118 the MANITOU MESSENGER. Jack-Knife, So—What Could I Do -I
118 THE MANITOU MESSENGER. jack-knife, so—what could I do -I had to architecture is a minglemangle of different buy one, but to avoid scandal I gave it contrarietys." away to a lad who could not be suspected "The Ponton over Limfjorden is 9221, of knowing anything of its crooked ways, ells long, 22-J foots broad." and got a regular Sunday-school-boy arti "Frederiksborg castle at Hilleroed is cle as soon as 1 got to New York. heaved on holms in the sea, builded in Odense is the capital of the island of three wings united by a gallery." Fyen or Fun en. It is a small, quiet, old That will do! Please note that I am not place, and all the buildings, including the responsible for anything within quotation palace, belong to the Liliputian order of marks, except the faithful transcription of architecture. One could easily lay his the unique original. hand on the tiled roofs, and 1 almost felt Copenhagen prides itself especially on like a giant walking about on the streets. its exposition and on the Tivoli (which I Therefore, when the customs officers de believe is a Danish corruption of English manded three kroner duty, my first im deviltry, a belief which is founded, not on pulse was to refuse (and back my refusal, any slipshod theories like Grimms' Law, if necessary), but on reflection I found but on a careful comparison of solid facts). that a little country like Denmark might Tivoli is a popular resort for amusement. need this help towards maintaining her Both sexes congregate there to eat and standing army.
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