
E924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 14, 1997 Supreme Court gave the principal address at sought for decades by physicians and basic The International ATHENA Foundation is- the ceremony. scientists from around the world. sues awards in coordination with local cham- Mr. Speaker, I am inserting the remarks of To fully grasp the horror of the holocaust, bers of commerce recognizing individuals for you must imagine (for it probably happened) Justice Scalia into the RECORD, and I urge my that the commandant of Auschwitz or Da- business and professional accomplishments, colleagues to give thoughtful attention to his chau, when he had finished his day’s work, community service, mentoring, and for provid- excellent comments: retired to his apartment to eat a meal that ing role models to encourage women to Distinguished Members of the United was in the finest good taste, and then to lis- achieve their full leadership potential. States Senate and House of Representatives; ten, perhaps, to some tender and poignant Recipients of the International ATHENA Members of the Diplomatic Corps; Survivors Lieder of Franz Schubert. Award for achievement, service, and assist- of the Holocaust; Ladies and Gentlemen: This aspect of the matter is perhaps so ance to others are honored in their commu- I was profoundly honored to have been in- prominent in my mind because I am under- vited to speak at this annual ceremony in re- going, currently, the task of selecting a col- nities annually and recognized for excellence membrance of those consumed in the holo- lege for the youngest of my children—or per- as honorees among a select group rather than caust. But it is not, I must tell you, an easy haps more accurately, trying to help her se- as competitors. assignment for a non-Jew to undertake. I am lect it. How much stock we place in edu- The ATHENA Awards encourage commu- an outsider speaking to an ancient people cation, intellect, cultural refinement! And nities, States, and nations to achieve a rep- about a tragedy of unimaginable proportions how much of our substance we are prepared resentative balance of leadership by identify- that is intensely personal to them. I have no to expend to give our children the very best ing and honoring those individuals and compa- memories of parents or children, uncles or opportunity to acquire education, intellect, nies who assist women in reaching their full cousins caught up in and destroyed by the cultural refinement! Yet those qualities are horror. I have not even that distinctive ap- of only secondary importance—to our chil- leadership potential. preciation of evil that must come from dren, and to the society that their genera- We are very pleased to support these knowing that six million people were killed tion will create. I am reminded of words causes and are happy their national con- for no other reason than that they had blood written by John Henry Newman long before ference will be taking place in Michigan this like mine running in their veins. the holocaust could even be imagined. year. More difficult still, I am not only not a ‘‘Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; LYNN N. RIVERS, VERNON J. EHLERS, PETER Jew, but I am a Christian, and I know that good sense is not conscience, refinement is HOEKSTRA, DALE E. KILDEE, JOHN DINGELL, the antisemitism of many of my not humility, . . . Liberal Education makes JOHN CONYERS, JR., JIM BARCIA, DAVID E. uncomprehending coreligionists, over many . . . the gentleman. It is well to be a gen- centuries, helped set the stage for the mad tleman, it is well to have a cultivated intel- BONIOR, SANDER LEVIN, CAROLYN C. KIL- tragedy that the National Socialists pro- lect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, PATRICK, BART STUPAK, AND DEBBIE duced. I say uncomprehending coreligionists, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous STABENOW. not only because my religion teaches that it bearing in the conduct of life. These are the f is wrong to hate anyone, but because it is connatural qualities of a large knowledge; particularly absurd for a Christian to hate they are the objects of a University. . . CONCERNING THE DEATH OF the people of Israel. That is to hate one’s Yes, to the heartless. CHAIM HERZOG spiritual parents, and to sever one’s roots. It is the purpose of these annual holocaust When I was a young man in college, spend- remembrances—as it is the purpose of the SPEECH OF ing my junior year abroad, I saw Dachau. nearby holocaust museum—not only to Later, in the year after I graduated from law honor the memory of the six million Jews HON. LOUIS STOKES school, I saw Auschwitz. I will of course and three or four million other poor souls OF OHIO never forget the impression they made upon caught up in this 20th-century terror, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me. If some playwright or novelist had in- also, by keeping the memory of their tragedy vented such a tale of insanity and diabolical painfully alive, to prevent its happening Tuesday, May 13, 1997 cruelty, it would not be believed. But it did again. The latter can be achieved only by ac- Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I wish to thank happen. The one message I want to convey knowledging, and passing on to our children, the gentleman from Indiana, Mr. BURTON, for today is that you will have missed the most the existence of absolute, uncompromisable bringing this resolution to the House floor frightening aspect of it all, if you do not ap- standards of human conduct. Mankind has preciate that it happened in one of the most traditionally derived such standards from re- today. I rise in support of House Concurrent educated, most progressive, most cultured ligion; and the West has derived them from Resolution 73, and to recognize the passing of countries in the world. and through the Jews. Those absolute and a statesman of the highest order, former Is- The Germany of the late 1920’s and early uncompromisable standards of human con- raeli President Chaim Herzog. 1930’s was a world leader in most fields of duct will not endure without an effort to Mr. Herzog was an accomplished man who art, science and intellect. Berlin was a cen- make them endure, and it is to that enter- led an extraordinary life and guided Israel to ter of theater; with the assistance of the fa- prise that we rededicate ourselves today. new heights on the world stage. He was a mous producer Max Reinhardt, playwrights They are in the Decalogue, and they are in scholar, warrior, lawyer, diplomat, author, poli- and composers of the caliber of Bertholt the question put and answered by Micah: Brecht and Kurt Weil flourished. Berlin had ‘‘What doth the Lord require of thee, but to tician, and above all, a gentleman. With his three opera houses, and Germany as a whole do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly passing we mourn the loss of an internation- no less than 80. Every middle-sized city had with thy God.’’ ally recognized advocate of diplomacy and its own orchestra. German and writers For those six million Jews to whom it was peace. included , Stefan George, not done justly, who were shown no mercy, Throughout his life, Chaim Herzog was a Leonhard Frank, and Thomas and for whom God and his laws were aban- strong and effective leader. Born in Ireland in Mann, who won the Nobel Prize for Lit- doned: may we remember their sufferings, 1918, he was educated in Jerusalem and Lon- erature in 1929. In architecture, Germany and may they rest in peace. was the cutting edge, with Gropius and the don and became an officer in the British Army f Bauhaus school. It boasted painters like during World War II. During the war, Chaim and Oskar Schlemmer. Musical RECOGNITION OF THE INTER- Herzog served as head of British intelligence composers like , Alban Berg, NATIONAL ATHENA FOUNDATION in Germany, aided in the liberation of con- Arnold Scho¨ nberg, Paul Hindimith. Conduc- centration camps, and landed on the beaches tors like Otto Klemperer, Bruno Walter, of Normandy. Erich Kleiber and Wilhelm Furtwa¨ ngler. And HON. DEBBIE STABENOW Mr. Speaker, Chaim Herzog returned to OF MICHIGAN in science, of course, the Germans were pre- what was then Palestine as part of the Jewish eminent. To quote a recent article in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES underground, and became an officer in Israel's Journal of the American Medical Associa- Wednesday, May 14, 1997 tion: War of Independence in 1948. With the cre- In 1933, when the National Socialist Party Ms. STABENOW. Mr. Speaker, as Members ation of Israel, Mr. Herzog became the first came to power in Germany, the biomedical of the Michigan congressional delegation we formal head of the Military Intelligence Branch enterprise in that country was among the wish to recognize the International ATHENA in 1950, and his distinguished father became most sophisticated in the world. German Foundation for their important support of chief rabbi. Chaim Herzog then came to contributions to biochemistry, physiology, women in the workplace. Washington in 1954 as Israel's defense atta- medicine, surgery, and public health, as well  as to clinical training, had shaped to an im- The International ATHENA Foundation iden- che, a post he held until his return to Israel. portant degree the academic and practice tifies outstanding professional and business After leaving the Army in 1962, Mr. Herzog patterns of the time, and clinical training women in the community and encourages the applied his experience and education to law and research experience in the great German opening of leadership opportunities for women and business, eventually becoming a radio clinics and laboratories had been widely in the workplace. commentator, and author. Chaim Herzog was