, Weather Ditty Call~d Up GeoeraU, fair toda, and Jack Dittmer, rormer Iowa econd unda,. HIKb today, II; bUelDln now with Denver, Friday wa low. 58. FridaY'. hi.h, 83; ealled up to the parent Boston Braves. He low, 58. will report at the end of the Western learue season. Dittmer Is hiUlnK .400 for at Foe _!kover. AP I,eaBed Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP LeaMd Wire - Five Cent. Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. September 2. 1950 - Vol. 84. No. 28) Est. )868 - . Truman Urg~:s Doubling Arms Strength, W;arns Russia Not te Mi$judge America ' * * * * * * * PresidentGrantedWQge, Ask Draft of Attacks Red Imperialism in Pric·e Control Powers 3S·Year·Olds~ WASHI GTO (AP) - Congress Friday approved a bill Fireside Chat handing to Pre ident Truman w 'ping powers to rorc wage, Fathers, Vets WASHINGTON (JPj - President pricc , proou(.'tion - and hoarders - into lille to wither inflation Truman announccd Friday night WASHINGTON Ill! - Congre s pi ns for doubling American arm­ and win the wllr. may be asked in January to rai e ed str ngth to nearly 3-mlllion Upon th Pre ident's Signature, th authority will be hi to the top draft age lrom 25 to 35 men. u e almo t a he sees fit. He asked for control over production and permit induction of single Mr. Truman warned Ru ssia in World War II veterans, Chairman a world wide broadcast not to mis­ and credit. Congress complied Carl Vinson (D-Ga) of the house judge American might - furthcr in the main, It also threw in -the Senate Approves armed service. committee, said Increases m y be mnde, bocked by more drastic pOwers because lhc 0, Frlday. heavlcr war production and all Clari!ying his statement that President Truman the vast economic power ot this legislators teared that otherwise F B·II· J . DII fathers may have to be drafted, .. \ e FIg-ill for Peace" the tremendou preparedness ee- , I nation. our ,on ° ar Vinson told 8 reporter it would rort might wreck the economy. The United SUites, the Prcsl­ be wrong to draCt lathers In the The President has said wage dent said, does "not belleve in War lax Increase 19-through-25 age group now sub­ aggre5$ive or preventive war. and price ceilings, and the Be-I ject to Induction and not take old­ companyln, consumer rationing er single men or men with de­ Highlights Such war is the weapon of dic­ aulhorlty. are not nceded now. WASHINGTON IJP) - The sen­ tators." SOUTH pendents other than children. Military tren&1h - W plan Therefore thc c are expected to ate approved II S4.5-billion "tirst Therefore, he said, his commit Reached Its Peak KOREA be kept In the corner lor the tnstallrr.ent" war tax boost by to increase our armed Coree to In Korea. Mr. Truman said. "the tee will consldcr whether to over­ 3-million ond step up production present. voice vot Friday nl'ht alter haul the absolute dra(t cxt'mp­ Invasion has reached Its peak." The house pa sed the bill by voting 42 to 36 to postpone until of guns, tanks, planes and other and United Nations (orees hold lion now granted some 2.5-milllon military equipment. voice vote at mid-day and the next January II decision on an World War II veterans of drart "0 firm bl! e." He said five AmerI­ senate did the same a few hours excess proms levy. Jlomdront We must now can combat divisions arc in action aile. It also will consider raising divert a lalge ~hare of our pro­ later. The bUl reached the White The measure now goes to the tbe .dratt age to broaden the pool - some 75,000 men. House at 2:07 p.m. (Iowa time). house and probably to a senate- dl.lctive power to d fen. e pur­ ot men available tor service. poses, which will mean s cri­ "They arc lighting." he said. Under terms ot the bill, Mr. house conterence to compromise "'or the proposltlon th.t peace Vinson $Bid there is no danger lice~ by all of u_. Truman Is permitted to pick his thc dllferences with a bill ap­ shall b the law of the earth." sc)edlve ervlce wlil have to take Korean war - We believe the own price levels if he chao es to proved earlier by the house. "c 0 m m u n i s t Imperialism fathers to meet its draft calls be­ enemy lnv sion has r ached its InVOke cellln,s. The bill directs An cknowled$ed "stop-gsp" ~ween now and January. But he peak and our torces arc confIdent preaches peace but practices ag­ him, however. to give "due con- measure to belp ngllt IntlaUon Imd laid congre s should try to tore­ gre slon." side ration" to prices prevailing slart payln/{ tor tne Korean war that It will be crushed. stall as 101lJ as possible the day Future aerr Ion - The flgnt­ Yel the Chief Executive held during the May 24 - June 24 per- and rearmament, the bill would when they will be dralled. lhe door open for Russia to join 2S,., lod. That Is the month just pre- hike Individual income laxes by lng In Korea will not xpand into a general wllr unless Com­ in establishing peace in a trOUbled ~~ __~ __~~~~~~ ___~ __~ ~~r~.~r~U~T~f~M=IL~f:S __~~_~~ __~~~~~~ I ~&q~KM~noolh~k . a~~p~~miooa~~ * * * munist impcrialism draws other world. . Other featurt!s of the bill: It would add another $1.5- Dodor Draft ... nation into the [Ight against the "We invile all the nation of . Battle Rages in South, Central Sectors co~:~~~!nlgevCeaLn be ordered at the blHion to federal cotlcr! throulh United Nations. the world, without. exception," he an IncreSJie In corporation taxes Foreifll arms aid - Other free said, "to join with us In this great , '~DJCAN TR Hoardln( ot an "unreasonable" d th th mJ1li b 1 WASHINGTON (IPI - Congress AM.,... OOPS (A) battling the North Koreans sharpe t offensive of the war have retaken lIam. d an ,a er 0 cr ons y p ug- countries arc IIreally Increa lng work." on th th t t T tb th amount of ,oods rate as scarce ,In, "Ioopholcs" and making other passed and sent to the WhIte Ellht Points an • e sou ern ron. 0 e nor along the N aktong river line. 'he Reds (B) erollled 'be river .. by the PTe Ident is subject to Hou e Friday II blll to dratt doc­ their own etror wilh our aid. 11 pOInts . and push~d eight mUes eastward at one pelnt to take abandoned Yongsan. The lar,ett mall penalties ranging up to a year in tax law chanfes. tors and dentists through aile 50 ommunj thin. - We hope In statin eight alms, the Pre - .r en~mr Infantry stili was presumed to be in area (C) above Taelu. On the eaet cout (D) Soutb K:.. jail and $10,0110 fine. The bill Is designed to ,0 into for up to 21 months military 5erv­ that the p ople of China wll! not ident again tried to steer Com­ rt.n~ ret.ook Kigye and made a small gain north 01 Pohan~. Special machinery can be set effect for individual taxpayers Ice. be misled or forced into fighting munist China nway Crom the l{o­ ,.. up to handle labor dispute actecl- Oct. 1. On that dale, if the btu,.s It' marks the lirst lime In U.S. IIl1uinst tne United Nations or the rean conflict. The points: '~A'ff. ~1I11 enacted Into law ill Ume. wlth- h tory that dralt 1 :ilslatlon h A er! nIl . y have A IL ' , been IIlmed at 1I[Jeelfic: profession­ b en and atm a c their trlends. • W believe in the United Na ­ al "roups. Main purpose ot the bJl\ Formosa - We do not want lions. Is to prod Into unllorm about 5,600 Formosa or any purt of Asia tor 2. We b Hevo Koreans have a tinvL'Jlounfs \",' right to b Cre. Ten~ive, ~:;h:'F~c~aH~aring L;t€;~~=E~',~:~~: doctors and 3,000 dentists who re­ our lves. I AIO H C The blJl also would e,,"empt the ceived all or pari 01 their trainin, U. . pollcy toward I_we 3. We don't want the Korean , I pay of OI's trom aU tederal taxes, at government expense durln( want not only Ire dom ror thc fighting to cxpand into !lenoral · n ouse ase war. t [) ,· military service. peoples of ASIa, but we also want I 5 rl and exempt from taxation $200 a , U•i ' n ve to!~arrng j~~~nl~g~ou~~ 1~e~~~~ :~~th ~~~I:~~~c:;s ~~ th~~~~~~~ lo h Ip them secure belter health. 4. W purllculurly hopc the Ha t Eomm morc (ood, better c10lh sand Chinese people won't be misled . ; . Jud,C James P. Gaflney tor the Truman. British Delegate Takes Into fighting the United Nations. 'fOKYO (SATURDAY) IA") -lmile flaming front, the U.S. 25th three Iowa City teen-age boys The corporate tax would in- homes, nnd the chancc to live * * * UN Gavel from Malik their own lives. 5. We want none of Asia, For­ Counterattacking American !orce~, division gave ground near Masan Yanlc Casualties.. who admItted ransacking the AI- crea e from t~ preseflt top rate mosa tncluded, Cor ourselves. unC\er a huge canopy ot planes, - which the Reds arc under or- pha Tau Omega fraternity house ot 38 percent of the income to -.5 LAKE SUCCESS (IP) - Britain's 6. We believe In freedom for tOday blunted the tWO-day olel ders to capture by Sunday - but WASHINGTON !III _ Identified twice in the last month. percent. Sir Gladwyn Jebb took over the Temperatures all rar eastern nations. 50,000 - man Communist offen- blunted the tank-led push and American casu'altl". in the Korean The youths were jailed Thurs- 'rlday' III,.. nd l .. owl slve. battled back to their original po- ..." presldcncy or the UN ecurity 7. We do not believe In aggre - Tne Americans not only struck sitions. war totaled 6.816, including 503 day after admitting they again council Friday and quickly broke 0 ,. The Auot'lat.e.d. '-ru, slvc or pr ventive war. , dead, through Aug. 25, the de- broke Into the traternity last 1.'Aa C"IL) • • ~, 8. We want peace and "we shall back along the 55 - mile sedor Associated Prcss CorrcsJ)Onden, Monday and Tuesday. Their (lrst the procedural blockade which C·hlu...... 1 Active Polio Cases Russia's Jllkob Malik had set up nn Inno" 8fo achleve It." where the Rec(s launched their Stan Swinton quoted officers as fense department announced Fri- 001.0" .• 11 driVe Friday Qut also opened at- soying the situation around Ma- day. act ot vandalism, resulUng In $2,­ throughout his month as presi­ Indl."apoll. " tacks . elsewhere around the 12~- san was "serious but not crillca!." The first cumulative casualty 000 damage, was committed about dent. Mempbl. .•• ••• "I Drop to 40 Here Mflwaulle.e ft1 mile battle perimeter. One fight raged on a mountain toU issued in nearly three V~k9 Aug. I, police said. Slttlng as delegate for the So­ Or Molou 17 War at a Glance Yongsan, situated on a vital where Red infillrators are with- showed 3,829 wounded, 2,436 miss- Detective Har1and Sprinkle said viet Union, however, Malik con­ K... Clly ~7 Two new cascs of polio were Mpl • , • •'aul au Highway, was reeapturcd today. 1.1 three miles of Masan _ or Ing in action, and 48 oftlclaily re- Friday that It will be entirely up admitted to University hospltals tinued his propaganda campaign Om.h" . ... 17 Kllr~an front - United Nations DcCellders ot Masan, righting within 30 air miles of Pusan. ported captured or interned. to juvcnile authorities just what against the and re- Sluult ClIr .••••. ~ forces slall Red drives In soulh­ Friday and five cases wore trans­ n. LOn All within 35 air miles of the United The two-day-old Red offensive, Identified casualties are those penalty wiU be imposed against ferred trom active to inactive. 1used to give ground on any MI.",I •••••.•. 1\.1 ern and ccntral sectors. Reds the tria. point. No .. yor_ l1li make suicide chargcs ncar Masan, Nations main port 01 Pusan, gave aimed at capturing Pusan and whose next of kln have been oUi- The detectivc had said earlier This made the total number of • on \\-orlh K"J ground to onrushing "suicide" Taegu, already has cost the Reds cjally noUlied. active pollo cases in the hospital Despite Malik's viiorous pro­ Ne.w Orleanl ...... M but are repulsed. Tank-led enemy units ,o! Reds, then regained their .36 tanks destroyed or damaged, that he would recommend to the testa, the council Invited South Ilenver . . .• 0 ...... 01 attacks blunted. 40 , which was three less than the I'h,u~nl" ...... 118 loases. 3,000 or more men killed and \ court that the ~ys be sent to the season's high set Thursday. Korean Ambassador John Chang Loa An,du ...... D" Washlnlton - In world wide Tne Red offensive may already 6,000 wounded. Building up these J950 SUI Graduate Eldora training school. The new cases admitted: Ed­ to take part in the Korean dis­ an Frlnel co ••.•. • . ,00 talk, Truman says U.S. will double ta.Ue ...... ~ • .. ••. BJ have cost North Koreans one fifth totals, 200 navy and marine car­ ward McElhinney, 12. ot Clear cussions. WI .. plp., •• " DrmS strength. of.' t)teir 50,000 men in dead and rier-based planes jOined a~ all- Ordered 10 Du'" SUI, Two Other Schools' Lake. son 01 Edward McEl­ wOf,lnded. out effort of land-based aircraft • 1 Print Contracts Signed hinney, and Bill Tietz, 29, o( El­ ·. tHe U.S. Second Infantry divi- today in te,aring into the Com­ An SUI June graduate was dora. Daddy Went to Sleep, Too, Mommy slQil, which Friday fell back 8 1-2 munist concentrations. DES MOINES fill - The state Hospital oUlcials reported both among the 105 Iowa enlisted re­ printing board awarded contracts • rD).ies at the point of heaviest pres- serves the army Friday ordered to were in "lair condition." 5Ui"e exerted by the Reds' offen­ FARM VALUES UP Friday for directories and catalogs active duty effective Sept. 20. at SUI, IoW1l State college and Two former polio patients were sive, re.gaine-d, flame-swept Yong­ discharged from the hospital: Lois san to protect the vital Taegu­ CHICAGO (JP) - Farm real es­ Sheldon S .. Sitrick, Davenport, Iowa State Teachers college. tate values in midwestern states, a commerce graduate, and 99 oth­ The Torch Press company. Ce­ Kohrt. 29, Garner, and Anna Lup­ Pli,5~n , highway,. 11 miles east- pen, 18, Aplington. wafd. , ' after declining since the last ers wlll report to the 2nd Armor­ dar Rapids, was awarded a con­ quarter of 1948, are now on the ed division at tort Hood, Texas. tract for 15,000 copies of the SUI At the south end of the !5!i- upgrade. The .army ordered five to re­ catalog on a bid of '6,804. Civil Service Exams . i porL to Fort Sheridan, Ill, All of Other contracts were let for di­ the reservists called to duty are to rectories at Iowa State and (owa The civil serfice · comtnissien serve tor a period of 21 months. State Teachers. In addition, the Friday al;lnouneed opportunities Two of those called were from Newhouse Paper company, Des for examinations as office appli­ Iowa City. They were Sgt. Edwin Moines, received an order to sup­ ance operators. accountants, aud­ N. Frerichs, 447 S. Summit street, ply 76,000 pounds of book paper itors, and personnel c1erkJl. and Cpl. William C. Harover Jr., (or $10 to $15.20 per hundred The examinations will be open 307 S. Capitol street. pounds. through Oct. 2.

General Quoted GS 'Wanting War with Russia' - Suspend Anderson as Air War (ollege Head WASHINGTON rIP) - The air- man was suspended quoted him as correctly. The next step pre­ force Friday suspended Maj. Gen. l8yln,: sumably would depend on the re- IOr Vii A. Anderson all commandant "Give me the order to do it and IUIt of that inquiry. 01 its air war colleae after he was I can break up Russia's five A- Anderson has been commandant quoted as oUerln, to attack Rus- Bomb nesta in a week. And when of the al~ war coUele at the Max­ sia's atom bomb ceRte,.. I went up to Christ I tbink I well aiiforce base in Alabama Gen. Hoyt s. Va~denberl, chief could explain to Him that I had since June, 184.11 . A member of 01 staff 01 the airforce, announced saved civilization." the air cotps alnee 1917, he was the snspenclon in a atatment de­ claring that the alrtOl"ce "firat, General Anderson was quoted by deputy c:ommander for opentions last and alway. is primarily an the paper as sayina also: of the U.S. Eiahth airforce in instrument for peace." • "To IlUUmc tbat the Russians England In 1944. "The airforce as a member of won't UIe their A-Bombs if we sit Early in his career, in 1934, he the defense team bas al its pri­ by and watch them build them is IIchieved prominence as co-pilot mary purpOie the prevention of a dantef0U8 alliumpUon." of the Explor 1- baUooll on Ita The alrforee lav. no indication flght Into tbe stratoaphere trom war," the chief q( staff .said. He I&P • ....-., IUd not state diteetly ~e eaUH what Ita lIestt Itep concernin, An- Rapid City, S.D. 4 PATIENT YANK WAITBD behind cover for. Nortb Korea. of AndeTlon', iUlpenlion. derson will be. With hla 33 years of service, An- WIlEN II&S. WUN" LUNDEEN of Holdrele, Neb. went cut for an eveniq ....e feft her baabaad .. It Js look aftu Ua, CGUI.' two IODL The nema pUled aDd Mra. Luadeea retaraed to reeeive ber Hbab,_ ...... to abow llIJnsell In & boplbed-out villale on the lOutbeu&erll A eop1l'Chted story in the Is expected, however, to in- derson elllible to reUrt Irom ...... TIle Vallk wu PVf.: Qeor,e Cooper, Deer LocI6e. Mont.. a MoptlQllllery (.Ala.) AdvertiHr a vestipte thoroUJhly to establish active duty If b, Ibould elect to .. iter'''' .....n ea Uae behavior 0' the chU4lrea. Slae fOUlld the above lCeat aad Ilwekl1 recorde4 .1 wWa .... ' ••11 ~n .... _ater .r rf'eord. ~n. altached ,to the army'. 15th Division talk. lorce. hort {'une blfore the veteran air- whetber Anderson was quoted I do so. ..

I'AGE 'fWO - 'fHE DAlLY IOWAN, I Refuge for Fleeing'Chinese Troops - " --,------Unironed Curtain Department Calling I r Wir~,,~~!!:.!5! ~riels Hong Kon~ - Democracy's ·Far East Outpost By SANFORD MARKEY A tightly-packed little island Girl Killed on 'Qlind Date' - is the west's peep-hole and barter DOVER, N.H. III'! - Seventeen-year-old Etta Shirley Frisbie was I>ost within the vast confines of I urled to her death from a speeding automobile after she refused to Communist China. L t her blind-date kiss her, the girl's companion charged Friday. The island is Hong Kong, held Corina Ruest, 15, who jllm!)ed from the car immediately after­ by the BritiSh since 1842, and now I.'ard, said she and Etta had fou~ht off the dvances of one of three the refuge for hundreds ot thou­ y,uths who oCfered to take them for a ride to Newington. sands ot Chinese who have fled "He put his arm around Tootsie (Etta)," she said, and "tried to the terror of Communist troops. Since the Reds overran China, l<'lS her. She pushed him away. Then he turned around, grabbed me more than a year ago, Hong o d tried to kiss me. r slapped him." Kong's population has skyrocket· "She pushed him away again and he grabbed her and threw her ed from a pre-war 1-mlllion to nt the door. The next thing I knew I heard her scream and I saw the well over 2.5-mlllion. UI .r open and her flying intq the ditch. The car wns going fast." Most. of tbe new arrivals are poUtieal and economic refu,ees who hope to return some day Madison Group Sues Airlines - to Utelr homeland. Meanwhile, MADISON, WIS. (II'! - The Northwest airlines was sued lor tlley tax Hong Kon,'s resources J( 000 Friday by the executors of a Madison businessman who died to the utmost and avail them­ in a Northwest plane crash at Minneapolis March 7. selvC!l of the democratic liber­ The Madison First National bank demanded damages for the ties offered by tbe British. de:. h of Emery E. Oliver in a suit filed in federal couri here Friday. For the present, relationship be­ Oli . er was one of the passengers killed when the Northwest plane tween the British and the Com­ munists is most correct. Along the hit 1n electric line and smashed into It house while trying to land in Inferpreting the News - 18-mile common frontier, Britain's a t1~ understorm. only direct frontier with commun­ The bank sa id ihe pilot was flying too low nt the time of the ism anywhere in the world. pa­ cr; 'J and should have turned back. trols stick strictly to their own Malik's-Securily (oun~iI ' Reign business on hand. There is no fra­ terniZing. Mc..:Arthur Speaks on 'V-J' Anniversary - • • • TOKYO III'! - Gen. Douglas MacArthur Friday lamented the fact During Augu~t Called 'Failure' Hong Kong is the democratic that, five years after V-J Day, "imperialistic militarism" still is show window for the west. The ~p rc ding the "fear of conquest and enslavement" through the world. By J.III. ROBERts, JIt 390 square miles of land and AP Forelrn AU.ln Analyst water arc living proof that in a n a stateme\1t marking the fifth anniversary of Japan's surren­ EV(,11 if you try to look at it from Russia's standpOint it still d~ocracy Nationalist and Com­ (\1'1'" MncArthul' said that imperialist aggression, "marching under seems pr tty obvious that Jakob Malik's return to the U.N. secur­ munist can Jive side by side and dit!' 'ing banner£, but under unified direction, leaving in its wake the transact business dealings. StJl :.' tragedy of human and spiritual wreckage." ity council has been a £Uilme. There is no Question but that ' Many peoples have fa Hen under its savage and merciless as­ Ending his month as council president, Malik seems to have should the Communists of China sa uil ," the allied supreme commander said. "F.ear of conquest and succeeded in only one thing, and that isn't definite yet. But it decide to move down from Can­ . tnsl. lement grips much of the earth." ton, they could sweep across the does look like the ~hinese Communists will be represented at 30 miles of Hong Kong on the h arings on American Formos­ mainland and take over the is­ an policy and on their charges ceeded, as RUSSia has been doing land itsel{ -- a mile aU the tip Pay l $20 Fine - In Dimes - so consistently all along, in bind­ 111'1 - that American bombers violated of Kowloon peninsula - where rrNOT, N.D. Minot's Acting Police Magistrate Vernon Ped­ ing the western world even closer their territory. the wealth and power of Hong Ci' ,0' probably went to sleep counting money Friday night instead together than it was before. Kong is -found. or .-1 ~ ep. Whethcr getting them heard cnn However, this appears unlikely. edcrson ordered Clyde Wilson, 43, Minot, to pay $20 fine and really be co lied a victory for Ma­ For the Communists find the is­ lik remains to be scen, since the CG.II _ co. ts aIlel he was found guilty on a disorderly ccnduct charge. land's neutrality is a valuable as­ propaganda they can put across Spain An Auto \ !ilson paid up alright - with dimes - 200 of them. set. It permits Communist and may be more than offset by the Nationalist representatives to sit Six East German Sheaffer Company to Begin 48-Hour Week eventual verdicts. Dealer's Paradise, across the business table and FORT MADlSON (A") - )\.11 'aging "scare buying," Sheaflc: Some observers thOught the m3ke "legal" many a contraband production employes of the W.A. / added. United tates made a mistake cargo that turns up either in For­ Officials Arrested Sheaffer pen company here wtll The new work week schedule, Missing Men's"· Mystery In agreeln/l' to put the Formosan But Just No Cash mosa or Shanghai. go on a 48-hour, six-day we~k raises from a five-day, 40-hour question on the council agenda By H. K. MILKS Hong Kong, too. serves as a For Anti-Red Acts starting next week, it was art- week, will affect about 1,500 em­ without pointing out that the MADRID - Spain would be clearing house for political Did the Three Russian Youths Just Vanish, (A') - Six high offi­ nounced Friday by Craig R. Shea'" ployes here including some oUice legal representative of China the dream world of automobile arents of both sides and British cials of the east German Com­ fer, company preSident. workers. Or Choose to Stay Inside Sweden? on the council had no complaint, manufacturers and salesmen if hel' officials have their hands full munist reglmc, including the de­ "A strong general increase in 'tInder the new schedule the and that admission of Commu­ people could afford to buy the In rerulatlng outbreaks between puty to Propaganda Chief Ger­ orders uniform through the coull- company, which has been adding LONDO (UP) - This is a story of three youths who have nist testimony had no bearing cars they need. pro-and-ani! Kuomlnianc fana­ hart Eisler, were rcported under try and through the various pri ~e t9 J ts factory fo rce during the h('C'o 'ne the center of an international inci

ness. Instead o{ saving in the when be ,oes iraveliDl - a East, West is West, and never the newspaper and since editor of .,11 beginning that Malik ha~ succeed­ }'ackard; a fine RoUa - Ro)'"Ce, twin shall meet." the Communist Friedenspost ed in only one thing, however. I or an armor-plated Hercedea­ and Maria Weiterer. a trusted WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR should have said two< He hfiS suc- Benl! ' p_nted to him by party orranlzer. /111' Adolph HU~er 10 the days when Four others· were (ircd from Saturday, Septembtr :! , lOGO 10:30 a.m. SMell' Speaks Sentenced to Prison, 8:00 a.m. Morning Chapel 10:45 n.m. Old New Orleans the two were friends. . '. .' , jobs in the Soviet-backed cast 8:IS n.m. News I~;OP •. m. News Ex-Korean Police German government but were not 8:30 a.m. Saturday Serenade 1I~1 5 n.m. Music 01 Manhattan' ,Where ·I.l ' ,other eountr.iis slJin 9:00 a.m. RecOIi!ed Interlude II' : ~~ h.m. Health Chals Now Fight as Gl's bdards adverti~e the latest in Iowan Changes Plea expclled from the party. 9:02 • . m. OrsanlwUon 12:00 nOOn Rhl'lh", Rambles cosmetics -or·· the ' pest In': hotelS Field, reputed to have wide ac­ 9: 15 a.m. Organization 12:30 p.m . New. 9:30 a.m. Children', Corner 1 2:4~ p.m. Sporl, Time WITH AMERICAN TROOPS and eatin . places, those of.Spain WATERLOO (lP) -- Wilbur M. quaintance with the Communist 9;(5 ' .m. Men BehInd Ihe Melody I,>I)P p.m. MUsical Chats underground in Nazi - occupied IC:OO • . m. Sweelwood Serenade 2:00 p.nl. New)! IN KOREA (II'! - A Small band have on t/lem the 'location and Plaisted, Des MOines, changed his 10:16 a.m. Bonjour Mesd.mes 2:15 pm. Sign Off of South Korean policemen who telephone number of the nearest plea from guilty to innocent im­ Europe, worked lifter the war for lost tlieir rifles but .!lot their will tow-'truck: ' mediately after District Judge R. various American charity agencies to fight are getting a chance to do The use .ot out~m.d and W. HaGner sentenced Plaisted to behind the iron curtain. He. was so - as GI's. I patched.aut,omobl,es ~Ites eaeb five years in prison Friday. a U.S. state department employe There arc 136 cf th~m, answer­ ride. in a ~dricl. qid-eab aD , Plaisted had been charged with from 1930 to 1935. ~[e dropped The Daiw.Iowan- ing to names like Kilroy, Mutt, adventure. MIa,.y .ea"" ave ,no receiving stolen goods by false out of sight aboul 15 months ago. Flash and Cassidy. They've been Itarten ... Instead their nI'Jnes personation. Judge ·-Hasner said Two members of his family van­ " ESTABLISErEo' ' 1868 made a part of an I American ' mlfS' he, eraJlk.ecl. ' HaQ~ , ~ve the change in plea would be con- iShed while searching for him front llr\'e battalion: tost tbelr orJi1nal.,.r 10cl1u' aDd ~idered and marked submitted in eastern Europe. They wcre his ------~~----~~--==-~-===~SATURDAY, SEP'DEMJ3Eft~'~/~' ------2, lImO ------­ They like it. And the Ameri­ the doon'are beld sbut tit ~e- for the court's determination. wifc, Mrs. Herta Field, and his ------~,----~,~,!~~---- , l ' cans like it, too. made appllaoce. or bAi, open County Atty. Blair Wood said brother, Hermann Field, H Cleve­ Published don), except Monday by MEMBER OF Till!) ASSOCIATID PRISI Sludeni Publica lions, ln~ ., 1~8 Iowa Ave., The Assoclatetouch., Plaisted signed a statement la3t land, Ohio, architect. Iowa City. lowo. Entered as second class Ively 'to tbe use lor fepubllcaU ... It .. er D. Clainos of Manchester, N.H. ,Among 'Madrid's laxi-cabs or March 15 that related: According to the Politburo, an­ moll malter 01 the . poslolllce II Iowa Ihe local news printed III thla _ , Clly, Iowa. under the acl 01 cona.... p.~per as well as all AP new~ dilpa"- had six South Ko~ans attacJl.ec\ maoy Mod'l A Fords, vintage 0 Plaisted called on a filling sta- ti-Fascist resistance in occupied 01 March 2, 1879. to his battalion "more or less" 1928'36:· Prize . of them all, ' an tion operator and represented hlm­ was sabotaged by Merk­ VA [,I, 8 - 2 1 ~ 1 II , ••••••1 ...... by accident. They proved so val­ the ' pride at Its own~r-driver ' i selt as an agent for an AFL team­ er, Bauer, Ende and Kreikemeyer fP.t Dal11 I.wn ., 7:" ' ...... Sublcriptlon rat.. - by carrier in 10 ... food lervlce I. Ilvea 08 .11 .rtt_ uable in rounding up Communist an ancient French taxi-cab. 1 sters' unlon. PJaisted wanted to "on o1'ders of AtT\.erican imperial­ Clly, 20 .ent. weekly Or $1 per year in errors rep.rld by 8:80 •.•• '" prisoners that Clainos had ' Capt. proprietor, Ill$lS~ gravely that ii sell some advertising space for a ists." adv.n.e: IIx mont ... ".85; three months D.1I1 Iowa. elre.l.u.. D.~ .... '1.90. Ity man in Iowa $1 ,~ O per year; I. Ib, re.r .1 01. J .....U ...... A WORKMAN FINISHED a ten-ton bell .. Croydon. Enrland, to W,J. Gillespie of Binghamton, N. waS one · of the fleet Qf 'Pari union pUblication. But Plaisted, Western allied oUiciaLs describ­ six months '3.90; Ihree month. And n.oo. lor, nubuquo .Id I ..I'~ .'r ..... , ,II be abipped to ..the U.S. [or tbe Crusade for Freedom campalpi Y., contact police authorities tor catls_. whlch SIIUled .• Ol,lt ' 1:~l1yin aUhoulh he was not in fact a rep- ed Friday's purge as "another ex­ n\h~r mIll 11Ibflcrlplions sa per year; Ibc ..."." f.n", 4:8. ',111. 10 l ~ NI" ... aearnst Communist proparanda starUn, Sept. 4. The bell wlU be more. Gillespie. came b,ack wltl\ fresh troops in World War_I ' resentative of. the union, accepted ample 01 Communist cannibats de­ months ".2~; thrue, llIonth.. tUS. . 'ro,. 1:09 P.... t. 5:" " ... ,..,', ,,, dedlcated in Berlin on Unl," Natlonl Day, Oct 24, 130. saVe trom the Germans. $211 for the advertisina. •• ,1 a. ..., . • ...., '·.nl II .... vouring their own." Ie 11 :" .... T!R D.AJLV IOWAN, TVRDAT, SEPT. 2, 1950 - PAGE THREE On Italian -Movie Set National Safety Group Predicts Truman Announces Even the Dog Does It • Rail Sirike's End; 435 Deaths over Labor Day Wages Increased HI C ( P) - Am riean hit the open road FTida for WASHINGTON (JP)-The White a last ummer \ cation fling O\'er th Labor day weekend. House Friday night IlDnounced set· The national fety council timated that 36-million ,uta tlement 01 a Jong wage dispute would be on the move during th thr ··d }' weekend. rryiJlg between the AFL .wlt~hmen' union and ten western railroads. plea lire eeler to lake. mountain and e hare resort . The agreement caUs for a 23- The council also estimated that * * * cent hourly wage inCrease. 435 persons will die In traCtic ac- It is expected to have an intlu­ cidents in a 78-hour perird from In Iowa enC'e on a parallel controversy be· Friday evening until midnight f • • • tween ' the nation's railroalis and fonday. DES MOINES 'lII - Iowa the trainmen and conductors' un­ At Pittsfield, Ma .. it Wall an· safety OCficials saId Friday that Ions. nounced that the I ' ew Enr­ unless motorists "stral,hten up The tatter tUspute 1'8a1te4 III land covernors chaUenre the and drive right" the state can a ItrI.Ile eal1 au Rlnre lut rest of tbe nation to match the expect a "sma hlng highway Suno,. .f the raUre&AIs b, the atety record of tbelr tate; onr death toU" during the Labor Labor dJlY. The crvernors cWm rov_ent to prevent t,.lnc up day weekend. theUIIeS. that tbe deatb rile to their A lO percent increase in traf­ hl,hway Is con Islenlly below fic on Jowa highways since the The trainmen and conductors the national a,'erare. co Uy Labor day weekend oC are askin, for 48 hours' pay lor 3 Railroads, airline and bu. es 1949 clills lor greater care be­ fO-hour week for yard workerl crowded on extra 'ections to han­ hind the wheel than ever before, and wage adjustments tor tho e dle the flow ot travelers and the state sarety department said. in train .service. agents in New York said the city's Fifteen wsons were klUed on The switchmen previously had Iex' dus may be the larl:est In his­ Iowa highways during the Labor struck five of the 10 railroads with tory. day weekend of 1949, which was wpieh It has contracts. The Good Weal.her new record. In addi tion, 22) switchmen's demands also were for 48 hours' pay for 40 hours' )< Seasonal or midsummer-like persons were i";-ured in 476 ac­ weather \Vas in prospect for mo t cidents. work. VISITING ON THE SET oC ihe new Italian movie, "Quo Vadls'" were Barbara tanwyck and ber hu - ot the nailon, a factor which was The safety department said The uie set f~ thJIt walkout barld, Robe~t Taylor, at ri'hl, allfl Norman Woodland and Deborah Kerr ( econd from left). The expected to boe t the flow M that motc;-ists should adapt "'II J lIDe %5. The trille wa movie is bem, filmed near Rome travel. speeds to existing conditions, eaUed 0" 011 lour of the rall­ I~------Safety council experts said avoid driving while drinking, roaeb but the unJon ntUled to wolit 011 aoek bla.llcl. travel traditionally Is heavy over be alert at railroad crossin, the The Laber day becau. e the holiday and give full attention to their rovernment selKed the railroad $et Tuesday for Strike First Killing Frost marks the end ot most resort ea­ driving. and obtained a court Injunction sons and signals the trek back to S. N. Jespersen, chief of' the whereupOn t.be 1,5" swttehmell schcol. highway patrol, said his entire OD thal line went back to work July •. Of GE Elecfrical Workers Expected by Sept. 30 The Ill'St blc ru h of ira vel was torce would be on duty during DES MOINES (.11') - The wea­ expected late Friday when the weekend. Approximately 5,000 switchmen By VIC'l'OR KALl.\tAN ther bureau, relatin, Friday that workers Ireed Irom lactorle and would receive the concessions NEW YOHK (UP) - A strike against all General Electric the last three months have been bu In places for thdr boUda" aareed upon In"the office at Pres­ unusually cool, said nnthern et out to enjoy themselves. Pa­ 'Two-Pound Girl idential ASiislant John R. Steel­ CANADIAN LOG BIRLER 811\ Fonlana taucht the ut to hi company plants to begin next Tuesday was called Frid, y by the Iowa residents can expect a kill­ rade and other Labor day man. They are: lO-monlh-old Dalma~'an "Pep,!) ,,, a\ FOTt Franc ,Qn\ T\I). ~h\tT international union of eleelrical workers, (GIG). ing Crot t by Sept. 30. event I\londay will draw heav)' A 23-cent hourly wage increase. crowd of workers to the cltle . Born to Iowans Fontana plan to tak .. Blrler Peppy on tour. James strike In southeastern Iowa, the aver­ B. Carey, IUEW chairman, announced the call The sa Cety council pegged i IS A three-year moratorium on age date for a killing trost is Oct. FORT MADISON 1\11 - One of turther changes In wages or work­ after un all.day meeting with re 'esentatives of all CE locals of 15, the bureau said. Because of prediction of 435 deaths on the ~)C ­ Dr Walsh was survived by his the smallest babies In Iowa medi­ Ing conditions except tor B quar­ Iowa Citian Dies \he union. frost dates and the lateness of pectation that bne traveler will widow, Harriet, son Richard Phi­ die every 101fl minutes during the ca) history was born Friday to terly adjustment based on the cost crops, they are in "a rather vul­ While on Vacation liv nnd his molher, Mrs. Mar,a­ About 60,000 workers at GE Case Company Signs 78-hour pericd. Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Welsh at ot living Index. With every per­ nerable position In case of an their hom here. centage point rise 1n the ,overn­ Dr. Richard A. Walsh, 4ft, or 12 r t Walsh, 809 Iowa avenue. plants throughout the cO\lntry Two-Year Contract early frost or freeze," the bureau Fa ter Tempo Mrs. Welsh, 31, gnve birth to :l ment's Index ot consumer prices, N. Lucas str et, died Thursday In The body is .chedul d to ar­ are l)'lvolved. ROCKFORD, ILL. Ill'! - The J . commen ted. This wa5 u slightly faster tem­ girl weighing only two pouncls. kept by the bureau of labor sta­ Denver, Col., where h was vaca­ rive at McGovern's funeral home The strike was called after the I . Case Farm Equipment company Last year In Iowa, th first po of death than the nation re­ corded over the Fourth d July Dr. Frank Richmond, the attendin{l tistics, the switchmen's houriy tioning. D ath was attributed to earl;.' today Funeral arrangements union rejected the company's Friday announced the signing ot general killing frost occurred on holiday, when 501 pen;ons died In physician, sold he believed the In­ earning woulq go up one cent. a heart attack. offer which, with the three per- a new two-year lubor contract Sept. 29 . Temperatures LeU into Rre incompl~te. traffic mishaps over lour days, or fant wa about three months pre­ ""-- cent increase put into eHect July covering C.IO united auto workers the 20's over most 5~etions of the a rate oC about one every ) 2 ~ matul' . 1, would average 10 cents an ,.t the Case plant here. state. minut . The child wa token immedi­ hour. I The contract' was said to pro- June was one degree below nor­ ately {I'om the Weish's home and Eggs mal in temperature. JUly averaged The Fourth 01 July tratlte toll 'Bakeq Toast Rings an Easy Breakfast Carey said the union was a k- vide a wage increase. bu~ the of 501 wa the . wor t hoUday, plllced In an incubator' at II ho - In, tor a 10-cenl pay boost company did not specify how much. five degrees belOW normai tor the pitaJ. Richmond said she had a Welcome as a hollday Is this fourth coolest July on record. Au­ laurhter In the nation' hiS­ above present wage scales. In Case also has plants at Rock Is­ tory, lind overall accidental fair chanc;e of surviving. simple brealdast menu which in­ addition, he said, the union land, Ill., Racine, Wis., Betten­ gust continued the cool trend and ciudes baked eggs In tOllst rings. deaths of 855 al 0 set II new all­ It was the couple's first child. wants the reinstitulion of cost- dorf, Burlington, Stockton, Calil., indications are that it will aver­ Ume record. Welsh, 37, 'and his wife have been 'C\lt round$ of bread .Ilt!es with age from three to five degress lif liVing wage adjustment pro- 'and Anniston, Ala. The Bellen­ However, much the Fourth married II years. a calioped cookie cutter. Use a. below normal, the weather bu­ ot visions and a pro/It-sbarlng dorf plant has been strikebound, ot July Increase over previous A lIirl weighing 12 ounces WlIS smaller cutter to remOY'e center plan. but not by a wage dispute. reau said. tolls was attributed to the long, born in Chicago in 1936 and sur­ portions Crom the ,lice . This may The union action fqUowed four-day span of the hoIid~y . vived. be done the nig,ht before if bread strikes at four GE plants at Lynn slices are wrapped in wax paper and Everett, Mass., and a walk­ or aluminum foil. cut Friday at the company's Syra­ For That Fall Look Brush slJces with butter or mar­ cuse, N.Y., plant. garine and place rounds ot bread Colorful TV Fight · in bottoms of muffin cups. Top In issuing his strike call, Ca'~ey • said: ~ with ring of bread. Federal Communications Commission Break an egg In the centcr of "The General Electric confer­ each ring and add one tablespoon ence board of the international Punled by .Color Plans ( f milk to each. Bake In moderate union of electrical radio. an.d oven (350 degrees) 20 to 25 min­ 'mJlchLne workers, CIO, has vot­ \. fIINGT N ( P) - TI~ federal cqmmlln.icatiolls (:om· utes. ed unanimously that no pla.nt 01 mission announced Friday it favor. Columbia Broadcasting sy - While the eggs are bakinJr, broil GE or Its subsidiaries or aUIII­ !Clll' TV tandards. I or fry bacan and put on the colfee. atelf' will operate beginning with Make extra toast it desired. Tuesday untlJ a contract is ne· It aid it is asking mal1ufaclwcr , who have b en acclIsed (otlated." of dragging tb ir heel on color 'f , to dev('lop receivers which Earlier Friday, GE said that the Check Artists Caugh'; CIO ·union was not represented at can r ceive both B color and !i'ack-ancl-white television. Two persol\s, accused of pa 56 of, its piants. Workers there, it It they fall to do so, it nddl!d, \ ~I ---~~------­ ing false checks in IOwa City more the commission "will I sue a final th m to the public a soon as pos­ CANADIAN LOG BIRLER 8U1 Fontana. tau,ht the art to bl taid, are represented by other un­ than a year ago, recently have errs, rets a. new twl t wlUt the e ba.ked eg,s in sca-Jloped toa t Jons, including the independent decision forthwith "adopting the ble to reduce thl! number of been arrested in Texas, Iowa CBS system." Owncl'S who wlJl have to buy rlJlp, erve wltb coffee, bacon Juice and ex,ra slices of toast for united electrical workers, rUE City pollee said Friday. a. rea) holiday treat ReKardles of whelher new Cbnverte~s JI the CBS system is 17 arch-Ioe ousted from the CIO on They arc Helen and Albert grounds that it followed the Com­ sets tbat will receive botb color 3 p/"Oved. Wood, who were arrested at Falr­ munis.t line. and black-and-white are made, COlt of Adapien Cll!ld, Texas. The two were ac­ &lle decision means present The cOmmission thcn would cused 01 passing two checks to­ owners will have to buy adapt- issue a proposed order formally taling $89.60 on June 2~, J949. II-t~ ers It they wish to receive CB IIdopting the cas system. The Diabetic Boy Still Ipats either In color or In lither firms presumably would TRAFFIC ACCIDENT TODAY Thru TUESDAY black-and-while. l:halleoge the order which would One minor traWc accident was Missing; Amnesfy The commission explained that lorce the commission to hold fur­ reported to Iowa City police Fri­ competing 'systems, developed by ther heari~as . day. Cars driven by Phillip F. Radio Corporation ot America FCC wItnesses have estimated Hayslett, 9)4 Iowa avenue, and I Offer Withdrawn and Color TeleviSion, Incorporat- that color adapters for thc CBS James J. Burns, Tiffin, collJded ed, of San Francisco, "fall short" system would cost trom $25 to Thursday on Washington street SPRINGFIELD, ILL. !II'l - An or FCC standards tor a color svs- $90. It would cost substantially between GUn ton and Dubuque tem. . ll!ss to include the necessary offer of amnesty for the return streets. Shows at 7: 15 and 9:30 01 a missing two-year-old diabetlc Constant Improvement equipment in new sets. boy brought no response Friday, Adulls 50c - Children But it left open the door lor the lJnder 12 In Car Free! and authorities said they lear<1d introduction of new color systems Two New Respirators the child never will be found i! they can be demonstrated be­ ENGLERT .• LAST DAY alive. .. Arrive at SUI Hospitals fore Dec. 5. This raised the pos i­ Dana ADdrew. State Atty. George P. Coutrakon bility the commission's months­ Two new respirators lor polio patients arrived Thursday night Susan Ha,ward had promised that he wouid not long color hearings may be re­ "1\0' FOOLISH' HEART" prosecute ii little Earnest Cagie 1 " sumed. RCA, for example, claims at University hospitals, otriclals Jr., missing since Sunday, WlS its system is improving constant­ sald Friday. ret~rned "alive and unharmed" by ly. . One Is a regular "iron lung" noon Friday. Both t.be RCA and CTI Sys­ type and the other Is an auxiliary Boy's Condition iems were "compatible." Tbi. unit which operates on the motor The unusual offer was made means present owners. of whleh ot the tlrst respirator. because of the boy's diabetic con­ there are an estimated 6-mllUon, The pair was purchased bv dition, which required urgent med­ could receive color pictures Ln the hospitals. Another new respi­ ical care. black-and-white It thel didn't rator was received at the hospi­ Midnite Show 'Cou&rakon said he .recelved wish to buy an adapter. tals early this week. • not "a sinrle nibble," and now Under the FCC tlmetable, the believed tha.t the child was not manufacturers would be required . TO NIT E abducted, as orl,inally suspect­ to inform the commission by ~ ed, and would never be found ~ept. 29 that they will start mal<:­ Come ;n to Ute last show­ alive. tng the dual sets In about 30 Inr of THE GAL WHO The boy vanisned from a parked days. This is aimed at getting A RANCH car at nearby BUckhart, Ill., early r- TOOK THE WEST and last Sunday. His parents, Mr. and EMPIRIOF ltay rar the M1dnlte how Mrs. Earnest Cagle Sr., said they FOICTHAT FALL LOOK with summer coolness, thla "c!oque" NOW! at No Extra Coat . . . or If lett him in the car while they pique dl'~ and Jacket are JUlIt tbe thin,. The ensemble Is tinted Ends Mon.! INTRIGUI Visited a tavern. In U(hl l?elre with amber rhinestones for decoration. The stralrM AND you prefer, drop In any Searched Area sheath skirt incorporates a touch of ·the twenties. Bat and time around 11:45 and see But if the boy simply wandered of toast brown complete the outfit. VIOLINCI. JUlt the late IHo w t . our away, hundreds of persons who a ~l1Ilal' ."-1--1...... 00 price. have searched the Buckhart area "Doon Open 1:15-9:45" since Sunday have failed to :find a trace of him. Special The amnesty offer, call1nr lor NOW a return within Zt hours, was - ENDS TUESDAY broadeut ai noon Thursday when mu~ CARTOON Cautrakon was convinceci the Matinees 35c • FIR~r JlUN MITf • B;' boy hJld been a.bdueted. The SHOW Ht:, withdew the offer when the AgUaar noon deadline expired Friday .f and said be had no plans for re~ "D1Ie1 TODAY newlng it. III Noon at 1:00 P.M. "We're pretty much stymied TIle ... now," the prosecutor said. 8UD" Plus Our "Beqular Show Coutrakon said he was dr0l;lping At No Extra Charoel his "present line" of investigation, ~ ...-- ...... , MnIOII'IIWIII PRE~OLlDA Y TREAT whichtests or. had the inclUded parcnts. lie detector,,' • ..:=:::~====~==:..7':.!!!~!=~:!~:!!!! from the IOWA THEATER PACE FOUR - TnE DAILY lOW N, EPT, 2, 1950 / .- .- Yanks Whip Nats, 6-2, Boslon ·Beaten It Looks Like Track But It's ' Football Mize, Johnson "Down B:t NotBuri:d" - * * * * * * At~letics Bump Hit Home Runs Ailing Tigers Return Home Red Sox, 4-2 NEW YORK (JP) - Eighth inn- PHILADELPHIA (JP)- Boston's ing home runs by Johnny Mize DETROIT (JP) - The Detroit eon we'll get back to winning our but he still is unable to play and string 01 twelve straight victories 'II J d th Tigers were a weary and some- share of games." may be out another week. '1 d I . an d BI y ohnson powere e h d 'I R If h d . 1 I t' Johnny G'roth _ The Tl'ger over Phi a e phla this year ended league-leading New York Yankees w at ownhearted bunch o! ba, 0 e a a simp e exp ana Ion FrIday night when five-loot sev- to a 6-2 victory over the Washlng- players as they arrived home Fri- for the Tigers' slump on the center fielder reportedly has II sore en inch Bobby Shantz tamed the ton Senators Friday night. The day after an eastern road trip road trip - "We weren't hitting back and is due to get some heat pennant aspiring Red Sox, 4-2, victory stretched the Yanks' lead which saw them lose eight or 12 and our lack of lpeed on the base treatments. with six hits. 1t was Philadel­ over the idle Detroit Tigers to 2lh games and their American league paths caught up with us." Vic Wertz - the balding out- phia's first win over the Boston- lead. A long list of ailments on his fielder has a sore right feot, sul- games.The victory was the Yanks fifth More th an 500 I oya I f ans an d squadid a so cause R ( IIe cons!'d er- fered 'vhen• a fcul tl'p bounced off alsoians sincewas returnedApril 23 awhen winner. Shantz straight and 14th in the last 16 two bands braved an early morn able worry and he hastily sum- It. .. Rolfe .. expressed .. belief this Walt Dropo belted his 30th games. Mize's four-bagger wi th ing rai,nstorm. to greet the .Tigers moned reinforcements trom the was partly responsible tor Wertz's t ' , T I d fib F 'd battl'ng slump whl'ch saw hl'm bag home run of the season 0 open two on in the el'ghth tettled the en th elr arrlva I f rom W a ~ h 10 gton. TIgers 0 e 0 arm curl ay. th f'fth Th S d · only one RBI on the road lrj·p. e I. e ox score once Contest. Johnson immediately fol- B u t 1ess lh an a d ozen 0f th e p I ay- H e reca II e d C a tch er J oe GLOS- h'ts b Al Z III d b d th d f 11 b d f · t Ba n D' k K Gray's Arm Improved more on j y ar a an 10~d wl'th his second homer. • ers, rave e crow 0 we - erg an Irt sema IC ry- BI d' T bb tt d ize's smash, 17th of the year WIS h ers an d au t cgrap h see.k ers, h os kI,· b 0 th 0 f w h om WI'Il repor t Ol1e brl'ght spot among the "I'n - £1 r Ie e e s an for the veteran Giant castOff, set- The rest sllpp.ed out.a ~Ide e~- tcday, va lids" was pitcher Teddy Gray's y. t "We've got to get a ll'ttle extra report that his sore arm is better The A's combined a series of l Ied II handsome pitching duel be- rance 0f th e ral 1I'oa d s t a t lon, T 1- Lk h·t if' d S ge M Red R 1! flew power and these boys may be able and that he is ready tor service wa s, I s, sacr Ices an one ox tween AI Sim' a, Nat left-hander, r anag~r. 0 e t th lith f'fth h Th d ght head of to come through if T use them in again. "We're glad to have Teddy error or e r runs n e I , and Allie Reynolds. The latter ome urs ay 111 ad'the . "tted t run h me b team and he sounded a baUle cry the right spots," Rolfe explained. back:' Rolfe commented. Gray's sixth an seventh mnmgs. penni a wo- 0 r Y t h ' T ' F 'd H ' h th T ' U' t t t e I'nle o~u __ o IS Igen rl ay ere IS ow e Iger mva- re urn came a an oppor un I B.....Plln ... lphl...... , ... ,.,...... tJ~ 1"---11 06 I Mickey Vernon in the first inn- B ttl C lids" roster stood Friday: [or the Detroiters who have 30 81obba, XI.a" (6). III.Dormole (8) a.' I'ng and then blanked the VI'sl'tors " aery . . T Lb II 8' I (' t) • A,t olh I P W b d b t th D T t b th d th games in the next 30 days. eo 0.; .an, ,. an r. . . as he went on to his 13th victory, h ' e m~Yd e °twn'd u k ey. IZZ~t h~cU - °T ere WidI ha T t th f th '11 b Siobb. III.G). 110m. ru.·Dropo. Th f b ll' .' hth d I aven tuneb us ye an l now sore PI c 109 arm. rou t sa e wen y- ree 0 ese WI e e Ire a 109 I,.g an er a - we'll bounce back into the league would take a lot of heat treat- played at Briggs Stadium with lowed only four hits and fanned lead if we get a few breaks," he ments and hopes to be ready for four in Chicago and Tbree in Cleveland Browns . lie WllhJn,tGnseven. . ...•.• , '!ftO 000 4)00...-2 4 '! said. .ervice Monday. Cleveland. decision Ne .. York , ...... 000 100 O~x-ll 1'! • His sentiments were echoed by Hoot Evers - sidelined with a "If we can get by Cleveland, fits tax. Sima. Darrl. (M) and 0 ....0 ; Rey· veteran Pitcher Paul Dizzy Trout sore wrist since he ran against Iwe'll have a pretty gcod chance O'f nold5 ( la·ll ) and Berra, Ll1.Slma (Ii·",: h t N " R f Clip Chicago Bears opened 1I0me run.·Vernon, Jobn,.n I '!). ~II •• , who told the fans, "We hit the the fen ce in Wa shington this regaining tao. 1 spot, 01 c heavier bottom on this trip, but from now week. X-rays showed no frac ture, pointed out. In Exhibition, 27-23 The Late 'Hitch' ;8locks CLEVELAND (JP) - Coach Paul Cap and Gowned Rickey Brown's dashing C I eve I and Loyola... fills Browns proved Friday night what Page-Kinder Trade all-America pro 100tball fans have NEW YORK IIPl - A "last min­ been shouting for years: that they ute hitch" blocked the trade of Cage Schedule can beat the Chicago Bears, They tion's did, 27-23. war tax New York Yankee .foe Page f ..!11 - 1II •• ,er (1-7) giving me trOUble," ' . eig!)th year as head man has 'n .r 1I1.ley (11.11) va La.. (X.". The day's two women's quarter~ Claal ..all aL CIII ... ~. - Wahmeler I'· The Cardinal owner said, "D:lc- record of 60 wins, three defeats finals strictly tollowed form. Thll n) or .. os (0-1) "'a M!aaer (7.... tors who examined him say h~ and five ties, ,\t present, the Notr.e PIlIl ....I'I1.. " B ••I •• - latrbl) - champion, ~rs, Margaret Osborne (11,8) v. 8al. (11-1.). could play without injury to hiin,-' Damers enjoy an unbeaten strea~ DuPont of Wilmington, Del., eras AMERICAN LEAGUE selt." of S8 games covel'ing the 194tt'- (A. "1".1101.) ed Mrs. Pat Canning Todd of La "aabln!l.n at N.w Y.rk - H.,n .. ('-lI) v. O.tr,.. pkl It.jl). Jones was a .300 hitter last 47-48-49 seasons. , GOLF TOURNAMENT WlNNER Pat Lesser, Sedlle, Wash. (left) Friday received Ute Yare t~ophy for Jolla, Clllif., 6-3, 6-2, In the op­ ,C.'.a,•• 1 Delr.1I - S.arb.r.arb (12. year and the cardinals' regul:lr The Irish coach and his assist­ wluuin&' the IeCOnd annual USGA Junior ..Iris 1'011 ohampionshlp in Buffalo, N.Y, Her GPPolleut In the 14) VI N ... b ....' (11.1), poille bracket; Doris Hart of Jac~ CI ...I ..... t II. Le.', - (nlr.l) - first baseman until the back h~: ants face possibly the greatest fC- 1., Ave. between C.R. aDd finals was Mickey Wrl.. ht, La Joila, Calif. (rlaM). Min Lesser wok t~ match" and 2. Mrs. Charles Den- sanville eliminated Shirley Fry of W"n. (11.8, "a Overml .. ($·11). jury lorced him out ot action late building assignment in NotrC nehy of Chlc:8I'0. chairman 'of the event, made the presentation. . .. • Belk. " PIII ....I'III. - ••••• n Marion Akron, Ohio, 6-4, ·O~. - . (lS·I) VI 811ul. (1.\)1). In the season. Dame grid history. . TIm DARY lOW PAGE FIVE

2S Iniured as Bus Rolls I Six Die in Crash Bound for Korean Waters I Of Flying Boxcar 'WANT ADS In Tennessee SEll EVERYTHING • PARSONS, TEXAE (A'}-An air­ • WANT AD RATES Autos for Sal. - Used rorc~ C-19 'Flyin, Boxcar" caulht fir~ at 15,000 fHt Friday and • • I.n HUDSO_ dUl> toU~; t_ NASH ClassifIed Display t-J.Id. Phon. 1tUl. Silo Richard Evans, Oak Lawn, pe.n~ Ttn D.Uv ]o",-.n can be- ret.po" ... Ill., one of the survi\'ors, said that Jlble lor only one lnMn-~t J~rtton ROOMS [or Mm. Prlvat .. fillran«. DW one of the plane's two engines ex­ '''. ploded, setting the parachute on Deadlines Wanted To Rent tire. "I parachuted out and landed in Weekdays 4 p.m, THREE doubl .. rooms ror m~n Itudenla. nVENTY -FIVE PERSONS WERE INJURED when ~h ls Greyhound bUM was lruck by a car PU$lnc a Nt' ... I), Hdecorated. Phon .. 26M or 13rI. a creek," he said. "We were aU Three Soldiers Hturicane Heads InIck and rolled down a 25-loot embankment landlnc bottom-side-up. 'rb1riy-three pa encers were Noon 35, gl\'n orders to jump and I saw Saturday GRADUATE Ilud...,l. ace wit" Ind. rid Inc In the bus enroute Crom San francisco to Lo Anceles. The accident occurred at Newhall, one rnontiu old dlulht.er nHd hou.lnl Cur one of my buddies Jump and his KiU YMCA Clerk academic )~.r. Write ID Box :sa. Dall), lllile north of the Los Anceles cit, limits. parachute caught Cire he fell." For Havana; Fifth Ed Hunting, Jr, lo.... an as BALBOA, CANAL ZONE IA'}- "This is my lucky dolY - it was Classified bnager Loau awful for the others." Canal Zone police announced Fri- I Last 3 Weeks ln Brine Advertisements to IChemist Indicted ewarl alrforce base near day I that three yount U.S. sol- QtTlCK LOANS on 1... ~If7, nrc bing held for tronCf' .t wind were report- Want Ads have been lIett.~ilg good ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ come taxes, effective Oct. I, ernment must borrow, "Which Slack was a nitric acid supervisor h ,rt attack at his home -in Au­ a preliminary hearing Sept. 7. ed at. 75 mil an hour But 'e uUs for apartment-hunlers, • 1950, a $1.5-billion hike on cor- wou1d create credit in order to at the Holston ordinance depot in burndale, Fla. porali ons, retroactive to July I. fUl'Oish the money," the senator Kingsport, Tenn., at the time of Mr Ewers lived here fl'om L915 "thrre Uf' Indication of in- Tho. c who ndvertlse in the l\IAHER BROS. 1950, and plugs for some tax loop- said. the alleged orten. lmtil Oelob r, 1949, when he Pilot Ocean-Hops rr Inc Inten it),," the weath- 'Wanted To Rent" cl . ~irlcation f'r burt u ahl. )rten call us and a. k to cancl'l Ioles. I wen I to Florida to oper tc a cit- TR , F ~' R Senators Paul Douglas (D -IlJ CHARGES DROPPED BILLFOL T rus grove. He was a member at To Visit Family Th Vir tn I. land and Puerto ;heir ads becuu.


SORRY YOUQ DAD HAD TO TWIST YOUIi! ARM r----.; 10 MAIC!!' ~U ~~~~ llUtE ME TO - r,. lI-fI AIR­ F'&LO:

..,~ "fl ...... ' .! "It \\,(;;l't l:!J pr_' u ag ::-; n. deJ.r-I was just lu::ky-you're ) e:lJJY 11 rl'lU , h better golfer tilan I am r'


UN Home Nears Completion

• I, "

Shower Bath for Train Rita Buys Benefit 'Ticket

. .

lI1 .. ·.;n• • • as tile II tenants, the vanlr\lard of 3.000 employes of the UN Secretariat moved into the new building in New York City. The 3,000 employes will belln occupancy next January. GETTING A QUICK BATH. this observation car of the 20 th Century Limited moved throurh thc PRINCESS ALY KHAN, the former Rita Hayworth, bought a lottery ticket from her jockey, Paul Blut, rinsing section of a G'iallt mechanical washinG' machine Installed by the New York Central Railroad in at a party given til aid the Jockey's Hospital at Deauvll1e, France. At right is'ihe Princess' brother·lI. New York. law. Sandri Khan. Man at left Is unidentified.

, . • I . ' .. . ~ . r • . Reinforcements M~.ve · l)p, IYJoved OU ·~ In Kai-eo 11:,· ~- ~ ( , . for Korea Ready lor the R.eal Thing ,Turkish Troops [eave t ",. 'I. ··'-1 < ",r-j. " ! : tJ

CARRYING A TURKISH ARMY contingent to reinforce the United Nations forces in Korea, a train esc was the first Filipino contingent sent to reinforce United Nations lef~ Izmlt, Turkey, on the first siage of the journey to the war area. The soldiers arc part of a force Camp No.1 at Pusan under watchful eyes of military poUee. TIIlr forces In Korea. ended maneuvers near Manila. when this picture of 4,000 - the larlest land force offered by any UN member except the U.S. were fingerprinted. liven :;I.. p/lysicaLexamination and ililuttl !'OW was taken. uniforms. More than 1.000 prisoners are housed in this caDI,. '(hIT follow a rirld schedule, risinG' at 6 a.m. Most Ilf their work (til. sists of enlarging the camp tor new arrivals. , .

. , , ,., Captured Red a Bit Worried Buddies , "



THIS NORTH KOREAN PRISONER looks a bit unJer&aln of his future as he Is broulbt in b, four 'A SOUTH KOREAN " so ldl~ r IN A RICE PADDY, troops moved forward on the Korelill fl~fqh'll'alteolled American Nevo 801d"r8. Nerro outfit In .South Korea 18 the U.S. 25th Division's 14th rerlment, rarTled llJs wOllnded frIend In which U.S. Fin' Cavalry and Soutll Korean forces JVllqlnl,"" nlh'lnr at Sobu"kan rid,t. 35 miles Wellt of Pusan. plck-a-ba+ to a front line aid slat/or sonlcwhere III Korea•
