
Sacred Triduum– The 3 Final Days-Holy Thursday, , Holy ​ ​ Holy Thursday- of the begins the Triduum ​ ​ ​ commemorates when God passed over the homes of Israelites who had the blood of lamb over their doors during the plague in Egypt that killed all first born. celebrated Passover with His disciples at the Last Supper. He broke bread saying, “This is My Body which ​ is given up for you,” revealing that He is the new Paschal Lamb. Then He says, “This is the cup ​ ​ of My Blood which will be shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins,” showing that ​ His sacrifice is our redemption. He commissioned the disciples to, “Do this in memory of Me,” ​ signifying that the sacrifice He made that night is perpetual, on-going still today. Having washed the feet of His disciples He shows that to be priests like Him, they must serve others selflessly. On Holy Thursday, the priest washes the feet of 12 parishioners after the homily. Holy Thursday is called because of the mandate Jesus gave at the Last Supper, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved ​ you…By this all men will know that you are my disciples.” Jn 13:34 Jesus spent His last hours ​ ​ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane as His disciples slept nearby. After the Mass of the Last Supper, the is reposed in the CLOSED tabernacle. It is not to be exposed for Adoration. At this time, the faithful are invited to be with Jesus in front of the of Repose just as the disciples waited with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Good Friday- Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord ​ ​ The altar is bare. The open tabernacle is empty. The sanctuary candle is extinguished. Jesus has died. Mass will not be celebrated again until . Only a communion service with previously consecrated Hosts is permitted. The faithful kneel, kiss and venerate the Cross.

Tenebrae (darkness) involves extinguishing candles in a large candelabra after solemn Scripture readings. In one version, 7 candles are used representing the 7 shadows of Christ’s Passion: Betrayal, Denial, Aloneness, Accusation, Suffering, Crucifixion and Death. A candle is extinguished after each reading until there is total darkness. Another version has 15 candles. 15 Readings are read over 3 days from Spy Wednesday to Good Friday. The service ends abruptly and the faithful are left in total darkness, signifying the death of Christ.

Holy Saturday- Christ’s Burial and Descent into the Realm of the Dead ​ ​ The Church waits at Christ’s tomb in prayer and , meditating on His Passion, Death and Descent into to save righteous souls. We await His Resurrection. At , the church is no longer bare. The holy fonts are empty. The lights are out. Easter Vigil has 4 parts. 1. Service of Light- is blessed and the is lit. The priest says, “May the Light of ​ Christ dispel darkness of heart and mind.” The congregation processes into the church with ​ candles lit from the Paschal candle. 2. Liturgy of the Word is about salvation history. 3.Renewal of our Baptismal Promises and blessing of Easter water. 4.Liturgy of the Eucharist perpetuates Christ’s sacrifice. We receive the Eucharist as we are all united in the Body of Christ. Just as the high point of our week is Holy Mass on Sunday, the high point of the is Easter, the of our Lord’s Resurrection, where the abundant paschal joys are poured out lavishly over 50 days.