I," .


'Volume 38 No.7

November, 1956 I I

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'. -----.


November. 1956 THE ~I A C ,\ RON I J 0 U RN A L Your Package Can Be ... YOUR BEST SALESMAN! BUT Only If It Meets The Public Eye In Modern Dress.

It h;u been rcliahly stated that RO% of the Poocl PackagC& Our job at R0550tli is creating and producing rackagcs fur sold in Sclf·Scrvkc stOTes ttxhy lack the fundamental 1.,1C3' Macaruni Products that will do tlltir job success(ully. making quality of Appetite appeal. The list o( our customera reads like Who's Who in the Maca· I. yonr package qualified tu compete successfully under moo' mni Piehl Many o( them have been with us for mure th;UI ern merchandising conditions? Where more th'lII (,0% of all consumer huying decisions arc made right in the .tore? On twu generations. During that time they have (orged ahead The reputation of your top brand begins with the Impul!C of the Moment? Whether or nut y~ur package tu positions o( leadership. and even u'nder hxJay's tough appeals to the appetite of the shu('Ircr at th~t critIcal Instant· competitive conditions arc increasing that leadership" Or.Deeisi..,n, mor.,: often than nnl determines whether you the Semolina you use. make or lose a sale. There mwt be a rea50n (or their conndence in Uf. There is a reason. The rc;twn is that ROS5Oui D.:aigned and Produced Your package today must carry ffinTe of the aales load t~an ever hefore. Unlcs.s it dots iu job successfully you arc 105101: packagca pay them in increased sala. In increaseJ leaJership. aales every day. Ar.d i:\ in:rcas:d pruli.u. t . Amber's No.1 Semolina if, uniformly superior In

color and quality ... every shipment.

In 'creasing numbers of America's quality Maca- Will' you make this aim pic teat? Cut out this Picton.. 1 and place it on your present roni Manufacturers rely upon this uniformity of package. Doesn't it whet )'our appetite (or a good, appetizing Macaroni dish? It will have the ",me effect Amber's No.1 Semolina to help safeguard the repu- on Ihorpen in Self·Service storel. tation of their top brands.

Do you use Amber's No. 1 Semolina In your top quality macaroni I:lroducts?

We will be harpy 10 conlul, with you on y~ur packa«lnll: Problem •• There I, • qualified ROhOUI urfClcnlallvc n.ur you. He hu many helpful facti and fiauru at hi, finll.cnip •. JUI' ull or wnte us ror an appointment. It could be the be­ !;inninl or a very rrofitahle Incrcue In your nlu.

~SS()Hi ""on ON M""'" .,,"""" AMBER MILLING DIVISION ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION farmer, Union Oraln Terminal A•• ociatlon 8511 Tonnelle Ave., North Bergen, New Jersey

ROSSOTTI CALIFORNIA LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION MILU A' IVIM cln. MIHHIIO,. • OINIIAI. o ... ell, It. ,avl. I, MlNH.lora 5700 Third Street. Son Francisco 24, California L______~ SAW O"ICI$I thw Y.,k • l.cI... _., • Iostoft • '1111.""" • Clllc .... Orl ..... H••• to" • Lot A...... 'rHftllll • Snttl. -----_.,

No\'ember. 1956 THE M ,\CARONI JOURNAL :Jke Macaroni Week Spurs Sales

USINESS Is hrhk. OMII we'llher ,u'tnu I V2 Ic.npnlln~ ~;II;III 1I1I 1'1\ J.\ CJ.\ R0 '" , BIhe (IlUlllty In Augllu. bright pml' ) IIIl' dilllll·~itl· d IInllll1, ,Iullillt'" pcrll ror t1Urulll in Septcmber. ,11\1\ Na· ) dm'c garlk. rllflllPI'd (i"n;d Maromml Wcd. in October h:w(' I I.polllu) call IlimoUnt"!! cumblncd 10 push leaNo·diue produrtlflll 1 "-(I\llIrC 1,111 IuRiaiu \:IIIH' figures rllT manruul. 'paRill'ui :lIul c~g &llt ,lilt! IM.'JlIM.·r III t .. ~tc November, 1956 IIfMXUCI :lOOUI (h'c I",-r (Cnt 1I\"('r " )'car !It tcasplHIIl IIrt'lPllU JOUR"'J.\l aRfl. :! ·1V::-( IUIIH' C;III ~IHillll" .Irolint·d (.. IHIIlt :!·I \htlmp) Volume 38, No. 7 C"'l'ttlfluK CflU\UIIICr "!Iclltioll, Nat/fllml )llIcarnlil WCl'k pcrrnrmctl iu allIUm' t .. hll'S)HK'" 5 .. h :'I !ten'fcc of helplllK 11111\'(' II1I'rchalldlsc "I[ 111I:lrt' huilill); wall'r the grocer'. Ihch'CI ami 1111111 Mrs. IInllll" II II1111CC5 ~)laKhl'1I1 maker"UlclllI. Call)rl!! [(IIIUICts werc I"lt­ Ilcal oil: mltl 111111111 :lIul );:nlic. elKlk Official publicalioll of tlte Naliotlal Macaroni Manufac. !, minlill'S. :\dll 1f)lII atnt· ~ , 11111101111 '\;11111'. Ilrularly Imprl'Su'll that lIIilcaroni and and ~ 11t :.11111 pCPIM.'r aUt) IIH·K:tIlIl. CUlik IInr Ted Sill, suggUI' recipe menu ,heels. turerJ AJJociatioll, JJ9 N . AJMand Ave., Palo line, IllinoiJ, noodle pmduru coultl he I"Umbiueti Il1ln In\\' r.alorlc 111('11111, lUll' Itt·al. ~Iirrill); .r:l.\illll:tlly. 311 lIIill' LIII\' C.. lnrie :'Ilal':II'11l1i :'Ilcmu, \\'ith ~umc AddreJJ all correspondence regarding tldvutiJing or edi· IIICS. :\.111 dlrimp .11.1 milt; wi'll, I It·:tl III till .-\s liMed In flllt' or m;III)' !,lIhliril}' re· r:l(u m;u',I1I11II'! 1,1;11"1' in Jt'lluciug Pre.ld.nt...... L\oyd E. Skinner M'n-iuJ; ICllllllTdt:. ft'. tli,·IS. Tn call ;1 1I1'Ulillll to 'c);I It-.1 ilt'm tarial material to Robut AI. Grttll, Editor, it'a.cs ~lIt 10 (,10(1 ('tthon Ii)' the Nallnlla! :'I1'·;lIIwhilc. ;1I1t1 I tOlhll"SIHKltI !t;11t tel · l.t VI •• Pre•...... Guldo p. Merlino ;\laGlTonl Inuhllte: "I'robahly OIiC IIf Ihe ,1i'1'1,,)\ nr ~hl'lf !\l·flinll'. Aumlllt-.1 JI"prr r.. pilll)· huilill/-: ,,·alcr. (;r'IIIII'III,· ,\lltl ~I'a· 2nd VI .. Pre•...... Horac. P. Gioia hardl'Sl thlllK' a1,ollt dicting is walch lug "(ulIl·ptltlh" \rich Ihc '1"1"), "Clltlric );hl·II . 1iC1 that watcr (nIllIlUIU tn hnil. Gnllk cuu\('lomr" al1ll a llin·rciollal atrllll', lI,{,IC Srd Vice Pres ...... Emanuele Ronzonl, Jr. IIIlter pMple C:Il famrile fuutis, ronds th:!t IIl1Cm'uI',I, ,tirrill/-: IIwl~[nll"II)', IlIIlil 1"11' pl .... l'Il Oil Ihl' ~lIltl· IIl1tlr, )'1111 wllultlllkc III c'll. Mall)' caloric mlllll· Secretary...... R.bert M. Green Ikr. ))r.lill ill mlamll·r. SI'fH' ~llIilllp t·u mlstakclIly funake fuoth thc)' likc hc· Rdatct! itl'lII IIi\J1I01)'S (lir thc IIIml pit Research ...... James J. Winston ~'lUcc U\'l'r sl',,/-:hclIl. cau~ thc)' hcIlC\'e the), ate rattcning. H)' (catuTt'11 f;ulllc,1 WIIKb Ihl'cl ;" in~n' llic'lI~ TUlal f;lluricl. Hli:!. Calnril'\ pl'f M·f\'· Emerltus...... M. J. Donna wirtC))' budgeting raluric) if, qullc Pili' in Ihl~ I.uw Calutie Quickic :'I1t· .. I. :\Itt\1 sihle: In cnjlly ,III appctiting Italian dinlll'r Ing: '65.5. lIC1l'" 111t'"c imhull·t!lul1mln ptmllll'li 0111.1 a~ ~hll~'11 ill thc mCllu hdnw. llin/-: p,'a .. llcs. nut Ili~pl;lr~ \\"'rc I",ilt On Page hl'rc ;11111 thcrc with dll'I'W ami '·\·Ip"· :J)iHclor6 National Macaroni We.k Spurs Sale...... 5 Low Calurie ~renu tall-.lmilk In 1;lkc alh'ant:tAl' III .\"wrir:tl! B:tir), ,\~ \ud a linll prumulillin IIi ""ity Region 1 Jo.eph Pellegrillo _ Italian-born, American.made...... 6 "lk\'cJ0lK'd h)' (he "lIIne eCllUomhu nr prmlufls aUlI thc (llluIK'r clll"'\C Fl·1tl\·;II. thc Natiunal MaC;lTnni )UUitUlC, this Itr",' Regl.n 2 Saverio Arena Calorie Conscious Cookery ...... : ...... 8 I.unll ,Hh'l'tthlu/-: II)' u1:II'awuI m:tllu, Emanuele Ronzoni, Jr. "llnrle tlhml'r will enahlc Ihc htl~y ,\II,l·r· Tomacaronl Stew ...... · 10 Ieall homc'lIl:1kcr to K'ne a good 5111hl (:!I'IUIl'h Ik·n·llliled In C\' crr tHlc u( Raymond Guerissl meal to her (amil), ami at Ihc "1mI' thill' IIIl'tli;" IIclnp"l'cu. lI'Aillll;11 III01Aa/h1l's Region 8 Horace P. Gioia About Agrl.ulture ...... c••••... 14 nl(cr a low calurie dinllcr to Ihe [omdt,u· ami mlll~ra\'luc H'I·dnns, on r .. ,IIII. 11·1,·· Albert S. Wel.s The Northwest Crop Improvement Association .... 10 linus wright· walcht·n. Jmt walch thc '"idllll :11111 hilIlKl:mls. Region 4 A.Irving Grass How's Your Health? ...... 20 smilct when you I'UI Ihis 550 ('"Iurlc I')elll)' or I·uhlicit)· IlInllcr bermc )'uur dicll'u! Wit)' 1I0t Ir)' Henry Rossi EII'II hdnre :\:lIiIlIlOlI :'Ilaf:.II'ulii \\'I't'1:. Region 5 Albert Ravarlno Inilredlen·t Information ...... _.. 24 it during Nallonal MaCOlroni \\'~k. Oc· lober )8·2U" IlIIiI i;III}' hl·/o:;III. IllIhlidt)' 111'/0:,111 III "1'1'1·"r Dominic Palaz.zolo Production Pointers ...... 28 ill 1.1111" c: .. lliric :'Ill'l\u f,·"tuft'S ;11111 ,lIlill,'~ Region 6 Paul Bienvenu Indu.try Items ...... 30 Thc mcnu: SI':tgheul·Shrhul' 1t,,1i;lIIu III h:IILgrllUuli 011111 i.llt'le\1 IIIIItUllill/-: Maurice L. Ryan (rtdpe hdu\\'), VI [UP Zucchini. ami Personals ...... SO Pot McReynolds limn Bob Green In build· 1II:1I·.. flllli , SI'''Ah,·tti 011111 "KI\ lI uIK ))"1 In Region 7 John Lanerl mhu:d Rr('clI ",I,ul whh 7 slIIall li':!\'cl III Ing a display. m:lw"inu 011111 IIcw~P"IK·I\. TWII ul Ih,' Retrospections ...... :...... S8 ('Karole, 8 11110111 IC:I\' ~I of chkor)" ·1 1111:111 Regl.n S Lloyd E. Skinner :'I1"I':tfCIlli maIlUr,IIIUU'U IIII·tt lmllllhl·11 111:111)' fillc Im'" k\ \\'l'rc :'IIIC"I1\ Otlulll'r II'a\'cI or mmaillc, K'lrnlsill'd with V2 tahk· 1.. Region 9 Guido P. Merlino Index to Advertisers ...... ··· 88 Ihe l.ll\\' C:llmic Qulrkk' :'I1t',,1 ,·mllll· (111111 {l·aHlft·, "1 ,1:1 -""Ii'III·lmlll ..\mcr· ~IIOOII of l-'reJ\ch drl'l~IIIK' for dcucrt, :111 irall·m:llll· ... fl'I'"t11'11 1111 P;IKI'\ Ii 011111 i, Region 10 Vincent DeDomenlco sl,ulic:lIl)' .•\11 l'a~tcrtl firm Ilcn'lupl'll a IIUlI(e of C"•.1IlIemhcn Cheese with S , .. It· ;11111 ")'bn fur Ihc 1.1111' Caturie Crul\·II" Region 11 Alfred Spadafora 1,1f/-:C :\I:IGlrtllli \\'cek U,IIIIll'r til hc met! irll~ S: black enlrce ur Ica fUf .I>c\·cr.IAC. ill IlIIlitutiull\ fur (klultl·r. lII:1gOl/illt' uf Edward DeRocco in \\'''"In''~ allli. whl'rc 1"luihll'. imldc Tala). calorlcs: 550. 11101\' fl'I'lliu); allllm"u hOlllill/-:. Af Large Robert I. Cowen Ihc Ilurc. Thl')' tn.. -.I 3 111')11;1)' caul ~'IIIW' Vincent F. La Rosa The follllwlnl; reclJ~ (or SpagltclIl· InK Ihe I.,o\\, Dlloric Quifklc Mcal "II Ihc On:t 1I:lliuIIOIII ), Ic)l·\·bnl IIt·t\\,mk -hul\' Alfred E. Rosal COII.r P~olo Shrimp Italiano make. -I Kfl'llIg5: ceilier l,it'Cc (ur rd..... 11 itl'l1I dhpl .. y'. t',lfl)' in Onubcr. [1I);OIf Ill' r AI' II :11111 }{t'CIIK'S fur thc dhltc, 1111 thc IlIl'nu wnc (;II;ulil' :'I11( ::lrthr i.llcn-il'wl·cl :'Ilr. 011111 Arthur Russo :'lIn. }(Uhl'" WiIli:tlU of .\·1 l-'IIIItI" 11I~C;1' Jerome L. TuJague Here are the fixings for a spaghetti dinner low In dhJlclI~-.1 fWIlI ,hl'l( rel'i I)!'·llIIltll·u, ;11111 in ulhl'r imlaucc\ (mill n'dl)!' 1':11111. runi 1II;IIIUla,ItLll'u ill 1.111 . \n~I' I,· \ . 1111111 Robert William calorie.. high In appeal. Developed by tho h.me )luh ;lIul :'11;11)' h;1I1 ;lIul'k nppmlllnil)' 10 Jame. T. William., Jr. economists of the National Macaroni Institute - AI Ihc prumutltUmlm;IIW);I'r l'xplaim'd, thc U1ert'handhillK rllllll\\·. lhrull~h W;l1 11111 IliM\I\\ OIl MllIIC 1t'II/-:th inll'Il'\liu/-: 1:11 1\ Pad Thomas A. Cuneo Spaghetti-Shrimp Italiano served with zucchini, IIIlly simplc hut I'lIIl1plctt:. It w.. , ~lIl1i· ;11111111 11I:1I:1fI1II1. III thc Iluil 1'III11un III PUJidtlltJ J. Harry Diamond mixed green salad, camemoort cheese and crackers, dCIIII)' /Icxihlc Sit Ih:1I It wilid hc u!tCd in "Un Yuu Trml ,'uur Will"" Ihl')' 1Iltlll'I Peter La Rosa black colfee or tea makes a good solid meal with less hit Ihc j:ltklHII hili thcr .li.1 W,IUIIIIC \dlh than 550 calories. prolnllllil)' all)' ~lOrc, C\'l'lI llimc Ih .. 1 h:l\'e C. Fred. Mueller (N.,lm,.' M.rnroni InJl/lule phD/D) IMllidt·, :I/-:"imt min/-: nWIIIII:ll"tllrl'n' 111:1' $:!IHI winllln~\. C. W. Wolfe Icrl:ll. Thc h:,,/c til"hi helll \\';!s Ihc rl'ripe (:Iippin);\ lrum IIt'W'\IJ:lIK·n . \\'ill' ""1\" Louis S. Valll1lno till' and (ur a thlld)' prnllIotiulI III thi~ in). ~)· llIli'~"II·tI lululllih ;11111 maWl/im" I)'IK'. I1Iml tlllrcs :1 t Ic;nt pcrmlttl·1i (hc IISC ;lrc IK.urilig III , il1llll':llill); 11 .. ,1111,' 1;1111111'· The AlacarODI JourDal la re,l.terfcl with U. S. Patnt Oll'lrf, ur thc shI'H·ditl>CII~'r fur r cd pc~ . :'11;111)' fIlIlM' jUlU fumUlIIl't as wcll OIl thc /lilliit'· 8ub!cripUoD rate.: pubU.bed mODthl, bl the NatloDal WanroDI MaDufadure,. s!tltt'S "'dcllluc" Ihc ,e1alcd itclII\ tlhl''''Y' m:lkl'r ~· t· k i nJ.: WHKI wholt~'ml' (IHM I. with Dome.tle ...... ,...... "'.'S.OO p.r Jear Alloclatloll a. It. ofUcla I publlcatloD .Ioee Mal. 111'. and thc IICWS \'aille II( Ihe N:llion,,1 :\Ial,l' infinilc "adl'I)', ami 1·I UI1I1I11,. ;1 1'11l'a l 01\ Furello ...... "", ...... " ...... S,IO p.r Jur Entered a• • ecoD4·cla •• matter at PalaUDe. til. .. : additional wcll ;n Ihc IIlIItilillll;11 hUl' welc im · 8101le Cople •...... ~ .... ,...... ,.. ,., ..... ,...... :...... 110 nUll Wcck 1I:lIlIIl'r. eDtry at DarrlnltoD, 111 .• peodlol, UDder Ad of "ar. I, 1111. pn'~~ell Ii)' :1 );ullliI)' \'lIluIIIC III I'laCCmt'lIh D.'\cll Caple...... ,...... ,.... ,.. ,.... "...... 100 Sherwood Swan and Gene MOBh odmlr. A llIidwe~lcrn HlllIp:tll}' dl'\'l'luPl'll a ~lIIrc 1'001er. a 5111:111 fuhll'r with Ihll'" during ~aliullal :'Ilararuni Wn·k. 4 d Isploy. r. THE )1 A CAR 0 N 1 J 0 URN A L No"cmb,:r, HISG r\O\'fnthcr, Hl51i T" I·; ~I.\ C" R 0 S 1 .I 0 II R S ,\I, ;

Pasta -Italian-Born, American-Made

Ir:llc,1 arc h:.kl'd IIl1mllu. 1~"la cCALL'S, rt'Ipnll'd hy lOllle 12,000,· Till' ;wide i\ illu\trl!lctl willi !WII dUll' la!!.aglle, c ! .. glnll, mlnc\lrtlllt', ThcH')a's IpOIghl'Ui. 000 rc.. llul .. , .. n aUlhority 011 rlM)(1 hlc.Jlap.c ~Jlrt·"d~ in h",autUnl rulnr ,15 ""ell M and lIIanmllll pit·. · ;Jllli itellls IIf 1111t"I'~t to wnml'll, had at, :Ii ;a 1':"01"1111 little pall(.'1 nl (um iU'lIt'. On the M'H'ral I'agt's of rcclpc~ arc ()( Illbel fl';UlIll' llU .. " .. \1 ..... IIf a ddd t'lIju)'illl; 'P"I;II("ul. ~ll1n" indUlling s;tIlCC "U':\ndrea, ~I\lCC ",\lel'l ~Ilnl' .,l tin.' ["mil)'," it b \UK' The riD! full Jlil)':C illmlr.uillll. ;utjuill' alia "t:ulh1m. ~un' all:1 RUlli"", .\;lUll' :Ilb J;I,.ll'd : "m:I!:"'IIII. ,)",ghl'lIl. br..:ll;nc. lin· ill';: the .1111")' :ulll mOl"'ing 11)1 the lint Iwn­ GCIII ,n""', 1,;111(1' C;"IIi:I, \;UICC .. lIa 51'UIII;1 I:Uilll', ' ·OIIIIII'III .. i, C:tPIIClIl'lti, fidelilli. I!:IKe 'Illt'iu), h:" :" ;! 1~("Kmllllll a M"I'IIC 1H ('1:l1l1h"III'. " ',Iucedle ami 1I IIIens more, nUl long lit III ,.\matti. JIIu,tr,tll'tl III Inight ((Jlur in '1 til' f,n .. 11' "r Ihl' katllrc i~ .. !Cuinn ~lllIrt, III ilk fir thin, in 'MIWI fir .hells or the £urcgrtluml .ttC til\'juli, Ital!;.u n'gc­ lin " Hltw III Chumc .. nd UIoC l'illl ... " Thi. ("XCUlllln fir nuh, 1IIl',e', 1111 hl'lIl't Illl'ill li.hlc, 011111 I':tUOI. alltl Icifi,"lnl. loIi\'l:,\ a ~l'm·r.11 11:1~~Hi(".uiuli IIr ,h:llll's Ih,11I a paua me.. I." The IC(IIIIII spn'illl hal 11 had'r.;wullll III a water ~C IIC in :'\al,lcl. nhhc\ iIIln- ;1111 1 IoIl·nl'r.11 ,.M.kiulol I1Il'llilMls. AUlhllr frum Iowa .\1, .... K, "'bhl'l.;111 lrhh girl [mill Inw:t, wrill'~: "llrllh.. bl), fine nl Ihl' hrsl Ihilllol\ 11 :t11l t,\·,·t dhl [lIr thl' worltl \\'as In Inn'nt ' 1a; 1~11l·1t1 lIntl 0111 Ihl' lillie cuth ami Iwhl' autl IUitll:' flf 1':1\101, the "'IIII' IIlmT· .. nd· "':tleT 11:1'11' tlml II railed Im'd)' 1I:lInes like 'liule rel'd\' (cnlm,.lIi) :lnd '\'l'r')' little n'elh' (rr"IIIt/lini) :lIId tlI/IOI';"; (little Im 'I'\) :11111 ,' \'CII .lIme mnrsch lI .. mell ';m/Jtlr; (kh\ r:mhcn), , , , "There ate inliulie \'ati:'liuUI fill thl, Ihcult'. III WIUU', :.11 ill the m.. camnl ram· il)" with Ihe dough 'plcad out "cT)' Ihln awl mllcil inln ,ht'l'll whlrh aTC Ihcli cut :lIul Iwi~ll'd :lIul nthcrwi~' Jlb)'1'11 with, III makc all Ihe ~ilI)'. delightful "alit'llcs flf '!;til .. \\·c hll)', cunk, l·at." Special lor Sunday

She Ihell relal" how Itl't parcon ancl Background il Naples. The dllhes oro 111 , 121 Baked Noodles. 131 Poslo e Fogla!!, 141 Mlneslrono, '5' TC""o', S-· Itl" Kr,mdlllnthct, Il\'il1g ill Suulhem Cali· ghelll. and 161 Macaroni Pi.. "" ,..- furnla. [muul a KUlltl hali;1II It'Mallt:1I11 whcre SuUtlar lliunct IIl'callle :111 e\'cllt In H'lIIelllhl'r. (ump:lrahle III hinhd:I)'s, a ~:dnt'. d:I),. !If e\'ell wedlling'. The monu, mental mC:lb wuuld :.lw3)·' h""e 'teaming TITRAZZINI ,"k.. . I'm,I' 1IIt';11 ,allil' \11 11'1111" ;11111 11 :,1;.., I:! J.lU·;"I· a 1:I1J.1I· ' a'... . "k III h.ll.ll1); III'h. \, . IKluwu\ p,,~t:t . "Ollt~ Ihllt, It wllultl he 1,11. t. 0.1 1I.Hln 2 tllipoan ...I. 111 I.; mhlllll'" S,:I'U" Ii. l·all(.(,' a la\l'" "1111""11,, "n Ihl' 1~'""II1. 1""'1 little ninklcd IhillJ.:~, allil :Ulolhet It I (II, h ..h ,"u.h. D.. h P'PPl' BAKED NOODLES l\'illl I,;tll "I III\' 1111'.11 'Jill" , "'lilt' liI,,"., 1III\lIIu' 0111,1:. 'l'duLl!1111 "I 1';1I1110·,;tI1,III'I ·0,', ,,'lIuld he , hdl~ , The IIl'X ' lime It WOlI , .." .. or 1 CIII D.. ta coY"'''' I Ib Itollon ,0Inll.II, I pit, 11 11,\ b'oild 13 .. 1 .IICltI 2 V. cup. mlllt·,'"If It",,,,,,, lalt'I" lilli-hili); '''III .:.,,, .... '" "hI! fille ,ilk)' ':lIIgl'! Imino' OIiCC it ~' uultl hc ,w •• t or hat 1I00din 2 cup, coo .... d ,.tlt, tll,,"a an;' I'JIIIII"-Ill !a1·"I •. Ibl." :III '" III M:rnd wilh pl .. ill ~wee, hullcr :lIul Kr,lled, '14 cu, "U"" or 1 .... dlum anla" I III .Icauo or caltO.1I mattlll". chlcltlll Ot fu,"" Z da,.. ,arllc ch .... mll1l1l1" :11111 '1" 1111.1" "'Iill 111111'IM,1 l'al.I,·, . hile)' Chl'CIoC , •• Ihe IIl'XI, :t \autl' ul field 1 ,".dlum ollion 2 ,allf.. poaltl ."t.d 2 tobl ••poo ... iliad 2 tolll .. poo", wol., s,,·I1 .... Ii . IIn"hrnllm~ ami bu·!.",!k alltl herlu ••• 3 'o"'u,oo", flawr Pormuon ch ..11 If 011,. 011 V, CliP ,rot.d Ihl'lI fre~h Tmcmat)· :lIul hits uf le:1II h .. m ITALIAN VEGETABLES Slit". ,lIl1t 1I\~n loll ·IUIIt' ur IIIU,Il'l'ah'I,' hili, I con t I .11 12 011 Porm•• on chtan wilh Inlll:.tuc' , , • 1111 :11111 nil," WITH PASTA UII'I;. nllllllil" IImUtt·mler. :lnllldillK 111)1;111;.. lamata.. 2 lolll ••poon. m.dlum onion :: loblupaanl 011,. 0. CtK,kII1K 111 C... 1i£o;'t1:. ilRt'llht't'lllIlII. linin IhIlIllIlKhl)', 'Iz CliP waill. chapp.d plul., 'Iz 1.lIpoon be.1I 3 "I.,., Iiolit. .alad 011 {:nt hnh IIIII,hl ..lIlIIl · ill ~lIlt" {Ihaln NIlW Ihal ~he i. oltlcr, .hc h .till In· 2 rnldlw," Iwethlnl I IIlOlpoon 1111 (':lIlIIt,1 UlII''') alill nllll;. In hlllll'r liT IlIall\:I' nil ':lII!>:IKI' ill Ihln ,Ii",,: Ih"I' IIII!"" :11,,1 ItiKUl'tl h)' the (lMlklillol III :111 lIali;m bm' I ,,"alliliplani 3 lolllupaani grated Ihlt' :lIIIIIJt \\·/lh I'h"I'II('\\ 111111111 lur Kallk Ii lit'. h~ :III Ih",' "'10:.'11"'1 In uilul1li1 ~:\'t'ritl 2 ,'lin pD,pcn Po,mllill chell. i1)' In .. liull' ~'i lle ' -Jill')' ill C:.,lUurni .. , IlIhlUll" IIr ulIIlI unln"" \111,1: limp, Sllr III "tli"l1 hllll. .. lilllj" Stll' ill \nmal''''', ,,':11.·1' 0111,1 3 lornalan The ,·:ttlel)·, Ihe ;unlll:u. thc IlililoWlI,hy fllC liUlIT al ~I1I4I1'IItI" ill 11I 1o\,III't'. 10<':1 .... '11 "'ilil .I1:t,II, thlllK 11I:t h"iI, Ih"11 Inhltl' h.':11 anll lIe wuker)' lalll"II/e her tu Ihe (loiul o[ >;lit :lIMI 1II IIh Llllib ul !,l'f'llef :111,1 a,I,1 Iht' 1111'" ~1 1I"' I~ Ilir IIf: III:! h ...... hI' IIlIliI 1i'I"i,1 «:11"1' lliliollll,,,,. w h : .111 1"'lIalllill): 11,):1'1011,1,,, elllh .. tr:mmcnt ill hning 10 :11k ~fn, 111111;. Kr:u lllitlll' (:IIIIL, "llnill!! IlIlIotaml,·, 1111 ' I, all1l1,,1 all al","hl'\' ill I , jill II Ihllll1. •. t 111'1. all ..· (.(.·1;,10: .... 1"(.(,·lh'·1 I)fnalu. Ihe ul'iKhbor, "\\,h .. , an~ )'flU III ..aIlCt' Imhltil'" '1'1110$ in Iht' (:11111'11 1II t':l 1 IIf Willie ".I1I>;1!tl' 1111\11111' .. 11111111'", "",1. n ... I' ill "II II\t'I' :1 11111111'1:111' 1"",1 1111111 1111":11111' i­ m;lking IIId .. )·;" \\'ith 1';ltieuce ami knnw· pUllhl)' 11111 dll.'t.~. (:eM'1,; ;tlPillllnlllmh;llIIl' .lIl'" in IM,ilhiK. ';1111,1 "':11"1' 111\111 H·IIII,·1. .., 11111,1 III Iiall lIlt· IIIiJ,lill:.1 ,,,hlllll·...... 1"'" I, ht':tll,1 IhlllllKh, inKueu the am",et i, .. 1~·a)'J. "TIKI"),, '" 1'lIlhm' "al~a!t" ,Uu·,IIIIII'. 111:1111 . X"I\' l1Ii, \Ihh ~:t" :11111111111. ~I""' h hll II III 1/1 IIlinllh" al"" .. )", I :UII muklilg ""l1e paila or other," I'ul "'"Mill" In Ihe IM,uulII "I a KI~:t~l,1 rlllllla "r 1I111aKI' Ihl·,"'· III :1 10,,"1 ,,'hh " hl1ll:l'l'. "f1~ In Ihl' );' ;li,,1 i'.III11 .... 1I1 cI,I'''''I' ('lI1 ..... tult IIr lI:tkln!! .n,h. lIIaUlig :I fal'h, III lahll"I"M'"" ",ah'r, all,I ""1\1' hilt with hili IIt"h · ,,~,I.I~1 111 :11:1 ' The dew:rlplloll IIf her ~1I",tlIlUI (If dKht Piclured In Ik' background I. Amalfl, In Ik~ maunlaln. by Ih, Ha, Th, dlsh" iIIuslral.d lIlt' Hlllt't anti hallLhlK IlIMMfil'\ anmml Ihl' Siall )""t mel! :11 :l.illl' III' IUlllknol,' ;11111 111111. '1':IKh"1I1 III n,~"I1I''' .•: II .. II(.(h '''1' Ii. and 'lIIeUmake memorahle lc:tdlng. all 111 , 121 Italian Vtgltabln with Palla, and 131 Chicken Tehanlnl. -----,-


Till·: " .\ C .\ R ():-; I .I () 11 R:-; .\1 . :'\11\ l'lllht'l. I!Gli • "

Calorie - Conscious Cookery In Institutions Magazine for Odober

"SO~IEIIIIII\ " S , .h\' ;I~' IIIUlllill).;," ,a~~ Buhler PIeIS IIhlilllliull', lIIaJ.::llilll' III 111 :1" It-I', I, ond illJ.: - , 111 :1" 1IIII,I"itlJ.:, ",u 1'1:111 I"r thl' lu\\ 11M • ,l1UIU' 1111\\',1, Shall Goods Direr T ill' 'l'loll,'r i,.IIt' ':lIli," iulullII:llillll Inllollolion .m 111'\\' wah whh 'I';IJ.:1 1I'IIi ;.tllli \I'J.:I'· I,.hl,' 1'1:111'; hi I'tlll 11I 1' IIm lilt 1;.llIIi,' \\';Ild"',,, '1'111' I'uhlil :uiull ).;IM ' ~ 'II hull'''. I""U' \.. In'I, I" h'''ltil;.I,. \;lllil:uiulU', II'" la lll ;OIt., 11I""I,,hl" 'I Itoo '" t lllkJ.:I'" la1l111 \, ilUl lhlli.lt ill,lilmi"II', 11all.\"'II;I· lilm '\'11'111\, "IILIII \cl\ill: t'IJ.:;ll1i/;llitlll\, IIlililai,' 111'1:lI'I:l li"II" J.:III"II1I1Lt'1I1 ill'litll' li'III', ;111111' IllIihlillJ.:" ,lull., aluliltllilll1l' allil tlll'it "'"'lIl1alll\, \UI'I'IiI"\' ,II',iJ.:I1I" \ , TIlt' :11 I ill,' ":1 \\: ""';Ii'llilll' \,'alllu'" mal..,' "]1" .ill'ahit, Pllllilill 01 1111 1,,)", 1';11· BUHLER SHORT GOODS DRYER, TYPE TTM illJ.: '"1I1 puhlil: I..I't'pillJ.: IllI'ir 1111' 1111 illh'l ' 1·,1 ;11111 ,hl" 1.. ;I"'r,,J.:"\ hi).;h 1'1'" ilk, ;I PRINCIPLE ,"c}'or clements, thus eliminaling rCIJll in and break. 11':1 1 th:tll"IIJ.:I' In 1111'1111 1,1;IIIIIi'I\, U" 'iJ!1tt m' " 'jilt :t 1""1 :11 , :11,1 ""I'''lht' 1111111 ,": I ~' : llowns, GO 111I"II).;h , Ch"l'l't',1 I!! lIistrihulor. {crenl drying times, Thcse :lre ubt:!inell IIjlh II 2. or IIUI tht, ",,,lillY, ht'li ~l'aJ.:I",tli hjj~ I'll· (;",UlI11 111'1'1 \(.0111111 , 1.":111 " !I Iii, '1I1CI ' ~' - a "I' j.1~ ill).; ' I);IJ.:III'II i 111111,'1, 'I'h, Aftt'r pa)sing through Ihe contrtl l1cll prc.tlr)'ing stage. J ·~ pccd cunve)'or drive, 1'1II1"'t W,I\ III IINII.. '1I:I).;ht'lIi i, ~hll\"II . 11 ,,,,,1 lilt' low t ;,luli,' cla" ill a letil'c C 11I1I1',1 Tum:tlll S,mll' j 'II, the goolls enter the finillhing tlr)'Cf whea' the)' arc also sul'!· I} t The eleclric conlwl cahinct incorpnr;ttes all cmllrols, :11 :'. 11I11l1lh · \\':III',ill).; It'l ipc ' ~ IlIr 11.1111 dl'\I'I"I,,',1 h~ till' S ;l\illll:l1 ~1 ; 1I:lIIIlIi III' 1::111111'11 'r,nn,III I(" .... II ~ J.:"I, jcctt'li 10 a contwllt'd dr)'ing proceu, , 'he)' fc:tw thc lIr)'el pillJ(·lighh, startL'r~ anll tn-erlo",1 rcla)'s, It is hlCaleli "lilli', IIIW,t:ll"til' IIl1'at I:llitt', :11111 a hUI , II rt.. , t jlllll' al1ll .... 1\1·,1 :II Chil:tJ.:""' Sht'IIU:ttl S.II! I ~ Ilip al liult' higher than ,:,'m lempcralure anll rna)' he packcll hH ct1n\'enient oh~cr"'''lit)JI h)' Ihe o!"crator, \t" '" hI1."':· ":Ultl' :11'1' 'pdbl IIUI. Tlli, III-, immedialelr, 11",1'1 . I'. \'I'.-r II ~ 1'1" Rc ~pcc li\'c pilol li g ht~ I1i c ~er if a motor ~h~llIllI rail It> lil.htlul rlllll :.1", 1III"t'lIl, "1lI1I' ;""\I.ill'.: To ohlaln 0Plimum dryin~ t"O intlepcntJcnt climates opcrale• . \""lIIlt.,"it'll ,,~ :! ,"'..... 11 ..:.l:ill, :1 dill ~ 0 ,,':.1".. 1 11,,1" 11. ,1 III' 1111 Itll'" In t'''1 \ ll:lgllI'lIi, filII 1.11 in Iht' lIr)'er ale aUlom;ltic,,',y prc-lIelermined h)' conllOl IlI'a," h.. lI. Iht, ~I' :t g l,,' "i ;11111 IIIl'ill 'hlill" ~II ~ IIII' instrumt'nls, nuBi,,/; \\':CII'I !I J.::t1. IIIC wh,,'" I;IIlIih : 1M'" 1111 '"lIl..ill).;, ,,1I1I1t' CAPACITY 1111' 1111 :"ltl, "I' ;,.·,n 1:l1" ril" - al1ll a I 1t" '"I' :11It! Wlltlll' n ", 1I1;'J.:lalll'," '" "IIt'1 :I h i).;!t,la\lIt C'III1I'I' ht 111 1' 1.. \\' "'p:tJ.: I1I'tti .. Ii 111. DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS Thc Shurt GlllI"~ Drycr rrM is buill in thr\'\' Sjh'S. willi ',1' EJ.:!-\ SI Nn lh-, ,i Ih. (:11111111 I:! 'It" FilII! h'IIJ.:11t i, ,i~ ;1I1,11I1I1'-it:t1{ l1Iil1\1Ii '" e;lp"citics (tIlOl (,SIIIII" hI 141J1IIhs./hullr, "e1l' rmined hy 1:! 1"lic' '''lilli,'' I) The TIM olfen the ~m"lIesl space ICqUI ' ment for .1 "I' Flh .. w ~1"1 ' 1I,,"i li III, (:tlllllll Ii 'It.) Tht: S:cliulI:t1 ~I : ,,;clltlli Il1Ilillltl' h all thc ~pecilic lIensil), of the prolluci 10 he lIrieli. '1'1,,' It',il't, III I' '114 \l'1\illl;, - li "111111' dryt'r of Ihis cupacity. pJus ~m:tll po .... el un~umplion I. 11t-:l1 ,;,1;,,1 lIiI "IC',' ",,'dium hl':lI: St;tll!t'r S,' .. I 1',,"lmlillll' 111 .. 1.." tht, pil .. I COIlI.. ... 1 'l"IJ.:Ill'lli, 11"",111" "' 1II ,1I ;"",,i compuretl wilh capaclly. :,,111 "lIil1l1', J.::IlIi, :11111 1",1'1 al1ll 111111.. IlIIt', allil Ii ""111 '" ,.1 ':1 111" ; 2) Aluminum huu~ing ol'l'r Iight·weight insulating panels IInlill"'I'1 i, 1"""'111 ',1 , is lIt'~igneli 115 a hellt and v:Lpor barrier. permilling the :!, .\chl 111111 :1 '" ':tllil', 1"111:1111 (", !'i Clip tlryt'r 10 llc operaled at higher tempcr;,turcs :1Il1i hu· 'hI lt. 1'1'1'1"" ;11111 ""').;:1 11" alllt 1""1.. j ll mld i l i l.~ wilhoul increa~cll heat IUm's, thus rrotJucing a millllll", "illilll-: III l a ,i " II : III ~, bellcr looking proiluci in a shortcr dr)'ing time. ---- j , ~h ':Ut"' hilo- , ;ltld ~ 'I 1111' !>:.II 101 "lit' 3) The fully·automalic operation u( the ~hoft (;OO\h manu· i l ll ~ IH, ililig \1·:tIt·I', ( il:"I,,:cIl} ;,,111 'It:., r

#1 t\ ------.


THE MACARONI JOURNAL III No\'cm'JCr. 1956 THE ~I ,\ c: A R () N I .I () U R Ii .\ I. Tomacaroni Stew

A number of mantrunl malluf;lt"turl'U t1e\dopctl thdr uwu material to gil with thc reprlnl flf Ihe S;!lmda), [\'clling 1'11"\1 ;ul anti tied III 'o\'ilh nClnpalK'r, radio allli lelel'hlllil :td\·crtblng. Angmtuna IUnen impriUlcd alltl dis· uilJUtctl the JOIICI k L.'lIllhlin ,l(h'elliiC' IIICIII II, wcll III Iheir own with Ihclr o"'·u display 1II:I Icrlal. AmonR dhtrllnuun .'r-Illee. H, Lc)Utelt imprllllcd a 'lK'cial.lltntcr and dlllrJlml~-d 7.500 through their tC\'en branch warc· 111111..:., LnnJ Moll dl.lributed 2,000 pou. ~n while Krogu took 5,000 OInd J.(i.:\. ,lorel anr>lher -1,000, Saturday [\"clIl"K J'oll, in OId dhiun to their uUI:t1 merchandi.iug support. It'llt Ile·ln lIe""'I,al)('r mau to a lin uf 7,000 grnetn, The Can Manufacturer. Inultute UK'tt h.lllIlluuiolUll 'I)tclalllilin adapting the Tnmacaroni Slew r e cI I' e for usc in restauranl. and othcr insthUilullal reed· Ing areal, The National RellOluraltl ,\,­ r.oci:uioll ~nt the red!,e In hullclin. to It. membt'u. The rcritK' [lIr Tmnacaronl Stcw: S lablt'llMMI1I' (;al or Io1lall oil I ~ I)()umh (huck (If round .teak. cut Into I,inch cube, I ~ cup, nnlolll, find), chopp!.'11 I clm"e g:trlic,. find), lIIinn:d (uptiollal) I l(,lilMMIIl lilh V! lea'IMKIII 1K'I'IK'r y, Ica'IMMIIl ,\lIgIlUUr:t Hillcn 2 Nil. ,n, r.lu. IlIlII atlK" (.J cup.) I K"mUlcr (,Ill I'(.·as ami Iltluld (I [Up) I ,1-()ulIle rom ,UI'l't1 IUUlhmoms aUII 11tluhl (~ clIl') (Up ellJt.w miu"amnl, unrooked 6..,unce [an undilUietl e\'ilIM,r:tted milk (:thout 2/S Clip) ~Iclt the fat In a skillet f)f Ilutda O\·t'Ol. IIrnwn the meal. Then rcmO\'e meat OInd add nnlum and ~ilfll[ which IIrc .autecd [ur 5 minutes, umil ..dt ami Kolden Comel 10. I SemDw • • • Dlla Dltha lugall day aIIar day. sauDllallar sauon. 10 mauura brown. Rrluru lIleat 10 .klllet, Add ..,11, Jlu.lJlir,ltilllll. A,knnwlt'tigelllelll IIf ac· IIE.\llT\, dhh Ih;1I goci owr hi" 1K'l'pt.'r ami tOllla11K". Ower .lIul .Imnll:r ('('I,IOIme Will terdn:d frum luch ",'lIl11ell', A with )"ollr family - ;nul make. a I!-i hOllrl ur unlil lUeat II tender. Aaltl maKiuinl."l 01. G()()(I Hou~keel,lnK' Lallie,' 41;11111)' r;Utoc.'rlllc when mlnpillly'l cumlng lIt'iil ;uul mu.hroom•. Stir in macaronI. I1lIl11e Journal. Chum. )leller Home. k _ wou acln'UiK"1 b)' the Jonel ~ 1.... ugh· C!1\'c:r and cook IIlmlnull'1 or unlll mac: selliDg lIrands 01 SelllDliaa in Amarica lor right up 10 your qualily lIandudJ. Be sura 10 (ianle"" \\'omcn'. Hllme Companion. lin Sled CntpnratiClII In the l'\1I\'~mh;r , ;LfUlIl Is tellder. Ur.tlll on tomc o[ Ihe illld lI\all)' IIlhet" ~lau: rl al "'.... ahued al h,uc of the Sillurda), ["cnhIK "Oil. To­ Ilimalo Iilluld: stir 11110 mUk III howl, hUlltcuilig Ihe fond hu)'u flf Ihe tilu :tlple mar:atnlll Stew Will pi(IUrt.'" in full color Return miluure ICJ Itew 011111 heat Ihrough. II~'" of ('illlIlt'tl lomalne. 3ml Ihe othu ~UI ;. full pagc. "Ichl: 6·8 .enIIlKI. " , ;\l1ltmtur.l Hineu (AUIII';III)' a!l",mlt.l't1 rl'i;ul'tl ltel11' u,,'tl ill till: rccille, macaraai prGI\ucliDu. Cow 011 Comel 10. I. pal CDmelllo. I on your nalll SamDliaa ordar. 'he rcdlM.' l1alifllmll)' in u(rh puhlk;ttIUII' Mt. Curr)' Illillullnu,.1 IIIctdaalldl~llIg III CUt', ["I" lre. Nc\\' Yorker nOli Fori­ ;111 11 Illlpl;l}' "IIII,un ~!! I' cn by n wldc PI.nty of Tomato •• The yield l)Ct acre tom~toc. for COUI' nlKlli. \'arlel)' of rc!ilu'tl ingredient manu(ilc· or metrial pcoceulllg reached Ihe teconal ,\ ("'.nnl'"lgn 10 IIIt'Hhandiw: Ihe Jlto· IUlen: hlxhc,t IM,lm ,Inre 1918. the ycar rccord. Ill11tioll wal ';lUnrhcd h)' the Can Milnu­ Thc [\"aIMlratcd Milk Oh'hion of the were Ilartt.'ti. the New Jersey Crol) Re· (;.("Wren (""ilute (51'C page 14. The: Mac· lIorden Company ,llstrllmlt.'t1 Imptillll'ti arunl JounlOll, Octoher. 19$6). ~· lth the: telltillt. IIf Ihe S:uurday [\'CI1II1K I'mt IlOrtiuK !knice annouoce•• flrgallilt.1t IUPIHI" or the (omato COIllnlllK all ;lIId rccipc (liul. through tldr ult~ J' rrllmln:try t'nimales 1,Iural Ihe 1956 1".llIury. • mCI1. )'Ic1t1 l)Ct aert.' lit 10.5 tall', scCOlld only to Vincent J. CUfr')' of the Imtltutc'. Mar­ [wry memher of the Mu.hromn C:m· Ihe 10.8 Ion. rc('(udl-d In 195". Tolal New Commander-Larabee kcling Uure;!U rcported puhllch), malt· lieu 1.eaKue was reportl'1l to J.,e dl,lribut· Jenty crol) II CIlJl!.'Ctcd tu reach 259.00tl MILLING COMPANY rial .enl 10 Hi::! tclC\'illoli Ilation" 320 IIIIe repriam through their hroke" and 1011'. Quality w:ts reportcd generally eX' (tllent ",·ith a. \'cr), high )lerccllla",~ In radlu ,101110111, wire il:r\'lcu, new ••yn· 1:lle. otganizatilln. til a. targel of 17.000 diales, u;allnnal magallne., and lrade sum's tllrouRhoul Ihe country. Ihe 101'" gratle. GIH,'AL OPPle,s, .'NNIAPOLIS 2. MINNISOTA " , 4 Unique New VMP-3 Extruded Noodle Dough Sheeter 1600 Pounds r Hour TAILOR-MADE FOR THE NOODLE TRADE Available with or without vacuum process

Capacity range .. Two spccd mutor alfonls lIexihility fur ltiuU Ibs. or 10011 Il>s, pcr hOllr or .1IIY (WI) ksscl' UUIJHItS (";111 Ill: 'll'I"lIIgCtl.

Large sere\\' fur slow extrusion fol' I.U:11l'1' ljuOllity.

Engineered for simplicity of oper.llioll.

Rugged l"IIIlSII'IICliUIi 10 wiill!ilOlnd hea\')' dillY. nHllul·!lH:· doc k ma~c .

Matchless WIIIl"u1s. Automatic propurtiflllill~ of wah:1' wilh Hour. TClllpcralurc CfllIll'ol for \fall'!' rh.ullher.

Only nile pil'CC housillg_ Ea"y III I'l'lIIl1n' ~("J'C '\·. l '; I)O~ III deall. ~CI St:p;lr;lI ion I H'I \\'l't 'll !tItTl' \\' ( 1';II!I'll'!' ;lIIcl IIt'acl ,

T orally ('IlI.: lusctl ill SIl'd fralllc, CUlllpael. lIl'i\! tll-si~lI . f:lr"mml SUI'('I IlIlth S,""" S(lndlc CIIW:r, Twc s.\·.. \\'u,I.;lng III ron· , I \lIndal N~II(' Uoug'. SII"I'll'r \,:\11'·' ~Iccis illl sanitary rCIl'lil'CIIIClIlS, jUllniuu with lite "MI'·' fur rlllululloUt If.oo Ihi, IICf hnut (ll'cr:lllolIl.

FOR THE SUPERIOR IN MACHINES IT'S ALL WAYS CIe,.mont! Machine Gill I. !itch,"c< willt auachmeIH ror producing short cut macaroni.

Wallabout Street Brooklyn 6, New York, N. Y., U. S. A. - ,

November, 1956 THE ~IACAR . ONI JOURNAL 15 H THE MACARONI JOURNAL Sovember, 1956

About Agriculture

Farm Probllm II Inlucil allicd with agriculture or olher· 011 a 1tI(I(Ietll mrnLch farm. Let', (Iuit wlloC ha\'ing a definite IlIIerclt in lhr udng Ihr term, Lei'. bury Ihe leml mid· IUllnl.. Matter dleman, once and for all." NOlllIg thai ":\grllJullnru" is a lIew lenll being ent· agricultural lituallon, ""'hh :allprolltlatc educational alld go\'Ctllmelll rCprClCllta. Ihe Ir ml may once ha\'c becn !'tlnly ap· ployed by liltm Ic,u]cu to dCKrilJC the Ih'ulCn'lng In an ad\'iwry cal':aclty." proprlate, the grocery aide &aId , "Today IlIlcnirl'cndcllcc or OlgrlLUlturc amllndu .. Such a commlUtt will br o( "greal It is tlilferenl, Toda), we h.n'e profe .. try. Credited whb rolnlng the h)'brld .",hl:ance," the Burc:au brUr\'CI, "in hclp. .Innal lIIt1nagemcnl in food blllilleuc. - word" John H. Da\'I., director or Hat· hlK 10 mobllizc public IUpport for cllorlS flllly colIKlou. of t,he necds 10 lene well \'ard', 'IJeellll I'TOKntm 111 agriculture and 10 rXJland mOlrkcl, for farm l)rodu(11 at 1I0t only Ihelr Ilockholdcn. bUI Ille fa"". lJUsincl', lind ronner auillallt tCCJ'C!lary home OInd abro:ad, IhrouKh luch :a ull'itlel en who lUPllly (he raw I)roducll, Illth of agricuhurc under Sccttlary Etta Uell' :al domeltic Ile·in :ad\'erthhlRo :aul,tancc cmplo)'eel lind their consulller and dis· 1011. In opening UI) fordgn markct., and a tribulor (UllflllleJJ. Thc), hOl\'e a lealll' Agriculture wuhlu'I 'ol)('ratc a l\'ed, " national Ilrolecth'c flkMl couference." wo'l.; ronctlJt and a long rUII IlOlnl of the manufacturing ami marketing len'len A Id;mning confercllcc to ()Glm direc­ \'Iew:' or lJUline" wetc rut olf. Da\·I. ('mph.lShel lIotll (or committee action It (0 bt' called New M~uure Nt't'dcd - amI. or coutle, l'lce ,'craa. He polntt out .wun In Walhingtol1, D, C, by Farm Uu­ that morc limn -10 per cent of the Amerl· rcau prclillel1l, Charles Shuman. IluilltiuK III Iht' tremcndous (hangel In clln ecollomy i. direedy cnllccrn~d with Ihc Iype. of rnod cOIuumcd alltl In farm· Ihi, UrCt'HOIty hucrdcpcndcllcc of agtlrul· Ing. manuraclurlng and distributing ' ture alltl hulu.try. Spread Addl Valul One of Ihe foud I'rocculnK Indu1try's IIlcIIIIKI. In rerclII ),eOln, Mr. Atchley til." A Phony Phraie major challenge. ftflm a Ilublie relallon. ,,'ribl.'d Ihe Go\'erumenl'l traditlonalmeOl.· Itandpolnt is tn gel Ihe American people tltt of "[armer'. IIlarc" 011111 "prlcc spread" Datb ~Y' th:u the I'hr.l5c "r;mll pmb· 10 ~ "11)lea"" - the difTettll(e bet""'ccn 011 "au oUlmoded. unrealhlic and milicatl· lem" II b:uleaJly II phon),. hl:rauM.' 0111 relail food I'rkn anti Ihe l)riccI ' of raw IlIg Ilathllr:" He J1ropo~ 11);11 an !1IIJ1"r· lIgricuhuul Ilroblcm I. 1U:«uarily II blul· lial gnllll' of crollomisls "multi rt\'it:w neu problem. farm I"otlucls -In iu true e(onomic rolc Ihe exhlhig Gm'erllnll:1II riguJ('1 amI "More prcci.cly," D;wis il quoted, "("rm ;11 a pU1it ivc, \'alue.adding. markCl



HE objeclh'c of the NouhwCJI Crol' T 'ml,ro\'cmcnt J\uociation is to jm· IIJO\'C the l)ualily 01 ccreal graim In the Norahwt••. l'OT Its memben it maintains sood puhlic rd,lIiona wilh the ,'afilm. I,alc experiment IUIIIIIIU, the U. S. nc­ l)arllllCm or .-\grirulturc. Cilnadi:m ex­ periment 51;11111111. :md the cxtclISion .en'· lre.ln the NorthWl'" "aiel. The National ~facarolll M:l1Iufal'lllTcn ..\uod'lIion Is a member of the Nlltlllll'cil Crop hnpro\'C. IIlcl1l ,\I50d:llloll hcrmuc of its illtercst III durlllll. HENRY PUTNAM of the Northw ••1 Crop Improvement Auoclotion hod an educa­ tlonol dlsploY,allhe OUlum Show, ond wos one of lhe Judges. "IRhllgh.. of Prognm .anhatlon, and many uther county mi et· the ,icuatiun. Six or 11I0re durum. h;I\'c Highlight. In durum acth·ity during Ingl. lie aho took II:lrl In Ihn:e radio been released .Ince 19,19. the ycar 1955·56 Included the leuding of hroadca.ts and p«pared 4M pulillchy Trade papers, dally I,altefl, radio Ila· lamJlles III nine durums {rom L:mgdon. Itellls among wh"'h were Included "Our. tlons, and farm journals ha\'e all used Fargo and Minol (0 durum I.. boralorlct UIII Shipment Su",eYI," and "The nurum Northwell Crop Impro\'ement alJOcfaclon ror milling .. lid (olor ttm. Varletit'l In· 5Itu:llion," puhliclty malerlal. The Auoclatlon will dude.'d Millc1ul11, Sentry, Lallgdon (LO conlinue to IlfO\'ltie them with t1mc:ly 372). Towner (LD 570). Ranney (tU S(9). Prosnm of Work itcm. because Ihl. Is an exttUent means \'uma (to !rN). Rt ~206. and RL !207. nr reaching Kraln producers and othcrs l.:Iboralory :ucraKel of \,IIUOII color lem Wilh a (a\'arable scuon lor the lour ~' ho may auilt wilh crn), ImJlm\~menl 1,lattd them 011 lollow.: Langdon, SlonIrY. ncw rU11 r".htant selectlonl, Langdon. IlrogramL______Mlndum, LD 57!. Tu,,'ner, Ramw:y, \'u, To,,'lIer. Ram.ry and Yuma, there should 11m, with RL .52116 and RL 5207 at the br a .umclent ,u)ll,ly of .eN lor 1957 Good W.ather Ioa,h DII.llm hOl.lom, Chemlm reporll:d \'uma aa h3\" 1,I:Ultlng. An elTon will br made 10 in· Good wcalher nlldged CTOI' prospeelS inK 3 Tl'C1 cast "'hieh make. It leu dedr· lerelt the dllrum area In the production dme til remr'! Ic\'eb, the AKrlcullure De' :Ihle. It will probably be eliminated 31 uf the lIew durum., Montana II an 1m· p,lfunent fCJlotletl In Cltimatl'1 UI fI( M)oIl III there II aml,le .coo of other 150 l)Orlant area In Ihl, Wllfk. Wllh Ihe 1956 Octubcr ). Some Ilonb" ""t're calIon the ml,tant \'arlellCl, RL !2{)6 and RL :5207 crol' aml.le l'n(lugh III allnw a Iota) re· price uutlook but aRclIC)' economl.ts )1ft·, are Canadian r.cIeCtlOlIl, Canadian au, turn In dnruUl, clfnrt. arc hrinK made to tiielc.'tl (arlll )lrk~' gellerall)' will hnM thorltle. ha\'e decided not to rele:uc them. urge all nmr.lrolll IlrtlCeunu In IUC 100% .. hO\'e year earlier len-h tielplte thc prel' [xccuth'e Secretary of the Auociatloll, duruUl In place (If luilitilutes. lure 01 hC3\'y \'uhmle . Henry O. l'Ulnam, auilled with Ihe judg' • '(lrlh«:r testinK IIf lie ..... tclenlflll5 will )'rl'tUcted cruJI muput this year will Ing of approxlmalely 5110 durum ..,m pies lie cCl1ltlnllel1 10 lmht dUTUm brel'tlers in Int:11 more Ih;1I\ 1115% of Ihe HHH!I at Ihe Langdon llurulll Show In No\'cm· 1Il;lklng satlsfacwry 11.' le(l.IOIII, ami 10 ac· ll\'eraKe. Scptemlter'l (oreca" Jli:lceel the ber, 1955. He wal Ihainllan of Ihe Round cillallli dllrllm mill )aiJur:II.OJlu with l)Os, hlllex at 10,1.2. "rocluctlon now IhalJes Table dlscuulon UI1 "The Durum OUI· lible new IIlIrllllls Ululer cUlulller:uloll I(lr ul' as practlrnlly thc ..,me a. last l~ar'. look." The AI-'Iodatioll prm'ided a duro rcieaK'. Hl5,8 anti barely hdo~' Ihe 19-18 rccOlel um Irol'hy fllr the champion I3mples In uf IUfi'l'ltn, the )lrole"lonal dau. while their "Wheat Scrod Cllnla Almosl all nmjnr ('nll" gailU'lI during Quality" ami "Grain Sanitation" exhibits Seplember, ace (I r d I II K to Ihe rel)Orl, Sttd cllnln lila)' he lIe(eu:cry_in , lhe were dhpla,.ed at Ihe WIOW. Durum ami Han 'cll of IluluK wh~at Is IIcarly ('011\' gnln I:Inlulioll circulars "~re dbcriliulcd. durlllll area. Some fll the ne..... durum " ... pletl', the del,artmelll "lid, and Ihe 1"01' lecdolll contain a llllatl )lercenla"e of Eight hundred circulars relating to IlCclh'c (,,'0)1 now .lal1ll, OIl 25-1,000,000 hread 1o\'hc:aI , It usually inertalCl (alter Vun .... M, th~ stllch.bue pre.mix. durum and Knin unitatlon were lli,trib· buweJ., wmparCiI ~' hh la.1 1I',mth'. ro~ · ,nt;",1 .'("'5, Ihe original rood enrichment ab. Ihan durum ;uul M)(11I bt.·mllll'1 3 cle,;rad. enriches conllououl process m,oroni utCiI at the State Crol" SI\O",' at Valley 0111 o( 2H,OOO,OOO '''It! lall lcar', 2M,· let. eoddles balCh method macaroni widl ing luetor, Sud. a .ltu;ltloll {Oull) make Pfoducts to GOVt'tnment '"l11lard. easily. City. NOrlh DakolOi. (lOO,OOO. Vle hls ha\'p l>ttn nigher than minimum COSt Inti maximum accurac),. ,,"'Cd clinln hlll'OJlant In the durum OIrea, accuruc:ly Ind economically. It is rree· antlclpalell In must lale It'Ctimll, Sp«dy disintegration and uniform Ilisper. flowing, uniformly (ed and dispt'tsc:d, luur· Shll,menl Sun·e,.1 The Krain 1.111ltatloll l,roKrnm IIIUII. be l)urulII protluctinn was elt!m.. teJ OCIII' sion throughour Ihe balch Ire your guar· tontlnut'd III cooJ>ention with Stale Ex· ber I a. !9,1 )of,OOIl hu·l.d. compared Jng uniform enrichment. Intffi o( uniform enrichment. \Vhut alld durum .hlpmellt IoUr\'e)'s telliion Sen-Ict's, [xlterlmenl Stations, with the September I ...tlmale (If !7,~H5,· ",,'ere mOide In Urown aud DOIY Countie. In ami " .. de organlt.. tlOIIi who ha\'e an in· (MID hUlhcls, 1.:111 ycar's production to· • For consiSlently uniform enrichment. S(luth Dakota ami a .pot .un'e), of 14 terell In Ihe Northwelt SlalU program. lall'll 2{),07t1,OI)(I I"ushels and the ;(\'eraKe use Ih~ new precnlon StetWin Pealer to • SII YOUI SlIlWIN U'UIINTATIVI PIlleT ... counde. In [a,1 Central North DakOia. )'uhlldt)' 'lteult will he ptel'arCiI for lo­ (or I!.I ' I'I,~J ':IoI,'J6!1,OOO hmheh, ad.d. VE!xTltAM '0 your macaronI. 01 win. 01 ,HONI The I,urposc of these .un'cr' was 10 se· cal alld tTiule publlcatlflnl unci iIIumalh'e cure definite Infnnnation reganllng the 1Il:lterial prm'lded educut!OIUlI leaders to 'Iuallty of Kraln .hlpped which will be further Ihls program, Anl1tanee with \'ar· Canade D'u.um Und .. QIIOta The Cauatlbn \\-heat Uoml has platt'll ladul 10 couUly agent •. de\'atormen. and loul grain .:mltlulon IIIl'CtillRI should be tiuruIII under '1'1II1a IIf ru'e budlels per the Crop Jmpm\'el11cnt Auociation ' In continued to aid In trainillg leaden fnr s~~e~/N~ promoting COIl' Imprm'cUlelll progrnml, leedCiI acre. It i. on the (int I'rlorhy 5<.Ib.ulIClI, of 5,,,111111 DIUII Inc. thb prl ~ je(t. ,.50 .IOAOWAY, NIW yOU 11. N. Y. NclWlu, I'luce, R:unscy and Towner lin which IUcans Ihe buard, which lII"r· keu all of Canada'. wheal, has uk rur cnuntin .hippt'tl from 4 to 6% mixed Olcdlmary of Wheat SPEC'AUsrS IN MACA.ON' P.ODUCTS fN."HMfHT durulll, 1-1.,1% of the total ,hipment. In at lean p:lrt of the durum III thc 1956 the t1 countic. was t1urum. The new edition o( the "Dictionary 01 crnp, He«tolorc dUfUIII hal be:1I 011 all Sllrlng Wheat Varictic.,," will probably upc" market baili. The boanl I. I,«par· Mr. l'Ul.llam auiued ""'hlt 50 or more lug 10 hne a good store of durum on meetln'li during Ihe lear, iucluding t1o\'O be prel)a rro and publl.hed In 1957, The hand 10 sUI'llly thc dmnt'llic marltel 1o\'hcn gnin dealer II\CCtlll~ w:\'eral ttOp hn· lut edition was l.ublllh~ In 19-19, Race the dem:nul de\'clol"' I,ro\'ement ml'Cting" grain IIIOWI, grain 151' 01 stem fUll has materially (hangul ----_.. f

November, HJ5G 18 THE ~I A CAR 0 N I J 0 URN A L November, 1956 THE MACARONI JOURNAL MI.lobeling Iny ••tlgot.d Duru", Shortol' In ltol, Itollon. VI.lt Southw ••t Henry Gaggiollini 01 Ihe Chicago Trib· A .c\'en'miln delegallon rcprCloClllillJ; Stualnt Millon R. Youllg 01 North tllle /'rrlJ Sen/ire wriltl Irom Rome: Ihe hall.an Ko\'ullmettl. Oft'heat ImllOrllnJ; Dakota Is rollo""ing up hi, action of ';tll spring wht'll he Illlrodutttl a bill In (".on· hallan n1:tCamlll, Indltillnal'13[lie food Intcre.1s and manronl m:mufaCluren lIr· Rress lhal would require a atalclnenl of and famnul m'cr ailihe Oft'orld for lIS high rh'ed In Om3ha, Nclu'l.$lr.a, October H Ilu'allty, I. no longer as gOlld aI it utOO 10 ror an Inlemh'e lour o( whe31 producing, durum content In mar-Ironl l'rOOuets on he. Il;IlIa l,rOOucen admit. pro«ulng, and baking t a c 11111 e s in IHI CltagC'. Manuracturen say the deterlorallon has NcbralIr.a. Kanl3l, and OUahoma, The In a leieJlram nil Septemher 4 10 Marlnn ~llIlted front the lunca.lng acardty oJ dclegatlon. whose trip In Ihe United U. fobom. St'(tctary of tlte Department suppliel o( hard wheat, which It neccu.1t')' State. W31 financed In cO~llCrallon with IIr Hcahh. Education. alld WcU;ITt', ami fur the IIlllklng of high grade macaroni, the Foreign Agrlruhurlll Service II)ent III George I', Larrick, Commissioner o( Macaroni In It. many \'arictiel, luch as ten days in NebralIr.a ••Ix daYI In Kam;n the .'ood and Drug Admlllbtratioll. Sena· \'ennicelll, CD11t'11i1l1. Ipaghelli. bUGItini, and fil'e In OU3homa. lilt \'OUIlK l:tld: "I um]cntand Ihal the rlK3uml. CIC., hal alwHYI hccn I"('pared .'rlndpal anangemetll' fnr Ihe tour (name Clf (olll))any) IIf Jlnrtl;uul. On'A0I1, with the 1I0ur ohtalned from Ihe hard. were m3de by the NehrasIr.a Wheat Com· II labelinK hi produ.:" os helllg 11111 % seml,trarulucclIl \'a rlellc. of wheat Ihat IIllulon, of' which Carlon Smidt Is chair· durum when they actually rnntalll a high arc cullh'aletl In IIlutheru [urollt' and man nnel Lellie F. Sheffield chid. Accord· percentage IIr ""heal olher than dunlln. mhcr wann fCRlmll. Thelc hanl whe311. InK 10 Mr. Smith, 'he major reason (or If dlb is the C'3ie, It Is a lIagrllm "lob· whldl Ihc lIaliam rail grano dll iCnlolino Ihls projcrl Is 10 show key rcol,lc In ~ tlon of law. 1 UTgt' lour Departlllent In· or iCmo)llla ~' hea.t, are richer In glulen and foreign blllMmlng countrln lhal hanl "titlgate thh ,·Iolallllil at ,oncc ami usc IIlher nirrogeIlOl'" wmllOundl than the lTd willler wheat i\I It II grown In the the poweu n'lled in lour lleJlarunclit 10 soft or ttmltr whtat gruwn In mure north· Soulhwcll II far dilTerclIl from much of ~ enforce the I;lw. I ...muld ;I)ll'reci;llc )'IllIr ern rt'glollS, Ami the pasta Ilrel'3ft'tl ""hh Ihe ~' heat 11131 hal IK'e ll eXllOrted In,m earllell R§iIIlhlc rCt»IIIUC 10 Ihillclegram." Ihe h:ml wheatl it aho more eallly pre- Ihil rounlt')'. "Through thll projett. Ihe ~n;tlor Young rcn:h'cd the folluwillg w:ned. rommluion hOIK'l In cre:Uc a mon: Inor' L. ;lmll.llltc of artillll hOln Commiu)ol1er Sinre the cnt! or Worlel War II, Ihe able atlitude lo~' a.nl U. S. ham wlnll'r l.-.nk.. : "Rderellcc l'our leil'Kr.ulI 01 the CUlUUl11lllKlII of all Ir.hullof Il;IlIa has in- wheal." Mr, Smith .... lel. 1th. we ;Ire arr:lllgillg In hwcuig:ltc com' neaiCd In Italy and Ihe tluatllhy or h3rd EXllCUSCS o! the group Oft'hllc In Ihe 1)lllh)oll allli labeling nf l'ortb,lId firm's wheat a\'3113ble h:11 hecome hnulf.dent. Unitt'll SlaIn were 11;lld by Ihe Nebu,la macaronI. Will ad\'I!\C )'flU r~ulu." In Ihc lalt lew yC'.&n lite luppl)' hal been Whcal Commiuloll aud olhC!r Inlerc'" He' alloCl ren'ln',l :1 tde~r.II11 from ~Iar · 1IIII)lCUil or IlOumb ,hon o( Ihc dcmaud, In KaUliI1 and Okl3homa, The NelltOl\ka Tile deficit hal bcell c",'ered by uling ' \../ \,111 I ~ Mel",ln, Auiualll x't"retat')' fir klnch o! wheal liol well lubl'tl 10 make Cfllllluiulon recch'u Its runtl. (mm a Ic\')' I\Rrlruhure: "Gt'urge I', L:mick, Conlluls· macaronI. UII "II wheal marketings In the Ilate . • Iuller IIf Ihe I-'(HH I :tlul Urug ,\dmlnlltr.. · Ilaly IIl1nll:llly Impotll the hard ~'heal I'lans arc aho being dc\'cloped fur dun : l(h' I~J an inn.'ttigatiull h:11 hecn (rum Turke),. Rllula, Argelllilla, aud Can- the \'Ilit nr " .Imllar te" m o( wheal ex· 100% 1:lU li chetl Iu tlelt'tlllinc \'lnlatlnl15 of lahel· lIda. lIul Itlllllln 11I11lOrts of hanl wheat I~rls (rom Grecce. Ing 1:1\\'1 ,111,1 "AAn't\h'c aClinli will he hum IheM: rnulltrles In recenl )'ean ha\'e Whllc In Nebr;ukll, Ihc hallan Ktflul' laken lIlplnn ,'Iolawn. VUllr anislanre rm'ned IInl)' alHIIII Gil per cent of thc tntal were shown hnw Nehr.uk .. wheat il pru, III t:;myll1g UIlI Ihe ptngnlll1s alieCllug :11111111111 u( wheat lice cI e d 10 producc Ilm·rd unci IIClted 1111 the farm. how II uKrirulture mill lnllt ilUerl'lot arc lIlwll)'1 CIIIIIIgh gfHKIlIIucarunl10 lalhfy domestic 11\0WI 10 country unci Icrmlnal cle\':lInn. DURUM IIppn'dllled." colllulIIJltlcm. It 11:11 become 3 ptactice 011111 fin ally 10 mllb :lIltl Imkerlel. Sperl,,1 Semllllr VIIIII1/; h,ul wired the Stnelllt')' ilmulI" 1U 3ny I'''Mlllren 10 mix h3rd whe3t ellll'h3l11 WOI. I'lact'd 1111 Ihe ellort' IIf ur l\gric- uhUle :11 flllloWlo: "There Is au whh lither lencler \'"rletlel. hut the I'nKI. r.. rmen III pnKlucc hlAh '11101 lit), hanl n'tl Clolilllllit'd III.tKKI,oon hmheb fir durulll IICt h Illferiur. winler wile"t alulIJ; willi (lHlllCtOIlinli ~' llt'at (lInll'tl un'r frlllll lasl ),t·ar. Thh, ~I araru lllllr gl)l)llllu31i1,.. malle elltlrel), (rolll de\'alon anti mllh III lIIailllalll lugelher ~, ith a IHmihlc 3U,IMKI.OOO hUlohcl IIf ,ell,mlina Oft'heat. hal a Wilt rrllowbh Ilu3lhy. IIr I:m;er UOJ' Ihi_, rear, will 11I,,\;'e a rulllr withllut Ihe lIttiGrial minting ohell Among Ihe JIOh1l1 "hl'tlulcd (or Ihe ,I/eallle ,urphl\ flf Ilmul1I ullll'" Ihe IINI' elJlplu)'ed In infninr !'tlKlurl•. It Is mugh extrn,h'r \'15111 In NclmuIr.a WtrC Ihe duren nf Wo'illuliua lIullr can hc imlurro in texture. hanl :lIul cJiutk. lIlIti hreau 11":aIlI)' clllltrol bbnratnry of Ncbraska to 11\1' IO() ~;, ,1Ut1ll1l in Ihdr lIuur. I're.. with a IIilUllth. glauy 'raClufc. When put Gomolidalt'tl Mill, Cu. in Omaha: "ellilS entl)". ileflliding tn i .. {urmaliu" I ha\'e in walet UI llOiI, It Ihnuld not hreak illln U.. Ullg Cu, In Hallh'Ai: Nehra,1r.3 CUll' illUI wliitli I helicn In hc CfIrrt'fl. 11Ilt­ Il iL't"CI, as all IIICerior produci dna. 1II1lt131cd MUh Co. pia III In (;rJlld durcn II! IJrlHIUI:t, madc hUIIl .emolilla In IKlilin", 14:1II1I1i1l3 macaronl.wells ul' hland: four f.. rllll; I-'armcn CII.(II' (;t:lill IIlIlIr alc I"hcling their plIHlucu ill mn· III dnllhle III original silc withuut becum· Co. at Sydney: t:'luit), Union Grilln CII, IIIK 1'311)' Clr 3c1helh'c, Th~ ~'a ter ill which in Lillwln: Goudl ~lillhlK I: Elc\'atllr Cu. 1:.lnlng 100% t1urulII whl'at whcu il l Ie"st Mr. MaCI "I'm glad you;re backl It's wonderful to be full of flavor )larl flf thelll arc using at Icall 53% wheal Ihe )l311a II<" been ClKlkecilhoulcl remain In Lincnln, ami the GfHld. Foodl'roductl Cllht'r than ,llInnll, I IK.'Jic\'e Ihe I'ure liml,lt!. Co. In Limolu, wh~,e 1Illlt,.ttnnl pUNlllru and rich color again. And now I'll have that just right gluten content too." I-'IMHI ;lIId Utug Adminhtr.llilill ClUKlu to lIernre World W"r II Ihe per capita arc produced, CllIUUIlII,tiClII oJ macaroni In ,haly a\'er- , he rl'tillirt·tl III enforce Ihe law mill to Mr. 100% Durum: "That'. right I Now you'll look better, taste recluire t"Urrt'{'t 13helillK' I lIlI1 ~ !I!iI,klnK aAt'tl nbout H IlOumls. 'fhlt hal risen 10 ...: ". ' ""h II luute,t til thelll 1II)'lclf ami hll)1C Ii-! hcotmc or the high (lilt o( me31 ami France Fills Durum N•• ds better, and cook better too. Remember thero', no substitute aUnlc IIlher riNKls. ~rlll"lIronl allllinrall arc Ih"l )'flU will join with us." In ~renl lI\unths, Fr:lllcc hal boughl the chcapest footb In the cuulllC)', fair tilialltiliel of Nllrth American dunull , for 100% Durum-Tbnt's mel" whUl, but It I, clnubtful whcther all)' fur· Se.d DI.tributlon Plonned . Itol, Wonh Duru", ther l'unhaM:i will be made. }o'rallce 1";111 draw on Algeria (or 10111 o( dllf' According 10 IIroomhall, the calTl'o(J\'n 110,000 Thc G3U COU III)' Crop IIII)lro\'elllelll um whcal. nn Morocco for 150.000 IUUS ..\~I a tiun In North 1)3"0101 hOi. an· or old crop wheal In Italy II currently and 011 Tunl. for 1(j(),()()0 lonl. \Illumed Ihal the new rUit'fcshil;llll \'a· bcl!e\'cd 10 cxcerd IWo mlllion 10111 and a IllCcial committee hal bern (ormed un· A. Frallce has alrcady bought 85,000 riety of dllrum allet! Langdon wlll be toni oJ dunult whrat frum (orelgn roun· DURUM PRODUCTS tll,tribuled III I4:lectt'tl ght~' en who arc der tile jurlwUctlon of Ihe Food Depart­ ment 10 examine propoub of barter op­ lrics, .he ~' III h :n-c~ little difficult)' In CO\'· Inlernled In coluinuillg ccrtiliCOltiolt or ... MINNEAPOliS tntiOIi (or rxport of ltaJlan bread wheat erlllK h~r annual mlulrrmenll of 100.000 Ihe w.'Cd. AIII,licatiOIll will be acccpled metric 1011' wlthoul (Urlhr r foreign I)Uf' until Nm'ember I. I'rlec (or lIIue lag agalnu ImlJOUI of durum wheal from any chalCl. certified II $3.00 IlCf bmlte!. origin, , --, J

November, 195fi NO\'ember, W5G THE ~(A CAR 0 N I 0 U It N A L 20 THE MACARONI JOURN'AL J How's Your Health?

Jlany I.h)·ddan do not m~t the cxacting Dr. Onnan C. I'crk"u, a neuro·I")'thi,,. ilE Amuican cxccuth'C iI mort' £on· trltt. olnen'cd that an executlvc might be (uncd "dIll his job than with hi. need o( exccuth'cs In elthcr tlmc or con· T \·cnlenre. "It hu 10 be dnne III a spedal· a "mental giant In Industry hUI a failure health, jUllging by a lun'!!y recently re· at home," He rerommendetl that exe,"· leased by the American Managrment AI' bed medical fadllty ",·lIh r.arelully se· lected docton u alned 10 do a cmuplete livc. lea\'e Ihelr budneu I,rolllem, ut the loCIdation. officc, and become ahloOrlK'11 In sullahle More than half the bulincn (xc(uth'c. joh. Moreo\'cr, these doclon must I.)C di\'cnloOl lIud hobblc•• 1;1\'cII medical cxamlnatlolll In a r«em placcd In an atmfllphcrc of IlIlclicctual (cscOireh study hat! Ilrc'o'iously UIitIiKO\" (reednll!,aud lole rcsJlOIulhlllty to thc ex· Calloul tndllfcrence amlnee, tred disease, Or. Charlel E. Thmnpwn. Dr. Mllrlo T;Jgllagambl', a "Irgcnu, ChlcaRo physician, reported. Krell Examlnatilln' Confidential tnld IIf iC\'cral ca.c hhtnrles flf p"tlcnu or the 500 cxccuth'CI examined hy the RClulu o( Illc rnml,an)·.spmnorecl ph)'" \\'IUI too long' had neglectcd IYIIIIIIOI1lI of Health Rc.carch Center of Chicago. only 111 heahh. Crltlddug "t:llloUI IndllIer· 8 per (Cllt hOld 110 dhcasc: thcr.e mcn were Ical exnlllillatinu ,llIIuhllJe kept confiden· ill tlal with the e~ct'uth'e, Ur. Thompson cnrc to olle'l "erloOllal hCillth" com· ill\'arlahly under I G I . • QUICK POSITIVE DRYING I Our H1GH VACUUM SYSTEM is now operating on all POPULAR I • REDUCES DRYING SPACE MAKE PRESSES In the United States . .. .. CUSTOMER AC · CEPTANCE of our vacuum system - not only on our presses but I on presses of other makes - has been most gratifying to us I • STRAIGHT FIRM DRYING .... . CUSTOMERS' RECOGNITION that high vacuum gives a more complete deoeration of dough before extrusion - creating .' I • LESS PACKING WASTE . . a superior quality product, better conditioned for drying - has I . I" ':- ~ .' .,., • I pul U5 in the LEADERSHIP in vocuumizing presses in the United • SANITARY CONSTRUCTION · '\ ~ ", ~ Stotes . I . ' . I · , .., I I • EASY TO KEEP CLEAN It ' . , .' ' . '. . I I \ .~ • '- I I · ~ I ' .. I I I I CREA liVE ENGINEERING I I for the MACARONI I I NOODLE I INDUSTRY I I -..-.:... - _.. _ .... _... _-- I I D·RIES SPAGHETTI I I I IN LESS THAN 20 HOURS. /lm~ette I I AFTER LEAVING AUTOMATIC MACHINERY CORP. I I . PRELIMINARY DRYER 156 SIXTH STREET, BROOKLYN 15, N.Y.,D.S.A. -...I L----~------~---~--~~~~~~~------~n ------. i

THE M.\CARONI JOURNAL Nm'cmber, HJ50 Ingredient Information John J. Cavagnaro {;,.gineerJ Eta Production Up . raw,'t al 5'c In -I2c a tlmc", ,Iepcmlillg on Iron, of course, h a ~,Ic n"!luirenll:ltl Illc uloli. In Ihe human diet, Diclldam fi,;ure' till' J1u~ ;a\'craRc 1I1IIulK.'r nf t'AA 100)'en ill IlIlnlmllI n adult daily rCiluirelllent II III J:lnll 110(11.1 during August IIItakd 287,­ This II 1111: fint IhllC the Departllltlll Harrison, N. J. U. S.A. h:as olkred til but, egg' ,illrt Ihe Ehell' lIIill:Kraml, Thc melall. quickly absorbed fi'II,OOO, the Ikl'aJllllcllt or :\grirulturc by tlte botly. One drug romp;III)' c,.pett uid III its SC'pll'llIlicr crop relKlrl. l'OIen· hllwcr Adlllllll~tr.1I111 11 IUllk ollitc. I're­ "hllil ff'IUClII 11(111111)' 1"3II11I:11el that Ilomach acids dlnolw ,1,,1 la)'en 1111 r;mlls Scl"l'mhcr I werc Irllll1 fanllcn [or IIIt'lallie iron moo III foodl "within sct:· -147.799,000, lip hum 4,-I,t122.1I!Hl a year a "urthalc proRnult had IJeclI tutllcil IIndl" after eating. Specialty of agu, l'ullCII lin! IIf 100)'illg :tKe lin f'lnll' tln""u, Septemher 1 IIlIaled 15!1,1i16,OOIl. til' frnm The eKK' will bc used for .chool lumh Iron long hu betn knowlI lur Itl fond· H!I,807.01111 :1 ),e;lr agn. Eggs laid per "togr-IIIII and for dhtrlbution to Imtl· enrichmcnt pfOllCnlel, h', 11111)" ""lthln Macaroni Machinery 100 layen ScplClllhcr I :unfllln!",d In 49.0, 11111111111 rur Ihe nCl'd)', the p:lll (Iwlrler of a (t'ntury. howewr, III' lrolll '17.9 II )'COIt 3gll. R:lIc of CKK pro· that a definable "usinclS In Irflll IHI""der Since 1881 dUCllnll during AlIgml w;n Ir,.8 per layer, Watch Tho •• Egg Solid. for human COltlunlption h:cs ArowlI up, up frfllll I!i." a l,,:.t agl). JotIllC' J. WhUI!III, UireClIIr Ilf Rescarch Nllw, 1\ote. one lIIanur .. cUlrl't, h', a IIf the Nalion al MaGlwnl l\I:mura(turcn ",111:111, but IUWllh'c" tratlc. " The Ikpartlllcllt has IUt'dieted egg pm· Pr ..... c1uction will U" a f('(nrd this ),ear, ahout Auodadon, hal ",'rillen memllcn th:at it Itillih' gratlc iron IlOwdcr loClls fur 2% ahm'c 1:", )'1'OIr', 5!1,50(J,OOO,OOO, :1IIt! h:1I come to hit attenllon III:lt a number amund !illc a IIOUlld, That'. far costlier, Kneade,. ha~ (mCGI ll luI' l;mll prices will remain of cgg unodle l,fOthlctl arc being in"elli· of coune, than IcSi lIute Mrailci. I'il; Mil.. hclnw I;ut )'(-;.,'1 peak. of "7.1e a dOlen, !laled II)' reGul,uIIl)' ollid,,1s lor (ompli· irun, for hntancc, IIscd by .tt't.'1 maketl, Cutt.. J'tlce distn.'ll is rentered in the midwest. ann: whit the Stantl:"d. 01 Idcndty. sells for jUlt m"er $61 a tlln, or aoout Brakes Sc.'crclar), Ih:mnllioltl:.. l'rtOU confcrcllce In the (OUIlI11IOUI opcndon o[ nDOtlll' !k a pound, Mould creener1 lII ,mu[lI,llIre, It Is IIcl"t',solry for the Ilro- In ChicaJlo nn Scillelllh~'r 7 lh"l Ihc Vario\ll wal'l arc ",,'tl to make metallic Moulds UcpaUlIlCnl of AJlricuhure will ollcr to 111I,"tloll ,lep,ltIlllelli In I"hctk G1tr:full)" iron lor food. One procell IlaeU ""ith hll)' :..1>0111 [,11,1100,000 1)1'1111111 of ham· the 11,,\'0' IIf larinarl'fllli malulal and CM Iron oxille - "you mlRlli mil It rU lty hUrgCf, all ulUp"rilied quantity of lurkcr, III,;tl'tlit'lIl. Thl. limuld be tlonl' on a Iron" - whkh Ihell II Ifeall'tl whh h)", ALL .lIl1 U, '0 'HI UlGEn IN USE and po.uihl)' ,hdl 11m' Ihll fall III hublcr d"U), b.nlt III ltu:tr,lIItl't.' lIlIlIpliancl' whit drogen, TIli. r('(hl(e. Ihc lroll oxide tn farm I,ricci during Ihe ("II lIIarkclllIg Ihc rCII"lred 5!l% I'glt Wlilt., pure Iron ami ""ater, an uperllllelli 0111'11 255-57 ConI .. SI. toea sun. Thl' ,'1I11I1111X11IIl'l wnuld he dn· The fonllulatiml I. hawd Oil Ihe mini, performl'tlln high .choul (hemlltry claucI, N. Y. Office and Shop Now Yon CI n:llro til Ihl' ~dllK,1 lunch IItIlJl",1II :11111 II1UIl1 amllunt uf elthcr l'gg ),lIlklur whule III anolher method IIIcla11lc Iron i, made IIlSlitut11l1l1 IlIr Ihe needy. egg' III be :1I1t11't1 III cal h IIMI IKIIIIII15 or by c1ecltoplaling It lrum Itcd dabs 011111 IInur, 10 ptlKlufC " Ih>tHlle I"OlIlaillillg lIallllcu Itt't.'1 .heetl. Whell Ihe delHl!oil Proc ....d Egg Production 5,5% egg iOlld. on a moisture free balls. IIf purc bun partldcl on Ihe sheet II Ullultl t"M pwductiun during AIIJlust It It rcmmmeucletl tim' malluf:'ctllfl'n built up to "'''2- thick -It tOlkc. nbout W:a5 rclalhd)" I,nge, Ihe Crol' RellOrtlng urh"c til atld IIlghtl)' lIIutC limn Ihc IWII dOll"' _ the delKliit II 'trIJlP~'t1 nil alld 1~lard 1Il11lUllnH'd. "roductiull IIIlaleci mlllimumill !Inure (olIIpll,l1I(1: dllring the puh"crited Intn a IIIJ"'"ller Oller 11t:1I1 t1IlI~1 :!:!,7IH,OUO IKIllIltI~, wIIIl'ared with lIi,!iR!J,· IfllltllllUlUI opcralllll1. milll'ti flilur. 1-:';11 yolk. ""hh ,17% SOUtil wntcUl DEEP COLOR EGG YOLK ()(}(J I)lmndl during Aug"'t l:an year and the I!I!iO·M ,1\'etaAe of 11i,IiK",UOU 1)llIlIlIb. ,hlluld be allticil in the amOlll1t o[ 10 Iron and Vitamin. ,''''' IHUlllCh II111ulleCi IU eiLlh lUll IHllllllis (If The Iluoullitiel IIK't1 fur (fl'c/ing. ,1t)"llIg Ahcrward, the Imn II packl'tl In ,teel limit. With 'W:-;, .ulicb, III IHIIII1II. 1-1 111111 hnmedlotlc culUumptiuli wI're 1111 drul1ll nnd Ihlpped to drUM '"lIlIIpanil'l. t PACKED IN' THE ·CORN BELT IIlIlICCI arc rccll1lrl'tl: ,with ,15% tonlhll, "'tHer Ihall a year carlicr. There thc gray IItttal 11O""'dcr Is "'cndl'tl t:mc JoOlids producliull lIIlaled I,H5,lKKl II ".,umb 2 ClUllct'1 are tt" lulred: with with paud culorctl "hamlnl - thiantln, +1 % !>ullds, II puundl 5 .,unn.. arc 11:' 1)lIUIIIII, cOIIII""I't1 ""ilh 1,.5"7,000 1)llIImh rillinnin and niadn -In a rallo fixctl elurinK AUJlust and Ihe 19.10-5-1 :I.\'erage '1IIIr('(l: and whh ,11% 1C,licls, II IH'III11I~ by Go\"etnltlcRt Itandard.. Then It II of 2,000,000 l)Ound,. The 'luallihy 01 10 Olllllel otre r('(luln'd, sold 10 Bour milll al I('\"cr:tl tlollan a Whell ",'Imle t'KRI ha"illg 27% wlills frtltCIl I'M uictl for dl)"ing tluring AIIAml I)lJund. wal It"u than last lear :uul a«ounu for mlllcnt arc uK'tI, 18 Iioumb R lIUncl'l are lIIi" Ihl' 'mailer l"gg lIoulitil I,mdunion. AugiUI III be addt"!1 III cadI 100 IlOlImh of lIour, AI Ihe mill, Ihe Iroll-\"itall1ll1 II a,lIl· l'd til thc IIl1ur by a rmler t!e\"ice. Thc pnHlllcllnn colllblt'tillf '22,000 poUlldl or Wilh ~Ii% 101 lib, Ihe rCllulrcmClt1 b 19 Ilrled whnle egg, !i-t6,OOO poundl o[ dried IHJIIUtII " IIUllce.: ",·lth 2!i% wlldl, the :IIIIOUIII atldClI delleudl ullOlI Ihe nalunll lllbulIIcn ami 567,000 IKlUmb IIf ,bled rellulremellt II :!il 1)I)Ullth: and with 2·1% \"itamill.lron conltnt of Ihe whcat luelf. Each pountl of Bour nlltlu:lIl)" coulnllll )"lIlk. I'rmluetlull during Augu~t lau )"ear !lnlilb, It II 211 l)llllllli. I' OUllet'S, Wlld,ll'd IIf !ili,I""' ,,1111mb IIf dried It I. "d\"hahle fllr lIIallu(alturCTI to ha\"c M!\'enl mllliMt3UIIII( Iron, 50 u!lU:llly only ,p'~'X=" . I ~\'l ' cnouJlh o[ the IIIlx I, addl'tl III brlllK the whllie I'~, KHIi,UUII 1)llIImb of dried al· UlHHlle I"udul'll alla l)'lt"d perhHIlc.ally til to IJ[ IIIIIIICII :11111 ;,!15,UIIO puulldlll[ drlcd )"olk, make few.ln uf complyillg wllh Ihe a\"craKe up I" IIIl1l1KtlUIIS Iron per FOllcn l'gg l,rlHluclllIlI during- AugUit Standardl of Itlelllh)', 1IOIIIId of IIl1l1r. !nlaled Ir,,519.IHlllllllUllth, comparell with Edible hUll ahll tlllilel 111 lablets fur '---;') ~~/ ' 10,012,OOU IHlulllh eluring Augllu Ian )"l'ar Iron for Enrlchm.nt eOllllllcrdotl me, Some l!:Ikeu, fllr I,,· :1 1111 Ihe 1!J5t1·!H ;I\"l:r.lge IIf IO.~B!J,OOO ""01/1 /l1~ 11'11/1 Slrut jOllfllll1 Ilal1CC, prefer III emith Ihclr IIWII flour 1)llIlIIdl, Frolt'l! l'gg .lockl deueaM:d 8 If the little lad)"" dOURhlltl .. ICCIII a rathcr than h:n'lnK It dlllle III the mill, million 1)I,umil during: l\ugmt, wmpared hit 011 Ihe hea\"y Ihle ,hclt day" tlierc so thcy purchase the table .. toCp:lralcly. ATIO ALLY l'hesc ..,lIlclI contain chemlC',1l1y 1II:lIlc ~ BUTED whh a decrcalC of 15 millillil llOumb In lIIay be n pcrfectly rcaWlIIahle explallation AUJlu" lalt )"ear and the 1950·!i"1 I.\"crage fur It - Ihey ha\"e Iron III ,hCIII, iron I'rcl,aratloltl (fcrroul lulphate, IlIr C_:':~ /. .y ¥. dectc:asc III 18 mlilioll pOllndl. The :IIIIOUIII I, Imall. to be lure. Uut c"ample, or orthofcrrlc pholphate) hUlc;1I1 the iOl;lIIl' Gr.ayhh mctal ,hat I.'lIdl up in of rcfincd Iron, W·M. H. f)LDACH~) Go •• rnm.nt to SUpport w:.t ter IIII IC. and hclght car ""hcth aho i. The body" allnual htlake o[ metallie N iron Is Ilifinitt'Slmal. Bastd 1111 currt!lIt PHILADELPHIA 22, PA. Eta Pricli goillg Into :& MtowlnfC batch of "cnrlcht'd Phon.: Ga~fI.ld 5.1700 Am.rican & Berk. Sis. 111e Dt ll:lrtllu:nt of Agriculture is 11[' [ood )lmcluul, Among Ihem: m:acaronl, a\'tr:tgt romumptlon of flour. a 1956 baby ferlng to buy mctlium·dlc egg, tn hohltr brcad, cake mlxc., ccrt'ah and chlckcn probably will co",..;,nc about 2~ OUIICCS Jann pritt'S. Inillal purchaKl rom 21),000 1L-t."tI. of lhc gray mctal during hi mcdllle, .. ' • +' ~, , -,:---_.-'----, ------.

THE MACARONI JOURNAL November, 1956 No\'embe:r, 1956 THE ~(ACARONI JOURNAL 27

Modernisation P,og,am H,w·I .. II,tin on Niacin Ra ..111 Mor... With P,i.c, Fa, Commandor·La,abH Cuncurrellt ",lth its entry Inlo lite field Merger of Roselli'. I'ure Food, Inc. of of niacin Ilrutluclintl and marketing. the Merchant\·i!le. New Jency, with Prince An cx.tclllh'c tt~amlinil1R ami lUooer· Macaroni Manulacturlng Cu. of Lowell, nllation program will be undcrtOlkcn at Tar I'roducts ))I\'i1l1l11 of Koppen Cum' M;n.s" bcante effeClh~ October I, 1956, the MinncalW1li. mill of the Commander· l"In),. IlIc, h .. 1 Imletl a new bulledn an Thh merger enables Prince. the largest Laralx.-e I>h'hlon o( Ardll:r·O:Uljel,"~lid. ,his cxct'ptl!lnal nutrient nml lugretllcnt lIIanu(actunr of spillghclll, macaroni, cgK From Woodman-high speed efficiency for Manufacturers with land Comllall)', .\ cconli nR 10 Ellil D. for I'harmat'culica~s, noodle. and paltlna produrts In New English. 1)f(,lidellt or Comm;lIl1lcr·l..ara· Entitled " Knl'pen Niacin," the (our· pilgc luhler Rh'es :1 gellcral deKtlption of England and one of the It'aden In Iht' lice .. nd \'lrc'I'TcsitlclIl of ,A.·D,·M., work Unitcd States, to eliter the fast'growlng will bl'gin Immediately and is expectcd the appllt'ntinns !If niacin for human The FLEET-WEIGH Model "s" I1l1ullion, 1,Iam nUlrition, animal nutri· prcpand foods riele!. These prepared III he completed II)' June, 1957. food., packed In Rim and canl, will be Latelt }:uJUIJCan pneumatic t'tlulpmcllt tlon, :Ind for the fonlllllalloll of U-com· I')u \'ltnmill uhh:1S nnd Glpsules, The compriled of II complet!! line of Prince: and NEW LO - LEVEL FEEDER I will be 11II1311l'(l and the cleaning'house. It.. Uan ,",uct's, l1Iacaronl, and meal prod. lor both the hread and durum wheat folder eml'halilCi that KOI'IICU wlllmake hs entire I'rodllt'tion/ uC niacin a\'allablc UCII with tomato ..,uce . mill. will be rebuilt. The colltrurt ror Roselli'. I'ure Food, Inc, bee: 0 mel the dCllgn, nmllu(arlurc and IlIIlallalloll (nr marketlnK, Illul hal 110 plans Cor mlng Nc:.w spced! New ae:e:uracyl New economyl dies seml·dry nnd free·flowing products In all)' (ur other hllerual applications, knuwn ... Prlnce·Roselll }O·OCKI,. Inc. II IIf the lIew l.'< lulpmellt h:a. bl'Cn awarded ",holly owned lubsldlary of Prince: Maca· This Woodman combination turns mae:aronl a range from 2 to 16 ounces. Average Dl'1igned I,rlmarll)' (or ulen of this III Mlag North America. ronl Manufacturing Cu. of Lowell. Man. and noodle packaging Into II smooth. effi· welsht variation-normally less than 'AI oz. '1'hll further moocrnilallon of the \'emlile U,cnmplex \'hamlll, the lolder aho outlines a tYJl lt'al allal)'11s of KnpltCn Acmrding to Josel)h l'elleRrlno, prell· cient operntlon! Design,ed Cor floor feeding, Woodman's complete line of packaging ~Ilnncal'0lll mill is part or a rompau)'· dent 01 Princc Macaroni M:mu(acturlnK niacin ;u compared with U.s,I'. SltCdrica. the La· Level Feeder levels Ihe product in the machinery e:an answer your packaging prob­ wide IlroRram 10 Il1Ipro\'l:~ all of it. flour tiolli. Coplel of "Kul'llCn Ni .. rln" may be Conlpany, Prlnre·Rasclli Fuoo •• Ine:. will I'rOOu(llolI facilities," ~Ir. Englbh S3ld. hO j'per. Pie:ker wheel insures uniform now to lems. Get the facts now. Call. write or wire obtained hy addrel5iug ),ollr Inquiry for conlilluc the manufacture of Ro~1Ii The Commander·L:arabee mill in Min· Bulletin T ·I02,3li 10 the Tar I'mductl brand Ilroductl In addition 10 a complete th.: elevating seclion. where product is de· for a Woodman engineer to analyze )'our l1e:allOllt hat a daily GlI,aoty o( 8.200 (Wts Dh'hion, Koppen emlll)'1ny, Inc., U30 linc nf I'rlnce: italian pfCpared foods, livered to dual seale hoppers of the Camous packaalna opcration at no obliaation to you. 0' Rour, Indueling '1.000 durum. The KOllllCn lIuilellng, I'iushurgh 19, Pol . The merger bring' together t",·o of the Fleet·Weigh Model "S" for rapid and ac· YOUR WOODMAN MAN IS A GOOD ,0rn)'lIn, lIbo operate. Rour mills at oldest comlJanle. who haw achle\'ed IUC' HUlcliinlOn. Kal.. Nordl Kanus City. cell In their 11!'p«th'e riehl •• and acconl' curate net wei&hlna, The Fleet·Weigh han· MAN TO KNOWI Mo., and St. JO~I,h . Mo .. ",·hll O\'er·all inK to Mr. Pellegrino, combines the tedl' '''padt, of 52.500 (\\'11. H,w I,tty C;ocke, Cook look nical Ikill allli \'01 11 retOurrt'1 or thesc two rirms lor cxp:lllding the market o( Prince The lIew, ,,:cuud edition uf the nCIl)' Crocker I' !rture Couk. Hook. is nil Ihe italian I'roccu«1 loods. Flo .. , Unloading prcSM.'I. ,\n :l'U\:rcl5h'e aeh'enhluR r .l,lnpalgn EIU), 10 clnn •• , cconomlul in A lIew ,," ,I;. . hllmlreds uf lIew rcrlpes. will be dire:cted In .uPI)Or! Ihe mt'rchan· oPtr:llion •. • lll( td produCilon DeMonstration ,tlul 111.111)' lie", (Coli lin',. lI:u'e heell adtled lUsing or I'rlnce: italian prepared foods, Recently the Criue), Company. Kall,"u 111 the rin! ellilirlll IIf Ihls text of the This promotional ramp"IKn will utilize City, manu(ill'luren of hah'r)' eelllipl1lelit. I\merirall kltehell. Sales h;l\'e Intal,-d more r.uliu, tde\'ldoli :md IIC\.... I'OIl'er media in IIHllllOrcd a preliminary delllOllllration Ih:1II Ilmoe :lIIel" half mllliun copies Iince New Eng'and, f.:e,,· \'ork. New Jersc)', ;uul telt rlill uf Ihcir l1ew. Imrlahle. thc I'klme Cunk IIIMlk WOI. puhlbht'd In I'enmyh'anla. Ohio, MlchlKan .. lid IIIi, pllcumoll!c:.lype /luur transfer dC\'ice. The J!15t1 h)' the ~1('(;r.tw·111II !look Cumpany. uols. dcvlce I. known al the "Nu·~latic .'10, Generlll ~ll1ls OInnullun·d the re\'idon J'lIrtable Hulk Fluur Rail ellr Unln,ulcr," IIf the hl",k won nen',solry .IICcOI",,", (nnd The demonstration \\'011 held with Ihe Ululluf,u,turt'l\ haw pUlhed ahead with cClupenlloll of JnleruationOiI MillinR IICW :lIId illll'tu\'l'Cl )lnKlucu durhlK the A.. "lIo Tansi Off ... CUIIl)lany at thOit rinll', North K'lIlsolS City I,,~t ,Ill: )'e;IU, The lIew edition hrillA' :til Small P".. plant, one uf thdr hulk lIour centen, the r''t' il'l~ IIJI III d.. lc tn t .. ke .. th'amage: The Aurelio Tallli Cl'lrput;lIiun ue Internatiollal's tUlIIl'lete bulk 1I01ir , .. ,iii, lie lIew dcn'lul'lItcUlS ltIltl I!mplirted UWllkI)'tI, New , 'utk Is 1Il00rltt'lillK II ,maU tit'S Ilravidl'C l the )uJlI,lcl1Iclltary 1'Clull)o tIlcthods. .ile lII:lc,l1oni Ilrelt, )uitalJlc J"r eX IK:ri, lII ellt lIen~ua ry for the dcmomtr.ttiulI, [;jell nC the :!.:!:!7 rt'Cipe. Included h .. , IIIl'lItitl \mrk ill I"'",ratmln :II well ;11 The IIOJt,lble unit is ('OlIlpri~d of twn ht'c!! ri ... 1 tl'ileel III Ihe I-Inllle Sen'lce Dc· fllr macarunl manuf;tctllfers ttl cun\'C:rt la.t Iron rotary air·lnt'll, f,'('CIl'n conliccit'Cl p,ntmenl til (;1'ner;.1 ~1I11, anti Ihen h)' ,II I1!gul"r IImrarn,,1 IhoM! dough plcCt's by a commul) ,1I .. ft ,'11111 drh'ell hy a Hetty Crnchr', "hnme lellt'n" throughoul left O\'l'r In Ihe larKc automallc preUl.·' thrl'eo(luarter hortoepowcr. gearheatl motur Ihe CIIUIII I)'. at the CUll uf the llay operation. 1II0untL-d angulocrl)' fill the lrallle"'nrk. SomL' the le .. luTt',. IIf Ihe J")Ok. are; The ma,hlllc will' ')lrtlliure :!5 to :15 Four wh«b )lrodde Ihe lIece",,,)' mohil· III ul'''III!L'C1 d);tplen elll me"tl, IOIlaeb ami JKJlUIIIs of pwelun )ler Itollr, with cgK' Ity under the Aln.licle ,.. n. ('.ollllructlull C'OlU{'rnlt'i; II lie\\, menu )l,(,tioll: rccillC5 ur without, It will Kh'e .. IllIugh lheet uf expemh'e )llts to unload CiU' 15 lIut lIlItl (a\'j)rite mellm (mill famnUI IIl'0pie u£ 7~lilU ht' . h)' II.Utlli Incltel, neuwry with thl.' new t!e\'ice. IIf the .t:tge, w:recn :1IIe1 wncert hall: and A ~hClrl nit elt'\'I(e I•• I:IIula,,1 eelulp' 111 operalion. Ihe IInor tra\'ell fwm Ihe :1 lit'''' 'l'(tlull un free/lnK. mellt, It a Inrge \'arlelY cuttinK .\inllde car hnn Ihe uuloadcr alltl then hOI. ul Storlcs ami ,I;.eldlc, lell the IIriRill' of length., The knife lUll a double .prlnK through a pneumatic pipe S)" lelll ICJ the m,lII)' recll'l'l, . prinklhlK the P"!;!:I whh OIcdull whhh permits dmllge 01 hlades ~toraRe billS, 1111111"11 imerelt IImtcrl .. 1 that encourages calily without c1hcllllllectiuK the whole Te,t, iudlcatL'C1 lInlualliuK capacitics IIf humen",ken to oilitht' I'iclure Cnnk Uuok. CU lling de\'ice. The kneOldlllK aud fecd· up to 4~,OOO IHlllmb pcr hour when the ;'CIHlk bunk whh 01 heart." Ing W.TCW Is IICrfe(tiy Iyuchroniu-d III (Iulllping through 75 feet of hme, Cun· This lIew re\'betl edition hal a four· nrde:r III Inlure a unlfonn length In ncctions 10 the bulk railroad (".Ir Gi n he cole" fuod I'll-ture cu\'er. It contains fony· ('utllUK the eXIrud{'t1 1II:tt'aroni. made In a Cew minutes. The pncumalic three colur phutuKT'.tI,hs and ~5B lIlack Dlel are ,~ inchel In diameter. They '}'item elllployed with this Ullit millu" alld white "how to tlo it" and rinldled .are nlleml III \'arlt'ty and arc 'Iuoted Ihe "denle 1I0ur 110\\'" principle and hal product I,holu!. In all, the ~k contains Ihe natural saultilr)' lu.h'antilge, uf all extra, 0 1II0re than 1,500 II!elures :lnd .ketcltes. "01041 OU,CI, OICATUl, GIG.GIA. DI.t

No\'emher. HJ56 No\'embcr. I9!Hj '1' Ii J.:: :... A CAR 0 N I .I 0 URN .. \ I, :.!K THE MACARONI JOURNAL Production Pointers

tn enler the tr;lIulKnt durinK pneunmtic :\ IClhnlcotl bullctln S1alel Ihal Ihe Swl ••1 No ..l. tll1luatllllK alUl \'enl' Ihe air tlurlng the I'JlMllIl't is rc:ad)"ln'uloC In a rolotlell, odor· Sp ••d. lulk Loadln, 10'1I111I)!: lliterallllll. h''u, 1Il1l1'mrrlniw, nOlJoJtailling. safe 011· A 1~' h' ~1 lIo"I~, dCliAlletl 10 augmenl The breillher (M.'C allllched phlllo) CUll· baroc. Ihc lo;ulillg Alulide r;apld pneum:lIic of lilts of It 11)'11111 sock '1IIl'clllled Inside a Tn "1'1'1), It 1II0,t t'lh'cllnl),. woudt'lI ratl, bulk ,',III', ami Truck·A·mlls has I.ft .. !J,in. tli:l, (rame. Thc Inck Is c1ampcd lIIa(1,rlllllllhb should lte dipped Into Ihe hccn announccd h)' Fuller Company of lit Ihc 110110111 In a ft.II1Ke that rells on Ihc 1011llillll for a pt'rlnd o( tcn tn fiftecn Cat;uaufjua, )':1, hOlll'h, III opcralhlll, the flange rcplan's .ccnlld~, making lure Ih:ll nil IInfacc. arc the halrh t'l)l't'f 11£ the \'chlde and b [In't'n'tl h)' Ihe 1!lI"iel. :lIul thl'U rCllun'cl1 damJlcd ICCurel)' In the uJlcnlng usinK thc tn tlr\'. If Ihe IImlntal IU he lre.lled I~ exlsllnK IllItrh dlllllp5, Thc fiue wca,'e in ",ft ~uod, le,lI second, will be of ample the 1I)'lnn suck rclnhn liour dUll alld prc. dU,,"iulI llllel if it Is h,ml WIMIiI :111 ex· \ 'CIIII It fmm belllg diKh;lt'gcci Into the 114,lIIre ,IS Inllg Oil fnrly It.'wllds is hull· atlllospherc lllld prC\'CI1IS Ihe Clliry of (';ttl"1. clUII anti Imeel', Aftcr "llIkillN fllr Ihls Icngtli uf Ilult', Tn permit Oiter.lllmis III all kllIIlI IIf the matcrla1 Ihould he allowed to dt), wc;lIher, a gah'.mbetl steel hOtKI fill Iwcr thoroughly WI that all of Ihe ull baw: til,· the 11)'11111 lOCk. Two Ihlehls rUII around "I'ltean and tht· Ullfacc h hcc of IOh'ellt, the elltlre c1rrtIlUft'rcllcc IIf Ihc hood to t'ur r.lw ,,'uCllll'n lurfact'. which (3l11l11t IlrC\'CIlI r.aln fcutu rcachlllK wKk. Venling lte t:tk,'n dowl1 ami dlPIIt,,1 III IOlulioll. It actually laSit.. 1,lal'c through thc periph. is sugs;c.Il,,1 Ihal a tank Iype .prayer eral OltelllnRI bcnealh the Ihlclth. (HanlclI \',niety) InlllK a nat l(team nOllle eur A rlllg " allarhed 10 thc hood. Thi, bc uscd 10 apI,ly thc lIIaterl .. 1. permits Ihe InatlinK "1lCralor Ilanding 011 101' of th~ \'chlcle 10 Ibol' a line with a BI" Sa.ln,. from II, Stapl •• hllnk 011 the clld III order ttl "fish" Ihe New econolll)' arul lie"," cllirlellry I, 1903 jfiftp=~birb 1956 hJ~alher unit 111' (1) the tup of the car. daimed for a hea,')' Iluty (:Irtllll Itaplcr The line (OIuim of ~'Ill . mall 11" rope, The lIollle (iCe attarhetl pholo) cllmlsts npt:rated by hallli. r.olltalner Stal,ling lIlItI I, mpplled whh the brealher unil. o IIf a bent aluminum tube approxlmatt'l), C:orpClflllinll o[ Ilcrrlll. lIIillnl~ has huru· The hrealher I, light III wclght anti 10111 dUfl,,1 the llllU:IIt,cI :11\\'11 SItD (,upt'r 2,ft. lon8 and "in, dlametcr, filled Imo he readily hantllccl h)' IlIle mall. ~tar the center of a Itandard or ('UlIOIII dc· hCll\')' dUI)') mudel. ,Iglled alumlnlllll halch cm'cr. Ellulplted The)' lOt)' 11\.11111:11 ullt'rtliion with Jlneu· with • rubber galkcl, the hatch co,'er, 1II,1I!t: tomtrtll'llon Imurci rUKKcd. ,Ie· o o wllcn fitted to Ihe hatrh. 11ro\'ldcs an air· pCllllahlc scn'llc, rethlthlN malntcnamc tight seal, pre,'entinR the eKape uf hulk and rcpalr to a IIt'MUMlhle factnr. material being loa!letl into the u;mslMlrl All w"OIrIIlK lurfacel are hard chrolllc unit. plalcd ami llfC lubjc("It'C1 III e1cctromaR' Acconllng to Ihc manufaclurer Ihc nelic Iluallt)' ;lIIllllllOIlIlllY cuntruls berure ,,,,'Irel lIoule enOl hit" the loader III get l,a"iIlK hllPC('llolI. Thc rlwui. is 11101,1111' thc maximum all1oUI1l of lI1alerial illin (actun,,1 of Ilalllleu Ilcel. the ,'Chicle and e\'(,lIly diltribule Ihe I'rice al Ihe I'l:lI1t Is $7:!.!iU. COlt or matcrial within. Herctofore. in onlet 10 each Ita pie drh'clI It Ic" Ihall 1/10 of nchle\'(~ the .ame rc,u\u a loader cither OIlC celli. They d:llm fnllr big lIaplcl, had 10 Ila\'(~ Iwo or tlllt'e IlIadlllg IlOlnll spaced fi\'e III(hei ililart. w:curely dOM: II a1l('l\'C the car halchcs. or if hc had Iml)' carton that ,,'oultl ntllt'rwl\!! rCllu!rc lfi Cllle 103dlllK l)Oilll, he h:ul to mo,'c Ihe Nylon bteolhe, fll. In frome regulilr-slte Itailiell'i:tt'l'ti :! V, Inche. al,art car 10 1)c)lillon Ihe \'arioul hatel ..... lin· or w:"eral [t't'l uf Kllllllllt,,1 13pc. Iler it. Mold Inhlbltar for In operation, thc loatling olll'r;llor fiul Mocaronl Sticka 0ltell' the haUhei on the "chide ami fill Mul,ll. :1 .crillll, ","!talloll autl tluallt)' Ihe 1I0uie Into thc opening. After stCllr· halanl. inK Ihe co\'er 10 the halm he alml the The Hllgc' CUIIII"U1Y of 51. l.oul., Mi .. IItlule to one end nf Ille car. This Is dOlle lOur' hill tic\'cl0l't'tl :1 rUlll1,ue mold b), 1)c)litlonlnK a ·1V1·ill. handle 011 Ihe InhlbltinK trealmelll which I,mlcns mac· malght lectioll u( pipe aoo\'e Ihe hatch anllli .tlcb agalllIt mnltl growlh for mallY co\'er. The 1111M! UII be lurlll"J ,riC) tlr· IIIlInllll. The lO,me proelu(1 (all be uloCd ~rcc •• 011 Ihe ' wClOtlen ,urfacel of elr)'en to In· The (o'ullcr IO:ldlng 1I0ule is designed hlblt mold or olhcr surfaR's In Ihc I'lallt ImslC:llly for loading lIour into Ainlidc where molcl luelClIII a problem, rllUroad can, Truck·A,mlll, anti nulk hi the ntlgillal field lut work with .·Iour Van., but can be ull,,1 10 loall m:my c\lnllalc, :I large Mlllwcltern 1l1:1caronl lither malerlall Ilito bulk conlalners. )l1:I1It I1pplled thc malerial III hair the leflRlh of Ihelr macamnl IIkb cud)'. alld Bulk Car Du.t Catch.r deslgllated Ihele telt It II b with red elld •. A ~'c3Iher'1'0IIcclcd 11)'1011 brealher TheloC ,,'cre turtt In regular production unit for \'elllillK Ainlide can, Truck·A· and loC\'eral Illouths lalu SCgrcg31cti alld IUn •• and other hulk IIlIur transpmll is obKm~d. They elbdol(.,,1 a h1:lckelled, dis· announced by "'uller ClIlIIl'any. coloral mold growth Olt the untrealed Wilen attachetl 10 the hilteh of iI car, h .. 1( and a drar, bright ludace on ti,e "m or trudt. Ihc hreather ltenuit • ..a Ir lreated half. Aclual.d on¥llllopier '1 II I .\I .\( : .\lU J ~ I I ' It :'\ .\ I. ;\11 J () ~'l\t · lIIlrt · " l!r,l; 1111 \I \1 . \ltt'\1 jill K\ \1 .,

Buitoni Contest an Radio I" 1"1 1 10,. ,). " 1"" .11 10. ,." I . "" ' 'I ' ' ••. ,,,.11... . ' ••., 11 ,. l •• •• " .... 1, ,'1\ 1 \ Industry -Items H. ... Io .. "."i,," \\'1)\'. ~I ' \ ' \ ... l III' . I ... '"" ... ,,1 .10. tI"" 1.,. " 1" , , " 1" ,,,,I .• I, '''.1 " ••• d,' "I ~' "' rI, ••• I .. , ,I,,· 1'.,'1 II " '." . ,h. ,,1.1111 110 ... , .11 ,1. I I.. ' .," I •.,,, ,10 .. I . .. , .. " It, .. 1. 10" .. " ,,, .... ,,.,, .. ,,. II .. " 1I,", .. "j \,." .11 ' "'' (''''''1'.1111 I• ., . ' I ~ '" .,1 11 11 1.:',, 10 \I. " .• ' I.mli III I" '" .to I h" I . •, ,I.. 1" .. . 1, . .. ., . , •• 1, I,·.,,· .. ., •• 1 .• I '. lIIillW' .1 ... " 1""::"'111 ill I,.,ILII' I h. · 1'"'111' '' " . " "", " ''':: ...... ,1 ,,,., .1,•• " '" ,I •• , .," I , .". , .... . , • . .. " .1,." , •.,Ii"I! . I,.tlil lIIi,1 \1.,,, I, '" ",i,1 1. .... 1 .. 1, •." ""• • '1".,1 ... ,11 ...... ""i ' 1'" \ . J,. ,,,.,,.:: , ~ . It. , ,.. , , .. .I , j. , • ,.". Macarani Campaign .1I"lli \1 .IIIUI.IO'\I" ·" \ ....,i .l .i,," ,,1 ... ,1 · Doughboy Introduce. Willi. .. 111 1< .. I ,hi, " ,'1 . 1I11i1"lIi • "",10,. It ,I ., :: 111 III. , ,, ~"II , , .•1 1.1• .•1 • • " • II ..... , .".1 \I " " "" I .. ,. \I, , . i. " .. ' •• ", ,, ' '1 · \11 "'1",11, 1,,1 I".' ~ I.IIII "~II III ... .".,,, i 1110-.1 I", /.11'11 ., 1\ :! I·:! I ill \li.lllli Ih-;"It. 11 .. "::1,1,,,, l .. lill,"i" . IIII . ,,1 :\,." \(,,1 , ' I"' ,.,1 1'1"'''''''' '" ,I,.,. " "JI,iI, d , .. ", •• , .•tI" I ", ...... "j 1" ... 1011" .I, I" ,,,1 , '" 1.11 ::' I .. , '.11, I, ."•• " .. 1'" .. I.u I. j. I ... ill:: 1'1.01111 ... 1 1,\ II ... \\'111" ... I·!."id., . \\"i""II,ill. 111"",1 . ,111111111 lI1ilk ••. 111 ."'" .,""'" •• ",1 ill " 1' :: '11 " '" ill,,'" ~ 1.. 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'''I'l'lit'' "i.I, .1,,· 1\,',1; ,'OIl', i"II.,I.,I,1o ,.11 ,1"\\11 ••,110-.1 \\"illi,· .,1101 "., . ' .11 h " '1'''''' "'"':: ., II .dl 1"'"11.1 , •." d. I \I " . II., I .. . '" " , . ... ,.1 I . " . I ~ . , " II,,· ,""lIlIilll"\ .,hi,h j. 1.... ul!·,1 I" \JI "11"1111" ·,, .,1 .1 ... I-", ·d", .lIi,," 1111111111 1""1"1'10" .•1", 11111,"1' 1" '111 . •111" 1.'111.''' ' I'," l . , ~ , .. 1 IIl1i"'"1 \1 ... . ""'" .",,1 ,." .•1,11 :; ' ... 101 ... 1" " 111 " ., I ,, ·~ I .I ' 01 11. , ,,,",( ... "'1" '1 '" "I • ""I' .,:: " ,I, ,I I., .. ~ . ..,. I Ri,, ~ I Jl j, II . 1 · 1I ~li, ll . 1'1O ·.iol,·1I1 "I till" Coo,", ( ;""I11,illf" .• II."oI,·d II ... 1I1I "I" 1i1l1-:. 110- · •. 111 ·1... .. 1 111"11''''111' .. .111 1,,1,1,., 1 "'"'' 'h ... , ' !Ii i .:! ....: " "' "I.,il ,. d. ·, "1" I.,,,,,,, "." ll" ~ 'ti' h • .11,.01 1.,,,.1,,, ,. ,. I'" ,,, 1,, , :: I I" I ,, ~r. ""1'''' I·., '''.'' I! li,,~ 111"11,, ,. II'. """,,11-, ·1.. 1, .11'1"1 ' .\liIIill~ (."1111"""' "II"' ,ilil" .\1 •. 1·. 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CO" 1'1'1'01 .' ,11011'1' ( 1' '1' .",,1 '00111 .1'. 1l1{\T.I{~ Il.\l.lt ll 111\' ,III .11.111.111"" ,\."".! Il \.1I1t . 11 111, 1\1 , ,,"dlll'lIllIl".! !-tdlt '"lIiI"lI.oI .11101 1111 , ,I I" f\ .1I III'': .tli 1111 1., 11'" •• 11111.0 \ II .111111 ..

Eo[I> DeMe(o f n'J"" ,,,,,,·d ,Db " CC" " I,," . ;~ f't ~ 1'l1 ",If'NJ Bo""'"'''' .6 . • ~ MUIOPOll'AN AVE . ' ..... 1.. ." .... 111." · '.OOKl'l'N 31, N. Y. - l :'\.1\ l'llllu'l . I!r.li I II I· \1 \ ( : \ It I 1.'\ I I II , . H" \ I :il IIII' :\!\( : \H,I):'\! 1()t· H,:'\\I.

Shopping Plaza Planned luiu:: 1,1.,"111'.1 . 111.,,1" ,11 .I"'I'I,ill:': .·,111"11 ' Dott. Ingg. M. G. i.·' ..... I" II ... I ... i.lt-lIh"I ..... ·II.··I .•I,li.h ... 1 by Macaroni Makers I"''' "I ., ..... " .. ,,"ill. I ht· .In.-l"". l .i lll illll.l,i·, 1'.,1., " "1,,,. "II.. 1.. "II .1t"l'l'illl: '1'111,' 1'. 1·,II·II.i'l· I'bllli,,~ ,11111 ,I,·.i::III·" in ,III' , ' "ilt'd ... .,,, .•. ) I,,· '"'' , 1."")."'l'illl: "ill hi ' ",",illo-.I I', ,1,'.".· ., " " " I •., •. 11' .lIIdi". I", "tt ,I ill 1" ·IIli, .• I" " ."l·)il.· "1'1" '.11."11 ". ,'\1 ', I I" ill, il'.tI ,i,'. , II ....ill' i. ,,,li.'''·II' I" "II ,·,i,li,lI.: 1'"1,. ~rill"in' · . """" " I'I'"illll'lI S.,Ei,,".oI Ii. 1,1.111\'""'"1. 111I""~h :: .. "Iilll-: .t! ,h,· \1 t I Ii, ... 1", II.,. It·'p,,".il,,," I'I! .,'1' ill:': , .II~ · il.dl. .,,11 1 1,lIill~ "I ., 1.lIi'II·. II,,·,.· "I' til" "I th,"" 1,.11 ~ .•:,:, . ,I,·.i:.:" .t ,"Ii, ... "ill I ... II""IC'" ,I '11"\\ 1... 1'1,11" ., ::1111 1, ... 1 11.11'"'" II"",· ill 1.ll"Id.II"1. Illti" .,,"1 • "i,,," .,,,d ,1111 I.·,·, 1""1: ,,' I... " ... ,1 1,., \,1.1111 .,. I ,'·"I:,:i ... .\11 . ",,"1.,::. "1,,, I"" .III.li,i" I.,II,·,II·. •li,," I,uiliti... . .,' .., ', ,I h,II' 1",",. .1 .1 11 lI.tillilig I, ... l • :,:"'"1111 . ",111 ... 1 II i,lt ,/ill" illl "i~11I " '.11' .\ Itau' 01'1,,"I'lIIi,! DOMINIC PALAZZOLO .'g" ., •.• 1"" l " ... ,· .1o-.i::I .. ·, ill tilt" \I il".Il' • I II . \\"illi."" It. 11.11 i,I"," .•",1 III . ( :. I . II,i •• . 111 '1.lIl'·1 ,,,"1 I " 1" i I'ill., I . ",\. l.T 1'10"" .,Ih" .,t, .,lItli" . > I"".''''·u "I I Ihi" 'I."" 1''';'''I,i" ,1I"li ... 1 CI,II ! > tI .. .11. "., It"", "" i .•1 ;",,1 '·, I,"",,, 1'''·p.''1"I1 1,,,"1. " lId 1"",·" I"",h" I",,,hll'" It i. I, .. ,,, '11".'.111"1 I" .,.111 ,i,,' 1" ... i. I,·",: Write for full particulars to : wiIIi.,tll II. 1'1 .,lt 1""11 "'"'1'",,1]", I" "m' "I ,I ... J.~, ~I ' " 1'" "I", "1' III II' ", ... . , ",I ,"'" "",'1: .11111 " ., ,,11 '1 I. "",,,:.. 1., . .I" i., · ,hi",1 ,.;:t: 1'1,"""1 •. .,lIt '''1111,11,,11. ·, '"'''1111,,,,,11, '1. Eastern Zone: LEHARA CORPORATION New Product \111' " i. " f' 11 " ,,", .... ,',,!.. .' ."I,.i,li.", ••1 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, New York \lIlI'li •.•1I II"",,· I',".hll" 1,"II""·lli,,", "CIIIII" 1.111'.' I ,';.h·lIi"' i. I ... itt:: ill"" 1II.,,,,,I.u'"I'·' :1 ,"1 ,Ii.llil"",,,; I .ltd 1\, ,,· ,111,,·.1 ill tl ... lIIi,l,11o- \11 .IIIIi, ., ...... Itl \ '. \, .. , ... ., . ... "' •. IIII' pl ..~1I111, 1",.l.·.1 ill .\1 ·" .... 1"",111 .... I;. \\' .•• lIi,,:,:I'''' ,,,II ... ·, Western Zon.: PERMASCO, Division of Winter, Wolff & Co., Inc. h,tllh • .IIt,1 \I'.1'""ill:';': U"I,... II'. 1, .. ,,1 h;,11 1'''"11.1 "i .. ,I",\ I", ,,·,, i, ' l1\i.,.·.1 .1111 1 11,1", • . ,1111 11 .1111" : .11111 1Io-IIIIi .. ",\ 1",,,1. • III III I,i,,' .. i,.,:· II • ,II' I ... Ih",1 ,I' ' 1'" 2036 East 27th Street, Los Angeles 58, California 'u, •. ~llI' l1i ". 1\,·II ;h 1II,1I ,,,",,i. ------, f

NO\'l~mber, 1956 1\o\'cmber, 1951; THE ~I A C 1\ RON I J () URN ,\ I. :Ii lilt THE MACARONI JOURNAL Stop Thall Fall. Ir:ttioll, rt,{,flrd kt'l'l'inl-\ and ,mank .. \11)' Informalily in Management rllmpall}' nr gH\'l'fllment:11 :tAell..,' b eligi. Personals ;\I'l'i,ll'nla) ' ;llIs- 'IItl,;n~ ~'t1 IInl)' hr AIII1I1 I !ltl',:;, III U. S, imlmlli;11 WIIILt" o mulor "chide ardtlenls 01. a killer - :Ire hie In p:trliril,,"e ill Ihe r:llb c;IIIII';liAn, call Ilwir IMI\\t:~ h\' Iltd.. lih! ":11111'0, ,HId Oil the lJc.arLl nf dln'rlnn IIf .', H. the largt't II' II lIaliullwltle nlll1ll:IIKII Ellrnlllllelll 1II:t)' he 1111 Ihc "lIk!;.1 n 'gh. '1'1"'1'5 Iltt' worel ",;111 I':, I. cl"I'1I1I1 ,It-, Ilean,)' l: Co, lauIIl'hed lin Selll, I 11)' Ihe N:llillll:tl S;lre· Ir.ltion '"rl11 prt1\'illrd nil n' IIU'~t rrml1 ~1' 1I1U11I ' ~ It: (:'lmll;lI1~' , :tIlt" :t ~IIt\'l" nil I)' ('.nun"!. Ihe Gnuncil IIr slmpl)' II)' Il'ltcr. (1)('r,l' Only 12 EmJ1lo)'cl Whell Ife Slarlw the mhjt'll ..\11 C\I'II higlll'f Ill.'nl'llIa~ c I.asl )'ear 1!I,KtK. l!Chnm III Ihe 11nllt'll lillllJ lit cWrercllt Illr.llium elllpln)'11I1-\ 2:1 nl m;mOlgt'h lall thdl' l'ml'll1!I't'S II)' lilo' "There ""ere unl)' 12 emplo)'es ill till.' IIr III nre wtlrken shuttld he n 'g!IINt'd " '1);1 ' Siaies were !dlll'ti h)' ralis -;1 r:lIl' II( !'D Iwml' ~ , ~I)' S J)nPIIIII , nUke wht'll I c:llne here," Mr, Kuehn lith!. (:llalilit,s 1)cI' dOl)'. In Ihe 11 :lIiun'l huhl~ ' raid),. It'~ :til pllrt III a ~lIIwit1g illlllllll:llit! "Nllw there nrc HI . In the earl)' da)'s, too, Tn aa hl partidp:1II15 In r:lrl)ltlg un all ulallll)Cralintu llllllle, Ulllfl' Ihall -I:in,lIIm in hl"ilJ('." rd;lIilllllhil'o, 0;1!1 11111'11111 , .\ KinK ~lhllls h:ul flnl)' line 111111 at U:Utillgs, wutken lire lentllOrarilr tlr p:'rm:llwntl)' ellerth'e !':lmpaigll. Ih(' ennm i1 hll~ :1\':111 , m;ljllr 1:111111' in IIIl' HI,IItI i, Ihl' thin:.: Mlnll, It JlTIMlun:d 1,,1(1) ('WII II day. In di~;lhled mlllllall)' hy falls, :thle a Jt'rie_\ flf t:i IHI~It't5 :lIul Ihn'l' latgl' rlilillllllr MII,,'rl'i"'l"i 1'1 ~III'I'ITi\t'd. · I 'clll a ~ . I!Flli, KinK Mldl" 1m. three mlll~ ",hkh "Our go.. 15 III Ihh c:am(1aign - ami I h:tllm'n, Film\, lIip dlan5, II1I1~tr ; ltt'll Iltt'n: h alHll1I 11m' Mlpt'I'\'i,ur lur "wry (ltlKltI('e :m,OIK) ('wu II dOl)'." know it b an amhitlous one-Is a !ill pl'r hnnkll,t~, fi\'c,millUle nf"I)' 1;llh ,lIul ~ ll t" dglll WItl'LI'I'_': :!.'I ~I'an ;lglI, il wa~ a[lIJ11l . 'mlltln'rlllenil In Fillut MlII Mrlhod ct'llI redunlon In Injuries aUtI cleatln I)' Innrlll'liulI (,ltlh nil fall5 :llowl ilia), Itt, IIIII ~ )111' I.'" '1'111' n 'Mlit: "miT 1\'CIlliu).: due to f:tlll," I:lill ,Nt'll II. J)cathorn, 11111aill('d. The elllire Untlr Imhlllr)' hill dmuKl'd aWl! i:tliclllS 011111 1111 ('XI 11'1' Iflr a m:lnag,'I" ,o Jlre~lllcl1l 01 Ihe Connell, "We feci thai Ea rll l'arlirlp;lting CI1l1fU Il will he ~I'III Ihruugh the )'can, 111(1, J)c~IKfI ur I-\r:till 11111 kllU\I'illg Ilw 11 ,11111'1 III hi\ 1'lIIp11lP'('O, a ,\IIAgl'~led c amJlai~1I (11:111 fur M 111'11111 · dl':lIIlng IIlltl mlllluK cllulpmellt lI:u heen b)' ro(uslng IJK'rlal cllort fln this linglc It\ ;11'>11 p;trl II) Iht: glcmillg a\\'llll'III'\o arddel1l largel, we will be allie III ;tn1U\C inK' ;11111 tuing Ihe mall'rlah :11111 illlllt· "aU I)' Impto\'ctJ In Inrreale clfirienq' :11111 I)) Ihe imp"II:IIlII' III humall rdOllillllo man:tgclllelli ami wnrker 10 draukall}' (lorating Ihelll hun ii,' ~:tfl'I)' plllgr,.. n, thert' ha,'e lJcen huptln'ement' IIIl1dc 111 ill :uhit'\"illg I'nHhlllidtr . ,\lIlI'rll:1II tulll· cut Ihose lInl:lre auluulu anti ('!Imli, p:U'knglng," laltl ~Ir. Kuehn. "Ill the carl)' A "Cc.'rtifirOlle o( AI hien 'I11I'III" \l'ill he pall ie, h:I\'I' Iltn'l' III' I,,"r limn ; I~ 111 :111,. Iinns Ihal lea.d 10 Mh," dil)'., lIuur was sackt'll mltl weighed h,' :tw;lttll


!lreullt;lth'e unlt;,tloll lit II dlnllt'r Im'el' Ing Nm'Clllocr 5 In Chicago • • Jeanne Uri. It:lr of."Gu)'l and Dolls," RETROSPECTIONS was cto~' ned ~facarolll QUt'C1I b)' Lloyd E. Skillner. Ilrcddelil 0' Sklnncr ~f : lI1u· raclllrillM Company, Omaha. al a spa· ~ gl)(,1I1 dinner gh'en by Skinner (ur 75 )'oulhful citllelll of Hoys' Randi. Urtl· M. J. (urd. Texas. and 11M) me11lbeu III Ihe Dallal Varlely Club whlrh , !KIII!.Utl the ranch.

55 Yri.,. AKo - Sonmbrr. 1921 • "M:I(,lfllnl-:\ ~Inll Bcnefielal Food," illl atllclc hy j. F. Gebler, food eXI>ctt. CLASS ..IID • Uudlleumell make "lilly o( "Trickery Iclls how he(alillC of the "illuable minerai ADVERTISING RATES In Ihllillell," cucllliah In macaroni, It It considered • The lIali:ul JlO\'t'rlulIent Jlin's adllhlol1' Dllplay Ad\'ertlslng Rate. on Application une u( the 111011 hcncficial food, fur Ihe :11 concea.d011l to ill macaroni manulac· Want Ad, ,w_._._ .. _.. _._75 Cenls lIer Line human body. Imen by Jlermltting free im!Kmallon of ) macaroni whellt for Ipaghetti·maklng, IS Yean Ago_Novcmber, 1941 • Seplem~r carload receipu showl'tl that INDEX TO Uuhuh far lurpaHel1 her ancient rlnl. • "ndellK' ,,'ltll" telll how the macaroni· ADVERTISERS MinnealKlIlI, In the number of ",rloadl noodle Induslry fill into the "all-out" de· Inspected, gelling a 100ai of 4,5·12 can o( fellie JlrI'Ktam Ilictu~ . A ....' MIIII .. DI.,•• , G.T ...... _...... ) • The.' Inclullry', hi'" problem o( the ....~rett. M., .. I•• " C.,,...tt.,, ...... 21. 2) alll(flldea. of duru", ClllIIl'aml with 1.0,12 ••,"1', MMlltl .. , Sh.' .. _..... _...... n Ihat wellt 10 Mlnneapolh. day, In fortify nr tlot to rortUy, dlscuued .,.'.... '1 Ce., M • • G...... JS • 111e praclice of 1I1111e auoclatlons ex· In .m article by Uetljamln R. JacobI...... , ••• ,.....,., lec...... __...... _ .. _ 9 C.,JhI Fl ...' MIII ...... ___ ..... _...... 15 chanAIIiK pri~ illfonn:uioll. COlt and pro· • DUnllII farme.'fI bonn "Faith in Sotlh Uakuta Week," 1111111 will colllillue 10 keep C ...... to. J .... J ...... __ ...... 25 IluctiOIl tlala h 1I0~' considered IcRilimate C""...t Meehlll'''' C.III"'" ...... 12. I) procedure limIer tll'chion handcd down faith III Ihelr Itale al lonl; al Iheir Ih,""n c:-...Mf Lt,.... MIIII ... C. .. _...... II by }'cdrral Judge Carpenlcr of Chicago. 0'01" (mlllnlle.' 10 brinK !I'e.'ne !,',uri t.);"le 0.,,,.,isc:1 M"hl•• C."."II •• __ )2. U Ge •• ,.1 MUh. l.c...... _... __ .. _ ... _ .. C•• ., IV • The Ncw England ~'ac;lrolll Colllp:my, ~tllrlli. • Db!MI~itloll !Jy Fedt'toll Food an.; l1, '.tg H.H_.-YIKh., I.c...... C•• If III l'rm'ldcnce, ""cnt Inlo \'olulltary bank· J.c.h-WI.d•• Yk",.,I... I.c...... n ruptcy. Crl'tlillltl of the clllnpallY ha\'c :\dmlnilltation of ml,brandcd JI""Jucts KI.I MW •• Fl ... ' Mllh ...... _...... 19 claims amounllllg 10 aoout $70,000. ""I'l'tl In lall year'a. fllnd 13"" enforccment "".141,1. D•• Se ...... _...... 29 • C. T. Totllclln red/llll as gencral mall' dri\'l~ .llfIwcd IHIO caKI of mararonl OI ..ch. WIlli,. H ...... _...... 25 louottl Uth.. ",h C.,,.,.,loII ..... C.. ., II :I/ler of \'Oll11Mltown Macaroni Comp:my, proclutll comlcmlletl. • Flut aid ledlllhl"e In :tceldent (ascs St,rwl. Ch•• k.'•• IlIc ...... :...... 17 \'mlllgilown, Ohio, aleer II yean of lerv· Woo4 ••ft C... ,. ••• Th ...... 27 Icc. \ ' dlKuned by Harry Subln. M.D. In :til • The American lIeaulY ~I:tc:lrolll Com· arllrle Ilcsll;lIed In hclp Indultty pre\'ellt p:llly of Dell\'er, Colorado, re(ch'l'tl famr· accltlcnls, anti Mh'e aitl In Ihe Injured. Macaroni In Canada ahle publicity In Ihe HOllie l'roduCls St·c· • ~rnraronl jewrlry has Ix:rome quite Ibe Value IIf f.!Ctot)' IhlplllClIl1 In Ihc 1IIara· lion of the Rocky Mounlain New •. ,'olCt\'b!OIl of Editor M. J. • ~facarolll · noodle manufacturen, bak· IOtal -4S,,s!ift lin. with ,5S,rI6K Willing Dolllla. cn, and othef rood proceuon dlw:uUl'd from It;lly alnl 7-1.800 frum H(lIIK Kllllg. ______-----___ ...-...... --... ~.~"~.-...... - .__ ...... '''''===:::-.~~ ___4_ ' ---_.,

AVAILABLE ON REqUEST • •• Gil 8 % 10 Inch color fnvLIJ)(Jt'ftu:y or 61«" and whlU print 0{ thll pMl4 10 '* in YOfU' own adutrllllnll·

How appetizing dishes can help you sell

among all types of familiell. they' are aure to enhance the OLD.fASHIONED is jUit ono of many So oppcUte.whe1tinl recipes Betty Crocker, of General MiUa. quality of your product. Gel these deUcious recipes that can hal developed to help you sell more of your products. Here'. help sell your products to grocers and conaum6n alike. Cap· how. Just feature tho macafoni·apaghettl rccipea in the itallze on them-in your advert1aementa, on package labels booklet at right 88 an extra service to your customers. Good or inaerta, and in your saloa llteraturo. reclpce help them let tho moat from your product ••• like it better ••. want it oftener. That's the way BelLy Crocker THII 12-'''01 I.CIPI Mndboolr. w anllable now­ with room on the covor to imprint your name and builtb fut repeat sales, and aho's known to millions aa the addre& For aample and qUlontiLy price, aaIr. your very aymbot of food quality and service. Oeneral Mille aaleaman or write La Dunnn SaIN, General Mille has already homo tested lhasa recipea- OOMral MUll, MlnDYpoU. 1, Mlnneaola.