האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים המרכז לחקר יהדות רומניה The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Center for Research on Romanian Jewry T +972.2.5881672 | F +972.25881673 mail address: [email protected]

The Center for Research on Romanian Jewry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites you to a Conference about:

History, Literature and Culture in Bukovina 's "Multi-Kulti" region

The Conference will be held at the Meirsdorf House (room 502) at the Mount Scopus Campus on Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

The Program:

9:00- 9:30 welcome gathering

9:30- 10:00 Greetings Panel Chair: Prof. Uzi Rebhun, Head of the Center for Research on Romanian Jewry Prof. Dror Verman, The Dean of Humanities H.E. Andrea Pasternac, the Romanian Ambassador in Mr. Micha Charish, Chairman of A.M.I.R organization Dr. Saar Pauker, The Pauker Family fund

10:00- 11:15 First Panel: Chair: Prof. Daniel Blatman, The Hebrew University

Bukovina and Czernowitz : The Ethnical Uniqueness of the Multi-Cultural city and region Dr. Ronit Fisher, The University of Haifa and the Hebrew University

Describing and Imagining Czernowitz – Prof. Zvi Yavetz and His City Dr. Raphael Vago, Tel-Aviv University

Back to Czernowitz Dr. Florence Heymann, the Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem

11:15- 11:45 Coffee brake

11:45- 13:30 Second Panel: Chair: Dr.Amos Goldberg, the Hebrew University

The Aftermath of Bukovinan Multiculturalism: Paul Celan, Dan Pagis and , Prof. Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi, the Hebrew University

Jewish Identity and Soviet Policy in Postwar : The Case of the All- Ukrainian State Jewish Theater Mrs. Dafna Dolinko, the Hebrew University and Yad Vashem

My Bukovinians The Author Nava Semel

For more Information: Dr. Ronit Fisher Academic Coordinator The Center for Research on Romanian Jewry Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905 Tel. 972-2-5881672 Fax. 972-2-5881673 Mobile: 972-522856551 E. Mail: [email protected] [email protected]