

liOn1011, Brook Inn 'NEWS' Marital Forti FAL Flag Choir, Year On Campus (PACE ONE) (PAGE TWO)

$1.00 A YEAR VOLUME 40—NUMBER 21 ARDMORE, PA.AMIDAY. APRIL 29. 1910 College Asks Alumni, Friends For $1,250,000 Smooth Music, flecorations Red Sox, Brocits 575 Hear Haworth Open Historic Drive Are Senior Prom Features PlidBe y F fiords At exactly tivelthirty Saturday last rhords of the final dance r,r At Dinner; Managers' Gifts Total$306,000 nieht the doors to the-ditoing hall will out into early morning air at o.• flux ha .0 eaters and the minting o' lark. To Cop Pennants Br ICI writ DI )1. NA,. a committee for the Senior pill Tickets far this—the last big dente uesday. April 26. Vice-l ire.:4 hentor C. Ha- Haverlord hays Host At precisely 10:04. by Founders' clock, lira T move In and proceed to eel up the of the season—have been on rusk since BY GE7.111' worth, addressing a distinguished gathering of- more than 575 Alumni. Faculty. Friends, and Stud arrangement that .11 include • re- Monday night The Seniors expect I ober or, aged, . TIM Brooklyn Dodgers and the Hoe- To Guests .;(1 Graduates , omnedtt, the historic Enmity Dinner bTi stating plainly the tact that. volving crystal bell and a feldisUc to raise at least one hundred dollar., ten Real Sox were ',baked as the lead- 91,250,000." Thin statement' Marked the official launching of a etimpaign which has es its inn .• fountain for the frolic that will alert their quota for, tbe War Memorial cAmpaig,, ing caniendera for the Nation.] and At Ford F ily Dinner mediate goals-"TracherA. Student.. and Books," AS its Iiing-range gon14. in the tvords of at nine o'clock. ' Scholarship Pend. Dance expenses . chiii..non getout A. Lorke. the geon. Aoreriean .Leamse pennents to • Pell Plenty at Smooth Meek Premieed per couple will not rise above the • iinuunre et 111”erfonf. high position by the HaVerford NEWS. Hal New- Howard train and his orcheetra LIAO admissions charge mince the iu I!, academic world." hewer was mosidered the best pitch- pro.ee plenty of smooth dance music Dance Committee has requested that Board Gives $106,00O er In the American League, althaugh that will continue non-stop until the no flqwers of •ny sort be wore to the the Detroit ace was only votes shead Just prior to the adjournment -of donee of Cleveland's shot-out king, Bob the dinner, PreMilent tfilbert F. White Haring Gives Insient Lenten, in the National League, announced Ili the osseroblego that '. JIMMY San: of Boston, a 2A game the members of the Board of Man- ( °Rita-110N ...m- 1.1 already subserthed name . scouter I.t year, re.ived 14 votes Into Recent Trends lad vie. the NEWS ennoe..1 while St. Laois's /tarry Brewheen • enno.nuo. that rer.ees would he Oven get lagged behind with 18. rot.. Highlight. of the dinner. which. took place in a gym transform. for Of Stage liminess, et the door. The NEWS Horned Prejwihref • . on carton, into u ettillinninIC Dining tie laid for correction that It At Met Tuesday's Collection Mr. The pail was liedged en • tond law- Mould hare read that no Ilene. Hall. Al. the surprise unveiling Al • Forrest C. Haring, 24, New York wore rote far all Mum, one point at all are to ha worn. All ale a portrait of J. Henry .Sealtergeed, theater producer, afforded,an Wight to a Bret place choice, two fir Wel- and speeches by Dr. S. Stolen Stokes.' attend me reminded n to bey pall into recent trotters affecting the ted, etc: The National 'Adam. of the Hoard Of Managers,. their daten any beer.sera whatever.hatever. Chairmen theater busier.. Mr. Haring calli- result, are quite similar to the opine The NEWS sincerely topes that pered the season of 1922 with that lone expressed by leading snarls "(Z.tfnorrtr,7"e=1;. an one hes been inconvenienced be. ';.!irliZ.."Vil'il7 of tete. noting the ebonies which writers throughout the country. rause rd this error. Eine.. of Haverfoed Celle.: J. hard arieen in the work of the pre- In the first place vote the atmngth Henry Srattergood, Treasurer of H.- dator, in the product, and in the eon- of the votes seems todecree.. wild erford Celle.: George Cohn., Pre, theAntrd&jiilf-list- listl'itYr4 In order to allow time for the dee; 'Men, or the Studenta! Association: 16 and la first place voles received Nat.. of Tfeatm !redact orating of the hall, dinner will be Philadelphia civic leader John S. Wil- by PhiladelphiatNL) and Pittsburgh Mn Haring began by calling atten- ....red from five to fire-thirty, at : liar.; William Mend, prominent edu- reepectIvely seem to have teen he tion to the "penult.. nature of the which tinhe the doors will be closed. rate, Gilbert F. White. President of Silenced by the prejudice of Keyntone theater Product," A play, be saki, Howerd,Lanin will bring • thirteen- limed...Hi. Vim-President Looter Ha- residing ne represents an unstable end intangible lit- to state inhabitant, now :,h: Piece band wed • female vocal !Unapt., fusion of arts. It Menet be said to preside contininniantosic front Mort to A a. "Locd ke.e7"''''' Ch'i".'" Red SOI Orer Indiana he “completed" at any particular finish tote!. for the *enure of the ii,,ving enjoyed an excellent din- In the Arnericturlaalue the Bos- moment, but depends for its exist- dames who._ satisfaction in the . ollich featured as cleaner/ u bell- ton RediSox were picked to edge out eoce an the conthibing efforts of the band's only aim. .haped is creep/ mold-designated no Pnwiticer, the nett., and the au& the World..Charripion Cleveland In- lee Cream a la !mimic.' Belk the , rma- During a performer. the Maeda dians. The 18 point differenie between group was called' to order by Sr. of the octets nod the• audienee'are Spring Day Plans Set; . the two teams would have been rad- Stokes. After directing, a vote of united• to make the Play a reality; Levtures, Sparta on Tap., ically changed if tem Haverfordians once bet af the theater, however. rich had not

EAVEREOED NEWS PAGE THREE Pride], April 29, 1049 Coach Middleton Ford Cricketeers Delaware Tops Fords In 13; Suph B's Advance Fords Grab 10 Firsts, Reviews Records A. W. 'Tor fiddletua, M , Vic. a Sivany Scarlet IS-2 To First Position Conquer lirsinus 79-47 Sports &liter Lose Second lilt The University d Rellyeare collect- Thiamin, April 21, on the B. A M. recent 'Idler h. tfic - Deverford defeated Ursine, at Collegeville, 7047, winning their first cd two roan in the thirteenth Inning diamond the Recce-to. baseball tam of the NEWS, reguelleg 110.4 Ihr mtet of the seesoll.• The Fords led from the Mat, end were no eterionaly thlionsIng tette, be' reprodsterd In dotted the liavederd r.mitY base- suffered Re fourth defeat of the nes- In Infra Softball To Fairmount CC ball,. 5-3 as 111A TON diamond Mat threatened. The track end field wore vory wet. having been aleaehed by e tau list ail passible. futhe iton, lit to 2. The game wee highlight- Wednesday. A Walk, an error, a wild grizzle which stopped a short time before the meet and hampered the broad sere( ithalb of the letter, whit!, 10.d by the three hit pitching of F. & Freshmen, Sophs,J uniors Jump, pole vault, and high' jump. John Hobart, (;. Buldwttt pit., and a bit by brat beeeman Jae builder tasts,,,,oigly heck re, Eli Halpern duplicated his foot of twin victories for the second come.% att let Pennock brought. In the deciding M. ens, Froattaug, end the extra hose Each Win Match During phis, sr are lorred iv print the 1.,e Haverford Rut; Live week as he sped to fiat plums, in thr V..0 yd. din. end 020 yd, low.tear- or Counter.. Jim Wood led off in U.: eingeine of Pm& Weitsol and Ploy lessreds installment,. Tbis week Improventeot Seen Intramural Tennis dile., taking second in the 100 yd. dash. Thus Binder of Uranus, Middle At- Ford half of the inning with a single, gre pablisb larrudustion, Daily. The Sochcr.00re A and 13 teams each hgaie sty,. 310 yd. champion, get o now geld record or he edged out Halpern an gill fellow ibis top in .the Last Saturday the Huverfoni but a double piny left the home Loam cod The first score of the ¢acne did not won two games this week. The Soph- In the century with a Will clocking. Thu loll CO. 4.1i was the Feed'. strong. trinket team dropped.. their meow! with no an and two out. Andy La- rontirog -geths with s Jisdrasty of come until She ihird frame. up until omore BA whipped the Fr.Innen 13 spot, as Halpern Er Jones, and Peel Moses swept the event for the Scarlet tine than lifted a double into crMer- sfi of thr 'rack end field rreords match of the sr.= an time wer. to 0, and dealt smutty hard with the and Black. liad, the only Wu lose blow of the that thee Eemefndet fresbnion pit- sgsdr add beth-sed dosing the 25 defeated by the relatively dose scorer Juniors, h.ting them eleven to two. Ed Macbeth added a new record to yawn Ibut Pop Radish.. her afternoon; bat a strikeout by winning cher, Charge Wester, had been et- of 37•74 be the Fuirnteu. Cricket The 11... took over Ant Mace in the the Uranus hooks in rho high jump pitcher time Oran put out the fire. F. & M. run- hms "ark rw base ligver.thed. f.tive. in keeping the keg. with three veins and one lose. when he cleared the bar of 5 feet not Recent articles in collage public ChM. Again John Hobart led the Nieman: picked up a run In the leee from reaching the plate, how- The &NM A's defeated the Juniors in... Ey Jones tied Con Cadwaht- tione letter Scarlet betting and bowling Ho- first inning when COI. reached base On Moravian Squaitted, . here PromPted my thRul ever, In {hie Inning F. A M. scored I to I. Melting op trwo runs in the lest der for second spot In the stork& hee the first of Haverfard's five orro., - to the MEWS in my tw.MY-eight ba. healed oat three Fairmount min inning to win. They then beet the ors by copping first place in the breed state tamed, and rode home on Silk's three rune. Year. here. Ond letter mentioned rod led both teams la batting With 'Fresh:sena to 4, scoring n11 their runs Fords Win Every Set Jump and second in the 220 yd dash. kook Havorford tled. it In the ewe- in the sixth Inning, however, the ..college records" and coupled with 42' came, not out. in the maned inning. Cedwalador won the half mile, and ond Insane en Wood hit, pilfered see. Ford MMck began to reach the F. if this was the fact that addle glancing Theta wee eon.siderable improve- also placed second in the 2-.0 yd. low through a book of National College arid, and tallied on n einglo by Frank M. plither. Bud GA.111011 lashed a SAP. and Madam Win In Princeton Tune-up ment oilman In the fired amine. hurdles. Coaches Notes, I came across the Kee.. single into right and advanced to The ffroithrnan tennis team beat the The, llornelassnatinen km. their Gandle Bdahlwln, with eighteen fare, Capt-lim Groshils won the quarter Peruse. "Rakerds sbnuld be kept pee- Craig Behemoth Ford ace le/ahead- third an walks Id Chandkr end Wood. Sailors SA. Disk Newbold and Bab thirteenth consecutive Middle Allan- and Dave Tonal, with four, were the mile but Mel not run in Ms usual red" As this is a concern with roe. ., pitched in fina style until the sixth Sootier's long fly Into right tallied Butler took Clam Smith and Ted leading Haverford batters behind Ho. tic Confer.. victory OM 000 Amid J1371,1 I tebuleted smirks made during my hart, Mao six "fount' were recorded when he allowed the Blue Ilene to Garrison with the Ford's Hest run. Lewis 6.4. &L Nick Norton beat Mir span no they 0.4 defeated flouted over the hurdles to Mud the coaching days at the edt ere, by Comfort's men during the after- hurtch three hits. which, helped by an- Frostburg, hew..., Elltsineor .6-3 and 6-4. An Wednes- Citing the ebove"concern" - is to other Haverford misplay and an in- form and

, lit dr pato -- P Fgf4ay, April 29, • Fl FORD ftE ly 9 isms Comfort and Sxd1frgood Regional Campaigns `No Wagner' Only Protest , Fords Excel In Arts Night; As Students Vote Meal-Music B 'M C Sfiff Gives 'Mikado' Will Coilicide With By Pltvros CURTIS ern technology tollnproVelhe entity Three works, largely by Hoverford Ford Fund Drive of Founder's food• sot new one, students, made "Arta Night-1940" Arts Night Dances . Announcement was made at the •Wonderful-vrill make the feed antil now however, 0 has been int. decide], worthwhile and went far to banquet Tuesday evening of a series taste better'.,' "01 'tarried out, will practical. With the sound-proofing of nave it from what at first threatened of mgionel. caropoigns to coincide he one s,f the most plea;ant improve- the „dining hall, and Dave Tramper', to be flippant innignificance. with the Hsverford fund dMve. The ents yet." Thew ore a sample of and Bob Foley.s installation of Hy for the most notable production campaigns will be held over a wide - recent remorrs• '1'eceised when Founder's, 'dim-. students- eon expect et the evening was Sant Hudson. • a of the mate. United States WHRC poll asked snidernts if they more plea.nt dining atmosthere.. one-n. tragedg, Seam., The Ploy and will' hare their leedquarters the wept he in favor of having WHRC One student advised that the m depicts the futile attempt of e Mex- moat of the largest eities in the "aim" music to the Maim hall dur- h., kept loud enough to hear, cede, ican peon family to save their eon ing thy evening meal. .Pirenty-eight enough to hear ourselves." The sta. from capture after an unintentional " May 9 Opener per rem of the 8211 students queried tine will frillier this mggention and killing. So her was the dialogue of The Philadelphia campaign will of- mid yea. 9.5, were indiffemnt and ,ton give the listeners the hinds iir the script and the tinting of Susanne ficially been on May 9. The chair-- nn. music they indicated in the poll Kramer, Glatt. Yiecarra, Evan Jones, man Is. C. Christopher Morrie. Mr. Haverforti Highbrows "preferred" —Relni.ellniStrat musical and Nick Chantlles that persistent Maras is amociated with Morris, weedy and domicil. cries of -..tutharY' from the sudienee Wheeler, e Company of PhihzdelPhiP. mmi- Thin attempt on the Paid of NO Wagner! finally elicited a bow from playwright The Nevr_York City campaign will Scone of line negative comment, re Hudson at the Mane of the play. start at aftproximately the same time Alumni Will Address Of the three dance numbers in as-ths one In Philadelphia. Chairman atheist,- '11 it iosts over 60e a meal. "Arts Night" Skip Lea's allegorical for New York is Geoffrey Bill, '25, Salle 1 /Dm one ',quaky — — The Fallen Angela was outstanding. Preside. of Baker, Voorhis, & Coo, Pre-EngineerDinner .rumbet, I'll personally tear the wire! It we. nignifimnt in theme, had ex- pony of New York. Similar In the Pm-Medical tool Pre. out" cellent ....nes and a set by Peal The other regional ea-mania.. aro Law Dinner! io purpose, the Pre- °nevem-covered Haverfordian sag- Moms, end included some very fine not scheduled to begin until fall. The Engineering Dinner will take place treated Gregorian them, Pekin.pa the dancing be Atinalime Sitars, Lucile Bryn' Mews lessies con- fall campaigns will be held in the New Friday Marla in the Commons Room choice comment -was--no Tschaikey- Maki., Ellen Lindh, and Adelaide tort in modern leaps routine of England &RS 11114 in the cities of to acquaint tho,e who Alen to go into sky nr Wagner tittleea the meal. it Wehler, Arts Night. Washington. Baltimore. Pittsburgh, engineering as ti prof.sinn with the dripping with grease!' John Davison's two Foams'as were Chicago and Wihnington. field and whet it hue to lifter. vey ayably perforated by a Rey. About forty studdnts and sixty Mawr quartet consisting of Ellen ICG Readies for Milligan, French Elected alumni are expected to attend the din- Powell, Anita Fiacher.,Merthe Heath, • Prepared talks will be riven be, Buttrick, Mayer and Julie Preying. The second piece, Next Year's Band Posts three alumni who entered the pro- . . . At Portrait Unveiling !calming a plainOve oboe against it Confab at Capitol In their recent election, the band fession with different amounts of ToVisitHaverford hadurround of strings wee portico- Leaving Friday for its third anneal chose its officers for next semester. prenanition;,...eue_krent directly into Visitors to the Ilaverford Campus J. Henry Scattergood Portrait Unveiled tarty molddic end well executed. conference at Haranbing in the Med, Barton Milligan succeeds. John Davie engineering from averfordi another neat week will be two prominent men erford delegetion of the Intereollegi- as president, and dames French will ate Conference on Government. Here went to graduate school before h. —George A. Buttrick, former presi- aseurne the position of seastarY- entered the field; while the third one By Comfort as One Surprise of Dinner Molds •Porters In the atmosphere of the capitol and treasurer, taking ov er Thorpe's dent of the Federal Council or Present Mikado took a joh,in which he received trebl- President Emeritue William W. with the College. The Alumni Assa smoke-filled room of the PennsHaras duties . Chinches of Christ In America, and Bryn Newell Maids and Parters Hotel delegates will have an oppor- ing while working. Cornifort presented and unveiled a elation agreed a year ago to have The band's plans for next year Mayer, who delivered last year demonstrated a large amount of bd. tunity to leer., how Hate govern]. ere also discussed at the mmting.. Following the speeches there will surprise portrait of J. Henry Sret- these pictures painted end to present ent in. Diem performance of Gilbert be a panel dimension with the speak- at Collection a highly controversial tergood..96, an one of the unexpected works and the-great game of polities Among the ...toe decisions were er, forming the panel. The whole thorn to Ftererford: The Asnociation nod Sollivines The MHO. hist. S.. is played. After hashing over propos- that tine band will have new uniforms address on Pacifism. event. at the Haverford Family Din- tirdey night in Goodhart Hall. A dinner hen 'scan arranged by Earnedt ner last Tuesday, April 00. ed belt. in commit. on Friday, they next year, eonshiting either of a new Dr. Buttrjek, minister of the Madi- yook.citv terteeyot et. Mo.. i.„ernat,,,,,,deeJ.L1 reed,. csit ?hd:es:hit the per- will he presented On the floor at the sweater or blazer. The band will make - Brown 'en. on AVehUe Presbyterian Church in The •pnetrait le the fleet of three do the „ ' , painting, of men .closely canner,. end provided foe plenary session an Saturday and Sun- an effort do increase membership by New York and eulhar of Christ and oet excelfent director, to Eriths%ten .der dae. writing members of next year's fresh, 575 Al Dinner . Man's Dilemma, will arrange ter of the Annual Alumni Fwd. ; Galt, the musical director, and to ell Haver/and Asa secured two 'commit- man class who are known to knee Continued front Page 2 .nwelings bere with students interest. 3. Henry Scattergood, '913, lase been the other backstage •people, tee chairmanahip out of a poadhle musical ability. If the band attains the Treasurer-of the Ilsiverford Col- oeportunity to be • of service . . .to cal in entering the ministry. 1)r, But. StudentArtShows Mackey goo the berst in- elve in competition with fifty-tour inglictent size, it will march at ail, lege Corporation fee thirty-four con- give of ourselves. ... is what sec ean trick wilt be available- from Mendne dividual performance of the evening other schools from the Pennsylvania the football games next fall. They do for Haverrenl.7 .7:17.0 tiny to noon. Teen., Variety of Talent secutive yams, since 1918. Through- an Ea-Ko, Hi. playing of the love Ares Steve Miller wilt than' the com- hope to be able to increase their Mee out the difficult yea. of hie iresenrer. scene with Katheha pwell acted by Me. Mead- stressed the preserve- The amend annual- Student' Art mittee on Natural Resources and At somewhat by giving a .unifarni. either Mr. Myer. who is el present con- ship• he ban been rmponsible for rho Janes) Hon of Haverford "fundamentsin,. Show is now belpei(splayed in the Looito 'ie. them. Pensieust= Reynolds will head the committee on ▪ blaxer or sweater, to anyone who nected with the Great Botha FriUndo- very high degree of success which this reviewer h. ever men and one of Agriculture. which heenumentteil ua the creating Union. lt is a composite of the pail*. stays In the band'four yeam. lion .11.11 Is a regular centributor to charecterized the financial +treks ofl.the funniest, His fine voice made "Tit of scholars and that-expect for schol- ing and the drawing that has secretly the Progressive, will speak at Collec- the Corporation. ' • Willow" one of the high spots of the ia-Ole, seindists and mientifie hu- been in progress during the last year.. manitorianism, mid the Instilling of tion on Tuesday. May 3, To he on to addition to the ;airier business evening. Loins White looked the part Campus for three dams, Mr. Maeer The most prolific. artists in the chow onterprima which Mr. Scattergood en. of Pooh-Bah and made his linen he- spiritual strength in men. re Peter Contd., Thomas McNutt. will also meet groups of students dun. gored in after his outstanding years meneely funny. Carl Smith showed HAMBURG HEARTH Following a thoroughly enjoyable Peter Taeke, Roger Morel!. and 'Paul ing his visit at- linverford. as a student. we was a membee of a good voice and a sense of his line's interlude of music hipplied by the Maim, Pete Rosenbaum, Tern Todd. 839Yr LANCASTER AVE. . BRYN MAWR 9216 the CI,. American god Ceei, Commis- an ganiti.poo. Margaret Greer sang Haverturd Octa. Dr. Stokes intro- end lack Laulay play the minor roles sine to Femme M 1911- well to Yum-Yum, , duced President Gilbert F. White: in the painting, While Sperry Les, E G Prey White Semite MLITT 'TO CONSIDER Pete Stettenheim, and Burton Pike Mr. While summed up briefly the LABOR'S ROLE IN ECA share the spot-light in photographe. mere. of Haverford College which The each of Peter Gould is spread The topic for the next meeting of make it 'unique. among .Anterican over the three media—oil, watercolor, the International Relations Oub is Mien.. The discipline of academic and pen and ink. His work ban a "'soya' Participation in Atiministra-, work, the 'spiritual development ltonne anti net III well defined linear tion'ol...tne Marshall Plan.. Members ethievvd by attendance at m.ting, quality which-playshide and seek with and the privilege of Participating in of the CluiritilifiMir u tack by Mr. Ted Silvey in the Common -Roe, inn co*, especially in his fall-length important non- academic work in the F. female portrait. Gould. much like his Thursday, April at 6:30 P. M. En. atmosphere of a sm./ community ell leacher Reginald Marsh, is attempt- anyone is Melted to attend. combined to produce well-rounded ing to portray' the. spirit of present MMn. Silvey is ideally-qualified to men, said the president. day America—however, not onifounti- Congressman John. Phillip, who speak on his subject. Sire, July, 1901 ly or too wail plastically. ems Vise slated to deliver an address, he has been Executive Assistant Labor Advisers in the Economic Co- Tom McNutt gives tin a very sixt, sent a telegram expressing' regret medic and stork an. pleasingly noire "I like Chesterfield's that official ditties precluded his peen- operation Administration. the mm1.6. of his brush. Peres once and stating that he was-whole- Topke, en the other heed, shows us heartedly behind Haverford and the faculty-zebra %Yang MILDER, better taste, Robert A. Locke was then intro- or the most structural color in campaign. Turn duced as Chairman of the campaign. the whale show, His paintifig of the • lie also indicated Mot, while hM He impressed Neon the guests that Moonlit street scene is vivid In R's MY cigarette." Proved methods of teaching his flab could only be accornptished contrests of the complimentary colors instituted at Iinverford, these changes and quite powerful in his contrasts of will always be consistent with. the with loyal ..oppration and support, but voiced- confidence that the-goal dark mid light ewe.. Roger / Wile basic ideals of the College. "The one could be ,thieved if "we. all work to- cansesva of marine life are brilliantly • purpose of this College,. he alive in his "Matisse" use of large cntinued, -in the development of gether." Mr. Locke concluded by em- color areas; aloe in hie work the 5141111NG IN / num who have the ability to thing phasizing the great need for con- tinuance in the academic world of SWee•111g movement of color and sim- "FLAMINGO ROAD" to arrive at sound opinions, "small liberal efts colleges,' ike Rev- plicity abide. A MICHAEL CURTIZ •19100UCTION and Mt on these opinions. ertant, which are free to tench the In Moses• weak there is a strong' ItEleaStn, In WARNER 11105. Haworth Tells *he Huth withouth interference front na- Interest in gestiatic and sweeping Mr. Haworth was then called upon sal, non-academic influences:. effect,through the use of water bt. Or Stokes, and the actual an- 40- After the annalmesment by pr., ar and line which unfortunate/7 psi, nouncement at the campaign, sem, lent White concerning the 3306800 dominate the other plastic elements. minket by a seri.' of slides depicting already donated. Dr.. Stokes. declared ill "whys" end ...whit rem" was P.BM. the dinner at an end. One of the most made. Mr. Illaviorth pointed out that important gatherings in the Metall, king costs end a stable income have of Haverford, the Family Dinner of made a substantially increasede n Haverford Anil, 199p, Wau over. .• dowment a necessity if ...Reverie.. in Pharmacy _ to maintain ir, high standards." Fees ally. Student! :rod Hooka were seen A. VASSALLO Estate of Itenry.W.Press, P. D. ns the major concerns of the drive, with 31,000,08,0 going towanr Faculty Barber Shop . • Prescriptions nolarira. 3j00.000 toward schOlarship SERVING LIAVERFORD and 1511.000 toward books. Setting up LIEN -POR 39 YEARS- Drugs and Sundries , 118 W. Lancaster Are. of to 1500,000 Rug. Jones Memoria Phone Ardmore 0122 ' Fund for rho Advancement of Tench Y. 31. C. A. &Offing The TOP WIEti 0 RMERICR'S SPORTS Bereaved Pennsylvania ing wits included under the $1,000,006 smoke CHESTERFIELD BRYN MAWR COLLEGE INN Albrecht's Flowers Restaurant All !Hakes of MILDER . • • AR DM ORB OPEN DAILY Breakfast Luncheon RADIOS 14) KRAMER says.•."9111—MUCH Corsages Tea — Dinner RECORDS Ad Reasonable Palo.. Tel. Bryn Mawr 66.96 JACK and really Milsiying, That's Chestedield PHONE ARDMORE sass PRONoGRAPHS• RADIO — PHONOGRAPHS -and that's MY cigarette." TELEVISION Rare Opportunity ! STL DT TRAVEL The Largest Stab . in SPAIN • of Record. DI D. S. A. I Castilian droop-Andalusian Group Ilatique.Catelan Green '66 Days . . . 6975.00 H. Royer Smith Co. Departures — June 29 to July 2 toll & WALNUT Streets Simmered by: UNIVERSITY of MADRID Telephone: HAI.. 2-2029 For Descriptive Folder Write: PHILADELPHIA - SPANISH. STUDENT TOURS nom. sae se 500 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. IS, N. Y. Wmm. Noy. 16 • Own. SS • Nmrr