Land Information and the Land Surveyor

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Land Information and the Land Surveyor PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEMINAR SERIES ON LAND INFORMATION AND THE LAND SURVEYOR Editor ANGUS C. HAMILTON October 1986 TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 126 PREFACE In order to make our extensive series of technical reports more readily available, we have scanned the old master copies and produced electronic versions in Portable Document Format. The quality of the images varies depending on the quality of the originals. The images have not been converted to searchable text. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEMINAR SERIES ON LAND INFORMATION AND THE LAND SURVEYOR Editor Angus C. Hamilton Department of Surveying Engineering University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, N.B. E3B5A3 October 1986 Latest Reprinting Apri11991 Proceedings of the Seminar Series on Land Information and the Land Surveyor Sponsored by The Land Information Committee Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping and C.I.S.& M. Branches: Fredericton, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Victoria This report is published jointly by, and is available from: The Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping Box 5378 Station F Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2C 3Jl and The Department of Surveying Engineering University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, N.B. Canada E3B 5A3 Price: $10.00 Preface and Acknowledgements In February, 1985, Mr Bernhard Kauter, a licensed surveyor practicing in the Nidau district in the canton of Bern was the featured speaker at a series of presentations of a one-day seminar entitled "Land Information and the Land Surveyor". The seminar, sponsored jointly by the L.I. committee of C.I.S. and by C.I.S. branches, was presented at Fredericton on Feb. 12, at Toronto on Feb 14, at Calgary on Feb. 17, at Edmonton on Feb. 19, at Victoria on Feb. 21. At each seminar, Bernhard described the Swiss cadastre and his role as the District Surveyor in the maintaining of it. At most of the presentations there was time for only a few questions before the lunch break. In the afternoon, after a panel, or a speaker, addressed some aspect of land information of particular interest to the Branch, there was general discussion. Bernhard's text, edited and complemented with partial copies of the many maps he displayed, is presented in Part I. In Part II, the input from the panelists, along with an edited transcript of the discussion at each branch, is presented. Although the same or similar questions about Bernhard's presentation were asked on different occasions, no attempt has been made to avoid redundancy. The discussions were intentionally informal, consequently not all of those who asked questions or made comments were recorded and in some instances the taped record was inaudible. To all who remain anonymous or whose words were lost to posterity, my apologies. To Ed Kennedy, then President of C.I.S., for pressing me to do something with the L.I. committee; to Branch officers and committees for their whole-hearted cooperation and especially to: Rejean Castonguay and Doug Morgan, Fredericton Branch; Dave Lever, Toronto Branch and Lorraine Petzold, Association of Ontario Land Surveyors; Stephen Nichol, Calgary Branch; Ric Beaumont and Ted Smith, Edmonton Branch; Gary Sawayama, Victoria Branch to my graduate students, Dave Coleman, Sylvie Laroche, Walter Mayr, David Pullar, Matthias Uhlenbruck, Michal Lodin and Albert Yeung for their assistance in preparing the transcripts; to Prof. Alphonse Miserez of Lauzon University for liaison with the Swiss Association of Surveyors to the Swiss Association of Surveyors for answering my request for someone in private practice to explain the Swiss system to us in Canada; to Monique Kauter for her patience and good humour in listening to Bernhard and I talk shop as we travelled between seminars and, finally; to Bernhard Kauter for preparing a very clear description of both the Swiss cadastre and the role of the District Surveyor in maintaining it, for bringing a display of some 25 maps to Canada and for taking two weeks away from his practice to present these seminars, my sincere thanks. ACH ii LAND INFORMATION AND THE LAND SURVEYOR Preface and Acknowledgements Page Part I Cadastral Surveying in Switzerland 1. Introduction (Angus Hamilton)................................................. 3 Exhibit 1.1 District of Nidau on the map of Switzerland............... 7 Exhibit 1.2 District ofNidau... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 2. The Swiss cadastre (Bernhard Kanter)....................................... 9 2.1 Introduction........... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 2.2 The elements of the cadastre............ .. .. 9 Survey control.. .. .. .. 9 The general map................................................................. 10 The cadastral map............. .. .. .. .. .. 10 The principle book.............................................................. 10 2.3 Maintenance of the cadastre....................................................... 10 2.3.1 The concept................................................................. 10 2.3.2 The district surveyor...................................................... 11 2.3.3 Marking..................................................................... 11 2.3.4 Steps in creating, moving or deleting boundaries...................... 12 Example No. 1: Small subdivision in Bellmund...................... 12 E~at?J?le No. ~: Transfer of part of one lot to two adJommg lots m Aegerten................................................. 13 2.3.5 Adding new buildings to the cadastral map & deleting removed buildings from it... 13 2.4 Other cadastral activities........................................................... 13 2.4.1 Renewal surveys........................................................... 13 2.4.2 Land consolidation surveys.............................................. 14 2.5 Standards........................................................................... 14 Fourth order control............................................................... 14 Traversing.......................................................................... 14 2.6 Future Evolution................................................................... 16 Exhibit 2.1 Typical traverse network......................................... 17 Exhibit 2.2 General map 1:10,000 with planimetry and 10m contours......... 18 Exhibit 2.3 General map 1:5,000 with planimetry, 10m contours, boundaries and parcel numbers..... 19 Exhibit 2.4 Part of an original (master) cadastral map............................ 20 Exhibit 2.5 Page from the land register............................................. 21 Exhibit 2.6 List of properties held by one owner.................................. 22 Exhibit 2.7 Revision map for subdivision ofparcel912........ .. .. ... ... ...... 23 Exhibit 2.8 Measuring deed for subdivision ofparcel912....................... 24 Exhibit 2.9 Field sheet for boundary change....................................... 25 Exhibit 2.10 Revision map for boundary change.................................. 26 Exhibit 2.11 Measuring deed for boundary change signed by all affected owners.................................................. 27 Exhibit 2.12 Field sheet for theodolite measurements............................. 28 Exhibit 2.13 Surveyor's certificate for parcel140................................. 29 iii 3. The role of the district surveyor (a private practitioner) in Switzerland (Bernhard Kauter)............................................. 31 3.1 Who can do cadastral surveys in Switzerland?................................ 31 3.2 How are surveyors organized in Switzerland?................................ 31 3.3 How is a district surveyor selected?............................................ 32 3.4 What is the work of a district surveyor?....................................... 32 3.4.1 The district surveyor: work on cadastral maintenance........... 33 3.4.2 The district surveyor: work on renewal surveys and on land colsolidation projects............................................. 33 3.5 Who ensures that the surveyors' work meets specifications and what happens if the work does not meet specifications?........................... 34 3.6 Who payts and how is the scale of payment established?.................... 34 3. 7 Cadas~ maintenance by private practitioner or by government authonties......................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Exhibit 3.1 Cost of surveying and cadastral maintenance for boundary changes of parcels 454, 623, and 835 in Aegerten............................ 37 Part II Branch Presentations and Discussions Editorial Note.............................................................................. 38 4. Fredericton............................................................................. 39 4.1 The land surveyor and land information (John Barber)....................... 40 4.2 Recent developments in cadastral mapping in Quebec (M. Brunet).......... 49 4.3 Discussion........................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 5. Toronto'................................................................................. 53 Note:John Barbers's paper "The land surveyor and land information" was read by Jury Konga 5.1 Current property mapping status (Ron Logan)................................. 55 5.2 Discussion.......................................................................... 64 6. Calgary...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 6.1 The central information exchange (Kent Meisner).... 70 6.2 Discussion ........................·.................................................. 76
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