■ THURSDAY, August si; itso ~i i W i M i» Ewntos Ifrralit i)rive Carefully This Weekend “ Be Alive Tuesday

pending on tho nvallnblllty of next to the Town Garage on Mar- paina and suSarlng iaoufrad,’* transportation. First priority la SbIm Coupaelor Small Claims rlaon atreat In another recant finding, Judge f About Town li^tiiig Dales being given to the Vermont troops Oarlni filed a counter-claim for Gryk found for Raymond Flake, NOTICE where auppliling sufficient trains The Weather $100 aa the raault o f an argument 187 Hollister street, over Horace Avarafe Daily Net Preaa Ron Foreeaet of U. 8. Weather B n f« U ICiAMt OtariM, WM boi ^For Departure is presenting quite a problem. Findings Filed that followed the accident and and Elizabeth McMuIllns, 36 View in Ltwiaton, >U in «^ Meanwhile the process of pack­ during which, Carini aaid, Thomp­ street The court allowed Flake F n the MMth cf Ai«m t, 1*88 Toalght. cloudy with showaia, natf M n. Mduurd H e lm o n ing and completing the necessary son assaulted him and used abu­ 818 of a 825 claim for interior Our Store f n Howttwra* ttmt, M ^ o m . paper work continues at an 18 sive language. work done at 26 View atreet warm; low aear 70. Saturday, Headquarters Officials hour a day pace. Judge Wesley C Gryk 9,653 and MxiL McMahon m thdr In a recent finding. Judge Wes­ A mistrial haa been called in Will Be OPEN i®attrl|patpr Kiirutitg rinudy to partly cloudy with ehow- ley C. Gryk decided in Thomp- Member of the Audit l^ m ih two children are yiaitlnc re Of 43rd Division Dis« Releases Decisions in the case of Frank P. Sheldon, 78 rre, warm, humid. aon'a favor regarding the acci­ Bureau o f ObeifialtauB in Lcwlatcn. Public Recurds North Elm street, versus F. F. But our machine thop w U Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm C U M Their Schedules Several Recent Cases dent, stating that the |24 damage Bushnell, 663 Woodbrldge street to the plaintiff's car waa caused AiSheldon claimed $75 damages be ehwed Friday and Satur­ ^TMm.Clark el J. Turhlng- Warrantee Deeds Raymond M. Thompson, 818 by Carini’a negligence. day, September 1 and 2.. today to the All depsrture dates for .the var­ Matthew M. Mdriarty to from an accident "May 12 at the Adeertiahig oo Page U ) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS called atf Center itfeet, and Buenflgllo intersection of Lydall and Vernon like the reit ious units of the 43rd Infantry Charles J. Lawson, property on On the counter-claim, however, VOL. LXIX, NO. 288 that bla Carini, 123 Oak street, just about streets. Judge Gryk ordered that the Municipal Division have been moved back Middle turnpike, west. Judge Gryk found for Carini. The the one day. This action was taken broke even in recent Small Claims decision stated that although Ca­ the case be set down for hearing lldln(. be closed from Fri- George L. and Margaret Wil­ MANCHESTER late yesterday after a day-long liams to Thornton S. and Beulah court actions brought against rini had not incurred medical bills by another Judge. Improper pro­ to neat Tuesday mom* each other. * conference of railroad officials and Griswold, property on East Cen­ at the time of the trial, he did cedure while the case was undsr liabor Day week-end. Thompson filed a 824 claim A U TO PARTS representatives of the division and ter street. complain of pains in- the chest deliberation was given by Judge the New England sub-area head­ Stanley Bray to Johnson Con­ against Carini aa the result of a and arms. Judge Gryk awarded a Gryk aa the reason for the decla­ 22-24 M APLE ST. hole boys o f St. James's church quarters. struction company, property on collision July 20 in the parking lot 824 judgment to-Carini "for the ration of a mistrial. maintained a record of per- Under the new plan the pre-ad- Lydall street. t attendance during the months vanced detail will leave by motor Edward L. Peck to Ferdinand Reds Gain 8 Miles in "A ll Out” Assault July and August, were enter- convoy on September 6, one day L. Tiesing and Gladys Tieslng, ri ^ e d recently at a dog roast atafter the troops are inducted into property on Brookfield street. K home of their director. Mr*, federal service. The convoy from Ernest R. Machell, Sr., to D. 8. l u e Maccarone. Those who at- Connecticut will be joined by and Elisabeth Benny, property on wnded were Thomas Carroll. John Rhode Island units in New Haven Middip turnpike, cast. MIm (Ice-Box) America Reds in Yank Clothing M an ey, Robert Hay, Samuel and the Vermont detail will join Warrantee Deeds A# Congress OK’s Baugh. Robert Kwash, John Mc- the group at the first night blvoft- , Cottage Homes Incorporated, Peter Amberlock Has ’Em— Can’t Show ’Em farUand. Daniel Manchieck. A r­ ac. Swift Moving Yanks properties In Woodridge Addition thur McGowan. Robert Calhoun, The same procedure will be No. 4, separately to Stanley E. J. Peter Amberlock, . SS Birch ? 4 Allowance Bill; Fairbanks, Alaska, Sept. 1. Berald Nicolette, Donald Ponticel- used for the advanced detail going Blaschik et al, Peter J. Brazitis et street, has been appolhted a sales —(>p)— Alaskans think they M and Anthony Lupacchino. on September 8. It la expected counselor for the General E le^rlc are sending the only candidate a al, Arthur Kesermont et al, Nich­ that the motor convoys will re­ olas LaPenta et al, Howard S. Supply Corporation at Hartford, It to the Miss America contest quire two days to make the trip W ill Draft Dads ^Edward U Marks, son of Mrs. Peters et al, William A. Lofstrom has been announced by R. J. Lew­ who can climb a mountain. Blunt Foe’s Offensive; to Camp Pfekett, Va. is, Appliance Salea Manager for mSke a mukluk or amoke a Blise Franlc of Andover, began his Before these new orders were et al, Morris Riback et al. the corporation. fish. tealning at Fort Dix, N. J., this issued, it was expected that the Mr. Amberlock, who haa been Married Men With C3iil- creak. He is asslghed to Company local units of the division would Ward Cheney Camp No. 13, U. She is 22-year-old Maxine S. W. V., will meet tomorrow night engaged in electrical appllanca B, doth Infantry Regiment of the entrain on September 10. The new salea for the past ten years In the dren Face Call as Gov’t Ojthem. The far northern cli­ at eight o'clock at the State Ar­ ^ ith Infantry Division during his date would now be September 11, Hartford area, will handle Hot- Do .Your Food Shopping For The mate doesn't give much oppor­ Recapture Key Town mory. Makes Provision for tunity for dsiplay of some of Basic traininr although this date la tentative de­ point'appliances, G, E., electrlt|il . . . - * <# ' housewares, and G. E. radio and . Familv Maintenance the other attributes of a po- television accounts in fha H art­ tenUal Miss America, but she ford ares. has 'em. !50,()00 Enemy Troop* A graduate of Northeastern Long Holiday Weekend at HALE'S Washington, Sept. 1 —KP)— A University School of Business Ad­ final okay from Congreta on GI U. S. Admits A ir Force Hurled at Allied Dc* ministration with a B. S. Degret, family allowancea paved the way feiises on 55 Mile Mr. Amberlock also attended Mas­ today for drafting fathers up to MC4r sachusetts State College Graduate Says Gibson School, majoring in paychology 16 yeara old Into the armed forces. May Have Hit China Front; Red Tanks, In­ 44^ and business administration. He Self Serve and Health Market Selective Service ofliclala had fantry Swann Over '< r has had a wide background of ex­ Indicated they would have some­ Spent Aunt’s LOWER w thing to say on plans for induct­ perience In merchandising and NaktUng; Drive Held sales promotion in the electrical ing draft-age married men with Asks U. N. to Conduct In­ LAMB PRICES V Industry in Connecticut. dependents aa aoon as the Family Funds Badly Urge Earlv Supreme Bid to Wipe During World War II Amber­ HEALTH MARKET AUo'wancea Bill passed Congress. vestigation ; Offers to Both the Houm and Senate gave Out U. N. Beach-head Rib Lamb Chops . . . Lb. 85c lock was with the 13th Air Force, TOMATO Make Full Amends and apent 26 months in the Pacific. final approval yesterday to the Peace Pact allowances measure, tending It to Surgeon in Ayres Case «»«hi ONE OF THE BEST- If Charge Is True. Tokyo, Saturday,' Sept. 2. Loin Lamb Chops . Lb. SI.09 JUICE Q «b«81 President Truman for signature. Bike Hits Auto; 885 to $165 • Month Ousted as Conservator With Japan —(/P)— North Korean Red* Lamb Legs . . . . I.b. 79r nothing BY CUSTO M ER'S TEST: It provides sums of 885 to 8165 O f Estate; Is Order­ Lake Sucrese, Sept. 1—(S’!—The renewed their hammering a month for the families of enlist­ admitted yesterday assault on the southern ends Boy Not Injured tOitOi ed men. GTs would contribute ed to Make Refund that an American fighter plane I Shoulder Chops .... Lb. 89c DUBUQUE from 840 fo $80 a month toward (!!ongrcssmen See Quick of the flaming western front 'as good ths allowancea from their own may have etrafed a Manchurian Friday night after punching A bicycle ridden by Peter ClaRc, Danbury, Sept. 1—(P)— Dr. Don­ Two North Korean soldiers, captured In American uniforms, are searched eu the Korean battlefront by air field Aug. 37. Treaty as Best Solu­ Lamb Patties . . . Lb. 53c as HITZ hut MT2 SMALL pay. The government would pay an 8V^ mile dent in American 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mra. I E ^ the rest. ald F. Gibson, Danbury surgeon, the OIs who rouaded them up. The searchers arc Pfc. James Burnell of Ferl, Tex. (left), and Charlie U. 8. Delegate Warren R. Aus­ Stewing Forelegs or Peter F. Clark of B98 O nter street, named the sole beneficiary in the Johnson, Merldin. Tex. (U. 8. Army Photo by N B A Telephoto). tin proposed that ths United Na­ tion of Formosa; But lines. But swiftly-moving U. '••0 fHiK; «# 32c READY-TO-EAT That married men with depend­ struck the rear end of a car yes­ ents would be drafted soon waa will of an elderly apinster wboae ______tions Security Council set up a “ Removal o f Fleet” S. tanks and infantrymen re­ Necks ...... Lb. 29c terday at 4:.30 p.m. on Adama RIT* pradicted by Chairman Vinson (D- death ia under investigation, w ai commiaelon to make an on-the-i^ot captured naming Haman Friday street near the intersection of Ed­ WELL WELL Ga) of tha Kouaa Armed Services dlsmlased today aa the conserva­ Investigation. If it le found that In a slashing counterattack that Washington, Sept. I —(F)— De­ mund street, police aald today. No C«*CKtRS COOKED TRIMMED Committea. Ha said draft boards tor of the estate of his aunt. Miss an American plane did make the temporarily blunted the Ra«ls’ injuries were reported. simply can't meet quotas without Eleanor K. Peterson. *Josh* White Calls Robeson reported attack, he said, the U.8. mands for an early peace treaty massive assault on the aouth- The car was being driven south taking fathera. Probate Judge Robert K. W at­ would pay damages and take dis­ with Japan aroee In Uongresa to­ western anchor of the United Na­ on Adams street by Frances Reiser, Vitison spoke out ihortly after son announced the dlamissal in a ciplinary action against the per­ day after Republicans attacked as tions beachhead In Korea. 30, of 57 LInnmore street, when tha Hiouas approved the family Al­ decision which charged Dr. Gib­ Statement Negroes Would sonnel Involved. "confusing" President Truman's The Communists hurled a two- the Clark youngster rode into the NO. 5 CAN LIBBY’S lowances Bin, saying: son with a "too hasty and unnec­ The air attack had been charged plan to withdraw naval protection dlvlslon attack at Haman TTiurs- street, striking the car, according 80 Penent Rejected essary expenditure' 'of Miaa Peter­ by Chou En-Lal, Chinese Cbmmu- from Formosa when the Korean day night, and for a time thraate T h is means that Selective Ser- nlet Foreign Minlater. The cha>ges to the report of Supernumerary UBBY** son's funds. He ordered him to pay fighting enda. ened to crack the American line. A f M r - Walter Gutzmer. TOMATO JUICE ▼lee can now broaden its caU to in­ back nearly 810,000, A successor Not Fight for U. S. an Insult were pushed before the Council by. Mr. Truman told hti news con- But the U. R. 26th Infantry Di­ Cara driven by Angelins M. CORNED BEEF SH ANK H A LF . 69c LB. clude men with children who are Its President for Auguit, Russian torence yesterday It will not be vision reacted swiftly, • lashed Yourkes, 33, of 355 Oakland within the draft age. That la the (Oontlnued on Page B3ght) Delegate Jakob A. Malik. ne'Cqasary to keep the Seventh back and broke the momentum of bad Intentlonk. But for almpta folk street, and John P. Pouliot, 24. of B U TT H A L F ...... 79c LB. purpose o f tbe act—to make fi­ Washington, Sspt. 1—(P)—Josh an actor and singer, but " I feet Council Vote* Probe FleeVqft Formosa when peace h u the Red assault. 20 Drake street, Wilson, collided nancial provision fo r ths fsmlUM White, Negrq ballad singer, said sad oyer the help he's been giving virho don't know, the art tqm lag « « Auatin aald the tl.S. Wax not ntum efi^ Korea.' 29c words Inaida out. It takes time to Behind strong air and artlUecy OF at the intersection of Main and today P a iif Robeson spoke "an in­ ' to the people wno' despise Ameri­ fully eonvinoed the attack had He ■aid'a)M the Incident caused Qtfloisls sstlmatsd thers ars ca." catch on.” support, American tanks ahd Hilliard streets at 5:30 p.m. yes­ sult” by "his statement that been made but that It had reason by his canceltqtloa of Gen. Doug- troops rolled into Haman sad re­ Lean DAISY HAMS, Regular 1,000,060 marrlsd non-veterans of JaO lOkn Chief terday. Supernumerary Neal B. Negroes would not fight for their \4'hite told the committee he has « He continued: to believe one F-Sl fighter of the l u M acArthu;^ meeeage on For­ gained ridges west of tha city. 85 HALE'S FRESH GROUND draft age— ^IS through 35—and Dunham Investigated. country against Soviet Russia.” been "played for a sucker" by "Dozens of other artists of all 67th Fighter-Bomber Squadron mosa waa cloaed.\ miles west of the vital Allied sup­ that up to 400,000 would qualify or Boneless SMOKED PICNICS, " I stand ready to fight Ruasla or Conjmunlst groups he entertained races and colors, I have no doubt, may have violated Manchurian MacArthur Would Hqld Formosa ply port of Pusan on ths southoBBt SCSI ASf A MMf iWOSt Of OUS MANV SIS M IAT VAIUIS for induction. In Riot Probe before learning of their political COFFEE any enemy of America,” White de­ have also given their namea and territory by mistake and etrafed MacArthur contendedv that the Korean onaat. HAM SLICES and SCOTCH HAM. ‘ITiat'a applying the rough ratio clared in a statement to the House beliefs. talent and time under the inno­ an airfield five miles across the supplied by Map. Gen. Lewis B. United States ought to aqe to It Red Maas Poasd Abeva Taam Tender Pot Roasts Come to Pinehurtt for 12 to 14 Lb. Young Grand Dragon Arrested U n-Am ^can Activities Commlt- "Easy to Be Fooled cent tmpreesion that they were on frontier from North Korea. that Formosa never falls Into, hos­ An American officer at the naat *• HALE'S SUNUOHT \HerPhey, Selective Service Dlrec- tes. Robeson, he added, la "kid­ He said he learned "the hard the aide of charity and equality. A fter Austin spoke, the Council SWIFT’S PREMIUM V^, that 60 per cent of draft ell- tile hands, a longer range com­ ■aid the Communists were making Hen tenHer **Farm Fresh** After Outbreak Which ding h im self when he tries to way" that it is easy to be fooled "Let me make it clear. If I can, voted 8 to 3 to add the Red Chi­ mitment' than President Trumah. their big effort—"aiul I think It la Native Farm Fresh Broil- apeak for all fellow Negroes. because "they use good words In nese charges to the egends, Cuba, made in ordering the fleet to neu­ their last one.” ,T A Headquarters BUTTER (OenllM ed tm Pngs Bight) FRESH DRESSED Ended in One Death He said he admires Robeson as their topsy-turvy way,' to cover up (Oontinued on Page three) B*ypt and Nationalist China caat tralize the Island temporarily. Howtver, an IntelUgenee officer (■ ers or Fryers FOR FOR the negative votes. In this connection, Mr. Truman ROBART 1 LB. CARTON, FIRST PRIZE CLEAN Diplomatic circles felt that the BROILING Conway, 8. C., Bept. 1.—(P)— •aid settlement of the Formosa (Ofa^aed Paga BM»t) PLUMP Tha Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux U. S. frankness may have drawn question Is one to be worked out OR Begin Inquiry O’Dwyer Post Small Sausage CHICKENS Broilers Klan in South Carolina waa being Six Top Officials Fired the propaganda sting of the In a peace treaty between Japan PURE LARD FRYING held in an undiacloaed jail today charges. ' and the Allied nations which OfTW A Crash on charges of "conspiracy to stir Target of GOP They also apectilated that Red fought her. T r u m ^ T a l k Frankfurts TURKEYS • ^ 1 OZ. C AN PREM IEB up mob violence.” China and North Korea would re­ prompted Senators r.\agnu- 62 fuse permission for an Investigat­ ■on (D-Wash), Chapman (D ^ y ) Thomas L. Hamilton waa jailed As Ax Hits East Zone B ^ g on those better Ment Balls, Meat Loaves . , . they have $ .29 ing commiaslen to enter their and Gurney (^-SD ), all members the flavor when made with late yesterday following an Invea- Reply [alik Airline Board Chairman tlgation by Sheriff C. E. Saaser of Republicans Seek Com­ territory end thus might arouse of the Senate Armed Services WHITE MEAT T ^ A 41c Committee, to urge that the Unit­ Short Shanked Lean Making Personal In­ Horry county and state constabu­ Offi- plaint to Justify De­ doubts aa to the sincerity of the PINEHURST CHUCK lary officers into a Klan parade original charge. ed States get busy at onca on the Radio Speech Tonight, Smoked Shoulders SILVER LANE SWEET MIXED vestigation o f Tragedy and the subsequent death of a Boy Convicted I With lay of Senate Action job of drafting a treaty. GROUND ,, 69c FRE5H DRE55ED FOWL Klan-robed policeman who waa Urges Defenae I t e t Will Counter Russian’s ...... Lb. 59c OR WILL ALSO BE ON DISPLAY IN OUR POULTRY •till in uniform. ; Action Magnuson told a reporter he PICKLES pt. 23c. Chdro, Egypt, Sept 1—(P>—Bx- Of Holdup Kur U. S. “ Spies” Washington, Sept. 1—(A’)—Re­ thinks this country ought to tg Charges Against U. So DEPARTMENT In a dramatic radio speech here publicans looked today for a form­ Seeking Three PINEHURST ROUND parta began an investigation today last night, Saaser let the public in Rocks Gov’t and Party nore Russia, write a treaty with F B E N C irS into ye8tsrday*a crash o f a Trana- al complaint that might justify a Japan In which other Non-Ck)m- on the findings o f the probe lato Senatorial inquiry into President Washington, Sept. 1—UP)— Pres­ Lean Cuts of Tendercure Ranges- Refrigerator* World Airline Onstellatlon in the Teen-Ager PlAned Job muniat nations could join - and ident Truman tonight will tell the GRO UND (Lean rommerclal) Lb. 89c the death Saturday o f Policeman Berliji, Sept. 1—UP)—Bait Ger­ Truman's ap^intmrnt of Mayor In Auto Death make that the foundation for a Libyan desert 65 miles west o f nation—and the world—that the Corned Beef Washers and Al! Jars 25c 4-H CLUB BABY BEEF Cairo. The disaster, one of the James D. Johnston of 0>nway. With Girl Accomplices many's Communist rulers rocked William O'Dwyer of New York Pacific defense pact. MORRELL’S READY TO EAT HAMS MUSTARD Negro b Cleared their party and government today CTIty aa ambassador to . /■ United States had no alternative We will have again this week. Baby Beef selected worst in commercial air history, "Russia has no interest In any when It sent Its troops into Korea. claimed the lives o f an 55 persona The eheriff also declared that a In School Room Notes with a startling purge of highly Senator H. Alexander Smith (R , Says Girl Shoved from peace treaty except to advance her Other Appliances NO. CAN SILVER LANE by Rath Packing Company at Iowa Beef Shows. This is Negro nightclub proprietor had placed officiala. He ordered this step, the Presi­ aboard, Including 28 Americana. N. J.) told a reporter he is study­ own Communist designs," MagnU' dent la expected to say. in the in­ choice (the best) grade Western Beef. no part In the slaying. The Negro, Speeding Car by Un­ son said. "W e ought to do In the The big four-engine “ Star of Long Beach, Calif., Sept. 1—i/P) Six top men Including a former ing informal criticism of the se­ terests of world peace. Charlie FiUgerald, haa been held Pacific exactly what we have done ttaJWIUUcoai c Maryland” went down 15 miles —Eighteen-year-old Tommy Cook, Poli|buro member were thrown lection of O'Dwyer. He said he known Trio of Men Mr. Truman speaks from tbe wowe9 Cana 5AUERKRAUT 2 27 inside ths western desert border- at an imdiscloaed jail since short­ out of the Socialist Unity (Com- probably will ask the Senate F or­ ly after Johnston’s death. * who told ot planning crimes in White House at 9 p.m. (e. s. t.) For Picnic or Luncheon: bi|^he NUe DelU. muniat) Party, the official party eign Relations committee to delay (Continued on Page fw o) over all the major networks and FARD '^ e r e was no indication yet Saaser told his radio audience notes passed in a classroom, newspaper Neuea Deutschland action on the nomination until Durham, N. H., Sept. 1—-(F)—A SKINLESS this atory; ■tate-wlde alarm waa sent out television. IN OUR FRUir ANP what caused the Rome-bound stands con'vlcted today o f second announced. more information is available. Hla address Is described by the Saturday night about 60 robed early today for three young men VEGHABlt OlRf plane to ereash and bum 80 mln- degree murder in the alaylng of a Four more were ejected from (Thairman Omnslly (D., Tex.) White House as s "report to the Cana and hooded klanamen headed by who allegedly shoved a girl to DOG FOOD liquor Btore proprietor during an Soloiis Speed people." FRANKFURT5 l^49c Hamilton paraded through Myrtle (Ocatlaiied on Pngs Bight) attempted holdup. (OoatlnBed «a Psgs Two) (OoBttBued on Page Two) death from their speeding auto­ "Voice” Will Relay Speech CATSUP Beech end through a nearby Ne­ •Cook testified that hli girl, Peg­ mobile last night. Those familiar with the text SUMMER SQUASH . 5c A Full Line of Gum, Soda, Candy, gro section. When the night riders gy Byrnes, and Muriel (Pickles) The girl wae Identified as Mlai Controls Bill say that it Is just as much a re­ nmnw' BOILED HAM Lb. 59c pmaaed Fltxgerald's Qub most of Downs, 18, were his confederates. Etta Shirley Frizbee, 17, of Dover. port to the peoples of Western the patrons hurried home. The two girla are awaiting action Police quoted a companion, Europe, Asia and elsewhere Sliced to order. KteBMim nahiinad by juvenile authorities. Corina Rueat, 15, as saying they where Mr, Truman hopes Ameri­ ZUCCINI SQUASH 9c Potato Chipi, Cigarettes, Etc., News Tidbits That brou^t a warning from Compromise Bill Molded 19^ A Jury of ^1 women and one were riding with the men and a can foreign poHey win ha haarS BETTER BRAND an unidentified man that bloodshed third girl, from Dover when Mies SPHERE POINT Called Pron Of) Wires would follow If the Klen came man returned the verdict last News Flashes Into Shape for Tru- and understood. CELERY 25c for the Hbliday Weekend night after deliberating nearly 11 Frisbee waa pushed out of the The "Voice of America” will PEN back throuih the Negro aectlon. machine. man Late Yesterday The Klan ended its parade, then hours. Cook also waa convicted of (LBto 1 I of toe (M WlTB) CREAM CHEE5E Nathan Witt, foraser gover attempted robbery and of arlMd Police said they did not learn im­ (Coattnacd oa Page fk rM ) CUCUMBERS 5c ...10c.... reassembled and took up the chal- mediately why Mtaa Frisbee was HMOt oflleUl, rsfuses to tell House leim . robbery. Second degree murder Washington, Sept. 1—(F)—Con­ Un-Amsrtcan Activltisa oommlt- and robbery carry a sentence of hurled from the car. gress was ready today to rush to Frozen Food Specials 'rae Khixen returned to the Find Woman’s Body Released from Car Fresh Fruits and Vegetables tee whether he Is or has been Com- nightclub, seised Fttxgerald, slug­ five years to life and attempted President Truman broad authority Middktown, S«pt. 1— (;P)—-The body of an elderly woman Misa Rueat said the mei\stopped to put the nation's economy on a Corn Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower SNOW CKOP muniat . . . . Thirteen men work­ ged him and stuffad Mm into the robbery one to 20 years. Cook will Brings Sample ing under Hartford regional office trunk of a Klansman’s car. be sentenced next Tuesday. was found in two or three feet of water early today the car and let her out M^en she virtual war footing. began acreamlng. She fouigl Miaa Sfkms M nt c o r n ' _d»37c o f V A are cnlled to Sietlve duty Later, there waa shooting, dur­ Mrs. Pauline Catania, mother- in a pond near theAUddlesex Sales Company on South Main A direct result of the Korean Pepper* Cabbage Green Beans with armed torcas . . . . ing which Johnston was felled by in-law of the slain man, Dominic Frisbee lying on the high fighting, the home-front moblliza- Of Russian Aid Autiwsttgiy BROCCOLI 5PEAR5 26c VFW atreet. The woman wasidentified as Mrs. Frances Petrosky, choose New York a t y for 1S51 a bullet which struck his back. Calaroo, screamed in the court­ yards away. Acting Medti tloh measure would permit wage Bu% for two days. Closed all Tomatoes MaeUEAN*S ■atlniisl enmiwpment .... Armed Saaaar baa not been able to deter­ room: 88, of Norfolk. •miner George McGregor and price oontrols, consumer ra­ the girl died of a fractui LETTUCE 15c asrvieca added 3SJM11 chriUaas to mine whether a single one o f about "H e should have gone to the tioning, penalties for hoarding, Representative Returns penitentiary for life! He killed my and real estate and consumer dayLdborDay their payrolls In first month after 500 shots waa fired by a Negro. Approve BID To Draft Doctors Miaa Rueat aaid she Kaaw Korean FANCY RIPE YELLOW Korean fighting bagan, reports P oBeemaa JMefi boy!” of the young men only aa "B credit controls. From Active CLAM CHOWDER 45c Washington, Sept. 1-—(/P)— A House committee T o spur defense production, it L b*. congressional oommlttas on reduc­ One Hegro waa s ^ t in the out- Mias Dosms tastifled that on and "Dick." She said the U PEPPER5 2 19c agreed today on a bill that would pei drafting of male also provides for allcxmtlon of Duty; Toured Theater SMPEWNE SNOW CROP SUCXD ^ tion o f non-ssaential sxpsadlturcs. waa from "somewhere in 5 (OeaHaueS an Fags Blgkt) (OeM taaefi aa Fags Twa) BANANAS Lb. 15c INnswaal ostato s f lato B. B. I doctor! and dentiata through age 50 who are not in the armed COFFEE l k 7 9 c forces reserves. It would apply also to four kinds of ‘'allied (COBUBOOd OB PBgB Two) (Oonttaoed oa Fags Two) Pearl Harbor, Sept 1 — UD— > ■ 5TRAWBERRIE5 41< P A SC ^ CELERY Bch. 19c Olds, ndto founded both Oldsmo^ Representative Henry J, Latham STATE («/4 *a) Peaches Melons bila and Reo motor firms, is un­ speciaUats”— pharmacologists, osteopaths, veterinarians and (R „ N. T .) U on hie way baek to McI n t o s h officially satimsted at 84.500,000 (qitometrista. * * * * Washington with a samito of Rua- BUTTER u,74e Bartlett P e a r * ...... 6 for 39c Use the elevator to reach the Self Serve and .... Armed forces are rspMtsd ■ian aid to North Korea a powfiar planning to resume giving out Activate State Guard See Happy Ending for bag he picked up at an enaxty dCOVEBBLOOM APPLE5 totals, probably once n weak, of Stores Holidays Schedule artillery poet on the Naktoog Gravenstein Apples Health Market easily. Shop in ah* condition* number o f Amariesn cssaalHss In Hartford, SepL 1—-(JF)— The first units of the Omnecticut river. BUTTER State Guard were activated today by Maj. Gen Frederick G. Cretan Love Melodrama The Oongraasman stopped hare Tie Which art txcellcnt for pies or sauce. Korean war .... President Trti- Stores in Manchester will be closed all day Monday, ed comfort at Hale'*fi. PEARS__ msn asks Congress for 86,000,000 Reincke. These units include the headquarters and 1st bat­ today enroute home from tho bat­ for FBI bsosuss o f its increased Labor Day and open aD day Wednesday September talion of the lat regiment at Hartford and the headquarters tlefront He has been oa aettva Qo«ed all dBY Labor Sept. 1.—(F)>paive Influence o f a aub-machine duty ao a lieutenant oommaafiar Ja activity due to "changed interna 6. Tbe on ^ exception win be several fornllare stores and 1st battalion of the 2nd jregiment at New Haven.' Herakleion, Crete, j l W Green Stamps Givea WHh Cash Sales tional aitnattoa.* -^-Crete's slxallng Romeo and gun in the boy frier ,'a handa. tha Naval Raaarva abwa Auff. T. Day. Use our conven­ CANTALOUPES whkb win observe their oeoel doeinf boor at noon • • * Juliet leva story hald aema poasl- That, according to Fatraeogoev- Latham aald la an tatan rlu r ha gian partisana in the Ctotan oun- and Repreaentativa Hugh D. S o e ^ ient parking lot and Tresmry Bskaca M Wednesday. Eflwloymcnt At Record Hifih blUty today o t winding up aoon on WaAington, Sept. 1— (A*)— Employment Jumped 1,153,- a happier thenM of boy-'wlns-glrl- Uy feud, is how "Cbata” got jr„ (It, Pa.), vlaftad NfM M f ihop In comfort ip LEMONS with-parenta|-bleaalng. ‘Tasey" to stick with Mm in a river front with Brig. Geo. Bfiifarfi Waahington, Sept The 000 in August to reach a new record high of 62,367,000, Sec­ cavt on Mount Ida, aftqr a pre­ A. C n ig, oommoBfioi o f V s n i* treasury Aug. SO: MaBcbestcr Chamber of Commerce Providing, however, that 13- Pinchurst air condi- COM poeitiaa at tha retary of ^m m eree Sawyer aald today. It waa the first time yeafiold Taaaoula Petracogeorgi liminary ahowriown between the iOroea InS^aaaa. Presertpt^B Pliamaey Nat bndgst lOT.ffit.- the 62,000,000 mark had been eroaacd. The Augnst total for clana last week. He said they fiiuad tha potofiat tioned store. mm Lbs.- s. 8138.- Retail Merehants Bnreaa lya "yea" to her tempeatuena BANANA5 SU.40; bndgst suitor:kidnaper. Oonstantlne Kep- 901 Main St„ T«L 5321 tlS,SlTJS; cash 85,130,- thosa with jobs waa 752,000 above the previous record— haloyannia, without ^ a pereua- tOuatlaaai aa rage Niaa). « •01«S«SJO^ 61,615,000 in July, 1948. [ ■/ : -V m UP 8 -r* a 'a . ’ - ■ ■ t; V- i ■ MANXHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, COHN„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1950 PAGE T m W N J), a member of the Senate For- | vision to guarantee the meat lURTON'S .. For Urge Earlv eign Relations Committee, said O’Dwyer Post packing industry "a reasonable Seeking Three HoBpital Notes the matter may be taken out of margin of profit” under any price STA TE* NOW League’s PoMcy Truman Talk Se A. Delegates American hands if the fleet la < Target of G.O.P. cellingi...... - -* ■ removed at the end of the Korean In Auto Death Waddell Urges County I Peace Pact 2. Accepting a Senate amend­ WttUani Gloria Reply to Malik Patients Today ...... 140 fighting. ment requiring that any general ------‘-l a Admitted yesterday: Harold (OaBttaaed fram Page (Hm) HoMm Bwaason Is Maintained To Be Greeted WANT] "How can we work oiit any program of wag.e-price centrola (OMttBoed Iriiit- Page One) Beyer, Rockville; Mrs. Maureen aettlement of the. Japanese peace and consumer rationing must be in *Sunset Boulevard’ Budget Plan Changes (OeaMaaed from Page Oae) With Japan called the committee together O'Loughlln, Meriden: Mrs. Flor­ treaty unleaa we protect Formosa administered by a single agency. Jersey” but she didn’t know hia P L U S .. . . “HI-JACKED’* ence Armstrong, 18 Knox atreet; from being taken over by. the (9:30 a. m„ e. a. t.) to eonaldar name. Board Members of beam it everywhere It can reach a Sunday’s Meeting at CiL $ W t (CXmtinMd from Pogo Oa«) the nomination, along with other The knottiest Issue had been t Edward Sharp, Wapping; Mrs. Male Laborers Communlats?" he asked, adding; Police were unable to obtain said today the town may have to Women_Voters Resign; listening audience. Mae Holden, 61 Washington street; business. settled Tuesday night. This wax' further identification beyond Mias SUN., MON., TUES. Wants Estiinate of Ex­ adel to Be in Natnre ‘ "I am disappointed with the to allow the .president to Impose pay over $40,000. Associates told a reporter Mr. Richard Armstrong, l.')4 Spruce In th« Atlantic—form a mutual Smith said Norman Thomas, Rueat’a belief that "Bob” and Monday, Coathraena Show The tax la apportioned among President’s atetement. It leaves price ceilings on individual items pense Figured Bc> Husbands Candidates Truman will say he had to move atreet; Mr*. Helen Sullivan, 82 Of Welcome Parly Apply defense pact." me confused aa to what our policy perennial Social party candidate "Dick" were from Dover. the ^wna on the basis of their Oiapman a ^ he feara that If for President, bad called upon him provided wage controls alao are JAMES CAGNEY quickly when the North Korean Wells atreet. la." Police said MIsa Ruest told them fore Town’s Consider totartax income. The law provides Mr*. George H. Marlow of Ply­ Admitted today: Paul Tumel, the Seventh IHeet la withdrawn and urged that no action be taken imposed at the same time on the the girls had agreed to ride with la “Klae Tomorrow Ooodbjr’* Reds invaded South JCorea to draw The meeting Simday evening at I before there la a Japanese peace Senator Knowland (R-Callf) alto Industries producing those items. that tha total amount of taxea col­ mouth Lane. Rcci'etary. of the Man- Hampton. Conn.; Frank Pastenskl, Ti.lO at the Salvation Army cita­ oA O’Dwyer’a nomination until the men from Dover to New­ Phis: “L a ^ LoaerF* Their Fiscal Year Costs lected in each town shall be total­ a line somewhere' against the ORFORD SOAP CO; smalt bosom? j treaty and a aettlenient of Pad* called Mr. Truman’s statement con­ there had been a full investigation. The Senate had voted to require steady advance of Communtam Hampton, Conn.; William Zeigler, del will be In the nature of a wel­ market. led—not alone town taxes, but chegter League of Women Voters, tie prnhiema "the Chinese Com­ fusing. Thomas Approached Lodge imposing war-price controls on against peaceful countries. Rockville; Mrs. Oraee Cafro, M come to the two local delegates, General- Manager George H. various district taxea plus what has received letters of reBignatlon Birch street, Patricia Baldwin, 26 munists will just take over For- Reds Would Flank Defease Line Senator Lodge (R., Maas.) con­ everything at once if any controls Malik Out An President Mias Ruth laine Jones, daughter I moss.” were ordered. ' ______iS S S S L B E Waddell aaked for closer collabo­ would have been collected on prop­ from the following three )>oard Chester drive; Stephen Rinehart. of Commanding officera Major and average bosom? He asdd he hopes it means that firmed that he had received a. sim­ f t i u i M i d U i Something had to be done, Mr. I lalaad a Target ilar visit from Thomas. But he THE HAYLOFT rmMM aafmena MAaoitml^ ration between Hartford (bounty’s erty that is exempted and taxea members, whose husbands are 77 Lockwood road. Mrs, Benjamin Jones; and Alton the United States will give the Truman is expected to aay, lest Discharged yesterday: Mra. The China Reda have marked Chinese Natlonellata enough mili­ added that so far aa )ie knows Shipwrecked Cake budget making V id a ls and the paid on bond holdings, this aver­ candidates for political offices in Munsle, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Route 31—Coventry aged over a three year period. Communism nibble off other na­ Jeanne LaBonte, Tnlcotlville: Mrs. V. Munsle, who attended the In­ in-between size? : that laland, now In the hands of tary suppllee to defend themsalvee Thomas had made no formal pro­ • AIR-CONDITIONED ( effleals of the county towns In the the coming primary election*. tions one by one. test. First fruit cake to reach the How Shared They are Mr*. Melvin Hathaway, Beatrice Shalnin. 35 Ijnkewood cir­ ternational Youth Conference In ! the Chinese Nationalists, as a without the fleet's help. a CooMdlaa! Very Ckiod! matter of budget drafting aa the cle, south; Mrs. Tlierr.a Dickenson. prime target for Invasion. Senator Hlckenloopar (R.. Iowa), island of Ocracoke, N. C„ came These toUls of taxes then are president; Mrs. William Stuek, The address Is reported to he In the Royal Albert Hall. lyindon Otherwise, he said, withdrawal the nature of an axswer to the Rockville: Mrs, Kllen Rest, 61 Gurney commented: "The of the fleet amt a subsequent suc­ another committee member, said ashore in 1899, when a sailor of TONIGHT D. O’Craaar ’ K. Calaniaa Hartford County Commisalonera added, and each town’s proportion- second vice president, and Mrs. They flew to I.emFlon. with other he hasn't ma%> up his mind yet the shipwrecked Ariosto was Gale Htarm t'eletl. H.la held a public hearing on the coun­ ate share of the total ia figured. Louis F. Heard, local affairs chair­ propaganda of > Jalmh Malik, the l^iurcl street; Mrs. Margaret nnileil .States delegates hy char­ Seventh Fleet should etsy right cessful attack by the Communists Hampton, 46 ttnlon street; Mrs. there until we get peace with Rus­ whether he will oppose O'Dwycr. washed ashore clutching his one io is . ty budget yesterday afternoon. Thia percentage of participation Is man. Soviet Ruaaian delegate, during tered planes on August 8, snd might flank the American defense Special Floor Show hia month as president of the U. Helen .lohnson. 43 Holl street; now you can ^ sia settled through the T'nitsd line In the Pacific. ConnaMy told a reporter he remaining possession, the cake. -. 'Curtain Call “Cham- The firesent eyatem of county the percentage of the county tax The letters are submitted in ac­ since the sessions of the Youth doesn't think there can be any ex­ at Cactua budget making, Waddell said, ie cordance with the League's policy N. Security Council. Mr*. Helen Dah.sereau. Williams- Congress have totired Weatern Eu­ Nations." "If the Communists take For­ Featuring Fern Denleae Dion. paane For total that each town pays. burg. Mass ; Mrs. Martha Ashwell, Senator I.yndon Johnson (D- mosa. we might as well mark off cept.- political objections to C reek” confusing to the towns and should The Hartford county appropria­ of non-partisanship, which doe* Malik's term as President ended rope Mr. Mun.sle also visited MlatreM of Ceremonies with Is Cslor Caesar” 5 Nelson place; Keith Bove the year. problems and the belt-tightening General MacArthur has so clearly present district attorney in Brook- (Conttained from Page Oaa) ney Blake. He invented the first admoniabed." NEXT THURSDAY THE teal estimates. New Haven County, with more which may be necessary because Not All Seen rlyn was conducting a ■^vitch hunt" people than Hartford County had G A N s e r r at your stone crusher, 1858, wfien we had Mr; TVuman told yaaterday’a and harassing city police in an in­ “Where The Sidewalk Ends’* Waddell said he thinks it Is de- of the fighting in the Far Rast. Only about six-tenths of the rable that the county budget less child care cases listed—873, that I am still on that aide. The The speech probably will not racing very few miles of hard-surfaced newa conference that ha hopes the quiry ihto gambling. PLUS: “Cariboo TraU" fact that Communista are exploit­ aurfaep of the moon ever has been roads. Mechanical stope crusher North Atlantic Allies will Increase Connally’a observation that poli­ reeds be estimated by the start of while New Lrondon County had 317 contain any retort* to Repuhlican seen from the earth: the remain­ Y,v. IliRA R. m. 13.6.1 ' such, Windham County 184, Utch- ing grievances for their own pim- critics. The White House describes good looks eliminated hand work which was their contiibiitipna to joint defense tics Is Involved was denied by the . immer. so that the towns might poses does not make those griev­ ing portion never Is turned toward Onl4»r TrBVril Agry. ive a better idea of what might field (bounty 158, Middlesex County it as strictly bipartisan. thn earth. 4R5 MaIh utre^l M.kwt'W I loo slow and costly. efforts. 'v '4 Republican members. But it seem­ ances any les.s real." usm He said he doesn’t wanWto tell ed appafent that some Republi­ PASIELIS coming. 122 and Tolland County 46. tfi. in Opposes Jim-OowUm “t r * I Out en ene of Connectient’s them what to do but added that all cans would welcome an opportun­ AUt-CONDinONEO I The county budget hearing, the Other InfluoBcea In FINE FOODS ALWAYS He said he stands against "in­ N:'A isniANO lHAhiPOKUllON .0 inviting roads or home this of them are increasing their ity to make things uncomfortable ^rst ever held, was convened in Both county population and en- justice and discrimination and I Labor Day week-end, ease EAS i i r a i T i T O lartford with Senator CTharles S. vironmenta! conditions appear t/) strength. * ' for O’Dwyer, If only for the effect LEGAL BEVERAGES Jim-Oowlam as cruel fact* that T H I WMIBMT down and take it eaay with de- that might have on the New York louse presiding. Contrary to earll- affect the welfare statistics on I've seen and suffered." STETSON pase pon ! Ucione, inexpensive Wrigley’s voting situation. Paul Ronald r expectations, Manchester’s which the bulk of the county costs "Against these 'things I have Spearmint Gam. The pleas- O’Dwyer'a appointment to the Henreld Coleman I Sunday Dinners Served From 12:30 to 8:.30 lepresentatives Sherwood Bowers are hinged. protested and will go on protest­ Big Purge Hits uid John D. LaBelle did not at- 1st Thin SitUon hat dit ktutek of looking M t ITt 1" ant chewing and long-lasting, diplomatic post, where he would Catherine There are indications that, be­ ing, because I love my country and succeed career diplomat Walter Celeste cnd. refreshing flavor help relieve McLeod Holm cause of the Increasing county tax want to sec it a better, more tol­ madt for A t ptrton uiho wtart it. Entirtly indU Thurston, has provided the Demo­ Manchester's general manager costs, which are being felt more Anniversary Sale nervone tension. Try it. East Zone Chiefs erant place to live in." White con­ vidutd, ditarminSy eatual at A t tamt timtl Ytt, crats with a mayoral race to help “So Young “Champagne iMso criticised an expenditure of heavily in the towns, much more tinued. "I'm proud of the fact You will Rtill find plenty (j O L ^ A A M X ^ ^ get out the city vote they think So Bad” For Ceasar” JH07,200 made by the county after future public interest In county yot^tt took your nonchalant hett in A t W hipptt. (OontinoMl from Plage One) that under our system of freedom of hargainR on our shelves. will help them win in governor jthe adoption of the budget last cosU will be found, particularly everyone is able to speak ou t—or I and .senator contests. .September. JUST IN TIME FOR Comt m and try it on today. 6 | 0 TNI CONTOURS A RI BUILT RIONT INI f TOMORROW 1:00 and 3:00 since the public now may be heard in my ca.se. to sing out - against Jobs in the Ruaalan-hacked East ApprOprlatton Questioned as to the proposed appropriations. what we consider wrong and for SCHOOL German government. k i d d i e s ' m a t i n e e The right of the county officials Waddell said. what we consider right." FOOTWEAR FOR AI.L THE FAMILY More Expulsions on Way Roy Rogers to make such additional appro­ He said a folk singer Is "the Performs figure miracles without "falsies" or Bov Convicted priations was attacked by Julian More expulsions were predicted. “SUSANNA PASS” voice of conscience,” and as such “gudgets” — Peter Pan’s revolutionary new Hidden , The party newspaper gave two Come On Over H. Orr, executive secretary to Brings Sample SNJOY DAILY-Tatttt Good he trie.* to pul in words and mu.slc 8—COLOR C.ABTOOXS—8 Hartford's City Manager Sharpe. Treaaure. Yonr only n atu ral answer to a fu lU r bust­ Latl$ to Lenfl—Coif* lo llltio rea.sons for the purge—asaoclating Of Holdup Kill the feelings of all who suffer in­ with "American spies” and ex­ SLTN.: «\%'HITE TOWER” Tech. Orr questioned the appropriation, Of Russian Aid justice. line ! Transforms your bust to a fashionably rounded hibiting Anti-Russian feeling." T made last November for Improve­ CEHOUSESSON Hits Robeson’s Views (Cootinned from Page Onei ments at the county Jail and the ’’ullness — gives both small and average figures the Those ejected from the party "But that's not Communism, Jail farm. (ConUaned from Page One) WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS were: I May 12 while she stood guard TONIGHT even If Communists try to use u.n He said he had "failed to find i>erfcct contour. 7 % , State Secretary in with an air rifle. Tommy and Peg- for their own foul enFia." he added. the AgrlcuUttre Ministry: authority for the making of the bag at a North Korean gun em­ He said he has learned some ! gy went into the liquor store. She appropriation.” Commissioner Re- Iniide and out. Hidden Treasure looks like any or- ^ I , Chief Editor of said that when Calarco started placement. Lettering on it was in group.H he has entertained in re­ ; Radio ; 1 1 belle Carpenter replied citing what Ruasian. Five 122-mlllimeter field cent years were Communist in 'dinary bra —you wear tt like any ordinary bra— ^ throwing bottles. Tommy ran. fell he termed was the statutory au­ pieces at the artillery post also I Bnmo Qoldhammei', Deputy to and his pistol discharged, the bul- their leanings and that they con­ but what a wonderful new figure you'll have. You { Propaganda Chief Gerhardt Ris- thority for the action, which he had Russian markings, Latham cealed it when inviting him. Some LOAFERS , let hitting C?alarco. noted also was approved by Hart­ wash Hidden Treasure like any other bra, too. Keeps I ler; Cook said he needed money b*- said. . of them, he added, exploited hi.s 1 Willi Kreikemeyer, General Dl- ford County's General Assembly Taken as Souvenir name after he had entertained For your child’s ; cause he and Peggy had partlcl- delegation of senators and repre- "We Vere the first ones in its shape —and youri — washing after washing. i rector of the Soviet Zone Railtvay ; pated in a "private marriage cere­ K. o f C. them. Writes dri( And Up ■ Foot Freedom $ 2 5 0 .System. ■entatives. there," he aaid. "I picked up one White said he dl-sagreea with po­ :• and mony" which had no legal gtand- General Manager Waddell said of the bags and apllled the gun­ None Can Retain Jobs ing. Only 17 at the time of the litical views expressed by Paul with wet Foot Health Lex Elide, former Chief Editor he waa not ao critical of the action powder out. Tm taking it home as Robeson, another Negro singer, ; slaying. Cook could not pe sen­ in itself aa that this large sum, a souvenir.” choose of Neuee Deutschland and later tenced to death under California and has said so publicly before. Ink representing about 11 per cent of Latham smd Craig observed op' The singer of folk songs, ballads Eklltor of the Communist Fried- law. erationa on an aircraft carrier off enspost. the total appropriation, had been and apirituals showed up yester­ CHU.DLIFE Ill tacked on without what he con­ Korea, went along on )»mbing day. carrying his banjo in a bat­ Maria' Weiterer, an unidentified misaiona, participated in a^reeon- Pgrkette Rstviv BoU sidered proper notice to the towna, tered leather case, ready to testify SHOES party member. naiaance patrol ahead of tne Uni­ The outitonding pen buy of tbs BROADCLOTH ’ _ Without party status, none of Solons Speed and that the manner of raising the at onc«. WtHM-lSlSUI money to meet the obligation add­ ted Nations lines, and visited Gen­ The committee aaid he could tell year . . , reol Porker quality from ■IZESi M-M "A.V»rf»«f; l*-M them can hope to retain their elate eral MacArthur. tip to cop. Sotin-imooth Inler- STEPMASTER pobs. Bauer ie known to have Controls Bill ed had not been supplied to him his atory at a public hearing today. , or other town officials. Latham plana to be back at hia Call 3 Alleged Reds changeoble point. f been thrown out of the radio sta­ desk in Washington within a SHOES tion already. Goldhammer has not ( Did Not Know of Increase Three former government work­ (Continued from Page One) RIDDIES PLAYGROUND The result, Waddell said, is that week. Craig has delayed his de^ ers named by Lee Pressman as AIR-tX>ISDITIUNEI) been seen in Eisler's office recent­ parture from Tokyo for a few '•j n ;li. ■. Chililren Free Under IB this additional money must be one-time fellow members of a Com­ ly- scarce Industrial materiala, priori­ DOOR PRIZE paid oiit of this year's funds, and days. munist cell here were cslled for ties for defense orders, government $25 that when he prepared Manches­ "The war Is a whole lot tougher questioning later In the day. A Special Value-Mew! than the people back home think CASUALS loans and loan-guarantees and the ter’s share of the county tax in Under subpoena were Nathan • A \ requisitioning of plants and equip­ this town's budget, he had not or have been led to believe,"- La Witt, John Abt and Charles Kra­ WHILE AT THE PLAINAILLE FAIR ment. known of the impending increase. them said. "It’s dirtier and mer. all now living in New York. Parker "il" A compix>mise between separate Waddell said it makes local fi­ tougher than anything I've ever Pressman, former Chief Counsel $ 2 * 9 9 And Cp Plan To Attend The bills passed by the Senate and the nancial officials look quite unin­ seen. to the CIO, told the committee thla House, it w'as whipped into final SATURDAY AFTERNOON formed when such events occur. He "You Just can't paint in words week that Witt, Abt and Kramer Saetial $ w t STOCK CAR shape late yesterday by a confer- | askad that county officials in the how tough it is.” were the only other members of RACES ence committee of the two branch- ' future give towns full and ample He said he had some ideas for the Communist group to which he ea ' notice of eaUmates ao that the new legislation "but now is not belonged while serving as a govern­ SAT. — 7:30 P. M. Six Weeka In Worka «owna may Intelligently prepare the time to tell about them,” he ment attorney. You’ll toy It’t Speciol in ovory (Standard) The agreement was reached Juat i ^ e l r own budgets. said. Witt, Abt and' Kramer appeared wayl Tho imarteil-tlylod Bills Won’t Win War SI N. — 7:30 P. M. about six weeks after Mr. Truman | Kiddies’ Day . 'Today Senator House, who will before the committee about two imoolhett-writing pon yeu’vo asked Congress on July 19 for | " It’s long range stuff," he said. ‘ (Modified) ftake up the points of yesUrday’s years ago. They refused to an- ^ or toon of ihti price. /o Adulto fl.SO Tax Incl. power to combat inflation and R earing with other legislators and "You’re not goinr (o efore WED. and THURS. rlrs. Choose from a col- O C c o - / - ! : * committee predicted the bill would “SAIGON” my observation.” be sent on to the president for his the county’s leglslatora vote ap­ The Marine Cora, he said, has leclio.n of slim looking ■ignature before the day waa over. “THEJUDOE proval. given the best exhibit In the Kore­ SEPT. 6th and 7th auita in crush resistant BTEPfl o u r* Manchester's current share of an war of the value of close air ROASTING CHICKENS The legislation goes Iwyond what J rayon gab and fa ille .... Mr. Truman askad, in that it would Alax. Kaax, Aaa Baatbafa the county tax runs to about a and ground cooperation through Conceal your secret in a permit him (6 clamp ceilinga on half mill on the present grand liat. use of carrier-based planes to This week we are beginning to drem mme of This year $37,(XK) was set aside . . . and will bring with him a oaloefal new Fall corduroy or prices, control wages and put coa- support troopa on the ground. the finest chickens we have ever raised. More ■timar rationing into effect. . for the tax. However, due to the The morale among the Marine display of the finest and newest in fabrics Frostpoint Jumper. . Our tender and flavorfni than ever before, they ofe as Lacks Conunodity Control Caanrax Saa.: 16 MO^ additional sums included, Waddell troopa la terrific, he said. dresaaa are young and Ths only powar Which tha presi­ CLOCK” aad “ T lIB B B ’a and fashions for men and women . . . .. gay and have a magic re­ carefully cleaned and prepared as always. dent asked and fallad to gat waa A OIBL IK MT riBABT” lease that allowa for ex- control over trading on conunodity oxebangae., TAILORED-TO-MEASURE panalon aa you nead it. If DRESS SHOES ROGER OLCOTT Tha last laaua worked by tha your aport minded see our 40S West Center Street Telephone 78SS conference committee waa the DANCING See foc.yourself the truly outstanding setecdoa new Maternity Sklrti, I time for ending the emergency Summer Season Opens At And Up of colors, weaves aod styles—-one of our fineif Slacks and Jabkets. powers. ’Thd House had voted to FRIDAY NIGHT $ 3 a 9 9 They're made for you! terminate them next June, 30, the then make your choice and bflvc ypiu measure* Senate a year later. TO THfe MUBIO OF Under the cofhpromlaa finally TOLTON ments taken . . . ready for deltveiy at ftqr dme struck off, tha authority for wage- you may specify. 0 Sketched left— Rayon price controls and c u i^ on real JESSE HILLS AND THE BARNSTORMERS KaJser.Fpaaer*a aew lmr.Krtes4 SADDLE crepe dresa with embroid­ aatata and consumer credit will LAKE HOUSE 8 P. M. TO MIDNIGHT aMoMUIe is a “trig pwriaeeT run out June 30, 1981, as will au­ ae ie JenMMMarataJ ia tha In c. ered bodice, mandarin ^ ROUTE 44A PHONE MAN. S819 OXFORDS Prospect Hill School thority for tha praaidant to sat up Fun Booths will be open in the fireplace room of the ■BKs display ahaesb I h a TK neckline, tiny belt, piped special maohinary to handle labor Community Hall during the dance. bags, iBcladiag a slaaaier pockets and magic ex­ disputes affecting, tha national da- PICNICKING BOATING BATHING rixid: aad a faat' laekor, fit . fenaa. panding waiatUne. Misty SUPPER memtir fa rte the eodaa’s b o w . $ 3 . 5 0 For Yopng Children Powers relating to allocatioas BEAUTIFUL SANDY BEACH sixes In Fall jMlora. and priorltlaB, rationing,, defanaa DEHNillTN BAKED HAM SUPPER SERVED IN THE MAIN HALL type giaat Ixsgage rnipart BxefUtnt Facllitififi For Oatingo. ■MSI, which is ionMd by $ald- w 9 8 producUou loans, tha raqulritton- ON SATURDAY 5 TO 7 P. M. WiH Reopen Monday, September 11, 1950 Ing of pl^ta and tha puKhaaa of Piqiics and Rfioaioiui iiNt d o w th e roar aaat. Aad THE BURTON’S, FOR BEAT raw materiala would continue un­ Enjoy the beat in fine food served on our .TICKETS I1.25--CHILDREN 60c til June SO, 1952, but imuld be JERRY LEW S - ... MONDAY Threngli FRIDAY tereened veranda overlooking*beautiful Bob used only in connsetiou with non- Exhibits open at 10:30 A. M. on Saturday, parades, •war sea* apright, tha oar is a tracts entered iato bMore Jliaa SHOE ton lake, ' floats, food booths, all the booths to make an old fash­ 9:00 To 11:30 SO. 1951. DICK STABILE mt Store Open All Day Wediteeday, fept fl ioned county fair. \ The Ww, rfeok riyUag the Batala Bavoklag Power . H AT s Ti'D Oi’ i-OM tmm mm*a Is aaghadried la 'nis MU would allow OomgroM DANCING every FHday aod Saturday With MRS. LELA TYBUR, Direetor to revoke aay or all of tho pow* •BFRRY BRDTHFRS CATTLE 2 P. M. ON TH E GREEN SALON era grautad by tha leglalattM fi|t LOU JOY AND HIS JOY MAKERS Paya any time. NO COVER—NO MINIMUM AactioB aad Awarding of 25 Valuable Prises “ExcIoeiTdy Years’* . T o r Further Inforaiatloii Please Call 4267 Other iMt-minuta agraementB TEL. MAM|BartER-3M9 ^ WEST CENTER ST. of the conferees included: I ' tTOi F ‘ Mrii-. . >r.T tUH ■ 8*^ P. M. In Main-Hall— BOLTON^ C E N T E R '- = MANCHESTER 474 MAIN 8T. ' ' 1. Knseking out a iBBata pro- TOWN MOTORS Aecoee Froai ^ s i Office • ***' ♦ A. .• iwit f : , , i' •iH':'?'.-1"-I;- ''-VF’i-' \ ''i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. ERIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19S0 UANCHESTEB EVENING BBRALD. UANCRE8TER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, mO P A G s r m i

e.xtremely high wind of about 50 trical; John B. Mallsy, Bngliah; mindera during the long vacation svsryona, paranto, drivara and Nathan Hale State to Reopen Car Expert miles an hour blowing straight FOR THE BEST4N Henry J. Mayer, Aiitomobila; Jos­ months. down the Willow Runway. W ifn Truck Didvers psdestrlans," hs added "but aa Hartford Tech eph A. Morris. Radio; Claira B. ^ -JZ T o d a y's ftadto’SSazT. the aid of this wind on my tall, I Mhs Jessie Reynolds ’ • ' "In addition." hr said "many professional drivers with ap sn- DOROTHY He got the new Henry J. up to Just O’Connor, Dressmaking; Ernest children will be going to school vlable safety record, we urge that School Hours Makes Test G. Ogren, Machihe Drafting; for the first time, and have not |VOOO'-> U W S M ta n OajrHckt XIo m WTIft — ISSO about 100 miles an hour. On the AND Opens Sept. 6 Get Reminder you practice more than tha usual return trip, against the wind, 64 Kenneth G. Orr, Printing layout; been taught to cross streets prop­ care and courtesy when driving, In KEENEY GRINDERS Ernest F, Osterling, Part''Tlme erly and. unless attended by par­ school zones, playgrounds and miles an hour was tops. But what LA PIZZA Busy^ Colorful Career 41:44— Noon Lunches to Re Kaiser’s New Model Is impressed me was that at 100 Trade Extension, Machine; A l­ ents or older brothers and sisters, wherever children may be during W D R C -«trU rt It Rich, WDRC — Edward R. Murrow, New Courses Introfliireil bert E. Provencal, Carpentry: 8. Warneil of Incrpascd they may be more playful than the coming school year." Piano Instructor Newa Served; Also Schedule Found Excellent in miles per hour, this car didn’t w n c —*hm Uy A.lhum. show the slightest trace of road Thomas Pugarrlll, Radio; Don­ Hazards in Traffic as usual." Mr. Mnerz stated that 9 WHC—Allmm of the Week. Friends of Social Service For Coming Term; Lo­ W H AT— Tour PlaybUl. At Barnard. School Tough Road Runs wander and handled perfectly with Vies SODA SHOP ald T. Schubert, Blueprint Read­ school-age children were killed on iVmn to ReolUi ' W H O —Bhckstage Wife. WONS—I Love a Mystery. ing; Stefan Scibok, Carpentry; Schools Open Connecticut highways last year Resumes Teaching only two fingers on the steering 153 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST Nurse Here Glad to cal Man Is Director W OOO-IUqnM t MkttBM. 14:04— On the flrat day of ichool. Sept. "A n automobile expert says The wheel. On hard turns at high Mrs. Jane Souerwine, Physical and over 600 were injured and America gave the worldvwater W K N »—News; Sporta Parade. E WONS— Music and News. Education; Lee E. Strickland, added that most of these could 6. the cafeteria at the Nathan Henry J.' will outperform many speed it held the road better than Hear She 1$ Able to Hartford Trade School officially Hartford, Sept. 1—The Motor as a food. Unaccustomed in the September 9 WCUfS-MUte. W H A T —^Mayor Sullivan. Hale School will begin eerving Printing; Freeman W. Sunder­ Transport Association of Con- have been avoided if motorists had Old World to drinking water aa bigger care in spe^, roadability many large American cam princi­ 'two^phones^ 2-3700 ’ 3985 known as the Hartford Regdonal « i l l ^ W H C —Top Secret. . noon lunchea. Children who dealre pally because of its 100-inch Resume Her Duties land, Mathematics; Delmar B. nectiait today alerted Connecticut re.isnnabte caution. a regular habit, early colonists WDRC—Philip Marlowe. Technical School will open its doors w n o —su n a OaUaa. to purchaae lunch ehould bring and aafety. It la a good looking wheelbase. for the new school term on Wednes­ Urwtek, Automobile; Mrs, Prle- truck drivers to the increased "The responsibility for the sav­ .were forced to do so and found Tel. 2-0048 WON8— Jack Downey'a Music WTHT—The Fat Man. I'llla caeh with wnich to buy lunc.h tick- car, this new offering of the Kal- The Henry J, as I tested it was M iu JesBie M. Reynolda' hoata day, September 6, 19.50. D. Wshrek. Dressmaking; hazards of pedestrian traffic to be ing of young lives rests upon It.agreeable and a boon to health WCCC— Music Hall. David C. Walker, Automobile;.and ihop. eta. Soup, aandwtehea, deaert. milk eer-Fraser factory. Built on a 100 about right. There was no discom­ of frienda will b« glad to hear New Courses on the secondary created by the opening of achonl 4:14— and cocoa will be eerved. Tlcketa fort even when I slammed It into school level as well as many eve-' George F. Weaver. Evening School next week. In a bulletin to truck W H A T — King Cole Trio. inch wheelbase, Itls powered by a that ah« haa ao far recovered from WDRC—New England Note- are sold daily. the deepest road holes but, far ning and day school courses have 8u|>e.rvisor. ■ operators, John F. Maera, As­ book. SiS4— Nathaa Hale seaaiona, grades I Wlllys Jeepstar engine. The en­ more important', I kept control of AMESITE DRIVEWAYS her illneas aa to h^e aoon able to The month ot September will be sociation vice-president, .urged W O N ^ B ra v e s vs. Philadelphia. been prepared for the term 1950- WTTO—liorenso Jonea. through grade VI. will be held gine has been hopped up with a tha car at all times." . reaume her duUea at Ute Munici­ 1951. Aside from the curriculum the deadline for 9th and 10th grade tnick drivers to be especially care­ WHAT—Plalnvllle Fair. from 8:45 to 11:45 a.m.,'and 13:45 • REDUCED RATES SINCE 1920 W H A T—Meet the Band. new manifold and carburetor, plus pal building. Mlaa Reynolda, who changes, new teaching personnel registrations in the following ful when driving in school zones WTHT—This Is Your FBI. to 3:00 p.m. Grade seven will be In oGRADI' G FREE WORK WeXXJ—News; Re1 en­ whose street-crossing and walking rieties. WDRC—Dp for Parole. the car I drove a baby wildcat. LONELY PEOPLE o FREE ESTIMATES sustained injuries in a fall at her rollment since World War II. Drafting. Carpentry, Electricity, habits may have suffered consider­ 4 :0 — 4:04— Barnard School cafeteria will We do not care how old rou CALL home in March. She fractured her Machine. Tool and Die, Plumbing, also serve lunch on Sept. 6. Tlcketa The 4 cylinder Henry J la quite a 7' • TIME PAYMENTS According to Henry E. Sinna- ably because of lack of .use and . W H O —Young Wldder Brown. WDRC— Songs for Sale. surprising automobils and will are. Meet new friends. Join MANt;H ESTER arm and other compllratlons set mon„of Manchester, director of the Printing, and Radio. absence of constant teacher re- W H A T — Moonlight Matinee are aold dally and children wish­ WDRC—Old Record Shop. outperform many bigger American the GET ACQUAINTED CLUB. • SAVE 10% FOR CASH 7691 ia requiring treatment at Man­ school, the new curriculim\ of the WONS—Hollywood, U.SA.< ing to purchase should bring cash. WTHT—Thin Man. cars In apeed,. roadability and safe­ No minors. For Information chester Memorial hospital on two school has been prepared to serve A I R C O N 1) I T I O N L n WOOC—Junior Disc Jockey. W H C —Dlmerwlon X, Barnard morning session begins SAVE W ITH ocraaiona. at 8:45. The session Is continuous ty It holds tne road better than call Mrs. Barnes, 40 Church the best Interests of American 4:45— 4:44— many larger vehicles and handlea Street, Hartford. Tel. 7-4852 A native of binglaiid and a youth, to train the all round trades­ • W THT—News and Weather. W TH T—Sheriff; Roll Call. until 2:50 with a thirty minute CHOOSE YOURS FROM THE f.ARGEST AND MOST lunch period. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis like a dream. DeMAIO BROTHERS graduate of the Yale School of man especially in time o f an emer­ SiM— W H C — Jack ' Lalt, Confidential, Dick Stablls Nursing, Mias Reynolds haa had a gency when v&'Rtional education COMPLETE DEPARTMKNT lN MANCHESTER WDRC—News; Old Record 14:44— When I pulled the Henry J. out Call Now — We Psrsoaally Soperelee A b W orkl for iny Initial runs, thers was an busy and colorful career. For 5llm Jessie Reynolds takes on great importance, espe­ Shop. W TIC— President Truman. The newly decorated SUte some years she served aa a school cially in the fields of industry. W H O —When a Olrl Marries. W TH T— President Trumsn. Theater, Hartford, will Inaugurate nurse in New Britain and this New instructors who will start P E N C I L S WOOC—Big Brother Bill. E l l i n g t o a Ball-point WHAT—News; Moonlight Mat­ town. At the outbreak of World Herald, commenting on the honor September 6th are Stanley J. Bu- WONS—Merfs Record Adven­ Its gala stage show saaaon on.^Sat­ Johnson inee. W’ar I she entered the CSanadlan paid to her. entitled "A Medal for darz. Health, English and Mathe­ Ho. 2 fo r 5r Tri-Color Pens tures. WDRC—President Truman. In 'Jhc last 6re drill by the El­ urday and Sunday, Sept. 0 an^ 10, And Jessie,” Editor Alan H. Olmstead Arm y Medical Corps with the matics; Milton Factor, Automobile; . lo 10c (Red, Green, Blue) W H A T—Open House. I0:S4— lington Volunteer Fire Company for two days only. Headlining will rank of Srst lieutenant For two followed his leading paragraph Inga Lisa Leonardson, Beauty Cul­ I . W THT— run House. W TIC —Bill Stem. held by the three teams, the team be one of the grea'test stage, years she was stationed at the with this tribute; ture. Assignments also listed for $ 1.00 I J i S:15— WDRC—Capitol Cloak Room. captained by Ernest Meyer won. screen, radio and television at­ A n d erson base hospital In Toronto, and for "The ranks of those who will the new term are Charles T. Bar­ WHC—Portia Faces Ufe. WONS—Jack's Waxworks. The time was S minutes and 32 applaud extends throughoilt Man- MECHANICAL tractions o f all times, Deal) Mar­ a year she served on transports ber, Machine: William F. Colby, FOUNTAIN PENS iiSS— 10:45— seconds from the time they re­ PAINTING AND plying between Canada and Eng­ cliester. It includes those for Plumbing; Wlnthrop F. Conant, t h t W H C -J u st Plain BUI. PENCII.S W TIC —Pro and Con. ceived the calf and they were all tin and Jerry Lewis, screwball land. whom Jessie Reynolds found baby Mathematics and English; William 29c to $1.95 WCCO—News; Sporta Tunes. DECORATING W THT— Hartford Speaks. set for action at the pond. A ban­ comedians of the paramount hits, Accepts Position Here carriages, rents and a thousand P. Crowley, Machine; Zygmund I. WONS—B-Bar-B Riders. 11:04— lOe to $1.00 quet will be paid by the two los­ "M y Friend Irma" and My Friend Interior and Exterior Work other necessities, from time to D nbroski. Physical Education; W THT—Green Hornet. News on all stations. While on leave of absence spent Ring Binder and ing teams. Irma Goes West". Dean and Jerry WAIWNS in Manchester, she was offered time. Whether a need is routine Robert M. Dorsey, Social Sciences; S:45— WHAY—News; Moonlight Mati­ 225 Hiffhland SL Tel. ft:<12 or usual, she tackles it with the WDRC—Curt Massey and Mar­ Mias Clara Beasley, s teacher are the weirdest, freshest, merriest • OOTHSKS. INC the position of Home Service Sec­ Michael J. Errele. Natural Scien­ BALL POINT PENS Notebooks nee. and zanlest team in show buainess RIet Coal Is Chaap . . . And Always Plantlfiil! same calm, matter-of-fact con6- ces; Robert W. Hitchcock, plumb­ tha Tilton. IIH 5 — for many years In the schools of .TTO Oak St. Tel. fi914 retary of the American Red with 25 Different Styles today. This will be their first New dence that the goodness of people ing; Mrs. Edythe G. James, W H A T—Sports. New Brunswick, N. J., has retired FUNERAL Cross, which she accepted on 2.5(^f6$1.00 To Pick! From WDRC-The World Tonight W e can show you how to burn !t efficiently, will nil It. Her activities touch­ Health; Charles W. Johnson. Elec­ W HC—Front Page Farrell. and returned to her home In. England "In persoq" appearance. February 1, 1920. The Home Serv­ W TH T—Tops in Sports. Featured along with Dean Martin SERVICE ing an ever-widening circle over trical; Richard E. Joyce, Jr., FARM BUREAU WCCC—Sporta; Charlie Bloss- WONS—Jack's Waxworks. Sadd's Mills where s)ie will live economically...... and without dirt. ice Is an obligation Imposed upon with her sisters Misses Florence and Jerry Lewis, wlIJ be Dick the Red Cross by the charter the years, have done much to make Science; Erwin A, Lachelt, Print­ fleld. W H C —Don Cherry. Ormajid JlWest I r Manchester a more human town, EveiriMg 11:15— and. Eva Beasley. Stabile, noted bandleader, who will granted it by Congress. It la one ing; John M. MacFarlane, Elec­ INSURANCE D ir e c t o r human in giving and sharing, hu­ Notebook Refills . 5c to 10c 4:40— WDRC — Public Service Pro- Mr. and Mrs. George .Stumpfel ba Joined by the Berry Brothers, ITALIAN- You ean'f beat If! o f the most important services "International Dancing Stara", rendered by any Red Cross chap­ man in receiving. She la a mighty ROYAL WDRC—News. granr. of Broad Brook road have been |li even remevet ike aikei sad peyi h r HteH) and fearless doer of kind deeds, W H A T —Sports Finals. entertaining friends from New plus a galaxy of noted Hollywood AMERICAN ter—the human link between the W H A T—News. the good genius of the Municipal SM1TH-4 0RANA Pencil Boxes . 2 .5 c to $1.98 WCCC—Music Han. 11:44— York. and Broadway personalities. The Th« Eltctrie Fiirnaet-Man service men and' their homes, the Inaugural program at Hartford's building, and a favorite, sentimen­ HEARING-AID WONS—News. W H A T — Moonlight Matinee; Francis E. Dowd, son of Mr. HALL contact point between the men In REMINGTON Complete line of Commercial State promises to be a memorable Aufomatle Anthracita Bumaf the service and their anxious par­ tal, lovely ngure to hundreds of W THT—Sporta; Joe Otrand News. an4 Mrs. Frank Dowd of PInney Manchester homes, in short, the Show. 11:55— one. The State Theater In Hart­ 3/96 ents, wives or children. Stationery, Erasers. Tablets, Spiral street who has been Inducted Into ford Is completely Alr-Oondltloned. AVAILABLE can be Intielled IMMEDIATELY. Convert to coal now. kind of person who deserves med­ BATTERIES < 0 C riri PORTABLE W H C —News. W ONS—News the service army at Fort DIx, N. As the town's first Home Service lS:44s- There will be late stage shows As long ei you live, you'll never be torryl als.” For All HearinR-Aidfi Nntebooka, Typewriter Supplies, m WKNB—^News; Sports Review. J., has been assigned to Westover For W'eddiniis, Showers Secretary, Miss Re3molda per­ TYPEWRITERS every Saturday and Sunday start­ formed an extremely valuable In addition to her humanitarian 4:14~ W H C —News; Music. Field, Mass., where he expects to Tka Sign of • “Ereready”. “Mlnl-Maz" Did you know that 10*/* of your Income Invs'tlsd In School Bags, Lunch Kits, Carbon ing at 10 p. m. and Parties Of All Kinds work for the men and women in duties. Miss Reynolds devoted WDRC—Jack Smith Sportscast Frequenry Modulation stay for at least a year. Mrs. Dowd "Meronry” iniuronce would,^ protect the other 90*/* of your total $64.50 to $89.50 W KNB—Easy Rhythm. WORTHY SERVICE the different branches of the serv­ much time to her church, St. Paper, Crayons, Index Boxes and WDRO—FM 94.1 MC. On tha air has Joined her husband there. For Information Call p j Income? 4:15— 4-10 p-m. Same as WDRC. G. E. Willis and Son, Inc. ice over a period of twenty-five Mary’s Episcopal, of which she (Phts Ikxes) The next meeting of Ellington 142 Bm « Oiitor 8t FRANK DIANA ha.a been a communicant since (^rds. School Brief Cases, Pencil WDRC—Jack Zalman. W T I ^ F M 44.5 MC. On the air 2 MAIN ST. TEL. 5125 years. The high regard in which . There it a Form Bureau Iniuronce contract that will Grange will be held In the town coming to Manchester. She has Easy Trims— W HC—Strictly Sports; Weath- 5:15 a.m.-l a.m. Same as W H C. Monehrotor Phone 8005 ahe was held by them was evi­ provide for all of your protection needi. Boxes, Etc. W TH A — 104.1 MC. hall, Wednesday, September 13, denced by the hundreds of letters worked In close touch with its IJhrral Trades with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, For complete Information about your Inturoncs WONS-Bports. P. M. and cards ahe received at Christ- rectors during the periods when chairman; assisted by Mr. and so many of Its young people were neecJj, write or coll — W H A T —mipper Serenade. 6 :0 0 -Racing and Sporta. n.-s and at other times from all 873 Main St. Tel. 4136 4iS B - 9:15—Benny Goodman. Mrs. Abe Cor. Hazel Dimock, John over the globe, and in her in their country's service, and has MARLOW’S - FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES WTDRC— Reoord Album. 6:25—Weather. Glrardlnt, Mrs. Helen Quinn, Mr. recent shutln period she was re­ attended regularly when her 4itS— 6:30—Musical Story Book and Mrs. William Ross, ,Sr., and membered by a profusion of flow­ health permitted. FRED T. BAKER WTKNB—Weather. 6:15— Western Sepenade. William Ross, Jr., Eunice Sikes, ers, gifts and cards, which she Member of Soroptlmlsts *9 LVND ALE STREET TEL. 2-I26S 4 i 4 ^ 7:00—Dance Time. Florena Saypalla and Corrinc found it impossible to individually While attending to her secre­ Milk Fed Broilers, W TH T—B e r e n o Oammell; 8:00—Ave Maria Hour. Pressler. LOVILL acknowledge. tarial duties for many years with 8:30—Marine Band. I/>cal Mother Speaks Weather. A ' Edith Ciavell Post. B.W.V., Auxil­ Fryers, Roasters LEONARD D. RIVARD 8:45— Adventurea in Reaearch. One mother voiced the opinion WnPRC—Record Album. iary, she was invited to become a 89 McK i n l e y r t k e e t t e l . t - o n i W H C —Emile Cote Glee CJub. Televislnn COVIL’t of many when she said: "W e moth­ member of the Hartford Soroptl- and Capons W ONS—Guest Star. W NH O —TV ers of sons In the service owe a mist Ctab which was instituted in Ore seed, etaaaod aad waabsd FRI. AND SAT. ONLY WCCC—News; Music Hall. P. M. debt of gratitude to Miss Reynolds 1938, the first in Connecticut. A ft­ WTCNB—Sporta Newsreel. 4:00— Homemaker's Exchange. for making lighter the burdens we er the Manchester Soroptlmlst Wrapped la oailophaoe aad held M. KENNETH OSTRINSKY ia dMp (reeae for your oon- OUR FAMOUS JUSTARRIVED! 5:00— Mr. Magic. carry. Manchester ia Indeed for­ CTlub, the first women’s service 184 BISHELL STREET T E U f-1684 WDRC— Dowell Thomas. 5:15— Time for Beany tunate to have a person of her cali­ club was organized in town in venleaoe. No araltlag. W rnc—Three Star Ebctra. 8:30— Howdy Doody. ber in these times of great dla- 1943, she transferred her mem­ 6:00—Twilight Time FARM BUREAU MITTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSITRANCE CO. WONS— Evening Star. trees." bership to the local club and has Prices Are Lower Home Office — ColimilNis, Ohio GRACE MAE GIRLS’ tVKNB—Mindy Carson; News, 30—Lucky Pup. UNION 01>HCAL CX). During the war years Miae Rey- been a faithful and valued mem­ W TH T—Sports. 6 ;'45:;;:alaait O'Brien. 441 Main St. Tel. 1-SI28 noltla* days and evenings were ber; one to whom the others Delivery la Sfaoebeator RepreMfiHse 7:00— K u k l^ F ra n and Ollie. i 4:44— Leslie Christeneen filled with duties, attending to could look for advice, and to find Friday Bvenlaga FARM RURtAU MUTUAl AUTOMOIIU INSURANCI COMRAMT CORDUROY W THT— Edwin G Hill. 7:30— Roberta Quinlan. Uoensed Optician various requests, sending tele­ where they could help in cases of 7:45—Newsreel. FARM lURMU MUTUAl FIRf INSURAIKE COMTANT NYLONS 1:44— grams or letters making home need known to Miss Reynolds. She H. A. FRINK 8:00—Mama. Prescriptlone Promptly Fined WIDRC— Beulah. QUINN'S visits and keeping in touch with was also a charter member and Snlllvaa Ave. Mapping FARM lUREAU UR INSURAIKE COMTANY AND WOOL 9:00—Versatile Varietlea. Frames Repaired those in the service at all times. active in the Marine CTorpS Hems Offles* — Celumbes, OWs W H A T — Symphony Hall. 9:30—Big Story. Tel. Man. 1168 After « P. H. and Lent Replaced League Auxillai^. W TIC— One Man's Family. 10:00—Cavalcade of .Sports, PHARMACY British bom, it was natural that WCCC—Music Hall. 10:30—Greatest Fights. ahe should become a charter mem­ WONS— Fulton Lewie, .Jr. 11:00—Late Newsreel. ber of the Britlah-American Club SKIRTS W TH T—Storyland. which was organized in 1921. At Pleated, elrenlar r and ' dirndl Ills— one of its ‘ladies' night” programs, stylea, come with beautiful ap> WONS—Tello-Teet. with 250 persona in attendance, plique, SItea 1 to 14. All popular W TIC—News. Going On A Picnic? she was called upon for remarks, rhadea WDRC—Jack Smith. SPECIAL! and presented with a beautiful 1:44— Having Company Over The wrist watch in token of the club’s WONS—Gabriel Heatter. Reg. $ 1 .5 0 Janies* appreciation for her "friendly, $1.98 to $2.98 W TH T—I^ne Ranger. Holiday Weekend? sympathetic help and advlqs” to WCCC—Hews; Music Hall Hair Shaping BO many hundreds of service men Pre-Teen Sizes 10 to 14 WDRC—CTub Fifteen. and their families when they W H C —Guest Star. $1.00 Toni Refill needed a helping hand. ORDER A SUPPLY OF $4.29 W KNB — Evening Varieties; 12.50 Value Secretaiiy for 15 Tesra News. In 1031 Jessie Reynolda - was sleeted secretary of Edith Cavell Pre-Teen (10-14) Both For $2.00 DAIRY Poet, auxiliary to the Hartford 81 isugs, 16 and S6 dmlrr. CORDUROY SLACKS (Plus Tax) British war Veterans, and faith­ An slabs. Arthur Drug Stores fully performed her duties for more y e a r r o u n d e x t r a s e r v ic e s than twenty-five years. A t the $5.49 TRUSSES. BELTS. QUEEN completion of her twenty-fifth year ELASTIC HOSIERY, JAMES' and installation for her twenty- CRUTCHES, BRACES BEAUTY SALON sixth term, she was presented by ESPECIALLY USEFUL AT SCHOOL TIMEL And wc will put it in our the Post with a beautiful silver PER Expert r iHasa 74 EAST CENTER ST. PAIR deep freeze so that it will compote and a corsage of garden­ Snake oil is wonderful stuff! ias. l^ R EVERYTHING keep for hours. Just Atvarded Legion,Medal **Just try it once, dear friends, just try it once and you ll never be Aa in moat cases of unselhsh phone 2-9354. devotion to human needs, the serv­ without i t For nervonsnese, for upset stomach, for all types of aches ice Miss Reynolds rendered would n doubtless be reward enough to her LABEL YOUR BELONGINGS TO RIPS— HOLES— TEARS All first quality, full fashion­ A 1 R CONDITION E D Pints, Quarts, Vt Gallons and aOsy for building the blood! It’s good, my friends. It's just naturally kind and generous soul. However, ed. Newest shades for Fall. Dtiworth-Comcll-Quey Post, No. and Gallons. the beat! ^ . 102, American Legion of Manches­ CAN BE REWOVEN. ter, at a "Ladies’ Night" gathering at the Legion Home, paid her sig­ i There's a peculiar brand of "snake oil" being peddled in America nal rec<^ition In the shape o f toe AVOID LOSSES! American Legion's Civic .gold med­ To take Dairy Quatn DON’T THROW IT AWAY! fn|oy T«‘ffpt.nq today. It's the "enre-all" variety whose aponsors t ^ like this: "Let the al. The presentataion was made yee b«y VENETIAN BlSib by Dr. Robert P. Knapp, chairman DAIRY QUUN on a picnic we have apo- fedeaal government solve onr problems by running things. Let it take of the past commanders' commit­ 4SI I. NlStllS TURNMRf M4NCHESTIR over the doctors. . . the railroads . . . the electric light and power com­ tee- which arranged the affair. • Shoki eial paper bags that Trill Miss Reynolds accepted the beau­ panies . . . and other industries and services." tiful. suitably Inscribed gold medal katp tho eootainars cold. with feeling and in all modesty, , Motorola—Hallicraftfrs—Emerson No one, aa far as can be ascer­ Most of diese people would say they're against socialism. They Jnst tained, has a poaed picture of the think control of this hnslnesa or that industry or service by the govern­ subject of this eulogistic story. Right now at our The picture above was taken, aa ment would benefit themselves or their community, or mayl^ everybody. Miss Reynolda receives the medal. TELEVISION fountain wo arc fea­ / ’•4 The Herald used the group pictare In a report of the presentation, turing Freah Frozen What they don't realize is: when any government takes oyer en on ^ and since then had the above cut Boyaenberry ' Sun- engraved from the original glossy things, socialiim comes antomatically. plcthre of Miss Reynolda alone, of Findell Venetians reflect the home and RADIO daaa, plua many which she has no knowledge. Nei­ ther is Mie aware of anything said owner’s good taste and desire for other popular fruits I Every time yon let government take another control, you lose an­ here. T W best brands, tb s best strriec. You best this Editorial Comneat comfortable, gracioiis living. If you .and flavors. other freedom. And every lost freedom moves yon closer to a social- In an editorial printed In The BRING ARTICLES FOR REWEAVING TO approved radio aad tolevision shop for the type of Istie U.S.A. Socialism's promise Bright sound inviting but so do the Your own name printed in red, bine, green, black, are considering vcnctiana yon owe it >^pRadBds aad asrvlcs fadUtios people expect when they promises of the snake oil peddler both are dangerous idien people navy, pnrple or brown, on York Process Boil-pimf Name Marlow's Little Mending Shop to yourself to get the best. ar W svM oa. Remember Our fsU for them. % BANTLY Tapes. For schooL college or the armed services. Label No need to discard anything becaoae of moth holes, Phone Number cigarette burns or other damage. Have it 4«woven at aD your belongings to avoid loss. Miarlow’s ao i| will look like new. Buy is experience 1-9SM O iL C O . Zippers InalalUd and repiaired: umbrcllaa repaired; 3M MAIN ST. ^ v e s and hosiery repaired. TEL. 5293 3 Dosen $ 1 .0 0 II 9 Dosen $1.50 MANUFACTURINO ^ Marlow-s JLittle Mending Shop ______DAIRY QUEEN The CoifNECTicuT ^ Power Compahy Rjpingo and Fuel Manciitsiiiu "c4> "“"^HARITOBD ROAD and BRIDGE ST. 6 D o i ^ n . $1.25 12 Dosen ^ i k A^ W N N B Y . Prop. Q$| DfStribiit^ t ' /

MANCHESTER EVENING HfiRALU. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1950 MANiniESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN« FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1960 PAGE .SE1 BiX iahment from the road for a long Utra in Europe And Uio tiniflcn- tha Health committee o f the city, Tha guests Included Lieutenant the People's Savings Bank. Rock- ' is accepting bids for the laying of Colonel Hobert Schwolsky of Hart­ ville and checks gntl money orders ! peiiod. if not altogether. There is lUtirliPiUr Qon. of nil European pcoplaa In I Rockville | News Analyst State Drivers no place (or them in hightway so­ about 1,600 feet of 8>inch sani­ ford, the new Commanding officer may be made payable to the Jim- ^ EASY ON COUNTRY SUPPER Buroponn faderat atBtea?” tary sewer. Anyone wrlahing Infor­ of the Second Battalion and Major my Fund. The funds ralapd go to ciety." AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Detailed preparation* by atate €tipttUi0 Ifwalh . In Uie amall town of Brolaach. mation may secure the same from Roy White of New Britain, battal­ the Children's Cancer Research THI FAMILY At IN8TALLZD WITH A ■ Parley Guest Warned Again and municipal authorities for La­ with >,400 eitiaena, B7.B per cent the health committee. The bids ion executive officer. Seabiiry Foundation. f rpw^iuKmOT oo?urts on the cipal Speaker at Man- Enforced Over the La­ way * Department baa ensured Jetehw 1. lltl. the queatlon. serioualy injured Thursday evening '.w'lh Sergeant Oerald, A. Sharrow National convention at Boston will . minimum baaarda nt all polnta COMMUNITY HALL, BOLTON CENTER about nin# o'clock aa he'waa cross- responding for the men. be given by the following who at,- ' ufactureiV Session bor Dav Holidav THOMAS D. COLLA PiiiltfkM B**>7 CtMIbs SMtAt In the larger town of Cnatrop- Little League Event in where construction haa been in kuiMf Baa Rsiiaaf*. BBitrao at ta* tng the Wilbur Cross Highway .at Named Chairman ‘ |tended. Mrar Mary Buchanan, Mlea | pragresa. Stat* police plana, as ADULTS 11.25 — CHILDREN 65c . For the Beat in DrlTsway Conatmetion Call lUuxel, n total o'f S4,3» or 7S per Rorkville to Be Held Dobaonvill* and was stnick by an For th‘* second year. Arthur Ann Wllleke, Mrs. Cecelia F rey; Hartford. Sept. 1.—Continued otiea u HaacDMitr, Caaa.. a* Hertford Sept. 1 —Cecil Browrn, % always, are compdehenalve. Spe­ MANCHESTER 2-9219 M m # ciaaa Mail Mattar. cent of the electorate, voted on auto operated by Richard W. Poirer,-'manager of the Palace and Mrs. Laura Kreh. I noted redto eommentetoi^ end- increaaea In traffic fatalltlaa may cial or^ rs lasued by Commission­ MENU:' Baked ham, mashed potato, coni nn eob. tonutoea and Tomorrow; Program Loughmey, 38, of 515 Halstead theater has been named chairman \ Orange Neighbors Night ' cucurobera. ooleslaw, peach ahortoake, rolls, coffee. ■CMOMmON MATMt ~ the queatlon, and of thaao 31,S0« lecturer, will he If the princlpel reault In drastic enforcement er Hickey are masterful In de­ voted "yea." avenue, Mantmeck, N.V. McCrys- of lhe'"JimiTiy" Fund In Rockville, i "Ncighbor'a Night" will be ob- tail. Spot checking of vehicles by >s« T»ar «r Mail ...... « Rockville. Sept. 1.—(Apeoiall — tal who had been janitor of the Raymond Spurting will serve as served at the meeting of Vernon f f peeker et the benquet session of measures by state and 'municipal Itt fkMtaa *r Mall ...... * & ™ Tha moat rirulent opponltion to Motor Vehicle Department Inapec- >«• «aatb ay Mfii ...... 1 l.im i A Uttle l.s'ague .Field Day will be Vernon Depot achoolhouac In treasurer of the 19>5() fund raising ■ Orange to.be held this evening. Ap- the 136th Annual Meeting of the Buthorltira to . eliminate erring tora during AuguaL with safety ; If. Iietia Co»» ...... , . . . f .04 thia federalist proposal, In both I held St the RcCiesIlon Field on recent yeara was first taken to campalgn. All donations will be plications for membership should LitH* ■•ys * Manufacturers Association of Oon- drivers altogether from highways, reminders to drivers, has also i iratur. ay Ctrriar ...... 24 SaUir/lay. This will not only In- the Rockville City hospital and accepted by. Mr. Spurlliig, Care of be in at tonight's meeting. { SiM6 11 a loaa, a«llyar«a. Qn« Taar ....112 00 instanrea. came from the Cr^nimu- necticut, it was announced today stated Robert i; Catlln, chairman been a. practical contribution. A* ; ... 112.00 nlsts. who imported special party rhide field events and a ball later removed to St. Francis Hos­ $ 4 .f« by WUIlem A. Purtell, Association of the Highway Safety Commis­ the holiday period arrlvea, the wait of Mlta roraigo game, but will also he a tag day pital In Hartford. Sergeant Ed­ president. The meeting will take oraaniecra. plastered the commu­ sion, today in rommentlng on the 'program' appear* afficlently i MEMBER o r for the benefit of the "Jimmy ward Formeiater of Stafford piece et Yale Untveraity, New exigency confronting traffic safe­ planned. I trust public apprecta- i NOWI 1950 COLD CLEAR TO THE FLOOR THE aSAOClATEP PKEBS nities with posters propagandik- Fund" with the proceecjg.,going to Springs barracks Is In charge of Ruggad tan moc Haven, on Tuesday. September 12. ty authorities during the long Tao AMociatto Proa* i* aacliMirely tion of such efforts will be mani-; Ing aRainat the Idea of European the CTiildren's Cani'er Research. the Investigation. The Intersection with rad rubbar grip Mr. Brown's address, entitled Labor Day holiday weekend feat \hrough cooperation all driv- ‘ anUUaa to la* u»* ol rapoollratioa ol Tlie program starts at 11 a. m , all a*«a aiapatcha* ei<*ait*a to it. or federallam. and attempted to dis­ where the accident occurred la not sola and hoal. R A D "Crossfire in Asia” will reflect his ahead. era extend state and municipal I with the following events: 11 to lighted. E n i U c o f t broad knowledge of current Asiat­ Court Cases ^"Sa'd weekend traffic Fatality ■ot. ptaar*!** eraaitaa m ui* aapar rupt campaign maetiiigs on the swidtht.Si’xBa2H to*. authorities.” I aiao IB* local a*** auanaaco a«r*. Ili.lO a. m.. .V)-yar(l dash; 11:30 To Speak Tuesday ic conditions. Earlier this year he experiences were recorded duflng I All rltata of r*aB*lioatloa ot apaciai Issue. But the .usual Communist to 12, basebslt throwing for dls- Congresaman-at-Large Anthony visited the Far E:aat to record in­ A charge of driving whlld under August. " stated Mr. Catlln. "Cor­ aiaaalca** aarala *r* alao raaoraaB. KELVINATORS opposition to federal Ideas not­ Isnce; 12 to 12:30, three-legged Sadlak will be the speaker at the IN-WAll FORMICA terviews with government. and the influence of intoxicating liquors oners' reports Indicate speed and race; 12:30 to 1, base running J o h n s o n f^ii 'aortic* eliaat of N. E. A. Strt- withstanding. the ordinary people noon meeting of the Rockville Ro­ TV & RADIO OF THi WEEK COUNTERS military leaders. In Formosa,' the or.drugs sgaiiiet Jerome M. Gog- arrant carelessness caused most ngain.st time. There will be a tary Club next Ttieaday. 930 SIAIX ST. Philippines and Japan he conduct­ of this year's fatal crashes. None Ic*. Inc. of these two communities regis; lunch and rest period at one ■MANCHESTER gins, 41. of 99 Pr'att street. Hart- Al'iend Party ed Intensive surveys on the atti­ of the cases brought to my atten­ Paamaar* R**r***ai*tlt*ar Ta* tered. in overwhelming fashion, o'cloi k with hot dogs, soda and ice tudes of the people and their lead­ fprd, was continued to Sept. 18 by tion indicate laxness by any au­ juliuf Matbaw* Saacial Agaaey - N*« About 150 members and friends their own common aensa convic­ I cream being served. From 2:30 to CORNER ers toward Americans and Ameri­ Deputy Judge John D. LaBelle in thority concerned with traffic Terk. Cbieago. Datroit ana Boaton. I 3 p. ni.. there will he a field event of Company E. Connecticut Na­ can policy. town court this morning. Ooggins is tion that the time has come fur X-RAY CORRECT FITTING FOR COMFORT safety. Highways have been In m e m b e r ^ a u d it b u r e a u o r I with ha.seball throwing for accu- tional Guard attended the party Mr. Brown replaces Senator represented by Attorney Alfred CUSTOM EXHIBITS excellent condition, efficient pa­ a Rcu latio w b. ______the world to begin lowering it* i I S, y. followed by a home nm hit­ given at the Rockville Hotel din­ CUPBOARDS John W. Bricker aa the featured Wech.sler of Hartford. Bond was sp#rt tacks? & DISPLAYS trol of trafficwaya has been main­ nstiniislistic divisions snd cvulv,' ting contest from 3 to 3:30 ing room last evening sponsored KITCHENS speaker at the Association's An­ continued at S2UU. tained by state and municipal po­ ra* Uaiaio Prlntmi Company. Inc.. by a miinber of service rlub.s and Di.'play your cherished aaaoaiaa nn Inandal raaponaibihty (or a pulitiral snd ecbnomlr system o'clock. ■ i nual Meeting. Developments in Richard Miller, 21. of 185 Maple lice and educational efforts by ra­ I The All-.Star teams of the other organizations of the city. Washington and Ohio made It nec­ street, forfeited i 35 bond when tyaotraaaieaj arror* *iO0 CHEST BOTTU SPACE SURER CRIIRER for tBe United States he promised innocent of all the charges lev­ ant did a good job,” hospital auth­ eVumecOco t Soldier Killed orities said. le tp** syl** (*0AR- DRAWER that, tf the special commission eled against her. ANTUO (er Mpee- «r**r or a *e» P**r Should ascertain the facts in the For proof of the fact that ahe Waahlngton, Sept. 1—iJPi—The .Ml Police on Holiday Duty Department of Defense has an­ FREE). . csss to be what they seem, the will continue to suffer, even if she LEARN I* weel, caHes snd United States would^psy proper nounced the death of one Connect­ I' Hartford. Sept. 1.— —State (rettkS/fie*/(ret/If* 8e»i/fy/ 6ef f^eBuy/ should he innocent, one needed icut soldier and the wounding of Police Commissioner Edward J. mlilsr**, to*. Indemaitlea to Communist China only to look at the second atory, j TO DRIVE two e'e^ara In the fighting In Ko­ Hickey haa ottered his entire iSc H S1.N and diacipline the American air- which told of Owen Lattimore ^ 16 to 60—anybody can team rea. Listed aa killed in action waa force to patrol Connecticut high­ a pair ' Baan Involvad. Private First Class Rudolph Eh- way# over the Labor Day week­ having a speech cancelled at a In drive any oar In nor dual- lers, Jr., son of Mrs. Johanna Eh- end. Special patrols and equip­ Subsequently, the .Security l*H WINNM New England resort hotel. Latti­ control Instnietliin car. Com. lers of Stamford. Those wounded ment have been assigned to areas Council voted to place the qiies- pefent, eourteoii* Instmclnrs PStNION BCABHir more haa been labeled a Commu- | $S per hour were Private Firat Class Frank B. where accidents have been numer­ BWBRB tien on iu agenda. In thia vote, nlit agent, by Senator McCarthy Birch, son of Mrs. Mary A. Birch ous in the past. Commissioner tha tJnlted Stataa and Soviet Ruft' NO TRAVEI TIME CHARGED of Stafford, and Private Firat Hickey urged motorists to drive and by that section of the Aifiej-i- Class Gerald J. Kelly, son of Mrs. safely, especially at night when MB aotad together. In the affirms- | p „ „ oacklng Senator Mc- TEL. t - a t Adele J. KbUy, of Hartford. most holiday accidents occur. tive. Othara voting in the affirm- j e ,rt„v , ,nd he ha.s been prt.veri MANCHE.STER nRIYING C £ H 0 U S E s S 6 n aUve included Britain, : ^^e eves of most observers. ex- ACADEMY WITKIIS Ecuador. India, Noimay and Yu- , ..,p, those who preferred the goalavia. T h ^ voting against ^..r.^mal charges, to be quite U.no- iBcluaioB of U c matter un I cent. In fact, tha proof of hi* in- agaeda ware Nationalist China, loceiii e has always been con- AUTO GlJ^SS which of course beU ves that we tamed in the very documents i^eii- | MIKKOKS ought to be atra6ng Chinese air ator .McCarthy used against him j Btldd ovary day, and Cuba and —in the portions of those docu- ' Egypt, both of which argued that mrnta Senator McCarthy never j tha Sacurity Oounell had busineas quoted. j aaough without taking up such a ralativaly minor matter. Yet Owen Lattimorea "Ordeal Tb»ir argument wa*. of course, by Slander " will apparently never quit* tru*. But, in taking the end. He could prove himaelf Inno- . eouraa it did. tha United Slate* cant a hundred times over, and j still auffar. i Wad going to great lengths to I provik that It is not taking for It- The third headline should have j aalf the rof* of some big power j been of some saving quality, but | l l l ^ Uealei 8 t Pbnn* 6SA6 Imagine a Watkln* Quality Lawson sofa for only >155.OA. Tt’s the which conaidars lUelf privileged I wa*. in the end. perhapa the aad- | Storo Front*, l^tnr* Fminlag popular round arm Lawaon Lounge model, complete wuth fringe vBlanee. .and in your choice of Emerald green,‘ kmpire red. or Lon­ U ridt roughqhod around the deat of all. It told of a group Venetlaa Bllnda ‘ ftomitnr* Tope don grey damasks..a small-patterned diamond


cut oonstruction Industry ran build bears this watchword: "Christ: IIANCHBSTEB e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER , I 1 960 for more houses than ever before.” The World's Need and Hope." Bolton^s Big Grange Fair Bbwles Wants He aaserted:' Zion Lutheran After the servlre Simday morn­ (UtU Hm e to Build ing. with Holy C’onlniiinion, the church roimcli Is asked to meet "There Is still time during this Vesper Music lN S U R A N C i4 > Refls Gain Eight Heads State Board Congress OK’s Hospital Here Now Able To Open This Evening Housing Funds for a brief period. Says Gibson baildlng season to atari many Zion SundH.v school will he re­ more homes If loan funds are sumed the first Sunday after La­ 13 0 5 PupUs Enrolled Miles in Push made available now. Moreover, Allowance Bill; To- Treat **Blue Babies” Bolton i held office in the latter 'and is a Governor Asuert* War To Bp Preaeuted Again bor Day, Hepleniher 10. ‘ rlqhihmwimi Spent Aunt’s All roads will lesd to bulldert, local housing authorities ~r Center tomorrow for ihs annual past master of Bolton Grange. Her (ContlMied from Page One) Crisifi M aking Hom e and people who want homes, aa Tom orrow Evening ”RH” factor In the , Bolton Grange Fair, which opens parents, both deceased, were char­ Will Draft Dads Members of toe medlcial atott *t.| ■Iona fp f on well, will be able to plan more ac­ In Local High School in the forenoon at ten o'clock and ter members of Bolton Orange. At From Chiirrh Tower youcanuMchus/ Funds Badly at General MacArthur’s head­ Manchester MerAorial. hosplUl blood. Need Doubly Serious curately for the future If they are The American Chapter of the continues throughout the evening, that time they occupied the fine D IAL 8480 quarters said a second major Red (llontlliued From Page One) successfully exchanged blood aasured now^hat the program will Manchester Red Cross worked v e ry ' cloaely with a country supper in the Com­ old colonial house at Bolton Center, offensive—against another section transfusions to two nejwly bom now the home of Mr. and Mrs. ^ ***’’*7ord. Sept. 1 yK’) IMth toe be contlnueiT’’ Another Sabbath vesper musicsl (Continued from Tago One) with toe laboratory at the hospi­ munity hsll between the hours of Aidkanee Registration of toe beachhead was still poasl glbles are being Injected because "R H ” or "blue babies’’ at toe Edson P. Herrick. Misa Loomis. 1 assertion that toe Korean crisis i Bowles said' that there was "a period of pause and meditation i Date Htmk List Betrothal ble. He added that too largest tal In order to have the right type fivs and seven o'clock. j very real possibility" that men RAYMOND E. GORMAN to Dr. Gibson as conservator vdll of failure to meet rigid aervlce Haynes atreet InsUtution during whose picture Is printed in the i has made the need for more homes will he presented at aix o'clock to- 1 mass o f enemy Infantry still Is physical and mental standards. of blood available for use shortly The festivities will actually be­ and materials may In time become LNSl'RANCE — 42 BROOKFIFJJI STREET Highest in Part Eew be appointed In the future. Judge the past twenty-foiir houvt It wan program, is the only one, of her , --doubly important.” Governor morrow eveniog from Zion's 1 presumed to be In the Waegwan Hershey has criticized these after the biifth of toe two babies. unavailable for home building be­ TrteMta.v, .Sepf. 5 teamed today by The Her»1d. gin this evening at seven O'clock, family living in Bolton. A alater, \ Bowles proposed today that CVin- ('hiirrh tower, iSooper and High | When buying your new oar, flnanoe It thrangb your boi Years; Bnilding to Be K Watson said. j .u . u. area, northwest of Taegu armed force standards as far too when a-number of the exhibits will cause of military demands. National Guards to be federal- The Judge, who disclosed that he Both babies, one bom last night Mra W. E. Stetson, lives In Crom- necticut expand Its housing pro­ streets. This amplified music of Ised. uae the Rank-.Agent Plan. Call ns for Informatloa. had suspended Dr. Gibson as con­ The powerful Red onslaught had stringent under present manpower at 7 o’clock and toe other hdm at be in place and the fun booths will Therefore, he said, "toe weeks Crowded This Year set the front aflame on a 55-mlle well. Her brother. Charles N. gram by at least 836,000,000,------chlme.s, lustrumenlRl siid vocal I. Hedneoday, Hetit. 8 servator on August 15, said that needs. On this. Vinson said be 1:30 this morning, are doing very Maslei^ Barbers’ also be open. A t 7:30 s program of Loomis, formerly of Manchester, and months a>iead may be very music of patriotic and religious | stretch from a point on the Nak He will make that recommenda­ precious If we are to rontinur our I Opening of all public s> hools. In regard to some of the expendi­ planend to question military lead well hoapital autoorlUea report­ entertainment will be presented and is employed In Pawtucket, R.I.. and tion, eald Bowles in a statement, type. IS designated as "Vesper A ji •dvwce «nroUm«nt of 1.S05 tong river west of Taegu south­ progress toward giving every I Hcgmmg of tlrsl aid course' for tures "an Inference must necessar- eM. ed. State Meeting at sight o’clock ijquare dancing, her nephew, Northam. who w’ae in to the Legislature when it con­ Bells '. It Is offered also as a I mofUa, the hl*lie«t In the p ««t eev- llv be drawn" that Dr. Gibson au­ ward to the sea. "The K3 (Intelligence) require­ In toe past "RH ” babies were which is to popular again, will at­ family in this ststt a decent place I civilian defense personnel. Hollts- Red Plan Shows Up the service overseas, it a clerk at venes next Tuesday for a special commumly’ service, for soothing ytu% ha» been recorded at thorised them with the expecta­ ments arc too high," Vinson de­ tmnledtately taken to other hos­ tract young and old. The Barn- the Veterans' Hoapital In Newing­ seaalon to consider civil defense to live.” and solacing reflection and relaxa­ ! ter achool audlterliim, 7..10 p m. I The newest strike on the roar­ clared. " It seems that many more lUnchMter High echool for th.. tion that_eventually they would pitals shortly after . birth. No Frank McKeshie. aecreUry- atormera will furnish music and j ton. legislation. " "The urgency of building more tion in these troubled times. I Meeting of Pines Civic Assocla- ! "reflect to the benefit and ad­ ing front was a Red thrust against men can be Inducted If toe mental longer do Manchester residents hoiises," asserted the governn'r. I lion. Veriilsnck s( bool, 8 p. m. GLADIOLI BOUQUETS 1S60-61 achool year, Prlnclt>al E^- the extreme southweM. flank of the treasurer of toe Manchester Master Jaaae Hllla will be toe announcer.; Bowles proposed that the 830.- Favorable commenta in connec- vantage" of himself. requirements are lowered. That have to worry about ‘’RH” treat­ A t 10:30 tomorrov/ the big pa-' 000,000 be made available for the "has long been.great; hut with tion with a similar Sabbath mu­ aon M. BaUey announced t ^ y . 2.5th Dlvls'lon, defended by the Barbers Association, announced I Halusxlay. HepI, 9 ^ Hearing Held Wednesday would mean fewer fathers may ment. for Meiporial hospital an'd rade it tcheduled to start. Pnze.s home ownership psrt of toe state's the world crisis upon us it be­ sical offering annie weeka agn, ^ thla total. 271 are registered Fifth- Regimental Combat Team. today that the annual meeting of I Making new voters. Municipal Judge Watson held a closed have to be called, but many of lU highly trained personnel can See Happy Erniing housing program. That's the same comes doubly Important." lisve suggest(>d another "Veaper «a ^ o r a , 2M aa Juniors, 3M as A mortar barrage preceded the the Connecticut Master Barbers wlU be awarded for thie best building. 9 a m io 8 p. m. Freshly Cut Finest Colors hearing on the case Wednesdajj. them are going to be called ^ re­ perform toe neceaaory blood w ' amount provided for bv the Legis- Funds Alreod.r Allocated Bella " amplificatinn. Neighbors or sophomores and 420 aa freshmen. attack and a little later a North Association will be held October. fioata entered. The doll carxiage Tuesday, Sept. It Dr. Gibson was among those pres­ gardless of what else happens.” trnnsfualons without any diffi­ For (^retail Lovers lature during its regular session Bowles said that all of the 830.- others are welcome to atep into Thla represenU an Increase of ap- Korean plane. In one of the rare The allowances for G1 depend­ 22 and 23 at Stamford with toe parade, and the pet parade, lor Republican and Democratic To Brighten The Home ent, accompanied by Leonard Mc­ culty. boys and girls up to liftcen years ; last year. 000.000 for home ownerahlp loans the church which is always open party primaries, For Remembranc* pwalmately M P"P‘}" '.’j; appearances of the Red Air Force, ents are estimated to coat 8300,- Stamford Association acting as the Bowles expressed the belief that Mahon of Norwalk, an attorney Dr. George A. CaHlouette DUe to knowing the types of o f age will be followed by a "Tug | already has been alloratetl. The for "restful meditstlon and wkar’s advance enrollment, Mr dropped two bombs In toe sector. 000,000 from last Aug. 1 to next hosts. Robert GenovesI, president (Oentlaned From Page One) "a very good rase can be made” qileaday. Sep4. It representing him. blood of both mother and father O'W ar" for children up to twelve.. 865.006.000 set aside for loans to strengthening prsyer" aa the Neither did any damage. Dr. George A. C^aillouette, of June 30. of toe local association, and Vin­ also for more money to expand the i housing authorities for the eon- Public hearing on new proposed To Cheer The III For AnniverMries The Judge declared Miss Peter­ before a baby la born, it la possi­ Judging of exhibits and cattle { sisiiding Invitation at the church rw rtM n High school At least onmtank was reported These are the monthly allow­ cent Farrand are the delegates to Now. says CJretan Gov. Nlch rental housing program. The \ „triirtlon of moderate rental units Broad street school. son, a former New Haven school 119 Center street, was last night ble to anticipate whether or not that convention . with McKeshie drawing at two o'clock will oc-; entrance suggests. All ara wel­ ak« affected by the in the atUckfpg force. ances that would be paid QI fam­ olaa Krasadakis, the girl’s father Legislature allocated 86.5,000.000 come. without obligation Snnda.r, Sept. M teacher, an incapable person and named president of the Connecti­ there will be difficulty with toe and Russell Inzinga as alternates. cupy much of the afternoon, and la "practically used up.” he said. o f the National G «*rd *’1^ « I ’s FsJI Back 8 Miles ilies: has agreed to consent to a wed­ for that purpose last year. " It Is Important to remember In the 10 o'clock service Sunday Fall outing of the British Amer­ For All Oeraninnn have not been Included In the t ^ named Dr. Gibson her conservator "R H ” factor of toe blood of toe a large crowd is anticipated t o : Youthful American sol dd ere cut Chiropractic Examining Board Gl's Allot Total Allowanca ding -if that is what his daugh- „ Did , Not J State. Figure - . . that these new homes do not cost morning the vital subject of what ican club at Garden Grove. taJ. Moat of these youths ^ on October 11. 1948. new-born baby. Urushlol is toe sticky substance pidled back from Yongsan on the at a meeting held at the Bond Mo. from 1 2 over 2 vtew the various displays of fruits.' really wanU and says so with Bowies did not say how much he | texpavers of our slate a pen- Christ means to the world and aSnlors, but there are also some He said an Inventory filed last in poison Ivy which produces a IT 8 . Second Division front before Hotel. Pay pay Depend. Depend. Depend Aa soon aa a h*by la boro, toe vegetables, canning, handcraft out the element of coercion. believed the rental program should ny." he continued. "They are fully every Individual w1\l be treated by Means to on End Jt^ors and one sophomore, tne June 27 by Dr. GIbion showed that rash on contact with a person's a strong tank-led Red drlvq which Dr. Caillouette la a native of $198 880 8147.60 8147.50 8165.00 laboratory technlctana check the and 4-H exhibits. Today, the wllfull lover's broth- be expanded beyond the 865,000.- the iocal pastor. pSul G Prokopy, Miss Peterson had assets of 835,- 185.00 paid for by the rent and mort­ WOODLAND GARDENS pushed across the Naktong river. Wlllimantlc and practices in both 169 80 147.50 147.50 baby’s blood and In two Instances, skin. The counrty supper will be a^^. reported In the 000 figure. gage payments made by toe peo­ "What .leans M(‘ans to Me " based The eye is only an Instrument d u e lin g Mlsa latls O. Punk 203 of which, during toe 20 months 139 60 127.50 127.50 145.00 once last night and toe other time Bowles' proposal rame whils re- 168 WOODLAND STREET TEL. 8474 of Dr. Gibson's conservatorship, These men, on the left flank of Willimantic and Manchester. For prime attraction, as are all meals i^^ountains entreating the couple ple who live In them.’ on Peter 1:21-25. He will bring of vision Sight Is a brain process the second Division, had retreated 117 60 127.50 127.50 145.00 this morning. It was iound that aerved to toe public by Bolton i ports were current that Republi- Raymond W. Funk, of 18 Whit- 817 529 had been spent for her care. many years he practiced in Hart­ to come out for a grand finale. The Legislature, Bowles said, home that (Yirlat Is man's Savior, dependent for its conecl function­ eight and one-half miles In all. 9.5 40 85.00 107.50 125.00 two new-born babies , would re­ toe inv-Tiil elmimatanrea i “ ilfibt demand a legislative Ol’KN AI.I, D.\Y AND EVENING nev road, announces the engage­ Nearly 815,000 of this was for ford. The new president of the In auch has "an opporjiinlty to take use­ power and example Every letter­ ing on the normal reaction of the A P Correspondent Bern Price, 82 40 85.00 107.50 125.00 quire exchanged blood transfu- ment of hia (laughter, Uols Cather­ room and board, the Judge report- Examining Board graduated from Herald, children will be served a t ! everybody presumably, would I *'k* ful and important action to ex­ head of Zion I.iitheran fliurch nervous eyslem. who was with one of the last 80 40 85.00 107.50 125.00 FOR SALE ine Funk to Salvatore Samuel Windham High in Wlllimantlc and pand our housing: program." groups to pull out of Ypngsan Into !^m ie. com m ute win Terve baked! ' housing constitutes an Vinci, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ***He charged that Dr. Olbson paid from the Palmer School of Chlro- 16” Bendix Television nomlcs co , , . the '"'"*...**^l**\*** *'!!' eeme emergency of sufficient gravity to He said: "excessively improper’’ sums to thj hills to the easKNsald the men practlcs at Davenport, Iowa, In ham. moahed^potatocs, com on the possible civil war and at the same ^ Attention at next week's "W e have a real opportunity Vinci of 88 Clinton street. who gave the ground came out Conoole model. Origliial cost A graduate of Manchester High persons he engaged to care for his 1923 with a Ph.C degree. The fol­ cob. tomatoes and cucumbers, cole j nme collecting some long overdue ,j„ jo n here for both parties to join In a Mhool in the class of 1947, Miss tired but not broken. He said lowing year he went Into private About Town Through error BOILED 8329.00. This set Is 6 months ■law, rolls, coffee and for dessert taxes. spirit of.public service to provide aunt. they were still In good spirits. Governor Bowles disagreed with conttane Uberal Policy Funk is at present employed as Miss Ayres Involved old. A I condition. W ill sell peach shortcake. The committee Oovernment Gets Taxes for one of the urgent needs of our Dig In East of Yongsan practice. Manchester's first absentee bal­ a Republican contention that ttaa •During the past war, we iwd cashier at the Southern New Eng­ HAM apeared In our advt. has also decided to admit children rugged Cretan village of people. " One of these persona was Miss The Americans Immediately dug Last January Governor Chester lot has been returned to Town for 8200.00. O. CHETELAT. 895.000.000 already allocated can a very Uberal policy with respect land Telephone company. Elisabeth Ayres. 74, who died JjjJy under 12 to toe fair, free of , xnoghia. homestead of the power- produce all the housing that the In the hills east of Yongsan against A Bowles appointed Dr. Caillou- Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton who French Rond, Bolton. Phone to the granting of diplomas to Mr. Vinci graduated from Man­ 26, leaving all her money to Dr. at Ib. ^ 9 c . The correct and charge. . . . ful Kephaloyannls clan, is so tough building trade can handle before Miorpen Teeth the Red thrust aimed at cutting ette to the State Board of Chiro- received it yesterday afternoon. It 1 chester High school with the class >8718. Tomorrow evening at ” :30 the townsfolk even defy the tax a new Legislature meets In Janu­ hoys who had to leave ,.rnn Gibson who lived at her home M d the main highway between the -nractic Examiners. is from Harold E. I-cfort of USAS, i lb. 59c. aerrices.” Mr. Bailey stat^. Con- of 194.5 and was previously em­ attended her in her Illness. The Dr. Caillouette is well-known In Corpus Cbristi, Texas. Due to ab­ intended price is ! pixigram. "Mysteriea You Will collectors. The hunt for the mlaa- ary. Igorot tnbeimen of toe Philip­ supply port of Pusan and the com­ pine Islands file their teeth to ieraUon is now beln^g '''Loms ployed by the Merrow Machine amount of her estate Manchester and has treated many sence of service men nnd women Never Forget," will be presented ing lovers so overran Anoghia The experiences of the paat munications center of Taegu. sharp points to enable them to eat company of Hartford. He Is a variously estimated at 86H.OOO to famous athletes Including runners from home at voting time this by "Clevadore, self-extrlcator end with police and soldiera that the year, said Bowles, has "proved member of the 43rd Infantry Divi­ A t a rising cost in men and government found It opportune to that a tremendous housing need the tough dog meat which forme 8100,000. equipment, the main Red punch Joe Mcauskey, Fran Leary and year, absentee votes arc expected HALE'S mystifler ” sion band of the Connecticut Na­ collect taxe» for the first time still exists and that the Connect!- I a part of their daily diet. Miss Ayres death, attributed to was toreatenlng the front’s anchor Charlie Robbins, featherweight to be large. \ Slock Up Now Admission tickets t# the fair in ln cl^ l eald that toe high tional Guard which Is to be feder- since the Turks were driven .o,ut. cancer and nephritis by another city of Masan' on the south. And, boxing champions Louis "K id ” HEALTH MARKET carry a stub entitling the pur­ advanM enrollment ‘ "dlcatw that allred on September B and will be Danbury physician who signed her and chaser to chances on a number of Some 60 townsfolk were arrest­ ' “ S ?ra going to be crowded this stationed at Camp Plckott, Vir­ in the Yongsan area, the push had Kaplan and Bat Battalino, According to the bulletin of the death certificate, is under Inves­ reached within 12 air miles of the State Development. Commission, For The Long door prizes. The fair committee ed. oatensibly for carrying guns ; year. Many home rooms a re j^ - ginia. several Hartford Eastern League tigation by County Coroner 'Theo­ main highway from Pusan to Tae­ the H. L. Diehl company, candle win award ribbdns or cash prizes and being too-ardent Kephaloyan- ^ hj^'over assigned with the h o ^ No definite date has been set liaseball teams. I nia partisann. The real reason, j dore E. Stelber. He entered the gu, Allied communications and The local man served six years makers of this town, is to show to the winners in the different sec­ that adjustments may ^ for the wedding. case after receiving a report from said one citizen, waa to get them | supply center on the central sec- as boxing commissioner in Man­ .ancient and modern candle dip­ Holiday tions, and several special prizes la ter” He recalled tost the Dr. John D. Booth, Danbury medi­ : into Herakleion and rustle them j FREE highest advance enrollment ‘" the to*"- chester and is a past prcsiclent of ping operations at the Eastern will be donated by nationally cal examiner who said ho was "not "Bodies are stacked up by the State Expo.sitlon this year and the known food majiufactiirers. i for taxes. schools history Local Resident satisfied" that Miss Ayres’ death hundreds," a Second Division of- the Manchester Division of tne Weekend the depression years and totaled Connecticut Sportsmen's Associa­ local firm al.so will show a giant Those In Charge I Basil Stravrakacia who runs the did not result from some caneless ftcer told AP Correspondent Jack Clifford W’. Maasey of Bolton, I coffee house In Anoghia, was one SPECIAL MEETING ever 1.400 pupils. tion, and also a Past Grand Knight candle, weighing two tons, which ANTIQUES Named in Will or criminal act. MacBeth. "But they're still com- is de,slgned to bum fliroughout the formerly of this town. Is rhsirman ' of those taken in custody. Because of toe Stelber held the first session of of the local Knights of Columbus Uona Mr. Bailey urged »ny whole week of the Exposition, Private collection for of toe fair committee. His aasis- After five days, he returned. a closed Inquest into Miss Ayres A U. 8. Eighth Army communi­ Connell. , Imperial tanta are Maxwell Hutchinson, Doubt “Disarmament" I TONIGHT denU who may have registered but Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 1— (Spe­ death August 8; then continued que reported 1,000 Reds killed and Dr. Caillouette Is the son of have since made plans to go to Mr. and Mrs, Robert A, Kanak Ernest Aspinwall. Lillian Hutch­ After five days, he returned. | cial)—Harry Shankman, who was it...... indefinitely...... __ Dr. Gibson attend- three tanks destroyed by midday. Mrs. D. M. Catllouctte. He makes sale. Pressed glass, another school, to contact his of Chlcagp, 111., are spending two inson, Edward DeDosser, .loseph "Y’ ep," he said wryly. "I paid : the father of Benjamin Shankman ed the hearing but. on the advice 3^ 1 judging from earlier field dls his home with hts mother.______Package Store them." flee Immediately. He “ '"o were ultra- weeks with Mr. Kanak’s parents. and Lillian Mock, Keeney Hutch­ CHURCH OF CHRIST ot'. t') Cooper street, Manchester, of his cminael, refused to testify. patches tlio figures .Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kanak of 198 furniture and carved 35 Oak St,— Tel. 6597 inson, Helen Rose and William and Official announcement that that any transfer ■*“ •**” *■ <3dnnVi4eft an estate not exceeding Had No Training conservative. hays not yet registered should do mangled, were being flown to the Porter street. Gertrude Minor. This committee | Anoghia had been disarmed • 1)3,000 In personal and about |12,- Judge Watson said Miss Ayres compiled an unusually fine preni- | brought scornful laughter from the NEW TESTAMENT LECTURE ao by Tuesday. Manchester schoola morgue in Cairo. Thirty-three Oriental knives. Remember — Package OW in realty, which realty yields cared for Mias Peterson for 10 bodies were brought here y.ester- Rev. Carl E, Olson of Emanuel lum book and program for the af­ villagers, whose reputation «p«n on Wednesday, Sept. 6. approximately 81,600 in rents in months though she had "no spe­ Begin Inquiry Lutheran church ’ returned last stores closed all day Mon­ fair, with toe cooperation of a "killers" causes ahudders through­ A IX W e l c o m e Change *a Schedule a period of 18 months, and no cial training or quallftcatlons" for Phone 2-4214 A change In the High school The next of kin in Cairo have evening from Minneapolis, where day, Labor Day. large number of advertisers in this out the neighboring countryelde. will, when he died on June 23nd toe Job. He reported that she was aehedula wVU give each student 15 Of TWA Crash not yet been taken through the he has been attending'the meetings town. Rockville and the Bolton "How many weapons did toe BOND HOTEL, HARTFORD last, according to his widow. Fan paid 8140 a week whereas 850 a hours more of classroom Instruc- Morgue, for Identification, of the board of youth activities area, including also East Hartford police say they found?" asked on* nie Shankman of No, 684 Hendrix week would hav^ been "the fair probnblv will be come time today of the Augustana Synod of the and Merrow. Anoghian. SUN. SERVICES 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. tloB per year. This has been done street here. In her application for and reasonable amount allowable." hy eliminating a study period and (Continued from Page One) Ideiitlllcstlon of some of ... The committee dedicated the pro­ "Twelve or 13,” replied a newo- letters of administration upon toe A t this time, Judge Watson said. Lutheran church. aolarging each class period from Identification Difficult gram to Miss Adella Northam man. property, granted to her by Sur­ Dr. Gibson apparently knew that utes after taking off from Cairo’s An airline spokesman said Dr. Rodney W. Roundy of Port­ Loomia present chaplain of Bol­ "Humph.” anorted the villager. SB to M minutea rogate Roy M. D. Richardson. Miss Ayres had drawn a will nam­ Th . dally schedule has Wen re­ Farouk field. "Identification of some of ^ toe ton Orange, who haa given "nearly "I reckon I could find a thouaand. In addition to toe widow and ing him her sole beneficiary. The shock was so violent that land, Maine, formerly of Hartford, arranged so that too att^B part bodies win he very difficult. SATURDAY M yean of endless, untiring efforts Including aome machine guna and son. Mr. Shankman is survived by "An Inference must necessarily the plane broke to blt.s and wreck­ will occupy the pulpit of the Cen­ ft the double period normally used The airliner plunged to earin In making Bolton Grange a auc- mortar*.” two other children, all four, be­ be drawn." the Judge found, "that age wa.<( strewn over an area of ter Congregational church at the for lunch purposes has been elim­ ahortly after the takeoff from ceas." Counting women and children, cause of his failure to leave a will, anything which would serve to In­ severnl hundred yard.s. 9:15 service Sunday morning. inated, and toe time thus gained Cairo on a regular Bombay-New Miss-Loomis is a member of the there are about 3,000 per*on* in being entitled to share in the crease or con.serve the estate of Ptfraon Expected In Cairo has been used to lengthen each national and Pomona Granges. She Anfghia. property, the widow to the ex­ Elizabeth Ayres might eventually Warren Lee Pierson. TW A York flight. . ■ , , Rev. Carl M. Helgerson, minister SAVERS! elaas period five minutes. The plane radioed Its last of the Covenant-Congregational tent of one-third, the remaining reflect to the benefit and advant­ board chairman. Is expected in ground contact to Cairo 20 min­ cannot 0 « Hoom O tro today to make a personal church, Mrs. Helgerson and daugh­ two-thirds' going equally among age of the sole legatee under the utes after takeoff, reporting that N o studenU will be given per- Investigation of the disaster. ter Cynthia, returned yesterday the three children. win." everything was all right. The air misalott to go home for lunch, Mr. TW A officials said this morning from their vacation. They visited CATERER After Miss A\Tes’ death. Dr. search did not begin until nearly Bailey said, because of toe re­ that bodies had been accounted the Covenant Mountain Mission In A GROUP OF SHORTS, Gibson engaged Mrs. Vincent Go- 54 five hours later, when the big vised schedule. He added that this for so far and that they believe Jonesville, Virginia, and spent toe lembsky to care for Miss Peterson. plane was reported overdue In PEDAL PUSHERS AND wlU e ff^ t only a few pupiU since Jail Klan Chief another corpae la still 'ti the remainder of the time with their A JUNE BRIDE WRITES___ the great percentage of students She Is a sister of Mrs. Ann Wet- more, Dr. Gibson's widowed recep­ wreckage. They said none has been Rome. . . . relatives in Providence and Conanl- T E E SH H ITS carry their lunches or use toe The crash broke T W A s record cut Isiqnd, Jamestown. “I want to thank Mr. Comollo for the lovely In Riot Probe tionist. Gibson married Mrs. Wet- identified yet. of nearly four years with no fa- FORMERLY UP TO $4.98...... cafeteria. The remainder o f the bodies The High school this year will more on August 6, the day after 1 talittes In overseas operations Miss Ayres’ funeral. some of them badly burned or reception he provided for us. Everythin* again occupy too Main and Frank- (Continued from l*age One) Un Buildings and four rooms on toe Judge Wataon said Dr. Gibson paid Mrs. Golembesky 8175 a week was just as 1 wanted it and niy friends still second floor of toe Barnard school. A SMALL GROUP OF burst and several others beaten whereas 875 would have been "fair The list of home room assignments None was seriously hurt. and reasonable." « DINNER DRESSES hav^en’t stopped ravin* about it, especially srlll be carried In Tuesday’s Her­ Would Intensify Drives Fitzgerald waa driven away, Ordcra Money Retnmed lO-oo FORMERLY $24.98*...... ald. beaten and cut on the ear before For alleged overpayments to the shrimps and the mushrooms.” Although the total enrollment In being left sprawled on toe ground. Mias Ayres and Mrs. Golembesky. Johnston, deserted by toe Klan, local public schools has not yet he ordered Dr. Gibson to return Against Elrti Bark Beetle was taken to a Conway hospital been compiled, toe kindergarten 89,048.>50 to his aunt. The Judge FINAL SALE! Fresh Fall Beauty for registration Is running high, it was where he died a abort while later. also disallowed an expenditure of COMOLLO'S EPICURE Sasser said toe Investigation la ■fhe Asoociatlon lemmed today. 8180 of Miss Peterson’a funds for Dutch elm disease received more ‘ The Connecticut Forest ardj BATHING SUITS .55 Oak St., Manchester Tel. 2-4108 continung and he promised more „gifts______to about a dozen____ Individuals,______attention at the meeting yesterday Your Home arrests. Pork Association was organized! “That’s beautiful GEN­ REDUCED TO ...... Catering With Taste and Finesse and ordered Dr. Gibson to return I of the forest managers and rangers In 1896. It was responsible for 1 8600 which the Judge said he re- from all over Connecticut at the ^ U IN E SPRING LAM B” re­ creating toe office of State Fores­ Andover celved from his aunt’s estate but I j^nicultural Experiment Station marked our head meat man, N ow is the time to start repairing old laivns Republicans Here did not account for. A check for I ■_ New Haven than any other tree , ter... and_ organizing - the State Park ] I CATERER that amount, payable to Dir. Qlb- problem. The fact was stressed'. and Forest “but what are you going to and making new Ones. A pot-luck supper will be son. was drawn on Miss Peterson’s .j,, different speakers that no efficient system for controlling do with so much of it.” •erved at the Red Bom, Andover To Hold a Picnic estate March 28. the Judge said. i,'„own successful cure for Dutch forest fires. U raised funds for the lake, on Saturday, Sept. 2, at 6 The court did allow expenditures elm disease, once a tree has been , Peoole’s Forest near Barkhsm- BUT WHEN HE SAW REPUBLICANS p. m. Assurance of membership In THE LOW PRICES THE We Have All Your Needs! the Property Owners' Association A grand outdoor picnic has been 1 of 81.019 which Dr Gibson 1 rn ficti^ has Vet been found. How- ' ,tesd and hv the Remibiican A ctiv-1 ed his Bunt s estate for medical preventive measures, such as . enlarge the SUte Forest p ro ^ «> " must be presented for attendance arranged by toe Republican Actlv ever, preventive measures. LAMB WAS GOING TO Itles committee for next Saturday. care he gave her...... |, ,Hm\,jaUonetiifluiutloii by ferOlliAtlon, con- ; m_ different _ . sections of toe st»te, BE SOLD AT, he a^ed for VOTE FOR at this supper. Judge Watson sold this sum was ______...... iiA.Inv defoUaUng Inaacto. Insects, orun- prun- 1 ■iw.nu.rine i .ponsoring the toe develoDxnent development of Rev, Malcolm Crook, Mrs. September 9, at toe Rod and Gun Club In Coventry. "similar to fees that »>« rll i„fected elms and application ; Jpch attractive recreaUon areas more. Crook and their two sons, Daniel charged any patient for like sprays of DDT in the i „ Rocky Neck Park on the and Jonathon, have returned from Party workers will togeth­ Lamb has been high and FERTILIZERS vices.” ______kill the bark beetles I r'.ierwoo< a two weeks’ vacation, to toe per­ er at 1:30 St the site. Cards have kill the bark beetles i gound, f- ierwood Island. Gllletti when we saw a chance to teo- been sent out by toe host Inviting I ______•V ths —dlssose----- will do a ' V.— .^v — d numerous other sUte sonage. “ commendable' Cloatle . turo real top quality cuta at members to bring guests. Cecil W. a "commenaaDiethstheintendedtousehls ■ aiucuae •" I good""■ V ‘ Job of JwpU« theths trees porks. As a result no state to the The Andover elementary school sUting t that he tntenaea to use nis i .i''" If from 4e to 24c lb. bcAow roeent EIngland Is chairman of toe Re­ lown ^ d s to.care for his sunt healthy. C o n ^ U m u ^ s a s i ^ union bos mors or better recrea­ prices, we thought yen woOld w ill open for regular sessions on publican AcUvlUes Committee. Wednesday, Sept. 9. The teachers If hers should be exhausted. tional foclUUea for Its people toon he glitd to have tender genntoe will be at the school on Tuesday, However, toe Judge added, such Is Just beginning to move into on Connecticut spring lamb for m hoUdmy meal ■ BepL 5, from nine In, toe morning 1 an attitude "cannot excuse a too area. ^ ^ ^ The above accompllshmenta are or two. Public Records only a few the association has until four In the afternoon. Reg­ hasty and unnecesoory expendl- The Dutch elm RIB I-AMB CHOPS ___ Ib. Sae"! istration of pupils entering the lure of toe incapable’s own funds ported fi^ port Nrw worked for during too yeora. It WarroBtee Deeds hoa laid out over 600 miles of hlk. LOIN LAM B CHOPS Ib. $1A» Andover school for the first time for her present care and main- about 1928. ^ BHLD. LAM B CHOPS . .Ib. 89c wUl take place during the after­ Andrew Ansaldl and Gugllelmo ing ■ trails, fought the billboard Here’s a sensational television value in beauty and dependable Roctangular Tttbt noon from one until four o’clock. and Orlando Annulll to Alice and Reporta Oomplez Deal Jersey, menace, assisted to sdeuring a MEATY. TENDER 7V, LB. Four new. teachers are Joining the Justine Brennan, property on Ser­ The Judge reported on what he and bureau of roadside development In performance! Life-sire "Camera View” pictures that are showi pictur* jwit m th* ver street. staff this year. One Is an addi­ 1 called a "complex” real estate East of the State Highway Departip*"!- lighter, clearer than ever . . . plus many morO exclusive *•' tional teacher employed because Michael and Susanna Weiss to deal Involving Dr. Gibson and in the ^ Connecticut highways with their LAMB LEGS o f the Increased en'rollmenL An Mary A. Smith, property on Oak Mrs. Gdlembesky and ’ her hus- it has not yet become m devsstat landscaped borders and parkleta Motorola features. N O FADE nor F U O C E R with Automatic anroUment o f 140 Is smtietpated atreet. Ins os In tha southwestern section. « ^ 7 9 e James V. Roe, to Kmest A. W ol n n noted for their beauty In toe fo r the first day which Is on in- To core for his aunt. Judge 1 The Insect Uvsa to Hie bark d ^ spring particularly to the dogwood W e will out aoMe ekope eft Gain and Brightness controls. Bilt-in-Antenna eliminates « * Crease of 14 over September, Lime, Lawn Seed and laurel aeoaon.* and fix balance of leg fer roost­ need for outside antenna in good signal areas. In rich mahog- ' \ 1*4».. to Herbert and Virginia Be Whether oi not the dime ore ing It yon wish. cared for—and they are respon­ Tools any or limed oak table cabinets. . . at a low, low price. ^ 2 Simplt C«R tr«lt S t a to I to* toe"p.:;;."ri;; I ^ sible for much of the charm and Forelegs and Necks of rank imd Genevtew Kopcho, pro- name of Golembesky and Dr. Gib- of the ^ beauty of our New England towns Stewing Lamb only Ib. 29c j pe^Ty r BiZS p si^ ^ son held a 828.000 mortgage on IL ing On^ Penonal Nonces the coot-will be there. Trese that Lamb Patties...... Ib. 5Se | Perennial Seeds Warsnoke RealtPmmpony to Reporting that tola’ die wUl have to be token down P. Webster Spicer, p r o ^ y on was to be smorttoed by payment^ fungiw b ^ m e s w ^ BOB GORMAN For those "Full-Measure" values at on approximate cost of 8130 a Clooed all day Monday . For Next Year’s Garden la MciMriRai Vernon street of 8600 a month. Judge Watson Mow deterioration o ^ i ^ n TOR Pine workmanehip combined with BUiterfale of Edward W„ and AUce Kosiaki to sold: all caaea, ^ t o w n t u « d^^ tree. Hartford’s Pork department please shop for two days. Mor- / Feirett Mosaer — la lovlns John and Ins Fitzpatrick, property "This created an Income return Trees alraai^ for weeks has been removing the lell’n Hams or Short Shanked quality make SAPORITI M ONUM ENTS the finest o«r dear daughter and ata- on Florence street I to the conservator (Dr, Giboon) cut down ^ toad elms to BushneU Pork. U Shoulder Hams are good bril- memorials you can buy. A wMe ranfc of prices PAINT AND HARDWARE aWar Aapt. 1, IMS. treated properly and sprayed each toy meats. Also ear Teoder REPRESENTATIVE Robert and Rebecca Treat to 1 of more than 81.000, at least dur- Under the tiU ^ Save the lamA KASCO DOG FOOD Edward and Wonna KliUiom, pro-1 ing the first year. Payments on I too Cwmsctlcut Foitatiy Md n ra spring ths majority of these valu­ Native “Form Fresh" BOBABT aMa your selection. toww Ibat you were MdCarino, TURKEYS which neB at « c Ih. B w It t a were hard is ellmb, petty on Adelaide rood. 1 ooid principal and Interest wore I Association has printed a brochure able shade tree elms|can be saved A Progr«9$ive Young Republican he dMaad yoor weary efallda Qultclalni Deoda I at least to port If not entirely 1 on the subject and la o r g o iw ^ at a fraction of the removal coat Ten^rcnre, Corned Beef k Peace be tUae.” Manchester Trust company to possible by toe sums paid | a state-wide effort to combat the Bach community hoa Its own prob­ I criMit quality, too. ' ★ World Wsr II Vdtw ^ , - Potterton’s WoroBoks Roolty company, pro- of the Incapable dtsease, through annual Mio. I^eaeri Panett lem. drPirodiKt of Mhache^r W io ^ ,, SERVICE BY OUR OWN MECHANICS sod fsoUIy. perty on Vernon strost. „ (Miss Peterson). In effect the os-1 membership to the asM^stUm, Tbo Aosoclatloa with headquar­ ★ Graduate of Nlatara Univowlty _ Matson to Aboondj^^ ^ y ,, incapabls were beto'g I conservation education *he ters at 839 Chapel street, Nsiw ★ Past Commander CathoUe War V e t e ^ LARSEN'S 5S9-541 MAIM ST* Sam Nuasdorf, propsrty dn P a rk -1 available for the purchase I schools, movie filma, distribution Haven fi. Conn., will be glad to ★ Member Mancheater Veterana Coondl SAPORITI or streot 'o f a home to be owned by others|of Uterature, and services sond reprasentatlvea to moke a FEED and HARDWARE Abe and Sam Nuasdorf to Stan-. .. racesslvo I trained technicians. Through the MEMORIAL COMPANY I M f M i of the survey “ r | ^ ’SBta prtd for her core.’ £oneroslty of some of its - mem' elmeHn difficult locstlUea. Its of- Vrtb ben the fund has already mode a 470 CENTER -ST. MANCH,E$TE R “ and OlWa Dart to Dart’s* — —w fitoto solMt the Intereet uid fi- VOTE FOR A PROCTEJSIVE REPUBLICAN Is bsHsmid to be the ear- good start- bnt It Is estimated osoifitance of todlvlduoU.' ot n s use of asbestiia about 86000 a yoar will be necea d n to ^ W g fi^ S M to n Chiba to Oto REPUJBUCAN » • >8n P Mcy to ton y on lU propoosd edu-

S.'HrtI Ji ' --jUrl L. f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MA^^CHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRTOAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1950 PAGE ELEVEN Bank Yanks Qaim Fenick PA’s and BA’s Practice Starts Play Tonight College Grid lOffidalDies No. 1 Reliefer in Loop Hodges^ Four Homers Share Spotlight with A. L. Race V ictory by^ Latter Nine llTlqlrirM of I Local Sport Chatter chased for seveni classrooms. Fireman Has Been Most Will End Twi League Draft Not Expected ao4(viBe PtsMC Today A change In the bus schedule this Important Indiviilual Series; Play . at 6 Twelve out of the first 27 games • Chappell 'for the Methodists: A t Yanks Lead But Schedule year wlU bring all the children to best two out of three g ^ e series Cardinals and Yanks \ Yankees, Red Sox W in,' 'M HOi^Home W ip in g school before picking up played in the Little League to data To Hit Many Players Performer in Drive Aiming at notching their fourth have been decided by one run. will determine the p la jlff kings. the children for Union school. The league champion 8L Bridget’s HERALD ANGLE Favors Tigers^ Indians lapt 1—(SpMial)— This change wlU necessitate the To Top Casey Says town series In five years and the Four other games w'ere decided by second In' a row, the British Amer­ two run margins. There have been were eliminated from the playoffs Maryland—were oo the NCAA By In L. L. Deadlock, 2-2 CfeailM M on m SqulrM, M. who Wapping school to begin at 8:45 i Wednesday night by the Metho­ Indians, Tigers Lose^ a.m. and eloee at 2:45 p.m. and | icans face arch rival Polish Amer­ three ties, five ahutouta and only Many New Coaches Sel carpet last winter for violations, EARL W. YOST nU N d on Jnijr 1 as vloo president New York. Sept. l —(V^—Fire- one game in which a team scored dists. along with Boston College and VII- Nsw York, Sept. 1 —U The • they hava two remaining with the Union school will begin at 9:15 and | icans in the second game of Series Bporta Editor Yankeea and two with Boston. \ a t tb 9 Rockvins brandi of the may have alipped B tonight at the Oval at 6 o’clock. more than ten runs. To Take Over; Sanity lanova. ■sad is with the Yankses hut tha close 8:80. After the start of the \ man Joe Page Tonight’s scheduled Softball Latter Team Engages in New York, on the other hand, Hartford OenascUcut Trust com­ The BA’s triumphed In convincing The NCAA tried to 4acpel the scheduls favors Detroit and Cleve­ Brooklyn First SKcker^ year some changes may be made off the ladder this year but the Twilight League game between Code and Television Bryna Day Pinna •^would like to oae umpire-batter No V erdict haa a majority of Its games away fashion a week ago by a 7 to 4 Who is the Most Valuable Player violators but failed In a vote on land in the itretch run of the p4>nnant Raers pany, iued hers today at his. home in these hour, when the timing New York Yankees maintain they the Italian Americana and North Visitor thia waak at thia wrltar’a Bobby "Pajama.," MeIntoah work­ Second Tie Game in from Yankee Stadium during the Collects Four Honierf^ msy be deteijnlned better. The count with Mike Savcrlck’s three In the Softball Twilight League? Problem Big Issues the convention floor. Hie cM len Ameriean League baseball race. final drive— 18 of 28 still on tap. St Bte street still have the greatest relief pitch­ run homer highlighting the attack. Ends has been postponed. The homa waa Joe Magnano, chairman ing behind the plate. As Many Nights; Cyr VMkM* (1) At a Glance new schedules for the busses are High on the list for the honor is chieftains neverthelesa otUI Shota Here and There AB R H PO A C They have three with Detroit and In 19 to 3 Romp Ovitr 'Bs was bom tai Vemon July 81, er in baseball. Coach Chucky Smith will prob­ Big John Pringle o f the Italian North Ends protested the second sought to impose sanctions. The slumping ‘ngera hava 23 as follows; bus routes for W sp­ game of the series which was won New York. Sept. l —(iP)—College of the Vf W committee In charge Billy Goodman now welghi 148 ^ two with Cleveland. U8S, and had Uvsd In RockvUle The new No. 1 rescuer, naturaly, ably call on Vic Taggart to toss Americans, brother Moe Pringle, football moved in today with its These institutions, some of which Is' Defensive Standout games at horns and only seven Braves; Giants Wla^ sB his life. He started his bank- uing school: Belcher’s bus will by the lA ’s and a special meeting of bringing baaabali atar Tommy pounds and four ounces. Owner Their hig test will coma with By The Ansneinted Press would be Tom Ferrlck, the erst­ them up tonight with the veteran also of the lA ’s and Bob Osborn snap, calisthenics and a whole have since complied with the code, ------, TarcA. lb away. Iba-elve of the remaining the Red Sox, whom they play four^ 3^atlnnal Lrague ins career as a clerk hi the old cover Rye street, Griffin road. will be held Sunday to get an offi­ Bryna to Mancheater this fell for | Tom Yawkey of the Red Sox l-c Zatkowakl. lb Barber Hill road. Miller road, El­ Tony Berube, having one of his of the North Ends. batch of new problems, but it had ^ are going along with their football games are with contending clubs. times In Boston,and twice In New . W L Pci G B T P. By Joe Releliler first National Bank of RockvUle while No. 1 subject of hypnotist best years In the local circuit, do­ cial verdict on' the situation. Pre­ a one-day gueat appearance. Mag- marked, "They should weigh him I Pet Hohcnthal. c In 1908. During his long career lington road, Nelderwerfer road, Dr. David Tracy. viously, the NoKh Ends’ protest to scrap for attention, I schedules as usual. nano has been working like a beav- I in ounces the way they do gold." maoL RrmuU. rf .. Including seven with Cleveland. York. Philadelphia Associated Prea# Sperts Writer ing the csitchlng. Hard hitting Tickets for next Friday night’s While thousands of muscled Football drills began with moee .Which is twelve ounces to a Dodgers , * fUn S>»«nn!nt. If The Indians .have 17 games at Boston, deadly at Fenway Park, Phils...... 78 47 624 29 Oil Hodges, called by many tha bs worked In every department « Dart Hill road, Avery street, Oak­ Jim Konstanty admirers would Jackie May will be at first. Cliff was denied, then a second meeting er arranging a full day’s p.-ogram ' .Red Sox tbs »««"k and was appointed assist­ land road, Demlng street and softball game between the Police was held and the protest allowed. young athletes lined up for grid­ than 30 head coaches in new aur- for the southpaw pitching star of pound. . .The Providence Steam­ Raemio. cf home and nine on the road. Be­ has only 11 games left there with Brooklyn .6 9 50 .580 6 35 ■Irongeat man In the National give Casey Stengel quite an argu­ Keeney holds forth at second while and South End Firemen are on sale Cards .. - Markham, f sides tha six tilts with Dstrolt, 16 on the road. Boston ___ 68 64' .557 8V» 32 League, haa juat about proved it. ' ant treasurer and asslstaiit trust Buckland road to the school. Col­ ment on the relative relief merits iron gear throughout the land, the roundlngs. the New York Yankees. rollers are organising a profes:' Mike Saverick is at third. Jimmy at Big Buck’s, Shady Glen, Luce’s The Big changes since the riot­ Yankees - Remaining gam es\ The husky Brooklyn first baM)> 5 Phllsdclphls at home (18) New man hit four home runa last night shrewd Yankee manager has stealer and run scorer will be on Hartford Road Service Station, For tha aecond atratght night York 2. Brooklyn 6, Bolton 2, SL to record a feat performed only tbs Hartford Connecticut Trust Ellington road and return to the plenty of sound, arguments to cured positions In the Rockville brisk American League pennant Sauer leave Navy for Baylor, to the auspices of the VFW. Climax of hold the spotlight tonight at the Little League Yankeea had to rsikowskl. lb company. He was promoted to aa- short. Gua Gaudlno, Bob Btarkel Larsen’s Feed and Hardware, Mere Hedlund. p ...... S 0 i 1 I 0 George Sisler Recalls Ixiuts 2. Clnrlnnntl 3. Pittsburgh give timei before in major league school with no pickups to be made back him up. and Johnny Green, the latter tied school system. They are Elddle race and a worsening Korean be replaced at Annapolis by Eddie the day will be a baseball talk by Cherry Park Speedway in Avon. come from behind to gain a tie, alstant vice president In 1937 and after the firehouse; Collins bus Barber Shop, North End Soda Rosmarin, Bill Detrick and John Erdelatz; Lloyd Jordan take over Bryne at a dinner-dance at VFW First qualifying heat starts at 9!mmoni, c( ...... *... I 0 0 0 1 0 1. Chicago 2. baseball. Hodges’ walloping at Ferrlck has been our most Im­ for the RBI honors during the reg­ Shop, McCann’s Service and Lee’s situation. thia time againat tha Cardlnala. Austin, r...... I 0 A 10 0 0 Away (111: Boaton 5, New York four separata Boston Brava pitch­ to the poslUon of vice president covers Footer road, between Strong CanavarL The Korean war cast an ominous at Harvard for Art Valpey, who Home. 8:30. . .The Greyhound Bus Line Mnnsr. lb ...... I 0 1 T 0 0 and trust officer In 1948. After 48 portant individual performer In ular season play, will compose the Esso. Last year the Firemen won The Cardlnala who were tied for Playing in Manchester 4, Brooklyn 2. ers temporarily shared attention road and Ellington road to the our drive to the top,” said Casey outfield. Cal Lyles, top hurler, will shadow across the practice fields moved to Connecticut: Rip Engl' -During the day. Magnano, who will run buses direct from Hart­ third place with tha Yanks had a Tedford. ss ...... I A 0 0 I I years of a banking career he was firehouse. Clark street, Demlng by a 13 to 3 score. The previous Benny Pagan!, Italian American l«alao the post adjutant, haa ar- ford to Yankee Stadium for the Bmlth. rf ...... I A 0 A A 0 Brooklyn at Home (24) Boathn with the hot American Laagns'. yesterday following the Yanks’ be held in reserve. year, the Cops won the series in­ as every major conference except replace Joe Bedenk at Penn SUt* two run lead at the end of two 5, New York 5, Philadelphia 2, pennant race. rSUred July 1, 1950 under street and Buckland road to the softball player. Is tbs proud father and Bob Woodruff move from wiged for personal appearances Pep-Saddler bout. Round trip fare Rylander. If ...... 2 1 1 S t 0 bank's retirement plan. 7-5 triumph over Cleveland that The PA’s will bank 6n their augural, 11 to 10. the Big Ten launched fall re­ innings but couldn’t hold It and Kohen. lb ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 By Hal TurUngton ( by the name of 8cott hurled that (ilnclnnstl 3. St. Ixuila 2, Chicago Tt happened at BbbeU Flald as school. Collins bus will make trips gave them a sweep of the four four top hitters to carry the mall. of a daughter bom Wednesday to hearsals. The Big Ten, along with Baylor to Florida. o f Bryne at the Newington Home will be $4.14. . .Saturday night a had to be satisfied with k 2-2 tie. .Pnenliient RepnbUcaa Mrs. Pagan! at Memorial hospital. for Crippled Children, the Veterans ,50-lap Holiday Classic (or modi­ Barnstorming trips by major day. Pittsburgh 4. the Dodgers trounced the Braves, out Oakland road to Avery street game series. Al Surowiec will return to his left Notre Dame's independent Nation­ Other new coaches Include Ed­ Charlie Bogglnl drove In both Totals ...... U 1 I II I 1 "No, I have never forgotten A prominent Republican, Mr. and Foster street and return. Col­ Bill Heintx, writing in the New Home at Newington and also at the fied stock cars will climax a rac­ Away (111: Boston 2. Philadel­ 19-3. to gain a half-game on tha I don’t know where we’d be field spot with Russ .Haiigh in al champions, doesn’t begin until die Anderson at Holy Cross. Yankee runs with a line double to Tsnkess ...... HO 000—2 leaguers today ia a far cry from thoae days." Sisler concluded. "As phia 6, New York 8. Idle Philadelphia Phllllaa. Tha Squires had held many official bf- lins bus will cover Ellington road. Yflrk Daily News yesterday, said Ralph Azinger, a back is among Veterans Home at Rocky Hill. ing show at Riverside Park while right centerfield. Wednesday night Cardinals ...... 010 000—1 ^ In Rockville, Including tax without Ferrlck.’’ Stengel added. right. Bob DiBatttsto makes up Sept. 6. ' ard Raffensberger at Iowa. Dick what It used to be. At the end of ' a matter of fact, aometlmea It's Boston at Home (19) Philadel­ Phillies atlll lead the National Pleasant Valley road. Wheeler part of the infield with Pete Willie Pep and Ray Robinson the candidates for a position on The handsome American League Monday night a 100-Iap Labor the Yanks and Dodgers played g Runs batted In. Bnaalnl 1. Blmmons; collector, town treasurer and city I know we wouldn’t be where we Right now it appears the draft Gallagher at Santa Clara, t a b ­ Day Classic (or jalopies Adll be two-bane hits. BngtInI; atnlen batM. the current season some major ' easier to remember some of thoae phia 5, Brooklyn 2, Chicago 3, League by six games. road. Smith street and Buckland Staum, Willie Oleksinski, Al Klein fought In Norwich as amateurs the Bates varsity football team ard Casanova at PltUburgh. For­ flipper will also address Manches­ 1-1 tie. ’ treasurer; he was first selectman are today." with Robinson winning and .later this fall. Asinger was a fine ball will not materially hurt football held. . .Willie Pep has sparred Moaser; tacrIAcei. Hedlund: laft bn leaguers will band together for ' gamea better than a major Pittsburgh 2. (5nrlnnatl 2. St. In the American Leagde, Pa-, road. and Frank Kinel ready for action. rest Evashevskl at W ashl^to. ter’s Little Leaguers during the The Cardinals got to Markham basea. Yankees S. Cardinals 7; bases t.,nuls 3, New York 2. for seven years; he was secretary Stengel has good cause to en being placed In jail because he was carrier during his undergraduate squads. But if things get much e^ernoon at a baseball show to be with eight different battlers in about a month and tour parts of league game that someone aice Binghamton at Elmira, rain. writer had an opportunity to chat sh()rity after Sisler and Jack 3. Hodgee also equalad tha majog He leaves hla vrlfe, Mrs. ICthel will hurl for the Congos and Jerry son In league play. flashed on the parlor and beer-hall Baseball oirea and Little I,eague Officials tie is starting his 21st sea.,on as ror and Roy Shennlng followed with the immortal George Staler, New York at Home (10): Weah- pick ups on Main street. Playing Manager Lou Boudreau, meet in a softball game at the head coach of the Columbia Lions. with a base on balla. Both men Amorlfaa Smith mads a tape recording that league record for total baaea in A Onittemeyer SqiUres, one daugh­ u-hose double had accounted for screens. Many of the smaller Brooklyn—Dodger first barman How York 7. Clf*v^land I. the St. luouia Browma famoua first waa aant back to Hartfor(l for Ington 2, New York 8, Boaton 2, game—17. The big slugger euiK ter, Mias Alcyon Squires, and two Collins bus will cover Route 6 .Ittle League diamond there has Ixju is the dean of Ivy coaches. moved up on a passed ball. After from aUtion 62 and Main street Cleveland’s two tallies, was perch­ Bear.^o:Sntain, N. Y.. Sept. 1— coaches is that they're now getting run his own interference since schools expect to suffer. Gil Hodges tied a major leagU' Bopton 4. Chtrairo 2. baseman. Staler la the high com- Smith’s avening sports ahow At Away ( 18): Boston 4, Washing­ up elx times, singling and groun^^ pyi,, RuaseU and Charles, all of — Sometimes it doesn't hurt The Sanity Code has 'struck record bv hitting four home rum ben mixed comment. The um- Gua Zitrides, former assistant at Jimmie Ragazzo struck out for Waphlngton 2. Dotrolt 1. mlaalonbr of the National Baseball ton 3, Claveland 2, Detroit 8, St. to the school. It will also cover ed on second. There was only one products of the two-platoon sys­ Thorpe starred for Pop Warner." Dartmouth. Is the new head coach the Broadview Hotel, site of tlie Ing out when he didn’t connect fOF RockvUle. out. The next batter represented football player to get hurt . hardest at the deep South where in Brooklyn’s 19-3 victory ov« ' •res are ready and willing but the second nut. Bozzlni doubled to St. Louli 4-2 Phlladolphla 1-2. Ctongreaa and certifies the roatera Louis 2. Chicago 2, Philadelphia 2. Ellington road, McGuire road, tem in college football .... "The Cleaning The CXilT at Brown, and Lloyd Jordan will drive in both runs. NatUaal headquarters of the NBC. before the circuit, and drove In nine niila. Tbe ftmeral wlU be held Monday the t)rtng run. And if that's a puzzler to you. yesterday two Dixie powers. North Boston. ' 'e L*. L. officials are a little of all teama entered In tha national leaving for hla room. Sisler said, Cleveland at Home (17): St. ^ r a o o n at 2:30 at the White King street. Brook street and Main ends are all specialists," moans Des Moines, Iowa, is staging a Pittsburgh—Examination shows ■sitant due . to the fact the serve in a similar capacity with The fourth inning was tha only N#w York 3. FlUaburgh 1. Hodges now la oven with M f Ferrlck threw AHle Clark two Steve Owen, the football Giants Carolina ana North Carolina Brooklyn If. Bopton 2. championahlp. He la a member of "I don’t think I’d remember all Louis 4, New- York 2. Washington entire 1949 output of homa niiia-^ in te n d Home. street to the school. Welling (Duke) Mara, secretary, ” Sec Taylor Night" in honor o f the •lllnd-men’’ boast a better than Brown this fall. . .Brown and inning after the second in which baaeball'a Hall of Fame. pitches. The result was a soft pop coach, can explain it .... Joe half-owner and enthusiastic talent veteran sports editor of the Des State, announced they were not Pittsburgh second baseman Dann; Only famoa arhedulad. thoae players by their faces, hut 3. Philadelphia 1. Boston 2, De­ 23. to center. That made It two out,_ Murtaugh suffered a fracturec 'rerage pitcher in Cliff "Pop” Cornell each won eight of nine de­ either team had two men on. In latpraatloaal Aaked If he remembered the troit 3, CTilcago 2. Dinlinlck, SF-’edy Giant Rookie scout (or the Giants .... "The Moines 'Tribune, at the Des Moines- complying with the amateur rules. cisions last fall. Yale split even the fourth the Yanka had men on you can tell them I enjoyed (hose Oil's fourth round-tiluyar madK Joe Gordon stepped to the plate.’ skull when hit by a pitched bal Qeaaon. If Gleason pitches, the Jerapy Ctty 8, Baltimora 0. times he played In Manchester, days. Say hello to them for me." Away (8); Chicago 8, St. I.g>ula It 158 for tha Brooklyn taanu halfback from Boston College, sut. first day in camp Jim Lee Howell Omaha ball game, SepL 6 ----- Other Southern schools — Vir­ Ii L. blg-wlgs want no part of in eight games, Dartmouth won first and third with one out hut Springfipld at Syrarua*. rain. Staler said, "you bet I do. In fact Center Thespians Ferrlck made one pitch. Gordon fered a dislocated elbow last week. ginia, VMI, VPl, The Citadel and Wednesday night. Besides his son. Dick, who plays 2, Detroit 4. smashing tha Club’s r a o ^ tk 18$ Wapping (lied weakly to left. The game (the end coach) was asking each "Sec” got his nickname when he e game. six and lost two. . .Columbia will failed to score, Only Ewmaa achrdulpd. I waa talking about It recently Boston at Home (M): New It was a painful thing and they one what he could do .... One served as secretary of the Wichita train at Lakeside, Conn. . . .Tip, Staadlag with B boy from your home town with the Phtladslphla Phillies, Sis­ aet last aeaaon. was over. Ferrlck had saved an­ All proceeds from the game, if Leo Cyr made the beat plays of ler haa another son attending York 4, Philadelphia 3, Washing­ To Open Season had to send Joe to the hospital to could play left end on defense but and St. Joe clubs In the Western kjayed, will enter the Little League for hunters: Never point a gun at the evening as In two Inntnga he Kesterm . who was getting a tryout with ua The American Loagua battla * Wsdnesday. Sept. 6. all schools other. , get It fixed .... Next morning, \v L Pet. OBL Princeton. He Is Dave, who also ton 4. saw Boaton's blistering Rad flom It was ••only the day before that not offense. Another was just a League . . . .The Jockey's Guild, pnd. Playing on the L. L. diamond anything you do not want to csiight looping Ilnars that were Wilkca-Bgrra ...... $4 44 .856 — at Brooklyn.” Away (16): Philadelphia 4, ai town will open for the new his arm still In a sling and a broad shoot. Never leave your gun un­ due to fall for base hits In short We (Jack Smith of WDRC and competed with the Holcomb, Mle- climb to within a half gams M Center Hiesplans will hold their Tom had been called to take ovef pass-catcher .... Finally he came anounclng its annual "Benefit at Memorial Field some of the BInfham ton ...... 7: 53 .589 9H souri Cardinals In the National Washington 2. Chicago 1, St. second-place Detroit with ■ 44) Odiool year. The first three days grin on his (ace, Dimtnick ap to one player who said: "I play Dinner Dance Stakes," Sept. 30, players may be able to hit balls attended unless you unload It right. Hartford ...... 73 55 .570 It myself ) . refreshed Slsler’s mind, Sf school the hours will be from first meeting of the year 1950- after stsrter Ed Ford retired be­ Tournament aa a pitcher. Louis 3, Detroit 2, Cleveland 2, dectoion over the Chicago Whttq cause of an Injury. Ferrlck had proacbed Steve shouting: "Look right end on offense, block and specifies the event is for 18-year- over the fence which ia but 175 first. Never climb a tree or fence Hedlund struck out nine and V tica ...... 60 67 .472 38W mentioning the boy as Leo Day. New York 2. S to 12 noon for the high school Albany ...... 56 73 .498 28^ Sox. It was tha Beantown Band’g 1951 on Wednesday evening, Sep­ pitched two innings, allowed no what I got, coach” .... It was catch short passes but I can’t olds and upwards .... If they’re feet from home plate. with a loaded gun. . . Rodeo al walked four as Markham struck Slaler replied, "oh, yes, that was ■nd 9 to 1 p.m. for the elemenUry WUllarnaport ...... B7 70 .449 MS the blond lad with a butch haircut. 16th victory In 17 gamao. j tember 6 at Center church. runs and was awarded a victory. summons from his Bo. The meeUng will begin with a That made It the seventh win board to report for a physical Lee was just about tearing his of horses from the half-mile Little League are eligible to play. •Sept. 27 through Oct. 22 with Hedlund allowed two hits, Mark­ Scranton ...... 50 77 .394 Cleveland In bowing to thg fa stin g has been called at 10 a.m. ham three. Getting back to his playing against two defeats for Ferrlck examination on Saturday .... "He' hair off when he turned to Kelly tracks at the table. The umplrea.have been practicing Gene Autry appearing m person. Am erlcaa League Leaders Tanks and loolng tha antira-foutw tX the high school for all teachers. pot luck supper at 7, followed by . . . .Answers to readers' ques­ New Tork ...... »0 U .885 — days, SlMer said "I well remember since' he wai obtained from St. went up there with his arm in his Mote, the boy we got from the De­ *pr the past 'three weeks and are Recail 15 Players gams aeries, fell five gaama o t t RorcnU of children entering the a business meeting. Louis In a six-man trade last June sling and naturally they told him Wring back waiting for the L. L. tions: Ted Williams is 31 years Chapel Hill, N. C.—North Caro­ I->4‘trolt ...... 77 47 .621 a the times I played In Mancheater. R n t grade will have an opportun­ troit Uons ----- Mote just grunt­ Boaton ...... 78 .49 .614 avi That waa In 1022, the same year By The AHtioci&tcd Press the pace. The Indiana are fourth." At 8:45 "The Old Lady Shows 15. to come back later,” Owen ex­ Racing t 4 to aet a playing date. old. HeSl be 32 on Oct. 30. He wa.s lina and North Carolina State ad­ 53 .594 5 Homa runs by Johnny Mlaau ity to register them Tuesday after- The New York-bom pitcher ed: "Play either end, either way. ” bom in 1918. . .Tommy Hcnricb vised by the NCAA they were not Cleveland ...... 78 I won the Most Valuable Player Brooklyn, Sept. 1—UP)—The National I/eague Her Medals" by Sir James Barrie, plained. "But he was the first boy New York—Hot ($5.20) won the ' era la ona catch to the game, W aahinfton ...... 56 68 .452 29 award. We used to hop all arounci Brooklyn Dodgera today an- Cliff Mapeo, Y o^ Berra and Phi| ■ooa from 1:30 on. All such chll- will be presented. This was the came to the Yan'ks with a 1-3 re­ First Since Thorpe featured steeplechase at Aqueduct. IBEITIR USED OW S umpiring will be done by of the Yankees ia drawing down complying with the "Sanity Chicago ...... 50 77 .894 30H Batting—Mualal, Rt.* Louis, SrsB must have a birth certificate ever saw smile when he got one f New England on Sunday’a when noijnced the recall of 15 optioned .358; Hopp, Pittsburgh, .341. Rizzuto, contributed to tha Ins. play presented by Sock and Bus­ cord. Here Is what he’s done since As a result of a player shortage, j Cniicago — Thlereelin ($8.20) le Leaguers. This writer ' a $45,000 salary. Code." St. Louia ...... 43 81 .347 36 diona’ sixth straight loas. Thoy au OS evidence of age for admission, of those things." .... Besides Philadelphia ...... 44 84 .344 87 we couldn’t play In Boston.” players treSfn affiliated minor kin at the Connecticut Drama Fes­ then. He’s appeared in 22 games, Coach Jennings Bryan (ears) captured the headline race at | Runs- Torgeson, Boaton, 95; came off 20-gams wlimar which Is 6 years old on or before Diminick, Tom Finnln. rookie Matlaaal Before leaving for Kansas, I league clubs. The players will stay Klncr, Pittsburgh, 94. tival last spring, which placed In won seven and saved nine others. Whitworth of Oklahoma A, and Washington Park. i Lemon. the first of January and a vac- He has been in six losing games, tackle from the University of De Philadelphia 78 47 .624 — had dug up a few facta from Bill with their present club until the Runs batted In—Ennia, Phila­ one of the highest groups there. M. has had to shift his best ath­ Atlantic City. N.J. — Magnet Brooklyn ...... 69 50 .580 6 Tommy Byrne started for this ■iiiaUon certificate which may be two of which were charged to him. troit. received his notice and left i SchleTdge about those games. end of their respective seasons. delphia, 112; Klner, Pittsburgh, Included in the cast are Joan lete, Darrell (Main Man) Meissen- ($16.20) won the Llnwood Puree ■/ Boaton ...... 68 54 .557 8 4 Schieldge and Seddy Straughan Few are expected to report this Yanks and gained hla 14th victoiy gecured from the family physician. Not bad for a guy who had won the Giants yesterday ....And the ...... 66 57 .533 U 4 101. Astley, Peter Gunas, Carol Howes. situation may become so serious heimer from guard to halfback .. . at Atlantic City. St. Louia . . . over at the Spruce street fire year. although ^relieved In tha latdi Schools have been repaired and Helene Wachtel. Maude Wilson, only 24 games in six previous .Sew York ...... « 57 .533 114 Hite Mualal, St. Louis, 162; atagea. that the National Football League The only optimistic reaction comes Salem. N.J.—Lickety Cut ($6.- ChlCARO ...... 54 70 .435 house, who used to drive the play­ Players recalled are: ysnovated during the summer. The and Edward Thoraell. years Th the big leagues. 234 Furlllo, Brooklyn, 158. 'The Tigers ware vleUmlatd tgf. is considering raising its player from tub-thumper Otis Wile, who 40) won the feature race at Rock- | Cincinnati ...... 49 73 .402 274 ers to and from games, provided From Hollywood of the Pacific Ugh school exterior has been Anyone Interested In becoming Doubles —Mualal, St. Loula, 39; Gene Bearden, who won hla third limit from 32 to 35 men for each claims; "WTiitworth figures "Main Ingham Park. n tta b u rg h ...... 42 82 .339 354 me with plenty of info, even to Coast League: Infielder Clarence Schoendlenat, St. Louia, 34. painted and the first floor interior a member of Center Thespians Is lateraational giving the exact lineup. «am e of the season. Art HouthK ledecorated with different color club .... "It could ruin a club Man" can line up at right half Before Congress Clamps (Buddy) Hlcka. Triplet—Aahbum, l^lladelphia, cordially invited to attend this Deaths Last Night The mountain bluebird was be­ Uochentcr ...... 88 52 .629 — ’’I’(l like to see the lineups on From Montreal of the Interna­ man limited the victories to ftvo ■ehemes for each class room. The overiyght," Owen says seriously. and play both positions, thus be­ 62 ..'“.63 9 13; Schoendlenat, St. Louia, 9. performance. lieved sacred by Navajo Indiana. Curbs on Credit Montreal ...... 90 those games. "Sisler continued. tional League: Pitchers Jack Ban­ hits, but three straight in th^ Union School exterior has been "You can’t tell when four or five coming the first Oklahoman to Baltimore ...... 78 64 ..*49 11 "Fact is, 1 think I could even name Home runa Klncr, PIttaburgh, third liming give Washington boO; Gastonia, N. C.—Rep. Albert L. NOW .leritcy City ...... 75 66 ..5.32 n v . ts and Joe Nsdnim. First Base­ 40; Pafko, Chicago, 31. Bswly painted, the roof repaired boys might say 'Look what I got' its runs. ' Doddarlo Olvea Farewell ...... 71 68 .511 164 you some of the players; Herman man Kevin (Chuck) Connors; In- ■ad new furniture has been pur- Bulwlnkle, 67, veteran North Car the same day." ( j ^ p R O O Y Bpr .. Bronkle, Sammy Hyman, and Stolen bates —Jcthroc, Boaton, Boston’s Clyde Vollmer walkad ollna Democratic congressman, Syracuse ...... W 73 .475 214 (lelder Lamar (Rocky) Bridges Middletown, Sept. 1.—(,P>— Two Platoon Stuff ’49 Nash .\nib. 4 Dr., Green. H . . . $1895.00 ...... 53 85 984 34 there was a big fellow named Fay 29; Snider, Brooklyn, 14. on four straight balla hy WUy who had represented the state’s T oron to ...... and Outfielder George Bchuba. Strikeouta—Spahn, Boaton, 167; Judge Emilio Q. Daddario, of the Another headache (or pro Buffalo ...... 50 91 .355 384 who played football with one of From Rt. Paul of the American Pierce In the ninth, forcing homa City court, who has been called 9th, 10th and 11th district in ’49 Nash 600 2 Dr., Gray, R-H . . $1695.00 p m S B O R O ” Taday'a Gamea the profeasional cluba." Blackwell, (Cincinnati, 149. the winning Red Sox run. EDu Junior Twosome terms from 1921 to 1929 and since Kaatera Association; Wtchera Phil Haiig- Pitching -Magllc, New York, into Federal service as a major in THOMPSON SPEEDWAY We pij)duced the lineup that stad, CTIem Labine and Morris Kinder came In as relief pitdMr 1931. He was bom in Charleston, ’48 Chevrolet Club Cpe, 2T, Grey, H artford at \Vllk.»-B»rr. read Hyman, pitching; Punk Lam- 13-3, .813, Miller, Philadelphia, and got credit for tha victory, big the 43rd National Guard division, Albany at Scranton. Martin: CJatcher Steve Lembo and was given a farewell dinner here S. C. R.H ...... $ 1 2 9 5 .0 0 precht, catching: Sisler and Fay U-3, .786. 13th thia year. Bingham ton at Rlmira. Outfielder Bill Antonello. American League last night. Hagerstown. Md.—George WANTED Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4th H O O S t Utic. .t Wllll.m.port. at first base; Sammy Maaaey, sec­ The only other American ; Fron) Fort Worth of the Texae Batting—Goodman, B o a t a a, Boeuf, 50. representative of the ’48 Ford 2 Dr...... $1295.00 Am erlcaa ond base; Bronkle, third baae; League; Pitchers Ezra (Pat) Mc- oompetitton saw tha PhU W/uhInzton »t New York-(nl*ht)— Billy Dwyer at ahortatop; .370; doby, Cleveland, .848. Athletics and tha S t Fairchild Aircraft divUlon at the AT 2:30 P. M. Glothln and Clarence (Bud) Pod- Wright-Patterson Air Force at EXPERIENCED ’41 Nash Anib. 2 Dr., Black, R-H . . . $595.00 Slnik (3-3) v». Reynolds (12-11), Schieldge In left; Tommy SIpplea Runs—DlMaggio, Boston, 116; Browns spilt The Browns woo thy S t blelan and First Baseman Dee Home Sweet Home Dayton and president of LeBoeiif Boston Phllsdclphls —(nlfht) — In center and Sammy Kotch In Stephens, Boston, 113. opener, 4-3, and the A’s tha night* *40 Plymouth 2 Dr., Black, H ...... $ 4 9 5 .0 0 3tobbs (S-8) vs. Shants (7-10) or Cole­ right. Fondy. Runs batted In—Stephens, Boa­ Industries of Dayton. man (0-4). cap, 3-2. BIG CAR AUTO RACES "One Sunda^ I played (or both From Elmira of the Eastern ton, 129; Dropo, Boaton, 128. Tn tha only other Natlonnl CARPENTERS ’39 Buick 4 Dr.^Gray, R -H ...... $ 3 9 5 .0 0 (Only games sclieduled). League: Pitcher Malcolm Mallette. VetenMi Fuel Man Dlea N sllaaal teams," Staler went on. "T played HIU—Kell, Detroit. 179; Rlzzu- I.ieagi]e game the .New Yerll For Inside and Outside More than 30 of America’s leading independ- ’39 Buick 4 Dr., Black H ...... $ 2 9 5 .0 0 New York st Brooklyn—(night) — the first five Innings with Man­ to. New York, and D. DiMogglo, Oianta squeeted out a 2-1 vIctoiT % Junes (10-14) vs. Hattsn (2-2). chester and then Fay went to first Boston, 165. over Pittsburgh, gaining n tin 'with New Haven, Sept. 1—UP)— Ed­ Work-r-Apply at ent cars and drivers from New York, New ’37 Plymouth 4 Dr., Black, H ...... $ 1 9 5 .0 0 Philadelphia at Boston-(night) — while I picked my belongings and win 8. Blanchard, 47, of Hamden, Doublaa—Kell, Detroit. 88. WerU the St. Louia Chiidtnala for fourth 5 Dover Road Pittsburgh’s new Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof Church (7-2) ra. Chipman (4-7) or went to the other bench. In four Sports Schrdale and Evers, Detroit, 31. place. Jim Hearn, the Oianta* baiv' died at New Haven hospital yes­ Jersey, Penn., Ohio, Mass., R. I. and Conn. ’38 Ford 2 Dr., Green, X -H ...... $ 1 9 5 .0 0 Haefner (1-7). ■ Or Phone 4112 8t. Louis at Pittsburgh-(night) — times at bat I got two hits,, both Tnplcs — Norm, Washington, galn-baaement pitching aansatloilj terday following a long illness. A House Paint produces a fibn of unusual aifigles, If I remember right Some native of Somerville, Mass., and a ADMISSION 11.50 IncL Tax and Grandstand ’36 Buick 4 Dr., Black, R -H ...... $ 1 9 5 .0 0 Boyer (S-S) M. Werle (4-12). Tonight Zarllla, Doerr and D. DlMaggio, chalked up hla seventh triumph W JARVIS REALTY CO. tthiteness that really stays white! Coal (Only (am ca schet.’uled). of thoae fana back there could tell PA’i ve. BA’a. 6 p. m.—Oval. Boaton, and Woodling apd DiMag- limiting the pirates to four hits. . graduate of the School of Fine latcraalianal you. They used to get some mighty Arts at Boston, he had been en­ ’36 Buick 4 Dr. .G ray ...... $ 9 5 .0 0 •moke or industrial fumes will not darken Walnuts vs. , 6 p. m.— ^o. New York, 9. Springfield at Syracuse (2). good crowds In those days. diarter Oak. Home runs—Rooen, Cleveland, gaged in the coal and oil business or discolor it It’s self— Baltimora at Jaraay City. "You know how tha fans can get since 1937. At his death he was Rochester at Buffalo, Tnesdsy, September 5 33; Dropo, Boaton, 29. removes surface dire Years of extensive on a players ear today. They did Red Sox vs. Df^gert, 6 p. m.— Stolen basea— D. DlMaggio, dock manager for the.Wyatt Ter­ LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Montreal at Toronto. back then, too. Why. before the RUPTURED? minal Oo., and Wyatt, Inc. here. exposure tests under every type of climate Memorial. « Boaton, 18; Rizzuto, New York, game they had a hitting contest. , Wednesday, September 6 11. Don’t t O a y - m tha Msa naod- Surviving are hts widow, hla condition have proved the superiority of A $400 prize went to the fellow em taninraa of AKBON mother, three brothers, and a als- Hamlltona vs. Silk City, 6 p. m. Strikeouta— L Senatora. won a 14-inning duel MOTOR F from Lefty Orova of Booton, 2-1. Tuesdtiy and Wednesday PIITSBURGH PAINIS Yeoterday’a Stnra C a n t u r y You eiN s m Batting—Oil Hodgao, Dodgera, TUNE UP '-inged four bomera to Ua Major By Bm Bwnwtt League raoord, collected 17 total WEST SPRlNGnELD A tailored two part eostuma Sept, 5 and 6 I LIMITED TIME ONLY i jaeea to tie anothar nnojor laagna Brown-BcAupre’s precision eqaipment fivcK that’s the deUght a t juniors and afford a I mark and drova in nine runa to BDlsoas for ach^ or office. The j lead Brooklyn to a 19-8 vietory EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT the motorist definite assnrance that A rough, 9 ^ - blouse can be worn By M n. Ao m Oebot Add graciou* finlmhlng touchea DUE TO THEs|JkBOR DAY HOLIDAY over Boaton. ' closed at the neck and baa Pitching—Jim Hearn, Oianta sluggish motor will (urr like A kitten after a of three quarter cuffed to your gueat towela with th( dream kitchen Com* in for PMU boekint AT 8:30 P.M. "homey" deoigna. Embroider them $3 ALLOWANCE jUtchad Now York to 8-1 four-bit tunc up at this downtown Chryaler-Pljraranth , sUrt boasU a shaped If you live on snv of the atrccU in this seclkm have your ^per out on "C olor Dymamk$ tor yoor Homo" In bright colora and aimple otltchea. victonr ovar Plttaburgb, fanning The aet makea a wonderful gift Monday. Proceeds from these collections of paper Mrve to buy new FOR YOUR OLD TIRE REGARDLESS . four iud walking throe. headquarters. la a acw-rlte n o m i M n o o a u ia m il STOCK CAR RACING In olaoa 9. IL I and you will want theae towela equipment for the Manchester Memoriul HospItuI OF SIZE OR CONDITION $5.20 sad 18. Slao 11, for' your oggi linen cloaet too. V e .f l O W l (^tick-dgyiag, ataMk 8aUi lo t waod*6UON PatUm g h 5255 conoiata of hot- ADMISSION — $1.20 IncL Tax 36 or 89-inch; arruHEN p l a n n in g Msgazines, Paper and Paper Cartons Picked Up If Pat the Carb. and cooMM loon aad stops. 1% yordo. Iron tranafora for 9 deoigna, color CHILDREN FREE . PARKING FREE choit, otitch Uluotrstlona and full aa« BBMODELINO Lower Prices Make It Too Costly to Pick Up Othenrim. STO CK CAR sand 28 oenta, WATiaSPAt INAIWIL ■rtdraea, bIm a ataal o Wood $1.98 I BUBiborto Bond SOc In ooUia, your name, o Knotty rina Bast hoasehold a a a il to t wnedirnifc, WMl artdraaa and tha pMUra aumbar Please Note— Collectiona Will Be Made aa Scheduled Rain or RACES ■ Evo- e Starlea aC T av| fntaiinta aad mtal tria InUda or noli EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT kvo. Americaa, to A m Cabot. 11m Mancboatar EVERT SATURDAY BTaaiBg HoraM, 1180 Ava. Anaarl- NIGHT eaa. New Toifc 19, N. T. BOLAND MOTORS A T 8:30 P. M. Shine— Unleea It Raina In « Downpour 8 :1 S P. M . Noedlawork Fana — Anne Cab- **Your H om etow n yath Dealer** ot't big new album I, bera. Dozena Mapeheeter Home STAFFORD SPRINGS • of faaem ting new deaigni, glfta. Modernizers 369 Center Street . ' | Tel. 4079 SPEEDWAY. CONN. docoratlona emd apecial featurea. Blish Hardware Co. ADMISSION! f l a t ptan tex THE MIGHTY MIDGETS wwm . Plua 4 gift pattema'and di- U oak at. TaL 2-ei74 ObCdw Ma plan t u LrifihlOM, 28 « a tfc 7»3 M A m Cet Mrt tMs ad iWarth 89e WITH ALL THE felG NAME DRIVERS :*»■ on $1.29 tlekat V , ■ > ‘


-iiii MANCHESTEiR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1950 A policeman who had stoppad a Ot what trade arc all the Presi­ i • 1... ■ 1 1 I'. fU X * I Keep Your Courage "Doc, I don't tee why my ap­ dents ot th* United Rtetes? pendix has to com* out. It doean’t motorist for dan'gerous driving, [ Press on! Through mists obscure Answer—Oabinetmaker*. S e u » e A n d pain me, juat itchea” and was taking down the particu­ Articles for Sal* 45 72 I And clouds of doubt beset. lar, kept putting the point of hla o s i r r e t w o n t AntMBObilM for Sal* 4 BoMchokl 8«n1e*s Help Waatsd— Mal* M Hooseliold Goods 81 H« forS iU * for Ssl* Soon dawns the brighter-day. "Ah. there you eee. We’ll have to H e y .A l f ! I t w o n ’t b e N E'. I ' take it out before w* can arratch pencil In his mouth. New* la what paopi* like Offered ISA FIREMAN—Experienced on high BOLTON BuUding stone end flag- MOVING OUT of aUtc, aelUng 8 NEW, MODERN four-room Cap* OLDER COYTAOE style home, in Nonsense Keep on! Though hours be long. read, want to raed and ought l o n g n o v v I BE LONG NOW > HIUHC81 CASH prJc*« paid for And daya deep-fraught witli woe. IL’’ Motorist- Why is It nscessary 1937 to 19M UMd car*. In KOOd WEAVING Of bum*, moth hole* preaaur* oil fired bollera Write stona. A -l loam, miau rock drUUng room* of fumitura. Reaaenabla. Cod. All modam Improvemaata. excellent condition with pleasaat, Weraen — Thia bird you aold ma to moisten yov. pencil? read. Clisafied or apply in peraon to Cheney and blasting. Bolton Notch Quar­ 10 South Hawthorn* atraet. Beaemaat garaga, ahaft* traaa, private location. Five rooms Let patience have her perfect work. clean eondlUon. Oouglaa Motor and tom clothing, hoalery run*, wUl not Bing. And vanish every foe. Jay walkers take short cuts— to Policeman—To make the esse Sal**. 338 Main atreet. handbag* repaired, xlpper re­ Brother*, 146 Hartford Road, ry. Phon* 2-0617. Stanley Patnod* larg* lot. Overlook Driv*. Wm. db.^ Include modern kitchen. Store Owner (who didn’t want 4 h e hospital or the morgue. Any look blacker. A prospectiv* cuitomer antared Mancheatar, Connecticut. DINING ROOM Ubie, and four Kaaahl, buUdar. Phon* 7778. Very larg* expansion attic. Ga­ Hope on! Though all aeems lost P i^ertisemenU placement, umbrella* repaired, CHILD'S 16 m.m. Keystone pro­ to rrihmd the purchase price if And storms beat high. 1 fool on the street can tak<%a chance a local art shop, wher* toey had 1948 CHEVROLJTr club coup*. chair*. Inqulr* 174 Center atreet. rage, . fine landscaping, ^uglaa I—but why be a foot. The tim* to He was In the hospital suffaring i n new clerk who was-not overly men'* ahlrt collar* reveraed and WANTED— Ebiperlenced butcher, jector. God condition, also 8 films. Phone 5483. ha could help It)—That bird ahould Have faith! B* still and know LiOW mileage. Good tire*, heater. F O im BEDROOM SINGLE. Blanchayd, Real Estate Service. I prevent an accident is before It from a gunshot wound and a friend i,right. It would sacra, replaced. Marlow’* Uttl* Mending part time atock boy*. Apply Bur- Beat offer takes. Cali 2-0339S bev* a met*. That Cod ia nigh. Privately owned. Phone 8933. 5447. Woman — "Hut 1 don’t know I happens. called on him. ' „ Customer—1 want some df those Shopb sack Bros., 467 Hartford Road, FOR SALE—Florence, combina­ EAST OF SPRUCE STREET —Grenville Kleiaer tion gaa and oil atove, 8 and 4. whet kind of e mete to get. I — '— — ' Friend What happened. B ill: ] plctur'Se that are made by ecratch- l,o«t u « PMIld PONTIAC; 1988—6 cylinder coupe, PLAT FINISH. Holland window LEAVING TQWN. For sal* by "Tho-sq w ho live »n glass houses Patient — I was the victim of | Boat* and Aeecasoiiea 46 Priced reaaonable for quick sale. SEVEN ROOM SINGLE owner. Brand i>fw ranch' type don’t know whether my bird is one owner, well cared for car. In ■hade* made to meaaure. All V. WANTED—Mason's helper. Apply Telephone 2-3628. melo or female. How can I find A little girl was trying to but- j. ahould not throw stones,'' as not j n,al: inconsletency. The fellow i thought a mo- excellent condition mechanically metal Venetian blind* at a new JOHNSON Outboard motors and 3 encloaed porchea, new steam duplex, 5 rooms each. Must be seen directed at the motorist who sud-! ,yho shot me hadn't kissed hie wife brighten- Oak street betwen 6 and 7. out? ton up her dress In back. F in -! I/>8T—Light tan mal* BngUeh and appearance wlae. It will be low price. Key* made while you Dolphin aiumUium boats. Capitol heating syetem and copper plumb­ to be appreciated. 313,600. 1 Store Owner — That’# easy. Get ally the child gave up and said; donly r'un,« Into a stretch of new i jn 10 years, but he let fly at foe , Sattar. Finder pleaea caU 6394. QUAKEUt Parlor heating atova, Broadv/ay. Phone QDlchester 734. worth your while to see Ihl* one wait. Marlow'*. 4DRTVER FOR taxi cab. Married Equipment Co., 38 Main. Tel. ing, 2 full baths, Insulated, Vene­ two worms, a male ead a female. "Mother, I can’t button up myself \ tar ar.d gravel. | when I did. ' pierit \ / before you buy. Belch Pontiac, 14” pot burner, with forced draft -Oh, yes, you mean man over 35 preferred. Steady 7958. Ideal for heating 4 rooms. Reason­ tian blinds, metal storm windows Ptit them In a cage.. Then if the because I'm standing In front of LOST—Lady’* watch, Tueaday af- Inc., 155 Center *treet, Manche* and screens, new oversiaed 2-car PRE-WAR four-room atoKlc, i ‘ ' , . 1 ilchlngs. t won t be long no I t WON'T BE long work. Apply 53 Pumel* Place. able for quick sale. Rhone 2-9167. bird is a male he wlU eat the myaelf.” I "Three 'years ago.” said the ■ There are two sources of busl-j I ' W, tamoon, in State theater. Phone ter, Conn. Phone 3-4545. Roofing ISA garage. Elxcellent condition. Owner basement garage. Nol^expand- able. Excellent condition^ T. J. female worm; if ahe ia a female 'speaker proudly, "there wore two! ness: The competitive, when you EP ! WANTED — Men able to finish Building Materials 47 leaving atate, eh* will eat the male worm. "Boost and the world boost* 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-door aedan. ROOFING. Specialising In repair­ Crockett, Broker. 6416. A man with a bundle thrust his ' men in niy office holding positions try to get your share of what grade lawns and for othef land- Machinery and Tool* 52 Woman — But how can I tell with you; knock, and you knock excellent condition, radio and ing roofa of aU kinds. Also new ATTENTION BUILDERS! Ap­ head and then hla body into an ; superior to mine. One was dls- business there is; and the creative. acap* work. Apply to John S. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA which worm la male and female? missed for drunkenness; th* other 1 when you try to get business that alone: heater. CaU 3-1081. roofe. Gutter work. ' chimneys proximately 1,500 yards of flU for BULLDOZER, several uaed wheel DUPLEX House, 6 extra large office. The .following dialogue | For a cheerful grin will let yon Wolcott. 180 Main street after REALTOR rooms each, in excellent condl- cone Store Owner — Madam, you'll was led Into crime, and la now 1 no one else would get. PRSaONDEROAitTEN achool ra- cleaned and repaired. 36 years of sale. Cheap if you wUl dig and and crawler tractors, Fergusons, then took place; m whie the Knocker Is never 1946 FORD V-8 super deluxe four- experience. Free estimate*. CaU 5:30 p. m. haul. Phone 2-3151. 876 Main St.—Eat. 1921 tlon. Hot water heat,- 2-car ga­ hava to apply at a worm atore. We opAUng Saptambar ll . Age* 3H power lift tools. Cement mixers, Phone 5440 or 5938 only have birds here. through strong drink. So I am Friend - - Ah, Profeisor, 1 hear known. to ft. Tranaportation avallabla door. White wall tire*, heater. Howley. Mancheater 5361. bfle wire, new, uaetT spreaders rage, large attic, extra large j clothes for you to press. The man - Harlow. Privately owned. Cpll 3-0714 YOUNG MAN, High school gradu­ Home Llatings Wanted lot. Call Anita White. 8274. ' next door says you're a bird at npw head of my department. ' 1 your wife has presented you with Phone 1-1696. Mra D. L. BaUara al* for full time delivery worg. Dublin Tractor CJo.: North Wind­ after 6 p. m. WE SPECIALIZE In roofing and Diaraonito— Wstebt Mrs. Jones—When do you ex­ pressing suits. j ask yoxi;’'^ he said, "what has raised twins. Boys or girls? T9 Lakewood Clrcla South. aiding. Highest quality material*. Write Box O, Herald. ham Road, Willimantlc. MATHER STREET—New brick HILLIARD and DUVAL STS.— Man In Office — Well. O K. Is 'mo to my present position"'' Professor — Well, 7 believe one A bride of eighteen fsces the J*welry 48 homes. Open for tajspecUon dally. pect to get "your new furs?,, task of cooking 50,000-mesl*. Not Workmanahip guaranteed. A. A. Five rooms first floor, space for Mrs. Smith- \fter thre or four right, only this isn't a tailor .-hop— I ".Strong drink!’’ came a voice is s boy and one la q girl, but It PART TIME bulldoxer operator. LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ Features ahed dormer, hot water ' 2 or 3 rooms second floor. Mod­ ; from the back of the hall. may be th* other way 'round. If she can find a can opener. Dion, Inc., 399 Autumn street. Call 4.523. Maori Bros., Landscap­ Musical liistrnmrnta 58 god crying spells. it's a lawyer’s office. TRIPLE CHECKED pairs, adjusts watches expertly. oil heat, tile batli, vestibule, fire­ em cabinet kitchen, steam heat, Phone 4860. ing and Grading Contractors. WANTED—Two or three passen­ Reasonable prlcoe. Open dally FRANKLIN Upright piano, ma­ place. basement garage. Five fin Timken oil burner, automatic hot Very Cute Ideal LANK LEONARD / USED CARS Ished rooms. Lavatory and sixth MICKEY FINN '/ gers to share eoepenaes of trip to FEATURING Guaranteed roofs .SPOTTER. Dry cleaning plant. Thursday evenings. 120 Spruce hogany caae, 350. 43 Coburn water, full cellar, storm windows point 35 mile* east of Rochester, and expert repair* aa weU as street. Phone 3-4387, Road. room partially finished. Henry and screens, garage, amealte WMOTlfPEOVOU I'M SORRY, 1941 Plymouth, 2 Door Se­ Excellent salary. Steady all year. Bacott Agency, exclusive agenu, WAIT,B0YSi I COOLWT SAY THIS t wont be long now BEFORE ALL YOU CITY New York. Leave Royal Type* gutter and conductor work. Try Apply at once. Sterling Cleanera. drive, landscaped. Call 4892. OFF THAT DEVOE ft ^ GENTLEMEN/ f “ “ — ^ I ' dan, heater; 1940 Chevrolet your "Local Roofer.” Call Cough­ 266 High atieet West. Telephone IN THE CAB - BUT I WANT TO CAUTION FOLKS GO BACK WHERE wriUr 3:80 p. m., Friday. Sep­ Willimantlc, Conn. Wllllmantic Garden— Farm— Dairy YOU BEF09E WE GO IN/ WE KNOW WAS HIDING OUT IN 1 NEVER OlVULGC WHAT ? tember 1, return Monday evening, 4 I^or Sedan Maater Deluxe, lin 7707. ‘ Wearing Apparel— Fura 67 3683 or 2-0009. 3-3123. Products 60 78 D0G60NE WELL THAT PHIL NEVER THAT PLACE.SHERIFF? THE SOURCE OF ‘ f You BELONG * Septembw .. Rout* 44, Rout* 7 radio and heater; 1939 Plym­ 18 YEARS OLD boys' clothing. I.4tta for Sale MV INFORMATION PAINTERS and patnter'a helpers, ACADEMY STREET — Custom CAUGHT PEVOE/ HE'S IN ON IT PltUfield. Route 80 Albany to outh 4 Door Sedan, low mile­ Heating—Plnmbing ’ 17 CUCUMBERS. Pick your own, 35c Excellent condition. Reasonable. -ANP THAT'S NHV 1 also paper hangers Apply Green built 7-Room Home, 5 down with LOT—100 X 200 ft., city water, ONLY BY ACCIPENT-OR LUCK Syracuae, Route 370 and Route age ; 1937 Dodge Sedan, cheap; basket. Bring containers. Robot- Phone 6381, two miles rrom Manchester cen­ Manor Estates, Inc., Woodbridge tile bathroom and shower; two up -OR SOMETHING/ RESULTS/ 104. CaU Manchester 3-1940 no 1942 Dodge >/^-Ton Pickup, ex­ PLUMBING And Hasting, apeclal- to's Farm, Birch Mountain Road ter $1,200. Madeline Smith, Real­ later than 10 p. m., August 31. street. C. F. Charbonneau A Son. with lavatory. Hardwood floors, Istng In repairs, remodeling, cop­ light oak trim. Comer fireplace. tor. 2-1642-4679. cellent condition. per water piping, new construc­ PICK YOUR own shell beans for Wanted—To Ruv 58 EXCELLENT Opportunity for sin­ Spacious closets throughout. 2- LEARN TO DRIVE very first les­ tion, estimates given, time pay­ freezing and canning, $1 bushel WILL SACRIFICE on account of son. 60 full minutes, no travel gle man. High school graduate, WANTED—Enamel, single or dou­ car basement garage. Near Por­ SOLIMENE & FLAGG. Inc. ment* arranged. Edward Johnson. Eugene Gagliardone, South Bol­ ter atreet school and bus line. For leaving town, 6 rooms, large lot, Unas charged. You learn rapidly, Phon* 6979 or 5044. 26-30 years of age. for promising ton. ble. laundry wash tubs. Tele­ we don’t try to prolong Inatruc- 634 Center Street career with a nationwide finance phone 2-2623. appointment call 2-1880. garage and other buildings, good tlon. Long list of satisfied gradu­ Manchester, Conn. company. Must have automobile. location on bus line. In Vernon, 5 EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ NUMBER ONE tomatoes, 31 for rooms, basement garage, fruit ates fumlMied on request. Man­ Apply Personal Finance Co., 753 WANTED—Good uaed furniture. Dodge and Plymouth Dealers ing. Plugged drains machine 16 quart basket. A. Rossetto's treds. 1 acre. 37,500. Care R. O. chester Driving Academy. Tel. cleaned. Carl J. Nygren, 803 Main street, between 9 a. m. and Any quantity. We offer you high­ Tel. 5101 or 5102 Farm, Lake street. Denton, 39 Stephen street, Town. 4833. Oakland atreet Phone 6497. 5 p. m. est prices. Woodshed. Phone 2- 118 PORTER STREET Open Til 9 P. M. 31,54. VNIVERSIIY o f Oonneeticut stu- TWO LOTS southwest corner of OIL BURNER service and repairs. TWO ROUGH wool pressere, dry Here is a nicely located at dente, drivers or paeeengfrs, In- TOMATOES FOR SALE — Four Irving and WIndemere streets. .AU makes oil burners and fum- cleaning plant, per hour. Just Thinkin’ ! BT EDGAR MARIlN fterested In forming commuters' 31.60 pounds 25c. 57 Florence street. tractiv English style home of Sewer In street. Inquire 270 Oak FTHNNY IH'SINKSS BY HERSHBERGBR BUrS BUNNY Rom'S AND HER BUDDIES 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain four- acei. Earl Van Camp. Tel. 5344, Minimum 44 hours per week. Room* WithoQt Board 59 VlPft A lvO U TWVftVC * ^ool, plea** call 3-396T. atreet. LOOW . CM-»^ yYPAA'.WOT Pvi6 'G door, 6 cylinder, radio, heater, Steady all year. Apply ^ once. seven spacious rooms. Large T H 8 V DON'T woaav. I GOOD ROOM next to bath for WHWt -iWt SUCH A •btWOV .1 TH006WT \ WAS seat covers. A 10,000 mile car Sterling Cleaners, WlfTmantlc, Household Goods 61 VOUA BALLARDS Driving School, Man­ employed gentleman. Quiet home. living room with adjoining sun I in c o u n t r y Like atmosphere, O P P O N IN T COWt 0^4'W W16 N800T YO VLQ CM3TYH ,0*^ HLQ THt MOGT VJOavWV, chester'* oldest AAuA. trained that looks, run* and ride* like a Moving—Tracklnt— Conn. Phone Wllllmantic 3-3123. large building lots with shade new car. See this car todl^ at. MR. ALBERT DOES IT AGAIN!! Private entrance. Phone 2-9696, porch and open porch. Four TW 88C0ME. W TVUW »»YV>1 WOLC. and oertlfled Instructor. A.A.A. Storag* 20 "Today la Somebody’s trees. Overlook Drive. Wm. OOY%W'X LOOK « 0 6THU1TXY.O \ Batch Pontiac, Inc., 155 Center ONE LIGHT housekeeping room GUWOQ'.THKtls type dual oontrolled car*. Day or Lucky Day" nice bedrooms plus sleeping Kanehl, builder. Phone 7773. 6 0 0 0 '. svaalng appofntmanta. 3-3840. street. Phon* 3-4546. Open eve­ MANCHESTER .'ackeg* Delivery. Help Wsnted— Male or for working couple. Call 8895 be­ ning* untU 10 p. m. 3 R-O-O-M-S S-L-I-G-H-T-L-Y porch. Insulation, tile bath Local light trucking and package Fenale 87 U-S-E-D- F-U-R-N-I-T-U-R-E tween 6 and 8. CENIAR n u r s e r y Day School, delivery. Refrlgeratora washers and lavatory. Automatic dish­ Suburban for Sale 75 AND APPUANCES ROOM FOR Rent, Gentleman pre­ held at Center Congregational and stove moving a specialty. WEAVERS, Experienced In weav­ Just Returned To Ua washer. Two car garage with church, win reeiime September 6 1941 NASH 600. Radio and heater, Phone 3-0753. ing of synthetic fabrics. Apply in ferred. 17 Spruce street. Phone ANDOVEH, Bolton. Coventry— 4 3240. Call 3-3059. (Used A Short Time) nniar the dtrecUon of Ita . Schlm- person to Cheney Brothers, Main Consisting of 2-2494. amesite drive and many other rooms, improvements. 2 story ga­ assL Phone 3-1634. THE AUSTIN A. Chambere Co., Office, 146 Hartford road, Man­ rage, $6500; 6'- acres, 5 rooms, 1985 'nCRRAPLANE, radio and Not only a Bedroom ,Suite, a NICELY Furnished room for one features. Nicely landscaped local and long diatanc* moving, chester,. Connecticut. Living Room Suite, and a Dinette all improvement, outbuildings. heater. Good condition. Reaaoh- packing, crating and storage. or two. Complete light house lot 100 X 150. Immediate oc­ abl* price. Phone 3-1108. Set 35900; 4 acres, 4 rooms, 35800; Service to all parte of the U. S. keeping facilities provided. Cen­ 31 acres, 8 room house, all Im­ BUT APPLIANCES tral. Reasonable. See Mrs. Jerome, cupancy. Price $22,500. To in­ 1946 CHEVROLET sedan, full A. and Canada. Call 5187, Hart­ Doga— Rirda— Pete 41 Such as, a "Glcnwood" Combina­ provements, $’ 3,800; many BUICX 1946. A beautiful light ford 6-i423. 14 Arch street, first floor. spect please contact g n y 6-door super. Radio, beater, price, 31395. Excellent condition. PUPPIES—A. K. C. Red Cockers; tion Range, a Nationally known .others, terms arranged. Llatings 1948 Chevrolet Aeroaedan, 1947 Electric Refrigerator and a "Kcn- needed. Welles Agency. Coven­ naiw tins. A amart car in every Boston Terrier, cross breeds. Zim­ FURNISHED Room on Main So He’s A Minstrel BY y.T .R AMLlH .,sraor. Belea Poatlee, Inc., 156 Cen- Chevrolet Fleetline, 1946 Chev­ merman's Kennels, Lake street. more” Washing Miichine. street. Private family. Couple or try. Tel. 7-6872 or 7-6715. ALLEY OOP rolet tudor, 1946 Nash sedan. Psintlnf—Psperint 21 E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-O ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. ' ^ter *t>**t, Maneheeter. Tet 3- Phone 6287. gentlemen. Phont 6803. HEAKYSr Z.l ODCECLMZG f f o a jB . I OCN’T MINO WEAHIN ST Smell down payment. Up to 8 THERE IS no tim* Uk* the pres­ For Only ■ FN 05 3487 953 Main Street Wanted— Keal Bntate 77 TH5 MAN years to pay now before govern­ ent for your outside painting. For DOGS Washed and groomed. See TWO SINGLE rooms, nicely fum THDUIH _ IN ment Impoaea regulationi. Doug­ EASY FRIENDLY TERMS Ished. Very clean. In quiet home. .Low cost transportation. prompt and courteous service call ue for pet suppilea, and fresh Phone 3450 CONSIDERING SELLING 5T 8S..H I3 las Motor Sales, 333 Main street. ARRANOED For gentleman. 316 Spruce WILL LISH Tour Better Deal Pontiac 3555, Eddie Theriault. frozen horsemeat, 16c lb. Call YOUR PROPERTY? T 6D Open every evening until 9. Kennel Supply Shop. 2-4278. Free storage until wanted regard­ atreet Dealer. INTERIOR AND Exterior paint­ less of time. Free Delivery any­ Without obligation to you, w* BALCH MOTOR SALES ing. Avarag* room paperad, 113, COLLIES. A.KC. Your choice of a where In Conn. FUIJNISHED room with kitchen will appraise or make you a caah ' 57 Poet Road 1996 DODGE Sedan. In good eon- Including paper. OerJngs refinlah. . new litter. Male and female. R. E. CAN BE SEEN DAT OR privileges. Working gtrla prefer­ MANCHESTER — East Center offer for property. See u* before land Ah© THE , East Windsor Hill ditlon. CaU 3-9104. *d. Bbicellent workmanship. Ray­ Von Ecker, 509 Keeney street. EVENING red. Phone 2-4428. atreet section. Cape Cod., Com­ you sell. i THiBD CRUaADE. mond Flska. 3-9287. This lot of merchandise shown by pletely furnished. 2nd floor ex­ Phone 7728 Or 6273 » ; B w til* following to o ffe r : FOR SALE!—Scotch Terrier pup­ appointment only. Anv day or pandable, fireplace, oil heat, BRAE-BURN REALTY |l II I It THE YEA2 (J iS96X'F(»tD FOUR DOOR—Fully Wanted Aatoa— OUTSIDE, Inside painting and pies, A.K.C. registered. Inquire night. Phone Mr. Albert. Hartford Business l,ocatlona amealte drive, excellent shrub­ 1* I' 1' I' l . 'l reeanditioned. Motoreyclea 12 paperhanging. F're* eatlmatea 372 Woodbridge street. Phone 6-0358. after 7 p.m. 46-4690, for For Rent 64 bery, combination storm windows WANTED—4, 5, 6, or 7-Room Sln- eset.wwrrwawwacmeT.ixMaw.afAT.cw, 4-f e/ . t m » CHEVROLET TUDOR Prompt aervlec. Reasonable 3067. appointment. Free transportation gle Homes; also two-family w i . Fully reconditioned. AIR CONDmONED OFFICE. and screens. 4% mortgage avail­ . prices. Phone 7630. D. Frechette. to store and back home. No obli­ able. 30-day occupancy. Full price houses in Manchester, Bolton, **Our inturanc* polieiet 878 different from othere they U 6* PACKARD FOXm DOOR— WANTED PUPPIES—A. K. C. Red Cockers, gation. Orford Building. Apply Mar­ Coventry and Vernon. Ready Av, Model 130. 311,500. Phone 7728 or 5329. Brae- have magnifying glaeeea attached to them ao you can USED CARS—TOP PRICES PAINTINO and Superior Paper 325 and 330; Boston Terrier, cross A—t^ B —E—R—T—’—S low's. buyers Phone Howard R. Hast- e-r 3937 PONTIAC 6 CYLINDER Hanging. We carry the newest Main Store— Waterbury Bum. read the fine print!" breeds. Zimmerman's Kennels. Inge. Manchester 2-1107. BY DICK TURNER FOUR DOOR—Good eondl- wallpaper books. Very satisfac­ Hartford. New Haven. Meriden CAK.MV Al. BY MERRILL C. BLUS8KM COLE MOTORS Lake street. Phone 6287. Suburban for Rent 66 WEST SIDE — Two-Family, five SlllL GLANCLS BY GALBRAITH FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Two Of A Kind tleti. tory prices. Call August Kanehl OPEN ANY EVE. BY LET’S GET TOGETHER Y99T CHRYSLER OOUPB—Good 4164. large rooms on each floor, ex- Y? phone 3759. BEAUTIFUL Cocker Spaniel pup­ APPOUTTMENT FOR RENT In Bolton. 7-room sin- r Vcam/ n c » S o IF YOU running condition. pies, 8 weeks old. Reds, blacks. pandabl* 3rd floor; oil burning Bur vdiLL LAROSY weusoMe hom8 DIO JUST WINDOW .SHADE,'’ . Measured, gle. All Improvements. $70 per We have the buyers— You you* JAXOfV IteNtC 3997 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR* A.K.C. registered. 320 up. Grace furnacea, all In fine condition. Va­ MAKE IT? Bor/ I c a r / GHHOMet I —Special at 399. made and Installed. 10 colors and month. W. Harry England. Phone cancy Oct. 15. Call Madeline have the property. List with MOULOArir O F 1 6 - Repairing 28 Skelton. Route 44A, North Cov­ 2-0244. BoaiiMas 8cmea* Offered 18 entry, near Experimental station. qualities In stock. Keith Furni­ Smith, Realtor, 2-1642 or' 4679. oertKMiNSD YOU UK« : Thone Hartford 8-1818,8-223S MATTRESS. Your old mattressea ture. Phone 4159. JESS BANNISTER TbGO 1b CMecK LINOLEUM — Asphalt Ula, wall Phone Coventry 7-7489. 1 0 OM sterilised and remade like new. Wanted to Rent 68 OWNEIR LEAVING state. 6 room Tel. 2-4223 Windsor Locks 1262 covering. Don* by reliable, weU- Call Jones Furniture and Floor FOLDING COT and Mattress, Cape Cod, newly decorated, 4 tMeevtoM ' trained men. All jobs guaranteed. 314.95. Living Room Suite, ^ Z 30 HZ Tb v m Covering, 36 Oak. Tel. 3-1041. bedrooms, large kitchen, oil burn­ I S999 PONTIAC 4-Doot Sedan. Low Poultry and Snppliea 43 3129.00. Maple Bedroom Suite. YOUNG CqjJPLE, no children, WITHIN 8 MILES of Mancheater SACK J Hall Linoleum Oo., 83 Oak street. desperately In need of two room er, automatic hot water,. com­ Center, 2 and 3-bedroom homes, j u n k / j met transportation. Excellent Phon* 3-4033, evenings 6166. 379.00. Marlow’s Furniture. Easy meehaidoel condition. Balch Pon- FOWL and foastlng chickens. budget terms. Tel. 5060. apartment. Private bath. Call bination storm windows and door, good lot, fairly priced. Buyers Help Wanted— Feraal* 86 Fresh frozen turkeys, 14 to 25 ! tlae, Xnc., 155 Center street. ALL APPLIANCES serviced and 7344. play yard. Can be had furnished. are waiting. Douglaa Blanch- Pbena 3-4545. pounds. Schaub'a Turkey Farm, USED 9-FOOT UNIVERSAL Re­ Call 2-2167. ard. Real Estate Service. 5447. repaired, burners, refrigerators, CASHIER Wanted for aelf-aervlce 188 Hlllatown road. Phona 4678. QUIET Family, 2 adults, 2 daugh­ ranges, waMiera, ate. All work frigerator Good condition. Will OOOXX CUBAN, r/arriinteed used market Apply in person. 974 ters. 11 and IS desire 4 or 6 MUST HAVE All Type* of Uat- guaranteed. Metro Service Co give lota of aervlce. Reaaonable. 172-174 SPRUCE STREET eeia for your driving pleasure. Main street'. FRESH FARM eggs and daily Call 3130. J room unfurnished apartment or inga Immediately; have long list Tour C tiS H la Gooi Here. Town TeL Manchester 3-0883. fresh klUed broilers, fryers and house. References fumiihed. Call Three family frame. Possi­ of buyers waiting. Call Anita. LLL WANTED —Reliable peraon to roaatera. Thoroughly cleaned and B.ARGAIN. Tappan deluxe gas Motors, K-F Dealet, 45 West Cen­ WINDOW SHADES made to order care for children aftemoona from 2-9258. White, 8274. ter, Menchaster. Tel. 8557. and Installed. Venetian blinds dressed to order. For delivery range; Coleman Duo Therm and ble two vacant flats for buyer. 1 to 5. Call In peraon at 14 Arch Thursday, Friday or Saturday YOUNG 0:.XH>LE with 2 dealrable CASH Buyers waiting for good BY AL VERMBOI and curtain rsv MX ssswc*. se T. M, e*a u. a ear, m . '' tra nice. Good trades. Expert workmanship, free eatl- view write Mrs. Buckman. 29 entry for dust, dirt, rain and in- ’U9y f m s T N ie n r s 9 c o a e : j / w p (A n p p u k n o n m aects. Alaco windows and screens condition. $75. X^ll 2-2908. rage. Immediate occupancy. E for the creditors within which to bring i/TTLettm rK 1940 jrORD 2-DR. SEDAN—Extra matea. Open evenlnga Jones' Highland Terrace, MlddletowTi, WANTED—4 or 5 room rent by In thhir clelma against said eststa. and “Tho pair he’s trying on now, dear, aro brown, plain W l PIT AU. Conn. , are made of lifetime' aluminum. F. Von Ecker, 509 Keeney the leld executrix Is directed to give “You haven’t toW me a word about your vacatiM trip to nOHT LAST clean. Reconditioned in every Furniture, Oak street. Pnon* ■ NEIW FURNITURE family of four. Two achool age toee— very dreesy looking!” w ax, THERE. 3-1041. Alaco’s permanence I* buUt-ln. ■treet. public notice to the creditors to bring -Yoljowatone— what wero tho boy* like out thero? c o vitfi -rvetfuN, FOUND NO, MA'AM, W1 CARRV way. RANGES girls. Limit 345. 350 reward in their claims within salt.' time allow, I4TRUCH6 NO fXTRA-THei AIANOOUN Stays weather-locked always. -ROOM House, 2 unfinished, 1940 STUDEBAKER 4-DR. 6 CYL SEWING MACHINE repairing, REFRIGERATORS Phone WillimanUc 3-5817 coUect 6 ed by publishing a copy of this order MAJOR HtlOPLE TRMCUNG piotf h k e . wb getno. Help Wanted— MalS7 86 And ruat-proof. Won’t warp, glassed in sun .porch, newly In some newspaper having s clrcuU- BY J. R. W ILLIAM S UUK BUAKUING HUUSE eith —8(ake ua an offer. electrification, conversion to mod­ Alao used ranges aim refrigera- OU'I UUM tVAY WMf OV8R- RBQUiErB FOR THEM. splinter or crack. Estimates decorated, garage. Immaculate tlon In said probate dletrlet. within ten em . cabinets, expert workman- YOUNG PERSON , wanted for tore. ' f40-THIZEE M BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. cheerfuUy given. Take up to 36 Businefls Property for Sole 70 condition. BcautifuUy landscap­ days from the date of this,order, sad OKYMS-iaVT riW BMU. ACH,SNUFFV/fl I ’M HM! 3UST THE RIGHT TOOCH aAlp. ABC Appliance, 21 Maple. fountain work, part time, nighU. CHAMBERS WAREHOUSE return make to thla court of the notice CFOS’ F15HIN'.' month* to pay. Cox Hardware. SALES ed. Asking 313.900. CaU Anita MC. A X X JF U C A rB m ake lesser X tryiavs, FOR COMING home FROM ' »0 Blaaall St. ______Phone 7101 P-1670. Apply The Soda Shop, Depot Tel. 6161. HARTFORD — Two Apaetment given. SBTOF T > e SURE ENOUGH , H E G O T A At The Green White 8274. BE GOlYAiaOUNPlMlB8L.EONCE NOISY KAZUMPA TD VACATION— A HOUSEr Square. Houses. Can b* bought aeparata- JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. »UJSPiaNY» TOR JITH All THE REFINE- . BUllCX 1941—Special sedanette, an Open 9 to 6, 7:30 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. ► iMacr N ew ^SQ ■ T K W O R LD Ja N’HESAIP ON DOSE t^STeP excellent car In all reapectg. New FOR SALE—Men’s rebuilt and re­ ly for 321,000 each, or both tor ,THISTIMe-- < laTM ’ FISH, TRUMS-*— W OP THE ; MEdENTG OF A RUNDOWN ZOO! HonaelioM 8«n l«)— EXPERIEINCED Cook, houaeroan lasted shoes. Better then new -DM CRANE-CLL Mlp cover*, good mechanical con- REFRIGERATORS, etoves, break­ 340,000. ’Total Income 38.28ft,' OO OVER THEM ■BkKIN’ H A L F \ 'W H A T D O , v e c a n n o t ^ t e m p o , Ofterc5 18A under 50 to work for private fam­ cheap ones. Sem Yulyes, 711 TH’ SHOPwrm I'OUVUANT?* diUdb u d aepecially clean finish. ily in Bolton Center. Salary 330. fast let. All kinds of good used pens** about 34,000. N a ^ about tM HEAR S E T # / ERNEST Main street. 7 -C O r Baiaft Pontiac, Inc., 155 Center CORNICES and valance boards. Please do not apply without re­ furniture. The Woodshed, 11 315,000 to buy both. Net pridlt D G e — X ?l\nrhold it — w e AIN'TJ Main street. about 15% on InvestaoenL Sam­ I ANY CLOSER atraet, liancheater. Phone 3-4545. Custom buUt, choice of designs. cent references. Phone 4466. MEAT SCALE, white porcelain TRUMPETV \ Phon* 3-3024, from 9 a. m. to 9 uel 8. Schwarts, Real Batata. ,BLAV/KaM \ GOOD llDGETHBR TH^ CHEVIW M T , 1940—4-door aedan, computing, 345; two heavy ENAMEL COTTAGE cook stove OPPORTUNITY p. m. WANTED—Reliable man for **- eleven, small hand cold meat OaU AniU White, 8374. CATGANOr transportation, new tabliahed laundry and dry clean­ with brick and grate*. Cut out for •oo&tf J d a t*! slices 320; 2 new saws, heavy oil burner. Price $8. CaU 2-1673 , . an ideal low coat family MANCHESTER Upholstering Oo. ing * rout* '■ In Manchester. Good W ASH TUBBS ■fr.~8aa it at Balch Pontiac, Inc., cutting board, $4. 34 Elm atreet. mornings. Fsrsu end Laad for Sate 71 For Re-npbolM*ring, draperies, slip commiaeions. New System Leun* East Hartford. BVTKWIWri 16ft;'0*Bttr atraet, Manchester. covers. 48 Purnell Place. Call 2- dry, Harrison street. TOLLAND and Windham coun­ WOripTMKr BOOM ' -TM64«. \ WE BUY and sell good uaed lurat- 0521. Open evanlnga. ture, combtnatldn raagea, gaa ties. Exceptional buys on dairy Two (2 ) Liconted Oil Burner Men WITH ‘nr HaMY P’ j.,-.. ------" ■ WANTED—Pin boys. Apply In per­ THREE RABBIT cagea. CaU 3- and poultry farms, with or with­ M8TM. poor, OFF son. Mancheater Bowling Green, ranges and heaters. Jones Fuml' 3150. tur* Store. 36 Oak. Phone 3-1041. out stock and equipment, 6 to Jarvis Building. 330 acres, see us bafors you buy. With Established Concetn ' FIVE ROOMS of household goods, CLBANTNO Out etUo or oallarT Liatlngs needed. Welles Agency, WANTED—^Hartford Area. Bet­ also ladies’ and gent’s overcoats, ters and operators for center­ ru buy youi unwanted furniture, Coventry. TeL 7-6873 or 7-8715. ;1949 PACKARD CLUR sin 40-42, 15 to 310 each. Hand- china, glassware, etc. Trading less grinders, milling machines, crocheted bedspread, handsome, FOR THOSE who. enjoy gardening, Apply In Person drill presses, turret lathee. Also Poet, 17 ftlaple street. Phone 3- ft SEDAN 340. Death in famUy, reason. 34 1089. raising chickens, flehing i setters end operators for all types Elm street, East Hartford. •wimming. 7 rooms, Bwdera o m •1795 o t automatic acrew machines. OLD RED Tin B.-m. 706 North venlencee. fTva scree. Near boa. I' ■ ' 1 Very good job for men who quelL ROYAL c o r o n a portobla. Smith Main atraet, buys and aalla good Pries 36.800. H. B. Grady. SOOi fy. Reply, giving name, age, Oorons Standard typewriter and used furniture end antiques. WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE - previous experience, to Box P, adding machines. Uaa*. machlnea Frank Danette, Pnona t-3376. 341 BROAD STREET ' ' Herald. sold or rested. Repairs on aU B 8 fO rSslo 78 MAHOGANY dining room set makaa. Marlow's. R-l N o r t h w e s t Shovei operator. Also two living room tables, ma­ ■AMERICAN OolontoL The ideal ■nm. cuTiNG B id ^ ie r operator, two general PEAT HUMUS, 34 per yard, 31 hogany bed. electric stove, stand pMned ksM. 8 eiKSUl.;^* kkth, m r '* " - * * " * ’** • iitim y. men. .Apply Jarvit Ooa- per bag. JaUvered, 8on-Alr Peat mirror. Inqulr* 83 Stephen street hot VBtar heat oU bunar. Naar tloyar goad, Oo. OkU ttOlft. after ft. p. M V eebol4 K. B. <2n4^ 8088. < AdverliM in TImi BerddhWPart ...... ; r. I ' 1 rRIDAY,^«EPTEMBER 1, 19B0 E ttfhbts l| m U i

Mr. and Mrs. C. David EldradKa trical Insulating oomponaata, gaa- and dauffhtor, ShArom. (ormarly Legion Home Rogers^ Firings ksU, washers,rs, knifexnUa handles,handlas. mod­ About Town el railroad equipment, textile spln- Nob Better at WMt atreat. ar« now o^cupyinK dlea, refrigerator parts, and num­ UMir liaw hom« at SO Weatfleld WESTOWN- Prepaid To Servo T or erous other applications. A m WM bom tai B utford hoo> ■trMt Open Monday Report Cited Avenge Dally Net Press Run t t A Aofuot M, to Mr. oM For the Month ol Avgnat, 1850 loBiy M. Kuhn ot S8 Moro* Road. Mra. Florence Streeter o# 56 To Resume After Two Awarded Honorable Starkweather street is in^<7hica* * SAVE ON at the Buck* g o attending the convention of the 9,653 iiattfbPHtPr ^Dputttg BrraUi ____win bofin on tha drat Months Closing; New Mention for Unusual Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mna. Member of tha Audit d t tha tom , Wedhe^ay, Streeter la Junior vice president Steward in Charge Stockholders' Review Buroan of Olreidatlons M anckeiU r^ A CUy of ViUago Charm laBtombor A with Mra. J. O. Kar* of tha Department of Connecticut, CARPET mHo bi marge of j>roparIng and V.F.W. Auxiliaries. The American XngresB completed action Taegu; Full Weight o f other pending railroad labor trou­ on It yesterday. U.N. Air Might Thrown bles so government seizure over The measure requires the medi­ In Bomb R om Call for 3 Million Men the Industry may be terminated. cal men to register for the draft Into Battle; Red Caa^ But the prospect of applying the If they are under 51 years of age. swritchmena terms to satisfy tho iialties Heavy; South If drafted, they would be liable Amlereon Is Disciplined Truman's Radio Speech demands of trainmen and conduc­ for 21 months' service. U. S. Seeks Koreans Hurl Enemy tors appeared none to bright. If they are In the reserves, or For Saying He’d Wel­ Wins tjuick Approval; The nation’s major railroads Join them now, they will not be Back Above Pohang were seized last Sunday to avert drafted. Members of the reserves, come Order to Smanh Rules Out Preventive a strike of 300,000 trainmen and Quick Probe In Fashion-Right Clothes from Haleys however, can be called to active War; Assails Russia conductors. That dispute remains duty at any time. Russia's A-Stocks Tokyo, Sunday, Sept. 3.— unsettled. (/P)_Torrified remnants of The switchmen—members of the Bonua for Volunteers O f Charges \ If they volunteer for duty with Washington, Sept. 2—(O —Fir­ Washington, Sept. 2—ifl’i—Presi­ two Communist divisions fled AFL’a Switchmen's Union of ing of s top Air Force general for dent Tniman's call for a 3,000,000 the armed servicea, ths medical w~ in rout today as tank-led Al­ North America—and ten western men will be entitled to $l00-a- offering to attack Russia made It man American fighting force to railroads came to agreement at abundantly clear today the Ad­ block the path of Communist ag­ Asks Special U. N. Meet­ lied infantrymen attacked at the White House last night ending month extra pay—a bonua set up by Congress two years ago to In­ ministration intends to squelch all gressing pointed today toward j vital points all along the 120- a 17-roonth dispute over wages offlctsl talk of waging a preven­ ing to Sift Red China terest them In military sepvlce. If greater spending, higher taxes and . mile Korean front. T^e flee­ and hours. tive war. larger draft calls. They settled on a 23-cent hourly, they are drafted, however, they The Air Force moved fast yes­ Allegation That Planes ing Reds left 10,000 dead and vice Admlml Robert B. Oamey (left) waa aomlnated by President do not receive the extra pay. Yet the plan for a broader mobi­ pay increase effective October 1. Truman, August SI. tor promotion to the four-star rank of Admiral as terday in BUBifcndlng MaJ. Gen Or- lization, announced in a worldwide Strafed M a n r h ii r i a wounded as they splashed That was In place of the 31 cents The bill is designed to enroll 5,- vll A. Anderson as commandant of commander-in-chief of naval forces In Eastern Atlantic a.id M ^ l^ r- 606 doctors and 3,000 dentists who broadcast last night, drew quick across the Nam river before at­ demanded by the union In asking mneon. Bear Admiral Matthias n Gardner (right) was nominated the Air War College, Montgomery, received training at government pledges of congresslonsl support. Lake Succcas, Sept. 2 —(A*} The tacking U. a. 26th EHrialon troops for 48 hours pay for a 40-hour for promotion to rank of rice adtpiral as (commander of the 2nd fl^ t Ala. Anderson had Just been quot­ In the southwest. Ths 35th re­ expense during World War II and ed as saying he'd welcome an or­ The promises piled In from Re­ United States sought today to work week. succeeding Admiral C^amey. The 2nd fleet Is hosed st Norfolk. Va. publicans, from Democrats who gained all Its old positions. A three-year pledge against any who saw little or no active ser­ der to smash Russia's atomic have a special Security Council (AP WIrephoto). vice. If the armed forces And they back the adrolnlstratlon and from The flight snapped off the south­ further wage or other demands bomb stocks. meeting called early next week cannot get enough men In this The Anderson Incident followed Democrata vt'ho buck It. to order an Inquiry Into Red ern prong of the war's biggest was given by the union. In ex­ category, they will then draft men Ma.v Need More Men offensive, launched by 120,000 change , for that, the switchmen a rebuke earlier this week from (China's charges that U. S. planes who were trained at government President Truman and the State Some, ilke Senator I.,odge (R., bombed Manchuria. Reds now on the battlelines. ' will gpt a penny-an-hour wage expense and had less than 31 Mass I. saw the plan aa helpful In The other prong was blunted by hike for every point riae In the Department to Secretary of ths The move followed the speed-up Grand Jury Indicts months of active service. Other Navy Matthews. The Secretary avoiding a world war. Some program of the Council under Its reinforced U, 8. Second Dlvlaion govemment'a cost-of-llvlng index categories follow after that. weren't aure It goes far enough. Infantrymen who smashed bock beyond an Index level of 174. It had given a speech saying' this new president, Britain's Sir Glad- Suggests Drafting Vets country should be willing to start Senator McClellan (D.. Ark.), I wyn Jsbb, who took over the Job Into flaming Yongsan and retook waa 172.5 on July 15. Revision of the selective service said he agrees "we need , There were other complicated a war If n«CM«ary to compel co­ 3 000,000 for September yesterday. dominating hills to the west on Six Gambling Chiefs 1 law, ihsanwhile, waa fi»gasted by operation for peace. men, and prohshlv more." I Russia's Jak ^ A- Malik, who the 25th ^vision's northern flank. voncesalons to th4 union and (^halrrpan !Vlnaop (D-Oa) of ths ■ Mr. Truman, himself, said "fur­ had the post in Auguat and block Reds Prepare New Blow 'V changes in operating rulei which House Armed Services committse. And to make sure avaryone un­ ther Increases may be required." sd Ouncll action on Korea for But the Reds ware reported Lcadert of Ri{h, Strong He predicted that hi January hie derstands how tha Administration And to "arm ourselves more the whole month, tried to Slow massing tanks three miles WMt of (Omrinoed on Pago Four) committee would consider raising qulckl.v,” he said, we must step up up the Council from his delegate V « ■ I i faels about tha matter. President Yongsan, apparently preparing Higher Pension S and G Syndicate o f the top draft age from 35 to 35 Truman included these words In sharply production of guns, tanks, seat and partially succeeded. for a new push. . y and, possibly, drafting World War his nation-wide broadcast last planes and other military equip­ Jebb managed to get Amhassa The veteran 24th Division re- • Miami Hit for First II veterans. Now all veterans with night on the Korean war: ment. Increase stockpiles of vital appeared at the'opposite end of GIRLS' See Sweeping Benefits Show 90 days of service are exempt. materials, expand war production •' ■’4 '8 Time Since Forming "We do not believe In aggressive (OonUnnsd oa Page Fear) the front In a double tour mile or preventive war. Such war is capacity, work hard and sacrifice, (Ooatinaed on Page Four) drive north of the port of Pohang. the weapon of dictators, not of give up many things we enjoy. Tanks paced the attack agalnot SKIRTS Klan Probe New Act Result Miami, Fla., Sept. 2—(80—The free Democratic countries Ilk# the Warned Russia' V^lth this program, tha Pr#sl. stubborn Reds. ; kingpins of the financially and United States. We are arming Treaty Raises In other United Nations offan- SHIP and SHORE BLOUSES political powerful S A G gambling dent' coupled a warning to Russia only for defense against aggres­ against'undereatlmating American sivea: South Koreans almost en­ Wool plaids, flared More Arrests Today in I syndicate have been indicted for Primaries See Larger Checks Will Be sion." might the''way Hitler and the Jap­ circled Kigye, northwest of Po­ Long sleeve rayon, French cuff. THE IMPORTANT I breaking the law for the first tlmt Secretary Matthews Is still In Ticklish Issue hang, and pushed Reds back 'if Outbreak Which Re­ since the Inception of the multi- anese gener'alf did. We have the Placed in Mails Next office. Ths professional fate of ability and resources, he said, and north of Taegu, central U.N. com­ -‘J I million dollar bookmaking organl- Stretch Month Gen. Anderson Is still to be decided. munications center. The U. B. Short Sleeve R ayon ...... sulted in Cop’ s Death October 3; 3,000,000 1ft no "would-be i)fgresaori” make • $2.98-$3.98 FALL DRESS I zation. The Air Force said only that he any mistake about that. East - Wefit Relations ’ All six of the S A G syndicate's hod been suspended pending s de­ (Ctonttnaed oa Page Few) Short Sleeve Cotton, white ...... $2.98 Conway, 8.S., Sept. 2—OTt—A To Gel Security Boost Polling to Pick 11 Sen­ America's armed sirangth has Wa’ve loyely new creations for the gala Fall season partners — including ex-Chlcago termination of the facts about an been about 1,500,000. The previous Are Main Factor in Long Sleeve P laids...... S2.98-$3.98 •weeping probe waa expected to bookie Harry Russell—have been Interview he gave yesterday to the ahead. A noteworthy collection of beautifully styled result In more arrests today In Washington. Sept. 2—(/P)—On ators, 76 for House, goal has been an Increase to Planning Jap Pact Colored Rayon B louses...... $2.98 figure flattering drqsses. Just spot these pet fas'nion indicated by the Dade County Montgomery Advertiser. SKIRTS connection with a Ku Klux Klan Tuesday, October 3. bigger checks Grand Jury on 14 counts each for The newspaper quoted Gen. An­ details; Horseshoe Necklines, Pencil slim Skirts. In demonstration that left a robed* will be put In the malls for the And 32 Governors (Continued on Page Four) Senate Okays Crepes, Failles, Wool Jersey, Corduroy and Plaids. operating illegal gambling. derson in a copyrighted story as '' .Washington, Sept. 2 — (80 Corduroys, wool plaids wool Conway policeman dead. 3,000.000 persons—one» In' every In addition to the six top men 50 Americans—already drawing Washington, SepL 2—(flO—New saying this: Fiv>^.'years after Japan's sur- Jerseys, n'ce selection of Sheriff C. E. Sasser of Horry in the racket which handled near­ *Ykaageroaa Asaomptioii'* rander>4>reparaUons tor a Japa­ Higher Taxes styles. Sizes 24 to 36. 10 to County and SUte Constabulary social security benefits. York's major party conventions ly $27,000,000 in illegal beta dur­ to choose senator and governor "Give me the order to do It and Ajj;encies Wait nese Peace. Treaty have reached 16. Chief O. L. Brady have brought Their delivery will mark the ing the 1048 winter season, the I con break up Russia's five A- a stage w h ^ the United States charges of conspiracy to stir up first Ungtble result 6 t a new act nominees and Senate primaries In *5.98 to *17.98 «ch brothers of two syndicate partners Utah and Nevada next week start Bomb nests In a week. And when Is shout ready to. talk terms with Measure Ib Only Fore* mob violence against nine men. of Congress, signed by President also were indicted on similar I went up to Christ I think I could Control Signal In addition, the two announced Truman this week, making 30 ma­ the final month of candidate-pick­ other Pacific war victors. (Not exactly as illustrated) charges. ing for the 1950 elections. explain to him that I had saved Qualified diplomatic. Informants runner of Deeper Dig *2.98 to *7.98 that SUte (Constable T. M. Floyd jor changes in the 15-year-old so­ SU Leaders Indicted civilisation.” had been fired after admitting he cial security program...... During September candidates said today prelimlnaries'lMLVa beea Indicted were Sam Cohen, will be chosen for 11 U.8. Senate Anderson alao aald ‘T o assume Will Start to Issue Or­ completed in rtadlness for the. New Coining Next January was a Klansman. The most imporUnt changes Cniarles Friedman, Jules Levitt, that tha Russians won’t uae their The sheriff promised many more and 76 House ssata and 13 gover- York meeting of the western' Big center on the old-age and surviv­ Eddie Rosenbaum, Harold Salvey norahlpa. These will complete the A-Bombs If we sit by and watch ders Under Bill When Washington, Sept. 2—(80—Etoa- arrests, possibly 100, Including ors Insurance operation, a giant Three. and Russell—the last named "Join­ slates from which the nation's them build them. Is a dangerous What to do next about Japan la isto approval shoved a $4,508,000,- some from North Carolina. government-run pension system ed” the syndicate a few days fol­ •aaumpUon.” Truman Signs Law Among the nine already charged voters on November 7 will elect 88 one of the major decisions con­ OW-.____. tox__ boostingboos bill well on iU embracing over 48,000,000 people lowing the restoration of the ayn- Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg. Air way to. final enactment today but la Thomas HiMnilton of Leesville, almost a third of the entire popu­ senators, 433 House members and fronting Secretary of State Ache- GIRLS' COTTON dicates's racing wire service after 32 governors. Force Chief of SUff. personally an­ Washington, Sept. 2—0P>—Gov­ It's appat^UyAMMAkkAittfites a only m I o* bthe b e ^ t forerunner t v m m wseagaa^at S.C., <3rond Dragon of the Caro- lation. ' . a mysterious two-week blackout. son and the Britloh and French Another governor and three rep- nounced Oen. Anderson'* auspen- ernment sgenifles today awaited a Foreign Ministers when their of an evenen oeaper - - .. dig next January V. llnaa Klan. The 3,000,000 initial beneficiar­ Leo Levitt, brother of Julea, who slon and said that American clti- resentatlvas will be elected SepL signal from the White House to three-day Ulks aUrt September 12. Into Uxpayers’'.pockethooka. The widening InvestlgaUon grtiw ies, all of them persons past 65, was describ^ as cashier for the nna must know that the Air put Into effect plans for using— out of a fracas Saturday nighLAt 11 In Maine, which alone of the 48 Will Press for Action The Senate wropp^ up tha atop- DRESSES widows or fatherless children, syndicate, and Sam Friedman, states holds its alaetlons early. Fore# "flrat, last and always la 0-. a limited scale — the strong gep money ratting ntll by voice, a Myrtle Beach Negro nlghUpoL need do nothing more than await brother of Charles, also were in­ primarily an instrument for peace.” homefront economy control powers Whether the Administration About 60 robed Ku Kluxera Of the 11 Senate aaats involved favors going ahead with the draft­ vote passage lost night,, after s' the pofetman's arrival to get the dicted. provided by Congress. 10-hour session of clubbltig down wrecked the club. Sasser estimated ing (Without Soviet Rusala and Cinderella cottons. Sizes 7 to Increased paymenU coming to Bond was set at $5,000 each. (Oontiaaad oa Pag* Fear) (Oeattnoed on Page Four) The agencies Indicated they will most of s long series of atnqnfl- 14. that 300 ahoU were fired. them. Etorly today none had sunrandered. start issuing a flow of control or- Communist CJhlna—-assuming they A shot in the back killed Police­ menta. ' Must Give ly . Per Cent If convicted, the full penalty dsri after President Truman signs are Invited oi refuse to take part The blit now must be cleared' man James D. Johnston. He wqs But something, in moat cases a could carry a $5,000 fine and three ths legislation, due early next —Is one of the unanswered ques­ wearing Klan robes over his uni­ years Imprisonment for each of through a Senate-House conference l ) i per cent slice of earaings, is week. tions about the American official but that ntay not Uka ploea for *2.98 to *4.98 form. required of the more than 45,000,- the 14 counts. The first steps they expect to position. Russia and Nationalist Charlie Fitzgerald, proprietor 000 other Americans tha new law Robert H. Givings, one o< the CJhina are among Japan's con­ of the (lance ball, has been held take are to: (Uosttonod on Page Peer) Second Floor puU or keeps on ths way to get­ founders of the Chime (Commission News Flashes (I) Tighten up on Installment querors. since then In an undisclosed Jail. ting pensions for themselves some of Greater Miami who Is acting as But authorities mode It clear Sasser said Fitzgerald was re­ the Grand Jury's special counsel, buying terms, (2) give priorities day. I ol Ike UP} Wire) there la now a definite Intention to moved from the club and stuffed said the eight indictnMnta were ( U U a I for scarce, essential materials to This will underUke to give a holders of military contracts, and press for prompt action, and that G. E. Faces In the trunk of a Klanaman's car quick idea of what’s wanted of only the beginning of the Jury’s Umg standing diffarances between before the shooting sUrted. activities. • (3) limit invsntorisa of basic ma- them, when It’s wanted, mid what terisla to prevent hoarding and as­ the SUte and Defense Deport- TISH-U-KNIT WOOL JERSEY BLOUSES they may expect eventually to get 'Rie Jury baa been probing gam Two Bsdiy Hurt ia CoUision menU have been ironed out. ir bllng and corruption In Dede sure wider distribution of supplies. Total Strike In return. Waterford, Sept, 2—<4»)—Six peraons were Injured, two Sacrifices Required The formal Japanese surrender NEW FALL , The eventual-return prospects county for the past three months. waa signed Just five yean ago to­ Red, grey, wine, black, green are Illustrated by the checks that Appeared Before Soloaa . aeriottsly, in a coIUaioa between two autonobilM on Route Meantime, President Truman SWEATERS News Tidbits One here today. Admitted to the Lawrenito and Memorial ^ told ths nation that building up day. Genl . Douglas MacArthur, / will go out a month from now to All except Ruaaell and the two oinca then the supreme mlUUty Coast • to • Coast Walk­ retired workers over 65 oa their brothers have appeared before the aociated Hospitals badly injured were Donald Spink, 16, the country’* defense* "will re­ Cardigan In dark and paaUl $ 7 O f i Short Sleeves ...... $3.98 Called From (Jf) Wire* quire hard work and aacriflcM by commander of the Islands on be­ out Set for Tuesday; ealora.ftzes 34 to 40. THESE ARE THE HANDBAGS pension payments for September. U. S. Senate committee investi­ Hamilton, R. I. and Irwin Andre, 17, North Kinpeton, R. I. half of the Allies, declarad on the S 1 B B V 0 $ I •aaaasaaaaaaaaee e,e eeeaaaeea The minimum - to - maximum gating InUrstate crima. All—In­ e e e all of ua.'” . In his radio address to the people on the Korean war lost •ve of the anniversary that the oc War Items A ffect^ Bmcat Davlea, British under­ range for each retired worker cluding Rusaell—had been sub­ cupatlon haa achlavcd Ita alma. secretary of state for foreign will be $20 to $88JiO and the aver- poenaed to appear In Miami before To Cite Four For Contempt „ night Mr. Truman oald; Velveta, Cordette, Failles in Pouch styles, f New York, .Sept, ^—OT)— The GYM affairs, aayt in Vienna, he U Waahington, SepL 2—(ff)— Membera of the House Un- (Oontinned on Paga Poor) «1PP« compartment. Also plasUc calf “greatly encouraged" by- talks he (Uoatiaaed oa Page Feiv) (Oentinwd oa Page F ov) (OoeUaned. oa Page BIgbt) huge General Electric Co., already American AetiTitiea Committaa predicted today that four atruch at several eoatorn plant*, handbags.^ CoIm s black, orowm, red green. has had in Belgrade and Athens former igovemment offieiak will be died for contempt for and hopes major dtffereoeco be­ facet a ooaot-to-ooaat walkout GIRLS' SUITS Girls' Cotton CARDIGANS tween Yogeelavia and Oreeoe soon refudng to anawer eommittae qucatlona. Rep.'Walter m Tuesday by the lorgcot a t lU wo9- ring unions. i Colorful stripes, cotton knit. Sizes will be resolved.. E*cemier Ekipho- Pennaylvania, will urge the committee to recommend the C rete’s Romeo and Juliet cles Venlzeloa cable* UN Secre­ FCC Decision on Color TV dtation of Abrnham George Silverman, Nathan Witt, John Nearly 28,000 of the union mam- YOU'LL NEED 7 to 14. and ^5 ;O 0 each bars are ata)Mdy.out la Naw York WOOL ^2e98 tary General Trygve Lie that J..Abt and Charlea Kramer. (IreaM to eeadlag oa Infantry bri and Maaaachuaatta—S,(X)0 of thorn May Make Sets Obsolete • a * Love Story Ends Happily from a jat alreraft angina plant FOR SCHOOL store Air-Conditioned For Your. Comfort fade to Korea.. DetMlFe garbage piles up In light between munici­ Soldier To Die For Murders . . . ^ Another 85,000 ora sat to walk Shop Ir CoRifort Ir Our .Mr Conditioned Storo pal officials and public employes Kobe, Japan, 8apt- 2—<4»)— An army court martial today off their Jqbs In thrsa days, ta- CARDIGANS Gorozo. Crata. Sept. 2—UP)—A n of a search by cludlng 400 at the Atomlo Bnargy Green Stamps Given Wij|^ jCiSh Sales union. Woahington, Sept 3—UP)—Colors by the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- aen ten ^ raenrit Jamaa L. Clark, 22, Marka, Mia^ to die happy ending with a marriaga gendarmes following tha giii’a dia- Sizes lOto 42 Labor Day holiday week-end television, not far around that tem is tha best that the commto- l^)pe•^ance with her lover la what plant that OE runs for tha g«v- Um Ths Elevator For Etkaj Aeeem To for the murdet' of four Japanesq. The Army said wHneases caremony has been written to •rnmant at Schenactady, N. T. Sizae 7 to 14 brings, at lemet' temporary peace cornlr now, will toon be the sub­ •toners have aeen—in fact the only Oato'a Romeo and Juliet love had been Urmed a kidnaping. The Tho Second Floor or BMCRMnt ject of another hot decision—to ba one good enough to meet FCC re- had taatifkd that Clark fatally atabbad four members of a IndignaUon of Taaooula’a fathar, to* auto firms troubled by qnicicie story, which for 12 dayt eoltod wage walkouts.. U. B. Ambessa- mode this time by the televtoion qulremoita. even though It cannot Japanese f » U y July 4. . rich, polltlcally-powarful Ubaral Tha now otrlka waa threatened to break out Into a tarday by tha C30 S - dor Myron M. .Cewen in Manila manufacturers. be received in Mack-and-whlU en a 4 a ■ gong war. M. P. ■ Oaorge Patrsoogaorgi. - They were put on tha spot yea- the 7,000,000 extoUng TV sets, aa thraaUned for a time to sUr an Union of Btootilenl ■aya 'tom e and eupeqae* for Grain EkTstor Fire Dakya Trains CtonsUntine Kephatoyonnla and (TUB) for mera pay amt * »3.98 rhUIpptne mllNHr inJpvM tarflny whan tha Fadaral Com- othar new msthoda can.^ 19-year-old Toaaoula Petroco- ancient family feud into a war 3.98 munlcatioaa Commlstoon (FCC) (The color systems Yvhoea tale- Wickfbr^ Jtodkn, R. L, S ^ t . 2— (/P)— A stubborn grain with the Kepholoynaato elan. Lost mlnuta i coming hara from tKl United gamrgl 0«me out of their Mount •IdM foUad to lU tea in ateadlly incraasing vol- laatMd Ita la^-awnltad report oe eaata con ba . raaetyad os davatar fhw bepM# the ra flim tsadm dekyed Ave New Ida hUtoont yeaterilay'lo be ma^ But tetraoogoorgl roportedly Soowd Floor color TV. ■ ‘ -A. seta in btock-aa(bwhito — roftened. JPolIowtag their wedding ln| gap Saennd Floor ...... i. . iima.**.. Clnctpnatt poHca on- Haven Railroad trains here today. Firemen were forced to riad In on toolatsfl moMitery. It Bounca orreat of‘ vioun fancier BeUed-dinm. the I ^ a ftillng Utoas oe the Corporattoa. hMe lines ortr the entire tracka oa the right-of-way was dlitieswl today. the dbuple SHwerS la thls-vUtoga, iMadquartara of tho ew Tfh mmm Me Advertise jbi^Tbe lHenld::'^It Pays and recovery of r r M ( « ff a l rtfltoai -aaavaaMntf...... dpupU had subi^t - f . ' amt haw% rabtai -I