JULY, 2006 Union Church of Pocantico Hills Tarrytown, New

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JULY, 2006 Union Church of Pocantico Hills Tarrytown, New THE DIAPASON JULY, 2006 Union Church of Pocantico Hills Tarrytown, New York Cover feature on pages 30–31 Organ Combination Duos Oct/Nov 2006 & February 2007 Organized Rhythm Clive Driskill-Smith, organist Joseph Gramley, multi-percussionist Percussion and organ, a somewhat surprising combination with a surprisingly pleasing sound, now has its own duo of performers. “Not only an exciting two-hour musical adventure, but also a startlingly clear insight for me into what makes a live performance good, and why good live performances are important for us....passion, technical mastery, and precision...two young musicians doing what they clearly love—making music, not just for themselves, but for us as well.” (The Granite State News, Wolfeboro NH) November 2006 Paulsson & Canning soprano saxophone & organ duo, Sweden “World class musicians...roaring applause and standing ovations.” (Skövde Nyheter, Sweden) “One of the greatest musical experiences I have ever had.” (Nynäshamnsposten, Sweden) “The performance was superb, with a beautiful combination of distinctive organ playing and Paulsson’s supple, exquisitely pure saxophone tone.” (Upsala Nya Tidning, Sweden) “Paulsson’s Bach playing was like a miracle. The audience went wild.” (Vakka-Suomen Sanomat, Finland) Anthony & Beard trumpet & organ duo “There must be other trumpeters in this world as fine as Ryan Anthony, but you’d never think so while listening to him play.” (Fanfare) “Dashing...stole the show with obvious enjoyment of music-making and by his personification of the [Canadian Brass’] relaxed audience rapport.” (Daily Camera, Boulder CO) “Young trumpeter added both flash and class to the [Canadian Brass] ensemble. Ryan Anthony played with big-city charisma.” (The Gazette, Montreal Quebec) “A dazzling performance by Ryan Anthony” (The Plain Dealer, Cleveland) April 2007 Gough Duo violin & organ duo, England “The playing is spectacular, the music is wonderful, and the ensemble between violin and organ is superb.” (American Record Guide) “The playing from both is very fine throughout, with a warmth of sound from the violin, and some considerable virtuosity on display.” (Organists’ Review, England) “Sheer joy and pleasure...delightful and satisfying from all angles.” (Paul L. Reynolds, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee, presenter) “Each the master of their own instruments, they play exquisitely together as an ensemble. They held the audience spellbound.” (Dan Schmal, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, presenter) Bushnell Tower Suite R, 1 Gold Street, Hartford CT 06103-2914 toll-free (888) 999-0644 • fax (860) 560-7788 [email protected] concertartists.com dervish was, took me into his office and down the length of the nave. (I wonder explained that the Williams family han- if Roy pounded on the table until the THE DIAPASON dled all the installations in that area, that church people and their architect “got A Scranton Gillette Publication they had already started the job with a it” about acoustics?) Ninety-seventh Year: No. 7, Whole No. 1160 JULY, 2006 full crew, and that anyway, the factory Incidentally, Joseph S. Whiteford’s Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 had planned to send me to Philharmon- name on the organ logo tag is amusing. ic Hall in New York (this was before the I was told that G. Donald Harrison An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, installation delay). “Oh.” “Wow!” “OK.” started the trend when Alexander the Harpsichord, the Carillon and Church Music Although the Lawn/Kinzey book says Schreiner at the Mormon Tabernacle 1959, the actual installation was in 1962 was so impressed with Harrison’s tonal because at that time, delivery was about finishing that he asked Harrison to “sign four years. My relatives sent me an arti- the organ,” and the Harrison signature CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA [email protected] cle in the local paper about the McAllen tag was provided. When Harrison died, 847/391-1045 Æ-S. However, it wasn’t until 2004 that Whiteford had his name on all the opus FEATURES I actually saw the organ—42 years later! tags, whether he even saw the installa- E. Power Biggs in Mozart Country During a family reunion in McAllen, I tion or not. Part 1 of 3 Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON visited the church, article in hand, and I told the organist about my 1962 by Anton Warde 20 [email protected] astonished the church staff with it. I was experience in Boston, and that the Globe Trotter: 847/391-1044 put in touch with the organist and spent organ must surely have been installed A conversation with Thomas Trotter several hours at the console and in the by the Williamses and Roy (which I’ve by Joyce Johnson Robinson 24 chamber, photographing both. since confirmed with Mrs. Williams). Dobson Opus 76 Inaugural Concerts Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER The organ is absolutely original with She was fascinated and asked me to Kimmel Center, Philadelphia Harpsichord no changes. Although the stoplist is write down what I had told her. by John Obetz 27 spare, it has a good, vigorous sound, Thank you for this very important JAMES McCRAY thanks obviously to Roy Perry. The article. Mrs. Williams covers an impor- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 3 Choral Music installation was very neatly done and is tant era of American organbuilding still quite clean. The sanctuary is large, quickly being lost in the mists of time! NEWS BRIAN SWAGER high and quite reverberant. The organ Bon R. Smith Here & There 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 Carillon chamber is very open and aims right Avon, Connecticut Appointments 5 Nunc Dimittis 8 HERBERT L. HUESTIS Carillon News 10 OrganNet Report In the wind . Osiris Organ Archive by John Bishop 10 www.mdi.ca/hhuestis/osiris Here & There e-mail: [email protected] REVIEWS Music for Voices and Organ 14 Prepress Operations DAN SOLTIS Methuen Memorial Music Hall, annual summer organ recital series on Book Reviews 16 Methuen, Massachusetts, continues its Sunday evenings at 6 pm (preceded by a New Recordings 17 THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by organ recital series Wednesdays at 8 carillon recital at 5:30 pm): July 9, New Organ Music 19 Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 380 E. Northwest pm: July 5, Mario Duella; 7/12, Daniel Domenico Severin; 7/16, Richard New Hymn Book 19 Highway, Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2282. Phone Zaretsky; 7/19, Nicole Keller; 7/26, Fitzgerald; 7/23, Hans Uwe Hielscher; New Handbell Music 19 847/391-1045. Fax (847) 390-0408. Telex: 206041 MSG RLY Email: [email protected] web: TheDiapason.com Frederick Hohman; August 2, Gretchen 7/30, Leo Abbott; August 6, Paul Mur- Subscriptions: 1 yr. $35; 2 yr. $50; 3 yr. $65 (United Longwell; 8/9, Massimo Nosetti; 8/16, ray; 8/13, Oddmund Opsjön; 8/20, Mar- NEW ORGANS 32 States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscriptions: Kola Owolabi; 8/23, Gabriel Dessauer; sha Long; 8/27, Richard Pilliner. For 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $60; 3 yr. $80. Single copies $6 CARILLON CONCERT CALENDAR 32 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). 8/30, Jonathan Schakel. For informa- information: 202/526-8300; tion: <www.mmmh.org>. <www.nationalshrine.com>. CALENDAR 33 Back issues over one year old are available only from The Organ Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 26811, Rich- ORGAN RECITALS 36 mond, VA 23261, which can supply information on avail- Trinity Church Wall Street, New The Cathedral of St. Mary of the abilities and prices. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 37 Periodical postage paid at Des Plaines, IL and addi- York City, continues its International Assumption, San Francisco, continues tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address Organ Festival on Thursdays at 1:00 its concert series on Sundays at 3:30 pm: Cover: Glück New York Organbuilders, New changes to THE DIAPASON, 380 E. Northwest Highway, pm: July 6, Sean Jackson (works of July 9, Charles Talmadge; 7/16, David Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2282. York, New York; Union Church of Pocantico Hills, Routine items for publication must be received six Bach, Widor, Gigout, Mendelssohn, Hatt; 7/23, Derek Nickels; 7/30, Robert Tarrytown, New York 30 weeks in advance of the month of issue. For advertising Boëllmann, and Lefébure-Wély); 7/13, Knupp; August 6, Don Auberger; 8/20, copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contributors Jean-Christophe Geiser (Brahms, John Dillistone; 8/27, Arvin Berner. For of articles should request a style sheet. Unsolicited Vierne, Ropartz, and Widor); 7/20, information: 415/567-2020 x213; www.TheDiapason.com reviews cannot be accepted. This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, annotat- Jeremy Filsell (Dupré, Dukas, and <www.stmarycathedralsf.org>. ed in Music Article Guide, and abstracted in RILM Cochereau); 7/27, Alexander Frey Send subscriptions, inquiries, and Abstracts. (Mahler, Jongen, and Franck); August First Parish Church, Brunswick, Copyright ©2006. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. address changes to THE DIAPASON, 380 3, Cameron Carpenter (Mussorgsky Maine, presents its 21st season of sum- E. Northwest Hwy., Suite 200, Des THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability for and Carpenter). For information: mer noontime concerts on the church’s Plaines, IL 60016-2282. the validity of information supplied by contributors, ven- <www.trinitywallstreet.org>. 1883 Hutchings/Plaisted organ, recently dors, advertisers or advertising agencies. restored with tonal additions. Programs The Basilica of the National take place on Tuesdays at 12:10 pm: July No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make photocopies of the material contained herein for the pur- Shrine of the Immaculate Concep- 11, William Tortolano; 7/18, Brittany pose of course reserve reading at the rate of one copy for every fifteen students.
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