Program and Abstract Book
CCE 2010 PROGRAM AND ABSTRACT BOOK 2010 7 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, COMPUTING SCIENCE AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas, Mexico September 8-10, 2010 2010 7th CCE Contents Message from the Podium . III 2010 7th CCE Organizing Committee . IV Reviewers . V Special Thanks. X General Information . XI Program . XII Keynote Speakers . XXIII Plenary Conferences Abstracts . XXIV Courses . XXX Plenary Conferences Abstracts . XXIV Abstract Book . 1 Author Index . 30 Copyright © 2010 CINVESTAV-IPN September 2010 II 2010 7th CCE Message from the Podium Editorial. This year we are celebrating the 7th International Conference, and the third edition in which its organization includes the participation of three academic departments at CINVESTAV: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Automatic Control. The conference remains as a specialized forum where local research groups can expose their investigation results and proposals, interact with each other, and to have the opportunity to become aware of the recent research and developments from leading institutions abroad, too. Also, the interaction with technological industry managers and government officers, keeps a special place in the activities of the conference. This year, we received 209 submissions from 19 countries (including Mexico), from which 113 were accepted for oral presentation. We received submissions from countries such as the USA, Spain, China, Iran, India, Pakistan, Romania, Germany, Colombia, Russia, Australia, United Kingdom, Yemen and Vietnam, among others, reflecting the international character of this conference. As Presidents of CCE 2010, we wish to thank the Organizing Committee, the anonymous referees and the supporting personnel for their valuable time and efforts which have made possible to hold a successful 2010 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE).
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