
To Theo . Arles, on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889.

on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889

Metadata Source status: Original manuscript

Location: Amsterdam, , inv. no. b630 V/1962

Date: thanks Theo for the money he sent this must have been the first instalment of his April allowance. Theo must have sent this money shortly before leaving for the Netherlands on the evening of Saturday, 30 March. Because Vincent says that he has waited a few days before replying (l. 15), and also expects that his brother will receive the present letter around Sunday in the Netherlands (l. 21), we have dated it to about Thursday, 4 April 1889.

Additional: Original [1r:1] Mon cher Theo, Quelques mots pour te souhaiter toi & ta fiance bien du bonheur de ces jours ci. Cest comme un tic nerveux chez moi qu loccasion dun jour de fte jprouve gnralement des difficults formuler une flicitation mais de l il ne faudrait pas conclure que moins ardemment que qui que ce soit je dsire ton bonheur, ainsi que tu le sais bien. Jai encore te remercier de ta dernire lettre ainsi que de lenvoi de couleurs de Tasset1 et de plusieurs Nos du Fifre avec des dessins de Forain.2 Ces derniers mont surtout 1 On 24 March Vincent had asked Theo to send, before leaving for the Netherlands, 11 tubes of paint. See letter 752. 2 From 23 February 1889 until 1 June 1889, Jean Louis Forain3 wrote and illustrated Le Fifre, a magazine he also published, which appeared weekly in an edition of only a few copies. A total of 15 issues were published. A few issues from 1889, the first year of publication, have been preserved in the Van Gogh family estate; these are nos. 3 (9 March), 5 (23 March), 9 (20 April), 10 (27 April), 11 (4 May) and 12 (11 May). Each issue consists of one large folded sheet. One example by way of illustration: the title-page of the third issue, Laissez courir les frais... (Hang the expense...), Le Fifre. Journal Hebdomadaire Illustr par J.-L. Forain 1 (9 March 1889), no. 3. Ill. 849.

1 2 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889.

produit leffet que ce que je fabrique devient bien sentimental ct. Jattendais quelques jours avant de rpondre, ignorant le jour o tu partirais pour Amsterdam, dailleurs jignore egalement si cest Breda ou Amsterdam que tu te marieras. Mais si comme je suis port croire ce sera Amsterdam alors jai presum que vers Dimanche tu y trouverais cette lettre. Tenez juste aujourdhui lami Roullin est venu me voir il ma dit de te dire bien des chses de sa part et de te feliciter. Sa visite ma fait considrablement du plaisir, lui a souvent porter des fardeaux quon dirait trop lourds.4 cela nempche pas que comme cest une forte nature de paysan, il a toujours lair bien portant et rjoui mme cependant pour moi qui en apprends toujours du nouveau avec lui, quelles leons pour lavenir il y a dans sa conversation quand il semble dire [1v:2] que la route ne devient pas plus commode en avanant dans la vie. Jai caus avec lui pour avoir son opinion sur ce que je devais faire quant latelier que je dois quitter dans tous les cas, ce que me conseillaient M. Salles et Rey, Pques. 6 Je disais Roullin quayant fait bien des chses pour mettre cette maison en bien meilleur tat que je ne lavais prise et surtout pour le gaz que jy ai fait mettre, je considrais cela comme un travail quon a fait. On me force de partir bon mais pour enlever le gaz pour me querreller pour dommages interts ou autre chse, certes il y aurait de quoi mais je nen ai pas le coeur. La seule chse que dans ce cas je trouve possible cest de se dire quon aurait cherch arranger une habitation pour des successeurs inconnus. Et dailleurs avant de voir Roulin javais dj t lusine de gaz7 pour arranger cela ainsi. Et Roullin tait du mme avis. Lui compte rester . Je vais bien de ces jours ci sauf un certain fond de tristesse vague difficile definir mais enfin jai

4 Roulin5 had been transferred to Marseille at the end of January; see letter 736, n. 14. Carry burdens could be intended literally: as a railway postman, Roulin was responsible for loading and unloading the postbags at each station. 6 In 1889 Easter fell on 21 April. 7 The gas works were located between the Roubine du Roi canal and the --Mditerrane railway line. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889. 3 plutot pris des forces physiquement au lieu den perdre et je travaille. Jai justement sur le chevalet un verger de pchers au bord dun chemin avec les Alpines dans le fond.8 Il parait que dans le Figaro il y a eu un bel article sur Monet, 9 Roullin lavait lu et en avait t frapp disait-il. [1v:3] Cest en somme une question assez difficile resoudre que de prendre un nouvel apartement, et meme de le trouver, surtout au mois. M. Salles ma parl dune maison 20 francs qui est fort bien mais il nest pas sr que je pourrai lavoir. A Paques il me faudra payer 3 mois de loyer, le dmenagement &c. Tout cela nest ni gai ni commode. Surtout puisquabsolument rien nous promet meilleure chance. Roullin disait ou plutot faisait entendre quil naimait pas du tout linquitude qui a regn ici Arles cet hiver, considr mme tout fait en dehors de la part qui en est tomb sur moi. Enfin cest un peu partout comme a, les affaires qui ne marchent pas fort, les expdients uss, les gens decourags et comme tu le disais, ne se contentant pas de rester spectateurs et devenant mchant par desoeuvrement. Si quelquun rit encore ou travaille, vite de taper dessus. Enfin mon cher frre je crois que bientt je ne serai plus malade assez pour demeurer intern. Sans cela je commence my habituer et si je devais rester pour de bon dans un hospice je my ferais et je crois que je pourrais y trouver des motifs peindre aussi. [1r:4] Ecris moi bientt si tu en trouves le temps. La famille de Roullin tait toujours la campagne14 et quoiquil gagne un tant soit

8 La with peach trees in blossom (F 514 / JH 1681). 9 The article Claude Monet by Octave Mirbeau10 had appeared in Le Figaro (p. 1) on 10 March 1889. In this very positive article Mirbeau praised the originality of Monet11, whose only teacher was nature. At first his art was controversial, but now his talent had been recognized: his imposing and learned simplicity ... his implacable harmony (sa grandiose et savante simplicit ... son implacable harmonie). Mirbeau praises the way Monet brings nature to life in his paintings, and describes how he works outside day in, day out, come or shine. The article also mentioned the exhibition of Monets paintings held at Boussod, Valadon & Cie12 (see letter 749, n. 3). Theo wrote to Jo Bonger13 on 11 March 1889 that this article was of great importance to the reputation of Monet and the Impressionists, and that it had exerted a positive influence on the number of visitors to his exhibition (FR b2046). See Brief happiness 1999, p. 212. 14 Madame Roulin15 and her children16 were staying with her mother17 in (see letter 775). 4 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889.

peu davantage, les dpenses spares ayant augmentes en proportion, ils ne sont en realit pas un liard plus riche et il ntait pas sans soucis trs pnibles. Heureusement le temps est beau et le soleil glorieux et les gens dici momentanment oublient vite toutes leurs peines et alors rayonnent dentrain et dillusions. jai relu de ces jours ci les contes de nol de Dickens18 o il y a des choses tellement profondes quil faut souvent les relire, cela a normment des rapports avec Carlyle. Roullin tout en ntant pas tout fait assez ag pour etre pour moi comme un pre, 20 toutefois il a pour moi des gravits silencieuses et des tendresses comme serait dun vieux soldat pour un jeune. Toujours mais sans une parole un je ne sais quoi qui parait vouloir dire: nous ne savons pas ce qui nous arrivera demain mais quoi quil en soit, songe moi. Et cela fait du bien quand cela vient dun homme qui nest ni aigri, ni triste, ni parfait, ni heureux, ni toujours irrprochablement juste, mais si bon enfant et si sage et si mu et si croyant. Ecoute je nai pas le droit de me plaindre de quoi que ce soit dArles lorsque je songe de certains que jy ai vu et que jamais je ne pourrai oublier. Il se fait tard, encore une fois je te souhaite toi et Jo bien du bonheur et en pensee poignes de main. t. t. Vincent

Translation [1r:1] My dear Theo, A few words to wish you and your fiance22 much happiness these days. Its like a nervous tic with me that on the occasion of a day of celebration I generally experience difficulties in formulating a congratulation, but it shouldnt be concluded from that that I desire your happiness less ardently than anyone else, as you well know. I still have to thank you for your last letter, as well as for the consignment of colours from Tasset23 24 and several issues of Le Fifre with drawings by Forain25.26 The latter have often had

18 For Dickens19s Contes de Nol , see letter 753, n. 3.

20 Roulin21 celebrated his 48th birthday on 4 April. 22 Johanna (Jo or Net) Gezina van Gogh-Bonger (1862-1925) wife of Theo van Gogh 23 Guillaume Charles Tasset (1843-1925) seller of artists’ materials in Paris 24 On 24 March Vincent had asked Theo to send, before leaving for the Netherlands, 11 tubes of paint. See letter 752. 25 Jean Louis Forain (1852-1931) French artist 26 From 23 February 1889 until 1 June 1889, Jean Louis Forain27 wrote and illustrated Le Fifre, a magazine he also published, which appeared weekly in an edition of only a few copies. A total of 15 issues were published. A few To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889. 5 the effect on me that what I manufacture becomes very sentimental in comparison. I waited a few days before replying, not knowing which day you would leave for Amsterdam, besides I also dont know whether its in Breda or Amsterdam that youll be getting married. But if, as Im led to believe, it will be in Amsterdam, then I presumed that you would find this letter there around Sunday. By the way just today friend Roulin28 came to see me he told me to give you his warm regards and to congratulate you. His visit gave me considerable pleasure, he often has to carry burdens which one would say were too heavy.29 As he has a strong peasant nature, that doesnt prevent him from always looking well and even joyful however for me, who am always learning something new from him, what lessons for the future there are in his conversation when he seems to say that the road doesnt become easier as one advances in life. I talked with him to have his opinion on [1v:2] what I ought to do as regards the studio, which I must leave in any case, as I was advised by Mr Salles31 and Rey32, at Easter.33 I told Roulin that having done many things to put this house in a much better state than I had taken it in, and above all for the gas which I had put in, I considered it as a piece of work we have done. Im being forced to leave all right but to take away the gas to make a fuss for damages or something else, certainly there would be justification but I dont have the heart for it. The only thing that I find possible in this case is to tell ourselves that wed have tried to set up a habitation for unknown successors. And besides, before seeing Roulin34 I had already been to the gasworks35 to arrange it so. And Roulin was of the same opinion. Hes planning to remain in Marseille. Im well these days, apart from a certain vague background sadness thats hard to define but anyway Ive gained physical powers rather than lose them, and Im working. Just now I have on the easel an orchard of peach trees beside a road with the Alpilles in the background.36 It appears that theres a fine article on Monet37 in Le Figaro,38 Roulin43 had read it and had been struck by it, he said. [1v:3] All in all its quite a difficult question to resolve, to take a new apartment, and even to find it, especially by the month. Mr Salles44 spoke to me of a house at 20 francs which is very good, but issues from 1889, the first year of publication, have been preserved in the Van Gogh family estate; these are nos. 3 (9 March), 5 (23 March), 9 (20 April), 10 (27 April), 11 (4 May) and 12 (11 May). Each issue consists of one large folded sheet. One example by way of illustration: the title-page of the third issue, Laissez courir les frais... (Hang the expense...), Le Fifre. Journal Hebdomadaire Illustr par J.-L. Forain 1 (9 March 1889), no. 3. Ill. 849. 28 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 29 Roulin30 had been transferred to Marseille at the end of January; see letter 736, n. 14. Carry burdens could be intended literally: as a railway postman, Roulin was responsible for loading and unloading the postbags at each station. 31 Frdric Salles (1841-1897) clergyman in Arles 32 Flix Rey (1865-1932) assistant physician in the 33 In 1889 Easter fell on 21 April. 34 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 35 The gas works were located between the Roubine du Roi canal and the Paris-Lyon-Mditerrane railway line. 36 La Crau with peach trees in blossom (F 514 / JH 1681). 37 Claude Oscar Monet (1840-1926) French artist 38 The article Claude Monet by Octave Mirbeau39 had appeared in Le Figaro (p. 1) on 10 March 1889. In this very positive article Mirbeau praised the originality of Monet40, whose only teacher was nature. At first his art was controversial, but now his talent had been recognized: his imposing and learned simplicity ... his implacable harmony (sa grandiose et savante simplicit ... son implacable harmonie). Mirbeau praises the way Monet brings nature to life in his paintings, and describes how he works outside day in, day out, come rain or shine. The article also mentioned the exhibition of Monets paintings held at Boussod, Valadon & Cie41 (see letter 749, n. 3). Theo wrote to Jo Bonger42 on 11 March 1889 that this article was of great importance to the reputation of Monet and the Impressionists, and that it had exerted a positive influence on the number of visitors to his exhibition (FR b2046). See Brief happiness 1999, p. 212. 43 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 44 Frdric Salles 6 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, on or about Thursday, 4 April 1889.

he isnt sure that Ill be able to have it. At Easter Ill have to pay 3 months rent, the removal costs &c. All that is neither cheering nor convenient. Especially since absolutely nothing promises us better luck. Roulin45 was saying, or rather made it understood, that he didnt at all like the anxiety that has reigned here in Arles this winter, even considered completely outside the share that fell on me. Anyway, its like that just about everywhere, business affairs that arent going well, worn-out resources, discouraged people and as you were saying, not content to remain spectators and becoming wicked through lack of occupation. If someone still laughs or works, they come down on him fast. Anyway, my dear brother, I think that soon Ill no longer be ill enough to remain confined. Apart from that, Im beginning to get accustomed to it, and if I had to remain in a hospital for [1r:4] good I would get used to it, and I think that I could find subjects for painting there as well. Write to me soon if you find the time. Roulins family46 was still out in the country,47 and although hes earning a little more, since the separate expenses are increased in proportion, theyre not a mite better off in reality, and he wasnt without very distressing anxieties. Fortunately the weather is fine and the sun glorious, and the people here momentarily quickly forget all their troubles and then glow with energy and illusions. These last few days Ive been reading Dickens51s Contes de Nol,52 in which there are things so profound that one must re-read them often, it has a very great deal in common with Carlyle54. While Roulin55 isnt exactly old enough to be like a father to me,56 all the same he has silent solemnities and tendernesses for me like an old soldier would have for a young one. Always but without a word a certain something that seems to mean: we dont know what will happen to us tomorrow, but think of me in any event. And that does one good when it comes from a man who is neither embittered nor sad, nor perfect, nor happy, nor always irreproachably just, but such a good soul and so wise and so moved and so full of belief. Listen I have no right to complain of anything to do with Arles when I think of certain people Ive seen there and whom Ill never be able to forget. Its late, once again I wish you and Jo58 much happiness, and handshakes in thought. Ever yours, Vincent

(1841-1897) clergyman in Arles 45 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 46 Augustine Alex Roulin-Pelicot (1851-1930) wife of Joseph Roulin 47 Madame Roulin48 and her children49 were staying with her mother50 in Lambesc (see letter 775). 51 Charles John Huffam Dickens (1812-1870) English writer 52 For Dickens53s Contes de Nol , see letter 753, n. 3.

54 Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) English writer and philosopher 55 Joseph Etienne Roulin (1841-1903) postal worker in Arles and Marseille 56 Roulin57 celebrated his 48th birthday on 4 April. 58 Johanna (Jo or Net) Gezina van Gogh-Bonger (1862-1925) wife of Theo van Gogh