
1246 Gut 1992; 33: 1246-1248

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Effects of ca-glucosidase inhibitors mouth Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.33.9.1246 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from caecum transit time in humans

S D Ladas, A Frydas, A Papadopoulos, S A Raptis

Abstract investigate the effects ofacarbose and miglitol on The a-glucosidase inhibitors and mouth to caecum transit time (MCTT). miglitol have been successfully used to control postprandial hyperglycaemia in diabetics. They probably work by slowing Methods digestion and absorption, but their effect on mouth to caecum transit time has not been SUBJECTS studied. The effect of acarbose (100 mg), Eighteen healthy male volunteers9 aged 18-40 miglitol (100 mg), and placebo on mouth to years (mean (SD) 30.3 (6 5) years) participated caecum transit time (380 kcal breakfast with in the study. All were of normal body weight, 20 g oflactulose) was investigated in 18 normal taking a normal diet, and had a normal bowel volunteers using breath hydrogen analysis. habit. None had symptoms or a history of Both miglitol and acarbose significantly gastrointestinal disease or surgery or had increased breath hydrogen received antibiotics in the two months before the (F2,34=6.31, p=O.005) and, shortened the study. Written informed consent was obtained mouth to caecum transit time (F2,34=3.49, from all individuals tested. The protocol of the p=004) after breakfast compared with study was approved by the Ethical Committee on placebo. There was a significant negative Human Studies of the Department of Internal correlation between breath hydrogen excre- Medicine, University of Athens, in October tion and mouth to caecum transit time suggest- 1985. ing that with shorter transit times significantly more were spilled into the colon. These results indicate that a- TEST MEAL glucosidase inhibitors accelerate mouth to The breakfast used to measure MCTT consisted http://gut.bmj.com/ caecum transit time by inducing carbohydrate of two slices of toast (17 g), butter (15 g), malabsorption. marmalade (20 g), one hard boiled egg, and 200 (Gut 1992; 33: 1246-1248) ml ofweak tea containing 20 g oflactulose (30 ml of Duphalac, Duphar, Southampton, UK) and 10 g of . The complete meal contained BAY g 5421 (acarbose) and BAY m 1099 380 kcal. Forty two per cent of the calories were (miglitol) are competitive inhibitors of small derived from carbohydrate, 10% from protein, on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. intestinal ct-glucosidase. Acarbose is a pseudo- and 48% from fat. Since the prevalence of and has been used in clinical incomplete digestion in Greece is 75%,'° trials with insulin dependent and non-insulin milk was not included in the breakfast. The dependent diabetes to control hyperglycaemia, amount of lactose (2.4 g) contained in 30 ml of improve the diabetic metabolic condition, and, if Dulphalac has been shown not to affect breath possible, to reduce the insulin requirements.' 2 hydrogen excretion." This meal has been pre- Miglitol is a new a-glucosidase inhibitor with the viously tested and proved to produce reproduc- chemical structure of a 1-desoxynojirimycin. It ible MCTT measurements." has already been used in a few clinical trials in normal volunteers and diabetics.3 4 Though intestinal a-glucosidase inhibitors MCTT AND CARBOHYDRATE ABSORPTION STUDY interfere with sucrose and digestion,5 These were investigated in a placebo controlled, absorption is not affected.6 This slowing double blind, randomised, three fold, cross over of carbohydrate digestion, and therefore of study with complete block design experiments. glucose absorption, caused by at-glucosidase Each volunteer was studied three times. The inhibitors has a beneficial effect in the treatment washout were seven Acarbose Gastroenterology Unit, periods days. 2nd Department of ofdiabetes mellitus. A4 It does, however, result in (BAY g 5421) and miglitol (BAY m 1099) (Bayer Internal Medicine- a considerable degree of carbohydrate spilling AG, Leverkusen, Germany) were supplied as Propaedeutic, University into the colon7 that stimulates bacterial fermen- 100 mg tablets. The tablets and placebo were of Athens, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece tation causing and occasionally diar- identical in size, shape, and colour and were S D Ladas rhoea.8 It is logical to hypothesise that the distributed in cellophane bags labelled with each A Frydas incomplete small intestinal carbohydrate absorp- subjects random number and test day. The A Papadopoulos S A Raptis tion, by increasing the flow rate of the luminal amount of lactose contained in the tablets was stimulate and shorten were swallowed half Correspondence to: contents,7 may peristalsis negligible (120 mg). They Dr S D Ladas, Athens the small bowel transit time. However, to the an hour before the ingestion of the test meal. University, PO Box 14127, best of our knowledge, this has never been After an overnight fast (10-12 hours), the 11510 Athens, Greece. test meal within 15 Accepted for publication investigated. volunteer consumed the 10 February 1992 Thus, the objective of the present study was to minutes. The breath hydrogen concentration Effects ofa-glucosidase inhibitors on mouth to caecum transit time in humans 1247

was measured at -60, - 30, and 0 minutes and at 10 minute intervals thereafter, over a four hour period. Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.33.9.1246 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from End expiratory breath samples were collected in 50 ml polyethylene syringes, while the volun- 60 teer exhaled through a modified Haldane- 50 - Priestley tube,'2 and the H2 concentration E Cl. 40 - was measured by a research chromatograph 0. (Hewlett-Packard 5750G) equipped with a I 30 - thermal conductivity detector. The operating -cem conditions have been published elsewhere.'0 The 20- minimum hydrogen concentration detectable 10 was 3 ppm, which gave a recorder deflection of 2mm. 0 A breath hydrogen concentration .20 ppm 0 1 2 3 4 over the baseline was taken as indicating the Time (hours) arrival of lactulose and/or malabsorbed carbo- Figure 1: Breath hydrogen response to breakfast (380 kcal) marked with 20goflactulose after acarbose (100 mg), miglitol hydrate into the caecum. MCTT was therefore (100 mg), and placebo. Values of18 normal volunteers are defined as the interval between finishing the meal given as mean (SEM). *Differences between treatment groups and the first oftwo sequential increases in breath and placebo are significant (randomised blocks ANOVA, hydrogen concentration -20 ppm over the base p<0 02-0)003). line. If after four hours no such a rise in breath hydrogen occurred, the transit time was recorded as 240 minutes.'3 correlation coefficients of acarbose and placebo did not differ significantly (F1,32=3.57, F16,16= CALCULATIONS AND STATISTICS 1.01 respectively, p>0 05), nor did those of The area under the breath hydrogen curve was miglitol and placebo (F1,32=3.55, F16,16=2.07, calculated using the trapezoid rule.'4 1' Results in p>O0 10). the text and figures are presented as mean (SEM). The statistical significance of the results was assessed by randomised blocks analysis of Discussion variance (ANOVA) and paired t test as appro- This is the first published report on the effects of priate.'6 Correlation between breath hydrogen a-glucosidase inhibitors on MCTT. Our results excretion and MCTT was evaluated by regres- indicate that after ingestion ofa solid-liquid meal sion analysis and comparisons between slopes (breakfast) miglitol and acarbose at a dose of 100 http://gut.bmj.com/ and correlation coefficients by covariance analy- mg induce carbohydrate malabsorption and sis.'6 Probabilities of <0.05 were regarded as therefore shorten the MCTT. These results significant. agree with those of a preliminary study of eight normal subjects given 200 mg of acarbose after a 380 kcal breakfast, where we had also observed a Results significant acceleration of MCTT in comparison All volunteers (n: 18) ate the breakfast within 15 with placebo. '` The negative correlation we have on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. minutes and found it palatable. Non-hydrogen found between MCTT and breath H2 excretion producers were not encountered in this study, suggests that with shorter transit times more since all volunteers excreted -20 ppm of breath carbohydrates are spilled into the colon. This is hydrogen in at least one of the experiments after eating the breakfast marked with lactulose. Treatment significantly affected MCTT (randomised blocks ANOVA: F2,34=3.49, p= o Placebo 0.042). This effect was due to the shorter MCTT o -- Acarbose after miglitol (107 (14) minutes) as well as after A acarbose (106 (13)) in comparison with placebo Miglitol (139 (18) minutes), (paired t=2. 16, p=0.023 and m 1000 paired t= 1.98, p=0.032 respectively). 0) The mean breath hydrogen curves after acarbose, miglitol, and placebo are shown in o 100* I ''400~~~~~~~~ Figure 1. Significantly more hydrogen was m excreted after acarbose (122-56 (14.67)) or A 0 0) 101 miglitol (1 12.67 (18.91)) than in placebo experi- .C ments (74.00 (11.40) ppm.4 hours, F2,34=6.31, 10 p=0.005). When individual breath hydrogen 0) excretion was plotted against MCTT (Fig 2), there was a significant negative log-linear corre- 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 lation between the two variables after acarbose Mouth to caecum transit time (minutes) (Y=5.92-0.013x, r=-0.91, T=-8.75, Figure 2: Correlation ofindividual breath hydrogen excretion p<0.001), miglitol (Y=5.83-0 013x, r= -0-86, (log scale) and mouth to caecum transit time (MCTT) after and ingestion ofbreakfast (380 kcal) marked with 20 g of T=-6.68, p=0.001), placebo (Y=5.33- lactulose. Correlations with regard to acarbose (100 mg), 0.009x, r=-0-91, T=-9-02, p<0.001). The miglitol (100 mg), and placebo are significant (r= -0-91, slopes of the regression lines, as well as the r= -0-86, r= -0-91 respectively, p<0 001). 1248 Ladas, Frydas, Papadopoulos, Raptis

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