LEON TROTSKY MEMORIAL ISSUE - See Page 2 - Union Chiefs Find GOP, Demo ECA Benefits Only Europe’s Wealthy Congress Speeds Bills The truth about the Mar­ Row Over Korea shall Plan is coming out lit­ tle by little. The latest elo­ quent testimony comes from a top trade union leader who parti­ In Sham Debate cipated in forcing the Marshall To Gag American Public Plan on the unions as “ CIO Poli­ Leading Republican Senators have opened fire on the cy” and in purging those who op­ Cl Truman administration over the Korean events. A big de­ posed it. He is John W. Living­ bate is promised between the two major parties on who is ston, vice-president of the UAW - Plan Police-State Bills CIO who headed a delegation of Government Seeks Both Parties Vie to Put Own responsible for what has happened in Korea and why. top union officials on a six-week A manifesto was issued on tour of automotive and aircraft support” to Truman’s undeclared To Jail CP Heads Aug. 13 signed by Senators Alex­ plants in Italy, France and Gere Label on Police-State Law Korean war, for U. S. backing to many. Livingston’s conclusion is ander Wiley, H. Alexander Smith, reactionary puppet regimes and that the Marshall plan is a “mis­ Bourke B. Hickenlooper and For Korea Views Truman’s demand for further “security” police-state for intensifying the attempt to erable failure.” Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. — th$ establish American capitalist Washington is seeking to legislation has speeded up Congressional action to repress entire Republican membership of domination over Asia and the rest CAPITALISTS ENRICHED make opposition to Truman’s minority political opinion and outlaw the Bill of Rights. the powerful Senate Foreign of the world. A ll the Republicans The funds, he said, have gone to undeclared war in Korea Promptly following the President’s call for “strength­ Relations Committee. Senator claim is that they “can do it enrich the native capitalists while grounds fo r imprisonment. It is ening” the “internal security,” the Senate on Aug. 9 una­ A rthur H. Vandenberg, Repub­ better.” the working and living conditions for this reason that Truman’s A t­ nimously passed three drastic measures in line with his lican foreign policy leader, said of the European workers have torney General McGrath has call­ he is “ in agreement.” DISCUSSION NEW been depressed to subsistence lev­ ed, fo r revocation of bail and im­ proposals. Not one Trumanite and “Fair Deal” Democrat Nevertheless, for the Repub­ els. ------------------------------------------------ 4 dissented from these harsh bills. CHARGE “ BUNGLING” mediate jailing of the 11 Com­ licans to discuss foreign policy Livingston vouches that factor­ munist Party leaders who were One would permit the govern­ They charge the Democratic ad­ in the midst of a war, to raise ies rebuilt with ECA funds now convicted under the Smith Act for ment to exclude from the country ministration, by its “bungling,” CIO Gives Rating any sort of criticism, is un­ contain more modern equipment alleged “ conspiracy” to “ advo­ any non - citizen, including the “ blindness,” and “ blunders” since precedented for the U. S. in and yield higher production than cate” the “overthrow of the gov­ highest diplomats of other coun­ the time of the Yalta conference modern times. They are aware in prewar days, hugely swelling ernment by force and violence.” tries, whom government au­ in 1945, with giving a “ green To Voting Records that their move now may en­ the corporation profits. The em­ The Stalinist leaders, who have thorities claim have a “ principle” light” to the Kremlin. courage popular discussion and ployers “ continue to expand pro­ been at liberty on bail of $20,000 or even an “ incidental” intention From now until after Nov. 7 criticism which w ill go beyond duction or pocket profits but re­ to $30,000 each, have been order­ In 81st Congress to "endanger the welfare and the air w ill be red, white and blue the very strict lim its the Repub­ fuse to grant economic gains to ed to appear in Federal District One of the most curious poli­ safety of the United States” or to with charges and counter-charges lican leaders have fixed. This, we the workers.” Court in New York City on Aug. tical documents of recent years work against “the public in­ over the Korean war. But it is ran be sure, is the last thing in PAUPER’S WAGES 17 to “ show cause” why they has been issued as a 12-page sup­ terest.” certain that neither party will the world they want. should not be imprisoned pending plement to the Aug. 14 CIO News. The French workers average Other foreigners, outside of contribute any real clarity. their appeal to the U.S. Supreme It is headlined, “ How Congress $25 to $40 a month which does ambassadors and ministers, would FEARS “EXCESSES” Court. Voted,” and contains the voting For clarity on the war issue is not suffice for the barest essen­ be debarred for alleged associa­ The N. Y. Times expressed the record of every Senator and the least thing desired by either tials. West German workers, said tion with any “ Communist party” view that “this purely political CRITICIZE FOREIGN POLICY Representative on 13 “ key” party. The Republican purpose is Livingston, must work five to six Democratic Congressional leaders leave White House after or “totalitarian organization” or to make the Democratic Party a fight” is “ more than regrettable” McGrath’s demand to the court conferring with Truman on police-state bills to silence anti-war measures between Jan. 1949 and times longer than American work­ said the present activities of the even “ the direct predecessors or scapegoat for the unexpected d if­ and “ if carried to excess it could opinion. (L. to r.) House Majority Leader John McCormack, House June 1950. successors of any such group,” or ers to buy “ necessary commodi­ Stalinist leaders are “ dangerous ficulties U. S. imperialism has easily impair the effectiveness of Speaker Sam Rayburn and Senate M ajority Leader Scott Lucas. Each vote is graded “ rig h t” or ties.” An hour’s wage of an Ital­ to the public welfare and national for merely advocating “ the eco­ encountered in Korea and the Far the nation.” But it glumly con­ “wrong” according to whether it ian worker will buy less than an security.” As evidence, his state­ nomic, international and govern­ East and to gain some election cedes that “it is- difficult to see ounce of butter. Livingston esti­ conformed to the position of the mental doctrines” which any of how such a contest can be avoid­ ment cites various articles in the capital. mates that a “high wage” for a CIO leaders. A summary of the the proscribed groups might be ed.” Daily Worker criticizing U.S. in ­ skilled worker in Western Europe tervention in Korea and opposing record shows that 17 Senators and said to hold. And any country ELECTION ISSUE What the Times means by car­ is the pauper’s sum of $12 to $15 aid to “ Wall Street’s puppet re­ KOREAN BOMBINGS NOT 113 Representatives voted “ rig ht” which refused to accept the return For months the Republicans rying the debate to “ excess” is a week. Such is the paradise cre­ gimes in Korea, Formosa, V iet­ on all issues and the rest voted of such an alien would have a ll had been seeking an effective discussion of the real issues — ated by the Marshall Plan. nam.” “ wrong” on one or more. its nationals automatically barred. campaign issue which would the basic issues. On this, Repub­ In addition Livingston reported A precedent fo r this move was A close study of the “ test” If this bill passes, it will be somehow distinguish them from licans and Democrats are in fu ll WINNING O.S. FRIENOS widespread resentment among set with the recent jailing of Har­ issues selected and the voting the first ever enacted in this the Democrats. A ll they could accord. They both propose to gag West German workers over the ry Bridges, CIO Longshoremen’s By Joseph Keller records as listed and graded by country making mere membership come up with was the unsavory as a “ subversive” anyone who (Continued on Page 4) Union leader. His bail was re­ the CIO leaders reveals more in a political party or advocacy rantings of Senator McCarthy The American press is voicing concern about the growing un­ tries to discuss the vital ques­ voked on similar grounds of “ dan­ about the political record of these of its alleged views grounds for about how the Democratic ad­ popularity of Truman’s undeclared war in Korea. “ Misunderstand­ tions, such as, “ Shall U. S. money ger to national security” and he union officials than of the mem­ exclusion and deportation. ministration is harboring “ com­ and arms support reactionary ing” and “ lack of understanding” of Washington’s “ noble aims,” U. S. Authorities was imprisoned indefinitely pend­ it seems, embraces such widely different groups as the American bers of Congress. That is what A second bill makes the death munists.” They have finally been regimes?” or “Shall American ing his appeal on a frame-up per­ is so curious about this CIO News forced to resort to the setbacks troops be sent to impose Wall Free Nazi Big-Wigs troops in Korea, the people of® " ' penalty applicable to “ espionage” ju ry conviction. doing here. The funny thing is I supplement. in Korea. Street’s w ill on colonial peoples?” Asia generally and the very in peacetime as well as during an U.
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