.* y tl-«trn 1-J.ii.!* or Jv-racs Cadi laid for Hide* and Culf skins. t 1- :"*»«• : I! •••ratio I! -1 5 Otr.j'*ll :i -f •• r' s L■1 ... ;•••!..i -j.-rs ar. r>-:Uid {.:,ut tb-v "«!• Stun-. V ..ther '..rti i- or ni Ellsworth, June Cth 18j6. l.itf ] .Ji-y n„ .... ,t trained horses, and not for 1 1 v K v i<*.d speed plow '<"*r.... :i.- rise t, .. -I 'iin r*-.'t! •: 11-.*.- *1 '■*’ .ml •/ *vr.. .ut J Uicac ! the mat: I l.r-t-Moi iac 1-a «•-r p rei S..;lu^.g V, m: ii ui iu- to ail other and draft or oxen and v. cll-tmin- !, m n.i/i'-rs ;ir- inter. s*. tl,1 l.ig ... aJ ... t»u-r*.r. j. that th- < i.in < ,.i »ui4*ri<>rity ajitcitic*. horses, r, < .t : i:*.i lit I'll. A. A M .J le-l.iy hi- 1 -t if-m--u-i-J f*ui-. •••■ O'i .. y. r,. If.I In rof.-.-r ••-.»- to tie e 1 cows. In real i nice to ’!■ the fir- Th..t •••.•- t* ti vu of Ju -. "**■* .»si at i>T» a irf.v* ! tl.l'nr* a: nport *;.i», ryi.wper-wm* day •>.!, at J if ti.: ii, A. K. I 1.1 NT, r-.- »•-• •* 1 «• a. •• 1 "i ..* f. li mer, the latter ate tar ! by lUO ’U ,py ;-a.- J^ul.: *n o: l-r -"UN h. LINT. ntVlNC Ml FAMII.V OH HL’LATIONSt- j‘f» i*i»- a »a« |,r-,\ >d to preferable. 1 h lr. .• < ELLSWORTH BOOK l$i>Di:KY •'.I' t *•■••'•■-.- « T l.<.•• m ,- ! it.* c- tv ■-•. ! r * p.1’ -O.de sin] pr««i>e>*iii.' a-i i;-: Ail? ::.'|Miund«; r« at. v would wish to the farmer and El.-'Wurth i:!! " •• -t C«lilaill urge upon IliHTi'-W, '‘•-•lit*. I v.i fi-r-air* *1 r.t J* hi I.arrcv 1 V ! * th*-y r/.r.j then nj'je*ar at a 1Y<*;- no < ir- .,1 -i to 1 '■ 1 > I •• the the of supply ins the a til:. :••! with the *d * ;.•>• ,at;>. fanner's sons, fI^IIE subscriber is now to d.> f ° '• 1 importance prepared * ’*• r* at., *■ HEAP Kvoroy di>-..fre>l a: l us-il by late I 'uj- /r*-«ly .wlrrale of all a id READING. 'lilai.v withe m.i.sUi vs art '* ! caroful, thorough, training of ail farm binding kinds, hope- that parties 1 m um'd u- ! As ( 1 THE during n- hu will ciu u ,\ bit’t, we.*]... muin*--; ..4 w, •• •' be !• Al. r«ir.l .‘-I .r; l»ut the dcvlc.r t\- having pleas-.* bring li "| M *t\ MrT 1AMILV I M|m RATI So lilv I,, v, H a animals. Uso them and a: >.II.R Pl n -• ne.1 MOW d tenderly g-ntly s i ! c. ,J -i iate: ;■ i-UiHED •Mi k.v nnd uin as j Particular utu-iitioii i..;d to a' lunvf.TH! !)]•. -:. X, and iiKui Ai .c rriiiinal, a,iapt, u. •’ ■ of see ».«• ! i. and U...- n. u.K mil to ii.li.iiat. «*r l-.-r modes <-f..d:ni: at all and will them mani- .. ;-i". •»>:, u H-vvfL*, tii effects tie .. ages, you Lnidk.g Magazine.-, do. upon -> f :u. ii.i.i iV nr' K ecu lit; ; -A $ fc THEE EVA l-V'S-Headache, N-ur... N r\- H.n at *• *o avers bound and at the I YORK PRESS. 1i. V fest rather than fear, N•*«--; s-rcsig, •* v .. it.. ■-i■'i c lUolMOO r. *t. luc. V-.-. pleasure, you: very '• I"*ui!i; up ;.u-- a» uCrwlil m t‘ r- U .*!:• U, W7. -f : :. nf i.i .?h.:i ti- 'if, I _ J l iwest u .. 1 *■ *• 1 I'.»«€:»>•: *r. .... I, priv*v». |»!nc in cam tf .1 'y i-rit.-c i nit .. rt- y In them to or ll:- 1 vu. 4.a a..< ft puartri pu 0 'li -iti i!-, Inal ri.w.V, W :: *, work, -y ilancoc-, V. .i..y i*4 \:*i at i-.-r *•' ** I preseuee. teaching Pi r- m? e; ing at a d! ncu c v ..’ys }•.'*■-T«i the time J [ .r >'••••«■ : •nth tuore r* I• -•'! ; hot rely upon A. J>. 1? appoi.,-. »»].] ,1? .elu.c •'•■iiij.Saint, Fever nod Asru-, J;.u. de-. ...,i to 1 1 a.y.f t..- three U.Ear U: i.Mdi. u,,1'r* to any duty, you need bo their H h- ;g wed as the v> :.c«t > W. Hl.N’t A !: / P «• I. *. Jt is ni; .dl other Il.ili *ui enu. .. I MT'-i the money perform boiiad, :y ilLHY, -.r of i!*e e-tut^ •’ '• 1 " d' kerangctnoi Tux Hi t- •V* vV'r hy r: ...... iv.'.l! .. j,.. will t« yroaii att-nd-d to. — stuck will be used. ,A is c 1 ol well known U t-* ly not not cruel of -r 1. I: j« --1 Av; thorough, harsh—kind, erprinted la .' print tr„m clear, «.-.v L... .\ i’ J. La>’UH*!K. ,-*'t Pers U-- •1—,..-i vtrtif (ii- Ui: .1 if.-UTit f *.j*. What they are, and li-*w tt.-v ~i'r“ in w ;rk, sir pit- .a-i^uuE'tiMtu:: r-i t I i.. acoi»\*-ni.ni V. ,\ forbear nice will their h- Uuckrport, having j. day- ..t I a,t b the ;.mc of shape f-r aud is " and Milk and your gain t ip'.il Mtitl d *e-.-:i.- u t-.SU* U* t 1- i**.- I. m.rty Mudi-.tf’ '-tfj slrenythtmruj th Sr stein i< f,d!v Mmt, ! Lave* i: at Mr. L: u*rv '. i:-l.v Illa.-tr.it ■!: all for a re-jiu •• •.oned oil ( j t»id ?cuth • — Oidt-roii, Tl.at the Admiai-t :-.tor n to year. \j. •'M each pack I will love. (len g».c thereof ail o' fr. ?,n _• frit ¥„ I'hnrch,) bar, ur.d kindness their \V. appiie-iti -i.* ••1 m1 your GMid PUTS. a y ’* l’ati\-t r, s-.i’icient i>f Iht t-. I KTf.e.? i.itvreby cati.-lng coj.y of or*.K-r t 1 -'*■'* 1 Uctnedy ^ ua Boston. aium. /•. '*'i-ry Mura au l t{.? Idass- li»h3. •••* PAUnUt city c..„. :r>. h.w •- “ rurali' « “li r- ■ elite farrier. Ell-worth, April 21, w publishvtl t’.r v...*'.;•» v.'ly iu tU- liJlsw -rtJ» r:::uiY,a h caries iu tho nrjit r. a I'r tie 1 PARK Lit PLftHY, ( WMKUM.r, j.tiu Ini ted htati-s nnd liri'.mh a 4 *y :-i-p.-.n-ut court to L-e h**M at t'l. I*- O. llwX v J. JL J il ..1 C-tttn sir I, N\„ 1 y‘ Piorinces. Break Cake.—Take .1 light; of .)q «■ ,,rk, a for-.. i. t>.- :v if ha > ...» 4 LJj indebt d to the estate of cause, any they ;.y ran u> ■ 1 do. of butt r. ;; persons fub-criber !. 2 do. of sugar, x tutu- si.-, Ad uwt *H' r|'he p-iLIie *• t dough. th: lute 7. illirmi Eingb i■„>, ll- deceas- 1 11 tteei'lyed by UxiH t'SK, a now uire, PARK'in TUCK, jsi-l I t of 1 snail > JitJpe. i'" PabUiM>Pri< ^ .'Iclicin«« and articles. AHjj 1 nutmeg, teaspoor.ful ed, are c.i'«i*d t make ii mediato a:.u t -n Fancy c-gsl upon payment. A true c»**y—Attest, A. A. liAart.ti r, iityi .it„-. K'l" litts uj n lor Ji' but- All tin- rc n ; i t" the trua ul .i ,r’ Apple*. Uranic*, with other articles 1 fruit. Rubt> ii-.ii’g Leluuging .Administratrix t«o t.-tat .- r A Hook for many suiuratuf, |ttc up the ililiioii! ~ua; 1 to the wants said in the «: *d ••• iuiuiith II. cf the aui the K.-hit**, unties Peri"’ at '••• C.-u-'ini bite «,f Trout nt HO’.V TO Cl.It; rrd i^ coiuinuuitr, well the lying ! >Al 1**111 N '.1 All PUMOIIS li f .-:-! J Juir- in tho VONU tJPTiOl puhli.-'.i d, hv rRi*rRHex 4 Co.. !V*i'c!]fr* anl Vason of t!.e ter and sugar together,and eg.-y > year. Ilautfcclc. a l in t -iut f ^ ..r <1 Ifanc U ’.Vashiiigte.n. .Muiue, ri: -Aru.-iiin;- in an.v way maAini( pron hoi! K*r /-lui- ji'nty k, deceased, by giving L inds !al" r'« r,»urt bireci, H .'(■ a. a Hn. f rre.v.. of LJ r': *aw 4 onN,’- I-.-.-. the and fruit. an* now ot d for sulcal n luccd fur cosh, his w.f. w tlieir m.-a din ]■ .»f tm* w r and (hen dough pri«\-3 p buiuu:., aarah, clni.’rea, Owen, t-; -he there‘s.i mquf.t- ail iitr. b-xual ,.-f o. m u. ubin im account of urertfy' cw- —ilmr r. ami th» Town of ri!i a XJR”S .o, .\ew njmptom* and treatment— lur inthrmati in rc-ravd t*. the ai'ove and {>■•• Philip, (pHuport) t<* the ,rk prepared by a 1! v*i | indebted said dec. used's c» t/ ci.ir. -anAliu, for v -. ..ul u.» such bills as of th- “Ro*t..a Eleciic and •Ic-eri’i' ions el these pay ample provision ute. to make dul.” Th * werk also plans lauds, applicatii.n iiuinodiate andtho.-o c,',ll ‘“*s with hor- < iun.de ir th-. If nppoi iu tins toa payment, tvb exposure of the I et us combine ii.a v he made t* the lU 0 d. Ascyre’-iug deception and im. agriculture agent. «H *11M ai-y mauds to exhibit tb* I^stur*. Fr o 10.1 a v«-i ROO^S Wl>i', ? Ortrseers of Po^r ] tbcrcun, ram-* lieiitgquacks, with s .me of the FAPERSJ wo and x. b. o names and h, V on,. ticulture, tiiat may beautify n. n.ACi:. WASSOV. ) of >'ran£!in. seijiomclit. .V.A.MY c. COl «0( a ■ \ Sold by pcrto.lk‘al dealers gcnerall’y Now — Ellswcrlh, h ?c'c. Ct.‘ FranAlia. May 1, li&? 4®, lb58. vV * rr'-r5’1 l{ ‘bree holls, Patprrs received out T’ehruary April PRiNTING j: sjwuTcdat •/;* postage stamps_1 2fi00 Jjust si.y-e dwell ngs »mptly th’j AdJresj y*>x I'oj. Ho,.,,n j., t. ... *n-l f"r ssl« 1.,*, by iJ M JIALE i- v-:■»<: ;:y