Irish Language in Meals Will Also Be Available on Reservation

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Irish Language in Meals Will Also Be Available on Reservation ISSN 0257-7860 Nr. 57 SPRING 1987 80p Sterling D eatp o f S gum äs Mac a’ QpobpaiNN PGRRaNpORtb CONfGRGNCC Baase Doolisl) y KaRRaqpeR Welsb LaNquaqc Bills PlaNNiNQ CONtROl Q tpc MaNX QOVGRNMCNt HistORic OwiNNiNG TTpe NoRtp — Loyalist Attituöes A ScaSON iN tl7G FRGNCb CgRip Q0DC l£AGU€ -4LBA: COVIUNN CEIUWCH * BREIZH: KEl/RE KEU1EK Cy/VIRU: UNDEB CELMIDO *ElRE:CONR4DH CfllTHCH KERN O W KE SU NW NS KELTEK • /VWNNIN1COV1MEEY5 CELM GH ALBA striipag bha turadh ann. Dh'fhäs am boireannach na b'lheärr. Sgtiir a deöir. AN DIOGHALTAS AICE "Gun teagamh. fliuair sibh droch naidheachd an diugh. Pheigi." arsa Murchadh Thormaid, "mur eil sibh deönach mise doras na garaids a chäradh innsibh dhomh agus di- 'Seinn iribh o. hiüraibh o. hiigaibh o hi. chuimhnichidh mi c. Theid mi air eeann- Seo agaibh an obair bheir togail fo m'chridh. gnothaich (job) eite. Bhi stiuradh nio chasan do m'dhachaidh bhig fhin. "O cäraichidh sinn doras na garaids. Ma Air criochnacbadh saothair an lä dhomh." tha sibh deiseil tägaidh sinn an drasda agus seallaidh mi dhuibh doras na garaids. Tha Sin mar a sheinn Murchadh Thormaid chitheadh duine gun robh Murchadh 'na turadh ann." "nuair a thill e dhachaidh. "Nuair a bha c dhuine deannta 'na shcacaid dhubh-ghorm Agus leis a sin choisich an triuir a-mach a' stiiiireadh a’ chäir dhachaidh. bha eagail agus na dhungairidhe (dungarees), Bha baga dhan gharaids, an saor ’na shcacaid dhubh- air nach maircadh an ehr bochd air an rarhad uainc aige le chuid inncaian saoir. Bha e mu gorm is dungairidhc , . an gille 'na an deidh an ath dheuchainn M.O.T. dheieh bliadhna air ITiichead a dh'aois. dhinichean tjeans) agus bcan-an-taighe 'na Chaidh tiircad de chäraichean nuadh Phög e Eilidh tri uairean mus do bhruidhinn sgiort agus seacaid de chlö-mör uaine is donn. earbsach seachad air "nuair a bha e a" i. Chord am froca oir is dearg a bha uimpc ris. Bha an litir na dorn ihaihast. stiiiireadh feadh uiread de shräidean ann an "Mhurchaidh. a ghraidh. bha ordugh thairis Sheall i doras na garaids dhaibh agus Glaschu. Ach bha sin an dän dhä. a dhol o air a fön — tha doras an gharaids bristc — chunnaic Murchadh Thormaid as a bhad na cheann gu ceann sa bhaile mhör ann an.cär ann an Baile-ür-na-Maoirn (Newton bha ccärr leis. Dh'fhosgail i an doras . agus meirgeach gun fheum. Nuair a rachadh am Mearns).” chunnaic an saor na bha am broinn . agus fear seo fair an raihad gu brath cha bhiodh "An e Aonghus Ogg a bh'ann'.’ 'Se duine chuir e iongnadh mör air. e comasach dha ach cär eile aosda meirgeach beartach a tha ann." Chan fhaca e cär cho briagha riamh rotmhe. a cheannaeh. "Chan e. bha a bhean. Peigi. a’ bruidhinn Bha an cär a' deärrsadh . mar gun robh Cha robh ach tri dürachdan aige . nach . a' bhean-phosda Ogg." e a’ toirt cuircadh dha. "Trohhad a- biodh a bhean, Eilidh. no a phäisdean ann an "'S e duine faoin a tha ann a thaobh nam stcaeh. Mhurchaidh Thormaid, agus stiüir dith . gum biodh ar seann chänain ban . mar a theireadh an t-oran: mise feadh gach äitc o eheann-gnothach gu Albannach na äite na Beurla feadh Alba gu ceann-gnothach. ..." lcir fhathast. mar a bha i roimhe leaclid **'N um amadan, 'n am amadan a bha mi Thuig Murchadh Thormaid gun robh luaeh Mairearad nam Mallachd a phös Righ Calum riamh. millean thar inhiltean an seo. Ceann Mör . ’N am amadan. ’n am amadan a bha mi riamh. Thuig ise gu math na smaointcan a thäinig . agus an treas düraehd aige . gum biodh 'N am amadan. 'n am amadan a bha mi riamh. a-steach don cheann aige. cär mör briagha nuadh aige fhathast. A' mire ris na caileagan "Chruitheachd! Tha e direach nuadh.” arsa lomadh oidhehe bhiixlh hruadair aige. nuair A chaill mi rao chiall. esan. "Chan eil idir . ceithir miosan a dh'aois a bha e na chadal. gun toireadh duine dhä cär "Direach mar a thuirt thu. a ghraidh. An . an ceannaich thu an cär?” dh'fliaighnich mör briagha nuadh. an nasgaidh, ach leid thu ann am maireach?" bcan-an-taighe gu caraeh. dhuisgeadh e an ath iatha gun chär an läthair. “Theid . trath sa mhadainn. Eilidh. a Ach thuig an saor gun robh an dä-shealladh "Mise? Bhiodh mise fior thoilichte sin a thasgaidh." dheanamh . ach, nach saor bochd a tha aige agus . Iatha air choireiginn. Bha uisge trom. irom ann an ath mhadain annam-sa?” Thöisich e a' gabhail örain a rithisd agus agus bha Murchadh an saor cho fliuch ris an "Cöig not’?" esan a' stiüireadh dhachaidh . lön mus do hon e an cär truagh aige leis an "Cöig?” fhiodh a dh'fheumadh e air son doras na "Direach cöig not’." ‘‘Air ciaradh don fheasgair 's mi seasgair fo garaids. “O gabhaidh. gabhaidh." dh'eigh an dhion. Cha mhör gun d'räinig iad taigh Aonghuis Gäidheal. Bha cagal air nach robh e a' Mu’n cuairt air a’ chagailt bidh aighear gun Ogg nuair a thuirt an gille: cluinntinn gu ceart . no gun robh e a' dol dith; “ A mhaighstir." (Bha c daonnan a’ as a rian . "cöig not' . sin agaibh e." Na päisdean ri äbhachd, *s am mäthair ri bruidhinn ri Murchadh Thormaid mar gun “ Seo an t-üghdarras agam." arsa ise. sniomh; robh e san sgoil fhathast). "A mhaighstir, Nochd i Murchadh Thormaid an litir. "S ino chridh-s' air a lionadh le grädh chachreid mi nach eil am “ big-end" air dhol Leugh an saor i. Bha an litir fliuch leis a dhaibh."“ a dholaidh. ." deöir fhathast. Seo mar a bha sgriobhie. Cha tuirt an saor cail ach leig e osna. "Pheigi, a ghraidh, Bhiodh na päisdean ann agus bhiodh am A dh’aithghearr bha an taigh eireaehdail Dh’»halbh mi leis a' bhan-rimairc agam. mäthair a‘ feilheamh air . ach cha bhiodh briagha beartach air am beulaibh. Thoir mathanas dhomh. Gabh an t-airgead a ise ri sniomh. 'S docha gum biodh i faisg air An sin. chuala iad boireannach a‘ ranail tha fhathast anns a' chimntas againn sa a fön agus sgriobhadh ise sios a h-uile ördugh agus a' deanamh caoineadh mar gun robhas bhanca. Gabh an taigh agus a h-uile eail a tha a thigeadh a-steach air a fön, a chionn is gum ’ga marbhadh. Ach thug iad an aire gun robh ann. Ach. reic an cär agus cuir thugarn an biodh obair-shaoirsinneachd nuadh fhaighinn Peigi Ogg na h-aonar, nuair a dh'fhosgail i t-airgead. air a shon-sa. Bhriseadh a chridhe nan an doras . agus abair gun robh na deöir Gu dileas, trdigeadh si e. Nam bheireadh fear air falbh a' sileadh sios air a gruaidhean. Bha i mu dhä Aonghus.” a' bhean Eilidh. mharbhadh Murchadh fhichead bliadhna a dh'aois . boireannach Thormaid an trusdair leis a h-uile inneal saoir laghach . bha clö na Hearadh uimpc . a bha aige. agus bha t a' cumail greim air litir 'na dorn. G1LLEASBUIG MacMHUlRICH Stad e an t-seann chär aige le eiginn, oir “Trobhadaibh a-steach mach as an uisge Giileasbuig Lachlainn Tlleusbuig. bha na breicean (Brakes) air dhol a dholaidh. arsa ise agus na deöir a sior-shileadh agus a Nuair a bha e a’ direadh nan staidhre guaillean air chrith le ospagan. An deidh A tale is often sweeter with a sting in its tail. 2 CARN He was a firm believer in the aims of the Celtic League and active in the London branch SEUMAS MAC A' GHOBHAINN for many years. ln 1985 he was elected a member of the organising committee of Scrif- Celt. the first Celtic languages Book Fair, Seumas Mac a' Ghobhainn, Scottish author. essayist and Propagandist, and a Iong organised by the Celtic League in London. time member of the Celtic League. died in a London hospital on January 21. after This event attracted the support and a short illness. He was 57 years old. He had been a member of the London branch participation of 72 Celtic language publishe s. of the Celtic League since 1965 and was a member of the organising committee He was also a member of the Scrif-Celt ofScrif-Celt. His best known works were The Scottish Insurrection of 1820 (Victor organising committee for 1986 when the event Gollancz, 1970) and The Problem of Language Revival (Club Leabhar. Inverness. proved an even bigger success. 1971) both co-authored with Peter Berresford Ellis. He was working on a biography o f Edward Dwelly. the Compiler of Faclair Gäidhlig, the Seumas Mac a' Ghobhainn was born in which had been deleted front most Scottish Gaelic Dictionary, when he died. He feil ill Edinburgh on January 15, 1930. He was history books until that time (1970). The book with intestinal trouble just after Christmas and educated at the Royal High School where he gave birth to an 1820 Society. Oniy last ycur was admitted to hospital on January' 9. His was taught by Hector Maclvor (1910-1966) the socicty spent £10.000 in renovating a condition declined rapidly and he died at 6.18 a native of Lew is who had a great influence memoriaI to the executed Scottish leaders in a.m. on January 21. He was divorced but in Scottish literary circles. Educated during Sighthill Cemetery. Glasgow, which has now leaves a daughter and two sons. the Second World War. he spent two years hecn officially listed as a memorial by the Rose, in January, 1972, wrote of Seumas" at Llanduduo Gramntar school.
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