
2021 Champlain STATE of the LAKE and Ecosystem Indicators Report ABOUT THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM The Lake Champlain Basin The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) coordinates and funds efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources. The program works in partner- ship with federal agencies; state and provincial agencies from , QUÉBEC Sutton Québec, and ; local communities; businesses; and citizen groups. Philipsburg These partners lead collaborative actions to address water quality and Richford environmental challenges that cross political boundaries in a multinational watershed. Chazy Saint Albans The LCBP was created by the Lake Champlain Special Designation Act of LAKE Plattsburgh 1990, which named Lake Champlain as a resource of national significance. CHAMPLAIN S N I The LCBP was charged with developing and implementing a comprehen- A T sive and coordinated plan for protecting the Lake Champlain Basin. The NEW YORK N

U LCBP works closely with program partners to implement management Keeseville Stowe O Burlington goals outlined in Opportunities for Action: An Evolving Plan for the Future of M CK VERMONT the Lake Champlain Basin. S IN N ONDA E TA ADIR E

The Lake Champlain Steering Committee guides the LCBP’s work. Its Lake Placid OUNElizabethtown R Montpelier M G members include staff from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several other U.S. federal agencies, state and provincial governments in

New York, Québec, and Vermont; local governments; and Lake Champlain Port Henry Middlebury r e iv Sea Grant. The chairpersons of the LCBP’s Technical Advisory Committee, R ce en r r w e a v L i t. R Heritage Area Program Advisory Committee, Education and Outreach S 01020 u






c ONTARIO i Miles Advisory Committee, and Citizen Advisory Committees also serve on the R LAKE Steering Committee. CHAMPLAIN NEW YORK VERMONT The LCBP receives funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Rutland the Great Fishery Commission, and the U.S. National Park Service. NEIWPCC manages the LCBP’s financial, contractual, and human resources Whitehall business operations on behalf of the Lake Champlain Steering Committee. LAKE LCBP staff are employees of NEIWPCC. NEIWPCC is a regional commission GEORGE that helps the states of the Northeast preserve and advance water quality. Visit lcbp.org to learn more.

Cover photos: LCBP Introduction...... 2 Table of Contents Ecosystem Indicators Scorecard...... 3 State of the Lake Summary...... 4 Clean Water...... 6 Drinkable, Fishable, and Swimmable Water...... 6 Pathogens...... 8 Cyanobacteria...... 10 Nutrients...... 12 Contaminants...... 16 Healthy Ecosystems...... 18 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function...... 18 Aquatic Invasive Species...... 22 Thriving Communities...... 27 Community Health...... 27 National Heritage Partnership...... 29 Informed and Involved Public...... 30 Education and Outreach...... 30 Community Action...... 32 Acknowledgments...... 33

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 1 ake Champlain is a unique and invaluable and provides context on how pressures from This report also describes several ongoing resource for residents and visitors to our human activities have led us to this point. challenges. The amount of nutrients deliv-

Introduction region. Thousands of people rely on the LCBP strives to do this through graphs of ered to the Lake from the Basin each year LLake for sustenance, inspiration, and rejuve- scientific measurements with clear scientific must be reduced to meet water quality goals, nation. The Lake’s tributaries are the lifeblood interpretation and through an Ecosystem and warm weather cyanobacteria blooms of the ecosystem, connecting communities Indicator scorecard, which provides the continue to impact recreation in many parts and habitats in the farthest reaches of the status and long-term trends for several of the Lake. Despite several invasive species watershed to the Lake itself. The Lake Cham- important issues at a glance. interceptions and prevention measures, the plain Basin Program (LCBP) is committed to LCBP is pleased to include a new Ecosys- fishhook waterflea was discovered in the protecting, restoring, and preserving Lake tem Indicator in this report—the first in Lake in 2018. Champlain and its watershed through collab- nearly two decades—to help readers under- As the COVID-19 pandemic changed the orative partnerships and through leveraging stand changes in how often the Lake freezes world in countless ways and severely limited the strength of its communities. over and potential impacts of these warming public engagement in 2020, many outreach LCBP and its partners manage the trends on the Lake’s ecosystem. The report and interpretation programs were postponed Lake Champlain Basin with a “Pressure- also includes several new figures to illustrate or transitioned to virtual platforms. Many State-Response” approach. In this model, changing chloride levels, the relationship of these new approaches to informing and “pressures” represent challenges introduced between phosphorus and nitrogen and involving the public will be lasting and will by human activities, the “state” is science- possible impacts on cyanobacteria (former- shape our future work to protect and restore based evidence for the condition of the ly called “blue-green algae”) blooms, and the health of the Basin. ecosystem, and the “response” is LCBP’s plan access for landlocked to LCBP is working with new and existing to protect and restore Lake Champlain and their historical ranges in major rivers of the partners to include, amplify, and translate its watershed. Every three years, the State Basin. A new map in the report highlights messaging to more communities in the Lake of the Lake and Ecosystem Indicators Report conserved lands around the Basin and public Champlain Basin; to encourage projects and documents the state of the Lake’s ecosystem beach locations on the Lake. Public access programs that look beyond traditional out- is now more important than ever, since the reach; and to develop new approaches that COVID-19 pandemic drove people to find will be more inclusive. This collaborative recreation opportunities on conserved lands, approach by all users of the Lake will help P lakes, and public trail systems in new ways. the community to achieve its shared goals RE Many stories shared in this report are for clean water, healthy ecosystems, thriving E S S S encouraging. Fisheries managers are reduc- communities, and an informed and involved N U R O ing the number of stocked by 33%, public. E P a decision informed by the documented This document is complemented by the S E success of wild lake trout reproduction over State of the Lake website, which contains addi- R several years. Surveys have shown that 60% tional content, a full French translation, and of boaters take precautions to prevent the citations for the scientific literature and tech- spread of invasive species, signaling aware- nical reports that inform the report. Learn ness of individual responsibility in prevent- more at sol.lcbp.org. ing invasive species introduction and spread. New programs are connecting students and STATE adults to the history and heritage of the re- gion and are bringing kids outside to experi- ence and learn about their watershed.

2 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM ECOSYSTEM INDICATORS by LAKE SEGMENT Introduction MISSISQUOI NORTHEAST MALLETTS MAIN SOUTH BAY ARM* BAY LAKE LAKE Trend Start STATUS TREND STATUS TREND STATUS TREND STATUS TREND STATUS TREND Phosphorus in Lake (p. 13) 1990 ~ ~ ~ ~ Phosphorus from rivers (p. 14) 1991 ~ ~ ~ CLEAN Phosphorus from WWTFs† §(p. 15) 1995 WATER Cyanobacteria blooms (p. 11) 2013 ~ ~ ~ ~ Fish consumption advisories† (p. 7) 2018 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sea wounding† (p. 24) 2003 HEALTHY New aquatic invasive species (p. 22) 2018 ECOSYSTEMS Invasive water chestnut coverage (p. 26) 2018 ~ ~

CLIMATE IMPACTS Lake Champlain freeze-over (p. 21) 1906 Trend: Lake surface freezing over less frequently.

* Northeast Arm indicator statuses and trends for in-lake phosphorus concentra- § Wastewater treatment facilities tions, tributary phosphorus loading to the Lake, and cyanobacteria blooms do not include data from St. Albans Bay. Some trends may be impacted by year-to-year differences in data collection and reporting. This is especially true for cyanobacteria bloom data, which is collected by a network of volunteer † These lake-wide indicators are the same for all segments. community scientists.

sing the most current data acteristics. Responses from and and state, provincial, and federal STATUS available, the 2021 Ecosys- management actions of LCBP and technical experts as the best means tem Indicators Scorecard its partners have improved some of characterizing progress, or the GOOD Udescribes the status and trends of of these indicators in many ways; lack of it, in areas where adequate FAIR Lake Champlain’s five major seg- others will continue to improve as data exist. Detailed explanations of POOR ments: , Northeast LCBP works toward its mission. A each indicator and the criteria used Arm, Malletts Bay, Main Lake, and new indicator was added for this re- to determine the scores are avail- NO STATUS DATA AVAILABLE South Lake. Nine indicators have port: Lake Champlain freeze-over. able on the LCBP State of the Lake traditionally been used to charac- Management activities likely will website (sol.lcbp.org). TREND terize the current condition of Lake have little impact on this trend, but The State of the Lake Summary IMPROVING Champlain. Many pressures influ- changes in ice cover may impact on pages 4 and 5 of this docu- ence the indicators for each seg- the Lake’s ecosystem and are worth ment highlights key issues for each ~ NO TREND ment and affect the five segments reporting. of these five major Lake segments. DETERIORATING differently, depending on their dis- Indicators were chosen with the tinct physical and biological char- guidance of dozens of scientists NO TREND DATA AVAILABLE


Missisquoi Bay Northeast Arm Malletts Bay This shallow bay spans Québec and Vermont Located entirely within the state of Vermont, A large, deep bay, Malletts Bay offers a mix and is fed by the Missisquoi, Pike, and Rock the Northeast Arm holds about 13% of the of cold- and cool-water fishing and serves as Rivers. The bay contains less than 1% of the Lake’s volume. This relatively deep Lake seg- a recreation hub for sailing and other boat- Lake’s total volume but 7% of the Lake’s sur- ment is dotted with many islands, bays, and ing activities. Over the past 10 years, phos- face area. Venise-en-Québec and other towns shallower areas, creating a favorite area for phorus concentrations in this Lake segment on the bay rely heavily on the health of Missis- many boaters and anglers. St. Albans Bay, a have been just above the phosphorus limit, quoi Bay for their tourism industry. Elevated large and productive bay, has frequent chal- and cyanobacteria blooms are infrequent. nutrient concentrations and seasonal release lenges with cyanobacteria blooms. A small The bay is home to one of the busiest public of legacy phosphorus from lake sediments population of invasive water chestnut is suc- launches on Lake Champlain, creating a need contribute to frequent cyanobacteria blooms cessfully managed in this bay. for increased aquatic invasive species spread in warm months, inhibiting recreation oppor- prevention work. tunities and other uses of the Lake. St. Albans Bay Shelburne Missisquoi Burlington Bay Bay Bay


Main Lake Crown This is the largest segment of the Lake, con- Willsboro N Bay Point taining about 85% of the Lake’s total volume. Cumberland The water quality in this segment is gener- Bay South Lake ally excellent, offering plentiful recreation The South Lake is narrow, shallow, and mark- opportunities, angling for cold-, cool-, and edly different from the rest of Lake Cham- warm-water fish, and a high quality drinking plain. This area is known for scenic views water supply for many Lake Champlain Basin and biological diversity. A number of native residents. Cyanobacteria blooms appear here mussel species are found here, and the Poult- only occasionally. This segment also offers ney River system provides crucial habitat many historic interpretation opportunities, and large wetland complexes along the river. from shipwrecks in the Lake to historic forts Consistent support for invasive water chest- on the hillsides. nut management in the South Lake continues to yield gains in reducing stress on the aquatic plant community and local recreation. 4 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Clean Water Healthy Ecosystems Thriving Communities In most parts of Lake Champlain The Lake Champlain Basin provides Nearly 40% of the land area in the

water quality remains good, how- habitat for thousands of native Lake Champlain Basin is conserved Introduction ever the Lake does not meet Clean species, including more than 70 to some extent, providing ample Water Act goals for all uses. Fortu- species of threatened and endan- recreational opportunities. The nately, despite current water challenges the gered fish and wildlife. However, climate COVID-19 pandemic reinforced the need for Lake continues to provide quality drinking change, invasive species, and pressures from conserved lands and public spaces—pub- water, and water-based recreation remains human activities all threaten the health of the lic trail systems, boat launches, and other available to residents most of the time. Still, Basin’s ecosystem. Successful wild lake trout outdoor recreation spaces saw a significant cyanobacteria blooms impact recreation reproduction has allowed for the reduction of increase in use, to the point where New during the summer months, especially where stocking of this species to maintain a balance York State has enacted a system to address phosphorus levels remain too high and in of predators and prey in the Lake. Aquatic overcrowding. LCBP and partners have been other areas when warm weather persists. passage restoration has provided gains for working to ensure inclusion of traditionally Some beaches are occasionally closed due to Atlantic salmon habitat, but many systems underserved and Indigenous communities in too much bacteria, typically following large remain fragmented. Wounding of lake trout Lake-related programs across the Basin. The storm events. Lake-wide, fish consumption by remains above targets, but LCBP acknowledges the history and culture of advisories remain in place due to mercury, a Atlantic salmon are near target rates. Lake Indigenous people of the Basin and recogniz- St. Albans problem in lakes across the Northeast, and Champlain freezes over much less often than es that we are all stewards of our natural and Bay chloride levels are increasing but remain well it did in the recent past, causing ecosystem cultural resources. Shelburne Missisquoi Burlington below the point of impacting drinking water effects that are not fully understood. Efforts Bay Bay Bay quality. Municipalities are upgrading com- to reduce the introduction of new invasive bined sewer systems to reduce the occurrence species have been successful, but established Informed and Involved Public of overflows, which can send pathogens from populations continue to do harm, and new Watershed education efforts have untreated waste into the Lake. threats require vigilance. Impacts from inva- reached many learners of all ages sive water chestnut have decreased signifi- throughout the Lake Champlain LAKE CHAMPLAIN cantly following effective management. Basin, developing future stewards of our water resources. During the 2018– 2020 time period, boat launch stewards reached more than 192,000 boaters at public Crown Willsboro N boat launches with messaging related to Bay Point Cumberland invasive species and other water quality Bay issues. The LCBP Resource Room connected in person with more than 70,000 visitors during this same period. New programs target specific focus areas, such as residen- tial lawn care for water quality or field trip opportunities for students. The COVID-19 pandemic created new opportunities to develop virtual programs, which allowed for broader reach to wider audiences and which will likely continue.

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 5 Clean Water GOAL: Water in the Lake Champlain Basin’s lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams will sustain diverse ecosystems, support vibrant communities and working landscapes, and provide safe recreation opportunities.

The rain and snow that fall on the Lake Champlain watershed feed DRINKABLE, FISHABLE, AND 14,700 miles of streams and rivers SWIMMABLE WATER that deliver more than 2 trillion gallons of water to the Lake each Lake Champlain provides high-quality drinking water, including several microor- year. Streams and rivers also carry drinking water to more than 145,000 ganisms, disinfectants, disinfection by-prod- vital nutrients, organic material, people. ucts, inorganic and organic contaminants, and pollutants that each play a role and radionuclides. Drinking water from Lake in the quality of Lake Champlain’s Lake Champlain is a safe and reliable source Champlain rarely exceeds limits for any of of drinking water to approximately 24% of the these contaminants. water for drinking, recreation, and Basin’s population. There are 100 public water a functioning ecosystem with native suppliers in the Lake Champlain Basin that Lake Champlain fish can be safely wildlife. Water quality in many regions pump, treat, and distribute water for use and enjoyed as part of a healthy diet when of the Lake is excellent, though consumption. As is true throughout much of consumption advisories are followed. the world, consuming untreated water is con- human activities in the past and sidered unsafe and is not recommended. Fishing is an important way that communities present create challenges for Lake All public water utilities are required to in the Basin connect with the Lake Champlain Champlain’s future. monitor for 86 potential contaminants in ecosystem. New York, Vermont, and Québec

6 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM have each determined safe fish consumption ticularly true from the 1990s until 2011, when Lake, and hundreds of river swimming holes. levels for their jurisdictions to provide guid- mercury decreased in nearly all fish species For most of the swimming season, beaches in

ance to anglers. sampled (Figure 1). Between 2011 and 2017, most places on Lake Champlain are safe and Clean Water Mercury biomagnifies through the food however, the trend reversed, and mercury was open to the public. When considered togeth- chain, which means that older, larger preda- found to have increased in all species sam- er, the 17 public beaches included in Figure tory fish typically contain more mercury than pled. The reason for this reversal is unclear, 2 were open for swimming about 97% of the smaller fish. Therefore, a small species such and research is underway to investigate poten- time from Memorial Day to Labor Day during as yellow perch will generally contain lower tial causes for the change. the 2018–2020 timeframe. When a public levels of mercury than lake trout, a larger beach is closed for health concerns, it is usu- predatory fish. Because children and women ally a result of a cyanobacteria bloom, which of childbearing age may be more susceptible The Lake Champlain Basin’s rivers and caused closures about 2% of the days during to negative effects of mercury consumption, lakes are safe for swimming at most this time frame, or elevated levels of coliform advisories are sometimes more restrictive for times. bacteria, which caused closures less than 1% these groups. of the days. Although several of these beaches Local and national efforts have resulted in The Lake Champlain Basin provides count- had very few or no closures in 2018–2020, St. decreases in mercury concentration in several less opportunities for swimming with its 587 Albans Bay Park was affected the most and Lake Champlain fish species. This was par- miles of shoreline, 54 public beaches on the was open 87.5% of the time.

1.0 walleye lake smallmouth white yellow 0.9 trout bass perch perch 0.8



0.5 U.S. EPA fish tissue criterion 0.4 for mercury





Average mercury concentration* (parts per million)





















2 1

Photo: Rachel Hamm Vaughan Figure 1 | Mercury concentration in Lake Champlain fish tissue 2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 7 Lake-Wide Beach Status Reports, 2018–2020 50

Clean Water 40 PATHOGENS 30

20 Concerns for pathogens can impact

Number of reports 10 recreation on Lake Champlain.

11 0 17 Harmful disease-causing organisms or viruses Jun 1 Jul 1 Aug 1 Sept 1 known as pathogens can be transported from the digestive tracts of animals to any lake or Daily Status Reports by Beach 6 10 river, including those in the Lake Champlain 2018 2019 2020 Basin. These pathogens can be transported in 1 Ausable Point S.P. water that comes in contact with pet, wildlife, 2 Bayside Beach or livestock waste as it moves through the Blanchard Beach 3 1 landscape or in untreated sewage water. Be- 4 Bulwagga Bay Beach 15 2 cause it is impractical to test lake or drinking 5 Charlotte Town Beach water for every waterborne pathogen, drink- 12 7 6 Cumberland Bay S.P. ing water providers and public beach man- 8 agers instead test for cell counts of coliform 7 Leddy Beach 3 9 bacteria—a group of mostly harmless bacteria 8 North Beach 16 14 that are present in the digestive tract of all Oakledge Park 9 5 animals, including humans. Elevated levels of 10 Plattsburgh Mun. Beach coliform bacteria may indicate fecal contam- 11 Point Au Roche S.P. ination and the possible presence of water- 12 Port Douglas Beach borne pathogens. Elevated coliform bacteria 13 Port Henry Mun. Beach levels in localized areas of Lake Champlain 14 Red Rocks Beach typically only occur following rainstorms that 15 Rossetti Natural Area wash bacteria, sediment, and pollutants into 16 Shelburne Town Beach the Lake. 17 St. Albans Bay Park

13 Combined sewer overflow events are Jul 1 Jul 1 Jul 1 Jun 1 Jun 1 Jun 1 Sep 1 Sep 1 Sep 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 potential sources of pathogens and are a Beach open Beach closed – Beach closed – 4 challenge to eliminate. cyanobacteria coliform To minimize the threat of waterborne patho- NOTE: Non-water quality closures are not represented. Québec beaches are not gens and other pollutants, it is usually best officially monitored for cyanobacteria. for cities and towns to maintain separate pipe DATA SOURCES: Town Offices, VT ANR, UVM, NYS DOH, MELCC networks to transport stormwater and sani- tary sewage independently. However, several Figure 2 | Reported public beach closures on Lake Champlain municipalities in the Lake Champlain Basin


have “combined” systems, where stormwater stormwater systems by separating their sys- and sanitary sewage flows are combined in tems, eliminating discharge points, upgrading places into one piping network and conveyed their treatment facilities, and implementing to a wastewater treatment facility. When green stormwater infrastructure projects to heavy rainfall creates more stormwater runoff reduceCombined stormwater Sewer inputs. Overflows in the Lake Champlain Basin than can be accommodated by a combined system, a combined sewer overflow (CSO) mild weather event intense weather event allows some of this water to be discharged to a nearby waterway through overflow pipes (Figure 3). During a CSO, untreated or partial- ly treated sewage may then enter a stream or river and eventually the Lake. Although CSOs storm storm can be a primary cause of temporary localized drain drain elevated coliform bacteria levels, their contri- sewage and sewage and bution to Lake Champlain nutrient pollution stormwater stormwater is insignificant compared to other sources.

Efforts are underway to better understand to treatment to treatment and address the sources of coliform bacteria plant plant in the Lake Champlain Basin’s waterways. The City of Plattsburgh, for example, used DNA tracking technology to determine the source annual phosphorus bacteria from of coliform bacteria that led to public beach 0.04 input from CSOs CSOs can closures along the city’s Lake Champlain shore- % close beaches line. The study found that gulls and cows were the most common sources of coliform bacteria during dry weather conditions and after rain- $ storms that did not result in CSOs. After storms 64 that resulted in CSOs, the most common sourc- 87 2.1 es were gulls, humans, and dogs. % million Substantial efforts have been made to 31 reduce the number of CSO events in the Lake discharge points recent average cost Champlain Basin. Since 1990, the number of eliminated since per discharge point 1990 2020 CSO discharge points in the New York and 1990 in NY and VT eliminated in VT Vermont portions of the Basin has decreased from 87 to 31. Municipalities throughout the Basin are working to reduce pressure on their Figure 3 | Combined sewer overflows in the Lake Champlain Basin

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 9 Recent cyanobacteria blooms have impacted recreation opportunities for

Clean Water CYANOBACTERIA residents and visitors. In the summer and fall of 2020, extended periods of warm and calm conditions caused cyanobacte- Since 2013, 95% of routine visual nobacteria Monitoring Program. During the ria blooms and beach closures in many assessments on Lake Champlain during warm months, more than 100 community sci- regions of Lake Champlain, including the the recreational season reported entist volunteers report each week on water Burlington area. Unfortunately, climate conditions along the shoreline. If a cyanobac- change may increase these periods of conditions free of cyanobacteria teria bloom is visible, an alert is posted online warm and calm conditions to make in- blooms. Cyanobacteria conditions vary to the Lake Champlain CyanoTracker Map creasingly favorable conditions for blooms significantly among lake segments, hosted by the Vermont Department of Health. in the future. and warm weather blooms continue to If the bloom is at a public beach, it is recom- present a challenge to recreation and mended that the beach is closed to swimming Cyanotoxins are rarely detected in public health. as a precautionary measure, even if cyano- Lake Champlain, though it is best to toxin concentrations are not known. In many avoid areas with active cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria are a group of primitive bacte- cases, water samples are tested for cyanotox- ria that are native to nearly every ecosystem ins to determine whether the beach is safe for blooms. on Earth. Several species of cyanobacteria swimming, and local authorities are notified Laboratory results from Lake Champlain are found in Lake Champlain, and most of the if test results merit closure of the beach. water samples have shown that when time they do not cause harm. Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria blooms are not present most there is no cyanobacteria bloom visible, can become harmful and impact recreation days in Lake Champlain, and over 95% of the cyanotoxins are very rarely detected and when their growth is accelerated by calm, approximately 9,500 routine visual assessment have never been measured above recre- warm weather and excessive levels of nutri- reports submitted since 2013 have reported ational thresholds for public safety. In ad- ents such as nitrogen and phosphorus. “generally safe” conditions during the recre- dition, cyanotoxins are often not detected A cyanobacteria bloom occurs when colo- ational season (Figure 4). Bloom frequency in water when cyanobacteria blooms are nies of cyanobacteria become large enough and intensity varies drastically among Lake visible. During the 2018–2020 time period, to see with the naked eye and form a surface regions; 98% of reports from Main Lake loca- cyanotoxins were detected in 12 of the scum. These colonies often look like green tions since 2013 indicated “generally safe” con- 262 water samples tested, and all samples pinhead-sized balls and can form a layer on ditions while that figure is 77% and 79% for St. were well below public safety recreational the surface of the water that may resemble Albans and Missisquoi Bays, respectively. threshold levels. thick pea soup or a paint spill. Cyanobacte- ria blooms can sometimes produce toxins (known as cyanotoxins) that can be harm- ful if ingested by humans, pets, or wildlife. Cyanobacteria blooms also can have other cyanobacteria blooms = adverse effects on Lake Champlain, such as reduced oxygen levels in the water and nox- warm ious odors. excessive calm nutrients water water The LCBP works with the Lake Champlain + + Committee and Vermont and New York state partners to support the Lake Champlain Cya-

10 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Lake-Wide Reports Since 2015, the 22 Lake Champlain-sourced measure cyanotoxins in fish tissue, determine 100% public water supply systems in Vermont whether cyanotoxins might aerosolize and

each have voluntarily tested raw and finished impact shoreline air quality, and determine Clean Water 75 (treated) water for cyanotoxins during the public perception of cyanobacteria blooms in warm months. Among over 1,300 samples their communities. 50 from these facilities in the summers of 2018– The LCBP and its partners are addressing 2020, there were no detections of cyanotoxins the root cause of cyanobacteria blooms in 25 avg. number of in finished drinking water samples and two Lake Champlain by working to limit the lev- reports per year: 1,194 low-level detections of cyanotoxins in raw wa- els of nutrients available for their growth. 0 2014 2016 2018 2020 ter samples, which were not confirmed upon repeated sampling. Reports by Segment

MISSISQUOI BAY INLAND SEA A recent study found no cyanotoxins in 100% Lake Champlain fish tissue. 75 The RPI Darrin Institute re- 50 cently collected Lake Champlain fish during 25 low- and high-severity cyanobacteria blooms 86 237 0 and analyzed fish tissues for three types of cyanotoxins: microcystin, anatoxin-a, and MAIN LAKE ST. ALBANS BAY cylindrospermopsin. None of these cyanotox- 100% ins were detected among the 5 species and 75 153 specimens sampled, suggesting that these 50 cyanotoxins did not accumulate in fish tissue 25 in Lake Champlain. 723 82 0 There is ongoing work to determine SOUTH LAKE MALLETTS BAY 100% the potential impact of cyanobacteria

75 blooms and associated cyanotoxins on An aerial photo of a cyanobacteria bloom in progress. Photo: 50 water quality and public health. Spatial Analysis Lab 25 avg. number of In addition to the Lake Champlain Cyanobac- 33 reports per year: 55 teria Monitoring Program, partners in the 0 2014 2016 2018 2020 2014 2016 2018 2020 Basin are pushing the envelope to inform our understanding and management of cyanobac- Generally safe Low alert High alert teria blooms. The University of Vermont is at the forefront of this research, with projects DATA SOURCE: Lake Champlain Cyanobacteria Monitoring that will use drones to determine the extent of Program (LCBP, LCC, VT ANR, NYSDEC, VTDOH ) cyanobacteria blooms and satellite images to study the distribution and severity of cya- Figure 4 | Cyanobacteria monitoring nobacteria blooms across Lake Champlain. reports on Lake Champlain There are also studies that will continue to

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 11 ments and are less impacted by year-to-year changes in river loading. In the long term,

Clean Water NUTRIENTS reducing tributary loading is the only way to reduce nutrient levels in Lake Champlain.

Nutrients are essential for life but create may release more phosphorus, possibly can- Phosphorus is a key nutrient driving problems for lakes when in excess. celing out some gains made through pollu- cyanobacteria blooms. tion-reduction efforts. Nutrients, including nitrogen and phosphorus, Research has shown that the primary driv- Photosynthesizing plants, algae, and cyanobac- are a natural part of all ecosystems, are essen- ers of annual in-lake nitrogen and phosphorus teria all require a supply of carbon, nitrogen, tial for all forms of life, and have been deliv- levels differ for shallow and deep regions of phosphorus, and light in their environment to ered to Lake Champlain by natural processes Lake Champlain. In deep regions, these nu- grow. Because other nutrients are generally for millennia. In the post-industrial era, how- trient levels are driven by tributary inputs of plentiful in Lake Champlain, phosphorus is ever, human activities have rapidly increased “dissolved” nitrogen and phosphorus—forms often the resource that limits growth of cya- the rate of nitrogen and phosphorus delivery to that are not bound to larger sediments and nobacteria. In order to reduce the occurrence Lake Champlain and to thousands of waterbod- that are small enough to be invisible in the and persistence of cyanobacteria blooms, lake ies around the world, with profound effects on water. In shallow regions, nutrient levels are managers have set targeted limits on phospho- freshwater systems. driven by internal processes such as biolog- rus concentrations for each segment of the For every square mile on the surface of ical transformations of nitrogen and legacy Lake and work to reduce the loading of phos- Lake Champlain, 18 square miles of land in phosphorus released from lake-bottom sedi- phorus to the Lake from tributaries. the Lake Champlain Basin deliver water to 1% the Lake and contribute sediment, nutrients, 4% 2% and other potential pollutants. For the Great 6% metric tons per square mile Lakes, this ratio is much lower: there is only 18% 1.5 to 3.4 times as much land as lake surface 16% 38% 0.51 Total: Total: area in those basins. Most nutrients come 921 8,234 0.25 from sources on the land (Figure 5), so the metric sq miles tons* 0.08 relatively high land-to-lake area ratio for Lake 18% Champlain poses a significant challenge in 73% 0.03 limiting nutrient pollution. 20%

Rivers are the pathways for water, sediment, † land area load per land area and nutrients to move into Lake Champlain. annual load

Each year, the Lake’s tributaries deliver about Wastewater 921 metric tons (roughly 2 million pounds) of Developed treatment Agriculture Wetlands Forest Streambank phosphorus. Annual changes in phosphorus land facilities delivery to the Lake depend upon the amount * Estimated 2001–2010 of rain and runoff in the watershed; this vari- † Does not include load from streambanks and wastewater treatment facilities ability due to precipitation and temperature may confound efforts to reduce phosphorus DATA SOURCES: Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Program; 2016 Phosphorus TMDLs for Vermont loading. While management practices may Segments of Lake Champlain help to reduce inputs, the increasingly intense rainstorms associated with climate change Figure 5 | Annual phosphorus loading to Lake Champlain by land cover

12 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM MISSISQUOI BAY Many Lake segments have phosphorus concentrations that are often near or below targeted limits. However, 25 Clean Water phosphorus concentrations in Lake

Champlain’s shallow bays are often ST. ALBANS BAY above these limits. Excessive phosphorus has a significant impact on a lake’s ecosystem and is a contributing 14 17 cause of cyanobacteria blooms. Phosphorus concentration limits for 13 segments of Lake CUMBERLAND BAY NORTHEAST ARM Champlain (Figure 6) were established in 1991, and the LCBP has supported monitoring efforts for phosphorus concentrations in the Lake 14 14 since 1990. From 1990 to 2020, most segments did not show long-term trends in phosphorus concentration, though the Northeast Arm MAIN LAKE MALLETTS BAY showed an increasing trend over this time period. Annual average concentrations often have been near or below targeted limits since 10 10 1990 in the Main Lake, Isle La Motte segment, Cumberland Bay, Port Henry, South Lake B PORT HENRY BURLINGTON BAY segment, Malletts Bay, Burlington Bay, and Shelburne Bay, which together make up ap- proximately 82% of Lake Champlain’s volume. 14 14

SOUTH LAKE A LOAD SHELBURNE BAY Total amount delivered to the Lake in a period of 25 No data time, typically 14 reported as metric tons* per year SOUTH LAKE B Exceeds P limit (mt/yr). 60 54 P limit 40 Below P limit No data CONCENTRATION 20 14

The amount Concentration Phosphorus (P) 0 measured in a unit (micrograms/liter) 1990 2000 2010 2020 volume of water, typically reported NOTE: Data for Isle La Motte includes two stations. as micrograms per DATA SOURCES: Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Program (LCBP, VT ANR, NYSDEC ) liter (µg/L).

*One metric ton = 2,205 lbs. Figure 6 | Annual average phosphorus concentration by Lake segment

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 13 Phosphorus concentrations above limits; phosphorus loading to other seg- Many efforts are underway to reduce established limits have been observed in the ments, such as Missisquoi Bay, has been well phosphorus loading and ultimately

Clean Water shallow waters of Missisquoi and St. Albans above limits (Figure 7). Because nutrients reduce phosphorus concentrations in Bays, the South Lake A segment, and also in and sediment are primarily transported to Lake Champlain. the deeper Northeast Arm segment. Some the Lake during periods of high river flows, of these areas have high phosphorus loads phosphorus loading is strongly influenced by Lake Champlain has been the focus of renewed from their contributing sub-watersheds. annual differences in snowpack, rainfall, and investments in watershed management prac- Also, shallow bays are more susceptible to periods of drought. This year-to-year variabil- tices by the U.S. federal government, state and problems associated with excess phosphorus ity in loading is likely to continue and may provincial agencies, and municipalities. Recent than the deeper bays and Main Lake because increase as a result of changing precipitation investments in wastewater treatment facilities there is less water to dilute nutrients. patterns due to climate change. This means have driven significant reductions in phos- Shallow bays are also more affected by that reducing the average annual phospho- phorus loading from these sources in all three “legacy phosphorus” that is released from rus loading is critical for the future of Lake jurisdictions (Figure 8). In 2015, the Vermont bottom sediments into the water column Champlain’s water quality. legislature passed the Clean Water Act (Act during low-oxygen conditions. 64), which established several new rules and established revenue requirements for the Ver- Phosphorus loading to Lake Champlain mont Clean Water Fund to reduce the amount Estimated loading varies greatly from year to year and compared to limit: of phosphorus and other pollution entering generally needs to be reduced to meet 5 times greater the state’s waterways. Vermont and Québec 3 times greater adopted an agreement concerning phosphorus water quality goals. reduction in Missisquoi Bay in 2002. The agree- on track Phosphorus loading has remained a challenge ment reaffirmed the phosphorus concentration Main Lake for Lake Champlain, and long-term trends half limit for the bay and established a phosphorus have not improved in most tributaries. Al- loading limit for the bay’s watershed. The two though long-term decreases have been docu- jurisdictions recently renewed the agreement mented in the Great Chazy, Salmon, Ausable, and shared common goals for the restoration

Little Ausable, LaPlatte, and Pike Rivers, Cumberland Bay of Missisquoi Bay. long-term increases in phosphorus loading have been documented in Lewis, Otter, and Little Otter Creeks and in the Missisquoi and Poultney Rivers. All other monitored tribu- taries show no significant long-term trends in Missisquoi Bay phosphorus loading. 1990 2000 2010 2020 In 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency produced an updated Vermont Total NOTES: The vertical axis is log-transformed in order Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for phospho- to clearly show how phosphorus loading compares to limits. Three representative Lake segments are rus loading into 12 Vermont segments of shown out of 13 in Lake Champlain. Lake Champlain while New York continues DATA SOURCE: Lake Champlain Long-Term to work toward the TMDL set in 2002 for New Monitoring Program (LCBP, VT ANR, NYSDEC ) York segments of the watershed. Phospho- rus loading to some Lake segments, such as Figure 7 | Phosphorus loading to Lake Cumberland Bay, has been at or below these segments compared to TMDL limits Sediment plume at the Delta. Photo: LCBP

14 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Farmers, resource management agencies, The relative amounts of nitrogen and and local watershed organizations have long phosphorus in lake water can influence recognized that farms in the Basin play a sig- cyanobacteria blooms, and several Clean Water nificant role in nutrient pollution challenges. factors are changing the balance of Several initiatives are underway to help the agricultural sector in meeting targeted phos- these nutrients in Lake Champlain. phorus loading limits and ultimately reducing Although it usually is not the primary driver ive in

D in-lake phosphorus concentrations. Ongoing of cyanobacteria growth, nitrogen is another

grant programs, wastewater treatment up- key nutrient that has important influence over

What You Can Do

grades, agricultural support to implement ecosystems and can impact how cyanobacte-

w best management practices, and outreach ria blooms are established. Many species of Test your soil. To reduce nutri- h o at n d programs all contribute to the reduction of cyanobacteria have the remarkable ability to ent runoff from your property, test you ca phosphorus loading. capture their own nitrogen from the atmo- lawn and garden soil to determine the nutri- sphere. This means that when the in-lake ents the soil needs to support your plants be- fore using fertilizer. It may be possible to use less fertilizer than you think or none at all. 120 Number of Facilities Foster healthy soil. Improve soil health in your lawn and garden rather than relying on lawn care products that import nutrients into

80 59 29 10 waterways. Adding compost and increasing Missing Vermont New York Québec aeration can help build healthy soil. data Raise the blade. Set your lawn mower blade to 3 inches, and leave grass clippings on the

40 NY limit lawn. Tall grass is healthier and has deeper VT limit roots that hold more water, reducing storm- water runoff. Phosphorus load (metric tons per year) QC limit Reduce runoff.Try simple ways to reduce 0 stormwater runoff around your home. Redi- 1976 1978 1990 2000 2010 2020 rect your gutter downspouts to a lawn, plant a rain garden, or install a rain barrel. Wastewater eluent P limit of Total P load Dishwasher detergent New P TMDL 0.8 mg/L adopted in VT limits with P banned in NY and established in VT Wash your car on the lawn. Wash your established VT Wastewater eluent P limit of vehicle on a lawn instead of a driveway to 1 mg/L adopted in QC and Dishwasher detergent prevent detergents from running into water- laundry detergent with P with P banned in QC banned in VT ways. Or use a car wash where the water is Laundry detergent with P banned in NY treated after use. Create natural buffers.Protect and plant NOTE: The Québec target is an estimate based on the 2002 VT/QC agreement for Missisquoi Bay. The New York native vegetation, especially along shore- target is based on the 2002 TMDL. The Vermont target is based on the 2016 TMDL. lines and riverbanks to hold soil in place and DATA SOURCES: NYSDEC, VTDEC, QC MELCC reduce erosion. Figure 8 | Annual phosphorus load from wastewater treatment facilities by jurisdiction

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 15 16 Water Clean LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM CHAMPLAIN LAKE to phosphorus inLake Champlain Figure 9| rus intheLake (Figure 9). the relative balance ofnitrogen and phospho Air Act. This decline contributes tochanges in lowing theimplementation oftheU.S. Clean nitrogen inputs from fossil fuel emissionsfol in 1990,which islikely driven by decreases in trogen concentration sincemonitoringbegan likely todevelop into bloom conditions. ton growing inthewater and may bemore can sometimesoutcompete other phytoplank toward relatively lessnitrogen, cyanobacteria balance ofnitrogen and phosphorus istilted Program (LCBP, VTANR,NYSDEC ) DATA SOURCE:Lake ChamplainLong-Term Monitoring clearly show changes inthisratio. NOTE: Thevertical axisislog-transformed inorder to

Ratio of nitrogen : phosphorus There hasbeenaLake-wide decrease inni 60:1 70:1 80:1 30:1 50:1 40:1 1990 lower ratioofnitrogen bloom establishment favor cyanobacteria to phosphorusmay Annualaverage ratio of nitrogen 2000 2010 shallow sites deep sites 2020 - - - - Champlain andits tributaries, buttheir contaminants are present inLake Some toxic substances and an ecosystem, including producers, primary high-level salinizationcan impact all levels of and the world. Negative effects oflow- and throughout theLake Champlain region tion offreshwater systems hasbeen found salinization. Recent human-causedsaliniza rivers and lakes saltier, aprocess knownas ter inputs torivers and streams. This makes by snowmelt orrain runoff and by groundwa transported totheLake throughout theyear the winter contain chloride, which can be Deicing saltsapplied toroad surfacesduring attributed to winter road deicing. rivers are well documented andcan be increases intheBasin’s lakes and Long-term chlorideconcentration its tributaries are currently underway. lence ofcontaminants inLake Champlain and understand tobetter stood. Efforts thepreva system and human health are not well under low-concentration toxic substances oneco concentration levels. The long-termeffects of tested for orare sometimesfound atvery low substances are oftennot detected when cumulating toxic substances. Many of these pesticides, PCBs, mercury, and other bioac microplastics, pharmaceuticals, road salt, concern inLake Champlain; theseinclude A number ofpollutants are ofpotential understood. effects andprevalence are not well CONTAMINANTS ------concentration inLake Champlain Figure 10| amount annually. years, itdelivered approximately that twice monitoring began intheearly 1990s;inrecent 20,000 metrictonsofchloride peryear when the alonedelivered roughly Lake Champlain Basinrivers. For example, ing trends ofchloride loading from nearly all upward trend isdriven by long-term increas in theLake isincreasing (Figure 10). This respectively),mg/L, chloride concentration and aquaticlife toxicity and 230 (250 mg/L lished benchmark levels for drinkingwater in Lake Champlain remain well below estab ans, and fish communities. zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, amphibi Program (LCBP, VTANR,NYSDEC ) DATA SOURCE:Lake ChamplainLong-Term Monitoring

Chloride concentration (mg/L) Although chloride concentrations found 10 15 0 5 1990 shallow sites Annualaverage chloride deep sites 2000 reversed trends when years 2010 increasing are now concentrations 2020 - - - ive in LCBP partners and public works depart- litter and other human sources. These mate- D

ments across the Basin are taking initiatives rials often pass through wastewater treatment

What You Can Do

Clean Water

to safely reduce winter deicing salt applica- systems. Research conducted by SUNY Platts-

Don’t trash toxics. Take toxic tion and to educate individuals and property burgh found that between 10,000 and 15,000 w ha do managers on best deicing practices to reduce microplastic particles were discharged every waste and hazardous items to t you can impact to Lake Champlain and other water day at monitored treatment facilities in the designated waste drop-off centers. bodies. Reducing the amount of deicing salt Lake Champlain Basin. This includes electronics, paint, pesticides, applied to our parking lots and roadways Microplastics can be ingested by fish and herbicides, motor oil, and items that contain should reduce the amount of chloride mea- other wildlife and can cause digestive block- mercury, such as non-digital thermometers sured in the Lake. age and altered feeding behavior, which and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). can in turn affect reproduction and overall Check for leaks. Repair leaking cars, trucks, Microplastics are present in Lake health. Harmful bioaccumulating chemicals boats, and other machinery to reduce oil and Champlain, but their effects are not well have been found in microplastics around gas pollution. the world; heavy metals and PCBs have been understood. Properly dispose of unused medications. found in microplastics in Lake Champlain. Don’t flush medications. Instead, return Microplastics, small pieces of plastic less than The SUNY Plattsburgh study found fibers to them to a pharmacy or authorized drug 5 mm in diameter, are a growing concern in be the most common plastics ingested by the collection site. Lake Champlain. Microplastics come from bird and fish species upon which the re- a variety of sources and come in different search focused. The study also found greater Reduce or eliminate pesticides and herbi- forms; microbeads are found in some person- amounts of plastics in organisms higher in cides. Choose natural alternatives for pest al care products, microfibers from synthetic the food chain, particularly cormorants, and weed control. clothing, and eroded pieces of material from , and lake trout. Clean greener. Use less toxic household cleaners. Toxic substances may not be re- moved in the wastewater treatment process. Avoid single-use plastics. Reduce plastic pollution by investing in reusable coffee mugs, water bottles, grocery bags, utensils, straws, and takeout containers. Reduce microplastics by choosing alternatives to fleece and by using a microfiber catcher in the laundry. Hold the salt. The chloride compounds used to deice sidewalks and driveways wash into waterways, harming wildlife and plants. Use as little salt as possible, and try alternatives like sand for increased traction. Scoop the poop. Rain and snowmelt wash pet waste into waterways, creating public health issues. Pet owners should always The Association is studying the impact of deicing salts used on roads and sidewalks in waterways in the Lake Placid area. carry a scoop bag and carry it out. Photo: Ausable River Association

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 17 Healthy Ecosystems GOAL: Ecosystems that provide clean water for drinking and recreating, and intact habitat that is resilient to extreme events and free of aquatic invasive species where diverse fish and wildlife populations will flourish.

Each of the organisms found in the BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND Lake Champlain Basin relies on a balance of resources necessary ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION for survival and reproduction, including an intact and functioning The Lake Champlain Basin’s species reducing erosion, and providing shade and ref- habitat and a climate that aligns and habitat diversity is rich, though uge that help keep these waterbodies cool and with its evolutionary history. Although some habitats are fragmented and need habitable for fish, amphibians, and insects. nearly 40% of the land in the Lake protection. Fragmented habitat and the pressures of cli- mate change can put rare, threatened, and en- Champlain Basin is conserved in some Native species rely on intact and functioning dangered species at risk. Habitat fragmenta- way, many habitats are in need of habitats such as forests, floodplains, and wet- tion mostly comes from human development restoration and protection. Native lands. These habitats also provide other invalu- and land use and can limit species’ ability to species face a variety of pressures, able ecosystem functions, including nutrient reproduce, thrive, and move under natural cycling, sediment retention, carbon storage, conditions. Native species’ habitat becomes including from increased human and air and water purification. Vegetated lake stressed even further when intense rainfall development, invasive species, and shorelines and riparian (river) buffers help creates disturbed areas that favor non-native the changing climate. mitigate flood impacts by absorbing water, and invasive species.

18 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM About 40% of the Basin’s land area is con- Landlocked Atlantic salmon have Stream culverts at road crossings are often served to some degree; this protects these more access to historic river habitat, undersized or damaged. These culverts can lands from future exploitation such as surface and passage for all aquatic species be plugged with sediment and debris or are Healthy Ecosystems mining, waste dumping, and development. is being addressed through culvert “perched” from the streambed; thus, they make Conservation efforts can increase the biodi- passage difficult for fish and other species. versity, resilience, and functioning of ecosys- replacements. Fisheries biologists are working to restore tems and expand opportunities for human use When connected and well buffered, Lake fish passage in Lake Champlain’s tributaries, and enjoyment of the Basin. Champlain’s river systems are home to many especially for landlocked Atlantic salmon native species. They absorb flood waters, retain (Figure 11). Salmon have upstream access to More research is needed to support sediment, and provide cool water habitat for most of their historic range in most major the Basin’s rare, threatened, and species like trout and salmon. However, this tributaries, except the Saranac and Missisquoi endangered species. network has been disrupted by dams, develop- Rivers. More work is needed in these systems ment, agriculture, industry, and road crossings. to restore salmon access to spawning grounds. Fish and wildlife biologists are working hard to better understand and protect the Basin’s Accessible historic range Richford rare, threatened, and endangered species such Inaccessible historic range Jay Not historic range Champlain HIGHGATE FALLS r iver as the spiny softshell turtle, lake sturgeon, Natural barrier/falls e Missisquoi R v i Indiana bat, common tern, and mudpuppy. Dam R Chazy zy Removed dam a h While some species like the bald eagle C t St. Albans a and the common loon are making great re G recoveries as a result of habitat protection, KENT FALLS Plattsburgh pollution reduction, and reintroduction La er mo Ri iv ille ve methods, more research is needed for the R r Cambridge recovery of other species. The Vermont MILTON Fish and Wildlife Department is relocating Greensboro c a RAINBOW FALLS n mudpuppies to an upper reach of the ra Keeseville Winooski a S Trap and Truck program and tracking their movement iver Burlington provides access to R non-historic range to determine if a viable population may be Win Cabot Wilmington NATURAL oosk BARRIER i established in more protected habitat. Five e bl UNKNOWN R sa Willsboro Waterbury ive of the ten known native mussel species in Saranac u r Lake A Montpelier Lake Champlain are listed as threatened WADHAMS Lake er Placid Riv Barre or endangered in Vermont. The Lake Elizabethtown Ferrisburgh Waitsfield

Champlain Committee studied the impacts t e Westport u q VERGENNES o O of invasive zebra mussels on native mussel B t te r species and identified the Lamoille River C

r . delta as suitable refugia habitat from zebra Port mussels. Protection of these areas will help Henry Middlebury endangered species thrive in the future. DATA SOURCES: USFWS, VT FWD, NYSDEC

Figure 11 | Landlocked Atlantic salmon habitat access in Lake Champlain tributaries

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 19 In the Winooski River, intensive restoration Restoration projects for certain fish species balance between wild and stocked lake trout efforts have focused on the use of fish ladders are underway, but the status of many other and their forage fish base. Fishery managers

Healthy Ecosystems and trapping and trucking salmon upstream, species in Lake Champlain is unknown. The continue to monitor adult landlocked Atlantic thus extending the historic range of this University of Vermont is leading a fish com- salmon and collect eggs from wild fish for species. In the Ausable River, biologists are munity monitoring study to determine the hatchery production. The majority of salmon using environmental DNA to map native and best approach to collecting information on the collected from 2018–2020 have been from non-native fish distributions, including brook abundance and condition of forage fish such Hatchery Brook and the Lamoille River in trout, brown trout, and rainbow trout to pri- as alewife and rainbow smelt. Changes in the Vermont and and oritize future connection and Atlantic salm- availability of forage fish will affect predator in New York. Each fall, three- and four-year- on habitat restoration efforts. Other groups, species, like trout and salmon, in the Lake. old salmon undergo a spawning migration including Dam Task Forces in New York and from the Lake to rivers to reproduce. These Vermont, identify, prioritize, and implement Lake trout stocking will be reduced river-run salmon provide fishing opportu- river passage restorations. due to successful natural reproduction, nities and are critical to ongoing efforts to and stocking of other salmonid fish will restore natural populations. Lake Champlain’s fish are enjoyed by continue. anglers, and more research is needed to Climate change and invasive forest determine the status of the Lake’s fish Lake trout, Atlantic salmon, brown trout, pests are putting pressure on the Basin’s and rainbow trout/steelhead continue to be forested habitats. populations. stocked in Lake Champlain to support the Lake Champlain is home to 80 species of Lake Champlain angling fishery. The Univer- Climate change may be the greatest threat to fish, including sport fish that attract fishing sity of Vermont biologists have found nine the Basin’s forest health. Northern hardwood tournaments of all sizes. Lake Champlain age classes of wild (not stocked) lake trout. species such as maple, yellow birch, and has great angling opportunities year-round. Lake trout were gone from Lake Champlain American beech are threatened by warmer The largest lake trout on record was caught by 1900, and this discovery has led to the and drier growing seasons that can stunt in August 2020; it weighed 19 lbs., 6 oz., and first-ever planned reduction in lake trout growth and shift forest compositions toward measured over 36" long. stocking by 33% in 2022 to maintain a healthy warmer-climate species like oak and pine. Two invasive forest pests, the emerald ash borer and hemlock woolly adelgid, have re- cently been detected in the Basin. These pests have spread with assistance from humans as they hitchhike in firewood and infested nurs- ery stock and then naturally disperse. Ash and hemlock trees are important species in the Basin’s natural landscape, and these pests’ im- pacts can kill host trees quickly, causing ero- sion and water quality impacts from the steep slopes and riparian areas they occupy. Forest managers are conducting routine monitoring and rapid-response containment of hemlock woolly adelgid infestations in the watershed, where hemlocks make up 80% of The recent removal of dams has increased habitat for landlocked Atlantic salmon. Photo: Concordia University the forested watershed.

20 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Jun – Sep average daily maximum temperature Air temperatures are rising, and the Scientists continue to track the impacts 80° F Lake freezes over less often than in the of climate change as the Basin experiences

more frequent intense storms in the spring Healthy Ecosystems 78 past, though the full impacts of climate and fall that increase erosion, dry spells in change on habitats, fish, and wildlife are 76 the summer that impact crops and increase difficult to quantify. the chance of wildfires, and milder winters 74 increasing Air temperature measurements indicate that that reduce ice cover. The warming cli- 0.2 degrees per decade winter minimum and summer maximum air mate impacts species diversity, habitat, and 72 temperatures have increased since the early natural ecosystem function. Future winters 1900s, with pronounced warming in recent may have shorter recreational seasons with Dec – Mar average daily decades (Figure 12). Burlington experienced limited ice fishing, and summers may be minimum temperature its hottest summer on record in 2020, with an hotter with increased water quality impacts, 20 average temperature of 72.3°F and a record 41 thereby limiting recreational opportunities consecutive days above 60°F, breaking a pre- and other uses of the Lake. 15 viously held record in 1898 of 37 days. These trends may affect ice cover in the winter and increasing lengthen the “growing” period in the summer 10 0.4 degrees for biological activity, including the growth of per decade invasive plants and cyanobacteria blooms. 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Although the surface of Lake Champlain froze over nearly every year in the early DATA SOURCE: NOAA National Centers for 100% 20-year rolling Environmental Information 1900s, it is now freezing much less frequently percentage of (Figure 13). Currently, the Lake freezes about freeze-overs Figure 12 | Seasonal air temperature once every four years; modeling suggests that 80 trends in Burlington, Vermont by 2050, the Lake may freeze fully just once per decade (Figure 14). 60

40 future projection freeze-over if trend probability continues 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 20 Winters when the surface of Lake Champlain:

Completely froze over Did not completely freeze over 0 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 NOTES: Each year represents the second year of each winter (e.g., 2021 indicates winter 2020– 2021). Unconfirmed records of Lake Champlain surface freeze-over date back to 1816; more reliable DATA SOURCE: U.S. Weather Bureau/U.S. National records by U.S. Weather Bureau or National Weather Service are shown beginning in 1906. Weather Service DATA SOURCE: U.S. Weather Bureau/U.S. National Weather Service Figure 14 | Probability of Lake Champlain Figure 13 | Surface freeze-over of Lake Champlain surface freeze-over

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 21 The fishhook waterflea invaded Lake Champlain in 2018 and has changed the

Healthy Ecosystems AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES base of the food web. The fishhook waterflea is the 51st aquatic Most waters in the Lake Champlain around the world and then released into the non-native species to be detected in Lake Basin are free of aquatic invasive . Once these invasive species are Champlain and poses a significant risk of species and need protection; human established in the Great Lakes, the primary spread to other waterbodies in the region. behavior can cause the spread of pathway for their introduction into Lake Like the invasive spiny waterflea (detected Champlain is through canals that connect the in Lake Champlain in 2014), this crustacean invasive species. Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River, and Hudson is a voracious predator. It has impacted the Aquatic invasive species are plants, animals, River to Lake Champlain (Figure 16). Lake’s phytoplankton community and now is and pathogens that are non-native to the outcompeting the spiny waterflea. Its small watershed and have been proven to cause size and resting egg life stage can hitchhike harm to the economy, environment, or hu- unnoticed in bilge, motor, or bait bucket wa- Fishhook waterflea man health. Invasive species can divert food 2018 ter. However, when thousands of the species’ resources from native species, reduce light Spiny waterflea barbed tails get hooked onto and foul fishing 2014 penetration, change habitats, impair water Alewife line and gear, they are hard to miss. quality, interfere with recreational opportu- 50 2003 The fishhook waterflea is native to north- Woodland pondsnail nities, and reduce property values. Invasive 1994 ern Europe and Asia. The species was likely Zebra mussel pathogens also threaten the health of native 1993 introduced with released ballast water into 40 Brown trout fish and sport fisheries. 1980 the Great Lakes and then spread overland on Most introduced non-native species do not Rainbow trout boats, trailers, and other recreational and 1972 become established populations in the ecosys- Water chestnut fishing equipment to Lake Champlain. Over 30 1940 Eurasian tem. Those that do establish can cause serious watermilfoil the past three years, boat launch stewards Largemouth bass 1962 widespread impacts that require significant 1930 helped to remove and decontaminate fouled resources to manage. Just over a dozen estab- Purple loosestrife gear and flush out boat motors and compart- 20 1929 lished aquatic non-native species are consid- ments from watercraft exiting Lake Cham- ered invasive in Lake Champlain, including plain during the species’ population peak in Non-native species the zebra mussel, water chestnut, Eurasian 10 late June through early July. watermilfoil, phragmites, alewife, and spiny Number of non-native and invasive species and fishhook waterflea (Figure 15). Invasive species Invasive species are impacting Lake Inventories completed by state programs 0 Champlain’s fishery. and community monitor groups supported by 1883 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 the Invasive Plant Program NOTE: Data reflects the year of first reported sighting of Non-native and invasive species continue to and volunteers in the Vermont Invasive Patrol- species. challenge Lake Champlain, and it is difficult ler Program indicate that 75% of lakes in the DATA SOURCE: Ellen Marsden, University of Vermont, to quantify their impacts. When a population Adirondacks and 80% of the lakes in Vermont Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Program increases, it pressures other species that are free of aquatic invasive species. compete for similar food and habitat. Zebra The primary source of new aquatic invasive Figure 15 | First detection of aquatic mussels have colonized most of the Lake and species to our region is ballast water taken non-native and invasive species in Lake filter untold amounts of plankton each day, in by ships at their freshwater ports of origin Champlain reducing food availability. Alewife continue

22 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM to outcompete native smelt, thus chang- Sea lamprey wounding rates on lake Sea lamprey wounding rates on lake trout ing the food web, and are now the primary trout and Atlantic salmon are varied. and Atlantic salmon have varied over the

source of food for Atlantic salmon and lake past three years. Wounding rates on lake Healthy Ecosystems trout. Alewives are rich in thiaminase, an Sea lamprey are a parasitic eel-like fish that trout are well above the target wounding rate enzyme that destroys thiamine in the fish feed on Atlantic salmon, lake trout, and other of 25 wounds per 100 fish, but wounding on that eat them, leading to early mortality sport fish in Lake Champlain. They spend the Atlantic salmon is hovering just above the syndrome in newly hatched fish or immune first four years of their lives as larvae in the goal of 15 wounds per 100 fish (Figure 17). dysfunction. Hatchery-reared eggs are now Lake’s rivers and then transition to the Lake Sea lamprey wounding rates have historically bathed in thiamine to address thiaminase and survive by attaching to fish to feed on been used as an indicator of the impact of deficiency and improve survival. their body fluids. sea lamprey on the health of fish popula- tions, though these rates are not a direct, ac- To Atlantic Ocean curate measure of the size of the sea lamprey population. Primary methods for sea lam- prey management include application of pes- ticides to most sea lamprey-bearing tributar- LAKE St. Lawrence Chambly ies every four years and barrier installation HURON River Canal to prevent spawning in tributaries. Nontarget impacts of pesticides on rare species are a LAKE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER: 87 concern in several tributaries. CHAMPLAIN

Some new aquatic invasive species are LAKE CHAMPLAIN: 51 GREAT LAKES: 188 getting closer to the Basin. LAKE Champlain ONTARIO Canal The invasive aquatic plant hydrilla, round goby, and quagga mussels all are approaching Lake Champlain and are considered to be Welland Canal Mohawk River major threats here. Hydrilla is an aggressive aquatic plant that : 122 could overwhelm shallow areas of the Lake; it requires years of herbicide treatment LAKE Hudson to manage. Hydrilla plant fragments were ERIE River intercepted by a Lake Champlain boat launch steward in 2019 on a jet ski coming from the River. To Atlantic Ocean Round goby fish are aggressive egg predators that outcompete native benthic NOTE: Data current as of January 2021. All waterways contain some overlap of species. fish like slimy sculpin. Round gobies can DATA SOURCES: UVM, LCBP, Lake Grant, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, bioaccumulate toxic substances, such as Lafontaine and Costan 2002, Strayer 2012, Egan 2017, and GLANSIS 2020. PCBs, from eating zebra mussels, making them a threat to their predators. Gobies have Figure 16 | Non-native species threats to the Lake Champlain Basin from been linked to bird deaths in the Great Lakes. connected waterways They are present in the St. Lawrence and

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 23 Richelieu Rivers to the north and have been previously visited while it was recently detected moving farther east in the attempting to launch into Lake Champlain in

Healthy Ecosystems Erie Canal toward the Hudson River by the 2018. U.S. Geological Survey. Quagga mussels are similar to the zebra Aquatic invasive species spread mussel that invaded in 1993, but they would prevention efforts are focused on have a greater impact if introduced to Lake managing the pathways and human Champlain. Quagga mussels can grow in deeper waters and have greater reproductive activities that may unintentionally aid advantages than zebra mussels. Their arrival their introduction. would put many historic shipwrecks at risk, Once introduced, aquatic invasive species are and their filter feeding would have signifi- often impossible to eliminate and very costly cant impacts on plankton at the base of the to manage. Preventing the introduction of Lake Champlain food web. Quagga mussels these species is key to maintaining the health were intercepted on a watercraft that had of the Lake Champlain ecosystem.

100 100

Lake trout Atlantic salmon 80 80

60 60

40 40

25 Wounds per 100 fish sampled 20 Target wounding rate 20 15

2005 2010 2015 2020 2005 2010 2015 2020

POOR Greater than 150% of target FAIR Above target and less than 150% of target GOOD At or below target

DATA SOURCE: USFWS FISH ILLUSTRATIONS © Flick Ford Hydrilla, quagga mussel, and round goby (from top) are the most threatening invasive species “on the doorstep” of Lake Champlain. Figure 17 | Annual sea lamprey wounding rates in Lake Champlain Photos: University of Florida, LCBP, USFWS.

24 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM The that connects the Lake identify opportunities to prevent the spread of ing, and drying watercraft and recreational Champlain and Hudson River basins is a path- aquatic invasive species, boost tourism, reduce equipment after each use.

way for aquatic invasive species introduction. flooding, enhance irrigation and recreational Healthy Ecosystems The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is leading fishing, and restore wetlands. These efforts -ex Coordinated and intensive annual water a study to determine how to best prevent the amine alternatives that would allow for recre- chestnut management efforts in Lake transfer of aquatic invasive species between ational traffic to move through the system but Champlain are slowly reducing the these two basins. Groups in New York also are would prevent fish, plants, plankton, mollusks, examining the Erie Canal system as part of the and viruses from swimming or floating from extent of this species. governor’s Reimagine the Canals Initiative to one watershed to another. The water chestnut is an invasive annual Boats, trailers, and recreational equipment plant that forms dense leafy mats that float Richelieu also can carry invasive species to the Lake on the water surface. In the southern end of River Champlain Basin. The LCBP and Adirondack Lake Champlain, water chestnut limits boat Watershed Institute of Paul Smith’s College traffic and recreational use, crowds out native St. Lawrence operate watercraft inspection and decontam- species, and creates areas without oxygen that River ination programs on Lake Champlain and are uninhabitable to fish and other organisms. across the region to prevent the spread of in- Isolated populations of water chestnut are vasive species. Data from this program show found in other areas of the Lake. Waterbury Res. that watercraft coming from high-risk water- Lake Champlain’s water chestnut control Lake bodies were most frequently from the Hudson program is a long-standing success story. U.S River, St. Lawrence River, and Connecticut federal agencies, state and provincial bodies, River, where there are more and different and nongovernmental organizations provide aquatic invasive species present that could be support to harvest water chestnut mechan- Schroon introduced to Lake Champlain (Figure 18). ically and by hand in Lake Champlain and Lake There are simple steps that residents in other inland waters in the Basin. While Connecticut Lake River the watershed can take to prevent the spread management from year to year may have George of invasive species, such as planting native varied results, efforts have pushed the dense species; surrendering aquarium fish instead (>25% cover) populations from Crown Point Saratoga ATLANTIC of releasing them into the water; following down to the Dresden Narrows over the past Lake OCEAN baitfish regulations; and cleaning, drain- 20 years (Figure 19).

Hudson Waterbodies visited River most commonly in two weeks prior to launch.

DATA SOURCE: LCBP and Adirondack Watershed Institute Boat Launch Steward Programs

Figure 18 | Waterbodies with aquatic invasive species visited prior to launch into Lake Champlain Hot-water pressure washing helps prevent the spread of AIS. Photo: LCBP

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 25 Pike River Richelieu River Healthy Ecosystems

MNWR Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) ive in


Black Creek


What You Can Do

w Sand Bar ha do Plant native species. Plant safe t you can State Park alternatives to invasive species in your lawn and garden. Native plants are often more resilient to drought and pests and Photo: Martin Mimeault provide better habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. MISSISQUOI BAY Don’t let it loose. Prevent the spread of Little Otter Hand-pulling e€orts in Missisquoi Creek National Wildlife Refuge continue invasive species from aquariums and aquatic to reduce the population, which Fields Bay, fell from just under 6,000 rosettes gardens. Never release aquarium or domestic Ferrisburgh in 2007 to 367 in 2020. No rosettes pond water, aquatic plants, or dead or live have been detected in the Pike River since 2015. animals into the wild. NORTHEAST ARM Clean, drain, and dry. Help stop aquatic hitch- Crown hikers. Before bringing your boat and gear to a Point The Black Creek Marsh population was discovered in 2016 and new waterbody, clean off mud and debris, drain peaked at 80,000 rosettes in 2019 before declining to 30,000 rosettes completely, and dry thoroughly. in 2020. A small population was discovered on the north side of Know before you go. Before heading out, Benson Sandbar State Park in 2019. Landing learn the local rules and regulations for hunt- MALLETTS BAY ing, fishing, and bait fish. Dresden ~ No known populations are present. Dispose of bait properly. Never release 1999 2009 2020 MAIN LAKE ~ aquatic bait or water from a bait bucket into Monitoring is necessary between any waterbody. Dispose of it in the trash. Little Otter Creek in Ferrisburgh, VT and Crown Point, NY. Control Use local firewood. Don’t move firewood None present e€orts continue for the Richelieu between locations. Help stop the spread of River populations. forest pests and diseases. Less than 25% coverage (typically SOUTH LAKE managed by hand-pulling) Watch for invasives. Learn how to look Greater than 25% coverage (typically Populations are mechanically managed by mechanical harvesting) harvested by VTDEC and NYSDEC in for and identify invasive species. Contact the red-shaded area, which has groups such as Vermont Invasives, the been steadily reduced over the past two decades. Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program, DATA SOURCES: VTDEC, NYSDEC, QC MELCC, USFWS state conservation agencies, and your local watershed organization. Figure 19 | Invasive water chestnut coverage in Lake Champlain

26 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM GOAL: Communities Thriving Communities have an appreciation of natural and cultural resources, and the capacity to implement actions that will result in sound stewardship of these resources while maintaining strong local economies.

Visionary conservation efforts initiated more than a century ago COMMUNITY HEALTH provide tremendous public benefits. These conserved lands are vital to In addition to contributing to clean ecosystem functions including ground wa- human health. During the COVID-19 water and healthy ecosystems, ter storage, pollution reduction, and flood control. A 2016 study of Otter Creek found pandemic, families found solace on conserved lands are important to human health and safety. that wetlands and floodplains reduced flood waterways and mountaintops, where damage by up to 78% in a 10-year period, they re-engaged with the land and Almost 40% of the land area in the Lake limiting property damage and recovery costs remembered how special “this place” Champlain Basin is conserved (Figure 20). significantly. The Adirondack Park, Green Mountain Na- Conserved lands have an important role truly is. Local economies benefit tional Forest, Missisquoi National Wildlife in protecting biodiversity and are home to from cultural heritage initiatives Refuge, state parks and forests, and other many plants and animals that benefit human that draw visitors from near and far. parcels protected by local communities and health. Studies show that West Nile virus can Programs that celebrate the heritage land trusts contribute to the health of the spread more easily in areas with low bird environment and Basin communities. diversity, while a greater diversity of small of Indigenous peoples are providing a The natural wetland systems found within mammals can limit the spread of Lyme dis- richer understanding of our past and a these conserved lands provide important ease and hantavirus. more inclusive future.

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 27 As places of rejuvenation, inspiration, When the pandemic closed gyms and lim- trash along paths, and additional visitors and sustenance, conserved lands are ited access to indoor public spaces in 2020, contributed to a trail network already Thriving Communities vital to human health. people flocked to the outdoors in record num- stressed by erosion, overcrowding, and user bers. Most New York and Vermont state camp- conflicts. Land managers expect these trends Residents and visitors to the Basin hike, grounds opened a month later than usual in to continue. Use of the High Peaks Region in bike, camp, ski, bird-watch, fish, and hunt 2020 with capacity restrictions ranging from the Adirondacks has grown exponentially in on conserved lands throughout the year. The 50-75 percent. Even with those limitations, the past 20 years, and the COVID-19 pandem- COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the impor- visitation matched previous years, which ic exacerbated these challenges. Overcrowd- tance of these areas to the physical and emo- shows the importance of our public camping ing has led to significant erosion, impact, tional well-being of those who visit them. facilities (Figure 21). Trail use numbers from and conflict in this trail network. In January the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) and the 2020, the New York High Peaks Strategic Green Mountain Club (GMC) indicate that the Planning Advisory Group proposed a series Basin’s conserved lands were heavily used. of recommendations to immediately address Mount Marcy, the highest peak in the Basin overcrowding, including implementing a pi- and in the state of New York, experienced lot trailhead shuttle system, enhancing inter- a record number of hikers in 2020 with an agency coordination on parking and pedes- average of 111 people on its summit each day trian safety, installing more portable toilets, in July and August. Summit stewards counted and increasing the amount of stewardship more than 300 people on sunny Saturdays. In and Leave No Trace education programs. Vermont, the GMC reported that use of the Long Trail jumped 35% in 2020 and that shel- 10,000 ter use in September 2020 increased by 80%. 4,742 4,217 4,093 The impact caused by increased use was evident in 2020. Stewards reported more 6,000

4,435 4,417 4,939 Daily visitors Conserved land Public beach 2,000

801 766 811 0 2018 2019 2020

   DATA SOURCES: Vermont Center for Geographic    Information, New York State GIS Clearinghouse, OBVBM,   MRC Brome Missisquoi, Appalachian Corridor, Réseau de Milieux Naturels, The Nature Conservancy

DATA SOURCES: NYSDEC, VT ANR, NYSOPRHP Figure 20 | Public beaches on Lake Champlain and conserved lands in its Figure 21 | State park and campground watershed Photo: LCBP visitation in the Lake Champlain Basin

28 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM their plans and hosted special “socially dis- tanced” events, most postponed their celebra-

CHAMPLAIN VALLEY tion until 2021, when the CVNHP will support Thriving Communities both the Making of Nations theme through the NATIONAL HERITAGE PARTNERSHIP 101st anniversary of women’s suffrage and the Corridor of Commerce theme with a focus on temperance, prohibition, and smuggling. In Cultural heritage programs provide a lens Corridor of Commerce, or Conservation & 2022, the CVNHP will return to the Conserva- on inclusion and diversity in the Basin. Community. In 2019, the CVNHP and LCBP tion and Community theme by celebrating the collaborated with partners by focusing on 50th anniversary of the U.S. Clean Water Act. The Champlain Valley National Heritage the Conservation & Community interpretive Partnership (CVNHP) marks its 15th anni- theme, which highlighted the 2019 Interna- ive in

D versary in 2021. Established in 2006, CVNHP tional Year of the Salmon (IYS). The theme was

has awarded 195 grants totaling $1.3 million. supported through several partnership-based

What You Can Do

These grants, ranging from $1,000 to $40,000, programs, including the tour of the replica ca-

w have made significant impacts on communi- nal schooner, Lois McClure; three interpretive Visit natural and cultural ha do t you can ties and institutions, big and small. Funding theme grants; traveling displays; and a signa- heritage areas. The many stories has supported projects as varied as local ture-event Salmon Festival in October 2021. of our heritage are told in museums, heritage education programs in schools to The IYS observance strengthened partnerships historic sites, and natural areas throughout new HVAC systems in museums. The grants with many natural heritage organizations, the Lake Champlain region. have generated not just improvements and including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Get out and explore. Enjoy recreational op- new opportunities to cultural institutions, the Vermont and New York departments of fish portunities and cultural events in the region. recreation programs, and municipalities in and wildlife, Trout Unlimited, individual fish- Explore a new hiking trail, shoreline, bike New York, Vermont, and Québec, but they ery biologists, and the angling community. path, beach, or campground. have also generated more than $2.4 million in The COVID-19 pandemic stifled plans to mark matching funds. the centennial of the 19th Amendment to the Support museums and conservation The CVNHP gained momentum during the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right groups. Get involved: become a member, Lake Champlain Quadricentennial—the 400th to vote. While some groups persevered with attend events, or volunteer. anniversary of ’s 1609 Leave no trace. Protect natural areas by of the lake he named after him- learning and sharing low-impact tech- self. The Quadricentennial also served as a niques. Plan your trip to make recreation platform to highlight the rich cultural heritage safe and minimize damage to natural and of the Champlain Valley’s Indigenous peoples. cultural resources. For more information, The LCBP has long acknowledged the history visit www.lnt.org. and culture of these nations and recognizes Find wayside exhibits. Seek out interpretive that we are all stewards of our natural and signage and historic markers in your commu- cultural resources. Since 2008, the CVNHP nity and beyond. has provided $194,262 in grants for 21 projects that researched, interpreted, and showcased Discover Basin communities. Reach beyond Native American history and culture. your neighborhood to explore other cultures, Each year, the CVNHP focuses on one of old and new. its interpretive themes: Making of Nations, Photo: LCBP

2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 29 Informed and Involved Public GOAL: Basin residents and visitors will understand and appreciate Lake Champlain Basin resources, and will possess a sense of personal responsibility that results in behavioral changes and actions to reduce pollution.

A public that understands the EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Basin’s water quality and resource management challenges as well as possible solutions can make School programs are educating young programs offered by Basin partners have in- learners about watershed issues, cluded graduate-level coursework and focused informed choices about protection providing a foundation for informed place-based trainings that cover topics such and restoration. Organizations and decisions about the Lake’s challenges. as green infrastructure, phytoplankton, the institutions throughout the Basin are Underground Railroad, and geology. The new working on many fronts to educate Providing students an understanding of knowledge that teachers have taken from these watershed science and natural and cultural trainings to their classrooms is publicly dis- citizens of all ages. Through formal resources at an early age is critical in played during the Champlain Basin Education education programs in classrooms fostering the next generation of stewards. Initiative’s local celebration of the U.N. World and camps and with outreach Classroom and field-based learning centered Water Day. Since 2018, the event has show- efforts at public events, partners are on rich watershed content helps students cased exemplary student work—often based on make informed choices about their personal their teachers’ own learning—from 34 class- equipping citizens to take action and actions. This information is also often rooms representing 21 schools in the Basin. change behavior to improve water extended to family and friends when students Several new programs have brought water- quality. share their knowledge and values at home. shed learning directly to students. In 2020, Watershed education begins with teacher the Lake Champlain Sea Grant’s Watershed training. Recent professional development Alliance program expanded from the Univer- 30 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM sity of Vermont to SUNY Plattsburgh, allow- tion and outreach efforts. Local organizations avoided purchasing plastics, 31% said they left ing 450 New York students to participate in as well as larger programs and institutions grass clippings on their lawn to increase water

lake and stream ecology programs. This and are conducting program-specific evaluations infiltration, and 65% said they shared the Informed and Involved Public similar field programs offered by Paul Smith’s and longer-term surveys to gauge success and knowledge they learned with others. College, Miner Institute, Lake George Asso- guide future efforts. The LCBP is working with partners to ciation, and Trout Unlimited reached more In one such evaluation, Lake Champlain Sea conduct a Basin-wide survey that measures than 4,000 students each year. Grant surveyed participants in an educational stakeholder knowledge of watershed issues The COVID-19 pandemic has had the most boating excursion. They found that one year and levels of engagement and stewardship by evident and perhaps the greatest long-term after the outing, 51% of respondents said they residents. The results of the survey will help effect on watershed education. The to track the effectiveness of outreach pandemic required a rapid retooling of Venise-en-Québec efforts and to shape future public traditional school outreach programs   programming offered by partners. into virtual offerings. Interactive learn-      The boat launch steward program Chazy Swanton  – ing events, opportunities for students Landing on Lake Champlain continues to Point Au Roche to meet scientists, and cultural heritage Landing be an important element of public interpretation that are available to Point Au Roche S.P. St. Albans Bay outreach. Stewards inspect boats for broad audiences and classrooms unable Wilcox hitchhiking aquatic invasive spe- to travel are likely to continue in some Plattsburgh cies and provide information to the South Hero 93,724 , form after the pandemic. Peru watercra„ individuals public about preventing the spread of Malletts Bay surveyed reached these species. The Adirondack Water- Colchester Point shed Institute (AWI) of Paul Smith’s Public outreach programs and Port Douglas efforts to track their effectiveness Shelburne 16% College, the Lake George Association, Willsboro Converse Bay of surveyed the LCBP, and numerous lake associ- are helping to inform all citizens watercra„ carried aquatic hitch-hikers ations monitor launches. about watershed issues. LCBP and AWI staff reached nearly Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Westport 193,000 people at launch sites on Lake community members have had a vari- Champlain from 2018–2020 (Figure ety of opportunities to participate in Port Henry 21). About 16% of vessels inspected new science-based field trips, natural- during this time period carried aquat- Crown Point 7,575 AIS saves on takeout ist-led recreation opportunities, and ic species, and half of those carried AIS saves on launch history tours. This public program- Ticonderoga 744 invasive species. Stewards greeted ming is at the heart of local watershed about 30% more users at the mon- organizations’ work. The outings they itored launch sites, and greeters at lead provide hands-on learning about inland lakes saw increases of users of staed by LCBP steward of boaters took a range of topics, from redesigning 60% spread prevention 25% or more in 2020. residential driveways in order to slow staed by AWI steward measures These groups collaborate on data South Bay decontamination station runoff to diversifying habitat by plant- collection and analysis and on staff ing native vegetation. training to ensure that boaters receive Tracking changes in personal be- DATA SOURCES: LCBP, AWI, OBVBM Boat Launch Steward Programs. consistent information across the haviors that result from these pro- region. The programs have refined grams can be challenging, but many their techniques for surveying boater partners have begun to focus on Figure 22 | Lake Champlain boat launch steward behavior and have found that 60% assessing the effectiveness of educa- program summary, 2018–2020 of 93,724 boat owners surveyed took 2021 STATE OF THE LAKE 31 measures to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. This metric will be useful go-

Informed and Involved Public ing forward for monitoring the effectiveness COMMUNITY ACTION of outreach efforts. The LCBP’s Resource Room at ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in Burlington, Involvement and collaboration among and public institutions to commit to allowing Vermont, hosted over 30,000 visitors annual- community members, watershed lawns to grow longer for improved soil health. ly in 2018 and 2019, cultivating stewardship organizations, and businesses is In an effort to improve stormwater manage- through personal action and community providing focus and consistency in ment on residential properties, these organiza- partnerships. Staff encouraged guests to tions have collaborated to share messaging and explore watersheds near their homes and actions to improve water quality. technical assistance for property owners. provided information about local conser- More than 30 watershed groups and conserva- Watershed groups rely on community sup- vation organizations. Resource Room staff tion districts are working to reduce pollution port and provide the most direct opportunity shared interpretive materials about Lake and improve habitat in the Basin. These efforts for residents to get involved. They are most fa- Champlain, presented programs, and pro- bring together community members to ex- miliar with local conditions and can best iden- vided place-based educational resources to change ideas, inspire action, and encourage tify projects to address problems and foster visitors. The Resource Room remained open behavior change. community engagement. Each year thousands during much of the COVID-19 pandemic, They have facilitated discussions between of volunteers gain a stake in their community adding new cultural heritage resources, cre- farmers and municipal districts about riparian by planting native trees, installing rain gar- ating a more diverse library for guests, and buffers and the importance of setbacks from dens, improving public access, and monitoring fielding questions virtually. roadside ditches, trained realtors to help home- for cyanobacteria. Collectively, their actions owners understand and minimize the impact of have a significant impact on improving habitat ive in septic systems, and recruited private businesses and water quality.


What You Can Do

w Volunteer. Many local groups ha do t you can need help with projects that im- prove water quality and habitat in the Lake Champlain Basin. Be a community scientist. Participate in community-based scientific research by vol- unteering to conduct surveys, take measure- ments, or record observations. Join a lake or river organization. Many regional and local watershed groups work to protect and restore our local waterways. Learn more. Visit the LCBP website to learn more about what you can do and what per- sonal actions others are taking. www.lcbp.org Photo: Northern Forest Canoe Trail

32 LAKE CHAMPLAIN BASIN PROGRAM Acknowledgments Conservation (ret.) Conservation Williston Central School, Williston, Vermont Williston, School, Central Williston Vermont Burlington, Middle School, Edmunds York New District, Elizabethtown, School Central Valley Boquet Students from: Students input. provided who others many ...and Curt Gervich, Ph.D., SUNY Plattsburgh SUNY Curt Ph.D., Gervich, Vermont of Essex Junction, Jutras, James Conservation of Environmental Department Vermont (Chair), Kamman Neil Miner Institute Kramer, Steve Department Wildlife & Fish Vermont Ph.D., Murphy, Margaret of Health Department Vermont O’Brien, Bridget Markets and Food Agriculture, of Agency Vermont Patch, Ryan 2 Region Agency, Protection Environmental U.S. Paula*, Mario Conservation of Environmental Department Vermont Pierson, Oliver Vermont of The University Ph.D., Schroth, Andrew Survey Geological U.S. Ph.D., Shanley, James Conservation of Environmental Department York New Townley, Lauren Conservation of Environmental Department York New Waldron, Ryan Agency Park Adirondack Walrath, Leigh nonvoting officio *ex to: thanks Special Vermont of The University Ph.D., Bowden, Breck Conservation of Environmental Department Vermont Kim Jensen, (ret.) Grant Sea Champlain Lake Malchoff, Mark Vermont of The University Ph.D., Ellen Marsden, Institute Watershed Adirondack O’Reilly, Sue 1 Region Agency, Protection Environmental U.S. Eric Perkins, of Environmental Department Vermont Shambaugh, Angela Service Wildlife and Fish U.S. Ph.D., Young, Brad Lake Champlain Basin Program Basin Champlain Lake Committee Advisory Technical Service Wildlife and Fish U.S. Vice-Chair, Ph.D., Ardren, William Transportation of Agency Vermont Callahan, Jennifer of Agriculture Department York New Cunningham, Ryan Department Health County Clinton Davies, Ryan Service Conservation Resources Natural USDA-NY Dennis DeWeese, Markets and Food of Agriculture, Agency Vermont DiPietro, Laura 1 Region Agency, Protection Environmental U.S. Dore*, Bryan was compiled by by compiled was 2021 Lake Champlain State of the Lake and of the Lake Champlain State 2021 Lake Grand Isle, VT. June 2021. June VT. Isle, Grand 2021 State of the Lake and Ecosystem Indicators Report Report Indicators Ecosystem and Lake of the State 2021 (802) 864-1848 Environmental Conservation, (518) 897-1267 (518) Conservation, Environmental Agency, Region 2, (212) 637-3819 2, (212) Region Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1, (617) 918-1211 Region Agency, Protection Environmental Resources, (802) 490-6117 Resources, citation: Suggested Basin Program. Champlain Lake Report. Indicators Ecosystem Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified Council paper. Stewardship the positions of reflect necessarily do not in this report expressed The views NEIWPCC. or Agency Protection Environmental the U.S. Design: Ryan Mitchell, Elizabeth Lee Mitchell, Design: Ryan 2021 Date: June Publication Forest and on 100% post-consumer recycled City Printers at Queen Printed Gilbertson Modley Meg Vaughan, Matthew Dr. analyses: Technical Erin Vennie-Vollrath, New York Coordinator, New York Department of Department York New Coordinator, York New Vennie-Vollrath, Erin Norman, Cynthia Larkin, Stephanie Hollowell, Laura Staff: Room Resource Mario Paula, Lake Champlain Coordinator, U.S. Environmental Protection Protection Environmental U.S. Coordinator, Champlain Lake Paula, Mario Resources of Natural Agency Vermont Stangel, Pete Coordinator Technical Ph.D., Vaughan, Matthew Elizabeth Lee, Communications and Publications Associate Publications and Communications Elizabeth Lee, Coordinator Publications and Communications Mitchell, Ryan Coordinator Management Species Nuisance Gilbertson, Aquatic Modley Meg Eric Howe, Ph.D., Director Ph.D., Eric Howe, Assistant Administrative Jarvis, Kathy Analyst Environmental Jenness, Lauren Sue Hagar, Outreach Steward Outreach Hagar, Sue Coordinator Outreach and Education Hickey, Colleen Sarah Coleman, Ph.D., Vermont Coordinator, Vermont Agency of Natural of Natural Agency Vermont Coordinator, Vermont Ph.D., Coleman, Sarah Committee Coordinator Citizen Advisory Darr, Katie U.S. Manager, Unit Source Nonpoint and Watersheds Dore, Bryan Jim Brangan, Cultural Heritage and Recreation Coordinator Recreation and Heritage Cultural Brangan, Jim & Data Manager Steward Boat Launch Brett, Phillip Associate Technical Campbell, Kate Mae Program the Supporting Staff noted. otherwise 372-3213, unless Call (802) the Lake Champlain Steering Committee and LCBP staff, with input from from input with staff, Committee LCBP and Steering Champlain the Lake Outreach and Education the LCBP Committee, Advisory Technical the LCBP partners. community and Committee, The Read the full State of the Lake report, including French translation, supplemental content, and citations for the scientific literature and technical reports that inform the report at: sol.lcbp.org