■ THURSDAY, August si; itso ~i i W i M i» Ewntos Ifrralit i)rive Carefully This Weekend “ Be Alive Tuesday pending on tho nvallnblllty of next to the Town Garage on Mar- paina and suSarlng iaoufrad,’* transportation. First priority la SbIm Coupaelor Small Claims rlaon atreat In another recant finding, Judge f About Town li^tiiig Dales being given to the Vermont troops Oarlni filed a counter-claim for Gryk found for Raymond Flake, N O TICE where auppliling sufficient trains The Weather $100 aa the raault o f an argument 187 Hollister street, over Horace Avarafe Daily Net Preaa Ron Foreeaet of U. 8. Weather B n f« U ICiAMt OtariM, WM boi ^For Departure is presenting quite a problem. Findings Filed that followed the accident and and Elizabeth McMuIllns, 36 View in Ltwiaton, >U in «^ Meanwhile the process of pack­ during which, Carini aaid, Thomp­ street The court allowed Flake F n the MMth cf Ai«m t, 1*88 Toalght. cloudy with showaia, natf M n. Mduurd H e lm o n ing and completing the necessary son assaulted him and used abu­ 818 of a 825 claim for interior Our Store f n Howttwra* ttmt, M ^ o m . paper work continues at an 18 sive language. work done at 26 View atreet warm; low aear 70. Saturday, Headquarters Officials hour a day pace. Judge Wesley C Gryk 9,653 and MxiL McMahon m thdr In a recent finding. Judge Wes­ A mistrial haa been called in Will Be OPEN i®attrl|patpr Kiirutitg rinudy to partly cloudy with ehow- ley C. Gryk decided in Thomp- Member of the Audit l^ m ih two children are yiaitlnc re Of 43rd Division Dis« Releases Decisions in the case of Frank P. Sheldon, 78 rre, warm, humid. aon'a favor regarding the acci­ Bureau o f ObeifialtauB in Lcwlatcn. Public Recurds North Elm street, versus F. F. But our machine thop w U Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm C U M Their Schedules Several Recent Cases dent, stating that the |24 damage Bushnell, 663 Woodbrldge street to the plaintiff's car waa caused AiSheldon claimed $75 damages be ehwed Friday and Satur­ ^TMm.Clark el J. Turhlng- Warrantee Deeds Raymond M. Thompson, 818 by Carini’a negligence. day, September 1 and 2.. today to the All depsrture dates for .the var­ Matthew M. Mdriarty to from an accident "May 12 at the Adeertiahig oo Page U ) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS called atf Center itfeet, and Buenflgllo intersection of Lydall and Vernon like the reit ious units of the 43rd Infantry Charles J. Lawson, property on On the counter-claim, however, VOL. LXIX, NO. 288 that bla Carini, 123 Oak street, just about streets. Judge Gryk ordered that the Municipal Division have been moved back Middle turnpike, west. Judge Gryk found for Carini. The the one day. This action was taken broke even in recent Small Claims decision stated that although Ca­ the case be set down for hearing lldln(. be closed from Fri- George L. and Margaret Wil­ MANCHESTER late yesterday after a day-long liams to Thornton S. and Beulah court actions brought against rini had not incurred medical bills by another Judge. Improper pro­ to neat Tuesday mom* each other. * conference of railroad officials and Griswold, property on East Cen­ at the time of the trial, he did cedure while the case was undsr liabor Day week-end. Thompson filed a 824 claim A U TO PARTS representatives of the division and ter street. complain of pains in- the chest deliberation was given by Judge the New England sub-area head­ Stanley Bray to Johnson Con­ against Carini aa the result of a and arms. Judge Gryk awarded a Gryk aa the reason for the decla­ 22-24 M APLE ST. hole boys o f St. James's church quarters. struction company, property on collision July 20 in the parking lot 824 judgment to-Carini "for the ration of a mistrial. maintained a record of per- Under the new plan the pre-ad- Lydall street. t attendance during the months vanced detail will leave by motor Edward L. Peck to Ferdinand Reds Gain 8 Miles in "A ll Out” Assault July and August, were enter- convoy on September 6, one day L. Tiesing and Gladys Tieslng, ri ^ e d recently at a dog roast atafter the troops are inducted into property on Brookfield street. K home of their director. Mr*, federal service. The convoy from Ernest R. Machell, Sr., to D. 8. l u e Maccarone. Those who at- Connecticut will be joined by and Elisabeth Benny, property on wnded were Thomas Carroll. John Rhode Island units in New Haven Middip turnpike, cast. and the Vermont detail will join MIm (Ice-Box) America Reds in Yank Clothing M an ey, Robert Hay, Samuel Warrantee Deeds A# Congress OK’s Baugh. Robert Kwash, John Mc- the group at the first night blvoft- , Cottage Homes Incorporated, Peter Amberlock Has ’Em— Can’t Show ’Em farUand. Daniel Manchieck. A r­ ac. Swift Moving Yanks properties In Woodridge Addition thur McGowan. Robert Calhoun, The same procedure will be J. Peter Amberlock, . SS Birch Fairbanks, Alaska, Sept. 1. No. 4, separately to Stanley E. ? 4 Allowance Bill; Berald Nicolette, Donald Ponticel- used for the advanced detail going Blaschik et al, Peter J. Brazitis et street, has been appolhted a sales —(>p)— Alaskans think they M and Anthony Lupacchino. on September 8. It la expected counselor for the General E le^rlc are sending the only candidate a al, Arthur Kesermont et al, Nich­ that the motor convoys will re­ olas LaPenta et al, Howard S. Supply Corporation at Hartford, It to the Miss America contest quire two days to make the trip W ill Draft Dads ^Edward U Marks, son of Mrs. Peters et al, William A. Lofstrom has been announced by R. J. Lew­ who can climb a mountain. Blunt Foe’s Offensive; to Camp Pfekett, Va. Blise Franlc of Andover, began his et al, Morris Riback et al. is, Appliance Salea Manager for mSke a mukluk or amoke a Before these new orders were the corporation. tealning at Fort Dix, N. J., this fish. issued, it was expected that the Mr. Amberlock, who haa been Married Men With C3iil- creak. He is asslghed to Company local units of the division would Ward Cheney Camp No. 13, U. She is 22-year-old Maxine S. W. V., will meet tomorrow night engaged in electrical appllanca B, doth Infantry Regiment of the entrain on September 10. The new salea for the past ten years In the dren Face Call as Gov’t Ojthem. The far northern cli­ at eight o'clock at the State Ar­ ^ ith Infantry Division during his date would now be September 11, Hartford area, will handle Hot- Do .Your Food Shopping For The mate doesn't give much oppor­ Recapture Key Town mory. Makes Provision for tunity for dsiplay of some of Basic traininr although this date la tentative de­ point'appliances, G, E., electrlt|il . - * <# ' housewares, and G. E. radio and . Familv Maintenance the other attributes of a po- television accounts in fha H art­ tenUal Miss America, but she ford ares. has 'em. Washington, Sept. 1 —KP)— A !50,()00 Enemy Troop* A graduate of Northeastern Long Holiday Weekend at HALE'S University School of Business Ad­ final okay from Congreta on GI U. S. Admits A ir Force Hurled at Allied Dc* ministration with a B. S. Degret, family allowancea paved the way feiises on 55 Mile Mr. Amberlock also attended Mas­ today for drafting fathers up to MC4r sachusetts State College Graduate Says Gibson School, majoring in paychology 16 yeara old Into the armed forces. Front; Red Tanks, In­ Self Serve and Health Market Selective Service ofliclala had May Have Hit China 44^ and business administration. He fantry Swann Over '< r has had a wide background of ex­ Indicated they would have some­ Spent Aunt’s LOWER w thing to say on plans for induct­ perience In merchandising and NaktUng; Drive Held sales promotion in the electrical ing draft-age married men with Asks U. N. to Conduct In­ LAMB PRICES V Industry in Connecticut. dependents aa aoon as the Family Funds Badly Urge Earlv Supreme Bid to Wipe During World War II Amber­ HEALTH MARKET AUo'wancea Bill passed Congress. vestigation ; Offers to Both the Houm and Senate gave Out U. N. Beach-head Rib Lamb Chops . Lb. 85c lock was with the 13th Air Force, TOMATO Make Full Amends and apent 26 months in the Pacific. final approval yesterday to the Peace Pact allowances measure, tending It to Surgeon in Ayres Case «»«hi ONE OF THE BEST- If Charge Is True. Tokyo, Saturday,' Sept. 2. Loin Lamb Chops . Lb. SI.09 JUICE Q «b«81 President Truman for signature. Bike Hits Auto; 885 to $165 • Month Ousted as Conservator With Japan —(/P)— North Korean Red* Lamb Legs . I.b. 79r nothing BY CUSTO M ER'S TEST: It provides sums of 885 to 8165 O f Estate; Is Order­ Lake Sucrese, Sept. 1—(S’!—The renewed their hammering a month for the families of enlist­ United States admitted yesterday assault on the southern ends Boy Not Injured tOitOi ed men. GTs would contribute ed to Make Refund that an American fighter plane I Shoulder Chops .... Lb. 89c DUBUQUE from 840 fo $80 a month toward (!!ongrcssmen See Quick of the flaming western front 'as good ths allowancea from their own may have etrafed a Manchurian Friday night after punching A bicycle ridden by Peter ClaRc, Danbury, Sept.
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