I," . THE MACARONI i' JOURNAL 'Volume 38 No.7 November, 1956 I I - ,. • - .. ~~ p -,.. .. .. -- ~.-.... ~---- -. .....,.. , . ~ I I • , , -----. NOVEMBER, 1956 '. -----. , November. 1956 THE ~I A C ,\ RON I J 0 U RN A L Your Package Can Be ... YOUR BEST SALESMAN! BUT Only If It Meets The Public Eye In Modern Dress. It h;u been rcliahly stated that RO% of the Poocl PackagC& Our job at R0550tli is creating and producing rackagcs fur sold in Sclf·Scrvkc stOTes ttxhy lack the fundamental 1.,1C3' Macaruni Products that will do tlltir job success(ully. making quality of Appetite appeal. The list o( our customera reads like Who's Who in the Maca· I. yonr package qualified tu compete successfully under moo' mni Piehl Many o( them have been with us for mure th;UI ern merchandising conditions? Where more th'lII (,0% of all consumer huying decisions arc made right in the .tore? On twu generations. During that time they have (orged ahead The reputation of your top brand begins with the Impul!C of the Moment? Whether or nut y~ur package tu positions o( leadership. and even u'nder hxJay's tough appeals to the appetite of the shu('Ircr at th~t critIcal Instant· competitive conditions arc increasing that leadership" Or.Deeisi..,n, mor.,: often than nnl determines whether you the Semolina you use. make or lose a sale. There mwt be a rea50n (or their conndence in Uf. There is a reason. The rc;twn is that ROS5Oui D.:aigned and Produced Your package today must carry ffinTe of the aales load t~an ever hefore. Unlcs.s it dots iu job successfully you arc 105101: packagca pay them in increased sala. In increaseJ leaJership. aales every day. Ar.d i:\ in:rcas:d pruli.u. t . Amber's No.1 Semolina if, uniformly superior In color and quality ... every shipment. In 'creasing numbers of America's quality Maca- Will' you make this aim pic teat? Cut out this Picton.. 1 and place it on your present roni Manufacturers rely upon this uniformity of package. Doesn't it whet )'our appetite (or a good, appetizing Macaroni dish? It will have the ",me effect Amber's No.1 Semolina to help safeguard the repu- on Ihorpen in Self·Service storel. tation of their top brands. Do you use Amber's No. 1 Semolina In your top quality macaroni I:lroducts? We will be harpy 10 conlul, with you on y~ur packa«lnll: Problem •• There I, • qualified ROhOUI urfClcnlallvc n.ur you. He hu many helpful facti and fiauru at hi, finll.cnip •. JUI' ull or wnte us ror an appointment. It could be the be­ !;inninl or a very rrofitahle Incrcue In your nlu. ~SS()Hi ""on ON M""'" .,,"""" AMBER MILLING DIVISION ROSSOTTI LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION farmer, Union Oraln Terminal A•• ociatlon 8511 Tonnelle Ave., North Bergen, New Jersey ROSSOTTI CALIFORNIA LITHOGRAPH CORPORATION MILU A' IVIM cln. MIHHIIO,. • OINIIAI. o ... ell, It. ,avl. I, MlNH.lora 5700 Third Street. Son Francisco 24, California L____________________ ~ SAW O"ICI$I thw Y.,k • l.cI... _., • Iostoft • '1111.""" • Clllc .... Orl ..... H••• to" • Lot A....... 'rHftllll • Snttl. -----_., No\'ember. 1956 THE M ,\CARONI JOURNAL :Jke Macaroni Week Spurs Sales USINESS Is hrhk. OMII we'llher ,u'tnu I V2 Ic.npnlln~ ~;II;III 1I1I 1'1\ J.\ CJ.\ R0 '" , BIhe (IlUlllty In Augllu. bright pml' ) IIIl' dilllll·~itl· d IInllll1, ,Iullillt'" pcrll ror t1Urulll in Septcmber. ,11\1\ Na· ) dm'c garlk. rllflllPI'd (i"n;d Maromml Wcd. in October h:w(' I I.polllu) call IlimoUnt"!! cumblncd 10 push leaNo·diue produrtlflll 1 "-(I\llIrC 1,111 IuRiaiu \:IIIH' figures rllT manruul. 'paRill'ui :lIul c~g &llt ,lilt! IM.'JlIM.·r III t .. ~tc November, 1956 IIfMXUCI :lOOUI (h'c I",-r (Cnt 1I\"('r " )'car !It tcasplHIIl IIrt'lPllU JOUR"'J.\l aRfl. :! ·1V::-( IUIIH' C;III ~IHillll" .Irolint·d (.. IHIIlt :!·I \htlmp) Volume 38, No. 7 C"'l'ttlfluK CflU\UIIICr "!Iclltioll, Nat/fllml )llIcarnlil WCl'k pcrrnrmctl iu allIUm' t .. hll'S)HK'" 5 .. h :'I !ten'fcc of helplllK 11111\'(' II1I'rchalldlsc "I[ 111I:lrt' huilill); wall'r the grocer'. Ihch'CI ami 1111111 Mrs. IInllll" II II1111CC5 ~)laKhl'1I1 maker"UlclllI. Call)rl!! [(IIIUICts werc I"lt­ Ilcal oil: mltl 111111111 :lIul );:nlic. elKlk Official publicalioll of tlte Naliotlal Macaroni Manufac. !, minlill'S. :\dll 1f)lII atnt· ~ , 11111101111 '\;11111'. Ilrularly Imprl'Su'll that lIIilcaroni and and ~ 11t :.11111 pCPIM.'r aUt) IIH·K:tIlIl. CUlik IInr Ted Sill, suggUI' recipe menu ,heels. turerJ AJJociatioll, JJ9 N . AJMand Ave., Palo line, IllinoiJ, noodle pmduru coultl he I"Umbiueti Il1ln In\\' r.alorlc 111('11111, lUll' Itt·al. ~Iirrill); .r:l.\illll:tlly. 311 lIIill' LIII\' C.. lnrie :'Ilal':II'11l1i :'Ilcmu, \\'ith ~umc AddreJJ all correspondence regarding tldvutiJing or edi· IIICS. :\.111 dlrimp .11.1 milt; wi'll, I It·:tl III till .-\s liMed In flllt' or m;III)' !,lIhliril}' re· r:l(u m;u',I1I11II'! 1,1;11"1' in Jt'lluciug Pre.ld.nt............................ L\oyd E. Skinner M'n-iuJ; ICllllllTdt:. ft'. tli,·IS. Tn call ;1 1I1'Ulillll to 'c);I It-.1 ilt'm tarial material to Robut AI. Grttll, Editor, it'a.cs ~lIt 10 (,10(1 ('tthon Ii)' the Nallnlla! :'I1'·;lIIwhilc. ;1I1t1 I tOlhll"SIHKltI !t;11t tel · l.t VI •• Pre•.................... .Guldo p. Merlino ;\laGlTonl Inuhllte: "I'robahly OIiC IIf Ihe ,1i'1'1,,)\ nr ~hl'lf !\l·flinll'. Aumlllt-.1 JI"prr r.. pilll)· huilill/-: ,,·alcr. (;r'IIIII'III,· ,\lltl ~I'a· 2nd VI .. Pre•............ ........... Horac. P. Gioia hardl'Sl thlllK' a1,ollt dicting is walch lug "(ulIl·ptltlh" \rich Ihc '1"1"), "Clltlric );hl·II . 1iC1 that watcr (nIllIlUIU tn hnil. Gnllk cuu\('lomr" al1ll a llin·rciollal atrllll', lI,{,IC Srd Vice Pres ........... Emanuele Ronzonl, Jr. IIIlter pMple C:Il famrile fuutis, ronds th:!t IIl1Cm'uI',I, ,tirrill/-: IIwl~[nll"II)', IlIIlil 1"11' pl .... l'Il Oil Ihl' ~lIltl· IIl1tlr, )'1111 wllultlllkc III c'll. Mall)' caloric mlllll· Secretary............................ R.bert M. Green Ikr. ))r.lill ill mlamll·r. SI'fH' ~llIilllp t·u mlstakclIly funake fuoth thc)' likc hc· Rdatct! itl'lII IIi\J1I01)'S (lir thc IIIml pit Research ..........................James J. Winston ~'lUcc U\'l'r sl',,/-:hclIl. cau~ thc)' hcIlC\'e the), ate rattcning. H)' (catuTt'11 f;ulllc,1 WIIKb Ihl'cl ;" in~n' llic'lI~ TUlal f;lluricl. Hli:!. Calnril'\ pl'f M·f\'· Emerltus..... ...............................M. J. Donna wirtC))' budgeting raluric) if, qullc Pili' in Ihl~ I.uw Calutie Quickic :'I1t· .. I. :\Itt\1 sihle: In cnjlly ,III appctiting Italian dinlll'r Ing: '65.5. lIC1l'" 111t'"c imhull·t!lul1mln ptmllll'li 0111.1 a~ ~hll~'11 ill thc mCllu hdnw. llin/-: p,'a .. llcs. nut Ili~pl;lr~ \\"'rc I",ilt On Page hl'rc ;11111 thcrc with dll'I'W ami '·\·Ip"· :J)iHclor6 National Macaroni We.k Spurs Sale....................... 5 Low Calurie ~renu tall-.lmilk In 1;lkc alh'ant:tAl' III .\"wrir:tl! B:tir), ,\~ \ud a linll prumulillin IIi ""ity Region 1 Jo.eph Pellegrillo Pasta _ Italian-born, American.made...................... 6 "lk\'cJ0lK'd h)' (he "lIIne eCllUomhu nr prmlufls aUlI thc (llluIK'r clll"'\C Fl·1tl\·;II. thc Natiunal MaC;lTnni )UUitUlC, this Itr",' Regl.n 2 Saverio Arena Calorie Conscious Cookery ......: ................................. 8 I.unll ,Hh'l'tthlu/-: II)' u1:II'awuI m:tllu, Emanuele Ronzoni, Jr. "llnrle tlhml'r will enahlc Ihc htl~y ,\II,l·r· Tomacaronl Stew ................................. .. .................. · 10 Ieall homc'lIl:1kcr to K'ne a good 5111hl (:!I'IUIl'h Ik·n·llliled In C\' crr tHlc u( Raymond Guerissl meal to her (amil), ami at Ihc "1mI' thill' IIIl'tli;" IIclnp"l'cu. lI'Aillll;11 III01Aa/h1l's Region 8 Horace P. Gioia About Agrl.ulture ............ .................................. c••••... 14 nl(cr a low calurie dinllcr to Ihe [omdt,u· ami mlll~ra\'luc H'I·dnns, on r .. ,IIII. 11·1,·· Albert S. Wel.s The Northwest Crop Improvement Association .... 10 linus wright· walcht·n. Jmt walch thc '"idllll :11111 hilIlKl:mls. Region 4 A.Irving Grass How's Your Health? ............................................... .. 20 smilct when you I'UI Ihis 550 ('"Iurlc I')elll)' or I·uhlicit)· IlInllcr bermc )'uur dicll'u! Wit)' 1I0t Ir)' Henry Rossi EII'II hdnre :\:lIiIlIlOlI :'Ilaf:.II'ulii \\'I't'1:. Region 5 Albert Ravarlno Inilredlen·t Information ........................................ _.. 24 it during Nallonal MaCOlroni \\'~k. Oc· lober )8·2U" IlIIiI i;III}' hl·/o:;III. IllIhlidt)' 111'/0:,111 III "1'1'1·"r Dominic Palaz.zolo Production Pointers ................... ............................... 28 ill 1.1111" c: .. lliric :'Ill'l\u f,·"tuft'S ;11111 ,lIlill,'~ Region 6 Paul Bienvenu Indu.try Items ................................................. ......... 30 Thc mcnu: SI':tgheul·Shrhul' 1t,,1i;lIIu III h:IILgrllUuli 011111 i.llt'le\1 IIIIItUllill/-: Maurice L. Ryan (rtdpe hdu\\'), VI [UP Zucchini. ami Personals .................................................................... SO Pot McReynolds limn Bob Green In build· 1II:1I·.. flllli , SI'''Ah,·tti 011111 "KI\ lI uIK ))"1 In Region 7 John Lanerl mhu:d Rr('clI ",I,ul whh 7 slIIall li':!\'cl III Ing a display. m:lw"inu 011111 IIcw~P"IK·I\. TWII ul Ih,' Retrospections .............................................. :... ........ S8 ('Karole, 8 11110111 IC:I\' ~I of chkor)" ·1 1111:111 Regl.n S Lloyd E. Skinner :'I1"I':tfCIlli maIlUr,IIIUU'U IIII·tt lmllllhl·11 111:111)' fillc Im'" k\ \\'l'rc :'IIIC"I1\ Otlulll'r II'a\'cI or mmaillc, K'lrnlsill'd with V2 tahk· 1.. Region 9 Guido P. Merlino Index to Advertisers ......... ...................................... ··· 88 Ihe l.ll\\' C:llmic Qulrkk' :'I1t',,1 ,·mllll· (111111 {l·aHlft·, "1 ,1:1 -""Ii'III·lmlll ..\mcr· ~IIOOII of l-'reJ\ch drl'l~IIIK' for dcucrt, :111 irall·m:llll· ..
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