The Impact of Phoenician and Greek Expansion on the Early Iron Age

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The Impact of Phoenician and Greek Expansion on the Early Iron Age Ok%lkVlht a, ol a- Pk- c-i--t-S- 'L. ST COPY AVAILA L Variable print quality 3C7 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used AJA American Journal of Archaeology AEArq Archivo Espanol de Arqueologia BASOR Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Rese arch Bonner Jb Bonner JahrbUcher BRGK Bericht der R8misch-Germanischen Kommission BSA Annual of the British School at Athens CAH Cambridge Ancient History CNA Congreso Nacional de Arqueologia II Madrid 1951 x Mahon 1967 x]: Merida 1968 XII -Jaen 1971 XIII Huelva 1973 Exc. Arq. en Espana Excavaciones Arqueolo'gicas en Espana FbS Fundberichte aus Schwaben Jb RGZM Jahrbucfi des Rbmisch-Germaniscfien Zentraimuseums Mainz JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies MDOG Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft MH Madrider Mitteilungen NAH Noticario Arqueologico Hispanico PBSR Papers of the British School at Rome PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly PPS Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society SCE Swedish Cyprus Expedition SUP Symposium Internacional de Prehistoria Peninsular, V Jerez de la Frontera 1968: Tartessos y sus Problemas, Publicaciones Eventuales 13 SPP Symposium de Prehistoria Peninsular VI Palma de Mallorca 1972 Trab. de Preh. Trabajos de Prehistoria 8L \ t 4. ADCOCK FE 1926 The reform of the Athenian State; CAH IV, 'Ch. 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