Tbe Royal Engineers Journal

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Tbe Royal Engineers Journal TBE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL. Vol. XXXVI. No. 2. AUGUST, 1922. CONTENTS. __ PAO. 2oth Jan., 1. AMault Bridging.-A Lecture delivered at the S.M.E., Chatham, on 1921, by Lieut.-Col. C. E. P. SANKEY, D.S.O. (late R.E.) ... 65 ... 92 2. The Twydall Redoubt.-Col. H. D'A. BRETON (late R.E.) ... By Major- 3. An Outline of the Egyptian and Palestine Campaigns, 1914-191S. D.S.O., P.s.C. Gen. Sir M. G. E. BOWMAN-MANIFOLD, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., (With Plates). (Continued) ... ... ... .. 93 ... .. 113 4. Notes on Refrigeratlon.-By Capt. J. H. DYER, M.C., R.E. H. St. 5. A Method of Military Sketching from the Air.-By Lieut.-Col. ... 6 J. L. WINTERBOTHAM, C.M.G., D.S.O. ... ... 119 6. Reviews:-Le Chemins de Fer Fransais et la Guerre. (A.M.H.) .. The Leinster Regimental Annual (F.E.G.S.) ... ... ... 20 R.E. 120 7. Notices of Magazines :-Militiir Wochenblatt. By Capt. H. de C. TOOGOOD, Revue Militaire Gnitrale. By Col. A. R. REYNOLDS ... 23 Revue Militaire Suisse. By Lt.-Col. W. A. J. O'MEARA, C.M.G., p.s.c. (Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple)... 126 CHATIAM: THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAI. ENGINEERS. TELEPHONE: CHATHAM, 669. AGENTS AND PRINTERS: W. & J. MACKAY & Co., LTD. LONDON: HUGH REBS, LTD., 5, REGENT STREET, S.W.I. 22-1 INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE i - -I I ' MURALINE. MURAPRIME. , The perfect water paint. The priming for Muraline Sanitary, artistic & durable. , & all washable water paints i;l Requires only the ad 'ion &distempers. Alsoforuse of water to make ready¥o--? overwallpaperto fixcolours ij· use. In 40 shades. Sold In before applying distemper, JI , a dry powder U S &toprevent absorption. ';1::1j Ii .E CARSOI'S PURE PAINTS FOR PATTERNS AND PARTIOULARS WRITE VITROLITE. W r asoS PLASTINE. A ..- --- , Walter CarsonASons The imoershablle ^ ucui alulvu wnlI, i paint, far superior Crove putty. Makes Works, Battersea, glass to white lead for S.W.11. roofs per- manently all exterior and Telephone No: Battersea 1680 water- interior work. (2 lines). tight, & renewals Ili: ALSO AT easy. Yi Baohelor's Walk, Dutrn. bl·-i,-- I - I- i _ _ F - - - -· .i* A Large Stock of Silver Challenge : f Cups & Medals at Competitive Prices ,l as supplied to the Army F.A., T. Force ; A., & Army Sports Control Board. %l" Cups made up to customers' own .i'i requirements. Sketches submitted. JOHN ELKAN has a splendid selection of Jewellery for Ladies & Gentlemen, a large stock of Silver & Electro Plate, i"· i :r, \ Watches, Clocks, Cutlery, etc. I JOHN ELKAN'S" Colonial" watch. Solid Silver j' Englsh made case, fullv jewelled lever move- ment, compensation balance, brequet spring. Guaran:eed for all climates. A thoroughly reliable timekeeper. £4 15s. Od. - 5- -- ^y ifr^?^ Write tor Illustrated Cata- logue of :- (i) Jewellery & Gold goods. (2) Silver & Electro Plate. gw s uS rav (3) Watches, Clocks, & Optical goods, to . *. * ,nI ?X r:.,.nAC,!-.? 1- 1' sor 69, CheapIside, E.C.C - or 69, Cheapside, E.C. THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL. VOLUME XXXV. JANUARY-JUNE, 1922. CHATHAM: THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. AGENTS AND PRINTERS: W. & J. MACKAY & CO., LTD, VOLUME XXXV. No. I. JANUARY ... ... Pages I- 56 2. FEBRUARY ... .. 57-112 3. MARCH ... ... ,, 113-176 , 4. APRIL ... ...... ,, 177-232 ,, 5. MAY ... ... .. 233-296 ,, 6. JUNE ... ... ... 297-360 LIST OF PHOTOS AND PLATES. A Tractor Raft ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Some Experiences of an Engineer Officer with the Salonika Army 86, 192 Colonel Kent's Patent System of House Construction ...... ... 92 The Stronach Dutton System of Road Rail Traction ...... ... 96 Lieut.-Colonel Pelham George von Donop, late R.E..... ... 97 Hilsea Ordnance Dept ... ... ............ ... 136 The Raymond Pile ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 140 Colonel Robert Alexander Wauhope, C.B., C.M.G., C.I.E. ...... ... 151 A Study of the New French Infantry Regulations ...... ... 256 Colonel Ernest Marsh Lloyd ... ... ... ... ... ... 274 Aerial Ropeways ... ....... ...... ... 312 The late Major-General Sir Reginald S. Curtis, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O ... .- 345 LIST OF MAPS. Some Experiences of an Engineer Officer with the Salonika Army ... 86 The Indo-Afghan Frontier ... .. ... ... ... ... ... I6o LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. PAGE. PAGE. A.R.H. ...... ..... o06 LAWSON, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry M., AULD, Capt. S. J. M., O.B.E., M.C. K.C.B. ... ... ... ... 32 (R. Berks. Regt.) ... ... 57 MANCE, Lt.-Col. H. ., C.B, BELL, Major A. H., D.s.o., O.B.E. I86 C.M.G., D.S 0. ... ... ... 261 BLACK, Capt. R. Chalmers I07, I69, 222 MATHESON, Col. J. C. ... 136 V. ... 141 O'MEARA, Lt.-Col. W. A. J., BOND, Bt. Lt.-Col. L. I I BRIGGS, Bt.-Major H. S., O.B.E. 15, 278 C.M.G. ... 54, 7 , 229, 293, 355 BUDDEN, Bt.-Major F. H., M.C. 297 OTTLEY, Col. Sir John W., K.C.I.E. 167 BURRARD, Col. Sir Sidney G., REYNOLDS, Col. A. R ... K.C.S.I., F.R.S. ... ... 151 52, 173, 226, 290, 352 C.J.R. ...... ...... 279 RUCK, Maj.-Gen. Sir Richard M., CAMERON, Major Sir Maurice A., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. ... ... 97 K.C.M.G. ... .. .. 217 SATTERTNWAITE, Major C. R., CHENEVIX-TRENCH, Major L., O.B.E. ... ... ... I291 C.M.G., D.S.o. ... 49, I09, 223, 283 SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, Maj.-Gen. Sir EDMONDS, Brig.-Gen. J. E., C.B., George K., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.M.G. ... 209, 218, 257, 280, 346 C.I.E. ... ... t. I, 113 EXPERTO CREDE" ... ... 271 STOEHR, Capt. C. F.. ... ... o F.E.G.S. 48, Io8,170, I71, 281, 282, 347 THUILLIER, Maj.-Gen. H. F., G.M.H. .... ... ... .. 345 C.B., C.M.G. ... ... * ... 104 HART, Capt. B. H. Liddell ... 233 TOOGOOD, Capt. H. de C. ... 348 HUMPHREYS, Major H. J. (R.G.A.) 133 WAKELY, Bt.-Major A. V. T., J.W .S. ... ... ... ... 274 M.C. ... .. .. ... 328 JONES, Capt. C. La T. T., D.s.o., WALKER, Col. Cdt. G., D.S.O. 72, 191 M.C ... ... ... 288, 357 WVIEELER, Bt.-Major E. 0., M.C. 177 KENT, Col. H. V., C.B., M.I.C.E. ... 87 WINTERBOTIHAM, Lt.-Col. KIGGELL, Major J., .c. .. ..... 321 H. St. J. L., C.M.G., D.S.O. ... 168 LANDON, J. W., M.A. (Cantab.) ... 219 SUBJECT INDEX. Original Art£icles are entered in thick tipe; Reviews and Notices of ,lragazines ill thin type. PAGE. AERIAL ROPEWAYS (wizt/ Plate), Capt. & Bt. Major F. H. Budden, M.c., R.E. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 297 ANTI-AIRCRAFT DEFENCE BY NIGHT, " Experto Crede" ... ... 271 ANTI-AIRCRAFT SEARCHLIGHT DEFENCE.-A SUGGESTED SCHEME FOR RAPID TACTICAL SEARCHING, Major H. J. Humphreys, R .G .A . ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 33 ANTWERP, THE FORTRESS OF, Brig.-Gen. J. E. Edmonds, C B , C.M.G. 209 ASPECTS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, SOME, Lt.-Col. H. O. Mance, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., R.E .. ... .... 261 BUILDING OF A HOUSE IN N. RHODESIA, THE, Major J. Kiggell, M.C. (late R.E.) ... ... ...... ... ... ... 321 "CANADIAN" PHOTO-TOPOGRAPHICAL METHOD OF SURVEY, THE, Capt. & Bt. Major E. O. Wheeler, sI.C., R.E... ... .. 177 CHEMICAL WARFARE, Capt. S. J. M. Auld, O.B.E., M.C., 4 th (T.) Battn., Royal Berks Regiment ... ... ... ... ... 57 CLEANING OF HOT WATER BOILERS (Professional Note) ... ... 215 COLOUR, THE INFLUENCE OF, ON THE HEAT-ABSORPTION OF PAINTS AND BRICKS, Major C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., R.E. 129 CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U.S. ARMY, TRAINING OF OFFICERS IN THE 212 CORRESPONDENCE:-- The Technical Training of Engineer Officers, Maj.-Gen. Lansing H. Beach, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army ... .... .. 277 The Technical Training of Engineer Officers, Bt. Major H. S. Briggs, O.B.E., R.E. ..... ... ..... ... 278 The Technical Training of Engineer Officers, Col. Sir John V. Ottley, K.C.I.E. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 167 CURTIS MAJOR-GENERAL SIR REGINALD SALMOND, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O., (with Photo), G.M.H. ... ... ... ... ... 34 DARDONI, Major A. H. Bell, D.S.O., O.B.E., R.E. ... ... 86 vi. INDEX. PAGE. ELECTRO-MECHANICAL REQUIREMENrS, SOME SUGGESTIONS RE- GARDING THE TRADE ORGANIZATION OF THE ROYAL ENGI- NEERS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO, Bt. Major H. S. Briggs, o.B.E., A.M.I.IECII.E, A.M.I.E.E., R. E. ... .. 15 ENGINEER OFFICERS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, SOME FAMOUS, Maj.-Gen. Sir George K. Scott-Moncrieff, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E. ... ...... .. .. ... ..... I13 ENGINEER OFFICERS, THE TECHNICAL TRAINING OF, (Professional Note) . .. .. .. ..... ... ... 20 ENGINEER OFFICER WITH THE SALONIKA ARMY, SOME EXPERI- ENCES OF AN, Col. Comdt. G. Walker, D.S.O. (with Map, 2 Photos, and Plales) ... ... ... ..... 7 , 19I EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE STAFF COLLEGE, NOTES ON WORKING FOR THE, Capt. & Bt. Major A. V. T. WVakely, Mi.c., R.E. ... ... ... ... .. .... ... 328 FIELD SERVICE REGULATIONS, LECTURE NOTES ON THE PRINCI- PLES OF THE, Bt. Lt.-Col. L V. Bond, R.E. ... .... 141 FORTIFICATION AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORK, SOME THOUGHTS ON, "The Best is the Enemy of the Good," Maj.- Gen. Sir George K. Scott-Moncrieff, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E ... L FRENCH INFANTRY REGULATIONS, A STUDY OF THE NEW (witl Plales), Capt. B. H. Liddell Hart ... .. .. ..... 233 HEAT ABSORPTION OF PAINTS AND BRICKS, THE INFLUENCE OF COLOUR ON TIE, Major C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., R.E .. 129 HILSEA ORDNANCE DEPOT (with Photos and Plates), Colonel J. C. Matheson ... ... .. .... .... .... I 36 HOT WATER BOILERS, CLEANING OF, (Professional Note) ... ... 215 KENT'S PATENT SYSTEM OF HOUSE CONSTRUCTION (with Platls), Col. H. V. Kent, C.B., M.I.C.E. .... .. .. ... 87 KITCHENER, LORD, Lt.-Gen.
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    Copyright 2018 Christchurch (NZ) Philatelic Society Inc Robin Startup Memorial Philatelic Archive All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system , without permission in writing from the publisher. The Christchurch (NZ) Philatelic Society Inc was gifted the Robin Startup Memorial Philatelic Archive and this now forms part of the Society’s Library facility. The archive is available research purposes by arrangement with the library team. Further details are available on the Society’s website. Christchurch (NZ) Philatelic Society Inc P O Box 9246 Tower Junction, Christchurch, 8149 New Zealand www.cps.gen.nz 2 CONTENTS Introduction 4 Post & Telegraph Department in Great War 5 30 Samoan Expeditionary Force 10 New Zealand Expeditionary Force – Main Body 15 New Zealand Training Camps 24 Reinforcements 20 Egypt 28 Gallipoli 37 Lemnos 43 Senussi Campaign 44 Malta 46 Mesopotamia 47 Sinai and Palestine Campaign 50 NZEF Base Postal Services – France 57 New Zealand Division – France 60 Great Britain 78 New Zealand Base Depot Post Office 85 Royal Navy 91 Prisoners of War 92 Hospital Ships 94 Censorship 97 ANZAC – Australia & New Zealand Army Corps 101 Australian New Zealand US Naval Cruise 1925 102 Territorial Camps 1932 – 1939 103 Appendix 1 – the great War 1914 1919 Precis 105 3 INTRODUCTION In 1960 (16 January), Robin Startup produced his first effort at a publication to record the postal history of First World War particularly in relation to New Zealand and it’s forces.
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