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Spring 1963



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Recommended Citation ANDERSON, PAUL STANLEY, "MECHANISTIC ASPECTS OF THE SODIUM BOROHYDRIDE REDUCTION OF PYRIDINIUM IONS" (1963). Doctoral Dissertations. 786. https://scholars.unh.edu/dissertation/786

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University of New Hampshire, Ph.D., 1963 Chemistry, organic

U^iiversity Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. MECHANISTIC ASPECTS OP THE




B. So'i University of Vermont, 1959


Submitted to the University of New Hampshire

In Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate School

Department of Chemistry

June, 1963

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. This thesis has been examined ami-approved. i? Ù


i'7, ('-n W( I Date2,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The author would like to express his sincere

a p p re cia tio n to the members of the fa c u lty and s ta f f of

the Department of Chemistry at the University of New

Hampshire for many hours of fruitful discussions and in­

struction. de feels particularly fortunate to have had

the opportunity to work under the inspirational and en­

thusiastic direction and abidance of his thesis director,

Dr. Robert E. Lyle. He is also indebted to Mrs. Pearl

Libby for the typing of this manuscript.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS






1. Preparation of and Pyridinium Salts 7 2. Ultraviolet and Visible Spectra of Pyridinium S alts and the E ffe ct of Sodium Borohydride on These S p e c t r a...... 8 3. Reduction ofi}.—Phenylpyridine Methiodide in the Presence of Deuterium O x id e ...... 12 If. Sodium Borohydride Reduction of 1,If.—Dimethyl— 2—phenylpyridinium Iodide ...... 21 5. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Sodium Boro— Reduction Mixtures ...... 25 6. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Tetrahydropyridines 35 7. Infrared Spectra of Tetrahydropyridines . . 37 8. Preparation and Identification of Dihydro— p y r i d i n e s ...... 38 9. Reactions of Dihydropyridines ...... lt.7 10. Summary ...... 5l


1. G e n e r a l ...... 53 2. Methods of Preparation of Pyridines .... 54 3. Preparation of Pyridinium Salts ...... 57 if. Method for Following the Sodium Borohydride Reduction of Pyridinium Ions by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy ...... 58 5. Preparation of Tetrahydropyridines ...... 59 6. P reparation of 1—Me thy 1—If-phe nyl—5-d e u t e r o— 1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine 61 7. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Tetrahydropyridines 62 8. Preparation of Dihydropyridines ...... 63 9. Reactions of Dihydropyridines ...... 66



Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. LIST OP TABLES

Number Page

I. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Phenyl— p y r i d i n e s ...... 56

II. Infrared Absorption Bands of Phenylpyridines . 56

III. Properties of Pyridinium Salts ...... 71

IV. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Reductions of Pyridinium Ions with Sodium Borohydride . . 73

V. Properties of Tetrahydropyridines ...... 75

VI. Infrared Absorption Bands of Tetrahydropyridines 79

VII. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Tatra— hydropyridines ...... 8o

VIII. Properties of Piperidines ...... 8l

IX. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Tetrahydro^ pyridines and Corresponding Piperidines .... 83

X. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Dihydro­ pyridines ...... 84

XI. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Dihydro— p ’r i d i n e s ...... 85

jor Infrared Bands of Dihydropyridines and xteacticn Products ...... 86

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS

Figure Page

1. Types of Products Reported from the Reduction of Various Pyridinium Ions ...... 5

2a. Mechanism for the Formation of the 1,2,5,6—Tetra— hydropyrid i n e ...... l8

2b. Acid Catalyzed Exchange Reaction of XXIX .... 18

2c. Mass Spectrum of XXXVIII ...... 19

2d. Mass Spectrum of XXXIX ...... 20

3. Mechanism for the Formation of the 1,2,3,6—Tetra— hydropyridine ...... 2if

if. Mechanism fo r the Formation of P iperidine .... 3^

5. Preparations and Reactions of the 3,S-fDlphenyl- dihydropyridines ...... if 6

6. Preparations and Reaction of the Ethyl 5—Bromo— dihydronicotinates ...... if 6


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. INTRODUCTION

In recent years sodium borohydride has become a

useful synthetic tool for the conversion of pyridinium ions

to partially reduced pyridines. The use of this reducing

agent permits partial reduction of the ring in high

yield without reduction of ring substituents other than

and functions.The fact that this boro­

hydride may be used in aqueous solution as well as in a

large number of organic solvents further enhances its general


The nature of the products obtained in this reduction

has been found to be dependent on the position and type of

ring substituents. Current reviews on this subject are

a v a ila b le . Q in Ferles ' has reported that 1-methyl-, 1,3-dimethyl-,

1,4-dimethyl- and 1,2,6-trimethylpyridinium iodides and bro­

mides gave a mixture of piperidine and tetrahydropyridine on

reduction with sodium borohydride in aqueous basic medium.

Walker^^ has reported that 4-&minopyridinium ions gave rise

to only 4-9minopiperidines on reduction with sodium boro­

hydride. These are the only reports of the formation of

piperidines in this type of reduction. As will be indicated

later. Walker's work is a special case. The original work of 1 2 Panouse * indicated that only the tetrahydropyridine was ob­

tained from the reduction of 1-methyl- and 1,3-dimethylpyri-

- 1-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 12 dinlum ions, Schenker has reported that all ^-substituted

pyridinium ions are reduced to the 1,2,5»6-tetrahydropyridine

with sodium borohydride, while pyridinium ions with an alkyl

substituent in the 3-position are reduced to a mixture of

1,2,5,6- and l,2,3»6-tetrahydropyridines,

Recently the general synthetic value of this reduc­

tion has been illustrated by May^^*^^ and by Huffman^^, May

obtained l,2,5»6-tetrahydropyridines from the sodium boro­

hydride reductions of l-methyl-4-ethylpyridinium iodide and

l-methyl-3»4-diethylpyridinium iodide, while Huffman re­

duced l-benzyl-3-(2-indoyl)pyridinium bromide to the corres­

ponding 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine.

In the case of pyridinium ions containing an electron

withdrawing substituent in the 3-position, a mixture of 1,6»

dihydropyridine and 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine has been ob­

served, Schenker^^ has found that 3-cyanopyridlne metho-

bromide was reduced by sodium borohydride to a mixture of

l-methyl-3-cyano-l,6-dihydropyridine and l-raethyl-3-cyano- 17 1,2,5»6-tetrahydropyridine, Kinoshita reported a similar

result for the reduction of the methiodide of ethyl nico-

tinate. The 1,2-dihydronicotinate was also isolated in this

case by running the reduction in concentrated aqueous sodium

hydroxide solution. Apparently in these cases, the 1,6-di-

hydropyridine was stable toward further borohydride reduction

while, under suitable conditions, the 1,2-dihydropyridine was

further reduced to the 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine,

W allenfels^^ and Karrer^*^ have both found th a t sodium

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. borohydride reduction of various 3,5-dicarboethoxy pyridinium

ions produced solely dihydropyridines. 20 Saunders and Gold obtained a mixture of 1-phenyl-

1,4-dihydropyridine and l-phenyl-l,2-dihydropyridine from the

sodium borohydride reduction of 1-phenylpyridinium iodide.

This is the only reliable report in the present literature of

the actual isolation of a 1,4-dihydropyridine from a sodium

borohydride reduction of a pyridinium salt. The 1,4-dihydro-

pyridine product was present in a relative yield of twenty

p ercen t.

Inspection of these data would lead one to believe

that the sodium borohydride preferentially attacked the 2-

or 6-position of the pyridinium leading to a 1,2- or 1,6-

dihydropyridine. The reduction might have been expected to

stop at this stage, since further reduction would require the

hydrogenation of a carbon-carbon double bond, a process not

consistent with the known nature of sodium borohydride. How­

ever, it would appear that the enamine nature of the dihydro­

pyridine system facilitated protonation of the carbon

atom by the solvent (water or ) giving rise to an im-

monium cation. Such a specie would be expected to rapidly 21 reduce with sodium borohydride.

The presence of piperidine as a sodium borohydride

reduction product must then be postulated as arising from

initial formation of a small quantity of 1,4-dlbydropyridine o as postulated by Ferles, Such a specie would be expected to

undergo complete reduction to the piperidine, since it con-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. tains a double enamine system. It should be noted that the

total yield of piperidine obtained by Walker^^ from the re­

duction of 4-aminopyridinium ions is in accord with the above

conclusions, since, a 4“am in o -l, 2 , 5 , 6 -tetrahydropyridine is

an enamine system which would be expected to undergo further

reduction with this metal hydride to the corresponding pipert

d in e.

The work reported here provides proof for the above

postulated mechanism, A study of substituent effects on the

amount of piperidine formed from the sodium borohydride re­

duction of various pyridinium ions is also reported. Some

new dihydropyridines are introduced and the chemical and

physical properties of these compounds are discussed. Figure

1 shows the general type of dihydropyridine and tetrahydro­

pyridine systems discussed in this work.

I t should be noted th a t many of the above in d icated

results obtained by other workers appeared in the literature

simultaneously or after the report of the work done in this 22 Laboratory,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. a: R' R' R' 1,2- 1,6- 1,4 - pyridinium Ion Dihydropyridine i R' R' R'

1 , 2 , 5 , 6- 1 , 2 , 3 , 6- Tetrahydropyridine P iperidine



Pyridinium Ion 1,2,5,6-Tetrahydropyridine


R 1,6 1 ,2 ,3 ,6- R Tetrahydropyridine


Pyridinium Ion R R

R 1,4 Dihydropyridine Piperidine

Pig. 1. Types of Products Reported from the Reduction of Various Pyridinium Ions. Products depend on the nature of R'

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS

The sodium borohydride reduction of carbon—nitrogen

double bonds is well established; however, the reduction of 6 an isolated carbon—carbon double bond has not been reported.

Since the sodium borohydride reduction of a number of pyridl—

nium .ions has been shown to give a 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 —tetrahydropyridine

as one of the products or the only product, it would appear

that a carbon—carbon double bond as well as a carbon—nitrogen

double bond was reduced. I t was, th e re fo re , of in te r e s t to

determine the mechanism of this reduction. To this end, a

deuterium tracer technique and spectroscopic methods ware em­

ployed .

It was also apparent that other products (dihydro­

pyridines and piperidines) could be obtained from this type

of reduction. The reduction of a number of pyridinium ions

was studied to determine the scope of the reduction and to

evaluate the effect of the nature and position of substituents

on the product composition.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Preparation of pyridines and pyridinium salts.—

During the course of this investigation it was necessary to

synthesize a number of pyridines which were not commercially

available. Known synthetic procedures were used in all cases.

3,5—Dimethyl—2—phenylpyridine (I) was prepared from

3,5—<3 ime thylpyrid ine and phenyllithium by the procedure of

Abramovitch. Compound I had not been previously reported

in the literature. 2—Phenylpyridine (II), 3—methyl—2—phenyl—

pyridine (III), and ^-methyl-2-phenylpyridine (IV) are known

compounds which have previously been prepared by phenyllithium

addition to pyridine, 3-methylpyridine and ^^methylpyrldine,

respectively. The same synthetic procedure was employed in

th is work. 25 The procedure of Schmidle and Mansfield was used

for the preparation of I 4.—phenylpyridine (V). Condensation of

D( —methylstyrene, ammonium chloride and formaldehyde gave 6—

methyl—6 —phenyltetrahydro—1,3—oxazine. This material under—

went an acid catalyzed rearrangement to i|—phenyl—1,2,5, 6 —te tr a —

hydropyridine. Compound V was obtained from the purified

tetrahydropyridine by dehydrogenation in nitrobenzene with a

palladium on alumina catalyst. 26 The procedure of Bachman and Micucci was used for

the preparation of 5—bromonicotinic acid (VII). The conversion

of VII to ethyl 5—bromonicotinate (VI) was most successful when

the standard thionyl chloride procedure was used.

The physical properties of these pyridines were in

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 8

good agreement with the respective data reported by other

workers. The infrared and ultraviolet absorption spectral

data observed for compounds I — V is reported in TABLES I

and II, All other pyridines employed in this work were com­

mercially available. The pyridinium salts were prepared from

the pyridines by standard procedures as indicated in the


Ultraviolet and visible spectra of pyridinium salts

and the effect of sodium borohydride on these spectra.—

Initially the sodium borohydride reduction of a number of

pyridinium ions was studied by the use of ultraviolet and

visible absorption spectroscopy, the reduction being run

directly in the absorption cell of the spectrophotometer.

The results can best be discussed by grouping the pyridinium

ions studied into three classes.

Class I contained 1—methylpyridinium iodide (VIII),

1-methyl pyridinium bromide (IX), 1—isopropylpyridinium iodide

(X), 1—butylpyridinium bromide (XI), 1—benzylpyridinium bro­

mide (XII), 1,3—dime thylpyr id inium iodide (X III), 1, ij.—d ime thyl-

pyridinium iodide ( XIV), 1,3,5—trime thyIpyridinium iodide (XV)

and 1 ,2 , 6 —trirne thylpyrid inium iodide (XVI).

Glass II contained 2—phenyl—, 2—phenyl—3-methyl—, 2—

phenyl—If-me thyl—, 2—phenyl-3 ,5—dime thyl— and Ip-phe ny Ipy r i—

dinium iodide, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI, re sp e c tiv e ly .

Class III contained the methiodide (XXII), methobro—

mide (XXIII), and methochloride (XXIV) of 3,5—diphenylpyridine

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. and ethyl 5-t>romonicotinate methiodide (XXV).

In Class I pyridinium ions exhibited an ab­

sorption maximum in the region of 260 m;i. On addition of

sodium borohydride, the absorption in this region rapidly de­

creased in intensity with the simultaneous formation of a new

maximUnj in the 335—350 mju region. The new maximum decayed

rapidly to leave a spectrum which contained only end absorp­

tion near 225 mp. Specific data are contained in TABLE IV.

In methanol Class II pyridinium ions exhibited an ab­

sorption maximum in the region from 276 to 29k mp. Addition

of sodium borohydride destroyed this maximum and simultaneously

gave ris e to a new maximum near 330 mp. However, the 330 mp

maximum decayed rapidly to leave only weak absorption near

260 mju. Ihis suggested that the final specie formed contained

an iso la te d phe^ i s u b s titu e n t.

Treatment of Class III pyridinium ions with sodium

borohydride gave rise to new absorption maxima which were

stable in the presence of an excess of the metal hydride. Hie

m ethohalides XXII — XXIV have absorption maxima a t 312 and

258 mp. Addition of sodium borohydride gave a spectrum conr-

ta in in g maxima a t 322, 260 and ijJ.5 mp . These maxima remained

at constant intensity until dilute hydrochloric acid was added

to the sample. The acid destroyed these maxima and regener­

ated the original spectrum of the methohalide. Compound XXV

exhibited an absorption maximum at 288 mp in methanol. Addi­

tion of sodium borohydride to a methanolic solution of XXV

discharged the 288 mp maximum with the simultaneous formation

of stable maxima at 355 mp and 268 mp . Addition of dilute

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 10

hydrochloric acid destroyed these maxima and gave rise to a

new maximum at 281; m p.

The observation of the transient maximum in the 335—

350 mp region during the reduction of Class I and Class II

pyridinium ions is believed to be due to an initially formed

dihydropyridine. The rapid decay of this transient maximum

is believed to correspond to reduction of the dihydropyridine

to a tetrahydropyridine.

It appeared that reduction past the dihydropyridine

stage was dependent on the protcnation of this enamine system

to form an imraonium cation which then underwent further re­

duction to the tetrahydropyridine. This hypothesis was tested

by running the reduction in the aprotic solvent N,N-dimethyl-

formamide. Treatment of Class I pyridinium ions with sodium

borohydride in this aprotic medium gave rise to a loss of the

pyridinium ion absorption band with the simultaneous appear­

ance of an absorption band near 335 mp. This new band was

stable and did not decay until water or dilute acid was added

to the solution^! Similar results were obtained with IX, XI

and XII when was used as the solvent medium. The study

of pyridinium iodides in diglyme was not feasible because of

intense charge transfer bands at 292 and 360 mp which obscured

th is region of the spectrum^.® p Û Ko sower has reported that simple 1,1;—dihydropyri-

dines have an ultraviolet absorption maximum in the region

from 270 to 27 6 mp. Thus 2,1;,1;,6—te trame thyl—1,1;—dihydro—

pyridine exhibited an absorption maximum at 270 mp. Since the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 11

long wave length band observed on treatment of Class I pyrl—

dinlum ions with sodium borohydride was above 300 mp , it

would appear that the specie formed was a 1,2— rather than a

1,1;—d ihyd ropy rid ine .

On treatment with sodium borohydride in N, N—dimethyl—

formamide. Class II pyridinium ions gave rise to a stable

absorption band near 350 mp, as indicated in TABLE IV. This

band did not decay until water or dilute acid was added to

the sample. The maximum observed near 350 mp was interpreted

as resulting from a 1,6—d ihyd ropyrid ine rather than a 1,2— 29 dihydropyridine. Huisgen has reported that 1-methyl—2—

phenyl—1,2—d ihydropyrid ine has its long wavelength ultra­

violet absorption band at 285 mp . The fact that the absorp­

tion maximum observed on treatment of Class II pyridinium ions

with sodium borohydride was at considerably longer wavelength

would suggest that the dihydropyridine formed had the phenyl

substituent in conjugation with the two remaining ring double

bonds. This would be the 1,6—d ihydropyrid ine. Further evi­

dence in support of this assumption will be presented later.

In the case of Class III pyridinium ions, the observed

stable ultraviolet absorption bands produced by treatment of

these ions with sodium borohydride were subsequently shown to

belong to dihydropyridines by actual product isolation.

As a result of the rapid decay of the transient maxi­

mum observed on reduction of Class I and II pyridinium ions

in methanol, the exact position of this short lived band was

somewhat in doubt. The reduction in N,N—.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 12

where the maximum assigned to the dihydropyridine was stable,

revealed the location of this band with much greater accuracy

as indicated in TABLE IV.

Reduction of U.—phenylpyridine methiodide (XXI) in the

presence of deuterium oxide.— Further evidence for^t^,^

presence and fata of intermediate dihydropyridines in the

sodium borohydride reduction of pyridinium ions was obtained

by a study of the reduction of I 4.—phenylpyridine methiodide

(XXI) in the presence of deuterium oxide. Compound XXI-was

chosen as a model system because its expected sodium boro­

hydride reduction product, 1—methyl-];—phenyl—1 , 2 ,5 , 6 —te t r a -

hydropyridine (XXXVIII), was a known compound which had been

well characterized^^ The material obtained from the sodium

borohydride reduction of XXI in N,N—dimethylformamide and

water exhibited physical and chemical properties identical

with those reported by McBlvain^^ fo r compound XXXVIII.

Reduction of XXI with sodium borohydride in anhydrous

N, N—d im ethylf ormamide afforded 1-methyl—i;—phenyl— 1 ,2—dihydro—

pyridine in solution. The solution had a distinct yellow

coloration. An ultraviolet spectrum obtained by dilution of

one drop of this solution with anhydrous N,N-dimethylformamide

exhibited an intense absorption band at 350 mp. The band

cj^sappeared upon addition of one drop of methanol or water to

the cell. Addition of deuterium oxide and a second quantity

of sodium borohydride to the original reaction mixture dis­

patched the yellow coloration and gave a cloucfy solution. Sub­

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 13

sequent dilution of this solution with water precipitated

the bora ne of d ante rated 1—me thy 1-i;—phenyl—1,2,5,6-

tetrahydropyridine as a solid crystalline material. That

th is m a te ria l was an amine borane and not an a lk y l borane was

evident from its Infrared spectrum^^, intense bands at 2390

and 2300 cm“^, and the fact that treatment with acid released

three moles of per mole of boron containing compound.

Pure l-methyl-i;—phenyl—5-deuter0—1,2,5,6—tetranydropyridine

(XXXIX) was obtained by decomposition of the amine borane with

hydrogen chloride under anhydrous conditions.

The infrared spectrum of the deuterated tetrahydro­

pyridine, XXXIX, contained all of the bands found in the spec­

trum of the undeuterated tetrahydropyridine, XXXVIII, in

addition to a weak band at 21i;0 cm“"^, indicative of saturated

C—D s tre tc h in g , and a medium band a t 1265 cm”^, in d icativ e of 32 D—G—H scissoring, concerted vibration. The infrared spec­

trum of XXXIX differed considerably in the fingerprint region

from the spectrum of XXXVIII, and thus the identity in struc—'

ture of XXXIX and XXXVIII was proven by melting points, melting

points of derivatives and ultraviolet spectra.

A comparison of the proton magnetic resonance spectra

of XXXIX and XXXVIII suggested that a deuterium atom was

located at the 5—position in XXXIX. The spectra were nearly

identical showing a multiplet due to the resonance of the

aromatic at 2.3 tau, a doublet (J = 3.5 cps) at

6.95 tau due to the methylene at the 2—position, a triplet

(J = 3*5 cps) at 3.97 tau resulting from the vinyl hydrogen

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Ik

at position 3 , and a sharp peak at 7.66 tau due to the 1-

methyl s u b s titu e n t. In XXXVIII, the methylene groups on the

5— and 6—positions gave a composite peak (half band width

3.8 cps) a t 7 .k3 tau which at higher amplification was re­

solved into a multiplet. In the deuterated compound, XXXIX,

this peak (half band width 2.5 cps) could not be resolved,

indicating a less complex splitting pattern. The relative

peak areas were also in agreement with the presence of only

three protons at the 5— and 6—po sitio n s of XXXIX. The fa c t

that the relative peak area of the 2-methylene resonance at

6.95 tau was identical in both XXXIX and XXXVIII strongly

suggested that the deuterium was at the 5—position, since

the 2— and 6—positions are equivalent in the pyridinium ion,

XXI. (These peak positions are given in ppm in TABLE VII).

Further evidence for this positional assignment of the

deuterium was obtained from the rapid, complete exchange of

all deuterium in XXXIX for hydrogen on warming an acidic

aqueous solution of XXXIX for several minutes on a steam cone.

Furthermore, XXXVIII could be partially deuterated at both the

5— and 6—positions on heating in acidic deuterium oxide solu­

tion. The infrared spectrum of this material showed a band at

2250 cm""^, indicative of vinyl C—D stretching^^, as well as

the saturated C—D stretching vibration at 211;0 cm""^.^^ This

strongly suggested that the deuterium was indeed located at

the 5—position in XXXIX, for a reasonable mechanism for ex­

change from a saturated carbon can be written only for this

a H y lic position.Proton attack at the 3—position of the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 15

tetrahydropyridine would form a symmetrical, resonance stabi­

lized carbonium ion which could eliminate a proton or deuteron,

explaining this rapid exchange of isotopes. This is shown in

Figure 2b.

On standing for two days in a mixture of sodium boro­

hydride and 1-methylpyridinium iodide dissolved in anhydrous

N,N—dimethylformamide and deuterium oxide, compound XXXVIII

did not becOTie deuterated as evidenced by ho changes in the

infrared spectrum of the recovered tetrahydropyridine. This

implied that XXXIX had not become deuterated by exchange

after reduction to the tetrahydropyridine had occurred. A

similar control experiment with the amine borane of XXXVIII

gave the same result. This indicated that the amine borane

would not exchange under the reaction conditions of the sodium

borohydride reduction.

The mass spectrum of the deuterated tetrahydropyridine,

XXXIX, exhibited its parent peak at 171; m/e corresponding to

the presence of one deuterium atom par molecule as the proton

magnetic resonance spectrum of XXXIX had already indicated.

The parent peak of XXXVIII appeared at 173 m/e. The appear—

ance of a peak at 115 m/e in the spectrum of XXXVIII and a

corresponding peak at 116 m/e in the spectrum of XXXIX was

interpreted to be indicative of the formation of PhCH(CH 2)2^

during the fragmentation of XXXVIII and the presence of

PhCHCHgCHD* during the fragm entation of XXXIX. The presence

of a peak a t liZ m/e in the spectra of both XXXIX and XXXVIII

was interpreted to be indicative of the formation of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 16

+ GH2=N=CH2 during the fragmentation of both compounds. These

data also suggested that the deuterium was located at the 5—

p o s itio n in XXXIX and th a t th is compound did not contain

deuterium in the 2— or 6—position, depending on the origin

of the k2 m/e fragm ent.

On the basis of the ultraviolet absorption spectral

studies and the isotopic investigation of the sodium boro­

hydride reduction of XXI, the gross mechanism of this reaction

may be written as shown in Figure 2a. The initial borohydride

attack occurred at the 2—position to give a 1, 2—dihydr©pyri­

dine (Structure A). This specie was then protonsted by the

solvent to give an immonium cation which underwent subsequent,

rapid reduction to the product. It should be noted that this

work did not distinguish between protonation of the 1-m ethyl—

i;—phenyl—1,2—d ih y d ropy rid ine (Structure A) at the 3—position

to give immonium cation B and protonation at the 5—position

to give immonium cation G or protonation at both positions to

give an equilibrium mixture of B and G.

The protonation of conjugated dienamines should be

comparable to the protonation of the anion from an oi , (9 —

unsaturated acid and therefore predicted by the correlation, 35 "Ingold's Rule”. Since a very weak acid (alcohol or water)

is responsible for the protonation and the subsequent reduc­

tion step is too rapid to allow equilibrium to be attained.

Ingold *3 Rule predicts that the product of the sodium boro­

hydride reduction of a conjugated dienamine would be formed

from proton attack at the central carbon atom of the dien—

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 17

amine system. Since the final step of the reduction is ex­

tremely rapid, the immonium ion formed preferentially in the

protonation step would be the kinetic product rather than

the thermodynamically more sta b le c a tio n .

Ingold's Rule would than predict that protonation of

dienamine A by the weak acid water would occur preferentially

a t the 5—position to give the kinetically favored product,

immonium cation C. Subsequent reduction of this specie would

give the observed product. 36 Johnson has reported that acetic acid protonated

the dienamine, 3—N—pyrrolidylcholestadiene—3,5 at the 5—

position during the sodium borohydride reduction of this com­

pound. This would be in accord with Ingold's Rule. Apparently

this protonation selectivity is lost with stronger proton 37 donors. Opitz and Merz have reported that while water and

acetic acid protonated 1—morpholin 0—3, 5 ,5“trimethylcyclohexa—

d ie ne—1,3 at the central position of the dienamine system,

hydrochloric and perchloric acids protonated the dienamine at

the terminal position.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 18






Fig. 2a. Mechanism fo r the Formation of the 1 ,2 ,5 ,6 - Tetrahydropyridine .

Ph Ph Ph


Pig. 2b. ' Acid Catalyzed Exchange Reaction of XXXIX.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 19

z i :

- "4 - Z U -

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 2 0

: I : : ! ; j i Hj 1^

IzdL : ; t ;

i i

: h.X-

liir 1-f! i r HT-:

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 21

Sodium borohydrlde reduction of 1 .k—dim ethvl—2—

phenvlpyrldlnlum Iodide (X IX )In an effort to gain further

support for the applicability of Ingold's Rule to the fate

of dlhydropyrldlnes In the sodium borohydrlde reduction of

pyrldlnlum Ions, the reduction of XIX was studied In aqueous

medium. Although a dlhydropyrldlne was not Isolated from the

reduction of XIX, it was presumed that the Initially formed

specie was a 1,6—dlhydropyrldlne rather than a 1,2—dihydro—

pyridine. Three points favored this assignment, the sterlc

Interference to hydride attack at the 2—position exerted by

the phenyl substituent, the formation of the 350 mp absorption

band when XIX was reduced with sodium borohydrlde In N,N—

dlmethylformamlde in the absorption cell of the ultraviolet

spectrophotometer, and the fact that reduction of 1,3,5—trl—

methyl—2—phenylpyrldlnlum iodide (XX) gave a 1,6—dlhydropyrl—

dine product which was Isolated.

The gas chromatographic analysis of the product ob­

tained from the reduction of XIX Indicated that It was homo­

geneous. The ultraviolet spectrum of this product ruled out

the possibilities of a 1,4,5,6- or 1,2,3,4—tetrahydropyrldlne

s tru c tu re , since the spectrum showed only fin e stru c tu re of

low extinction near 260 m^. Indicative of an unconjugated

phenyl substituent, and end absorption below 225 mp.. Indica­

tive of the absence of-c vinyl amine type structure. The

position of the double bond was revealed by the proton mag­

netic resonance spectrum of the tetrahydropyrldlne. The

spectrum showed a s in g le t at 7.35 ppm due to the resonance

of the aromatic hydrogens, a singlet at 5*45 ppm due to the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 22

vinyl hydrogen, a quartet at 3.22 ppm attributed to the ben-

zylic hydrogen, a multiplet at 2.95 ppm assigned to the

methylene at the 6—posltlon, a multiplet at 2.65 ppm due to

the methylene at the 3—position, a singlet at 2.05 ppm re­

sulting from the resonance of the IMnethyl hydrogens and a

singlet at 1.70 ppm due to the C—methyl hydrogens. The

relative peak areas were In exact agreement with these asslgnr-

ments. The fact that the benzyllc hydrogen was a quartet,

rather than a doublet, strongly suggested that the product was

1, 1|.—dimethyl—2—phenyl—1,2,3, 6—te trahydropyrIdine (XXXIII)

rather than Its 3,4 double bond Isomer. The 3,4 double bond

Isomer would have been expected to have given rise to an un­

mistakable doublet for the benzyllc hydrogen.

The result offered further evidence for the applica­

bility of Ingold's Rule to the position of protonation of the

dlenamlne system of a dlhydropyrldlne during the sodium boro­

hydrlde reduction (see Figure 3)* If It Is assumed that the

1,6—dlhydropyrldlne (Structure D) was Initially formed from

the reduction of XIX, It would appear that D was protonated

at the 3—posltlon to give the Intermediate product of kinetic

control, Immonlum cation E, which underwent rapid subsequent

reduction to the observed product XXXIIl before an equilibrium

state to favor the thermodynamically more stable Immonlum

cation F was established. Thus Intermediate 1,2— or 1,6—dl—

hydropyrldlnes are believed to undergo specific protonation

at the midpoint of the dlenamlne system by the protlc solvent

during the sodium borohydrlde reduction of pyrldlnlum Ions.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 23

The resulting immonlum cation Is believed to undergo Immedi­

ate reduction to the tetrahydropyridine product.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 24


Fig. 3. Hechanism for the Formation of the 1,2,3,6-Tetra- hydropyridine from the Sodium Borohydride Reduction of 2-Substituted Pyridinium Ions.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 25

Gas chromatographic analysis of sodium borohydrlde 9 reduction mixtures.— In view of the report by Perles that

the sodium borohydrlde reduction of a number of pyridinium

ions gave piperidines as well as tetrahydropyridines as pro­

ducts, it was desirable to determine whether or not this was

the case with the reductions studied in this work. For this

purpose, the material obtained from the sodium borohydrlde

reduction of a number of pyridinium ions was analyzed by gas

chromatography and infrared spectroscopy. The procedures

used for the sodium borohydride reductions are indicated in

the Experimental. The data obtained from the gas chromato­

graphic analysis of the reduction products are shown in


Initially the reduction of 1—butyl, 1—benzyl, 1—iso-

propyl, 1,3—dimethyl— and 1,3,5—trimethyIpyridinium halides was

investigated. - The gas chromatographic analysis of the product

mixtures obtained from the reduction of these pyridinium com­

pounds indicated the presence of a two component mixture in

each case. The component of longer retention time was sepa­

rated from each mixture by careful fractional distillation

with the exception of the mixture obtained from the reduction

of the 1—isopropyl pyridinium iodide. In each case the com­

ponent of longer retention time was shown to be the 1,2,5,6—

tetrahydropyrldlne by catalytic hydrogenation, infrared spec­

troscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy and melting points of

derivatives. The fact that these compounds could be hydro­

genated to the known piperidines confirmed the presence of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 26

u n sa tu ratio n . Tha fa c t th a t these compounds did not e x h ib it

ultraviolet absorption bands above 220 mp, with the exception

of the fine structure near 26o mp present in the 1—benzyl—

tetrahydropyrldlne, confirmed the 1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyrldlne

stru c tu re fo r each compound. This conclusion could be reached

on the basis of the report that a number of simple 1.5,6—

tetrahydronyridines have an absorption maximum near 228 mp ? 27 Tha fact that Wenkert has employed proton magnetic resonance

spectroscopy to show that a number of pyridinium ions with an

alkyl substituent at the 3—position are reduced by sodium

borohydride to the 1,2.5,6—tetrahydropyridine gave further

support for the assignment of this structure to the 1,3—di—

methyltetrahydropyridine obtained here. Further evidence for

the tetrahydropyrldlne structure was offered by tha presence

of a strong band near BOO cm""^ in the infrared spectrum of

each of these compounds which was not present in the corres­

ponding piperidine. A comparison of the of the

picrate obtained from the fraction assumed to be tetrahydro—

pyridine with that of the piepridine also indicated that these

were different compounds. The melting points of the tetra—

hydropyridine derivatives are given in TABLE V and those of the

corresponding piperidines are shown in TABLE VIII.

Since the fractional distillation of the mixture ob­

tained from the reduction of the 1—isopropyl pyridinium io­

dide (X) did not give a good separation, a picrate of the crude

material was obtained and subjected to fractional recrystal— 0 lization. This procedure gave a picrate, m.p. 149—151 , which

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 27

0 was identical with the picrate, m.p. 150—151 , obtained from

1—isopropylpiperidine(XII). A second p ic ra te , m.p. 134” 136°,

was also obtained. This was the picrate of 1—isopropyl—1,2,


The component of shorter retention time in each mix­

ture of reduction products was shown to be the piperidine

product. It was identical in retention time to the pure

piperidine obtained from the catalytic hydrogenation of the

corresponding 1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine. Retention times of

the pure piperidine and the piperidine present in the sodium

borohydride reduction mixture ware also compared by diluting

the mixture with the pure piperidine. The resulting sample

was then chromatographed. The chromatogram obtained in this

way did not exhibit new peaks but rather an increase in the

relative peak area of the peak of shorter retention time.

Infrared spectra of these mixtures were identical with those

of the original sodium borohydride reduction mixtures with

the exception of slight intensity changes in some of the bands.

In contrast to the reduction of the pyridinium ions

indicated above, the reduction of 4—phenylpyridine methiodide

(XXI), If-me thy Ipy rid ine methiodide (XIV) and 4-^@ th y l—2—phenyl-

pyridine methiodide (XIX) gave a single product in each case.

The gas chromatogram of each reduction product exhibited a

single sharp peak. The product obtained frcan the reduction of

XIV was shown to be the 1 ,2 ,5 ,6 —tetrahydropyridine by cataly ­

tic hydrogenation to the corresponding piperidine. The infra—

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 28

red and ultraviolet spectra of the tetrahydropyrldlne were in

accord with the structural assignment as were the melting

points of its derivatives. The structural assignments to the

products obtained from XXI and XIX have already been discussed.

Since the reduction of XIX appeared to give only a

single tetrah y d ro p y rld ln e, i t became d e sirab le to study the

reduction of 2—phenylpyridine methiodide (XVIII) as a further

check for the possible formation of double bond isomers of the

tetrahydropyrldlne. Gas chromatographic analysis of the

material obtained from the sodium borohydride reduction of

XVII revealed the presence of two products; however, one of

these products was identical in retention time to 1-methyl—2—

phenylpiperidine (XLVIII) which was obtained from the cataly­

tic hydrogenation of the sodium borohydride reduction material.

The ultraviolet and proton magnetic resonance spectra of the

other component of the mixture indicated that it was 1-methyl—

2—phenyl—1,2 ,3 ,6 —tetrah y d ro p y rid in e (XXXI). The u ltr a v io le t

absorption spectrum of XXXI showed only fine structure of low

extinction near 26o mp and end absorption below 225 m^j, in­

dicative of an unconjugated phenyl substituent. These data

eliminated 1-methyl—2—phenyl—1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyridine as a 39 possible structure, since Buchel has reported that this

compound has an u ltr a v io le t ab sorption band a t 275 m^. The

proton magnetic resonance spectrum of XXXI confirmed the 1,2,

3,6—tetrahydropyridine structure. The spectrum contained a

broad peak at 5.85 ppm due to the vinyl hydrogen, a quartet

a t 3.32 ppm due to the benzylic hydrogen, a multiplet at 3*05

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 29

ppm due to the methylene at the 6—position, a multiplet at

2.43 ppm assigned to the methylene at the 3—position and a

singlet at 2.19 ppm resulting from the hydrogens of the N—

methyl group. The benzyllc hydrogen quartet confirmed the 1,

2,3,6—tetrahydropyrldlne structure.

Further evidence that the other component of the

mixture obtained from the sodium borohydride reduction of

XVII was a p ip erid in e and not a double bond isomer of the

tetrahydropyrldlne was obtained by a comparison of the in­

frared spectrum of the original reduction mixture with that

of a mixture prepared by diluting the tetrahydropyrldlne,

XXXI, with the pure piperidine, XLVIII. These spectra were

identical. A gas chromatogram of this prepared mixture was

also identical with that of the original reduction mixture.

The piperidine again exhibited the shorter retention time.

These results led to the question of whether or not

the sodium borohydride reduction of appropriately substituted

pyridinium ions would give sterically homogeneous or steri—

cally inhomogeneous products. For this purpose the reductions

of 1,3,5—trimethyl—2—phenylpyridinium iodide (XX) and 1,3—

dimethyl—2—phenylpyridinium iodide (XVIII) were studied.

The gas chromatographic analysis of the material ob­

tained from tha borohydride reduction of XVIII revealed four

products. Two of these were identical in retention time to

the products of the catalytic hydrogenation of this sodium

borohydride reduction mixture and thus were isomeric piperi­

dines. The two remaining products were either geometrical

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 30

isomers of 1,3-dimethyl—2—phenyl—1,2,3,6—tetrahydropyridine

(XXXII) or a m ixture of XXXII and i t s 3,4—double bond isomer.

The former alternative is preferred by analogy to the products

obtained from the reduction of 4"^othyl—2—phenyl— and 2—phenyl-

pyridine methiodide, XIX and XVII respectively. The possibility

that one of the products was a 1,4,5,6— or a 1,2,3,4—tetra—

hydropyridine was eliminated by inspection of the ultraviolet

absorption spectrum of the borohydride reduction mixture. This

spectrum showed only fin e stru c tu re of low ex tin ctio n near 260

m^ and end absorption below 220 m}i, indicating the presence of

an unconjugated phenyl substituent and the absence of a vinyl

amine type structure. These data suggested that the sodium

borohydride reduction of the pyridinium ion is non—sterôo-

specific with respect to both tetrahydropyridine and piperidine

formation. The borohydride reduction of XX further supported

this belief.

The gas chromatographic analysis of the material ob­

tained from the reduction of 1,3,5—trimethyl—2—phenylpyri—

dinium iodide (XX) with sodium borohydride revealed that it

was a m ixture of five compounds. Three of these compounds

(three shortest retention times) were identical in retention

time to three of the four isomeric piperidines obtained from

the catalytic hydrogenation of 1,3,5—trimethyl—2—phenyl—1,6—

dihydropyridine (XIV). The two remaining peaks in the gas

chromatogram of the metal hydride reduction mixture were

assigned to geometrical isomers of 1,3,5—trimethyl—2—pheny1—

1,2,3,6—tetrahydropyrldlne (XXXIV) rather than to double bond

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 31

Isomers of XXXIV. The ultraviolet spectrum of XXXIV did not

allow for a 1,4,5,6— or 1,2,3,4—tetrahydropyridine, since it

showed only fin e s tru c tu re of low e x tin c tio n near 260 mp. and

end absorption below 225 m^. The presence of a 1,2,5,6—

tetrahydropyrldlne could not be vigorously excluded but would

seem u n lik ely by analogy to the reduction of XIX and XVII.

These data gave further evidence for the non—stereospecific

nature of this type of reduction. A similar conclusion has 9 been reached by Ferles for tne reduction of 1,2,6—trimethyl—

pyridinium iodide.

Further information about the nature of this reduc­

tion was obtained by the inspection of the relative yields of

piperidine and tetrahydropyrldlne shown in TABLE V. These

data are summarized hare. Inspection of these data revealed

that the piperidine percentage increased from 5 to 12 to 28

percent as the 1-substituent was varied from a butyl group

(XXXIX) to a benzyl group (XXX) to an isopropyl group (XXVIII).

S ub strates w ith both a 1— and a 3—su b s titu e n t, XXV and XXXII,

had relatively large percentages of piperidine, 30 percent and

52 percent respectively. Substrates with both a 3— and a 5—

substituent had a much lower piperidine content, XXXIV had

l8 percent and XXXVII had 11 percent. As previously mentioned,

substrates with 4—substituents, XXXIII, XXXVI and XXXVIII, had

no detectable piperidine content. The piperidine content in

tha reduction mixture obtained from 1,2,6—trimethylpyridinium

iodide (XVI) was estim ated to be 44 percent by proton magnetic

resonance spectroscopy. This was based on a comparison of the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 32

integrals of the vinyl hydrogen peak and the Nnnethyl peak.

Although the presence of piperidine in the product

mixtures obtained from sodium borohydride reduction of pyri—

dinium ions may be accounted for by a number of plausible

mechanisms, it would appear reasonable to assume that the

piperidine resulted from an initial borohydride attack at the

4—position of the pyridinium ion rather than at the 2— or 6—

positions. A 1,4—bihydropyridine formed in this way would be

expected to undergo complete reduction to the piperidine,

since it possesses a double enamine system rather than a di—

enamine system. The reduction of the 1,4—dihydropyridine would

then be analogous to the second and third steps postulated for

the reduction of the 1,2-dihydropyridine to the tetrahydropyri—

dine except that the process would occur twice in order to

obtain the piperidine. This mechanism is shown in Figure 4»

The isolation of a small amount of 1,4-dihydropyridine

from the reduction of 3,5—diphenylpyridine methiodide (XXII)

and from the reduction of ethyl 5—bromonicotinate methiodide

(XXV) confirmed the fact that 1,4—dihydropyridines are formed

during the sodium borohydride reduction of pyridinium ions.

If it is assumed that the piperidine was formed

through the 1,4—dihydropyridine, some significance can be

attached to the gas chromatography data. Thus as the steric

interference of the 1—substituent on borohydride attack at

the 2— or 6—positions increased, the relative yield of piperi­

dine also increased. The 1—butylpyridinium bromide (XI) gave

5 percent piperidine, 1—benzylpyridinium bromide (XII)gave

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 33

12 percent piperidine and 1—isopropyIpyridinium iodide (X)

gave 28 percent piperidine.

The effect of substituents at other ring positions

on the amount of piperidine formation appeared to be more

complex. Thus 1,3—dimethyl pyridinium iodide (XIII) gave

30 percent piperidine. This, however, may be an unusual

case, since the major unsaturated product was 1,3—dimethy1—

1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine(XXXV), indicating that the initial

hydride attack occurred at the more hindered 2—position,

rather than at tha relatively unhindered 6—position. This

curious result has also been observed for the phenyllithium

addition to 3-fnethylpyridine, where the predominant product 23 was 3—methyl—2—phenylpyridine. This may account for the

high percentage of piperidine obtained from the reduction of

XIII, since the 4—position is relatively unhindered as com­

pared to the 2—position. In the case of 1,4—dimathy1pyri—

dinium iodide (XIV), where the 4—position is blocked, no trace

of piperidine could be detected. On the other hand, blocking

both the 2— and 6—positions did not prohibit tetrahydropyri-

dine formation completely as evidenced by the product com­

position (44 percent piperidine) obtained from the reduction

of 1,2,6—trime thyIpyridinium iodide(XVI). This is interpreted

to mean that attack at the 2— or 6—positions is favored over

attack at the 4—position, electronically as well as statis­

t i c a l l y .

In the case of 1,3,5—trimethylpyridinium iodide (XV),

the steric interference to attack at the 4—position and the

equivalent 2— and 6—positions should be in the same order of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 34

magnitude. The 12 percent piperidine obtained from the

sodium borohydride reduction of XV indicated more than a

statistical preference for hydride attack adjacent to the

n itro g e n .

The data for 2—phenylpyridine methiodide (XVII) gave

a better separation of the statistical and electronic factors.

If it is assumed that the phenyl substituent prevents attack

at the 2—position, then the statistical probability of attack

at the 4“ or 6—position becomes equal. Compound XVII gav.e-

only 8 percent piperidine, indicating a strong electronically

directed preference for hydride attack to occur at the 6—

position. The 4““Sobstituted member of the 2—phenylpyridine

methiodide series, XIX, gave no trace of piperidine, indi­

cating again the ability of a 4—substituent to prevent any

detectable amount of piperidine formation.

The sodium borohydride reduction of 1,3,5—trimethyl—

2—phenylpyridinium iodide (XV) gave 18 percent piperidine.

It would appear that attack at either the 4~ or 6—position

would be subject to similar steric interactions, so that the

electronic preference for attack at the 6—position predominated.

In this case protonation of either a 1,6— or 1,4—dihydropyridine

would also be subject to steric interference by the methyl

groups at the 3— and 5—positions. This steric interference

should be of the same order of magnitude in each case.

The reduction of 1,3—dimethyl—2—phenyIpyridinium iodide

(XVIII) was a particularly interesting case, since the piperi­

dine products predominated in a 52 percent relative yield.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 35

The buttressing affect of the phenyl substituent adjacent to

two methyl groups may exert a greater steric effect on the

6—position than it would appear. However, it should be noted

that protonation of the 3—position of the 1,6—dihydropyridine

would be seriously hindered by the combined bulk effect of

the 2—phenyl and the 3-methyl substituents. On the other

hand, protonation of the 1,4—dihydropyridine and subsequent

reduction to a 1,4,5,6—tetrahydropyridine would be relatively

unhindered. This specie could then reduce slowly to the

piperidine. A rapid reduction of the 1,4—dihydropyridine

coupled with a relatively slow reduction of the 1,6—dihydro—

pyridine might have permitted some of the latter isomer to

either rearrange or serve as a hydride source for reduction

of other species in the solution. -%at dihydropyridines in

solution may serve as reducing agents has bean postulated by

Lansbury.^^ This presumably would involve the dihydropyri—

dine acting as a source of hydride ion.

It perhaps would be best to state simply that these

data show that piperidine formation can become important as

a result of steric interference to attack by the borohydride

at 2— and/or 6—position. In all the cases studied it would

appear that initial borohydride attack at a position adjacent

to tha nitrogen was strongly electronically favored.

Catalytic hydrogenation of tetrahydropyridines.— Tha

reference samples of piperidines used for the gas chromato­

graphic analysis of the sodium borohydride reduction mixtures

ware obtained from the catalytic hydrogenation of these mix—

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 36


Pyridinium 1 , 4 , 5 ,6- Ion pyridine Tetrahydropyridine

HgO » R


Fig. 4. Mechanism for the Formation of Piperidine from the. Sodium Borohydride Reduction of Pyridinium Ions.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 37

turss or from tha hydrogenation of the pure tetrahydropyri—

dines. Tha physical properties of these piperidines are in­

dicated in T^BL3 VIII. The gas chromatographic analysis of

the material obtained from the hydrogenation of 1—isopropyl—,

1—butyl—, 1—benzyl—, 1,3—dimethyl—, 1, l^—d ime thyl j 1-raethyl—2—

phenyl— and l,!^.—dimethyl—2—phenyltetrahydropyridlne indicated

a single product in each case. The gas chromatographic analy­

sis of the material obtained from the hydrogenation of the

sodium borohydride reduction mixture obtained from 1,3—dimethyl-

2—phenylpyridinium iodide Indicated the presence of two piperi­

dine isomers. The reference sample of 1,3,5—trimethyl—2—

phenylpiperidine(XLIX) was prepared from the catalytic hydro­

genation of 1,3,5—trimethyl—2—phenyl—1,6—dihydropyridine (LIV).

The hydrogenation product was shown to be a mixture of four

isomeric piperidines by gas chromatographic analysis. It

should be noted that in all tha examples studied, the piperi­

dines always exhibited a shorter retention time than the cor­

responding tetrahydropyridines.

Infrared spectra of tetrahydropyridines.- Since in­

frared spectroscopy was used as supporting evidence for the

presence of piperidines in the sodium borohydride reduction

m ixtures, some fu rth e r comments on how tetrah y dropyridines

and piperidines can be distinguished by infrared spectroscopy

are presented here.

The infrared spectra of the tetrahydropyridines pre­

pared in this study ware quite similar to the corresponding

piperidines in most regions of the spectrum. Since the only

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 36

major structural difference between the two classes of com­

pounds is the vinyl hydrogen contained in the tetrahydro—

pyridine, the vinyl C—H out of plane bending vibration would

be expected to be the most characteristic infrared band use­

ful in distinguishing between the tetrahydropyridine and its

corresponding piperidine,^ The 1000 to 750 cm~^ region of

the infrared spectrum was, in fact, the only region in which

a c le a r cut d is tin c tio n between the two cla sses of compounds

could be made. The bands shown in column 1 of TABLE VI were

assigned to the vinyl C—H out of plane bending vibration of

tha indicated tetrahydropyridines. This was the strongest

or only band in the 1000—750 cm*“^ region of the tetrahydro—

pyridine spectrum which was not present in the spectrum of

tha corresponding piperidine. Other bands which were found

in the spectra of certain tetrahydropyridines in this region

which did not appear in the spectra of the corresponding

piperidines are shown in columns 2,3 and ij. of TABLE VI. The

spectra of tetrahydropyridines with two cis vinyl hydrogens

normally exhibited a band near 800 cm””^, while the spectra

of tetrahydropyridines with a single vinyl hydrogen usually

contained a band near 825 cm”^.

Preparation and identification of dihydropyridines.

During the course of this investigation it was found that the

reduction of certain 3,5—disubstituted pyridinium ions with

sodium borohydride gave only dihydropyridines as products.

These products were sufficiently stable to permit accurate

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 39

structural assignments to be made and to permit a study of

some of the reactions of this type of compound to be carried

out. That these compounds did not undergo further reduction

to the tetrahydropyridine was interpreted in terms of both an

electronic and a steric resistance of this type of dlenamlne

system to protonation by the solvent medium.

The sodium borohydride reduction of 3,5—diphenylpyri­

dine methiodide (XXII) in aqueous N,N—dimethylformamlde gave

an essentially quantitative yield of a mixture composed of

75 percent 1-methyl—3,5—diphenyl—1,2-dihydropyridine (L) and

25 percent of 1-methyl—3,5—diphenyl—l,i|—dlhydropyrldlne (LI).

The relative percentages were determined by proton magnetic

resonance spectroscopy. Compound L was obtained in a pure

state by repeated recrystallization of this mixture from iso-

propanol. A pure sample of LI was obtained from a sodium

dithlonite reduction of XXII in aqueous sodium bicarbonate

solution. The dithlonite reduction of pyridinium ions has

been shown to be specific for the preparation of l,i|.—dihydro- 14-2 p y rid ln e s .

The structural assignments given to L and LI were

based principally on their respective proton magnetic reso­

nance spectra. The appearance of a singlet which integrated

for two hydrogens at ppm in the spectrum of L and a

similar singlet at 3.69 ppm in tha spectrum of LI suggested

that L contained a methylene adjacent to the nitrogen while

LI did not. The spectrum of L exhibited two peaks at 6.82

ppm and 7*09 ppm which were conveniently assigned to the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ko

resonance of two nonequlvalant vinyl protons. Each peak had

an integral which corresponded to one hydrogen. The spec­

trum of LI exhibited only a singlet at 6.87 which integrated

for two hydrogens. This indicated that LI had two equiva­

lent vinyl hydrogens and therefore must have the I,!*.—dihydro—

pyridine structure. The detailed spectra of L and LI are

given in TABLE XI.

Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy, techniques

often used to assign structures to dihydropyridines, gave an

ambiguous result with L and LI. The spectra of both L and

LI exhibited a long wavelength band near kOS with a shoulder

near if.25 mp. The spectrum of LI, however, exhibited much more

intense absorption in this region. The ultraviolet spectrum

of L contained bands a t 310 and 257 m p , while tha spectrum

of LI exhibited bands at 297 and 2I4.9 mp with a shoulder at

266 mu. Thus the spectra of L and LI were quite similar. 19 Traber and Karrer have reported that the spectrum

of 1,2, if., 6—tetram e th y l—3 ,5—d ic a rb oe thoxy—1,2—d ihyd ropy rid ine

exhibited maxima a t 290 and 38O mju, while the spectrum of

the corresponding 1, if.—d ihyd ropy rid ine exhibited maxima at 260

and 3if-8 mp. The f a c t th a t the spectra of both L and LI

showed the same long wavelength maximum is interpreted to

mean that extention of conjugation through the nitrogen (the

nitrogen being in some respects similar to an ethylenic bond)

is important in the case of the 1,if.—dihydropyridine, LI.^^

The infrared spectra of L and LI were also quite

similar (see TABLE XII). Tne most useful region of the in-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 41

frared spectrum for the characterization of dihydropyridines

is the region from 1700 to 1500 cm""^. Dihydropyridines have

strong absorption bands in this region which are not normally

present in the corresponding pyridinium salts or tetrahydro—

pyridines.^ The infrared spectrum of L exhibited three strong

bands a t 1635, 1595, and 1555 cm”^. The spectrum of the 1,4“

d ihydropyrid ine, LI, showed strong bnads at 1685, 1625, and

I6l0 cm”"^. These bands are presumably associated with tha

carbon-carbon double bond stretching frequencies of the di—

hydropyridine system.

The fact that only dihydropyridines were obtained

from the sodium borohydride reduction of XXII illustrated

the ability of the phenyl substituents at the 3“ and 5—posi­

tions to prevent further reduction of the dihydropyridine

system. This was most lik e ly both a s te ric and an e le c tro n ic

effect. The ability of bulky substituents at both the 3—

and 5—positions to prevent further reduction of a dihydro—

pyridine was further illustrated by the following example.

The sodium borohydride reduction of ethyl 5—bromo—

nicotinate methiodide (XXV) in aqueous methanol gave, in high

yield, a mixture of 90 percent ethyl 1-methyl—5—bromo—1,6—

dihydronicotinate (LII) and 10 percent ethyl 1-methyl—5—bromo-

1,4—dihydronicotinste (LIII). The relative percentages were

determined by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The

presence of a 1,2—dihydropyridine or a tetrahydropyrldlne was

not detected. This was in contrast to the product composition 17 reported by Kinoshita for the sodium borohydride reduction

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. U2

of ethyl nicotinate methiodide. This methiodide was reported

to give rise to both the 1,2— and the 1,6—dihydronicotinates

when the reduction was performed in aqueous

solution, while the 1,6—dihydronicotinate and the 1,2,5,6—

tetrahydrcnicotinate were obtained when the reduction was run

in aqueous methanol. It would appear that the 1,2—dihydro—

nicotinate underwent further reduction to the 1,2,5,6—tetra—

hydronicotinate in the methanolic medium while the 1,6—dihydro—

nicotinate isomer was stable toward further reduction in this

medium. This would be in accord with Ingold's Rule, since the

carboethoxy group at the 3—position would block the protona—

tion of the latter isomer at tha central position of its dien—

amine system and consequently prevent its further reduction to

a tetrahydronicotinate. Kinoshita did not report the forma­

tion of a 1,4—dihydronicotinate in this work.

The absence of a tetrahydropyrldlne from the reduction

of XXV would then appear to be consistent with the absence of

the 1,2—dlhydropyrldlne, since both the 3- and the 5—positions

are substituted in this case. This might suggest that the

formation of the 1,6>- and 1,4—dihydropyridines, LII and LIII

respectively, was kinetically favored or that the initial

hydride a tta c k on XXV was re v e rsib le and L II and L III were

the thermodynamically more stable isomers. An alternative

explanation would be that the 1,2—dihydropyridine was formed

in significant quantities but would not reduce further to the

tetrahydropyrldlne due to the steric hindrance to protonation

exerted by 5—bromo substituent. This would require that the

initial hydride attack be reversible or that the 1,2—dihydro-

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 43

pyridine be a source of hydride ion for the reduction of

other species in the solution. The existing data did not

distinguish between these possibilities.

The structures of LII and LIII were originally

assigned on the basis of their ultraviolet spectra. The

spectrum of LII exhibited bands at 268 and 355 mp, while the

spectrum of LIII exhibited a single band in this region at

360 my. This was in good agreement with the ultraviolet spec­

tra reported by Nelson^^ and by Wallenfels^^ for a large

number of 1,4“ and 1,6—dihydropyridines containing carbonyl 17 substituents at the 3—position. Kinoshita reported that

the spectrum of ethyl 1—methyl—1,6—dihydronicotinate con­

tained bands at 263 and 362 mu , while the spectrum of ethyl

1-methyl—1,1;—dihydronicotinate exhibited a single band in this

region a t 363 mu. The spectrum of the 1,2—dihydronicotinate

was reported to have a long wavelength band at 1;25 mp. The

spectra of a number of other 1,2—dihydropyridines have been

reported to have a long wavelength band near 425 mu.^^ Neither

the spectrum of LII nor the spectrum of LIII exhibited absorp­

tion bands in the region from 36 O to 750 mp. The l,li—dihydro—

pyridine, LIII, was also prepare-^ from a dithlonite reduction

of XXV.

The proton magnetic resonance spectra of LII and LIII

supported the structural assignments. A singlet appeared in

the spectrum of LII at 3«92 ppm which had an integral cor­

responding to two protons. A similar singlet in the spectrum

of LIII appeared at 3.13 ppm. This suggested that LII con—

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 44

tained a methylene group adjacent to the nitrogen while LIU

did not. The spectrum of LII had singlets at 6.1+2 and 6.97

ppm'due to the resonance of the two nonequivalent vinyl pro­

tons. The spectrum of LIU exhibited similar peaks at 5*79

and 6.65 ppm. The complete spectra of LII and L IU are given


The infrared spectra of the 1,6—dihydropyridine, LII,

and its 1,L|.—dihyd ropy rid ine isomer, LIU, were typical of di—

hydropyridines but did not clearly oxstinguish between the

two structures. Tae major bands of each spectrum are shown

in TABLE XII. Nelson^^ has reported that a number of l,4-“*

dihydropyridine3 with a carbonyl substituent in the 3—position

exhibited a carbonyl stretching frequency which was shifted

some 60 cm"“^ toward lower frequency from the parent quaternary

salt. Ihis shift was attributed to a loss of carbonyl charac­

ter due to a strong electronic interaction between the nitro­

gen and the carbonyl substituent through the polarized 2,3—

double bond. The infrared spectra of LII and LIU exhibited

a similar effect. Ihe carbonyl stretching frequency in the

spectrum of the parent salt, XXV, appeared at 1740 cm””^. The

corresponding stretching frequencies in the spectra of LII

and L IU appeared a t 1665 and 1685 cm""^ resp ec tiv e ly . The

spectrum of LII also exhibited bands a t 1635 and 1595 cm“^,

while the spectrum of LIU contained a band at I6l5 cm“*^.

These bands were probably due to the stretching frequencies

of the carbon—carbon double bonds of the dienamine system.

Although the sodium borohydride reduction of 1,3,5—

Reproduced with permission of the copyrightowner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 45

trimathyl—2—phenylpyridinlum iodide (XX) and 1,3—dimethy1—

2—phenylpyridinium iodide (XVIII) normally gave a mixture of

piperidines and tetrahydropyridines, it was possible to

partially stop the reduction at the dihydropyridine stage by

running the reduction in 25 percent sodium carbonate solution.

Presumably, the dihydropyridine did not undergo further re­

duction due to i t s low s o lu b ility in th is medium.

The reduction of XX in aqueous sodium carbonate solu­

tion gave 1,3,5—trim ethyl—2—phenyl—1,6—dihydropyridine (LIV).

The instability of LIV made its purification extremely diffi­

cult. Gas chromatographic analysis of the purest sample of

LIV which was obtained indicated that 10 percent of an im­

purity was still present. On the basis of retention time,

this was probably 1,3,5—trim ethyl—2—phenyl—1,2,3, 6-tetrahydro—

pyridine (XXXIV). The structure of LIV was assigned on the

basis of its proton magnetic resonance spectrum which showed

a 5 to 1 aromatic to vinyl proton integral and a singlet at

3.65 ppm which in teg rated f o r two hydrogens and was assigned

to the methylene group at the 6—position. Two strong bands

at 1680 and I 636 cm“^ in the infrared spectrum of LIV also

suggested a dihydropyridine structure.

The ultraviolet spectrum of LIV exhibited two absorp­

tion bands at 325 and 2iji|. m|i in . Addition of dilute

hydrochloric acid shifted the 325 mja band to 276 m 31 w ith a

slight increase in extinction. Since the 276 mpi band was

consistent with a 2—phenyl—1,4,5,6—te trahydropyrid ine struc­

ture^^, it appeared that LIV had the 1,6-dihydropyridine

structure .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 46

Ph. ■Ph V RX 1 CH, CH.

^ X = I, XXII X = Br, XXIII X = Cl, XXIV XX = HBr, SOgCl, CgH-COCl, CE,I Ph ■Ph


Fig. 5. Preparations and Reactions of the 3,5-Diphenyl- dihydropyridine8.


BH,“ CH,

XXV B ill HBr ^2°4' sU COO'H Br^_X<:^CüOEt

CH, I OIU Br j


Fig. 6. Preparations and Reaction of the Ethyl 5-Bro^o- dihydronicotinates.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. kl

The reduction of XVIII in aqueous sodium carbonate

solution save a mixture which contained material believed to

be 1,3—dimethyl—2—phenyl—1,6—dihydropyridine(LV). This com­

pound was not well characterized due to its rapid decomposi­

tion during attempts to purify it. The infrared spectrum of

the crude material exhibited strong absorption bands at 1670

and 16^.0 cm“^. The ultraviolet spectrum of LV contained an

absorption band at 330 mjx in alcohol which shifted to 268 mju

on acidification of the solution. It was assumed that LV

also had the 1,6—dihydropyridine structure on the basis of

the similarity of its spectral properties to those of LIV.

Reactions of dihydropyridines.— It is a well estab—

lished fact that dihydropyridines are sensitive to oxidatlon^^'^^

Dihydropyridines have been found to act as reducing agents for 4 4 ii5 such compounds as nitrobenzene , hexachloroacetone , and 46 bromoforra. Free radical mechanisms as well as ionic mecha­

nisms have been postulated for these reactions.

It was observed that both 1-methyl—3,5—diphenyl—1,2—

dihydropyridine (L) and its 1,4—dihydropyridine isomer, LI,

could be readily reoxidized to the parent pyridinium ion. Thus

treatment of a benzene solution of either L or LI with an­

hydrous hydrogen bromide resulted in a vigorous reaction from

which 3,5-diphenylpyridine methobromide (XXIII) precipitated

quantitatively. The identity of the product was proven by

m elting p o in t, in frared and u ltr a v io le t spectra and by a mix­

ture melting point with authentic XXIII. The spectra of the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 48

product ware Identical to those of authentic XXIII and the

mixture melting point showed no depression.

Treatment of the dihydropyridine L with thionyl

chloride in dry benzene gave a quantitative yield of 3,5—

diphenylpyridine m ethochloride (XXIV). The same compound,

XXIV, was obtained from the reaction of L with benzoyl chlo­

ride in dry benzene. The only other product which was iso­

lated from the latter reaction was . The pyri—

dinium ion product, XXIV, from these two reactions was

identified by its melting point and by the identity of its

ultraviolet and infrared spectra with those of authentic

XXIV prepared from 3,5—diphenylpyridine and methyl chloride.

Methyl iodide also converted dihydropyridine L to 3,5—di­

phenyl pyridine methiodide (XXII) which was identical in all

ways with an authentic sample of this methiodide prepared by

treating 3,5—diphenylpyridine with methyl iodide.

An attempt was made to obtain a Diels—Alder adduct

from dihydropyridine L and tetracyanoethylene; however, it

appeared that the dihydropyridine L reduced the highly elec­

tron deficient ethylenic double bond of the tetracyanoethy—

lene. The only product which could be isolated from this

reaction was pyridinium salt of 3,5-diphenylpyridine with a

complex anion containing a cyano group. The presence of the

pyridinium ring was evident from the fact that treatment of

this compound with sodium borohydride regenerated dihydro-

pyridine L. The infrared spectrum ôf the pyridinium compound

contained bands at 2200 and 2l 80 cm”^ indicating the presence

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 49

of the cyano groups In the anion. The elemental analysis

indicated that elements other than carbon, hydrogen, and

nitrogen were present. No further attempt was made to idenr-

tify the structure of the anion.

In contrast to dihydropyridines L and LI, ethyl 1—

methyl—5—brom0-1,6—dihydronicotinate (LII) and ethyl 1-methyl—

5—bromo-1,4—dihydronicotInate (LIII) appeared to have strikingly

different chemical properties. Treatment of LIII with anhydrous

hydrogen bromide in dry benzene gave a black tar, while similar

treatment of LII in dry benzene gave a yellow oil which crys­

tallized on standing. This material was subsequently identi­

fied as nicotinic acid methobromide (XXVI). The proton mag­

netic resonance, infrared and ultraviolet spectra of this

material were identical with those of an authentic sample of

XXVI prepared by the hydrolysis of ethyl nicotine te metho—

bromide. A mixture melting point of the methobromide obtained

from the reaction of LII with hydrogen bromide and the metho—

bromide obtained from the hydrolysis reaction showed no de—

pre 3 3 i on.

It would appear that the strong acid, hydrogen bro­

mide, protonated the enamine system of LII at the terminal

position to form an immonium cation. Subsequent loss of the

elements of hydrogen and bromine and hydrolysis of the ester

would have given the observed product. Evidence for the pro—

tonation of LII at the 5-position was obtained by running the

reaction with deuterium bromide. Partially deuterated hydrogen

bromide was generated by dropping deuterium oxide into phos­

phorous tribromide. The proton magnetic resonance spectrum of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 50

the product was identical to that of pure XJCVI with the ex­

ception of a 50 percent decrease in peak area of the triplet

at 4*0 ppm assigned to the hydrogen at the 5—position in XXVI,

This would suggest that protonation did occur at the 5—

position of the dihydropyridine LII.

A crystalline Diels—Alder adduct (LVI) was obtained

by treatement of a benzene solution of LII with N—phenylmale—

Imide. The infrared spectrum of the adduct exhibited an ester

carbonyl band at 1740 cm*"^. The ultraviolet spectrum of LVI

exhibited a single absorption band at 212 mp (d —6,990).

Ihese spectral data suggested that the add’ict contained a 1,

2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine structure as would be expected. The

elemental analyses were correct for a 1:1 adduct of LII and

N—phenylmale imide.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 51


The types of products obtained from the sodium boro—

hydride reduction of a number of pyridinium ions were found

to be dependent on the nature and position of ring substi­

tuents. These results were interpreted in terms of steric

and electronic effects. Tie results are summarized below.

1. The reduction of 1—substituted pyridinium ions gave rise

to a mixture of 1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine and the cor­

responding piperidine. The relative percentage of

piperidine was dependent on the steric bulk of the 1—sub—

s t i t u e n t .

2. The 4—substituted pyridinium ions gave only the tetra—

hydropyridine product.

3. The 2—substituted pyridinium ions were reduced to a mix­

ture of 1,2,3,6—tetrahydropyridine and piperidine.

4. Reduction of the methiodides of 3,5-dimethyIpyridina, 3—

methylpyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyridine gave a mixture of

1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine and piperidine. The percentage

of p ip erid in e increased in the order th a t the compounds

are listed.

5. Ethyl 5-bromonicotinate methiodide was reduced to a mix­

ture of the corresponding 1,6— and 1,4—dihydropyridines.

6. 3,5—diphenylpyridine methiodide was reduced to a mixture

of the corresponding 1,2— and 1,4—dihydropyridines.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 52

7. The reduction to the tetrahydropyridine occurred through

the 1,2—dihydropyridine, while the reduction to the

piperidine occurred through the 1,4—dihydropyridine.

8. Protonation of dihydropyridines was shown to be impor­

tant in further reduction of these species to tetrahydro—

pyridines and piperidines. Protonation of the 1,2—di—

hydropyridine system by weak acids (water, alcohol)

occurred by kinetic control at the central position of

the dienamine system during the reduction to the tetra—


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 53


Melting points were determined on a Kofler hot stage

apparatus and are uncorrected.

Infrared spectra were determined on a Perkin-Elmer

Model 137B Infracord Spectrophotometer and on a Perkin-Elmer

Model 21 Infrared Spectrophotometer equipped with sodium

chloride optics. Infrared spectra of liquid samples were

determined neat, as films. Spectra of solid materials were

determined as mulls in Halocarbon oil (from 4000 cm"^ to

1300 cm"^) and in Nujol (from 1300 cm”^ to 600 cm~^) unless

otherwise indicated.

Ultraviolet and visible spectra were determined on

a Perkin-Elmer Model 4000 Spectracord Recording Spectrophoto­

meter. Spectra were determined in spectral grade methanol

unless otherwise indicated.

Proton magnetic resonance spectra were determined

w ith a Varian Model A-60 proton resonance spectrom eter.

Solvents and conditions are indicated with each spectrum

re p o rte d .

Elemental analyses were by Schwartzkopf Microanalyti-

c a l L aboratories, Woodside,- New York.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 54


3«5~Dlmethyl-2-phenylpyrldine (I).- Phenyllithiim

was prepared from lithium (7 g .) and bromobenzene (78 g ,) in

anhydrous ether under dry nitrogen, A solution of 3,5-di­

methyl pyri dine (48 g .) in anhydrous ether (65 m l.) was added

dropwise with stirring to the ethereal phenyllithium solution.

After the addition was completed, the ether was removed by

distillation and simultaneously replaced with dry toluene.

The toluene solution was stirred under nitrogen at reflux

temperature for 8 hours. The cooled reaction mixture was

diluted with water and extracted with several portions of

ether. The combined ether extracts were dried over anhydrous

potassium carbonate, filtered and concentrated under reduced

pressure. The concentrate was distilled under reduced pres­

sure to give 42,3 g. (51/0) of I, b.p. 125-127°/l.4 mm.

Anal. Calcd. for C^H^N: C, 85*25; H, 7.10.

Pound: C, 65.07; H, 7.16,

2-Phenylpyridine ( I I ) . - The procedure of Evans and

Allen^^ was used to prepare I I, b .p , 101-103°/0,3 mm. ( l i t ,

134“138°/10 mm.). Treatment of II with a saturated solution

of picric acid in 95/^ ethanol gave a picrate, m.p. 168-170°.

3-Methvl-2-phenylpyridine (III).- This compound was

prepared by the procedure of Abramov!tch et al. (23). Ill,

b .p . 121- 1 2 7 / 0 .5 mm. (lit. 107-119°/0,3 mm,), gave a picrate,

m.p, I 66 -I 67 .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 55

ij.-Methyl-2-phenylpyrldine (IV),- The procedure of

Abramovitch et al,^^ gave 49>° of IV, b.p, ll5-117°/l.O mm.

(lit, 110-ll5°/3 mm,). Treatment of IV with a saturated

solution of picric acid in 95^ ethanol gave a p ic ra te , m.p,


4-Phenylpyridine ( V ) The procedure of Schmidle

and Mansfield^^ was used to prepare V, m.p. 77-78° (lit,


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 56



a Compound Maxima (m)a )' ExtInction No.

I 277 235 9700 14600

II 276 244 10000 14600

III 272 234 7500 10100

IV 274 244 11220 14400

V 255 15200

Spectra determined in methanol.



Compound Band Position in cm. ^ No.

l" 800s 785s 710 s 745s 700s

II" 802m 755s 740s 692 s

III® 795a 785s 745s 695 s

IV® 870 s 830s 7803 738 s 695s

V^ 830s 730s 760s 685s

a b Determined as liquid film. Determined as Nujol mull.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. SI

EthyI-5"brom onlcotlnate (V I).- This compound was 26 prepared by a method sim ila r to th a t of Bachman and Micucci.

Nicotinic acid was converted to its acid chloride hydrochlo­

ride on treatment with excess thionyl chloride under reflux*

After distillation of the excess thionyl chloride under re­

duced pressure, the acid chloride hydrochloride was mixed

with an equimolar portion of liquid bromine and placed in an

air bath at 150-1?0° for 12 hours. Precipitation of 5-bromo-

nicotinic acid (V II), m.p. 179-181° (lit, 183 ), occurred

upon dilution of the cooled reaction mixture with water and

adjustment of the pH to 3*0, The infrared spectrum showed

bands a t I 68 O, 770, 715 and 69 O cm,"^ (Nujol mull). The acid,

VII, was recrystallized from 95^ ethanol and converted to the

acid chloride by treatment with thionyl chloride. Treatment

of the acid chloride of VII with excess absolute ethanol under

reflux gave ÔOyo of VI, m.p, 40-4-1° ( H t . 38-39°), a f te r re-

crystallization from n-hexane. The infrared spectrum showed

bands at 1740, 765, 745 and 688 cm,"^ (Nujol mull). In

methanol VI had ultraviolet absorption bands at 277 mju

(£■ =3470 ) and 285 m;j (£ =2460).

Preparation of pyridinium salts (See TABLE III).-

(a) A solution of equimolar quantities of the pyridine and

the alkyl halide in acetone was heated under reflux until

precipitation of the salt as an oil or crystalline solid

appeared to be complete. If the salt separated as an oil,

crystallization was effected by removal of the solvent under

reduced pressure and replacement of it with dry ether. The

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 56

salt was recrystallizad from Isopropanol or methanol to give

80—95^ of pure material. (b) Equimolar quantities of the pyridine and the

halide were mixed in a sealed container with no solvent and

allowed to stand in the dark until precipitation of the salt

occurred. The salt was washed with dry ether and recrystal—

lized from isopropanol.

(c) Methobi*omides and ch lo rid es were prepared by

treating a solution of the pyridine in isopropanol with a

slight excess of methyl bromide or methylchloride. The amount

of alkyl halide added was determined by bubbling the gas

through the isopropanol solution on a pan balance.

Method fo r follow ing the sodium borohydride reduc­

tion of pyridinium ions by ultraviolet spectroscopy (See

TABLE IV).— The reduction of several pyridinium ions with

sodium borohydride was studied as a function of time by run—

ning the reaction directly in the absorption call of the

ultraviolet spectrophotometer. The spectrum of each pyri—

dinium ion was recorded before and a f te r one drop of a

saturated solution of sodium borohydride in isopropanol had

been added to the pyridinium salt solution in the absorption

cell. The spectrum was repeatedly scanned as rapidly as

possible until addition of excess borohydride produced no

further changes in the observed spectrum. All solutions were

10 molar in pyridinium salt. Solvents employed were metha­

nol, N, N-dime thylformamide and diglyme.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 59

This method permitted the observation of the spectra

of dihydropyridines which were too reactive to be isolated,

as well as the spectra of dihydro— and tetrahydropyridines

which were later isolated. The maximum assigned to the di—

hydropyridine was not stable in methanol, but remained in N,

N-dimethylformamide until a drop of dilute hydrochloric acid

was added to the c e l l .

Preparation of tetrahydropyridines by reduction of

pyridinium salts with sodium borohydride.— Three methods

were used for the preparation of tetrahydropyridines on a

synthetic scale. The methods differ primarily in the solvent

employed and the molar ratio of sodium borohydride to pyridi—

nium s a l t used. Method C re s u lts in the interm ediate iso la ­

tion of the product as an amine borane. Tabulated data for

specific ccmpounds are given in TABLE V. Certain pyridinium

salts gave a mixture of tetrahydropyridines and piperidines,

as indicated in TABLE V. Where more than one method of pre­

paration was employed for the same tetrahydropyridine, the

yield and product composition were nearly identical in each

case unless otherwise indicated.

Method A. To a solution of 0.12 mole of pyridinium

salt in 100 ml. of anhydrous methanol was added, portionwise

with stirring at ice bath temperature, 9.1 g. (0 .2 4 mole)

of sodium borohydride. After the addition was completed, the

reaction was allowed to stir at room temperature for 0.5 hr.

and then carefully acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 60

The methanol was removed under reduced pressure and the resi­

due was neutralized with a saturated aqueous solution of po­

tassium carbonate. The product was removed from the solution

by extraction with ether and purified by distillation.

Method 3. To a solution of 0.12 mole of pyridinium

salt and 15 g• of potassium carbonate in 90 ml. of water and

10 ml. of methanol was added, portionwise with stirring at

ice bath temperature, 5*7 g. (0.l5 mole) of sodium borohydride.

The product separated as an o ily la y e r and was taken up in

ether. The ether extract was filtered, dried over anhydrous

potassium carbonate, and concentrated by distillation under

reduced pressure. The product was purified by distillation

Method C. Sodium borohydride (O.Oo mole) was added

portionwise with stirring to a solution of pyridinium salt

(0.06 mole) in i|0 ml. of N,N—dimethylformamide. Water,(10

ml.) and a second portion of sodium borohydride ( 0.06 mole)

were then added. After stirring at room temperature for 0.5

h r., the reaction mixture was diluted with water (250 ml.)

to precipitate the product as the amine borane. The amine

borane was separated by filtration and converted to the tetra—

hydropyridine hydrochloride on treatment with hydrogen chlo­

ride in acetone. The base was then obtained by neutralization

of an aqueous solution of the hydrochloride with potassium

carbonate and extraction of the solution with ether. After

removal of the ether under reduced pressure, the base was

purified by either recrystallization or distillation.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 61

Preparation of l-methyl—4—phenyl—5—dautero——

tetrahydropyrldlne (XXXIX).— A solution of l5 g. (0.05 mole)

0 of 1-methyl—4—phenylpyridinium iodide, m.p. 165—16? , in 50

ml. of freshly distilled anhydrous N,N—dimethylformamide was

treated with 1.9 g. (0.05 mole) of sodium borohydride, added

portionwise with stirring at ice bath temperature. A yellow

coloration appeared and disappeared upon addition of 5 ml. of

99.5 mole percent deuterium oxide and 2.0 g. of sodium boro—

hydride. The reaction mixture was poured into 250 ml. of

water to precipitate the tetrahydropyrldlne borane, m.p. 119—

121°. The borane was dissolved in acetone and decomposed

with anhydrous hydrogen chloride to the hydrochloride, m.p.

248—250°, of XXXIX. The base was obtained by neutralization

of an aqueous solution of the hydrochloride with excess po­

tassium carbonate and extraction of the amine into ether.

Filtration of the ether extract, after drying over anhydrous

potassium carbonate, and removal of the ether under reduced

pressure gave 7.4 g. (85^) of XXXIX, m.p. 38—39°; molecular

weight 174 (mass spectrum); A 245 (9860) (ethanol); n.m.r.

4—phenyl (multiplet) ^ 2.3, 3—hydrogen (triplet)Y 3.97, 2—

methylene (d o u b let)6.95, 1-methyl (singlet) 7.66. The

infrared spectrum of XXXIX exhibited bands at 2140,1275,765

and 735 cm”^ in addition to all of the bands present in the

undeuterated base.

Control experiment with1 -m ethyl—4—bheny1 —1 . 2 . 5 . 6 —

te trahydropyr id ine borane(LVIB..— A solution ofXLI (5 . 0 g .)

and N-methylpyridinium iodide (2 g .) in dry N,N—dimethyl—

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 62

formamide (20 m l.) and 99*5 mole percent deuterium oxide

(5 ml.) was treated with sodium borohydride (2 g.). The

solution was stirred under nitrogen for 2 hours at room

temperature. The base (3.5 g.) was then isolated in the

usual manner. Its infrared spectrum was identical to that

of undeuterated 1-methyl—4—phenyl—1,2,5,6—tetrahydropyridine,


Reaction ofLVII with deuterobromic acid.— A solu­

tion of XLI (1.5 g.) in 99.5 mole percent deuterium oxide

(10 m l.) was tre a te d w ith deuterium bromide generated by

dropping deuterium oxide into phosphorous tribromide. The

solution was heated under nitrogen on a steam cone for 2 hr.

The base was recovered in the usual manner. The infrared

spectrum (10^ CS2 solution) of the recovered base exhibited

all of the bands present in XXXVIII, plus additional bands

a t 2250, 2190, 2145, 2120, 1275 , 765,735 and 66 O cra“^.

Catalytic hydrogenation of tetrahydropyridines.- A

solution of the tetrahydropyridine (10 g.) in ethyl acetate

(30 ml.) containing one drop of perchloric acid was added

through a dropping funnel to a mixture of platinum oxide

(0.12 g.) and ethyl acetate (10 ml.) under hydrogen. The

mixture was stirred under hydrogen at atmospheric pressure

and room temperature for 4—5 hours. The reaction mixture

was f i lt e r e d and the solvent was removed under reduced

pressure. The piperidine product( 3 ) was obtained in approx­

im ately 90 percent yield by distillation. Properties of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 63

piperidines are shown in TABLE VIII.

Sodium borohydride reduction of 3.5—diphenylpyridine

methiodide (XXII).— Treatment of a solution of XXII (14.5 g. )

in N,N—dimethylformamide (100 ml.) with sodium borohydride

3 .5 g .) added portionwise with stirring and cooling precipi­

tated 9.1 3 . (93^) of a mixture of 75^ 1—methyl—3,5—dipheny1—

1,2—dihydropyridine, L, m.p. 85—90°, and 25^ 1-raethyl—3,5—

diphenyl—1,4—dihydropyridine, LI, m.p. 88—94°. Cpmpound L

was purified by recrystallization from an isopropanol—water

mixture. The infrared spectrum of L had strong bands at

1635 , 1595,945 and 878 cm-1.

A nal. Calcd. fo r C]^QH-j_yN: C, 87.45; H, 6.90.

Pound: C, 87.51; H, 7.11.

Preparation of lHnethyl—3. 5—diphenyl—1.4—dihydro—

pyridine (L I ).— Sodium d ith io n ite (13.5 g . ) was added por—

tionwise with stirring to a solution of 3,5—diphenyIpyridine

methiodide (5.0 g.) in water (170 ml.) and methanol (40 m l.).

The reaction was stirred for 3 hours at 35—40°. A yellow

solid precipitated from the solution and was separated by

filtration. Recrystallization of this solid material from

isopropanol gave 3.1 g. (94^) of LI, m.p. 68—94 . The in­

frared spectrum of LI had bands a t I 68 O,I63 O,I6 IO and 865


Anal. Calcd. for C, 87.45; H, 6.90

Found: C, 8 7 .30; H, 6.79.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 64

Preparation of ethyl 1-methyl—6 —broino—1. 6 -dlhydro—

nlcotlnate (LII).— A solution of ethyl 5—bromonicotinate

methiodide (19 g.) and potassium carbonate (10 g. ) in water

(150 ml.) was treated with sodium borohydride ( 3 .8 g.) added

portionwise with stirring at ice bath temperature. A lig h t

orange solid precipitated from the solution and was separated

by filtration. Recrystallization of this crude material from

isopropanol gave 10.8 g. ( 88^) of LII, m.p. 58—61°. The in­

frared spectrum of L II contained strong bands a t 1665 and 1635

— 1 cm .

Anal. Calcd. for CçHj^2NÛ2 Br: C, 43.92; H, 4.85.

Pound: C, 43.55; H, 5.05.

Preparation of Ethyl 1—methyl-5—bromo—1.4—dihydro—

nicotinate (LIII).— A solution of ethyl 5—bromonicotinate

methiodide (19 g .) and sodium bicarbonate (20 g.) in water

(300 ml.) was treated with 86 . 7 ^ (26 g.)

added portionwise with stirring. An orange solid precipi­

tated and was separated by f i l t r a t i o n . R e c ry sta lliz a tio n of

the crude solid from S0% aqueous isopropanol gave 1 0 .5 g .

(85^) of LIII, m.p. 59—61°. The infrared spectrum of LIII

exibited strong bands at 1685 and I 6 l 5 cm""^.

Anal. Calcd. for C 9H12NO Br: C, 43.92; H, 4 . 88;

N, 5 . 7 0 . Pound: C, 4 4 . H ; H, 5 .H ; N, 5 . 8 9.

Preparation of 1. 3—Dimethyl—2—phenyl—1.6-dihydro—

pyridine (LV).— To a solution of 15.5 g. (0.05 mole) of

3-methyl—2—phenylpyridine methiodide and 20 g. of potassium

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 65

carbonate In water (65 ml.) and methanol (20 m l.) was added

portionwise with stirring at ice bath temperature 2.7 g.

(0.07 mole)of sodium borohydride. A yellow oil separated

and was extracted into ether. The ether extract was dryed

over anhydrous potassium carbonate, filtered, and concen­

trated under reduced pressure. Distillation of the yellow

residue under vacuum gave 7.8 g. (84^) of impure LV, b.p.

87—91° at 1.2 mm. The infrared spectrum of LV had bands at l68o and I638 cm”^ (liquid film). The ultraviolet spectrum

of LV had a band at 330 mp ( £. = 3860 ) (e th e r). The com­

pound was not s u ff ic ie n tly pure fo r a carbon and hydrogen

ana ly s i s .

Preparation of 1.3.5—Trimethyl—2—phenyl—1.6—dihvdro—

pyridine (LIV).— A solution of 8,5 g. (0.026 mole) of 3,5—

dimethyl—2—phenylpyridine methiodide and 10 g. of sodium car­

bonate in water (50 mL) was treated with sodium borohydride

(2.2 g.) added portionwise with stirring at ice bath tempera­

tu re . A yellow oil separated from the water layer and was

extracted into ether. Concentration of the ether extract and

distillation of the residue under reduced pressure gave 4*0 g.

{71%) of LIV, b .p . 103—106 ° at 1.0 mm. The infrared spectrum

of LIV had bands a t 1685 and I 638 cm""^ (liquid film). The

ultraviolet absorption spectrum of LIV in ether had maxima at

325 mpi ( £ = 3210) and 244 mp ( t = 8OOO ).

Anal. Calcd. for C, 84*42; H, 8.54.

Pound: C, 83.67 ; H, 8.95*

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 66

Reaction of 1-mathyl—3.5—dlphanvl—1.2—dlhydropyrl—

dine (L) with hydrogen bromide.— A solution of L (1.0 g.)

in freshly distilled (15 ml.) was treated

with excess anhydrous hydrogen bromide. A white solid preci­

pitated immediately. Recrystallization of this solid from

isopropanol gave a quantitative yield of 3,5—diphenylpyridine

methobromide, XXIII, m.p. 248—250°. The in frared and u l tr a ­

violet absorption spectra of this material were identical

with the spectra of an authentic sample of XXIII prepared by

treating 3,5—diphenyIpyridine with methyl bromide. This

material did not depress the melting point of authentic

XXIII on adm ixture.

Anal. Calcd. for G^gH^^NBr: Br, 24.54*

Pound: Br, 24*30.

Reaction of L with methyl iodide.— Me thyl iodide

(10 g.) was added to a solution of L (2.5 g.) in freshly

distilled tetrahydrofuran (25 ml.). On standing for two

days at room temperature, 2.9 g. (8o^) of 3,5-diphenylpyri—

dine methiodide, XXII, m.p. 201—202°, precipitated. The

methiodide was separated by filtration and recrystallized

from methanol. Compound XXII, obtained in this manner, had

ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectra which were iden­

tical with the spectra of XXII prepared from 3,5—diphenyl—

pyridine and methyl iodide. The methiodide obtained in this

reaction showed no melting point depression on admixture with

authentic XXII.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 67

Anal. Calcd. for I, 34*05. Pound:

I, 33*73*

Reaction of L with thionyl chloride.— A solution of

redistilled thionyl chloride (0.48 g.) in freshly distilled

tetrahydrofuran (5 ml.) was added dropwise with stirring to

a solution of L (1.0 g.) in tetrahydrofuran (15 ml.). A

vigorous reaction ensued with the immediate precipitation of

a quantitative yield of 1-methyl—3,5—diphenylpyridinium

ch lo rid e, XXIV, m.p. 225—227°. Compound XXIV, obtained in

this manner, did not depress the melting point of XXIV pre­

pared from 3,5—diphenylpyridine and methyl chloride. Both

samples of XXIV had identical ultraviolet and infrared

s p e c tra .

Anal. Calcd. for G]^Q%^NC1 : Cl, 12.61. Pound:

Cl, 12.23.

Reaction of L with benzoyl chloride.— A solution of

1 .4 g * (0.01 mole) of benzoyl chloride in benzene (5 ml.) was

added dropwise to a solution of 2.5 g* (0.01 mole) of L in

benzene (20 ml.). After warming the solution on the steam

bath for several minutes, a white solid precipitated. The

solid was separated by filtration and recrystallized from

isopropanol to give 2.1 g. (75^) of 3,5—diphenylpyridine

methochloride, m.p. 225—227°. The filtrate was concentrated

and extracted with hot water to give 0.36 g. of benzoic acid,

m.p. 122- 124° .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 68

Reaction of L with tetracyanoethylene»— A so lu tio n

of tetracyanoethylene (0.5l g.) in freshly distilled tetra—

hydrofuran (5 ml.) was added to a solution of L (1.0 g.) in

tetrahydrofuran (25 ml.). The resulting solution had a black

coloration. After standing at room temperature for five days,

the solution was concentrated to a black residue. Several

recrystallizations of this residue from isopropanol gave a

small amount of yellow crystalline material, m.p. 156—158°.

The ultraviolet spectrum of this material showed a shoulder

a t 305 mp^ and a maximum a t 259 m^ . The in frared spectrum of

this compound contained bands at 2200, 2l 60 , 755 and 690 cm”*^.

Treatment with sodium borohydride in methanol converted this

m ateria l to L.

Anal. Calcd. for 76.80; H, 4*53;

N, 18.67. Pound: C, 75.01; H, 4»50; N, 16.12.

Reaction of ethyl 1-methyl—5-bromo—l,6—dihydronico­

tina te (LII) with hydrogen bromide.— A solution of LII (2.0 g.)

in anhydrous benzene (20 ml.) was treated with an excess of

hydrogen bromide. A yellow oil separated from the solution.

The benzene layer was decanted and the oily residue was ex­

tracted into hot isopropanol. On cooling the isopropanol

so lu tio n , 2.0 g . of a white so lid , m.p. 265—267°, was deposi­

ted. This solid material was recrystallized from methanol.

The ultraviolet and infr^ed spectra of this material were

identical with the spectra of nicotinic acid methobromide

(XXVI) obtained by the hydrolysis of ethyl nicotinate metho—

bromide with hydrobromic acid. This material did not depress

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 69

the melting point of authentic XXVI on admixture.

Anal. Calcd. for CyH8BrN02:‘ Br, 36.70; Pound:

Br, 37.10.

spectrum. (20^ DgO) 2.2 ppm (s), l+.O ppm (t)

U-35 ppm (d), 4-55 ppm (s), (ppm from Me^Si).

Reaction of L II with deuterium bromide.— Deuterium

bromide was prepared by dropping 99*5 mole percent deuterium

oxide on phosphorous tribromide. Treatment of a solution of

L II (2.0 g.) in dry benzene (25 ml.) with deuterium bromide

precipitated a light yellow oil which crystallized on stand­

ing. Recrystallization of this crude material from methanol

gave 1.7 g. (82^) of partially deuterated nicotinic acid

methobromide, m.p. 265—267°. The proton magnetic resonance

spectrum of this material was identical to that of XXVI w ith

the exception of a fifty percent decrease in the relative

peak area of the 4*0 ppm triplet. The infrared spectrum of

this material contained all the bands of XXIV in addition to

bands at 740, 778 and 832 cm”^.

I^phenylmaleimida adduct of LII.— A solution of LII

(0.7 g.) and N—phenylmaleimide (0.54 g*) in freshly distilled

tetrahydrofuran (25 ml.) was allowed to stand at room tempera­

ture for four days. The solution deposited a brown sludge

which was recrystallized several times from isopropanol to give

0.8 g. (66^) of a white crystalline adduct, LVI, m.p. l80—182°.

The infrared spectrum of the adduct had strong bands at 1775,

1740 and 1701 cm'-l. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 7 0

LVI exhibited a maximum a t 212 mp ( 6T =6,990).

A nal. Calcd. f o r CigH^gBrNgO^: G, 54*32; H, 4*52;

N, 6 . 67 . Found: C, 54*42; H, 4*61; N, 6 .6 7 .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 71



Type I Type I I I Type IV Compound Type R R» R* ' M.P. No.

VIII I CHj- 116 - 118°

IX® I GHj- 152-I5if.°

X I (C H .lgC E- 119-121°

XI® I CH^ (0:12)3- 90- 95° f

XII® I PhCHg- 87 - 91° f

XVII II H- H- H- 142- 1^4° XVIII II CH3- H-H- 175 - 176 °

XIX I I H- GH3- H- 143- 145°

XX II GH3- H- GH3- 210-211°

XIII III CH3- H- H- 97-100°

XIV III H- GH3- H- 156-158°

XV III CH3- H- GH3- 273 - 274 °

XXI I I I H- Ph~ H- 165-167°

XXII III P h - H- P h - 201-202°

XXIII® I I I P h - H~ P h- 248- 250°

XXIV” I I I Ph~ H- Pli— 225- 227 °

XXV III -GOOEt H- Bi>- 138- 140°

XXVI I I I -COOH H- H- 265-267°

XVI IV GH3- GH3- 230- 232°

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TABLE I l l (co n t.)

Compound Method R ecryst. % Halogen No. of Prep. Solvent Calcd. Found

VIII a h 57.94 57.80

IX c h 45.98 45.21

X a , b h 51.00 49.95

XI a , b h 37.04

XII a , b h 33.20

XVII a h 42.76 42.68

XVIII a h 4 0 .8 4 41.21 XIX a h 4 0 .8 4 40.87

XX a h 38.96 38.49 XIII a h 54.04 XIV a h 5 4 .0 4 54.41 XV a i 51.00 51.23

XXI a h 42.76 42.55

XXII a 1 34.05 33.97

XXIII c i 24.54 24.74 XXIV c h 12.61 13.02

XXV a h 34.14 34.10 XXVI d h 36.70 36.25

XVI b i 51.00 49.26

d Prepared from hydrolysis of ethyl nicotinate methobromide. 8 f S Bromide salt. Salt w| s extremely hydroscopic. Chloride h s a l t . Isopropanol. Methanol.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 73



Compound Pyrldlglum Ion NaBH^ Added No. Maxima (mu) E x tin c tio n Me OH" DMF

VIII 353 S h 3910 335 259 4440 265 sh 3190

IX 253 sh 3950 350 335 259 4500 265 sh 3210

X 253 sh 4 2 4 0 355 338 259 5200 265 sh 3800

XI 253 sh 340 338 259 6060 265 sh

XII 260 5870 337 269 sh

XVII 283 8600 3 3 0 350

XVIII 276 8 2 4 0 335 3 5 0

XIX 279 9000 355 350

XX 282 9450 330 3 2 5

XIII 266 4720 330 330 273 sh 3350

XV 271 5200 330 310 278 sh

XXI 294 4240 350 355 267 sh 3190

XXII 312 6 7 8 0 322 (lOOOO)J 258 31780 260 (17000 )° 4 1 5 (13000)° XXIII 312 6230 c 258 30000

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 74

TABLE IV (c o n t. )

Compound Pyrldlglum Ion NaBH^ Added No. Maxima (mu) E x tin ctio n MeOH^ DMF

XXIV 312 5400 0 260 31500

XXV 293 sh 3140 355 ( 6400 ), 286 4140 268 (14000)° 276 sh 3000 261 (12600)°

XXVI 270 6200 355 ( 60001° 265 9 8 0 0 262 (12000)°

XVI 273 8 4 0 0

a Maxima were determined In methanol. ^Maxima were stab le In Q m ethanol. Maxima were the same as observed with XXI. d Extinctions were approximately 4000 u n ie 38 IndIcated.

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R* R» R" - I j 1 R CH3 in 3 CH3 Type I Type I I Type III Type IV Compound Type R R> R " B.P. No.

XXVII I CH3- 112°

XXVIII I (CH3)2CH- 1 5 2 - 1 5 4 °

XXIX I CH3(CH2)3" 82°/3 0 mm.

XXX I PhCHg- 115° A mm. XXXI II H- H- H- 80- 82° / I . 2 mm.

XXXII I I CH3- H- H- 1 2 7 - 1 3 3 ° /2 7 mm.

XXXIII II H- GHy- H- 85—88° / l mm.

XXXIV I I CH3- H- CH3- 70°/0.3 mm.

XXXV III GH3- H- H- 132- 136 ° XXXVI III H- CH3- H- 129-131°

XXXVII I I I CH3— H- GH3- 87°/l05 mm. XXXVIII III H- P h - H- 42-44° XXXIX I I I H- P h- D- 42-44° XL IV GHj- GH3— 49°/25 mm.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 76

TABLE V (cont.)

Compound Method Yield P lcrate° Methlodlde° No. of Prep.

XXVII a,b 69 201-203° 268 - 270 ° g g

XXVIII a ,b 73 134-136° 232- 233° 28 72

XXIX a,b 81 106-108° 5 95

XXX b 73 143-145° 157 - 159° 12 88

XXXI b 78 138- 140° 178 - 181° 8 92

XXXII b 80 209- 211° 52 48

XXXIII b,c 83 149- 152° 0 100

XXIV c 77 18 82

XXXV a,b 70 108- 110° 147 - 149° 30 70

XXXVI a ,b 72 144- 146 ° 214- 216 ° 0 100

XXXVII a,b 79 117-119° 185- 187 ° 11 89

XXXVIII c 88 225- 2270 ^ 0 100 „h XXXIX c 88 225- 227 ° 0 100

XL a 64 230- 232° 44^ 56

Melting points of pure tetrahydropyrldlne derivatives. ®Relative percentages of piperidine. ^Relative percentages of tetrahydropyrldlne. Sjiot determined. ^Melting point of hydrobromide. Estimated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 77

TABLE V (cont.)

Carbon and Hydrogen Analysis

Compound No. Calcd Pound %c %C iH

XXVII (47)'^

XXVIII 76.80 12.00 76.74 12 . 93^ XXIX (48)j

XXX 83.24- 8.67 83.13 8.83 XXXI 83.24 6.67 83.22 6.87 XXXII 83.42 9.06 83.35 9.32 XXXIII 83.42 9.09 83.13 9.20 XXXIV 83.58 9.45 83.43 9.47

XXXV (49)"^

XXXVI (50)j

XXXVII 76.80 12.00 76.90 12.20

XXXVIII (28) j

XXXIX (2 8) j

XL (51)^

Literature reference, ^Analytical sample contained 28^ piperidine.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 78

TABLE V (cont.)


Compound Maxima (mu) and E x tin c tio n ^ No. ______

XXX 264 (163) 258 (230) 252 (200)

XXXI 264 (258) 258 (314) 252 (266)

XXXII 264 (220) 258 (290) 252 (280)

XXXIII 264 (278) 258 (338) 252 (299)

XXXIV 264 (176) 258 (242) 252 (210)

^Spectra were determined In methanol

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- 1 Compound Band P o sitio n in cm. No. 2l

XXVII 800 s

XX/III 793 s 854 m 938 m 992 m XXIX 798 s 812 s

XXX 765 s 810 3

XXXI 787 s

XXXII 860 3

XXXIII 790 s 904 m XXXIV 8o5 3

XXXV 828 s 940 m

XXXVI 824 3 770 m 963 m 990 w

XXXVII 823 8 880 8


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Compound PPM (Ma^Sl) I n te g r a l Assignm ent No. a ,c XXXI 5.84 ia) 2 vinyl hydrogens 3.32 (q)* 1 benzylic hydrogen 3.05 (m) 2 C—6 methylene 2.43 (m) 2 C—3 methylene 2.19 (s) 3 N-ine thy 1

XXXIII 7.35 (s) 5 aromatic hydrogen 5.45 (s) 1 vinyl hydrogen 3.22 (q) 1 benzylic hydrogen 2.95 (m) 2 C—6 methylene 2.65 (m) 2 G—3 methylene 2.05 (s) 3 N—methyl 1.70 (s) 3 C—methyl

x x x v iir 7.30 (m) 5 aromatic hydrogens 6.00 (t)® 1 vinyl hydrogen 3.05 (m) 2 C—2 methylene 2.58 (m) 4 C—5, C—6 methylenes 2.33 (s) 3 N-me thyl

^Benzene solvent. ^Deuterochloroform solvent. ^Benzene as Internal standard. Singlet, Quartet. Multiplet. ^ T r i p l e t .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 81



Pipe rid ine Compound M.P. of Carbon and Hydrogen Analysis Picrate Calcd. Found %C %H

1—isopropyl XLI 150-151° (52)°

1—butyl XLII 135-137° (4.8)°

1—benzyl XLIII 182-185° (52)°

1,4—d ime thy l XL IV 184-186° (50)°

1,3—d ime th y l XLV 169-170° (49)''

1,4—8 ime th y l— XLVI 175-180° 82.54 10.05 82.84 10.34 2—phenyl

1,3—d ime th y l— XLVII® 148-165° 82.54 10.05 82.43 10.01 2—phenyl

1-me thyl—2— XLVIII 173-175° 82.28 9.71 82.24 9.79 phenyl

1 , 3 , 5 - t r i - XLIX°*° 186-188° 82.76 10.34 82.58 10.20 me th y l—2— phenyl

®Mixture of two iaomera. ^Mixture of four isomers. °Litera- ture reference. °Obtained by catalytic hydrogenation of the d ihydropyrid ine.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 82


Compound B.P. Ultraviolet Absorption g No. Maxima (tn^) and E x tin ctio n s

XLI 140- 143° XLII 79 —80° / l 8 mm.

XLIII 68°/0.5 mm. 252 (200) 258 (230) 264 (168)

XL IV 126 - 130°

XLV 127 - 128°

XLVI 73°/O .6 mm. 251 (230) 257 (270) 263 (210)

XLVII 63 —64 ° / 0 . 7 mm. 251 ( 210 ) 257 (255) 263 (190)

XLVIII 55-56°/0 .5 mm. 251 (230) 257 (270) 263 (210)

XL IX 90-92°/ I . 4 mm. 251 (356) 257 (350) 263 (260)

Spectra were determined in methanol.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 83



Compound Temp. P re ss u re Flow Rate No. of Retention Jimes No. Peaks ( s e c . )

XXVIII 149° 10 1 .4 2 120,132

XLI 149° 10 1 .4 1 120

XXIX 149° 10 1 .4 2 150,162

XLII 149° 10 1 .4 1 147

XXX 179° 12 1 .6 2 276,294

XLIII 179° 12 1 .6 1 276

XXI 179° 12 1 .6 2 234,270

XLVIII 179° 12 1 .6 1 230

XXXII^ 192° 14 1.5 4 147 , 190, 200,249 XLVII 192° 14 1.5 2 147,190 XXXIII 196° 12 1 .6 1 240

XLVI 196° 12 1.6 1 186

XXXLV^ 192° 14 1.5 5 144, 168 , 190, 255,288

XL IX 192° 14 1.5 4 146 , 168 , 198,232

XXV 137 ° 10 1.6 3 84,90,96

XLV 137 ° 10 1.6 1 80

XXXVI 137 ° 10 1.6 1 90

XL IV 137 ° 10 1.6 1 78

XXXVII 149° 10 1 .4 2 81,90 1370 XL 10 1.6 3 108, 120,132

®Two meter, 5^ silicone grease on chromsorb diatocaceous earth column. Carbowax 1500 column (Perkin-Elraer "K"). °See TABLE V for relative percentages.

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Compound M ethanol HCl Added No. Maxima (mu) E x tin c tio n Maxima (mu) E x tin c tio n

L 425= 3200 405 4ioo 312 6000 310 6470 258 30000 257 17000

LI 427^ 9600 312 6000 403 16800 256 30000 297 7200 266® - 10400 249 16400

LII 355, 6600 282 10500 281® 7750 268.5, 13000 261.5 12250 218 19400

LIII 360 12000

LIV 325 3210 276 8200 244 6000

LV 330 3860 268 262

â Shoulder.

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Compound S olvent PPM I n te g r a l Assignment No. (CH^Si)

0 L acetone 2 .4 4 (s) 3 N-me th y l 4 .4 0 (s) 2 C—2 methylene 6.82 (3 ) 1 C—4 hydrogen 7 .0 9 (s) 1 G—6 hydrogen 7.47 (m) 10 aromatic hydrogens

L benzene^ 2.40 (s) 3 N-methyl 4 .1 5 (s) 2 0—2 methylene a LI acetone 3.69 (s) 2 C—4 methylene 6.87 (3 ) 2 vinyl hydrogens 7 .4 4 (m) 10 aromatic hydrogens

LI benzene^ 2 .60 (3 ) 3 N-me th y l 3 .6 2 (3 ) 2 0—4 methylene

LII CCl^^ 1.02 (t) 3 C-me thyl 2.65 (s) 3 N-me thyl 3.92 (s) 2 C—6 methylene 4 .0 5 (q) 2 methylene 6.42 (s ) 1 vinyl hydrogen 6.97 (s) 1 vinyl hydrogen

LIII CGl^ 1.05 (t) 3 C-me th y l 2.81 (s) 3 N-methyl 3.13 (s) 2 C—4 methylene 3.87 (q) 2 methylene 5 .7 9 (s) 1 vinyl hydrogen 6.65 (s ) 1 vinyl hydrogen

b =In te rn a l standard a c e to n e . In te rn a l standard benzene. ° In te rn a l standard chloroform.

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o O VA VA O VA O o 00 O o O CM CM OO (OX CD O Cx- [X- [X- [x- [X- xO XÛ sO o

o O VA O VA VA o o o xD lA xO xO VA xO xO o VAVA «M rx- Cx- [X- [X- [X- fx~ fx- [X. [X- A- t^ 'O l A VA o VA O VA o 0 0 o lA O 0 fx- fx- rH rH xO - = f VA xO _ d xû fx- D* oo oo CO CO CO co Cx- [X- co m r- A- O o o VA VA VA VA fx- VA o o o CO o x OO VA CM CM [X- xO xO \0 o O' CO OO OX COX OO CO oo

l A VP, o o rH f—1 o H % S O o 0 0 (Ox 00 o rH (—1 ® I— I X) O O o VA [X- 3 rn CM o CA M O O O ox O O T5 rH fH rH 0 O VAVA O o o CM VA O CJX CO C7X [X- CM CM C\J rH o O O o o O fH o rH rH fH rH rH rH fH rH f—I 1O O VA o O O VA [X- OO fx- O CM _ d f , H rH fH 1—1 CM t—! fH fH m I—( iH fH rH rH fH o o (H o VA O O o o O ir\ lA m - d - O VA [X- ox ox00 Cx- ttî : CM CM CM CM rA rH fH g t—i rH rH rH fH rH 1—I

VA O VA o OO O O O O xO VA rH iH CM CO VA OO CM 00 CM CM CA (A(A (A 3 CM CM CM CM 1—1 rH rH rH iH fH rH fH fH f—I H

VAVAVA O O VA O O O ir\ O CO O (A OX o CM fx- o CM ro ( A lA CA -=r 3 - VA (A CA fH m -d- rH rH fH iH IH fH r—i rH I—! I—1

VA o VA VA o rH O O O O VA H O xO (Ox O CO (Ox x O l A xO VA VA VT\ - d VA -d- t—i rH fH fH rH rH f—1 rH i—i M

vr\ VAVA VA OO O VA VA VA o O H o x CM fA iH

A M O H H M > o H ►> H §o H H MM > > G H H o fc a , 4 Hi Hi Hi Hi %% > >

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