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Pdf Shop 'Celtic Gold' in Peel No. 129 Spring 2004/5 €3.00 Stg£2.50 • SNP Election Campaign • ‘Property Fever’ on Breizh • The Declarationof the Bro Gymraeg • Istor ar C ’herneveg • Irish Language News • Strategy for Cornish • Police Bug Scandal in Mann • EU Constitution - Vote No! ALBA: COM.ANN CEILTFACH * BREIZH: KFVTCF KELT1EK * CYMRU: UNDEB CELTA DD * EIRE: CON RAD H GEILTE AC H * KERNOW: KtBUNYANS KELTEK * MANNIN: COMlVbtYS CELTIAGH tre na Gàidhlig gus an robh e no I a’ dol don sgoil.. An sin bhiodh a’ huile teasgag tre na Gàidhlig air son gach pàiste ann an Alba- Mur eil sinn fhaighinn sin bidh am Alba Bile Gàidhlig gun fheum. Thuig Iain Trevisa gun robh e feumail sin a dhèanamh. Seo mar a sgrìohh e sa bhli­ adhna 1365, “...dh’atharraich Iain à Còm, maighstir gramair, ionnsachadh is tuigsinn gramair sna sgoiltean o’n Fhraingis gu TEACASG TRE NA GÀIDHLIG Beurla agus dh’ionnsaich Richard Pencrych an aon scòrsa theagaisg agus Abajr gun robh sinn toilichte cluinntinn Inbhirnis/Inverness B IVI 1DR... fon feadhainn eile à Pencrych; leis a sin, sa gun bidh faclan Gaidhlig ar na ceadan- 01463-225 469 e-mail [email protected] bhliadhna don Thjgheama Againn” 1385, siubhail no passports again nuair a thig ... tha cobhair is fiosrachadh ri fhaighinn a an naodhamh bliadhna do’n Righ Richard ceann na bliadhna seo no a dh’ aithgheor thaobh cluich sa Gàidhlig ro aois dol do an dèidh a’Cheannsachaidh anns a h-uile 2000. Direach mar a tha sinn a’ dol thairis sgoil, Bithidh an t-ughdar is ionadail no sgoil gràmair feadh Sasunn, tha na leana- air Caulas na Frainge le bata no le trean CNSA Loilichte fiosrachadh a thoirt mo ban a trèigainn na Fraingis agus a’cleach- taing don tuneil eadar Sasunn is an Fhraing dheidhinn sgoiltean far a bheil teagasg tre dadh gràmair agus ag iannsachadh na chi sinn a h-uile cail sa chanain no Gàidhlig, mar’ eisimpleir bun-sgoil Beurla Shaasunnach.” duthchasach Fraingeis agus tha iad a’ Toll-cross ann an DunÉidean no bunsgoil Chan eil rìoghachd san Roinn Eorpa far a bruidhin na Fraingeis agus sa Pholainn sa is ard sgoil Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu agus bheil teagasg tre Beurla ach tre a’ chànan pholais no Portagaileis ann an Portagail bun sgoil Gàidhlig ann an Inbhimis. duthchasac .... mar Daineis anns an agus mar sin air adhart. Chan eil rioghachd Danmarc, no Fineis ann am Fionlainn no feadh Roinn Corpa far a bheil daoine a Pòileis ann am Pòlainn agus mas sin air Leagasy tre na Beurla idir. adhart. Ach is docha gum bi ar canain againn Tha fios againn gum bheil Gàidhlig air fhin, a’ Ghaidhlig cho laidir ri canain TV is radio, sna paipearan is leabhraichean Eorpach sam bith fhathast. Sa chiad dol a- is club nan Gàidheal is soidhnean agus mach tha Parlamaid Albannach again a-ris soidhnean-rathaid (mar air an Eilean an deidh faisg air tri ceud bliadhna aqus tha Sgitheanach), .... Ach chan eil iad deata- Bile Gaidhlig d’am b’ainm “Gaelic mach no feumail. Tha fios againn gum Language (Scotland) Bill” a dol troimhpe. bheil cluich sa Ghàidhlig ro sgoil agus tea­ Sa chiad dol n-mach, tha am Bile seo ag Bord na Gàidhlig - gasg tre na Gàidhlig anns gach sgoil, feu­ amass air buidheann a steidheachadh d’am Working for the language. mail air son aiseirigh na cànan Albannach b ’ainm ... Bord na Gaidhlig www.bord- againn fhin. na-gaidhlig.org.uk agus bithidh am Bord Fad iomadach ginealachan tha an cànan seo a’ cur na Gaidhlig air adhart, ga Sasunnach, a’ Bheurla, a’ bagairt ar canain comhairleachadh agus ga brosnachadh. Albannach again fhin a’ Ghàidhlig. Ach ro SUMMARY Mar eisimpleir, bidh am Bord a’ cur taic briseadh a-mach a’ Chogaidh Ceud The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill has ris a h-uile buidheann Ghaidhlig le taic a Bliadhna cadar Sasunn is an Fhraing sa bli­ been a long time dragging itself through dh’ionnsaigh deich mile not. ma bhios iar- adhna 1337, bha an, Fhraingis a’ bagairt na the Scottish Parliament. Now its contents rtasan a’ tighinn a-steach don Bhdrd ro 28 Beurla Shasunnach mar a tha Bearle are available one is left wondering how it den Ghearran 2005. Taobh a-staigh na bli­ a’maoidh a’ chànan Albannach againn fhin will set patterns for the future. It begins adhna feumaidh am Bord innleachd no an diugh. Mar eisimplair, sa bhliadhna with setting up Bord na Gaidhlig, the main plana a dhealbhadh agus ga chur gus no 1332 dh’òrdaich Achd Phàrlamaid gum duties are to advise and promote the lan­ Ministearan Albannach (se sin ri radh ar biodh an Fhraingis air a’ teagasg gu gach guage. The Bord then has to make a lan­ Riaqhaltas Albannach). leanabh feodh Sasunn. Tri bliadhna an guage plan which the Scottish Ministers Tha sia miosan aca airson freagairt deidh sin sa bhliadhna 1335 thàinig an t.- (that is the Scottish Executive) have six fhaighinn bhuapa. Ach, mur eil ughdarras òrdugh a-macg ann an Oxford nach robh months to consider. Local authorities, on ionadail toilichte le iarrtas a Bhord chan eil comhradh ceadaichte mur eil e sa Laideann the other hand, have 28 days to appeal ach 28 laithean aca airson ath-agairt no no san Fhraingis. An sin, cò thàinig “thairis against demands to which they cannot appeal. air an Tornar a-steach do Shasunn” ach agree. Though the bill, on the face o f it; Ach de tha sin a’ciallachadh? Cothrum Iain Trevisa, à Cracadun, St Mellion, a’ may only be setting out the rights and the na Feinne air son na Gaidhlig? ‘S docha Chòm a’ dh’ionnsachadf ann an oilthigh duties o f Bord na Gaidhlig and the Scottish gum bidh chan eil fois againn fhathast. Oxford. Sna làithean seo bhathar teagasg Ministers (i.e. the Scottish Executive) and Ach tha da rud feumail a bhi teagasg a h- a’ Bheurla Shasunnach air a teagasg tre na the local authorities as time goes on we uile cuspair tre na Gaidhlig feadh Alba uile Beurla, fada nos fhèarr na tre an Fhraingis. may find it the best legislative structure to gu leir ...agus cluich sa Gaidhlig ro aois Ghabh cairdean na Beurla ris a sin agus allow the revival o f our language so that it dol don sgoil. bha a’ chànan aca buadhmhor. Dhearbh e can be used throughout Scotland in the Nuair a thig sinn a-staigh don t-saoghal gun robh e feumail Lheagasg tre na Beurla same way that other languages throughout seo; chan eil facal sam bith again. Uima sin ma bhios tu air son a Beurla a shàbhaladh. Europe, as is Polish to Poland or as Dutch tha a faumail gum bheil gach leanabh a’ Uime sin, feumaidh sinn croileagan stèid- to the Netherlands. cluich sa Gaidhlig roimh dol don sgoil. heach feadh Alba gu leir fo smachd. Gilleasbuig MacMhuirich Taing do Chomhairle nan Sgoiltean Araich Comhairle nan Sgoilteen Araich far a Gilleasbuig Lachlainn ‘Illeasbuig. (CNSA) 53 sraid na h-eaglais, bhiodh gagh loanabh feadh Alba a’ cluich The Sky is Falling on our Heads - T h e M acR ae A Journey to the Bottom of the Celtic Fringe By Rob Penn In q u ir y Published by Sceptre / Hodder & Stoughton. 2004, £14.99. ISBN 0-340827521. Background Twenty years ago on the 6 April the It has to be said, this is one of the Glasgow lawyer Willie MacRae was found strangest books you will ever read about unconscious in his car by the side of Loch the Celtic scene. The title refers to the only Loyne in the Scottish Highlands. At first thing the ancient Celts were supposed to be seemingly the unfortunate victim of a car afraid of. It will by turn infuriate, educate, crash it later transpired that MacRae had In then have you in stitches. fact been killed by a gunshot wound to the Rob Penn achieves what many of us head. Just one of a series of strange events would love to do - that is, spend the that set the backdrop to MacRae’s last greater part of the year visiting and fully fateful journey. participating in Pan - Celtic music and fes­ Willie MacRae had been an active tivals. campaigner for Scottish independence His method of achieving this rather since the 1940s and a 'thorn in the flesh’ of expensive feat is by using journalistic the British State. At the time of his death, experience to make the whole undertaking where his cover could be blown at any and for some years beforehand, MacRae research for the book he would write. time. had been heavily involved in various Make no mistake though; our Rob is no His year of festivals starts at the Beltane, campaigns to prevent nuclear dumping in ordinary journalist. He was no more spec­ May Day, festivities in Edinburgh and Scotland, including defeating Thatcher’s tator, but took his task so seriously that he wind up back there at Samhain. plans for nuclear dumping at Mullwharchar. risked liver damage and collisions with He first explores the Scottish walls, kerbs and flying fists by over Ghaidhealtachd of the Outer Hebrides and indulging in the alcoholic beverages as after finding out that nothing in the island’s much as the most enthusiastic festival capital of Storeomabhagh on the Sabbath, goers. he surprisingly declines the invitation to a It is all the more remarkable when he party in the wee small hours of Sunday informs us that his year of festival going morning! meant long absences from his pregnant In mid-summer he makes the long trip partner! I must try that researching a book down to the Golowan Festival in Penzance, line sometime.
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