Union Chiefs Find GOP, Demo ECA Benefits Only Europe’s Wealthy Congress Speeds Bills The truth about the Mar­ Row Over Korea shall Plan is coming out lit­ tle by little. The latest elo­ quent testimony comes from a top trade union leader who parti­ In Sham Debate cipated in forcing the Marshall To Gag American Public Plan on the unions as “ CIO Poli­ Leading Republican Senators have opened fire on the cy” and in purging those who op­ Cl Truman administration over the Korean events. A big de­ posed it. He is John W. Living­ bate is promised between the two major parties on who is ston, vice-president of the UAW - Plan Police-State Bills CIO who headed a delegation of Government Seeks Both Parties Vie to Put Own responsible for what has happened in Korea and why. top union officials on a six-week A manifesto was issued on tour of automotive and aircraft support” to Truman’s undeclared To Jail CP Heads Aug. 13 signed by Senators Alex­ plants in Italy, France and Gere Label on Police-State Law Korean war, for U. S. backing to many. Livingston’s conclusion is ander Wiley, H. Alexander Smith, reactionary puppet regimes and that the Marshall plan is a “mis­ Bourke B. Hickenlooper and For Korea Views Truman’s demand for further “security” police-state for intensifying the attempt to erable failure.” Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. — th$ establish American capitalist Washington is seeking to legislation has speeded up Congressional action to repress entire Republican membership of domination over Asia and the rest CAPITALISTS ENRICHED make opposition to Truman’s minority political opinion and outlaw the Bill of Rights. the powerful Senate Foreign of the world. A ll the Republicans The funds, he said, have gone to undeclared war in Korea Promptly following the President’s call for “strength­ Relations Committee. Senator claim is that they “can do it enrich the native capitalists while grounds fo r imprisonment. It is ening” the “internal security,” the Senate on Aug. 9 una­ A rthur H. Vandenberg, Repub­ better.” the working and living conditions for this reason that Truman’s A t­ nimously passed three drastic measures in line with his lican foreign policy leader, said of the European workers have torney General McGrath has call­ he is “ in agreement.” DISCUSSION NEW been depressed to subsistence lev­ ed, fo r revocation of bail and im­ proposals. Not one Trumanite and “Fair Deal” Democrat Nevertheless, for the Repub­ els. ------4 dissented from these harsh bills. CHARGE “ BUNGLING” mediate jailing of the 11 Com­ licans to discuss foreign policy Livingston vouches that factor­ munist Party leaders who were One would permit the govern­ They charge the Democratic ad­ in the midst of a war, to raise ies rebuilt with ECA funds now convicted under the Smith Act for ment to exclude from the country ministration, by its “bungling,” CIO Gives Rating any sort of criticism, is un­ contain more modern equipment alleged “ conspiracy” to “ advo­ any non - citizen, including the “ blindness,” and “ blunders” since precedented for the U. S. in and yield higher production than cate” the “overthrow of the gov­ highest diplomats of other coun­ the time of the Yalta conference modern times. They are aware in prewar days, hugely swelling ernment by force and violence.” tries, whom government au­ in 1945, with giving a “ green To Voting Records that their move now may en­ the corporation profits. The em­ The Stalinist leaders, who have thorities claim have a “ principle” light” to the Kremlin. courage popular discussion and ployers “ continue to expand pro­ been at liberty on bail of $20,000 or even an “ incidental” intention From now until after Nov. 7 criticism which w ill go beyond duction or pocket profits but re­ to $30,000 each, have been order­ In 81st Congress to "endanger the welfare and the air w ill be red, white and blue the very strict lim its the Repub­ fuse to grant economic gains to ed to appear in Federal District One of the most curious poli­ safety of the United States” or to with charges and counter-charges lican leaders have fixed. This, we the workers.” Court in New York City on Aug. tical documents of recent years work against “the public in­ over the Korean war. But it is ran be sure, is the last thing in PAUPER’S WAGES 17 to “ show cause” why they has been issued as a 12-page sup­ terest.” certain that neither party will the world they want. should not be imprisoned pending plement to the Aug. 14 CIO News. The French workers average Other foreigners, outside of contribute any real clarity. their appeal to the U.S. Supreme It is headlined, “ How Congress $25 to $40 a month which does ambassadors and ministers, would FEARS “EXCESSES” Court. Voted,” and contains the voting For clarity on the war issue is not suffice for the barest essen­ be debarred for alleged associa­ The N. Y. Times expressed the record of every Senator and the least thing desired by either tials. West German workers, said tion with any “ Communist party” view that “this purely political CRITICIZE FOREIGN POLICY Representative on 13 “ key” party. The Republican purpose is Livingston, must work five to six Democratic Congressional leaders leave White House after or “totalitarian organization” or to make the Democratic Party a fight” is “ more than regrettable” McGrath’s demand to the court conferring with Truman on police-state bills to silence anti-war measures between Jan. 1949 and times longer than American work­ said the present activities of the even “ the direct predecessors or scapegoat for the unexpected d if­ and “ if carried to excess it could opinion. (L. to r.) House Majority Leader John McCormack, House June 1950. successors of any such group,” or ers to buy “ necessary commodi­ Stalinist leaders are “ dangerous ficulties U. S. imperialism has easily impair the effectiveness of Speaker Sam Rayburn and Senate M ajority Leader Scott Lucas. Each vote is graded “ rig h t” or ties.” An hour’s wage of an Ital­ to the public welfare and national for merely advocating “ the eco­ encountered in Korea and the Far the nation.” But it glumly con­ “wrong” according to whether it ian worker will buy less than an security.” As evidence, his state­ nomic, international and govern­ East and to gain some election cedes that “it is- difficult to see ounce of butter. Livingston esti­ conformed to the position of the mental doctrines” which any of how such a contest can be avoid­ ment cites various articles in the capital. mates that a “high wage” for a CIO leaders. A summary of the the proscribed groups might be ed.” Daily Worker criticizing U.S. in ­ skilled worker in Western Europe tervention in Korea and opposing record shows that 17 Senators and said to hold. And any country ELECTION ISSUE What the Times means by car­ is the pauper’s sum of $12 to $15 aid to “ Wall Street’s puppet re­ KOREAN BOMBINGS NOT 113 Representatives voted “ rig ht” which refused to accept the return For months the Republicans rying the debate to “ excess” is a week. Such is the paradise cre­ gimes in Korea, Formosa, V iet­ on all issues and the rest voted of such an alien would have a ll had been seeking an effective discussion of the real issues — ated by the Marshall Plan. nam.” “ wrong” on one or more. its nationals automatically barred. campaign issue which would the basic issues. On this, Repub­ In addition Livingston reported A precedent fo r this move was A close study of the “ test” If this bill passes, it will be somehow distinguish them from licans and Democrats are in fu ll WINNING O.S. FRIENOS widespread resentment among set with the recent jailing of Har­ issues selected and the voting the first ever enacted in this the Democrats. A ll they could accord. They both propose to gag West German workers over the ry Bridges, CIO Longshoremen’s By Joseph Keller records as listed and graded by country making mere membership come up with was the unsavory as a “ subversive” anyone who (Continued on Page 4) Union leader. His bail was re­ the CIO leaders reveals more in a political party or advocacy rantings of Senator McCarthy The American press is voicing concern about the growing un­ tries to discuss the vital ques­ voked on similar grounds of “ dan­ about the political record of these of its alleged views grounds for about how the Democratic ad­ popularity of Truman’s undeclared war in Korea. “ Misunderstand­ tions, such as, “ Shall U. S. money ger to national security” and he union officials than of the mem­ exclusion and deportation. ministration is harboring “ com­ and arms support reactionary ing” and “ lack of understanding” of Washington’s “ noble aims,” U. S. Authorities was imprisoned indefinitely pend­ it seems, embraces such widely different groups as the American bers of Congress. That is what A second bill makes the death munists.” They have finally been regimes?” or “Shall American ing his appeal on a frame-up per­ is so curious about this CIO News forced to resort to the setbacks troops be sent to impose Wall Free Nazi Big-Wigs troops in Korea, the people of® " ' penalty applicable to “ espionage” ju ry conviction. doing here. The funny thing is I supplement. in Korea. Street’s w ill on colonial peoples?” Asia generally and the very in peacetime as well as during an U. S. occupation authorities can’t answer my own questions.’ ” actually declared war. No civilized On the surface, the bi-partisan or “ Shall the American capitalist ANTI-UNION REPRISALS Koreans who are being “ defended” OMIT INJUNCTION BILL have just announced the re­ country in the world, outside of coalition seems to be disrupted. class be permitted to drag this As the mighty U.S. government INDIA INDIGNANT F irst of all, we are struck by lease from prison of eight from “ aggression.” fascist dictatorships and the But that is just the appearance. country into a third world war?” moves to make sure that the al­ what the CIO officials chose to more of H itler’s top-flight ac­ For instance, there appeared If American troops in Korea Stalin bureaucracy, have ever put When it comes to a program, the We hope the American people complices. Heading the group ready-convicted Stalinist leaders, are in doubt about U. S. aims include and omit from the voting side by side on the fron t page of such a measure into effect. Republicans can offer nothing w ill not permit themselves to be are: Otto Dietrich, Hitler’s who are under constant FBI sur­ there, we can well understand the record. For instance, they include veillance, don’t endanger “ secur­ A third b ill empowers the heads fundamentally different from gagged, that they w ill use the press chief who specialized in the Aug. 13 N. Y. Times the head­ attitude of the 350 million people the vote in the House on the ity,” the House of Representa­ of so-called “ sensitive” govern­ what Truman himself is doing. In occasion of the debate initiated anti-Semitism; Richard Darre, lines: “ G.I.’s in Korea Handi­ in India. “ A nti - United States Wood bill substitute fo r the Taft- tives struck its own blows to ter­ ment agencies to fire without fact, their statement winds up by the Republicans to drag into the Fuehrer’s Food and A g ri­ capped By Unawareness of Mis­ feeling in India never has been Hartley Law. The Wood b ill was rorize dissident political opinion. charges or tria l any employee lamely with a call for “ united the open the real issues. culture Minister; Friedrich sion” and “ Anti-U. S. Feeling Is sc widespread as it is now. W ith correctly described by the CIO as I t cited fo r “ contempt” prosecu­ they consider to be a “ bad security Flich, owner of the largest On Rise in India.” every day of the Korean war “just as bad, if not worse” than tions 56 persons who dared to risk,” even if not deemed “ dis­ German coal and steel com­ bringing more news of bombed T-H and a majority of Democrats stand on their Constitutional The first dispatch complains loyal.” The bill empowers the pany, convicted at Nuremberg cities and flaming villages, the voted against it. But it would be rights in refusing to tell the that “ the average G. I. seems not President to list any agency as of “ using slave labor” and loot­ unpopularity of the United States enlightening to know why the House Un-American Activities lo know why he is fighting in “ sensitive” and specifically abro­ ing occupied territories and is growing,” writes N. Y. Times CIO chart does not include the WASHINGTON READIES Committee whether or not they Korea. . . ‘The recruiting posters gates the ordinary civil service Karl Rasche, former head of correspondent Robert Trumbull vote on the Sims bill, an ad- are “ Communists.” didn’t say anything about this,' regulations protecting job se­ the Dresdener Bank, another from New Delhi. ministration-sponsored measure to Several of those cited are rep­ one young infantryman said as curity of federal employees. This slaver and looter. He is disturbed that the people permit the use of strike-breaking SOAK-THE-POOR TAXIS resentatives of the Stalinist-con­ he moved toward the front. ‘I ’ll bill would legalize the “loyalty” of India “ do not share the United injunctions. This bill was backed Rounding out the group are trolled United Electrical Workers fight for my country, but damned purge which Truman has been States sense of urgency in the by a m ajority of the Democratic Direct taxes, not to mention the indirect ones which increase in Fritz Ter Meer, one of the and 39 are Hawaiian members of if I see why I’m fighting to save carrying out for the past three Communist crisis” and “ refuse to “ F air Dealers.” proportion with the higher direct taxes, w ill bite deeply into the top IG Farben officials; Gen. the CIO Longshoremen. The la t­ this hell hole...’ ‘I’ll tell you what years. appreciate the harsh facts of the Similarly, the record is listed living standards of the American workers, matching the savage in­ R. Lehman, Wehrmacht judge ter evoked Congressional reprisal I’m fighting for,’ a veteran of the advocate; K u rt Rothenberg, Bulge said. ‘I ’m fighting for my war.” “ Accounts of repeated on the McConnell Amendment U PARTIES COMPETE roads of rising prices. This has been made clear by the tax bills because of their participation in State Secretary, and Heinrich the militant Hawaiian strike last life. . . ’ 19-year old corporal re­ bombings of Seoul by United the Fair Employment Practices While these measures passed now being readied by Congres­ Lehman, boss of slave laborers States aircraft and reports of Bill in the House. This amend­ the fabulous loot in the coffers of year and the current series of counting his experiences after the Senate, other bills were it the Krupp works. villages left in flames as United ment, which was passed, took the sional committees. the billjonaries but — hold on to Hawaiian demonstrations ■ and his position had been overrun: ‘I shoved into the hopper as Demo­ Workers’ taxes are to go up by jou hat! — to individuals “ receiv­ strikes protesting Bridges’ jailing. keep asking myself what I am (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) crats and Republicans vied with at least one-fifth beginning with ing an increase in wages or each other in trying to put over October 1. For every dollar previ­ salary.” “ security” measures bearing their ously paid in taxes each worker What these gentlemen are con­ own party labels. Chairman Pat must hence forth pay $1.20. While templating is a measure to take McGarran of the Senate Judiciary workers are saddled with such a away up to 85% of any wage Committee, Nevada Democrat, drastic tax , the rich will raises that the hard-pressed work­ combines the essentials of Tru­ hardly feel it. ers may fight to obtain before a An Appeal to Progressive Party Members man’s proposals, the Mundt-Nixon wage freeze is decreed. bill and several other measures MOST FROM POOR By Joseph Hansen plenty, a world of friendship, sentence of political death was to the atomic bomb.” (Mutual tary of the Socialist Workers into an omnibus measure that I f you doubt our word, listen to FLUNKEY’S OF RICH SWP Candidate for Senator solidarity and united effort among carried out on him in the Idaho Broadcasting System, August 10.) Party, made the following obser­ would turn America into a prison the Washington dispatch • of The fact that such a proposal from New York peoples and nations instead of primaries a few weeks ago. No doubt you have asked vation: “ Far from being a serious camp fo r political dissenters. Mc- Joseph A. Loftus of the N. Y. could even be brought up points hatred, bloodshed and destruction. Wallace, the Presidential candi­ yourself whether the choice i anti-war movement, as dema­ Carran said Truman’s message Times, Aug. 12: up to what extremes these capital­ To (he Rank and File Members You have not changed your date, did. not prove much sturdier. limited to the road back to Wash­ gogues proclaim and millions be­ was a “ token of encouragement” of the Progressive Party: “ The higher the income the less ist politicians are prepared to go beliefs about these things but Within a bare two years he threw ington taken by Wallace or the lieve, the Wallace party is in fact fo r his bill. the tax percentagewise,” reports n order to destroy the living The general feeling in the ranks certainly your confidence in the .n the towel. road to Moscow which the Stalin­ a part of the mechanism prepar­ Nobody in Congress is taking standards of the workers while of I he Progressive Party over the Progressive Party as a means of ists insist is the only alternative. ing the people for war. By seizing seriously Truman’s hypocritical Loftus. “ The Treasury estimated CHOICE OF EVILS that about 55% of the new reve­ protecting tooth and nail the resignation of Henry A. Wallace struggling for them is not what Is it Moscow and its brutal bold of the mass sentiment against talk about not going to “ex­ nue from personal income comes sacred profits of the rich. can be summed up in six words, it was on July 25, 1948, when the The Progressive Party is now totalitarian regime or Wall Street war and diverting it from the tremes” and “ preserving” the B ill from taxpayers with net incomes There w ill be no remedy against “Where do we go from here?” new party was officially launched. split wide open, with Wallace and and conquest of the world at the struggle against the basic cause of Rights., Administration sup­ under S5.000. This group, the these fax-gougers any more than Find ng the correct answer to Your hopes then were much others going over to the State lisk of atomic annihilation? of war, the Wallace party steri­ porters in both houses are report­ Treasury said, now accounts for against the price - hogs until the that question is of vital im­ brighter. The Wallace banner ap­ Department in opposition to the lizes the anti-war movement and ed to be working on “security” NEEDS FIRM BASIS 91% of all the taxpayers and for workers stop sending capitalist portance not only to you but to peared capable of bringing to­ Stalinist wing. These offer you prepares it for collapse when the bills which go fa r beyond the B9% of net income of taxable in­ politicians to Washington and everyone seeking a program, gether the most varied kinds of only a choice between two evils — Isn’t it possible to build a move­ first shot is fired or the first bomb specific proposals of Truman, dividuals before exemptions.” begin instead to send their own leadership and party capable of people in common struggle against either the reactionary policies of ment really dedicated to truth and dropped.” close as these latter are in actual Moscow’s hated police regime or decency, freedom and the brother­ While corporation after corpora­ representatives. uniting the American people in militarism, war, and monopolist A t the time, this view was con­ content to the infamous Mundt- the catastrophic war program of hood of man? tion reported record-breaking effective struggle against a Third rule. sidered by many a wrong estimate Nixon and McCarran bills. SWP PROGRAM American imperialism. The b ill which the Truman profits even before the Korean World War. Our answer is, yes, such a move­ of the Wallace movement. Today The candidates of the Socialist POOR LEADERSHIP What a foundering of hopes Democrats are preparing is ex­ events and the ensuing price ment is possible. Millions of peo­ its realism has been demonstrated GREAT HOPES However, the Progressive Party that represents! boosts, the representatives of the Workers Party in the coming ple wish for it. Its final victory by events. The “ Gideon” turned pected to differ from the Repub­ began losing influence even be­ Wallace has even announced billionaires in Capitol H ill and the state and Congressional elections We of the Socialist Workers is inevitable. But it requires s out to be a judas - goat headed lican-sponsored measure largely fore its setback in the 1948 elec­ that he has changed his mind on White House, refuse even to con­ are now asking the workers to Party have followed the develop­ firmer foundation than that of the toward the slaughter pens of in wording. The intent is a “ com­ tions. And the leadership proved using the atom bomb. As you sider excess profit taxes “ before carefully study and support their ment of your movement with Progressive Party. World War III. People sincerely promise” with the Mundt-Nixon that it was not' made of the know, he formerly held that the b ill in which the basic difference sometime next year.” party’s election program. W ith great interest. It was clear to us Your experience in the Pro­ opposed to Imperialist war were specific reference to taxes, the from the beginning that you were material that stands up well in first to use it. should be declared gressive Party can help Speed its diverted by Wallace from effec­ would be only in the party label TAX WAGE RAISE SWlP offers the following plank: fed up with both the Democrats adversity. “ an outlaw.” Now “ in view of the development if you are ready to tive action fo r two precious years. attached to it. While the Demo­ When “ excess profits” did come Repeal all payroll taxes. Abolish and Republicans and understood Vice-Presidential candidate Glen enormous land armies of Russia draw certain conclusions that crats have been yelping about CP SHARES BLAME up for discussion in the Senate all sales taxes. No taxes on they were nothing but the tools Taylor tried to make his peace and her satellites in China. I think seem to us inescapable. McCarthyism, they are moving Finance Committee, this august incomes under $5,000 a year. A of Big Business. with the Truman machine im­ we have to hold the atomic bomb Wallace, of course, is not alone with all possible speed, but with PREDICTION CONFIRMED body immediately instructed its 100% tax on incomes over $25,000 Many of you wanted to build a mediately after the 1948 election. in reserve — and since the Korean in sharing the blame. The Stal­ a great deal more hypocrisy, to staff to study “ the possibilities of a year. Tax the rich, not the new party that would point the He whimpered and whined in the affair — that’s June 25 — I have In the May 10, 1948, Militant, inists by their support of Wal- put over Senator McCarthy’s applying such an impost” not to poor. way to a world of peace and Democratic dog-house until finally reversed my position with regard James P. Cannon, National Secre- (Continued on page 4) witch-hunt, police-state program. Page Twr» THE MILITANT Monday, August 21, 1950 Leon Trotsky--His Ideas Live On NEW BOOK ON STALIN FRAME-UP SYSTEM Sodalism and Freedom Vs. '’We Can and We Must Find By Paul Abbott Stalin’s Frame-Up System and The Moscow Trials, by Leon Trotsky. Foreword by Joseph Hansen. Pioneer Pub­ The Kremlin’s Dictatorship Way to the Colored Races” lishers, 116 University Place, New York. 168 pp. $1. In observance of the tenth an- ! By George Clarke “subversive” just as they are in By Art Preis Afrikaans language in South capitalist countries. This is the niversary of Leon Trotsky’s death, and condemning the trials as The favorite method of Stalin­ Africa, a task undertaken by the meaning of Stalin’s pronounce­ The Korean War is bringing Pioneer Publishers has republish­ frame-ups. ism is to falsely attribute its own South African section of the ment, in the magazine Bolshevik, home to the American workers ed a speech of the martyred Stalinism never recovered fj;om crimes to its opponents. Backed on the 90th reported in a UP dispatch from the reality of the most titanic revolutionary leader which has this moral blow. But it took its by a powerful state with a totali­ anniversary of the founding docu­ Moscow on Aug. 1, that the fun­ development of world history iong been out of print. revenge. tarian propaganda machine at its ment of modern scientific social­ damental conception of scientific since the Russian Revolution. A ll of Trotsky’s speeches have disposal, this frame-up system ism. of the withering away That is the revolutionary upsurge a fire and life that give them ex­ STALIN’S REVENGE has often seemed mightier than The publication of this work and disappearance of the state is of the billion colonial people of traordinary interest even when An agent of Stalin’s secret the truth. In this way Stalin eli­ with Trotsky’s preface symboliz­ not applicable to the Soviet Union. Asia. The power of that, upheaval police managed to gain entrance minated all the leaders of the ed his conception of the nature they deal with the most difficult is being impressed upon us by to Trotsky’s household. To do this, great , all of and meaning of the colonial strug­ problems facing mankind. This STALIN’S ADMISSION the terrific and, thus far, suc­ speech, however, delivered before he followed the pattern sometimes Lenin’s friends and co-workers, cessful struggle of the Korean gles. They were, for him, an in­ Stalin denounced as “ exegetes tegral part of the world struggle the John Dewey Commission at used by the Czarist Okrana first destroying them politically peasants and workers in arms and Talmudists” (religious doc­ for the overthrow of capitalism its hearings in Coyoacan, Mexico, agents who penetrated the Bol­ by slander, then liquidating them against the mightiest force of trinaires) those elements “ in our and the establishment of social­ in 1937 will forever stand in a shevik party. He married a loyal physically by execution or assas­ world capitalism, U.S. imperial­ party and in our country” who, place all its own in Trotsky’s follower of Trotsky, hiding his sination. Eventually, however, the ism. ism. The workers of the advanced basing themselves on Marx, En­ countries could not win socialism works. It marked a culminating real identity even from his wife logic of events and of the class One of the profoundest expres­ gels and Lenin, “ have begun to without the victory of the colon­ point in the struggle to bring the in order to gain acceptance. struggle will prove stronger than sions of the genius of Leon Trot­ demand that the party take meas­ ial peoples; the colonial peoples On August 20, 1940, this emis­ the totalitarian lie and w ill de­ sky was his comprehension of the truth to the world about the ures for the speedy withering could not free themselves from sary of the Kremlin, standing throne its perpetrators. decisive role that colonial upris­ Stalin police regime. away of our state, that organs imperialism unless their struggles behind the back of the Beated Today, ten years after one of ings fo r national independence, be dissolved, that the permanent developed into a battle for social­ BEGUN BY LENIN Trotsky who was reading a short Stalin’s hirelings drove a pickaxe particularly in Asia, would play army be eliminated.” ism. Lenin began the struggle article submitted for his opinion, into Trotsky’s brain, we are pro­ in our epoch of the decline and This is the first open indication against Stalinism but his untimely vided with an excellent illustra­ decay of world capitalism. He raised a pick-axe and sank it into since the end of the war of the STRATEGIC CONCEPT tion of this process. During the foresaw long in advance of World death made it possible for the the skull of the man who had existence, despite ruthless terror, To tie these two struggles to­ 17 years of his monumental strug­ War II, whose outbreak he pre­ propaganda machine of the bu­ dared lead the Marxist opposition of opposition in the Soviet Union gether — the class struggle of gle against Stalinism, Trotsky re­ dicted, that the imperialist reaucracy that usurped power in to Stalin’s dictatorship. to the plundering and parasitism the workers in the oppressor ca­ peatedly insisted that progress to­ slaughter would set in motion an the Soviet Union to re-write his­ For some hours it appeared that of the bureaucracy and to the po­ pitalist countries with the fight ward socialism could best be irresistible revolutionary tide in tory. They painted the sinister Trotsky might be saved but even lice state which protects it. It is for national freedom of the colon measured by the growth of per­ Asia. Stalin as an outstanding leader his iron w ill could not overcome sonal freedom and the decline of a sign that the Kremlin is run­ ial peoples — was Trotsky’s of the revolution and the faithful such a blow. On the following day great strategic concept for the the coercive powers of the state. ning into difficulties with its lie HAILED MOVEMENTS guardian and continuator of he died. victory of world socialism. Thus, By that yardstick, Trotsky dem- that Stalinism is synonymous Trotsky did more than predict Lenin’s program. Stalin succeeded in assassinat­ LEON TROTSKY in the early stages of the found Onstrated that the growth of a with Marxism and . F i­ these impending colonial upris­ Trotsky continued the struggle ing Trotsky. He could not wipe 1879-1940 ing of the international Trotsky monster police state in the Soviet nally, it is evidence that the Yugo­ ings. He hailed them in advance ist movement, he addressed a spe against Stalinism; however his out the effect of Trotsky's ex­ Union was the unerring hallmark slav revolt a°d their dramatic ed must not weaken, but must do of the NKVD and the m ilitia? Are as of the greatest progressive sig­ cial letter of advice to the move efforts were virtually unknown or posure of his frame-up system. of degeneration, of a retrogres­ turn toward workers’ democracy its utmost to strengthen its state, their functions directed external­ nificance fo r the emancipation of ment’s International Secretariat greatly misunderstood outside the Nor could he destroy the pro­ sion toward capitalism, far re­ is beginning to find receptive ears its state organs, its intelligence ly? Why are they deporting citi­ the workers of the world, parti­ on June 13, 1932, stating: Soviet Union. Only a few learned gram of socialist revolution which moved from socialism and a class­ and sympathy behind Stalin's iron organs and the arm y if this count zens of various nationalities to cularly the masses of the advanc­ “ We can and we must find a what was happening. Trotsky represented. less society. curtain. The regime of slander try doesn’t want to be crushed by Siberia and the far North? How ed capitalist countries. Every blow way to the consciousness of the Stalin began the destruction of Today the truth about Stalinism and frame-ups, as Leon Trotsky capitalist encirclement.” can they say this is being done of the colonial peoples against STALINIST SLANDER Negro workers, the Chinese work­ the Bolshevik party. At first its is seeping into every corner of predicted, is beginning to crack —- against the class enemy when the foreign imperialist domination, he This threadbare alibi for the ers, the Indian workers and all outstanding figures were demoted. the world. And we see in the rise Trotsky’s analysis was an ap­ possibly far more than we know. class doomed to extermination counter-revolutionary police state never tired of repeating, weak­ the oppressed in the human ocean Presently the slander and lies of the new Yugoslavia and the plication to the specific condi­ embraces entire peoples? Who THE A L IB I in the Soviet Union was torn to ened world capitalism and of the colored races to whom be spread by the Stalin machine great mass revolts in the Far tions of the Soviet Union of the prevents and hinders the strug­ strengthened the position of the For the moment Stalin is ob­ ribbons by Tito in his celebrated longs the decisive word in the de­ grew in virulence. Famous leaders East a bright harbinger of the classic precept of Marx and En­ gle of ideas in the Soviet Union workers in the advanced countries liged to treat the real Marxists — speech “ The Factories to the velopment of mankind.” (Fourth of the revolution were hounded, rebirth of the world socialist gels that the state “ withers away” if not a centralized and bureau­ against their own capitalist ex­ those who insist that socialism Workers.” His answer, entirely in International, Aug. 1945.) thrown out of office, exiled. revolution for which Trotsky lived under socialism. For this he was cratic State apparatus which has ploiters. means freedom and equality — the tradition of Trotsky’s attack Trotsky did not lim it himself to The persecution of Trotsky as and died. reviled and denounced by Krem­ nothing in common with a state “ The movement of the colored somewhat gingerly. When he on this Stalinist fraud when it mere expressions of abstract sym the main representative of the lin hacks all over the world as apparatus which is in the process races against their imperialist op­ thinks the time is ripe, the “exe­ was first advanced in 1939, fo l­ pathy for the struggles of the tradition of Lenin was particu­ “ anti-M arxist” and “ anti-Lenin- of withering away?” pressors is one of the most im ­ getes and the Talmudists” w ill lows: colonial peoples. As the chief or larly ferocious. He was first exiled isf.” The works of the Marxist Thus ten years after the crim­ portant and powerful movements be denounced as “ fascists” and ganizer of the greatest revolution masters were twisted and distort­ TITO’S REPLY inal in the Kremlin believed that against the existing order and to distant Alma Ata, and then “ spies for American imperialism” in history, the Bolshevik revolu ed, quotations were ripped out of “ To say that the functions of he had murdered Trotskyist ideas therefore calls for complete, un­ banished from the Soviet Union. and rushed to the execution cham­ tion in Russia, he brought all his the context of their writings to the state as well as the armed by killing Lenin’s co-worker, they conditional and unlimited support Many people thought his cause bers. But meanwhile Stalin is knowledge and experience to the conceal Stalin’s revision and be­ force, embracing not only the ar­ are finding unexpected support on the part of the proletariat of hopeless. But Trotsky did not give forced to explain his open repu­ elucidation of the way in which trayal of the principles of Marx­ my but also the so-called organs from powerful quarters. Having the white race,” he wrote in Oc­ up. His fight was for a better diation of Mai’xism. the colonial peoples must carry ism. of repression, are directed ex­ penetrated the mass, said Marx, world, the highest cause to which tober 1937. out their struggles to bring them Events have punctured th¡3 lie “ On the basis of a study of the the idea becomes a power. Under a person can devote his life. clusively externally, is to say success. fu ll of holes. M arx’s teachings on world situation in our time,” he something which has nothing in its force, the lie that socialism PREFACE TO MANIFESTO As Stalinism became entrenched the state are becoming a danger says, when the Soviet Marxist common with reality and especial­ means bureaucracy and tyranny This statement, significantly, is A great body of his writings is- it began to reveal more and more to the power, privileges and rev­ revolution occurs in only one ly with the present reality in the — disseminated by Stalinism and part of the preface Trotsky wrote devoted to this question — how its true character. Blood flowed. enue of the Soviet bureaucracy. country, and capitalism reigns in Soviet Union. What is the pur­ capitalism — will perish. That to the firs t edition of the “ Com­ the colonial revolutions must be Stalin’s secret police rounded up Therefore these principles must all other countries, then the coun­ pose of the immense bureaucratic will be the great vindication of munist Manifesto” of Marx and fought. His starting point was everyone who could be remotely be repudiated openly, proclaimed try where the revolution triumph- apparatus? What is the purpose Leon Trotsky. Engels ever to be published in the China and the tragic defeat of the considered a possible center of op­ proletarian revolution there in position. Nationwide purges were 1925-27. In a series of articles staged one after the other. and books (The Problems of the Chinese Revolution) he explained MOSCOW TRIALS Trotsky’s Answer to Stalin’s 2 Bis Lies with deepest insight why the Chi­ To ju stify these monstrous nese workers were defeated by purges, Stalin organized a series By John G. Wright First, that it was possible for were. This is no academic ques­ and in the postwar period come school. They have watched the war-lord Chiang Kai-shek and of trials of some of the greatest It was Leon Trotsky who follow­ the Soviet Union, with its own tion. For the Soviet masses it is a in contact with the outside world Kremlin over the years ir its subjected to his bloody dictator­ leaders of the Bolshevik revolu­ ship. ed, analyzed and clarified the forces and resources, to achieve source of profound misery and and its higher culture and living frantic search for “ peace-loving” tion. They were accused of having nature and role of Stalinism from economic and political se lf-s u f­ therefore discontent. conditions, this mass disillusion­ capitalist allies — from Chiang He showed that this defeat was become agents of H itler and the ficiency, attaining socialism and due to the treacherous policy of its inception in 1923 in the Soviet And instead of any gradual im ­ ment bears with it no minor threat Kai-shek to Henry Wallace. They Mikado and betraying their Union and its subsequent rise to even the highest stage of all, to the rule of the bureaucracy. have not forgotten the days of Stalin who put forth the theory country. namely, communism. provement in their conditions, of subordinating the working power. He recognized from the these same masses are being con­ the Franco - Soviet pact, the These trials were frame - ups. Second, that while accomplish­ LARGE WORKING CLASS class revolutionary party to the very beginning that Stalinism was fronted, as are the masses shameful farce of the League of But so powerful was the totali­ Furthermore, it should be borne party and program of the capital­ not a new historic force destined ing this the Soviet Union could throughout the world, with the Nations which culminated first in tarian Stalinist regime by this live in peace with its capitalist in mind that it was one thing to ists and landlords,' the Kuomin- to create and propogate a new immediate prospect of savage Munich and then in Stalin’s pact time that many people thought environment. spread the lie and the illusion of tang. The latter turned on the social order and its institutions. ieductions in their living levels with the “peace loving” Hitler. they were genuine. I t seemed as “ socialism in one country” in a workers in the decisive hour and On the contrary, it was a parasitic, Stalinism, after its reign of 27 in the frenzied world-wide arms The debacle of the alliance with if the lie had grown all-powerful. predominantly peasant and agri­ crushed them. counter-revolutionary and transi­ years, has brought neither social­ race for the next world war and the “ democratic” Allies, then of Trotsky in exile was hounded cultural country such as the tional formation, capable of play­ ism nor peace, least of all to the then the war itself. Against whom the United Nations, the progress ROLE OF WORKERS from country to country, his life Soviet Union was in the Thirties ing no independent role and con­ peoples of the Soviet Union. Up will their anger turn? of the cold war and especially the Only the working class—young in constant danger from Stalin’s and even on the eve of World cerned exclusively with the per­ to now the Kremlin seems to have eruption of the international and small as it is in countries gun men. No capitalist power escaped scot-free. Its lies and MILLIONS DISILLUSIONED War II. It is something else again wanted to grant asylum to the petuation and extension of its own crisis over Korea — all this is like China — is capable of lead­ TROTSKY. WAR MINISTER-1923 bureaucratic status, powers and crimes 3eem only to have made it The Soviet peoples, who in the to peddle it today. For the first bound eventually to have its ing the successful struggle fo r co-leader of the first successful privileges. more powerful and secure than last 45 years have made three rev­ time in Russian history the urban deepest repercussions inside the land reform and national inde­ working class revolution in his­ ever. But is that really so? olutions and fought victoriously population exceeds those still on Soviet Union. Because the illu ­ pendence because “ from its very tory. In Norway the government THE TWO LIES A sensitive gauge of social pro­ against the onslaught of Nazi the land: and even in the country sions of peace have been so deeply firs t steps, the proletarian class even cooperated with the Kremlin As a system of ideas, Trotsky gress is the living standard of imperialism, are neither the obe­ side, the number of agricultural sown by the bureaucracy itself stands opposed not only to the to silence Trotsky so that he could Local Addresses pointed out, Stalinism represents the masses. And Soviet living dient sheep nor fools the Stalin­ laborers — the rural proletarians inside the USSR, all the more ex­ foreign but also to its own na­ not answer the infamous charges nothing more than outright vul­ standards, as everybody knows, ist bureaucracy takes them for. — has vastly increased. plosive is bound to be the revul­ tional bourgeoisie,” Trotsky wrote levelled in Moscow even though Of Socialist garization and falsification of remain fa r below not only those The fraud and the lie of “ social­ As a result of the last war the sion of the masses. in his famous introduction to he was the principal target. Soviet bureaucracy has experi­ Marxism. The keystone of Stalin­ in the advanced countries but even ism in one country” is becoming The main issues bound up with Harold Isaacs’ book, The Tragedy I t was not until he reached enced a lush growth in its power, ism is the so-called “ theory” of those in the Soviet buffer zone, more apd more apparent not to Stalin’s “ theory of socialism in of the Chinese Revolution. Mexico, that an opportunity was Workers Party privileges and numbers. But the Trotsky called fo r support to socialism in one country. This despite the ruthless pillage and small detachments of the Soviet one country” have thus not reced­ given Trotsky to take the floor. AKRON—For information, write P. O, decisive power in the Soviet Union every manifestation of anti-im­ Box 1342. “ theory” — actually a rationaliza­ exploitation of these “ Peoples’ proletarian vanguard as was the ed but, on the contrary, have come A commission of well - known the Soviet working class — has perialist struggle in the colonies, BOSTON;—Workers Educational Center, tion of the needs and aspirations Democracies” by the Kremlin case in 1923-27, but to millions of more and more sharply to the fore liberals and labor figures headed 30 S tu a rt • St. Open Tuea., 5:30-9 P.M . meanwhile increased its specific even if temporarily led by bour­ by the philosopher and educator Social last Sat. of every month. of the Soviet bureaucracy who bureaucracy. As a matter of fact rank and file workers. Fed by the in the ten years since Leon BUFFALO—Militant Forum, 629 Main weight on a much greater scale. geois elements, but he stressed usurped the conquests of the the Soviet living standards are personal experience of countless Trotsky died at the hands of John Dewey decided to make an Street, 2nd fl. Open every afternoon ex­ And this has brought the day of that ultimate success can be as­ cept Sun. Phone MAdison 3930. Russian revolution — was predi­ today still below the prewar Soviet soldiers and civilians who Stalin’s assassin. I t is precisely impartial investigation of the CHICAGO—1

Suto»crlpt!oBf: $2 per ye*r; Bundle Orders (B or m ore II for ft months. Foretrn: copies): 3o each In B .S *. A I 13.50 per yr: |2 for 6 mos. THE MILITANT each In foreign countries. “ Sintered «us »econd class Published Weekly in the Interesta of the Working People Signed articles by contrlbo« m a tte r M ar. 7, 1944 a t tbe THE MILITANT PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION tora do not necessarily rep­ Poet Office ai New York 116 University Pi., N. Y. 3. N. Y. (Phone: AL 4-9330) resent Tbe M ilitant’s policies, French Ask U.S. Send Theae are expressed In Its ANTI-WAR STRUGGLE N. T.. under the act of Mar. Editor: GEORGE BRKITMAN S. 1879.“ BusinesH Manager: JOSEPH HANSEN editorials.

Vol. XIV- No. 34 Monday, August 21, 1950 Army to Europe Now AND YUGOSLAVIA ------By George Clarke ------By Charles Hanley the basic problems of Western Max Werner, the military ex­ pert of the Compass, writes “ In time of reaction it is more convenient to lean on the The day of illusions is fast European “ defense” because of The main axis — and the main fallacy — of the Program fo r acutely on Aug. 13: “ Since no (Stalinist) bureaucracy than on the truth. But all those for coming to an end. Replies to the m ilitary weakness of France. Peace adopted on July 17 by the Yugoslav National Committee for strong land force can be expected whom the word socialism is not a hollow sound but the con­ Washington inquiries reveal that For European capitalism, there the Defense of Peace is a policy based on the United Nations and from Great Britain, the French on its reform. tent of their moral life — forward! Neither threats, nor per­ there is no army in Western is no way out of the impasse appeal for a sufficient number of The program calls for the settlement of “all outstanding ques­ secutions, nor violations can stop us! Be it even over our Europe, and no combination of created by the decline of French divisions is obviously addressed tions in accordance with the spirit of the United Nations Charter, bleached bones, the truth w ill triumph! We w ill blaze the trail armies, now capable of defending military power except through the for it. It w ill conquer! Under all the severe blows of fate, capitalism on the continent. With­ to Washington. . . On the basis with the participation of all the countries concerned, and under no complete remilitarization of W'est- of the French demands and the circumstances through deals of the great powers at the expense of I shall be happy, as in the best days of my youth, if together out millions of American troops, ern Germany. with you I can contribute to its victory! Because, my friends, European diplomats and military overall global commitments, 50 small countries, such as the division of the world into spheres of the highest human happiness is not the exploitation of the staffs now frankly admit, their GERMAN REARMAMENT divisions for the U. S. peacetime interest.” The Program opposes the transformation of the “ United Army and 200 divisions for the Nations into an instrument to further the policy of either of the present but the cooperation of the future.” rotten, dying system cannot sur­ The Pentagon along with Chur­ U. S. war strength would be a great powers, favoring a consistent acceptance of the principles of — Leon Trotsky, I Stake My Life! 1937. vive. Nothing less than a gigantic ch ill and even General de Gaulle rather conservative estimate. The the UN Charter.” eruption of American militarism, know this and that is why they TROTSKY LENIN rejection of the French demand It is quite understandable that the Yugoslav government — as Leon Trotsky phrased it, will are such fervent advocates of Ger­ w ill k ill the Atlantic Pact. Its ac­ caught in a pincers between the Kremlin and American imperialism be able to cope with the vast man rearmament. They want a ceptance w ill require immediate — should attempt to maneuver between the two great powers, u til­ world problems that beset Wash­ strong German war industry and and sharp upward revision of izing the diplomatic arena of the UN fo r this purpose. The Bolshe­ The Choice Before Mankind ington and its European satellites. a new Wehrmacht controlled by American land rearmament, far vik government under Lenin and Trotsky many times employed After one year of Atlantic Pact a European Arm y Command (in Leon Trotsky had no confidence what­ talists as well as the pretensions of their beyond any suggestions and plans similar expedients, although they rarely missed the opportunity of measures, the m ilitary strength which Churchill wishes the British ever in the future of capitalism which would-be successors from Wall Street. coming from the Joint Chiefs of using such world conferences as a sounding board, to address the of Western European capitalism to play the leading role, de Gaulle Staff and from the Arm y.” And masses of other countries — a tactic not yet followed by the Yugo­ has nothing to offer mankind but an Africa is a huge tinder box that may has not been notably increased, as wants it for the French and the Werner is not exaggerating. slavs in the UN. endless series of economic, political and flare up any time. The rest of the colonial tbe Pentagon strategists had Pentagon hopes to keep the lead­ In other words, a standing army military calamities. As for Stalinism, and semi-colonial world is ready to fol­ originally expected. A unified gen­ ing strings in its own hands). The UN Cannot Be Reformed, of not less than 200 divisions or Trotsky denied that it had any future low the Asian example. And amid this eral staff has been set up at But rearming Germany is easier But the attempt to convert such diplomatic expedients into a Fontainebleu (near Paris), but approximately 4 million men (in at all and predicted the downfall of this upsurge of the bulk of. mankind, the said than done. To be sure it addition to other millions in the program for mobilizing a world anti-war movement is hardly worthy there is not much behind it. affords the German bourgeoisie of the leaders of a workers’ revolution. The United Nations the Pro­ usurping bureaucracy which stops at American imperialists have nothing to Except for the British army, none air and naval echelons) is a an opportunity to become once minimum requirement if the U. S. gram describes never existed and never w ill, at least as long as nothing to defend its own interests, pow­ offer except support of capitalism and of the other Western European again an important power. But capitalism remains a power in the world. Founded in 1945, the UN er and privileges. Trotsky placed all his colonialism and of the most reactionary armies amounts to much. wants to defend capitalism in Ihe opposition of the German Western Europe and colonialism corresponded to the balance of power at the end of the war between the Soviet bureaucracy and western imperialism, and not at all to confidence in .the socialist future of man­ and corrupt regimes plus a program of FRENCH ARMY SMALLER masses to a rebirth of militarism all over the world. any dream of peace or ideal of world government. It was that UN kind and in the power and ability of the “guns not butter” at home and for all its The French army is considerably is so strong that the Adenauer TOTAL MOBILIZATION which sanctioned the division of the world into spheres of influence, world workers and the oppressed masses allies abroad. smaller than before World War government and the top German ruling circles are going slow on To carry out such a policy the the partition of Germany and Korea and the crucifixion of the to realize socialism in life. What price today the dizzy successes II, and although its equipment has Greek people. this question and have thus far American imperialists w ill have to been modernized, it is weak for In brief, the UN was the site of an unstable truce, destined to Ten years have elapsed since Trotsky’s of the Kremlin? abstained from any m ilitarist resort finally to total military and many reasons, among them: the change as soon as the relationship of forces on which that truce was These very successes have plunged propaganda. economic mobilization on the murder at the hands of Stalin’s hired defeatist moods among the war- based ceased to exist. With the Marshall Plan, the Atlantic Pact killer. In the course of these ten years Stalinism into a fearsome internal crisis, weary masses, the enormous sums Whatever the Bonn administra­ homefront. It w ill mean the estab­ and US intervention in Korea, the UN. has more and more openly there has been no lack of those who pre­ of which Yugoslavia is simply the sharp­ and efforts being expended in the tion may eventually do, the vast lishment of absolute militarism on become the tool of American imperialism. Whatever changes the a scale that w ill fa r surpass any­ dicted a glorious future for capitalism, est expression to date. The interminable unsuccessful war against the peo­ majority of the German people do UN may undergo in the future, one thing is certain: Small nations, purges and “ treason” trials among the ple of Indo-China; the incapacity not want a new Wehrmacht, and thing ever done in Germany and colonial peoples or revolutionary workers and peasants can never above all American capitalism; there the Western European bourgeoisie the rest of Europe under the East European satellites and the dissi­ and corruption of the military expect any justice from it. The Kremlin may exploit the cause of were just as many who were awestruck bureaucrats and, finally, the gen­ have to take this into account. Kaiser or Hitler. The effort will the Korean people against the opposition of the Anglo-American by Stalinism and its “ successes.” The only dence in every Stalinist party throughout eral weakness and shortcomings Moreover, the major German arms be far greater than during the last imperialist bloc. Or Washington may toy with the defense of Yugo­ “ realistic” choice appeared to be the the world testify to how deep-rooted and of the French industry. plants have been dismantled and war because then the U. S. was slavia against Stalinist invasion. Or they might combine to settle “ American Century” or Kremlin domin­ incurable this internal crisis is. The Belgian army has been it w ill take time before plants allied to the biggest land army their differences at the expense of Korea, Yugoslavia or both. completely modernized after the are reconstructed, new ones built in the world and did not have to ation. Hundreds of millions all over the globe, and a shift of others to military fully mobilize or strain its own Only Effective Anti-War Struggle especially the peoples of teeming Asia are British pattern, but it is small and What price the “ American Century” could hardly defend Belgium’s production can be accomplished forces and resources. But to think that the UN can change its character without a neither opposed to nor afraid of the most This is indeed a grim perspec­ today? Capitalist Europe remains an in­ territory in case of war. As for Besides, the present French gov­ fundamental change in the character of the governments which com­ radical solutions: On the contrary they ernment, contrary to de Gaulle, tive for the American people. All- pose it is sheer utopianism. Worse yet, to organize a movement for solvent debtor despite the billions of U. the armies of Holland, Italy, gravitate toward them as the only way Norway and Denmark, thus far does not favor a resurgent Ger­ out production for war, unbridled this purpose is to mislead thousands of workers into a futile, quixo­ S. loans, grants and ECA funds. The out of their misery and degradation. They they practically do not count. many. militarism on the super-Prussian tic venture. The foreign policy of states is the continuation of recent eruption of the Belgian masses model, millions of American sol­ domestic policy by other means and can only be seriously and per­ abominate imperialism. Stalinism has no Having initiated their own shift WANT U. S. TROOPS to a fu ll - scale war basis, the diers in every nook and cranny of manently altered by a change in class rule in those states. Thus over the return of the fascist King Leo­ A ll these facts help us under­ program to win them, either. They will American militarists realize that the globe and drastic reductions the overthrow of the Czar and the feudal-capitalist regime reversed pold shows how strong the fires of revo­ stand the French reply to Wash­ resist the Kremlin’s perfidy, dictation much more is needed to make the of living standards at home. A ll the foreign policy of Russia; the overthrow of King Peter and his lution still burn in Europe. ington concerning its future mili­ and arbitrary rule just as resolutely as Atlantic Pact work. With this this plus the threat of atomic reactionary gang of parasites did the same for Yugoslavia. tary plans. Its gist is that the The Yugoslavs can comb through the long and fatal history of The whole of Asia is literally up in have the Yugoslavs. Their future, toward in mind Washington has been destruction on a global scale. pressuring the Western European government of capitalist France And all this in order to defend class collaborationist “ peace” movements — including the tragic arms resolved to end forever colonialism, which they are now marching, lies, as declares that their rearmament cases of Ethiopia and Spain — but they will not find a single powers to greatly strengthen their the capitalists of France, Italy cannot be carried out without the instance of a vital change effected in the foreign policy of any both the rule of Western European capi- Trotsky said, with Socialism. m ilitary machines, especially in and other countries, in order to protection of an American army government. On the contrary, such “ peace” movements have suc­ terms of man-power. maintain corrupt and unpopular plus British troops stationed on regimes against the w ill of the ceeded only in diverting the masses from the real struggle, deluding EUROPEAN ARMY the European continent. toiling masses and against the in­ them with false hopes and then betraying them at the outbreak Embarrassing Precedents of war. Churchill, Spaak, Tsaldaris and This is not only an admission terests of the bulk of mankind, in Senator Scott Lucas of Illinois recently halt a revolutionary uprising of the peo­ It may be that the Yugoslavs understand this with regard to other representatives and agents that it is impossible to make the order to save tyrants like Franco, imperialism but delude themselves into thinking that the Kremlin tried to justify Truman’s undeclared war ple against a corrupt government. To of the European capitalists are French army sufficiently strong Chiang Kai-shek, Syngman Rhee w ill be more susceptible to the pressure of a middle class “ peace in Korea by citing historic precedents. assure Wall Street domination over the now proposing the formation of a but also that the French capital­ and Bao Dai! A ll this to make a movement.” Fatal illusion: first because the masses will follow the European army. The “ Consulta­ ists fear they cannot impose on According to his claim, Presidents have island. world acceptable to Wall Street! biggest and strongest force when it comes to “ easy,” opportunist the French workers and peasants taken America into such situations no In 1914 Woodrow Wilson sent troops tive European Assembly” at Only by consistently opposing schemes. Second: because the workers in Western Europe at least less than 162 times. into Mexico ostensibly to avenge an “ in­ Strasbourg has favored this pro­ the drastic new sacrifices and (his policy of Wall Street and its are more concerned over the threat of war from their own and U.S. ject. But even assuming an effec­ lower living standards (to which government in Washington can sult” to the flag and to pursue “ bandits.” imperialism than they are from the Kremlin. Third: because the If this is the fact, it seems rather tive coordination of the general (he “ guns not butter” policy of American labor avoid being con­ foreign policy of the Soviet bureaucracy is based on the protection strange that the war propagandists do Real reason was to back the American oil staffs, a complete standardiza­ the U. S. is now compelling its scripted and then crushed for the of substantial privileges which it will never yield by persuasion — companies in their imperialistic, grab of tion of armaments and a better allies) without the military pres­ sake of a crusade of world reac­ it must be ejected from them. not hammer home these precedents. In­ distribution of special units, such sure of American troops on the tion, for the preparation and un­ stead they insist that American troops Mexico’s oil resources. Above all, the “Program for Peace,” repeated not merely on In 1926 Calvin Coolidge sent troops into an army would not actually solve scene. leashing of the atomic war. diplomatic levels but in all Yugoslav circles and publications, reveals are in Korea as part of an unprecedented that the leaders of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia lack a revo­ action undertaken by the United Nations. Nicaragua. The aim was to enforce col­ lutionary world strategy. In this they are far from the audacity of lection of debts owed Wall Street finan­ The effort of Lucas to justify Tru­ Lenin whose strategy to overcome the backwardness of the Soviet cial interests. Republic and its capitalist encirclement, was directed toward the man’s intervention in Korea on the These brazen imperialist thrusts into creation of a Socialist Europe and first of all of a workers’ state in ground of precedent thus serves to ex­ MOSCOW SLANDERS ON WORKERS industrially advanced Germany. For this purpose, he created the Latin America aroused the bitterest in­ pose the role of the United Nations as a Third International, the antithesis of the capitalist international, the dignation and hostility throughout the convenient cover for American imperial­ League of Nations. lands south of the Rio Grande. And at CONTROL EXPOSED DY DELGRADE ism. home too the undeclared wars aroused A Strategic Policy for Yugoslav Communists There is good reason why the war­ BELGRADE, Aug. 2 — An ar­ already tested and proved nega­ Finally Unita asks: “How will hot protest. ticle in the newspaper Politika tive in the USSR itself.” the workers who are supposed to Yugoslavia cannot stand alone indefinitely without degener­ mongers do not care to dwell much on elect their managers themselves ating, or more likely being crushed. The strategy of the Yugoslav Senator Lucas is quite right when he states that of all the western Co- This real fact is undoubtedly previous cases where Presidents have know who is qualified for this Communists must be based on breaking out of this isolation by says that the undeclared war in Korea minform press only the Milan the result of confusion in the initiated undeclared war. The record minds of those who poison Marx­ position?” reviving the revolutionary labor movement in' Western and in East­ has its precedents. But the precedents edition of Unita, organ of the ern Europe directed both against capitalism and Stalinism. That would reveal too clearly the real char­ ism by phraseology and schemat­ The law does not provide for speak against him and his crude attempt Italian Communist Party, has ism. So far as we know there has the election of managers in the alone can stop Stalin — indeed it would spell his finish. Despite acter of Wall Street’s aims in Korea. to justify this latest effort of American had anything different to say been no test in the USSR of the manner described by Unita, but the apparent strength of Stalinism, the forces for such a strategy are present by the millions in Europe among the workers who hate Three cases will serve to show this. imperialism to extend its sphere of in­ from the official Cominform po­ application of workers’ councils. the idea expressed indirectly by But the theory on which the Yu­ the paper is this: the competence capitalism and distrust the treachery, the parasitism and brutality In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt sent Amer­ fluence by armed intervention in a for­ sition on the new Yugoslav law goslav workers’ councils is based of a candidate for the position of of the Kremlin regime. on workers’ management of the ican troops into Cuba. The reasons? To eign land. is that of Marx, Engels and Len­ manager can be judged much bet­ Not maneuvers — but confidence in the masses and in their factories. While in Eastern Eu­ in. ter by bureaucrats at the top independent strength is the prerequisite of such a program. The rope, the position is determined than by the workers. This idea ob­ Yugoslavs will not find the road to peace through the UN — the by the police, this is much more Unita seems to believe that the viously derives from the same international of counter-revolution and war — but through unifica­ Marxian Socialism—Next Target difficult in the communist parties slogan “ the factories to the work­ source as the one which justifies tion with the revolutionary workers of Europe and the colonial “ Marxian Socialism along with Com­ case, as in so many others, their silence of other countries because it is ers” and the idea of the free as­ the appointment of a member of masses. Any other road, despite its temporary allure, w ill lead to impossible to prove the Comin­ sociation of direct producers defeat and disaster. munism and Fascism are ideologies to be l’epresents a refusal to defend their revo­ the Political Bureau of the Polish form allegation that this revolu­ should be used to spur th,e work­ fought and condemned by all honest lutionary opponents from the attacks of party by a decree from the Krem­ In his speech to the Yugoslav National Assembly submitting tionary law- is “ pure fascism, a ers in struggle against the ex­ lin. the law on workers control of the factories Tito explained the delay American trade unionists. Each of these reaction. fascist-Trotskyist and anarcho- ploiters, after which they should in taking this measure as follows: be placed on the shelf. Undoubted­ Another Yugoslav newspaper, so-called forms of government holds man The omission in the Michigan CIO syndicalist method of deception.” “ . • - up to the publication of the famous Cominform resolution ly, they do not know that these Borba, analyzing the same article to be a slave of the state. Each looks upon News is far more serious — and alarm­ In regards to the argument in (in 1948), our party harbored too many illusions due to its accept­ are the classic slogans and ideas in the Italian Stalinist paper, con­ Unita that this law is an “obvi­ ing with very slight criticism and transplanting to our soil every­ religion as an opiate of the people. Each ing. It is a cowardly cringing by the of Marxism-Leninism and of the cludes as follows: “ Today in the ous hoax after the slightest ex­ thing that came from the Soviet Union, even when these carry overs makes a mockery of our Constitution. . . Reutherites before a totalitarian attack founders of the modern movement Soviet Union, more than three amination of the real facts,” Po­ did not correspond to our special conditions or were out of accord of the working class and that they decades after the October Revolu­ The American trade unionist has not yet inspired by the Vatican in Rome. It was litika declares: with the Marxist-Leninist science. They were ready-made recipes must be realized after the taking tion, the working class not only come to recognize or understand the pres­ obvious from the start that the purge of which were imposed on us or which we went looking for ourselves, does not manage production, but ACID TEST of power. for there has always been a tendency in our ranks to follow the line ence and threats of Marxian Socialism. Stalinists was only the beginning of a what is more it has been reduced That the threat is present is becoming general drive against all radical and dis­ Leaving aside the motives CAPITALIST ARGUMENT of least resistance.” which led the Unita w riter to sep­ to an inferior position while all Second, according to Unita “ this It is to be hoped that the Yugoslav Communist Party will learn more obvious.” sident opinion in the unions. But the arate real from fancied facts, we power is concentrated in the law is fatal for the working class in time that its policy on the great international questions must also The above lines are excerpted from an Reutherites assured all and sundry that advise him to put his notions to hands of a privileged bureaucra­ because it subordinates special­ be stripped of Stalinist “illusions,” “ready-made recipes” and the the test. If workers’ management tic caste which possesses the mon­ line of least resistance” with which it is now saturated. editorial in The Wage Earner, a paper there would be freedom for everybody ists and technicians as well as is really a hoax this should be­ opoly over all branches of life published by the Association of Catholic but the Stalinists. functionaries to the workers.” come obvious on close examina­ and is alone empowered to direct Trade Unionists. They are written in com Reuther’s allies, however, had no such tion. Such a test would require This is thé firs t time we have the production of the working mendation of a resolution adopted by the reservations and today they are pressing that all those ’who want to dis­ encountered men who pretend to class.” For a Wonderful Vacation Detroit Newspaper Guild condemning the offensive to the next stage. For the cover the hoax in the Yugoslav be communists declaring that spe­ (The above is excerpted and cialists are not part of the work­ “ Communism, Fascism and Marxian So­ ACTU, the designation “ Marxian Social­ law examine it where it is really translated from the daily French come to being applied, that is in Yugo­ ing class, that the workers are not bulletin issued by The Yugoslav cialism.” The paper also points out that ists” is even more sweeping than the slavia. It would follow, therefore, capablè of management, that such News Agency.) MOUNTAIN SPRING CAMP the reference to “ Marxian Socialism” was words indicate. To them, it means at a that Unita should issue an appeal an attempt would prove fatal. deleted in the Daily Worker account of minimum, all opponents of the nest of to all Italian workers who wish True we have heard this from In the foothills of the Pocono Mountains to know whether a hoax is being other sources, but not from com­ the meeting and replaced by the words reaction in Rome, To the Vatican, it ORDER perpetrated to go to Yugoslavia munists. This was the agitational RECREATION SPORTS EDUCATION “ and other un-American groups” in the means all opponents of Franco. To Fran­ themselves. But this is just what slogan employed by all types of co, all militant trade unionists. To the exploiters against the modern Books on the American Labor report published in the Michigan CIO Unita has been trying to prevent, Movement and Socialism DELICIOUS FOOD LOW RATES corporations, it is an acceptable designa­ even with the help of Scelba (the workers’ movement and against News. the revolutionary organization of from It is quite understandable that the tion to cover all militant and radical anti-communist Minister of the For reservations write to Interior). the working class. Pioneer Publishers Daily Worker should have omitted the workers. However, if what is meant by 116 University Place, N. Y. 3 Mgr., Mountain Spring Camp reference. They have consistently at­ Beware! This was the way the Swas- MARXIST THEORY the “ working class” is the bureau­ tempted to suppress the fact of the ex­ tica triumphed over Germany. “ Marxian What are the “ real facts” cited cratic apparatus and the mono­ Latest Pioneer Catalogue RD No. 1, Washington, N. J. Socialism” was H itler’s main target — by Unita? First that “the work­ polist bureaucrats, then the fears on request Phone: Washington 1352 istence of a Marxist movement as sep­ ers’ councils are an application of Unita seem to us in large meas­ arate and distinct from Stalinism. In this and it included even the Reuthers. of anarcho-syndicalist theories ure justified. Class Terror in Bolivia the MILITANT By J. Gomez

Additional information has arrived ih this women were arrested. They are being tortured tr VOLUME XIV MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1950 NUMBER 34 country concerning the general strike which took death in the jails. Incarcerated in the concentra­ place in Bolivia during the month of May and tion camp on the island of Coati (Lago Titicaca) which was so ruthlessly and bloodily crushed. are 104 victims, most of them the leaders of the Under Fire in Korea As we reported in the June 19 issue of The M ili­ various organizations participating in the strike. New York SWP tant, the strike struggles arose as strictly defen­ These prisoners declared a hunger strike which Inflation Starts sive economic measures because the native lasted fo r seven days, from May 17 to May 25. capitalist rulers, without any regard for the As a result of this hunger strike, 34 of them Nears Goal in minimum human needs of the working people, had to be transferred to clinics. Among the sought to unload upon them all the burdens and patients is the courageous and m ilitant working Petition Drive Slashing Wages, difficulties of the Bolivian economy. The already class fighter, Villegas, a leader of the Bank Em­ semi-starved and desperate masses resisted. ployees Union. Brutal beating by the police and By Ben Stone When the government turned a deaf ear to all the subsequent 7-day hunger strike left Villegas NEW YORK, Aug. 16 — The the pleas to remedy their cruel plight, this mass at death’s door. Living Levels campaign to place the candidates resistance first took the form of partial strikes Of the remaining strike leaders, 16 have been of the Socialist Workers Party on By John G. Wright which were later extended into a general strike exiled. the ballot in New York state, which was ruthlessly crushed by the police and But there is a sequel to the crushing of the moved into home stretch this week By more than doubling its military budget in the brief m ilitary forces. The government issued a decree strike and the massacre. It has not brought to as the petition work in 57 out of gpace of nine weeks — with additional huge military ex­ outlawing the strike and then ordered the im­ the end the persecution and terror unleashed by 61 counties was completed. The mediate arrest of the leaders of the Coordinating the feudal-capitalist oligarchy against all workers legal minimum of 12,000 signa­ penditures still in the offing — the Truman administration Committee. has started a switch of the domes- & and popular mass organizations. tures has already been secured no means escaped scot-free as the This committee which led the strike was organ­ Within less than a week two new “ plots” have r.nd all that remains is to obtain tic economy from a civilian to a last five years have so graphically ized by all the unions of the country, among them an additional 4,000 signatures in been "uncovered.” On July 6, the government war basis. The major problem of shown. But these favorable condi­ the Miners Federation, Railway Workers Federa­ order to assure a safe margin of announced the arrest of five leaders of the POR finding domestic and foreign out­ tions either no longer exist or are tion, Factory Workers Federation, Union of In­ (the Bolivian Trotskyists) and the MNR (Na­ protection against any attempt to in process of disappearing. dustrial and Commerce Workers, Federation of tional Revolutionary Movement). Among the disqualify the petitions and rule lets fo r peacetime production Bank Employees, Teachers Federation, Chauffeurs arrested is Guillermo Lora, leading Trotskyist. the SWP o ff the ballot. must henceforth give way more What then has the future in store? How hard will inflation Union. Representives of college students, artisan On July 12 still another “plot” to overthrow the The SWP candidates for N. Y. and more to the problems of meet­ actually hit the living standards? groups and womens’ organizations likewise par­ government was proclaimed, leading to the arrest State are Joseph Hansen fo r U. S. ing, supplying and financing the The spiralling prices since the ticipated — and were also arrested. of 42 more leaders of POR, MNR and PIR (Party Senator, Michael Bartell fo r Gov­ bottomless needs of war. Korean war give only mild fore­ The workers and popular masses spontaneously of the Revolutionary Left). ernor, Gladys Barker fo r Lt. The inherent contradictions of taste of what is to come. organized a huge mass demonstration in protest There is only one explanation fo r the bestial Governor, A rthur Preis for A tty.- capitalism do not thereby disap­ against the arrest of their leaders (which occurred repressions and terror of the government and its General, Harry Ring for Comp­ W HAT’S IN STORE on May 18). The government broke this up by incessant discoveries of “ plots.” The social unrest troller. pear, they simply reappear in a firing upon the demonstrators, killing many ¿n the country is so widespread and deep-rooted, The scope and extent of the different form. The crises of inflationary surge that has workers. the conditions and moods of the masses are so VACATION PRIZE peacetime capitalist production To defend themselves against the naked terror desperate that the ruling class can find no other The N. Y. Local of the SWP American soldiers in Korea huddle in roadside ditch as bullets ¿.lready occurred is still to be felt. of the army and the police, the workers erected “ solution” except to suppress in bjood every this week expressed its recogni­ and mortar shells scream overhead. Dispatches in U. S. news­ assume the general form of defla­ And it is to be gauged not so much by the current rise in prices barricades in their neighborhoods. attempt of the popular masses to improve their tion concretely of the work done papers report troops like these are bitterly asking, “ What are tion (falling prices, declining we fighting for?” of necessities and consumer goods On May 19 the police and seven army regiments lot, and to brand as a “plot” every aspiration for by the upstate crews by sponsor­ production, growing unemploy­ encircled the factory district of Villa Victoria. a more decent existence. ing a free vacation week-end at as by the fa r steeper climb in ment). The crises of capitalist prices fo r m ilitary products. Machine guns, artillery and planes were used to Such a regime can only be condemned. And Mt. Spring Camp for the hard­ war economy take the form of in­ destroy the inhabitants and their homes. The exact those who struggle against it are worthy of the working petition crew workers. A flation (soaring prices, acute The price of armaments has of number of workers killed in this savage class highest honor and glory. Glorious indeed has beer special fund fo r this purpose was APPEAL TO MEMBERS shortages of necessities and con­ course sharply risen since the last massacre still remains unknown, but it is certain the role of the vanguard party in Bolivia, the initiated by several N. Y. mem­ sumer goods, debasement of cur­ war, costing double and triple that a great many died. Victor Paz Estensoro, POR, which took its place in the forefront of the bers, among them comrade Zog rency, shattering of the fiscal what it did ten years ago. But the leader of the National Revolutionary Movement, general strike and participated in a leading who contributed $100 to the fund. OF PROGRESSIVE PARTY system). public is still unaware of what has happened since Truman’s un­ estimated that more than a thousand were killed. capacity in the Coordinating Committee as well The vacation prize also includes (Continued from Page 1) faction in the Progressive Party HIT BOTH WAYS declared war in Korea erupted. In addition more than a thousand men and as in the ensuing battles. the two leading pace-setters in serves that sordid aim. That is lace’s demagogy and their bitter In the space of these few weeks, N.Y.C. where mobilizations are why they act as if the Progressive So far as the workers and the opposition to formation of a labor m ilitary armaments have been being held twice weekly. Party were Moscow baggage. mass of the people generally are party are equally guilty. hiked in price by 40% to 50% and The petition campaign which The party of the future, the concerned, they are hit equally Wallace’s course could be pre­ hard hy both deflation and in­ in some cases even by as much as turned out to be a battle against dicted well in advance because it party of the American working flation. In either case, their living 90%. In other words, a large the reactionary alliance of the flowed logically and consistently people destined to guide the way standards suffer catastrophically proportion of the new billions for Curran Machine Fingers local authorities and the neo- from his basic program in favor to a Workers and Farmers Gov­ arms have been swallowed up in fascist elements, is now definitely ernment, will be built in opposi­ The effects of crises of devalua­ of capitalism. the very first inflationary spurt, won. It was the toughest assign­ tion to both the Stalinists and tion have been fu lly experienced This was pointed out by James r.nd more billions w ill have to be ment ever undertaken by the P. Cannon in the article already “progressive” capitalists like Wal­ by the American people, especially Militants to Coast Guard SWP in this state and now stands in the course of the great collapse appropriated just to meet plans lace. mentioned. And when the acid already adopted. It is these fan­ successfully consummated. Those who see this most clearly of the Thirties. But this country’s The Curran administration is democratic rig ht to vote as they This is clear from a letter ad­ test came, Wallace, the prophet of tastic inflationary leaps in arms Special mention should be made today are in the ranks of the experience with inflationary crises tying the bonds of police unionism saw fit at a union convention. So dressed by Curran to all port of “ progressive capitalism,” dropped costs that w ill determine, as the of those who made outstanding Socialist Workers Party. Your has been up to now comparatively tighter on the National Maritime Curran and Co. decided to call in ficials concerning the statement the “ progressive” in order to months go by, the general price Union than ever before. Not only the Coast Guard cops to take care of a seaman who abstained on the contributions to the campaign retain capitalism, thereby con­ place is there with us too. We limited, fa r short, fo r example, of what the European masses under- levels. has this corrupt gang endorsed of the problem fo r them. convention resolution and is now Foremost among these is Mary firming the M arxist analysis invite you to join us in building the Goast Guard purge of seaman This is a far more brazen, trying to recant. “You are being L. who outstripped the most which showed that at bottom he the only movement capable of v/ent during and after the last DEPRESSION LEVEL on board ship (reported in last treacherous action than even an told,” he wrote, “ to accept these seasoned campaigners in the stood on the same ground as the ending the horrors of capitalism two world wars. On the basis of the former upstate work. The Buffalo branch and establishing universal peace week’s Militant) but it has taken outright violation of the constitu­ Trotskyites and Communists and tycoons of Wall Street. TWO WARS prices, conservative capitalist of the SWP completed petition This is the most important through world socialism. economists have estimated that a on itself the shameful role of tion. I t gives the Coast Guard the so-called independent coalitionists In both wars, American capital­ work in nine counties and then put lesson to be drawn from the fate shift to full-scale war production, fingerman for the anti-union brass deciding vote on all questions be­ as ‘reformed.’ We cannot take ism found itself in exceptionally the finishing touches on petition­ of the Progressive Party, for it entailing a military budget of $50 hats. fore the union. No member of the these chances.” favorable circumstances, benefit­ ing in conservative Yates county points the way to a correct French CP Hits Plea billion annually, would mean a “ The National Council (of the NMU, who values his livelihood The role of an NMU official to­ ing and enriching itself at the This was the county where the answer to the question, “ What 20% reduction in living standards. NMU),” Curran reports in the w ill dare oppose the bureaucrats day is that of stoolpigeon, and no For China UN Entry expense of the older European D.A. warned the crew to leave next?” A t peak war production, or with Pilot, Aug. 10, “unanimously took on anything, no matter how minor hesitation will be permitted — capitalisms. In the course of town or be beaten up and jailed. The plagues of depressions, An “ Appeal for Peace” is now m ilitary budgets of SI00 billion the position that those Hacks and for fear they will turn him over that is the meaning of Curran’s World War I American capitalism Thanks are also due to the many fascism, oppression of minorities, being circulated in France calling and more, the living standards, other stooges who are known and fo the Coast Guard for “ purging.” letter. emerged from a condition of workers who must remain anony­ war and the threat of atomic for the immediate admission of they calculate, would fall to the who have taken open public posi­ debtor to the world’s greatest DELIBERATE TRAP mous or who cannot be mentioned destruction are products of the the People’s Republic of China levels of 1931-32, that is. the tions — such as they did in our creditor. Production generally and The resolution at the conven­ for lack of space. capitalist system. into the U‘N. It is signed by out­ bottom of the last depression. last convention — against sup­ in particular civilian production tion referred to by Curran was Consequently the basic task standing French educators, writers porting our Country in time of SPECIAL TRIBUTE greatly increased first in the long But these projected m ilitary war if the Soviet Union should deliberately worded to catch op­ CIO Gives Rating facing humanity is to replace and deputies to the French parlia­ The tribute was best put by a period of neutrality and even budgets w ill provide only a frac­ be on the other side, should position delegates in a trap. Many capitalism, to modernize economy ment, among them Andre Gide, J. Socialist Party member who aided during the relatively brief period tion of what was originally hoped pulled o ff the ships and the of them voted against it, not for by integrating our industries and P. Sartre, Jean Guehenno, Daniel To Voting Records the SWP petition campaign'in the of participation in the hostilities. for. Tills means far bigger arms Coast Guard should revoke their the reasons given, but because it resources and bringing them Guerin, Claude Bourdet and budgets than any hitherto cal­ absence of any SP state ticket this In World War II a similar papers.” gave a blank check to the foreign under rational planning so that others. Mild in character, the ap­ culated. What they w ill finally be year. He writes: development by and large oc­ policy of the Truman administra­ In 81st Congress they can be operated in the in­ peal criticizes the action of the no one knows. COPS DECIDE tion. For many it signified “ The work of the comrades here terests of the people instead of a majority in excluding 450 million curred. The shift to war produc­ Meanwhile the inflation is on. I t is obvious that this proposal “Ja” vote for Curran and Co. and (Continued from Page 1) in Suffolk yesterday was the most handful of billionaires. The end of peoples as “unjustifiable.” It tion in this country was in the The rate at which it will spiral is a compromise with one which they refused to be regimented. teeth out of the original bill. Most effective I have yet witnessed capitalist rule means the begin­ chides Malik fo r not having taken beginning financed by French and remains indeterminate. It depends proposed that opposition delegates But it is quite obvious from Cur­ of the “ Fair Dealers” voted exceeding not only previous Soc­ ning of enduring peace. a “ more realistic attitude” and it British m ilitary orders. Growth of on many factors, among them the at the last convention should be ran’s remarks that the resolution “ rig ht” by opposing this amend­ ialist Party ventures but even that This is the socialist program, calls upon the French UN dele­ civilian production from the de­ nature of government controls expelled from the union. The Na­ was only a pretext and he would ment. But the CIO News doesn’t done by five of us for the Liberal the program and aim of the gates to help decide the question pression levels greatly cushioned that are imposed. But its ultimate tional Council couldn’t find the have fingered oppositionists for tell us that a majority of Demo­ Party in 1946. No words of mine Socialist Workers Party. by voting in favor of Pekin’s ad­ the impact of the subsequent effects can be confidently foretold. power in the NMU constitution tô some other reason if it had not crats voted in favor of the amend­ can pay adequate tribute to these Stalinism blocks the road to mission. shift to war economy. And for The threat of a peacetime depres­ purge seamen who exercised their existed. ment and the others didn’t put up wonderful people. I can only say socialism. The American repre­ The Stalinists refused to sign large layers of the population the sion has been replaced by the a real fight for it. that it was a great pleasure to sentatives of the Kremlin follow the appeal and their paper war itself, despite its sharp in­ scourge of inflation whose tend­ have been able to work with them a line designed to further the l’Humanite denounced it as the flationary effects, actually meant It can be seen from these ex­ ency w ill be to unfold on a scale and I hope that we may join power and privileges of the “ Thesis of the “ Trotskyists” en improvement of living condi­ amples that the CIO chart is based never experienced before by the together again during this cam­ bureaucracy that has usurped sponsored by “ die-hard Titoists” tions as compared with the misery only on those few selected votes workers of this country. Union Chiefs Find ECA Only which show the highest possible paign and many more to come.” power in the Soviet Union. Their among others. of the depression. Once again the number of “ rig ht” votes for the productive apparatus of this coun­ Democrats as against the biggest try not only escaped physical number of “ wrong” votes for the damage of war but was able NOTICE Benefits Europe’s Wealthy greatly to expand not only in in­ Republicans. Korean Bombings Not dustry but also in agriculture. Phone number for The M ilitant (Continued from Page 1) der later to turn Western Europe AID TO FRANCO A ll these and related factors and Socialist Workers Party appointment of former high Nazis into an armed camp. The welfare But what do the CIO leaders greatly softened the effects of changed to: ALgonquin 5-7460. to executive positions in the of the workers and of the mass of the people generally never even consider a “ rig ht” vote? For in Winning U.S. Friends inflation, although the people by plants. entered into the calculations of stance, a vote fo r the Korean Aid WARNS OF UPHEAVAL the Marshall Plan sponsors. The Bill to give the Syngman Rhee (Continued from Page I) second combat mission. . . Lieut. Robert P. Martin of the Overseas unwilling testimony and belated dictatorship in South Korea $150,- He warned of an “ upheaval un­ States troops withdraw arouse in­ Alvin L. Wimer said, ‘I h it a New Agency. “ They have seen criticism of Livingston and his 000,000 is listed as “ right.” On less there’s a change.” Degraded dignation here.” school house with three rocket their homes and villages destroy­ delegation are irrefutable proof the other hand, the record of the Now Available living conditions and extremely hits and left it burning. (Aug. ed by American planes because of it. Senate vote on a loan to Franco I f the Indian people don’t “ ap­ low wage levels have lowered the 8). . . ’ B-26’s flew seventeen the North Koreans used them for On the other hand, the pretext is not listed. This would have preciate the harsh facts of the morale of the workers to make missions, hitting Kumchon with shelter. They have been forced to that the ECA funds have been war,” we can well imagine what “ effective and convincing com­ considerably reduced the Demo­ fragmentation bombs and report­ evacuate their villages as a BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS simply “ misused,” a difficulty the Koreans think about the munist propaganda,” declared cratic “ rig h t” votes. ed the town afire. Sunchon, security measure against guer­ which can easily be remedied by American invasion. Korea is being Livingston. Although there is a great deal Kwangju, Chongju, Togamdash rillas. They have been compressed a few “ specific recommenda­ systematically blasted and burned of comment in the supplement and Namwon were h it with un­ into an ever-shrinking area where All this Livingston views as a tions,” flies in the face of the pub­ by huge fleets of U. S. bombers by Leon Trotsky "misuse” of ECA funds and he about the record of the 81st Con­ dropping not only high-explosives known results (Aug. 10). . . Night there is little food and almost no licly proclaimed intention to gress, it does not include any intruder missions attacked nearly Stalin’s Frame-Up System & The Moscow Trials paper 1.00 offers an easy solution. “ The basic henceforth directly tie ECA funds but the napalm fire bomb — the shelter. The undisguised scorn of summary of the voting records. 100 targets of opportunity, in­ point,” he explained, “ would call with European rearmament. same fiendish weapon that is the Americans toward the back­ (just published) A summary would have brought cluding . . . towns and villages in for a revision of Marshall Plan credited with killing more people ward but proud South Koreans The First Five Years of the Communist administration to permit certain GLARING MISUSE attention to the fact that only 17 the North Korean - occupied has humiliated them.” in. one night in Tokyo than the International Vol. 1 cloth only 2.50 regulatory conditions to .be im­ There is one glaring misuse, Senators and 113 Representatives first atom-bomb at Hiroshima. area. . . The enemy-occupied vil­ Martin tells why the South posed that would provide for a cast no “ wrong” votes so far r lage of Tundok was set afire and The Revolution Betrayed cloth 2.50 paper 1.50 however, that Livingston and his From both press dispatches and Korean farmers are “ apathetic” larger share of aid moneys going the listed issues are concerned. destroyed by napalm . . . two friends forgot to mention. They Gen. MacArthur’s daily official towards the war. “ The simple In Defense of Marxism cloth 2.00 paper 1.50 directly to the worker.” Only 15 out of 53 Democratic villages housing troops were proclaimed support of the Mar­ war communiques, we can piece mind,” he says, “ makes quite n shall Plan “ CIO Policy.” They ex­ Senators were strictly OK accord­ destroyed (Aug. 13).” Permanent Revolution cloth only 2.50 FUNDS “MISUSED” together an appalling picture of distinction between an alien in­ pelled from the CIO unions num­ ing to the CIO record and only Ruthless destruction and exter- towns and villages with their vasion and an attack by fellow- Fascism — What I t Is — How to Fight It .15 Livingston and the rest of his bering more than a million mem­ 112 out of 259 Democrats in mina’tion is not limited to the air countrymen. And few of the South Their Morals and Ours (second edition) .25 delegation then hastened to add bers, whose leaders had opposed House. civilian inhabitants wiped out. An forces, as we learn from a United that their criticism was “ directed Aug. 3 United Press dispatch tells Koreans have any sense of loyalty the Marshall Plan. Right now Press dispatch: to the unpopular Syngman Rhee Lesson of Spain (limited number in stock) .25 at the failure to use ECA funds BANKRUPT POLICY cf “powerful air strikes” that they are preparing to expel sev­ “American security patrols government.” And, naturally, the Stalinism and Bolshevism .15 properly and not at the original The one wrong vote was usual­ “ set fire to scores of villages along started burning deserted villages eral more unions on the same hatred of these “ simple minded” purpose of the Marshall Plan.” grounds. ly against FEPC or for the Kerr the enemy front lines.” Describing behind the First Cavalry Division In Defense of Russian Revolution (Copenhagen Speech ’32) .15 people “ w ill more likely be This is a shabby evasion. A ll of this has been done at the Gas Bill to let the oil interests a U. S. Navy bombardment of the lines today in a scorched earth directed toward the one im­ Leon Sedoff (in memory of Trotsky’s son) .15 How can any plan, let alone its behest of the State Department loot $200 m illion,from consumers. ccastal area around Yongdong jr policy to wipe out hiding places mediately responsible fo r his suf­ "purpose,” be judged if not by which, in return for the right to Even if you overlook the tricky South Korea, an Associated Press for North Korean guerrillas. Marxism and Science (The Mendeleyev Memorial Address) .16 fering, in this case the Ameri­ its actual results? We warned interfere in the internal affairs way the CIO chart is slanted and dispatch says: “ Four towns were G. V. Plekhanov .10 Native houses were put to the cans who bomb or burn his from the outset that the Marshall of the unions, hired the labor the standard for “ rig ht” and listed as destroyed and six heavily torch and towering smoke clouds home. . . And as the destruction Perspectives of World Development .20 Plan was not at all the humani­ bureaucrats to sell the Marshall ‘ wrong.” the record is a monu­ hit. This is a tragic business for rose on the front from Hwang- of war mounts, this hatred w ill tarian or philanthropic project Plan to European workers. Liv­ ment to the bankruptcy of the the few members of the local gan to Kumchon. Homes in the increase.” Moreover, these “ simple its sponsors and supporters so ingston’s admission — a confes­ union leaders’ political policy. Out population who have not evacuat­ villages were ordered evacuated minds” have “ sharp memories of PIONEER PUBLISHERS deceitfully claimed. I t was intend­ sion of guilt—demonstrates what of all the Democrats they asked ed in advance of the Red columns.” several days ago.” ed solely for the benefit of the a rotten bill of goods the labor labor to vote for in 1948, they can Here are a few samples from “ Mutual hatred and fear” exists a far-from-model American oc­ 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE :: NEW YORK 3, N. Y. European capitalists, to help prop bureaucrats sold the union move­ find only a small minority they MacArthur’s communiques from even between the “ friendly” Kor­ cupation which lasted too many up their bankrupt system in or­ ment. can still point to as “right.” Aug. 8 to 13. “Flying his sixty- eans and the Americans, reports years.”