The Cabinet and War Service The tragedy of war has come close home to two members of the Canadian cabinet. It was announced the other day that Hon. J. G. Gardiner had received no word of his son, an British cruiser which was badly damaged at Singapore; was transferred to the cruiser ace pilot, since the raid on Dieppe. A prior Dorsetshire, and again escaped with his life' announcement noted that nothing had been evhen it was sunk in the Indian ocean. heard of Hon. C. G. Power's son since the Gardiner has had no news of fall of Hong Kong. 1 Hon. J. G. his 23-year-old son, Pilot Officer J. E. Gard- If anyone thinks of Ottawa as aloof from raid Dieppe. the war, iner, since the on such an idea is dispelled by a con- -' Hon. W. P. Mulock served with the am- sideration of the service records of cabinet munition column, C.E.F., in Siberia. His son, members and their families. All three defence , is in the R.C.A.F. ministers saw service A.C.1 in the war of 1914-18 ; Hon. Colin W. G. Gibson, M.C., served Hon. J. L. Ralston, C.M.G., D.S.O. (with the British army, 1914-19; was ',gar), overseas with minister of national defence, served seriously wounded in 1915 and 1917. His with distinction in the Great War. son, Capt. D. Gibson, is in an engineers' unit His sor, Lieut. S. Ralston, has been overseas Lieut. C. Gibson, for a overseas, and another: son, year, serving with a heavy A.A. battery . completing an officers' training course in Hon. Charles Gavan Power, M.C., min- is Canada. ister of defence for air, was one of the heroes Thorson served in France with of the Great War, twice Hon. J. T. wounded and finally the B.E.F. invalided home. Besides his son, Lieut. Gavan with the Power, unaccounted Hon. Humphrey Mitchell served for since Hong Kong, British navy in the Great War. His son, Lieut. lie has another son, Pilot Officer W. P. Canadian Power, in the R Humphrey Mitchell, Jr., is with the .C.&F. radio division over- and younger 17-year-old seas. Army Pay Corps, a son, Cadet John Mitchell, is in the sea cadets. Hon. Angus L. Macdonald, minister of two sons in defence for naval . Hon. Louis St. Laurent has services, served with the uniform, and also his daughter, Captain 25th battalion in the Great War. Wom- But the Madeline St. Laurent, of the Canadian defence ministers are not the only Corps Lieut. Renault St. Laurent opes with records of this kind: en's Army . Hon. is, in the R.C.N. corvette service, and Lieut. Ian Alistair Mackenzie served over- in the reserves. seas with the 72nd battalion Jean Paul St. Laurent is in the Great It is fitting to add that Capt. H. Lapointe, War and was mentioned in dispatches. ;: Hon. C. D. M.P., on active service with the Chaudiere Howe's son, Sub-Lieut. W. H. son of the late Rt. Hon. Ernest Howe, - was serving . as midshipman on regiment, is a a Lapointe, so long a, distinguished member of the administration .