No. 89 Spring 1995 £1.70 • Celtic Connections '95 • Anti-Diwan Cold War • a Parliament for Wales • the Framework Docume

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No. 89 Spring 1995 £1.70 • Celtic Connections '95 • Anti-Diwan Cold War • a Parliament for Wales • the Framework Docume No. 89 Spring 1995 £1.70 • Celtic Connections '95 • Anti-D iw an C o ld War • A Parliament for Wales • The Framework D ocum ent • Pewa an Kernowian • First M anx Literature Award • Fiuman Rights on the Celtic Fringe • Celtic League Submission to Forum for Peace and Reconciliation ALBA: COMUNN CEILTEACH • BREIZH: KEVRE KELTIEK • CYMRU: UNDEB CELTAIDD • EIRE: CONRADH CEILTEACH • KERNOW: KESUNYANS KELTEK • MANNIN: COMMEEYS CELTIAGH %JUB 2 L As an Eilean: Sgrùdadh’s Beachd Air an naoidhcarnh là air fhichcad seo fhaicinn 's an fharsaingcachd. Ach bu dhc'n l-Sukain'. airson a' cheud turais choir do bheachd na dha a bhi ‘ga chuir an riamh an eachdraidh Gàidhealtachd c6ill air puingean teigneolach a dh' Albainn Nodha, chaidh filmean Gàidhlig a Ibaodadh a bhi leasaichie air na tha ri shealltain an taigh-cluiche coitcheann. Mar teachd. bu fhreagarraiche, b'ann a chunnacas a' Feuamr aidcachadh gun cualas aig chcud taisbcanadh air As an Eilean agus fcadhainn gu robh fuaim nan cbmhraidhean Celtic Connections ’95 An Sealladh am Baile Antigonish: ionad tuilleadh ‘s bog, agus cha bu shuaraeh a’ Glasgow’s Concert hall hosted the dhen mhór-roinn far an do ihuinich chasaid sin. Bha seo 'na dhuighleadas gu h- second and even more successful Celtic iomadach luchd-àileachaidh Gàidhealach araid ro’ dhaoine nach b’colach air dual- Connections from 5th to 22nd January bho chionn, cha bu mhór, dà cheud chaint nan cleasaichean. Ghabhadh siod 1995. From a standing start last year it bliadhna. luigsinn furasda gu leor, ach a-mach logged 35,000 listeners who helped gross Steidhichtc air dà sgeul sgrìobhte le bhuaithe sin. bha a' Bheurla fhein - £160,000. This year saw over 50,000 seals ùghdar Iain Mac a’ Ghobhainn. lha As an uaireannan - car doirbh a thogail. Faodar a sold and over £300,000 grossed at the box Eilean air a shuidheachadh ann an eilean dh’ radhainn cuideachd gu robh beagan slri office. From the 2,000 seater Main iomallach air a' chòrsa an iar do ann mu na fo-lhiodalan; 's iad an darna Auditorium to three sm aller venues the dh'Albainn. A dh’aindheoin fiamh féin- cuid 'nan euideachadh agus 'nam bacadh whole gamut o f Celtic music held sway. aicheadh gu bhi oirrc, 's e seo stòiri aig air tuigse an t-seanachais. “S e gu bhi cuir Lorient in August now has a winter a’bhcil buaidh air a bhi cuir muinntir an an fhiosrachaidh seo air a bhonnaibh, gu equivalent, without the warm summer eilein an riochd mar dhaoine ùr-nòsach. co- robh neach a’ faireachdainn mar gum biodh weather! Glasgow in January has captured a ionnan ri gin a bhuineas do mhór-shluagh e a' feuchainn r' a chcann a shliopadh agus new focus for the vitality o f Celtic roots na Roinn Eòrpa. (Bu choir dhuinn a’ cheist a bhru a shuathadh aig a’ cheart am. Gun music. In addition to Wales. Mann, Brittany a chuir, carson a bu thoil leò a bhi cho leagamh, theid an deasbud air adhart and Ireland. Guest artistes flew in from coltach ri càcha?) 'S iad seo, gelà, daoine a fhathast air gu dc an riatanas a th’ annda - Galicia, Asturias, the USA and Canada. The lha an greim aig caitheamh-beatha an là-an- gu math na gu h-olc, le feadhainn a’ thogail workshops and packed out ceilidh dances duigh; a’sirl 'nan coguis ri scann na cuiscadh gu cothromach air gach taobh. spoke volumes for the local participation as chreideamhan, aineolas sòisialia, 's Gun a bhi dol na ‘s doimhne ‘s an well of the Scots who joined their Celtic fàsannan lira: colhlamadh-inniinn a’ ruamhaT air oidhirp airidh air moladh mar cousins on stage. sireadh rcite. chcuni air adhart aig meadhan-ealain Inevitably some critics enthused over Tha dualan sgeul As an Eilein ‘gan ceangailte ri brosnachadh canain, ‘s ann a slick Irish presentation and the big sniomh ‘s an aithris le tri naidhcachdan air bhios suil agaimi ris a' chorr a thig. A-reir audiences for tried and tested sounds like an gabhail ‘na bhroirm. Tha té dhuibh sin a' aireamh 's freagairt luchd-coimhid an the Fureys, The Dubliners, the Rankin rannsachadh buaireas ckraid òig (aig a' lalhair air an oidhche ud 's “a' Choillidh Family, Sharon Shannon and. Moving bheil an cheud-ghaol air a" chéilc) air impis Ghruamaich," cha n-eil curam sam bith gu Hearts, but this was far from the full story. dcalachadh 's am fiùran dciscal a thogail bheil cion-suim ’na cnap-tuislidh air Anuna performed their Riverdance, the aisde gu h-oilthaigh air tìr-mór. Tha an filmean Gaidhlig mar fhrearas-chuideachd acclaimed centre-piece of the 1994 dama car na lùib le spleadh 'ga thoirt gu iharraingoach anns a' chcamaldh seo dhe 'n Eurovision Song Contest. ire air banaltrum a’ bhaile a tha air t-saoghal Ghaidhcalach. Dha rireadh, 's While American influences loom large gealladh-pòsaidh aig fleasgach air falbh on mor an cail do thuilleadh a bhi ‘nan cois. particularly Irish contributions. Luka Bloom. taigh an Texas. Mar is dual do fhear dhe Seumas Mac Bhatair Paul Brady etc., the strength of traditions in “na tri nithean a thig gun iarraidh,” 's ann a Ireland and Scotland is there to be seen; ghabhas i gaol air maighslir-sgoileadh: Summary Dervish, Liam O’Flynn, Dougie MacLean. bantrach cràiteach, trom air an òl as For the firsL time in the history o f Irish Horse and Hamish Moore all shone. dcaghaidh dha a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth. Gaelic speaking Nova Scotia, Gaelic films The Celtic languages find a showcase Gus diomhaireachd a chuir ris an sgeul. were shown in public theatres. Featured on a bigger stage than usual. Y Moniars thig air lorn coigrcach balbh a tha were As an Eilean and An Sealladh. with their 'right-on' Welsh spirit; Emma còmhnaidh 'na aonaran am bothan beag, While As an Eilean was not a gripping Christian with her gentle evocation of old luideach air cladach an eilein. Gun fhios có tale, it was of interest on the whole and Mannin; the rocky old icon of modem e no seud eile mo dliéidhinn, tha pairt dhe well received by its audience. The film's Celtic music, Alan Slivell led off the series; na h-eileanaich 'ga jnheas mar chulaidh- sound quality might have been better with and the robust, thoughtful and often delicate mhagaidh 's pàirt eile am barail gur e comments that dialogue was occasionally songs and airs ofTriskell and Gillcs Servat scórsa buidsich a ih' ann. difficult to follow. It is hoped that other joined Scots Gaelic singers such as Ishbel Ged nach robh ann leithid iornairt nan Gaelic film productions will be available in MacAskill to provide the beating heart o f geur-lann a bheireadh air duine clisgeadh le the future. Celtic consciousness. rùdannan geala 's an t-suidheachan aige. Spring 1994 The smaller stages gave interesting b’fhìor-thàitncach film Gàidhlig mar a tha cameos for many o f these artistes though the big stage still has to come to terms with The SNP leader Alex Salmond has been plans are set 20 miles North of Golspie in the democratic nature of our music. Critics clearing the decks to welcome any chance Sutherland which has been gripped with too often class less known names as for SNP candidates to contest elections on fever over the group’s threat to remove support acts, a trend which we can do well an independence platform. Therefore he has their “Mannie’’, the 100 feet high statue of without. said that if Labour by some miracle of the greatest agent of enforced emigration Socially and politically Scotland British politics gel to set up their Assembly from the North o f Scotland in the Early reveals itself best in such circumstances. in Scotland SNP will contest for seats 19th century. The healthy native music thrives, the rage therein on an independence ticket, even if The Duke’s statue is an anomaly since for dance amongst the young spreads as we some fundamentalists like Jim Sillars don’t there are no other statues to tyrants of the speak - from traditional set dancing onto like the SNP policy adopted to meet such an Scottish people such as the ButcheT re-introduced step dancing from Nova eventuality as far back as 1990. Cumberland who was massacred the Scotia. Celebration of our Celtic music is Jacobites in 1746 or of English king, widely appreciated as a most healthy focus Edward 1st, the Hammer of die Scots who in a rootless world around. brutally executed Sir William Wallace the patriot leader in the 14th century. Why Constitutional Slings and should the richest man in the England of his day continue to cast his stony gaze from Arrows Hits Westminster a Scottish Highland hilltop? As if they could side line it, Scottish Dougie MacLean, the lyrically militant self-government resurfaced with a Scottish singer performed a new song at his vengeance thanks to the embattled UK Celtic Connections concert on the subject - Tory premier, John Major. In a calculated it is called Tear down these images he will move to divert attention from his Euro- be singing it in his country wide tour in sccptical troubles at New Year he called February and March just as an amended Labour's plans for a devolved Scots planning application is lodged with the parliament “teenage madness”. The local council which seeks to remove the hysteria built up throughout January with Duke, place him in the garden of nearby the Tories claiming that devolution was the Dunrobin Castle, the family home and most dangerous proposition ever put to the replace his effigy with a huge Celtic Cross British public.
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