OHS members may join ae many chapters as they desire.Sev eral chapters publish excellent newsletters with significant scholarly con• tent. Chapter and Newsletter, Membership FoundincDate Editor, Address (•Date joined OHS) andAnnual Membership Boston Organ Club Newsletter, E. A. Alan Laufman 1965, 1976• Box l 04, Harrisville, NH Boadway, $5 03460 Central New York, The Coupler, $5 Culver Mowers 1976 2371 Slaterville Rd., Box 130, Brooktondale, NY 14817 The Organ Historical Society Chicago Midwest, The Stopt Diapason, Julie Stephens 1980 Susan R.Friesen, $12 620 W. 47th St., Western Post OfficeBox 26811, Spring,,, U.. 60668 Richmond,Virginia 23261 EasternIowa, 1982 Newsletter, August Knoll Mark Nemmers, $7.50 Box 486 (804)358-9226 Wheatland, IA 62777 Greater New York TheKeraulophon, Alan Laufman (as TheNational Council City, 1969 John Ogasapian, $5 above) Officers and Councillors (allterms expire 1991) Greater St. Louis, The Cypher, Eliza John D. Phillippe 1975 $5 4336 DuPage Dr. Roy Redman ....................................... President beth Schmitt, Bridgeton, MO 63044 6812 RobinhoodLn., Fort Worth, TX 76112 Where the Tracker Kristin GronningFarmer ........................ Vice President Hilbus (Washington. Ruth Charters 3060 Fraternity Chun:hRd., Winston-Salem, NC 27127 1970 Action Is, 6617 Brawner St. Baltimore), Carolyn Mclean, VA Michael D.Friesen .. , ..•.......•.....•. , ....•....... Secretary Fix, $5 2139 Haaaell Rd., HoffinanEatates, IL 60196 22102 Mid-Hudson (New The Whistlebox, June Marvel David M. Barnett •........•.•.........•.............TreaB11rer
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