
The Season of and 2018 Originating in the fourth century of the , the season of Lent begins on and concludes with Holy , during which , , and Holy are observed. Lent is marked by a time of prayer, penitence and preparation, as we await the joyous of Christ, on Easter Sunday. We invite you to join us as we journey through the sea- son of Lent at Christ Church.


Worship with Holy Eucharst takes place every weekend throughout the Lenten season, at St. Ignatius (SI) on Saturday evenings, and at Christ Church (CCF) on Sunday mornings. Please join us for these times of worship, praise and preparation.

Regular Weekend Services 5:30 pm - Holy at SI (Sat.) 8:00 am - Holy Communion at CCF 9:15 am - Holy Communion at CCF 9:15 am - Holy Communion in House 11:15 am - Holy Communion at CCF

Healing Services A Healing is offered each Wednesday (except Ash Wednesday) during Lent, at noon, at Christ Church, Frederica.

X Church X Church is offered on Wednesdays during Lent at 6:30 pm, (except for Ash Wednesday) at Christ Chuch, Frederi- ca. Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life with the restive and contemplative prayers of X Church.

February 14 - Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes 7:00 am – Holy Communion at SI 12:00 pm – Holy Communion at CCF 6:00 pm – Holy Communion Convoca- tion Service at CCF in the Parish Hall

March 4 - Sunday Choral 5:00 pm - Evensong is Evening Prayer set to music. It is a time to listen, pray, meditate and sing. Please join us for this quiet, reflective as we enter the season of Lent. The Christ Church Choir and guest instrumentalists will of- fer special music.

March 18 - EYC Rooted and Relevant This Lenten service will be more con- templative and will include a labyrinth walk (optional). Please join us as our students and adults lead us in a time of meaningful worship.

March 24/25 - The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday (Regular weekend service schedule) On Sunday evening, a special presenta- tion of Jesus Christ Superstar will take place at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall.

Holy Week Services

March 26 - Monday in 9:00 am - Holy Communion at CCF

March 27 - in Holy Week 9:00 am - Holy Communion at CCF March 28 - Wednesday in Holy Week 9:00 am - Holy Communion 12:00 pm - Healing Service 6:30 pm - X Church

March 29 - 9:00 am - Holy Communion at CCF 12:00 pm - Maundy Thursday Liturgy with footwashing at CCF 6:30 pm - Maundy Thursday Liturgy with footwashing at CCF

March 30 - Good Friday 12:00 - 3:00 pm - Three Hours Devotion: Meditations on the seven last words of Christ from the cross - at CCF 4:00 pm - - at SI 6:30 pm - Good Friday Liturgy with ven- eration of the cross - at CCF

Easter Services

March 31 - 6:30 pm - Great of Easter at SI

April 1 - Easter Sunday 8:00 am - Holy Communion at CCF 9:15 am - Holy Communion at CCF 9:15 am - Holy Communion in Parish House 11:15 am - Holy Communion at CCF

Grow and Learn

Lenten Meditation Series For the 2018 Lenten season, a series of daily meditations has been created by Christ Church parishioners and friends of Christ Church. Each day, the writer offers a short, original reflection based on one of the assigned Bible readings for that day. The meditations will be deliv- ered to all parishioners by daily emails. For anyone not using email, written cop- ies can be provided on request. Using this devotional resource, we can journey together through Lent as a parish family.

Daily Prayers for Lent via Text Fr. Tom will be offering daily text prayers in Lent, through Easter week. Those who would like to receive a daily text message prayer should email their names and cell phone numbers to him at [email protected].

Sunday Morning Adult Class The Sunday Morning Adult Class will continue its study of the New Testament during Lent. The Class will be looking at Acts and the and will end with Revelation as Easter approaches. The Rev. Dr. Robert W. (Bob) Brown is the Class facilitator and all adults are in- vited to join the Class discussions. The Class meets from 10:35 to 11:10 pm every Sunday in the Parish House. Everyone is welcome!

Quiet Day - February 17 On Saturday, Feb. 17th, beginning at 9:30 am, Dr. Anna Wright will lead a Day of Prayer at Christ Church. “Prayer is dif- ficult. It is not the techniques that are hard - most of the techniques are amus- ingly easy. Rather the difficulty lies in following through on the commitment to pray in the face of distractions that bear down on us or pick at us like an- noying bugs, driving us away from the presence of God,” writes Daniel Wolpert in his book, Creating a Life with God. Do you struggle to stay focused in prayer? Are you looking for new ways to pray? Are you longing for a bit of quiet space in your frenetic world? We will be exploring different ways to pray. Dress casually, wear comfy shoes and come with open minds, and curious spirits to explore different ways to pray. We will explore body prayer, doodling prayer, nature prayers, and prayers with art. Each hour of this workshop will include periods of silence to help still our minds and center us. When we still our minds and open our hearts, we are able to hear God more clearly. The day-long retreat includes lunch and the cost is $25 per person. To register for the Day of Prayer, please contact Mtr. Becky at becky@ccfs- si.org.

Final Chapters Beginning on Thursday, February 22, at 2:00 pm, our will lead a five week course centered on end of life prepara- tion. Topics include financial planning, living wills, funeral planning, dying with dignity, and much more. Please contact Mtr. Becky at [email protected], if you are interested in joining this group.

EC 101 Starting on Wednesday, March 7th, at 5:30 pm, Episcopal Church 101 is a six- week study for anyone wishing to know more about the Episcopal Church, ei- ther in preparation for being confirmed, received or reaffirmed (wonder what the difference is among those?) or simply to answer those “why do we” questions. If you are interested in joining this group or would like to know more, please con- tact Mtr. Becky at [email protected] or call the church office at 912-638-8683.

A Question of Identity Retreat On Saturday, March 10, from 8:30 am to to 4:00 pm, author Randy Siegel will discuss how answering the question, “Who am I?” brings power, purpose and peace into our lives. Randy writes, “Our spiritual and psychological health rests in the question of identity. Regardless of whether we call it ego, personality, or persona, we need a strong one if we are going to navigate the world and enjoy a successful life. At the same time, if this is the only way we see ourselves, we will never be truly fulfilled. There’s some- thing deep within that longs to return to our essence, or divine self, and be in union, reunion, and communion with the Divine.” The cost of the workshop is $25 and includes materials and a light lunch. Contact Mtr. Becky at becky@ ccfssi.org to sign up for this event.

Special Events

Shrove Tuesday at the Pier Before the Lenten Season officially be- gins on Ash Wednesday, Christ Church will be hosting the first Pancakes at the Pier on Tuesday, February 13th, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, at Neptune Park, in the St. Si- mons Village. We’ll be serving pancakes at the Casino and parading through the park with local musicians joining us, for this festive, jazzy salute to . There will be games, relays and fun for all ages! All are invited to this event for the community, so bring your friends and neighbors!

The Art of Lent Father Tom will host a weekly art talk and reflection throughout Lent, featur- ing guest artists. The talks will take place on Wednesdays, at 1:00 pm, in the Par- ish Hall. A simple lunch will be served. Week 1 - Feb. 21st: The work of parishio- ner Randy Siegel will be featured. Week 2 - Feb. 28th: Our Writing Group will display their sacred . Week 3 - March 7th: Sacred artwork from the col- of our parishioners will be the focus. Week 4 - March 14th: The stained glass in Christ Church will be featured. Week 5 - March 21st: Sacred works creat- ed by the artists of Christ Church will be on display. Week 6 - March 28th: Depic- tions of the Stations of the Cross from famous artists will be combined with those created by our youth. Please con- tact Fr. Tom at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in this series.

Labyrinth Walk Thursday, February 22: Join us at 6:00 pm to walk the Labyrinth in the Parish Hall, reflecting on the religious art of Randy Siegel. The Rev. Jann Briscoe will lead the meditation and walk.

Creekfest: A Signature Event to Celebrate and Support Our Beloved Honey Creek February 23 – 25 The Honey Creek Com- mission invites you to CreekFEST II! Come down to Honey Creek for a week- end filled with team events, worship, and good times with the Honey Creek family all throughout the of . We have many activities planned includ- ing a silent auction, a 5k, field day events, square dancing, and the global sensation that is Honey Creek Fried Chicken. So grab your people, assemble your team (or we can assign you to a team) and regis- ter today! Contact Mtr. Becky at becky@ ccfssi.org for more information.

Community Seder On Thursday, March 1, at 6:00 pm, St. Francis Xavier , in Brunswick, will host the Community Seder. Rabbi Rachael Bregman will lead us through the traditional Seder meal and explain the significance of each food. Cost: $10 per person or $25 per family. To make reservations, please call 912-261-8512, ext. 444 by Feb. 23, 2018.

Parents Night Out From 6:00 to 9:00 pm, on Friday, March 9th, parents are invited to experience an evening out! Parents, enjoy a Lenten treat to focus on you, while you leave the little ones with us (infants to 12 years). Contact Kathleen Turner to sign up or to volunteer at [email protected].

Special Music for Lent and Easter

Lenten Music at Christ Church During this season, our graded Choir Program, Handbell Choir, and instru- mentalists offer a variety of musical styles. The music will be more reflective and calming, with repertoire from our Anglican tradition and beyond. Palm Sunday New Musical Offering On Palm Sunday evening, March 25, at 5:30 pm, in the Parish Hall, Christ Church will offer something new and surprising to inspire and challenge you in your spir- itual journey through Holy Week. Christ Church will offer a Eucharist featuring the rock opera music of Jesus Christ Su- perstar. Music from the epic musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber will be integrat- ed into a traditional Episcopal liturgy. A rock band will lead the liturgy.

Easter Sunday Festive Choral Eucharist with Brass On Easter Sunday, the music and your voice will raise the rafters in celebration of our Risen Lord. The Christ Church Brass Ensemble, Timpani, and Harp will join the organ and Christ Church Choirs for festive music in the Church and in the Parish Hall worship services at 9:15 and 11:15 am.

Special Easter Celebrations

Easter Lilies Remember a loved one at Easter with a Easter lily. Send the name(s) and a check for $30 for each memorial to Ethel Horton, 402 Palm Court, SSI, 31522. Checks should be made payable to “Christ Church Guild.” Please make your order by March 28th. Contact Ethel Horton at 912-634-8327 for more information. Easter Hunt The Family Ministries Council is spon- soring the CCF Annual Easter . The egg hunt takes place on the front lawn of Christ Church after the 9:15 am Easter (April 1). We are asking all who are willing and able to donate 50 or more plastic stuffed with , stickers, etc. It’s best if candy is wrapped, as humidity and dew makes unwrapped candy very sticky, even in the plastic eggs. Donations of filled plastic eggs may be left in the Parish Hall office. Please contact Mtr. Ashton at ashton@ ccfssi.org if you would like to help with this wonderful Easter Sunday tradition at Christ Church. The Flower Cross The flowering of the cross has become an Easter Day tradition at Christ Church. David Lowe and Chris Triplett begin the process by bedecking the cross outside the church with flow- ers and invite the entire parish to bring blooms that they have purchased or cut in their yards to Easter Day services.

(Mr. MacGregor - aka David - will be there to assist, and he might even take a picture of you and your family as you celebrate this joyous day.) Don’t forget your flower and your camera on Easter morning! 6329 Frederica Road St. Simons Island, GA 31522 912-638-8683 • www.ccfssi.org