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Armenian Studies Program Studies Armenian

Non-Profit California State University, Fresno University, State California

HYE SHARZHOOM th Armenian Action 25 FA|

May 2004 Vol. 25, No. 4 (86) Supplement to The Collegian Der Mugrdechian Keynote April 24th Commemoration Takes Place on Speaker in English at Bay Area Campus to Honor the 1915 Genocide Commemoration ceived the HAKOP TATARYAN unanimous STAFF WRITER approval of the Legisla- It has been 89 years since the ture and pro- Armenian Genocide took place, and vided the op- to this day all over the portunity to world gather on April 24 to com- pursue con- memorate those who innocently lost tractual their lives. The Armenian Students claims per- Organization (ASO) and Armenian taining to the Studies Program organized an event recent settle- in honor of the genocide on Friday, ment. April 23. Students and community Senator members gathered at the Free Poochigian Speech Area at Fresno State and spoke about took part in the activity. Attendees the genocide wore red arm-bands, which sym- and its impor- Barlow Der Mugrdechian bolized the blood shed by 1.5 mil- tance to Ar- Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian the physical reminders of the geno- lion Armenians during the 1915 menians was the keynote speaker in En- cide and its effect on the Armenian Genocide. around the glish, on Saturday, April 24, 2004, people. As Armenians, we can The event opened with ASO world and in on the occasion of the 89th anni- with certainty say, that were it not president Dickran Chekian intro- the United versary of the Armenian Genocide. for the genocide, that we would be ducing keynote speaker Californian States. As he The event was held at the Saroyan living today in -whether State Senator Chuck Poochigian. spoke his Hall of the Krouzian-Zakarian Ar- in Van, or in Kharpert, in Sepastia In 2000, Senator Poochigian voice cracked menian School in San Francisco or Erzeroum, in Bitlis or authored Senate Bill 1915 which several times, enabled victims and heirs of vic- recalling all Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian and sponsored by the Bay Area Dickranakert, or in , in State Senator Chuck Poochigian Armenian community. Following Yerevan, or Gyumri, or Karabagh, tims of the Armenian Genocide to of the inno- is an excerpt from his speech. or in the smallest village of our access the California court system cent people that died in the geno- complete, vile, and despicable acts historic Armenia. to compel insurance companies to cide. of atrocity. One and a half million Reverend clergy, members of This is the legacy that we have pay insurance claims owed to vic- “It was a year’s long experience SEE APRIL 24 PAGE 8 the organizing committee of the inherited and have lived with, for tims of the Genocide. That bill re- for a people who were victims of Bay Area genocide commemora- eighty-nine years and that legacy is tion, honored guests, ladies and both a responsibility and an oppor- Shoghaken Armenian Folk Dr. Hervé Georgelin gentlemen. tunity. Appointed as Kazan Eighty-nine years ago, the Ar- One feels responsibility because Ensemble Concert is a Hit Visiting Professor menian people were victims of the the Genocide as a political issue first genocide of the twentieth cen- still remains unresolved. Efforts to STAFF REPORT tury. The details of that catastrophe convince nations of the world to Dr. Hervé Georgelin, of Paris, are only too painfully well known formally recognize the Armenian France, has been appointed as the to all Armenians. The Armenian Genocide have consumed our re- 5th Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan people were exiled from the land cent efforts, with many notable suc- Visiting Professor of Armenian which they had inhabited for more cess in the past few years. And just Studies for the Fall 2004 semester. than three thousand years. We here in the past week, the Canadian Par- Dr. Georgelin will be teaching a in California, as in diaspora com- three unit course, Armenian Stud- SEE DER MUGRDECHIAN PAGE 8 munities throughout the world, are ies 120T-”Armenians’ Odyssey: Out of Empires Towards Diaspora,” Hye Sharzhoom at 25 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30-4:45 PM. CHRIS TOZLIAN Recently, I interviewed two As part of his visiting professor- STAFF WRITER more former editors, Bill Erysian ship, Dr. Georgelin will give three and Arakel Arisian. Erysian was public lectures in the fall, under the One of the twentieth century’s one of the founding editors of Hye general topic of “Western Arme- greatest post-modern slogans sim- Sharzhoom, beginning in 1979, and nian Journalists in the Political ply states, “The only constant is worked with the newspaper for Photo: Jim Karagozian Arena: Watchful People in Critical change.” Irrespective of the truth three years. Arisian began writing The Shoghaken Armenian Folk Ensemble Times.” (or the lack thereof) of this state- for the newspaper in the fall of He received his PhD from the ment, the simple thought of an ever- 1997, later becoming editor. He ZHANNA BAGDASAROV Armenian Folk Ensemble of Ar- Department of History and Civili- changing society is a source of un- continued working with Hye STAFF WRITER menia. Each one of the eight-mem- zations, EEHS, Paris. His disserta- certainty for many, myself included. Sharzhoom through the fall of 1999. ber ensemble contributed some- tion is on the plural urban society of In the March 2004 edition of Hye The interviews began with a On Monday evening, April 12, thing completely different and Smyrna/Izmir at the end of the Ot- Sharzhoom, I wrote concerning the question asking which section of more than 450 members of the unique to the group by utilizing toman Empire, until its destruction stability offered to me by this stu- the newspaper was their favorite. Fresno Armenian community gath- their incredible talents on traditional in September 1922. dent organization-led newspaper. Erysian said, “Without a doubt, the ered at the Satellite Student Union, Armenian instruments such as the For more information on how to In fact, I had the opportunity to opinion pieces in Hye Sharzhoom in the heart of the Fresno State kanon, kamancha, duduk, dhol and register for the course contact the interview two former editors, John have always been my favorite part campus, to experience the extraor- shvi. Armenian Studies Program at 559- Jabagchourian and Matthew dinary sounds of Armenian folk The program began at 7:30 PM 278-2669. Maroot. SEE HYE SHARZHOOM PAGE 6 music performed by the Shoghaken SEE SHOGHAKEN PAGE 7 2 Hye Sharzhoom May 2004 Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno Book/Video/CD/Archival Gifts Armenian Studies Program Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Pro- gram would like to thank the donors, authors, and pub- Fall 2004 Schedule of Courses lishers for the following books, periodicals, videos, and archival gifts either offered personally or to the Program. Course Units Time Day Instructor General Education Lucille Apcar, Mariposa, for the copy of the book From the Book of Social Sciences, Area D3, for students using 1999/2000 catalog and after One Thousand Tales, Stories of Armenia and its People, 1892- Division 9-Other Cultures, for students using 1998/1999 catalog and before 1922, written by Diana Agabeg Apcar. Glatzor, Yearbook of the Armenian Seminary of the Catholicosate of • ArmS 10 Intro to Arm Studies 3 10:00-10:50A MWF B. Der Mugrdechian Cilicia, vol. XI (2003), 256 pages. Gift of His Holiness Aram (#71548) I, Antelias, Lebanon. • Arm 1A Elementary Armenian 4 11:00-11:50A MTWF B. Der Mugrdechian Mr. & Mrs. Richard Avedian, Fresno for the books, periodicals, (#71544) Bibles and journals from the estate of their parents, Mr. and Arts & Humanities, Arts, Area C1 for students using 1999/2000 catalog and after Mrs. Arnie Avedian. • ArmS 20 Arts of Armenia 3 9:30-10:45 A TTh B. Der Mugrdechian Vahan Baibourtian, New Delhi, , International Trade and the (#71549) Armenian Merchants in the Seventeenth Century, New Delhi: Upper Division Courses Sterling Publishers, 2004, ix, 261 pages, with color plates, maps and an index. An important study on Armenian mer- • ArmS 108A Arm History I 3 9:00-9:50A MWF B. Der Mugrdechian chants and their activities in western Europe, the Near East, (#71550) Iran and India. The author holds the chair of International • ArmS 120T-Armenians’ Odyssey 3 3:30-4:45 P TTh H. Georgelin Relations at Yerevan State University and is head of the Iranian (#83419) Department of the Armenian Academy of Sciences. Gift of For more information call the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669 Armen Baybourtian, Armenia’s Ambassador to India and or visit our offices in the Peters Business Building, Room 384. former Armenian Counsel General in Los Angeles. Arman J. Kirakossian, British Diplomacy and the Armenian Ques- Dr. Arra Avakian Donates Slide Collection to Fresno State tion, from the 1830s to 1914, Princeton & London: Gomidas Institute, 2003, 365 pages, index. A major study based on STAFF REPORT British and other archival documents, first published in Arme- Professor Arra Avakian of Fresno, retired nian in 1999. Dr. Kirakossian is currently Armenia’s ambassa- professor of Armenian Studies at Fresno State, dor to Washington. Gift of the author. has donated his entire library of color slides to the Carl Mahakian, Rancho Mirage, for the book Look at Us Let’s See Armenian Studies Program. The collection con- Here we Are… by William Saroyan. stitutes more than 12,000 slides taken over forty Virginia Meltickian, Fresno, for the additional pages for the Memory years of travel by Dr. Avakian. The slides cover a wide number of places Album of the Armenians in from the beginning of the last visited by Dr. Avakian, especially slides of im- century to the 1950’s she has established for us and the copy of portant monuments and sites, such as the book Kavkaz, A Biography of Yervand Markarian. Etchmiadzin, Mt. Ararat, Khor Virap, and Mikaël Nichanian and Vivien Prigent, Paris, France, “Les Stratèges Sardarabad, in the Republic of Armenia. de Sicile. De la naissance du theme au règne de Léon V,” Revue Dr. Avakian has also visited historic Armenia des Études Byzantines, vol. 61 (2003), pp. 97-141. A minute several times, and his slides of Van, Arapgir, Monastery of Khor Virap with Mt. Ararat in the survey of the Byzantine governors of Sicily in the eighth and Adana, and many other locations in historic Ar- background. Photo by Dr. Arra Avakian. the first decades of the ninth century based in part on officials menia, are of great historic value and interest. seals used on official documents. Gift of Mikaël Nichanian. Prof. Kenji Noguchi, Kurume, , for the copies of the books by William Saroyan, My Name is Aram and The Human Comedy HYE SHARZHOOM both translated into Japanese.The books will be kept in the Special Collections department of the Madden Library. Armenian Studies Chairs, Programs, and Related Graduate Studies, FA|

Armenians on the Internet The William Saroyan Society Staff William Saroyan and His World Web Address: Tuesday, May 4, 2004 Contact: [email protected] 6:30 PM Categories: Genocide and Human Rights University Pro- gram, About Us, What’s New, Publications, Books for Sale, Admission is Free Genocide, Turkish-Armenian Dialogue, Diaspora, Arme- nia, How You Can Help Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church 3673 N 1st Street • Fresno Brief Summary: The Zoryan Institute is an international center devoted to the research and documentation of con- The William Saroyan Society will host guest speakers discussing William Saroyan temporary issues related to the history, politics, society, and and His World. The presentations will cover reminiscences, historical facts and per- and Armenians around the world. Re- spectives on Saroyan’s writing and life. search is conducted both to document past and current events, and to analyze their impact on individuals and Ben Amirkhanian (Chairman Emeritus of the William Saroyan Society) institutions in Armenia and the Diaspora. The Institute The William Saroyan Society’s History strives to develop a framework within which people can understand and participate in conceptualizing the critical Berge Bulbulian (Fresno author/historian) and fundamental issues dealing with current and future Fresno in the Time of Saroyan challenges within a global context. Barlow Der Mugrdechian Web Address: (Armenian Studies Program) Saroyan the Writer Contact: [email protected] Categories: Birthright Armenia Applications, Program Of- ferings in Armenia, Acknowledgments Ed Hagopian (Writer and friend of Saroyan ) Reminiscences and Recollections Brief Summary: The mission of Birthright Armenia is “To strengthen the tie between homeland and Diaspora by af- William Seacrest, Jr. (Fresno County California fording them an opportunity to be a part of Armenia’s daily Collection Librarian and Book Collector) life and to contribute to Armenia’s development through Collecting Saroyan work, study, and volunteer experience, while developing life-long personal ties and a renewed sense of Armenian The discussion is funded in part by the Community Enrichment Program of the identity.” This web site provides information for individuals Fresno Arts Council and is supported by the Fresno County Free Library. to participate in a variety of programs in Armenia. 4 Hye Sharzhoom May 2004 Congratulations Graduating 2004 Armenian Studies Minors! ZHANNA BAGDASAROV AND MARINE EKEZYAN How has getting an Armenian Studies minor and taking Armenian Studies courses STAFF WRITERS influenced you as an individual? The numerous Armenian Studies classes that I have taken have structured my understanding of what it means to be Armenian. Though I grew up an Armenian in Fresno, there were SEVAG TATEOSIAN various aspects of Armenian culture that I have only been exposed to because of the MAJOR: CRIMINOLOGY-LAW ENFORCEMENT Armenian Studies classes that I have taken (e.g. Armenian arts, ancient Armenian history, MINOR: ARMENIAN STUDIES etc.)

How has getting an Armenian Studies How was your college experience affected through your involvement with the Arme- minor and taking Armenian Studies nian Studies program? courses influenced you as an individual? The ASP provided a “constant” of sorts throughout my college career. Taking an Armenian The Armenian Studies Program, through its Studies class each semester of my college career really reminded me of my heritage on a daily Armenian courses, has positively influenced basis. Furthermore, it provided an outlet for making new friends on a large college campus. me tremendously. The classes I took made me realize that Armenia and Armenians have How has taking Armenian Studies classes helped your understanding of the Armenian always been the underdogs, yet they have culture? survived and prevailed. Despite being con- These classes have broadened my overall understanding of the Armenian culture. My quered by bigger and stronger empires and knowledge base regarding Armenian Studies has increased twenty-fold since I began my kingdoms, Armenians always seemed to undergraduate work at Fresno State, and it has also given me a greater appreciation for my come through and become independent, heritage. somehow and someway, they are fighters. Today, that is my take on life. No matter what life throws my way, I am still going to smile and continue my efforts to succeed. What is the most memorable experience of your college career? Had I not taken Armenian courses, and learned about the Arab invasions, the Persian There are too many memorable experiences to recount; but may I say that there’s nothing like wars and the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Turks, I would not think about life getting up bright and early on a Saturday morning and spending nine hours of your Saturday this way. in a weekend course with Dr. Dickran Kouymjian. How was your college experience affected through your involvement with the DIKRAN CHEKIAN Armenian Studies program? Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian really played a huge MAJOR: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION- part in bringing out a side of me that I did not think I had. Professor Der Mugrdechian ENTREPRENEURSHIP and Dr. Kouymjian had faith in me and always wanted me to push myself and to do the MINOR: ARMENIAN STUDIES best I can. After listening to their remarks, I did push myself and I found that not only did my G.P.A. skyrocket, but, I became involved in various community activities How has getting an Armenian Studies minor and around the City of Fresno. I still remember my first experience with the Armenian taking Armenian Studies courses influenced you as Studies Program, when Dr. Kouymjian said to me after a test, “Mr. Tateosian, you are an individual? very intelligent and you can get far in life if you simply apply yourself and work hard Taking courses in Armenian Studies has drawn me at what you do.” Well, Dr. Kouymjian, I am applying myself now and I know that closer to my heritage. I have learned and have grown nothing is out of reach; I just have to want it and work hard at getting it. over these past years; it has allowed me to embrace our culture and share it with others. What is the most memorable experience of your college career? All of it! I loved and will remember every minute of it. Whether it was meeting new How was your college experience affected through people or studying late at night I will not forget any of it. I think college is a place that your involvement with the Armenian Studies pro- everyone who can, should attend. It is an unbelievable experience. You see it all. gram? People and their actions will always shock you, as you never know how they will act At times it definitely made it more demanding! Being next. the webmaster, and also photographing and laying out Hye Sharzhoom, required more attention and involvement - none of which, at any point, have I regretted. The experiences I have had are life-long. TATEVIK EKEZIAN MAJOR: PSYCHOLOGY How has taking Armenian Studies classes helped your understanding of the Armenian MINOR: ARMENIAN STUDIES culture? Understanding the Armenian culture is far beyond taking history and language courses. The How has getting an Armenian Studies minor great thing about Armenian Studies courses and the ASP is that it takes you beyond these and and taking Armenian Studies courses influ- exposes students to the richness of our culture, by introducing dance and music, folk tale and enced you as an individual? art. The courses helped me recognize how and why we are different; how and why Armenians I have gained a significant amount of knowl- are who we are! edge about Armenian history, art, dance and politics. I feel that my overall knowledge has What is the most memorable experience of your college career? been enhanced and that I have also been greatly Becoming ASO President gave me the opportunity to work with the students and put together influenced through this learning process. events that left lasting impressions on people. I remember when I was 12 years old, I attended ASO’s 80th April 24th Genocide Commemoration and I remember the feeling I had seeing How was your college experience affected the community and the students rallying together. And today, I was a part of that; I hope I through your involvement with the Arme- have left the same positive impressions on others that were left on me. nian Studies program? Through the Armenian Studies Program, I became involved with ASO not only as a member but as the Vice President. I also became involved with the HyeOozh Radio Show based out of Fresno State. It has provided new experiences and has helped me Graduates 2004 grow as an individual. MITCHELL PETERS How has taking Armenian Studies classes helped your understanding of the MAJOR: MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM Armenian culture? Learning more about the history and art of the culture and increased involvement with How was your college experience affected through the Armenian community has helped provide me with a deeper understanding of my your involvement with the Armenian Studies Pro- culture and its people. gram? Throughout my five years at Fresno State, I was only What is the most memorable experience of able to take one Armenian Studies course. Through your college career? that class, however, I learned very much about my Every moment spent with my friends has been a Armenian heritage. The Armenian Studies Program memorable one. One that seems to stand out is has also enabled me to meet many new people within Winter Formal 2003, put together by the Arme- the Armenian community and at Fresno State. For this nian Students Organization. All the meetings I am very grateful. we’ve had at Dominion Pizza Parlor and the fun The Hye Sharzhoom has also been an excellent tool in time we had washing cars to raise money for our displaying my writing. It was the first publication that organization. published my writing, and provided me with inspira- tion to pursue an academic career in journalism. We are very lucky to have such an excellent CHRISTOPHER TOZLIAN Armenian Studies program here at Fresno State. MAJORS: HISTORY AND BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OPTION What is the most memorable experience of your college career? MINORS: ARMENIAN STUDIES AND I’ve had a few memorable experiences here at Fresno State; it’s difficult to name just one. CLASSICAL STUDIES If I had to pick only one, however, it was the moment I realized that going to college wasn’t a complete waste of my time. May 2004 Hye Sharzhoom 5 I always knew that I had to go to college for one reason or another, but it How was your college experience affected through your involvement with the Armenian Studies wasn’t until this last year that I found my place and interests within program? journalism and writing. So yes, that’s my most memorable experience. The Armenian Studies Program paved the path for my college career. As a freshman I began to take many Not very funny or exciting, but meaningful nonetheless. courses, which allowed me to meet many new people, and experience new things coming out of high school.

JAYSON EMERIAN How has taking Armenian Studies classes helped your understanding of the Armenian culture? MAJOR: MECHANICALENGINEERING There are many things you think you know about the Armenian culture just because you are Armenian. You then realize what you knew was not a lot, and recognize all the sacrifices that were made in the past for there How has taking Armenian Stud- to be a today. ies courses influenced you as an What is the most memorable experience of your college career? individual? Every semester brought many memorable experiences, but I am sure graduation day will be the most Experiencing college is challeng- memorable, because of the joy it will bring to my family. I also would like to say thank you to everyone who ing and hard work. Being able to invested time in me throughout my college career. Had it not been for you, this day would not be possible take several Armenian Studies classes was fun and exciting. It was What are your future plans? the breath of fresh air that I needed I will begin to pursue my ambition as a college basketball coach, and hope to one day return to my alma mater. from my engineering courses. PAUL DAVID BEDROSIAN How was your college experi- MAJOR: AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS ence affected through your in- volvement with the Armenian How has taking Armenian Studies courses influenced you? Studies program? The Armenian Studies Program for me was a great way to meet other The history of the Armenians is so rich in stories and events. Learning Armenians attending Fresno State. Before I started college, I was totally about all of those different historical events and how the Armenians have unaware of how large the Armenian Studies Program was. It has made a overcome so many adversaries was very enriching in my life. great impact on me and other students as well.

What is the most memorable experience of your college career? How was your college experience affected through your involvement Getting married two weeks before finals started and having to concentrate with the Armenian Studies program? in class. I am glad that is over with. The Program offers many different Armenian culture classes. If I men- tioned everything that I learned about my culture in these classes, my What are your future plans? response would be a page long. I really enjoyed learning the basics of the I am currently working toward be- Armenian language, something that I was never taught when I was younger. coming a General Contractor and also taking classes towards a Mas- What is the most memorable experience of your college career? ters in Engineering. I eventually I don’t think I had just one memorable experience that stood out; instead I plan on teaching at the college level, just really enjoyed all the time that was spent with friends. One memorable experience, which was an everyday being a great Christian role model occurrence: trying to find parking. I am glad I’ll never have to deal with that again. to my children, and enjoying my time on earth before I go to my true What are your future plans? home. After graduating, I’ll begin working on the family farms in Fowler. Eventually I will handle most of grower relations at National Raisin Company. HOVIG TORIGIAN MAJOR: KINESIOLOGY-PHYSICAL 5th Armenian Film Festival a Success EDUCATION York’s elite in such places as Rockefeller Center. The fifteen minute fragment is the only known portion of the film to survive. Fresno State • Kennel Bookstore The four other films shown were: “Veradznount” written and directed Armenian Studies Section by former Fresno State student Spring Book Sale Arthur Stepanian, “Hamburger and Dolma” directed by Caroline Babayan, “Prison Art” directed and 10% off on the following 4 titles:“Edge of Time” by produced by Garegin Zakoyan, and Matthew Karanian; “The Burning Tigris” by Peter “Embers of the Sun” directed and Balakian, “A Concise History of the Armenian People” produced by Zareh Tjeknavorian. by George Bournoutian; and “Warrant for Genocide” by After each film was screened, Dr. Kouymjian discussed the films with

Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian Vahakn Dadrian. the audience and provided some From L to R: Barseg Abanyan, Srbuhi Fereshetyan, Kristina historical background. Pogosyan, Suzy Pogosyan, Marine Ekezyan, Zhanna From the buzz after the festival, Bagdasarov, Hakop Tataryan, and Dr. Dickran Kouymjian. it seemed that “Prison Art” was the HAKOP TATARYAN Bagdasarov, Marine Ekezyan, most popular film of the evening. STAFF WRITER Kristina Pogosyan, Alyssa Narrated by the director’s incarcer- Sahakian, and Hakop Tataryan. Dr. ated son, this documentary dis- On Friday, March 19, 2004 the Dickran Kouymjian provided much cussed the different forms of art Armenian Students Organization, needed insight in choosing the produced in one Armenian prison. along with the Armenian Studies films. Prof. Barlow Der The inmates produced a variety of Program and the University Stu- Mugrdechian was also an advisor art, from architectural pieces to dent Union Diversity Awareness Dr. Kouymjian brought a very miniature clay structures. Perhaps Program, put together the 5th An- rare fifteen-minute segment of the the most astonishing aspect of the nual Armenian Film Festival, which very first film made in America art was the intricacy and attention •••This offer is good attracted a large audience. Films about the Armenian Genocide. to detail. through August 31, 2004••• screened represented a new and old “Ravished Armenia,” directed by In all, it was another great festi- generation of writers, producers, Oscar Apfel and produced by W. val for those who enjoy films about Kennel Bookstore Hours: and directors. N. Selig, is a black and white silent Armenians. The evening concluded During Semester: The festival’s organizing com- film made in 1919, and tells the as people critiqued the films with M-Th 7:45 am to 7:15 pm; mittee, who chose the films for the story of a young Armenian girl one another, while enjoying past- Fri 7:45 – 5, Sat 10-3 evening, were: Barseg Abanyan, who survived the Genocide of 1915. ries and coffee served by ASO Gevork Aristakesyan, Zhanna The film was first shown to New members. Summer Hours: 7 am to 3:30 pm 5TH ANNUAL ARMENIAN FILM FESTIVAL- FILMS RECEIVED (May 26 to Aug 13) AUDIT (2001), Director: Spencer Beglarian (U.S.) • THE AURA (2002), Director: Armen Ohannesian (U.S.) • EMBERS OF THE SUN (2001) Director: Zareh Jeknavorian (U.S.) • ETERNAL TRAVELER, Director: Zhirayr Phone Number for General Book Dept: Agavelyan (Armenia) • HAMBURGER AND DOLMA (1999), Director: Caroline Babayan (U.S./Norway) • JEWS IN 559-278-4285 ARMENIA (2002), Director: Vartan Akchyan (U.S.) • JUST DON’T DO IT (2003), Director: Spencer Beglarian (U.S.) • HIDDEN T REASURE (2003), Director: Artin Nazarian (U.S.) • THE L AND OF H OLY R ITES (2002), Director: Location: Armenian Studies Section located in General Book Edgar Baghdasaryan (Armenia) • LIFE IS SWEET, Director: Diana Hakobian (Armenia) • PRISON ART (2001), Dept, Bottom Floor of Kennel Bookstore in Center of Campus (next Director: Garegin Zadoyan (Armenia) • RAVISHED ARMENIA (1919), Director: Oscar Apfel (U.S.) • ROAD FULL to the Student Union), California State University at Fresno, 5284 N. OF APRICOTS (2001), Director: Nigol Bezjian (Lebanon) • SENTENCED TO DEATH (2000), Director: Sonia Jackson Avenue, Fresno, CA 93740-8023 Balassanian (Armenia) • VERADZNOUNT (Rebirth) (2001), Director: Arthur Stepanian) (U.S.) 6 Hye Sharzhoom May 2004 Weekend Armenian Painting Course HYE SHARZHOOM, FROM PAGE 1 lar, they were at times portrayed of the newspaper.” He continued differently. by saying that, “opinion pieces are Students also enjoyed the class an essential element in any publi- in part because they had the oppor- cation.” Conversely, Arisian ex- tunity to discuss class topics in an plained that his favorite section of on-line chat room. Dr. Kouymjian Hye Sharzhoom dealt with the cur- said that he used this year’s course rent on-campus news that the news- in Armenian painting, as well as an paper covered and other informa- Armenian Studies 20 course, as tive pieces, such as the regular up- experiments towards presenting at dates on Armenia. least one course completely on- Next, the two men discussed line starting next academic year. the personal benefit that each de- To help in this process, the Arme- rived from being a part of the Hye Arakel Arisian nian Studies Program web site will Sharzhoom legacy. Erysian said be partially redesigned and the ar- that perhaps the greatest benefit was newspaper is that it also keeps the chitecture and miniature painting “the pride we gained from creating Armenian community as a whole sections will be enhanced. a quality publication on a consis- in touch with the Armenian youth, When asked what was his favor- tent basis for so many years.” especially at the university level. ite part of the class, Dr. Kouymjian Arisian spoke of the practical ben- Erysian similarly stated, “Hye L to R: Joseph Dobbins, Cindy Holliday, Ms. Garcia, Tatevik Ekezian, said, “As always, the pleasure I get efit that he gained; one example Sharzhoom has always been a fo- Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Azniv Orinakyan, Tiffany Balakian, Angela from seeing students learn how to was the visual presentation skills he cus of interest in the Armenian Quintana, Alex Bunch, Sevag Tateosian, Nyrie Karkazian, Ara identify miniatures of the Life of gained while working on the community, both locally and world- Nalbandian, and Zhanna Bagdasarov. Christ and how to describe the im- newspaper’s layout, which he has wide. The Armenian community portant elements in each based on been able to utilize in the business sees the publication as an essential ALEX BUNCH themes of Armenian miniature the gospel text.” sector. He added that, from a jour- source of news and information STAFF WRITER painting were based on the Bible, Though I have taken many Ar- nalistic standpoint, simply learning about the Armenian Studies pro- especially on the four gospels, Mat- menian studies courses and am about every aspect of creating a gram at CSU Fresno and about For three intense weekends, thew, Mark, Luke and John. Stu- myself an Armenian-Christian, I publication has been beneficial for issues affecting Armenians every- twenty students spent their Friday dents had the opportunity to see am continually fascinated at the him. where.” afternoons and Saturdays in a class, many of the scenes portrayed in the depth to which the Armenian arts, Later in the interview, Erysian At the end of the interview, both Armenian Studies 121-“Armenian four gospels, including The Resur- namely, painting, manuscript illu- men spoke regarding the success Miniature Painting.” Dr. Dickran rection of Jesus, The Annunciation mination, and architecture, were so of Hye Sharzhoom over the last Kouymjian, Berberian Professor of of Jesus, The Adoration of the Magi, influenced by Christianity. twenty-five years. Arisian enu- Armenian Studies at Fresno State and a personal favorite, The Nativ- It seems that overall, everyone merated multiple reasons why the and Director of the Armenian Stud- ity. One of the best parts of the enjoyed the class and learned a lot newspaper has been successful: ies Program, taught the course. course was when students were able about Armenian painting. “I en- Hye Sharzhoom has remained con- The class had many interesting to compare the same scenes in vari- joyed Dr. Kouymjian’s class, and I nected to both Fresno State and to discussions about Armenian paint- ous manuscripts. Although the would definitely take another class the Armenian Studies Program, it ing. Students learned that the scenes were iconographically simi- with him,” said Nyrie Karkazian. has consistently received tremen- dous student support, the univer- YSU Professors Visit Fresno State sality of the topics covered have encouraged a broad reader inter- YSU Faculty of Economics into a from their trip was the chance to est, and the continual support of CHRIS TOZLIAN modern institution, capable of com- spend time in the Henry Madden both Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Haig STAFF WRITER peting on an international level in Library on the Fresno State cam- and Isabel Berberian Professor of the fields of business and econom- pus. Though YSU does have a Bill Erysian Armenian Studies, and Professor Earlier this March, Dr. Arman ics. large, well-rounded library, it car- explained that Fresno State students Barlow Der Mugrdechian, have Martirosyan and Dr. Karen Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the ries little literature concerning mi- and faculty benefit from the quar- enabled the students to succeed in Yeghoyan, business professors Armenian Studies Program at cro- and macro-economics, the terly Hye Sharzhoom because it producing an impressive newspa- from Yerevan State University Fresno State is the project coordi- mathematical model of economics, “ensures that Fresno State students per. Erysian, drawing the same (YSU), visited the Fresno State nator and works with key faculty in the history of economic thought, (and faculty) recognize there is a conclusion, concisely responded campus. The two professors spent the Fresno State Craig School of and psychological economics, all consistent voice from the Arme- that Hye Sharzhoom’s long-term seventeen days in the , Business to implement the project fields of study taught by nian student population of the uni- success stems from “maintaining almost all of these in Fresno. This goals. The more than ten Fresno Martirosyan and Yeghoyan. versity.” Arisian echoed this senti- its consistency and its commitment first trip to the United States for State faculty who have visited Ar- When asked what each profes- ment in his response, saying that to quality.” both of the Armenian professors is menia have returned with great sor hoped to gain from his time at Hye Sharzhoom encourages a strong It is this “consistency and com- part of an ongoing cooperative busi- admiration for their colleagues and Fresno State, Yeghoyan said that Armenian presence on campus and, mitment to quality” that has indeed ness project between Fresno State for the quality of their work. he hoped to learn more efficient, at the same time, it adds to the given Hye Sharzhoom its strong and YSU. One of the greatest needs more technologically-based ap- cultural diversity present at Fresno reader base and continual benefac- Yerevan State University is the proaches to teaching. Martirosyan State. tor support; it has also given the mass implementation of technol- said that he hoped to discover new, Both interviewees were also Armenian students on the Fresno ogy. For example, electronic pre- innovative ways of teaching eco- asked to explain how the commu- State campus a voice that extends sentations were impossible at YSU, nomics, and he was excited to re- nity as a whole benefits from Hye throughout the Central Valley and due to a lack of equipment. The ceive greater exposure to a wider Sharzhoom. Arisian said that the to the whole world. It is to Hye project has provided the Faculty of variety of economics literature. Hye Sharzhoom provides a stable Sharzhoom’s constant, unchang- Economics with three computer source of information for the Ar- ing presence that we say, “Best labs, two video projection units, menian people, providing the com- wishes for another twenty-five VCRs, and a television, in order to munity with a widespread informa- years!” partially fill the gap. tion outlet. A byproduct of the Another need of both the stu- dents and the faculty is textbooks Currently, YSU is striving to meet examples and hands-on training, and newly published research international standards, and its in- YSU has followed the theory-based works. Neither is widely avail- teraction with Fresno State in re- Soviet model. The two professors able, and the texts that students use cent years has helped to serve as a hope that they will gain a greater are usually older Russian text- benchmark for improvement. The understanding of how to use prac- books, which are three or four years university has already seen certain tical instruction, so that they may out of print, and therefore often changes, such as the addition of utilize this pedagogy in their classes Arman Martirosyan provide either antiquated or irrel- new classes that are focused on back at YSU. The ultimate desire evant information. Fresno State preparing students specifically for of YSU is to provide a balanced Over the last six years, Fresno faculty have assisted in this area by the business world. Another great theory- and practice-oriented edu- State faculty have participated in a donating modern textbooks, which improvement has been the cational experience for their stu- faculty exchange program with can be utilized by the faculty in university’s recent ability to pro- dents. YSU as part of the NIS College and Armenia. vide internet access for the students By mid-March, Martirosyan and University Partnership Program; Both professors explained that Karen Yeghoyan on campus. Yeghoyan had returned to Arme- both universities have hosted fac- the purpose of their visit was to The two professors also spoke nia and were back teaching at YSU. ulty members from the other uni- observe the teaching pedagogies The time spent in Fresno has not of the great difference in teaching Yet their experience here at Fresno versity for multi-week trips. The used by Fresno State professors only been beneficial for the various styles separating YSU and Fresno State was very beneficial, better basic purpose of this project be- and to observe how technology is professors that have come from State. While the Fresno State busi- preparing them to teach and to posi- tween the two universities is to used in the classroom. However, YSU to Fresno State, but it is ben- ness program has meshed theoreti- tively influence the lives of the facilitate the transformation of the one of the greatest benefits derived eficial for the university as well. cal teaching with practical, real life students at YSU. May 2004 Hye Sharzhoom 7 2003 Annual Athletic Association Charitable Giving to ASP Fund Donors 34th Annual Armenian Summer Games Ways to give to the Armenian Studies Program at Cali- Friend fornia State University, Fresno while retaining lifetime Mr. & Mrs. Gerard & Friday, Saturday, and Sunday rights. (Continued from the March, 2004 issue of Hye Sharzhoom.) Josephine Chahmirian June 18-20, 2004 Supporters Events held at Buchanan High School, Clovis, CA Charitable Remainder Trust. A Unitrust is also a separate trust, established and managed in the same manner as an Annuity Trust. The Anonymous 1560 N. Minnewawa, Clovis, California distributions to the life income beneficiary, however, are variable. At the (Wells Fargo Matching Fund Events: time the Unitrust is established, the donor designates a “unitrust percent- Program) age” and a “valuation date” to be used to calculate the distribution for each Men’s Basketball Meger E. & Flora Dinihanian, calendar year. For example, a 5% unitrust percentage and a January 1 Women’s Volleyball Jr valuation date would result in a revaluation of trust assets as of each Tennis January 1, with the life income beneficiary to receive 5% of that value as Laura Leigon Kermoian Track and Field (team or individual) distributions for that year. With a successful investment policy, an Vahe & Armine Meghrouni increasing value of trust assets will result in an increasing income to the Clifford Melikian Continental Breakfast • Snack Shack • Kid’s Activities life income beneficiary. Aida Mitilian Information and entry forms: (Wells Fargo Matching Fund Call Van Der Mugrdechian Unitrusts may be either in the form of a “standard” percentage arrangement or in the form of a “net income” arrangement. With a Program) (559) 298-2372 • [email protected] “standard” percentage, the payment is made first out of ordinary income Steve Saboundjian Featuring a visit by members of the (dividends, interest, rents) and then out of capital gains. With a “net Armenian Bobsled Team income” arrangement, the lesser of the unitrust percentage or ordinary income for the calendar year is paid out.

ASO and ASP Hold April 24 Vigil Remainder Interest in Residence. A gift of a remainder interest in Armenians do to deserve the Young a personal residence (primary residence, second home, vacation home) Turks’ plan to obliterate their will allow the donor to continue to live in the residence for life, with title people? Davis, as many other Ar- then vesting automatically in the University upon death. All of the tax menians, missed out on a tremen- benefits described above are available, but no separate trust or other dous part of life. Stories like this payment arrangement is introduced. The donor continues to live in the should be told and repeated to keep residence (and remains responsible for property taxes, insurance, upkeep, the memories alive. etc.). While the first film was diffi- their seats and joining the perform- cult to watch because of its graphic SHOGHAKEN, ers on stage. Undoubtedly, it was nature, the second one, “Armenia: FROM PAGE 1 this warm welcome that caused the The Betrayed,” produced by James and kept the audience in a highly ensemble to be comfortable enough Miller of the BBC, was even harder energized state until its end at 10:00 to incorporate all their skills into to watch. It presented Turkey’s po- PM. This was not only the result of the performance. sition on the Genocide, or rather its the expert skills of the performers, This was a first such concert for denial of the events. I found the but also largely due to the beauti- me and I must admit that it greatly second movie to be especially dis- Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian fully rich voices of a brother and broadened my knowledge of Ar- turbing since not only the Turkish Students and community members gathered Friday, April 23, for sister duo, Hasmik and Aleksan menian instruments and music, and government, but also the most of an evening candlelight vigil on the Fresno State campus. Harutyunyan. Whether it was it made me appreciate the level of the people, deny the facts. Hasmik Harutyunyan singing her skill and dedication that these was held in front of the model of Overall, this film illustrated that exquisite lullabies, or her brother people put into every aspect of their JACK ARIKIAN Dzidzernagapert (the Armenian the people of Turkey are completely expressing his love for his land, the performance. The audience appre- SPECIAL TO HYE SHARZHOOM Martyr’s Monument in Yerevan, unaware of the facts; actually, they audience couldn’t get enough of ciation was apparent, which Armenia), in the Free Speech area. believe millions of people, both their great stage-presence. stemmed from the opportunity to As an Armenian born and raised Rev. Ara Guekguezian, pastor of Turkish and Armenian, died dur- What generated an even greater listen to such a talented group of in the United States, I have heard Pilgrim Armenian Congregational ing . More specifi- audience response was the dancing people not only maintain a tie with hundreds of stories about the diffi- Church, gave a special prayer on cally, the government goes as far by the duo during their perfor- their roots, but also continue the culties and challenges our people this occasion, while those in atten- as to say they were defending them- mances together. Their most no- tradition well into the 21st century. have endured throughout history. dance remembered the victims of selves against the Armenians. table duet was when they not only The concert was jointly co-spon- In fact, almost every Armenian has the Armenian Genocide. Having extensively studied this sang but also danced in a way most sored by the Knights and Daugh- heard the stories concerning the Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the period in Armenian history by tak- appropriate to the lyrics of the song. ters of Vartan, the Armenian Stud- battles of our bravest warriors, King Armenian Studies Program intro- ing Armenian Studies classes, I One could easily notice the ies Program, and the Armenian Drtad and Vartan Mamigonian, or duced each film and also answered found these statements to be far audience’s encouraging response Community School of Fresno. Pro- of Armenia being the first nation to questions after the screening. Both from the truth. In my opinion, when the siblings introduced danc- ceeds of the concert benefited the declare Christianity as a state reli- films presented eyewitness accounts these statements pour salt in the ing to their selection. Some could Armenian Community School of gion in 301 AD; the most painful is and stories of the Armenian atroci- wound and this attitude by the Turk- hardly refrain from jumping from Fresno. the Armenian Genocide of 1915. ties inflicted by the Young Turks of ish government should fuel the fire We have been told these stories the . Both films of the Armenians to tell our story. to help us appreciate how far our shared the same focus, though pre- Though I did not live during Listen to Fresno State’s people have come and the struggles senting them from a different per- this period, I share the pain of my two Armenian Radio Shows we have overcome, but more im- spective. ancestors, because this era of Ar- portantly, to preserve the culture. The first film, “Hidden Holo- menian history changed the com- “All Things Armenian” These historic events created who caust,” which aired on the A & E plexion of all our lives. I need not we are today and help define the cable network in 1992, presented share the stories of my grandpar- Every Saturday Afternoon pride and strength of the Armenian the cold, hard facts of the events of ents because every Armenian has Noon-1:00PM people. It is important that we tell 1915. It delivered an accurate his- stories close to their hearts. What these stories to strengthen our torical portrayal of the murder, rape, happened to the Armenians touches knowledge for future generations, and abuse perpetrated on the Arme- all of us in different ways, yet the 90.7 FM so that centuries from now, future nians. “Hidden Holocaust” gave me facts do not change. This is why I Hosted by Barlow Der Mugrdechian generations will understand what the opportunity to learn more about commend the Armenian Students it means to be an Armenian and my people and helped me to not Organization and Armenian Stud- will be proud to say that they are forget my ancestors’ relentless pur- ies Program for planning such a “Hye Oozh” Armenian. suit to overcome any setback. meaningful event and for giving us On Friday evening, April 23, I remember one eye-witness ac- the opportunity to gather. We Every Saturday Morning the Armenian Students Organiza- count from the movie in particular, should not forget and should con- 9:00AM-12:00noon tion and the Armenian Studies Pro- that of Mariam Davis, who, at the tinue to share stories and educate gram gave the Armenian commu- innocent age of two saw her entire the world on what happened to our nity an opportunity to hear more family die during the attacks. The people. 90.7 FM accounts and remember those killed only reason she survived was be- The candlelight vigil gave our D. J.s during the genocide. cause she hid among a group of community the opportunity to • Sevag Tateosian • Armen Postoyan Two films were screened, “Hid- dead people. Hearing these chilling gather and reflect on the past and to den Holocaust” and “Armenia: The accounts brought tears to my eyes; remember what our ancestors en- • Tatevik Ekezian Betrayed,” followed by a candle- what did Mariam Davis do to de- dured to give us what we have light march and vigil. The vigil serve such a life? What did the today. On the internet at! 8 Hye Sharzhoom May 2004

DER MUGRDECHIAN, FROM PAGE 1 APRIL 24, FROM PAGE 1 liament affirmed the Armenian way to make sure that the Arme- mous poet Vahan Genocide. Historically there is no nians would continue to flourish in Tekeyan, who debate whether there was a Geno- the world and that their achieve- himself had barely cide or not, as the evidence is in- ments would be known? escaped the geno- controvertible and indicts the Ot- I believe that each individual has cide. Next, ASO toman Turkish government and its an opportunity to take such an ac- Vice-President successor state tion or actions in their Armen Postoyan of Turkey. The lives-and that each read a brief state- body of work individual must ment on the impor- published in make a decision on tance of maintain- the last ten how to participate in ing the fight for the years alone, the communal life of recognition of the documenting the Armenian Dikran Chekian Armenian Geno- the Genocide, people. men and women were forced out cide by the United provides clear, ...Our lives are the of their homes and onto death States government. precise, and accumulation of ac- marches,” said Poochigian. As Armenian irrefutable tions and decisions After the senator’s speech, duduk music played evidence of taken over a lifetime. Sevag Tateosian recited a poem in the background the premedi- These conscious and called “You Will Fall” by the fa- the event ended with tated nature of unconscious deci- the campus tradition the crime. And sions help to shape of placing flowers because much our identity and who on a scale-model of of this evi- we are, thus, through the Dzidzernagapert dence comes our positive action Martyrs Monu- from Ottoman A memorial service in the af- we can achieve the ment, located in Photos: Barlow Der Mugrdechian Turkey’s war ternoon at the Mt. Davidson changes that we de- Yerevan, Armenia. time allies, cross in San Francisco. sire and achieve a As more and more countries are Speech Area are testaments to our Germany and Austria, it is power- deeper realization of what it is to be recognizing the genocide, it is im- determination and our love for our ful. Armenian. perative to maintain the fight for heritage. “Its great to see so many What is equally as clear is the On the community level, our ac- recognition. Just recently the Ca- people come out and pay their re- responsibility to continue the ef- tions again should speak louder than nadian Parliament recognized the spects,” said ASO president fort to bring justice to the Arme- our words. ...We can work together Armenian Genocide. With the pass- Chekian. Around 150 students and nian case. This is imperative as the to achieve our common vision for ing of time the Armenians are show- community members attended the modern state of Turkey continues the future. There is so much to ing their vitality around the world. noon commemoration. to pursue its aim to eradicate the achieve, to educate our community Armen Postoyan Events like this one at the Free memory of the Armenian people, and the community at large, and to Armenian should see Mt. Ararat cide? This is the opportunity. This grants to the United States, can be through the destruction of histori- reach out to each other. and understand the role of the is the great secret of the Armenian developed-it is possible. There is cal monuments, and through its So much has changed in the world homeland in the understanding of people-that they can take any event, much work to be done here also in campaign of disinformation and since the Armenian Genocide, and what it is to be Armenian. This any tragedy, and transcend it by our community organizations. In outright denial of the genocide. among the greatest changes to af- should not simply be a tourist visit, creative activity into a new life. the last few years people of all ages The responsibility we have is to fect Armenians has been the estab- but a structured educational expe- Armenians are by nature optimis- have put their ideas into action, and maintain our own collective iden- lishment of the independent Repub- rience, which will include not only tic, creative, and hard working. have created scores of new oppor- tity, and to perpetuate the exist- lic of Armenia in 1991. The crystal- visits to historical sites, but also Armenian history is full of those tunities. We live in a country in ence of our people, in the face of lization of an centuries-old dream, meetings with students and every- who have written manuscripts, com- which there are no barriers to our this blatant campaign to eradicate realized briefly in 1918-1920, has day people. Part of that visit will posed music, and erected churches success. Everything is possible. the memory of the Armenian today become a reason for a change also be devoted to fulfilling an in the worst of times. What does We shall never forget the Geno- people. Recognition of the Arme- in the very concept of Armenianness. internship/project which will be that really mean? It means that to- cide, nor shall we ever abandon the nian Genocide and compensation We can now define an Armenian focused on positive change. The day, living in the United States, we pursuit of justice. We will honor for the losses of the Armenian citizen, there is a country with de- visit will plant the seed for future are faced with an unparalleled op- the memories of those who per- people is a necessary precondition fined borders, and all of the institu- action, wherever the visitor is from. portunity as Armenians. ished in 1915. But we shall also to the process of healing. tions of a state. In the Diaspora, our Many Armenians from the Everything is possible through work and build and create, in order I would like to speak to you this concept of identity has also changed, Diaspora have already taken the dedicated action and work. Learn to perpetuate our culture and our evening not only about the past, through our relationship with Ar- opportunity to live in Armenia, Armenian, there are new programs traditions, on a personal level, on but also how history has brought to menia and with other Diasporan and to make their contribution. But at colleges opening every year. the community level, and on the us the opportunity that presents communities. We now feel a stron- this type of project should be a Learn Armenian history, Learn national level. itself as we begin the twenty-first ger tie to a homeland and have a national project, which would unify about the vast richness of Arme- Ladies and gentleman, take ac- century. sense of a better opportunity for the the Diaspora and Armenia. We nian culture. Participate in an orga- tion! Put your hearts and minds to That opportunity is for action- future. The independence of Arme- have the resources, the intelligence, nization, form an organization, it is work and together we will be the action that will make a difference nia has given rise to many hopes and and the desire-we need only the possible. Programs to help Arme- true successors to the legacy of the in our personal lives, in our com- Armenia is also a place where ac- vision to succeed. nia, programs to help new immi- Armenian Genocide. munity relations, and in the world tion must be taken. You too can take the action at large that we live in..... Each Armenian, but especially which will have a major impact on Armenian Studies Endowment Fund What better way to make sure those between the ages of 17-25, the life of Armenians. Donation made by Dianne & Arnold Gazarian that the victims of the Genocide those of high school and college What greater homage to those In Memory of Sam Markarian had not fallen in vain? What better age, should visit Armenia. Every whose lives were lost in the Geno- Thank You Donors HYE SHARZHOOM Robert & Olga Arabian Blackhawk NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT Dave Barsamian Pasadena Hye Sharzhoom is sent without charge to thousands of people throughout the Harriet Boghosian Tulare world. Although there is no subscription fee, we urge readers to support our efforts Harry & Roxie Bozigian Palm Desert with donations of any amount. This request has assumed a special importance Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Y. Chahmirian Fresno because of increased mailing costs. Kathy Gulian Fresno Dian Karabian Shaver Lake Yes, I would like to support the Hye Sharzhoom mailing expenses with a Arshag & Julie Markarian Ventura donation of: Ms. Shoghère Markarian New York, NY $ Richard & Vartouhy Pandukht Fresno Name: Leo & Marlene Pilibosian Fresno Address: City: State: Zip: Chuck & Debbie Poochigian Fresno Kevork Reizian Fresno Nona Rustigian Madera Please make checks payable to Armenian Studies Program and send to: John & Dorothy Shamshoian Fresno Armenian Studies Program Mary Sinclair Long Beach California State University, Fresno Vasgan & Rose Solakian Valley Village 5245 N Backer Ave M/S PB 4 Mrs. Arax H. Tarzian Bloomfield, NJ Fresno, CA 93740-8001 Edward & Grace Zartarian Fresno