

AND ECOSYSTEM INDICATORS REPORT ABOUT THE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM The Basin Program (LCBP) was created by the Lake Champlain Sutton Special Designation Act of 1990. Our mission is to coordinate the implementation QUÉBEC Philipsburg of the Lake Champlain management plan, Opportunities for Action. Program partners Richford include , , and Québec, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and other federal agencies, the Interstate Water Pollution Chazy Control Commission, and local government leaders, businesses, and citizen groups. St. Albans

The Lake Champlain Steering Committee leads the LCBP. Its members include many Plattsburgh of the program partners, and the chairpersons of technical, cultural heritage and recreation, education, and citizen advisory committees. The LCBP’s primary annual k funding is received through a US EPA appropriation under the Federal Clean Water MountainsStowe Burlington Act. The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission manages ondac Adir business operation of the LCBP on behalf of the Steering Committee. Lake Mountains Champlain Visit www.lcbp.org to learn more. Lake Placid Montpelier Elizabethtown


Port Henry Middlebury


Lake George Rutland


Champlain Canal

COVER: The Adirondacks from the Lake Champlain shoreline in Vermont. NEW YORK VERMONT


INTRODUCTION What is the State of the Lake report? 2 What's new in the Lake Champlain management plan? 3 Introduction en français 4 PHOSPHORUS How are phosphorus levels in Lake Champlain? 5 What is the link between phosphorus and algae blooms? 5 Where does the phosphorus come from? 7 Why do we use "concentration" and "load"? 7 What is being done to reduce phosphorus concentrations? 11

HUMAN HEALTH AND TOXINS Is it safe to swim in Lake Champlain? 12 What is the problem with cyanobacteria? 13 Can I eat the fish from Lake Champlain? 15 What is being done to reduce sources of mercury? 16 Are there other toxins of concern in the Lake? 17 BIODIVERSITY & AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES What is being done to preserve biodiversity in the Basin? 18 2012 ECOSYSTEM INDICATORS SCORECARD 20 How is the Lake Champlain food web changing? 22 How are the populations of sportfish changing? 23 How has the impact of sea on salmon and trout changed? 25 What new aquatic invasive species have invaded the Lake? 27 Which aquatic invasive species outside the Basin pose a threat? 28 What are we doing to prevent and manage aquatic invasive species? 29 How do cormorants affect fish populations in the Lake? 31 CLIMATE CHANGE How does climate change affect Lake Champlain? 32 FLOODING 2011 What were the human impacts of the 2011 flooding? 34 What were some key environmental impacts of the 2011 flooding? 35 What works to prevent damage from future floods? 37

WHAT IS THE STATE OF THE LAKE? 38 RECREATION, TOURISM & THE ECONOMY How are recreation and a healthy environment related? 40

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 1 LCBP stewardship of the Basin’s resources. The primary purpose of the State of the Lake 2012 report is to inform citizens and re- Introduction source managers about the Lake’s condi- tion and provide a better understanding WHAT IS THE STATE OF THE of threats to its health and opportunities to meet the challenges ahead. LAKE REPORT? The report is an update for our representatives in Congress—US Sena- tors and

ach year, Lake Champlain and of Vermont and Charles Schumer and ASSOCIATION TRAIL VERMONT CROSS Volunteers with the Cross Vermont Trail its tributary watersheds provide Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, and Association help to stabilize a streambank. Einspiration, rejuvenation, and Representatives Bill Owens and Chris sustenance for hundreds of thousands Gibson of New York and Peter Welch of State of the Lake 2012 report is an oppor- of residents and visitors. As much as Vermont—who have supported manage- tunity to acknowledge this collaboration these citizens rely on the Lake, the Lake ment of Lake Champlain through con- and keep all stakeholders apprised of the relies on them, too. They are the keys gressional authorizations, major federal results of their collective efforts. to the future health of the Lake Cham- appropriations, and guidance. It is also Summer 2012 is a particularly good plain Basin. Informing the public about an important update for Governor Peter time in the history of Lake Champlain the condition of the Lake is a criti- Shumlin of Vermont, Governor Andrew Basin management to reflect on the cal part of the Lake Champlain Basin Cuomo of New York, and Premier Jean state of the Lake. The historic flood Program's (LCBP) mission of restoring Charest of Québec, who have made vi- events of 2011 brought issues of water and protecting water quality and the tal commitments to implement the Lake quality, ecosystem health, and climate diverse natural and cultural resources Champlain management plan Opportu- change to the forefront of public con- of the Basin. By enhancing the public’s nities for Action (OFA). State of the Lake sciousness, challenging the concepts understanding and appreciation of water 2012 provides an account of today’s of natural systems held by scientists quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, stewardship challenges and manage- and policy makers and heightening the recreation, and cultural heritage, the ment efforts to the US Environmental public’s awareness and appreciation LCBP aims to foster a sense of personal Protection Agency (US EPA)and other of the power and complexity of these responsibility that leads to improved state, federal, and international partners systems. Experts are re-examining flood that have endorsed OFA and provided resiliency and disaster response in an support for the program. era of shifting land use and changing In the two decades since the Lake climatic conditions and flow regimes. Champlain Basin Program was created Waterfront property owners, farmers, by an act of Congress, these public partners have led a collaborative, non- partisan effort to address regional water quality and environmental challenges that cross political boundaries in a large watershed. This process also has benefit- ted from the expertise and dedication of nonprofit and business organizations, academic researchers, and scientists. The public provides critical input at LCBP LCBP The Lake Champlain Basin's striking landscapes and vivid colors have inspired sailors, artists, and writers Citizens Advisory Committees and Often a source of solitude, Lake Champlain for centuries. other LCBP committee meetings. This rejuvenates recreationists of all types.

2 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM WHAT'S NEW IN THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN MANAGEMENT PLAN? Opportunities for Action (OFA) is the man- agement plan—signed by the governments Human activities of both New York and Vermont and the exert PRESSURES PRESSURES on Lake Champlain Stormwater runoff Flow redirection US Environmental Protection Agency and Agricultural runoff endorsed by the Province of Québec—to restore and protect water quality and the The STATE of the Lake Champlain diverse natural and cultural resources of ecosystem is the Lake Champlain Basin. The Lake Cham- impacted plain Basin Program continues to encour- age and support public involvement and Floodplain RESPONSE awareness STATE respond to current management, research, Flooding and shoreline and monitoring needs to develop and im- Management Conserve and/or build wetlands erosion RESPONSES seek plement OFA. The first version of the plan to reduce negative impact on the Lake was signed in 1996, the second version in 2003. In the current version, partners have

LCBP committed to specific management tasks Like much of the lakeshore, the Burlington, VT FIGURE 2 | THE PRESSURE-STATE-RESPONSE MODEL, USING FLOODING AS based on funding available in 2010 and waterfront was flooded by record high lake levels anticipated in subsequent years. AN EXAMPLE during the spring 2011 floods. The 2010 update of OFA is available as and concerned citizens from all corners lative ecosystem impacts. Many of the a paperless, dynamic management plan, of the Basin have given new thought to flooding impacts of 2011 were influ- WHAT YOU CAN DO accessible to the public through the LCBP website. This online format gives all stake- issues of shoreline stabilization, flood- enced directly by human activities that Citizen awareness and appreciation holders access to the entire plan or to plain management, lawn care, and the pressured the system. Changes to the of water quality issues was height- information about specific lake segments. variety of ways that their daily activities “State” that result from these “Pressures” ened by the 2011 flooding. More To promote accountability, search tools affect the Lake’s health. A special sec- often elicit a management “Response,” people now realize the direct role allow website visitors to track progress on tion of State of the Lake 2012 examines such as new environmental policies or the Lake plays in their daily lives goals and tasks that the lead partners have the impacts of the 2011 flood events on management actions. Proper resource and the importance of sharing the identified. The plan is updated as new in- the health of the Basin and the ways management can reduce pressures to responsibility to sustain the Lake’s formation becomes available. This approach in which stakeholders are preparing for bring about a more desirable “State” of health. There are many opportuni- allows OFA to remain current. future floods. the Lake. ties for individuals to get involved, The 2011 flood events also offer State of the Lake 2012 continues the either through formal programs or View the plan at http://plan.lcbp.org. a good lens with which to view the use of the Ecosystem Indicators Score- individual actions. Local watershed Pressure-State-Response (PSR) indica- card (pages 20-21). This scorecard was organizations throughout the Basin tors framework (Figure 2) adopted by first used in theState of the Lake 2008 work to improve a river, bay, or the LCBP for assessing Basin resources. report to provide information about the other favorite place. Contact one The central focus of this framework is condition of the ecosystem with a set near you and volunteer! Look for the condition of the ecosystem or its of measures that represent or indicate other What You Can Do sidebars in “State.” To understand why this condi- its overall state. The indicators in this each section of this State of the Lake tion exists, we track human activities report were chosen with the guidance of report. that can exert “Pressures,” which can dozens of scientists and state, provincial, result in complex, long-term, and cumu- and federal technical experts. Learn more at www.lcbp.org.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 3 cette collaboration et de garder tous les entraîner des impacts cumulatifs, com- intervenants au courant des résultats de plexes et à long terme sur l'écosystème. leurs efforts collectifs. Plusieurs des impacts suite aux inonda- Le printemps 2012 est un moment tions de 2011 ont été influencés directe- particulièrement intéressant dans ment par les activités humaines qui font QUE SOUHAITE PRÉSENTER l'histoire de la gestion du bassin du lac pression sur le système. Les changements Champlain pour réfléchir sur l'État du de « état » qui résultent de ces « pres- L’ÉTAT DU LAC 2012? Lac. Les inondations historiques de sions » ont souvent obtenu une ges- 2011 on fait remis les enjeux de qualité tion « réponse », tels que les nouvelles de l'eau, la santé des écosystèmes et le politiques environnementales ou des haque année, lac Champlain et Gibson de New York - qui ont pris en changement climatique à l'avant-garde mesures de gestion. Avec une gestion ses bassins versants tributaires charge la gestion du lac Champlain de la conscience du public, a permis des ressources appropriées, les pressions Csont une source d’inspiration, suite à l’autorisation du Congrès (crédits de revoir les concepts de systèmes peuvent être réduites afin de parvenir à rajeunissement et de subsistance pour fédéraux importants et d'orientation). naturels avancés par les scientifiques un état du lac plus souhaitable. des centaines de milliers de résidents C'est aussi une importante mise à jour et les responsables des politiques, ac- État du Lac 2012 continue à utiliser et de visiteurs. Autant que ces citoyens pour le gouverneur Andrew Cuomo, de croître la sensibilisation du public et des indicateurs du l’écosystème (pages ont besoin du lac que le lac a besoin New York, le gouverneur Peter Shum- l'appréciation de la puissance et la com- 4 et 5). Cette approche a été d'abord d’eux. Ils sont la clé de la santé future lin du Vermont et le premier ministre plexité de ces systèmes. Des experts sont utilisée dans l'État du Lac 2008 pour du bassin du lac Champlain. Informer du Québec Jean Charest, qui ont pris à réexaminer la résilience aux inonda- fournir des informations sur l'état de le public sur la condition du lac est des engagements essentiels à mettre en tions et la réponse aux catastrophes dans l'écosystème avec un ensemble de un élément essentiel du Program Lake œuvre le Plan de gestion de lac Cham- contexte de changement d'utilisation mesures qui représentent ou « indiquer Champlain Basin (LCBP) qui découle plain Perspectives d’Action (OFA). Le du territoire, des conditions climatiques » son état général. Les indicateurs dans de sa mission de restauration, la protec- rapport l'État du Lac offre aujourd'hui et régimes de débit. Les propriétaires du le présent rapport ont été choisis avec tion de la qualité de l'eau et les diverses un portrait des défis et des efforts de riverains, les agriculteurs et les citoyens l'aide de dizaines de scientifiques et des ressources naturelles et culturelles du tous les partenaires soit le US Environ- concernés de tous les coins du bassin ont experts techniques fédéraux, des états et bassin. En favorisant la compréhension mental Protection Agency (EPA) et été obligé de revoir les problèmes relié de la province du Québec. et l'appréciation de la qualité de l'eau, autres partenaires de l'État, fédérales et à la stabilisation des rives, la gestion de pêche, zones humides, la faune, loisirs internationales qui ont approuvé l'OFA la plaine d'inondation, de la pelouse et et patrimoine culturel par le public, le et fourni leur appui au programme. les diverses façons que leurs activités LCBP vise à favoriser un sentiment de Au cours des deux décennies comme quotidiennes affectent la santé du lac. responsabilité personnelle qui permet le LCBP a été créé par une loi du Con- Une section spéciale de l'État du Lac une meilleure gestion des ressources du grès, ces partenaires publics ont mené 2012 examine les impacts des inonda- bassin. Le but principal de l'État du Lac un effort collectif, non partisan pour la tions sur la santé du bassin et les façons est d'informer les citoyens et les gestion- qualité de l'eau régionaux et relevé des dont les intervenants sont préparées face naires des ressources sur la condition du défis environnementaux qui traversent aux inondations futures. lac et de fournir une meilleure com- les frontières politiques dans ce grand Les inondations de 2011 offrent préhension des menaces pour sa santé bassin. Ce processus a également béné- également une bonne occasion d’évaluer et sur les possibilités de relever les défis ficié de l'expertise et le dévouement des le cadre d'indicateurs basé sur l’approche à venir. organisations sans but lucratif, des cher- pression état réponse (Figure 2) adopté Le rapport est également une mise à cheurs universitaires, des scientifiques et par le LCBP pour l'évaluation des res- jour pour nos représentants au Con- des entreprises. Les citoyens ont fournit sources du bassin. L'élément central de grès - US sénateurs Patrick Leahy et des commentaires constructifs lors des ce cadre est la condition de l'écosystème BEC MDDEP Bernie Sanders du Vermont et Charles réunions de Comité du LCBP et par É ou son « état ». Pour comprendre pour- QU Schumer et Kirsten Gillibrand de New le biais de comités consultatifs dans quoi cette condition existe, nous avons Durant les inondations du lac le printemps 2011, York et des représentants Peter Welch chaque juridiction. Ce rapport de l'État suivi les activités humaines qui peuvent les rues inondés comme celle-ci à Venise-en- du Vermont et Bill Owens et Chris du Lac est une occasion de reconnaître Québec étaient fréquents le long des rives de la exercer des « pressions », qui peuvent baie Missisquoi.

4 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM growth. When this occurs, other aquatic organisms are affected by the reduced sunlight and lower oxygen levels that develop as the organic matter decom- Phosphorus poses. While we frequently hear about HOW ARE PHOSPHORUS LEVELS phosphorus in the news, we hear less about how phosphorus gets into the IN LAKE CHAMPLAIN? Lake. In managing the water chemistry of Lake Champlain, resource managers Phosphorus levels in most areas must consider sediment, which carries phosphorus, nitrogen, other nutrients, LCBP have been stable or increasing and occasionally toxic substances to the Sediment that is carried off the landscape by runoff is a significant source of phosphorus. slightly since 2007. In 2010, the Lake, reducing water quality and affect- average in-lake phosphorus ing habitat. five years, remain well above their estab- concentrations exceeded Over the last 20 years, phosphorus lished annual targets. St. Albans Bay, the established targets at nine of concentrations across most of the Lake Northeast Arm (Inland Sea), and South segments have generally been stable or Lake A also exceed their targets. Much the thirteen lake segments. have increased (Figure 3). However, work remains to be done in these lake The historic floods of 2011 monitoring data show that the last segments and their watersheds includ- caused a spike in phosphorus five years have seen increasing trends ing the identification, prioritization, and concentrations in many parts in phosphorus concentrations in some reduction of pollution sources. Although of the Lake to the highest levels segments, particularly the Main Lake, other lake segments are close to their Burlington Bay, and near Port Henry. phosphorus targets, continued monitor- observed since 1990. phosphorus concentra- ing of all lake segments is essential to tions have been increasing steadily over ensure that improvements continue. hosphorus is an essential the last two decades and, although they Because phosphorus is the primary nutrient that, when in excess, have been relatively stable in the last nutrient of concern for the Lake, state, Pnegatively affects water quality by promoting too much plant and algae What is the link between phosphorus and algae blooms?

Generally, three environmental conditions trigger algae blooms: excess phospho- rus available in the water column, warm water temperatures, and calm water. When these three conditions occur together, noxious algae blooms can form. Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrients in lake ecosystems, driving the growth of algae, plants, and upper-level organisms, such as fish. However, too much phosphorus in the Lake triggers excessive plant growth and may create nuisance conditions, such as algae blooms and dense beds of aquatic vegetation, including invasive Eurasian watermilfoil and water chestnut. More information on the toxicity of cyano- bacteria (blue-green algae) blooms can be found in BEC MDDEP

É the Human Health and Toxins section of this report.

QU See the Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species section for more information on water chestnut management in LCBP Lake Champlain. Excessive phosphorus can promote the growth of algae and aquatic plants such as this watermilfoil found CYANOBACTERIA in Shelburne Bay.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 5 provincial, and federal resource manag- The US EPA first approved the TMDL MISSISQUOI BAY 70 Target = 25 µg/L ers have established target concentra- for the New York and Vermont por- 60 MEETS THE TARGET QUÉBEC 50 tions for phosphorus in 13 segments of tions of the Lake in 2002. In 2011, the 40 Phosphorus Lake Champlain (Figure 3). Phosphorus EPA disapproved the Vermont portion DOES NOT MEET THE 30 TARGET 20 targets are higher for some lake seg- of the TMDL based on two concerns: 10 0 ments than others because their shape, the TMDL did not provide sufficient 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10

depth, and ecology differ. For example, assurance that phosphorus reductions 70 * 70 ST ALBANS BAY the target concentration for the Main from polluted runoff would be achieved, 60 Target = 14 µg/L 60 Target = 17 µg/L 50 * average of two stations 50 Lake is 10 micrograms of phosphorus per and there was not an adequate margin 40 40 liter of water (µg/l) and the target for of safety to account for uncertainty in 30 30 20 20 the southernmost lake segment (South the original analysis (particularly for 10 10 0 0 Lake B) is 54 µg/l. When these targets four segments of the Lake: Missisquoi 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 were established, resource managers Bay, St. Albans Bay, Northeast Arm, 70 CUMBERLAND BAY 70 NORTHEAST ARM recognized that the Main Lake and the and South Lake). EPA is working in 60 Target = 14 µg/L 60 Target = 14 µg/L South Lake are ecologically very differ- collaboration with technical experts in 50 50 40 40 ent. The South Lake may never have the region to establish a new TMDL for 30 30 had phosphorus concentrations as low as Vermont by the end of 2013. 20 20 10 10 10 µg/l. Therefore a target that low for Information and data used to devel- 0 0 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 South Lake B is not a realistic goal. op the TMDL and examine the Lake’s 70 MAIN LAKE 70 MALLETTS BAY The Lake Champlain Total Maxi- condition are only possible because of 60 Target = 10 µg/L 60 Target = 10 g/L 50 50 mum Daily Load (TMDL) is the total the established monitoring network. 40 40 amount of phosphorus that the Lake can The Long Term Monitoring Program 30 30 20 20 receive and still meet the in-lake targets. (LTMP) has been collecting important 10 10 0 0 water quality data on Lake Champlain 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10

and its tributaries since 1990. Water 70 PORT HENRY 70 BURLINGTON BAY temperature, dissolved oxygen, water 60 Target = 14 µg/L 60 Target = 14 µg/L 50 50 clarity, phosphorus, and nitrogen are 40 40 among the 21 physical, chemical, and 30 30 20 20 biological parameters measured at 15 10 10 0 0 in-lake sites from April to October each 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10

year. Similarly, water quality parameters 70 SOUTH LAKE A 70 SHELBURNE BAY 60 Target = 25 g/L Target = 14 g/L are measured year-round at 22 tributary µ 60 µ 50 50 monitoring stations during high-flow 40 40 30 storm events and at lower baseline flows. 30 20 VT 20 LCBP The LTMP regularly checks the pulse of 10 10 Data collected by the Long-Term Monitoring NY the Lake and is essential to determine 0 0 Program is critical to managing water quality 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 where and how resources should be in the Lake Champlain Basin. Dissolved oxygen, SOUTH LAKE B Average Phosphorus Concentrations 70 70 2007-2011 being measured here, is reduced as aquatic plants directed for pollution reduction. Target = 54 µg/L 60 Target = 14 µg/L 60 >= 41 µg/L 50 promoted by excess phosphorus decompose. 50 40 21 - 40 µg/L 40 30 16 - 20 µg/L 30 20 20 <= 15 µg/L 10 10 0 µg/L = micrograms/liter 0 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10


6 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Lake's watershed is 18 times larger than Why do we use “concentration” the area of the Lake itself, so runoff from and “load”? the watershed has a major impact on When a sample of water is collected and water quality. Therefore, while scientists brought back to the laboratory for analy- and resource managers monitor the sis, the “concentration” of phosphorus in WHERE DOES THE PHOSPHORUS phosphorus levels in the Lake, much of the sample is measured. The concentra- the work they do to improve these levels tion is the amount of phosphorus per COME FROM? is done on the ground in the watersheds unit volume of water, typically reported upstream. And while water quality as micrograms of phosphorus per liter monitoring data show steady or slightly All land uses contribute some of water, or µg/l. When that sample is increasing phosphorus concentration collected from a stream with a measured amount of nutrients to the trends in the Lake, some recent analyses flow (a measured volume of water moving Lake. Even forests and other suggest that, apart from the impact of down the stream at a measured speed), undeveloped lands provide a base the 2011 floods, phosphorus loads deliv- that concentration can be converted into ered from tributaries are decreasing. level of nutrients. Lands that have a “loading rate,” expressed in units such A recent analysis by the Vermont been most disturbed, particularly as metric tons of phosphorus per year. Agency of Natural Resources (VT The phosphorus “loading rate” is the urban areas and agricultural land, ANR) suggests that, despite increased concentration of phosphorus in the stream contribute the greatest amount. conversion of land to development at a given time, multiplied by the amount The application of fertilizers also in the Basin, phosphorus loads from of water moving through the stream at tributaries to most regions of the Lake increases the risk of nutrient that time and location. “Tributary load- were stable or decreasing from 1991 to contamination of runoff. ing” generally refers to both the portion 2008. This is further supported by a US of phosphorus that comes from nonpoint ributaries deliver nutrients and Geological Survey (USGS) study that sources and from WWTFs; phosphorus other materials to the Lake from shows decreasing phosphorus concentra- contributions from upstream wastewater runoff in the watershed (called tions in several tributaries since 1999, T discharges are subtracted from the total nonpoint source pollution) along with most notably the LaPlatte and Pike phosphorus load to determine an estimate discharges from wastewater treatment Rivers and Otter Creek, when annual of the nonpoint source load. Load informa- facilities (WWTFs) and other discrete variations in flow are accounted for tion is very important for determining the sources (point sources) (Figure 4). The statistically. amount of phosphorus delivered to the Taken as a whole, these results indi- Lake by a stream over a period of time. cate that we have at least held the line Since measuring stream flow allows us to on phosphorus loading to Lake Cham- calculate the amount of phosphorus being plain over the 1991-2010 period, and delivered to the Lake, it is important to there are indications that phosphorus maintain a network of stream flow gages reduction actions are starting to produce in the Basin to augment concentration detectable results in several watersheds. measurements. It will still take time, however, for these observed reductions in the watersheds to become visible in the Lake itself. One notable challenge in the man- agement of phosphorus in Lake Cham- plain is the relationship of phosphorus loading to river flow (Figure5 ). The historic spring Lake flooding of 2011, LCBP

Runoff from agricultural fields is a significant source of phosphorus loading to the Lake. followed by Tropical Storm Irene in LCBP

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 7 August, delivered enormous volumes phosphorus concentrations increased trends will depend to some extent on tributary network quickly, resulting in of water to the Lake. Preliminary load due to the 2011 flooding and elevated the frequency of severe weather events higher, more rapid peak discharges during calculations for three tributaries dur- tributary phosphorus loads. This impact in the future. storm events (Figure 6). Phosphorus ing 2011 (Winooski, Missisquoi, and of the 2011 floods may become evident As the Basin's population increases, Otter) show that phosphorus loads in in further increases in the occurrence Load from Developed Land Use the challenge of managing phospho- these rivers were 1.7 to 2.8 times their of cyanobacteria blooms. The direc- A significant amount of nutrients come rus loads will only grow. A 2007 study long-term annual averages. In-lake tion of long-term phosphorus loading from developed lands, including urban funded by the VT ANR estimated phos- and suburban lands, roads, lawns, and phorus loads from three different types LAKE SEGMENT NONPOINT WWTFs TOTAL Reduction and the built environment. Trees and of land use in the Basin (Figure 7). On WATERSHED Load Target Load Target Load Target Needed * vegetation intercept raindrops as they an acre-by-acre average basis, developed Main Lake (VT) 170.2 51.3 8.6 25.3 178.8 76.6 102.2 near the ground and slow water move- land can contribute up to four times 4.4 155.3 99.2 Otter Creek (VT) 151.3 44.1 12.0 56.1 ment across the landscape, increasing more phosphorus than agricultural land Shelburne Bay (VT) 8.3 10.0 0.5 2.0 8.8 12.0 0.0 Burlington Bay (VT) 1.4 2.9 4.4 5.8 percolation into the soil. As vegetation and seven times more than forested or Isle LaMotte (VT) 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.3 is removed and replaced with impervi- natural areas. As forested and agricul- Port Henry (VT) 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 ous surfaces such as pavement, rooftops, tural lands are developed with increased Port Henry (NY) 2.5 0.6 0.9 3.4 and even some lawns, water movement amounts of impervious surface area, Main Lake (NY) 67.3 29.5 2.5 4.2 69.8 33.7 36.1 increases and percolation into the soil is runoff-reduction measures must be im- Isle LaMotte (NY) 31.7 18.9 1.3 3.4 33.0 22.3 10.7 reduced, causing more water to reach the plemented. Best management practices Cumberland Bay (NY) 24.7 8.1 12.2 17.1 36.9 25.2 11.7 MAIN LAKE TOTALS 453.5 166.1 32.7 69.4 482.6 235.5 247.1

MISSISQUOI BAY TOTALS* 200.2 93.0 2.4 4.2 202.6 97.2 105.4 1,200 12,000 South Lake B (NY/VT) 101.3 41.2 1.1 3.5 102.4 44.7 57.7 South Lake A (NY) 2.7 3.3 4.0 7.9 6.7 11.2 0.0 1,000 South Lake A (VT) 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.6

SOUTH LAKE TOTALS 104.0 44.9 5.2 11.6 109.2 56.5 52.7 800 10,000 AD (MT/YR) MALLETTS BAY TOTALS 54.1 25.4 1.1 3.2 55.2 28.6 26.6 Northeast Arm (VT) 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 US LO 600 St. Albans Bay (VT) 5.2 0.8 2.8 8.0 W (HM3/YR) NORTHEAST ARM TOTALS 6.4 0.8 2.8 9.2 400 8,000


GOOD Average load meets TMDL target GOOD Load meets TMDL target TOT

Average load does not meet TMDL target Load does not meet TMDL 0 6,000 POOR POOR 1991- 1993- 1995- 1997- 1999- 2001- 2003- 2005- 2007- 2009- target 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Data not available (No tributaries monitored Nonpoint Source Load Gaged River Inflow during 2009-2010 or less than 75% of area monitored.)

NOTES: Nonpoint loads are averaged over water years 2005-2010 wastewater loads are for calendar year 2010. Nonpoint load estimates include extrapo- Wastewater Load lations for unmonitored portions of lake segment watersheds. South Lake B (VT/NY) as well as Missisquoi Bay (VT/QC) segments were combined because of shared tributaries. The Missisquoi Bay WWTF load and target are for VT only. * Reduction needed is an approximation. DATA SOURCE: LCBP/VT ANR Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Program. VT TMDL target is currently under revision DATA SOURCE: Long Term Monitoring Program (LCBP, VTANR, NYSDEC) FIGURE 4 | PHOSPHORUS LOADS TO LAKE FOR NONPOINT SOURCES AND FIGURE 5 | TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD TO LAKE CHAMPLAIN COMPARED WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES IN METRIC TONS/YEAR TO RIVER FLOW

8 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM A 2011 study focused on the Missisquoi Bay Basin Missisquoi Bay Basin attributed less phosphorus loading to agricultural Phosphorus Loading lands than previous analyses. The study estimated that Flow from Upland Sources

40% of loading is attributable to streambank erosion, Phosphorus but does not assign these loads to particular land uses. Man-made structures along river corridors, agricul- tural drainage, impervious surfaces, and loss of floodplains and wetlands all contribute to streambank Developed erosion. URBAN Agriculture DOWNSTREAM Undeveloped Streambank

DATA SOURCE: Modeling Efforts and Identification of Critical Source Areas of Phosphorus Within the Vermont Sector of the Missisquoi Bay Basin. LCBP Technical Report #63. December 2011. QUÉBEC 0.8 MISSISQUOI BAY (VT, QC) 24.1% of Total P Load 0.7 ISLE LA MOTTE (NY, VT) STORM 5.5% of Total P Load ST. ALBANS BAY 1.3% of Total P Load 0.6 EVENTS NORTHEAST ARM 1.6% of Total P Load 0.5

MALLETTS BAY 0.4 9.1% of Total P Load

Flow (cfs) CUMBERLAND BAY 0.3 5.0% of Total P Load RURAL 0.2 UPSTREAM MAIN LAKE (VT) 14.3% of Total P Load MAIN LAKE (NY) 7.2% of Total P Load 0.1

0.0 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 BURLINGTON BAY PORT HENRY 0.4% of Total P Load DATA SOURCE: Joel Nipper, UVM 1.2% of Total P Load SHELBURNE BAY OTTER CREEK (NY, VT) 1.9% of Total P Load 14.8% of Total P Load FIGURE 6 | THE EFFECT OF URBANIZATION ON FLOODING

SOUTH LAKE A (NY, VT) (BMPs) will help slow the movement of efforts to control phosphorus pollution. 3.9% of Total P Load water across the landscape and into the In Québec, all point sources of phos- tributary network, reduce erosion, and phorus from public and private treat- SOUTH LAKE B (NY, VT) 9.7% of Total P Load decrease delivery of nutrients and harm- ment facilities are treated to achieve ful toxins to Lake Champlain. an effluent concentration of 1.0 mg/l NEW YORK VERMONT Historically, WWTFs have been a or less. These facilities are monitored significant source of phosphorus, butwith regularly by the Ministère du Dével- LAND USE TYPES recent technological advances, these oppement durable, de l'Environnement DEVELOPED AGRICULTURE FORESTED All roads, cities, Crop and Areas facilities have become very efficient at et des Parcs (MDDEP; Ministry of Sus- suburbs, lawns livestock covered removing phosphorus (Figure 8). While tainable Development, Environment, and large-lot production. primarily with these facilities have become quite effec- and Parks), to ensure their effective- buildings. trees. tive, they also have aged. More than ten ness. The load from these point sources NOTE: The land use data is from 2001 satellite imagery— the most recent comprehensive and complete data for this region. percent of WWTFs are beyond their ex- accounts for approximately 4-5% of the DATA SOURCE: Updating the Lake Champlain Basin Land Use Data to Improve Prediction of Phosphorus Loading. LCBP Technical Report #54. May 2007. Page 45, Table 2-11. pected lifespan, and another ten percent total phosphorus load from Québec to are within five years. Investment in this Missisquoi Bay. FIGURE 7 | ESTIMATED NONPOINT SOURCE PHOSPHORUS LOADING BY infrastructure will be essential in future LAND USE TYPE

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 9 were predominantly pasture or fields Load from Agricultural Land Use planted in permanent corn, corn-hay The agriculture sector’s impact on rotations, and permanent hay. Phosphorus water quality in some areas of the Lake Sub-watersheds with the greatest Champlain Basin receives a lot of atten- percentage of agricultural land (e.g. tion. Reduction of nutrient runoff from Rock River and Mud Creek) were agricultural land is indeed essential to estimated to have the highest phospho- achieve phosphorus loading targets for rus loading rates in the Missisquoi Bay all of the watersheds within the Lake Basin. Heavily forested sub-watersheds Champlain Basin. A 2011 study of the (e.g. and ) Missisquoi Bay Basin attributed less had lower phosphorus loading rates. phosphorus to agricultural lands than The project identified land in corn-hay previous analyses have suggested. rotations as the greatest contributor of This study, conducted using more phosphorus per acre. The CSA analysis detailed data sets than previous studies, provides resource managers with an un- identified Critical Source Areas (CSAs) precedented level of detail about sources of phosphorus loading to Missisquoi Bay. of phosphorus on the landscape. Other CSAs are those portions of a landscape watersheds in the Lake Champlain LCBP Streambank sediments have been found to be a significant source of phosphorus loads to the Lake. that have both a source of phosphorus Basin with different topograpic and land and a waterway that carries phosphorus use characteristics may have somewhat streams themselves also can contribute examined this issue for the Missisquoi from that source downstream to the different types of significant critical significant amounts of sediment and River watershed. Preliminary findings Lake. CSAs deliver proportionally more source areas. phosphorus to the Lake. The USDA from this study indicate that as much phosphorus to a waterway than other Agricultural Research Station’s Nation- as 36% of the annual phosphorus load locations in the watershed. The 20% of Streambank sediments al Sedimentation Laboratory (NSL), (52 metric tons of phosphorus per year) CSAs with the highest phosphorus loads Recent studies show that rivers and with funding from LCBP and VT ANR, and up to 36% of the annual sediment load in the comes from 250 streambank sediments. The 2011 Missis- VERMONT NEW YORK QUÉBEC (60 WWTFs (30 WWTFs (9 WWTFs quoi CSA study verified this finding by in 2011) in 2011) in 2011) attributing 40% of phosphorus loading 200 to streambank erosion (Figure 7 inset map). Factors contributing to stream 2002: TMDL 2010: VT/NY AD (MT/YR) 150 1978: VT Bans Phosphates Phosphorus-Containing in Detergents Established Dishwasher Detergent instability and bank erosion include Banned 1976: NY Bans Phosphates encroachments on river corridors by US LO in Detergents 2007: QC roads and buildings, modifications 100 VT TMDL to streams for agricultural drainage purposes, accelerated stormwater runoff

PHOSPHOR NY TMDL from impervious surfaces, and loss of 50 protective features such as floodplains and wetlands. QC TARGET 0 // // // // '75 '78 '91 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10


10 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM a list). Examples of nutrient reduction Adaptive management will become programs include: an increasingly useful method for inte- grating local science with decision-mak- WHAT IS BEING DONE TO • Back roads maintenance programs ing. It provides tools to directly apply Phosphorus • Stormwater management what we know about managing phos- REDUCE PHOSPHORUS • Forest management phorus, and it provides for mid-course • Wetland protection corrections as new information renders CONCENTRATIONS? • Wastewater management old information and goals obsolete. The • Basin planning LCBP has been incorporating many of Effective planning, informed by • Agricultural Best Management the principles of adaptive management Practices in its work to coordinate the manage- a well-constructed monitoring • Nutrient Management Planning on ment of Lake Champlain and is now program, is the key to managing farms developing a formalized framework to the critical “hot spots” in the • Planning and Implementation grants use the adaptive management process Basin. This process allows to local municipalities and organiza- in the management of phosphorus. As resource managers to target tions the LCBP and its partners implement this process, new relevant knowledge funds toward efforts that will The “Don’t P on Your Lawn” cam- about the Basin will be gained and the reduce pollutant loads. paign initiated in 2007 targeted retail efficiency of collective management sale of phosphorus fertilizers through decisions will improve. atural resources manage- workshops and public service announce- ment agencies around the ments. New York and Vermont have NBasin have initiated dozens of since passed legislation banning the WHAT YOU CAN DO programs to reduce nutrient pollution. use of phosphorus-containing fertil- Test your Turf: Test your lawn and More information on each of these pro- izer on established lawns unless a soil garden soil before you fertilize. You grams can be found on the appropriate test indicates the need for additional may need less than you think or agency websites (see www.lcbp.org for phosphorus. The Lawn-to-Lake Work- none at all. group developed signs to help Vermont retail storeowners meet requirements Leave it on the Lawn: Use your to provide information about the new grass clippings as mulch on your restrictions. lawn. This adds nutrients and de- The term “adaptive management” creases the need for watering. describes a carefully planned sequence Rein in the Rain: Plant a rain gar- of activities that effectively add up to den and/or install a rain barrel. “learning by doing.” In this approach, Wash Cars on the Lawn: Wash resource managers evaluate a range your car on the lawn instead of on of implemented management actions the driveway to help prevent deter- against one another to clarify how well gents from washing into the Lake. each has supported water quality goals. This information forms the basis for Shore up the Water’s Edge: the next cycle of management actions. Plant native vegetation along shore- Adaptive management helps decision lines and river banks to hold soil in makers determine the best ways to place and reduce erosion! manage large and diverse areas of land Visit www.lcbp.org/lcstate.htm and achieve results in reasonable time TOWN OF PLAINFIELD, VT OF PLAINFIELD, TOWN for more tips. Rain gardens help to filter stormwater runoff and the phosphorus pollution it can carry. spans.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 11 times cause beach closures. Other causes three extended closures (more than one of high bacteria counts can include week), between 2008 and 2011. Beach faulty private septic systems, agricul- closures due to cyanobacteria blooms Human Health & Toxins tural runoff, flocks of birds, pet waste, have been even less frequent with eight and large wind events that churn up closures in the same time period. Public IS IT SAFE TO SWIM IN sediment and release soil-borne bacteria beaches in Missisquoi Bay were closed into the water. Elevated stream flows for significant periods of time in 2008 LAKE CHAMPLAIN? caused by large storms may carry sewage and 2011 due to cyanobacteria blooms. overflow, manure, or sediments that Beaches in Burlington and Shelburne, Yes it is, most of the time and are high in bacteria, increasing risk of VT were the only locations to have at exposure to large quantities of coliform least one closure annually due to coli- in most of the Lake. There are bacteria at nearby beaches for a period form bacteria or cyanobacteria. generally only two reasons why of days. E. coli and cyanobacteria samples it might be unsafe to swim in the Each jurisdiction—New York, Qué- can take between 24-48 hours to ana- Lake during the summer: the risk bec, and Vermont— has developed its lyze; therefore harmful conditions often of exposure to coliform bacteria own recreational water quality stan- subside before results from these samples dards, none of which is specific to Lake are released from the laboratory. For 24 following storms or to toxins Champlain. All three jurisdictional hours after intense rainstorms, it is a that can be produced where standards reflect a common indicator good idea to stay out of the Lake where cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) of coliform bacteria: Escherichia coli. streams enter, to minimize your exposure blooms occur. When counts of E. coli bacteria are too to E. coli. If the water looks unusu- high, people recreating in nearby waters ally green, has clumps of algae in it, or oliform bacteria are found may be at high risk of contracting an smells noxious—signs of a cyanobacteria in the waste products of all illness through ingestion. CSOs are less bloom—it is best for you and your pets Cbirds and mammals, and at frequent now than in the past, but still to stay out of the water. elevated levels, can cause severe illness trigger occasional beach closures in the in humans. Combined sewer overflows Basin (Figure 9) and can be a health risk (CSOs), which occur when sanitary to homeowners along the lakeshore who sewer systems become overwhelmed by draw their drinking water directly from the large amounts of stormwater that the Lake. enter through connected pipes, some- For these reasons, public health agencies around the Lake recommend that all water collected directly from the Lake be treated at a minimum with an ultraviolet light or chlorination system prior to use (for both drinking and bath- ing). Most public beaches are monitored for bacteria levels on a regular basis throughout the recreational season. For more information about local beach monitoring, contact your local health department. BEC MDDEP

Of the 35 public beaches on Lake É

Champlain that were evaluated for this QU Cyanobacteria blooms can produce harmful report, closures due to coliform bacte- LCBP toxins, and should be avoided by swimmers and Most beaches on Lake Champlain are safe to swim at most of the time. ria totaled 66 temporary closures and pets.


B Bayside Beach 2 2 2 Human Health & Toxins MALLETTS MALLETTS

C Leddy Beach 2 W EE D North Beach 1 X WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH E Blanchard Beach 1 1 2 1 CYANOBACTERIA? F Oakledge Beach 1 1 DD G Red Rocks Beach 2 2 2 CC V Y BB H Shelburne Town Beach 1 2 2 1 Cyanobacteria blooms develop U T I Charlotte Town Beach 2 1 Z in some part of the Lake each J 2 1 year. Blooms release toxins that K Ferrisburgh Town Beach 1 1 AA S are harmful to humans and other L DAR State Park A animals. The flooding of 2011 may M C B cause an increase in the severity N Bulwagga Bay Beach D MAIN LAKE R E of blooms while phosphorus O Port Henry Municipal Beach F concentrations remain elevated. P Westport Town Beach G

Q Noblewood Park Beach H R Port Douglas Beach I n response to a highly publicized

S Ausable Point State Park 1 1 Q J dog poisoning attributed to cyano- bacteria (blue-green algae) toxins in T Cumberland Bay State Park K I U Plattsburgh Municipal Beach 1 1 2 L 1999, the LCBP initiated an investiga- M tion of the occurrence of cyanobacte- V Point Au Roche State Park 1 1 P ria and their potential toxins in Lake W Alburg Dunes State Park 1 1 Champlain. This effort has evolved to X 1 document the presence and extent of O Y 1 2 cyanobacteria blooms in Lake - N Z Grand Isle State Park 1 lain and the levels of cyanotoxins they South Lake AA 3 1 2 may produce. (no public beaches) Cyanobacteria are a normal part of THEAST ARM BB Lake Champlain biology, and are com- CC NOR Kill Kare State Park STATUS (2008-2011) mon in worldwide. Excess nutri- DD St. Albans Bay State Park 1 5 4 GOOD Closed 0-2 times Closed due to bacteria ents, combined with warm, calm water EE Cohen Park can increase cyanobacteria density. FAIR Closed 3-7 times Closed due to cyanobacteria FF Saint Georges de Clarenceville 1 2 High densities of cyanobacteria can

Y POOR Closed for longer than one week form blooms, and may produce harmful GG Venise en 1 1 2 Closed 8+ times BA Closed for the season, toxins. These toxins, when ingested, HH Saint Armand 1 2

MISSISQUOI due to flood damage can cause gastrointestinal problems,

NOTE: The number in each circle represents a single closure, but the closure may have been for more than one Closed for the season, skin irritation, and other symptoms. It is consecutive day. due to lack of lifeguard difficult to determine if a cyanobacteria DATA SOURCES: Town Offices, UVM, NYS DOH, MDDEP bloom contains toxins, which is why monitoring and an early warning system FIGURE 9 | PUBLIC BEACH CLOSUSRES ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN, 2008-2011 have been developed. These blooms

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 13 occur worldwide, indicating excessive been documented in the affected area,

MISSISQUOI BAY NORTHEAST ARM nutrients in many lakes. and a public health advisory may be 12 12 , in partnership issued concerning recreational activities Human Health & Toxins 10 10 with the LCBP Long Term Monitoring and water consumption (Figure 10). 8 8 6 6 Program and with citizen monitors re- In late 2011, the LCBP began to 4 4 cruited by the Lake Champlain Commit- transition the responsibility of program 2 2 tee, conducted regular monitoring from coordination to the State of Vermont. '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 2003 to 2011. The program maintains a The new program relies on both qualita- MAIN LAKE MALLETTS BAY tiered-alert system in which public alerts tive and quantitative observations of 12 12 are announced when counts of cyano- trained volunteers and paid staff to iden- 10 10 8 8 bacteria and associated toxin levels reach tify bloom conditions in both New York 6 6 certain thresholds. Warnings arising from and Vermont; volunteers can submit 4 4 2 2 this program are released on the Vermont photos to program staff to determine the Department of Health website during the need for sample collection. This system '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 summer recreational season. allows warnings to be issued before test SOUTH LAKE 12 Alert Level 1 indicates that there results are available following the logic 10 Alert Level 1 is a large amount of accumulated algae “if it looks bad, don’t go in it.” Trained 8 Alert Level 2 6 near the surface of the water in the af- staff still collect samples for laboratory DATA SOURCE: University of Vermont, 4 Lake Champlain Committee fected area. Toxins in this accumulated analysis for the traditional tiered-alert 2 material could potentially reach con- system that has been in place since 2003. '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 centrations that pose a risk to humans This approach reduces laboratory costs and animals. Alert Level 2 indicates that and time elapsed before public health FIGURE 10 | WEEKS OF CYANOBACTERIA BLOOMS AT ALERT LEVELS significant toxin concentrations have and recreation warnings are issued.

VERMONT NEW YORK QUEBEC* FISH SPECIESWomen/Child (A)All Others Women/Child (B)All Others Women/Child All Others Brown Bullhead 5 no advisory 4 4 8 8 Pumpkinseed 5 no advisory 4 4 no advisory no advisory Walleye 0 1 0 > 19" (48cm): 1* 8 < 20" / 4 > 20" (50cm) 8 < 20" / 4 > 20" (50cm) 1 3 4 4 no advisory no advisory Lake Trout >25" (63cm) 0 (incl. child <15)* 1* 0 1* no advisory no advisory Trout: Brook/Brown/Rainbow 3-4 no advisory 4 4 no advisory no advisory Chain Pickerel 1 3 0 4 no advisory no advisory American Eel 1 3 0 4 (in Cumberland Bay: 1) no advisory no advisory Largemouth Bass 2 6 0 4 8 8 Smallmouth Bass 1 3 0 4 8 8 Northern Pike 2 6 0 4 8 8 Yellow Perch <10" (25cm) 3-4 no advisory 4 4 8 8 Yellow Perch >10" (25cm) 2-3 6 0 4 8 8 White Perch no advisory no advisory no advisory 4 8 8 White Sucker no advisory no advisory no advisory 4 8 8 Redhorse Sucker no advisory no advisory no advisory 4 8 < 14" / 4 > 16" (40cm) 8 < 14" / 4 > 16" (40cm) All Other Fish Species 2-3 9 0 4 no advisory no advisory

* = Advisory specific to Lake Champlain. All other advisories are state-wide in NY and VT. The QC advisories are all specific to Missisquoi Bay. A = The VT advisory applies to women of childbearing age, particularly pregnant women, women planning to get pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as children age six or younger. B = The NY advisory applies to women of childbearing age, infants and children under the age of 15. SOURCES: NY Department of Health, 2011-12; VT Department of Health, 2007; QC Department of Health, April 2006 FIGURE 11 | LAKE CHAMPLAIN FISH CONSUMPTION ADVISORIES

14 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM size, so does the concentration of these sions from coal-fired power plants. New toxic substances. Children and women York State’s revocation of special con- of childbearing age are at a higher risk sumption advisories for Cumberland Bay from these toxins because children’s (near Plattsburgh) as a result of signifi- Human Health & Toxins internal organs are more sensitive to cant declines in PCB levels in fish tissue CAN I EAT THE FISH FROM LAKE toxins, and women could pass the toxins is further good news on this front. to a developing fetus or to children CHAMPLAIN? through their breast milk. Data collected in 2011 for sportfish Yes, within reason. Residents in Lake Champlain reveal substantial declines in mercury levels in the tissue and visitors can enjoy catching of three of the five most common sport- and consuming a wide variety of fish (Figure 12). Average sized lake trout fish from the Lake year round. are approaching the US EPA criterion However, it is important that fish for consumption. This new research is caught in Lake Champlain and an encouraging indicator that regional mercury reduction programs are having surrounding water bodies are positive effects on local fish populations, consumed responsibly. and will be considered when health authorities next review consumption ew York, Québec, and Ver- advisories. Fish mercury levels should mont have fish consumption continue to improve with newly issued Nadvisories for Lake Champlain US EPA regulations on mercury emis- VERSANT BAIE MISSISQUOI BASSIN CORPORATION that, while not identical, do provide careful guidance about the risks of fish consumption (Figure 11). Consump- 1.01.0 tion advisories are developed to protect WALLEYE LAKE TROUT SMALLMOUTH YELLOW WHITE humans from harmful levels of mercury, 0.9 BASS PERCH PERCH polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 0.80.8 other toxins that bioaccumulate in fish 0.7 tissue. Generally, as a fish increases in USEPA FISH TISSUE 0.6 CRITERION FOR 0.6 MERCURY 0.5 0.40.4

MERCURY (PPM) 0.3 0.20.2 0.1

0 0.0 7 7 7 7 7 07 97 02 99 002 007 99 002 99 002 007 9 002 00 997 00 2 2011 2 0 2011 2011 2011 2 0 2011 < 1 -2 < 1 -2 < 1 -2 -2 < 1 -2 -2 < 1 -2 98 03- 98 03- 98 03 98 03 98- 03 19 20 19 20 19 20 19 20 19 20 YEARS NOTE: The values are mean mercury concentrations, normalized to the average length of the fish. Bars show standard errors. DATA SOURCE: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources; 2011 data from Biodiversity Research Institute. CORPORATION BASSIN VERSANT BAIE MISSISQUOI BASSIN CORPORATION The most recent data show substantial declines in mercury levels in many sportfish. FIGURE 12 | MERCURY IN LAKE CHAMPLAIN FISH BY INDICATOR SPECIES

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 15 medical and municipal waste incinera- dental wastes in New York and Ver- tors outside the Basin. Other sources mont. Both states have banned the include wastewater treatment effluent sale of many mercury-bearing products Human Health & Toxins and leachate from landfills containing including thermometers and novelty mercury-bearing products. Amalgams items. WHAT IS BEING DONE TO that go down the drain during dental From 2006-2008, over 6,000 pounds work and products such as gages, ther- of mercury-bearing products, 82 pounds REDUCE SOURCES OF MERCURY? mometers, thermostats, batteries, fluo- of elemental mercury, and 9 pounds of rescent light bulbs, paint, and switches mercury from fluorescent bulbs were Mercury reduction efforts range and relays are additional sources. In collected in Vermont by municipal solid the environment, microbes transform waste districts and other programs for from national policies aimed at mercury into a more toxic form, methyl proper disposal (Figure 13). New York’s curbing atmospheric mercury mercury, that bioaccumulates in fish, Clean Sweep program and county solid deposition to local industry- resulting in fish consumption advisories. waste departments also provide envi- specific initiatives in the Basin The reduction of atmospheric ronmentally-safe collection and disposal to eliminate sources such as sources of mercury is being addressed of hazardous wastes, including mercury. at the regional and national levels. Exchange programs for mercury-bearing thermometers and dental The 2007 Northeast mercury TMDL, products—including thermometers, amalgams. implemented in response to concerns thermostats, and dairy manometers— from the New England states and New also have successfully reduced local ercury—the most widespread York, requires a 98% reduction in sources. toxin of concern in Lake anthropogenic atmospheric sources of Industry-specific measures have been MChamplain—is a naturally mercury originating from waste combus- implemented in Vermont for nearly occurring element, but human activities tion sources in up-wind states outside a decade. In 2002 the LCBP and the have increased the amount released to of the region. Management of waste- Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food the environment by five to six times in combustion sources prior to this led to a & Markets (VAAFM) collected and the Northeast. The main source of mer- regional reduction of greater than 60%. properly disposed of half of the known cury to Lake Champlain is atmospheric In 2011 US EPA issued the Mercury mercury-bearing dairy manometers deposition, originating from coal-fired and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) to (42), each containing up to ½ pound of power plants, diesel combustion, and reduce the emissions of mercury and mercury. In 2008 VT Department of En- other toxins from coal- and oil- fired vironmental Conservation and VAAFM power plants, which are the largest facilitated a mercury-bearing thermom- 6,000 82 9 contributors to atmospheric deposition eter exchange replacing 250 syrup or of mercury in the US, by 90%. candy thermometers with free digital On a more local level, hazardous thermometers. In 2011-2012, the LCBP waste and recycling programs are in funded the Mercury Thermometer Re- place to encourage the proper disposal placement Program with UVM’s Proctor of mercury-bearing products. Addi- Maple Research Center to replace 350 tional regulations have been enacted additional mercury thermometers with to prevent mercury from being released digital thermometers, preventing the Pounds of products and trash Pounds of elemental Pounds of mercury from into the environment, such as consumer possible release of 30 pounds of mercury collected containing mercury.* mercury collected. fluorescent lamps collected.+

ISTOCK PHOTOS ISTOCK product labeling laws and recycling to the environment. NOTES: *Includes the weight of mercury and non-mercury containing components. +Estimated. DATA SOURCE: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, MercVT Program. requirements for mercury-contaminated

FIGURE 13 | MUNICIPAL MERCURY COLLECTION IN LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN TOWNS IN VERMONT, 2006 – 2008 16 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM human health are not well understood. Certain types of chemicals may affect the reproduction, development, behav- ior and survival of aquatic organisms at Human Health & Toxins very low concentrations. ARE THERE OTHER TOXINS Pesticides (insecticides, herbi- cides, lampricides, and fungicides) OF CONCERN IN THE LAKE? are designed to control or eliminate a nuisance plant, animal, or fungus. Traditional sources of toxic Frequently, non-target species are adversely affected by these treatments. chemicals, such as pesticides, For example, the pesticide TFM used to PHOTO ISTOCK along with “new generation control —though regulated jurisdictions and is often minimally contaminants” from by the US EPA and used at concentra- enforced at a local level. The LCBP and pharmaceuticals and personal tions safe for human health—can be its partners developed a Toxic Substance care products pose potential harmful to non-target organisms, which Management Strategy in 2011 with the may include threatened or endangered aim of identifying toxic substances of threats to both humans and species like American brook lamprey concern, monitoring their presence and wildlife. and very young lake sturgeon. During impact in Lake Champlain, and deter- the 2008 TFM treatment of the Missis- mining threats to ecosystem and human oxic substances are a diverse quoi River, traces of the lampricide were health. The strategy works under the group of chemicals whose detected at a Québec water treatment premise of the precautionary principle: Tphysical properties, quantity, facility. Although concentrations were preventive measures are advised if any and persistence in the environment are still below US EPA thresholds, this was potential risk to ecosystem or human cause for concern. Several known toxic cause for concern. health exists, unless the substance is substances have been documented in Like nutrients, chemical contami- known to be harmless. Lake Champlain, such as medications, nants enter the watershed in runoff as fragrances, and anti-microbial additives, well as from wastewater treatment WHAT YOU CAN DO but the long-term effects of persistent, systems. New chemicals introduced to low-level exposure to many chemicals the consumer market for domestic, agri- Reduce application of pesticides on the ecosystem, aquatic life, and cultural, and industrial purposes are used applied to your lawn or garden. commonly within the Lake Champlain Use Less toxic cleaners and per- Basin. Unfortunately, precautionary sonal care products. measures are not always taken prior to a chemical’s introduction to the market. Do not Flush left-over pharma- A 2006 study by the USGS found 70 ceuticals; throw them in the trash different “new generation contaminants” or bring them to a pharmacy drop- present in low levels in Lake Champlain off location. Basin waterways. These products include Properly dispose of mercury- fire retardants, plasticizers, pesticides, bearing items, including non-digital fragrances, stimulants, and detergents thermometers and thermostats, associated with potential human health and compact fluorescent light bulbs and ecosystem quality risks. (CFLs). Monitoring and regulation of new Visit www.lcbp.org/lcstate.htm generation contaminants is not con- LCBP for more tips. Traditional toxins and "new generation contaminants" enter the Lake from WWTFs and runoff. sistent throughout the Basin’s three


Removing barriers to fish and wildlife passage and reducing habitat fragmentation by restoring and protecting wetland, shoreline, and river bank habitats

are priorities throughout the WINOOSKI THE FRIENDS OF Basin. Reducing the introduction The Friends of the Winooski retrofitted this stream crossing to eliminate the dropoff from the culvert, and spread of aquatic invasive reduce stream velocity, and increase depth, improving passage for fish and other aquatic organisms. species also is critical. the watershed to the greatest depths of aquatic organism passage (AOP). The Lake Champlain. Yet, the Lake and its LCBP alone awarded 13 grants in 2010 he Lake Champlain Basin watershed have seen significant hu- that specifically addressed this issue contains a rich diversity of man impacts, including the alteration in several watersheds throughout the Tplants, fish, and wildlife and an of natural habitats and introduction of Basin. abundance of high-quality habitat. This many non-native species. An example of the partnerships dynamic ecosystem changes with the Wetlands, lakeshores, and river cor- involved in these projects is work on seasons and includes a variety of natural ridors are especially important, provid- the , a tributary of the communities from the highest points in ing critical habitat connections in the , which serves as habitat landscape while also serving to reduce for brook trout. Existing culverts con- human impacts on water quality. The necting fish to upstream habitat are improvement of fish passage and habitat not adequately designed to allow fish connectivity has become a high conser- passage; they often flow out above the vation priority in the Lake Champlain stream channel, are too long, and do Basin. Fish and other aquatic species not provide resting places. With funding require unrestricted movement through from the LCBP, the Winooski Natural streams and rivers to maintain healthy Resources Conservation District (WN- populations. Habitat fragmentation in RCD) worked with local municipalities streams prevents fish such as landlocked to design retrofits for four high-priority , eastern brook trout, culverts to improve passage for brook American eel, and the threatened lake trout and other aquatic organisms. sturgeon from reaching historic spawn- The Winooski NRCD will install the ing waters. Many natural resource designed retrofits with funding from the management agencies, watershed US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). groups, and local municipalities have The Lake Champlain Basin is directed funding, volunteer efforts, and considered to have some of the highest THE NATURE CONSERVANCY THE NATURE Wetlands provide critical habitat for fish and wildlife, and also help filter pollution from surface water. other resources toward improvement of quality wetland habitat in the North-

18 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM east, yet estimates place wetland habitat 300 miles of riparian habitat (Figure tree and shrub planting effort in the mussel populations. In Vermont, eight loss at 35% to 50% since European 15) by annually planting 30,000 trees as Basin—known as the “Trees for Tribs” of the Basin’s fourteen native mussel settlement. Similarly, development and buffers along stream banks in the Basin. program—as part of President Obama’s species are threatened or endangered, agricultural practices have threatened Non-profit organizations also have been America’s Great Outdoors initiative. including the black sandshell, pocket- Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species riparian habitat. Progress has been important advocates for these projects. The program’s goals are to restore and book, and pink heelsplitter mussels. To made in the last two decades to reverse The Nature Conservancy alone has protect stream corridors that connect to address these concerns, grant programs these trends. The US Fish and Wildlife conserved hundreds of acres of wetlands Lake Champlain, particularly in com- for aquatic invasive species (AIS) spread Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife and important upland habitat, restoring munities affected by swollen rivers after prevention, habitat improvement, Program, in collaboration with local critical links in the watershed. Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. shoreline protection, and aquatic organ- landowners, other federal and state The New York State Depart- The introduction of non-native spe- ism passage projects in the Lake Cham- agencies and many other non-govern- ment of Environmental Conservation cies also has serious implications for the plain Basin have received increased ment conservation groups, has restored (NYS DEC) recently partnered with Lake Champlain Basin ecosystem. The support since 2009. and enhanced nearly 4,000 acres of the Natural Resources Conservation zebra mussel invasion in Lake Champ- wetlands (Figure 14) and approximately Service (NRCS) to coordinate a major lain has led to serious declines in native

1,000 4,000 50 300

900 3,600

800 3,200 40 240 VED VED O O VED 700 2,800 O YEAR

600 2,400 30 180 CRES IMPR VED PER A O CRES IMPR


400 1,600 20 120 MILES IMPR ANNU CUMULA CUMULA 300 1,200

200 800 10 60

100 400

0 0 3 3 0 0 11 11 1991 199 1995 1997 1999 2001 200 2005 2007 2009 20 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 20 Acres of wetland habitat restored, enhanced and managed through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. Accomplishments reflect the Miles of riparian habitat restored and enhanced in the Lake Champlain Basin through the Service partnership with local landowners, other Federal and State agencies and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. Accomplishments numerous other non-governmental conservation groups. reflect the Service’s partnership with local landowners, other Federal and State agencies NOTE: No wetlands were improved in 1994 in the Lake Champlain Basin. and numerous other non-governmental conservation groups. DATA SOURCE: US Fish and Wildlife Service DATA SOURCE: US Fish and Wildlife Service




Phosphorus in Lake (p. 5) The 2012 Ecosystem Indicators Scorecard assesses the health of Lake Champlain in its five major lake segments: Missisquoi PHOSPHORUS Nonpoint source loading to Lake (p. 7-8) Bay, Northeast Arm, Malletts Bay, Main Lake, and South Lake. Wastewater facility loading to Lake (p. 10) These segments have been used by scientists since the 1970s to * The Pike R. has improved, * There are no monitored describe the major regions of the Lake. The surrounding water- but no other rivers show tributaries in the NE Arm. sheds of these segments have different physical characteristics a trend. and land uses that influence the health of the segment. For the 2012 report, the scorecard provides updated infor- Beach closures^ (p. 12-13) mation on the nine original ecosystem indicators presented in HUMAN the State of the Lake 2008 report, reflecting the most current HEALTH Cyanobacteria blooms^ (p. 14) data available for each of these indicators. The indicators have & TOXINS Fish advisories for toxins+ (p. 14) been grouped into three overarching issues: phosphorus, human health and toxins, and biodiversity. Three indicators have been developed for each issue; it is these nine indicators that are used to comprehensively characterize the state of Lake Champlain in this document. Each indicator is scored as good, fair, or poor for each major lake segment. A more detailed explanation of BIODIVERSITY Sea lamprey wounds+ (p. 26) & AQUATIC each indicator and the criteria used to determine the scores Aquatic invasive species arrivals (p. 27) are presented in the relevant section of this report. Please refer INVASIVE to the page numbers noted after each issue on the scorecard SPECIES Water chestnut infestations (p. 30) for more information. Trends for each of the indicators also are presented for individual lake segments. The trends are an assessment of whether each condition is improving, staying the same, or declining as of 2012. The trends are typically evaluated for the duration of the available data—20 years in the case of ^ Because beach closures are weather dependent, data is not appropriate for trend analysis. + water chemistry monitoring. The status of each indicator also is These indicators are lake-wide; therefore, scores are the same across all lake segments. presented— this is an evaluation of recent data for an indicator, typically from 2008-2011, if data are available. Status informa- tion also is related to specific criteria, or targets, that have been established by resource managers in the Basin.



NO TREND (neither improving FAIR nor deteriorating) MISSISQUOI BAY is shallow, with a maximum THE NORTHEAST ARM or “Inland Sea” has depth of about 15 ft (5m), and warm water. extensive agricultural land and urban growth POOR DETERIORATING It exceeds phosphorus targets and has had that results in nonpoint source phosphorus cyanobacteria blooms in some summers. concerns and periodic cyanobacteria blooms. NO STATUS DATA NO TREND DATA Agricultural land in sub-basin is a major source The waters are an important bass fishery. IS AVAILABLE IS AVAILABLE of phosphorus. LCBP PHOTOS



Nonpoint source loading to Lake (p. 7-8) PHOSPHORUS St. Albans Bay Wastewater facility loading to Lake (p. 10) Cumberland Bay * The LaPlatte R. has improved, but no other rivers NORTHEAST show a trend ARM

Beach closures from bacteria (p. 12-13) MALLETTS HUMAN BAY Cyanobacteria blooms (p. 14) HEALTH & TOXINS Fish advisories for toxins+ (p. 14) MAIN Burlington LAKE Bay *Special advisories have * The South Lake has no been lifted for Cumberland monitored public beaches. Bay, NY. Shelburne Willsboro Bay Bay Sea lamprey wounds+ (p. 26) BIODIVERSITY & AQUATIC Aquatic nuisance species arrivals (p. 27) Lake INVASIVE Water chestnut infestations (p. 30) SPECIES ChamplainLake * Water chestnut is hand- Champlain pulled between Little Otter Creek and Crown Point; the rest of the Main Lake has no infestation. + These indicators are lake-wide; therefore, scores are the same across all lake segments. Crown Point


MALLETTS BAY has deep cold water (up to THE MAIN LAKE contains 81% of the Lake’s THE SOUTH LAKE includes all the waters 100 ft / 32m). Although its phosphorus target water including the deepest, coldest water (up south of the Crown Point Bridge. The segment South Bay is low, increased runoff from developed land is to 400 ft /129m). Population growth and mixed is shallow and narrow, and phosphorus a concern. The bay is popular for boating and land use dominate the Vermont side and urban levels are high. Water chestnut and Eurasian Champlain fishing activities. runoff is a concern. The New York side is more watermilfoil interfere with recreation. The Canal forested. segment is popular for bass fishing. LCBP PHOTOS

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 21 Food energy moves in the direction of the arrows. Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species HOW IS THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN humans cormorant FOOD WEB CHANGING? largemouth bass & northern pike

Recent studies have revealed long-term shifts in zooplankton sea lamprey

populations that coincide with walleye, lake trout & the introduction of aquatic Atlantic salmon invasive species. These changes pumpkin seed & yellow perch affect the Lake’s dynamic food alewife & web and may be associated with rainbow smelt

increases in cyanobacteria (blue- insects, green algae) blooms. worms & snails zebra zooplankton amphibians lankton—including microscopic mussels floating plants (phytoplank- ton), animals (zooplankton), P native mussels and bacteria—are the base of the food chain in Lake Champlain (Figure 16). algae & Creating energy from nutrients and phytoplankton lake sturgeon protozoans & bacteria sunlight, they in turn fuel the entire FIGURE 16 | LAKE CHAMPLAIN FOOD WEB

lake ecosystem. Plankton populations including some larger species (Daphnia) vary widely by both season and Lake that prey on cyanobacteria, poten- segment. Scientists have documented tially contributing to the cyanobacteria recent changes in the structure of these blooms in Missisquoi Bay. The white biological communities, such as declines perch was first documented in the Lake in zooplankton populations. Changes in 1984, and is now the dominant fish in these populations can cause a ripple species found in Missisquoi Bay. White effect all the way up to the top preda- perch feed on other fish eggs (especially tors, including Atlantic salmon and lake walleye), and out-compete yellow perch trout. White perch, zebra mussels, and and minnows for food. alewife are among the invasive species Zebra mussels have heavily colonized in Lake Champlain that may be altering the shallow-waters of the Main Lake, the plankton population, and there is South Lake and parts of the Northeast no effective means for controlling these Arm, but their populations in these lake species. segments appear to have stabilized. Ze- BERNIE PIENTKA, VT FWD BERNIE PIENTKA, Invasive alewife (bottom) outcompete Lake Champlain's rainbow smelt (top). White perch feed on zooplankton, bra mussel populations in Malletts and

22 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM native fish such as rainbow smelt but are an unreliable food supply for larger fish such as salmon and trout. Alewife are sensitive to rapid changes in water Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species temperature and are subject to large fluctuations in abundance that some- HOW ARE THE POPULATIONS OF times result in mass die-offs. In 2008, a widespread alewife die-off SPORTFISH CHANGING? occurred in the Lake, confirming that a large population had become estab- Increased angler catch rates and lished. The full impacts of alewife on Lake Champlain are yet to be realized. fish sizes at tournaments indicate Biologists are concerned that the estab- a growth in the Lake’s bass lishment of this fish species in the Lake fishery, and Atlantic salmon have and other Basin waters could become a made record returns in recent major threat to native forage and game years. However, stocking still is fish populations. Alewife have become the dominant necessary to maintain the Atlantic PIERRE LEDUC forage base in the Lake, replacing native salmon and lake trout fishery. Zebra mussels encrust an anchor that was submerged in Missisquoi Bay. rainbow smelt and, as a result, sport fish such as lake trout and Atlantic salmon ake Champlain has become a Missisquoi Bays are increasing, although now have diets rich in alewife. However, popular fishing destination, with at a much slower rate. Zebra mussels these altered diets cause reproductive Lmore than 90 native and non- filter plankton out of the water col- problems in lake trout and salmon due native fish species found in the Lake umn, increasing water clarity, but may to a thiamine vitamin deficiency. and its tributaries. A few of these are the improve conditions for cyanobacteria. The USFWS and Vermont Fish and foundation of an important sport fishery Zebra mussels also out-compete native Wildlife Department (VT FWD) con- that provides many social and economic mussels, often colonizing on the hard duct annual surveys of the open-water benefits. surface of the larger native mussels and fish community. Data from these surveys suffocating them. suggests that native rainbow smelt Alewife are a small, nonnative numbers are declining while alewife invasive fish species, first found in Lake are becoming more abundant. Alewife Champlain in 2003. Like white perch growth rates here are higher than those and zebra mussels, alewife prey on observed in populations, larger plankton, improving conditions suggesting that alewife populations are for cyanobacteria. They compete with still expanding in Lake Champlain. LCBP Larger fish caught at increasingly popular bass tournaments on Lake Champlain suggest growth of the fishery.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 23 Lake Champlain has a reputation lift at the Winooski One hydroelectric Lake Champlain fishery manage- as a world-class bass fishery. The Lake’s facility, exceeding all previous records ment is coordinated by the Lake abundant smallmouth and largemouth since the lift began operating in 1993. Champlain Fish and Wildlife Manage- Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species bass are sought in increasing numbers This improvement may likely be tied ment Cooperative, a partnership of during competitive tournaments each to changes in the stocking program as NYS DEC, VT FWD, and USFWS. year. The angler catch rates and the size well as the resumption of a full-scale sea Cooperative activities include assessing of fish at tournament weigh-ins have lamprey management program (see p.25 populations of salmon, trout, walleye increased over the past four to five years. for details). and northern pike in Lake Champlain. Other popular sport fish include the Efforts also are underway to restore The Lake Champlain Fisheries Techni- coldwater landlocked Atlantic salmon, Lake Champlain's population of muskel- cal Committee, a sub-committee of the lake trout, and cool-water species in- lunge—commonly known as muskies. Cooperative, released the Strategic Plan cluding pike, walleye, and perch. Now rare, these fish once were common for Lake Champlain Fisheries in 2009. The Basin’s fish populations histori- in most of Lake Champlain. Since 2008, The new Strategic Plan is comprehen- cally have been affected by overfishing the VT FWD has released thousands sive and addresses fish communities and and habitat destruction, increased pollu- of young muskies into the Missisquoi fisheries issues in Lake Champlain from tion, and sedimentation. More recently, River and Missisquoi Bay in an effort to salmon to smelt. The 2009 plan can be aquatic invasive species have emerged as improve this fishery. found at: http://www.fws.gov/lcfwro/ a growing threat to native fish popula- Lake sturgeon populations in Lake FishTech.html. tions and habitat. Non-native fish that Champlain dropped dramatically in the have colonized the Lake Champlain first half of the 1900s due to commercial Basin include the alewife, tench, and fishing and loss of spawning habitat, white perch. Nuisance species, espe- and the sturgeon is now a threatened cially sea lamprey, also have significant species in New York and endangered impacts on salmon and trout. in Vermont. VT FWD biologists have Young lake trout are stocked by New documented spawning activity in the York and Vermont agencies to re-estab- Winooski, Lamoille, and Missisquoi lish their population and support recre- Rivers, which are three of the four ational fishing. Although these stocked known historical spawning sites. Habitat fish grow well and reproduce, there is improvements, public education, and little survival past the first year of life. continued protection efforts could put Causes of mortality are not well under- Lake Champlain's lake sturgeon on the stood; researchers who have observed road to recovery. predation pressure in shallow spawning Lake whitefish are commercially areas believe that restoration may be important in the Great Lakes and were more successful at deeper offshore sites. harvested in Lake Champlain until the Efforts to return landlocked At- fishery closed in the early 1900s. Current- lantic salmon to the Basin’s rivers ly their populations appear to be stable include stocking, habitat restoration, in the Main Lake, but they have become and improving fish passage. Record rare in Missisquoi Bay and the Northeast catch rates at fish passage ladders on the Arm, likely in part due to habitat deg- Boquet and Winooski Rivers illustrate radation. Great Lakes populations have the recent success of the management declined due to loss of prey and a switch of the salmon fishery. Strong spawning to eating invasive zebra and quagga mus- runs in 2010 and 2011 broke annual sels; in contrast, the diet of lake whitefish LCBP catch records for both rivers. In 2011, in Lake Champlain is stable and they are Atlantic salmon have returned to their spawning grounds in greater numbers as a result of more 189 salmon were collected in the fish not consuming zebra mussels. intensive stocking and control of predatory sea lamprey.

24 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Sea lamprey populations were very high prior to these efforts, possibly as a conse- quence of past ecological imbalance and HOW HAS THE IMPACT OF habitat changes that favor their growth. Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species The benefits of the long-term Lake SEA LAMPREY ON SALMON Lamprey Control Program initiated in 2001 have become AND TROUT CHANGED? apparent from salmon and trout assess- ments. Sea lamprey wounding rates The benefits of the long-term decreased from a high of 79 wounds/100 fish to meet the target of 15 wounds/100 Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey fish on Atlantic salmon in 2010. Both

Control Program initiated in lake trout and salmon were within 5 LCBP The Great Chazy sea lamprey barrier prevents the 2001 have begun to be realized. wounds/100 fish of the targets set in species from moving upstream. Sea lamprey wounding on lake 2011 for the first time since wounding trout and salmon has dropped to rates were monitored in 1985 (Figure brunt of these impacts. Other native 18). Recent changes to the Program fish and invertebrates—particularly the lowest rates since monitoring include improvements in tributary those that are already stressed—may be began in 1985. delta survey methods and more efficient affected, although these impacts have chemical treatments, and the addition generally been minimal for most of the ea lamprey spawn in most tribu- of new tributary systems (Lamoille, Mis- lampricide applications in the Lake taries to Lake Champlain, requir- sisquoi, and Winooski) to the treatment Champlain Basin. Fish species known Sing management throughout program. to be sensitive to lampricide treatments the Basin (Figure 17). The sea lamprey There is still progress to be made, include channel darter, stonecat, lake control program in the Lake Champlain however. Substantial sea lamprey popu- sturgeon, American brook lamprey, and Basin uses tools and techniques such as lations have been found in the LaPlatte eastern sand darter. barriers, traps, lampricides, and experi- River, for which control options are Strict regulations, permits, and mental projects including pheromones. being evaluated. Sea lamprey spawn- coordinated management efforts in the ing barriers are being considered for the Little in New York and Morpion Stream, a secondary tributary of the Pike River, in Québec. The application of lampricides to Lake Champlain tributaries has been a controversial management decision in the watershed. TFM (3-trifluoromethyl- 4-nitrophenol) was discovered as an effective tool for controlling sea lamprey in the 1950s and was first used in the Basin in 1990 during the experimental sea lamprey control program (1990- 1998). TFM is extremely effective at controlling sea lamprey in streams before they migrate to the Lake. As with any pesticide, there are non-target USFWS VT FWD A portable assessment trap captures sea lamprey Sea lamprey wounding rates on lake trout have declined in recent years. impacts; typically, amphibians bear the as they swim upstream to spawn.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 25 Morpions Stream

100 Pike River Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species


Missisquoi Great Chazy 60 River River

Corbeau Creek 40 LAKE TROUT

Stonebridge NDS PER 100 FISH SAMPLED TARGET (25) Brook U Trout Brook 20 Lamoille WO SALMON River TARGET (15)

Salmon River Malletts Creek Pond Brook 0 Indian Brook 1985-92 1993-98 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 average average Little Ausable River Sunderland Brook STATUS

Ausable River Winooski LAKE WIDE STATUS BY YEAR River LaPlatte GOOD Meets target for lake trout (25 wounds per 100 fish River sampled) or salmon (15 wounds per 100 fish sampled) FAIR Within 50% of meeting the target for lake trout and salmon Lewis LAKE TROUT Beaver Creek Brook POOR Exceeds target by more than 50% for lake trout and salmon Mullen Brook LAKEWIDE TREND Mill Brook ATLANTIC SALMON Positive: Lamprey wounds decreased from 2007-2011

NOTES: Lake trout were 533-633mm (21-25 in) in length. Salmon were 432-533 mm (17-21 in) in length. 1982-92 was pre-control and experimental Putnam control was during 1993-98. Creek DATA SOURCE: Lake Champlain Fish and Wildlife Management Cooperative

Otter Creek FIGURE 18 | SEA LAMPREY WOUNDING RATES ON LAKE TROUT AND ATLANTIC SALMON Lamprey Barrier Delta Lampricide Hubbardton Lamprey Trapping River Lampricide Application Basin among New York, Québec, and technologies to treat water during DATA SOURCE: Vermont partners ensure that lampricide lampricide treatments. The Sea Lam- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Poultney treatments are carried out safely and prey Alternative Control Workgroup River Mount efficiently. Lampricide-treated tributar- meets regularly in the Basin to explore Hope ies and lake water quality are monitored and evaluate alternative non-chemical Brook closely before, during, and after treat- controls for sea lamprey with a goal of FIGURE 17 | LAKE CHAMPLAIN SEA LAMPREY CONTROL, ments with proper public notice. Public reducing chemical treatments in the THROUGH 2011 water-intake facilities have the proper Basin.

26 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM AIS have the potential to spread to found in the US section of Missisquoi other inland waters in the Basin. Bay in September 2009 by Vermont The arrival of new non-native and Department of Environmental Con- WHAT NEW AQUATIC invasive species is an important indica- servation (VT DEC) during a routine Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species tor of the Lake’s health. The indicator survey in a semi-isolated area. A spread INVASIVE SPECIES HAVE status is considered good if no non-na- of over 80 acres was also discovered in tive or invasive aquatic organisms have 2011 during a VT DEC water chestnut INVADED THE LAKE? arrived in the past five years, fair if one survey on the New York side of the or two have arrived, and poor if greater South Lake. A species risk analysis, The most recent aquatic invasive than two species have arrived. survey of the infestation, and review of Variable-leaf watermilfoil (VLM) is management options were conducted by species discovered in the a rooted freshwater perennial plant that LCBP’s Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Lake—and the only one since has similar impacts to lakes as Eurasian Response Task Force; the group deter- alewife in 2003—is variable-leaf watermilfoil, but it is considered more mined that management action was not watermilfoil (VLM). invasive because it tolerates a wider feasible due to the size of the infestation. range of habitat conditions. VLM was s of 2011, Lake Champlain is home to 49 known aquatic Zebra Mussel, non-native species, many of 1993 A 12 50 which are invasive (Figure 19). Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are non-native species (also referred to as alien, 10 exotic or non-indigenous) that harm 40 the aquatic environment, biodiversity, economy, or human health. AIS include Alewife, 2003 8 aquatic plants, animals, and patho- VLM*, 2009 gens, and they may be intentionally or Water 30 unintentionally introduced to the Basin. Chestnut, 1940 Once introduced into Lake Champlain, 6 Eurasian Purple Watermilfoil, Loosestrife, 1962 1929 20 TIVE NUMBER OF SPECIES 4 AL NUMBER OF NEW SPECIES TOT CUMULA 10 2

0 0 '20s '30s '40s '50s '60s '70s '80s '90s <1920 '00-’11 unknown * Variable-leaf watermilfoil NOTE: The data reflect the arrival decade or first reported sighting of the species. DATA SOURCE: Ellen Marsden, University of Vermont

VTDEC FIGURE 19 | AQUATIC NON-NATIVE AND INVASIVE SPECIES Variable-leaf watermilfoil is the most recent aquatic invasive species in Lake Champlain. ARRIVALS TO LAKE CHAMPLAIN

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 27 To Atlantic Ocean

St. Lawrence Richelieu River River Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species

WHAT AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES ST LAWRENCE RIVER: 87 Lake Huron Lake OUTSIDE THE BASIN POSE A THREAT? Champlain CHAMPLAIN: 49 GREAT LAKES: 184 Round goby, documented in the and the St. Lawrence and Richelieu Rivers, Asian clam Welland Canal Erie Canal Mohawk River in , and spiny water flea in the Glens Falls Feeder The numbers show the total : 122 invasive species known as of 2011. Canal are three of the more The blue boxes indicate species To Atlantic Ocean threatening invasive species that that could infest Lake Champlain Hudson are “on the doorstep” of Lake via these connected waterways. River Champlain. DATA SOURCE: UVM, Lake Champlain Sea Grant, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Lafontaine and Costan 2002, and Strayer 2012. nvasive plants, animals, and FIGURE 20 | NON-NATIVE AND AQUATIC INVASIVE pathogens can enter Lake Champ- SPECIES THREATS TO LAKE CHAMPLAIN FROM Ilain through a variety of pathways, CONNECTED WATERWAYS including release or movement of live bait, aquarium dumping, hitchhiking already in Lake Champlain (Figure be found in these connecting systems. on boats and trailers, canal passage, and 20). The in Québec Round goby are small-bottom dwell- intentional stocking. bypasses the rapids on the Richelieu ing fish, introduced to the Great Lakes Waterways in the regions surround- River, which is north and downstream through ballast water, that have spread ing the Lake Champlain Basin are home of Lake Champlain. This canal connects rapidly through bait buckets and con- to many invasive species that are not the 87 known non-native and invasive nected waterways after introduction. species in the St. Lawrence River to the They are aggressive eaters that consume Basin, while the Champlain Canal to the eggs of native species such as trout. the south is a conduit to the 122 species This species is moving east in the Erie in the Hudson River. The Lake also is Canal and south through the St. Law- linked to the Great Lakes’ vast num- rence and Richelieu Rivers. ber of threats by the Erie Canal. Many In 2010, scientists discovered Asian of the aquatic invasives that pose the clam in Lake George, NY, which drains greatest threat to Lake Champlain ar- to Lake Champlain through the Lachute rived to in ships’ ballast River. While this is the first documented water. These species include the spiny occurrence of this species in the Lake waterflea, Asian clam, hydrilla, quagga Champlain Basin, Asian clam also has mussel, viral hemorrhagic septicemia, been found in the Hudson drainage of Asian carp, and round goby. All of the the Champlain Canal, several other 49 known aquatic non-native and inva- New Englad states, and Québec. This MICHIGAN SEA GRANT Round goby is one of several aquatic invasive species that are poised to enter the Basin. sive species in Lake Champlain also can species was detected at an early stage

28 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM in its invasion, improving chances of which invasives can travel among wa- control. This small bivalve can impair tersheds, coordination among jurisdic- water quality, out-compete native clams, tions is essential. Many partners work and clog water intake systems. It also WHAT ARE WE DOING TO PREVENT together in the Basin and at the regional Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species has been linked to algae blooms in Lake and national levels on AIS early detec- Tahoe. The Lake George Asian Clam THE ARRIVAL OF NEW INVASIVES AND tion, control, spread prevention, educa- Rapid Response Task Force was formed tion and outreach, and management. to explore how to best manage this pop- MANAGE THOSE ALREADY HERE? The LCBP is a member of the Northeast ulation in Lake George. Post-treatment Aquatic Nuisance Species (NEANS) monitoring has shown that benthic bar- Close collaboration among Panel and the National Aquatic Nui- rier mats installed on the Lake bottom sance Species Task Force. The NEANS have been greater than 99% effective at stakeholders is critical to the Panel recently created an online tool smothering the clams. For more infor- dynamic nature of invasive (www.northeastans.org/online-guide/) mation about this program, go to: species management. Public that enables local organizations to cus- www.stoptheasianclam.info. education and outreach and new tomize and print their own field guides regulations that prohibit the to include the species most important to their work. transport of aquatic plants and The LCBP has an Aquatic Nuisance certain invasive and nuisance Species Management Plan that sets species have been important priorities for AIS control and manage- management tools. ment in the Basin. This plan is eligible for USFWS funding to support programs nce a species becomes estab- such as water chestnut control and boat lished in the Lake, it is very launch steward programs. Once a new Odifficult to control, making invasive species has been identified, the proactive early detection and monitor- Lake Champlain Basin Rapid Response ing programs critical when a new species Task Force will determine if control of arrives. Given the ease and speed with the species is feasible. The Lake Champlain Steward Program, supported by the LCBP since 2007, is modeled after the Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Insti- tute Stewardship Program. Each sum- mer, stewards from Lake George, Lake Researchers collect water samples from under Champlain, Paul Smith’s College, and LAKE GEORGE ASSOCIATION LAKE GEORGE benthic barrier mats to determine if Lake local lake associations train together George's Asian clam treatment is successful. to ensure a consistent AIS message is delivered to the public. Stewards collect data such as the state of vessel registra- tion, the last body of water the vessel was in during the previous two weeks, and whether the boat owner takes measures to prevent the spread of AIS. These data document the potential risk of overland transport and help track LCBP Transport on boats and trailers is a primary means of dispersal for aquatic invasive species. spread prevention behavior over time.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 29 use, crowds out native plants, and cre- ates an oxygen-depleted zone uninhabit- able to fish and other organisms. Biodiversity & Aquatic Invasive Species Mechanical harvesting has reduced

the infestation steadily for the last Pike River decade, and in 2011 gained another mile of progress south, reaching a point MNWR 6.5 miles south of Benson, VT. An MISSISQUOI BAY Hand-pulling in MNWR has estimated 203 acres were mechanically decreased by 96% between 2007 harvested in 2011. and 2011. Water chestnut has been eradicated from the Pike Partnerships with organizations like River. the Invasive Plant Program and local watershed organiza- tions are needed to reduce the spread of AIS. The New York State Canal LCBP Corporation has requested the US MAIN LAKE Volunteers who pull water chestnut by hand have Hand-pulling coordinated by the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a Little Otter been critical to the reduction of the invasive plant. Creek The Nature Conservancy and feasibility study for an invasive species VTDEC is necessary between barrier on the Champlain Canal. The Little Otter Creek in Ferrisburgh Fields Bay, and Crown Point. No water In 2010, eight stewards stationed Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Ferrisburg chestnut is present in the around Lake Champlain inspected over Program has helped with early detection segment north of Ferrisburgh. 9,000 boats, trailers and equipment of spiny waterflea and Asian clam by Crown and spoke to over 19,000 lake users. monitoring the canals. Point An aquatic plant, animal or mud was Local organizations working with Benson SOUTH LAKE found on 990 (11%) of these boats, state agencies have identified ways to Landing Water chestnut is mechanically 730 of which were AIS. Only 58% of improve AIS management in the Basin. harvested by VTDEC and users reported taking spread prevention General permits and quicker permit- NYSDEC in the red-shaded area, Dresden which has been moved steadily measures. Many people trailer their ves- ting processes for control activities have farther south over the past sels from waterbodies in other states and been developed to enable a rapid re- 1999 2007 2011 decade. provinces in less than two weeks to Lake sponse to new infestations. New baitfish Champlain. The lake steward program regulations prohibit the movement of is an important education and outreach live fish from one body of water to an- STATUS TREND initiative to prevent the introduction other and support the use of disease-free Improving: water GOOD No water chestnut present and spread of AIS hitchhiking on boats certified bait. In Vermont, an aquatic and no management needed chestnut is decreasing and trailers. transport law enacted in 2010 prohibits Water chestnut present with FAIR No trend: neither improving Water chestnut remains a ma- transport of aquatic plants or quagga less than 25% coverage (typically nor deteriorating managed hand-pulling) jor problem in Lake Champlain, but and zebra mussels on boats, trailers, and Deteriorating: water Water chestnut present with partners have made notable progress in equipment; New York is developing POOR chestnut is increasing controlling this species (Figure 21). It is similar legislation. Felt-soled waders greater than 25% coverage (typically managed by mechanical No trend data is known to occur in three places in Lake have been prohibited in Vermont since harvesting) in an area covering available Champlain but also has infested other 2011 in an effort to prevent the move- greater than 10% of the segment inland water bodies in the Basin. In ment of river species such as didymo and DATA SOURCES: VTDEC, NYSDEC, QC MDDEP the South Lake segment, it forms dense New Zealand mudsnail. mats, limits boat traffic and recreational FIGURE 21 | STATUS OF WATER CHESTNUT INFESTATIONS IN LAKE CHAMPLAIN


Although some anglers have expressed concern that foraging by double-crested cormorants may be bad for fishing, there is LCBP no scientific information linking Audubon Vermont protects common tern habitat from cormorant and other species. cormorants to the suppression of fish populations in the Lake. have affected fish populations have not population on Lake Champlain include any people consider the yet been validated. Management agen- egg-oiling and culling with firearms. double-crested cormorant to cies are developing a new population From 2008-2011, the growth of nest- Mbe a nuisance species in Lake goal for the Lake Champlain cormorant ing cormorant populations stabilized Champlain. The islands where these population, which will help determine as a result of management. However, large fish-eating birds nest become defo- if a response in fish populations can be continued oiling of eggs and an aggres- liated due to their highly acidic drop- detected. sive culling program in 2011 resulted in pings. In the past, researchers noted that Double-crested cormorants do, a drop of more than 50% of the nesting cormorants on Lake Champlain foraged however, impact populations of other population on Lake Champlain. mostly on yellow perch, but more re- colonial nesting birds, including the cently, a major shift to alewife (invasive common tern. The common tern is a fish) has been clearly documented. Vermont state endangered species that WHAT YOU CAN DO Claims that double-crested cormorants nests on small islands in Lake Champ- lain. The tern population declined from Inspect Your Boat: Remove mud more than 300 pairs to just 50 pairs in and plants before leaving any body the late 1980s as a result of nocturnal of water. Remove anything you find avian predation, competition for nest to prevent the spread of aquatic space with ring-billed gulls and double- hitchhikers. crested cormorants, and human distur- Drain all Water: Empty the bilge, bance. With LCBP funding, Vermont live well, and engine cooling system Audubon and VT FWD partnered in the Vermont Common Tern Recovery Dry Your Boat: (and trailer) Keep Project to protect common tern nest- it in the sun for at least five days, or ing grounds through management and clean your boat if using it sooner. acquisition. As a result, common tern Plant Native: Flowers, trees and populations have been restored to just shrubs should be native species. over 200 pairs. Visit www.lcbp.org/lcstate.htm Management techniques for re- LCBP for more tips. Nesting populations of cormorants were down 50% in early 2012. ducing the double-crested cormorant

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 31 and social risks associated with climate change. 1961-1990 The economic, social, and politi- 1961-1990 Climate Change cal choices that are made, both locally and globally, in the coming years will HOW DOES CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECT 2010-2039 determine whether the climate of the 2010-2039 Lake Champlain Basin will more closely LAKE CHAMPLAIN? resemble those of or Northern Virginia 60 years from now 2040-2069 Slight changes in climate (Figure 22). Predicted climate change outcomes based on published emissions result in significant ecological scenarios describe a compelling need for consequences, which already are policies to reduce regional and global affecting fish, wildlife, and plant emissions of greenhouse gases. Respon- High-Emissions Scenario communities as well as human sible stewardship of the Lake Champlain Low-Emissions Scenario uses of the Lake. Basin requires management and policy planning to address likely outcomes of Red arrows track the shift in the Lake different future scenarios in order to Champlain Basin’s summer climate over the ater temperature, air tem- mitigate increasing environmental pres- next 60 years if we continue under a high- perature, and precipitation sures and protect Lake water quality and emissions scenario. Yellow arrows track the shift under a low-emissions scenario. data collected within the ecosystem integrity. DATA SOURCE: Adapted from Union of Concerned W Scientists. Lake Champlain Basin provide strong evidence that accelerated changes to Trends in climate data in the Lake our climate have been occurring here Champlain Basin FIGURE 22 | LAKE CHAMPLAIN for decades and are likely to continue. Scientists have noted significant CLIMATE CHANGE Resource managers and stakeholders changes in meteorological and surface PROJECTIONS recognize the need for both individuals monitoring data. Average August sur- and communities to adapt to climate face water temperatures have increased 2.2°F (1.2°C) from 1976 to 2005. This change. Climate adaptation strategies in Lake Champlain as much as 6.8°F increase corresponds with data through- mitigate the environmental, economic, (3.8°C) since monitoring began in out the Northeastern and 1964. Additionally, the average air Great Lakes. Precipitation also is show- temperature in the region increased by ing an upward trend; the average annual

What is the difference between weather and climate?

In the ongoing debate about climate change, some people wonder what sci- entists mean by “global warming” when winter in the Lake Champlain Basin often still includes bitter low tempera- tures, blustery wind, and snow and ice. The temperature or precipitation observed during any given storm event is weather—the atmospheric conditions at a particular point in time. An average of temperatures and pre- cipitation over several decades is climate—the major weather pattern over time. The term “climate change” refers to a long-term shift in weather patterns on a global

LCBP scale. Lake flooding and sediment loading likely will increase with more frequent extreme storm events.

32 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM tially toxic algae blooms. Toxic or not, A recently completed LCBP-funded algae blooms degrade water quality and study found that, due to the increasing reduce dissolved oxygen, depriving fish likelihood of more intense storm events, and other aquatic life of oxygen needed phosphorus loads from the Missisquoi Climate Change for respiration. In addition to these River Basin could increase as much as ecological impacts of algae blooms, 46% and sediment loads as much as toxic algae blooms threaten human and 57% over current loading rates. Given animal health. these predictions, implementation of Upward trends in water temperature best management practices in the most also threaten Lake Champlain’s capacity critical areas of this watershed are all the to support native cold-water fish species. more important to mitigate impacts from In many parts of North America, warm- intense storms by reducing the amount er water temperatures reduce spawning of nutrients washed into the Lake. success of native cold-water fish (salmon and trout) and cool-water fish (walleye and northern pike). Simultaneously,

LCBP warm-water fish species (bass and inva- Reduced mountain snowmelt in the spring will mean lower lake and groundwater levels. sive white perch) have increased. precipitation over the past 40 years has and contaminant loads to the Lake. In- Climate change and ecological distur- increased 3 inches as compared to the creased nutrient levels in Lake Champ- bance prior 80 years. lain promote the growth of potentially Climate change affects the physical toxic algae blooms. Biodiversity also environment and the chemical com- WHAT YOU CAN DO is affected by high flood waters, which position of water in Lake Champlain. Changes in the Basin’s climate and Plant Buffers: Volunteer to plant increase access for invasive species to Flooding and other changes in the potential consequences riparian buffers with a local water- Climate change is causing seasonal spread to new areas. physical and chemical environment put shed group. The roots will hold the weather shifts within the Lake Cham- highly adaptive invasive species at an soil in place and protect habitat and plain Basin. More winter precipitation advantage over native species. Climate Climate change and water temperature water quality downstream. now falls as rain than snow as a result Records dating back to 1816 show that change coupled with the potential of increased air temperatures. With less Lake Champlain’s average surface water spread of invasive species is the largest Defend against Invaders: Plant snowmelt, spring lake and groundwater temperatures have been increasing for threat to the Lake Champlain Basin’s native plants that will compete with levels are reduced, altering the natural some time. Lake Champlain has frozen- biodiversity. invasives for habitat. fluctuation in water level that is neces- over less frequently in the last 50 years Dump NO Bait in the Lake: sary to maintain wetlands and support than in the prior 130 years and the data Climate adaptation: Increasing resil- Dispose of your leftover bait in spring spawning of fish and amphibians. show that this trend might be accelerat- iency in the Lake Champlain Basin trash receptacles away from water- Climate changes can have a detrimental ing. Reduced ice cover causes the Lake Stakeholders in the Basin are now fo- bodies. impact on the reproductive success of to warm earlier in the calendar year. cused on climate adaptation through in- Get More Pervious: Minimize many native flora and fauna. Long-term declining ice cover certainly creased resiliency. By addressing sources impervious surfaces like driveways, The number of storm events in the will limit ice fishing, a popular winter of water quality degradation that are still sidewalks, and roofs. summer months is decreasing, but the activity linked to local economies. within human control, stakeholders can intensity of those storms is increasing. Increases in maximum surface water reduce the potential impacts of climate Catch the Drip: Install rain bar- Heavy rains during intense storms lead temperatures lengthen the season when change on the Lake. Floodplain plan- rels to catch your roof runoff…. to flash floods in rivers and streams. water layers are different temperatures at ning and mitigation of stormwater runoff then water your flower garden. Streambank erosion and municipal com- different depths. This long-term thermal are two measures being implemented Visit www.lcbp.org/lcstate.htm bined sewer overflows are hazards during stratification, combined with enhanced to increase the Lake Champlain Basin’s for more tips. flood events, carrying increased nutrient nutrient content, may intensify poten- resiliency to global climate change.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 33 water, which lasted from mid-April Vermont state highway system reported through June. Road damage totaled more than 500 miles of damaged road nearly $8 million dollars in New York and the loss of 200 bridges. New York Flooding 2011 and Vermont. Along the Richelieu recorded 400 road segments and bridges River in Québec, 3,000 homes were were impaired as a result of the storm. WHAT WERE THE HUMAN IMPACTS OF damaged or destroyed and nearly 1,000 Many more municipal roads were de- people displaced. Unsafe drinking water stroyed or compromised. THE 2011 FLOODING? and sanitation issues plagued waterfront All agricultural crops touched by communities for weeks. Québec Premier flood waters were deemed unfit for Prolonged record spring Lake Charest, upon viewing the damage consumption by the US Food and Drug 1,600 Spring - Summer Flooding said, “Il faut, devant des circonstances Administration and had to be destroyed, levels and flash flooding during exceptionnelles, prendre des moyens at a loss of over $10 million. Many suc- 800 Tropical Storm Irene in August exceptionnels.” (“We must, in these cessful farms lie on fertile floodplains, caused loss of life and damage exceptional circumstances, take excep- making them particularly vulnerable to 30,000 Spring Floods Tropical Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 Storm to riparian habitat, crops, homes, tional measures.") damage during high-flow events. Loss of RICHELIEU RIVER Irene and infrastructure in five of the In August, more than 230 munici- a single year’s crop may impact a farm’s 20,000 palities were directly affected by the sud- revenue for years afterward. Sediments, 10,000 Basin’s eight major watersheds. den catastrophe of Tropical Storm Irene. hazardous waste and fuel spills contrib- Spring Floods igh winter snowmelts coupled Projected restoration costs are greater uted to contaminated water supplies and QC Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 20,000 Tropical with intense spring rainfall than $150 million in New York and extensive crop losses. These damages Storm NY VT WINOOSKI RIVER Irene led to an extended period of Vermont. As of November 2011, 8,075 illustrate the hazards and vulnerabilities H 10,000 record-high lake levels. A new record individuals and families had registered of both the built and natural environ- of 103.2 ft for Lake Champlain was set for aid through the Federal Emergency ments in the region.

in May, 2011 (Figure 23). At this level, Management Agency (FEMA). The Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 6,000 Tropical Storm the Lake’s surface area increased by AUSABLE RIVER Spring Floods Irene SPRING FLOODS TROPICAL STORM 4,000 nearly 15% and its volume increased IRENE 13% above normal. Wave action in the 104 103.2 ft: Max Elevation 2,000 high water conditions caused extensive Set in May 2011 12,000 Tropical Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 shoreline erosion, damaging property 102 Storm 101.9 ft: Previous Max Spring Floods Irene OTTER CREEK and contributing enormous volumes Elevation Set in April 1993 of sediment to the Lake. Landslides 100 100 ft: Flood Stage 6,000 and slope failures along streams were reported throughout the period of high 98 Jan ‘11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 10,000 Tropical

el (feet) BOQUET RIVER Storm v 96 Irene

e Le 5,000 Spring Floods

Lak 94

92 Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 Discharge (cubic feet per second) 90 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Lake Level (95 ft) Spring 2011 Lake Level (103.2 ft) 2011 Lake Level NOTE: The average lake level elevation is determined by averaging all records between 1908 (when elevations were first recorded) and 2011 for Average (1908-2011) Level any given day. Elevations are at Burlington, VT. Historic Maximum Level for Date NOTE: Scaling of vertical axes is different among graphs. DATA SOURCE: USGS, Environment . DATA SOURCE: NOAA Historic Minimum Level for Date LCBP Damage to infrastructure and property in the wake of Tropical Storm Irene was extensive and devastating. FIGURE 23 | 2011 LAKE CHAMPLAIN ELEVATION


1,600 Spring - Summer Flooding The extent to which the 800 2011 floods affected the Lake Champlain Basin’s environment 30,000 Spring Floods Tropical Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 Storm is not yet fully known. RICHELIEU RIVER Irene 20,000 Spread of invasive species, an unprecedented sediment load, 10,000 and increased cyanobacteria Spring Floods QC Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 20,000 Tropical (blue-green algae) blooms Storm NY VT WINOOSKI RIVER Irene as a result of an enormous 10,000 phosphorus load are the most likely outcomes. Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 6,000 Tropical Storm AUSABLE RIVER Spring Floods Irene egraded water quality was one 4,000 of the greatest concerns after the floods. While preliminary 2,000 D data suggest the spring flooding of 2011 12,000 Tropical Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 Storm did not produce significant coliform Spring Floods Irene OTTER CREEK


Jan ‘11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 10,000 Tropical BOQUET RIVER Storm Irene 5,000 Spring Floods

Jan ’11 April ‘11 June ’11 Sept ‘11 Dec’11 Discharge (cubic feet per second) POULTNEY RIVER Average Lake Level (95 ft) Spring 2011 Lake Level (103.2 ft)

NOTE: Scaling of vertical axes is different among graphs. DATA SOURCE: USGS, Environment Canada. LCBP The Winooski River delivered an enormous load of sediment and phosphorus to the Lake during the FIGURE 24 | TRIBUTARY FLOW DURING SPRING 2011 FLOODING spring 2011 flooding.

STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 35 20,000 Rutland

Flooding 2011 15,000

10,000 Lake Flow (cfs) Champlain Middlebury 5,000

0 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Middlebury August 2011 September 2011 LCBP Stream Powerful wave action can deliver nutrients to the Lake from shoreline erosion. Gage bacterial contamination of Lake Cham- rapidly colonizes disturbed ground— plain, the enormous tributary discharge were spread along with flood debris and did result in increased sediment load, high water. decreased water clarity, and elevated nu- Scientists have studied river dynam- trient levels (Figure 24). The long-term ics and fluvial geomorphology for decades effect of the substantial phosphorus loads to better understand river, shoreline, and in flood-affected tributaries is uncertain, wetland responses to human disturbance but increased cyanobacteria blooms were and environmental events. Significant observed in summer of 2011. Water- impacts on these features from intense borne bacteria were considered a major rain events and floods highlight the need FLO human health threat during the long- to allow rivers to access their floodplains, lasting spring floods in Québec. Poten- which will reduce erosion and damage W tially hazardous waste was mobilized to infrastructure. Rivers and streams are along shorelines, possibly contaminating best able to absorb the impacts of major downstream sediments. Several waste- weather events when they are allowed to water treatment facilities in Vermont move naturally. In some cases, allow- reported compromised systems and one ing the river to access the floodplain Rutland Stream Gage facility in New York stopped functioning will help to slow the flow of water and during the Irene flooding. Many septic provide an area for sediment deposition. 5 miles systems failed as well. Several municipal- In other cases, streambank restoration N ities have since planned modifications to projects may include vegetative buffers to existing wastewater treatment structures help protect against erosion, thus reduc- to prevent future flood-related damage. ing the amount of sediment-bound phos- Accessible Floodplains Though fish and macroinvertebrate phorus coming into the Lake and further populations are often known to survive protecting habitat and biodiversity. The Wetlands catastrophic hydrologic events, it is USFWS continues to partner with LCBP, Gage still unclear what long-term effects the New York, and Vermont to identify valu- DATA SOURCE: U.S. Geological Survey, Otter Creek Watershed flooding will have on aquatic organisms able wetlands in need of restoration, and Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, LCBP in the Basin. Invasive species—such funding sources to protect those areas. as Japanese knotweed, which grows by sprouting from broken plant roots and FIGURE 25 | FLOODPLAIN ACCESS IN OTTER CREEK WATERSHED

36 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Big Yellow Machines in the Streams

Good river management practices limit channel dredging and gravel extraction WHAT WORKS TO PREVENT from streambeds due to habitat damage and the risk of increased downstream DAMAGE FROM FUTURE FLOODS? flooding. The shape of a stream reflects the balance of water, slope and sediment, a balance that changes during a large flood. The most important action we Immediately after Irene hit, there were can take to prevent flood damage efforts to return eroded streams back to is to build less in flood-prone their pre-flood shape. In an emergency areas and to ensure that rivers state, some dredging was permitted for the sake of preserving human life and have access to their floodplains. LCBP Floodplain zoning standards will help alleviate property. Active “Big Yellow Machines” in damage from future storms. the streambed was a necessary, localized, ith climate change data short-term strategy to ensure public safety suggesting more frequent sidering both the short- and long-term in highly damaged areas. Unfortunately, in high-intensity rainfall consequences of change. A focus on W some streams, the excavations and site events in the future, it is important to protecting our shorelines with natural work went beyond addressing public safety plan ahead and accommodate future vegetation and promoting sustainable needs, creating conditions in which future flooding by minimizing flood zone devel- development that can coevolve with the flood events could cause even greater opment and ensuring that floodwaters, natural ecosystem has become sharper damage. Long-term designs are needed to and the sediments and nutrients they since the floods. The Otter Creek promote flood resilience and river corri- carry, can flow into broad floodplains. watershed is a good example of a stream dor protection for the benefit of both the Future restoration strategies will pro- that is connected to its floodplain, with natural environment and the community. mote flood-resilient communities, con- lower downstream peak flows than those The experience of Tropical Storm Irene on channelized streams with developed has motivated managers in each jurisdic- floodplains (Figure 25). Every action tion to redesign their emergency response which hastens the drainage of water procedures to ensure that short-term within the watershed also increases the flood response measures keep long-term rate at which rivers rise during floods. management needs in mind. While residents of all communi- ties at risk of flood damage should have national flood insurance, community participation in the National Flood Insurance Program must not be equated with a license to encourage develop- ment in harm’s way. The floods of 2011 clearly demonstrated that minimum standards for flood zone planning in the Lake Champlain Basin are woefully in- adequate to address the flood resiliency needs of the future. LCBP Floodplains and wetlands absorb floodwaters and filter sediment and pollution during extreme rain VT DEC events.


WHAT IS THE NORTHEAST ARM WQ: The Northeast Arm and St. Albans Bay consistently exceed STATE OF THE LAKE? phosphorus targets, and the long-term trend is increasing. WWTFs are well below established targets, so the primary problem is xcess phosphorus remains a concern throughout the nonpoint source loads. Lake. Wastewater treatment facilities are meeting their HH: Algae blooms, though rarely toxic, occur frequently. Etargets, and loading trends in a few tributaries have im- Some public beaches have been closed numerous times since proved over the last decade, but much work remains in reducing 2008. The St. Albans Bay State Park was closed on nine oc- nutrients from the landscape. Until phosphorus concentrations casions from 2010-11. in the Lake are reduced, algae blooms will occur when weather AIS: No new invasives have been found in this lake segment. conditions are favorable. Beach closures are less frequent than Growth of nuisance vegetation continues to be a concern for in the past, but they do continue, especially near urban areas. lakeshore residents. Improvements to WWTFs and reductions of combined sewer overflow will help reduce closures in the future. Management of fish, plants, and wildlife remains a vitally important challenge. Sea lamprey control efforts have been St. Albans very successful in achieving targets for lake trout and Atlantic Bay salmon but at the cost of introducing lampricides into water- Burlington ways. Fish consumption advisories for mercury and PCBs re- Bay VERMONT main in place for many species, but New York’s recent lifting of Shelburne Bay special consumption advisories for Cumberland Bay and recent NEW YORK data showing decreases in mercury in fish tissue are encourag- N QUEBÉC ing. New invasive species are poised to enter the Basin from VERMONT Lake Champlain all directions, but the rate of invasions has been reduced since Richelieu River Champlain Canal 2000. Asian clam, now in Lake George, is one step closer to (connects to Lake Champlain, and infestations of a new watermilfoil species Hudson River) have been found at both ends of the Lake. Much progress has Willsboro

been made in the effort to control the impact of water chestnut. ORK Bay Flood resiliency has dominated lake and tributary discus- Y Crown Point QUEBÉC Cumberland Bay sions since 2011. Preliminary analyses indicate that nutrient NEW South Bay delivery to the Lake from most tributaries was well above the 20-year average, and in-lake phosphorus concentrations were MISSISQUOI BAY above average as well. Management agencies around the Basin are developing flood resiliency plans to mitigate impacts of flood WQ: Annual phosphorus concentrations are still well above target, events in the future. but have been fairly stable since 2004. Phosphorus loads from A more detailed answer must be given in terms of the five the Pike River have decreased, but loads from other tributar- segments of Lake Champlain; each has its own conditions, and ies have not significantly changed. its own story. The map here summarizes water quality (WQ), HH: Excess nutrients still cause frequent harmful algae human health (HH), and aquatic invasive species (AIS) issues blooms in most but not all recent years, affecting water sup- for each Lake segment. plies and leading to closure of public beaches. AIS: The water chestnut infestation in the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge is steadily decreasing, although infestations from a new species—variable-leaf watermil- foil found here in 2009—are cause for concern. 38 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM


WQ: The southernmost section (South Lake B) has a very MALLETTS BAY high annual phosphorus target (54 µg/l) which has been achieved consistently since 2006. South Lake A has WQ: Phosphorus concentrations have been increas- never met its target (25 µg/l) and frequently is well ing slightly since 1979; annual targets have not above it. Phosphorus from WWTFs is well below been met consistently since the mid-1990s, but the target for this segment. the target for Malletts Bay is very rigorous (10 µg/l). HH: Despite high phosphorus levels, algae blooms are infrequent. There are no public HH: Algae blooms are not yet a problem beaches in this lake segment. here. Beach closures due to bacteria do occur occasionally. AIS: A new invasive species, variable-leaf water- milfoil, was documented here in 2011. Dense water AIS: No new invasive species have been found in chestnut infestations are now more than 20 miles south of this lake segment. where they were in 1999, a notable success story. Infestations St. Albans Bay north of Dresden Narrows have been effectively managed, and progress continues to improve the southernmost areas. Burlington Bay Shelburne VERMONT Bay NEW YORK N QUEBÉC VERMONT Lake Champlain Richelieu River Champlain Canal (connects to Hudson River)


ORK Bay Y Crown Point QUEBÉC Cumberland Bay NEW South Bay

MAIN LAKE or BROAD LAKE WQ: water quality WQ: Burlington, Shelburne, and Cumberland Bays have all met annual phospho- rus targets at least seven times in the last 10 years. Phosphorus contributed from HH: human health WWTFs is less than half of the target, but nonpoint sources are estimated to AIS: aquatic invasive species deliver three times more than target levels. A few tributaries contribute less phosphorus to the Lake now than in 1990. HH: Small, localized algae blooms have become more frequent, and toxic bloom conditions have been detected for brief periods in local areas every year since 2009. Beach closures occur occasionally in Chittenden and Ad- dison counties of Vermont and the Plattsburgh, New York area. AIS: No new invasive species have been found in this Lake segment. STATE OF THE LAKE 2012 39 Champlain Basin. Of over 90 species of fish in the Basin, about 20 are sportfish prized by anglers. While the 2011 spring Recreation, Tourism & the Economy HOW ARE RECREATION AND A flooding may have helped some species, Tropical Storm Irene devastated habitats HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT for fish that spawn in the Lake’s tributar- ies, such as brook trout. Sedimentation RELATED? caused by streambank erosion reduced spawning habitats by covering up Severe weather events, which gravel needed for spawning. In addition, recovery efforts after the floods included are predicted to be more stream channelization and dredging common as a result of climate that compromised fish habitat in Lake changes, can affect much of the Champlain tributaries. natural and cultural resources Marinas, ferries, boat tours and other and infrastructure on which lake-dependent businesses lost revenue LCBP from flood damage and the resulting late History comes alive on the shores of Lake recreation in the Basin depends. start to the 2011 season. High water bat- Champlain at Fort , whose capture was critical early in the Revolutionary War. tered the lakeside Burlington Bike Path he Lake Champlain Basin has and severely damaged the Island Line man interaction with the landscape and a wealth of recreational oppor- . It is estimated there are more enables the LCBP—the managing entity Ttunities. From downhill skiing than 150,000 user visits each year to the of the CVNHP—to better integrate the to water skiing, hunting to hiking and Bike Path and Causeway, with 30% of interpretation of environmental issues birding to boating, the economy of the users coming from outside Chittenden with cultural heritage. region relies on a healthy environment. and Grand Isle counties. An estimated The State of the Lake 2008 report Recreational experiences in the Basin $2 million in repairs to these waterfront described the preparations for the Quad- foster appreciation of the watershed trails will be completed in 2012. ricentennial of ’s and increase personal commitments to With Lake Champlain’s vital role in 1609 of his namesake lake. stewardship. the formation of the United States and The LCBP provided 38 grants totaling Tourism studies have shown that vis- the industrial and agricultural develop- $386,803 to support quadricentennial itors describe the region as “beautiful”, ment of the region, the importance anniversary programs and events. In “natural”, “authentic”, and “respectful of long-term stewardship of the water addition, the LCBP has supported four of the environment.” Environmental resources that sustain us is a timely and voyages of the Lois McClure since the issues, including cyanobacteria blooms, relevant historical theme. The link last report: a journey to Québec City beach closures and alewife die-offs, between cultural and natural heritage is in 2008, a lake-wide Quadricenten- can threaten these public perceptions. supported by the management plan for nial cruise in 2009, a trip along the Erie Increasingly, recreation and the tour- the National Heritage Canal in 2010, and the “Forest, Farms, ist economy are directly affected by Partnership (CVNHP), which was ap- and Fisheries” tour in 2011. Operated by environmental changes and events such proved by the US Department of Interior the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, as the floods of 2011. Predicted climate in 2011. The new national heritage area the replica canal schooner serves as an change such as warmer temperatures provides support and funding for proj- ambassador of Lake Champlain history, and reduced ice cover will further affect ects and programs associated with the providing a floating interpretive display recreation, especially winter activities interpretive themes “Making of Nations,” that teaches visitors about the rich like ice fishing, ice skating, and skiing. “Corridor of Commerce,” and “Conserva- history of the Champlain Valley while LCBP Windsurfers flock to Cumberland Bay on windy Fishing is especially important to the tion and Community.” The latter focuses discussing contemporary environmental days. quality of life and economy of the Lake on the traditional and contemporary hu- concerns.


LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM The State of the Lake and Ecosystem Indicators report was compiled by the Lake TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Champlain Basin Program Steering Committee and staff, with input from the researchers listed on the left and LCBP committees. The report is available online Bill Ardren, US Fish and Wildlife Service Kevin Behm, Addison County VT Planning at www.lcbp.org/lcstate.htm. Breck Bowden, UVM Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources Bob Brower, NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets Lake Champlain Basin Program Laura DiPietro, VT Agency of Agriculture 54 West Shore Road Fred Dunlap, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Grand Isle, VT 05458 Jon Erickson, UVM Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources (802) 372-3213 Doug Facey, St. Michael’s College/Lake Champlain Research Consortium (800) 468-5227 (NY & VT) David Franzi, SUNY Plattsburgh www.lcbp.org Neil Kamman, VT Department of Environmental Conservation, Watershed [email protected] Management Division John Kanoza, Clinton County NY Health Department STAFF SUPPORTING THE PROGRAM* Mark Malchoff, Lake Champlain Sea Grant Call (802) 372-3213, unless otherwise noted Martin Mimeault, QC Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et Emily Bird - Education & Outreach Intern des Parcs Jim Brangan - Cultural Heritage & Recreation Coordinator Mario Paula, US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2 Fred Dunlap - NY Coordinator, NYSDEC, (518) 897-1241 Bernie Pientka, VT Fish and Wildlife Department Colleen Hickey - Education & Outreach Coordinator Fletcher (Kip) Potter, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Eric Howe - Technical Coordinator Vic Putman, Essex County Planning Bill Howland - Basin Program Manager Jamie Shanley, US Geological Survey Kathy Jarvis - Office Manager Paul Sisson, NOAA/National Weather Service Martin Mimeault - QC Coordinator, Québec MDDEP, (450) 928-7607 Eric Smeltzer, VT Department of Environmental Conservation, Watershed Ryan Mitchell - Communications & Publications Coordinator Management Division Meg Modley - Aquatic Nuisance Species Coordinator Ed Snizek, Adirondack Park Agency Elizabeth Lee Newman - Communications & Publications Associate Marilyn Stephenson, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Mario Paula - LC Coordinator, USEPA Region 2, (212) 637-3819 Michael Winslow, Lake Champlain Committee Pete Stangel, LTMP Coordinator Eric Young, Miner Institute Michaela Stickney - VT Coordinator, VTANR/LCBP (802) 241-3619 Stephanie Strouse -Technical Associate SPECIAL THANKS TO: Jeanne Voorhees - LC Coordinator, USEPA New England, (617) 918-1686 Chris Smith, US Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Room Staff: Laura Hollowell, Stephanie Larkin, Cynthia Norman (802) 864-1848 Laura Medalie, US Geological Survey Sylvie Blais, QC Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des *LCBP staff are employees of New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission Parcs Design: Ryan Mitchell, LCBP Publication Date: August 2012 Ann Bove, VT Agency of Natural Resources Printed at Queen City Printers on 100% post-consumer recycled and Forest Stewardship Council Chantal d’Auteuil, Corporation Bassin Versant Baie Missisquoi certified paper. FSC Logo Tim Hunt, VT Agency of Natural Resources Produced under US EPA grant #LC-96133701-0. The views expressed in this report do not Paul Marangelo, The Nature Conservancy necessarily reflect the positions of the US EPA or NEIWPCC. Ellen Marsden, University of Vermont Angela Shambaugh, VT Agency of Natural Resources Dave Tilton, US Fish and Wildlife Service VISIT WWW.LCBP.ORG/LCSTATE.HTM Chet Mackenzie, VT Fish & Wildlife Department TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS REPORT AND Dave Capen, University of Vermont TO OBTAIN REFERENCES. Erik Beck, US EPA Region 1 Nicole Grohoski, copy-editing …and many others who gave input on indicators. 54 West Shore Road Grand Isle, VT 05458