Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1950-09-02

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1950-09-02 , Weather Ditty Call~d Up GeoeraU, fair toda, and Jack Dittmer, rormer Iowa econd unda,. HIKb today, II; bUelDln now with Denver, Friday wa low. 58. FridaY'. hi.h, 83; ealled up to the parent Boston Braves. He low, 58. will report at the end of the Western learue season. Dittmer Is hiUlnK .400 for at Foe _!kover. AP I,eaBed Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP LeaMd Wire - Five Cent. Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. September 2. 1950 - Vol. 84. No. 28) Est. )868 - . Truman Urg~:s Doubling Arms Strength, W;arns Russia Not te Mi$judge America ' * * * * * * * PresidentGrantedWQge, Ask Draft of Attacks Red Imperialism in Pric·e Control Powers 3S·Year·Olds~ WASHI GTO (AP) - Congress Friday approved a bill Fireside Chat handing to Pre ident Truman w 'ping powers to rorc wage, Fathers, Vets WASHINGTON (JPj - President pricc , proou(.'tion - and hoarders - into lille to wither inflation Truman announccd Friday night WASHINGTON Ill! - Congre s pi ns for doubling American arm­ and win the wllr. may be asked in January to rai e ed str ngth to nearly 3-mlllion Upon th Pre ident's Signature, th authority will be hi to the top draft age lrom 25 to 35 men. u e almo t a he sees fit. He asked for control over production and permit induction of single Mr. Truman warned Ru ssia in World War II veterans, Chairman a world wide broadcast not to mis­ and credit. Congress complied Carl Vinson (D-Ga) of the house judge American might - furthcr in the main, It also threw in -the Senate Approves armed service. committee, said Increases m y be mnde, bocked by more drastic pOwers because lhc 0, Frlday. heavlcr war production and all Clari!ying his statement that President Truman the vast economic power ot this legislators teared that otherwise F B·II· J . DII fathers may have to be drafted, .. \ e FIg-ill for Peace" the tremendou preparedness ee- , I nation. our ,on ° ar Vinson told 8 reporter it would rort might wreck the economy. The United SUites, the Prcsl­ be wrong to draCt lathers In the The President has said wage dent said, does "not belleve in War lax Increase 19-through-25 age group now sub­ aggre5$ive or preventive war. and price ceilings, and the Be-I ject to Induction and not take old­ companyln, consumer rationing er single men or men with de­ Highlights Such war is the weapon of dic­ aulhorlty. are not nceded now. WASHINGTON IJP) - The sen­ tators." SOUTH pendents other than children. Military tren&1h - W plan Therefore thc c are expected to ate approved II S4.5-billion "tirst Therefore, he said, his commit Reached Its Peak KOREA be kept In the corner lor the tnstallrr.ent" war tax boost by to increase our armed Coree to In Korea. Mr. Truman said. "the tee will consldcr whether to over­ 3-million ond step up production present. voice vot Friday nl'ht alter haul the absolute dra(t cxt'mp­ Invasion has reached Its peak." The house pa sed the bill by voting 42 to 36 to postpone until of guns, tanks, planes and other and United Nations (orees hold lion now granted some 2.5-milllon military equipment. voice vote at mid-day and the next January II decision on an World War II veterans of drart "0 firm bl! e." He said five AmerI­ senate did the same a few hours excess proms levy. Jlomdront We must now can combat divisions arc in action aile. It also will consider raising divert a lalge ~hare of our pro­ later. The bUl reached the White The measure now goes to the tbe .dratt age to broaden the pool - some 75,000 men. House at 2:07 p.m. (Iowa time). house and probably to a senate- dl.lctive power to d fen. e pur­ ot men available tor service. poses, which will mean s cri­ "They arc lighting." he said. Under terms ot the bill, Mr. house conterence to compromise "'or the proposltlon th.t peace Vinson $Bid there is no danger lice~ by all of u_. Truman Is permitted to pick his thc dllferences with a bill ap­ shall b the law of the earth." sc)edlve ervlce wlil have to take Korean war - We believe the own price levels if he chao es to proved earlier by the house. "c 0 m m u n i s t Imperialism fathers to meet its draft calls be­ enemy lnv sion has r ached its InVOke cellln,s. The bill directs An cknowled$ed "stop-gsp" ~ween now and January. But he peak and our torces arc confIdent preaches peace but practices ag­ him, however. to give "due con- measure to belp ngllt IntlaUon Imd laid congre s should try to tore­ gre slon." side ration" to prices prevailing slart payln/{ tor tne Korean war that It will be crushed. stall as 101lJ as possible the day Future aerr Ion - The flgnt­ Yel the Chief Executive held during the May 24 - June 24 per- and rearmament, the bill would when they will be dralled. lhe door open for Russia to join 2S,., lod. That Is the month just pre- hike Individual income laxes by lng In Korea will not xpand into a general wllr unless Com­ in establishing peace in a trOUbled ~~ __~ __~~~~~~ ___~ __~ ~~r~.~r~U~T~f~M=IL~f:S __~~_~~ __~~~~~~ I ~&q~KM~noolh~k . a~~p~~miooa~~ * * * munist impcrialism draws other world. Other featurt!s of the bill: It would add another $1.5- Dodor Draft ... nation into the [Ight against the "We invile all the nation of . Battle Rages in South, Central Sectors co~:~~~!nlgevCeaLn be ordered at the blHion to federal cotlcr! throulh United Nations. the world, without. exception," he an IncreSJie In corporation taxes Foreifll arms aid - Other free said, "to join with us In this great , '~DJCAN TR Hoardln( ot an "unreasonable" d th th mJ1li b 1 WASHINGTON (IPI - Congress AM.,... OOPS (A) battling the North Koreans sharpe t offensive of the war have retaken lIam. d an ,a er 0 cr ons y p ug- countries arc IIreally Increa lng work." on th th t t T tb th amount of ,oods rate as scarce ,In, "Ioopholcs" and making other passed and sent to the WhIte Ellht Points an • e sou ern ron. 0 e nor along the N aktong river line. 'he Reds (B) erollled 'be river .. by the PTe Ident is subject to Hou e Friday II blll to dratt doc­ their own etror wilh our aid. 11 pOInts . and push~d eight mUes eastward at one pelnt to take abandoned Yongsan. The lar,ett mall penalties ranging up to a year in tax law chanfes. tors and dentists through aile 50 ommunj thin. - We hope In statin eight alms, the Pre - .r en~mr Infantry stili was presumed to be in area (C) above Taelu. On the eaet cout (D) Soutb K:.. jail and $10,0110 fine. The bill Is designed to ,0 into for up to 21 months military 5erv­ that the p ople of China wll! not ident again tried to steer Com­ rt.n~ ret.ook Kigye and made a small gain north 01 Pohan~. Special machinery can be set effect for individual taxpayers Ice. be misled or forced into fighting munist China nway Crom the l{o­ ,.. up to handle labor dispute actecl- Oct. 1. On that dale, if the btu,.s It' marks the lirst lime In U.S. IIl1uinst tne United Nations or the rean conflict. The points: '~A'ff. ~1I11 enacted Into law ill Ume. wlth- h tory that dralt 1 :ilslatlon h A er! nIl . y have A IL ' , been IIlmed at 1I[Jeelfic: profession­ b en and atm a c their trlends. • W believe in the United Na ­ al "roups. Main purpose ot the bJl\ Formosa - We do not want lions. Is to prod Into unllorm about 5,600 Formosa or any purt of Asia tor 2. We b Hevo Koreans have a tinvL'Jlounfs \",' right to b Cre. Ten~ive, ~:;h:'F~c~aH~aring L;t€;~~=E~',~:~~: doctors and 3,000 dentists who re­ our lves. I AIO H C The blJl also would e,,"empt the ceived all or pari 01 their trainin, U. pollcy toward I_we 3. We don't want the Korean , I pay of OI's trom aU tederal taxes, at government expense durln( want not only Ire dom ror thc fighting to cxpand into !lenoral · n ouse ase war. t [) ,· military service. peoples of ASIa, but we also want I 5 rl and exempt from taxation $200 a , U•i ' n ve to!~arrng j~~~nl~g~ou~~ 1~e~~~~ :~~th ~~~I:~~~c:;s ~~ th~~~~~~~ lo h Ip them secure belter health. 4. W purllculurly hopc the Ha t Eomm morc (ood, better c10lh sand Chinese people won't be misled . ; . Jud,C James P. Gaflney tor the Truman. British Delegate Takes Into fighting the United Nations. 'fOKYO (SATURDAY) IA") -lmile flaming front, the U.S. 25th three Iowa City teen-age boys The corporate tax would in- homes, nnd the chancc to live * * * UN Gavel from Malik their own lives. 5. We want none of Asia, For­ Counterattacking American !orce~, division gave ground near Masan Yanlc Casualties.. who admItted ransacking the AI- crea e from t~ preseflt top rate mosa tncluded, Cor ourselves. unC\er a huge canopy ot planes, - which the Reds arc under or- pha Tau Omega fraternity house ot 38 percent of the income to -.5 LAKE SUCCESS (IP) - Britain's 6.
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    Dokserver des Zentrums Digitale Reprints für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam http://zeitgeschichte-digital.de/Doks Thomas Klein Die Parteikontrolle in der SED als Instrument der Stalinisierung http://dx.doi.org/10.14765/zzf.dok.1.1092 Reprint von: Thomas Klein, Die Parteikontrolle in der SED als Instrument der Stalinisierung, in: Sowjetisierung und Eigenständigkeit in der SBZ/DDR (1945-1953), herausgegeben von Michael Lemke, Böhlau Köln, 1999 (Zeithistorische Studien. Herausgegeben vom Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam. Band 13), S. 119-161 Copyright der digitalen Neuausgabe (c) 2017 Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. (ZZF) und Autor, alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieses Werk wurde vom Autor für den Download vom Dokumentenserver des ZZF freigegeben und darf nur vervielfältigt und erneut veröffentlicht werden, wenn die Einwilligung der o.g. Rechteinhaber vorliegt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie: <[email protected]> Zitationshinweis: Thomas Klein (1999), Die Parteikontrolle in der SED als Instrument der Stalinisierung, Dokserver des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, http://dx.doi.org/10.14765/zzf.dok.1.1092 Ursprünglich erschienen als: Thomas Klein, Die Parteikontrolle in der SED als Instrument der Stalinisierung, in: Sowjetisierung und Eigenständigkeit in der SBZ/DDR (1945-1953), herausgegeben von Michael Lemke, Böhlau Köln, 1999 (Zeithistorische Studien. Herausgegeben vom Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam. Band 13), S. 119-161 http://dx.doi.org/10.14765/zzf.dok.1.1092 Zeithistorische Studien Herausgegeben vom Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam Band 13 Herrschafts Strukturen und Erfahrungsdimensionen der DDR-Geschichte, Band 2 Copyright (c) Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. und Autor http://dx.doi.org/10.14765/zzf.dok.1.1092 Michael Lemke (Hg.) Sowjetisierimg und Eigenständigkeit in der SBZ/DDR (1945-1953) 1999 BÖHL AU VERLAG KÖLN WEIMAR WIEN Copyright (c) Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V.
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