No. 87, Apr. 2012

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No. 87, Apr. 2012 No. 87 April 2012 CarillonNews Newsletter of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America Features Come to South Carolina 2012 GCNA Congress at Clemson . 1 Nominations for Board of Directors . 4 Summer Recital Series . 8 by Linda Dzuris Plus lease join Clemson University in cele- There are several transportation options. Pbrating the Clemson Memorial Caril- Greenville-Spartanburg Airport (GSP) is the lon’s silver anniversary by attending the 70th nearest international airport, located off In- Calendar . 3 GCNA Congress from Tuesday, June 19– terstate-85, 48 miles from campus. Other re- Friday, June 22, 2012, in Clemson, S.C. gional airports include Charlotte Douglas Installations, Forty seven bells cast by the Paccard International Airport (CLT) in Charlotte, Renovations, Fonderie de Cloches of Annecy-le-Vieux, N.C. and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Inter- Dedications . .11 France, are housed atop the campus’s main national Airport (ATL) in Atlanta. Both air- building, Tillman Hall. ports are about 2.5 hours from campus. Transitions . 18 Early registration will begin Monday af- There is an Amtrak station located at the cor- ternoon and will be followed by opening ner of Calhoun Memorial Highway and Col- Overtones recitals given by Mary McFarland and Sam lege Avenue in Clemson, station code CSN. Regional Notes . 20 Hammond. A week of diverse performances The Crescent Route travels through Clem- and presentations are being prepared just for son with stops connecting New Orleans and Take Notes: Carillon you! New York City. Education . 22 Clemson University is in Upstate South A mail-in registration form, housing in- Carolina on the shores of Lake Hartwell and formation, and preliminary Congress sched- Foreign News . 23 nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge ule are included in this newsletter or Mountains between Charlotte, N.C. and At- beginning April 1, you may register online at lanta, Ga. While the university student pop- ulation is approximately 19,000, the city of Clemson’s population is 13,000. 1 Carillon News is published each April and November by the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, Carillon NEWS a California non-profit corporation. GCNA Officers: GCNA Committee listings Deadlines: Submissions for publication Dave Johnson, President Archives [email protected] must be received by February 15 for the spring issue and September 15 for the fall Dennis Curry, Vice-President Barnes Andrea McCrady, Robin Scholarship Austin, chairs, David issue. Submissions should be typewritten [email protected] Fund Hunsberger, Lisa Lonie, and double-spaced and are appreciated by Dianne Heard, Recording Secretary Janet Tebbel e-mail. Send materials to: [email protected] [email protected] Tim Sleep, Corresponding Secretary Barnes Arla Jo Anderton-Gideon, [email protected] [email protected] Scholarship John Bordley, Loyd Mark Lee Jury Lott, Mary McFarland, 410 South Michigan Ave. Suite 528 David Hunsberger, Treasurer David Osborn, Jim [email protected] Chicago, IL 60605 Fackenthal, alternate, Joseph Shields, alternate (312) 596-4022 Board of Directors: Linda Dzuris (2012) Opinions expressed in Carillon News Bulletin John Bordley, chair Laura Ellis (2012) are not necessarily those of the editors, Laurel Buckwalter, nor do they necessarily carry the endorse- John Widmann (2012) Jeremy Chesman, Ellen ment of the GCNA. Sue Bergren (2013) Dickinson, Todd Fair, Dave Johnson (2013) Susan Gentry, Claire ******************************** Tim Sleep (2013) Halpert, Margo Halsted, Co-Editors Dennis Curry (2014) Kimberly Schafer Sue Bergren and Mark Lee David Hunsberger (2014) Carillon Tiffany Ng, chair Julianne Vanden Wyngaard (2014) Directory Jason Lee, Editorial Staff Carl Zimmerman Wylie Crawford, Joost Dupon, HOW TO REACH THE GUILD Tammy Ghattas, and Patricia Johannes Carillon News Sue Bergren, Mark Lee, Guild Web Page: chairs, Jim Fackenthal Story Contributors L. Anderson, J. Banks, J. Bordley, Central Mailing John Bordley, chair W. Crawford, L. Dzuris, E. Fruhauf, Membership information and applica- Examination Pat Macoska, chair R. Giszczak, M. Halsted, H. Hawley, tions are available from: A. Heebner, S. Hettinger, D. Johnson, Jeremy Chesman, Lee J. King, C. Jickling Lens, L. Lonie, Tim Sleep Cobb, John Gouwens, A. McCrady, S. Richards, G. Ryan, 28W640 Warrenville Rd. Helen Hawley, Carol C. Taylor, C. van Ulft, R. Watson, P. Webb Warrenville, IL 60555 Jickling Lens, Ray (630) 393-2137 McLellan, Tin-shi Tam Photo Contributors [email protected] L. Anderson, J. Bordley, L. Dzuris, Associate Margo Halsted, chair, Don G. Gregory, S. Hettinger, J. King, GCNA mailing labels are available to Carillonneur Cook, Ellen Dickinson, C. Jickling Lens, A. McCrady, S. Richards, GCNA members as a free download from the Examination Linda Dzuris, Jim G. Ryan, H. van Bergen, R. Watson, P. Webb, members only section of the Guild Web Page Fackenthal Back page photo: Darren Leow ( Non-members may purchase labels for $45. Finance John Widmann, chair Send label requests and changes of address to: Committee Larry Weinstein Design and Production Sue Bergren, Jim Fackenthal, Mark Lee Wylie Crawford Franco John Gouwens, chair th 1700 E. 56 St. Apt. 3302 Composition Lee Cobb, Jeff Davis, Printing Chicago IL 60637 Fund Thomas Lee, Tin-Shi Tam (773) 288-2333 (h) D & R Press, Elmwood Park, Ill. [email protected] Legal David Hunsberger, chair Sally Harwood, Sue Jones, Copyright 2012 by The Guild of Carillonneurs in North Roy Lee America. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. All items sub- mitted for publication become the property of the Membership Carol Anne Taylor, chair GCNA, except that contributors assume liability for Enrichment Helen Hawley, Dianne copyrighted photographs or music examples submit- Heard, Thomas Lee, Janet ted, and assume responsibility for claims therefrom made against the publisher. For permission to reprint Tebbel, Phyllis Webb contact the co-editors at the address listed above. see Committees, page 3 2 whether to do what has always worked (or what we assume has always worked) or President’s Column what might work better, we often generate Calendar useful tension. And in turn, we tend to re- spond positively—although not always as 51st International Carillon promptly as some would wish—to calls for Festival, Springfield, Ill. change, whether voiced or implicit, broad- based or situational. In the process, we June 3–9, 2012 show that “whole truth” trumps “systems.” And so, even as we’re inclined to honor 2012 GCNA Congress, and maintain what works, we show prag- Clemson University matism, imagination, and creativity in June 19–June 22, 2012 designing new things that also work— sometimes better—and ideally speak to emergent needs. If we’re sometimes cau- Price Symposium, tious about or even suspicious of change, Ottawa, Ontario he only people who treasure systems we’re far more often likely to show eager- September 29, 2012 “Tare those whom the whole truth ness and enthusiasm for growth and change. evades, who want to catch it by the tail,” Our love for the carillon and our various Ivan Turgenev reflected in an 1857 letter to modes and levels of interaction with the in- Leo Tolstoy. “A system is just like truth’s strument help assure that we don’t lead bare tail, but the truth is like a lizard. It will leave lives. We need more frequently to recognize the tail in your hand and escape; it knows and honor these qualities in ourselves. financial support to the Heritage Carillon that it will soon grow another tail.” In his Memoirs, the Chilean poet Pablo Music Committee to enable digital cata- GCNA members tend to show that they Neruda noted that “intervals of dreaming loging of Sally Slade Warner’s music, understand the difference between systems help us to stand up under days of work.” housed at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, and the whole truth: how the organization Members of the GCNA are hardly strangers Cohasset, Mass. This summer project will functions vs. what constitutes its nature. In to this view. Within the Guild, such inter- serve as a template for an eventual compre- general, we’re not inclined to be “people vals of dreaming have led, for example, to hensive digital catalog of “Heritage Caril- who treasure systems,” but rather individu- conceptualizing, designing, and imple- lon Music Collections” that will include the als who understand and are committed to menting the Associate Carillonneur carillon compositions of many North Amer- “the whole truth.” If the trees sometimes ob- Examination, which is now attracting ap- icans. scure our view, we eventually correct plicants. They have produced a new and Yes, we sometimes look and act like a course. much-praised website design, which herd of cats. But it’s our herd. It deserves a Unsurprisingly, we sometimes reveal that evolves and grows. Further, PayPal was smile, a chuckle, and a cheer! we value dependability, predictability, and recently activated, and online dues pay- order. Few among us would casually pro- ments and membership applications pose to change practices that have helped are now a reality. Plans are underway sustain and refine our objectives. Thus, at to bring the GCNA Music Catalog online first glance, we sometimes appear unimag- as a store, also with PayPal support. inative in our tendency to invoke past pro- A GCNA blog is imminent. In February cedures. But in debating and deciding the Board
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