The Two Faces of Italian Communism

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The Two Faces of Italian Communism Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1977-06 The two faces of Italian communism: the seizure of power by tactics of accommodation and the calculated destruction of liberal democracy by revolutionary transformation of society Coe, Richard Eric Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS THE TWO FACES OF ITALIAN COMMUNISM: THE SEIZURE OF POWER BY TACTICS OF ACCOMMODATION AND THE CALCULATED DESTRUCTION OF LIBERAL DEMOCRACY BY REVOLUTIONARY TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIETY by Richard Eric Coe June 1977 Thesis Advisor: R. H. S. Stolfi - - - -- Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Tnlliz. Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS RACE (Whmn Data Kn farad) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE ' COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMICR 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (mnd Submit) S. TYRE OF REPORT A PERIOO COVERED The Two Faces of Italian Communism Master's Thesis; The Seizure of Power by Tactics of March 19 7 7 Accommodation and the Calculated • PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER Destruction of Liberal tonrnrvh 7. AuTHo»v.; Revolutionary Transformation of «. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERfc) Richard Eric Coe Society » PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK ARCA * WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND AOORESS 12. REPORT DATE Naval Postgraduate School June 1977 Monterey, California 93940 13. NUMBER OF PACES 283 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME k ADDRESS/I/ dltl*r*n< /toot Controlling Ollleo) IS. SECURITY CLASS, (ol the rdport) Naval Postgraduate School Unclassified Monterey, California 93940 I la. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE !«. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol tnlt Ra»or<; Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol Iff aMalrmet mnlmrmd In Block 30, tl dlltormnl from Raa>ortj It. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES IS. KEY WORDS (C—itlnvo on rarvraa aldm II nacaaaary and identity or Hoik numkt) History Political Science Communism Foreign Policy Italy National Defense Western Europe Decision Making 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on fvmf kldm II nacaaaarr mnd Identity fry alaaJr n—i fcayj This study was conducted to establish a strong analytical basis for decision-making with respect to the Italian Commun- ist Party. In order to fulfill this requirement, the unique characteristics and organizational structure of the Party as well as personality traits of the leadership were analyzed. The research was enhanced by interviews with numerous govern- ment officials in both the military and civilian sectors of 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 6S IS OBSOLETE DD , in 14- Unclass if ied (Page S/N 0102-0 660 1 | 1) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAOE (Whmt Dd*m *ntt 1 Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PACE PThan Data Irftritfj READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM : *tPo*i NUMien 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 1. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE fond Suetttla) 5. TYPE OF REPORT * PERIOD COVERED The Two Faces of Italian Communism Master's Thesis; The Seizure of Power by Tactics of March 1977 Accommodation and the Calculated • PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER Destruction of Liberal Ttemnrrary fry 7. AuTMORr., Revolutionary Transformation of I CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER^*) Richard Eric Coe Society » PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND AOOREIS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 It. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND AOORESS 12. REPORT DATE Naval Postgraduate School June 1 977 Monterey, California 93940 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 283 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME AOORESV dltioront from Controlling Ollleo) IS. SECURITY CLASS, (ol thla report) Naval Postgraduate School Unclassified Monterey, California 93940 It*. DECLASSIFICATION. DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE l«. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (el mtt Hoport) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 'ol the oholrmct ontereoJ In Block 30, II dltioront frn Report) IS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES IS. KEY WOROS (Continue on toror am aide II nocaaaery one4 Identify oy aloaa numt History Political Science Communism Foreign Policy Italy National Defense Western Europe Decision Making 20. ABSTRACT (Continue en rover ao aloe II nacaaaory ort4 identity ay aloatt B—BWj This study was conducted to establish a strong analytical basis for decision-making with respect to the Italian Commun- ist Party. In order to fulfill this requirement, the unique characteristics and organizational structure of the Party as well as personality traits of the leadership were analyzed. The research was enhanced by interviews with numerous govern- ment officials in both the military and civilian sectors of DO /JmTn 1473 EDITION OF I NOV 64 IS OBSOLETE S/N Unclassified (Page 0102-014-4401 I 1) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAOE (When Dmlm tnteremf) 1 Unclassified Cu C U »*1 T V CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PtGEf»^«n Dyf gwff.rf the U.S. Government in Washington, D.C. Additionally, the staff of the Hoover Institution on War and Peace contributed immeasurable help to the background research. The evidence resulting from this study clearly indicates that there are definable characteristics of the Italian Communist Party which can be used to form the contextual basis for scenario-building and decision-making. The primary conclusion is that, inspite of its complex goals and tactics, the Italian Communist Party is more bound to the ideals of communism than to the principles of western liberal democracy DD Form 1473 r _ . 1 Jan 73 LiacJ 3 "^ ^ Dmtm em,r,d) b/N 0102-014-6601 7 security classification of this r<AGer»*«H The Two Faces of Italian Communism: The Seizure of Power by Tactics of Accommodation and the Calculated Destruction of Liberal Democracy by Revolutionary Transformation of Society by Richard Eric Cpe Captain, United States Air Force B.S. United States Air Force Academy, 1968 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1977 ABSTRACT This study was conducted to establish a strong analytical basis for decision-making with respect to the Italian Commun- ist Party. In order to fulfill this requirement, the unique characteristics and organizational structure of the Party as well as personality traits of the leadership were analyzed. The research was enhanced by interviews with numerous govern- ment officials in both the military and civilian sectors of the U.S. Government in Washington, D.C. Additionally, the staff of the Hoover Institution on War and Peace contributed immeasurable help to the background research. The evidence resulting from this study clearly indicates that there are definable characteristics of the Italian Com- munist Party which can be used to form the contextual basis for scenario-building and decision-making. The primary con- clusion is that, in spite of its complex goals and tactics, the Italian Communist Party is more bound to the ideals of communism than to the principles of western liberal democracy TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 6 II. HISTORICAL CONTEXT 11 III. CREATION OF THE ITALIAN SOCIALIST PARTY, 1800-1895 14 IV. FRAGMENTATION OF THE SOCIALIST PARTY, 1895-1920 28 V. FORMATION OF THE ITALIAN COMMUNIST PARTY 40 VI. FASCISM AND WORLD WAR II 51 VII. TOGLIATTI GUIDES THE POST-WAR PARTY 64 VIII. THE PCI FOLLOWS THE "ITALIAN ROAD" 84 IX. 1965 TO 1976; CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN COMMUNISM 96 X. THE IDEOLOGICAL CONTEXT 117 XI. PCI GOALS AND STRATEGY -121 XII. PARTY ORGANIZATION AND COMPOSITION 17 8 XIII. CONCLUSION 2 23 APPENDIX A: GENERAL RULES OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKING MAN'S ASSOCIATION 244 APPENDIX B: THE 21 CONDITIONS 249 APPENDIX C: PARTICIPATION IN THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT 257 APPENDIX D: CONGRESSES OF THE ITALIAN COMMUNIST PARTY 2 58 APPENDIX E: POST-WAR PARTY MEMBERSHIP 259 APPENDIX F: PCI ELECTION RESULTS 260 APPENDIX G: PCI LEADERSHIP 261 BIBLIOGRAPHY 267 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 280 I. INTRODUCTION In recent years much attention has been focused on the Italian Communist Party ( Partito Communista Italiano , or PCI) and the limelight is well deserved. Outside of communist- controlled countries it is the largest and most important communist party in the world. It has enunciated what has been called a "new" form of communism, Eurocommunism. This "new" form is primarily geared to tailoring the Marxist- Leninist revolutionary strategy to a modern industrial society without losing the attachment to international communism. The success in developing a large party as well as the independence from, and criticism of, the CPSU has led to many analyses of the PCI. It has been dissected and probed but never looked at as the unique organization that it is. Un- fortunately, the studies have tended to focus on minute aspects of Party life or projected future occurrences without presenting a factual analysis of the character of the PCI. This lack of a detailed study has led to many false assump- tions about the ultimate goals and desires of the Italian Communists. Most studies either portray them as plodding party hacks who are clandestine subversives or, more recently, respectable politicians who are really social democrats. The first stereotype has generally been ruled out because of the tendency of communism as a whole to become Africanized, or Asianized, or in this case Europeanized. The second characterization of the PCI is the most popular and has be- come the norm (especially for most major U.S. news services). The main reasons for this second characterization have been the expansion of detente and Western desires to guage the PCI in democratic terms. Unfortunately, this "democratic cognitive set" has led the West to blur the struggle between the liberty of Western civilization and the "mediation of earthly paradise" of Marxism. Because of a lack of knowledge many Western elites have been unable to clearly discern the nature of the Commun- ists' commitment to the total transformation of society and to the demise of the political state in Italy as it now exists.

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