LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Deliverable Name: Base line characterisation report. Action A.1

Due date 30/09/2020

LIFE: LIFE18/CCA/ES/001109

Beneficiary responsible for the deliverable: ASAJA MÁLAGA


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Life Vida for citrus

Table of Contents

1. Summary………………………………………………………………………… 2 2. Protocol for initial characterization……………………………….. 3 3. Results……………………………………………………………………………. 21 3.1. Spain………………………………………………………………… 21 3.1.1 Málaga………………………………………………… 21 3.1.2 Polinyà de Xúquer………………………………… 34 3.1.3 Alcalá del Río……………………………………….. 50 3.1.4 Llíria…………………………………………………….. 60 3.1.5 Aljaraque……………………………………………… 66 3.1.6 Canary Islands….………………………………… 72 3.1.7 Seville…………………………………………………… 82 3.2. Italy……………………………………………………………………. 85 3.2.1 …………………………………………………….. 85 3.3. France………………………………………………………………… 98 3.3.1 Corsica………………………………………………….. 98 3.3.2 Guadeloupe………………………………………… 102 3.4. Portugal……………………………………………………………… 111 3.4.1 Ferreira do Alentejo………………………………. 111 4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………. 118 5. Clarification of concepts…………………………………………………….. 119

1. Summary

The project will be implemented in 9 areas distributed in 4 different countries: Spain (6 areas), Italy (1 area), France (1 area) and Portugal (1 area). Current management practices and historical land uses, risks, geographical location, topography, soil, hydrology, vegetation, fauna, maintenance and logistics are described and evaluated for each area.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

2. Protocol for initial characterization of demonstration plots

In this document, the characterization of the areas proposed for planting is analyzed using previous data: current management practices and historical land uses, area risks, geographical location (region, climatic zone and altitude), topography, soil, hydrology, vegetation and fauna In addition, specific logistical and planting maintenance needs are evaluated to facilitate the planting process and anticipate potential difficulties.

In the initial characterization of the plots, the descriptive sheets (ANNEX I and II) corresponding to both types of plots will be filled: rootstock plots (C1) and adaptation plots (C3).

These descriptive files will generally include the identification data of the plot, the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the soil, type of irrigation, the climatic data from the nearest weather station, as well as the background of the plot. In the adaptation plots case (C3) foliar analysis will be included.

Below are showing the use, sampling methodology and interpretation of results for the analysis of characterization:


Soil analysis is a usual practice, widely accepted as informative and as an essential part of any appropriate management program. This analysis provides an estimate of soil fertility due to this small sample is a representative sample of the entire soil is analyzed. Therefore it is necessary, given the impossibility of sampling the entire study area, it is essential to achieve representative sampling. Representativeness can be defined as the level to which the samples accurately represent a characteristic of a population, parameter variation at a sampling point or an environmental condition..

The fertility of a soil is related to the availability of mineral nutrients for plants. This depends on a complex balance of macro and mineral micro elements essential for plants. The three most important are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). If these macroelements are at adequate levels available in the soil, the rest of the nutrients will generally be at adequate levels.

On the other hand, it must be considered that soil fertility is not constant in space and time. Thus, when a soil analysis is performed, in addition to global fertility, other factors such as depth and sampling time have a great effect on the result of the evaluation.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

1.1.- Uses

The importance of soil fertility analysis is in productive terms in the utility that the analysis will provide to the husbandman, some of these utilities are:

• Evaluation of the nutrient availability of the soil. • Base appropriate fertilization programs. • Cost minimization in the application of the determined fertilizer doses. • Maximization of utilities: do not limit or exceed the necessary nutrients for the plant. • Keep water sources in good condition: do not contaminate them with exaggerated doses that generate leaching and water contamination.

1.2. Sampling

Each plot will be divided into different sampling units based on soil heterogeneity (color, soil drainage, slope...) and plantation (productivity, growth...).

From each sampling unit we will take a sample of the surface layer (soil: 0-30 cm depth) and another of the immediately lower layer (subsoil: 30-60 cm depth). Each of these samples will be composed of several subsamples, between 10 to 15 subsamples being recommended, which will be taken randomly. Each sample will weigh approximately 1kg.

The soil extraction will be carried out with an auger in a wet bulb area. Each extracted subsample will be collected in a plastic bag, removing any foreign objects (stones, roots ...), where they will be mixed, and the necessary sample will be taken (approximately 1 kg).

Soil samples will be taken preferably after harvest and never after applying a fertilizer or amendment.

1.3. Parameters to be determinate

• Physicals:

1. - Soil texture: % Sand % Silt % Clay

2. - Field capacity (%)


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

• Chemicals:

1. - pH

2. - Electric conductivity (mmhos/cm)

3. - Organic material (%)

4. - Total limestone (CaCO3; %)

5. - Active limestone (%)

6. - Cation Exchange capacity (CEC; meq/100g)

7. - Exchange cations: Calcium (Ca; %) Magnesium (Mg; %) Sodium (Na; %) Potassium (K;%)

8. - Fertilizer elements: Nitrogen (N; %) Assimilable Phosphorus (P; ppm) Assimilable Potassium (K; ppm) Assimilable Magnesium (Mg; meq/100 g) Assimilable Calcium (Ca; meq/100 g)

9. - Other parameters: Ratio C/N Ratio Ca/Mg (meq/100g) Ratio K/Mg (meq/100g)


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

1.4. - Results interpretation

Soil analysis is an indispensable element to know the physical and chemical characteristics that affect the nutrition of the plantation. The physical conditions of the soil, and particularly the texture, inform us of important aspects related to the mobility of water and the dynamics of the fertilizing elements.

The chemical analysis indicates the nutrient richness of the soil and gives us an approximation of the elements that are assimilated by the plant. The soil analysis also informs us of those characteristics that are unfavorable or limiting for the development of the crop. Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 show the levels of the main components of the soil, related to citrus nutrition (Legaz et al., 1995). CO3 a

Table 1.-Interpretation of soil analysis 1. Extract 1 / 2.5; 2. Excerpt 1/5; 3. Relations for values expressed in meq / 100g Source: Legaz et al., 1995

Table 2.-Interpretation of soil organic material analysis Source: Legaz et al., 1995 6

LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Table 3.-Interpretation of phosphorus (P) analysis in soil (Olsen method) Source: Legaz et al., 1995

1: ppm / (10 * pm) = meq / 100g Table 4.-Interpretation of potassium (K) analysis in soil (1 N ammonium acetate extract) Source: Legaz et al., 1995

Table 5.-Interpretation of magnesium (Mg) analysis in soil (1 N ammonium acetate extract) Source: Legaz et al., 1995

Table 6.-Interpretation of calcium (Ca) analysis in soil (1 N ammonium acetate extract) Source: Legaz et al., 1995


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

1.5.- Characterization of the ideal soil in citrus cultivation

Citrus crop are not a very demanding in soils. The characteristics that an ideal soil must present are:

● Deep soils to facilitate root development that guarantees a good anchorage of the tree, extensive exploration to ensure good nutrition, and adequate growth. ● Good aeration, with a balanced proportion of thick and fine elements (texture), which is not excessively clayey. Clay soils give lower fruit quality than sandy soils: thicker skin, less juice and less sweet. ● 1 - 1.5 m depth of land. ● Preferably permeable soils. Too much water causes Gomosis disease (cracking of the cortex at the neck level), rot and root asphyxiation. ● They tolerate a wide range of soils, but thrive in those fertile, well drained and slightly acidic (pH 6-6.5). ● Normal values in a chemical analysis of the soil for citrus cultivation:

Table 7.- Normal values of a soil analysis for citrus cultivation 1. Extract 1 / 2.5; 2. Extract 1/5; 3. Relations for values expressed in meq / 100g Source: Legaz et al., 1995


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


Soil microorganisms contribute to the maintenance of chemical, physical and biological soil fertility. They transform inorganic nutrients, which otherwise can not be absorbed by the plant; they also favor decomposition and mineralization of organic material. Life in soil is made up of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, virus and seaweeds; and macro-organisms that include vertebrates and invertebrates. This last group includes arthropods from acarus to large beetles, millipedes, termites and earthworms, among others.

2.1.- Parameters to be determinate

The indicators to be determined in laboratories will be:

● Microorganism count cfu/g*)

*cfu/g: Colony forming units of bacteria per gram of soil.

◦ Bacteria. Bacteria break down easy-to-use substrates, simple carbon compounds such as radical exudates and fresh plant residues. Waste produced by bacteria becomes organic material. Some microorganisms can break down pesticides and pollutants in the soil. They are especially important in the immobilization and retention of nutrients in their cells and, therefore, prevent the loss of nutrients from the root zone. Mesophilic Bacteria, Thermophilic Bacteria and Nitrogen Transforming Bacteria will be determined in the laboratory.

◦ Fungus. They break down the most resistant organic material, retaining in soil the nutrients obtained in the form of fungus biomass and CO2 release. First, the less resistant material is broken down while the more resistant material, such as lignin and proteins, breaks down into various stages. Many of the secondary waste products are organic acids; therefore, fungus help increase the accumulation of organic material rich in humic acids, resistant to further degradation. There are those of free life and others like mycorrhizae that live in symbiotic form in the roots of plants. In addition to beneficial fungus, there are also phytopathogens. Therefore, the indicators to be determined in laboratory will be Molds and Phytophthora spp.

◦ Nematodes. These organisms not only weaken plants and decrease yields by their direct action on the roots, they also act in etiological complexes that involve fungi, bacteria and virus. When there are nematodes that feed on bacteria and fungus, nitrogen is released as (NH4+ ), nitrogen that is available for the growth of plants and other soil organisms.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

● Number of earthworms. They promote microbiological activity by means of fragmentation of the organic material and the increase in the area accessible to fungus and bacteria. Into the bargain, they stimulate extensive root growth in the subsoil due to the greater availability of nitrogen in the tunnels and the easy penetration of the roots through existing channels.

2.2.- Sampling

A soil sample will be taken from each of the sample units determined for the physical-chemical analysis. For each sample we will use a cube and we will be taking subsamples (between 10 and 15) of wet bulbs next to those used for the physical-chemical analysis, making sure that they contain enough secondary roots.In each subsample we will take the first 20 cm of the soil, being necessary for the final sample between 0.5 and 1 kg of soil.

Each final sample will be introduced in a well identified plastic bag, indicating: type of sample (microbiological), code assigned to the sample unit, date of sample collection, plot to evaluate and assay.

In this sample determine the percentage of organic material (%) and counting bacteria (Mesophilic bacteria, thermophilic bacteria and nitrogen transforming bacteria.), Molds, Phytophthora spp. (cfu) and Nematodes.

To determine the number of earthworms we will make a square on the ground of dimensions 25 x 25 x 10 (side x side x depth) and the number of individuals present in the area of extracted land will be quantifie.

The soil microbiological analyzes of the demonstration plots are included in the Midterm Report as Annex 11: Microbiological analysis


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

2.3.- Results analysis

Healthy soil increases production, profitability and protects natural resources (air and water). To determine if a soil is healthy, its physical, chemical and biological characteristics must be evaluated.

*Healthy soils have a sweet and pleasant smell of earth, while an unhealthy soil has a sour or metallic smell.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


Leaf analysis is currently considered as an essential action for determining the nutritional status of the plantation, an indispensable reference for determining the manure needs of citrus plantations.

The correct use of this practice requires the taking of leaf samples, representative of plantation, and the correct interpretation of parameters analyzed.

3.1.- Sampling

In each of the plots we will take a number of samples depending on soil and trees heterogeneity. So each plot will be divided into homogeneous subplots in terms of texture, fertility, color, soil depth ..., as well as graft / rootstock combination, age, production ...

A sample of 100 to 200 leaves will be taken from each of these subplots, selecting as many trees (25- 50) as necessary, taking from each tree four leaves, one for each orientation. These trees can be taken randomly among the whole of trees, making sure that they are sufficiently distributed and not concentrated in a certain area. These must be representative of plantation.

Spring leaves´ terminals and vegetatives buds (which have not got any fruit and will not developed other buds) will be taken in November. These buds will be selected to the half-height of the tree and oriented to the four cardinal points. Of each bud will be take second and/or third leave starting at the end.

3.2.- Parameters to be determinate:

• Macro nutrients (%): N, P, K, Ca, Mg y S

• Micro nutrients (ppm): Fe, Zn , Mn, B, Cu y Mo


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3.3.- Results analysis

Leaf analysis interpretation is performed compare to the results obtained with previously standard leaf values established for each element (tables 8, 9 and 10; Legaz et al., 1995).

The levels considered as deficient (very low) indicate that the element does not reach in the abb sufficient concentration for the normal development of the physiological functions or metabolic processes in which it is involved. Low levels indicate that the plant is not absorbing the nutrient element satisfactorily and, although not necessarily there must be significant alterations in the vegetative development and productivity, it is convenient to pay attention to nutrition with this element to not reach the deficit state.

Table 8.- Leaf analysis interpretation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in citrus

Table 9.- Leaf analysis interpretation of calcium, magnesium and sulphur in citrus


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Table 10.- Leaf analysis interpretation of iron, zinc, manganese, boron, copper and molybdenum in citrus


González Toro, C.. 2015. Año Internacional de la Salud de los Suelos (FAO). Guía Educativa sobre la Salud de los Suelos.

Legaz, F., Serna, M.D., Ferrer, P., Cebolla, V. y Primo-Millo, E. 1995. Análisis de hojas, suelos y agua para el diagnóstico nutricional de plantaciones de cítricos. Procedimiento de toma de muestras. Generalitat Valenciana, Consellería d'Agricultura, Pesca i Alimentació. V-741.

USDA. 1999. Guía para la Evaluación de la Calidad y Salud del Suelo. 88 p


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3. Results

The project will be implemented in 4 different countries, Spain (6 areas), Italy (1 area), France (1 area) and Portugal (1 area).

3.1 . Spain

In Spain there are six different areas: Malaga (Andalusia), Polinyà de Xúquer (Valencia), Alcalá del Río (Sevilla), Llíria (Valencia), Aljaraque () and Güímar (Tenerife)

3.1.1 Málaga

ASAJA Málaga The demonstration trials are in the region of River Guadalhorce, the most important citrus area of the province of Malaga. The soils of the Guadalhorce have been formed by marls, clays, sandstones, sands and conglomerates. The soil depth is generally greater than 75 cm. The texture of soils is, in general, heavy, which can cause drainage difficulties, for this reason appropriate cultural practices are used for an efficient use of water. The stoniness and rockiness is generally low. In the area there are specific problems of salinity due to saline water resources. There is a moderate to high erosion risk in the area, mainly in areas with steepest slopes.

The lease contracts for the Malaga plots are included signed in Annex 8 of the Midterm Report with the name:

Annex 8: Action 1. Leasing contracts for Malaga plots.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Experimental Field 1 ASAJA Málaga Province: Málaga. Municipality: Almogía Polygon: 22, Plot: 202, Enclosure 21 Area: 5,1843 has Height: 70-80 m Farm name: Finca Corbite Rootstock: Citrus Macrophylla Variety: Verna lemon Year of plantation: 2012 Coordinates: X 361.796,99 Y 4.071.364,43


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

… ………… … T2 T2 T2 …

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

X T1 T1 T1 … … T2 T2 T2 X

XXXX……XXXX 1/2 ha 1/2ha

T1: CONTROL TREATMENT: CONVENTIONAL MANAGEMENT T2: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL STRATEGIES: Hotels insects, green roofs, loose auxiliary fauna and hedges


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: ASAJA MALAGA NIF/CIF: G29620879

Dirección: MAURICIO MORO Nº 4 3º Código Postal: 29006

Localidad: MALAGA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 952311111 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Nombre o Representante legal: NIF/CIF:

Dirección: Código Postal:

Localidad: Provincia: País:

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:


Código: PARCELA 1 CORBITE Coordenadas UTM: X 361.796,99 Y 4.071.364,43

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 22 Parcela: 202 Subparcela: 21

Localidad: ALMOGIA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Especie: Citrus Macrophylla Variedad: LIMON VERNA Superficie: 5,18


Código: PARCELA 1 CORBITE Coordenadas UTM: X 361.796,99 Y 4.071.364,43

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCO ARENOSA pH: 8,37

Materia orgánica (%): 1,07 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 161

Caliza activa (%): 0,748 C.I.C (meq/100g): 11

Ca(%): 71 Mg (%): 27 Na (%): 1 K(%): 1

N (mg/kg): 740 P-asimilable (mg/kg)): <9.79 K-asimilable (mg/kg): <10

Mg-asimilable (mg/kg): 23,3 Ca-asimilable (mg/kg): 63,9

C/N: 8,41 Ca/Mg: 2,63 <0

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):

Observaciones: Datos de suelo. El análisis de subsuelo se adjunta pero no se incorpora en ala ficha.

B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: Tipo de riego: GOTEO



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Experimental Field 2

ASAJA Málaga Province: Málaga. Municipality: Cártama Polygon: 10, Plot: 67, Enclosure 5 Area: 7,4840 has Height: 20 m Farm name: Retamero Rootstock: Citrus Macrophylla + Citrus Aurantium Variety: Fino lemon Year of plantation: >15 years Coordinates: X 357.943,01 Y 4.065.784,81



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

… ……… …… … … T2 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

XXX…XX…XX……XXX 1/4ha 1/4ha 1/4ha 1/4ha



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: ASAJA MALAGA NIF/CIF: G29620879

Dirección: MAURICIO MORO Nº 4 3º Código Postal: 29006

Localidad: MALAGA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 952311111 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Nombre o Representante legal: NIF/CIF:

Dirección: Código Postal:

Localidad: Provincia: País:

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:


Código: PARCELA 2 RETAMERO Coordenadas UTM: X 357.943,01 Y 4.065.784,81

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 10 Parcela: 67 Subparcela: 5

Localidad: CARTAMA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Especie: Citrus Macrophylla + AURANTIUM Variedad: LIMON FINO Superficie: 7,48


Código: PARCELA 2 RETAMERO Coordenadas UTM: X 357.943,01 Y 4.065.784,81

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCA pH: 7,61

Materia orgánica (%): 0,96 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 1.355

Caliza activa (%): 9,23 C.I.C (meq/100g): 16,9

Ca(%): 73 Mg (%): 24 Na (%): 1 K(%): 3

N(mg/kg): 684 P-asimilable (mg/kg): <9,79 K-asimilable (mg/kg): 62,2

Mg-asimilable (mg/kg): 167 Ca-asimilable (mg/kg): 524

C/N: 8,15 Ca/Mg: 3,08 K/Mg: < 0

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):


B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: Tipo de riego: GOTEO



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Experimental Field 3

Province: Málaga. Municipality: Málaga Polygon: 24, Plot: 80, Enclosure 5 and 2 Area: 4,0269 has Height: 50 m Farm name: Agropecuaria Rootstock: Citrus Macrophylla Variety: Fino lemon Year of plantation: >15 years Coordinates: X 361.880,45 Y 4.068.031,58



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

… ……… …… … … T2 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

XXX…XX…XX……XXX 1/4ha 1/4ha 1/4ha 1/4ha

T1: CONTROL TREATMENT: 100% ETc all year round (humidity station) T2: Sustained Deficit Irrigation: 70% ETc all year T3: Controlled Deficit Irrigation: 70% Phi ETc + 100% ETc in PhII + 55% ETc in PhIII PhI: Flowering and fruit set (from mid-March to the end of June) PhII: Fruit growth (from the end of June to the beginning of September) PhIII: Fruit ripening (from early September until harvest) T4: Padded with 70% of the ETc all year round (Humidity station)


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: ASAJA MALAGA NIF/CIF: G29620879

Dirección: MAURICIO MORO Nº 4 3º Código Postal: 29006

Localidad: MALAGA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 952311111 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Nombre o Representante legal: NIF/CIF:

Dirección: Código Postal:

Localidad: Provincia: País:

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:


Código: PARCELA 3 AGROPECUARIA Coordenadas UTM: X 361.880,45 Y 4.068.031,58

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 24 Parcela: 80 Subparcela: 2 Y 5

Localidad: MALAGA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Especie: Citrus Macrophylla Variedad: LIMON FINO Superficie: 4,02


Código: PARCELA 3 AGROPECUARIA Coordenadas UTM: X 361.880,45 Y 4.068.031,58

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCA pH: 8,21

Materia orgánica (%): 1 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 128

Caliza activa (%): 3,12 C.I.C (meq/100g): 16,6

Ca(%): 78 Mg (%): 16 Na (%): 2 K(%): 4

N (mg/kg): 766 P-asimilable (mg/kg): <9,79 K-asimilable (mg/kg): 22

Mg-asimilable (mg/kg): <18,8 Ca-asimilable (mg/kg): 38,4

C/N: 7,57 Ca/Mg: 4,92 K/Mg: <0

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):

Observaciones: Datos de suelo. El análisis de subsuelo se adjunta pero no se incorpora a la ficha.

B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: Tipo de riego: GOTEO



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Experimental Field 4

Spain ASAJA Málaga Province: Málaga. Municipality: Pizarra Polygon: 17, Plot: 12, Enclosure 1 Area: 7,3702 has Height: 50 m Farm name: Villalón Rootstock: Citrus Macrophylla Variety: Verna lemon Year of plantation: > 5 years Coordinates: X 346.949,05 Y 4.068.407,87



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

… ……… …… … … T2 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

X T1 T1 … T2 T2 … T3 T3 … … T4 T4 X

XXX…XX…XX……XXX 1/4ha 1/4ha 1/4ha 1/4ha



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: ASAJA MALAGA NIF/CIF: G29620879

Dirección: MAURICIO MORO Nº 4 3º Código Postal: 29006

Localidad: MALAGA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 952311111 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Nombre o Representante legal: NIF/CIF:

Dirección: Código Postal:

Localidad: Provincia: País:

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:


Código: PARCELA 4 VILLALON Coordenadas UTM: X 346.949,05 Y 4.068.407,87

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 17 Parcela: 12 Subparcela: 1

Localidad: PIZARRA Provincia: MALAGA País: ESPAÑA

Especie: Citrus Macrophylla Variedad: LIMON VERNA Superficie: 7,37


Código: PARCELA 4 VILLALON Coordenadas UTM: X 346.949,05 Y 4.068.407,87

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCA pH: 8,1

Materia orgánica (%): 0,74 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 362

Caliza activa (%): 4,5 C.I.C (meq/100g): 21,9

Ca(%): 76 Mg (%): 19 Na (%): 2 K(%): 3

N(mg/kg): 579 P-asimilable (mg/kg): <9,79 K-asimilable (mg/kg): 45,9

Mg-asimilable (mg/kg): 22 Ca-asimilable (mg/kg)): 90,9

C/N: 7,43 Ca/Mg: 4,07 K/Mg: <0

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):

Observaciones: Datos del suelo. Los análisis de subsuelo se adjuntan pero no se incorporan en la ficha descriptiva

B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: Tipo de riego: GOTEO


C.- Estado nutricional. Análisis foliar


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3.1.2 Polinyà de Xúquer


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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AVA-ASAJA NIF/CIF: G-46267266

Dirección: C/UILLEM DE CASTRO N79 Código Postal:

Localidad: VALENCIA Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 96 380 46 06 Fax: 96 380 68 69 E-mail: [email protected]

Propietario AVA-ASAJA

Nombre o Representante legal: CRISTÓBAL AGUADO LAZA NIF/CIF: 22511043T

Dirección: C/BUENAVISTA N 7 Código Postal: 46220

Localidad: PICASSENT Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:

Parcela 46:199:0:0:1:63:20

Código: PARCELA 1 Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 1 Parcela: 63 Subparcela: 20


Especie: CITRICOS Variedad: Superficie: 6865 m²


Código: Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

A.- Suelo


Materia orgánica (%): 0,99 Conductividad eléctrica (mS/cm): 0,091

Caliza activa (%): 6,6 C.I.C (meq/100g): 15,4

Ca(%): 36,4 Mg (meq/100g): 1,67 Na (meq/100g): 0,045 K(meq/100g): 1,06

N(%): 0,085 P-asimilable (ppm): 20 K-asimilable (ppm):

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,67 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 15,4

C/N: 0,57 Ca/Mg: 21,80 K/Mg: 0,63

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):


B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: POZO Tipo de riego: LOCALIZADO



Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 41,62 Media (ºC)3: 17,64 Mínima (ºC)2 -1,53

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 42,27 Pluviometría (mm) : 550,42 ET0 (mm) : 1222,1



Cultivos precedentes5: CITRICOS



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AVA-ASAJA NIF/CIF: G-46267266

Dirección: C/GUILLEM DE CASTRO N79 Código Postal:

Localidad: VALENCIA Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 96 380 46 06 Fax: 96 380 68 69 E-mail: [email protected]

Propietario AVA-ASAJA

Nombre o Representante legal: CRISTÓBAL AGUADO LAZA NIF/CIF: 22511043T

Dirección: C/BUENAVISTA N 7 Código Postal: 46220

Localidad: PICASSENT Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:

Parcela 46:199:0:0:1:63:17

Código: PARCELA 2 Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 1 Parcela: 63 Subparcela: 17


Especie: CITRICOS Variedad: Superficie: 6865 m²


Código: Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

A.- Suelo


Materia orgánica (%): 0,86 Conductividad eléctrica (mS/cm): 0,102

Caliza activa (%): 6,69 C.I.C (meq/100g): 6,69

Ca(%): 36,4 Mg (meq/100g): 1,67 Na (meq/100g): 0,045 K(meq/100g): 1,06

N(%): 0,075 P-asimilable (ppm): 17 K-asimilable (ppm):

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,72 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 15,7

C/N: 6,67 Ca/Mg: 21,16 K/Mg: 0,62

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):


B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: POZO Tipo de riego: LOCALIZADO



Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 41,62 Media (ºC)3: 17,64 Mínima (ºC)2 -1,53

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 42,27 Pluviometría (mm) : 550,42 ET0 (mm) : 1222,1



Cultivos precedentes5: CITRICOS

Observaciones6: 40

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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AVA-ASAJA NIF/CIF: G-46267266

Dirección: C/GUILLEM DE CASTRO N79 Código Postal:

Localidad: VALENCIA Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 96 380 46 06 Fax: 96 380 68 69 E-mail: [email protected]

Propietario AVA-ASAJA

Nombre o Representante legal: CRISTÓBAL AGUADO LAZA NIF/CIF: 22511043T

Dirección: C/BUENAVISTA N 7 Código Postal: 46220

Localidad: PICASSENT Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:

Parcela 46:199:0:0:1:63:46

Código: PARCELA 3 Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 1 Parcela: 63 Subparcela: 46


Especie: CITRICOS Variedad: Superficie: 6865 m²


Código: Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

A.- Suelo


Materia orgánica (%): 1,04 Conductividad eléctrica (mS/cm): 0,104

Caliza activa (%): 6,69 C.I.C (meq/100g): 6,69

Ca(%): 39,1 Mg (meq/100g): 1,72 Na (meq/100g): 0,06 K(meq/100g): 1,14

N(%): 0,095 P-asimilable (ppm): 16 K-asimilable (ppm):

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,72 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 14,8

C/N: 6,31 Ca/Mg: 22,73 K/Mg: 0,66

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):


B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: POZO Tipo de riego: LOCALIZADO



Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 41,62 Media (ºC)3: 17,64 Mínima (ºC)2 -1,53

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 42,27 Pluviometría (mm) : 550,42 ET0 (mm) : 1222,1



Cultivos precedentes5: CITRICOS



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AVA-ASAJA NIF/CIF: G-46267266

Dirección: C/GUILLEM DE CASTRO N79 Código Postal:

Localidad: VALENCIA Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 96 380 46 06 Fax: 96 380 68 69 E-mail: [email protected]

Propietario AVA-ASAJA

Nombre o Representante legal: CRISTÓBAL AGUADO LAZA NIF/CIF: 22511043T

Dirección: C/BUENAVISTA N 7 Código Postal: 46220

Localidad: PICASSENT Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:

Parcela 46:199:0:0:1:63:45

Código: PARCELA 4 Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 1 Parcela: 63 Subparcela: 45


Especie: CITRICOS Variedad: Superficie: 6865 m²


Código: Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

A.- Suelo


Materia orgánica (%): 0,99 Conductividad eléctrica (mS/cm): 0,103

Caliza activa (%): 6,69 C.I.C (meq/100g): 6,69

Ca(%): 39,1 Mg (meq/100g): 1,58 Na (meq/100g): 0,07 K(meq/100g): 0,92

N(%): 0,09 P-asimilable (ppm): 17 K-asimilable (ppm):

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,58 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 17,7

C/N: 6,34 Ca/Mg: 24,75 K/Mg: 0,58

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):


B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: POZO Tipo de riego: LOCALIZADO



Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 41,62 Media (ºC)3: 17,64 Mínima (ºC)2 -1,53

Humedad Relativa (%)3: Pluviometría (mm)4: 4 42,27 550,42 ET0 (mm) : 1222,1



Cultivos precedentes5: CITRICOS

Observaciones6: 46

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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AVA-ASAJA NIF/CIF: G-46267266

Dirección: C/GUILLEM DE CASTRO N79 Código Postal:

Localidad: VALENCIA Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 96 380 46 06 Fax: 96 380 68 69 E-mail: [email protected]

Propietario AVA-ASAJA

Nombre o Representante legal: CRISTÓBAL AGUADO LAZA NIF/CIF: 22511043T

Dirección: C/BUENAVISTA N 7 Código Postal: 46220

Localidad: PICASSENT Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: Fax: E-mail:

Parcela 46:199:0:0:1:63:11

Código: PARCELA 5 Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 1 Parcela: 63 Subparcela: 11


Especie: CITRICOS Variedad: Superficie: 6865 m²


Código: Coordenadas UTM: X: 725.085,23 Y: 4.341.799,23

A.- Suelo


Materia orgánica (%): 0,86 Conductividad eléctrica (mS/cm): 0,087

Caliza activa (%): 6,69 C.I.C (meq/100g): 6,69

Ca(%): 33,8 Mg (meq/100g): 1,54 Na (meq/100g): 0,042 K(meq/100g): 0,853

N(%): 0,08 P-asimilable (ppm): 12 K-asimilable (ppm):

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,54 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 14,8

C/N: 6,25 Ca/Mg: 21,95 K/Mg: 0,55

Bacterias (ufc/g): Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g):

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g):

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g):

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc):


B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: POZO Tipo de riego: LOCALIZADO



Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 41,62 Media (ºC)3: 17,64 Mínima (ºC)2 -1,53

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 42,27 Pluviometría (mm) : 550,42 ET0 (mm) : 1222,1



Cultivos precedentes5: CITRICOS



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3.1.3 Alcalá del Río

The demostration trials are located in IFAPA Centro Las Torres, Alcalá del Río, Seville, Andalusia (Latitude: 37º 30' 45'' N; Longitude: 05º 57' 50'' W; Altitude: 12.0). The demostration trials are in Guadalquivir Valley, one of the most important citrus area in Andalusia with a orange fruit for fresh market. Mediterranean climate, 18.1 ºC average temperature, 586.7 mm annual rainfall and 1292.4 mm ET0. Loam soil (25% clay, 32% sand and 43% silt) with organic matter level around 1.0 %, 0.12 dS/m, 4.8 % active CaCO3 and pH of 8.0.

ACTION C1.- Testing of HLB-tolerant citrus rootstocks

Experimental field 1: “New citrus rootstocks collection” Rootstocks: 18 (treatments) US 942, US 469, C-22, X639, FA5 (by IFAPA), Bitters (C-22), Carpenter, Furr, F6P12, F6P13, Severinia (by UNICT), Florag1, citrandarin 4x, citrumelo 4x (by CIRAD). Citrange carrizo, Cleopatra mandarin, Citrus macrophylla (Control rootstocks) Variety: `Lane Late´ Year of Plantation: June 2020 Tree spacing: 6 x 4 m

ACTION C1.- Testing of HLB-tolerant citrus rootstocks

Experimental field 1: “New citrus rootstocks collection” Experimental design: 4 randomized blocks including a primary plot with 6 trees (N=24).


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Replicate in at least 5 areas (Ferreira de Alentejo, PT by UALG), (IT by UNICT), Guadeloupe (FR by CIRAD), Corsica (FR by INRA), Lliria (SP by IVIA) Varieties: Tarocco clones (Catania), Mandarin and tangelos (Guadeloupe).

ACTION C3.- Demostration in trial areas. T1.- Cover crops

Experimental field 2: “Traditional cover crops” Varieties: `Valencia Delta Seedless´ and `Lane Late´ Rootstocks: Forner-Alcaide nº517 y CIVAC19 Year of Plantation: June 2015 Row length: 100 m Tree spacing: 3.5 x 1.25 m

ACTION C3.- Demostration in trial areas. T1.- Cover crops

Experimental field 2: “Traditional cover crops” Treatments: T0: No cover crops T1: Hordeum vulgare (barley) + Avena sativa (oat) T2: Matricaria recutita + Thymus hyemalis + Santolina chamaecyparisus + Rosmarinus officinalis + Origanum virens + Salvia verbenaca T3: Lolium multiflora + vicia sativa T4: Vicia faba


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Experimental design: 4 randomized blocks, within the primary plot is the space between two line plantations.

ACTION C3.- Demostration in trial areas. T1.- Cover crops

Experimental field 3: “Medicinal and aromatic cover crops” Variety: `Lane Late´ Rootstocks: 25 Year of Plantation: June 2017 Row length: 195 m


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

ACTION C3.- Demostration in trial areas. T1.- Cover crops

Experimental field 3: “Medicinal and aromatic cover crops” Treatments: T0: Matricaria recutita T1: Thymus hyemalis T2: Santolina chamaecyparisus T3: Rosmarinus officinalis T4: Origanum virens T5: Salvia verbenaca Experimental design: 3 randomized blocks, within the primary plot is one-sixth of the space between two line plantations (32.5 m).

ACTION C3.- Demostration in trial areas. T2.- Summer pruning, T3: optimized irrigation and T4: Bioestimulants

Experimental field 4: “Evaluation of different agricultural practices” Varieties: `Valencia Delta Seedless´ and `Lane Late´ Rootstocks: Forner-Alcaide nº517 y CIVAC19 Year of Plantation: June 2015 Row length: 100 m Tree spacing: 3.5 x 1.25 m


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

ACTION C3.- Demostration in trial areas. T2.- Summer pruning, T3: optimized irrigation and T4: Bioestimulants

Experimental field 4: “Evaluation of different agricultural practices”

Treatments: T0: Control T1: 50% DI throught the year T2: 50% DI PhI T3: 50% DI PhII T4: 50% DI PhI+PhII T5: 2,4 DP in June T6: 365 TPA in June T7: Mechanical Pruning T8: T7+T5 T9: T7+ T6 Experimental design: 3 randomized blocks within the primary plot is one half of the line plantation (row).


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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3.1.4 Llíria The demonstration trials are located in the main Citrus production area in Spain: Valencia. The soil depth is generally greater than 1 m. The texture of soils is, in general, loam or clay loam. The most important feature of the soil is its content of limestone, and high pH. This feature is also show by the irrigation water. The weather use to be soft with no more tan 5 nights under 0oC during the winter, and excepcionally over 40º C during the summer. Even though the farm is inlads, and that is why the harvest time use to come 2 or 3 weeks later than other near production areas.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AGRIMARBA 2 SL NIF/CIF: B44510576

Dirección: AVDA. MANUEL VIVANCO, 12 Código Postal: 12550

Localidad: ALMASSORA Provincia: CASTELLÓN País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 608261758 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]

Propietario AGRIMARBA 2 SL

Nombre o Representante legal: ADRIAN AGUSTÍ AGUSTÍ NIF/CIF: 18933038J

Dirección: Ctra. La Redondela - Pozo del Camino Km. 2 Código Postal: 21430

Localidad: LA REDONDELA Provincia: HUELVA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 959343034 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Código: 070 Coordenadas UTM: (x,y)=(706513.2,4400392.6) HUSO 30

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 11 Parcela: 559 Subparcela:

Localidad: LLIRIA Provincia: VALENCIA País: ESPAÑA

Especie: Citrus reticulata (B.) Variedad: CLEMENULES Superficie: 11,86 (total de la parcela)


Código: 070 (NL) Coordenadas UTM: zona 30 S 706514,66 m. E 4400458.51 m. N

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCA pH: 8,2

Materia orgánica (%): 1,6 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 0,194

Caliza activa (%): 6,62 C.I.C (meq/100g):

Ca(%): 83 Mg (%): 11 Na (%): 3 K(%): 4

N(%): 959 (mg/kg) P-asimilable (ppm): 13,5 K-asimilable (ppm):

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,77 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 13,7

C/N: 9,67 Ca/Mg: 7,74 K/Mg: 0,38

Bacterias (ufc/g): * Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g): *

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g): *

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g): *

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc): *

Observaciones: (*) A la espera de los resultados del análisis microbiológico de suelos.

B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: Pozo propio Tipo de riego: Localizado por goteo



LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

C.- Estado nutricional. Análisis foliar


N(%): 2,41 P(%): 0,15 K(%): 1,36

Ca(%): 2,53 Mg(%): 0,24 S(%): 0,2


Fe(ppm): 91,4 Zn(ppm): 90,3 Mn(ppm): 72,5

B(pmm): 46,2 Cuppm): 220 Mo(ppm): <10


1 Pozo, canales, ríos…


Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 39,8 Media (ºC)3: 15,7 Mínima (ºC)2 -2,3

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 65 Pluviometría (mm) : 564* ET0 (mm) : 658

Observaciones: campaña 2018/19

2 Anual absoluta 3 Media anual 4 Anual acumulada


Cultivos precedentes5: Cítricos, olivar secano

Observaciones6: producción integrada con cubierta vegetal de gramíneas

5 Indicar al menos los dos últimos 6 Incluir técnicas de producción relevantes en los cultivos precedentes: producción ecológica, cubiertas vegetales….


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


Acciones a implementar:

Control biológico (T1)7:

Podas de verano (T2)8:

Optimización del riego (T3)9:

Insumos inteligentes (T4)10:

Acciones combinadas (T5):

Observaciones: El experimento recoge los 5 tratamientos descritos + el tratamiento control

7 Control biológico inteligente, cubiertas vegetales, instalación de hoteles PARA insectos, setos

8 Poda de los brotes superiores de la copa del árbol en verano (junio) y otoño (septiembre), aplicación de auxinas (2,4DP o 3-5-6 TPA) en junio, limpieza de los restos de poda

9 Riego Deficitario Sostenido (RDS), Riego Deficitario Controlado (RDC), acolchado con malla negra

10 Uso de biosfertilizantes, bioestimulantes, bacterias específicas

3.1.5 Aljaraque

The demonstration trial will be located in Gibraleón (Huelva), at the south west of Spain. This production area was mainly developed during the last quarter of the XX century, so the plantations uses to be modern and bigger than other Citrus production areas in Spain. The soil depth is generally greater than 1 m. The texture of soils in our farm is sandy or loam Sandy, wich is usual near to the coast where the majority of the Citrus farms are located. The soil pH is lightly acid, wich is also shown by the irrigation water. Other feature of the water is its low salinity. The weather use to be soft with very few nights under 0oC during the winter, and warm during summer, being usual temperatures over 40º C.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: AGRIMARBA 2 SL NIF/CIF: B44510576

Dirección: AVDA. MANUEL VIVANCO, 12 Código Postal: 12550

Localidad: ALMASSORA Provincia: CASTELLÓN País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 608261758 (Bartolomé Domínguez) Fax: E-mail: [email protected] 609493417 (Daniel Asuero) [email protected] Propietario AGRIMARBA 2 SL

Nombre o Representante legal: ADRIAN AGUSTÍ AGUSTÍ NIF/CIF: 18933038J

Dirección: Ctra. La Redondela - Pozo del Camino Km. 2 Código Postal: 21430

Localidad: LA REDONDELA Provincia: HUELVA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 959343034 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Código: 2C Coordenadas UTM: 29 S 676219 m. E 4130616 m. N

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 13 Parcela: 13 Subparcela: 52

Localidad: Aljaraque Provincia: Huelva País: ESPAÑA

Especie: Citrus sinensis Variedad: Valencia Delta SD Superficie: 11,84


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


Código: 2C Coordenadas UTM: 29 S 676219 m. E 4130616 m. N

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCA pH: 8,18

Materia orgánica (%): 1,01 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 0,078

Caliza activa (%): 0,54 C.I.C (meq/100g): **

Ca(%): 79 Mg (%): 13 Na (%): 0,14 K(%): 0,51

N(%): 453 (mg/kg) P-asimilable (ppm): 39,8 K-asimilable (ppm): 0,51 (meq/100g)

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 1,01 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 6,15

C/N: 13 Ca/Mg: 6,09 K/Mg: 0,5

Bacterias (ufc/g): * Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g): *

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g): *

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g): *

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc): *

Observaciones: (*) A la espera de los resultados del análisis microbiológico de suelos.

B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: Comunidad de regantes Tipo de riego: Localizado por goteo


C.- Estado nutricional. Análisis foliar


N(%): 2,99 P(%): 0,14 K(%): 1,05

Ca(%): 4,75 Mg(%): 0,38 S(%): 0,25


Fe(ppm): 213 Zn(ppm): 98,1 Mn(ppm): 73,6

B(pmm): 77,5 Cuppm): 114 Mo(ppm): <10


1 Pozo, canales, ríos…


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Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 38,5 Media (ºC)3: 17,8 Mínima (ºC)2 -0,1

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 60 Pluviometría (mm) : 538* ET0 (mm) : 822*

Observaciones: MEDIA DE 5 CAMPAÑAS

2 Anual absoluta 3 Media anual 4 Anual acumulada


Cultivos precedentes5: Cítricos, forestal

Observaciones6: producción integrada con cubierta vegetal de gramíneas

5 Indicar al menos los dos últimos 6 Incluir técnicas de producción relevantes en los cultivos precedentes: producción ecológica, cubiertas vegetales….


Acciones a implementar:

Control biológico (T1)7:

Podas de verano (T2)8:

Optimización del riego (T3)9:

Insumos inteligentes (T4)10:

Acciones combinadas (T5):

Observaciones: El experimento recoge los 5 tratamientos descritos + el tratamiento control

7 Control biológico inteligente, cubiertas vegetales, instalación de hoteles PARA insectos, setos

8 Poda de los brotes superiores de la copa del árbol en verano (junio) y otoño (septiembre), aplicación de auxinas (2,4DP o 3-5-6 TPA) en junio, limpieza de los restos de poda

9 Riego Deficitario Sostenido (RDS), Riego Deficitario Controlado (RDC), acolchado con malla negra

10 Uso de biosfertilizantes, bioestimulantes, bacterias específicas


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3.1.6 Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are an archipelago of the Atlantic Ocean. It is also one of the outermost regions of the European Union. It consists of seven main islands: El Hierro, La Gomera, La Palma and Tenerife, which form the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; and Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, which make up the province of Las Palmas.

The archipelago is located in North Africa, near the coasts of southern Morocco and the Sahara, between coordinates 27º 37 'and 29º 25' north latitude and 13º 20 'and 18º 10' west longitude. The islands, of volcanic origin, are part of the natural region of Macaronesia, with high biodiversity, along with the archipelagos of Cape Verde, Azores, Madeira and Salvajes. The Canary Islands have 301.237 ha of protected natural areas (146, including 4 national parks) [40%]. The seven islands and islets are of volcanic origin with subtropical climate.

Total area: 7.446 km² Maritime area: 100.000 km²

Figure 1. Geographical situation and distribution area of the Canary archipelago

Agricultural production in the Canary Islands occupies 41472.6 ha, mainly dedicated to bananas (9111 ha). Citrus crops: 1453.5 ha, distributed mainly in Gran Canaria (865.2 ha) and Tenerife (405.6 ha). In general, the following conditions are met for the production areas:


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 Water consumption: depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, 7,500-12,000 m3 of water / ha for adult trees.  Current methods: conventional management: 3-4 application / insecticides; fungicides 2 app./year; occasional use of herbicides; fertilizer 1443.4 kg / ha; No tillage  Type of soil: mainly clay loam.

Trioza erytreae was first detected in the Canary archipelago in 2002, on the island of Tenerife. Since then, the plague has spread throughout the rest of the western islands, in 2011 it arrived in Gran Canaria and in 2018 in Lanzarote. Surveys conducted regularly from 2009 to the present confirm that the bacterium "Candidatus Liberibacter africanus" is not present in the Canary Islands.

Figure 2. Trioza erytreae (Psila africana), damage caused by the insect, whose symptoms consist of gills, deformations and yellowing of leaves and young shoots. Map that identifies the presence / absence of this insect in the Canary Islands (Year 2009). Source of the images: Government of the Canary Islands.


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Recently, the biological control program (IVIA-ICIA), consisting of the importation, breeding and subsequent release in the Canary Islands of Tamarixia dryi, from South Africa, has been carried out. During the fall of 2017, several IVIA researchers traveled to South Africa to study and collect parasitoid populations from various regions of this country, which were subsequently introduced into ICIA laboratories in Tenerife, where their effectiveness and specificity were verified. Subsequently, he was experimentally released at a single point in Valle Guerra in the summer of 2018. The Plant Health Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Water of the Canary Islands, has conducted surveys in more than 83 plots of Tenerife to assess the distribution and effectiveness of the parasitoid in the archipelago; and has verified that the insect has already been established in 85.7% of the plots, at altitudes ranging from sea level to more than 900 m. In addition, it has recently been found that the hornet has naturally expanded to other islands with the presence of T. erytreae. The parasitism levels that have been observed so far are generally very high.

Figure 3. Tamarixia dryi parasitizing the populations of Trioza erytreae. Image source: Government of the Canary Islands.

The actions corresponding to the Demonstration Areas, in our case three test plots located on the islands of Tenerife (2) and Gran Canaria (1), will be developed following a Technical Plan based on the information of the protocols developed in the A1 action. The selection and design of the Demonstrative Tests should include: protocols to map the


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distribution of vector insects and identify biological control agents (BCA), installation of hotels for insects and nest boxes, protocols to improve production efficiency and the natural control of the vector through alternative solutions, which in turn includes biological control, biorational products, fungal entomopathogens and chemical control strategies. The areas where the demonstration tests will be carried out must meet the following characteristics:

• Have a significant number of citrus fruit trees. • High levels of infestation with Trioza erytreae.

The Technical Plan, based on the protocols of action A-1, must be divided into two parts, as detailed below:

Adaptation Actions to be implemented in the Demonstration area characteristics area

 Current driving practices.  Mapping for control of insect vectors.  Historical use of that soil.  Installation of insect hotels.  Geographic situation  Cultural practices on cultivation  Topography. (installation of yellow plates, etc.).  Type of soil and vegetation.  Hedges and plant covers.  Risks  Irrigation systems.  Beneficial soil microorganisms…

Characteristics and design of the Demonstration areas The Demonstration Areas will be located in 3 experimental plots, corresponding to two research stations; Finca Isamar of ICIA (Valle-La Laguna-Tenerife Valley), Finca La Planta of ICIA (Güímar-Santa Cruz de Tenerife) and Finca Los Cardones of the Experimental


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Agricultural Farm of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria (Arucas-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).

Total area: 7.446 km²

Finca Isamar (Valle de Guerra) Finca Los Cardones (Arucas)

Finca La Planta (Guímar)

Figure 4. Location of the Demonstration Areas (marked yellow on the map): Isamar- Valle de Guerra (Tenerife), La Planta-Güímar (Tenerife) and Los Cardones-Arucas (Gran Canaria). Aerial view of the three corresponding farms.


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I. Finca Isamar. ICIA (Valle Guerra-La Laguna-Tenerife) Responsible partner: Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias (ICIA) Address: Carretera El Boquerón, s/n, Valle de Guerra, La Laguna. 38297. Location: Valle de Guerra Province: Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Reference: 38230 Polygon: 26 Plot: 150 Enclosure: 6 Cadastral Reference: 38023A026001500000FZ UTM coordinates: X: 36434657, Y: 3154797.85 Area: 3.849m2 Height: 278 m Planting year: New planting Current driving practices: None Historical use of that soil: There was a citrus collection more than 15 years ago, which was subsequently used for horticultural cultivation, it has been 5 years without any plantation. Currently there are some files on the edge of the land that are pruned at times without definite planning. Type of soil and vegetation: Terrace cultivation, loamy clay soil.


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Plantation design ISAMAR Plot: Variety Test for the control of Trioza erytreae.

92 m Variety: Total number of trees: 138 1. Star Rubi Elementary plot: 1 tree 2. Clemenules Plantation Frame: 6 x 4 3. Navelina 4. Valencia late 5. Fino 6. Ortanique


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II. Finca La Planta (Güímar-Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

Responsible partner: Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias (ICIA) Address: Camino El Socorro s/. 38500. Location: Güímar Province: Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Reference: 38200 Polygon: 16, Plot: 304 Enclosure: 3 Cadastral reference: 38020A016003040000WD UTM coordinates: X: 364291, 76 Y: 3133048, 98 Area: 1962 m2 Height: 121 m Plantation Frame: 4 x 3 m Rootstock: Carrizo Variety: Washington Navel Year of plantation: 1989

Location of the Demonstration Area Plot corresponding to La Planta Farm.

Current management practices: Pruning citrus fruits in December. Currently no phytosanitary products are being applied. Fertilization was provided during the last year (2018) with potassium nitrate. A year ago, treatment with the insecticides was applied: Movento 150 O-Teq (spirotetramat) and Dursban (Chlorpyrifos 48%). Historical use of that land: It has been approximately 30 years with orange groves. Type of soil and vegetation: Terrace cultivation. Sorriba Soil transported.

Plantation design Plot Güímar


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AREA T2: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL STRATEGIES:  Insect hotels  Vegetable covers  Release of auxiliary fauna  Hedges

II. Finca Los Cardones-Granja Agrícola Experimental (Arucas-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Responsible partner: Cabildo de Gran Canaria Address: Carretera del Norte Km 7,2, Cardones Location: Arucas Province: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria UTM coordinates: X: 363421,9 Y: 3156283, 72


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Hight: 101 msnm Plantation Frame: 4 x 3 m Roostocks: Varios (ensayo de portainjertos con IFAPA) Varietys: Varias (Ensayo de variedades con IFAPA) Year of plantation: Nueva plantación

Plantation design Plot Los Cardones – Gran Canaria


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Variety: 1. Star Rubi 2. Clemenules 3. Navelina 4. Valencia late 5. Fino 6. Ortanique

4.7 Seville

The demonstration trials are in the region of River Guadalquivir, the city with the largest number of orange trees in the world. The soils of the Guadalquivir have been formed by marls, clays, sandstones, sands and conglomerates. The soils in the city have been anthropized and there are routes for services and canalizations that come into conflict with the roots of the orange trees. The water level is high, and normally after a year of maintenance, they adapt and do not need to water again. The street orange, is a bitter orange without grafting and with a crown formation adapted to the passage of pedestrians in narrow streets or parks.


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The city is divided into districts in which trees are distributed homogeneously in streets, and parks. Of the tree species that we find in the city, the orange tree is the most used

Distribution of the orange trees in the city

Models of distribution of the orange trees in the city of Seville

 Park or green area.  Wide avenue with distant planting of buildings  Wide avenue with plantation near building  Narrow street but tree distanced from houses  Narrow street with tree near buildings flush sidewalk.  Narrow street with tree near single-family house.  Narrow street with brotherhood step. (Holy Week)

Conservation Works in Seville citrus trees


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Plantation with specific material. Citrus aurantium var, amara, without rootstock or pattern, with a cross established 2.5 m from the neck of the tree, if possible in container and with a minimum caliber of 14-16 cm of circular perimeter. Planting hole in both park and tree well of 1 m3. During the first two years, risks are established to help consolidate the tree. Once established, the tree does not water again.

Pruning oriented to preserve gauge in steel or parking band. Avoid hiding vertical signage, traffic lights or street lamps. When the glasses impact or invade facades, shielding is required.

Annual fruit collection. It takes place between the end of November and the end of February in public areas. This work requires in Seville an effort materialized in significant temporary extension of personnel (about 300 workers in the three months).

Pest and diseases in Sevilla citrus trees

Currently Pest control is carried out from the point of view of Integrated Management. The entomofauna currently detected in the orange groves of Seville is:

 Suckers: Whiteflies. Aleurothrixus flocossus, Paraleyrodes minei.  Aphids. Aphis spiraecola, A. craccivora, A. gossypii, Macroshiphum euphorbiae.  Mealybugs Planococcus citri, Chrysomphalus aonidum, Chrysomphalus dictyospermi.  Miners: Phyllocnistis citrella. Since the only organism for which treatments are being carried out is Chrysomphalus dictyospemi (with phosphoric soap and citroline), we find a wide range of parasites and predators. Coccinellids, neuroptera, hymenoptera,...

The usual diseases in the orange trees of Seville are: Psorosis and Gomosis. Viruses and fungus respectively that affect bitter orange. Debarked by rats. Physiopathies Vandalism and works without coordination.


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3.2. Italy

Selection and design of demonstration trials in Italy


Sicily, with an area of 25, 711 km² and approximately 5 million inhabitants, is the largest and fourth most populous region of Italy. In terms of agricultural area, Sicily is the region with the highest agricultural area used (UAA) for 1,387,520 ha, which accounts for 53.9% of the total area. UAA in Sicily consists of 49.1% of arable land, 23.1% of permanent meadows and pastures and 27.7% of agricultural wood crops. Vines, olives and citrus represent the most important fruit tree crops, with the latter attending to an annual production of about 1,800,000 tons, more than 50 % of the whole Italian citrus production.

Figura 1. Sicilian island


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Characteristics and design of the Demonstration areas

The Demonstration Areas are situated in 5 experimental plots located in the plain of Catania (37°17'04'‘ N, 14°53'16'‘ E), in the east of Sicily, which is an important citrus growing area where pigmented oranges are the main fruit cultivation. All the plots are in an agricultural farm, named Azienda Agricola Primosole. The orchard is subjected to standard cultural practices and the soil is rich in organic matter, moderately calcareous, in fact, its pH is about 7.8, and the content of active lime is less than 1.0 %.

Figura 2. Primosole Farm location

Figura 3. Climatic characteristics of the demonstration areas


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Plot # 1 Tarocco Scirè on different rootstocks

Province: Siracusa Municipality: 2 Area: 2000 m Height: 59 m

Year of plantation: 2010

Variety: Tarocco Sciré

Rootstocks: 9 rootstocks - Carrizo citrange

- Troyer citrange - F6P12 - F6P13 - Bitters (C22) Geographical coordinates - Carpenter (C54)

- Furr (C57) 37°17'04.3"N; 14°53'17.3"E - C35 - Citrumelo Swingle 5 rows 38 trees/row 115 m /row Frame of plantation: 3 x 5 m


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Design of plantation


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Plot # 2 Sanguinello on 2 rootstocks

Province: Siracusa Municipality: Lentini

Area: 1,8 ha Height: 59 m

Year of plantation: 2016

Geographical coordinates Variety: Sanguinello Rootstock: Carrizo and C35 18 rows (Carrizo) and 15 (C35) Avg 26 trees/row 37°16’43,8"N; 14°53’15,5"E Avg 93 m/row

Frame of plantation: 6 x 4

Design of plantation

C35 Citrange Carrizo


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Plot # 3 Tarocco Ippolito

Province: Siracusa

Municipality: Lentini Area: 1 ha

Height: 59 m Year of plantation: 2011

Variety: Tarocco Ippolito Rootstock: Carrizo citrange 12 rows Geographical coordinates

Avg 62 trees/row Avg 242 m/row Frame of plantation: 3 x 5 m 37°17’02,3"N; 14°53’03,8"E

C T1

T2 T3

Design of plantation

C = Control: standard cultural practices

T1 = Cover crops: Lolium multiflora + Vicia sativa

T2 = Biostimulants: 3-5-6 TPA



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Plot # 4 Tarocco Rosso

Province: Siracusa

Municipality: Lentini Area: 1 ha

Height: 59 m Year of plantation: 2014

Variety: Tarocco Rosso

Rootstock: Carrizo citrange 23 rows Avg 50 trees/row Geographical coordinates Avg 149 m/row Frame of plantation: 3 x 5 m 37°17’02,9"N; 14°52’59,5"E

C T1

Design of plantation

C = Control: standard cultural practices

T1 = Green pruning (September) + Biostimulants


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Plot # 5 Moro

Province: Siracusa Municipality: Lentini Area: 1 ha Height: 59 m Year of plantation: 2011

Variety: Moro Rootstock: Carrizo citrange 10 rows Avg 55 trees/row Avg 168 m /row Frame of plantation: 3 x 5 m



Design of plantation

C = Control: standard cultural practices T1 = Cover crops + Biostimulants


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3.3. France

3.3.1 INRA. Corsica

The demonstration trials are in the Eastern plain of Corsica, the most important citrus area of Corsica. The production is located between the sea and the mountain, at the northern limit of citrus repartition. Orchards are generally situated in a low cultivated environment (shrubland) and distant from each other.


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Dispositif expérimental Essai PG HLB Bloc: C9b1 Densité : 6x4 Poncirus Pc 16 Citrumelo 4X Citru4X 15C35 C35 12 Plantation 2022 Former-Alcaide n°517 FA517 7Citrange Carrizo Cc 1Florag alotetraploide 1 Flor 13 Surface : 7392m² X639 X639 6C22 Bitters C22 5US897 US897 4 Variété: Clémentine C57 Furr C57 11Former-Alcaide n°5 FA5 2Citrus macrophylla Macro 9 PG: Divers Citrandarina 4X Citra4X 14Flying dragon FlyD 8US942 US942 3 C54 Carpenter C54 10 Placettes

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVU 1 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 2 999 101 104 107 110 113 201 204 207 210 213 301 304 307 310 313 401 404 407 410 413 999 3 999 101 104 107 110 113 201 204 207 210 213 301 304 307 310 313 401 404 407 410 413 999 4 999 101 104 107 110 113 201 204 207 210 213 301 304 307 310 313 401 404 407 410 413 999 5 999 101 104 107 110 113 201 204 207 210 213 301 304 307 310 313 401 404 407 410 413 999 6 999 102 105 108 111 114 202 205 208 211 214 302 305 308 311 314 402 405 408 411 414 999 7 999 102 105 108 111 114 202 205 208 211 214 302 305 308 311 314 402 405 408 411 414 999 8 999 102 105 108 111 114 202 205 208 211 214 302 305 308 311 314 402 405 408 411 414 999 9 999 102 105 108 111 114 202 205 208 211 214 302 305 308 311 314 402 405 408 411 414 999 10 999 103 106 109 112 115 203 206 209 212 215 303 306 309 312 315 403 406 409 412 415 999 11 999 103 106 109 112 115 203 206 209 212 215 303 306 309 312 315 403 406 409 412 415 999 Unité Expérimentale en Ligneen Expérimentale Unité 12 999 103 106 109 112 115 203 206 209 212 215 303 306 309 312 315 403 406 409 412 415 999 13 999 103 106 109 112 115 203 206 209 212 215 303 306 309 312 315 403 406 409 412 415 999 14 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVU 1 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 2 999 101 101 107 107 113 113 204 204 210 210 301 301 307 307 313 313 404 404 410 410 999 3 999 101 101 107 107 113 113 204 204 210 210 301 301 307 307 313 313 404 404 410 410 999 4 999 102 102 108 108 114 114 205 205 211 211 302 302 308 308 314 314 405 405 411 411 999 5 999 102 102 108 108 114 114 205 205 211 211 302 302 308 308 314 314 405 405 411 411 999 6 999 103 103 109 109 115 115 206 206 212 212 303 303 309 309 315 315 406 406 412 412 999 7 999 103 103 109 109 115 115 206 206 212 212 303 303 309 309 315 315 406 406 412 412 999 8 999 104 104 110 110 201 201 207 207 213 213 304 304 310 310 401 401 407 407 413 413 999 9 999 104 104 110 110 201 201 207 207 213 213 304 304 310 310 401 401 407 407 413 413 999 10 999 105 105 111 111 202 202 208 208 214 214 305 305 311 311 402 402 408 408 414 414 999

Unité Expérimentale en carréen Expérimentale Unité 11 999 105 105 111 111 202 202 208 208 214 214 305 305 311 311 402 402 408 408 414 414 999 12 999 106 106 112 112 203 203 209 209 215 215 306 306 312 312 403 403 409 409 415 415 999 13 999 106 106 112 112 203 203 209 209 215 215 306 306 312 312 403 403 409 409 415 415 999 14 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 99

LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVU Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc FA517 Citra4X C22 C35 Macro FA5 Flor FA517 C57 C22 FA5 C57 Citra4X US942 Cc Citra4X FA5 C54 X639 C57 Pc Pc FA517 Citra4X C22 C35 Macro FA5 Flor FA517 C57 C22 FA5 C57 Citra4X US942 Cc Citra4X FA5 C54 X639 C57 Pc Pc FA517 Citra4X C22 C35 Macro FA5 Flor FA517 C57 C22 FA5 C57 Citra4X US942 Cc Citra4X FA5 C54 X639 C57 Pc Pc FA517 Citra4X C22 C35 Macro FA5 Flor FA517 C57 C22 FA5 C57 Citra4X US942 Cc Citra4X FA5 C54 X639 C57 Pc Pc X639 Citru4X FA5 Flor US942 C35 Macro US942 US897 Cc Macro C35 Citru4X C54 FlyD Flor Macro C22 FA517 C35 Pc Pc X639 Citru4X FA5 Flor US942 C35 Macro US942 US897 Cc Macro C35 Citru4X C54 FlyD Flor Macro C22 FA517 C35 Pc Pc X639 Citru4X FA5 Flor US942 C35 Macro US942 US897 Cc Macro C35 Citru4X C54 FlyD Flor Macro C22 FA517 C35 Pc Pc X639 Citru4X FA5 Flor US942 C35 Macro US942 US897 Cc Macro C35 Citru4X C54 FlyD Flor Macro C22 FA517 C35 Pc Pc C57 Cc FlyD US897 C54 Citra4X Citru4X FlyD X639 C54 X639 US897 Flor FA517 C22 FlyD US942 Cc US897 Citru4X Pc Pc C57 Cc FlyD US897 C54 Citra4X Citru4X FlyD X639 C54 X639 US897 Flor FA517 C22 FlyD US942 Cc US897 Citru4X Pc Pc C57 Cc FlyD US897 C54 Citra4X Citru4X FlyD X639 C54 X639 US897 Flor FA517 C22 FlyD US942 Cc US897 Citru4X Pc Pc C57 Cc FlyD US897 C54 Citra4X Citru4X FlyD X639 C54 X639 US897 Flor FA517 C22 FlyD US942 Cc US897 Citru4X Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc

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Plots Block Rootstock Raccourci Code 999 Poncirus Pc 16 101 1 Former-Alcaide n°517 FA517 7 102 1 X639 X639 6 103 1 C57 Furr C57 11 104 1 Citrandarina 4X Citra4X 14 105 1 Citrumelo 4X Citru4X 15 106 1 Citrange Carrizo Cc 1 107 1 C22 Bitters C22 5 108 1Former-Alcaide n°5 FA5 2 109 1Flying dragon FlyD 8 110 1 C35 C35 12 111 1 Florag alotetraploide 1Flor 13 112 1 US897 US897 4 113 1 Citrus macrophylla Macro 9 114 1 US942 US942 3 115 1 C54 Carpenter C54 10 201 2Former-Alcaide n°5 FA5 2 202 2 C35 C35 12 203 2 Citrandarina 4X Citra4X 14 204 2 Florag alotetraploide 1Flor 13 205 2 Citrus macrophylla Macro 9 206 2 Citrumelo 4X Citru4X 15 207 2 Former-Alcaide n°517 FA517 7 208 2 US942 US942 3 209 2Flying dragon FlyD 8 210 2 C57 Furr C57 11 211 2 US897 US897 4 212 2 X639 X639 6 213 2 C22 Bitters C22 5 214 2 Citrange Carrizo Cc 1 215 2 C54 Carpenter C54 10 301 3Former-Alcaide n°5 FA5 2 302 3 Citrus macrophylla Macro 9 303 3 X639 X639 6 304 3 C57 Furr C57 11 305 3 C35 C35 12 306 3 US897 US897 4 307 3 Citrandarina 4X Citra4X 14 308 3 Citrumelo 4X Citru4X 15 309 3 Florag alotetraploide 1Flor 13 310 3 US942 US942 3 311 3 C54 Carpenter C54 10 312 3 Former-Alcaide n°517 FA517 7 313 3 Citrange Carrizo Cc 1 314 3Flying dragon FlyD 8 315 3 C22 Bitters C22 5 401 4 Citrandarina 4X Citra4X 14 402 4 Florag alotetraploide 1Flor 13 403 4Flying dragon FlyD 8 404 4Former-Alcaide n°5 FA5 2 405 4 Citrus macrophylla Macro 9 406 4 US942 US942 3 407 4 C54 Carpenter C54 10 408 4 C22 Bitters C22 5 409 4 Citrange Carrizo Cc 1 410 4 X639 X639 6 411 4 Former-Alcaide n°517 FA517 7 412 4 US897 US897 4 413 4 C57 Furr C57 11 414 4 C35 C35 12 415 4 Citrumelo 4X Citru4X 15


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3.3.2 CIRAD. Guadeloupe

Technical plan

1- Current management practices at the CIRAD demonstration areas High level of technical expertise is required to maintain citrus orchards infected by HLB. Also irrigation practices associated to appropriate fertilization protocols allow to avoid to induce other stress (Table 1). This requires: - Regular irrigation (programming system to limit water stress; use of a micro sprinkler or drip system). - Mineral fertilization provided monthly at soil. - Foliar mineral fertilization to ensure better nutrient absorption. - Use of a combination of mineral oils and fertilizers in foliar form. - Regular mechanical weeding management to limit competition with weeds and avoid problems related to the use of herbicides.

Table 1: Management practices used from 2015 to 2019 in the Cirad orchards. Fertilization Irrigation Weed management Pest management Frequency Monthly Daily Monthly Bi Monthly

Type Mineral (NPK)+ Aspersion Mechanical Integrated pest Foliar management Products Urée, DAP, 11- Micro Scrapper on the Vertimec + Karate + 11-33, 12-6-20 + aspersion row / Oviphyt/black soap Hortal, mérol Mower in the inter- with foliar fertiliser row area

2- Historical land uses

The different orchards were planted with attentively banana and citrus. The two demonstration citrus orchards were planted in 2015 (tangelos and mandarins) and 2017 (orange Rhode Red). 3- Risks A regional network coordinated by French authorities (DAAF-FREDON) for epidemio- surveillance was set up in Guadeloupe in get information regarding of the presence of the vector and the disease. More than 60% of the orchards tested plots were found positive for HLB. (see Figure 1).


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Figure 1: HLB parasite pressure is very high in Guadeloupe: 60% of the trees that have been tested are infected

Orchards of the demonstration area today are 100 % infected by HLB.

4- Geographic situation

Place:  Province: Guadeloupe  Municipality: Sainte Marie  Neufchâteau CIRAD station: (16◦ 15 N, 61◦ 32 W)  Altitude : 400m The area has a tropical humid climate with a mean annual rainfall of 3850 mm and a rainy period from June to October with a mean daily temperature in the range 21–25◦ C


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

5- Topography of the CIRAD Guadeloupe 2 demonstration areas,


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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

6- Type of soil and type of vegetation

On Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe), volcanic ash soils cover extensive areas on the slopes surrounding the active volcano La Soufrière (elevation: 1467 m) (Colmet-Daage & Lagache, 1965). During Quaternary times, explosive eruptions resulted in thick ash deposits. In the area under study, these deposits were andesitic and quickly weathered into allophan under annual rainfall > 2500 mm (Dagain et al., 1981). Bananas have been cropped since the 1960s in this area (Ndayiragije, 1996)

Place were CIRAD orchard for the Life Citrus for Vida project will be planted.


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Figure 2: Type of soil in Guadeloupe


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

2.- Adaptation actions that will be implemented in their area.

2.1 Mapping insect vectors control (here each partner will implement according to what ICIA proposes in its protocol) The vector is already highly present.

2.2 Installation of insect hotels Since HLB is highly present, we favor agro ecological practices since the beginning of 20019 and phytosaniotory produces are not anymore used.

2.3 Cultural practices


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

We will improve fertilization (ferti-irrigation) to limit as much as possible the stress induced by HLB.

2.4 Cover crops Installation of natural cover grope to limit the devolvement weeds will be done.

2.5 Different irrigation systems Drop by drop system and sprinkling are used to adapt irrigation and avoid any water deficit.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

3.4. Portugal

3.4.1 Martinavarro. Valenciagro-Heredade da Zambujeira The demonstration trial will be located in Ferreira do Alentejo (Beja), at the south of Portugal, Baixo Alentejo region. This farm was acquired by Valenciagro, Lda. In 2000 with the purpose of growing seedless hybrids, because is an isolated citrus orchard with no risk of cross pollination. Nowadays, the farm has 120 Has of citrus. Soil is lightly alkaline, with aproximately 1 m Depth and loam clay textura. There is no limitant factors to the crop, altough a right managment of the salinity is recomended. The main weather feature is the chance of moderate frosts during winter, that is why the farm has 18 anti-Frost fans, that covers the 80% of the cultivated surface. Moreover, intense and long rain episodes are often from autumn up to spring.


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LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

Distribution rows VALENCIAGRO


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report



Socio responsable: VALENICAGRO LDA NIF/CIF: 505 145 006

Dirección: FINCA HEREDADE DA ZAMBUJEIRA Código Postal: 7900-443


Teléfono: (+351) 284 998 372 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Propietario VALENCIAGRO LDA,

Nombre o Representante legal: ADRIAN AGUSTÍ AGUSTÍ NIF/CIF: 18933038J

Dirección: Ctra. La Redondela - Pozo del Camino Km. 2 Código Postal: 21430

Localidad: LA REDONDELA Provincia: HUELVA País: ESPAÑA

Teléfono: 959343034 Fax: E-mail: [email protected]


Código: B07 Coordenadas UTM: 29S 585551 m. E 4216802 m. N

Datos catastrales: Polígono: 1D Parcela: 1 Subparcela:

Localidad: Peroguarda (Ferreira do Alentejo) Provincia: Beja País: Portugal

Especie: Tangor (híbrido) Variedad: Nadorcott Superficie: 11,82


Código: B07 Coordenadas UTM: 29S 585551 m. E 4216802 m. N

A.- Suelo

Textura: FRANCO-LIMOSA pH: 7,67

Materia orgánica (%): 1,00 Conductividad eléctrica (dS/m): 0,239

Caliza activa (%): 1,27 C.I.C (meq/100g):

Ca(%): 60 Mg (%): 35 Na (%): 4 K(%): 1

N(%): 535 PPM P-asimilable (ppm): 26,2 K-asimilable (ppm): 0,18 (meq/100g)

Mg-asimilable (meq/100g): 8,61 Ca-asimilable (meq/100g): 14,7

C/N: 10,9 Ca/Mg: 1,68 K/Mg: 0,02

Bacterias (ufc/g): * Hongos: Mohos (ufc/g): *

Phytóphthora sp. (ufc/g): *

Nematodos: Totales (ufc/g): *

Tylenchulus semipenetrans (ufc): *

Observaciones: Pendientes de recibir resultados de análisis microbiológicos de suelo.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

B.- Riego

Procedencia del agua1: canales Tipo de riego: goteo


C.- Estado nutricional. Análisis foliar


N(%): 2,68 P(%): 0,13 K(%): 0,79

Ca(%): 4,65 Mg(%): 0,38 S(%): 0,22


Fe(ppm): 345 Zn(ppm): 137 Mn(ppm): 132

B(pmm): 83 Cuppm): 150 Mo(ppm): <10


1 Pozo, canales, ríos…


Temperatura: Máxima (ºC)2 37,6 Media (ºC)3: 15,6 Mínima (ºC)2 -0,7

3 4 4 Humedad Relativa (%) : 20 Pluviometría (mm) : 455 ET0 (mm) : 583,27


Datos de 2019 Sacados de la estación meteorológica de la finca.

2 Anual absoluta 3 Media anual 4 Anual acumulada


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report


Cultivos precedentes5: Cereal, olivar, ambos en secano.

Observaciones6: producción integrada con cubierta vegetal de gramíneas

5 Indicar al menos los dos últimos 6 Incluir técnicas de producción relevantes en los cultivos precedentes: producción ecológica, cubiertas vegetales….


Acciones a implementar:

Control biológico (T1)7:

Podas de verano (T2)8:

Optimización del riego (T3)9:

Insumos inteligentes (T4)10:

Acciones combinadas (T5):

Observaciones: El experimento recoge los 5 tratamientos descritos + el tratamiento control

7 Control biológico inteligente, cubiertas vegetales, instalación de hoteles PARA insectos, setos

8 Poda de los brotes superiores de la copa del árbol en verano (junio) y otoño (septiembre), aplicación de auxinas (2,4DP o 3-5-6 TPA) en junio, limpieza de los restos de poda

9 Riego Deficitario Sostenido (RDS), Riego Deficitario Controlado (RDC), acolchado con malla negra

10 Uso de biosfertilizantes, bioestimulantes, bacterias específicas

4 Conclusion

The areas included in the project cover a relatively wide range of soils, Mediterranean meso- climates, vegetation types and land uses that will permit to evaluate available rootstock Varieties with the final alim of obtening HLB-tolerant material and the application of cultural practices that enable greater plant resilience and better adaptation to the challenges of climate change.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

5 Clarifications of concepts included in Deliverable A1

Design of demo trials table.

We have generated an Excel table that combines all the actions to be carried out that we include as Annex 10. Action A1 of the Midterm Report: Design of demo trials-table. The Table is intended for a better visual explanation of actions / parcels / members as requested by EASME.

Conventional treatment

The "conventional treatment" consists in the performance of cultural practices as has been done so far by the person in charge of each Demonstration test area. This treatment will be the reference to evaluate, by comparing it with the other sustainable techniques introduced, the agronomic and environmental impact obtained by the latter. Citrus standard management

1st) Start of sprouting (March):

-Nitrogenous foliar fertilizer (foliar urea, for example) + microelements + Gibberellic acid (optional)

2nd) Pre-Flowering / aphids (April):

-first setting pass (AG or fengib) -Amino acids -Aficidal insecticide (usually Flonicamid) -Microelements (Zinc-Manganese)

3rd) Post-flowering (May approx)

-2nd curdling treatment (AG or fengib) -Amino acids or algae -Potassium-rich fertilizer. -If there is aphid  hobby.

4th) 1st generation of California red louse (June) + first acaricidal treatment *

-Movento or pyriproxyphen + acetamiprid -Ovicidal acaricide -Wet or oil.


LIFE 18 CCA/ES/001109 Deliverable Action A.1 Base line characterisation report

5th) Spider treatments (July-September, what is necessary according to leaf and fruit samplings)

-Adulticidal acaricide (abamectin, mainly) -Ovicidal acaricide (hexitiazox, clofentezin, acequinocil, spirodiclofen banned this year) -Wetting agent or paraffinic oil.

6th) Fattening treatments at the end of the physiological fall (if necessary, the authorized product depends on the type of citrus):

-Auxins -Potassium-based fertilizers.

7th) Ceratitis treatments:

-Spinosad or massive trapping.

8º) Fungicide treatments for watering:

-Mancozeb or Cu compounds.

9º) Treatments for skin and hair loss (if applicable, due to the variety, harvesting requirements, etc.)

-Gibberellic acid (to support the skin) -Calcium nitrate -Auxins (in varieties that fall)

Pruning: In different phases according to type of citrus and Variety

Weed control: Chemical, manual

Harvesting: (Sept-April) – Manual

Prunning: Manual

Soil: Without cover


NPK + micronutrients. It is not possible to establish a single subscriber program, but each farm and even each plot must have its own subscriber plan that will depend on the age, variety, rootstock, production, type and fertility of the soil, quality of the irrigation


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water, etc. and crop status: budding / foliar development pre-flowering flowering petal drop / fruit set and development / ripening

Use of Water

Responding to the question that the Commission asks us in the letter

Citrus irrigation 3,000-5,000 M3/ha/ year depending of the rain. In the different Demonstration test areas, it has been agreed to install a volumetric meter with several objectives in both “conventional” and “water saving” treatments:

1.- Establish the usual water consumption (m3 / ha) of a citrus plantation according to the agroclimatic characteristics of each Demonstration test area. 2.- Determine the water saving (m3 / ha) obtained by the different water saving strategies and its repercussion on the agronomic behavior of the plantation. 3.- Determine the effect of the different techniques established in the efficient use of the applied water (kg / m³), by means of the relation between the supplied water and the fruit production obtained for it. In addition, in the IVIA-Agrimarba Demonstration test area, the efficient use of water will be determined from the point of view of the actual water consumption carried out by the plant, determining this through the measurement of the transpiration of the plant through the use of a LICOR equipment.