
Drugs 1997 Ju n: 53 (6): 930-942 REVIEW ARTICLE 00 12-6667/97/rJ:XJO-O

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Lactulose, and Colonic Flora Clinical Consequences

Mette Rye Clausen and PerBrebech Mortensen Department of Medicine CA, Division of Gastroenterology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Contents Summary . 930 1. Dietary . 931 1.1 Lactulose . . . . . 931 2. Colonic and Producti on of Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) 931 2.1 Fermentation of Lactulose . 932 3. Lactulose in the Management of ...... 933 3.1 Colonic Compensation in Car bohydrate Malabsorption 933 3.2 Fermentation Capac ity Threshold: Individual Variability . 934 3.3 Does Lactulose Exert Its Effect Through the Osmotic Activity of Unferme nted Carbohydrate? . 935 3.4 Capac ity of the Colon to Absorb Fluid . 936 3.5 Possible Me chanisms of Action of Lactulose in the Treatment of Constipation. 936 4. Lac tulose in the Management of ...... 937 4.1 Effects of Lac tulose on and Nitrogen Metabolism ...... 937 4.2 Role of Short- and Medium-Chain Fatty Acids in Hepatic Encephalopathy . 938 4.3 Effect of Lactulose on Colon ic SCFA Production in Hepatic Encephalopathy 939 4.4 Possible Mechanisms of Action of Lactulose in the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy 940 5. Conclusions...... 940

Summary Lactulose is one of the mos t freq uently utilised age nts in the treatment of constipation and hepatic ence pha lopathy because of its efficacy and good safe ty profile. The key to understanding the possible modes ofaction by which lactulose ac hieves its therapeutic effects in these diso rders lies in certain pharmacological phe nomena: (a) lactulose is a sy nthetic that does not occur naturally; (b) there is no disaccharidase on the microvillus membrane of enterocytes in the human small intesti ne that hydrolyses lactulose; and (c) lactulose is not absorbed from the . Thus, the primary site of action is the colon in which lactulose is readi ly fermented by the co lonic bacterial tlora with the produ ction ofshort-chain fatty acid s and various gases. T he purpose ofthis review is to focu s on some pertinent basic aspects of the clinical pharmacology of lactulose and to discuss the possible mec hanisms by which lactulose benefits patients with co n­ stipation and hepatic encephalopat hy. Disaccharides and Colonic Flora 931

1. Dietary Carbohydrate human small intestine.Pv' Once in the caecum, lactulose is a fully fermentable carbohydrate. Dietary may be divided into Lactulose is widely considered to be an effective , disaccharides, agent in the management of constipation and he­ and . Their physiological proper­ patic encephalopathy. It is the purpose of this re­ ties and health benefits depend on the site, rate and view to discuss the interaction of lactulose with the extent of their digestion or fermentation in the hu­ bacterial flora of the colon and the possible modes man . The ofaction by which it achieves its therapeutic effects fraction of plant cell walls (dietary fibre) and some in patients with constipation and hepatic encepha­ forms of (resistant starch) are resistant to lopathy. The review deals almost exclusively with hydrolysis in the small intestine. These carbohy­ lactulose. The principles expressed, however, are drate polymers as well as indigestible oligosaccha­ applicable to any malabsorbed and fermentable di­ rides, e.g. stacchyose and , enter the colon saccharide, e.g. , a disaccharide analogue of through the ileocaecal valve to be fermented by the lactulose for which there is also no disaccharidase colonic bacterial flora. and disac­ on the microvillus membrane of enterocytes, or charide are absorbed as they pass through when it is administered to lactase-deficient the healthy small intestine and only become avail­ individuals. able to the colonic flora as a consequence of defi­ ciencies in the transport system, or, more usually, specific disaccharidase deficiencies, e.g. lactase 2. Colonic Fermentation and Production deficiency. Physiological carbohydrate malabsorp­ ofShort-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) tion, that is, the fermentable carbohydrate entering Fermentation, the process whereby the micro­ the colon in healthy individuals, is in the range of bial population that inhabits the human colon 30-60 g/day in Western communities.l!l This load breaks down carbohydrates in order to obtain en­ is normally fermented by the vast numbers of co­ ergy for maintenance of cellular function and lonic bacteria. growth, is an important component of normal colonic activity (fig. I). Short-chain fatty acids 1.1 Lactulose (SCFA) and the gases H2, CO 2 and, in some indi­ Lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide composed viduals, CH4, are the principal end products of car­ of the monosaccharides and [p­ bohydrate fermentation.l!' The major SCFA found ( 1-4)-galactosido-fructose]. The disaccharidases in the human colon are the C2 (), C3 (pro­ that split naturally occurring disaccharides into pionate) and C4 (butyrate) members of the ali­ their moieties do not include a lactulase, phatic monocarboxylic acid series. Formate (C I), and lactulose is not metabolised or absorbed in the valerate (C5), hexanoate (C6), and the branched-

Dietary mono·, di- and oligosaccharides

Bacterial enzymes IPolysaccharides 1------ICarbohydrates Ir---- SCFA,H2,C02,CH.and increased bacterial mass

Fig. 1. Bacterial fermentation in the human colon . Abbrevialion: SCFA = short-chain fatty acids .

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chain fatty acids isobutyrate (iC4) and isovalerate 3-fo ld by the additio n of 100 mmol/L lactulose or (iC5) , whi ch are produced during amino acid fer­ its mon osacch ari de co nstituents, ga lac tose and ment ation,14's1are also present in the colon, though fructose, during inc ubation for 6 hours, secondary in smaller quantities. Oth er orga nic ac ids such as to an isolated 4- to 6-fo ld increase in the synthes is lactate and succ inate are ferment ation intermedi­ of acetate. In patient s undergoing elective chole­ ates. Th ey can be further metaboli sed to SC FA, and cystectomy, caecal insti llatio n of lactulose ca used do not usually accumulate to any extent, except an immediate increa se in portal plasma SCFA during rapid carbohydrate breakd own. P"! co nce ntrations, principally acetate; peak co ncen­ Th e SCFA are weak acid s and their pKa values trations were achieve d in 15 to 45 minutes, co n­ are very similar, rangin g from 4.76 to 4.87. Thu s, firming efficient fermen tatio n of lactulose and ab­ more than 95% of the SCFA are present in their sorption of the resultant SCFAP ol di ssociated form at the phy siological pH of the co­ Th e various gases ge nerated in the co lon are ei­ lon (pH 6-8) . Total co ncentrations of SCFA are low ther absorbed and ex pired in breath or expelled as in the small intestine, but in the co lon and faeces flatu s, and excess gas production may ca use bor­ SCFAco nstitute the predominant ani ons at concen­ borygm i and flatul ence. Sin ce H2 produced in the tration s ranging from about 80 to 130 mmol/Lp ·IOI human bod y deri ves entirely from bacter ial fer­ Concentrati ons are highest in the caecum, where ment ation of nonabsorbed carb oh ydrate, breath H2 substra te avai lability is grea tes t, and fall progres­ exc retion in the abse nce of small intestinal bacte­ sive ly towards the distal co lon. By co ntras t, pH is rial ove rgrowth ca n be used as a marker of carbo­ lowest in the right colon and rises in the distal hydrate rnalabsorpt ion .F! ' Th e extent of malab­ bowel.l?' SC FA are avidly abso rbed by the co lonic sorption may be quantified by co mparing breath H2 epithelium,II I.1 21 and used as a source of energy, following a test dose of lactulose with either locall y (co lonic mucosa)113.151 or syste mi­ tha t after ingestion of a different carbohydrate.l->' ca lly (liver, peripheral tissues).' 161 In the colon, ab­ Fermentation of a readily fermen tab le carbohy­ sorpt ion ofSCFA is accompanied by luminal bicar­ drate result s in acidification of co lonic co ntent s. bon ate acc umulatio n and increased sodium and Using a pH-sensitive rad iotelem etry de vice, Bown wate r absorption.t'I -P!Thu s, the micro bia l process et aL/231 showed that lactul ose 30 to 40g daily de­ co nve rts unabsorb able materi al to rapidly absorbed creased the pH of the right co lon fro m control lev­ SCFA, thereby redu cing the effective osmo tic pres­ els of 6.0 to 4.8 5. As the intes tinal co ntent reached sure of the colonic co ntents, enhanci ng water and the left co lon and rectum, the median pH rose, electrolyte abso rption, and sa lvaging calories whi ch wo uld otherwise be lost in the faeca l strea m. probably as a res ult of SCFA absorpt ion and bicar ­ bonate sec retion. Th e effect of lactulose on faeca l pH depend s on the dose employed, and the drop in 2.1 Fermentation of Lactu lose pH is usually maint ain ed throughout the co lon and Lactul ose, after arriving in the colon, is digested the stool when larger doses of lactul ose are ad min­ by bacteri al disaccharidases and metabolised to or­ istered.124.261 ga nic aci ds, mainl y acetate and lactate, H2 and Alth ough co nsistent changes in the relative pro ­ C02.1 61 A variety of studies have show n that lactu­ portion s or in the abso lute numbers of differe nt lose is usuall y vigorously fermented . In an ill vitro bacterial species have been difficul t to ide ntify in ex perime nt using human faecal homogen ates, patient s treated with lactul ose ,1 27-291this co mpou nd Vince et aLI171showed that co mplete fermen tatio n does appear to have a significant effect on the me­ of 10 giL (30 mmol/L ) of lactul ose occurred within tabolic activities of the microb es. In healthy volun­ 6 hours. By use of a similar tech nique, Mortensen teers, faeca l levels of ~ - g al ac t o s id a s e activity in­ et aLII X.191 showed that the total product ion of creased significantly after an 8-da y period of a SCFA in faecal homoge nates was increased 2- to non diarrhoeogeni c dose of lactulose (20g twice

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dailyj.!'" Co mpared with day I, caecal co ntents edly enhances net sodi um and water abso rptio n sampled on day 8 afte r lactul ose administ ration ex­ and bicarb onate secretion into the lumen. Thu s, the hibited a mar ked fall in pH, a faster disappearance intracolonic fer mentation of nonabsorbed suga rs of lactulose and its co nstitutive , and in­ into readily absorbable SCFA reduces the osmotic creased co ncentrations of SCFA and lactate.l'" The load , and suppresses or mit igates the diarrhoea co lonic microflora therefore are able to adapt to which would have resulted from unm odified ileal ferment lactul ose, and the more efficie nt bacteri al output. fermentation of lactul ose modifies the diarrhoea indu ced by a larger load of this .P'!' 3.1 Colonic Compensation in Th e colonic bacteria use ferme ntable carbohy­ Carbohydrate Ma labsorption drate, e.g . lactul ose, as a so urce of ene rgy, thu s prom oting their growth and multiplication. P!' It is Th e protective role of coloni c fermentation in bel ieved that bacteri al growth ass imilates the am­ reducing the severity of carbohydrate-induced diar­ moni a produ ced by degradation and putrefaction rhoea has been demonstrated in studies co mparing of ingested protein s as a source of nitrogen , and the output of faecal water in response to a non­ faecal nitrogen exc retion increas es 2- to 4-fold af­ ferme ntable os mo tic load with a load of ferm ent­ ter lactul ose administration.tv-P! able carbohydrate. Hammer et al.1391co mpared the diarrh oea res ulting fro m increasin g iso -os mo lar 3. Lactulose in the Management loads of the nonabsorbable, nonferment able and of Constipation electrically neut ral co mpound polyeth ylene glyco l (PE G) and lactulose in healthy individuals. In­ Lactul ose is frequently used as an effective lax­ creasing osmotic loads of PEG caused a near-li near ative in the management ofconstipation.P"! Based increase in stool wa ter output. At any load, on the absence of its respecti ve disaccharidase, the lactulose ind uced less diarrhoea than did PEG. rationale for the use of lactulose as a laxative was With low (45 g/day) or moderate (95 g/day ) doses to indu ce disacch aride malab sorption, a we ll of lact ulose, stool water losses were redu ced by as known cause of diarrh oea. In spite ofthe freq uency much as 600 g/day (co mpared with equimolar os­ and importance of ca rbo hydrate-i nduce d diar­ motic loads of PEG). As lactulose doses of >45 rhoea, its pathophysiology is not full y understood . g/day were ingested, faecal ca rbohydrate exc retion Until relative ly rece ntly, SC FA were thought to be rose progressively, thereb y contributing more and poorly abso rbed and to functi on as an irritating and more to the osmotic dr iving force for diarrh oea. os motic force stimulating intes tinal motilit y and With the largest dose of lactul ose (125 g/day) the imp eding co lonic water and elec tro lyte absorp­ difference between lactulose- and PEG-induced tion .135.3xl Early work on carbohydrate malabsorp­ diarrh oea markedly decreased. In lactulose-induced tion therefo re impli cated bacter ial fermentation as diarrhoea, daily stoo l collections co nta ined an the prim ary mechani sm for diarrhoea in disaccha­ average of I, 12 and 45g of carbohyd rate when the ride malabsorption (' ferme ntative diarrhoea' ). Th e participant s were ingesting 45 , 95 and 125g of stro ng co rrelation between faecal water output and lactul ose/d ay, respectively, indi catin g a maximum output of SCFA135.371 was thought to incriminate ca pacity of the co lonic bacteria to met aboli se SCFA in the path ogenesis of diarrhoea. As co lonic lactulose of approximately 80 g/day.' 39I SCFA levels remain more or less co nstant despite Saunders and Wiggi nsl'! obtained dose-response dietary changes, any fac tor increasing stool we ight curves for mann itol (a poorly absorbed sugar alco ­ will, however, increase their output. Later in vivo hol), raffi nose, lactulose and in studies of intestinal SCFA abso rption have consis­ relation to faecal water output over 48 hours afte r tent ly de mo nstrated efficient absorption of SCFA the dose of test substance. With magnesium sulfate from the human colon.' I 1.1 21 Th is absorption mark- there was an immediate increase in faecal output,

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whereas a lag period was observed for the non­ flora in these older piglets were capable offerment­ absorbed sugars. When an increase in faecal water ing the osmotic load to SCFA, which could then be occurred after ingestion of , lactulose or rapidly absorbed from the colonic contents. Once raffinose, the sugar or its constitutive hexoses ap­ the microbial process is well established, pro­ peared in the stools. The dose-response experi­ longed ingestion of carbohydrate results in an im­ ments indicated that the colonic flora can normally proved colonic fermentation capacity.l'v'" convert 40 to 60g of single doses of carbohydrate The higher capacity to ferment carbohydrates to SCFA without the individual experiencing diar­ may be a result of enzymatic induction in existing rhoea.I" rnicro-organisms!''! and/or an alteration in micro­ bial populations.lv-'!' Flourie et al.1301 studied 3.2 Fermentation Capacity Threshold: healthy volunteers for 2 test periods, at the begin­ Individual Variability ning of which they ingested a diarrhoeogenic load (60g) of lactulose; the 2 periods were separated by The human colon is obviously capable of re­ a lactulose feeding period of 8 days, during which moving appreciable amounts offermentable carbo­ a nondiarrhoeogenic load (20g) of lactulose was hydrates from colonic contents, even in patients taken twice daily. Stool weight and frequency, and with malabsorbed carbohydrate.Ue'" If, however, faecal outputs of carbohydrates after the ingestion the fermentative capacity of the colonic microflora of lactulose 60g, dropped significantly after the is exceeded, unmodified and osmotically active lactulose maintenance period (20g twice daily for sugars may produce an osmotic diarrhoea. The re­ 8 days), indicating that the colonic flora can adapt sponse threshold when a given amount ofcarbohy­ to a nondiarrhoeogenic load of lactulose, and that drate is malabsorbed differs among individuals, In this adaptation has a beneficial effect on the diar­ the study by Saunders and Wiggins.U' one partici­ rhoea induced by a larger load of this sugar. pant tolerated a 73 mmol (25g) dose of lactulose Similarly, Launiala!"!' reported on a 3-week whereas another tolerated 176 mmol (60g) before faecal water output rose above 400 ml/48 hours and period during which an infant with congenital lac­ test carbohydrate appeared in the stool. Similarly, tose malabsorption was maintained on a lactose­ doses of 120 mmol (22g) and 350 mmol (64g) of containing diet. In comparison with the first day of mannitol were tolerated by different participants. treatment, continued treatment resulted in a de­ The individual variability may, at least in part, creased stool volume and disaccharide output, and be explained by differences in the fermentation ca­ a sharp rise in faecal lactate concentration. No ad­ pacity of the bacterial flora. Individuals with a lim­ aptation occurred in the small intestine.H!' ited fermentation capacity or a high dependence on Hypothetically, regular consumption of carbo­ the existing capacity for colonic carbohydrate deg­ hydrates malabsorbed in the small bowel may re­ radation might be especially susceptible to an in­ sult in a more efficient colonic carbohydrate creased carbohydrate load. A similar situation may fermentation and an increased response threshold apply to the development of microbial fermenta­ when a given amount of carbohydrate is mal­ tion in newborn animals. Argenzio et al.1401 pro­ absorbed. In addition to differences in colonic bac­ duced carbohydrate malabsorption by administra­ terial fermentation capacity, variations among in­ tion ofcorona virus to newborn pigs. This resulted dividuals in the buffering capability of the colon in diarrhoea in 3-day-old pigs, with high concen­ may contribute to individual differences in the re­ trations of carbohydrate and low concentrations of sponse to identical amounts of nonabsorbable car­ SCFA in colonic contents. Pigs 3 weeks of age bohydrates. It is known that caecal pH decreases showed no diarrhoea, with negligible amounts of even with the amounts of unabsorbed carbohydrate carbohydrate and normal levels ofSCFA in colonic normally entering the colon .F" Furthermore, pa­ contents, indicating that the more mature micro- tients with severe carbohydrate malabsorption, ei-

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150 ::J::, 0 E .s 100 2 l!! "0 >- JC::. 50 0 of? III U 0



J: 0- 6


4 )2280 )2100 )2300 1500 )1678

i 1000 ~ .E OJ . ~ ~ 8: 500

o 20 40 80 160 320 0 20 40 80 160 320 Lactulose (g/day) Fig. 2. Faecal weight,pH and carbohydrateconcentrationin faeces of 12 individualstaking increasingdoses of lactulose.The results have been divided in accordancewith the responsein faecal output to low doses of lactulose(from Holtug et al.,126] with permission). ther due to disaccharidase deficiency or due to in­ 3.3 Does Lactulose Exert ItsLaxative Effect gestion of excessive amounts of lactulose, have de­ Through the Osmotic Activity of creased faecal pH in the range of 4 to 5.124,26,35] Unfermented Carbohydrate? This decrease in pH is sufficient to inhibit bac­ Many physicians believe that the change in terial fermentation and SCFA production as shown stool output in the diarrhoea of carbohydrate mal­ in vivo and in vitro.126,42,43j In subjects with a re­ absorption is due to the osmotic effect of malab­ stricted colonic buffering system, the tolerance of sorbed and nonfermented sugars. This assumption carbohydrate malabsorption may be decreased as seems to be supported by the studies mentioned the low pH decreases fermentation leading to ac­ above (sections 3.1 and 3.2) in which diarrhoea cumulation of undigested sugars and osmotic diar­ ensued when carbohydrate appeared in the stools. rhoea early on in the process . The study by Holtug et aI.,126 1however, queries this

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assumption. Healthy individuals were given lactu­ major importance. Rapid infusion (8.3 ml/min) of lose twice daily for 3 consecutive days in each ex­ a single bolus of 250ml of t1uid did not influence perimental period. Doses were doubled (20, 40,80, faecal output whereas 500ml delivered at the same 160 and 320 g/day) from each period to the next, rate overwhelmed the absorptive capacity of the with the end-point being diarrhoea in excess of colon and produced liquid stools.U''!In healthy hu­ 1000 g/day. Faecal output responded differently man volunteers, Chauve et al.1471investigated pres­ among individuals, and 2 types of behaviour were sure recordings in the right , transverse and left co­ identified (fig . 2). lon, while isotonic saline was continuously infused In accordance with the interpretation that carbo­ in the caecum. The data obtained indicated that hydrate-induced diarrhoea is due to the osmotic ef­ once a certain volume of content is reached in the fect of nonfermented mal absorbed sugars, diar­ proximal part of the colon, it contracts and propels rhoea occurred suddenly in six of 12 individuals in its content.l''?' which may explain the different co­ association with the appearance ofcarbohydrate in lonic responses comparing slow continuous and faeces . In the 6 other subjects, however, faecal out­ rapid bolus infusions of t1uid into the caccum .lv' put gradually increased with increasing doses of The extra volume load to the colon due to lactulose and diarrhoea occurred before the appear­ lactulose can be estimated to be 1.65L at a lactulose ance of faecal carbohydrates.P''! How does unab­ intake of 60g,130,41,45 1and the sudden arrival in the sorbed carbohydrate cause diarrhoea in those caecum of this considerable amount of ileal dis­ cases? charge might lead to colonic 'decompensation' and prompt colonic evacuation. 3.4 Capacity of the Colon to Absorb Fluid 3.5 Possible Mechanisms of Action of The mechanism of action of lactulose as a laxa­ Lactulose in the Treatment of Constipation tive is probably multifactorial, involving effects on both the colon and the small bowel. Under normal A single primary mechanism for the laxative ef­ circumstances, about 1500ml of fluid is estimated fect of lactulose cannot be determined because of to enter the colon each day.14411ndisaccharide mal­ multiple possible effects. Most likely, the laxative absorption an increased volume offluid is retained effect of lactulose results from the combination of: in the lumen of the small intestine by the osmotic • water retention in the small intestine through the effect of disaccharide.141,451 Analysis of distal ileal osmotic activity of the unabsorbed disaccha­ fluid collected during the passage ofa lactose meal ride; and in lactase-deficient people and a lactulose load in • interference with net t1uid absorption in the co­ healthy people indicates that about two-thirds of lon due to the osmotic effect of malabsorbed and the osmotic load entering the colon consists of intact sugars when the bacterial fermentation endogenous electrolytes.130,41,45] Thus, the water capacity is exceeded. load delivered to the colon is about 3 times that Whether or not the laxative effect of lactulose is calculated to be osmotically held by the non­ accomplished is probably just a matter of dose . It absorbed sugar. is, however, important to realise that the response A logical extension of the above observations is threshold when lactulose is prescribed differs to ask what the colon can accomplish under stress. among individuals (fig . I) . A gradual increase in In fact, the colon has a surprisingly large capacity faecal output with increasing amounts of lactulose to adapt to fluid overload. When the healthy human occurs in some individuals, while others suddenly colon was subjected to a slow, continuous infusion respond with severe diarrhoea.P'" Unfortunately, it of isotonic fluid (1.4 to 2.8 ml/min), net absorption is not possible to predict the response of a given of water increased markedly, up to 5 to 6 L/day.1461 individual, and firm guidelines for dosage recom­ The rate and pattern of t1uid entry are, however, of mendations are impossible.

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4. Lactulose in the Management of bacterial metabolism of amino acids , peptides and Hepatic Encephalopathy proteins.P?' and as the simplest nitrogenous com­ pound which can be used by bacteria as a starting Lactulose has been successfully used in the material in the synthesis of their own nitrogenous treatment of hepatic encephalopathy ever since constituents. In the absence of active colonic fer­ the pioneering experiments of Bircher et al. in mentation most of the ammonia formed is ab­ 241 1966.' The exact mechanisms whereby lactulose sorbed to be converted to urea in the liver. exerts its beneficial effect on hepatic encephalop­ When lactulose was first used in the treatment athy are not fully understood, but several hypoth­ of hepatic encephalopathy, it was presumed that eses have been suggested. the colonic acidification favoured the growth of Hepatic encephalopathy is a complex neuropsy­ acid-tolerant lactobacilli and otheracidophilic, fer­ chiatric syndrome that appears to be characterised mentative bacteria and reduced the growth of predominantly by augmented neuronal inhibition. acidophobic, proteolytic bacteria responsible for The syndrome is associated with hepatocellular ammonia formation.P'! However, quantitative failure, increased portal-systemic shunting of studies failed to confirm this rearrangement of gut blood and multiple metabolic changes, and is gen­ f1ora.127,281 Alternatively, luminal acidification erally considered to be a potentially reversible me­ would reduce the proportion of ammonia available tabolic encephalopathy. The precise pathogenetic for reabsorption by passive nonionic diffusion by mechanism responsible for the CNS dysfunction increasing the ratio of ionised to unionised ammo­ remains to be determined. nia, thereby enhancing the faecal excretion of am­ Products of bacterial metabolism in the colon, monia.P'!' Attempts to demonstrate increases in which are normally absorbed and extracted by the stool ammonia caused by lactulose administration liver, tend to accumulate in the peripheral blood of have failed,151 ,521 except when excessive amounts patients with liver disease either because the dis­ of lactulose (>80 g/day) have been given.F'l ln that eased liver is unable to remove these compounds case, stool ammonia increases approximately 3­ from the portal blood perfusing it, or because por­ 133 1 tal hypertension has led to the development of ve­ fold. The main point is, however, that ammonia nous collaterals which transmit portal blood di­ constitutes only a small percentage (3 to 5%) of rectly into the systemic circulation. If one or more total faecal nitrogen. The debate on whether or not of these metabolites can cross the blood-brain bar­ lactulose increases faecal excretion of ammonia is rier and promote neural inhibition, they may con­ therefore of minor importance in the context of to­ tribute to hepatic encephalopathy. Despite decades tal nitrogen excretion. Of more importance for fae­ of research endeavour, the nature of the toxic, gut­ cal nitrogen clearance are other sources of nitro­ derived, substances defies identification. Three gen, constituting about 95% of total stool nitrogen. candidate toxins seem likely pathogenetic factors By use of an anaerobic faecal incubation sys­ I171 because they are present to excess in patients with tem, Vince et al. demonstrated that net genera­ liver failure and cause coma experimentally in ani­ tion of ammonia by faecal bacteria can be con­ mals. These are ammonia, SCFA and medium-chain verted to net utilisation of ammonia by the fatty acids (MCFA), and mercaptans; of these, am­ provision of a fermentable source of energy, e.g. monia probably plays the most central role.'48I lactulose, ammonia disappearing from the incuba­ tion system. The results may be explained by a 4.1 Effects of Lactulose on Ammonia and combination of factors: (a) the availability of a Nitrogen Metabolism readily fermentable substrate may encourage bac­ terial proliferation and assimilation of ammonia as Ammonia occupies a central position in nitrogen a nitrogen source;' 17,31 I (b) preferential use of metabolism in the colon, both as an end-product of lactulose as a carbon and energy source may exert

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a sparing effect on the metabolism of both exoge­ lism;117,19,26,421 or (c) both.A direct effect of lac­ nous and endogenous aminated compounds with a tulose in reducing the colonic transit time may also subsequent decrease in the generation of ammonia be a factor contributing to an increase in faecal sol­ by colonic bacteria;117, 191 and, (c) low pH values uble nitrogen. such as are induced in the colon by lactulose may bring about a general reduction in bacterial meta­ 4,2 Role of Short- and Medium-Chain Fatty bolism, including that of ammonia-producing bac­ Acids in Hepatic Encephalopathy teria.l 17,19,26,421 If, in the presence of lactulose, in­ corporation of ammonia into bacterial protein is The suggestion that SCFA and MCFA may play stimulated, faecal nitrogen excretion should in­ a role in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopa­ crease and hepatic urea production and total body thy is mainly based on animal experiments. Sam­ 54 urea pool should decrease during administration of son et aI.i 1 investigated the narcotic action of SCFA (acetate, propionate, butyrate, valerate and lactulose. hexanoate) and MCFA (heptanoate and octanoate) This is exactly what Weber l321and Mortensen'Vl in experimental animals, Intravenous or intra­ have shown. Administration of lactulose caused a peritoneal injection of the sodium salt s of these 2- to 4-fold increase in faecal nitrogen content in acids produced a reversible coma with a definite patients with cirrhosisl321and in healthy individu­ relationship between the amount of the fatty acid als,1 331 and the increase in nitrogen excretion was which would produce unconsciousness and the accompanied by a significant reduction in the urea carbon length of the compound; i.e. the longer the production rate leading to a reduction in the total carbon chain, the more potent the encephalopathic body urea pool.132 1Using recently developed tech­ effect, acetate being almost nontoxic.P'l niques that permit quantitative separation of faecal In a subsequent experiment, White and Sam­ solids into bacterial, soluble and fibre fractions, son l551demonstrated that intravenous injection of Weber et al.1531analysed the effects of lactulose on propionate, butyrate, valerate and hexanoate im­ the compartmentalisation offaecal nitrogen. In pa­ mediately induced electroencephalographic (EEG) tients with , administration of lactulose changes from a resting type to one of sleep in un­ (56 ± 6 g/day) caused a marked increase in both the anaesthetised rabbits. During these EEG alter­ solid weight and nitrogen content of the bacterial ations, overt signs of drowsiness or sleep always and soluble fractions ofstool ; lactulose administra­ occurred and the typical 'alert' EEG responses to tion increased nitrogen excretion in the bacterial nociceptive and auditory stimuli were diminished and soluble fractions by 165 and 135%, respec­ or absent. Again, the longer the carbon chain, the tively. The major increment in nitrogen content of more potent the effect. In rats , the rate of blood­ the bacterial fraction indicated that lactulose stim­ brain barrier penetration ofstraight-chain saturated ulated bacterial growth and multiplication signifi­ monocarboxylic acids has also been shown to in­ cantly, and thereby increased the incorporation of crease with chain length and is virtually complete nitrogenous compounds such as ammonia into bac­ at lengths greater than that of hexanoate (C6).1561 terial protein. In humans, octanoate has been shown to cross the The increase in faecal soluble nitrogen may be blood-brain barrier in both normal individuals and explained by reduced bacterial catabolism of ni­ patients with cirrhosis.lV' trogenous compounds to absorbable metabolites, The mechanisms by which SCFA and MCFA in­ e.g. ammonia, due to: (a) the introduction of a car­ terfere with CNS functions are not entirely clear. bohydrate which is preferentially used as a carbon In vitro and in vivo stud ies have shown that SCFA and energy source;117,191 (b) an increase in the and MCFA inhibit cerebral Na+,K+-ATPase activ­ hydrogen ion concentration which may bring ity,15X,59 1and, as for the narcotic potency, the inhib­ about a general reduction in bacterial metabo- itory capacity increases with increasing chain

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length.P'" The con sequences of inhibiting this en­ or rectal instill ation without any influence on the zyme would include an increase in intracellular so­ mental or neurological state.16X.691 It therefore dium and possibl y impaired neurotransmi ssion. seems unlikely that the elevated levels of SCFA in Muto and Takahashi t'v ' were the first to sugges t patients with hepatic encephalopathy are the pri­ a role of SCFA in the pathogenesis of hepatic en­ mary cause of the neurological deterioration, cephalopathy. In patients with hep atic coma, plas­ A secondary role for SCFA, however, cann ot be ma levels of SCFA of 4- to 6-carbon length were excluded as the coma-producing potential of sepa­ increased 3- to 4-fold compared with controls and rate toxic substances may be multiplied several­ patients with other kind s of coma. Significantly fold when they are pre sent together. In experi­ elevated levels ofSCFA in peripheral venous blood mental anima ls the coma-producing effects of of patients with fulminant hepatic failure and por­ ammonia, fatty acid s (octanoate) and mercaptans tal systemic encephalopathy have been confirmed have been shown to be strikingly interdepen­ 170, recently. Lai et al.1611investigated 6 patients with dent. 7!I In healthy animals, the dose of ammo­ fulminant hepatic failure due to paracetamol (aceta­ nium salt required to produce coma is sharply re­ minophen) intoxication and hepatitis. All patients duced by the presence of a subcoma dose of either were in grade IV coma. Plasma levels of SCFA a fatt y acid (octanoate) or mercaptan.Fv-" Iand the were significantly elevated in patients with en­ incidence ofcoma can be raised from zero to 100% cephalopathy (2034 ± 11341lmo1/L; mean ±2 SO ) by injection of subcoma doses of any of these sub­ compared with 10 healthy controls ( 1113 ± 662 stances simultaneously. In rats with acute experi­ um ol/L), but a correlation between SCFA con cen­ mental hepatic co ma resulting from massive liver necrosis, the average blood levels of ammoni a, free trations and the clinical course could not be dem­ fatty acids (oc tanoa te) and methanethi ol are much onstrated. lower than blood levels required to produce co ma Clausen et al.1621inve stigated 32 patients with in health y rats with each of these substances indi ­ cirrhosis, 15 patients with and 17 patients without vidually.!" I When , however, health y rats are give n hepatic ence phalopathy, and II health y indi vidu­ a combination of doses of ammonia, octan oat e and als. Plasma concentrations of SCFA were signifi­ mercaptan which produce blood level s in the range cantly elevated in patients with hepatic encepha­ of those observed in rats with experiment al hepatic lopathy (362 ±831lmo1/L; mean ± SEM) compared coma, they becom e cornato se.P!' with patients without encephalopathy ( 178 ± 57 umol/L) and healthy controls (60 ± 8IlmoI/L). Re­ 4,3 Effect of Lactulose on Colonic SCFA petitive sampling from the encephalopathic pa­ Production in Hepatic Encephalopathy tients showed no relationship between SCFA con­ centrations and the grade of encephalopathy.I'<' Although SCFA may not be the major ca use of In comparison with the encephalopathy asso­ encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis, the evi­ ciated with inborn errors of organic acid metabo­ dence of synergism in animalsl70.71 I suggests that lism, el evated levels of SCFA in patients with SCFA may playa role as an augmenter or intensi­ hepatic encephalopathy are modest. Massive ele­ fier of other putativ e neurotoxins, e.g. amm oni a vations of propionate are found in severe and fatal and mercaptans. In incubated stool samples, fer­ ca ses of propionic acidaemias (5400 to 38 000 mentation of lactulose results in the form ation of IlmoI/L ),1 63-651 and levels of isovalerate in the acetate prim aril y, whereas bacterial degradation of rang e of 340 to 2990 umol/L are associ ated with blood, albumin and am ino acids significa ntly in­ stupor and unconsciousne ss in children with iso­ creases the production of all C2-6-SCFA, es pe­ valeric ac idaemia.166,671 Moreover, an 8- to IO-fold cially the potentially toxic C4-6-fatt y ac ids.119,4 31 rise of venous propionate and oct anoate (C8) is When lactul ose is added to incubations of amino seen in patients with liver cirrhos is after duodenal ac ids, protein and blood, the SCFA produ ction is

shifted almos t co mpletely toward s the nontox ic tate at the expense of the potent ially toxic C4-6­ C2-fatty acid, acetate. At lactul ose concen trations SCFA. of 10 to 25 mmol/L, corresponding to a pH of ap­ proximately 5, this effec t is largely mediated by the 5. Conclusions acidifying effect of lactulose.F'J pH-Independ ent inhibition of blood and amino acid degradation to A single primary mech an ism of actio n of SCFA requires conce ntrations of lactulose exceed­ lactul ose in the treatment of co nsti patio n and he­ ing 50 to 100 mmol/L.1431The co nce ntratio n of patic ence phalopathy cannot be determined due to lactul ose after a single dose of 20g is 50 to 100 several possible effects the dru g may have. In pa­ mmol/L in the caecum.l''l with a corres ponding de­ tient s with consti pation, the laxative effect of lac­ crease in pH to values in the range of 3.5 to 6.1 in tulose possibly results from the combination of: (a) the prox imal colon.'6.231 flu id retenti on in the small intestine through the In co ntras t, redu ction of faecal pH by 20 to 40g osmotic activity of the unabsorbed disaccharide; of lactul ose is small in magnitudelV' or eve n neg­ and (b) interference with net flu id absorpti on in the ligiblel'" due to the rapid fermentation of lactul ose colon due to the osmotic effect of malabso rbed and and the neutralisation ofluminal co ntents by bicar­ intact sugars when the bacteri al fermentatio n ca­ bonate secretion. The result s obtained in vitrol431 pacit y is exceeded. However, indivi dual sensitivi­ indicate that lactul ose should be given in doses that ties to the drug should be recogni sed, i.e. the ther­ not only acidify the caec um but also exceed the apeutic dose sho uld start at a relatively low level buffering capacity in the left co lon. with a gradual increase according to the frequency of lactul ose or may be benefi­ and consistency of the stoo ls. cia l supplemen ts to aid in obtaining this effect. The possibl e mec hanisms by whic h lactulose benefits patient s with hepatic encephalopathy in­ cl ude: (a) increased faecal nitrogen excretion; (b) 4,4 Possible Mec hanisms of Ac tion of colonic acidification; (c) decreased tra nsit time; Lactulose in the Treatm ent of and (d) redu ced production of potentially toxic Hepatic Encephalopathy SCFA . In order to obtain these effects it is recom­ Several mechanisms of action of lactulose in the mend ed that the faeca l pH be measured in patients treatm ent of hepatic ence pha lopathy apparently with hepat ic ence phalopathy treated with lactu - ex ist (ta ble I). They inc lude: (a) provision of a readi ly fermentable substrate, whic h enco urages Table I. Possible mechanisms of action of lactulose in the treatment bacteri al proli feration and converts the norm al bal­ of hepatic encephalopathy ance betw een ammonia generation and utilisat ion Effect Result from a net increase to a net decrease (assimil ation) ; Utilisation Stimulates bacterial growth and increases (b) a preferenti al use of lactulose as a carbon and incorporation of ammonia into bacterial protein energy source, which exerts a sparing effect on the (assimilation), and exerts a sparing effect on the metabolism of aminated compounds with bacterial metabolism of both exogenous and en­ subsequent decrease in ammonia generation by dogenou s aminated co mpo unds with subsequent colonic bacteria decrease in the generation of ammonia; (c) an acid­ Acidifying Brings about a general reduction in bacterial metabolism, including that of ammonia-producing ifyi ng effect, which brings abo ut a general reduc­ bacteria tio n in bacterial metabolism, including that of am­ Laxative Reduces the colonic transit time. thereby moni a-p rodu cin g bact eria; (d) a laxative action, decreasing the time available both for production which reduces the time for the production and ab­ and absorption of ammonia and other potentially toxic substances sor ption of ammonia and increases the soluble ni­ SCFA Enhances the production of the nontoxic acetate trogen content of faeces; and, (e) an ability to alter modification at the expense of the potentially toxic C4-6-SCFA the productio n of SCFA towards the nontoxic ace- Abbreviation: SCFA - short-chain fatty acids.

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