【【【Press Release 】】】

(For Immediately Release) November 22, 2012

Learning and Teaching Expo 2012 Leading platform for teachers and school leaders in Asia

Secretary for Education, Mr. Eddie Ng and guests officiated the Opening Ceremony

The third annual Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE) 2012 opens today at the Convention and Exhibition Centre. This 3-day Learning and Teaching Expo, for the first time, is presented by Hong Kong Education City, supported by the of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (EDB) and organised by Diversified Events Hong Kong. Learning and Teaching Expo provides an annual platform for teachers and school leaders in Asia to discover the latest developments in education resources and learning technology for the 21 st century.

Professor Ronald Chin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Education City, expressed this morning at the welcoming remarks, “The Learning and Teaching Expo, with its ever-increasing popularity, is now in its 3 rd edition. I am very honor to be here today to witness the success and to thank every industry partner for your tremendous support to make Hong Kong a step closer to e-Learning development.”

The Opening Ceremony was held this morning with Mr. Eddie Ng Hak Kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education, as the officiating guest , Mr. Daniel Lai, BBS, JP, Government Chief Information Officer and as the guest of honor. The honorable guests accentuated 8 key learning elements: Creativity; Passion; Proactiveness; Diligence; Happiness; Confidence; Self-discipline; and Responsibility at the opening ceremony, symbolising the teaching and learning virtue.

Mr. Eddie Ng Hak Kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education, expressed at the opening speech that Education Bureau (EDB) is dedicated to provide for high quality learning and teaching resources for promoting e-Learning in Hong Kong. With the support of Hong Kong Education City, EDB has established a “One-stop Portal for Learning and Teaching Resources” for teachers to select the best from a wide range of resources based on their needs. Also, the application of “The e-Textbook Market Development Scheme (EMADS)” received overwhelming responses. To support the application of eTextbook and eResources, HKEdCity has been developing the “EdConnect Directory Service” which allows all her members to use single sign-on to obtain free and paid eLearning resources from different services providers anytime, anywhere. This marks the beginning of a boundless eLearning era.”

This year’s theme focuses on Technologies and Innovations in Education, Inclusive Education and implementations and good practices under the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum. The Expo has attracted not only local but many

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overseas exhibitors including Information Technologies companies, Education publishers, NGOs and educational suppliers to introduce their latest learning and teaching resources, products, solutions and services to teachers and school leaders locally and globally.

Mr. Daniel Lai, BBS, JP, Government Chief Information Officer , shared his recent visit to a primary school with an emphasis on eLearning. Each student was provided with a tablet to be engaged with innovative learning. Mr Lai was extremely impressed on how the students and teachers interact proactively and creatively through live discussions and small group activities. The “i Learn at home” Internet Support Program was launched in 2011 to provide financial subsidies to students from underprivileged families to own a computer with internet access service at home for their regular web-based learning.

This 3-day event is 67% larger than previous edition with over 150 booths featuring and educational suppliers from local and overseas covering learning and teaching resources, products, solutions and services. Special activities at LTE 2012 include 60 seminars, forums, and workshops will be delivered by renowned local and overseas industry experts such as Professor Mel Ainscow from School of Education, University of Manchester, UK, to talk about “Making schools more inclusive: Lessons from International Research”; and Professor Paul William Cooper, Department of Special Education and Counseling, Hong Kong Institute of Education to talk about “From Inclusion to Engagement: Helping Students Engage with Schooling Through Policy and Practice.” Each seminar will be enriched with many real-case studies and statistics.

Mr. Stuart Bailey of General Manager of Diversified Events added, “We have been very pleased by the responses that we have received from all members of the teaching professions who are excited about coming to the Expo. Teachers and principals are keen to learn more about the latest educational trends and learning tools like multi-media, computer programming, eGames and eBooks to help engage student and stimulate their learning motivation in classroom. With that

said, we expect this year’s visitors to increase by 100%.

Details of “Learning and Teaching Expo 2012”:

Venue : Hall 3G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Date and Time : 22 Nov 2012 (Thu), 10:00am – 6:00pm 23 Nov 2012 (Fri), 10:00am – 6:00pm 24 Nov 2012 (Sat), 10:00am – 5:00pm

Official Website: www.ltexpo.com.hk

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About Diversified Events Diversified Events Hong Kong (www.divevents.com.hk) is a fast growing global business communications company headquartered in the United States. Our acclaimed international portfolio offers more than 60 face-to-face buying and selling opportunities and conference programs in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. These serve a broad spectrum of selected markets, from food to fitness, education, healthcare, business management, construction, manufacturing, investments and franchising.

About Hong Kong Education City Hong Kong Education City (www.hkedcity.net) is the largest one-stop professional educational platform in Hong Kong. The platform incorporates information, resources, interactive communities and online services, and promotes the use of information technology (I.T.) in improving the effectiveness of learning and teaching. *** Media contacts and enquiries for “Learning and Teaching Expo 2012”

AQ Communications Ltd, PR representative of “Learning and Teaching Expo 2012” Christy Chau Tel :3105 2037 / 9152 9615 Email :[email protected]

Diversified Events Hong Kong Hong Kong Education City - Marketing Ms Ivy Lau Ms Ling Hung Tel ︰3105 3975 Fax ﹕3105 3974 Tel: 2624 1007 Fax: 2624 1088 Email :[email protected] Email: [email protected]

Schedule of other activities:

22 Nov 2012 (Thursday)::: Opening Ceremony 9:30am - 10:00am Theme: Successful Ways to Inclusion Topic : Making Schools More Inclusive: Lessons from International Research Speaker : Professor Mel Ainscow, School of Education, University of Manchester, United Kingdom 10:00am - 11:30am Abstract : (English, Instant The presentation will review international research evidence on the development interpretation) of inclusive education systems. It will explore ways of developing classroom practices that can help all children, including those having special educational needs (SEN), to participate and learn.

Topic : From Inclusion to Engagement: Helping Students Engage with Schooling through Policy and Practice Speaker : 11:45am - 1:15pm Professor Paul William Cooper, Department of Special Education and Counselling, (English, Instant Hong Kong Institute of Education Cantonese interpretation) Abstract : The presentation will challenge the ideologically driven academic discourse that has come to dominate inclusive education by presenting research-based

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knowledge about what actually works with a multitude of approaches to help students with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Topic : Special Educational Needs and Disability – Meeting the Individual Needs of Children in Schools 1:30pm - 2:30pm Speaker : (English, Instant Ms. Lorraine Petersen OBE, Chief Executive, nasen Cantonese interpretation)

Theme : eLearning Evolvement Forum Topic : Thinking outside the Box: Innovation in eLearning and Development (L&D) Speaker : Mr. Jack Wills, Honorary Vice President of the British Institute for Learning and Development (BILD) Abstract : 2:30pm – 3:30pm The demand for innovation in e L&D, particularly in education, is exponential. (English, Instant Teachers and educational bodies are now faced with the prospect of engaging Cantonese interpretation) with and 'holding on' to learners in ways never dreamt of 5 years ago. This presentation gives a flavor of how international educators and eLearning providers are meeting the insatiable demand for technology led innovation; from informal learning to the use of social media.

Topic : Advanced Technology in eLearning Moderator: Mr. Erwin Huang Panelists : Mr. She Mang, Chief Curriculum Development Officer, Information Technology in Education Section, Education Bureau, HKSAR; Mr. Victor Cheng, Executive Director, Hong Kong Education City; 3:30pm – 5:30pm Mr. Argon Ho, Manager, Head of Commercial for Hong Kong and Macau, Cisco (Chinese) Systems (HK) Ltd; Ms. Becky Lo, Education Lead, Public Sector Group, Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd; Mr. Chu Tsz-Wing, IT Coordinator of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Jockey Club Primary School; Mr. Gilbert Ho, Apple Worldwide Education Team

23 Nov 2012 (Friday) :::

Theme: Innovative Learning

Topic : The Use of Social Network in Learning and Teaching Speakers : 10:15am – 11:15am Mr. Chu Tsz-Wing, IT Coordinator of The Hong Kong Institute of Education Jockey (Chinese) Club Primary School; Mr. Ha Chi-Hung, IT Coordinator of True Light Middle School of Hong Kong; Organised by Presented by Supported by

Mr. Lui Hang-Sum Louis, IT Coordinator & Computer Subject Panel of Munsang College

Abstract : This seminar analyses the situation of using social network and states that students are living in the social network. It also makes suggestions for educators to use social network inside classrooms. Moreover, it takes a social network, Edmodo, as an example and demonstrated its use in integrating learning and teaching with social network.

Topic : Game-based Learning Speakers : Mr. Ching Chi-Cheung, IT Coordinator of Hong Kong & Macau Lutheran Church Primary School; Mr. Frankie Tam, Chairman of Hong Kong Digital Game-based Learning Association; Mr. William Chan, General Manager of Starwish Little Prince Studio Limited 11:15am – 12:15nn Abstract : (Chinese) This seminar aims at reviewing the translation of the underlying form of games into a powerful pedagogical model for the students. Games are designed for students to explore the world and promote self-learning model. In addition, the latest development in Game-based Learning, e.g. Kinect will be introduced.

Topic : Identify and Handle "Net Addicts" in School Setting Speaker : Mr. Elvis Ng, Manager (Youth Service) of Hong Kong Family Welfare Society Abstract : 12:30nn – 1:30pm (i) Definition, cause and impact of Internet Addiction (Chinese) (ii) Sharing on the cases and their follow-up actions taken (iii) Preventive measures

Theme: Raising Educational Achievement of Children and Adolescences Topic : Strategies for Fostering Equity within Education Systems: Possibilities and Barriers Speaker : Professor Mel Ainscow, School of Education, University of Manchester, 2:00pm –3:30pm United Kingdom (English, Instant Abstract : Cantonese interpretation) The presentation will describe and analyse the work of large scale improvement project in England in order to find more effective ways of fostering equity within education systems. It will draw out lessons that may be relevant to Hong Kong.

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Topic : Assessment in the Context of eLearning Speaker : Professor Magdalena Mok Mo-Ching, Chair Professor of Assessment and Evaluation/ Co-Director of Assessment Research Centre, Department of Psychological Studies, 3:45pm – 5:45pm The Hong Kong Institute of Education (English, Instant Abstract : Cantonese interpretation) This seminar presents theories and strategies on the use of technology in Assessment as, of, and for learning to support eLearning. Topics will include Rasch modeling, SP-Xpress, Lexile and other related areas.

24 Nov 2012 (Saturday):::

Theme: Multiple Pathways - NSS and Further Studies

Topic : The Latest Development of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Speakers : Ms. Margaret Hui, General Manager - School Examinations and Assessment, HKEAA Mr. Wan Tak-wing, Acting General Manager - Assessment Development, HKEAA Abstract : 10:15am – 11:30pm The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) is a ground-breaking (Chinese) qualification, which serves as a gateway for senior secondary graduates to further education and employment opportunities, has been well received both locally and abroad. At this seminar, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) will provide the latest updates on the HKDSE.

Topics: Analysis and Strategies in Pursing Tertiary Education Speakers : Professor Chan Tsang-Sing, BBS, Associate Vice President (Academic Quality Assurance), Lingnan University (Chairman of Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education) 11:30am – 1:00pm Professor Tam Kar-Yan, Associate Provost and Dean of Students, The Hong Kong (Chinese) University of Science and Technology (Chairman, JUPAS Board of Management 2011-2012) Mr. Tsui Yan-Cho Joe, Vice-chairperson, the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters & Guidance Masters

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Topic : Equip Yourself with the Right Qualification Speaker : Mr. Bill Malcolm, Regional Director of Americas, Europe and MENA, City & Guilds Group Abstract : 1:15pm – 2:15pm With so many qualifications to choose from, how do you choose? In this presentation (English, Instant we will explore the different qualification routes available. Cantonese interpretation) What are the main considerations? How do these vary over an individual's life? How does teaching and learning vary? Preparing for employment – how vocational qualifications support career development?

Topic : Analysis of Hong Kong Students Pursuing Education in Mainland China Speaker : Mr. Curtis Lee, Chairman of China-Hong Kong Federation of Youth Culture 2:15pm – 3:00pm and Director of HK&MO Affairs Office of Fujian Normal University ICCS (Chinese)

Theme: Acknowledgement to Achievers Topic : Prize Presentation Ceremony for the Visual Arts Contest on Inclusion 3:15pm – 4:30pm

School Visits School visits will be held on 22 to 24 Nov, 2012. It provides an opportunity for teachers and school leaders to see relevant solutions and practices as well as to exchange knowledge. For details, please visit http://www.ltexpo.com.hk/chi/sf_visit.php 。

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