I l . I . V(llulime 45 .~ '1 ' . , ! . t\j,(l. 1ID

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I FeDfl:Jary, 1964

I , I I ' I 1 ' (i

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Duru", Sal .. to RUllla > >. t . Thrifty Meal Mat.. ..

.' The Macaroni Journal I , , ,,, \ \/ .. \I .' " ,. .' , ", 196J \ , '" I " '" ,. I" \I \ , I .1 5 ,',, ' ,:1",' .. " , ,, I ,,'. .. " , ,,, N,. 10 I" , I"·, .', I I., ' .'. .. ,',

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\ ' IIIItL \It'. 1'/11" - " ------_._-' -, .. ----~------<=------"------.

...--Y'~ -'I' , . ,' " , r(j \ • YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY

BRAHAM Unco1n 11 one of the • wu dlfeated for the Senate In 1,": eel In 1185, wa. one of the world'. trub A belt ,umpl" In hlatory of • man • defeated fot Vice PreaJdent In 18S8: Iftat men. Under hil leadenhip, the who nfuled to stop ft&hUnc for what and wu defeated tor the Senate a.aln American Union w.. pneJerveel. War i. he wanted from life alter mlJ11 biowl In 1151. only madl! Uncoln beUeve mort to hi, career, .. well .. to hlJ personal But In the laee of 'InUre, Abraham .tron,ly that democracy J. the belt of life. Untoln beume the aJxteenth pre.ldent al1 form 0' ,ovemment. Lincoln cre­ • He taitH In bullne.. In 11S1: of the United State. In 1860. ated lOme of the 8nelt examples of I • wu defeated tor the UURol. leallla. No man knowl what 11 In him until American literature. In hit GettYlburt I he trlea. Some people are lifted with Addre... and In other .peeche. lind • ture In lU2i more ablUt)" than othen, but often the wriUnp, Lincoln expreued the deepel\ • IIUtel ..aln in bUilneu in lWi penon who 11101 lifted but wUlIn. to beUet. of the American people. • hla Iweetheart died in 11S5j work hard may 10 even further because On November 19, 1883, he lave what • he had. nervoUi breakdown In 1m: conoentnUon and ~ft'0J1. afr, in them~ he delClibed ... "abort, abort, short­ You couldn't be In better handa • he WAI defeateet for Speaker of the selvtl. quaUUel In ,reat demand on addle" amid the newly made ,ravK Houaeln lUi; any Job. of J01dJert JcJlled at Getty.bur,. In the i~ • wu defeated tor elector in 1140: You may never know your neal abiU~ el\lulnJ one hundred yean hi. 288 wtll Behind the Peavey diamond Is the most complete line of durum products in . • defeated 'or Conpell in 1M3: tltI and potenUal until you try. chORn wordJ have become the bell the Industry-the total range of grades and granulations. Behind the Peavey • 'Iain defeated for Con.rea in ."': Abraham Lincoln. bom In 11OV. kl11~ known IpHCh In our hlltory. diamond are the most complete laboratory facilities In tho industry. A pilot mill and macaroni press aid in the selection of the finest durum wheats. King Midas Fouucou ,,1&11 UW. '1lUI ",0 out ItUM" poor POM'" 10 add M dnrMt, Tht . 'OfIJ "fCHj,lu 10"" (HI thll tontllUnl a IUW ",,"on 1)1/1 IIl1lt nott IIOf lon, nmtmbtr lI,h.1I wt quality durum products are backed by a continuing testing and quality control I C'OIICd~' ,d III 116"" al&ll dtdlCdUd 10 tlr, III, It,,,, Itu, II ClJn nr.'" lot,'t wllll' ,h" program and a long-range, forward-looking research program. propoJiilon 'M' till ,",n au cUllud IqlUd, did h,u. II ,. 1M IU th, 1M", tilth" 10 It, You can·t buy better durum products ••• or get a better value __ • or receive I' Now '14" Gft ,nltl"d In " ''''ll rlvll WQr dtd/NUd Itt" 10 tit, un/inhlt,d .'0,1 wltlch I ,'Jlln, I4'lrnlr" ,lul, IUltion, or Gn'1 tuition ,h" who /ou,lt, It", MI't thru Illr so better service •• _or be In better hands. to (On~/v,d QM so dtd/Ntrd, Nil 10ft, ,n· n06/, Qdl'tlnc,J. /,/J tilth" lor us t(l It, h,,, i - dUft. Wt Ilft mil on II ,UG' kUlt!i,ld 01 d,diCdt,d 10 tht ,,,a, t4d "lFUIlff/ff, Itt· ~~~ IIIIlI .'Ilr. W, hoy, romt 10 dtdlCdI, Q por­ I~ W-lluJ, lrom ,htJt honou"d Jtad Wt Jlfig7llitll» DURUM PRODUCTS tlon ul ,Iul, Mid GJ II tiMl rtlll",.,.tllu lor 'ab In('ftQJtd dr.'ot/on '0 ,ha, mlut lor 'host .'lro h"t IIlVt ,ltdr 1111,. ,lui, rhG' .'hkh Iht, filill ,h, lasl lull m,asliu 01 nation ml,,,, III,t. It '1IlItop,h" !iltlllR and . JrI'utlun-thal .',. h,,, Itl,ltl, "Ja/l', 'thaI proprr Iltat ." should do tltl6. BUI, In Q th,s, dtad ~holl no, lull" dltd III "nln, ,hm lar,,, UIIJt, Wt Cdlln,,' dtdIM',. Wt Cdnnot thlt 1U1Iion und" God, shall hilI" II 1ft". romtc""', .'1 NnIlO' ludlow Ilrll ,round, bI,,/1 01 Iu,dom, ond that ,1JI'lrtlmtlll ul FLOUR MILLS Tht "",yt m,n, IMn, .1&11 dNd, who ."u,· Iht propl" 6, ,lrt pro,.It, fur tht ptnp/t, + ,I,d I"" MI" ronlttNJltd II lar aH"1 o"r Jhllll no, ~rl~h Irom ,Ir, tar,lt. P[A'i[Y COMPANY. fLOUR MILLS. MINN[APOLI', MINNIIOTA "'tl ." T IJncoln h.d lreat power •• prtti· one, and ne.ver wanted neve",e, In 'PIle u "Honest Abe" and "Father Abra· dent. but he never 10It loudt with the of Lincoln'. hJah position, million. 01 ham." common people, He neyer hated any. people, even in hit own 111M, knew him \-t,· .. . ~. TH. __ ___~ J __------~ ... ' .. ~~ \01, ...... ' 71) " .... ~.....,.:;lo,. _':.....""'~, ~,,~.~'~""'_,=~...... - ' "' ~---

.' tt: ~'.'

--~ . f The Food Industry Turns In a Good Performance by Paul s. Willis, pre,ident, Grocery M,2I1ufadurer, of America, Inc. OOD Industry sates climbed to a food items, "Iostantized" all pun,Ost F new high in 1963. Manutacturers Hour, new dehydrated soups, chi ese offered many new products which were packaged in fiexlble aluminum tu h

------, .. .- . "--.~------Macaroni, Marketing, and Profits CLERMONT'S TWIN HEAD PRESS PRODUCES

1. on.. ax1atance 01 a proBt. Key meager 4 per cent pronto queltion: Are luch lIeml U dep~la­ Some companlea follow a rule of lion and Inventory handled reallitically thumb. developed by experience, that Ibs. of per br. aim. for a return on invel tment C! !lul. 2,400 SHORTCUT In the acc:ounUn, I)'lIem' :!, The ,umdaDCf of aha pro8t. Key volent to twice the eost of borrowln. que~Uon: Althoulh you may be making money. Since intereat rates on cor. a proftt. can It be cOlllldered sutftclent porate borrowlni' averale about fi per for your alze and type of operation' cent. this would make an adequate ~ 3. The proBl ada. Key q'HIUon: AI­ tum 10 per cent. Fortune's DOO blilgel1 thoulh you moy be ahowiol a good Indultrial corporation. avenged only proftt from your total opentlon. are an 8.9 per cent return lalt year, which. there Jinel or departmenu In the eom­ by this deftnltlon. butlreuel arlumcnu .,any which are actually loalnl money' that proftta are too low. Thoae who ACARONI lalel posted It O,ft ~r f. TIM protiJ: trnd. Key question: arlUe for thll thumb rule to determlnt M cent lain In 1861 acco\'dJnr to thl.'l Doe. the trend or proftt ahow healthy "adequate" proftt contend that It Ilso annual IUrvey' of Food Field F.eporier proareu. or Is the tendency towards amounta to a celllna. tor if earnings In on what cOlllumera tptnd for ,Jro:el)' lell and Ie .. proSl? any fteld let to be morc than twice lilt product&. isalle to !lCturale profit determina­ eoat of borrowln., competitor. rulh In Bpa,helU dollar lalea Wel1! $144.580,­ tion 11 a t:./ltem or accurate and mean­ and lOOn send corporalo proflll tum· ooo-up '1,8 per cent. lnaful ac:countln,. The word. accurate bUnl. Macaroni dollar aales were '11'1.190.­ and meanln,ful are very Illnlftcant be­ Some relUlatory alenclet. like the OOO-up U per cent. cau.se not an ac:countlnllYlleml eonvey Federal ~ower Commlulon. are mav· E'I Noodle dollar lalel were ,100.- a reallltic picture of the ruull.l of op­ Inl away from proclalmlnl a flat ftlWf 480.000-uP 6.3 per cent. ention.. AIthoulh the proper mec:han­ ror proftl.l. now Illy that their loal I, 10 Total value of domesllc eolllump­ lea 01 accounting may auure a balanc­ set a nte of return that Ia hlah enoup tion-$362.230.0oo, Int or debll.l and credll.l., thll procedure for companlel "to atay In a healtlu' Sixty.eilht per cent of this volume will not ot ltaelf tell the whole proftt ftnancial po3ltlon and be able to nbe movea throu,h Irotery store.. ThIrty­ ItOry. Such Infonnatlon muat be In­ new capital." Fred R. Kappel. chairman two per cent loel into InlfUtutional lerpretftl to provide the manaler with a of A.T.&T,. thlnka .ome of the mud II chlUlnels and for Industrial uses, such JOund basil on which to direct future belnl acraped of! the word proftts, ~II U IOUp mix which posted a 31.2 per operatlons. seeJ1Ul to me that around tho counlrJ cent lain In 1962. probably because ot there is comlnl to be a better under· heavy advertlsinl and promotion ot How Much II EDough' Ilandlnl or the function of buslnw new line •. proftt. I haven" any altitude .urve)'1 to For macaroni. 1963 wu the year 01 How much proftl.l are enou,h'r Time t!rove It. but 1 thl"lk thert are India· promise and dJlappolntment. The prom­ Malwne'. Bualne.. Section had a tora. It allO seeml to me Ulal iOme of lae lay In the bumper crop 01 durum on story in AUlUlt, 1963 on favorable the Ilronlest come throuah lrom Wash· the heels ot l ..t year'a record·breaker. aec:ond·quarter reporl.l from U. S. eor­ Inlton," tor macaroni pricJnl pollcle. hinle on porallons oblervlnl that the Ihowlna ftour nther than the other cosll such mUd a corporate tax cut dlft\cult. But Forluna'a UO a. packalinl. Jabor. marketinl and the Prellden'·. Council or Economic AdviJera arlUel that no malter how Fortune Malmne for July had II dI· ," overhead which are lolnl corutantly hllh proftl.l are. they are not adequate ~tory ot the Doo largelt U.s. Indus­ .f:. 'A .~. upward. But lower ftour coat did not if they do not Induce bualneumen to trial corporation.. with a record ot thelr " mean better proftla, althoulh wei Invelt In expanalon prolnnna. lale.. usel.l., net profit, Invenftl cap tal. were up. It provided more room for and number of employee•. We J ~ aVt The Fftleral Power Commlulon and wheellnl and dealln, which wu done tabulated from thl. Ult selection. from Itate a,endel that relulate blue-chip with a venleance. the food Indultry with their rank with· The durum mllIlrind reported by utilltlel ftlUre that a net proftt of about In the ftoo al to lalel and their pl·,I\U 8 per cent on levellment I, adequate. the Northweltern Miller topped B year AI a percentaie of aalel and Inve ~ led alO for the ftrat alx montha by 10,8 "nd the Federal Communication. Com­ capital: mlulon belllll to chllel down A. T.&T.'I Twin Head for TOP PRODUCTION per cent. For the second haU. it wu profit u ~. ot if III ahead 8,ft per cent, Total lain for the Inter-atate phone ratel proftll 1n .... l1ad creep above 8 per cent. In the more IlaDIr: Companr Bal .. Capital year: 9,& per cent. volatile airline bualneu. however. the with slow extrusion for HIGH QUALITY fare-setUnlt Civil Aeronautiea Board 10 Swift ' ••.. . , ....•.• . 0.'1 4.2 An You. Kidding ·(oufltlfr IIIYI that the four bill airJine. are en­ 20 Annour ••••••• .•.• • O.B 7.1 22 National Dairy Prod. 2,8 10.8 "Are you klddlnl yourself about your titled to a 10,2& per cent return on Large mixer and screw for 28 Procter & Gamble .. 8.8 15.0 UNIFORM PRODUCT proftll'" ..ked the New Enlland Oro. Inveltment; the bll four adually earn­ cera maaulne. "Net profU il probably ed only 8 per cent lart year. In the 34 Genenl Fooda .•. •• 8.1 17,' the most Important indicator ot the hllh·proJU aoap and eoametlct InduI­ 47 Borden • " ...... 3.1 10.8 lUcc:en of a bUllneSi operation. Hence try. the return on Inveatment hit 10.2 59 Com Producl.l ...... 5,8 16.1 70 Rallton Purina ., .• . 3.3 11.2 ' PHONE or you .hould be eoncernftl about the per cent, pharmaceutical. eamftl 14.4 re­ 71 Colaale-Palmollve •• 3.4 U llablllty of that ftaure. You can be per cent, motor vehlclel and parla 10,'1 WRITE IUrer or 11.1 accuracy by underatandlnl per cent, chemJeala 8,ft per cent, pub­ 81 Campbell Soup •••. • '1.8 • 118 the principal way. in which proftl.l can Uahlnl 8 per cent. 1.1 the bottom of the 92 Coca Cola ...... 8.2 RII ADIIIlIUL be erroneoualy Itated. ButeaUy, there heap of manufatturera were the faun· 85 General Milla ••• •• , 1.8 _1I0Il MACHINE CO., INC. 8a Beatrlce Foocb ••••• U are four area. In which you can kid dering ahlpbulldera and nJlroad-equip­ Tel: 212 EV.1-1640 280 Wall4bout St., Brooklyn 6, N. Y. yourself about your proftt ..• • ment IUppUerl, who came oft with • (ConUnued on Pa.e "/;;".;.'.< . . 13 .' 12 . ~~--''-- - ' .. , - -- .. _-' ------.

. . - . ... - - on lale• . Food followed the aircraft In· lbot paues for decentralir.aUon In JO Maca",nl Marketing, MANUFACTURERS _ENGINEERS - DESIGNERS and P",flll- dustry at the seeond hlahest for sale. many c:ompanle.. . per dollar of Invested capital at $3.17. 3. A pr06clant eommunlcatioRl ' fl' MACARONI PROCESSING MACHtNERY (Continued from Page 12) You ml,ht check your own company .tm. a particularly tricky device :hll fI,ufel to ICe what your percentage of va. t seamentl of industry have YC I to Galilera Veneta - 'adon - Italy Proftt u " of return was on Invested capital and on muler. In"lt~ sale.. 4. An ac:U .. tralma progr~ Ih al Rink Company Sal" CapUal keeps youna manogen contlnu ~ lJ, AVAN ror Complelliniolmillon Phone or Wrlte 100 National Biscuit ... . 5.8 16.3 Indhiclual C~ prelling to the fore and establilihed ASEECO managers on their toes. 101 Standard Brandl •.• 3.9 11.9 Campbell Soup III not only the largcst 106 Amer. Home Prod ... 10.6 27.2 6. High .xlCUlb'. .alul.. and em. producer of canned IOUpS but the big­ 115 Hyarade Foods .. •. . 0.1 1.9 plO'f" ben.b, to retain the output of gest canned .paihettl packer and I. big lbe training program and to anure con. 11'1 Baldna • 1.8 8.8 In production of blended veaelable SHAKER DRYER - TP 60 120 Carnation ••• . .. •. •• 2.9 10.4 tlnulty of management. juice. and frozen prepared dinners. 123 Foreme. t Dalries .. . 1.2 6.9 O. Th. wlWnpeu 10 rlsk hnp""l.. With their fllcal year endln" July 31, Cut Good. and Noodl., 128 ..... 2.5 9.1 .UIDJ of mOb., OD reMucb and n,•• 1983 eamlngl were $43.85 on $838.19 131 Pillsbury ...... 1,9 8.1 product d ...lopm.nI and to risk .un net sale. (In miUlolll of dollars). In more capital by following through on 135 American Sugar . . .. 2.8 7.2 1962. Income was $38.61 on $610.12. 138 California Packing . 4.5 10.5 net the output of the laboratorie• . Earning. per ahare were $3.94 In 1963 139 H. J. Heinz ...... 3.B 8.0 The 10 companies aelec-ted by Dun', compared with $3.47 the previous year. 140 Hunt Food ...... 3.7 7.1 Review, with the ability that Jed to Prevent. Sticking In Preliminary Dry.r 142 Quaker Oatl ••• . .. . 4.2 12.0 Amencan Home Product. II a dI· their selection, II al follows: 1&8 Anheuser-Butch ... . 5.2 10.4 versified producer of ethical dru.a. 1. Organlzation-Oeneral Moto .... 160 Central Soya ...... 2.0 9.'1 cosmetics, food and houaehold prod­ 2. Growth Power - International Provo nt' Flattening 01 Product On 181 Kellon ...... 8.5 20.5 uct .. They have shown steady trowth BUllneas Machlnea. 187 Llbby McNeill & throuah meaN of new product de­ 3. Financial Etftclenc:y-E. J. Du· Spoclal Shape Producll LIbby ...... 1.1 U velopment, acqul.IUona. and a strang ' Pont. 196 OlCAr Mayer ...... 1.0 7.5 markeUnl ol'lanlutton. Their food 4. Corporate Vltamy - Amerlru 2t(rAri:h~~ Darifel. producta dlvlslolll recorded better than Telephone & Telegraph. 'I ' Mldland '._~: . . • . . •. . 1.6 4.7 averaae lalnsl.. t year with the volume 5. Long.term Record-Standard on 222 Pel Milk . ..: ...... 1.9 6.7 of the Chef Boy-ar.dee line enhanced of New Jersey. 227 Land O'Lnke' : / " by the ad~ : tlon of frazen foods. Flnnl 6. New Products - MlnnelOto Min· Creamerie.: •. : •. . •. 2.8 15.7 net for their hut RlCn) year we. up '1.1 Ing & Manufaclurln •. PRE DRYER - TR 51 244 Campbell Taggert per cent. Earnln" were equal to $1.23 7. The Quallly Image - Ea. tman Balt. . •...... •... : .. 2.0 12.8 D .hare compared with $1.15 In the Kodak. • I Cut Gaod, and Noodl., 252 Sunshine Bllcuits .. 3.9 10.1 year earlier period. 8. Marketin, and Mcrthandllln, ­ 256 Stokely-Van C&mp . 1.4 4.2 Stouffer Foods has a good record of Procter & Gamble. 259 Pep.1 Cola •...... 8.0 19.5 . rowth In the re. taurant field, but D. Performance and Planning - 285 Schlllz Brewlna . . .. 5.3 6.8 ~Ings In recent yean lalled becauae Scan, Roebuck. 289 Hershey Chocolate .. 12.0 19,4 of ri.lng costJ and development ex­ 10. Management-General Electrle. 278 Staley ...... 2.7 8:4 pensea. DlversUkation move.. particu­ Extracll 10% of th. MOISTURE larly Into frazen prepared fooda distri­ Lest the Idea be given that only la ra! (45/50% 01 total amount to b. 286 Fairmont Food. •• . • 2.5 9.3 companlel ::nn do the Job, the ultlmale 302 American Bakerie. . 1.1 U ~utlon, and expansion of reltaurant e~tracled) operatiolll InclutUn. more ornate loca­ objective ot. any buslne.. enterprlll! b 30B Gerber Producta . .. . 6.1 18.3 proflt. And, u It II old In a slide 11f'C­ 325 Frito-Lay . ...• . .... 3.7 18.0 tions. are now makin. Increasing con­ tributlolll to earning" Lui spring sentatlon from the United Statet Ch:.m· 334 ...... 5.4 15.9 her of Commerce on "'Who ProRl. Fuw Tho Small.,t and Mo,t Ellicient 352 United BIICulta .. .. . 1.8 5.5 Stouffer announced a euaranteed proftt ptan for ret.Uen telling 111 frozen food ProHllt" available on loan from UI! 355 Pabst ... .. 5.0 8.1 "Earnlngl are not autom.lIe-they are Dry .. on tho Market 364 Fahtarr Brewlnl . .. 4.8 12.9 line. Thla Une of 13 key Item. had sev­ eral macaranl, spaghetti and noodle not ea.l1y ,alned. Since they repn!!l!nt 434 Canada Dry ...... 4.9 10.8 lbe dlfference between Income f rolm 498 Duncan Coffee ... . . 1.2 12.4 comblnaUona. Salea for the year ended Only 6 Ft. Wid. For 1,000 Lb •. July 31, 1963 were up 13.4 per cent ..Ie. and aU costa ot dolna bUl l n ~ '" 11 Ft. Lang from those of 1961·62. The frazen fooda JUlt a alight decreaae in .alel, wilh Capacity Combined IDlcs for the companies In costs remalnlna flxed, can throw a com· 10 Ft. High this directory were a record $229.1 bil­ dlvl.Jlo ~ ••ale. galned lOme 24 per cenl on expaDlton of line. ond marketing pany Into the red; or a IUght rise In 1 lion, 9.5 per cent hlghcr than the 1961 coat, unmatched by hl.her sellin, totat. Only 55 of the companies report­ orcas and .harp arowth of In.titutional Nylan 811t Cantaur On Sid .. bualne.a. price .. or In productivity, can do the ed lower salci than In 1981, and elsht same. EVen In prosperau. yean, 30 per To Prevont Llakagl more Joined tho ''b1111on·dollar club," cent to 40 per cent ot all corporations U,S, and Canadian Reprolentatlve. .~ Qood Manlg.mant brlnalng the lolal with IDlel over $1 make no proftt at a11. That'l why It Is • 49. Speld Adlultable For Any Typi Product 'I I billion to Profita were up even more What make. aood management? called a proftt and 1011 syatem.. " :I sharply than lales. Dun'. Review ha. been running a aeries I: De. plte 0 rill(! in aglTt'gate proftts, on the 10 best managed. companlel in ProWabl. N.rcbarutl.lDg ALL METAL CONSTRUCTION the median proflt marlin remained at the United Stale., and recently H.ted " · I:! 1 Profttable merchandblng hu 'been the 1981 level of 4.2 per cent. There .Ix tested rule. of the blue chlpI: Automated paraphraJed from a talk by Bill S!dd' were vatyina movea In ' induatry mar. 1. AlAIndanJ worldag c.plJal-a form Aluminum Cavorld btlrlor Syuems & \ more, D 10ft wheat miUer, before hit ,. gins. In tho food and b~vertlge indUlUy, of corporate Insurance policy for both Ea.Uy Rlmavobll For Cllanlng Equipment • naUonal auoclatlon meeUn.: . • for example, the Incretl~ was 7.3 per the fut expansion and the overnight oI EnglnHrlng cent on Jales that were up 5.1 per cent. entrenchment that mu.t be provided 1. TIM flnt .t.p In .,., progrllD ' prolUabt. Ili.vchaDdldng II to naJuait 1830 w. OLYMPIC DOU L!:VAAO DU 1f. 8081 Tho Industry median for food and bev· for In a c:)'clical bUllne.. cUmate. . May II Chargld Or DIKha,,"d poteaJl&l 11 neceslQl')" to de- LOS ANOEUS e. CALIP'OANIA erages haa D return on Invested capllat 2. A Inllr d,"Diralbed corporat• • From Thl Sam'l End. Or Opposltl End. ot 8,4 per centj 2.'1 per cent .. return alnld\lnf . u~ opp0R4 to ~' Up IetVlce .... , 14 Macaroni Mark.tln,. In unreasonable, or prohibitive COlli, it relultl before repeaUng, or going on would mOil certainly be unwise to pur­ to .omethlng elae, we would certahlly and Prollll- sue. Improve the quality of our promo­ (Continued from Page 14) Plan your distribution . • . develop a tional activity, and benefllJ for ;, 11 would accrue. termlne arcOI In which dlatrJbution 11 program to get the most In relults with 7. Sup.rtor aeUlng Ifarll wllh pt!o. mo. l practical for your company and to CO .. tl In reatonable boundl, Don't be bound by conventlon-don', be a crea­ pt•• Many of us need beller nles Pt'r­ measure thele arcas in a manner which sonnel men with lound educations wilo eatabUshes their value to you. ture of habit-but do chart your course don't mind letting th~ir hand. dirty. We would very likely be In agree. rather than proceeding In a haphazard manner. We need to tndn these men beller; 10 menl that ALL markeb do not offer help them estabUsh work habits wh ich comparable potential .•. and it tollow. ft. Employ .tfecU.. ad .... rtialng, Con­ lumen MUST be drawn to our prod­ will lend themselves to a lalesman's that there ore oreal which are imprac­ aueceu. Keep their rlmort. and det ail tical to serve. ucts. Yet, because of the Intense com­ peUUon within our Industry, we do not work at a minimum, but be lU re you We need to do a better Job of pre­ have a system which gives you fa cts liminal)' markel research before blun­ enjoy the (roll margins which enable and permits ~trecUve control. Eat.bUsh dering expensively Into a new area, others In the food fteld to budJet great­ er amountJ for adverllslng their prod­ Incentlvea. Don't take just the com­ • Dnd all too often falling to achieve pany Into consideration, tor thll II III desired result •. Here'. what we look ucts. So let'l live wllh the truth, be more efficient, more selective. and get .hort-llghted. These men are our fu· .5 for: ture and we must be lure compensation • . II the new area 10 situated thot It a dollar and a hair In mileage for every !SO cenll we lpend. providea more than the bare neceultiH i can be served WELL by your if we are to compete with othen In the company, on Il fe ••onable bat ll of • . We must meDlure every Inillal ad­ ;: vertiling expense In the light of food Held for the be.t In ..lelmen , Dr costa? lUre there Is Incentive within reach b. Is it reasonable to auume that anllclpated effect on consumers of our producb-wlll Il lell? which ofters real opportunity to pro­ when the pie II cut by the Intro­ greu ftnancially. a duction of another brand - your b. Draw a Iharp line between ex­ penditure. which are donationJ If we It:leet men properly, train them 'iii brand-there ,. enouah to permit. thoroughly, and compensate them ade­ the aUccI to be sizeable cnouah to and those which arc adually ad­ iii vertising. Budget what you can for quately, then the law of average. alent III make the effort worthwhile? will work In our favor to Improve cur c. Do you moke the type of product ~onationJ but don't take money from your nec:elS8ry advertlalng .ale. forn. Good men are needed to ~ preferred by conlUmers In the area establish the proper Image In the minds being conlldered for expanllon? program that doesn't leU your Z product. of merchants and dl.tributon. Good ... If not, II there lome outstanding men are needed not only for yeur quality about your product giving c. Remember this-In advertiling. z the biggest waite of money II to brandl but for your company and your reason to believe consume" wilt industry, i change their preferences? lpend too little. Either lpend enough to produce lOme resuill. If each of these things Is conlidered u d. What II the true compelltlve IlIu­ In the I1ght of your particular problems, atlon In this market? 11 it a "hot­ or you are throwing It all away. your ~iHe need .. and reviewed pe­ ~ bed" of Ilashlng and cuHhralUng? 6. Bound promotioa. of • product b aimed at cnattnv "plus" 1&1.. at COD­ rIodlcaUy, then you will be well on ~ II It a .trang-hold at one particu­ your way to profltable men::handlslng. lar. long e .. tabUshed brand? Are lum.r 1... 1. and "plUl" dlstrlbullOD at the brand.. In tho market being Ih. point wh.n Ih. promotion 18k .. Th. THn.Ag. Mark.1 ~ fuJly exploited' II there a well place. An offer continued over a lengthy Teen-agen are lold ahort on food, cstabllshed old brand thot II slow­ period ot time JI no longer a promo­ tion, but becomel a part of the regular Mn. Sigana Earle, director of food and g ly dying a natural death. Jeavlng home making education for Sevente<' n the area "ripe" for "plucking'" .ale. efl'ort. Magw ne, told the National Yout n' x 2. Conddu u lb. MCfIDd bulc .t.p Originality lan't eBIY, but there are I"· new Ideal being developed coNtantly. power Congreu which met In Chlca!: o ::i constant quaUty control of Ih. product. I.. t Spring. A Seventeen lurvey Il f Make it good, keep It clean, package It Try pulling on a contelt In your own ..I atlractlvely. Improve whenever POI­ organlutlon asking for promotional adultl, .he laid, ".ubslantlates com' plalntl of teen-agen that people It. Iho:! Ilble. and keep a watchful eye peeled Ideal with sell, Make It worthwhile for ~ food Held have them pegged all wren!!." ... for waYI to do 10 Orst . . • before your your personnel to try out their braiN. They ate more concerned about nutri­ competitor. not afte_r he h.. already You'll get lome doozlel in the realm ot tion than either the food IndUitry v f .2 exploited IUch Improvement •. bnpraetlcablllty, but you could come educators think they are. 3. S ••u,. your .,..t.m of COIl ac­ up with lome wlnnen. : counting I...... nolhlng to chanu. It b Overpromotion isn't the answer. In advertising productJ with lOund ·c unbelievable that any com pony would Know what each promotion can coal nutritional value, IlreU Ikln care and ~ weight control. Quoting a teen-ager, knowingly elt:lbUlb d. se11ln" price and be lure you can afford It-there an! c Mrs. Earle Aid, uIt adulll would put which doel not refJcct even COlli recov­ many trapil of delayed redemptloM, etc. o '';: ery, Jet alone profill. Yet we ace thll In which can throw a budget out of kUter. the emphasll on beauty rather than on Industry every day. Decide exactly what a particular pro­ vowth, teeM would pick food ... they o 4. What.. ., your plan of dltJrlbu· mollon ahould 8chlev(. for you, then do cosmetJea." E The executive noted that 44 per cent .. tlon. II is .ueattallo rem.mber Us pur· menure relulll agalnlt the goal set. of adults and educators a,reed that poH: to make your product avalloble Remember, It we all stopped promotlnJ .2 to consumers to the greate.t poulble It wouldn't help our cause. We would picture. of 8ay party Iituations were .5 the type ot food J advertiling most ap­ degree commensurate with cosll. Some­ .Imply pennlt other foodJ to encroach .. tlmel a liUle more cost to go a desired on our potential markeb. But U we pealing to teen-age .Teadera, but Ie'" o than one-ftfth of Seventeen'. panel ... route enablel one to reach his maxi· would aU give more thought to our (,Irl. 13 to 19) and boyl and glrla of mum objective .. . .. U 10. It rould be p",rn"Uon... trive for more orlllnaUly, the Cong~ , favored this type of M . wise to employ even the mnst expen· • "t ;,.,1,11, cart:fully analyze COJta, fol­ live of methode. If luch a coune retUlts low Inrou,h at a111eveta. then menure (Continued on PaJe 18) 16

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Foreign F ••orlt.s that have happened to the American I. Macaroni Marketing, people In the past 10 years alone: Foreign dishes have become dlnner­ \ and Proflh- The number of families with income. I table favorites. In a National Family (Continued from Page 18) Opinion survey of 7,885 homes, two­ of $10,000 or more haa almost qu ad· thirds of the families were serving rupled-and Income provides the mcans The .urvey alia disclosed that teens are with which we buy. more concerned about price of foods Italian fooda such as Ipaa:hettl and pizza with some frequency. Chinese The number of managers and pro­ than adults assume. fellionals in U.S. bUllness and Industry By 1970. the tecn girl population w111 dilhes were aec:ond In popularity, with Mexican food third. Spaa:hetti was the has increased by a full thlrd-and p0- reach 13,000,000 compared with the sition determines our standard of II\·inS. pre8t!nt 10,685,000. favorite foreign dish served by 42 per cent of the famlllel. Chop Suey and The number of college - educated The teen girl Is the housewife of t~ adu1t1 has swelled from 11.& to 16.5 morrow. She Is impressionable for ad­ Chow Meln rated 'j per cent; Plua & per cent; Chill 4 per cent: EnchUadas, million-and education conditions the vertising, promotion. and brand., Mrs. valuel we place on the goods and IK!rv· Earle said. Goulaah, Tacos, and Lasagna, 2 per cent; Rice, Stuffed Cabbage, Tamales, Ices offered In the marketplace. I To help the food industry court the "Add means to Itandardl to valueJ­ leen-age market, Mn. Enrle luggcsteci and Ravioli, 1 per cent: AU Others, 8 per cent. In quantity-and you have a Quality I that advertisers appeal to teens instead Revolution In Marketing." 1, 1 of the housewUe, develop products Large city dwellers serve foreign especially for that market, and calab­ dishes more often than farm families. nah certain 'food. as statuI symbols (for Generally, younlcr homemakers serve I­ example, natronnuta gel In ,hape wJth them more often than older women. Fighting Prlyate Label, ~ high protein diets). and hlgh.lncome families have them HE recipe for flghtina: private II' IN ANY MACARONI more often than low-Income famlliel. TO INSURE THE QUALITY I The ChUdnp', Muk•• T bel.. aceordlng to Greg SherTY, I Chicago advertlalna: executive speak· Cbl- Mex­ Time Magazine recently told ot "The Foreign Duh Ilal· Ing before the Salad Dreiling Anoela· lan MM lcan PRODUCT ALWAYS SPECIFY Children'. Market" They reported the Populully tion, Is a mixture of heavy advertlslllJ ~ -qt AllER' } small ann), of researchers who analyu, National Average . , .66% 36% 22% and Indultry Innovation. appear to, and reckon with chl1dren New Ena:land ...... '12 .5 5 Private brand labels will continue to 38 9 say that the 40,000,000 Americana aged Middle Atlantic ..... 78 thrive "because there aren" p. nouah bl, WHETHER YOU'RE MANUFACTURING LONG GOODS twcrto-twelve Itrongly Innuence the 69 31 13 South Atlantic ...... brands really battling for I 'uslncu.~ lpendlng of one conaumer dollar In E. N. Central ...... 66 43 13 Generally, there'l a definite pattern to leven, and affect famUy purchasea of E. S. Central ...... &4 14 20 h private label SUCCCSl. It occurs when In OR SHORT EGG eVerythIng from cars to acap. "Once W. N. Central . , .. •. 58 33 21 industry produces 10 UUle in the way 6 rt' ~ err, children become Impreaaed," alghs 0 W. S. Central ...... 49 20 54 of advertising or product, packagln& Chicago advertlalng executive, "they Mountain ...... 60 36 45 and merchandiling Innovation that the are v-,'ry lucceaful naggers." Pacific .. •...... 72 48 49 public Itarts to believe consequently NOODLES , oua-nor 10 hllhly mobile, both physl- nate cerealJ, and the relln of Duncan ~r PR~~UCTS and tuno nsh. Among the current Ins: calJy and culturally. Never hOI market- Hines Pl11sbury and Betty Crocker In Mr. Magoo. kosher foods, plua pies, ing been ao complex-nor the demand ' the e~ke mix field. "And you don't tl r.d Dnd Frankenstein monsters . for marketlna: efficiency 10 areat. private labels In baby food" he added. AND WE SHIP EVERY ORDERblAT THE TIME ::"1'·"; . '~' "For America today is no loneer one "because of Gerber, Heln~ Swift and 11'1 .' " And HqrCMI mass market. It Is a myriad of markets, Beechnut." The negro morket for selected food Itratified not only by age, sex, income, Where you do find private labels Is PROMISED. BE SURE ... SPECIFY MIlER' product, (not Including macaroni) has education and occupotion. but by vari- where there aren't enour,h bll brands­ been made by the Americon Research OUI combinations of theu factors and nelds where there have' been virtually Service among the Ebony Magazine the famUy environment, taste and atU- no innovationa in the last 10 years­ audience. InteresUng findings: 57 per tudel that result. Each of tht=se many "and they've been littln, duckl for cent of wives are employed full time, markela: Is sizable, the most .elect of private labela." AMBER MILLING DIVISION 10 per cent part time, 60 per cent of them conaumi.l1 an outsiu share of the the homes have from 3 to & occupants: output of many entire IndUltrle.. ac­ FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCIATION 35 per cent ore slnlle or eouplel: and counting for a wholly disproportionate Criticism is somethinl you can avoid Mill. at Rueh City. Minn.-Genera' Office.: St. Paul 1, Minn. 1& per cent have 6 or more. Average share of many servlees. by saying nothing, doln. and T ..... "HON.I Mld"".y ._e4:1:1 "Conalder only • few ' of the thina:a being nothlnl. household Income wu $6,220., , , . -;i .. ~------_ ' --~ -'---- ~ - - _._-


A new concept of extruder construction util izIng lubular sleel fram.s, .lImlnales tho .. hard-to-dean ar.as. For the flnt time a completely sanitary extruder ••• for easier malnte~ance ••• Increased production ••• hlgh.st quality. Be sure to check on thOle efficient spac.-savlng machl.". SHORT CUT MACARONI EXTRUDERS Model BSCP ...... 1500 pounds capacity p.r hour Mod.IOSCP ...... 1000 pounds capacity p.r hour Mod.ISACP...... 600 pounds capacity per hour Mod.ILACP ...... 300 pounds capacity p.r hour

LONB MACARONI SPREADER EXTRUDERS Mod.IBAFS ...... 1500 pounds capacity p.r hour Mod.IOAFS ...... 1000 pounds capacity p.r hour Mod.ISAFS ...... 600 pounds capacity per hour

COMBIWATION EXTRUDERS Short Cut ...... Sh ••t Former Short Cut ...... Spr.ader Thr •• Way Combination

QUALITY •••••••• A conlrolled dough a ••oft a. doalred 10 enhance lexluro and appearance.

PRODUCTION ••• Po.llive mew fHd withoul any po •• lbility of wobblng make. for posl­ live ..row dellvory for production boyond ralad capacltl.s.

CONTROLS ••••• So Iino-oo po.ltlv. Ihal pr ..... run Indeflnlt.ly without adlustm.nt •• POSITIVE SCREW PORCE FEEDE.. Improve. quality and Increas •• prod.'llon of long good., .hort good. and .hHI forming contlnuou. extruderl. SANITARY ••••••• Ea.y 10 clean lubular .1 ••1 fram •• glva you Ihe flnt Iruly .anltary 3 STICK tliOO POUND LONG GOODS SPREADER oxtrud." Incroo ... production while occupying the .ame .paco a. a 2 .tlck 1000 pound ,prlad.r• I For Informol1on regarding ,h.sl and orher mod.ls, prlc .., tliOO POUND EXTRUDE.. S AND DRYERS LINES mat.rlal f.sllng and ofh,r IIlY/CI', wril. or phon'l now In operation In a number of macaronl-noodlo planl., occupying .lighlly more .poc. Ihan 1000 pound lin •••

THUIIXTIUOW AND DIYDS All NOW GIVING IXCIU,INT ..IULts tHtoUOHOUT THI UNlfID nAta tN A _a o. PLANTS. -~--..:....:...--- ' .., ...-...... _- --_.

[ TH RI FTY MEAL MATES FOR LENT ~ teaspoon cruahed oregano the preparaUon and servin. of mara_ except cheese. Cook 115 minutes lonaer. move bay leaf. Blend In lour cream. Heat. Serve with noodle •. 8 to 10 serv­ 1 teaspoon sugnr ronl products. U.ually thl. II accom­ Garnish with Parmeaan cheele. Serve' 1A teaspoon crushed basil Ina', panied by a liberal supply of related Ilx. Salt and pepper to taste Item advertising. McCall'., which cnna Add 1 tablespoon salt to rapidly itself the "First MSladne For Woman," Canntd or Comblnalion Or aWtn bolUnl water. Gradually add macnronl In January, for example, had a beautl· Stouffer'. Frozen Prepared Foodl ad· Chef Q')y·Ar-Dee picture. an attrac­ so water continues to boll. Cook un­ ful work of art color photograph on a vertlses an "easy .upper for the aUter , , tive Ital,an scene with a teUlnl of covered, ltirrlng occulonally, until double-pale spread cspUoned "Meal In to aerve." Copy says: "Mom and Dad'. hearth ·.lread and ,rapes backing up a tender. Drain In colander. 1." The picture Is dominated. by 0 aervln" of Ravioli Cauerole. The:' aay: night out? Here'. a wonderful way to .leamlnl pot full of noodle IOUp with keep the kid. happy, and wholesomely Meanwhile, cook beel In .ki11et until "When an Italian cook treats ber tam· browned. Add green pepper, onions, to­ golden brown chicken and luscioul' lIy to ravioli it'. an occulon. Hut you fed : Stouffer'. delicious Macaroni " . looking meat on a carving board com· Beef with Tomatoe •. So .Imple to fix, mato ""uce, tomatocs, orelano, Jugal', can serve It any time at ali, In no time. bull and aalt and pepper: mix well. pleting the compoaltlon. Chef Boy·Ar·Dee make. these blte­ YClur altter can heat and serve this tan· if treat In mlnutea, And no wonder the Cover and cook .Iowly 20 minutes, Copy wd: "Every nation seeml to aile macaroni pies with browned beef, stirring occasknally. Add macaroni and have at least one great, hearty meal· . mall.fry eat It upl Stouffer'. hearty true ItaUnn sealOnlnla and . unny to­ cover and cook 10 minute. longer. In·a-dllh (.uppoaed to be tor famllIe. mato saUtt!. Heat them tor your main homeapun Ravor hili the .pot. Anytime. Oueu why all the teen-agen In town only, but relished by ruuts)-a .Iow· dish, aide dilh or 8ppelher. Or try thl. Tun. Tle·ln cooidn" well-Jeuoned, lender combl· euy-bake dinner-Beef Ravioli Stuffed will wnnt to baby-.lt at your hCluse7 nation of n:eats and many vegetables, Peppen requires two tarae arcen pep­ Oel Stouffer'. Frozen Macaroni & Beef A beautiful fuU·paae ad in color for served in III own broth or gravy, and perl and one 115~-ounce can of Chef from the quality section of your grocer'1 Chicken of the Sea, "the tunn thal' • .u all piping hot. In our photoeraph, you Boy-Ar.Dee Beef Ravioli, plu. v.. cup freezer. ]t'. one of Stouffer'. Restau­ prime fillet," Ihow. D lusclou. lookinl cauerole for Tuna MeditelTanean. Copy see lOch II one: France', beloved. Petitt grated Pannelan cheese. rants' most popular recipe'," We don't know their recipe, but one II a. follow.: , ealen with fork and IOUP Start oven 3715- F. Cut peppen In half from the Nntlonal Macaroni In.tllule Mix one rup commcrclnl lour cream, H... ". a...... for delkiool eotln.g In Q spoon. The recipe ls given ellewhert lengthwise. Remove membrane and for thl. dish is a. follow.: \4 teaspoon around oregano, two 6~­ : and crgb meat with dairy producb-buHer, mil k, Swlu alonl with Ouo Buco, Italian veil seeds. Cook In bol1lnll lalted water five scented with wine and herbl: rich meal ounce cans or one Giant 12'ri-ouncc can mlnule •. Drain. FlU with Beef Ravioli, Macaronl and 8"f wUb TomateM' Chicken or the Sea tuna, 2 cups cooked HE Metchandllln, Calendar Jent quickly lOA noodle., thoroulhly roat· pies; Oranae-Glaud Shortrib,: and top with cheele. Put In .hallow dllh. (Makes 4. to 6 servings) elbow macaroni, 'ri: cup sliced ripe T by the NaUoRal Macaroni lnIutute Jn, each with butter. Pannell" cheese other meal-In-Itself dime.. " McColl', Cover. Bake 30 minute •. to ,l"OCCry distributors urges Lenten and panley. Serve with ,rUled lunch. Food Department has Mercede. Bale, 1 lable.poon salt olivea, ~ cup sliced mushrooma, ~ cup General Mms picture. tho ingredlenta tJe·1n. with macaroni, Ipaabelli and eon meat. IIUllla or ham. 81 editor, Mary Eckley and Barbara 3 quarta bolUnl water chopped ,reen pepper, v~ cup chopped el' noodles with dairy product. In Sealand a. auodale•. In attractive photolraphy and 1411: 2 cup. elbow macaroni (8 ounce.) cashew nuts and 2 tablcllpoons chopp.!d February and sea food In March. lIuu.rmJlk BJ:roguoff "Simmer celery, onion and 0 plump l'ri pounds around beel pimiento. Spoon Into 1'ri·qunrt. casser­ The American Dairy AuocJaUon 14 cup flour Huui AdnrIIMs JC1atsJrOIW young chicken to make broth. Stir In v.. cup chopped green pepper ole. Sprinkle one cup grated process· .tariM! the new year 01Y with 8 drive on 1 teaspoon ..It Hunt'. Tomato Parte advertise. flour, butter, milk, arecn pepper. Pour v.. cup chopped ,reen onions type American cheese on top. Bake in over cooked noodles. Blanket with al· ''Thrifty Meal Mates," budget. savini "' teupoon pepper Mlneltrone with thl. copy: "Today, in 1 can (B ounces) tomato ~auce moderate oven (350· F.) 25 to 30 mln· combInation. of easy-la-fix compatl. -li pound beef .tew meat, cut In amall your own kitchen, you can make the monds and bake. Maklnl time: 3 1 can (1 pound, 4 ounCt"s) tomatoes ute •. Serves 4 to 5. houn." Then they ahow tho ftnilhed ble •. Here are .ome of the recipes 1U1- 2 cube. belt-loved .oup In all Italy I So ot dl.h, and say: "Or make Betty Crocker ,eltHi by them. tablespoon. butter hearty and satWylng, Mlne.trone Is • ~ cup (2.ounce can) mushroom ltel'M Noodles Almondine In 15 mlnutes-a meal In ItseU. Ju.t tern with bread o,..er and Macaroni au Gralia and piece. great new dinner Ideal" Saute' ~ cup chopped onion In 2 1 cup .Ueed onions .Ucks and salad. To make It the Italian tablespoon. butler. Add 2 cans (10~ nash ,.rlle powder way, be l ure to use rich. thick Hunl', For Partlu ounce neh) oy.ter .tew. Stir In I pack· 1 cup water Tomato Paste. It'. the one made with I real ItaUan-type tomaloes. Campbell Soup advertl.lna 11 ad­ I .,e (B oUntt!) elbow macaroni ami 2 1 teaJpOOn Worceatenhlre Auee dreued '"'1'0: The party hosteu-t.ub­ .' . tablespoohl chopped green pepper. ~ cup buttermilk . NlDnlroa. jed: Feasll for a group made easy with Cover and cook over low heat, IUninl 4. oUntt!. noodle. IOUp." oceasJonally, unUl macaroni Is tender. 3 tablelpOOlli tomato catJup \4 cup Weuon. pure veaetable 011 1 clove garlic, mlnced The recipe for Chicken Paprika SUr ' in ll-i cup. (6-ountt!.) Ihredded Combine "our, .alt and pepper; coat Jerved over noodlea is as follow.: \ Cheddar cheeae. Cover until cheese cube. of meat with mixture. In one­ 1 cup chopped onion [' 1 cup chopped ct!lery melts. Make. 4-6 servings, quart lIutt!pan melt butler; add meat Chlck.n Paprlka and cook alow)y until browned. on all 2 (6-ounct!) can. Hunt'. Tomato Pasle . FeUudnl Am.rtcano .Ide.. Drain mushroom.; salle liquor. 1 1 IOv..·ounce can beet broth 4 pound. chicken parts table.poon salt Add onion., ,arlic Clowdr:r, waler, 2~ quarts water !I.I cup seBlloned Rour 2 quarts water l-i cup .hortenlng Worcc.tenhlre lautt!, cabu~ and mush. 1 cup chopped cabba,e l-i pound fettuclnl noodle. room liquor. Cover; .Immer unUl meat 1 to·ounce package ffOUn pea. alld 2 calli Campbell', Tomato Soup (or sp8aheUi) ' 11 tender, about two hOUri. SUr In carroll' v.. cup water 2 cans (4.-ountt!. each) sll~ mUlh- l-i cup (1 .tick) buller, melted mu.hroom. and buttermilk; eook only 2~ tealPoolli salt drained l-i cup ,rated Parme.an cheese until heated throuah. Cook noodle. ac­ \4 tealPoon pepper roonu, !I.I cup chopped onion 2 table.poon. chopped para)ey cordln. to packaae dlrectloM: platt! In l-i tea.poon rosemary leaves I tablelpoon paprika l-i pound. luncheon meat, sausage or rin. around ed,e of servin. bowl. Fill 1 I·pound can kJdney beans, not 1 lar,e bay leaf ham tt!nter with meat mixture; lerve lm. drained 1 cup lOUr ere~ Add. salt to rapidly boiling water. mediately. cup small elbow macaroni Oradually add noodles. Cook uncov. Grated Pannesan ehet!te Durt chicken with flour; brown in ered, I1lmn, occasionally, unUt noodlel Take a Magaalno Cook ,arUc, onion and eelery In We.· Ihortenln,ln lar,e akJUet Pour oft fat are tender. Drain in colander (rinsln. II son In larae ketUe. SUr In Hunt" Ta­ sUr in remainln. lqredJenta except n

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Demaco Ollum •• full ...pon.ibllity wh.n you onl.r D.moco .qulpm.nt. We are responsible for the engineering, construct Ian and initial operation. I.i Demaca engineers stay an the jab until the equipment performs exactly as desired. Our experts understand the important details af macaroni extrusion ., and drying which assures you of top performance, law i maintenance and law dawn·time operation. \ . Came see our new equipment. ... The Demaco long goods continuous line . ... The fully automatic line that takes semolina and water, extrudes the mix under full mixer .1 i vacuum, preliminary drys the product, then goes thrau!1h ,• the new Demace revolutionary ane tier finish dryer, to an accumulator, to a stripper and finally ta Demaco's amazing spaghetti weigher. All ot 1500 lb., per hour (based on dried product).


- j ... 45-46 M.tropolitan Av.n.,. a Brooklyn 37,

_,. JI Phone EV.... ~n ~"IIO " ',,~- ' ,' ,~~ _ _ _ _ d ______- ...... 'It '- ...... _.:IOO.I.,"""",-_ _ ,,~~_

/, I ' l ,.

emment was lubsldbJnJ - throulh a sale. wlIl fOcua reeo.nltlon on the nl· back-door approach-part of the cost tlon'. wbeat production capacity b5 I of shlpp!n. the wheat to the Soviet meana of atrenllthenln, the economy Union. Wall Street Journal polntl out and brin.ln, Its balance-of· pay ment that the extra-large durum subsidIes deflcit into balance." "amount to ,5 or $6 a ton more than Risin, world food need., coupled the 68t' IUblldy granted on an export with severe crop laue" particularly In sale of 30,000 bushels of durum on RUSlla and eastern Europe, hal broulht December 19. This $tI or $6 a ton figure on an unprecedented wave ot Interna· happens to be jull about equal to the tlonal wheat tradinl, Sampson de­ current dilierence between Ameri:an clared. Ruula, tradlUonal1y, a mlJor Dnd forelln shlpp!n. rate. ... exporter, I, today the world's leadlnl s we '0 to prell, the announCf!· Importer. AU ltralia and Ar,entlna have A ml!llt hal just been made that Wheat Kina Innl.. d placed "all sold out" II.n. on their nearly 13,000,000 bushela Of United Continental, one of the naUon', larg­ wheat bins. Cannda'. marketin. and I State. durum wheat hal been . old to est araln nporten, hilI _,reed to sell transportation facUitie' are badly RUllla. RUHla the (ollowln,,: .tralned in fllUn, orders. As a rnull. Thla hUlle amount of durum repre­ MlO,OOO metric tOI\.l (18,372,000 bUlh· the United States, aUhou&h a residual I. sents a . Imble portion of the J,ooo,ooo els) of No. 2 Hard Red Winter Wheat. supplier, hal emer,ed a. the most cit­ metric ton. of wheat (about 37,000,000 to be shipped from U. 6. Gull porn to pendable .ource of .upply for the world bu.hela) Run!a hal purchased from Runlan Black Sea potU. The United wheat market. Continental Grain Company, New States will pay Continental 8 subsidy I·, of 85 cent. a buthel. I York. Total purchaae price hal not been , annol,nced, but Informed sources say 100,000 metric ton. (3,674,333 bush­ Canadian. Urge Durum Curb '. the wheat i. worth about ,90,000,000 at els) of No. 2 Hard Red Winter Wheat, Prairie ,rain growers have been .d· ,overnment price-supported domestic lubsldlzed at 61 centa a bushel, from vised to case up on ICedlng DUl'llm pricel. Federal omclals IBid It 1. the the Weat Coal t to Siberian pam. wheat next spring-de.pite Prolpedi lar.est commercial sale at wheal ever ~O,OOO toni (12 , B60,O~0 buahels) of of excenent wheat export demand fot by Q .in.le United State. company. No. 2 White Wheat, lublldlzed at ~1 another two yean at lea.t, cents D bUlhel, from the West Coast to Canada has an e. Umated 100,000,000 Hug. Bubaldr Aida Bal. Siberian port•. bushel. of Durum for the year endln, Closln, of the deal In Moscow wal 3~o,ooo tons (12,860,050 bushell) of next July 31 and overa,e use annually undoubtedly aided by aU,S. deci.lon No.2 Hard Amber Durum Wheal, au\).. hili been about 25,000,000 bu.hel., to llrant the company an abnonnally sldlzed at 72 cent. a buahel for half "Despite the prospect. for expanded lar,e sublldy so it could olrer hl,her· delivered throullb February, and 73 markett, carryover .upplle, wUl re­ prlecd American wheat nt lower world cents a bUlhel on thl! re.t delivered main lar.e and a further reduction In quotationa and aiao soak up .ome ship­ throu.h April 15, from the East Coast seeded acrea.e in 1004 would appelr ping coati the Ruulan. had balked at to the Black Bea. warranted," .ay. .. backif'Ound r raln payin • . Sub.ldlel are paid In the fonn of paper prepared for the recent fedc l al­ thought we'd take you to our leader. For years, the government has paid lurplu. U.S.-owned wheat; actually the provlndal a,ricultun! conferenCf!. w. lubsldle. on export of wheat because 1I0vernment Illues nelloliabJe certlH­ Prairie farmen In 1962 had a f('.;ord Bring your problem •• the domestic price, duO' to price .upport catel repre. entlng the surplu. grain to crop of nearly 66,000,000 bushell of the prDBrama, II higher than the world the company, which has the ri.ht to so-caned macaroni wheat, a typr In The North Ookota former, who lives by (and with) us, grows the best durum wheat in the price. However, authorization for lub­ redeem them In ehher wheat or In caah Browln, demand for such food pl'OllUeU world. Nobody dl.pute. that. Nat even olher durum grewe". Iidy .ale. of wheat to Soviet bloc coun­ by sellin. the certlRcatel to other in Europe and North Africa. He is helped out by the x/entlsts who study durum and what makes It tick, and who de­ tries was only appro\'ed a few months traders. Fanners cut plantln.. In 1963 but velop, along with him, better durum varieties. They all live by us, too. a,o by the late President, John F. Ken­ Neither the company nor the govern­ aUll had a bountiful yield. Price. ha\'t He Is also helped by the millers who mill his durum Into the world's best semolina and other nedy. Shipping cost hal been the main ment have disclosed the exact net price fallen from $3.45 a bushel to II ~O Ut durum products. The millers "'e looks to first, with the best of his crop. roadblock to conclusion to larBe scale of most of the wheat. Presumably, this $2.17. That's us. We know "'Im. He knows us. We've been neighbors for half a century, salel of American wheat to the Soviet depends on the day that Continental Most Durum-growln, areas also h.d We'd be most happy to make It a t"'reesomc. How good do you want your macaroni products Union which haa been reported inter­ actually purchasea the wheat probably fair to .oad crop. in recent Jeuon ~ 10 to be? ested In up to ,27ft,OOO,000 worth of In commodily markell, .Inea , price. that thl. wheat nrlety ha.n't \)c(!11 In I more American wheat. Mr. Kennedy Ructuate daUy. the same demand IS hard .prin, wheat Our products mode from Dakota durum are: Durakoto No, 1 Semolina, Perfecto Durum Gran­ had ruled that half of any wheat sold whose record exportJ sprln, trom Rus­ ular and Excello Fancy Durum Potent Flour. to Communlat bloc countries must be Durum Price Known sian and European crop reverse •. Try our service. Shipments go forth a. acheduled, '\ carried In American ships. However, In the case of the durum The ,rain review says that the good J. Wall Street Journal reported that wheat purchase, It II a different .tory. wheat export rate lenerally w1l11llst al Continental's president, Michel Fri· As the AEriculture Department sold least until July 31, 1065. For the year 'I hour., "oUested to the AdmlnJstration', the durum wheat to Continental from endln, next July 31, it haa been pre­ deep Intere.t In helpln, the company its .urplul . tock, the .tatutory mini. dicted that expom wJ1l exceed 650,000,- i overcome the tangle of bureauC!.tlc mum price, atttlrdln, to the Govern­ 000 bushell for a .ubltantial pln from .nd poUtlcal obstaclel." He was quoted ment, of '2 . 50~ a bushel, wu paid. the previoua peak In the late 1820.. I as .ayln" "We have malntalned close Commentlnll upon the expected rec· Aireements with Communlat coun' lIal.on and cooperation with omclaJs of ord export year for the United Slate. tries wUl guarantee about 76,000,000 the U. S. ,overnment In each step ef wheat Indu.try, Jamea Ole Sampson, buaheb In cach or the nut two yean in the ne,otlatJona." chalnnan of the North Dakota Wheat and nonnal .demand <. rem. .... ~ .. '<,<•• Trade circle. aptculate that the 1I0V· Commlulon. .tated: "Record export 1Inn.. ~ . ~ \

. , I t, met with Department of A,ricu1ture things, It refled. warranted appre( ia. For D.ferred Export Sole. omela!1 on thll preulnl matter, only a tlon on the part of the Department 01 Tilt Southwestern Miller. usptC"ttd ,rad" simple devlce-an incremental subsidy Aariculture of the poulbll1t1ea of the II/(IRn:/nt', r('('('111/y IIIOJt tfllJ "dUo,,,,1 ~tnlt·· that would take attount of canylnl commercial trade aylteml In expandin, STOR-A-VEYOR FOR NOODLES lIIt'nl: charge. on long·tenn I8le..-il needed. markets for wheat And flour abroad. I Furthermore, the Incremental ~ ub­ One hlllh!y sienlficant result of the Two Proposall Bugg ••led. Iidy syltem portendl a major modlflca. current turnabout In the world wheat The Department, the exporten lug· tion of the highly IUcccllful payment· Recently Installed market-from burden50me surpluses to gested. should make the daily an· in·klnd export. progranl on wheat and Intensive demand trom pra:t!caUy all nounced lublldy applicable for 60 to DO the cash sublldy sYltem on flour In· at areal with export (acUities taxed to daYI ahead and Include a provilion thlltt augurated almOlt exactly seven yeOI1 copaclty-II the active study now un~ work!ngs beyond that period be en· ago. Under thll ay.tem, commercial ex· der way In the Department 01 Agricul­ titled to an additional lubsldy of around porten of the United State. have nler· SAN GIORGIO MACARONI PLANT ture of a method 01 eRcourallnR lonl­ one and a halt to two ceRia a bUlhel chandlsed an expandlna volume al term forward sales of wheat and flour. per month. With sueh a lublldy I)'ltem, wheat and flour Into foreian markets This atudy I. the result of a recent con­ exportcl'l would have no healtancy In throughout the world, a lrowth that Is ference between leading exporters and enterlna: Into Jon,·term IUpPly con· beina climaxed In the current leason I, top official. of the Department of ABri­ tracl!l with fortlgn buyer.. Another by the lreatelt allreaate In aU hlstof)'. iI culture, Including Secretary of Agri­ propuaal would supplement the GD-to­ The Incremental aublldy plan will add I' - culture Freeman. At this conference, gOoday pelilld with a provlalon for the to the capabUitiel of the Amerk.n United States exporters preJented com­ determlnaUgn of forward export pay. trade In holdlna and lalnln, forel,n f pelling reasons for a forward prietn. ment rate on a bid hula. Proponenll of markets. I: mechanism to permit them to compete the bid approaeh maintain that It with the forward seiling alrc'·;:.fy being would ,Ive exporten conald!'!rably l. conducted by other countries and to Inl:, more ftexlblUty In nc,otl.Ung with Wh.Dt Sol •• hi JDpon Hate lueh bualnclI. They pointed out forelan buyen and would provide the that the present export IUblldy ayltem Department of Acrtcutture with the The United Statel was the only major can be utilized to open the dooR to the beneftt of trade Ide.1 of world wheal grain supplier to Increue its sales 01 forward bUllneas. which would meet valuel and trends. Obvloully, either wheat and flour to Japan durin, 1963, competition that II becoming Increal' approach would be a definite and wei· reported a recent International Ft:dera· In,ly Important In world trade. Need come Improvement over the present tlon of A,rlcultural Producers bullelln. " tor action In this fteld II urgent, and rather limited lublldy period of the Total 1963 Japanese wheat Imports were now hope II high that a favorable de· United Stalel, with current ratea ap· 2.800,000 toni. Aboul DZ5,OOO ot this \ rilion will be forthcoming In the near .pUcable only to Ihlpments cleared by amount came from the U.S. future. May 111, 1964, In taco 01 the bookln,1 Adoption by the Department ot A,­ belna reported abroo.d In increulng rlculture of a forward prlclna sublldy volumo tor two and three yean ahead. Cook R.ti ... sy.tem would mark a complete revenal Alana with diacullion of a defemd J ... Batt,ry of3 StoroA·V,yors with 24 Hr, dryer capacity - 3 from It. previoul Itand. Behind thll ahlpment subaldy pro,ram, Itudy II un· Jeu Cook. durum buyer for Famlen Control Conv'yors with dual d~chlrl' f.. dlnl 2 Paellag· expected chan,e ·Is the extraordinary der way In the Department of the el' Union Gmln Terminal Auoclatlon. In. lines, Ihltt of recent monthl In world wheat tabllshment of export IUbsldles to .p-o lons·tlme expert on the MIMeapolis trade deaUn,• . In May, 1962, when tho ply on new crop wheat and ftour, In· GraLn Exchanae noor, retired at 1M NIII-Collin. Mount allows fr .. st,ral' .re. under the Department laat lpel1ed out Its refusal volvlna .hlpmenll after the preaent ex· end of 1963. HII succeuor II Rr.·yce StoroA·V,yors. to pave the way for a deferred subsidy plration date of May 111. New crop lub· Ram.land fonnerly with General Milts. ay.tem, It was able to point to the fact Iidiel are nonnally announced at this that 1HUe export buslneas wal belnl time of year, and the current excenent Of the many macaroni tlrms that have solved Siorage done beyond Immediate Ihlpment. demand from abroad necellitatel an Kenner Recuperating and Handllnl wilh Stor,A,Veyor are: American Beauty carly ded.lon. Some look upon the ea· Macaroni Plents at Dallas, Denver, Kansas City and Competition Confronla Export.n tabllahmenl of new crop IUtmdie' for Alvin Kenner, prelident of the Dur' \ Anthon~ Now, with an expandln, volume of ex· 196-4 as a hlahty precarioul undertakJnl urn Growers Auoclation, was 8 patient los Angeles. Macaroni los Angeles; I port ..lei by compeUna exporters that in Jlaht of the lreat uncertainty over at Roche.ter, Mlnnelota for D .pinal M,joretl1 Seattle; Skinner Omeh. and call for shipment for periodl that In actual price IUpport levell arlalna from fuaJon operation to relieve 8 pinched U, S, M.caronl Spokane, I 1n,lancel extend far beyond Immediate new h'!alalaUve plannlna. but auch con· nerve In October. He has been lpenttin. lat.. t tnsbll.Uon, MUllin Iorsl, CII,. ; booklna' of the past. new competition cern lanorel the priCII ,uldel of the new 8 quiet winter while thlnls knit. Active confrontl United States wheat and crop wheat futurel now belna actively in civic and D,rlcu1tural clrclel his flour exporters. To a degree, this com­ trnded on marketl. nelahbon and colleaauel al1 wbh him petition has been met by salel tor speedy recovery. clearance Into May, shc months ahead. SI,.nglh.n Am.rican T~.de The buyers enlaging in these transac· Action for the adopUon of an Incre­ :!:i ~ ;~ ll~ II: ~ : ~I!!: il j!: : : : i" ~~ tlonl refled concern over the pollible mental lubsldy Iyatem probably will Crock.tt AI.um .. N.w PO.t exhauIUon of lurplus wheat stocks. usher In a new era In the American ':!!H I . ~ il i!!j~1 ;"'I"I'.".!1Aulamalld Only Ilx months ago concern of thll wheat and ftour trade. It will brina an Richard Crockett of Lanldon, North . :t .. :. Ii :!Ii ~ 1 : ;' ; l !:q: !~I .1 Sy.taml & nature was non·exlstent. An Indication end to the concern of the private trade Dakota, active director on the board at . .";, '.!: ':;'. !'lillll"::!: ;:'!!t;!! : Equlpmenl of the extent of the current Interna· here not only over the lou of deferred the Durum Growen AuoclaUon h.. ·;;";·:·ii.:: t lU i l l~ :: ; · · : ::J Englna.rlng tlonal deferred wheat buslne.. is pro­ bUllneu to other export countries, but moved htl family to Fareo u h" takes 1830 w. OI.YIo4PIC BOUI.f.VARO DU 8 .90111 vided by a Itatement of Mitchell Sharp, over the poIt of executive. director will allay fears that the competition at 1.0S ANOf.l.f.a 0. CAl.IFORNIA Canadian minister of trade. to the ef· can be mel only throuah added lavern· the Greater North Dakota AuodaUon fect that long·tenn aales ente~ Into ment IntruaJon. EllmlnaUon of the lat· as of January 1. He will maintain hIJ by this country "assure a good. level of ter fear will truly mark a milestone In durum produclna operaUon and keep export. until July, ID66." the .trena\henlnl of the private trade hll post .. a director In the Du;.um In the opinion e~rten.. 'who in International bwlneu. Amon, other ~ Orowen AnOOaUon. ", , , ,

L.~. __ ",,--_ _ j. _ _ _ •

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Quality Fadors of Th. ,19 .63 ! Dur'lI~ "~r~p , ,0 • I· K. A. Giliu and L. D. Slbbltt, Ce,.,al TechnologJ Deportment, North Dakota State UnlYenity '.' Durin. the 1963 . harvelt county of per cent No.4; and .. per cent No. "entl coUected durum wheat aample' Two per cent ,raded No. 4. and dispatched them tor quaUty evalu- Durum. aUon to the Cereal TechnololY Depart. A camparllan or each of the market. ment of the North Dakota'Experiment Ina quaUty taeton whIch wt::re tested. Blallon. Accordln, to a atatiatlcal plan, within the durum arade I•• bown 011. 420 Amplea were obtained dlrecUy the table. It la apparent that from the comblnel from the durum ra,e telt welaht lendl to dec"" •• " produc1nl counties In the atate. '. prorreulvely with the (rade. For the .tate u • whole the".verale content increws and reachn . value. follow: dock'.e 3,.5 per cent. mum with tho ande No. a Hard shrunken and broken kemell 1.2 per Durum. Dock,.e appean to cent. teat weltht 68.3 poundJ per bush- with decreaallll Irade e1 ...I II ••,Uo n.:. el. protein 3.8 per cent. and moltture·. On the .ver.I~. the INS 12.2 'per cent. '. . ppean to be ,of food m.rkeUn, More than 10 per cent of t!...., wnplel tty; It .ppe.... to be .of better qualJlf from each county w~re tAken .t J'1U)': th.n th~ conupondln, hard !'f.ci IPrinI dom foUowlnl .n .pproved · .tal1Jtleal ~··.w~ea.t crop. All Ample. were below U i prcndure and lraded by 1)cenftd iraln per cent moldure. Four per cent of the IRlpecton. The crop craded .. Ion ow.: aamplu .ubmltted tor l.boratory In­ No. 1 Hard Amber Durum 17 per.centi .pecUon were ~earaded due to lomp as per cent No. 2: 40 per cent NOr 3: . material, 2 per cent were reduced b7 .:;::".:..;:..._,--_..:._-:-______..:.. _____ ' ___ ' ___ .ubel.. due to .tan:ht, keniell. and'JIG . aamplei lwere dearaded bec:auae Lot • IMS CrapJ A Compulaoa of MarketlDg QualIty Facton Mod.rn Aulomallc Dry.r .Iv•• 'OU WlIbla Durum WhMI Or.... . shrunken and broken or.dama,ed ~ Ko. 5 t nelt or:wheatt of other claueJ. ," j\' ,~:. "0. I Ko. I 110. 3 110. t "0.: .'ron•• r, ...H ..... lookln •• horl HAD AD ' Sixty-live per cent or. the totalJllm. .00". Quallty Faclor. HAD HAD HAD HAD! plet had leu than 1 per cent dani:llled Inside thls efficient. modem Dryer, temper· countries. It will pay to Invcstlaate how you, Protein, % I- , kemelt: 88 per cent had leu than 2 pet aturc, humidity, and air circulation arc too, will profit by drylna the BUliLER way. Low ...... 11.2 12.4 12.7 13.8 12,3 cent. Six per cent of the .amplet wen pndstly i'esulated to produce short ,oods Hlah . , ...... ,, 14.8 1U 18.8 1G.1 13.6 " tree of toman m:.terlal, and go per rent of nnest quality. • Sped_Uy-cle.llnecf Iwlnl-out ponel, .' r Averlle ...... ••.• 13.4 1... 1M 14.8 12.0 12,5 of the JUbmltted tamplet had lea thaD By match In, temperature 10 the product'. Tell wellht, Ibs/bu 1 per cent. In the cate,ory, Jhrunltn aspaclty to release: molsture, BUHLU. Dryers • Super-eHlclenl In.ulatlon .tap' both h.. t _net vapa, Low •••• • • .. •• . ••.••• 60.0 ~7.8 ~u 65.5 62.0 ' and broken, 69 per~ cent of the Ampia arc able to usc hlaher temperatures, thus Hlah ..••••.• •• .•. . •. 62.4: 81.0 ~7.G ~U ~8 . 8 had Jea than 1 per cent, 18 per «ftl cuttln. dryln. time to as little as 4 hours • Senlte,., o".. h ..floOf' de.lln ,..evenl' Avera,c ...... • •.. .. 61.0 69.0 87.1 8U ~U 55.7 bd lea than 2 per cent, and 08 pet (or <:eNln products. conden,eNon on floor undtrneath Moldure, ~ cent:had Jeu than , per cent. Elahl1' SanMa'1' From entry to dlsc:h:lrse. the • '''en,eeI aluminum _1I0'f n"veyOf' Low ••. , ...... 10.6 11,1 11.3 12.1 12.0 tour per cent of the Amplet hid iell product touches non-corroslve materials • No mia'". of dl"ere,,1 type ,..odun. "only. BUHLER Iwlna-out panels makeciean. HI.h ' """". " "",12.3 12,5 12.8 12.1 11.0 , thl.!' l ' per cent of wbealJ of o l ~' b.cau.e co"v.yo, eltment. empty (. Avera,e . •.••.. . .. •. • 11.7 11 .8 11.9 12.4 12.6 11.B cJUIeJ. . ina an easy wk, and off·the·noor construc· completely tion likewlsc slmpJlf\cs sanltntlon. Shrunken « broken, 'At , '\ • Po.ltlve air clrculollon drle. unlformlv ""'1.r. You can also Improve your i ' Low •...... •...•. . .. . 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.' over en,l,. width of bell Annual Crop, Summa" present dryln. operation by lostallin. Il U U D.g 1.8 · Hlah ." """ """ . 1.7 . Durum wheat produc:Uoa tor i8Q BUHLEIt Preliminary Dryer In your present • H.. ell practically no aHendance ~Averoae ...... 0.7 1.3 , 1,0 0.7 " 1.0 e :'/ , ~ 0.3 · w~' ·.U63,OOO .buihe1J, 29 per'cent I~ productltln line. • Economical ••~ulte. ,elollvely 1I"le Damaae, ~ than ~e. lD62 erop: but' al'per cent above . More !,han 200 BUItUR Dryers are now powe" h.. t, ar maintenance Low ...... 0.1 0.1 0,1 0.2 2.0 ~. ;. averale. ~ .... ~ .. :;._ '! ~ , opcratina In the United States and other Hlah " . " " " " " ". 1.7 2.2 U 3.0 U ~ ¥;..ift'here were 1;1138:000 acre. harvested Ave"!ac.... , •...... (t.? 0.8 0.7 1,0 P\ 2.3 .;.· 1.6 in 1063 compared; with' 2.161,000 in Forelan material, % 11162 which produced 811,132,000 bUJheli. • Low •..•• ...... : .• .. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 ~ n . 9~ In North Dakot.. the High " """. ; " . ". D.~ 1.0 1.8 0.6 14.0 Averaae ...... 0.2 0.' 0.' 0.' 2.4 Wheal. of other claueJ, % Low •. .• •...... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 2,5 • Hllh .",," . ,,""" 3.' 1 . ~ 1.1 2 . ~ . f.< Averagc •. •. ..•...... 0.4 0.' 0.2 1.4 ,.• ' \' DOckaac, ~ c-P~~::BUHLER ~~ Low ...... 0.2 HI.h " " . " " ""." 10.0 .~ Avere,e .. .. ' .. 2.8 , ------.

-'j --.----- J

I, --' ..... I International Milling aeo... anl •• Durum Sal•• (11 t HOW TO KEEP ~YOUR ASSAYS

.j PRODUCES ~;lem 1,000 TO 3,000 ....VIOLIS PER MINUTE. Slart right with Wallac. , TI,man', qllailly eenltollut "N·I'e","enl. A"3. Wh.ttler 'fall f.td II In powder or wof., form, N~ 111'11'11 Ra,loli Machlnlry Manufacturen IhIN_ ..... TH.. Ltft to right, Sal MorUoto, Now York City; Gootvo E. Hockb.nh, Chlcogo; A. L btPosquole, Unlttd Stot .. 01.1I'\I1'II pu unlf."" enrichm.nt. PfOdlKt1 Sal .. Monoott ond tlfry M. Buloroc, MlrmeopoU,. With 0 uniform prod"CI, the Milt ,t.p ',uniform ocWltlon. Th. WIT ALSO: InternaUonal Millin, Co. hal an­ NA ...., hal bean proyocl lIy on, 30 y.orl of mill op.rotion. Set I. 'or a oune •• to H~ l!o. por holtl, and It noVt, vorl'" II nounced the reoraanlzatlon of itl dur­ carnin,. of p,407,OOO for the atx monlhl haJ.d.IIRI. and T.I.chlnery for the food ,.w Western States Representative far macaroni fac­ urn producl1 sale. acUvlUe. accordlnl from June I through November 30, industry, will be held In Mn.n, Jlal)' ,ted, "N·llc","tnI-A" (;tn,b'tntly, a"ura'.aly, dtpancfobly, tory suppliers and repairing speclolists for dies to A. 1.. DeP8Iquale, U. 8. durum prod­ 1863. Thll compares with ,7,1188,000 for from June" to 11. n.a right .nrichment ••• tht right ' ..dar. Comillne .M"" ond and macaroni presses. uctJ ..Ie. manaler. the same period of thct previoUi year. VarloUI technic.l meetln,. and con· pu can'. ml .. on vitamin auoy •• International'a durum pro d u c t I, Net Income per Ihare of common are_•• t the international level will OMe .. and waraho"N .'ocks In prlndpal cllI ... which were prevloully aold through .tock wa •• 1.10, at compared with $1.03 be held durin• . the exhibition. The 0, wrlto Dapt. H.l22.JJ, the company'. bakery salel department, for the ftnt halt of 11IfI2-83-an Increase IPACK·lMA Exhibition, 8J well u BUI.dt~ '1It4dute S~ are now .old direct to the macaroni of leven per cenL Salel, totallnl $254,- the Pack'lln, Show of Pam, will be 221 lay Street, San Francl.co 11, Calif. indu.try by a separate IIllel organiza­ 968,000, were ,14,784,000 below the one of the major international evenl. of INC. Telephano Doullo. 2-2794 tion. '269,732,000 reported a year aao. the food industry In 1964. Tho new oriantzation, headquartered 'LOUR .IRVICI DIVI.ION I.', C. H. Bell, Chairman or the Board, The Ihow wUl cover an area of about :III .llN "lUI, tlUIVIUI • • NIW JIlin In Mlnneapoli., will enable Internation­ and Gen. E. W. RawUn,.. Prelident, 72,000 square meten and wUl have the al to better aerve illl durum cUllomen laid thb decreua- In ..Ie. resulted from technical collaboration of the Milan by utlltz.lna a .peelal fleld lalel force to leveral facton, calUna particular atten­ Fair authoriUeL The ExhlblUon will be exclulively service the requlrementl of Uon to three: GrraRled In three major acclioM and all cu.tomen ullna durum productJ, "Fint, the lellina price or flour, in­ 20 aub.teetlona. "U 5 E F U L" JACOBS·WINSTON uld DePuquale. fluenced by lower wheat price.. wu be­ . Headln. the ftrm'l eutern durum low that or the lame period. a year aao. IInlbutl Dlapl.,. EquIpment productl ..lei realon 1a Sal Maritoto, Second, the Maln.nux Corpon.Uon, a Bralbantl &: Company, of Milan. lid· "P RAe TIC A L" LABORATORIES, Inc. who headquarten In New York City. wholly owned .ubsldluy, wu sold to vUe that they wlU have a tare. dlsj,l.y fdarilato ls relPQnllble for aU of Inter­ the Champion Spark PJul Company at of their equipment at the ExhibitIOn. £'liT. "20 paUonal'. durum .ale. in the eutern the end or Jut 1lKa) year. Third, Gen­ and expect to .mow aU of their produco U.S. He is aul.ted by Andy M. Ron­ era) Mil .... durina the Ilx-month period, Uon linea In a mOlt effective mlm.cr. "PROFITABLE" COnJUltin, end ArM'ytica' Chem;,t., 'peciali.in, dello. sold III aerotpace ruean:h and devel­ Dr. O1uaeppe Bralbantl 11 • vice-pl l!d· in all maUer. involvin, the examination, produt> The central Ihltel w111 be directed by opment bullne.. to Litton IndUitries dent of lhlI International exhJblll(i :'l. tion and laberin, 01 Macaroni, Noodl" and EI. Gearae E. Hachbulh, recently pro­ 'I and beaan Hquldatlon of lit other elec­ The European Committee of rood Product.. t moted from bakf~ productJ manaier tronic operaUont." Machinel')" Manutacturen I, one of tht Three words that MACARONI JOUR­ I. In Chlcalo. HackbUlh, who Joined In­ Chalnnan Bell and Prell dent Raw­ sponson of the exhlblUon, whlc:h will ternatJonal In IGSO, will make hb head­ NAL subscribers use to tell us why they ,I lIn,l expreued, conftdence that 11163-64 insure the participation of torelln In· l-Vitamln. and Mlnerall Enrichment A.lay •. Quarters In Chlcaao and wi11 be relpon­ t wlll be another aoad year for the com­ dUltriel in Increulna number. Ut' read our magazine from Cover to cover .Ible for aD durum IIlel In the central an 2-EI150Ild. and Color Score In Eggl, Yolkl and ! pany. "General MUIs," they said, "JookJ aide. a complete nnae of packaginl Ell Noodl ... .tate. area. forward to continued Improvement In machine. ' and planll tor aU types or ... and find both its advertising and Ten)' M. Butorac hili been promoted operation. a. we expand. in our areD or rood production, there w1l1 allO be du' ecitorial pages informative. 3-Slmolino and Flour Anol,.II. to a nowly-created posltJon of aulltant .trength: consumer foodt and specialty playa or conveytna I)'.tenu. 4-Rod.nt and Inltet In •••tatlon Inn · ~ ' Iationl. to the U.S. durum productJ ..Ie. man­ chemical•. Our new productJ, such 81 There will probably be more moca· Dler In Mlnneapolb. He wlll work wllh Mlcro.coplc Anol, .... the revolutionary Gold Medal Wondra ronl manufacturina equipment on dis· Dl)N'T MISS A SINGLE ISSUE DePasquale In aervlcln, cUltomera In nour, the Betty Crocker noodle and play here than any other place In the S-SANITAIlY PUNT INSPECTIONS AND , the mldweltern and southern slate• . rice cauerole dllhel and the venatlle world durlna the year. Twolve monthly numbers $5; add $1 .50 WlllnlN RIPOIITS. Butonc, who Joined International In new line of Venalon flellns for hlah­ A Jar,e attendance I. predIcted, 10 ~ 1959, hal been manaaer of recrulllni Itrenlth adhealves, are further Improv­ for foreign postage. '. • and tmlnln, for the past two years. It b not too early to make plant and In, our competitive po:.1tJon." rnervaUoRl. The Secretariat General James J. Winston, Director of IPACK·lMA blocated In Milan. IS MACARONI JOURNAL via 0 .. Giacomo Mora. IPACK will be 156 Chambers Street IPACK·IM-' 1964 ,lad to make reservatlons at ,eomIort• P.O. Box 336, Palatine, III. 60067 New YOlk 7, N.Y. In U.• semiannual The thlrd IPACK.n.tA Exhlbltlon able hotela ror delelatel who plan 10 'I~~~d .... ~~~ net for packlna and packaaliRl. mechanical attend. ~' t 'J; ... . ~ . - .. (. -- .. - " ... ---- .- - ---_ ..- ..,. _._"""

I, matIon to the consumer about new csl In such commonplace Amerlcnn l Th. Food Indu.try- products, and increase the consumer's items as cake mi xes, pizzas, Instant Give the Egg A Break (Continued from Poge 6) knowledge and demand tor exlttlng potatoea, crackers, rice dishes, geloUn tlon ot plant., increased cfficlencles, products. Food manufacturers invested mOUlds, canned ments. Chinese foods. canned corn, com on the coll, canned only 77 calorie •. But calorie for caiune, marketing skllls, and the expansion of an esllmated $1.3 billion in adVertising terol I. equivalent to the amount In fruits and fruit cocktails, mnple syrup BO ella. compared. to most other foods, th ~ ell business. In 1963. The total adVertising Invest­ Is a powerhouse of nutrition. ment by food and manufacturers at tlnd so on. It eatlnl ell' and other cholesterol­ Comp.llllon Foreign nations provide excellent op· rich food. doe. not affect the level at other grocery products such as paper, MOlt authoritle. at pn:lent 1l l rte Grocery product manufacturera con­ aoap and other household products, portunlty tor growth because consum­ cholesterol In the blood, why do many that we eat too much tat. The aaturated I tinue to operate In a climate of Intensi­ totaled $1.9 billion. ers 'there like American food products. penons have a hllher-than-average fat. seem to upset the relulatinl 1)'1- II fied competition. The continual Intro­ American tood exports were valued amount? tem which control. the amount 01 cho­ duction of new and Improved products Onn... Market. at more than $3\1'.1 billion In 1003, ai­ 1n the fint plate, Dr. Herachenaohn le.terol In the blood, thua permltllnl each year serves as a constant challcnge Improved economic conditions in for­ mo~ t 7 per cent greater than last year .tate. that a alnlle teat for cholesterol the level to rise. Thl. ri.e, tOlether with to existing product. on the market. eign countries and a tasHlrowlng In­ and more than double a decnde ago. R. Herbert L. HenchenaoM re­ provea nothlnl. Teats .hould be done the fat which appeatl In the blood, Is This serves as a never endln, motiva­ teresl In American food products over­ Shipment of food made under the D cently wrote a medical report for repeatedly over week. or month. to be potentially bad tor the linin, ot thf tion for mauufacturera to Improvn their seas have encouraged food manufac­ "Food tor Peace" program continue to i Parade, the mBladne aupptemenL He considered almlftcant. It the amount at arterie.. Fatty deposita occur, ~o that products and to offer them at the low· turers to expand their facilities and account for about one-third of thcse .tarted out. b:, tlSklnl what would hap­ chole.terol I. real1y hllh and ltay. the arteries become narrowed. 11 this est possible price. operations during 1963. 'tood exports. Some 72 per cent of Food hllh, It could be due to many condl­ pen to a hClithy man that ate 80 eli' happena to a coronary artery ao that Additionally, the food Industry taccs European interest In U.S. tood. prod­ tor Peace shipments arc paid for by the 1 a dayl And he anawered: '-The chancel tiona. There may be aomelhlnl wrona blood cannot ,et throulh, a heart lnct'easlnlly stranler competition tor ucts was further evidenced at the U.S. country recei ving them either in the are-noth!n,IU with the rtlUlaUna I)'.tem. It could be attack occurs. the conlumer'. dollar from producta Food & ARrlcuUure Exhibit ot Amster­ currency of the country, American dol­ Ell' have alway. been held In hllh cauaed by liver trouble or ,all bladder "Where does the ell fit into the pic­ outlldc of this Indu.try, many at which dam, Holland, November 7-21. At the lara or on long·term credit agreements. dl,uM!. Or It could be due to Itreu. esteem a. nature', perfect food. Sealed ture!" aaka the doctor. 1n a diet of ~ are supported by tremendous advert Is­ request of the U.S. Department ot within Ita 'hell an ell haa everythlnl A con.tantly hllh choleaterol level caloriea, 30 per cent ot which are fur· Inl and promotion program •. There Is Agriculture, Grocery Manufacturers of The Fututl I: does not nCC1!:uarUy mean that heart neccuary to take a lingle microscopic nlabed by rata, he ..ya tha~ the tal 01 keen competition for the consumer'. America, Inc. olaln cooperated In the The outlook for the tood Industry's k cell and tranJfonn it Into a fully de­ trouble wJJl reaul\. There have been one ell yolk representa only 1/14 01 .dollar from automobllea, TV, clothing. display, demonstrntlon and sale of conllnulng growth Is very promising. I' veloped chick. It. hal all the protehu, many c.te. ot heart attack. In which the allowed Intake. Bealdes, all of tilt etc. and trom such "leisure-time" prod­ processed food s at the exhibit. This Is In the years to come, the food indUstry .. fat&, vitamin., mlnerab. the chole.terollevel wu low. And there fat In an ela: I. not aaturated. A por. uct. and aervlces aa playlnl co reb and the 11 th International exhibit In which looks forward to serving the consumer water and whatever else I, neceuary have been many caR. where the level tlon I. of the polyun.aturated vanely. movie admissions, to swlmmln8 pools, GMA has cooperated. more efficiently than ever. New proc­ \. .0 that the chick can peck III way out WBI hllh tor yean, yet a heart attack whieh reduce. the amount of choles­ recreation and travel all over the More than 225,000 people attended cuing methods hold out hope for rnpld ot the thell and walk away well pro­ never OCC'U~ . terol in the blood. So the two type. 01 world. the fair and purchased about $63,000 at development ot many new products In ;! "And we debate about whether we portioned, In perfect. hea1th and very fat neutralize each other to a Irtat Adverti.ing la, of course, D necealBry American tood prodUcts offered for the yeara ahead. Emphasis on convenl· [v. much alive. .hould have one ell tor breaktast or extent. Ingredient In connection with the mar­ aale. This Is about three Umes 111 much ence tor the homemaker will continue ,1, Anyone who ate an egg felt that he, twol" keting of new product.. Through tid­ as was aold tit previous International to be an Important objective of the Dr. Henchensohn advises: "If exce.­ Furthermore, the ell Is partlClllarly :1 '- too, wal absorbing Into hi. body all valuable In reducln, diets bectluse II vertlalng, manufacturers convey Intor- fairs. They expreS5ed particular Inter- industry. then wonderful, health-packed, nutri· .Ive chole.terol In the blood does play a role In heart trouble, It does .0 only Rive. a ..UsBed tecllna, so that lelS ttOUI aub.lance. which were 10 quJckly hUnger I. telt. and smoothly digested, commented Dr. In combination wJth other conditions. TheM! condltlona are heredity, over­ The ell i. a part of every other did Henchensohn. al well. 1n the diet manual of the Ml)'o I' Cholesterol was a word once known wellht, hl,h blood prt!uure and, per­ hap., rudden apurta of exceulve phy.l­ CUnlc, tor example, egl' are recom· only to sclentlata. ''Today,'' he said, "it mended from Infancy to old age. Wh. t· roll. off the lip. at ,rade school chil­ cal exertion. "It .•, ''The doctor can't do anythlnl about ever the purpose of the diet, the e!!11J dren, many ot them, to,ether with their In every one them. pan:nta, thlnkln, that cholesterol Is the heredity tactor. Nor can he do much ot about bull-headed executlve.a who .It Even old people without teeth h.\'t ;{ JOmethln, bad, something we mUit try to avoid. Since we know that el' yolk rooted In chain all week and then In­ maintained good nouri.hment, because dul,e In compeUUve .porta or . trenuous they could eully cat boiled or POD.:htd I: contalnl cholesterol, it Jeellll JOliea) project. around the home on week­ ell1-8nd had no trouble dlge~Un' that we ahou)d stop eaUng egg. or elt 1t ~, fewer than we would like to." end• . But he CAn do aomethln, about them. Children occa.lonally are allcr1 Dr. HerachenlOhn's terse comment to overwellht and hllh blood preuure­ to ella, but most quickly outlrow tM SAVE TIME and the ell can help." allergy. "1 • thl. Idea I., "Nonsense I" The only time Shipped In 50 to 200 a penon should elt rewer elg.. or Hllh blood preuure and overwellht Dr. Henchenaohn concludes his re­ pound drums . . • 10 JOICS AFtER·· otten hand-In-hand. When one port by .aylnl that only .your d OC'tOf TIME· .-,1 TIME ... none, II when a doctor orden him to do easy to handle . . . { welaht the blood preuure mually can live you advice about the number .0 because ot an allergy to ells or 4 order the size for ; condition auch as a heart-kidney-blood make. a corretpondlnl drop. at eil' you can cat. It there Is nothln, MONARK BRAND AS~RES YOU OF HIGH QUALIi\' your exact needs. ve.sel combination ot disease. EllS can play an Important part in wrong with you, he w1l1 probably tell Lite cannot exist without chole.terol. reducln, diets where ovenvellht I. re­ you to e.t aD the ell' you like-to DEEP YELLOW EGG SOLIDS!!! . SAVE MONEY , .ponslble tor hypertension. An CII hal your heart's contenU It not cnoush Is eaten, the body manu­ AIIO ••• No waste- " tacture. whatever additional It need •. 'rompt Shipment on Fro ..n Dark YalkJ I Whole Egg, • Dried Albumen . no storage problem! ~, The 1upply can never become deficient. Egg, In Cold Storage Not a .Inlle bit at cholesterol ever hu . Dec. I, 1M3 Dac, ., .112 5 yr, Ayt· ORDER WITH CONFIDENCE-Lowest Prlce5 AIII'''Ys/ J to be 1&1.1l. However, it a larle amount Shell Ella-Cases . . •.•. •• . . •.• ... 10B,000 162,000 1S4,000 Is eaten, the body automatically cuts Froun Eg, White. Lb.. • ••...... 13,421,000 16,924,000 25,456,000 down III own production. Frozen E'I Yolk Lb ...... 19,367,000 22,001,000 21 ,47~ ,OOO J • The doctor reports that to test the Frozen Whole Ell' Lb •. .. .. •..••. 33,219,000 36,091,000 34,696 ,~ 1,:- emclency of this regulating sy.tem, Frozen Unclaulfled Lb •...... •. 1,628.000 1,709,000 3,5~ , OOO enonnou. amounts at chole.terol-up Total Frozen ...... •. •...... 87,8315,000 76,725,000 85,211,000 8gg CORP. to 20 ,ram. per day - were ted to Cue Equivalent ...... I,B20,000 2,104,000 2,354,000 healthy human• . There WaJ no .llnlft­ cant effect on the blood. The yolk or • E., white. cuntlnua in ahort IUPply. poalUon.. but are not likely to improve. KiRIII Cily . , Missouri Albumen wUl probably continue at finn The market la thin and is Influenced b1 ell contalnJ \4 ,ram of ~~i~~ms,on 1.1970 ' m~~:'~~:;::I~~~c of chole.. levela for aomeUme. Yolo are in ,ood weather at thla tlmo at -

• from 5000 to 50,000 Ibs. per day

a ('.)mplete line of continuous and automatic equipment to meet every capacity requirement for the production of long, short and coiled goods . • rAt DOTT. INGG. M. G. BRAIBANTI & C.S.p.A" MILAN-LARGO TOSCANINI NO. 1-T.I. 792.393 ITh ••• l inc.) 780.931 (Three lincs) SOLl AGENTS IN THE U.S.A. AND CANADA LlHARA CORPN" 60 lAST 42 ST" NEW YOlK 17, N.Y' ITEl. NO. MU 2 64071 . Flw lt u",,"y. HI M t t. Till: M"CARUSI J UURSAI. --. .. -. ---"--' --- -~---~' - __ ------_._,

- ,.

CLASSIFIED ADVI.TISING ....ns WAY BACK WHEN Db,.., ...... A"alu t.. W ••t A ...... 7. c..tII 'tr II..

40 V'ID Ago 20 Y.. rt Aao INDEX TO • "Waite II everywhere." The lead 'FOod ftahu tor freedom, and the In. ADVERTISERS Does it REALLY editorIal urged bUllncumen to cut dUltry wu raUyln, behind the "No Po" down waste of Ume. money, eftort, or Polnt·Low Point" food camp.lan. Con...... Nt MIIU •• Dl,hl ••, G.T.A. _"._,, _ 19 material. Savina at one end while , a" .Iumera were to be enCDUfaled to "eat ...~ ..... Mticlrl! ..". Co..,.,.,lo...... 2Ml greater 1011 II auslaJned through waltea m'ore ' macaroni, .paabetU and ela A·D-M D.n1~ 1»1,,,"'0'" ...... __ ._ t Pay to Stretch it? at the other end II lute to brinK about noodle .... leadln, "no polnt-Jow point" AIMe. C."eml... __...... _ ... _... 2t failure. foocb. lMiItU,'a Mul'... S.. , .... _____. .. U • An enthulioltic meeUna of macaroni • J. Sidney Johnaon, adverUalna dJ. 1,.II1II .., c..,... " M. & G. _ ._ ...... 36-37 .1. manufacturers was held at the Hotel rector of the War Food AdmlnlltraUon, ....., c.r,.r.n.... n ...... ___ .. 31 McAlpin In New York to consider van· wal the principal apeaker .t a mid­ C...... , Medl .. c...... ,. I.c. _ ... U aUI question. of intereat to the trade. year conference of the Nallonal Maca~ De'N",hcl M.c'l.. ". c.".,.t'-_.. 2"U GHe,.1 MIUI, I.c. __ •__ . _ _ .. 1. Strong oplnlona were expreued an the ronl Manufacluren AuoclaUon held in coloring of macaroni and the vexlni Chlcaco. The $8,000 requeated by wFA ,... rut_, MIIII.. c..,.., _ _ 11 queatlan of dumplni· A atroni reaolu~ at the lndUltry'a ahare of the COlt of Jea;k.W...... UM,.""". h." _ lJ LIt.... , Metdl"..... ~,It . LIlli _ . 17 tlon waa adopted opposing the chan8~ prlnUnl patten and printed material, MM.,.., J .....I _ _ .. _ _ ___ " of semolina quotatlona from barrela to W81 promplJ.v lubKribed. hundredwelghta. The atronleat attack Me... ,. • s..., hH., D. ____ 7 was on the bl, spread permlulble on • Jim DriJcoll and Lt. Robert MUtul ...... It, c.".... tIM . _ _ •__ ... U the one~I&hth of a cent variation on reported on purc:hllRl by the Chlca,D N.... De .... Mltl ••• I ...... __ _ J1 the per pound basis of price quotatlona, Quartennuter Depol ...... N •• M. _ __. ___' __ 11 which automaUcally brin,. about a 25 • There W81 concern on the relaUvely ..... , c..,.., '1M, Mila. _ __ I cent per buahel differential. The jump low protein content of semolina In 194f, ...... , LItIt ....,.. c.".,.t5H ... _. 2 wat conaldered too bl,. ond Earl Heatherington of General U.W 1ft,.." ...... ,.... Utt...... _ If • Macaroni Natea _ The 1talo-Frenth Mms explained to the conterence how W.', ~~ I:' T...... I.e. . n Produce Company of PIUsburgh clalm- protein content was affected by cU­ ed to be the original owner of the trade. matle: conditions prevalllng during the Mn. r, ...par W.I.. mark label "Halo· French." growing leuon. Mfa. G.apar Wei ... 711, board chair· • New Orleans W81 one of the bualest • Sgt. Ralph A. Maldari, with the man and co-tounder at tho Weiss Noodle Company ot Cleveland with htt POrtl In the country tor macaroni prod- Headquartera at the lat Bombardment Of course. No businessman worth his spent on packaging and advertising materials. ucla golnl Into export trode to Central Divlaion, U. S. Anny, .taUoned lOme­ late husb.md, palled away on DCffiII< and South America. where In Great Britain, waa pictUred ber 20. monlhly stipend denl.s that It's smart oco· But we never los8 sight of the fact that our Mn. Welu helped found the noodle • Wlndlor Lock. macaroni plant In dreued In Scottish kUta-a handsome nomles to get the most out of every dollar customers need high quality packaging to stay Mauachulett. was gutted by I1re. .oldler to tee. manutacturing finn In 1923. Sur\'lvon Include a ,on, Albert, pre. ldent (O t tbe spent. But like all things, It's not only what you ahead In the battle of the grocery shelves. This '.I'" 30 Yean Ago 10 Y.an Aco flnn, and a grandson, Richard, salet I;. manaler. Sympathlel are extended to do, but how you do It. Get the moat out of every Is why we have a satisfied aelection of cus· • The Macaroni Code was proclaimed 0 "You tan score in '"'' waa the theme the famlJ.v. dollar, sure, but be careful not to atretch 80 tomers who get more and ••U more with pack~ .1 law ot the Indultry. "It will be admln- ot the Winter MeeUnl. On the alenda ~ --- far that you forget what you're buying In the aging by USPL. ,., . iltered caretully and intelliBently by a waa an addrell by John M. Mock on • Macaroni Code Authority elected by "SeDing to Make a Proftt;" a panel Package R.dealgn- llrat place. May we help with your ned packaging prob. the whole Industry." diacullion on durumj a panel dlltUl- (ConUnued from Pale 10) • Memben ot the Macaroni Code Au- alon on pl'Oftt.; and a report ot four completely different treatment t,C the At USPL We stretch dollars-your dollars­ lem? We have officBsl" 21 cities coast to coast .' fooda teamlnl up tor Lent by Hal thorlty Included Glenn G. Hoskinl, Jaeler of the Can Manufacturen In- egg apalbetll carton was developed. to deliver as much 8S possible for every dollar Bnd one Is near you. Code executive; J.uuls S. Vasnlno; Illtule. featurin, yellow baby chicks II ~ tht Henry Mueller; John V. Canepa; WJl- illu.tratlon Instead at the prcPIUtd Uam Culman; M. DeMattel; Leon G. • Palmer Dahllren of Adams, North prodUct, to tie the product to its tU TuJaluei V. E. Jlatti; and Frank A. Dakota. WII named lntematlonal-Dur. content. "j"''" Ghlsllone. um Kinl at the International HaY & The overall deslsn J. clean and slm' If l .:~h' " Grain Show held In C;,lca,o. I Th II II In h • A Chlcaso get. tolether was well . p e. e a en on.geU • color t emt aUended. While macaroni manufac- • E.g prodUction I. bl. bu.lnell, ~le at the Hne ia a vibrant blue and while. UNITED STATES PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPH turN1I reviewed bualness condltlona the Wall Street Journal, while the The back panels tic In tho Ideal mota· DIVISION OF DIAMOND NATIONAL CORPORATION ory took a look at the Macaroni Code, Council on E811 Sollda told their Inalde ronl NUcel to the package produd. EXECUTIVE OFFICE: NEW YORK 17, NEW YORK Vice Pre.ldent LouIs S. Vagnlno chair. atory. Th1J iI. another merc:handlaln, tech· OffiCII. AU.nll • B.ltlmoll • aln,I1 Hili •• BOllon • CIIIC'IO • CIl'lcll'l"'1I • Clev. ed the meetln,. • In Son Franclaco, three re.taurant. nlque tor packallna developed by the' I.nd • ainu· Dltrolt • Lou lsvlll •• Nnw'lIh, • Mlnnupo I, • HI. YOlk' Om.lI. had developed a flourlshln, bud.... In .uppller and called Rosaotll Ad·Pack. Ptlllldilphi •• Plthtlurlh • Portland • Sin r'.IICIsco • SlIml • SI. Lau ls • YUill • Public hearings were called on the Mr. Leo Ippolito, prelldent of Ide.~ proposed revillon! of the Federal dellverin, piplnl-hot Italian dlnnen to remarked. ''The rede.I"n ia the nnaI the conaumer'. door - the" .alled It .. Slandard. rar durum wh ea I. II waa # completion or a stepped.up pack. r\lI' sUllelted thot durum be divided Into SpolhelU Expre... prolram In keeplnl with our sale1 two lubclaasea-name1y, "Durum" con· aJ.rna. We have every reuon to believe slstlna: ot 50% or more but less than the will be one of OW' Durum" consb tin. ot 75hard% otamber hard kernelsamber . .~'!'.~~ " .~'~~~~f.~~:;,~~~i:~~S}~:~i~:~]~;~j~~~~ toola. -

~ # . '\·I-:STt·: It~ SIIMan:'!'TI IIAICIIH" ' t- \\','alt·rn H,ltlwnw .... ou ... · " nIl' ";0" " Betty Crocker Presents f""L1 '" I• ..J ,,\\ ' 1 1"111' 1'111 ·,'11, ··1 P I I" ,,: ,"ulld "" d 1 l ' ~1: I:.! I" \I; Western I '. I ~I ' ,.11 11 "11:1 ,.: 111'111 " \",., 1"'1'1"" ,; j.! r",·1! "" PI""" I'h'I,a r,- \ \ '·,. .. ·TI1 I\.ul .. ·,·, ... ~ . " " t ' Il u~ 1,,,,\ I" Spaghetti Barbecue " h" :ul " 1,.1 ,d r ll.; ,·, .,\.-,I ,'1:.1. •. 1I .lIll h u f ':'·' ­ j.! r" lIud I",..t , ~ . , h . I " 'I'I,,-r . " ""'r " wi " !H" I! \ ." 11 ,.:llI h " It il .• ' .. r" 11 ",,1t .•11 ,1 1,'''1' lB I., ' " ,.\ l u·,; 11 .111 ,1 1., "._ 1, 1,1 .' .,,. 1 "' ~ "I I .I I · .. \nall":,' I A hearty inspiration of ,.n .... 1, 1 1o'''llo- r 1',' 11 .. r " 11 ""101 "", ,.: rill Btu"h I \\ II II ,, " ' ~ " 'rll I l., r l ~· . 110 - :-'."10 t ' Hr.ul :1 f'''11 1 Southwest - tasty and l u n1Lllj.! "1 10 '" Ilru ,. 1I ,1.,: .,111 \\ ' I h ,..111 ... · I)" 11"[ I! All .. " -, I .. ~ IIlIn . .... 1. .11 101 p •. ( " ult· \\'1,,1.· II ... ,, !> ,I ro ' \'r, .,IIII!! . ", ,, ,j, "1,. I!! I". , I , 11 ,,,1 I! r",·n 1"'1'1" '( ' , ·, ,, ,,,,., ,,,..:I lI' l l l l,,II ,,·., ,,,1.: 1I1 .ll1ld.. <'IlI r,·r,,· tl l('·, I "r.' II1 ! .,'HI ,1 ••1 wllh I'ulll'( 1'1. ... · unrn,·,II" , ,·I, ,·""k.·" !! (""II 1"'1']"'( ,. ]wI L_ T " 1'('·I'.or ,· I.: n ·,'" 1"'1'1 "'(' \, .•"h .<1 ,,1 ,,10, ., I" II !!I 11\\ ,.,. /(..,,,,,\ , . ••· .·d _. ,1,'11 1._ .,11 01 n],,, C' ," .. ,IIIIt: " " h ·r ·' I .. " 11\111 . ""111 1",.1 I.. r" \ ' ·' II [.·r - " I,. •!!hl'l l l ,.11111 ,·.1 1"'1'1"'(" ,'IHI I'r"II, ·" 1,.,,, ,1" " 10:"" \\" ''''''(11 1I,.rl,,·, Ii ,· :-0."1 , .. t,,,' {. ~" wt-:s-n:u:,,\ B,\ltIIt-:(Tt-. SAITt-: .: 11,,,, · 1. '1 ,,,,. dn 11 ,",-1 ' '' I' ' h" I'lw, 1 ,,11 1>' 11 .: tI" I' Io , .. " 11 _ ,, ~ ',1" " ' 1.: .• , 111 . "Uln,·. t I 1"' 1' , lu ll I" ,'" I, I , ., 11 7 .. / 11 111 . 111 ""' 11 ' I I .· .· 10.,, 1,,·, Ii' " ,. ]" .,,1 r""" r\ ,. h .. " ,01 • ,_" •., tt 1 .. ,,' , .• 11" 1.. 111 , I " ... t<" , , 1,.1' 1"'1'1"" ,,, ,,.hr""111 ,,, tll '" .. ,,, I " 01. , ,1.,. 11 "I 1.,1." ,., ,, I .. m ., ), ,· , " I ' ' " I' ,: r.,\o·oI 1 I I , ,, I'.I,,.·,I .: r'·... ' 1" 1'1"" .1,,·,·.. · 1 ,, 1< ,,1 ''''1'1'' '' :-0 .•11" : ' ," " ' II . .: .• rll' .• ,, 01 I1Il1 _hr, ,. ' III " III 11 . ,I 1. •1 " '" o! I _ Ir.III "I,." ... ,1 .\.101" - I .. I 11 .;:,.·.1 "·.,\,, ,.", "I'I , ,h,·,·,.,· .. II " _•. ''''1 ",' .:" 11 ,,11 ~ I " .11 , h,',·,. ,· " "I d II . " " .... " /" .' 1"' ':/'' rr, " I., . ' hi .. " "'~". ' \ , . , " . . .. . ,... f ·,~.I II,'; '" ;,,, . .. , I' . ~' 1/ ''''' ' ' '' '. ," , .. ",. . '!"a ".,··; / ', o! •••• /" / '1'" , ", . ,' : .. ... 1. / ,. t ...... , .... , ..... ' ..

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