Northern Territory Hockey Association Inc

Annual Report 2013



Australian Hockey League Major Sponsor


Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 2

NT Hockey Association 2013

Patron: Hon Delia Lawrie

Executive Committee: President: Peter Sommerville Senior Vice President: Eric Bailey Vice-President (Women): Vanda West Vice-President (Men): Rick Paul Vice-President (Facilities): Maurie Lenoir Treasurer: Michelle Walton Secretary/Public Officer: Ian Harkness (Baden Sharp resigned)

Staff: Executive Officer: Ian Harkness (Baden Sharp resigned) Development Officer: Mark Davis Financial Officer: Robyn Southwood Administration: Diane Trimble

Organization Chart:-






Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 3 Hockey NT Delegates and Membership 2013

Alice Springs Hockey Association

President - Eric Bailey

Darwin Hockey Association

President - Doreen Walton

Gove Hockey Association


NT Masters Hockey Association Inc

President - Tony Wood

2013 NT Hockey Membership Profile:

Darwin Alice Springs NT Masters Senior Males 296 54 *71 (18 Years & over Senior Females 299 49 *95 (18 Years & over) Junior Males 280 49 (17 Years & under) Junior Females 337 32 (17 Years & under) Total Male 576 103 Total Female 636 81 Regional Totals 1,212 184 *166

* Includes NT and Interstate based players with dual hockey membership.

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Firstly, I would like to thank Steve Rowe for all his help over the transition period at the beginning of 2013 and his continued support throughout the year. 2013 was a very busy year with NTHA hosting both the U21 Women’s and U15 Men’s National Championships. I would like to congratulate all of our state teams and their support staff for their strong and proud representation of the NT, with a very big thank you to all the people who were involved with getting our teams ready and away. It is these people that really make our sport great. We focused this year on putting together a strong HPC, which I am happy to say we have and they have been very busy formalising policies and procedures, working on clear and defined player pathways with Coaching and Umpiring Accreditations to be run throughout 2014. I would like to thank the EO Baden Sharp for all his hard work and strong support of Hockey over the last 3 years and wish him well as he moves on to bigger and better things. Welcome to Ian Harkness the New EO who had to hit the ground running with the U15 Men’s National Championships not far away when he started. I would like to thank Ian and his staff for all their hard work getting the centre polished and ready to be on show, and the correctional service gentlemen for all their help and the wonderful paint work on the water tank. To Our sponsors, I wish to thank you for your support in 2013 and look forward to your continued support in the coming year. Our web site has been updated in line with Hockey and you will notice that there is a lot more information available and is being updated regularly. A big thank you to Mark Davis for all the work he has put into this over the last 12 months. I am looking forward to the coming year with the Alice Springs Masters this year ASHA will be looking for extra support if there are any players thinking about going down this October. The Australian Women’s Masters will be held in Darwin this year in July, which Di Trimble has been working on, there will be a few teams also involved in the Out Games in May. NTHA will be running a major fundraiser to help subsidise the cost to our state teams and help us to provide a better service to our members and we will continue to look for opportunities to promote hockey to the wider NT community. We started and finished the year with wet season competitions and the NT Masters running Friday Night Social Games which have been great fun and a good way to start the year. A call for all those who would like to be involved in the future development of Hockey in the NT, it is the volunteers that keep our sport growing and remember it is our Association. A big Thank you to the NTHA Board for all their support and help over the last 12 months and look forward to a very busy year ahead.

Peter Sommerville President Northern Territory Hockey Association

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Having only occupied the position of Executive Officer for only the last three (3) months of the financial year it is difficult to provide an overall summary on aspects of the sport within the NT however as you digest the contents of the Annual Report you will see that the comprehensive supply of information and statistics from other contributors more than adequately covers the full spectrum of what has occurred within Hockey NT during the period.

I do, however, include my congratulations to all who have achieved during the year whether it be our players with National representation, Territory representation or Club success and to those individual achievers through NTIS or Academy selection and those who gained accreditations in the fields of umpiring, coaching and technical officials.

Your attention is drawn to the inside front cover of the annual report where recognition is given to all of our corporate partners where the valuable contribution they make is pivotal to the ongoing success of the sport ….. Please ensure you support them as much as they support Hockey.

It is prudent to point out at this juncture that late in 2013 Hockey NT was able to secure Peak Sporting Body funding through the Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing for the next three (3) years and this funding is aligned to the delivery of Key Performance Indicators which are aimed at improving aspects of the sport including coaching and officiating and compliance with Play By The Rules requirements.

With simultaneous timing to the matter above, the negotiations with the NTIS realised a three (3) year arrangement as a Tier 1 sport to provide a high quality program to those identified athletes with the skills to progress their career.

These two (2) matters provide a positive base upon which Hockey NT can confidently plan for the next few years.

When you take on a new role there are areas you identify as in need of attention to varying degrees and coming in from a sports management background away from the Territory I believe that as an organisation there are a few that should be treated with priority to progress the sport and the conduct of its business.

Included in these are:- more structure to the delivery of services particularly coaching and umpiring development - more formal policies and procedures to support the operations of the Association - a review of the governance, management and operations of the Association – clearer lines of communication between the Association, the Affiliates and their Clubs – an audit and review of the facility at Marrara as whilst the turf areas are relatively new, and shouldn’t be in need of attention for about a decade, the building is showing signs of age and will be in need of ongoing repairs in the near future – or is it time to look at an expansion that will encompass the Turf 2 area ?

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 6 During the first few months of my tenure time has been spent putting into place a strong base from which we can move forward and this has included a thorough clean-up of the office, storage areas and computer files at the Marrara complex trying to ascertain what we have, don’t have, don’t need and some form of logic to our retention and storage of records and memorabilia.

It is hoped that this process will be completed by February and will provide a more organised approach for the 2014 year.

My thanks are extended to the members of the Hockey NT Board, the officials at the DHA, ASHA and Masters organisations, the Clubs of those Affiliates and the current staff of Hockey NT all of whom have been generally supportive of what has been undertaken thus far into my appointment.

In summary, there is much more that can be done to make an overall improvement to the delivery of Hockey in the NT and the challenge to do so is one that should invigorate us all and I look forward to working with everyone whether at Affiliate or Club level to do so.

Ian Harkness Executive Officer Hockey NT

High Performance Management Committee Members in 2013:-

HPC Chairperson: Peter Sommerville Members: Barry Shewring Chantrelle Carey Craig Curby Ian Harkness Gordon Clarke Mark Davis Nick Jones Nick Lenoir Penny Weedon Tracey Parker

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2013 was another productive year in the development department which has seen a restructure to our development programs and a stronger presence in Alice Springs. The following is a summary of development events for 2013.


This year saw the introduction of the Active After School care (AASC) sessions for clubs. All Darwin clubs were given the opportunity to carry out a once a week session for 8 weeks from early February until the start of the season. Clubs would then have the opportunity to promote their junior teams. 12 AASC centers were booked during this period with 3 clubs taking up the offer. The clubs were also paid for each deliverer that was supplied and overall the feedback was very positive. We will look to increase the club participation in 2014.

Active After School Centre Name Number of Participants

Araluen Christian College 35

Bradshaw 40

Holy Family School OSHCS 45

Leanyer School Council OSHCS – Commerce HC 70

Malak Primary School 35

Wanguri OSHCS – Saint Marys HC 68

Larrakeyah OSHCS 70

Parap Primary School – Waratahs HC 40

YMCA Durack OSHCS 35

Ross Park Primary School 40

Epenarra 50

St Andrews Lutheran School 30

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 8 2013 was another busy year in the schools with 20 schools visited in the Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs areas with 870 children participating in hook in2 hockey clinics.

Remote and Regional Indigenous Hockey Tour with Desmond Abbott and David Bell

A promotional tour of remote areas near Alice Springs and Darwin was held in August that featured recently retired Kookaburra and NT player Des Abbott and former Kookaburra and high performance coach David Bell. The visit to Alice targeted indigenous communities and we travelled to Uluru and delivered Hockey for the first time to communities in the area. Equipment including sticks, shin pads and balls were supplied to the 2 local schools. We also provided a clinic for the local Alice Springs players and also visited an indigenous training center where Des talked to the trainees about his experiences. In Darwin training sessions were held for our U15 state teams as well as an open Hook in2 Hockey clinic which had 22 participants. We also visited a couple of schools with Des which included his former primary school where he spoke to all students about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and attending school. Des and David also featured as speakers at an AFL leadership forum which had over 500 participants from all over Australia. The week was a great success and we are definitely looking to follow up the visit to Uluru now that we have equipment in the area.

Goal Keeper & Drag Flick Clinics

We were fortunate enough to secure the services of Olympic gold medalist Troy Elder and former Australian goal keeper Nathan Burger for 3 days of goal keeping and drag flicking sessions. 15 players (max allowed) participated in the drag flicking clinic and we had 14 goal keepers participate over the 3 days. We will look to follow up the GK sessions with Nathan in 2014 in the hope to recruit more junior goal keepers.

NT Under 15 Championships

For the first time in several years Alice Springs were able to send a complete boys team and 8 girls who were mixed into the other club teams. Next year we will look at improving the structure for this event in the hope to further improve participation.

Hockey ED A level 1 umpire course was presented by International badged umpire Stephen Versity. 16 people registered for the course. 2014 will see a change in how we present the courses with the hope of giving the participants internet access so we can include the online component as part of the group session. We will also look to increase the number of Community level courses in both Darwin and Alice Springs.

Junior Academy Squads

It was another successful year for the Junior Academy Squad in 2013 with most members gaining entry into NT state teams. The program has now completed its third year and is improving all the time. There was a great response from our volunteer coaches towards the program and I would like to express my appreciation to all who gave up their free time to help develop our talented juniors.

Academy Coaches: Adam Spry, Sam Spry, Doreen Walton, Dieter Mittermayer.

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 9 Junior Development Squads

This is the underpinning program to the Academy Squad and it targets our junior players that want to make state teams but are just missing out. Two blocks of 6 weeks were run throughout the year and the response was very positive from all involved. We had 8 player move into state teams at the start of 2014.

Holiday Camps

54 participants registered for the 2013 December holiday three day camp. The camp was a great success with 16 participants not registered to a club and experiencing hockey for the first time. A big thank you to all the camp leaders who kept the kids entertained and happy for the three days.


Once again I’d like to take this opportunity to thanks all the volunteers who have helped out during the year. And a big thanks to all parents who support their kids, the clubs and the development programs.

Mark Davis Development Manager

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Darwin Hockey Association


The 2013 Darwin Hockey Association (DHA) has had a relatively turbulent but successful year. The main concern for the season was that there were only three Executive Members positions on the committee filled. One being our Administrative Officer who fulfilled the roll of Treasurer and Secretary. This is a huge work load for any committee especially one that had limited resources.

DHA have been actively running the competition for over 60 odd years and it saddens me greatly to see the future of DHA not gaining the support of the hockey community that it so disparately needs. Success for any sporting association is best measured in terms of the level of enjoyment, participation, involvement and contribution of volunteers, players, supporters and members throughout the season. Everyone reaps the rewards but the days are numbered where the Association cannot continue to function without the support of volunteers to help out, volunteers who give their time and effort week in, week out without hesitation. They forgo spending valuable time with family and friends to ensure a successful outcome for all the hockey community. They generally go unnoticed and they generally go unacknowledged. DHA are now in desperate need of volunteers to become active members of DHA.

How can we sustain our Association? Who is prepared to put their hands up and help out? Who loves their sports so much that they don’t want to play under the umbrella of DHA? I for one would not like to see this happen. I have been actively involved as a volunteer for more than 30 years. These are trying times but generally they are outweighed by the good ones.

We all like to lay claim to the success of our up and coming juniors playing in state teams and the success of our elite athletes who are in Australian development squads or Australian sides. Where did they start? Right here in Darwin playing in the DHA competition.

For the 2014 hockey year there needs to be a specific focus on the longer term sustainability of the Association, and setting a foundation for more substantive support for our Association.

There are always areas of improvement for DHA and one way is to ensure DHA have the full support and engagement of our Clubs and hockey community is with the assistance from Hockey NT in developing pathways to improve on our umpiring, coaching and technical qualifications. With this support we can improve our sport as a whole. This will also enable those who choose to become qualified in these areas to assist at any Australian National Championships.

I would like to thank the Clubs for their support to DHA during the season by promoting good sportsmanship behaviours in our sport. This said it does not mean we can rest on our laurels. We must ensure we maintain our high standards of sportsmanship and continue to instil them from our juniors through to senior levels. It is fantastic that you can participate or support one another on or off the field.

UMPIRING A special thank you to Ian Berry, Vice President Umpires for his coordination of centrally managing and rostering umpires each week at both the junior and senior level. This gentleman gave many hours of unpaid dedication to ensuring that each and every game had umpires available. He was often down at hockey on weekends chasing up umpires when an umpiring commitment was not filled. He reshuffled players from game to game to ensure each game had umpires. Part of the role involved chasing last

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 11 minute umpires and ensuring each game commenced on time. Its volunteers like these that make an Association function smoothly. To all the umpires for the 2013 season a huge thank you, especially those who had to do a few games in a row at short notice. Without umpires there would be no games. Please continue your good work into the future.

We still need to build on our umpires and technical officers which I again acknowledge will require the assistance of Hockey NT in developing pathways to improve on our umpiring, coaching and technical qualifications this could be achieved.

The role of umpires and technical offices are thankless tasks which are also diminishing but with the assistance of Hockey NT in developing pathways to improve on our umpiring, coaching and technical qualifications this could be achieved.

VALE TO KARL BERRY DHA were deeply saddened with the passing of Karl Berry early in the season. Karl was from the Commerce-Pints Hockey Club. Karl and his family were and still are active members of the Territory hockey community. Karl was captain of the Commerce-Pints A grade men’s team and an A grade umpire. A fund has been specifically set up and will be used to train people in first aid etc. so that there will always be someone at the Hockey Centre that can administer first aid whenever it is required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to the support and commitment of the Executive Committee for their tireless effort and patience in ensuring the good governance and effective operation of the Association. I appreciate the demands on their time, and the considerable expertise and experience they bring to the organisation and to the Club representatives on the Management Committee for their support, advice and assistance during the 2013 season. I would also like to thank Hockey NT for their support and a special thank you to the duty managers and canteen staff.

To the outgoing DHA committee members I wish you well in any future endeavours and to the newly elected office bearers for 2014, all the best.

Doreen Walton Life Member NT Hockey Association Life Member Banks Hockey Club 2000 Australian Sport Medal

Darwin Hockey Association - Life Members

Bev Sinclair Kim Ainslie Alan Marshall Robert Bulasch Trevor Alder Keith Kemp

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Alice Springs Hockey Association


Alice Springs Hockey Association set five goals for the 2013 season with our objectives to support the growth, quality and sustainability of Hockey in the Red Centre through the development of the next generation of leaders for our Association. 1. Give more game management responsibility to players 2. Continue to support the building of our Senior competition 3. Build on the work already done to grow Junior Hockey. 4. Develop a plan to improve umpiring and technical capabilities within ASHA. 5. Commence the process of developing a new Strategic Plan for Hockey Alice Springs.

1. Game Management Giving more responsibility to players for the way in which the game is managed, has been an ongoing initiative of the Alice Springs Hockey Association executive. The executive also adopted a strategy of applying a less formal approach to management and administration in an endeavour to attract more people to participate. 2013 saw us move forward in this area. We attracted several new faces to administrative roles, and whilst this is very pleasing, we need to continue to bring new faces and new ideas into the management of Hockey in Alice Springs. During the 2013 season, we were relatively successful in placing issues that involved player and team behaviours in the hands of the players. Under the guidance of Vice President Nick Kuhn, much of the disunity between players and teams has gone and the standards of play, competition, and behaviour have improved. Players and teams have abided by the standards asked of them. It should be noted that those who manage our game in Alice Springs are for the most part Veterans of the game and will not be around forever. 2. Supporting the building of our Senior Competition Hockey needs a pathway which enables people to enter our sport and progress as far as their aspirations and abilities take them. A strong Senior Competition in Alice Springs is therefore essential. Bearing in mind that we are in a very competitive market for young people’s hearts and minds we need to take a refreshed look at how we attract people to our game, how we ensure they enjoy their time in Hockey, and how we engage them in our future. Interest at the senior level has provided a competition that has been relatively close and balanced across both the mens and women’s divisions. We are however still faced with a transient population that means players come and go according to work and family commitments. Whilst it has been a difficult season for all, trying to get eleven players on the field each week, the flexible approach taken by the Executive and match Committee ensured all Teams were there at the end and fighting for a place in the finals. Thanks must go to the team coordinators for the way they have managed their teams throughout the 2013 season. I must however reiterate a comment I made at the end of last year, If Alice Springs Hockey can’t show a serious improvement in numbers year on year, then our endeavours to obtain sponsorship or grant money to fix and re-develop the current facilities will be pointless.

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 13 Money goes to sports where there is the highest participation. E.g. AFL. The Government, Local or Territory, is reluctant to provide sporting associations the funds to re-develop grounds and facilities if member numbers are low. They are more inclined to spend the money on sports that have much higher participation numbers, believing they get a better return for taxpayers’ dollars.

3. Build on the work already done to grow Junior Hockey. With the advent of a Part -Time Development Officer being appointed, work continued in 2013 to ensure we had a good connect with the various organisations and bodies within Alice Springs such as Schools and NTIS. Whilst the year started with much energy, enthusiasm, and good intentions this dwindled with the absence of the Development Officer for what I understand were personal/health reasons. This placed demands upon others who had not anticipated or planned for the responsibilities that they assumed. As disappointing as this was, a solid effort was put in to support the ongoing development of those in the system during the Hockey season and the advancement of players identified as possible representative players. The role of Development Officer is important for the continuation and growth of Hockey in Alice Springs. For it to be successful in the long term it will require good communications between NTHA, the ASHA executive and the Development Officer. Mark Walsh has now resigned from this role and it will be necessary for us to work out how we go forward into 2014 and beyond. The development of a junior hockey competition on Wednesday evenings, is heading in the right direction. However, there needs to be a continuing connect between junior and senior hockey within the overall strategy for Hockey in Alice Springs if we are to have a coordinated and successful sporting association where the junior base provides the foundation for the senior competition.

4. Improving umpiring and technical capabilities within ASHA. In 2013 we continued on with the start made in 2012 with the appointment of an Umpires Co- ordinator. Whilst some problems were experienced during the season, for the most part umpires allocated turned up and did their job well. There can be no game without umpires and we must applaud those who accepted the responsibility, took up the whistle and officiated on our game. Hopefully in 2014 we will see umpires receive accreditation for their skills and knowledge.

5. The process of developing a new Strategic Plan for Hockey Alice Springs. It was hoped that in 2013 the executive could develop a business strategy that will take the progress of Alice Springs Hockey into a successful future. Unfortunately workplace pressures stood in the way of this activity and we are in more or less the same position we were in at the beginning of the year and little indication that current executive members will have the time to address what is a critical requirement. In this day and age we have to consider Hockey as a Business and must therefore develop or buy in the information, skills, knowledge and techniques to operate as a profitable organisation. There are many facets to the successful operation of a Sports Business, and if we are to be successful in the future this will require us to harness from our members and others what is necessary to organise and operate successfully.

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 14 Contributing to the planning process will include consideration of:  Association Values  Personal Commitments  Governance & Management Capabilities  Business/Operational strategies  Cash Flow planning  Financial management  Meeting legal obligations  Sponsorship  Marketing  Communications  Volunteer recruitment and management  Future planning Whilst Mark GOODE has put a lot of work into updating our Constitution and by-laws, your next executive will need to have or acquire the skills, knowledge and time necessary for this task. They cannot however, do this on their own; your executive will need the input and support of every member, if they are to be successful. Looking Back In retrospect: 2013 was a relatively successful year for Alice Springs Hockey.  Our senior competition remains stable, however more must be done to attract and retain more senior players. Manneke Byerley was selected in the NT Pearls side and Teena Norman was appointed Team Manager.  Giving more management responsibility to players via the Match Committee is beginning to work. We still need to do more, but we experienced a better spirited competition than in previous years.  Junior numbers have grown with several players making NT Teams.  Maddie Jones, Beth MacDonald, and Josh MacDonald. Finances Account balances are in the black. (Operating account, Championship account, Cash Reserve Account) Admin & Governance  Maureen Trindle carried on as the Alice Springs Hockey Patron.  Administration Officer; position remains vacant. Management & Marketing  Corporate Sponsorship for ASHA is being followed up - A New information package is in the early stages of development for sponsorship and promotion of ASHA.  New approach to radio and press – input from Hockey NT, DO and President.  Still looking at getting some advertising on fences and what that entails in relation to the town council  Consideration being given to erecting a structure within the hockey grounds so we could put up our own signage to avoid/reduce council red tape.  Web site being updated – Facebook still under consideration.  Consideration being given to updating Association shirts and jackets

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 15 Club House Consideration is being given to repainting Hockey clubhouse; inside and out when we can afford it. It would be great if it could be done by Masters 2014. Grounds  Field maintenance continuing; Field in reasonable playing order but showing signs of age and wear. Replacement planning in preliminary stages.  Water cannons and pump showing signs of age and wear. Replacement of cannons and repair of pump has been approved.  Surrounds in good serviceable order  Ground sweeper showing signs of wear and age. Replacement being considered Juniors & Development  Junior games changed to Wednesday nights in an endeavour to attract more players.  Commenced on 13th February 2013 starting at 4:30pm and finishing at 6:00pm. 10 teams.  Under 16 competition being developed; based on schools - to be held straight after Junior competition.  Limited success from NT Sports Vouchers  No reports from the Development Officer Looking forward Considerations for 2014 Executive: • A new executive with emphasis on sustaining player numbers and improving player development • Improving the coverage of our game through the various media outlets in Alice Springs. • Completing a Strategic Plan that manages and directs Hockey positively towards 2020. 2014 Challenges:  A new Strategic Plan  Building player and officials skills and knowledge  Encouraging greater contribution to the game you play  Share with others and show what you can do  Support those who put in. Conclusion In conclusion, particular thanks and recognition must go to:  Teena, Goode and Nick for their contribution without complaint to the general management of Alice Springs Hockey.  Di for her enthusiastic support for our juniors,  Baden and Drummer for their understanding, encouragement and support,  Mark for his contribution to Junior Development  Minnie  Georgia  Lyn  Those members, partners and parents who gave of their time and energy to repair what needed fixing, clean what needed cleaning and to help where help was needed, and  The partners who accepted without complaint that during the Hockey season there were things about the house that would not get done, functions and social engagements that would not be attended and the myriad of phone calls and emails that would invade the household at all times of the night and day.

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 16 HOCKEY – Not everybody’s game!

Eric Bailey

President. Alice Springs Hockey Association.

Alice Springs Hockey Association - Life Members

Neil Hargrave OBE Jack Wolstencroft Gerry Kennett Helen O’Bryan Charlie Wall Tony O’Bryan Lil Finnis MBE Daryl Byerley Maureen Trindle David Moore Janet Amadio Marg Harris Ruth Johnson Debra Moore Charlie Mines Des White Bill van Dijk * Mark Goode Andy Hillier Stephen Versteegh Snr

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 17

Northern Territory Masters Hockey Association


Well 2013 has come and gone it was a very good year for NTMHA with some very positive results and feedback; we kicked off the club season with a great pre-season “limbering up” 7 aside carnival with men’s and women’s teams from all clubs participating a really great day of hockey and socialising had by all and we are looking forward to holding it again in 2014. The Australian Masters Championships saw the women travel to and the men’s teams travel to Sydney with the over 55 men making it through to the grand final with 5 wins and coming home with a silver medal. The over 50 men made it to the semi finals with 4 wins a taking 4th place for the tournament. Our over 45 women’s team had one of their best results for the championships with 2 wins and a draw and were extremely competitive throughout the tournament taking out 5th place – well done Ladies. More importantly all our Masters teams had a lot of fun in the true Masters tradition, capping off a great year for NT Masters teams. 2013 International and National Awards:-

2013 European Masters Cup, Gold Medal – Australian Masters Women O50s - Julie Hoare Awards 2013:- Women’s Masters Service Awards, Northern Territory - Michelle Walton International and National Selections:- 2014 Australian Women’s Masters Teams: Julie Hoare (O45s) ………………………… (shadow player) Dena Licciardello (O50s) ……………….. (Qld import player in 2013 NT O45s team) Jane Slater (O55s) ………………………….. (Played in 2013 Tasmania O50s team) International and National Tours 2013 - Australian Women’s Masters Teams: Jane Slater: Trans Tasman Masters Challenge 8–11 May 2013, Auckland New Zealand. Australian Women Masters Over 55s Team. Overall Championship Winner (includes Women & Men Teams) – Australia. Julie Hoare: European Masters Cup 13–17 August 2013, Belfast Northern Ireland. Gold Medallist. Australian Women’s Masters Over 50s Team.

In the off season of 2013, NTMHA started the Friday night Masters 7’s social. Hockey numbers have been reasonably good with an average of 24 people turning up for a run on a Friday night, in 2014 we hope to grow the numbers for this event.

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 18 Of course no association is anything without its members and in 2013 our membership increased to 130, we ask all our members to encourage others to join and in particular those that have drifted away from our sport. Masters is about participating and enjoying hockey with a strong social element to it. The majority of our members have been a part of Hockey for a number of years as players, club members and administrators at all levels. NTMHA’s aim is to work with ASHA, DHA, NTHA and especially the CLUBS to keep masters aged people participating in Hockey for years to come. 2014 is shaping up to be a big year for NTMHA:  Women’s masters in conjunction with Saint Marys will be running the Indoor Hockey in January – big thanks to Miki Walton for getting this up and running  Pre season 7’s carnival in mid March – one day round robin format  In July Darwin is hosting the Australian Women’s Masters Championships this is the biggest event on the NTHA calendar for 2014 and will require a lot of planning so I ask you all to get involved in some way to make it a great event for the NT Hockey community. Nominations are now out for players, coaches, managers and volunteers.  Men’s Australian Championships in  Wet Season Social 7’s – November 2014 In closing I would especially like to thank the NTMHA committee who have done a fantastic job over the last 12 months in making Masters big and better Treasurer: Miki Walton Secretary: Di Trimble Women’s VP: Alex Knowler Men’s VP: Mark Barlow (NT Mens Delegate) NT Womens Delegate: Terry Dunbar Committee Members:  Sue Bulasch (Women)  Clayton Archer (Men)

I hope to see you all out at the Hockey in 2014, participate, get involved and have fun - ENJOY.

Cheers Tony Wood President NTMHA

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 19 NTIS Annual Report 2013

Key Performance Indicators Primary Goals: To have NTIS athletes both male & female selected into the following teams & squads: 1. National Senior Team 2. National Senior Squad 3. HA Centre of Excellence 4. National Development Squad 5. National Junior Team JWC 6. National Junior Team 7. National Junior Squad

KPI’s:  Joel Carroll – National Team  Leon Hayward – Super Series Selection World League Squad  Jeremy Hayward – JWC Team, Super Series Selection World League Squad  Brooke Peris – National Team, JWC Team, National Junior Squad  Elizabeth Duguid – National Team, JWC Team, National Junior Squad  Adam Luck – JWC Squad * Territory based

Secondary Goals: To have NTIS athletes both male & female’s identified/ named at the following levels 1. National Talent ID at U21 Championships 2. National Talent ID at U18 Championships 3. National Futures ID 4. 100% of NTIS athletes selected in State Teams during their priority year 5. Improved HNT Team performance/ competiveness 6. NTIS athletes selected in AHL Teams

KPI’s:  Jason Hullick – National Futures Group, AHL Selection  Jemma Markos – AHL Selection  All other athletes were selected in their priority national championship team

Current training plan:

Pre season  Strength & conditioning training – x 2 per week  Sprint technique training – x 2 per week NTIS with David Crane  Yoga - x 1 per week  Speed session integrated into pitch later in month – x 1 per week

In season  On field training session – x 2 per week  Strength & conditioning training – x 2 per week NTIS  Club Session – x 1 per week  Individual Session – x 1 per week  Yoga - x1 per week  Video Feedback Session – x 1 per fortnight

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 20 Testing  Max Strength Testing (Level 4) x 4 per year  Physical Testing (Speed, Repeat Sprint, Beep, VJ, Skin folds) x 4 per year

HNT & NTIS Emerging Players Program

Newly implemented tier in the athlete pathway in collaboration with HNT, this forms an integral part of the player development. All Athletes have been selected based on National Championship, HNT Junior championships and identification through the HNT academy program. HNT rep team Coaches also provided additional athlete feedback

Participants: 9 x Female & 8 x Males

Tyler Spry (14) Nathan Hochman (14) Jerem Gesch (15) Jayden Bucklar (15) Jaiden McGregor (15) Joseph Baronio (15) John Lohmeyer (16) Alex Kilburn (14) Natalie Strawhorn (15) Emily Stephenson (14) Amy Conca (14) Courtney Knowler (15) Serena Dunbar (15) Erin Lidbetter (14) Nicole Whatley (15) Marissa Higgins (15) Madlen Jones (15) – Alice Springs

Training:  3 x 6-8 week blocks throughout calendar year  2 Pitch sessions per week for each block

Support:  David Crane providing Movement & Capacity building skills programs  Greg Dea providing FMS & Y Balance Testing for all athletes  Tadek Rudz proving Physical Testing & GPS, Heart Rate data

NTIS Head coach activities 2012/2013  Head Coach HNT U21 Men  Head Coach HNT AHL Men  Assistant Coach for Team 4 at HA Men’s Super Camp  HNT U15’s – Provided support for both genders during prep for national championships  HNT U13’s - Provided support for both genders during prep for national championships  5 x Coach the Coach Seminars  Presented at Stronger, Higher Faster Conferences in Darwin & Alice Springs  Two Development Visits to Alice Springs  Member of HNT HPC Committee

Professional Development and Appraisal opportunities:  AYOF – Performance Analysis  HA NTC Seminar  AIS World Class to World Best Conference  Men’s JWC Support Staff

What is working well?  Mental Skills coach being on pitch once a week during key DTE periods  Individual Skills session – providing greater 1 on 1 time with athletes  Gymnastics NT support through service provision of a coach & venue for GK program  Reengagement of 8 coaches working across HNT & NTIS athlete programs  Relationship between HNT & NTIS

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 21 The NTIS hockey program has developed well over 2013. It is a young group with some very talented athletes each with their strengths and weaknesses. The DTE has been energetic, with some good progression across the board with essential skill development.

The 2012/13-scholarship period produced numerous athlete selections at International Level with 3 athletes attending a JWC, one other in the JWC Squad, a futures selection and the subsequent progression of two female NTIS athletes making their international debut at senior level post the JWC.

This year has been a great learning curve for all involved in the program, we have been innovative, progressive and worked well as a team. The hockey program also produced the “Striving for Excellence” male athlete award for the NTIS.

2014 will be a year where we begin to expose some of the younger program members the opportunity to train within other SIS/ SAS programs. A change in the on pitch session format will also be refreshing and provide a high quality and challenging environment for our athletes to develop.

Nick Lenoir NTIS Head Coach Hockey

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 22

Hockey NT Honours

Life Members: Les Finnis * Geoff Gray Geoff Sharples Ian Miller * Arthur Chuck * Stewart Cox (1992) Dot Durack* Helen O’Bryan Noel Condon Gordon Clarke Beryl Conversi Barry Humphries* Ted D’Ambrosio* Bev Sinclair Keith Kemp Jack Hughes Garry Halvorson* David Moore Phillipa March (1988) Doreen Walton (2010) Bill Van Dijk* (2010)

Player Life Members: Jan McMahon John Keirs Chantrelle Carey David Hennessy Michelle Caden Merit Awards: Bev Sinclair Dulcie West* Stan Rance Eva Lawler Alan Marshall Jan McMahon Geoff Gebhard Tony O’Bryan Janet Amadio Roger Newman Debra Moore Lill Finniss Vince Yuen Brad Ainslie Kath McMahon John Price (Legend *deceased)

Hockey NT Awards

2012 NT State Player of the Tournament Awards – Most Valuable Players:

NT Under 13 Girls: Emily Stephenson NT Under 13 Boys: Nathan Hochman NT Under 15 Girls: Courtney Knowler NT Under 15 Boys: Jacob Andrade AHL Women Danielle Jones AHL Men Leon Hayward

2013 NT State Player of the Tournament Awards – Most Valuable Players:

NT Under 18 Women: Teagan Short NT Under 18 Men: Jason Hullick NT Under 21 Women: Elizabeth Duguid NT Under 21 Men: Jeremy Hayward

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Northern Territory Sports Awards 2013

NT Sportsperson of the Year Award: - Joel Carroll Official of the Year – Steve Versteegh Hall of Fame – Stephen Holt

NT Institute of Sport Awards 2012/2013

CUB – NTIS Athlete of the Year Award - Joel Carroll CARBINE CLUB NT Awards for Excellence – Adam Luck

NT Institute of Sport Hockey Program 2012/2013 Scholarship Holders

NTIS Coaching Support:-  Nick Lenoir – Head Coach  Craig Curby (Assistant Coach  Mark Davis (Assistant Coach)

NTIS Squad Athletes:- Darwin based:- Adam Luck – L4 Jacob Andrade – L5 Kate Paul – L4 Georgia Graf – L5 Jacqueline Graf – L4 Jemma Markos – L5 Isaac Andrade – L4 Lewis Kilburn – L5 Jason Hullick – L4

NTIS – Perth based:- Desmond Abbott – L1 (Retired May 2013) Jeremy Hayward – L4 Joel Carroll – L1 Elizabeth Duguid – L4 Leon Hayward – L3 Brooke Peris – L4

Australian Institute of Sport 2012/2013 Scholarship Holders

AIS Athletes:- Desmond Abbott – Retired May 2013 Joel Carroll Brooke Peris

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 24

International and National Awards 2013

2013 Australian Youth Olympic Festival, Gold Medal:  Brooke Peris  Adam Luck

2013 , Gold Medal – Kookaburras:  Joel Carroll

2013 International Super Series Hockey 9s, Gold Medal – Hockeyroos:  Brooke Peris

2013 International Super Series Hockey 9s, Gold Medal – Australia A:  Joel Carroll  Jeremy Hayward  Leon Hayward

2013 Oceania Cup, Gold Medal – Hockeyroos:  Brooke Peris

2013 European Masters Cup, Gold Medal – Australian Masters Women O50s:  Julie Hoare

2013 FIH World League Finals, Silver Medal – Hockeyroos:  Brooke Peris

Hockey Australia Awards

Life Member: Phillipa March (1999 Australian Womens Hockey) (2001 Hockey Australia)

Merit Award: Keith Kemp

Women’s Masters Service Awards – Northern Territory: Valerie Keirs (2010) Viki Miller (2010) Diane Trimble (2011) Jeannette Carroll (2012) Michelle Walton (2013)

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International and National Selections 2013

2013 Hockeyroos Squad – Korea Series, International Super Series Hockey 9s, Oceania Cup & FIH World League Finals:  Brooke Peris

2013 Hockeyroos Squad – Argentina Test Series & Canada Test Series:  Elizabeth Duguid  Brooke Peris

2013 Kookaburras National Squad:  Desmond Abbott  Joel Carroll

2013 Kookaburras Squad – Korea Series:  Joel Carroll

2013 Kookaburras Squad - European Tour & Rabobank Hockey World League:  Joel Carroll

2013 SIS/SAS China Tour:  Leon Hayward  Adrian Lockley

2013 Australia A Squad – International Super Series Hockey 9s, Argentina, Pakistan & Malaysia Series:  Joel Carroll  Jeremy Hayward  Leon Hayward

2013 Australia Under 21 Womens Training Squad - Junior World Cup & then selected in the Junior World Cup Team:  Elizabeth Duguid  Brooke Peris

2013 Australia Under 21 Womens - Japan Tour:  Elizabeth Duguid  Brooke Peris

2013 Australia Under 21 Mens Training Squad - Junior World Cup:  Adam Luck  Jeremy Hayward

2013 Australia Under 21 Mens Squad - European Tour:  Jeremy Hayward

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 26

International and National Selections 2013

2013 Australia Under 21 Mens Team – Malaysia Series:  Adam Luck  Jeremy Hayward

2013 Burras Under 21 Men - Junior World Cup Squad:  Jeremy Hayward

2013 Australian Futures Squad:  Jason Hullick

2013 Australian Women’s Masters Teams:  Julie Hoare (O45s)  Dena Licciardello (O50s)  Jane Slater (O55s)

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 27

International and National Tours 2013

Hockeyroos: Brooke Peris Australia vs Korea Series 24-28 April 2013, Perth WA. Argentina Test Series 12-15 October 2013, Perth WA. International Super Series Hockey 9s 17-20 October 2013 Perth WA. Gold Medallist. Australia vs Canada Test Series 22-23 October 2013, Perth WA. Oceania Cup 30 October-3 November 2013, Taranki New Zealand. Gold Medallist. FIH World League Finals 1-9 December 2013, San Miguel de Tucuman Argentina

Elizabeth Duguid Argentina Test Series 12-15 October 2013, Perth WA. Australia vs Canada Test Series 22-23 October 2013, Perth WA

Jillaroos (under 21s Hockeyroos Team): Brooke Peris Australian Youth Olympic Festival 16–20 January 2013 Sydney NSW. Gold Medallist. Womens Junior World Cup Qualification Tournament 25 February–3 March 2013, Gold Coast Queensland. Crowned Oceania Continental Federation Champions. Australian Teams Qualify for Junior World Cup. Four Match Test Series vs Hockeyroos 30 April–4 May 2013 Perth WA. Japan Tour 12–21 June 2013, Gifu Japan. European Tour 17 July–6 August 2013 Mönchengladbach, Germany. Junior World Cup 27 July–4 August 2013 Junior World Cup Mönchengladbach, Germany.

Elizabeth Duguid Womens Junior World Cup Qualification Tournament 25 February–3 March 2013, Gold Coast Queensland. Crowned Oceania Continental Federation Champions. Australian Teams Qualify for Junior World Cup. Four Match Test Series vs Hockeyroos 30 April–4 May 2013 Perth WA. Japan Tour 12–21 June 2013, Gifu Japan. European Tour 17 July–6 August 2013 Mönchengladbach, Germany. Junior World Cup 27 July–4 August 2013 Junior World Cup Mönchengladbach, Germany

Kookaburras: Joel Carroll Sultan Azlan Shah Cup 9–16 March 2013, Ipoh Malaysia. Gold Medallist. Australia vs Korea Series 24 April–9 May 2013, Perth WA. European Tour vs & Belgium 5–9 June 2013, Rotterdam & Antwerp. Rabobank Hockey World League Fixtures 13–23 June 2013, Rotterdam. International Super Series Hockey 9s 17-20 October 2013, Perth WA. Gold Medallist.

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International and National Tours 2013

Australia A Mens Squad: Leon Hayward SIS/SAS China Tour 19 June-1 July 2013, China International Super Series Hockey 9s 17-20 October 2013, Perth WA. Gold Medallist. Australia A vs Argentina Series 19 October 2013, Perth WA.

Adrian Lockley SIS/SAS China Tour 19 June-1 July 2013, China

Joel Carroll International Super Series Hockey 9s 17-20 October 2013, Perth WA. Gold Medallist. Australia A vs Pakistan & Malaysia Series 21-23 October 2013, Perth WA.

Jeremy Hayward International Super Series Hockey 9s 17-20 October 2013, Perth WA. Gold Medallist. Australia A vs Pakistan & Malaysia Series 21-23 October 2013, Perth WA.

Burras (Under 21s National Team): Jeremy Hayward European Tour vs Germany & Netherlands 1–14 June 2013, Mulheim Germany & Eindhoven Netherlands. 4 Match Series vs Malaysia 25–29 August 2013, Brisbane Queensland. Burras vs NZ Junior Black Sticks Series 28-29 November 2013, Perth WA. Junior World Cup Tournament 6-15 December 2013, New Delhi India.

Adam Luck Australian Youth Olympic Festival 16–20 January 2013 Sydney NSW. Gold Medallist. Mens Junior World Cup Qualification Tournament 25 February–3 March 2013, Gold Coast Queensland. Crowned Oceania Continental Federation Champions. Australian Teams Qualify for Junior World Cup. 4 Match Series vs Malaysia 25–29 August 2013, Brisbane Queensland.

Australian Women’s Masters Teams: Jane Slater Trans Tasman Masters Challenge 8–11 May 2013, Auckland New Zealand. Australian Women Masters Over 55s Team. Overall Championship Winner (includes Women & Men Teams) – Australia.

Julie Hoare European Masters Cup 13–17 August 2013, Belfast Northern Ireland. Gold Medallist. Australian Women’s Masters Over 50s Team.

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Territory Pearls SRA Stingers

Tournament Dates: 27th September- 5th October 2013 Women AHL – Hobart Mens AHL - Melbourne Coach: David Bell Coach: Nick Lenoir Manager: Teena Norman Asst Coach: Ingvar Dyrting Physio: Kim Crawford Manager: Scott Bevis Physio: Nick Jones

Athletes: Athletes: Elizabeth Duguid NT Leon Hayward NT Prue MacLeod NT Jeremy Hayward NT Brooke Peris NT Adrian Lockley NT Ashleigh Morrison NT Robert Duguid NT Danielle Sutherland NZ Cody Tribe NSW Jemma Markos NT Jamie Hullick NT Teagan Gmeiner WA Jake Farrell QLD Manekha Byerley NT James Nyman WA Kandice Olivieri QLD Jonathan Peris NT Kazzia Lammon QLD Ryan Edge SA Kayla Orrock NT Joe Reardon QLD Blair Pattern QLD Matt Defina VIC Danica Mazzini WA Mitchell Lockley NT Sarah Paul NT Tarrant Haami-Jones NT Clair Fernandez NT Tim Everist VIC Kate Siddel WA Andre Di Filippo WA Jodie Cliffe QLD Tyler Cowley VIC Candice Liddy NT

Results: Results: QLD 6 defeated NT 0 QLD 4 defeated NT 2 SA 5 defeated NT 0 NT 4 defeated SA 2 NSW 5 defeated NT 1 NSW 4 defeated NT 2 NT 3 defeated TAS 2 NT 2 drew TAS 2 VIC 3 defeated NT 0 NT 2 defeated WA 1 TAS 4 defeated NT 1 TAS 3 defeated NT 2

Territory Pearls final standing - 8th place Territory Stingers final standing – 6th place Play the Whistle Award – Northern Territory

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Under 21 Women – Darwin Under 21 Men - Brisbane Tournament Dates: 2nd - 13th April 2013 Tournament Dates: 2nd - 13th April 2013 Coach: Mark Davis Coach: Nick Lenoir Asst Coach: Michelle Caden Asst Coach: Joe Kelly Manager: Tasha Meyering Manager: Peter Sommerville Physio: Haydn Farr Physio: Danny Miller

Athletes: Athletes: Kate Paul Darwin Brodie Gleeson Darwin Aleesha Thompson Darwin Isaac Andrade Darwin Brooke Peris Darwin Adam Luck Darwin Emily Dienhoff Darwin Matthew Lagana QLD Elle Richardson Darwin Jeremy Hayward Darwin Jemma Markos Darwin Jason Lowe Darwin Sophie Kerrigan WA Blake Wallis QLD Tayla Ainslie Darwin Dwayne Abbott Darwin Amber Mutch QLD Jens Christensen QLD Carmon McPhee QLD Dean Robertson NSW Hayley Heath Darwin Jared Taylor QLD Gabriella Parker Darwin Harry Dolenc VIC Yasmin Osborne Darwin Jason Hullick Darwin Sarah Paul Darwin Deinma Dede QLD Elizabeth Duguid Darwin Mitchell Lockley Darwin Emily Stewart Darwin Daniel Mathiesen QLD Teagan Short Darwin Tom Madden QLD Clare Comerford QLD Scott Govers NSW

Results: Results: QLD 5 defeated NT 0 TAS 5 defeated NT 3 ACT 3 defeated NT 1 QLD 5 defeated NT 1 NSW 5 defeated NT 0 NT 4 defeated WA 3 NT 3 defeated TAS 1 VIC 3 defeated NT 2 WA 4 defeated NT 0 NT 4 defeated ACT 1 VIC 3 defeated NT 0 NT 2 drew SA 2 SA 4 defeated NT 0 NSW 7 defeated NT 4 NT 3 defeated VIC 2 NT 2 defeated ACT 0 WA 4 defeated NT 2 NT 2 drew WA 2

Northern Territory finished in 6th place Northern Territory finished in 5th place

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Under 18 Women – Under 18 Men - Newcastle Tournament Dates: 2nd - 13th July 2013 Tournament Dates: 2nd - 13th July 2013 Coach: Keisha Clarke Coach: Craig Curby Asst Coach: Terry Dunbar Asst Coach: Nathan Wills Manager: Mark Pilkington Manager: Robyn Southwood Physio: Jasmin Roe Physio: Sam Crompton

Athletes: Athletes: Alex Graf Darwin Lewis Kilburn Darwin Mariah Hender Darwin Oliver Hill WA Kate Paul Darwin Liam Parker Darwin Nicole Whatley Darwin Sheldon Wills Darwin Kirralee Pavy Darwin Angus McMillan WA Bethany MacDonald Alice Springs Michael Dillon NSW Jacqueline Graf Darwin Isaac Andrade Darwin Natalie Strawhorn Darwin Jason Hullick Darwin Courtney Knowler Darwin Jacob Andrade Darwin Georgia Graf Darwin John Lohmeyer Darwin Ashlee Danvers NSW Timothy Fishlock Darwin Teagan Short Darwin Callan Summers Darwin Samantha Wetherspoon Darwin Clinton McKay QLD Serena Dunbar Darwin Jared Swart Darwin Bridie Ruff QLD Hadyn Steele QLD Natalie Davison QLD Nicholas Hyde WA Haylee Brodin QLD Blake Hinton NSW Bernadette Strawhorn Darwin Edwin Hamill QLD

Results: Results: VIC 3 defeated NT 0 WA 6 defeated NT 4 NSW 8 defeated NT 0 QLD 2 defeated NT 1 NT 1 drew SA 1 NSW 7 defeated NT 2 TAS 1 defeated NT 0 NT 2 drew ACT 2 ACT 3 drew NT 3 NT 4 defeated TAS 3 WA 4 defeated NT 0 NT 6 defeated SA 0 QLD 3 defeated NT 0 VIC 6 defeated NT 2 VIC 6 defeated NT 0 SA 4 defeated NT 1 TAS 2 defeated NT 0 NT 2 drew TAS 2

Northern Territory finished in 8th place Northern Territory finished in 7th place

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Under 15 Girls - Busselton Under 15 Boys - Darwin Dates: 28th September - 5th October 2013 Dates: 28th September to 5th October 2013 Coach: Alex Knowler Coach: Michael McGregor Asst Coach: Mark Davis Asst Coach: Jason Lowe Manager: Margaret Whatley Manager: Robyn Southwood

Athletes: Athletes: Marissa Higgins Darwin Jayden Bucklar Darwin Erin Lidbetter Darwin Connor Wright Darwin Angela Heath Darwin Jaiden McGregor Darwin Natalie Strawhorn Darwin Tyler Spry Darwin Laura Simon Darwin Lachlan Walter VIC Serena Dunbar Darwin Joshua MacDonald Alice Springs Nicole Whatley Darwin Joseph Baronio Darwin Kaytlyn O’Neil Darwin Aaron Chin Darwin Courtney Knowler Darwin Matthew Southwood Darwin Georgia Graf Darwin Thomas Callaghan Darwin Nikki Glennon Darwin Nathan Hochman Darwin Emily Stephenson Darwin Alex Kilburn Darwin Sarah Rollings Darwin Jack Short Darwin Amy Conca Darwin William Battistessa WA Isabelle Porter Darwin Sanjeevan Ketheesan QLD Lilly Collier QLD Harrison Wroth WA Madlen Jones Alice Springs Bailey Paties QLD Catherine Moore QLD Jerem Gesch Darwin

Results: Results: QLD 7 defeated NT 1 VIC 2 defeated NT 0 VIC 4 defeated NT 0 NT 2 drew QLD 2 NT 1 drew SA 1 WA 4 defeated NT 0 NT 0 drew ACT 0 NT 2 defeated ACT 1 NT 3 defeated TAS 1 SA 6 defeated NT 2 WA 2 defeated NT 1 TAS 4 defeated NT 2 NSW 7 defeated NT 2 NSW 4 defeated NT 1

Northern Territory finished in 6th place Northern Territory finished in 7th place

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 33 JUNIOR STATE TEAM RESULTS

Under 13 Girls – Melbourne Under 13 Boys: Melbourne Dates: 28th September - 5th October 2013 Dates: 28th September - 5th October 2013 Coach: Doreen Walton Coach: Chantrelle Carey Asst Coach: Sam Spry Asst Coach: Craig Curby Manager: Tania Jong Manager: Kelly Rakkas Video Tech: Danae Leete Stand in Manager: Sue Cox

Athletes: Athletes: Leonie Higgins Darwin Zach Rakkas Darwin Tori Cubillo Darwin Stewart Gault Darwin Taylah Williams Darwin Joel Curby Darwin Hannah Gesch Darwin Andrew Northcote Darwin Ruby Pumpa Darwin Patrick Wiltshire Darwin Erin Broadway Darwin Bryce English Darwin Isabelle Dalrymple Darwin Jason Weedon Darwin Ngaire Gahan Darwin Luke Broadway Darwin Ashley Spry Darwin Lucas Camara Darwin Ebony Panzram QLD Mitchell Northcote Darwin Yasmin Simmons Darwin Dean Ryan Darwin Coco O’Halloran Darwin Hayden Pease Darwin Freya Stephenson Darwin Janu Varatharajan Darwin Eliza Pridham Darwin Hayden Oates Darwin Madison Porter Darwin Jordan McRae Darwin Casey Jong Darwin Huw Wiltshire Darwin Kimberley Tchemjiri Darwin Matthew Cox Darwin Sally Howie Darwin Soul Lorenz Darwin

Results: Results: QLD 5 defeated NT 0 QLD 6 defeated NT 0 SA 3 defeated NT 0 SA 5 defeated NT 4 NSW 4 defeated NT 0 NSW 12 defeated NT 0 TAS 1 defeated NT 0 TAS 1 defeated NT 0 NT 1 defeated ACT 0 ACT 6 defeated NT 2 TAS 1 defeated NT 0 TAS 4 defeated NT 3

Northern Territory finished in 8th place Northern Territory finished in 8th place Play the Whistle Award – Northern Territory

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 34 MASTERS STATE TEAM RESULTS

Over 45 Women Masters – Adelaide Dates: 27th September - 5th October 2013 Coach : Keshia Clarke Asst Coach: Sarah Fleming Manager: Yvonne Osborne

Athletes: Jeannette Carroll Darwin Annabell Clarke Darwin Vanda West Darwin Linda Viles QLD Louise Walton Darwin Gail Blackwell QLD Julie Hoare Darwin Sue Harris QLD Sue Bulasch Darwin Sally Woods Darwin Yvonne Wood Darwin Sue Gardiner Darwin Melissa Franklin QLD Louise Carter QLD Delma Burnett Darwin Dena Licciardello QLD

Results: NT 0 drew QLD 0 WA 2 defeated NT 0 NSW 2 defeated NT 1 NT 2 defeated ACT 0 NT 2 drew SA 2 VIC 2 defeated NT 1

Northern Territory finished in 5th place Play the Whistle Award – Northern Territory

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Over 50 Men Masters Division 2 – Sydney Over 55 Men Masters Division 2 - Sydney Dates: 21st September - 5th October 2013 Dates: 21st September - 5th October 2013 Coach: Kevin Burton Coach: Tony Miller Manager: Colleen Orr Manager: Ros Asimus Masseuse: Ross Swadling Masseuse: Ross Swadling

Athletes: Athletes: Clayton Archer Darwin Damien Clarke Darwin Clint Baylis Darwin Tony Miller Darwin Mark Barlow Darwin Nick Seroco WA Anthony Herbert Darwin Kevin Protheroe VIC Barry Orr Darwin Ross Swadling NSW Kevin Burton Darwin/WA Geoff Germon NSW Peter Jackson NSW Vince Moult NSW Frank White NSW Peter Henderson NSW Barry Marshall NSW Kevin Fleming NSW Neil Clayton NSW Malcolm Emmerton NSW Alan Pringle NSW Norm Campbell NSW Andrew Spittle WA Keith Aranjo NSW Michael Jackson NSW Robert Guiffe NSW Wayne Beard NSW Graham Galvin NSW David Brooks NSW Gary Muller NSW Colin Jones NSW Gary Denson NSW

Results: Results: NT 2 drew QLD 2 NT 4 defeated QLD 2 NT 2 defeated NSW2 0 NSW 1 defeated NT 0 WA 1 defeated NT 0 NT 2 defeated VIC 0 NT 5 defeated ACT 1 NT 2 defeated QLD 1 NT 2 drew NSW 2 NSW 2 defeated NT 1 NT 4 defeated VIC 0 NT 1 defeated QLD 0 Semi Final: NSW 1 defeated NT 0 WA 1 defeated NT 0 Semi Final: NT 2 defeated NSW 0 Grand Final: NSW 3 defeated NT 0 Northern Territory finished in 4th place Northern Territory finished in 2nd place Winners - Silver Medallists

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 36 Women who have played for a NT Senior Team

A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League, HK = Hong Kong, B = Burras, J-= Jillaroos, K-= Kookaburras, H-= Hockeyroos,

Chantrelle Carey 1999/01, 2000-08 AHL Rachael Abbott 1991/93 A, DB Jeannette Carroll 1993/95 A, Vets TT Kim Ainslie 1994,95/97DB, 96,97TT, Christine Carter 1988 98 Sing, 95/97/99/01 A, Jenny Cate 1988 00-04AHL Michelle Chaplin 1984 Nicole Allsop 2001 AHL Libby Charlesworth 2004-05 AHL Stephanie Andrews 2007-08 AHL Lucy Chipchase 1988 HK Marie Anderson 1989 Ingrid Chudleigh 1997 A Deborah Anstess 2002,04 AHL Olivia Chiu 2006-09 AHL Cathy Anstess 2007 A Alisa Clark 2007 A, 2011 AHL Tarryn Aldridge 2007 A, 2008 AHL Corinn Clark 1980-81, 84-85 Michelle Arnold 1983-84/86 Aimee Clarke 2008 AHL Vicki Bailey 1990, 96 TT Emmanuelle Clarke 1997/2011 A, 2004 AHL Shannon Bain 2003-04 AHL Lee Clarke 1980 Michele Ball 1985, 89-91, 88 HK, 93 A Phynea Clarke 1985, 90-91 Lyn Bampton 1980-81, 85-86 Jodie Cliffe 2013 AHL Alisha Barriball 2009 A Richie Ceonders 1991 Tara Barriball 2009 A Jennifer Cobb 2001 A Elke Baty 1988, 91, 93 DB, 93 A, Jo Collett 1984 96 TT Kellie Colgin 2000 AHL Ausra Baudaskaite 2007 AHL Amanda Conrad 1986-91, 88 HK Alex Bell 2007 A Bernie Corcoran 1997 TT Casey Bell 2001 AHL Tracy Craig 1980-82 Jamie Bell 2002,03 AHL Penny Critch 1999 A Robyn Bell 1981, 86 Angela Croad 07-08 AHL Symone Bell 2003, 2010 AHL Margaret Cross 1988-89, 88 HK Amy Bender 2011 A Andrea Damaso 1982 Caitlin Bender 2011 AHL Claire Dedman 1996 TT, 97/01 A, Melissa Bennell 1994-95 DB, 95 A 02 AHL Jane Bennett 2003 AHL Jacqui Day 2012 AHL Terri Bergin 2005 –07 AHL, 2007 A Amy Dienhoff 2009 AHL Louise Bilato 1982-84 Corinna Dickinson 2005 AHL Lisa Blake 2003-04 AHL Elizabeth Duguid 2010-13 AHL Caroline Blaum 2010 AHL Stacey Dwyer 2000 AHL Megan Boyd 1993 A, 98 Sing Toni Eden 1980 Shyne Brenton 2011 A Samantha Eiser 2009-11 AHL Krista Bridgman 2011A Tammy Eiser 2009-11 AHL Julia Bridle 2011 A, 2012 AHL Terry Elms 1980-85 Jodie Brown 2010-11 AHL Karly Evans 2008 AHL Kathryn Brown 2009 A Dianne Facy 1985 Cindy Bryant 1995 A Kate Fahy 1989-91, 93/95 A, 93-94 Sarah Bulasch 2009 A DB 2009 A Sue Bulasch 2009 A Emmy Farlow 1995 A Viki Bunce 2003 AHL Clair Fernandez 2013 AHL Eleanor Burns 1982, 87, 89 Alex Ford 2002 AHL Katie Burns 2002 AHL Jasmine Ford 1997 TT Hayley Bushell 1988 HK, 90 Monique Fox 2002 AHL Emily Butcher 1997/99 A Joanne Fry 1990 Manekha Byerley 2013 AHL Samantha Gale 2008 AHL Marie Byrnes 1984 Sam Gillard 2012 AHL Roxene Cahill 1998 Sing, 99 A Teagan Gmeiner 2013 AHL Tenille Cahill 2009 A Lisa Godfrey 2000 AHL Jemima Cameron 2004 AHL Hannah Goodchild 2001 AHL Sandra Cardow 2001 A Jackie Griffin 1983 Michelle Caden 1997/99 A, 97 TT, 98 Tonya Griffiths 1989 Sing, 00-07 AHL

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 37 Women who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League,HK = Hong Kong, B-= Burras, J = Jillaroos, K = Kookaburras, H = Hockeyroos

Bryanna Lockley 2009 A Bianca Hayward 2009 A Tori Lockley 2011 A, 2011 AHL Jan Halliday 1986-87 Vanda Lockley (West) 1997 A Genny Halvorson 1990 Erin Lovett 2001 AHL Tessa Haslam 2009 AHL Amber Lowe 2011 A Elisa Hammond 2007-08 AHL Rachel Lynch 2006 AHL Natalie Hanna 1998 Sing, 99/01 A, Olivia MacDonald 1995 A 2000 AHL Jessica MacLean 2009-10 AHL Maxine Harrison 1997 A Prue MacLeod 2013 AHL Tilka Hassing 2011 A Leisa Maidment 1999/07 A Jodie Haylock 2010-12 AHL Naomi Maple 2001 A Bianca Hayward 2011 A Deanna March 1996-97 TT, 98 Sing, Lisa Herbertson 2005-08 AHL 99 A, 2000-01 AHL Sue Hickey 1980 Ali Markey 2003 AHL Julie Hoare 1996-97 TT, 97/09 A Claudia Markey 2001 A Amanda Holt 1995 DB,97-97 TT,98 Gloria Markey 1980-81 Sing, 95/97/99/07 A Jemma Markos 2011 A, 2012-13 AHL Jenell Hopkins 1987 Angie Marriner 2003-11 AHL Judy Howard 1983-87 Sarah Martyn 2011 AHL Chantelle Hughes 1999/01 A, 00-02AHL Danica Mazzini 2013 AHL Denise Infante 2010 AHL Angela McCann 2001 AHL Donna Jackson 1988 Tina McCourt 2009 A Bree Johnston 2001/07/09/11 A, Kirsty McKellar 2003-07 AHL, 2007 A 04-06 AHL Jan McMahon 1982-91, 1988 HK, Anne Jones 2001A 93 A, 93 DB Danielle Jones 2012 AHL Michaela Mihailou 2002-3/05 AHL, Tracy Jones 1991 2011 A Caroline Jordon 1989-91, 93/95 A, Tess Mihailou 2000 AHL, 2001 A 93-95 DB Pauline Minns 1982-87 Chris Kakakios 1983 Elizabeth Monks 2002 AHL Larissa Kazakoff 2004-06 AHL Samantha Morris 2009-11 AHL Linda Kennaugh 2009 A Ashleigh Morrison 2009-11,2013 AHL Deanna Kennedy 2000 AHL, 2001 A Jell Morrison 2008 AHL Corinna Kozak 1995/97 A, 96 TT, Kimberley Morrow 2001 AHL 2004 AHL Barbara Mountain 2006-08 AHL Hanna Kozak 1997/99 A, 98 Sing, Sheree Mulreany 1981 2003 AHL Sally Naughton 1983 Vanessa Kristaly 2012 AHL Tate Napier 2005-07 AHL Debbie Lacey 1997 TT Debbie Newman 1999 A Kazzia Lammon 2013 AHL Nicole Newman 2009 A Annette Lane 1985-89, 1988 HK Revelyn Newton 1993 A Heather Langham 2007-11 AHL Britt Noffke 2012 AHL Jasmine Larosa 2012 AHL Jenny Noon 1987 Mary Lawler 1984 Karen O’Brien (Markos) 1981-88, 93/09 A Eva Lawler (Bilato) 1980-84,86-87,90, Kate O’Connell 2009 AHL 93-94 DB Stephanie O’Connor 2011 A Kirby Lawler 2007 A Lynette O’Donaghue 1986, 93 A Carolyn Leathart 1982 Kandice Olivieri 2013 AHL Simone Liddy 2006-07 AHL Shona O’Neill 2009 AHL Candice Liddy 2007/11,13 AHL Mayumi Ono 2008 AHL Kim Lincoln 1990 Kayla Orrock 2012-13 AHL Amy Little 2001 AHL Debbie Osborne 1987, 95 A

Yasmin Osborne 2011 A

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 38

Women who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League, HK = Hong Kong, B = Burras, J = Jillaroos, K = Kookaburras, H = Hockeyroos

Doreen PangQuee 1982-86, 89 Josie Smith 1988 HK, (Walton) 91/93/95/01 A, Samantha PangQuee 2009, 2011 AHL 93 DB, 2001/04 Gabriella Parker 2011 A AHL Tracey Parker (Bradley) 1987-90,88 HK, 93 A Fiona Smith 1988 HK, 95 A Emma Paterson 2005 AHL Helene Smith 1988/90 Donna Lee Patrick 1998 Sing, 2000 AHL Lisa Smith 1995 DB, 95 A Sarah Paul 2011-13 AHL Samantha Spry 2007, 2011 AHL, Loyola Pearce 1985 2007 A Caroline Pericles 2006/08 AHL, 2007 A Jessica Stanley 2006-08 AHL Brooke Peris 2010-13 AHL Dora Stewart 1984-85 Emily Peris (Smith) 2007/09-11 AHL Tui Stoll 2007 A Nova Peris 1987-89,91,93 DB Jamie Stone 2012 AHL Vanessa Peris 2000-01/05 AHL Fay Stow 1983 Yasmin Phillips 2005 AHL Ann Sturdy 1981 Jill Philpott 1980 Danni Sutherland 2012 AHL Margaret Pierce 1987-88 Tanya Swan 1993 A Dearne Plaister 1987-89, 88 HK Amy Swann 2012 AHL Ashlee Pointer 2010-11 AHL Samantha Syder 2005-06/10 AHL, Laura Powley 2009 AHL 2007/09 A Kim Pradera 2002 AHL Michelle Theobold 2000 AHL Heather Price 1980 Aleesha Thompson 2011 AHL Stephanie Purdy 2009 AHL Jaime-Lee Tinning 2011 A Rachel Ramshaw 2004 AHL Teresa Tonkin 1997 TT Elle Richardson 2011 AHL Donna Trestrail 1990-91 Cathy Roberts 1980 Sophie Turner 2012 AHL Megan Robb 2004-05 AHL Lani Usher 1997 TT Margie Robinson 1982-83 Thisja Van De Kruijs 2011 AHL Norma Roe 1990 Lisa Visentin 2007 A Tasha Roe 2007 A Linda Vowles Vets TT Charlotte Salt 2011 A, 2011 AHL Sharon Wagner 2001 AHL Wicki Schaumberg 1980-83 Paige Walling 1988 HK, 90/93- Gayleigh Schoenfisch 1993 A,93-94 DB 95 DB, 01AHL Samarra Scwhartz 2001A Vicki Walsh 1980-82, 85-86, Fiona Schwartzkoff 1996-97TT, 97/99 A, 89 Jodie Searle 2009-10 AHL Tracey Walton 1994 DB, 96 TT Amy Shaw 2002 AHL Donna Wardle 2000 AHL Julie Sheppard 1986 Alex Watson 2007 AHL Bernie Shields 1996 TT Teresa Watson 1995 A Kate Siddel 2013 AHL Barbara Weinberg 2009-10 AHL Sally Sievers 1988-89, 91 Tina Whap 1995 A Bev Sinclair 1980-81 Erin White 2001 A Rebecca Sinclair 1997 A, 98 Sing Nicole Youman 2012 AHL Kelly Skippings 1997 TT, 99/01 A 2011 Fiona Young 2008 AHL A, 2010 AHL Gina Zammit 1982 Jane Slater 2008,13 Vets TT, 2009 Vets Emma Smith 2005 AHL Leah Smith 1997/99/01 A, 98 Sing, 2002-03/05 AHL

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 39 Men who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League, HK = Hong Kong, B = Burras, J = Jillaroos, K = Kookaburras, H = Hockeyroos

Cameron Abbott 2009-11 AHL, 2011 A Sean Cooke 1987/91/93/95 A David Abbott 1995/97 A,2003 AHL Tyler Cowley 2013 AHL Desmond Abbott 2003-11 AHL 2008-09 K Peter Creaser 1986-89

Dwayne Abbott 2010-11 AHL, 2011 A Joe Crooks 2012 AHL Joel Abbott 2010 AHL Craig Curby 2009 A John Abbott 1993 A Matthew Curran 2009 AHL

Matthew Abel 2000 AHL John Dallywater 1979-80 Leon Achilles 1987-89 Ross Dann 1993 A Brad Ainslie 1982-83, 87-88, 95 A Belema Dede 2011 AHL

Mike Ainsworth 1979 Miebaka Dede 2005-07 AHL Lachlan Anderson 2006, 07 AHL Mark Dedman 2001 AHL Greg Anstess 2003-04 AHL Matt Defina 2013 AHL John Anstess 2004 AHL Warren De With 1981 Clayton Archer 2009 A Andre Di Filippo 2012-13 AHL Stephen Baldwin 1998 AHL, 99 A Evan Dixon 2009 A Sandy Barblett 1989 Robert Duguid 2007/09-13 AHL, 2007/11 A Mark Barlow 2009 A Ingvar Dyrting 1986-88, 91, 1997 A Wayne Barry 2007 AHL Ryan Edge 2013 AHL Grantley Batterham 1996 TT Nathan Edwards 2006/08-11 AHL, 2007/11 A Clinton Baylis 2009 A Sam Edwards 2011 A Peter Bell 1980-81, 85 Paul Edwards 1984 Scott Bevis 1997/99 A, 99/05 AHL Darren England 1982

Jason Black 2001 AHL Tim Everist 2013 AHL Daniel Borowitzka 1986 Steve Fahy 1987-88, 93 A Brendan Bourke 1983 Jake Farrell 2013 AHL

Doug Bransgrove 2008 AHL Craig Ferguson 1997 TT, 00-01 AHL Michael Brennan 2006 AHL Michael Fleming 1988 Daniel Bree 1998 AHL Brendan Flemming 1993 A

Michael Bridgman 1980-85 Ross Fraser 2009 AHL Ken Brodie 1982 Andrew Gadd 2002 AHL Liam Brown 2008-09 AHL Jason Gabriel 2010-12 AHL

Matthew Brown 2002 AHL Geoff Gebhard 1979 Stewart Bryson 2011 AHL, 2011 A Jon Ginolfi 2010 AHL Nicholas Budd 2008 AHL Aaron Goninon 2009 AHL Robert Bulasch 1983-85, 97 A Aaron Gregg 2002-08 AHL, 2007 A Timothy Bunney 2010-11 AHL Michael Gregory 1983, 85 Maarten Burgers 1999 AHL Paul Griffiths 1987-90, 93/95 A,2003 AHL Adam Butcher 2000-01,03AHL,01 A Tarrant Haami-Jones 2007/11 A, 2010-13 AHL Jason Butcher 1997/99 A, 98-00,02,03 AHL Andrew Hahn 2009 A Andrew Caddy 1990 Mark Hallen 1983 Jamie Caldicott 2003 AHL Wayne Harris 1979, 83-85 Nathan Canuto 2012 AHL Chris Hart 1984 Michael Cardile 2009 A Jason Hart 1989-90, 99 AHL Joel Carroll 2003-12 AHL, 2007 A Jeremy Hayward 2011-13 AHL, 2011 A

Travis Carroll 2005-11 AHL, 2007/11 A Leon Hayward 2007-13 AHL, 2007 A Cecil Chambers 1980-81 Colin Hennessy 2002-05 AHL Andrew Charter 2009 AHL David Hennessy 1996-97 TT, 97/99 A,

Mark Chin 1986 98-05 AHL Dave Christison 1979 Anthony Herbert 2009 A Andrew Clarke 1988-91,97 A,98 AHL Dash Hewett 2004-09 AHL

Gordon Clarke 1979, 81 Michael Hewlett 1988-91 Robbie Clarke 2003 AHL Mark Hickman 1997 TT, 99 A, 1999-04 AHL Ben Collier 2006, 07 AHL Dylan Hill 2007/11 A, 2009/11-12 AHL Bryce Collins 2007 AHL Chris Hochman 1980-81, 84-90 Paul Conversi 1989/91 A, 93,97 TT Michael Hogan 2000 AHL Tim Conversi 1996, 97 TT Jamie Holland 1987

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Men who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League, HK = Hong Kong, B = Burras, J = Jillaroos, K = Kookaburras, H = Hockeyroos

Stephen Holt 1990, 96-97 TT, 99 Trevor McMahon 2004 AHL A, 98-01 AHL Mark McMillan 1996-97 TT,97/99/01 Geoff Horsley 1985-86 A, 1998-00 AHL John Howson 2007 AHL Matthew McPhee 2004 AHL Joel Hughes 1991/99, 93 A, David Miller 1993/95 A, 96 TT 1998-99, 2001 AHL Jarrod Miller 1997 TT, 99 A, Andrew Hullick 1989-90 1999 AHL Jamie Hullick 2009-10,13 AHL Thomas Mills 2002 AHL Jason Hullick 2011 A Ian Milne 1982-83 Errol Irvine 1996 TT Jiwa Moham 2009 AHL David Jackson 1990 Stephen Moo 1985 Don Jackson 1979 Graham Moodie 2003 AHL Michael Jan 1984-85/89/91 Joshua Morris 2002/04 AHL Peter Jan 1980-81 Duane Moscheni 1982, 84 Mark Johnson 2003 AHL Brenda Narkle 2006 AHL George Kakakios 1980-82 Ashley Newman 1997 TT, 97 A Jignesh Kashoor 2012 AHL James Nyman 2013 AHL Peter Keeble 1991 Eddie O’Brien 1995/97/99 A, 97 TT Daniel Keirs 1998-99/01-02 AHL 99-06 AHL John Keirs 1996 TT, 98-99, 99 Brendan O’Connor 2007 A A, 01-05, 07-08 AHL Garry Osborne 1985-87/89/93 A Graeme Kelly 1999 A Steve Osborne 1989 Joseph Kelly 1988, 91, 96-97 TT, Garry O'Shea 1980 97/99 A, 98 AHL Nigel Patmore 1991 Joe Kent 2000 AHL Roy Pattison 1991 Wayne King 1999-01 AHL Dale Payne 1998 AHL Stephen Kinslow 2003-04 AHL Andrew Pearce 1979-87 Steve Larkin 1979-81, 85, 87-88 Jonathan Peris 2005,/07-08, 2011- Lindsay Lawler 2007 A 13 AHL, 2007/11 A Mark Legutko 2005 AHL Marshall Petersen-White 1995 A Nick Lenoir 1995/97/01 A, Leon Phillips 1998 AHL 2001/02 AHL Ben Poulton 2010-11 AHL Peter Liversidge 1981 Anthony Quinn 1980 Adrian Lockley 2005-13 AHL, Errol Raiser 2009 A 2007 A Joe Reardon 2013 AHL Ian Lockley 1983-85, 89 Mathew Regan 1990, 91/93/99 A, 96 Jarrod Lockley 2006/09-12 AHL, TT, 99-01 AHL 2007/11 A Bob Reid 1981-83 Leigh Lockley 1982, 84-85 David Reid 2006 AHL Mitchell Lockley 2011-13 AHL Leslie Reid 1983-84 Jason Lowe 2011 A Andrew Reynolds 1986 Adam Luck 2011-12 AHL, Shane Ride 1986, 90 2011 A Daniel Robertson 2012 AHL Bryce Luck 2007 A, 2010 AHL Gary Robertson 2008-09 AHL 2009 A Rhys Luck 2001-03 AHL Daniel Robinson 2011 A Jason Mallett 2001-02 AHL Kiki Ross 2000 AHL William Markos 1983, 87 Ian Rowe 2006-07 AHL Leon Martin 2007 AHL Jim Rowe 2009 A Darryl McCormick 1998-03/05, 07 Steve Rowe 2009 A AHL, 99/01 A Anthony Ruehland 1998 AHL Luke McDonald 2003 AHL Mark Scott 1987 Shane McDonald 1995 A, 96 TT Tom Scott 2008 AHL Ian McGregor 2004-05/08/10 AHL Baden Sharp 1988-90, 92, 93/95 A, Michael McGregor 1990, 96-97 TT, 96 TT, 99-01 AHL 97/99/01 A, 1998, 01/02 AHL

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 41 Men who have played for a NT Senior Team A = Arafura, DB = Darwin Blazez, TT = Trans Tasman, AHL = Australian Hockey League,HK = Hong Kong, B = Burras, J = Jillaroos, K = Kookaburras, H = Hockeyroos

Barry Shewring 1990-91 Shane Shewring 1991/93 A Andrew Simpson 1995 A David Skippings 1995/97/01/07 A, 98-99,04,06 AHL Sam Sommerville 2009 A Adam Spry 2006-09 AHL, 2007 A Patrick Stehouwer 1996 TT, 97 A Matthew Stripling 1997 TT Sam Stoner 2009 AHL Rohan Tennant 1991/95 A Andrew Thomas 2008 AHL Michael Thompson 1979, 83-86 Jordan Thorneycroft 2012 AHL David Tilbrook 1986–91, 97 TT Kenny Timms 2009 A Stephen Tonkiss 2007/11 A, 2010-11 AHL Cody Tribe 2010-11,13 AHL Dean Trinne 1980-81 Daniel Versteegh 2006-07/10 AHL, 2007 A Ted Visentin 1979, 82, 84-85 2008 HK Gareth Watson 2009 A Stephen Walter 1998 AHL Jack Walton 2010 AHL Barry West 1981-83 Jamie White 2007-11 AHL Steve Whitten 1979-80, 84 Russell Willing 2009 A Russell Wills 1995/97 A, 97 TT Roy Winter 1982-83, 86 Steve Winter 1979

Warren Wise 1986-87 Ken Wormington 1984, 86 Ivan Zwart 1998 AHL

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 42 Men’s State Team Coaches

Year Senior Under 21 Under 17/18 Under 15 Under 13

1977 N Condon G Clarke 1978 D Cristison G Clarke 1979 M Craig G Parsons 1980 L Giltrow B Claxton S Whitten 1981 L Giltrow A Pearce 1982 I Milne G Clarke 1983 I Milne D Jackson S Whitten S Whitten 1984 B Claxton A Kelly R Newman T Visentin 1985 B Claxton A Kelly R Newman B Ainslie 1986 B Claxton B West R Newman S Cooke 1987 B Claxton W Markos R Newman S Cooke 1988 B Claxton M Hewlett R Newman S Cooke 1989 B Claxton R Newman S Cooke M Pierce 1990 S Larkin R Newman N Patmore A Farr 1991 S Larkin R Newman P Griffiths D Tilbrook 1992 G Clarke R Newman S Fahey P Schwartzkoff 1993 R Newman R Newman P Schwartzkoff 1994 R Newman G Clarke P Schwartzkoff 1995 R Newman (A) R Newman G Clarke P Bell 1996 R Newman (A) S Cooke I Milne P Schwartzkoff 1997 R Newman (TT, S Cooke P Schwartzkoff G Worth A) 1998 R Newman G J Kelly S Cooke S Ranie Worth (NHL) 1999 R Newman G J Kelly S Cooke S Ranie Worth (NHL) 2000 G Worth (NHL) - S Cooke S MacDonald 2001 G Worth (NHL) I R Bulasch S Cooke S MacDonald Dyrting (A) 2002 S Holt (NHL) T Evans S MacDonald J Bozua 2003 I Dyrting (AHL) J Butcher J Butcher M Walsh

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 43 Men’s State Team Coaches (cont’d)

Year Senior Under 21 Under 17/18 Under 15 Under 13

2004 I Dyrting (AHL) J Butcher M McGregor M Walsh 2005 I Dyrting (AHL) J Butcher R Wills A Gregg 2006 J Butcher (AHL) J Butcher R Wills PJ Mabasa 2007 J Butcher (AHL) D Hayes J Keirs N Gerrard 2008 D Hennessy M Hall J Keirs N Gerrard (AHL) 2009 D Hennessy M Hall A Hullick (U18) P Weedon (AHL) 2010 B Sharp (AHL) M Hall J Kelly (U18) M Davis 2011 J Kelly (AHL) M Hall K Timms (U18) C Curby S Spry 2012 B Sharp (AHL) M Hall C Curby (U18) M McGregor S Spry 2013 Ni Lenoir (AHL) N Lenoir C Curby (U18) M McGregor C Carey

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 44 Women’s State Team Coaches

Year Senior Under 19/21 Under 18 Under 16 Div.2 Under 13

1977 1978 1979 1980 G Parsons B Sinclair 1981 G Parsons T Brown 1982 D Hart T Brown 1983 G Parson - 1984 B Sinclair G McMahon 1985 B Sinclair G Minns 1986 B Sinclair G Minns 1987 M Pierce G Minns 1988 G Clarke G Minns 1989 G Clarke T Bradley 1990 G Clarke B Ainslie 1991 G Clarke B Ainslie 1992 G Parson T Parker 1993 G Clarke (NHL) T Parker 1994 G Clarke (NHL) C Jordon 1995 W Markos (A) C Jordon G Clarke (NHL) 1996 A Farr (TT) B Ainslie G Clarke V Keirs 1997 A Farr (TT, A) R Bulasch V Keirs 1998 G Worth (Sing) G Worth R Newman V Keirs 1999 G Worth (A) G Worth B Ainslie V Keirs 2000 G Worth (NHL) D Harding B Ainslie V Keirs 2001 S Ranie (NHL) J Butcher B Ainslie C Carey 2002 T Evans (AHL) J Butcher B Ainslie U15 Girls 2003 T Evans (AHL) D Skippings K Skippings C Carey 2004 J Butcher (AHL) J Cameron G Clarke C Carey 2005 R Newman J Butcher S Ranie M Caden (AHL)

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Year Senior Under 19/21 Under 18 Under 16 Under 13 Div.2/15

2006 M Hall (AHL) C Carey G Clarke M Caden 2007 M Hall (AHL) C Carey K Ainslie M Caden 2008 M Hall (AHL) D Hayes K Ainslie M Davis 2009 M Hall (AHL) D Hayes (U21) G Clarke M Davis 2010 D Skippings D Hayes (U21) M Davis K Ainslie (U15) (AHL) 2011 D Hayes (AHL) M Davis (U21) M Hall D Hayes (U15) D Walton 2012 J Butcher (AHL) M Davis (U21) M Davis D Hayes (U15) D Walton 2013 D Bell (AHL) M Davis (U21) K Clarke A Knowler (U15) D Walton

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 46 Men’s State Team Managers

Year Senior U21 U17/18 U15 Under 13

1977 D Shean L Smith 1978 D Shean L Smith 1979 P Shapcott D Shean 1980 P Shapcott R Griffin R Martin 1981 B Humphries W Van Dijk 1982 P Markey 1983 D Shean D Baldwin L Smith 1984 B Humphries L Smith L Smith P Harding 1985 K Picknoll G Brown B Hillman D McDonald 1986 T Visentin A White G Brown D McDonald 1987 W Harris A White S Jury 1988 P Shapcott A White C Hart R McKirdy 1989 P Shapcott C Regan A White R McKirdy 1990 P Pang Quee D McDonald P Shapcott N Johns 1991 M White C Regan R Bulasch P Harrison 1992 M White C Regan C James P Harrison 1993 A Caddy (A) C Regan A Farr P Conversi 1994 V Keirs S McDonald J McCormick 1995 J Gallacher (A) C Regan V Keirs S Ranie 1996 J Gallacher (TT) P Bailey M Featherston P Bailey 1997 J Gallacher (TT, T Tiley D Joseph G Jarick A) 1998 J Gallacher B West D Joseph D Colman (NHL) 1999 J Gallacher A Clarke D McDonald D Colman (NHL, A) 2000 B Ainslie (NHL) A Proctor G Schultz 2001 J Gallacher A Proctor (NHL, A) 2002 P Harrison (AHL) T Liddy B Reader A Marshall 2003 L Considine B Waters M McGregor B Hunt (AHL)

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Year Senior U21 U17/18 U15 U13

2004 L Considine S Bevis M Barlow B Hunt (AHL) 2005 L Considine S Bevis E Hayward E Hayward (AHL) 2006 S Walter (AHL) N Lenoir E Hayward T Haami 2007 B Waters (AHL) D Hill E Hayward R Bryson 2008 E Hayward (AHL) T Parker D Hill J Davie 2009 E Hayward (AHL) D Hill P Luck (U18) T Sacca 2010 E Hayward/P T Parker P Palancio (U18) P Palancio Palancio (AHL) 2011 P Palancio (AHL) K Markos P Sommerville R Southwood H Montgomery (U18) 2012 B Deans (AHL) T Parker P Sommerville R Southwood S May (U18) 2013 S Bevis (AHL) P Sommerville R Southwood R Southwood K Rakkas (U18)

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Year Senior U19/21 U18 U16 Div2 U13

1980 D Chin 1981 D Chin K McMahon 1982 R Johnson N Bird 1983 K Biermann S Bond 1984 K Biermann K McMahon 1985 T Hudson V Baldwin 1986 K Biermann V Baldwin 1987 K Biermann R Bell 1988 I Lockley T Shepperd 1989 M Yuen V Lockley 1990 A McDonald V Braun 1991 P Archer V Braun 1992 N Roe D Pang Quee 1993 M White & V K Baldissera Walsh (NHL) 1994 R Smith (NHL) E Baty 1995 F Gay (NHL) P March 1996 K Markos (TT) T Kozak R Ingram L Delaney B Sinclair (A) 1997 K Markos (TT, A) T Parker L Delaney 1998 B Sinclair (Sing) T Parker L Blyth L Delaney 1999 D Pang Quee (A) T Parker M Walton T Ranie 2000 B Sinclair (NHL) K Ainslie D Ford D Liddy 2001 D Pang Quee T Parker M Walton T Ranie (NHL) 2002 G Markey (AHL) T Parker M Walton U15 2003 G Markey (AHL) S Thomsen D Pang Quee D Liddy 2004 R Scroop (AHL) K Sack R Smith D Rowlands 2005 R Scroop (AHL) R Scroop K Smith D Rowlands 2006 M Caden (AHL) D Lilley A Hoeben E Hall 2007 M Caden (AHL) O Chui D Rowlands M Caden

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 49 Women’s State Team Managers (cont’d)

Year Senior U19/21 U18 U16 Div2 /U15 U13

2008 B Hall (AHL) H Montgomery D Walton A Richardson 2009 D Walton (AHL) H Montgomery K Markos D Walton (U21) 2010 S Shewring H Montgomery J Hoare K Rakkas (U15) (AHL) (U21) 2011 S Worsfold T Meyering J Grey K Graf (U15) M Whatley (AHL) (U21) 2012 M Bridle (AHL) T Meyering K Graf K Graf (U15) J PangQuee (U21) 2013 T Norman (AHL) T Meyering M Pilkington M Whatley T Jong (U21) (U15)

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 50 Previous Office Bearers Year President Senior VP VP Men's VP Women's Treasurer 1982 L Smith P Bennett P March J Wolstencroft 1983 K Bennett G Halvorson P March J Wolstencroft 1984 K Picknoll G Halvorson P March I Miller 1985 S Cox G Halvorson C Hart I Miller 1986 S Cox G Halvorson A Kelly C Hart I Miller 1987 S Cox B West A Kelly C Hart I Miller 1988 S Cox B West A Kelly C Hart I Miller 1989 S Cox D Byerley A Kelly P Archer I Miller 1990 S Cox G Clarke P Archer I Miller 1991 S Cox A Kelly G Clarke P Archer I Miller 1992 S Cox A Kelly G Clarke P Archer I Miller 1993 S Cox/ A Kelly A Kelly P Archer C Peterson 1994 A Kelly P Archer P Archer P Shapcott 1995 J Condon G Jarick C Regan L Clarke P Shapcott 1996 J Condon C Regan G Jarick L Clarke P Shapcott 1997 J Condon C Regan D Shean D Pang Quee P Shapcott 1998 J Condon C Regan D Moore J McMahon L Blyth 1999 C Regan D Moore J Gallagher D Pang Quee 2000 D Pang Quee D Moore D Bree C Hughes J Condon 2001 D Pang Quee D Moore C Hughes J Condon 2002 D Pang Quee D Moore M Dedman C Hughes J Condon 2003 D Pang Quee D Moore M Dedman C Hughes J Condon 2004 P Stoner B Van Dijk B Hunt E Ranie J Condon 2005 P Stoner B Van Dijk J Condon 2006 P Stoner B Van Dijk R Bryson D Schapel 2007 P Stoner B Van Dijk R Bryson M Oakes D Schapel 2008 R Bryson B Van Dijk A Hahn 2009 R Bryson B Van Dijk T Parker K Markos A Hahn 2010 A Hullick T Norman T Parker K Markos D Jones 2011 A Hullick T Norman L Atkinson S Rowe M Walton 2012 S Rowe E Bailey R Paul N Peris M Walton 2013 P Sommerville E Bailey R Paul V West M Walton

Hockey NT - 2013 Annual Report Page 51 Previous Office Bearers (cont’d) Year Secretary VP Marrara VP Touring Fund VP Veterans 1982 1983 D Chin 1984 D Chin 1985 V Baldwin 1986 M Arnold 1987 P Jenkins A Marshall A Pearce 1988 I Lockley B Claxton 1989 I Lockley C Sauvarin 1990 I Lockley 1991 A Lenoir I Lockley T Bradley 1992 A Lenoir P Germain T Parker 1993 P Germain / A Lenoir G Halvorson 1994 D Tait G Halvorson B Conversi 1995 J Asendorf G Halvorson B Conversi 1996 D Tait G Halvorson B Conversi 1997 D Hinterholzl G Halvorson G Bevis G Jarick 1998 M Harrison G Halvorson G Bevis J Gallagher 1999 R Griffin G Jarick 2000 B Conversi R Griffin G Jarick L Williams 2001 B Conversi G Markey V Miller 2002 J Small G Schultz G Markey 2003 G Schultz / K Smoker G Markey P Stoner 2004 M Oakes B Hunt B Van Dijk 2005 P Stoner M Oakes 2006 M Oakes 2007 M Oakes 2008 2009 B Hayward 2010 T Sacca B Hayward T Wood 2011 B Sharp (EO) M Lenoir T Wood 2012 B Sharp (EO) M Lenoir T Wood 2013 B Sharp/I Harkness (EO) M Lenoir

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